
MootBotMeeting started at 18:03. The chair is cprofitt.00:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:03
cprofitthello all... All UBT members please say here00:03
cprofittalright... well...00:04
cprofittI think the Doodle poll was rather conclusive00:05
UndiFineDsame here00:05
MrChrisDruifIt kinda was.00:05
cprofittdoes anyone object to adopting the name pair of guide and student to replace master and padawan?00:05
MrChrisDruifMaybe link to the doodle for reference?00:05
cprofitt[LINK] http://doodle.com/3w8azia4bwnwv8fk00:05
MootBotLINK received:  http://doodle.com/3w8azia4bwnwv8fk00:05
MrChrisDruifcprofitt: There was only a vote for the new Master name00:06
UndiFineDshould I close it down tomorrow ?00:06
cprofitt[VOTE] Adopt the title pair of Guide and Student to replace Master and Padwan00:06
MootBotPlease vote on:  Adopt the title pair of Guide and Student to replace Master and Padwan.00:06
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:06
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:06
MootBot+1 received from cprofitt. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:06
MootBot+1 received from UndiFineD. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 200:06
MootBot-1 received from MrChrisDruif. 2 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:06
MrChrisDruifThere was never a vote about the new naming for student00:07
MootBot+1 received from hajour. 3 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 200:07
UndiFineDI could draw up an other doodle if wanted00:07
cprofittMrChrisDruif: correct -- there was no poll for it00:07
cprofittthat is why I wanted to vote here on the subject00:08
cprofittany more votes?00:08
MrChrisDruifHence I voted against the pair of Guide and Student.00:08
hajournot many around i think in meeting00:08
MrChrisDruifJackyAlcine: ^00:08
cprofittlast call for votes00:08
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 1 against. 0 abstained. Total: 200:08
cprofitt[AGREED] UBT to adopt Guide and Student in place of Master and Padawan00:09
MootBotAGREED received:  UBT to adopt Guide and Student in place of Master and Padawan00:09
UndiFineDhmmm, not really represenative for our team cprofitt00:09
cprofittUndiFineD: were there any other options for student put forth?00:09
MrChrisDruifI agree with the Guide (as is seen on the Doodle. I object against the Student00:09
cprofittif you want to make a poll we can do that00:09
cprofittI was only aware of student... but if there were others we can have a poll00:09
MrChrisDruifAnd I've seen other pass the avenue00:09
UndiFineDI proposed Student00:10
UndiFineDDuring the meeting Apprentice was suggested00:10
UndiFineDIn the past I have also used Mentee00:10
hajouri think a poll would be good to make cprofitt00:10
cprofittwell Mentee is for the Mentor / Mentee00:10
cprofittso already in use00:10
cprofitthajour: I agree00:10
cprofittlets make a poll for the padawan replacement00:10
cprofitt[AGREED] to hold on the padawan replacement and put a poll up00:10
MootBotAGREED received:  to hold on the padawan replacement and put a poll up00:10
hajourwelcome jledbetter00:10
UndiFineDwill do so after the meeting then00:10
cprofittI want to put a poll up and have it finish Sunday00:11
cprofittno need to have it drag on for multiple weeks00:11
hajouryes also noting the uds is coming many are very busy to prepare for uds cprofitt00:11
UndiFineDdo we need to start anything else for improving UBT: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-beginners/2011-April/001916.html00:11
cprofitthajour: the same reason I would like the title in place00:11
cprofittso we can use it at UDS00:12
hajoura ok i understand00:12
cprofittit takes very little time to go to a poll and click00:12
cprofittjledbetter: ?00:12
jledbetterSaying I'm here. Sorry.00:12
cprofitt[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-beginners-projects/+spec/community-o-ubuntu-beginners00:12
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-beginners-projects/+spec/community-o-ubuntu-beginners00:12
cprofittUndiFineD: you have the floor00:12
UndiFineDwell, we started on this blueprint together, do we need to add anything else onto it ?00:13
UndiFineDit talks of continued improvements00:13
UndiFineDand our lack of motu people00:14
UndiFineDI hope our little community is more widely known now, and we can attract the old guard00:15
UndiFineDand perhaps even help canonical people into the community00:15
MrChrisDruifThat last part shouldn't be too difficult....if only they wanted to come into the community :P00:17
UndiFineDMrChrisDruif, they do, and often I see them fail at the community boards00:17
hajouri was thinking on shift turns for helping in ubuntu-beginners no often there is no respond on questions very long time or all are there the same time00:18
hajourjust a idea00:18
MrChrisDruif"Working in shifts"?00:19
MrChrisDruifWe're no company00:19
UndiFineDwe flock ?00:19
hajourjust that there is at least a few00:19
cprofitthajour: I think we do a good job of filling the IRC channel00:20
cprofittI would be opposed to having scheduled shifts00:20
MrChrisDruif+1 on that00:20
cprofittwe have enough trouble figuring out GMT vs. UTC vs. EDT00:20
UndiFineDthe irc channel is filled, but response time is the issue00:20
hajourUndiFineD,  explains what i meant00:20
jledbetterlol cprofitt00:20
cprofittUndiFineD: we can not garauntee a response time00:20
MrChrisDruifNot always btw00:21
cprofitteven if we took shifts we can not garauntee that the people in the channel would know the answer00:21
jledbetterI was just typing that, cprofitt.00:21
cprofittI also think placing a formality to the role of a volunteer takes away the volunteer part of it00:21
UndiFineDthat is true as well00:21
hajourwhat i mean is in guide there is standing put in your question answer comes later but a part never get answer00:22
cprofitthajour: true... and I expect that to happen00:22
UndiFineDto fix time issues: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7607669/desktop/time.png00:22
MrChrisDruifGuide? I've never heard of that, other then being the new (approved?) name for master00:23
hajourwhen i came in channel it was write somewhere that it works that way MrChrisDruif  not remember exactly where anymore00:23
hajoura answer also can be to send you to a channel where can be answered00:24
MrChrisDruifI only see in the topic that you can directly start asking questions; if anybody knows the answer, they will most likely reply00:25
hajouroften is told to people put in the question they read back and then you later most of time get a answer.00:26
cprofittare we good on this topic? or should we take it to mailing list?00:26
MrChrisDruifYou mean that when the active people on IRC don't know the answer, that they should put it on the forums?00:27
hajouri not know i just said what i had noticed00:27
cprofittI think it is an excellent topic for the support FG to address more completely00:27
hajourthat can but if you are new often you not know how the forum works00:27
UndiFineDcprofitt, maybe we should add an entry message saying response time may vary but often is within 10 minutes00:27
cprofittUndiFineD: we could...00:28
cprofittnot sure how many would see that in the topic00:28
UndiFineDwhen people know an answer00:28
cprofittbut it is a good question for the FG to figure out00:28
jledbetter+1 to support talking amongst itself and going to the ML later00:28
MrChrisDruifAnd also, it's not guaranteed; no need to put something like that in the topic00:29
UndiFineDand that they can also ask their question in #ubuntu00:29
hajourUndiFineD,  types my idea now00:29
cprofittUndiFineD: can you share the UDS Blueprint with the general mailing list too?00:29
hajourthanks UndiFineD00:29
cprofittjledbetter: did you have any response from kdotj?00:29
cprofittor Gamegoodfs200:30
cprofittI am going to remove the folks on our list that have been contacted00:30
jledbettercprofitt, Everybody that I contacted wanted to have a master. If someone said no or didn't reply, I would have removed him/her00:30
hajourthe thing is not all people have a own pc.many have to share it and kids often must do the pc offline in night00:30
cprofittunless you had conversations with them00:30
cprofittok... so you contacted them, but did not take them on...00:31
UndiFineDI have room for 1 more00:31
jledbetterYeah. That was before I was officially allowed.00:31
hajourso its often not possible to wait on a answer that i mean cprofitt00:31
cprofittfor the guide ???? you can take on more than one... potentially several since you are really just getting them setup with the basics00:32
UndiFineDI already have 2 now00:32
jledbetterYeah. Documentation says we had to be approved.00:32
MrChrisDruifBtw, should all the Guides be in all the FG IRC's? Getting to know all the mentors?00:32
cprofitt[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Membership00:32
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Membership00:32
cprofittMrChrisDruif: no... the guides need not do that00:33
cprofittplease take a look at that list and try to contact the people who have not been listed as contacted00:33
cprofittI usually try to stay w/in my time zone, but for basic information email can work as well00:34
UndiFineDI started numbering them, so we maintain some order of new entries00:34
UndiFineDsee who has been on the list longest00:34
cprofittif you are willing to take a person on you can send them an email00:34
cprofittand note that you sent a contact out00:34
cprofittonce you take them on remove them from this list00:34
MrChrisDruifHow would a Guide be a good help if for instance he knows a lot about wiki stuff and nothing about bug triaging? Or development? How would he direct them in the right way? Just saying "Go to that channel and ask for a mentor?"00:35
cprofitt[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Mentors00:35
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Mentors00:35
cprofittand add them to that list00:35
cprofittMrChrisDruif: a guide just has to help a person throught he basics...00:35
cprofittgetting an LP account, the CoC, starting a wiki page00:35
cprofittthey do not have to be an expert00:36
cprofittthe Mentors are the experts in particular areas00:36
UndiFineDI think I should take over JasonO from pedro, who has been away for a long time now00:36
cprofittUndiFineD: +100:36
jledbetterDon't we have someone that's lead of the mentor/master/guide program?00:36
hajourUndiFineD,  already is guiding JasonO  the most btw00:36
cprofittsubscribing to the membership page will send you email alerts when people signup00:37
cprofittand is a good way to ensure we try contacting these people quickly00:37
cprofittfor example00:37
cprofitt[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/dlopez1200:38
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/dlopez1200:38
cprofittread his page -- in regards to UBT00:38
cprofitthe edited the membership page on 3-13,, set a goal of being a member by May 1st00:38
cprofittand has not been contacted yet00:39
cprofittwe need to try to ensure that we get to people more quickly than that00:39
MrChrisDruifcprofitt: Setting a goal is all fine and dandy of course, but if he isn't even contacted, how would he know how long it takes to become a member?00:40
jledbetterMaybe we should batch people a little.00:40
cprofittMrChrisDruif: I agree...00:40
UndiFineDand I have not even seen him around our channels00:40
cprofittBut us not contacting the person for over a month is not a good thing either00:40
UndiFineDso how serious is he00:41
cprofittsome people may not follow through, but I want to ensure we do00:41
cprofittwe can question them, but that is truly unfair given that we have not follow through either00:41
cprofittthat is why I would like to see - the contacted by / date00:41
MrChrisDruifWe work best in IRC...00:41
JasonOhajour I'm here.00:41
jledbetterSome work best in email :)00:42
MrChrisDruifAloha JasonO00:42
cprofittif those people have not been removed from the list within 30 days of being contacted then we should remove them from the list00:42
JasonOHi MrChrisDruif00:42
hajourok great hello JasonO00:42
cprofittMrChrisDruif: the UBT works in email, forums, ask ubuntu and IRC00:42
cprofittso we need to at least try to contact folks via email00:42
JasonOHi hajour00:42
jledbetterAnd if via email can work outside our time zone00:42
cprofittjledbetter: can you take on those people that said they want a guide?00:43
cprofittthat you contacted?00:43
jledbettercprofitt, Yes, but I fear, frankly, being stretched too thin.00:43
cprofittjledbetter: take one what you can -- and pass the others to me00:43
cprofittI will get them started00:43
UndiFineDduane has taken on some new ones too00:44
jledbettercprofitt, Ok, thank you. I'll contact them tonight.00:44
cprofittthanks jledbetter00:44
cprofittwe need to remove people from that list if we have taken them on00:45
cprofittany other topics from the floor?00:45
MrChrisDruifCan the European people finally go to bed?00:46
cprofittMrChrisDruif: yes00:46
cprofittthanks for coming everyone00:46
hajour hehe MrChrisDruif00:46
UndiFineDthanks people00:46
cprofittI apologize for screwing up the GMT UTC stuff00:46
MrChrisDruifYour welcome, I'll see the doodle in the mail :P00:46
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:46.00:46
UndiFineDI will create the poll, update the wiki00:46
hajournp cprofitt00:47
MrChrisDruifThe wiki? Let me :D00:48
hajourUndiFineD,  is in pm but says ok MrChrisDruif00:50
MrChrisDruifWorking as we speak, also a clean up ;)00:51
hajourgreat MrChrisDruif00:52
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* cking --> lunch and run some errands, back in 1.5 hours or so12:07
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* stgraber waves16:02
czajkowskiway too happy for a meeting16:02
* slangasek waves16:03
MootBotMeeting started at 10:05. The chair is slangasek.16:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:05
slangasek[TOPIC] lightning round16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  lightning round16:05
slangaseklet's see, how do we do this16:05
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson barry doko csurbhi stgraber jhunt)16:07
slangasekdoko csurbhi stgraber cjwatson barry jhunt16:07
slangaseklet's try that :)16:07
slangasekdoko: hey there16:07
dokoopening oneiric, syncs & merges, chasing apt miscompilation on armel16:07
psurbhi*) worked on a bug for getting btrfs subvolume support in os-prober (bug 764893)16:08
psurbhi*) worked on adding btrfs subvolume support in the rescue package.16:08
psurbhi*) working on resolving an upstream bug: ext4: cannot unfreeze a filesystem due to a deadlock16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764893 in os-prober (Ubuntu Oneiric) "os-prober: does not detect Ubuntu in btrfs subvolume" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76489316:08
stgraberThis week I've mostly been looking through specs for UDS, trying to get familiar with the Foundations ones, proposing a few and fighting with the schedule, the usual :)16:09
stgraberAlso been looking a bit at merges/syncs for Oneiric and worked on the gdm/kdebase-workspace Natty SRU (bug 436936).16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436936 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Natty) "gdm upstart job checks /proc/cmdline for single user mode, won't start on post-boot runlevel change" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43693616:09
cjwatson - Quite a bit of archive maintenance.  Opened Oneiric in record time, thanks doko. :-)16:09
cjwatson - Loads of installer syncs/merges, plus openssl, memtest86+, rpm, ttf-cjk-compat, and ntfs-3g.16:09
cjwatson - Oneiric planning with Steve.16:09
cjwatson - Patch pilot this morning.16:09
cjwatson - Working on and off on GRUB package reorganisation.16:09
cjwatsonTo do:16:09
cjwatson - Complete Oneiric planning.16:10
cjwatson - Finish GRUB repackaging.  My goal here is to provide coinstallable versions of all the GRUB platform packages, making it simpler to build GRUB-based images.16:10
cjwatsonpsurbhi: and I owe you an os-prober review16:10
barrydhpy2 transition; python3 transition; debug bug 616742 (avogadro -> dhpy2); patch pilot; gnome bug 649165 (review); bug 772026 (apport -> dhpy2/dh - ongoing); system & schroot upgrades. done.16:10
ubottuGnome bug 649165 in introspection "Enumeration symbols are LC_CTYPE specific" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64916516:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772026 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport depends on python-central, which is deprecated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77202616:10
jhunt_Natty sprint and install testing, which found bug 771241. Tracked down16:10
jhunt_some nasty libnih bugs (bug 776532 (has fix plan), bug 777093 (has MP)16:10
jhunt_and bug 777097 (has MP)). Investigative work for OEM team. Documented16:10
jhunt_TODO items for Upstart session support (bug 776392).  Bit of work on new16:10
jhunt_Upstart testing tool and investigations into some new Upstart tooling.16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771241 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel command-line console handling broken in natty" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77124116:10
jhunt_UDS planning and discussions with Server Team.16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776532 in libnih "nih_dir_walk_scan passes incorrect value to file filter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77653216:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777093 in libnih "nih_watch_reader() doesn't handle inotify queue overflow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77709316:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777097 in libnih "nih_watch_handle() does not handle file watches correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77709716:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776392 in upstart (Ubuntu) "finish user session support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77639216:10
barrysorry that should have been debian bug 61674216:11
ubottuDebian bug 616742 in src:avogadro "avogadro: deprecation of dh_pycentral, please use dh_python2" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/61674216:11
dokobarry: what do you mean by "dhpy2 transition" and  "python3 transition" ?16:11
slangasekand that's why we call it the lightning round then :)16:11
barrydoko: been working on the py3 spreadsheet, will be sending out a call for participation later today.  been also going through the pycentral bugs and working up patches16:12
* slangasek throws in his own two cents16:13
slangasekbeen working on oneiric planning; also working on clearing a backlog of process-removals from Debian (only 2 years or so of backlog); maybe will get to start doing some merges at the end of the week (maybe)16:14
slangasekwhich leads us right to...16:15
slangasek[TOPIC] UDS16:15
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS16:15
slangasekI assume everyone has their tickets booked already ;)16:15
* cjwatson panics ... no, wait, it's OK16:16
* barry even found his passport :)16:16
cjwatson(I did have to apologise to admin for being late though)16:16
slangasekif any lightbulbs have gone off suddenly after oneiric opened to make you realize there's something else we should be working on for this cycle and need to discuss... it's not too late to get it on the agenda16:17
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cjwatsonthe deadline is Friday, right?16:17
slangasekin the meantime we're still getting everything turned into blueprints, and making the autoscheduler earn its keep16:18
slangasekso drop a proposal on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/OneiricPlanning, or ping me or cjwatson with details16:18
dokonot sure if it's worth talking about buildd availability for test rebuilds, the soyuz people and hardware enabling people are not present16:18
cjwatsondoko: it might be better to arrange separate discussions with them+IS for that16:19
stgraberI was actually just thinking of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-foundations-n-improved-support-declarations and if we should schedule it again for uds-o. Will add it to the wiki.16:19
cjwatsonstgraber: does it need re-discussion, or just drafting + implementation?16:19
stgrabercjwatson: probably just drafting + implementation. Would have to see if we have notes for this one though (nothing in the blueprint itself)16:20
cjwatsonit looks like it has the bulk of a spec, but nobody's done the thinking to distil it down to actionable items ... it feels vague to me16:21
cjwatsonthe blueprint links to a wiki page that has a chunk of it16:21
barryslangasek: there are two foundations-o-python-version blueprints, one for ubuntu (carried over from n) and one for python.  i'll consolidate those and we can get rid of one of them16:21
cjwatsonbut it's not a completed spec16:21
cjwatson(the Design section has multiple alternatives, no decision taken ...)16:21
stgraberyeah, I was kind of hoping to see work items in there and the spec being deferred, but it's not the case :(16:21
slangasekbarry: ack, thanks16:21
slangasekstgraber, cjwatson: useful to re-discuss this then to drive it to conclusion?  or does someone need to go have a think about it first?16:22
cjwatson(I was mostly there for comic relief, persia and stgraber were the main drivers I think)16:23
cjwatsonpersia was the drafter - I'll check with him whether he just ran out of time, or whether he feels it needs more discussion16:24
stgrabersounds good16:24
slangasek[ACTION] cjwatson to check with persia whether more discussion is needed on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-foundations-n-improved-support-declarations at UDS16:25
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to check with persia whether more discussion is needed on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-foundations-n-improved-support-declarations at UDS16:25
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:25
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:25
slangasekgood news, bad news?16:25
cjwatsonaction done16:26
cjwatsonpsurbhi: are you planning to re-discuss upstart-in-initramfs this UDS, or can implementation continue without that?16:27
cjwatson(I'm happy either way, but now is the time to check)16:27
slangasekno news is good news then ;)16:32
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:32.16:32
slangasekthanks, everyone - see you Sunday!16:32
stgrabersee you all in Budapest!16:32
barryi'm already hungary!  <groan>16:33
cjwatsonpsurbhi: hm, did you see my question above?16:33
psurbhicjwatson, yes16:33
psurbhii am planning to do a rediscussin16:33
psurbhinow much better equipped16:33
psurbhihad not thought of doing a session16:34
psurbhibut can do16:34
psurbhisorry, for missing your question before saying thanks too soon :(16:34
cjwatsonwell, you're not required to, that's up to you - but a note on the OneiricPlanning page would be good16:34
cjwatsonespecially if you reckon a session would be useful16:34
psurbhiI think a short session at least would help others see where we are right now16:34
psurbhiand also get inputs on how we go about it16:35
psurbhiyes! i do think it will be useful16:35
* psurbhi shall prepare for a short session16:35
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