
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3
syrinx_so, I applied for ops08:42
syrinx_what should I do next08:42
syrinx_I understand that being op is a big job, a tedious job...08:43
tsimpsonsyrinx_: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements08:44
syrinx_tsimpson: I follow all of those rules, and stay active in #ubuntu as well as #ubuntu-offtopic08:45
syrinx_I think a few ops here could vouch for me, altough I MAY be wrong...08:46
tsimpsonsyrinx_: you haven't followed the instructions08:46
tsimpsonyou need to put your irc nick/account on your LP page first08:47
tsimpsonyou also need to sign the ubuntu code of conduct08:47
syrinx_I've always followed the rules, have a launchpad, subcribed to the mailing list, and am active in the channels i wish to OP08:48
syrinx_but not, I haven't signed the CoC, how do I do that?08:48
valixhi all, I would like t have a cloak as ubuntu-member. This is my launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/~valix09:47
m4vvalix: it seems there's no staff active for get a new shinny cloak, just wait for a bit, you have provided all the relevant info.10:21
mlazzari2Hello everyone, I'm here to ask for the Cloaks of ubuntu member. this is my address LP: https: / / launchpad.net / ~ mlazzari210:22
mlazzari2ops sorry : https://launchpad.net/~mlazzari210:22
vish jussi topyli tsimpson elky ^^ | mlazzari210:22
tsimpsonone sec please10:23
mlazzari2yep :)10:23
valixm4v, thanks for the reply.10:24
tsimpsonvalix, mlazzari2: you're both all set :)10:26
valixtsimpson, thanks10:26
mlazzari2tsimpson thanks, have a nice day10:27
vishtsimpson: not sure if this needs to be fixed, but nisshh had requested that his Ubuntu cloak be dropped, but is still listed in ~ubuntu-irc-cloaks team..10:31
* vish not sure what that protocol is there.10:31
vishor any ircc ^10:32
tsimpsoni'll get on that10:32
syrinx_alright, i've signed the code of conduct :D15:19
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