
kim0smoser: hi o/ .. someone facing an ec2 image error, let me know any thoughts you may have and I'll relay http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174853300:04
flaccidKyle__: google00:07
* Heartsbane curses euca_conf because it took him a half hour to figure out how to swap nodes.03:34
julian_cAuto-detecting the nodes, or setting them manually?03:35
HeartsbaneI had one with bad credentials too03:35
julian_cHow many NCs in your setup?03:37
Heartsbane2 but my boss gave me a bigger blade and took my old :(03:37
Heartsbanewhich meant I need reconfigure for 2 blades and well it is fixed now... I going to have a beer03:39
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shahid_I am not able to mount  the volume which is created from snapshot08:10
flaccidsorry to hear that shahid_ , whats the problem?08:11
shahid_getting this error at the time mounting "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,"08:11
flaccidit means what it means08:11
flaccidis it formatted?08:11
flaccidyou can't mount something that is not formatted08:13
shahid_I can mount if I format it08:13
shahid_but its a snapshot volume. If format it I will loose my data.08:13
flaccidlook at fdisk -l08:14
flaccidyou will see the partitions08:14
shahid_fdisk -l output : /dev/sdb1               1       51200    52428784   83  Linux08:14
flaccidwhat command are you using to mount08:14
shahid_sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /data08:15
shahid_This is the syslog error : "XT4-fs (sdb1): bad geometry: block count 13107196 exceeds size of device (10485756 blocks)"08:16
flaccidthats your problem for sure08:16
flaccidtry an fsck /dev/sdb108:17
shahid_Getting the bellow error08:18
shahid_fsck.ext4: Can't read an block bitmap while retrying to read bitmaps for /dev/sdb108:19
shahid_e2fsck: aborted08:19
flaccidlooks like the part is screwd in some way08:21
flaccidtry another restore from snap to a new to vol to check if the vol creation was the prob or not08:22
shahid_tried 4,5 times getting same error08:24
flaccidpart and/or fs is screwd in the snap08:24
shahid_flassid: I reduced the size of the volume when I created volume from the snapshot. Is that the problem08:35
flaccidnot if it fits inside gemoetry which in this case it may not have08:35
shahid_flaccid: fixed the problem08:50
flaccidsweet, what you do?08:51
shahid_flaccid: we cannot reduce size of the volume. When I increased the size it worked08:51
flaccidhmm maybe i'm wrong and you can only increase08:52
flaccidyeah would make sense considering its an image08:52
flaccidyeah sorry, its a disk map so as long as the volume is big enough it will fit08:52
shahid_flaccid: yes08:53
flaccidrsync between volumes to go to small volume; then snap08:53
flaccidmy bad on that one; long day08:53
shahid_flaccid: ok, Thanks for your time & cooperation08:54
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shahid_flaccid: I am facing on e problem10:04
shahid_created new volume (60GB) from snapshot but but after mounting it is showing 50GB(size of snapshot)10:05
shahid_insted of 60Gb10:06
shahid_executed sudo resize2fs -f /dev/sdb110:06
smoserhallyn, you have a pastebin of that or something ?12:49
hallynsmoser: is there a simple way to create a ramdisk eri without installing the kernel .deb?14:20
smoserhallyn, no.14:20
hallynguess i'd just have to hack on mkinitrd a bit14:21
hallynok, thanks.14:21
smoserwell, yah, mkinitrd would do it.14:21
smoserbut that assumes you have /lib/modules/<uname> and such14:21
hallynright, i'd want to hack mkinitrd to take an alternative directory as argument14:22
hallynso i can dpkg -x kernel.deb  and then pass x/lib/modues to mkinitrd14:22
hallynnot really worth it :)14:22
smoserhallyn, i looked into doing that once14:23
smoserand basically gave up14:23
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koolhead17hi all17:08
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scalability-junk<scalability-junk> hey guys17:55
scalability-junk<scalability-junk> I have a few questions17:55
scalability-junk<scalability-junk> first all diskspace of all nodes is used and managed by the walrus controller or?17:55
scalability-junk<scalability-junk> and second: I can't run images using hybridfox17:55
scalability-junk<scalability-junk> it always returns an error17:55
scalability-junk<scalability-junk> runinstance error or bucket error17:55
scalability-junk<scalability-junk> *createvloume17:55
kim0scalability-junk: hi, not really, each instance has its own internal storage. Walrus provides an s3 like key-value store. And the StorageController (SC) provides mountable volumes over the network17:58
scalability-junkbut walrus storage is just available to the node running eucalyptus-walrus?17:59
scalability-junkhi btw17:59
obinothe NC will use the local disk space as cache and for the instance store18:03
obinothe SC provides EBS supports to the instances18:04
obinoand Walrus provides S3 API (get-put interface)18:04
obinothose are 3 different kind of storage available to the insstance18:04
obinotypically the component (W, SC and NC) will use the local disk as directed by the cloud administrator18:05
scalability-junkah ok18:05
obinoand for hybridfox: which version are you running?18:05
scalability-junkthe latest18:05
obinoI have not tried but it should work: do you get errors for each command?18:07
scalability-junkfor creating an instance i get imageverify error and EC2 responded with an error for RunInstances18:07
obinoand you are sure you are pointing hybridfox to your Eucalyptus cloud and not EC2?18:08
scalability-junkand for s3: EC2 responded with an error for createvolume and nothing else is shown18:08
scalability-junkI can see my security group18:08
scalability-junk+ my downloaded images from the store18:09
scalability-junkI don't know why its not working18:14
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scalability-junkany suggestions obino?18:25
obinoscalability-junk: I'm still confused if you are talking with Eucalyptus or EC218:34
obinodid you change the endpoint if you use eucalyptus?18:34
obinoif command line works, you are probably missing a step18:35
scalability-junkthe endpoint url?18:35
obinohmm .. not sure then. Hybridfox works pretty well for me18:36
scalability-junkmh damn18:36
obinowhich version of Eucalyptus or UEC are you using?18:36
scalability-junkfirefox 4?18:36
obinoI'm still on firefox 318:37
obinonot sure if that is an issue though18:37
scalability-junklet's try18:37
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scalability-junkseems to be my uec installation18:43
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obinoscalability-junk: what is the problem?18:53
kim0Hi everyone19:01
kim0Welcome to the weekly Ensemble cloud community meeting19:01
kim0jimbaker: Can you get us started please19:01
jimbakerkim0, sounds good19:01
jimbakerthe team is preparing for our budapest milestone. you can see our current progress here: http://people.canonical.com/~niemeyer/budapest.html19:02
niemeyerHi there!19:02
jimbakersome of these bugs in uncategorized should not be there, btw. however, the other columns reflect the current progress19:03
kim0jimbaker: can you comment on what has been accomplished since last meeting ?19:03
kim0di3gopa: hi there19:03
jimbakerkim0, i think the highlight for me was reestablishing the stability of ensemble.19:04
jimbakerthis was somewhat confounded by the AWS outage19:04
kim0I remember back then, you were trying to get Ensemble running in multiple regions ?19:05
jimbakerhowever, it was more of an issue of keeping our dependencies current, in particular as i recall, the python zookeeper bindings19:05
kim0CurtisElgin: Hi19:05
jimbakeronce that was fixed, we were able to see multiregion support, which is now in trunk19:05
kim0jimbaker: so right now .. we do have multi-region support19:06
jimbakerkim0, correct19:06
kim0how can I launch in eu-west for example19:06
jimbakerkim0, yes19:06
kim0what do I need to do that ?19:06
jimbakerkim0, you need to specify the region setting in environments.yaml19:07
kim0Okay sounds good19:08
kim0that's great .. so we're liberated from us-east now19:08
kim0Amazon can fail all they want now19:08
kim0jimbaker: anything else to add19:08
jimbakerby default it is us-east-1, but you can specify other regions like us-west-1, etc19:08
jimbakeri will see if i can dig up the comprehensive list19:08
jimbakerkim0, progress is also being made on the following issues:19:09
jimbaker1. automatic dependency resolution of services19:09
jimbaker2. service configuration settings19:09
jimbaker3. exposing of ports, so we can move away from the current "all ports are open" firewall policy19:10
kim0these features are not merged into trunk yet, right ?19:10
jimbakerkim0, some of the supporting functionality for 2 and 3 is now merged into trunk, but not yet the full functionality19:11
jimbakerthe team is working hard on 2 and 3 to see that they are available at budapest19:11
jimbakerwe will all be there at UDS19:11
kim0jimbaker: thanks a lot19:12
kim0switching to hazmat19:12
jimbakerkim0, thanks for giving me the floor19:12
kim0anything to add?19:12
kim0jimbaker: you covered everything right ?19:12
kim0like the whole team :)19:12
jimbakerkim0, that should have been the highlights for everybody, but i'm sure bcsaller and hazmat can add more to the discussion19:13
kim0cool .. throwing the ball to hazmat first19:13
kim0anything to add here19:13
* hazmat ponders19:13
* kim0 waves at everyone19:14
niemeyerkim0: I think that was good coverage as far as current activity goes19:14
kim0Anyone with questions or comments about Ensemble19:14
kim0sounds good19:14
kim0great progress indeed19:14
niemeyerWe're really focused on having something good for UDS now19:14
kim0Yes that makes sense19:14
niemeyerWe hope that past UDS we should have a stable release with those features in a more consumable fashion19:14
kim0niemeyer: are we having dedicated ensemble uds sessions19:15
kim0I think I only spotted one19:15
jimbakerkim0, here are the currently supported regions: us-east-1, us-west-1, eu-west-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-southeast-119:15
kim0jimbaker: I think that's all the regions that exist :)19:16
kim0Anyone new or having questions this time ? please say hi or ask your question19:17
jimbakerkim0, sounds good then! next up will be covering availability zones, but we need to have a better process for that (too manual at this point)19:17
kim0jimbaker: an Ensemble formula however all lives inside on region correct19:18
jimbakerkim0, we only support ensemble at this time in one region19:18
kim0With the ec2 failure, many are considering spreading out their deployments19:18
jimbakeran obvious thing for us to support is doing this across availability zones (where the latency is low)19:18
jimbakerand then across regions. however high latency between regions makes that not desirable with zookeeper, which is a foundational technology for ensemble19:19
kim0- open floor -19:19
kim0Any questions or comments from anyone is welcome19:19
kim0jimbaker: Thanks for all the info :)19:20
kim0looking forward to see'ing the whole team at UDS19:20
jimbakerthere are some current patches for zookeeper, plus ongoing discussion, that may allow for zookeeper to support what we need to do that, via a delegated model19:20
kim0that's good to know19:20
jimbakersee https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-892 for the true bleeding edge :)19:21
kim0hehe :)19:21
kim0I think that's all19:22
kim0thanks everyone!19:22
kim0MennaEssa: Hi there19:23
kim0MennaEssa: Hi again :)19:27
kim0di3gopa: hi there .. first time around here?19:28
=== ahs3 is now known as ahs3-lunch
lifesfhi,... i've been looking all over the net and I cannot seem to find answers to my question.. this is the first time I try cloud and I am completely stuck here euca-run-instances my instance never changes away from pending,.. yesterday one had quit and that was it20:02
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lifesfIt seems the more i look the more confused i'm becoming concerning all of this... i got an account on rightscale, the node and controller detect each other, downloaded an image,... and stuck there20:09
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