
=== juju2143 is now known as DarkJuju
thewrathhey all!03:53
eiriksvinim recording a video for friends to show them how cool Ubuntu is:)04:04
GarryFreI am spending a LOT of time trying to find out in google where autostart.sh file is. I need to edit it, but google is being my frenemy and all I get is about editing  it, not where to find it TO edit it!04:42
GarryFrefind -name autostart.sh just drops to the command line. I KNOW it'sthere, because I had to edit it to fix conky covering over all the windows.04:46
bioterrorsudo find / |grep autostart.sh04:47
eiriksvinhow do i convert .ogv to something that i could put on facebook?05:10
holsteinyou *could* put those on facebook05:11
holsteina better question would be posed to facebook05:11
holstein'why cant i upload my .ogv'05:11
holsteineiriksvin: what formats do they accept?05:11
holstein.avi ?05:11
holsteinyou'll need to have a target in mind05:13
holsteinif you search 'ubuntu convert .ogv to .whatever'05:13
holsteinyou'll find something :)05:13
eiriksvinyeah, im looking at video conversion lists right now... wow05:13
eiriksvin<holstein> well OpenShot Video Editor seems to be ok, but does im looking for a nice converter05:17
holsteinyeah, thats overkill05:18
eiriksvini guess i could put it onto YouTube, and link it there05:18
holsteini know all about converting audio formats05:18
holsteinbut, i dont do video much05:18
holsteinand yeah, when i do05:18
holsteini just do youtube05:18
holsteinor i just put the ogv on my server05:18
eiriksvini really want to get some mp3s and movies, but im worried my ISP will get mad if they see the file names. got any ideas on how to get them masked as i download?05:20
holsteinif its legal05:21
holsteindo it05:21
holsteinand tell them where to go05:21
holsteinif its not legal05:21
holsteinim not helping you with it05:21
eiriksvinheh, yeah i know, gotta pay to play:(05:22
holsteinwell, im a musician05:23
holsteinso, i am closely connected to the issue05:23
AJH101hi i have just upgraded - all running ok except i am getting the following request for a user name and password - any idea to what this relates?! A user name and password are being requested by http://localhost:53300. The site says: "bookmarkable-user-auth". Thanks!05:46
holsteinAJH101: can you just close that page?05:47
holsteinits in the browser right?05:47
holsteinjust close it05:48
holsteinlooks like its ubuntuone related05:48
AJH101it comes up as a small dialogue box. If i cancel it reapears!05:49
holsteincheck out that link i dropped05:49
holsteinsee if that helps05:49
AJH101got my user and pass thanks - will try05:53
AJH101U1 happy thanks guys06:05
AJH101Second question: my theme has changed this morning and i cannot change it back to the default! :-(06:06
holsteinyou've logged out and back in?06:07
AJH101went back to gnome - will log out now06:08
Ambrose83how do I run itunes with the ubuntu system06:20
Ambrose83okay i downloaded wine now what?06:21
holsteinAmbrose83: i dont know06:22
holsteini dont like itunes06:22
holsteinso im not motivated to sort out how to hack it into shape on ubuntu06:22
holsteinbut, im sure you can :)06:22
holsteinGN all06:24
Angelo_abeHi, I reinstalled my laptop with ubuntu 11.04, since that I cannot export displays from a server to my screen, how can I fix that? The error on the remote host is "Cannot open display". I did run "xhost +" on my localhost08:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== s-fox changed the topic of #ubuntu-beginners to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Beginners Team support channel || Please do not wait to ask questions, simply ask! If anyone knows the answer, they will most likely reply as soon as they can. || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Want offtopic? Head over to #ubuntu-beginners-team || http://is.gd/nmyFqV || Nobody around? Try asking in #ubuntu
=== s-fox changed the topic of #ubuntu-beginners to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Beginners Team support channel || Please do not wait to ask questions, simply ask! If anyone knows the answer, they will most likely reply as soon as they can. || How to ask smart questions - http://is.gd/nmyFqV || Nobody around? Try asking in #ubuntu || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Want offtopic? Head over to #ubun
=== s-fox changed the topic of #ubuntu-beginners to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Beginners Team support channel || Please do not wait to ask questions, simply ask! If anyone knows the answer, they will most likely reply as soon as they can. || How to ask smart questions - http://is.gd/nmyFqV || Nobody around? Try asking in #ubuntu || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Want offtopic? Head over to #ubun
ubot2Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:20
s-foxHmm, character limit. ;)10:21
=== s-fox changed the topic of #ubuntu-beginners to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Beginners Team support channel || Please do not wait to ask questions, simply ask! If anyone knows the answer, they will most likely reply as soon as they can. || How to ask smart questions - http://is.gd/nmyFqV || Nobody around? Try asking in #ubuntu || Public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Want offtopic? Head over to #ubuntu-beginners-
MrChrisDruifThat /topic doesn't even work >_<10:22
=== s-fox changed the topic of #ubuntu-beginners to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Beginners Team support channel || Please do not wait to ask questions, simply ask! If anyone knows the answer, they will reply as soon as they can. || How to ask smart questions - http://is.gd/nmyFqV || Nobody around? Try asking in #ubuntu || Public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Want offtopic? Head over to #ubuntu-beginners-team
MrChrisDruifgood job s-fox :) o/10:22
s-foxHello MrChrisDruif .10:23
MrChrisDruifAloha s-fox :)10:23
glivezoo;-)pb avecn vidia et natty narvall au demarrage de X10:34
glivezooau secours10:34
glivezooest ce que ca marche le chat10:34
MrChrisDruifglivezoo: This is an English channel :)10:35
MrChrisDruifBut if I understand it well enough, your having problems with Natty Narwhal and nVidia drivers?10:35
glivezoooh sorry  i ve some troubles on starting with nvidia et natty narval10:36
glivezoosome ideas..10:36
s-foxglivezoo,  essayer #ubuntu-fr10:37
glivezoook merci10:38
newubuntuanyone here?15:00
holsteintheres always someone here newubuntu15:00
holsteinjust give the /topic a look, and go for it :)15:01
newubuntuquestion: how to make flash videos run smoothly on ubuntu, youtube videos get stuck when changed to full screen mode sometimes...15:01
=== hajour_ is now known as hajour
holsteinnewubuntu: that can be a tricky question15:03
holsteini would like to suggest that you pose that question to the maintainer of flash15:03
holsteinBUT, let me talk about some ideas you can use15:03
holsteinto troubleshoot15:04
newubuntugo on...15:04
holsteinsometimes, using a proprietary graphics driver can help15:04
newubuntupl dont talk about graphics card15:05
holsteinnewubuntu: pl?15:05
newubuntucoz the same problem is NOT there in windows XP15:05
holsteinnewubuntu: right15:05
newubuntuholstein: didnt get u?15:05
holsteinpl = please?15:05
MrChrisDruifholstein: indeed15:05
newubuntuholstein: yeah so?15:06
holsteinyou are asking that i please *not* talk about graphics cards?15:06
holsteinim talking about the graphics card *driver*15:06
holsteinwhich i assure you *is* different from the one you use in XP15:06
newubuntuholstein: urghhh! i meant to say that only!15:06
holsteinnewubuntu: i have had that issue15:07
holsteinon several devices15:07
holsteinand i think i can help shed some light on this issue15:07
holsteinbut, i will need to talk about your graphics card15:07
UndiFineDpatience of a saint holstein, bravo15:08
holsteinUndiFineD: :)15:08
UndiFineDnewubuntu, we need to know your graphics card manufacturer, so know if a binary driver would help here15:09
newubuntulemme clarify 1 thing: the driver for my graphics card aint avaliable for ubuntu, ive checkd already15:09
holsteinallow me to further clarify15:10
newubuntugo on15:10
holsteinthe manufacturer of your graphics hardware doesnt supply a driver for linux*15:10
holsteinbut, if you would like to link the manufacturer, and type15:11
holsteinwe could look around a bit15:11
newubuntupeople...ill be right back15:11
Sidewinder1Sometimes, helping can be a very "trying" experience.15:24
DejaVuthis might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4790346&postcount=115:25
MrChrisDruifHello myself :P I already like you MrBadWiki ;)15:28
Daniel0108hi MrBadWiki15:30
MrChrisDruifAloha Daniel0108 ;)15:30
Sidewinder1Hello bodhi_zazen15:45
Sidewinder1Never seen you on the channel before; but many, many times on the forums. Nice to see you!15:47
s7nfhey guys, how can i open my tab delimited file (.txt) with open office spread sheet?15:49
s7nfwhen i try to, it associates it with writer, and opens it there15:49
stevdI have been having a problem with setting up my wireless router15:52
stevdnot router wireless card15:53
Sidewinder1stevd: Please elaborate.15:54
stevdok I am using ASUS USB N13 N15:55
Sidewinder1Is that a router? If so, I'm unfamiliar with it.15:56
stevdI have tried trouble shooting with documentation, my computer says thats its not enabled15:56
stevdum wirless card not router my mistake15:56
Sidewinder1Oh, OK, sorry I can't really help too much (beyond basics) with wireless cards...15:58
stevdthe terminal says it sees the card and drivers but it says its enabled15:58
Sidewinder1Enabled? Are you sure it doesn't say "disabled"?15:59
stevdIm mean disabled... early morning16:01
stevdI cant find a turm to try to just make it enabled16:01
Sidewinder1Get a cup of coffee... :-)16:02
stevdneed one16:03
Sidewinder1If it's not "enabled", it may be a driver issue. Are you certain you're using the most current one for the distro (10.04, 10.10, or 11.04)?16:04
Sidewinder1And for that card?16:04
stevdi dont know if I am16:04
Sidewinder1That may be a place to start.16:05
stevdthe computer told me someware else that it was a firmware issue16:05
Sidewinder1I only update firmware as a last resort, but, that's just me.16:06
Sidewinder1But after all else fails you may need to do that if it's an old card.16:06
stevdits only 3 month old card16:08
Sidewinder1Then it probably isn't a firmware issue. What is the output of, in a terminal, lsusb? Re: the ASUS?16:10
stevdlet be check16:11
stevdI got it up were do you want to know the output16:12
stevdBus 009 Device 003: ID 0b05:1784 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. 802.11n Network Adapter16:12
stevdwhat do you think16:16
Sidewinder1Well this is getting a little beyond my abilities...;-( The next thing I would try is typing in terminal dmesg and see if anything jumps out regarding that card / port, etc...16:16
stevdnot really16:18
Sidewinder1AT this point you have two choices: Ask your question in #ubuntu (mentioning your card, ubuntu version, etc) or better yet going to ubuntuforums.org and asking there; although it'll take longer for someone to answer.16:19
stevdoh ok16:19
Sidewinder1Sorry I wasn't a better helper. :-( Side slinks away with his tail between his legs... :-)16:20
stevdits ok I have a tough one to figure out16:20
Sidewinder1Actually it's not that tough for someone that is more familiar with wireless cards.16:21
Sidewinder1ndiswrapper is anothe LAST-RESORT.16:22
Sidewinder1another, sorry16:22
stevdok I tried that before it sucks and buggy16:22
Sidewinder1Maybe 'it' screwed something up?16:24
stevdyeah but I redownloaded linux so its not that16:24
Sidewinder1Did you "totally remove" ndiswrapper?16:25
Sidewinder1Oh, OK, you answered while I was typing.16:25
stevdI typed this sudo lshw -C network and got into the network card info16:25
stevdthe computer was wiped16:25
Sidewinder1Then I would suggest ubuntuforums.org, they're very knowlegable and more than willing to help; just be very specific with your problem. The more info. the better.16:27
Sidewinder1Good luck!16:28
Sidewinder1Try addressing your question on the main chanel (#ubuntu) Dr_Willis is there now and he's an expert...16:32
Sidewinder1Phrase your question, all on one line, listing your distro (10.10, 11.04, etc.) your card, any error messaged, etc,...16:34
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
mang0I'm just wondering if I can use a virtual cd drive to run the ISO file for the ubuntu install....for instance, daemon tools lite.18:17
mang0I don't have any re-writable cds, and I already have a liveCD of 10.1018:17
mang0-----------^ and hello :)18:17
holsteinmang0: o/18:40
holsteini would use unetbootin18:40
holsteinwith a USB stick18:41
holsteinif you dont have that18:41
holsteinand you're trying to do something from an already running install18:41
holsteinin theory, you should be albe to do that18:41
holsteinbut, its over my head18:41
mang0I have heard (in #ubuntu) that 11.04 has a newer kernal and so maybe it would detect my drives...18:41
mang0it might be a bios problem though, but I really don't know much about bios, i'm sorta a noob to bios tbh.18:42
holsteinmang0: you can probably try the mainline kernel18:42
holsteinin whatever you are running18:42
holsteinand get the functionality of the newer kernel18:43
holsteinwithout too much hassle18:43
holsteinwhen i did it, i just DL'd a .deb for the mainline kernel18:43
holsteinand installed/uninstalled like anything else18:43
holstein*thats plausible i suppose18:43
mang0aw god, I cba with all this hassle, just gonna dl 11.04, burn a CD and hope for the best.18:43
holsteinyeah, i would18:44
holsteinyou can try it live18:44
* mang0 dls18:44
ubot2Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!18:44
holsteinthose CD's are handy for diagnostics or whatever18:44
holsteini usually just carry one around18:44
holsteinand if i end up using it on someones machine18:45
holsteini give it to them18:45
mang0heh, yeah18:45
mang0holstein it might be a bios problem, how do I check if my Bios is set up okay?19:45
holsteinmang0: its really case by case20:05
holsteinyou cant get it to boot the CD ?20:05
mang0As I can well imagine! Yes I can boot from the CD, but I can not install20:05
mang0I need 2.7GB space, and it is telling me I don't have it...20:05
mang0Even though I have two 120GB hard drives20:06
mang0holstein ^20:07
holsteinmang0: whats on the drives?20:07
holsteinyou said they were SATA?20:08
mang0On one of them (C) I have all my stuff - Windows, software etc20:08
mang0the other one is empty20:08
mang0they are both NTFS20:08
holsteini would unplug the one with all your stuff20:08
holsteinthen, i would probably go in and blank it20:08
holsteinsee if gparted sees it20:08
holsteinand get it nice and blank20:09
holsteinthen, try the installer20:09
mang0how do i blank it?20:09
holsteinand let me know20:09
holsteinmang0: using gparted20:09
holsteinthats an easy GUI way20:09
mang0Gparted doesn't see it20:09
holsteinthats not good20:09
holsteinmang0: have you tried a parted magic disc?20:09
holsteinwhat kind of hard drives are these?20:10
mang0one sec20:10
mang0gonna screenshot20:10
mang0they are NTFS20:11
holsteinwhat about the sata controller?20:11
mang0you can see the stuff there20:12
holsteinyou got hardware RAID or something else odd?20:12
holsteinits not going to be the hard drives then20:13
holsteinor the format20:13
holsteinits going to be the SATA controller i think20:14
mang0so what should I do?20:14
holsteintell me if you have hardware raid set up or not20:15
holsteinand then tell me what the sata controller is ;)20:15
holsteinget that live CD running on there20:15
holsteinand i'll give you a few commands20:15
holsteinit really doesnt matter what XP sees20:15
holsteinwe cant use any of its drivers20:15
mang0problem no. 1: I can't use the internet on the livecd20:17
mang0my broadcom card doesn't work20:17
mang0I could go downstairs on my mum's comp20:17
mang0and open up IRC20:18
mang0then boot up LiveCD here20:18
holsteinmang0: how about this20:19
holsteinyou mind DLing another live CD?20:19
holsteinand trying it?20:19
mang0Right, lets do this one at a time. Lets get my internet working........with the liveCD20:19
mang0and no i dont20:19
mang0i have 11.04 on my desktop20:19
mang0if you like I can burn it20:19
holstein^ i would try that20:20
holsteinsee if gparted can see your drives20:20
holsteinthen, note the kernel version20:20
mang0okay........if it can, should I just install it from that liveCD? and then I can update20:20
holstein*well, not yet20:21
holsteinwe're just collecting information20:21
mang0Thing is, I only have a limited amount of CDs here....and my download speed is crappy....like, srsly crappy20:21
holsteinyou dont have to*20:22
holsteinits just an idea20:22
holsteinits nice to have diagnostic discs around though20:22
holsteini routinely use ubuntu 8.04, 10.04, puppy linux, gparted discs, maybe knoppix20:22
holsteinfor me, sometimes its easier to just try a kernel out20:23
holsteina really different one20:23
holsteinand then look up what the differences are20:23
holsteini mean, if i were you20:23
holsteini would probably just put a PATA drive in somewhere20:23
holsteinand install ubuntu on it20:23
mang0tell you what20:23
mang0I'm gonna burn the 11.04 CD20:23
mang0and try it20:23
holsteinim just thinking that acutally the opposite has happened20:24
mang0thanks for your help with this btw, i really appreciate it!20:24
holsteinthat support for your controller has been removed*20:24
holsteinmang0: sure, anytime :)20:24
mang0it is very possible that it has been removed20:24
mang0as it is fairly old...20:24
holsteinthats good though, in a way20:25
holsteinthat means, you coud roll up your own20:25
holsteinwith a kernel that will support it20:25
holstein*in theory20:25
* mang0 is so nooby he is asking in a nooby way what a kernel is20:25
holsteinor, step back to a kernel that supports it20:25
holsteinnah, ask away :)20:25
holsteinevery OS has a kernel20:26
holsteinlinux is actually the kernel*20:26
holsteinthe operating system is ubuntu20:26
holsteinthat utilizes the linux kernel20:26
mang0I accidentally dled 10.04 instead of 11.0420:26
* mang0 facepalm20:27
holsteinIF you want to be totally accurate20:27
holsteinmang0: lets download an alternate CD20:27
mang0shall i try 10.04?20:27
holsteinlet me get alink20:27
mang0I'm gonna make a cuppa tea, brb20:28
holsteinyou'll see the alternate imgages20:29
holsteini say, go for http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//natty/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso20:29
mang0holstein im back20:34
Error404NotFoun1howdy people20:35
Error404NotFoun1how do i remove the gnome panel20:35
mang0downloading it, its gonna take 3 bloody hours20:35
mang0Error404NotFoun1 hit it with a hammer?20:42
Error404NotFoun1tried that20:43
Error404NotFoun1it only got rid of my monitor...20:43
mang0Error404NotFound you could use a chain saw instead of a hammer....21:01
Error404NotFoundmy chainsaw is burried in my garage...21:01
Error404NotFoundhow do you login on classic21:01
mang0How about you scream and run around in circles untill you collapse on the floor?21:03
Error404NotFoundi would think it was easy but i see no option when logging in21:03
Error404NotFoundhow bout i bash my face off this keyboard till its a bloody mess21:04
Error404NotFoundfound it brb21:05
holsteinhey Error404NotFound21:09
holsteinwhen loging in21:09
holsteinyou will see it21:09
Error404NotFoundi didnt21:09
holsteinat the bottom of the screen21:09
holsteinafter selecting your name21:09
Error404NotFoundbut i found start up options and defaulted it to classic21:09
holsteinand before putting in your password21:09
Error404NotFoundnow how do i stop desktop icons from showing21:09
mang0slap them21:10
holsteinyou can delete them21:10
Error404NotFoundima slap you21:10
* mang0 feels helpful21:10
holsteini guess you are talking about hiding mounted volumes21:10
holsteinthats a gconf setting21:10
Error404NotFoundit just shows my magic jack21:10
holsteinhit alt+F221:10
Error404NotFoundwhich dont work on linux21:10
holsteintype in21:10
mang0holstein just outta curiosity, what timezone/country are you in?21:11
holsteinmang0: EST us21:11
mang0what time is it there now?21:11
mang0I'm in UK, its 21:12....21:11
mang0not too bad21:11
mang0if you were in NZ i would be like FUUU21:12
holsteinError404NotFound: then go to apps > nautilus > desktop and unclick volumes_visible21:12
mang0right, I'm gonna go read my book for a bit, leaving ubuntu to download. Cya tomoz!21:12
holsteinmang0: right on :)21:12
Error404NotFoundnow if i can get this system monitor thingy to move21:13
Error404NotFoundid be good21:13
holsteinError404NotFound: right click21:14
holsteinselect 'move'21:14
Error404NotFoundright clicking on it does nothing21:14
holsteinError404NotFound: what are we talking about?21:14
Error404NotFoundopens config for the monitor thats it21:14
holsteinmove is not an option?21:14
Error404NotFoundperformance monitor21:14
holsteinError404NotFound: first thing21:15
holsteinaccept the fact that we are going to make it move21:15
Error404NotFoundi swear when i first installed it i could move it21:15
holsteinits a machine21:15
holsteinand we're going to tell it what to do21:15
holsteinthat being said21:15
holsteinlet me add the thing21:15
holsteinand i'll tell you how to move it...21:15
holsteinError404NotFound: its called 'system monitor' ?21:16
holsteineverything on the panel21:16
holstein*the gnome panel21:16
holsteinwhen i right click21:17
holsteini get a 'move' option21:17
Error404NotFounderm i cant find crap now that im in clasic lol21:17
holsteinthey are different*21:17
Error404NotFoundgkrellm system monitor21:17
holsteinwhat was it called21:18
holsteinwhen you added it?21:18
holsteinhow did you add it?21:18
Error404NotFoundsearched for performance monitors21:18
Error404NotFoundin apps21:18
holsteinError404NotFound: OK21:18
holsteinhow did you add it?21:18
holsteinyou clicked on something in the menu?21:18
Error404NotFoundfound in list and hit install21:19
holsteinthen, you probably cant move that21:19
holsteinwhat is it doing?21:19
Error404NotFoundiots just not where i want it lol21:19
holsteinError404NotFound: do this21:19
holsteinon the gnome panel21:19
holsteinselect 'add to panel'21:20
Error404NotFoundand then21:20
holsteinfind and add 'system monitor'21:20
holsteinsee if that'll do what you want21:20
holsteinyou can move that around anywhere21:20
Error404NotFoundits nothing like what im using now21:21
holsteini think you need to edit the config page21:23
holsteinto move those around21:23
Error404NotFoundi tried removing it and reinstalling21:29
Error404NotFoundit remembered all my settings...21:29
holsteinthat was zero of the suggestions i just gave ... :/21:30
holsteinits going to be a config file21:30
holsteinlike conky i bet*21:30
Error404NotFoundwhat you said sounded to hard21:30
holsteinwhat i said will probably work*21:30
holsteinError404NotFound: OH21:38
holsteinim checking the config options21:38
holsteini think theres a GUI21:38
holsteinim able to just drag it around21:38
holsteinclick and drag21:38
holsteinand F1 is bringing up a menu21:39
holsteinwith options21:39
holsteinone option is 'remember screen position21:39
Error404NotFoundi cant drag it21:39
Error404NotFoundno matter where i click on it21:39
Error404NotFoundi see that optiojn21:40
Error404NotFoundstill dont let me drag it anywhere21:40
holsteintry holding alt21:42
Error404NotFoundidk what i did but now i have 2 identical monitors on my screen21:42
Error404NotFoundand i can move the new one21:42
holsteini find that when i have the name turned off21:43
holsteini cant click and drag21:43
holsteinbut alt+click+drag works21:43
Error404NotFoundooh that works21:43
* holstein is looking for a better theme21:45
holsteinso far, i prefer conky21:45
holsteinbut, i can never stop messing with these things21:45
holsteintoo many options21:45
Error404NotFoundtheme for what lkol21:45
holsteini'll be playing with it this time next week ;)21:45
Error404NotFoundi like classic mode and im using docky21:46
Error404NotFoundnice osx feel to it now21:46
Error404NotFoundwish i knew how to install this crap lol21:47
holsteinno translucent skins?21:48
holsteini guess it supports old hardware as-is21:48
holsteinand i like that21:48
Error404NotFoundi want to install the gkrellm skin21:49
Error404NotFoundbiut dont know how lol21:49
Error404NotFoundhow the hell do i install this crap holstein21:51
holsteinError404NotFound: you can extract it21:55
holsteinhow ever you want21:55
holsteinright-click and extract21:55
Error404NotFoundand then lol21:55
holsteinthen move it over into the themes dir21:56
holsteinunder the themes tab21:56
holsteinit says where to put them21:56
Error404NotFoundi see no theme tap21:56
holstein /home/you/.gkrellm/themes21:56
holsteinsomething like that21:56
holsteinwhen you hit F121:56
holsteinyou see gkrellm configuration21:57
holsteinin there21:57
holsteinthere is a 'themes' area21:57
holsteinunder the 'info' tab21:57
holsteinthats where the info is on where to get skins21:57
holsteinand what to do with them21:57
holstein^ thats where you move them to21:58
Error404NotFoundi dont see that path21:59
holsteinwhere are you looking22:00
holsteinthe "." hides it22:00
holsteinSO, in nautilus22:00
holsteinyou have to ask to see hidden directories22:00
holsteincontrol+h i think22:00
Error404NotFoundhow do i get nautilus again22:01
holsteinand go somewhere22:01
holsteinlike "home"22:01
holsteinnautilus is the default file manager22:01
holsteinin ubuntu22:01
Error404NotFoundnno clue22:03
Error404NotFoundyou told me to go to nautilis b4 and i found it now i cant22:03
Error404NotFoundfound it22:04
holsteinjust go to 'places'22:04
holsteinand pick something22:04
holsteinlike 'home'22:04
holsteinor 'documents'22:04
holsteinthats nautlius*22:04
holsteinthe file manager22:04
Error404NotFoundholstein how do i get krellm to start with ubuntu22:17
holsteinin gnome22:19
holsteinsystem - preferences - startup applications22:19
holsteinyou'll just make a custom one22:19
Error404NotFoundi dont know the command22:21
holsteinError404NotFound: you can always open the terminal22:23
holsteinand test22:23
holsteingkrellm should be it22:24
Error404NotFoundyou mean just type gkrellm into terminal?22:26
Error404NotFoundcommand not found22:27
holsteinError404NotFound: type gkr22:27
holsteinand hit tab22:27
holsteinit should auto-complete to the proper command22:27
holsteintry and imagine that the command to start gkrellm exists22:28
Error404NotFoundit did22:28
holsteinand that you can obtain that information:)22:28
Error404NotFoundwell ima reboot22:28
Error404NotFoundsee if it starts22:28
Error404NotFoundok that didnt work22:34
holsteinlook at the other entries22:34
holsteinin the starup section22:34
holsteinmake sure you enter it properly22:35
Error404NotFoundi didnt22:35
holsteinyou want to add i as a command22:35
Error404NotFoundall i did was put gkrellm22:35
holsteinadd it*22:35
holsteinError404NotFound: right22:35
holsteinyou put gkrellm in as the command22:35
Error404NotFounddidnt work22:36
eiriksvin hello, im trying to use Remote Desktop Veiwer, how do i set up my desktop to be veiwed by me from another computer?22:36
holsteinits hasnt worked yet Error404NotFound *22:36
Error404NotFounduse team viewer22:36
holsteineiriksvin: using?22:37
eiriksvinUbuntu Remote Desktop Viewer22:37
eiriksvinis there supposed to be a server for it or is that just a client?22:38
holsteinwell, the server isnt running22:38
Error404NotFound^ use that22:38
holsteinteamviewer is a little overkill for a home network i think22:38
Error404NotFoundi like it22:38
holsteinand it pulls in some wine dependancies*22:38
holsteinnot that theres anything wrong with that22:39
eiriksvinwell this sint a home network22:39
holsteineiriksvin: what is it?22:39
Error404NotFoundwish there were logitech linux drivers for my mouse...22:39
holsteinif you are trying to connect over the internet22:39
holsteinthen, team viewer is an easy way to get around firewall configruations22:39
eiriksvinim goiing to my sisters house and putting Ubuntu on her PC, i already did my moms... and she loves it, but i want to be able to admin either of them from my own home computer, should they run into any issues22:40
Error404NotFoundid use team viewer then22:40
holsteinyeah, id to teamviewer for that i think22:41
eiriksvinthank you22:41
holsteinotherwise, you'll need to tunnel in through ports22:41
eiriksvinnow, will that show their desktop from mine?22:42
holsteini'll let Error404NotFound fill you in :)22:43
Error404NotFoundwill be like you are sitting at their computer22:43
eiriksvingreat, its alot easier to troubleshoot problems from that!:)22:43
holsteinive used it from and to win lin and OSX*22:43
holsteinyeah, except network problems eiriksvin :/22:44
holsteini set it up everywhere, and its nice when i can use it22:44
Error404NotFoundthere an anti virus program for this crap?22:44
eiriksvinnotyeah, well we wont have any of those... well unless my wifi disconnects on some random fluke:)22:44
holsteinError404NotFound: what crap?22:45
Error404NotFounddo i need it?22:45
holsteinthats for you to decide22:45
holsteinAVG has a linux version AFAIK22:45
eiriksvinheh, i have been everywhere on the internet... not one virus yet:)22:45
Error404NotFoundwonder if norton has av for linux22:46
holsteinnot that i see22:46
holsteinits really a matter of user permissions22:47
holsteinon windows, you are an administrator22:47
holsteinthe whole time22:47
holsteinwell, *usually22:47
Error404NotFoundjust curious i was told not much to worry about using linux22:47
holsteinthats the typical setup22:47
holsteinnot so with linux22:47
holsteinError404NotFound: i would say ubuntu is still safer than a windows box running AV22:48
holsteinits also still a matter of statistics22:48
holsteinhackers dont want to bother with a small perentage of desktop base22:48
eiriksvin<Error404NotFound> linux is my dream come true, heh after just a few days... i nuked Windows 7:)22:48
Error404NotFoundwish i could find a decent browser22:48
holsteinAND, its not as easy of a target*22:48
Error404NotFoundi dual boot ubuntu and win 722:49
holsteinnice Error404NotFound22:50
eiriksvinyeah, so did i... but i wanted that extra 106 gb that Win7 sucked up... with hardly a thing on it22:50
holsteini was dual booting for a while22:50
Error404NotFoundif i could game on linux id dump win 722:50
holsteinits coming22:50
holsteinjust be part of the solution22:50
holsteinask for linux versions22:51
eiriksvini felt like i had just broke out of prison when i nuked win7, it felt sooo victorious!!22:51
holsteinbuy linux games22:51
holsteinsupport it, and it will come22:51
Error404NotFoundim just mad about playstation network22:52
eiriksvinnext, my goal is to learn the programming... that way i can really be a Linux user, and a contributor22:52
eiriksvini have 2 ps3s, its been an angry past 2 weeks22:53
holsteineiriksvin: thats awesome22:53
Error404NotFoundmore so for me22:53
Error404NotFoundi spent easter in jail lol22:53
eiriksvin<holstein> i just gotta learn where to begin22:54
holsteinbash scripting was suggested to me22:54
eiriksvinshoot, u have seen how far i have come is what a little over a week22:54
holsteinand i look at python from time to time22:54
holsteinbut, im not sure if i'll ever be that kind of contributor22:54
holsteinpython is relevant*22:55
Error404NotFoundif at some poiont i think i can contribute i will..22:55
holsteinError404NotFound: you did already22:55
holsteinyou suggested teamviewer to eiriksvin22:55
eiriksvinThats the linux community, "For the people, by the people", not like Microsoft... "By the company, for the money"22:57
holsteinits just a different model22:57
holsteincannonical is a buisness too22:57
holsteinbuisnesses sell things22:58
cfhansenwell, you should remember that linux =/= ubuntu22:58
cfhansenmost linux distros have no corporate support22:58
holsteinwe just take direct advantage of cannonicals contributions22:58
eiriksvinyeah, they are... but if it werent for the contributions of people like us... Linux would not be around after the 90s22:58
holsteincfhansen: true22:58
Error404NotFoundim thinking bout installin on my lappy22:58
Error404NotFoundi was told to use suse on laptop though22:59
holsteinuse what you want23:00
holsteinthe live CD's are a handy resource23:00
Error404NotFoundi think ubuntu will worl just fine23:00
Error404NotFoundnot to mention i dont want to have to learn 2 diff os's23:00
holsteinsuse and buntu both have live medium23:00
eiriksvinremember when Red Hat used to be offered by custom cumputer companies... even the big ones could get it23:00
Error404NotFoundi got a ?23:01
Error404NotFoundcan g parted give back space?23:01
Error404NotFoundlike if i split the partition to install ubuntu23:01
eiriksvinc yall later23:01
holsteineiriksvin: o/23:01
Error404NotFoundtransfer something from win 7 partition then delete win partition23:01
holsteinError404NotFound: you can try23:01
holsteini say yes23:01
holsteinBUT, you should not do anything major like that withough backing up23:02
Error404NotFoundcuz i dont gave on my lappy  so no use for windows23:02
=== MrBadWiki is now known as MrChrisDruif
Pac_Manwhere is the .bash_profile located, or better yet, how do i search for files? :D23:04
Pac_Manand im trying to use the terminal if thats helpful23:04
MrChrisDruifSomething with grep afaik....try grep --help or man grep23:05
Error404NotFoundhow much space do i need to install ubuntu23:05
MrChrisDruifAbout 4GB is minimum afaik Error404NotFound23:06
Error404NotFoundwell thats much better than like 30 gigs for win7 lol23:06
MrChrisDruifError404NotFound: Lubuntu should suffice with even less23:07
MrChrisDruifAbout 2~3GB23:07
Error404NotFoundi have a 500gb hdd in laptop so space isnt a concern23:07
MrChrisDruifGranted, you can save many files when you install on a HDD with only 4GB ;)23:08
Pac_Mannow that makes sense, its in the home directory, but hidden!23:10
Pac_Manand i used find -iname ".bash*" if anyone care23:10
MrChrisDruifAhhh.... .bash_profile23:10
MrChrisDruifdot-files are hidden in nautilus by default23:11
Error404NotFound crap23:11
MrChrisDruifError404NotFound: ?23:11
Error404NotFoundi dont have enough room to make new partition and transfer all files to it23:11
MrChrisDruifError404NotFound: Shared partition?23:12
MrChrisDruifAs in putting the files in a shared partition which can be used by Ubuntu and Windows?23:12
Error404NotFoundima get rid of windows23:13
Error404NotFoundbut i want to transfer all music files to ubuntu first23:13
Error404NotFounderm lets see if i will survive another ubuntu install..23:15
MrChrisDruifError404NotFound: Sure you will23:16
Error404NotFoundok got my partitions23:17
Error404NotFoundhere we go23:17
MrChrisDruifGood luck Error404NotFound23:22
Error404NotFoundcrap i need to be wired for this23:24
=== Error404NotFoun1 is now known as Error404NotFound
Error404NotFoundwell its installing23:36
MrChrisDruifGreat :)23:37
MrChrisDruifWhich version Error404NotFound ?23:37
Error404NotFoundif grub dont work ima be mad23:49
Error404NotFound son of a bitch!23:49
Error404NotFound 23:49
Error404NotFoundgrub didnt load23:51
Error404NotFounddont remember how i reinstalled grub...23:51
Error404NotFoundoh live cd crap23:51
cfhansenis there any way to change the size of my partitions without reinstalling ubuntu?23:53
MrChrisDruifYup, boot a liveCD and edited your partition with gparted23:54
cfhansenso i need to burn gparted onto a cd and then boot from it?23:54
cfhansenshould be doable23:55

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