
ali1234this is completely true00:03
ali1234i don't know why they even bother putting an OS00:03
ali1234the first thing anyone with any sense does is wipe it and start again00:03
envygeekswait, Packard Bell is still around? I thought HP killed that brand00:03
envygeeksNot HP sorry, Acer*00:04
reaper4334anyone around? :]01:12
AlanBellmorning all06:25
AlanBellhappy starwars day everyone06:46
AlanBellMay the fourth be with you06:47
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3
gordAlanBell, its starwars day?07:52
gingmay the fourth07:54
gordi get it07:55
HazRPGheh I got a text at midnight about that08:15
HazRPGapparently he always forgets every 4th of may about it... and this was the first time he remembered on time08:16
HazRPGso he thought he'd share that with me at midnight... :/ lol08:16
DJonesMorning all08:22
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:34
Pendulummorning brobostigon08:35
DJonesHi brobostigon Pendulum08:35
brobostigonmorning Pendulum and DJones :)08:36
Pendulumhi DJones :)08:36
kaushalI have to always do insmod module.ko, I have added it in /etc/modules and /etc/rc.local08:49
brobostigonmorning kaushal08:49
kaushalstill it does not work08:49
kaushalbrobostigon: Good Morning08:49
HazRPGI think I might have to test gnome-shell08:55
MooDoohello all08:57
brobostigonmorning MooDoo :)08:58
kaushalchecking again for the query ?09:01
knightwisemorning everyone09:16
gordmorning peoples09:17
knightwisehey guyz09:18
knightwisecould i borrow some of your wisdom again ?09:18
wintellectMornin friends09:19
knightwiseps : i also want you guyz to know i wrote up an article about you guys helping me with the podcast script . its kind of an 'epic story' and its featured in the latest knightcast podcast  (episode 52)09:20
knightwisei've been tinkering with my "podcatching scritp' some more but seem to run into an odd problem when it comes to using Rsync09:22
knightwisei've posted it on the ubuntu forums but haven't had any reply yet , perhaps you guyz know what could be wrong : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1699708&highlight=knightwise&page=209:23
knightwiseThe script scans a directory (with subdirectories) that hold all my podcasts.09:24
knightwiseit selects the latest podcast added and copies it over to a directory (with the cp command)09:24
knightwisenow i changed the cp command for an Rsync command (because i would like to use dropbox as a middle man) to my dropbox foder09:24
knightwiseit selects the podcasts , rsyncs them over .. and then suddenly deletes ALL of them again and copies 3 more.09:25
knightwiserealy strange09:25
awilkinsAny idea when Launchpad is coming back up?09:33
gordan hour or so09:33
awilkinsFound my first non-Unity gripe with Natty :-(09:34
MartijnVdSawilkins: the 600 security updates it already has?09:35
awilkinsMartijnVdS, No, this is an audio driver problem09:35
gordthere are always a lot of updates shortly after release09:35
awilkinsMic input isn't working at all ; was previously suffering from work-around-able bug #59301809:35
gordthere are a few weeks where no uploads are done whilst testing happens. so we prepare 0-day SRU's09:35
lubotu3'Error: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"\n      lang="en" dir="ltr">\n  <head>\n    <title>Error: you can\'t do this right now</title>\n    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/@@/launchpad.png" />\n\n    \n    \n\n    \n  \n  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"\n        media="screen, print"\n        href=09:36
MartijnVdSthe bot broke09:36
gordlaunchpad is down remember09:36
MartijnVdSit is?09:36
awilkinsI think it's more LP is down and the API doesn't distinguish between RO and RW method calls09:36
awilkinsThe workaround no longer works ; mic input can't be coaxed into working. Can't Skype, can't work. Might have to go back to Maverick ( <sulk> )09:38
awilkinsOr boot into Windows for conference calling but that's a PITA because then I don't have access to my proper working environment09:39
gordgoogle is awesome, claimed i was signed in and signed out on the same page09:41
awilkinsThat thing where you have a list of removable media, including unmounted ones, in GNOME, and you can select one and it will mount it and show it in Nautilus, is there an equivalent in Unity?09:42
awilkinsI have a drive that isn't in the fstab on a SATA port (in a removable caddy) ; doesn't count as a "removable" drive because it's SATA so it doesn't just mount when you socket it, but I can't find a place to mount it from the GUI09:44
MartijnVdSawilkins: palimpsest?09:45
MartijnVdSawilkins: aka the disk utility?09:45
awilkinsMartijnVdS, That works, not nearly as convenient as it could be though.09:46
awilkinsAha, LP arises09:53
brobostigonarghh, too much package breakage, tht i cant fix, i think i will do a reinstall :(09:58
JamesTaitBuenos días a todos!09:58
=== serial is now known as Guest72551
dwatkinsmoin moin10:10
brobostigonmoin dwatkins10:11
bigcalmGood morning kids :)10:18
dwatkinsGood morning Bigcalm10:18
ubuntuuk-planet[Phil Bull] Cosmology Meets Machine Learning - http://philbull.livejournal.com/59661.html10:19
jonsainthi all. does anyone know if theres a patch yet for the keyring because since upgrading i have to enter it twice!10:21
=== dogmatic69_ is now known as dogmatic69
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Guest72551jonsaint, disable it in startup applications settings, win key + type startup10:28
bigcalmSome people 'spreading the word of god' are about to knock on my door. Apart from ignoring the door, what's the best way to deal with them?10:48
kazadeinvite them in, and ask them questions like "Could God create a rock so big that he couldn't lift it" etc.10:49
awilkinsGuns. Lots of guns.10:50
awilkinsI usually just tell them I already have a belief system (without going into detail).10:50
kirrusbigcalm: If they're witnesses, ask them how only 180,000 people are allowed into heaven, when there are 7 billion people on planet earth, a good percentage of which are belivers10:51
kirrusNot counting all who've died, of course.10:51
kazadebigcalm, answer the door naked10:52
kazadethat'll work10:52
bigcalmThing is, I don't know enough about the bibble10:52
kirruskazade: answer to that one is, obviously, yes :P .. but the second would work as well10:52
BigRedSNah, best way is to open the door and say "Shalom". They love it when you do that :)10:52
kirrusbigcalm: just calmly say that you'd like them to leave you alone please then, and they should.10:52
kazadebigcalm, answer everything they say with "But, why?"10:52
andylockranHeya guys and gals10:53
andylockranHow's things>10:53
andylockran? even10:53
bigcalmWarm and sunny10:54
knightwiseDoes anybody know if ANDROID devices are able to run webkit  ?10:54
kazadeknightwise, I'm pretty sure the built in browser is webkit10:54
popeybigcalm: friend of mine is a god botherer, he said they do maintain a list of properties not to visit. if you tell them to never call again, they will add you to the list10:55
popeylike the Telephone Preference Service list ;)10:55
knightwisethanx kazade10:55
dogmatic69knightwise: opera is webkit, and that works im sure10:56
knightwisedogmatic69: cool , we"ll give it a try10:56
kazadedogmatic69, Opera is Presto, not webkit10:56
bigcalmpopey: I live accross the road from the vicerage. You can tell how isn't local by the way they aproach the house10:57
knightwiseour company had an ipad webb app developed , but i want to be able to make it accessable via ANDROID devices as well10:57
dogmatic69kazade: so wikipedia lies? i dont belive that...  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browsers#WebKit-based_browsers10:57
kazadedogmatic69, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browsers#Presto-based10:57
kazadewikipedia is confused :)10:57
DJonesknightwise: Does this help http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html10:58
dogmatic69kazade: you win, opera page has nothing on webkit10:58
knightwiseok , i'll be able to get more infor from here.10:58
knightwiseCrud dogmatic6910:58
kazadedogmatic69, I only knew because I used to think it was webkit too ;)10:58
knightwiseSo if we develop a webkit based site , we cant run them on android devices ?10:58
s-foxHello :D10:58
kazadeknightwise, you can, the default browser is webkit10:59
dogmatic69knightwise: why would you build a 'webkit' based site?10:59
kazadeand, yeah what dogmatic69 said10:59
knightwiseSales dudes here where all IPAD horny and had a web based ipad app built10:59
dogmatic69you should be building a xhtml/html4/5 etc based site10:59
knightwisecompany policy is that it has to be cross platform compatible ( so also using 'non' apple devices)11:00
knightwiseso now we are a bit fucked11:00
knightwisebut i'll be right back ,11:00
=== knightwise is now known as Knightlunch
dogmatic69ok, i need to make a self signed ssl cert for my site... anyone have a easy tutorial i can go by11:01
davmor2morning ubuntu lovers across the globe that congregate here :)11:03
X3Ndogmatic69: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/28411:03
X3Nor any of the other one's from google :p11:05
dogmatic69the problem is none of them are remotely similar11:06
dogmatic69just found this one that looked nice and easy http://articles.slicehost.com/2007/11/26/ubuntu-gutsy-generating-a-self-signed-ssl-certificate11:06
popeydogmatic69: i would trust content on debian-administration over many other sites11:07
popeythe site admin has a lot of clue11:07
* dogmatic69 bookmarks11:07
dogmatic69:) thanks11:07
olyhi, anyone got unity working in seamless mode with in virtualbox ?11:08
olyi cant access the launcher, looking for a way to make it permenant like with gnome 2 bars11:08
dogmatic69if i do ls -al, what does <something> -> <anotherthing.file> mean?11:13
dogmatic69is that a link of some sort11:13
dogmatic69which is the 'actual' one?11:14
bigcalmdogmatic69: it's a symbolic link created by ln -s11:14
bigcalmdogmatic69: the actual file is the latter part11:14
dogmatic69ah, thanks11:14
krimzon2oly, iirc I installed unity-2d11:18
krimzon2someone also suggested I installed virtualbox 4, so I downloaded oracle's proprietary version11:19
olyyeah i am using the propietry version,11:20
olynot installed unity-2d if that exists wonder why that not the fall back instead of gnome 211:20
olywill give it a try in a sec cheers, if anyone has any ideas for keeping the full version be nice to know as well :)11:21
olyit works till you go seamless, then i am guessing it just does not know what to bring to the front11:21
krimzon2I remember now - I got a black screen a lot of the time until I installed unity-2d11:22
krimzon2the main annoyance for me was that launcher items for programs on different workspaces weren't hidden11:24
=== serial is now known as Guest28032
* awilkins prefers the PUEL version of VirtualBox also11:27
chamboHi all.11:32
chamboI have a question about upgrading to Natty11:34
chamboIs it safe to run do-release-upgrade on ubuntu-server?11:35
bigcalmIs it a live and critical server?11:35
chamboIt's live but I wouldn't say critical11:35
chamboJust a home server that I use for LDAP, files and a few other things11:36
bigcalmI tend to keep my servers on LTS releases11:36
chamboI wonder whether I would be better off with a fresh install11:36
chamboWhen the next LTS is out i'll likely put that on the server and stick with it11:39
chamboI think I'll leave it on 10.10 for now as I don't think I can face going through LDAP configuration again11:39
popeyi keep my servers on LTS too11:43
jonsaintanyone about?11:44
chamboI guess if anything it stops those messages every 6 months saying "A new release is available" and then me spending 2 days fixing it after I broke it11:44
jonsainthas there been a fix yet for the keyring as im still having to log in twice everytime i turn on my pc? and also this latest release aint half slow!!11:45
BigRedSjonsaint: Is there a bug for it?11:45
BigRedS'cause that'll be where they'll publish the release of a fix11:45
jonsaintim fairly new to ubuntu bigred so still learning the ropes11:46
BigRedSjonsaint: aha, no problem. If you go to bugs.launchpad.net, and have a search around you *may* find someone's already reported the bug11:48
BigRedSin which case you can click the 'this affects me' link and it'll send you updates11:48
BigRedSor, if not, you can file a bug, though I'm not sure what the recomended way of doing that is11:48
BigRedSI always have fun and games working out which package teh bug should be filed against11:48
jonsaintil have a look11:49
jonsaintwill it be in the updates if they find a fix to the bug?11:49
chamboDoes anyone here use a PCI gbit ethernet card?  I'm affected by a kernel bug that causes lockups with my onboard card and would like to get gigabit speeds as I'm mounting home over ethernet11:50
BigRedSjonsaint: yeah11:50
BigRedSbut the more people who're down as affected by a given bug, the more developer time they point at it :)11:50
jonsaintcheers for the info.11:51
awilkinsI tend to guess which package the bug is for... and it generally gets corrected anyway11:54
MartijnVdSawilkins: "It's for.. mplayer" "*bzzt* it's for totem"12:00
chamboIs there anyway I can get a list of my installed packages from apt (From my current install) then install 11.04 and then install all the packages in that list?12:02
BigRedSdpkg --get-selections and dpkg --get-selections12:02
chamboI'm not doing a straightforward upgrade because I need to install winXP12:02
BigRedSdo dpkg --get-selections > somefile12:03
BigRedSthen get somefile to the new instrall12:03
BigRedSthen do dpkg --set-selections < somefile12:03
BigRedSthen apt-get upgrade12:03
BigRedS(or perhaps dist-upgrade). there's several docs on that around, though12:03
chamboWill I end up wiuth any trouble due to deprecated packages or things like that?12:05
Laneyit's bad because it doesn't preserve auto-install markers12:24
Laneyand it shows libraries in addition to applications12:24
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
popeymailing list13:33
popeygreat long thread helping someone get his wireless working, and before he tries the many suggestions he decides to go back to 10.04/10.1013:33
popeywaste of everyone's time.13:34
mfraz74have to admit I've tried a few things to get my wi-fi working properly and nothing has worked13:34
mfraz74not sure whether to go back to 10.10 or try a clean install of 11.0413:35
* brobostigon returns13:48
davmor2mfraz74: what chipset13:49
mfraz74davmor2: atheros ar5b9513:50
mfraz74davmor2: it is using the ath9k driver13:50
davmor2mfraz74: apply the proposed repo there is a kernel fix for it, in the mean time try doing sudo rfkill --unblock wifi13:51
mfraz74i've applied the proposed repo, still doesn't work13:51
davmor2mfraz74: :(13:51
mfraz74if I use rsync to sync files between my server and netbook after a while the traffic slows to nothing13:52
mfraz74worked fine in 10.1013:52
davmor2mfraz74: ah that's a different issue then13:53
davmor2mfraz74: create a bug report and include the words Regression in it13:53
mfraz74davmor2: bug #760304 is the one I've commented on13:56
lubotu3Launchpad bug 760304 in linux (Ubuntu) "When copying a large set of file on an smb share over wifi, the wifi connection breaks (Regression) (dup-of: 735171)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76030413:56
lubotu3Launchpad bug 735171 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "driver ath9k is too slow or not responding" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73517113:56
davmor2mfraz74: you might want to comment on the one it's duped to as your comments will not be seen on that secondary bug13:58
davmor2mfraz74: ie re-write the comment on bug 73517113:59
lubotu3Launchpad bug 735171 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "driver ath9k is too slow or not responding" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73517113:59
mfraz74I wrote comment 2614:00
davmor2mfraz74: ah yes just seen it14:02
brobostigonwhat does the comment right atthe end of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/715096 mean, please.14:07
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 715096 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i945gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x02000011)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:07
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: that it's a confirmed bug?14:09
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: or that he posted a stable release update? on 04-27?14:09
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i havent noticed any updates yet, really.14:09
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: SRUs can take a while14:10
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: enable the -proposed repository to get it early14:10
brobostigonMartijnVdS: let me check.14:10
davmor2brobostigon: If you look at the top now linux has been added to the bug and the linux part has been confirmed as being at fault too :)14:10
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i dont have proposed, let me find a apt parameter.14:11
brobostigondavmor2: yes, kms, is related.14:12
davmor2brobostigon: cli way "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" uncomment the proposed lines, gui way "open SC click on in the menu click Edit-> Software Sources type in your password then click on the updates tag and enable proposed and close"14:17
brobostigondavmor2: :)14:18
* brobostigon scp's MooDoo a pot of coffee14:27
MooDooi need it14:28
* dwatkins gets a cup of coffee14:29
dwatkinsClearly I was subconsciously influenced by this talk of coffee.14:30
Azelphurrsnapshots intervals are weird xD14:30
Azelphurthe default "hourly" snapshot runs every 4 hours \o/14:30
dwatkins4 Vulcan hours, clearly.14:31
livingdaylightAvé Legionaries14:31
brobostigonlets hope proposed doesnt break anything.14:32
dwatkinsHail Caesar!14:32
Azelphurdwatkins: you should see the documentation, it's even more confusing xD14:32
dwatkinsAzelphur: is it in English or Medieval Chinese?14:32
Azelphurit's like "interval hourly 6" "This will run backups every 4 hours so 6 times a day"14:32
popeyevery 6 hours, 4 times a day14:32
Azelphurdwatkins: probably medieval chinese :D14:32
popey0 */4   * * *          /usr/bin/rsnapshot hourly14:33
dwatkinsI'd like to learn Klingon just so I can translate the manual for the product I support into it.14:33
livingdaylightguys, I need some advice/input on these N455 dual-core atom processors.... John Lewis is doing these deals on hp notebooks for £250, which is tempting me into making a purchase.14:33
Azelphurpopey: fun \o/14:33
popeylivingdaylight: url?14:33
livingdaylightthe tiny url is about as long as the normal url, lol14:34
dwatkinsI use dft.ba for shortening URLs.14:34
dwatkinsDon't Forget To Be Awesome ;)14:34
* popey uses popey.me :)14:34
dwatkinswell, officially I use bit.ly ;)14:34
livingdaylightdwatkins, not heard of that one. Do they have a FF add-on?14:34
livingdaylightpopey, what do you reckon, maestro?14:35
Azelphurdwatkins: that looks quite nice :p14:35
popeylivingdaylight: do you really want a netbook?14:35
dwatkinslivingdaylight: looks like it: https://addons.mozilla.org/af/firefox/addon/dftba-nerdfighters/14:35
davmor2livingdaylight: I see your nick but in my head I hear http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzV4WGoyl4Q14:35
dwatkinslivingdaylight: oh wait, that's probably a theme14:35
dwatkinsdavmor2: if that's the song I think it is, I hear it too14:35
livingdaylightpopey, don't mind. For the money a dual-core sounds good. Certainly don't want a big clunky thing for moving around with14:36
popeyyou could get a 'proper' laptop for that money14:36
Azelphurlivingdaylight: I'm trying to get my hands on an inspiron duo :D14:36
livingdaylightpopey, what's the difference between a proper laptop and a notebook?14:36
popeynetbooks are smaller14:36
popeysmall screen and keyboard14:37
popeyand often don't have many memory slots14:37
Azelphursome netbooks come with full pitch keyboards14:37
livingdaylightnot seen proper laptops for that money unless they're old celeron processors. Maplin has a deal ( £275) for a lenovo 3000 (celeron 900)14:37
=== serial is now known as Guest3300
popeylivingdaylight: see that link i just posted14:37
davmor2livingdaylight: for another £100 I got http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/hp-g62-451sa-core-i3-laptop-with-3gb-memory-black-08722513-pdt.html14:38
popeyguess it depends what the use of the machine is :)14:38
livingdaylightdavmor2, yea, another £100 :p14:39
livingdaylightpopey, that lenovo looks pretty awesome for the same money14:39
livingdaylightthanks for the heads up!14:40
livingdaylighti3 processors are very entry level, eh? I was told they're equivalent of dual-core processors... need to get i5 to make a proper move at that level14:40
DJoneslivingdaylight: My i3 is dual core14:41
DJonespopey: Thanks for the email reminder about ask mark, I'd forgotten about that14:43
livingdaylightdavmor2, £350 and up I would be looking for a dedicated graphics (nvidia) card; always better than onboard ones, right?14:43
livingdaylightpopey, @ £409 I wouldn't have been interested because of the graphics card, but at its current reduction it makes it a very interesting proposition indeed.14:45
davmor2livingdaylight: the nvidia one would still be on board ;)  this has dedicated memory as well as shared,  and it works lovely bar the wifi bleedin' Ralink14:45
popeyyah, looks nice14:45
livingdaylightJust need to go to the shops and look at one in the "flesh" and test out the keyboard - always a decisive factor in my case14:45
livingdaylightso, many of them still don't come with hdmi outputs, which is annoying14:46
livingdaylighti love hooking up small laptops to a big screen14:47
dwatkinslivingdaylight: that reminds me, I need a mini displayport to HDMI adapter :)14:50
livingdaylightdwatkins, is that vga to hdmi?14:50
dwatkinslivingdaylight: no, it's for the little output port in the side of my Macbook Pro.14:51
dwatkinsVGA is analogue, but I'd like to keep the signal digital and take advantage of my 1980x1080 television.14:51
MartijnVdSDVI/HDMI \o/14:51
dwatkinsI sometimes connect my tiny ASUS Eee to the TV, which is fun.14:51
dwatkinsThat little netbook is now a media server, however.14:52
livingdaylightthe lenovo does have hdmi out! ooooh....14:53
MartijnVdSMy PC has DVI, HDMI, VGA out14:53
MartijnVdSand apparently, it can do HDMI-CEC...14:53
dwatkinsmy docking station has two DVI outs for my work laptop14:54
Azelphurreflashed my routers firmware without dropping from IRC. Winning :p14:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: \o/ vps :P14:57
AzelphurMartijnVdS: nope, I didn't loose my connection from here to my dedi :P14:57
Azelphurmy client remained connected14:57
popeybet it didnt :)14:58
popeybet it reconnected14:58
Azelphuryea, but it reconnected in a way that didn't actually loose my IRC connection14:58
Azelphurso when the firmware reflash finished I just got a small flood on IRC14:58
popeynice when that happens14:58
Azelphurindeed :)14:58
popeyi have accidentally slammed my laptop shut, causing it to suspend, opened up, reconnected to the network and ssh carried on14:59
AzelphurI just blank screenw hen I shut my laptops lid, it gets irritating trying to move to a different seat or something and having to awkwardly carry the laptop while it's open15:00
dwatkinsyeah, I've taken advantage of the timeouts on ssh a couple times.15:01
dwatkinsalso, if you're quick when resuming, you can ~. to kill the session before it hangs.15:01
MartijnVdSdwatkins: <enter>~.15:01
MartijnVdSor <enter>~~~~~~~~. for a 8-level edep ssh :)15:01
dwatkinshaha, yeah - I've had ... urrrm ... many levels deep15:01
AzelphurWhat's the best / most compatible encryption mode for wifi now days? there's so many WPA2 options in DD-WRT15:02
AzelphurPersonal, Enterprise, Personal Mixed, Enterprised Mixed. Which WPA2 do I want? :P15:03
dwatkinsOne with a long key.15:06
dwatkinshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Protected_Access#A_high-level_overview_of_WPA_terminology might help, Azelphur - I need to read this myself, probably.15:06
dwatkinsI believe I use WPA-PSK at home. I suspect it's good enough unless you live next door to a hacker.15:07
Azelphurah I see :)15:07
Azelphuryea, I probably want WPA2 Personal15:07
Azelphurmaybe changed to WPA2 Personal Mixed if I find any devices not WPA2 capable in the hosue15:07
dwatkinsYeah, if you can, choose a nice long key, then save it to a text file somewhere you can easily get to after your hard disk dies and when friends bring round laptops.15:08
Azelphurdwatkins: I use keepass :D15:08
Azelphurtext files are so retro15:08
Azelphurkeepass+dropbox = win15:08
dwatkinsok, how do you get to that if your PC dies, though? :)15:08
dwatkinsah ok15:09
Azelphurprotects against user error I believe too as you can rollback the file with dropbox15:09
dwatkinsbut you might need to get online, that's my point. I was thinking of a USB key inna drawer.15:09
dwatkinsjust thinking of the possibilities, having had problems with my wifi router recently.15:09
AzelphurI'll always be able to get at my keepass :)15:10
dwatkinsEven when MS stops your windows from working?15:10
AzelphurI don't have Windows?15:11
dwatkinsah ok, sorry, didn't see the ports15:11
Azelphuryea, keepass is like insanely cross platform15:11
Azelphurit's like there's cross platform, and then there's keepass x15:11
dwatkinsdo you have the data on multiple machines?15:11
Azelphurall my laptops, PC, and my android phone15:11
dwatkinsright, cool - the name is justified, then15:11
AzelphurI adopted it as a policy after someone broke into a service I used purely to get at my password15:12
Azelphurand then used that password to abuse other stuff I used, because I used the same password for everything :p15:12
Azelphur(I was only 13 or so at the time)15:13
Azelphurbut now I have unique passwords for everything with keepass, much more secure15:13
AzelphurAnyone know much about wifi transmit power settings?15:14
dwatkinsWhen I was 13 I invented a phrase which I now use as a password, but back then the closest thing I had to a password was my PIN number.15:15
BigRedSI worked for a while in a shop with no barcode scanner, but product codes on everything anyway15:16
BigRedSI have a good amount of memerised pseudo-random strings for concatenating into passwords :)15:16
bigcalm321456 was my dad's old office number. Quite handy15:20
Azelphurhaha, that was pretty obvious re wifi transmit power, just went and asked about it in #hamradio15:21
dwatkinsI use old telephone numbers for that.15:21
Azelphurthe answer is: Leave it at default most laptops broadcast at 50ish and the power needs to be hiked at both ends to make any difference \o/15:22
dwatkinsahh yes15:24
dwatkinsI installed a new graphics driver and now my XP laptop thinks it's 1992 and 16 colours are cool... well done IBM.15:24
Azelphurbigcalm: I have my phone hooked up to some VOIP magic I have like 300 break-in numbers all over the planet :D15:25
* Azelphur is just a local call away :p15:25
Azelphurmy mobile is also a UK landline \o/15:25
Azelphurtis pretty cool, and free \o/15:26
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speedxco1ehi all, I'm from sweden. How do I check the credit rating of an LTD.. I know it's Off topic, but I need the advice. Thanks15:39
dogmatic69speedxco1e:  http://tinyurl.com/637cm9v15:50
livingdaylightcan we change the apps round on the Unity bar?16:03
popeythe launcher?16:03
popeyon the left16:03
Daraellivingdaylight: Drag them /away/ from the launcher first, then up and down.16:04
popeyhold mouse button down on one and drag to the right a bit16:04
livingdaylighti'm right-clicking and everything, but can't figure it out16:04
livingdaylightDarael, AhA!16:04
DaraelTook me a while to work it out, too.16:04
livingdaylightwonderful! thx guys16:04
livingdaylightso, that's called the launch bar - not unity bar?16:05
popeythose might help livingdaylight16:06
Laneycan i apply for a tax refund before the end of the financial year?16:06
* Laney overpaid :(16:06
popeythat too16:06
oimonargh only just sat at my desk for the first time today :(16:07
NET||abusehey guys. i'm using 10.10 netbook remix on my EeePc 1000h, but i've switched to regular gnome and just culled the bottom panel.. however.16:11
NET||abusein this situation, i'm getting a problem with tomboy keyboard shortcut16:11
NET||abusealt+F12 won't work,16:11
suprengrpopey: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/unity-keyboard-mouse-shortcuts/34876#34876 might be useful16:11
NET||abusei've checked the gnome keyboard shortcuts and there's no conflict, and tomboy settings definately has the keyboard shortcut registered16:12
oimonNET||abuse: could be a compiz shortcut overriding it?16:17
NET||abusehow could i lis tout all the compiz shortcuts?16:17
NET||abusewould dread trawling through all ccsm sections to find it16:17
oimonat least check the general options16:17
oimon-> key bindings16:17
oimonin ccsm16:17
oimoni have some alt-f stuff16:18
oimonalthough alt-f12 works for me in lucid16:18
NET||abusejust had a look, don't see it.16:19
NET||abuseunder general options->key bindings in ccsm16:19
NET||abusenothing using F1216:19
NET||abusefn+F12 does my volume, and that's working, so the key is fine :( 016:20
NET||abusechanging it to <Super>F12 didn't seem to work either.16:20
NET||abuseone other thing that i notice, i can't seem to enable virtual desktops on this laptop... something in the settings of ccsm won't let me increase the "number of desktops" setting16:23
NET||abuseHorizontal & Vertical] Virtual Size and16:24
NET||abuse [Horizontal | Vertical] Virtual Size are  set16:24
NET||abusebut it won' tincrease beyond 1 for Number of Desktops16:24
NET||abuseany reason the netbook remix installer would limit this by default?16:25
oimontbh 10.10 netbook remix is by far the worst linux experience i've had in years16:25
oimonhalf-baked isn't the word16:25
NET||abuseit's been fine for me other than these 2 things :)16:25
NET||abuseoimon, really?16:25
popeyfriend of mine runs it on his netbook just fine16:26
NET||abusethat said, i'm left behind the netboo0k remix desktop setup, completely abandoned it and returned to plain on gnome16:26
oimonah ok i missed that bit16:26
NET||abuseah well, i blame popey..16:27
NET||abusenot to worry, i've gone this long with this bug, i can live with it for now16:28
NET||abuseupdating to 11.04 at some point might reset some of my needs, unity or gnome 3.... and i might get a new laptop (finally after 4 years)16:28
NET||abuseas i'm now no-longer employed but freelancing again :) -16:28
oimonNET||abuse: you could always try creating a test user account on the netbook and see if that works with fresh settings16:29
NET||abuseyeh,  good idea, i'll try that later tonight16:29
NET||abuseright, back to the grind stone for me16:29
NET||abusegotta do my first ever OO based javascript app :)16:29
chamboBigRedS, Thanks for the tip - A fresh install and it's like nothing ever happened :)16:31
DaraelIIRC changing the number of desktops never worked for me in Compiz in Maverick.  It does in Natty, though.  Just FYI, NET||abuse.16:32
NET||abuseDarael, really? hmmm16:32
chamboI just did a fresh install of Natty and somethign which never worked before (Changing number of desktops) works for me now too16:33
chamboAnd I'm also a big fan of the "indicator applet complete"16:34
NET||abusei've used 10.10 on a desktop and it worked fine i think.. or did i never update from 10.04 on that desktop?.. hmm, have to think about that.16:34
NET||abusechambo, what do you mean by that?16:35
NET||abusecomplete as opposed to what?16:35
chamboDon't know that's just the name of it in the add to panel dialog16:35
NET||abuseoh, i see,16:36
NET||abusethere's appmenu, session or complete.. never noticed that before16:36
NET||abusemy install uses -session right now, what's the difference?16:36
chamboThey replaced the gnome clock16:36
chamboWhich I've always had problems with16:36
chamboIt also has sound and net properties there but not sure if that is in the session applet16:37
DaraelIt took me a while to work out how to get the indicator clock in the format I like (had to use dconf-editor since I want short ISO-style dates, which aren't part of my locale, but it's just the tool that's changed (gconf-editor for the gnome clock))16:38
fujisanwhere can i find the desktop effects in 11.04 ?17:01
fujisanHello btw :<17:01
KrisDouglasHello, I have a serious problem with an Ubuntu web server. A permission was changed somewhere, and the resulting problem is that no matter how much I chown files and update permissions- apache2 still says forbidden.17:09
SuperMattwhat are the current permissions on the file?17:10
SuperMattalso: are you running selinux?17:10
BigRedSKrisDouglas: are you sure the change isn't to the Apache config?17:11
SuperMattand are you using facls?17:11
KrisDouglasBigRedS, I assume not. Basically one of my colleagues stupidly tried to mount the server as a folder from the Connect to Server menu, and then share the directory with samba.17:12
KrisDouglas--- so he could mount the server as a drive on a WINDOWS pc.17:12
KrisDouglasbut the / folder was mounted17:12
KrisDouglasam I safe assuming the install is hosed? :P17:12
BigRedSKrisDouglas: no, it probably isn't17:14
BigRedSI'm havign trouble working out what this guy did, though17:15
KrisDouglasBigRedS, I am quite glad to hear that. I have noticed another problem. When trying to use sudo it says permission denied on the sudoers file. Luckily had root though17:15
BigRedShe tried to mount some part of teh FS over nfs? smb?17:15
BigRedSI'm not sure why that would change any permissions automagtically17:15
KrisDouglashe mounted / of the office app server using SSH to a GVFS folder17:15
KrisDouglasand then shared the GVFS folder across the network17:16
BigRedSand then did some chowning adn chmodding?17:16
KrisDouglasNot that I am aware. It just stopped working after he shared the directory17:16
KrisDouglasbut now permissions on the sudoers file, and other things aren't right17:17
BigRedSthat's a bit weird17:17
KrisDouglasbut ls -al shows they are owned by the correct users.17:17
KrisDouglasit's very weird.17:17
KrisDouglasNot seen it before.17:17
hamitronpermissions on the sudoers file?17:17
KrisDouglasowned by root17:18
BigRedSer, that'd be wrong17:18
BigRedS*someone* needs to be allowed to write to it17:18
KrisDouglasOh shit.17:18
KrisDouglasi mean17:19
BigRedSI did once cobble together a script to get permissons off a backup and apply them to the files in-place17:19
BigRedSbut, er, it didn't work that well. You'll probably find a reinstall is the path of least resistance17:19
hamitronmine is 440 too17:19
hamitronmy sudoers file17:20
KrisDouglasif I change the permissions to 0440 (I am guessing?) I get permission denied.17:20
hamitronbut root can write anything anyway17:20
BigRedSnot if it doesn't have rights to17:21
KrisDouglasI am logged in as root at the moment17:21
KrisDouglas(don't ask)17:21
hamitronchmod 440 /etc/sudoers17:21
hamitrondoesn't work?17:22
kirrusKrisDouglas: do lsattr /etc/sudoers17:22
kirrusOk, that's normal. You can set a file to be imutable (old filesystem thing), which would refuse all edits.. but that's not it :(17:23
kirrusKrisDouglas: is your filesystem read-only?17:23
KrisDouglasit is not mounted as RO17:24
KrisDouglasand I can make and change files.17:24
hamitronwhat does that "e" mean?17:24
KrisDouglasNot a clue in hell17:25
hamitronhave you tried running chmod on another file?17:25
KrisDouglasI can change the permissions of the other file17:26
KrisDouglasof an other file*17:26
fujisansame as it ever was17:27
fujisanthere is water at the bottom of the ocean17:27
KrisDouglasI am beginning to think I should just export the databases and web data and reinstall the server17:28
hamitronis root still your super-user?17:29
fujisanhas anyone sung this in a song yet: " my head contains cookie crumbs, google cookie crumbs for it's infinite cache and my cookie crumbs are part of the quantum entangled cognition of humanitas"17:30
hamitronerm, no? ;)17:31
fujisani feel like someone from alzheimer to everything i know my brain contains cookies for google queries :-x17:31
fujisanalzheimer being the future place i never hope to visit :<17:32
kirrusKrisDouglas: try looking through the logs (/var/log/syslog) etc.. other than that, I guess reinstall would be the quickest way to get it back17:32
fujisanam i peculiar?17:32
fujisanoh sorry where is the offtopic channel to this channel?17:33
fujisani just realized this might be ontopic sorry17:33
KrisDouglaskirrus, Nothing in the logs, I had a nose through them before.17:33
kirrusfujisan: there's #ubuntu-offtopic, but this channel does go offtopic from time to time, not a problem unless popey or someone says it is :)17:34
fujisanoh ok17:34
bigcalmcake and kittens!17:34
KrisDouglasMy last question, bit of a mysql one here- Is there a way to backup mysql without being able to access the client (for obvious reasons)17:34
kirrusChocolate cake?17:34
hamitronbut more cake than kitten17:34
kirrusKrisDouglas: copy /var/lib/mysql/17:34
kirrusthat contains all the databases17:35
fujisankorean kitten cake kirrus?17:35
bigcalmKrisDouglas: phpmyadmin17:35
kirrusmake sure you shut down mysql first17:35
kirrusOr, yeah, phpMyAdmin.. or mysqldump on the command line, on the server?17:35
fujisani had it once it reminds me of meatloaf17:35
kirrusfujisan: ugh17:35
KrisDouglasbigcalm, mysql is broken :) mysqldump is broken17:35
bigcalmKrisDouglas: what does work?17:36
fujisani had win7 on my bedroom pc but it was kinda slow so i put 11.04 on it17:36
kirrusKrisDouglas: make sure it's stopped, and copying the files is the best you'll get. Hope you don't use InnoDB, because that doesn't like being copied17:36
KrisDouglasnot a lot :)17:36
KrisDouglasI dislike innodb :)17:36
fujisansince i only do simply stuff on it anyways perfect for ubuntu17:36
bigcalmmyisam is the default17:36
kirrusWhen you get to the new install, just put the files back on top of /var/lib/mysql/17:36
fujisanhow do i install spotify on 11.04 same as 10.10?17:36
KrisDouglaswill they automatically kick in, kirrus?17:36
kirrusAye.. for now. The MySQL devs want to change InnoDB to the default in the next major release17:37
kirrusKrisDouglas: yes. Make sure MySQL is stopped, and overwrite everything. It includes all your privilage tables and host permissions17:37
KrisDouglasthank you :)17:37
KrisDouglasYou are a strange creature fujisan17:38
fujisanwelcome you are :)17:38
kirrusfujisan: yes, just follow spotify's instructions. Still works after a release upgrade as well17:38
fujisanye that's what happens when you live vicariously through  television :-x17:39
fujisanok ty kirrus17:39
fujisan10.10 upgrade to 11.04 was a complete disaster btw had to do a clean install17:39
hamitronlook on the bright side, fresh installs are nice17:40
davmor2fujisan: should of asked me I'd of told you to do a fresh install :D17:41
fujisanoh noes i can't find my sources list in 11.04 does anyone know how i can get it back?17:43
KrisDouglasshould be in /etc/apt/sources.list17:43
KrisDouglasi can pastebin you mine if you need it17:43
fujisani mean the menu entry for it17:43
fujisanso you will get all that gui17:44
KrisDouglasOpen software centre17:44
KrisDouglasand go to edit>software sources17:45
KrisDouglassimilar in synaptic.17:45
fujisanok ty17:45
KrisDouglastook me about a week to notice that :D17:45
fujisanye very useful to know17:46
KrisDouglasnearly ten to six and I'm still in the office :(17:47
fujisanim listening to a song about the spelling bee aint life grand :(17:48
fujisanFailed to fetch http://repository.spotify.com/dists/stable/non-free/source/Sources  404  Not Found << uhm something went wrong :/17:49
KrisDouglasI know how the permissions got screwed17:49
KrisDouglas"Nautilus needs to add some permissions to your folder to share it" he clicked add perms.17:50
kirrusfujisan: Spotify doesn't have a source repository?17:53
fujisandeb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free17:54
fujisanthat should be it according to their site17:54
kirrusDo you have a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources.list next to spotify?17:55
fujisani dunno i am not working directly with sources.list17:56
KrisDouglascheck, because it makes for a really annoying error, fujisan17:56
KrisDouglasas a matter of fact, I had to add Spotify manually to the list because the sources editor didn't seem to add it.17:57
fujisancant find the file sources.list17:57
KrisDouglasjust stick "deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free" at the bottom without quotes.17:58
fujisanok when i open sources.list i just get the gui again from software center17:59
KrisDouglasopen a terminal from applications>accessories18:00
KrisDouglasand then type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:00
fujisannow i get some error box saying: "Could not download all repository indexes"18:01
fujisanok did like you said and added it manually and i am getting the same error18:03
fujisanok it seems to install irregardless :>18:04
fujisanhmz it installed just fine and is currently running dunno why it gave me that error :/18:05
fujisanmeaning it would have worked all along :>18:05
fujisanwell thanks KrisDouglas :)18:06
fujisanor maybe adding that gpg-key did the trick not sure18:06
KrisDouglasyou need the key too18:12
KrisDouglasbut it will go in the list with or without the key18:12
fujisanwhich output module is best again for audio pulse or alsa?18:19
KrisDouglaspulse imo.18:20
KrisDouglasbut they talk to eachother anyway18:20
fujisanok ty18:20
fujisani had the same error again with the audio stopping :/18:20
KrisDouglasWhich one is that?18:21
fujisanit happens when i select pulse as well18:21
fujisanthat the audio stops playing when i play a video18:21
KrisDouglasin what appa?18:24
fujisanset it on pulse audio in output module in preferences18:24
fujisanalready a18:24
fujisannd also alsa18:24
fujisanthe error is persistent18:24
fujisani am trying to change the hardware profile in Sound Preferences now18:25
Azelphurali1234: you have a inspiron duo right? have you tried minecraft on it? :P18:57
grogoreoI've installed Apache and PHP but when I go onto any .php file firefox just pops up to download the file. I've enabled the php module and restarted.19:10
dwatkinsgrogoreo: did you install mod-php?19:11
grogoreodwatkins, ye19:19
ali1234Azelphur: no i dont have one of those19:19
Azelphuroh :(19:19
MichealHgrogoreo, How did you install it? tasksel?19:20
grogoreoMichealH, synaptic19:20
MichealHIve only ever did mine with tasksel _> LAMP server19:21
dwatkinsgrogoreo: you may need to create symlinks to the php modules in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ from the mods-available directory, but using tasksel is probably easier.19:22
dwatkinsI didn't need to install the symlinks on my server, and it loads php ok after I install libapache2-mod-php5 and its dependencies19:22
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AzelphurHmm, I'm trying to run bitcoin but it just hangs when I try and launch it20:35
popeyAzelphur: bug 75839820:39
lubotu3Launchpad bug 758398 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Bitcoin top-level window unmapped" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75839820:39
Azelphurpopey: nice20:39
popeyAzelphur: it runs with compiz off, or you can get a patched version20:51
Azelphurpopey: already patched and GPU mining20:58
popeyyou dont need the gui client for GPU mining20:59
Azelphurpopey: I know, but I like to see what's going on21:01
popeywhat gpu miner you using?21:01
popeyI'm using the diablominer21:03
Azelphurpopey: fun, any better/will it work with nvidia?21:05
gordminecraft is my gpu miner :(21:05
popeyi only have nvidia, so yeah21:05
popeyi also use deepbit so get somewhat more instant results :D21:05
gordgotten any coins?21:06
gordinteresting, any real world value?21:07
popeyyes :)21:09
gordiiiinteresting. can i become a quite literal software pirate and hack into peoples gpu mining farms to steal all their coins?21:11
popeyonly if you have a parrot21:11
jibadeehawhat is GPU mining is it mining as in data mining using GPU instead of CPU?21:12
popeyits doing complex mathematical equasions using the GPU21:13
popeywhich is good at that21:13
popeymining specifically means looking for bitcoins21:13
jibadeehathanks popey - had not heard of it until now21:13
gordhttp://newsroom.intel.com/community/intel_newsroom/blog/2011/05/04/intel-reinvents-transistors-using-new-3-d-structure - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting21:13
popeygoogle bitcoin :)21:13
TheOpenSourcerer"More than 6 million 22nm Tri-Gate transistors could fit in the period at the end of this sentence."21:16
Azelphurhttp://it.slashdot.org/story/11/05/04/1749215/Sony-Officially-Blames-Anonymous-For-PSN-Hack lolol21:17
Azelphurwhen anonymous takes credit, it's maintenance. When anonymous states "It wasn't us", it's anonymous :P21:17
TheOpenSourcererJust wait until ARM work out how to employ tri-gate technology.21:17
* popey notes that wgetting an iso from releases.ubuntu.com now redirects to a cloudfront content delivery network21:18
* popey suspects this may have been wise a week or so ago :)21:18
Azelphurpopey: my GTX 570 is doing 109mhash/sec and my 8800GT is doing 22khash/sec :D21:25
Azelphurand I have them both rate limited such that desktop things run smooth21:25
gordhuh... maybe apt repos should go in cloud stuff?21:26
gordooooh updates via ubuntu one anyone? ;)21:26
Azelphurpopey: according to bitcoinx.com my projected bitcoin profit is around 40BTC/mo ($145) :D21:44
popeywhats the electricity bill to run those GPUs at fill tilt?21:44
Azelphurdunno :P21:44
Azelphurpopey: less than $145, that's for sure21:45
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Bell] Taking Notes at UDS - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/05/04/taking-notes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=taking-notes22:19
popeyAlanBell: typo in your blog post, 10.10 should be 11.1023:04
popeyAlanBell: is there any reason not to show the nicknames of people editing?23:14
AlanBellthe idea is to do so23:15
popeygood stuff23:15
popeyi look forward to that :)23:15
AlanBellbut without the chat window or any other UI23:15
AlanBellso take this: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-o-community-o-unity-developer-participation23:16
AlanBellremove the bottom right pane so the list of names goes all the way down the right hand side23:16
popeysounds great23:16
AlanBelland remove everything above the list of names and the pad itself23:16
bigcalmpopey: new hardware has been dispatched or installed?23:21
popeyi havent installed it yet23:21
popeyi have it here23:22
bigcalmpopey: I think you need to hand in your geek licence23:22
popeywell, i have been using the internet :)23:22
popeyi copied some GB to a usb stick then shutdown the pc23:23
popeyits still shutting down23:23
popeywell, writing to the usb stick!23:23

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