
mhall119olive: it's something that was available, and had been used to great success at SCaLE earlier this year00:04
mhall119if there was an open source solution that would give the same features for the same effort, rest assured we'd have used that00:04
mhall119olive: i've your interested in contributing: https://launchpad.net/summit is the AGPL'd source for summit.ubuntu.com, we'd love to have extra contributors00:20
mhall119pleia2: ping01:34
pleia2mhall119: pong01:35
mhall119pleia2: I'm testing out LD's ability to handle multiple teams on a single event: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/957/detail/01:35
mhall119was wondering if you could keep an eye out for anything breaking01:35
pleia2will do :)01:35
mhall119since A) it's for your loco and B) you're good at finding bugs in LD01:35
* pleia2 sad at missing out on tokyo express with the fl loco01:36
mhall119pleia2: you can hang out with the fl loco in Budapest at least01:40
pleia2yes :)01:40
mhall119pleia2: if you go to http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/957/copy/, does the header say florida team or ubuntu california?01:47
pleia2You can not add a new event for this team. You are not a member of the team or on the LoCo Council.01:48
mhall119okay, thanks, that's something to take into consideration01:48
pleia2it does give me an option for editing it, just no likey copy :)01:49
mhall119thanks, I filed a bug for that01:59
mhall119somethign we'll need to fix before we allow multi-team events01:59
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Nurhello, anyone on?05:51
* BigWhale opens one eye.05:52
locodir-userhow can i make webcam to work 08:45
locodir-userany one free to chat08:47
oliveplease, join #ubuntu08:47
YoBoYhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-eo crazy country list :D09:49
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dakerYoBoY, yes!!09:52
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