[01:15] [02:15:02] *** Nisstyre is now known as Mark_Shuttlecock. [03:48] * Jordan_U doubts that AlexGer has actually gotten that error from Ubuntu, and further doubts that they have any intention of actually trying Ubuntu. [03:48] you mean the camerabin error? [04:02] IdleOne: "No installable kernel was found in the defined APT sources." during install. [04:03] yeah I looked at scroll back I had confused them with someone else [04:39] the main helpers razzing unity and telling people to stay away from natty is not acceptable in my opinion [04:40] pointing out other options, like gnome classic mode, unity 2d and the like are fine, but to say in a somewhat veiled manner -unity sucks- just invites more of the same [04:40] +1 [06:04] bazhang: agreed, support channels are not the place to push anyones opinions [06:08] does anyone have a contact with the PSubuntu forum? [06:08] --moderators [06:09] PSUbuntu? [06:09] ps3's ubuntu page [06:09] I would be surprised if anyone did. And this isn't really the place anyway. [06:09] Sterist: ah, non-official builds. I don't know... [06:10] i figured as much but asking in the main channel is pretty much hopeless [06:10] sorry [06:10] there must be a contact us link on their forums [06:10] whois their domain [06:10] :D [06:11] ...there are still official builds cranking out for ps3 (but they dont install) all available from alternate downloads link [06:11] the forums are dead as a doornail [06:11] :( [06:12] Sterist: what I meant by non-official was that Canonical is not involved afaik. not an official derivative. [06:14] pretty sure the ps3 builds are run-of-the-mill PPC64 [06:14] #ubuntu-ps3 iirc [06:14] oooh ty [06:15] lol you just made it :( oh well, i'll cease convo on this channel. sorry [08:35] llutz called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest66097 trolling, spamming) [08:35] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from guest66097) [08:42] In ubottu, llutz said: no fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [08:48] shcherbak called the ops in #ubuntu () [08:51] surprised idoru did not get hyu [08:52] bazhang: idoru is not in #ubuntu [08:52] tsimpson, ah sorry, thought it was [08:52] it was, but not now [08:52] must be thinking of another channel [08:52] ah right [08:53] it was decided at a meeting to trial removing it: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/24/%23ubuntu-meeting.html [08:53] okay thanks [12:06] not sure why someone is using minimal install if they cannot get to the command line [12:31] bots behaved correctly? [12:31] well they kinda went crazy and all did +q and then -q on a serial spammer [12:31] * LjL greps [12:33] hmm. well i guess they behaved as expected, mostly (the spam was not of the kind that would trigger a ban) - the bad thing is the multiple -q, i'll have to fix that somehow [12:34] and by the way, on the topic of triggering bans - i've made a change yesterday, now whenever someone is "detected as abusive", they get banned for good [12:34] the !ops message here has been changed to specify that [12:34] and also, they get a PM saying they should join #ubuntu-ops if it's an error [12:34] added to akick ? [12:35] no no, just banned as opposed to temporarily muted [12:35] ah right [12:35] What sort of false positives has that been having? [12:36] s/sort/percentage/ [12:37] Flannel: not many to my knowledge, since it always called !ops in the first place so ops would have complained about any false positives, i imagine ;) [12:37] let me try something [12:37] +q me by nickname and +z the channel please [12:38] (and stay opped if you want to see) [12:40] in #u? [12:40] yes [12:40] i'm going to spam a little - the +q is so that my spam isn't seen by users [12:40] mhmm, I gathered as much [12:41] auto_bleh will remove it in 10 (in case I die, etc, but fair warning) [12:42] did good to test, as it isn't working =) [12:46] * LjL is bit puzzled [12:48] LjL: also, having 3 of them opped creates a bit of modespam everytime they -q someone [12:49] jussi: yeah that's what bazhang pointed out i think. wish the server ignored the other -q's (it does ignore +q's) [12:49] i'll have to find a solution to that [12:50] No notification, by the way. [12:50] indeedely [12:50] LjL: I think you're back to normal now [12:50] yes, good idea to point that out [12:51] LjL: So don't go spouting randomness :) [12:56] jussi: i should have worked around the -q spam now, but anyway i might eventually just go back to having only one opped at a time. i thought having all three opped would improve reaction time, but i'm not even so sure [12:58] jussi: have you seen/pondered my -council request of yesterday? [12:59] LjL: ahh yes - I was waiting for you to join -bots-team [13:01] ok Flannel can you +zq again? last time, i promise! maybe. [13:01] ashmew2 is a known issue from u-r-p days [13:03] LjL: 10 minutes again [13:04] eh? [13:04] what the hell, it still doesn't work [13:04] Pici: testing bots [13:04] LjL: ah [13:06] i think i've broken the whole flood thing :\ reverting to old code [13:06] although i don't see how i broke it [13:07] actually, maybe i know. removing the floodbots for a moment to test them in different channel [13:11] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (LjL appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on) [13:11] hehe [13:11] permaban! [13:11] =) sorry, are going to be a few fake calls [13:14] LjL: you're done in #u [13:14] ok [13:14] going to continue testing in #floodbot anyway [13:16] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (LjL appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY - 6) [13:18] Flannel: so basically all the testing in #ubuntu was useless, because i forgot about a foundamental thing - that when you mute someone manually, then the floodbots won't act on that specific mute again :) [13:20] -ot is especially annoying today. [13:21] Pici: you mean language calls are especially annoying? [13:21] LjL: Everything. [13:21] this is like star trek. "commander LjL, the bots can't take much more" [13:21] i think one of these days the bots will revolt and permban me [13:21] "don't tell me what the bots can take! i created them!" [13:22] the question is, will they do that first or will you :P [13:22] * [h4x0rs] (~maroccain@adsl196-211-58-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma): maroccain [13:23] oh lord [13:23] so it was maroccain yesterday too? [13:23] if someone else wants to handle this. he PM me some very nasty stuff last time I banned him for praising bin laden, and going on and on in that vein [13:24] he is ban evading, at the very least [13:24] he managed to be banned from ##club too [13:24] that really does mean he's bad :P [13:24] and ##linux [13:24] along with very bad bot [13:49] is h4x0rs evading yes/no ? [13:49] yes [13:50] it's the same guy we spoke about the other day I assume [13:50] yes [13:50] very abusive and openly calling attention to his ban evading [13:50] yes, I remember this discussion the other day [14:21] LPIC is the linux exam? [14:21] je ne sais pas [14:21] I believe so. [14:21] i want some document or blank exam if possible [14:21] ... [14:22] Thats likely for testing themselves, than for cheating. [14:22] Or at least I hope. [14:22] still not quite ontopic, is it? [14:23] alumni exam? [14:24] blackbit wants to give me the Turing Test , I presume as he's PM'd me [14:24] well drop the joke and tell him you're not a bot? [14:29] since lmsensors got dropped in natty what replaces it? gkrellm? [14:30] err lm-sensors [14:30] oh lord lm-sensors dropped? :( [14:31] bizarre. when I just upgraded , it said obselete, but the bot says its still in [14:33] I was surprised pidgin was still in main also [14:37] Wait, you guys haven't done the LPIC? [14:38] LjL: Point him at [14:38] http://lpi.org/eng/certification/the_lpic_program/lpic_1/exam_101_sample_questions [14:38] I can barely install packages with apt! [14:38] pointed [14:42] [15:42:10] --> Nisstyre has joined this channel (~nisstyre@infocalypse-net.info). [14:42] yesterday night this used changed nicks to Mark_Shuttlecock and some "other" user started asking him trollish things about Ubuntu being broken [19:04] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ssfdre37 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY - 5) [19:04] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ssfdre37 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY - 5) [19:04] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ssfdre37 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY - 5) [19:04] at least they are original [19:04] oh wait [19:04] people, how about if the bots set a (brief?) +r every time there is a k-line? [19:05] no :( [19:05] lately, i've often seen someone joining, getting k-lined, and then someone else gets through [19:05] LjL: how short? [19:05] two minutes? [19:06] do k-lines really involve groups of ips more often than a single ip? [19:06] i wouldn't know that [19:06] i think in these cases i'm seeing, the k-lines are happening because these people are being recognized as open proxies shortly after joining [19:06] but i'm not really sure [19:08] Why doesn't freenode just deny access to any open proxy? [19:10] because how does it know it's an open proxy? [19:10] beats me [19:10] guess my question was stupid [19:10] not particularly [19:10] but there are two ways to detect open proxies [19:11] one is to use a blacklist, in which case you can just deny access [19:11] the other is probing on the fly, but then what happens if the proxy doesn't reply immediately? [19:11] it can't send to channel until it replies [19:11] it's conjectures, mind, i don't know how it really works on freenode [19:11] IdleOne: well if it's not a proxy, then it quite possibly will never reply [19:12] ok I clearer know nothing about this [19:12] :) [19:12] clearly* [19:17] 'go kiss a cobra'? [19:17] o.O [19:17] yes, wasn't sure how to take that... [19:17] not nicely [19:18] it is clear to me what it meant [19:18] I was going to pm, but whatever [19:18] I guess its sort of similar to 'kiss my asp' [19:19] more front facing but yeah [19:19] 60 hits on google for "go kiss a cobra" [19:19] Wierd. [19:19] Weird too [20:09] IdleOne: lars is still banned in -ot, right? [20:09] afaik [20:10] chronic ban evader he is [20:20] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1777 users, 2 overflows, 1779 limit)) [21:09] LjL: wasn't Nysstyre an issue yesterday? [21:09] Nisstyre [21:09] * [21:10] IdleOne: yes, about when i went to bed he nicked to Mark_Shuttlecock. he said nothing himself that i saw, but another user made reference to him [21:10] another user who could of course have been the same user [21:10] ok well he isn't using a bad nick now. Will keep a look out [22:41] * jrib wonders what the most gratuitous use of pastebin ever is [22:42] jrib: I thought that was the floodbots [22:43] haha [22:44] jrib: http://pastebin.com/VGupZ3qn [22:44] heh [22:45] http://pastebin.com/nDYHgqV0 * [22:46] jrib: http://pastebin.com/gS0TCu3A [22:47] LjL: I did find you! [22:52] LjL: haha