
munzbluebomber: byobu is pretty cool, you should try it00:13
munzi do like it00:14
maxolasersquad_hI was playing with it at work this afternoon.  I'm definitely going to start using it much more often.00:23
itnet7mhall119: have you modified your byobu to give you more relative info?00:32
mhall119itnet7: like what?00:34
itnet7Just other stuff that is useful, I only really have it setup the default way00:34
itnet7Right now I have uptime, cpu usage processor speed, and disk space00:35
mhall119I have memory usage too00:35
mhall119and on my AWS box I have my cost estimator00:35
itnet7Oh, that's right, I remember you mentioning that !00:36
mhall119it'll also show # of packages available for upgrade00:36
itnet7It usually only shows security related updates, right00:37
mhall119hmmm, dunno00:38
mhall119I run it on both a server and desktop00:39
itnet7I remember noticing the update thing, and it was red with an exclamation point00:39
itnet7Oh, wow, you can able a whole lot of other notifications00:42
itnet7I never really looked for others considering the deaults it already had enabled00:42
jamaltajtatum, crashsystems, zbrown, dantalizing, and anyone else coming to SF for google i/o: how does wednesday evening (6pm?) at tokyo express (a block away) sound for getting together?01:04
jtatumi can work with that jamalta01:05
jtatumtuesday or thursday would be better but wednesday can work01:05
jamaltajtatum: what about monday? people are probably going to be gone by thursday.. and there's an event tuesday night for the conference.01:06
jamaltai think dantalizing will be in before monday, not sure about zbrown, though.01:06
jtatummonday works for me jamalta01:06
jamaltajtatum: alright, sweet.01:06
jtatumbut like i said.. can do wednesday too01:06
jtatumjust less than ideal :)01:07
jamaltajtatum: would monday be better than wednesday?01:07
jamaltahm, i guess if i create an event in the loco directory it would be best under the california team, right? i guess it would be cool to meet some people from the cali team too if they want to come...01:08
jtatummonday is better :)01:08
jtatumyeah, definitely create an event and spam the list01:09
mhall119jamalta: you can make a florida team event in cali01:09
jamaltaok i'll plan for monday, tentatively.. have to wait for everyone to answer01:09
jamaltamhall119: ahh cool. but would it be the right place?01:09
mhall119jamalta: actually, schedule it for one team, and I'll go and manually add the other, I've been meaning to test that functionality01:09
jamaltamhall119: ok!01:10
mhall119send me the link once it's made01:10
jamaltamhall119: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/957/detail/01:13
jamaltaalright i'm heading out for now,.. ping me if you have issues with the date.01:17
jamaltagood night everyone!01:17
crashsystemsjamalta: I'd not be able to make it01:24
crashsystemsI get off of work at 5:30, and it would take me 45 minutes just to get to the caltrain just to travel to SF01:24
mhall119jamalta: thanks, got both teams on there now01:33
mhall119let me know if you notice anything break01:33
jamaltamhall119: cool!02:15
jamaltacrashsystems: aw :( that sucks...02:15
AndChat-Sometimes not having a car sucks 02:19
jamaltaAndChat-: yeah :\03:12
jamaltaand having one too.. lol.03:12
AndChat-Indeed 03:13
hausburnHi all, I would like to get involved03:22
mhall119hausburn: awesome03:24
mhall119and welcome03:24
hausburnThank you03:24
mhall119hausburn: what kind of involvement are you interested in?03:24
hausburnI am an intermediate programmer, learning heavily03:25
mhall119cool, there's lot of other ways to get involved too besides programming03:25
hausburni really enjoy it and need a purpose03:25
hausburngreat, any way I can help03:26
hausburnThis is much better than windows03:27
hausburnso how can I help?03:27
hausburnI am in Tallahassee 03:30
mhall119cool, we've got some other folks up around there, going to FSU03:33
mhall119ejv: you're in Tallahassee right?03:34
mhall119hausburn: unfortunately you just missed our 2 release parties this past weekend03:34
mhall119but this channel tends to be active during waking hours, so feel free to hang out here03:34
hausburnok thanks, no school was a while back03:36
hausburnI wish I could got to FSU03:36
hausburnI would get my CS degree03:37
hausburnthanks for the help, I found FLUX and am reading up03:37
hausburnWell I hope I will be able to help some how. Linux is a boon for people who are tired of windows03:40
bluebomberhausburn: Yes, agreed.03:43
hausburnhi bluebomber03:46
bluebomberGood evening.03:47
hausburnI guess most people just have a script monitor the channel, not much chatting going on here03:50
itnet7There usually is during the daytime03:50
mhall119hausburn: it's getting on to bed time03:50
itnet7Hey there hausburn 03:50
mhall119hausburn: most of us have our IRC clients highlight on our nicks03:51
mhall119mine stays connected 24x703:51
mhall119so I just check for highlights when I get back online03:51
mhall119lots of others do that too03:51
hausburnI'll do the same, I want to learn as much as I can.03:52
mhall119best way to learn is to break something, in my experience ;)03:53
hausburnI love doing that too03:54
mhall119nothing teaches better than having to fix something03:54
hausburnI love to fix things03:54
mhall119what languages do you program in?03:54
hausburnc++, ruby, python C#03:54
mhall119also, if you have time tomorrow, there's doing online classes in #ubuntu-classroom starting at like 9am and going most of the day03:55
hausburnI like C++ but I have a lot to learn03:55
munzwelcome hausburn :)03:55
mhall119hausburn: that link was for you03:55
mhall119it'll be going on all week03:56
hausburnhi Munz03:56
mhall119I'm actually teaching one at noon on the command line03:56
hausburnI'll be there03:56
munzmhall119, itnet7, liking irssi :)04:01
hausburnReading about the workshop now, I will be ther04:01
itnet7munz: cool, now you just have get your self a good starting config!04:01
hausburnI have several and can't decide which one I like04:02
munzyea, still have some  reading up to do04:07
dantalizingjamalta: wednesday night is the afterparty with janes addiction05:07
jamaltadantalizing: then monday it is? :)05:07
dantalizingi arrive saturday05:07
dantalizingmonday works05:07
jamaltasweet, hope it's cool with zbrown too05:08
dantalizingis there saki at tokyo express?05:08
dantalizingor beer05:08
dantalizingor something i shouldnt have?05:08
jamaltadantalizing: hm, i think so.05:10
jamaltait's a decent japanese place, kinda fast-food ish, but not.05:10
jamaltaI just figured it would be convenient since it's close and the food is good05:10
dantalizingi'm not renting a car, so anything nearby works for me05:10
jamaltadantalizing: cool :)05:11
jamaltathere's a ton of other places nearby so we could always switch it up05:11
dantalizingaw crap05:14
dantalizingi forgot about the android developer mixer05:14
dantalizingjamalta: http://www.android-android.net/events/15081410/?eventId=15081410&action=detail05:14
jamaltadantalizing: ah, damn..05:16
jamaltaso what evening can you meet? :P05:16
dantalizingi can skip that if its the only time peolpe are available05:16
dantalizingotherwise saturday night, sunday night, wednesday night05:17
dantalizingisnt there some kind of online meetup/schedule/timing thingy?05:18
jamaltadantalizing: i thought you said wednesday was the party05:18
jamaltahm, good question, dunno of one.05:18
dantalizingoh right05:18
dantalizingoh did i?05:18
dantalizingtuesday night is the party05:18
jamaltawell, guess we can make it wednesday then :)05:18
jamaltasorry jtatum :\05:19
dantalizingyeah tuesday, may 10 05:21
jamaltaah cool05:26
ejvmhall119: typically gainesville / orlando07:26
ejvalthough right now im half way across the country ;)07:26
ejvi was going to say welcome hausburn, but he disappeared! fail! :(07:28
munzitnet7, mhall119, or anyone, in irssi how do you scroll up?13:08
munzUsers #ubuntu-us-fl 13:12
cjohnstonpage up13:44
cjohnstonleaving the house in an hour for uds13:44
munzLOL! thx cjohnston :)13:50
zoopsterenjoy your trip cjohnston14:12
cjohnstonthanks zoopster 14:31
dorganAfter my module is installed and I try to go to the configuration page I am getting a 404 error...Once I log out and then log back in, going to the configuration page for the module seems to work just fine.  Any ideas on how to fix this?14:54
zoopsterdorgan: more context, please14:57
dorganzoopster: such as?15:02
munzdorgan: what module were yuo installing in what?15:06
zoopstermaybe others do, but I have no idea what you are talking about...15:06
dorganmy own custom module15:06
maxolasersquaddorgan: Python module?  Zend module?  Drupal module?  Dorgan module?15:09
dorganoh wait I am in the wrong channel15:09
dorganLOL sorry guys15:09
DammitJimwho is a software developer in here besides mhall119 ? I harrass him, too much16:05
maxolasersquadI am.16:05
DammitJimmaxolasersquad, may i ping you?16:13
DammitJimpm you16:13
DammitJimok mhall119, may I pm you?16:21
mhall119DammitJim: if you do it fast16:27
mhall119DammitJim: waiting16:30
dorganmhall119: you get  a change to look at the ExtJS Feed Viewer?16:42
mhall119dorgan: yeah16:42
dorganare you going to use it?17:00
mhall119dorgan: probably not, no17:02
dorganany reasons why?17:02
mhall119I'll likely end up using extjs core and some widgets, but not as heavily17:02
bluebomber_usfHi, Florida LoCo!17:46
maxolasersquadDammitJim: Feel free to pm me whenever.  I can't guaruntee I'll be knowledgeable in the area you are working on though.18:29

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