
kim0Hi, is there some markup language that generates moinmoin wiki (for w.u.c), html, and pdf easily ?00:22
jbichakim0: not sure, what do you need all of that for?00:36
Captainkrtekjbicha, any pages you need focused on tonight?00:43
Captainkrtekor just do whatever00:43
jbichanothing in particular, did you see my email this morning?00:43
Captainkrteklet me look00:43
Captainkrtekwhat was it titled00:44
jbichaDriver doc page00:44
CaptainkrtekI can fix that00:45
jbichapersonally I'm mostly done with the Natty docs and we're not ready to mess with Oneiric yet00:46
CaptainkrtekIm also starting with with ubuntu-manual00:46
jbichaso I'm working with gnome 3 packaging stuff for fun, and I'll also work with Gnome upstream docs if I make time for it00:47
Captainkrtekyeah I'll try to figure out the gnome stuff00:47
Captainkrtekany idea when oneiric work will start?00:47
jbichaNatty has 2 printing pages that need done, install a printer and set as default but it may take me a few days to get to it00:47
CaptainkrtekI can do that today maybe00:48
CaptainkrtekIll put natty on a live cd and run it on my downstairs PC00:48
jbichaoneiric can start once we get natty finalized,  starting before that means we have to merge any natty changes00:50
jbichaand you can make your own branches for stuff if you want to try something different00:51
jbichaor have changes that aren't ready for our main branch or something00:51
jbichaa bzr shared repo would probably be handy for working with multiple branches but I haven't learned how to effectively use one yet00:52
Captainkrtekwas talking to j1mc yesterday00:56
Captainkrtekabout setting deadlines more specifically00:56
jbichathe way I understand the freeze we're in now for Natty is we can still make necessary changes and we can still add content but we shouldn't make other changes00:58
jbichaso as not to annoy our translators00:58
Captainkrtekso now just work on stuff like stubs00:58
jbichanot exactly, a lot of those stubs were just for brainstorming and we don't necessarily need them now00:59
jbichaI was confused on that myself, the first thing I did was spend a bunch of time on the cheese stub which worked and is useful01:00
Captainkrtekhow long have you been working on ubuntu-docs ?01:00
jbichabut we don't necessarily need the other app- stubs now, I think Gnome's idea was it was supposed to be a quick advertisement01:01
jbichawith an install link or documentation link01:01
jbichaa few weeks but I was interested for a year01:01
Captainkrtekahh cool01:01
CaptainkrtekI'm trying to pick this up quickly, appreciate the tips and pointers01:02
jbichayeah, no problem, we have to keep new contributors happy or they'll find something else to do :-)01:02
Captainkrtekfeed us more hot pockets ;-)01:03
Captainkrtekjbicha, one Q for you, how often do our commits get pushed to updates?01:07
jbichawell, all SRUs have to get approval from the SRU team and first go to -proposed01:08
jbichathen if enough good feedback is received on the SRU bug, it is then pushed to -updates01:08
Captainkrtekhow long does that usually take?01:09
jbichait could be a few days, if there's no feedback then it can even get removed from -proposed without going to -updates01:09
Captainkrtekoh interesting01:10
Captainkrtekstill learning the ropes around here hehe01:10
Captainkrtekthere's a process for everything :-)01:10
jbichaSRUs and backports are a bit of a hassle, it's a lot easier to get stuff fixed before release freeze01:13
Captainkrtekalso, what about editing the official wiki?01:13
jbichaanyone can do that, do enough good stuff and you can get wiki admin prilileges to edit restricted page or delete pages01:15
Captainkrtekahh cool :)01:15
Captainkrtekwas referring to: http://help.ubuntu.com/01:16
Captainkrteklike the official documentation wik01:16
Captainkrtekthat just our .pages ?01:16
Captainkrtekoh cool01:18
jbichaand help.ubuntu.com pulls from there overnight or something01:18
Captainkrtekahh nice :)01:18
jbichathat doesn't need SRU or anything01:18
Captainkrtekvery cool01:18
Captainkrtekgoing to pull that branch01:19
jbichamdke syncs our branch with that one as needed01:19
Captainkrtekdo you work much with that branch?01:19
jbichano, it's just snapshots of the other branches01:20
Captainkrtekjbicha, any projects you can reccomend to work on besides ubuntu-doc and ubuntu-manual?01:28
jbichathere's the server guide, kubuntu-docs, etc.01:30
Captainkrtekokay :)01:30
jbichayou can find some app that needs better docs, like this one for instance:01:30
Captainkrtekthanks :)01:31
jbichathere are apps that no one is working on yet, so you can write the whole thing if you want01:31
jbichabut you probably should work with somebody at first to help you with syntax & writing style01:31
Captainkrtekjust requested permissions to the gitorious01:38
Captainkrtekon that app01:38
Captainkrtekthanks for all the help jbicha :-)01:39
jbichaI'd expect you should introduce yourself too01:41
Captainkrtekin the mailing list?02:07
jbichaif you're asking for commit access, the people controlling that want to know you are02:15
Captainkrtekgood point02:15
Captainkrtekjust list my experience?02:15
jbichayeah, just say who you're are, what you've done, and why you need it02:15
jbichasome people like to see patches first, I don't know about this group02:16
Captainkrtek"why you need it" Should I ask up front then? like "im requesting..."02:17
jbichanot sure I understand you, but you should say something about why you requested commit privileges02:29
Captainkrtekalready sent :/02:29
jbichaI meant "introduce yourself to the guys using gitorious" but it's good anyway02:56
jbichabecause I'm not part of the Evolution docs rewrite, just mentioned it as an example02:58
Captainkrtekthought you meant for the Ubuntu-docs team02:58
Captainkrtekjbicha, you online?07:43
Captainkrtekjbicha, if so: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~steven.richards/+junk/gnome-help/revision/156207:44
Captainkrtekfixed that drivers page, or just check your email07:44
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Captainkrtekjbicha, you here?22:32
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=== feeyoisthebest is now known as Captainkrtek
Captainkrtekhey Rocket2DMn you have commit rights ?23:42
Rocket2DMnhi Captainkrtek , yes i do23:44
Captainkrtekcould you look at this patch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~steven.richards/+junk/gnome-help/revision/156223:45
Rocket2DMni'm seeing some spelling mistakes23:46
Captainkrteklet me fix those23:46
Rocket2DMn"that beings with" "for thee word"...23:46
Rocket2DMn Hardward section23:47
Captainkrtekill fix all those, one sec23:48
Rocket2DMn <item><p>1. Run the command  - you dont need to number the list manualy23:49
CaptainkrtekRocket2DMn, I ported this document from the official wiki23:49
CaptainkrtekI know, I had some issues with getting sub-lists23:49
Rocket2DMni expect you should be able to embed lists in mallard23:50
CaptainkrtekI tried using <tree>23:50
Rocket2DMntbh i'm not a big fan of porting much wiki documentation to the system docs, so much of it is very specific and difficult to maintain23:50
Captainkrtekit was a syntax nightmare to embed it23:50
Rocket2DMnanyway, you could probably do <list><item><p><list>...23:51
Rocket2DMnmay not need the <p>23:51
Captainkrtekdidn't work23:51
Rocket2DMnhmm documentation seems to indicate that you can23:52
CaptainkrtekI did follow the documentation23:52
Captainkrteklet me try again23:52
Rocket2DMnlooks like there is a "type" attribute so you can number the list with "numbered" value if that's what oy uwant23:53
Captainkrtek<list type="numbered">23:54
Captainkrtekim trying it again23:54
Rocket2DMni would take out all the links to the wiki anchors23:55
Captainkrtekall the other wiki docs online?23:55
Rocket2DMnnot saying dont link to the wiki where appropriate, but were you have something like: Run the command <link href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Wireless23:55
Rocket2DMn 23:55
Rocket2DMnTroubleShootingGuide/Commands#iwlist">sudo iwlist</link>23:55
Rocket2DMnnot sure if that's just the diff causing problems, but i wouldnt break up a link across lines either23:56
Rocket2DMnthat's a rather large diff, i dont really have time to review it all right now, i literally just walked in from work when i logged in, gotta go make some dinner here shortly23:57
Captainkrtekokay no problem23:57
Captainkrtekill keep working on it23:57
Rocket2DMnin any case, i wouldnt let the directions get too technical, there is no need to maintain complex directions in the system docs ,you can always link to the wiki for additional support23:58
Rocket2DMncommon troubleshooting steps are good to have though23:59
Captainkrtekill remove some of the steps23:59
Rocket2DMnlike i said, i havent reviewed it all, there could be some great directions in there, it's difficult to see from the diff how complex or difficult they are to follow23:59

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