
nigelbaha, thanks05:57
nigelbduanedesign: ^^06:42
nigelbMorning dpm06:55
dpmhey nigelb :)06:55
dpmgood morning all06:55
dpm I need to step out for a bit, I'll be back in ~1.5 h08:15
kim0morning everyone09:00
=== daker_ is now known as daker
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jcastrodoctormo: mhall119: you guys ready to rock your sessions today?14:28
jcastrojoey: linaro-platforms has some sessions that need to be approved in launchpad14:36
jcastroother than that, things are looking awesome14:36
jcastrodoctormo: ready?15:55
popeyis he online?16:01
jcastroI panged him earlier16:01
jcastrolet's give him 516:01
kim0anyone running natty on macbookpro .. is the +mac iso preferred, or the normal one16:07
popeywill you dual boot or wipe osx out?16:07
kim0dual boot I guess16:07
popeyok, do this then:-16:07
popey1. install refit16:07
popey2. use disk utility to resize osx partition down a bit to make room16:08
popey3. reboot to make sure you get the refit menu16:08
popey4. insert ubuntu cd (normal stock one) and boot to it16:08
kim0cool got it16:08
popey5. install ubuntu to the new partition, install grub to that partition _not_ the first one or the start of the disk16:08
popeythat should do you16:08
kim0ok that last one is important :)16:09
kim0popey: thanks a lot for the detailed reply16:09
kim0popey: I take it the +mac iso has efi enabled ? is that useful in any way (never used it)16:09
popeybut it seems broken16:09
popeythere's a nasty bug where it renders the mac unbootable16:10
kim0ah ok then16:10
popeycjwatson is aware of it ;)16:10
kim0great :)16:10
kim0popey: in your experience, is running natty on mac hardware better/worse/equal to running it on non macs16:11
kim0I've seen some horrible bugs (no fans, no video, no nic ..)16:11
kim0and you mentioned no boot :)16:12
popeythe trackpad is skippy16:12
popeythe keyboard lights and screen backlight dont work till you install pommed and some stuff from a mac ppa16:13
popeywhich generation mbp is it?16:13
popeysame as mine16:13
popeybookmark that16:13
popey\o/ laptop twins16:13
kim0popey: so after all the quirks are applied, anything badly broken ?16:14
popeyanyway, yes, it's not perfect16:14
popeybattery life is awful16:14
popeyno, suspend works16:14
popeysound works, wifi works with non-free crapware16:14
popeynvidia driver seems suboptimal imo16:14
kim0I wonder if running under vbox would be better hehe :)16:14
popeyso unity sucks massive donkey balls on nvidia (IMO)16:14
jcastropopey: want to sub in for 45 minutes about something?16:14
popeyjcastro: rant about unity?16:14
jcastronvidia works awesome for me in unity16:15
popeyI dont really have anything interesting to say16:15
jcastroit appears to be problematic in 11.04 though16:15
jcastroI am seeing more complaints than normal about nvidia16:15
popeyits poor16:15
kim0I thought nvidia was the one that worked16:15
jcastro+ optimus people are totally boned16:15
popeykim0: yes, usually thats the case16:15
popeythe current nvidia driver is pretty awful16:15
popeye.g. EDID stuff is properly broken, so it doesn't detect the right monitor resolution most of the time16:16
Technovikingpopey: not having any problem with Unity on nvidia on my MBP16:16
jcastromhall119: you're all set for your session in 45?16:16
popeyTechnoviking: performance is the issue16:16
popeyALT+TAB performance for example on unity is _awful_16:16
popeyeven on nvidia16:16
kim0yeah I get that too on an nvidia16:16
kim0it might not be nvidia related though16:17
jcastroyeah kim0 turned off previews iirc?16:17
kim0still wasn't good16:17
jcastroI think part of the problem with people complaining with nvidia (the new users)16:17
jcastrois we tell them "you can't run unity, here's classic"16:17
mhall119jcastro: yup, I won't abandon you ;)16:17
jcastroinstead of "you can't run unity" and then fire up jockey right then and there16:17
jcastroso the person logs into classic and they already assume something is wrong16:18
jcastrowhen really jockey just needs to connect to the innerwebs to get the driver16:18
Technovikinghere is my xorg.cong, work pretty well16:18
popeyyou dont need jockey jcastro  if you tick "Install evil" during unity16:18
Technoviking Section "Device" Identifier"Default Device" Driver  "nvidia" Option"NoLogo""True" Option  "Coolbits" "1" Option  "RegistryDwords" "PowerMizerEnable=0x1; PerfLevel16:18
popeythat installs nvidia driver under the covers16:19
TechnovikingSrc=0x2222; PowerMizerLevel=0x3; PowerMizerDefaultAC=0x3; EnableBrightnessContro16:19
popeyno need for jockey16:19
jcastropopey: right, or as part of the "mp3 checkbox"16:19
TechnovikingSection "InputClass" MatchIsTouchpad"true" Identifier "Multitouch Touchpad" Driver "multitouch" MatchDevicePath"/dev/input/event*"16:19
jcastropopey: "Make my computer work"16:19
Technovikingdamnit, that was weird16:19
jcastroTechnoviking: pastebin!16:19
kim0feeling pastey today16:19
Technovikingso, sorry, thought I had copied my pastebin link16:19
jcastromhall119: you all set? I'd like to snag lunch16:20
mhall119jcastro: yup16:20
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
nigelbmhall119: oh, a bunch of summit bugs? :(16:43
mhall119talk to nigelb, he's the primary developer now16:43
joeyjcastro: ack. I've found them16:44
nigelbmhall119: is there a reason why summit is running with debug = True in production?16:45
nigelbDaviey: ^^16:45
nigelbhey cjohnston16:55
nigelbcjohnston: summit b0rks with linaro-toolchain track view16:55
nigelbI'm trying to look too.16:56
mhall119nigelb: no good reason I'm sure16:56
nigelbmhall119: heh16:57
cjohnstonI cant get power mgmt to load either16:57
nigelbmhall119: I have a suggestion to fix that. Will point that out in summit session ^-^16:57
cjohnstonk.. now power works16:58
nigelbmhall119: lol, your favorite function is borking. render.py16:58
cjohnstondo we know that the page has worked in the past?17:02
nigelbwell, its a new track17:03
nigelbcjohnston: I think that linaro thing has somethibng to with clearing cache :p17:09
joeyjcastro: is it legit for me to change someone who I know is going to be at UDS but summit says has not registered as "uds-o" and mark him as attending uds-o?17:11
joeyI need to add busy time17:11
czajkowskijoey: cant you just poke them to register?17:13
joeyczajkowski: I can't directly no.  It's a special guest, not a regular participant.  They said they registered but I only saw a UDS-M record. So I just changed M to O17:14
czajkowskifair enough17:14
czajkowskijcastro: is jono online today?17:15
nigelbpopey: zomg17:26
nigelbpopey: minecraft. is. awesome.17:26
joeyHowdy, next question.. when will the "Hide talks that aren't for me" button on each day work?17:32
joeyfor me it just adds a "#"17:32
nigelbjoey: yeah, we have a new bug for that.17:32
nigelbjoey: I don't think we have time for it this time, but it will be top of my list next time17:33
joeyoh drat. Linaro has published docs to outside attendees to use that button17:33
nigelboh hell.17:33
joeythey go to summit.linaro.org and then press that button17:33
nigelbLet me try to fix it asap17:33
joeythat shows them only their own linaro stuff17:33
nigelbthen there's something /very/ small going wrong \o/17:34
nigelbCould be fixed17:34
joeymeanwhile I'll try to get an amendment out that says that button may not work due to technical difficulties and redirect them to the .ical ...but that's probably not an easy way for them to navigate17:35
nigelbI have nothing better to do on my flight back + airport tomorrow.17:36
nigelbI might work on it17:36
dpmok, see you all tomorrow!17:51
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
joeyyikes, summit crash18:16
joeyTypeError: not enough arguments for format string18:16
joeyand we're back18:18
joeyoh we're not18:18
joeyjcastro: wed is broken18:18
jcastrosomething bad happened18:18
jcastrowhat were you doing when it broke?18:18
joeyjust viewing18:19
joeyI'm on the phone with Linaro trying to figure out some private meetings18:19
jcastroping me when you're off the phone so we can chat about Matt's email18:20
jcastroDaviey: around?18:20
nigelbsomeone clear the cache. I think that's the soruce of our trouble...18:21
joeyjcastro: I've asked for clarification because I don't know what it pertains too18:21
jcastrois james or salgado still available to implement that?18:21
czajkowskijono: we still on for our call later on ?18:29
jonoczajkowski, yup :-)18:30
czajkowskijono: great18:30
czajkowskitons to catch you up on18:30
czajkowskiin a good way dont panic18:30
=== daker is now known as daker_
jcastrojono: that's the result of my panel19:00
nigelbjcastro: Did "hide tracks that aren't for me" ever work?19:01
nigelbjcastro: or did it stop working this time19:01
jcastronigelb: like 2 years ago19:01
nigelbjcastro: hrm, it stoped working later?19:01
jcastroand it's been in some inconsistant state ever since19:01
jcastrodon't remember19:01
nigelbjcastro: ouch. I'll try to fix it for the linaro folks over the next 2 days. I don't know if I will be sucessfull or not yet.19:01
jcastronigelb: I don't recommend something that will be invasive19:03
jcastrowe have like, 2 working days until UDS19:04
nigelbbetter something that doesn't work than something that breaks? :)19:04
nigelbhrm, I really can't work on this without my home laptop :\19:05
jcastroI would rather just comment out the links in the view19:05
nigelbjcastro: apparently, that went into the linaro instructions :/19:06
nigelbjcastro: but yeah, commenting is possible19:06
jcastrojoey: this and the other fixes you want are your call.19:07
jcastrojoey: as long as salgado, james, and daviey concur19:07
joeyjcastro: yeah.19:07
jcastroif we end up how wednesday looks right now I will not hesistate to blame you when people want my head. :)19:08
nigelbjcastro: where is Daviey, I think mod_wsgi needs a restart19:08
jcastronigelb: he's in budapest19:08
jcastronigelb: I'll pop in and poke IS19:08
nigelbjcastro: james_w` too?19:08
nigelbjoey: what are the fixes that you /need/ to have besides this so I can take a poke?19:09
joeynigelb: just the hide me19:09
joeynigelb: I think everyone will want that feature :-)19:10
jcastronigelb: I filed an RT19:11
nigelbjcastro: okay! If that fails, let me know. I'll dig deeper.19:11
jcastroI CCed Daviey19:12
jcastrosince he's onsite I'm sure he'll follow up with IS IRL.19:12
nigelbhe'd Pm'd me a while back about etherpad19:12
jcastrowhat'd he say?19:13
jcastroI guess it's looking like a Go with etherpad last I heard?19:13
jcastrobut I need to hear it from Daviey first19:13
nigelbI'm trying to write a plugin/patch that will autopopulate username19:13
jcastroon the mobile app it has a "your personal schedule"19:13
jcastrofor next time we should make that populate with the one from summit19:14
jcastroit's not connected now19:14
jcastroman, the android app is sweet19:14
jcastroit has the map in it19:14
nigelbDo we have an LD app yet? ;)19:14
nigelbWe should if there isn't19:14
jcastro"take me to the event"19:15
jcastroand then the maps kick in19:15
jcastrothat would be bad ass19:15
jcastro"I couldn't find the bar, but the app took me here."19:15
* nigelb plots discussing this at loco-directory session19:15
mhall119nigelb: you gotta show up19:20
nigelbmhall119: well, remote will work too.19:20
nigelbmhall119: I don't have much hope of showing up unless a miracle happens tomorrow19:20
mhall119no, you gotta be there or I won't attend19:20
nigelbmhall119: I love you too :)19:20
nigelbmhall119: do you know what's happening with linaro-toolchain and wednesday schedule?19:27
nigelbmhall119: I diagnose it as something to do with cache, but can you confirm that?19:27
salgadojoey, did you see my reply about theming linaro tracks on summit.u.c?19:29
joeysalgado: not yet sorry, I'm knee deep in setting busy time via the admin panel19:29
joeyI can stop in about 3 mins19:30
salgadojoey, ok, just asking because if we want to give that a try we'll need to coordinate with IS as all the changes would happen in their land19:30
joeysalgado: ok, just read your reply.  The solution seems logical and straightforward... just need to find the right expression for it. Can you deduce that and then have IS deploy it please?19:32
* joey hates...really hates... doing this stuff last minute.19:33
joeyat least it'll all be reusable19:33
nigelbjoey: heh, welcome to summit development ;)19:33
joey:-)  It's the 11th hour requests that bother me. And the 11th hour started when we opened summit for population19:34
joeyI want to see if salgado, jcastro, and myself can get purple hearts for this ;-)19:34
nigelbyou might get shot in the heart possibly :p19:35
jcastrodon't look at me, I've been extracted and am almost home!19:35
joeyjcastro: then who's fixing wednesday! I need to schedule! :-)19:35
jcastroI filed an RT19:36
mhall119nigelb: got a link to the linary-toolchain issue?19:39
nigelbmhall119: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/track/linaro-toolchain19:39
mhall119have i mentioned that I hate render.py?19:40
nigelbyes, join the club. cjohnston will give you your formal orientation19:40
mhall119if I had time, I'd order us all t-shirts for UDS that say "I hate render.py"19:42
nigelboh, I can get it done ;)19:42
mhall119but you can't get to UDS19:45
nigelbI can post it19:46
joeyjcastro: dude you're not in the system for uds-o!19:46
jcastroin launchpad?19:47
joeythere's no uds-o entry for you19:47
jcastrooh wut19:48
joeyYou were invited to a private linaro meeting about UDS... a "what could we do better" meeting19:48
jcastroI wasn't registered in launchpad19:48
jcastroI registered the day I made it19:48
jcastrojoey: I'm not the summit guy19:48
jcastrothat's all you19:48
joeyI see K through N but no O19:49
jcastroI just regged19:49
jcastrogive it an hour19:49
jcastronow I need to recheck my sessions19:50
jcastroIt means I haven't been conflict resolutioned this whole time19:50
jcastro(nice grammer Castro)19:50
jcastroand spelling apparently19:50
nigelbmhall119: is the linaro summit instance supposed to have linaro_only in request.GET automatically?19:51
nigelbmhall119: if so, how do I set that?19:51
nigelb*if not so19:52
mhall119joey: do any meetings in linary-toolchain track have a % symbol in their name or description?19:55
mhall119nigelb: I think LINARO_ONLY is in settings.py19:56
mhall119not in the requests19:56
nigelbmhall119: ah19:56
mhall119and it get set depending on environment variables19:56
joeymhall119: surely not in the name but maybe in the desc. I can check19:56
mhall119joey: that might be causing our error...19:56
* joey checks19:57
* nigelb --> sleep19:57
joeymhall119: the blueprints I can see don't seem to have a % in the desc. It should be forbidden in the name but not the desc19:59
mhall119joey: whatever meeting is causing the problem, it looks to be scheduled for the 11th20:00
joeythis is great  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o?searchtext=%2520:00
mhall119can you just check which linaro-toolchain tracked meetings are scheduled for the 11th?20:01
mhall119Daviey: can I just get access to the summit admin?20:02
mhall119I promise not to break stuff20:02
joeyI just went through all the toolchain ones20:02
joeyare you able to pin it down further?20:02
mhall119just that it's one of the ones on the 11th20:04
mhall119can you give me their blueprint urls?20:04
jcastromhall119: I can add you to admin20:05
jcastrowhat's your username?20:05
mhall119jcastro: mhall11920:05
jcastromhall119: we need to talk about ACLs for this thing at some point20:06
jcastroI've just been adding people over the years20:06
joeymhall119: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o?searchtext=linaro-toolchain20:06
mhall119jcastro: extauth, ftw20:06
jcastroI would like to inherit permissions from the ubuntu project too20:07
joeybtw, I've just filed this after speaking with the LP team.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/77735720:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 777357 in launchpad "Searches containing a percent sign generates an oops" [Undecided,New]20:07
jcastroso like, if your TB or coredev you should be able to move a session for crying out loud20:07
AlanBellyay \o/20:07
AlanBellI was just about to throw a strop about the continued lack of etherpad20:08
AlanBelland it is there \o/20:08
jcastroand if you're in kubuntu and your session is kubuntu oriented then that sorts that20:08
jcastrothings like that20:08
mhall119joey: http://summit.ubuntu.com/admin/schedule/meeting/16429/20:12
mhall119in the wiki url, there is a %20:12
mhall119that might be it20:12
joeyI'll change it and we'l see20:13
joeymhall119: yay!20:13
joeythat was it20:13
mhall119you can probably replace %20 with + in the url and have it work20:14
mhall119also, I'd like to once again state how absolutely horrible render.py is20:14
joeymhall119: however now this is busted  http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/track/linaro-toolchain/20:14
AlanBellso who has the admin password for pad.ubuntu.com?20:14
jcastrowhoever set it up20:15
jcastroI didn't even know that was up!20:15
mhall119joey: it could be that it's still just in cache20:15
mhall119joey: the per-track view caches chunks of html, including the one that was causing the problem, it'll probably sort itself out once the cache expires20:16
joeymhall119: could be. Next run fix it maybe?20:16
mhall119not sure when cache gets dumped, depends on what it's using I think20:16
mhall119restarting the django processes would do it if it's in-memory20:17
AlanBellhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/community-o-accessibility-team/ needs the hashtag plugin turned on20:17
jcastroAlanBell: real close, I doubt we'll have time to stress test, I hope they overprovisioned the HW20:18
salgadojoey, so, it turns out we can't do what I'd suggested. the only thing I think we can do is redirect to summit.l.o when somebody clicks on a linaro track20:19
joeysalgado: ok. I've got it on the linaro summit enhancements page for next round. Maybe when life isn't so stressful we can take another look at it20:20
joeysalgado: thanks for checking20:20
jonoI love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFXP-eEVVXg so much20:21
salgadojoey, np20:22
jcastroI just found the best Unity comment so far20:35
jcastro"You want me to use what? Let me tell you this young man,we Australopithecines have been making and using the same tried and true stone axes for over a million years.Why would anyone want to ruin a good thing by putting a wooden handle on it?"20:35
jcastrojono: omg20:36
jcastrojono: his facial expressions make it look like he's really singing that20:36
jonojcastro, amazing, eh?20:36
jonojcastro, check it out at 1.3420:37
jcastrojono: also, I came to a realization20:41
jcastroI was watching the Rush documentary and Vinnie Paul is in it20:41
jcastronow with him in mind....20:41
jcastroTell me this isn't JFo: http://img.listal.com/image/373308/600full-vinnie-paul.jpg20:41
JFodude, I should cut my goatee down to look like his20:42
jcastroyou need to get that double side thing going20:42
JFothat reminds me, I need some do rags :)20:42
jcastroI will pay you like ... 20 bucks20:43
jcastroif you show up to UDS like that20:43
JFoI'd need to dye my hair20:44
JFoand grow out the beard20:44
JFoand I don't have a nose ring20:45
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
JFojcastro, maybe I can hook that up for 11.11 :)20:46
czajkowskican someone find charlie S in canonical IS at UDS and give him a hg from me and buy him a pint on me, he really has made dealing with Is for locteam issues sooooo easy this cycle!20:48
JFoI have dibs on the pint :-)20:50
JFosomeone else gets to hug him :-P20:50
JFohmm, I guess P is happening in October... dunno why I was thinking it was in Nov20:52
JFoso strike that 11.11 and make it 11.1020:52
jcastroczajkowski: I owe him too, I'll get him one on your behalf!20:58
popeyWithhold the beer from Charlie until the wiki is fixed!20:58
popeygive him double portions of beer and get him to just shut it down20:58
jcastro"haha, this beer is from laura." then when he starts drinking in I pour one in his lap "and this one is from popey"20:59
czajkowskithe man has made dealign with lcooteam RTs so much easier20:59
jcastrois laura coming back on uupc?20:59
czajkowskijcastro: there are no outstanding RTs are there that you've not assigned to us are there ?20:59
czajkowskilaura is always on uupc :):)20:59
czajkowskiI only stand in if she's not in to keep the laura balance20:59
popeywe may need you soon21:00
popeyT&L on hols21:00
popeyso might have to record at popey towers21:00
czajkowskiI also owe popey caKe21:01
popeyhows the laptop?21:01
czajkowskipopey: lets hope I still live in the UK shall we :s21:01
popeyyou using unity 2d or 3d?21:01
popeyget a job you bum!21:01
czajkowskipopey: perfect skyped the mothership and princess perfectly21:01
czajkowskidefault to 3d I think21:01
czajkowskipopey: you can also lord it over evan you got it working ;)21:01
czajkowskibut Gorgamon has risen :D21:02
AlanBella short staffed popey towers recording you say, hmm21:02
czajkowskishould just have an alans show21:03
czajkowskiI can point and laugh then21:03
* JFo has some music you can use.21:03
AlanBellthat has been on the cards for a while21:03
JFoit is sort of reminiscent of clown music :-)21:03
* czajkowski is gonna miss JFo rapping with drink in hiim this year 21:04
JFoczajkowski, dunno if I am going to do it this year21:04
popeyAlanBell: might need you too :)21:04
JFoseriously debating giving it a rest for this release21:04
JFoall the singing, etc. that is21:04
JFomaybe just do the dj stuff21:05
JFothis cycle has wrecked me21:05
czajkowskiJFo: we both know fill you u with enough beer it's gonna happen21:05
JFowe shall see21:06
czajkowskiwhy did someone have to show the mothership skype21:06
czajkowskinow I'm signined in she leaves me messages21:06
JFobig momma is watchin' you21:07
AlanBellpopey: yeah, I think another visit to the podcast would be fun21:09
AlanBellnot for a specific interview or anything, but just to cause general mayhem throughout21:09
czajkowskias long as it doesnt clash witha  oco counciil meeting :)21:14
czajkowskigod damn virgin friggign lagging21:14
mhall119for some reason I find "god damn virgin friggign" hilarious21:14
czajkowskimhall119: now imagine my irish accent :)21:15
mhall119since I met you in person, I read all your IRC comments with an irish accent21:17
mhall119which, by the way, makes them infinitely more entertaining21:17
czajkowskiso glad I can entertain you via irc my dear :)21:17
mhall119similarly, I read all akgraner's comments with a southern accent21:17
czajkowskiDANG! :D21:18
mhall119czajkowski: ;)21:18
* JFo begins to worry21:19
* popey shouts POTATO! in czajkowskispeak21:19
mhall119JFo: I haven't heard you talk enough to associate an accent with you21:19
czajkowskioi leave my tatties out of this!21:20
popeymoving on.21:20
mhall119wow, that's sounds inappropriate21:20
czajkowskiI've tried to explain my onession with mashed potatoes and ketchup to jon21:20
czajkowskihe thinkns I'm odd21:20
czajkowskimhall119: popey tatties/potatoes21:20
popeyHe is somewhat right.21:20
mhall119czajkowski: sure sure21:20
* mhall119 is really tempted to post "god damn frigging virgins, leave my tatties out of this!" on Facebook21:21
czajkowskimhall119: do :)21:22
mhall119I suspect I'd get myself in trouble21:22
czajkowskijust exlain to herself tis me :)21:23
czajkowskijono: is our call in 35 m iins or 1hr 35 mins21:25
czajkowskiI relaly hate DST!21:26
jonoczajkowski, 3521:26
czajkowskiyay I can stay awake :D21:26
czajkowskigetting old you know21:26
AlanBellDaviey: any reason I shouldn't blog about pad.ubuntu.com in summit right now?21:27
jcastroAlanBell: it's 10:28 in Budapest21:28
jcastrohe is likely drunk21:28
JFoI hope he is21:28
AlanBellthat is a fair piotn21:28
jcastroit's Daviey21:28
* AlanBell hits the publish button21:28
jcastrothere would be something wrong otherwise21:28
JFotrue, hence my hopes :-)21:29
jcastroI am addicted to these lifesaver gummies21:30
jcastrothey're like the candy21:30
jcastrobut gummi like the bears21:30
jcastroAlanBell: carriage returns please!21:34
* AlanBell splits it into 321:35
jcastroAlanBell: hah you've motivated me to start filling in the notes21:37
joeyjcastro: do you know if I rename an approved spec, will summit pick up that rename or do I need to do it manually?21:39
joeywell I know what I renamed so I'll just update it21:40
jcastroit handles renames21:40
AlanBellif the slug of a session changes then the pad URL will change21:41
AlanBellwhich is mostly fine21:41
AlanBelljcastro: look below the pad, see the community summary for tuesday link?21:44
joeyhmm ok, so I have 4 sessions for 3 blueprints21:44
AlanBellthat is jono's notes for the day21:44
joeylet's see if the scheduler fixes it21:44
jcastroAlanBell: god dude21:46
jcastrothat is BRILLIANT21:46
AlanBellso the track leads need to know about that21:50
AlanBelland everyone running sessions should be able to go put a one liner summary of the session I guess21:51
jonoczajkowski, can we start now?21:52
czajkowskijono: sure21:52
joeyjcastro: I told Stephen that despite being the linaro-other-o track lead that I'm doing so much other stuff that my track lead shirt should just say "Linaro" :-)21:54
jcastrojoey: you do what I do, you make sure the track leads can schedule21:55
joeybesides, a purple shirt that says "other" might be confusing21:55
jcastrojoey: heh21:55
joeyI think you should /nick from jcastro to castrol. :-)  You make the engine run without seizing21:56
jcastroI am liquid engineering21:56
jcastrojono: what mic do you use in the studio for your calls? I want to upgrade to something nicer than my webcam21:57
joeyjcastro: liquid engineering? Huh. I guess you do run on beer. :-)21:59
popeyjcastro: I use a blue snowball22:00
jcastropopey: oh do those work well?22:00
jcastrothey look awesome for sure22:00
popeynice not to be tethered to a headset22:00
jcastrohow do you mount that?22:01
popeyon a stand22:02
jcastrolike a little stand? or like a huge arm thing that swivels?22:04
popeydesktop one22:04
jcastroor like a bigger stand22:04
popeyone mo22:04
jcastrolike that?22:04
popeyi have that ringer22:04
popeybut you dont need it22:04
jcastrowhat does it do?22:04
popeyisolate desk noise22:04
jcastroalso how close do you need to be?22:04
popeyi can me some distance away22:05
popeylike 10 inches22:05
popeyit can be next to your screen22:05
popeyor right in front of your face22:05
popeywanna skype and I'll give you an idea of what it sounds like wherever i put it22:05
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
cjohnstonwhat is still broken?22:11
joeyjcastro: any sage advice on how to get guidebook to display my schedule? I don't see a place to put an ical link22:11
cjohnstonjoey: i dont think that feature works yes22:12
joeyah thanks cjohnston22:12
joeykinda like "hide sessions not for me" :-)22:12
* joey laughs.22:12
cjohnstonBut we dont control the guidebook stuff22:13
cjohnstonSitting at jfk with kenvandine22:13
cjohnstonjoey: does linaro toolchain have anything scheduled for it yet?22:14
jcastrocjohnston: are you going early?22:14
cjohnstonKinda... I'm going to croatia22:14
joeycjohnston: yes22:15
cjohnstonand now wed is screwed up22:15
joeyoh I bet I know why22:17
joeyI removed the offending wiki page from the tool and it brought it back in from the spec22:17
joeyok wed should be working. lemme fix the spec22:18
cjohnstonwednesday works22:18
cjohnstonjcastro: does Rikki not have an LP account?22:19
jcastronot sure22:19
cjohnstonakgraner: ^22:19
akgranerI thought she did one sec let me check22:19
akgraneryep rkite22:20
akgranerwhy do you ask?22:20
joeyspec fixed22:20
cjohnstonshe isnt shoing up on summit as crew22:21
joeyI've put that file into the whiteboard. Hopefully it won't break it there22:21
joeyfor your logs, the offending spec is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-toolchain-misc/+spec/linaro-toolchain-o-stm-introduction22:21
cjohnstonakgraner: Doesn't look like rkite is registered as attending uds-o in LP22:22
cjohnstonjoey: still having an issue with -toolchain22:22
akgranerCan I just reg her or does she need to do it?22:22
cjohnstonShe has to be logged in AFAIK22:23
cjohnstonmaybe you can22:23
akgranercjohnston, I'll have her email marianna about it22:23
akgranershe is in Germany right now - and ask her to reg...22:23
akgraneris it hampering anything you are working on?22:24
akgraneror did you just notice it22:24
cjohnstonakgraner: there is a register someone else link.. wonder if it would work22:24
cjohnstonjust noticed it22:24
cjohnstonwe have crew listed now on summit, so since she is crewing it would be nice to have her on there22:24
akgranerthen I'll tell her and let her deal with it then - thanks! :-)22:24
akgranertime to take pgraner to the airport  :-(22:25
cjohnstonWe are sitting at JFK now22:25
joeycjohnston: the track? yeah it's the cache. It'll fix itself during the next run22:25
cjohnstonok.. cool22:26
joeycjohnston: assuming the % in the whiteboard doesn't rebreak it again :-)22:26
cjohnstonSo we can blame joey on this one.. hehe22:26
cjohnstonHope it all works22:26
joeyI'll just need to check in 50 mins or so22:26
cjohnstonjcastro: did you see that pad.ubuntu..com exists?22:32
cjohnstonmaybe just one . tho22:32
cjohnstonwednesday is broken again22:33
AlanBellcjohnston: yeah, it is awesome that it got done23:17
AlanBelldo you know who put it up and has access to turn on plugins and add themes?23:18

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