
dpmmorning all06:55
andrejzmorning dpm07:06
andrejzyou are early today ;)07:06
andrejzi have a question about the documentation07:06
andrejzit seems to me that documentation on help.ubuntu.com is very similar to the one in launchpad packages gnome docs07:07
andrejzso i was wondering if it's possible to reuse the same translations07:07
dpmmorning andrejz :)07:10
dpmandrejz, it's exactly the same, that's the point07:11
andrejzin that case argument for localised help.ubuntu.com is much stronger than before07:11
dpmat some point (Dapper?) translations were made available at help.ubuntu.com, but they were then removed07:12
andrejzbecause teams are going to translate this package eventually anyways, and now they won't need to create another docs (as they did now)07:12
dpmsince a couple of cycles I've tried to convince the docs team to bring back translations07:12
dpmbut the discussion always stalls07:13
dpmtheir point is that we should encourage local teams to create their own localized docs07:13
dpmsuch as http://ajuda.ubuntu.cat/07:13
dpmbut not all locos have got the resources07:13
dpmAfter yesterday's e-mail, I would have hoped there would be more replies from translators07:14
andrejzi wasn't aware that was the case07:14
andrejzi thought this is something EXTRA to translate07:14
dpmbut if there isn't more interest from the translations community, I'll stop pushing for this07:14
andrejzmy interest has increased about 500% in the last 5 minutes :)07:15
andrejzprobably most teams aren't aware how much less work they will need to do07:16
andrejzisn't the whole spirit of open source "reusing what's already there"?07:16
andrejzand not reinventing the wheel, because that's what is being done right now07:16
dpmandrejz, exactly, we just need to make the docs team understand that :)07:18
andrejzin our case (since the rest of the loco team  - nontranslators are rather dormant) documentation is outdated especially now with unity out07:19
andrejzand also some random person is not aware (or needs to invest a lot of resources) to nice that soemthing has changed in network manager (fore example)07:20
andrejzand then update the docs accordingly07:20
andrejzso that's why with time outdated data appears07:21
andrejzmaybe you could write something on the ubuntu translators mailing list, explaining the situation07:23
andrejzI didn't know how big advantages localised help.ubuntu.com brings, i am sure many others don't know either07:23
dpmwell, for one, when you start Firefox and click on the big "Help" link on the default page, you'd be taken to the localized help page07:33
dpmon help.ubuntu.com07:33
andrejzyet another reason why this is a good idea. i will wait for the daily digest to come and then write another mail in support of  localised help.ubuntu.com knowing the arguments you just presented me now07:36
dpmandrejz, cool, thanks, yeah, I'll send the clarifications you mention too07:45
andrejzdpm, i have been looking at UDS schedule but haven't found many translations related sessions. Am i looking at the wrong lplace ?08:08
dpmandrejz, you are looking at the right place. This time round I'm behind with filing specs, as I'm waiting on confirmation about my roadmap for next cycle. There are some changes that need to be discussed (I might spend less time on translations next cycle) and I haven't been able to file any yet because of that08:10
dpmBut I've got a call today to discuss that and I'll see if I can finish the blueprints by the end of the day08:11
andrejzoh, ok08:11
dpmAfter that I'll announce it to the mailing list08:11
dpmsorry for the delay08:11
dpmalways expect things to be a bit hectic around UDS time ;)08:12
dpmI need to step out for a bit, I'll be back in ~1.5 h08:14
TLEdpm: Hey10:39
andrejzhello TLE10:40
TLEI got a reply from the Scilab translation maintainer and he seems to think that it is a good idea to move scilab to restricted and assign launchpad-translators to the job10:42
TLEdpm: he is asking whether he should inform the launchpad translators group?10:42
andrejz@tle: dpm said he went somewhere and will be back in a while10:43
TLEdpm: second thing, the logs from the open week seems to be missing in action. We probably want to create a bit of a momentum around such an event and as such they should probably be put up there really quickly after the sessions. Do you have some idea of who to ping about this?10:44
TLEandrejz: ahh ok, he usually catches up with IRC when he has been away10:45
TLEdu kan jo bare prøve med filhåndteringen i KDE (kan ikke huske hvad den hedder), trykke egenskaber på en fil og se om du kan rette i detaljerne der10:47
TLEhvis du kan det er det nok et amarok problem10:47
dpmhi TLE, sorry for the delay, I was away11:22
dpmlet me see if I can answer...11:22
dpmre: Scilab - that's great :). Yes, I'd suggest that they send an e-mail to launchpad-translators. This way translators will know about the project. Regardless of changes in permission policies, it's good practice for projects to send regular calls for translations to launchpad-translators@ if they want to get their projects translated11:24
dpmre: Ubuntu Open Week, I'd recommend pinging anyone in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage, perhaps jcastro, akgraner or nigelb. jcastro has organized UOW this time round, but he's quite busy with organizing UDS at the same time, so he could definitely need some help with the logs11:26
dpmTLE, ^^11:26
yurchorHi! Can anybody help me to make this group: https://launchpad.net/~lp-l10n-uk  a member of "Launchpad translators"?12:23
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andrejzyuchor - here are the instructions how to make a new team - https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/LaunchpadTranslators#How to start a new team and join Launchpad Translators13:25
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yurchorandrejz: Thanks. I have read them. I do not want to start new team. I just want to translate Scilab. Suggestion from TLE now prevent me from doing this.13:27
andrejzwell your team needs to get the permissions of an approved team to be able to translate restricted packages13:28
yurchorWould not it be better just not to use the restrictions at all?13:29
TLEyurchor: not using restrictions makes it impossible to implement QA in translations13:30
yurchorAnd how can I get the permissions if I am not owner?13:30
andrejzit depends what your goals are i guess. the idea is to ensure some translation quality13:30
andrejzpackage owners can choose whether anyone can translate their program or only teams with translation guidelines and such13:31
TLEyurchor: as far as the team goes these are steps13:31
andrejz@yuchor: it says how to do it on the link i gave you - Apply. Send a support request for the Launchpad Translations Coordinators to appoint your team in the Launchpad Translators group. Please include a link to your team and a short note explaining how you have addressed the points above.13:31
yurchorIt is regretful. I cannot contact the team owner, I have to stop translating on LP.13:32
TLEyurchor: and if the problem is that the coordinator/team is unresponsive then you should contact dpm in this channel and ask him what teh step are for you to take over the team13:32
TLEyurchor: calm down13:32
TLEit will require a little bit to get set up and then that is it13:33
yurchorTLE: Once again, I do not want to be team owner. I just want to translate Scilab.13:33
TLElittle bit of work13:33
yurchorTLE: Can you help me in this "work"?13:34
TLEyes, but if no one else is active in the team, then simply take it over, do nothing with it, untill someone comes along that want the job13:34
TLEas I wrote above dpm in this channel is the right guy to ask about the procedures for an unresponsive coordinator/team, but I will help with what I can13:34
yurchorI am already coordinator of Fedora and KDE teams. I do not want one more team.13:36
TLEbtw, the team has a mailing list, maybe you should try and write to that to see if there is someone there who is still active13:37
yurchorI have tried. The messages just disappear.13:37
andrejz@yurchor: try to get to the current coordinator directly13:38
yurchorHe does not responf trough LP.13:38
yurchorI mean respond.13:38
TLEok, well then we are back at the option of taking it over. I can understand your reluctance to coordinate another team, but as I said you can just assume the role and do nothing with it untill someone comes along that want the job13:39
andrejzTLE: +113:40
yurchorThanks, awesome.13:40
andrejzyou DON'T need to do extra work just because you are a coordinator (besides applying for approved status)13:40
andrejzdpm, just talking about you :)13:41
yurchorHe-he I know this "DON'T"s.13:42
andrejzif there is nobody active in your team, nobody is going to push (unless if you do it yourself)13:43
yurchorI will rethink all these things, calm down, and get back here if I still have the questions.13:45
dpmandrejz, sorry, I got disconnected when you ping me, what was the question?13:52
andrejzit was yuchor's actually. he was wondering how to assume position of team coordinator, but now he decided to rethink it first13:53
dpmok, thanks13:54
dpmJust in case he comes back, he'll find the info he needs here:13:55
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
TLEdpm: hey, I wrote a couple of questions, you can see here at 1039: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/05/04/%23ubuntu-translators.html14:20
yurchorHi again. Can somebody support my question: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/155900    ? Thanks in advance.14:23
TLEYou need support?14:28
yurchorI do not know... Previous questions on this topic were considered very strictly. I do not want problems.14:30
TLELet's see if it becomes a problem14:31
dpmhi TLE, which were the questions? I cannot see any at 13:09 on the logs14:42
dpmyurchor, I'll have a look at the support request later on, don't worry14:42
yurchordpm: thanks. :)14:42
TLEdpm: err 103914:43
dpmTLE, look at the logs again, I did answer them this morning :)14:43
TLEMy bad14:44
dpmno worries :)14:45
rhce7320dpm:  So the team name will be ubuntu-l10n-bem for Bemba.  Is there any protocol for the description?  suggestions?14:55
rhce7320er, that should have been 'display name'...14:56
dpmrhce7320, oh, I see. Generally "Ubuntu <language> Translators", so "Ubuntu Bemba Translators"14:57
rhce7320dpm: contact email address... I'd like us both to get this.  Maybe I should set up a distro list in my mail domain?15:06
rhce7320...just about to hit 'Create Team' !!!15:07
dpmrhce7320, generally teams have got a joint e-mail address where they discuss translations, and since you both could subscribe, that would achieve that. You can create a Launchpad mailing list for the team in no time :)15:13
dpmrhce7320, I've got a call in ~45 min and before that I need to prepare some stuff, so I might not be very responsive in the next couple of hours15:14
dpmbut if you've got questions, just ask away, I'll be reading the logs15:14
rhce7320dpm: tks, I feel I'm about to kick a goal.15:15
dpmexcellent :)15:15
rhce7320Hmmm...I hit 'Create Team' & voila "ubuntu-l10n-bem is already in use by another person or team."   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact/Teams doesn't list this team.  Confused...15:30
dpmrhce7320, if the team is not listed on https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators, it's not an official team, and if it's not active we can give you ownership of it. I'd recommend to try to contact the team owner first15:58
dpmand if he/she is not responsive, we can assign the team to you15:58
Andre_Gondimhow do I check the languange pack version?21:28
rhce7320dpm, or anybody, There is no reference to bem(ba) on https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators, so where can I get information about it?22:48

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