
=== panda is now known as Guest7646
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mfilipehello! I want compile a custom kernel with generic-pae config but the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile doesn't help :(06:53
mfilipehow do I do this? I only compile a custom kernel same config of generic-pae 06:54
mfilipefor start06:54
mfilipeafter I want apply a custom patch but I need apply with patch program or is there any way more organized? 06:55
mfilipeI see that kernel-package has the --apply-patches but I don't know if it works with custom patch06:55
mfilipeI tried extract the /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.38.tar.bz2, copied the config of generic-pae in /boot and compile with make-kpkg, but I always get kernel panic06:58
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smbmfilipe, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel might help more.08:27
mfilipesmb, it is very confuse :(08:29
mfilipeI see tree ways to compile kernel: (1) using commands of kernel vanilla, (2) debian/rules and (3) kernel-package08:30
mfilipesome people say that kernel-package is the better solution08:30
mfilipebut when I compile my kernel with it, I get kernel panic08:31
mfilipeI will try with debian/rules08:31
smbNot if you want a kernel compiled as the provided one. Then dpkg / debian is the way to go. Everything else either has not the whole packaging or is not too well tested (we don'T use kernel-package)08:32
mfilipesmb, the better way to apply a patch is in kernel source with patch command or is there a way more organized?08:40
smbmfilipe, For just applying the change patch is the way to do it. And the simplest08:42
mfilipethanks a lot for your help! :)08:42
smbUsually "patch -p1 < <source file>"08:43
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mfilipehello! I want apply a patch in generic-pae. So, how do I do to create a kernel called i915patch using debian/rules based in generic-pae?14:00
smbmfilipe, You can modify the version number in debian.master/changelog14:01
smbSo on the first line14:01
tgardnermfilipe, everything you need to know is somewhere in here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel14:01
smbchange 2.6.x-y.z -> 2.6.x-y.6+i915patch14:01
smberr last 6 should be z14:02
tgardnerogasawara, did you ever find the armel build problem with oneiric? I rebased to -rc6 last night and pushed to master-next.14:04
ogasawaratgardner: I've finally been able to reproduce it on kakadu.  It's basically because the compiler is optimizing a loop in megaraid_sas into a divmod call, but the error message isn't verbose enough to point out where, so I'm still hunting it down.14:06
tgardnerogasawara, has is struck you that kakadu is vaguely scatological ?14:08
ogasawaratgardner: hehe, not till you mentioned it :)14:08
tgardnerogasawara, now I've ruined your mind  with an idea :)14:09
* smb thinks he might ask tgardner whatever that means over a beer...14:09
tgardnersmb, giyf14:10
ogasawarasmb: google is your friend14:12
smbogasawara, Heh, ok. Thanks. :)14:13
smbUsually I ask leo whenever our leader comes up with a even more mystical attribute for a release...14:14
smbOk, so wikipedia knew it... :-P14:16
ogra_tgardner, armel doesnt build atm, gcc issues that cause apt to segfault14:16
ogra_dont even try :)14:16
ogra_Bug 77417514:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 774175 in apt "apt segfaults on armel in oneiric" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77417514:17
mfilipesmb, thanks man! :)14:18
tgardnerogra_, ok. oneiric  _is_ getting quite aways into the build but we're encountering a missing symbol error. We're not gonna worry about it too much for awhile.14:18
ogra_tgardner, ah14:18
ogra_well, i dont expect image builds before A114:19
ogra_tgardner, btw, would you mind bringing my ultra small wlan stick to UDS ? i forgot to claim it back last time14:19
tgardnerogra_, hmm, its so small that I haven't seen it in awhile.14:21
tgardnerI'll look around for it14:21
tgardnerthat the problem with thos itty bitty gizmos. they are easily lost14:21
ogra_hehe, or forgotten :)14:21
tgardnerwell, that too14:21
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
ogasawaratgardner: don't suppose we'll ever get armel chroots on tangerine for oneiric?15:18
tgardnerogasawara, hrmph. I can't even get them working reliably for natty.15:18
tgardnernot on a lucid host, that is.15:18
ogasawaratgardner: I figured as much, I won't hold my breath15:19
tgardnerogasawara, I guess we'll just have to stick with cross compiling for now15:19
bjfJFo, i'm going to edit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BugTriage/BugStates, feel free to revert my changes if you feel them inappropriate15:21
tgardnerogasawara, one thing we could consider is upgrading tangerine to natty. that would at least give you a natty armel schroot. alternatively, I could spend some serious time with slangasek whilst in Budapest to see if we can figure out the Lucid host issues.15:24
bjfJFo, i take that back, i made no changes, i'm unhappy with the page but not sure how to "fix" it15:28
ogasawaratgardner: nah, cross compiling should be fine, it's just unfortunately not triggering the gcc error at the moment15:29
* ogasawara back in 2015:36
JFobjf, I feel the same15:40
JFobeen trying to figure out how best to address it15:40
JFobut not making much in the way of progress15:40
bjfJFo, i'll send email with my thoughts, mostly what I don't like about it15:40
JFosounds good15:41
JFoI'll respond with some of what I have been thinking of as well15:41
JFomaybe we can figure it out15:41
Kanohi, is it possible to get 32+64 bit mainline kernel for 39rc616:11
Kanosince rc5 32 bit is not available16:11
Kanoit can not be that compilcated to change the config in order to skip that stupid module that does not build16:12
Kanosince 20th april only 64 bit is there16:13
Kano2 weeks for a config change?16:13
tgardnerKano, whats the config option that isn't building. I guess we don't check the success of the daily crack builds very often.16:22
Kanomaybe look at the log16:23
JFoI would have expected you had done that given your statement16:24
Kanofails, the option should not be that hard to find16:26
tgardnerCONFIG_FB_OLPC_DCON ?16:27
Kanolooks reasonable16:28
apwtgardner, turning off those things is normally done via the 'adhoc' patches16:32
apwwhich are based on the bust version of the file16:32
apwthere is one for another of the files in that driver16:33
tgardnerapw, looks like we've a patch in the ubuntu repo that include delay.h16:33
bjfJFo, wiki page rant sent16:33
apwadding the checksum to the patch for that additioanl file should do the trick i think16:33
apwtgardner, ok i'll look at switching the adhoc to that then16:34
tgardnerapw, there is already a 0004-DISABLE-olpc.patch16:34
apwyeah thats dependant on a file which seems to have gotten fixed16:34
apwtgardner, i'll widen it to all the files in that driver or something16:35
tgardnerapw, cool. its your baby now.16:35
mfilipeanyone has the processor intel iX? If answer yes, what is the temperature when it compiling kernel?16:46
mfilipeit is compiling kernel*16:46
Kanothere are iX cpus with 3 or 4 numbers16:47
mfilipeI'm using intel i5 560M and the temperature is 84C when compile kernel16:48
smbmfilipe, The kernel compile surely tests how well your cooling works as it uses all cores16:48
smb84 is surely not good16:49
mfilipeit is a mobile version 16:50
mfilipei'm compiling with --jobs=4 (make-kpkg)16:50
mfilipesmb, i use a thinkpad with cooler control through software (thinkfan)16:52
smbFrom personal experience compiling on a laptop usually causes high temperature. I would probably try to limit the upper frequence though it takes longer then16:52
JFobjf, I think your explanation clarifies what I was worried about and provides a better way forward than what I had. I agree completely.16:53
mfilipethe cooler is running with disengaged level16:53
bjfJFo, i'm wondering if i should pass that around to a larger audience as a general comment on our wiki pages16:54
JFoI think so. It would definitely benefit imo16:54
smbmfilipe, Well disabling fans and running cpu intensive tasks is a good recipe for meltdown.. :-P16:54
mfilipebut disengaged level is the extreme level of cooler... it is running with ~5800 RPM16:55
smbah, so the wording is a bit misleading16:56
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apwtgardner, ok rebuilding the last mainline tag to see if that fixes things17:21
tgardnerapw, kano thanks you17:22
Kanowould be nice for oss testing17:22
Kanoa new kernel17:22
Kanofor userspace i have got already scripts17:23
jgouldI installed a new kernel .deb (and the header.debs) Now none of my modules are working.  for the life of me I can't recall how to complie the modules for the new kernel17:26
Kanoif you try .39 kernel you may need to patch em17:27
Kanowhich modules do you need17:27
jgouldndiswrapper, plymouth for srue17:28
Kanoplymouth has no module17:28
Kanobut ndiswrapper was a kernel patch, logically you need that now external17:28
apwjgould, it would depend which kernel you are installing17:28
apwjgould, yeah so thats mainline and doesn't include ndiswrapper, thats an ubuntu add on and those are not ubuntu kernels17:29
jgouldI can't use the stock .38-8-generic17:29
apwjgould, why so ?17:30
jgouldIt contains the bug that affects the i915 graphic chipset17:30
apwwhich bug is that?17:30
apwis the 38-9 kernel in -proposed affected ?17:30
ubot2bugzilla.redhat.com bug 669489 in kernel "Include ACPI _DSM index and label support" [High,New]17:30
jgouldapw: you lost me with -proposed17:32
jgouldI'm just coming back to Ubuntu after about 10 years away from linux17:32
apwthere is a proposed pocket, this contains the likely next updates, and does currently contain a kernel update17:32
apwjgould, but either way you won't find an ndiswrapper for the mainline kernels, as they don't include ubuntu modules17:33
jgouldfucking intel hardware17:37
apwjgould, worth testing both the proposed kernel and the preproposed on as both have a lot of stable updates17:37
apw^^ for the proposed kernels17:37
apw^^ for pre-proposed17:38
apwjgould, if there is no ubuntu bug for that filed, please file one and link it to the redhat one17:42
apwtgardner, am i expecting brcm80211 to work at all?  i just noticed i am using it on this machine, rather unexpectedly17:43
tgardnerapw, 2.6.39 ?17:43
apwno i seem to be running a 2.6.38-9 kernel17:43
tgardnerit works in most cases. I think it still has issues with WPA2 enterprise.17:43
tgardnerits still staging17:44
apwhmmm, ok, i'll let it play this week and see how/if it copes 17:44
jgouldapw, I've never found one, but I may not have the right terms17:45
apwi wonder when it switched over17:46
apwjgould, then do file one with ubuntu-bug17:46
mfilipesmb, I could compile the kernel with make-kpkg!!! :)17:47
mfilipethe commend was very big: make-kpkg --rootcmd=fakeroot --initrd --append-to-version=-i915patch --overlay-dir=/home/mfilipe/Workspace/linux-2.6.38-i915patch/linux-2.6.38 --revision=1 --jobs=4 kernel_image kernel_headers17:47
hggdhbjf: I just ran SRU tests against the karmix EC2 kernel; but the versions being reported are weird17:51
bjfhggdh, weird as in ?17:51
hggdhbjf: /proc/version_signature reports Ubuntu 2.6.31-308.28-ec2, but dpkg shows 2.6.31-308.2917:52
hggdhsorry, slow typing17:52
bjfhggdh, not sure what to say about that17:55
bjfsconklin, thoughts? ^17:55
sconklinstrange, let me look at that branch of the repo17:56
bjfsconklin, looking at the .changes for the package i uploaded, it looks right to me18:00
tgardnerbjf, the repo shows Ubuntu-2.6.31-308.2918:03
bjftgardner, yes18:03
tgardnerbjf, this might be a  CONFIG_VERSION_SIGNATURE issue18:04
tgardnerhggdh, are you sure you booted the right kernel ?18:07
hggdhtgardner: sure? No. But please see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/603352/18:09
* ppisati -> gym18:09
tgardnerhggdh, hmm, definitely bizarre.18:12
hggdhhum. Let me do a quick sanity check with smoser18:13
hggdhtgardner: some ec2 versions have peculiarities...18:15
jgouldBug has been filed18:15
tgardnerhggdh, well, they shouldn't have version peculiarities.18:16
tgardnerhggdh, I downloaded the package and groveled vmlinuz-2.6.31-308-ec2 for strings:Linux version 2.6.31-308-ec2 (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.4.1 (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu9) ) #29-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 22:02:21 UTC 2011 (Ubuntu 2.6.31-308.29-ec2)18:18
bjftgardner, i did some comparison between what is in our ppa and what is in the pocket, and they match18:21
hggdhso I really need to check with smoser18:21
tgardnerhggdh, yep. good catch on the version though.18:21
hggdhtgardner: the peculiarities come in play on how one boots the original instance...18:21
bjfhggdh, something seems wonky on your end18:21
jgouldOk. Back to the MacOS on this other machine for a while...18:32
JFo<-grabbing food... back soon18:37
* tgardner --> lunch18:54
* jjohansen -> lunch20:16
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smoserhggdh, i would assume that the kernel is reporting itself wrong in that case.20:58
tgardner-afksmoser, its can't be. that string is only stored in one place. I think the wrong kernel got installed.21:00
smosertgardner-afk, hggdh so, i suspect that what happened here is that hggdh booted a karmic instance and apt-get upgrade (or perhaps apt-get dist-upgrade)21:02
smoserthe result is that the kernel in dpkg was upgraded, but karmic will forever boot the kernel that it booted with21:02
tgardner-afksmoser, that seems likely21:05
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smbhggdh, smoser Be careful when looking at versions as it is sometimes easy to catch the version of the meta-package instead of the binary21:42
* smb -> off for real21:47
hggdhsmb indeed, will keep it in mind21:48

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