
MilyardoSo what need need then are more games written in .NET and Mono will be okay?00:05
snap-lMilyardo: Folks that hate on Mono and don't hate on Java are blind to the problems with both00:12
rick_h__I just prefer to hate00:13
snap-lIt's just that it's convenient to hate on Microsoft's technology because of the underlying opinion that Microsoft wouldn't create anything without ulterior motives00:13
snap-lie: mono will be a patent trap, or will get changed to keep developers scrambling or...00:14
snap-lWhich are complaints that can be leveled at Java, or any other corporate controlled language.00:14
snap-lGood morning13:15
snap-lSo, I finally got a hold of someoene that can help me with the Java code at work13:15
snap-land right off the bat, he says to use Eclipse13:15
rick_h__that's why I'm a bit of a 'look down' on the IDE folks.13:16
snap-lAnd hands me a project file / bundle / whatever the hell it is13:16
greg-gguess who's been getting up way too early lately? That's right, this guy. 7am is ungodly13:16
rick_h__can't code without their buttons to press13:16
rick_h__greg-g: hah, come on. I was clocked into work a quarter till 713:16
snap-lseriously Java isn't a programming language as much as it is an oral tradition.13:16
snap-lwith inexplicable code bundles handed down from generation to generation of coders.13:17
rick_h__"this magic eclipse project will build...we don't know why, but by god it builds13:18
tjagodaSounds like a different kind of oral tradition.13:18
tjagoda /pun music13:18
snap-lI think there's one developer out there that cranks out this stuff13:21
snap-lonce he gets fed up, Java will cease to be.13:21
snap-l(or she, for that matter)13:22
brouschgreg-g: poor baby. i get up at 6am every day and the first thing i have to do is wake my cranky wife and cranky kid13:32
rick_h__new ones?13:32
rick_h__maybe get some non-cranky versions13:33
rick_h__seems like a bad feature to me13:33
rick_h__sorry, wife and I joke about getting upgraded versions of each other and such. Guess it's not quite normal to everyone else13:34
brouschthese are people, not robots, you insensitive clod13:35
_stink_isn't that just new firmware?13:35
rick_h___stink_: meh, it's like new android phones13:35
rick_h__you could root/upgrade but you might as well just get the newer versions13:35
_stink_ha, the whole thing then13:35
_stink_sign me up13:35
brouschplease do not root your children13:35
greg-gbrousch: yeah, the gf is still sleeping when I wake up and leave :/13:46
snap-lhttp://decafbad.net/2011/05/04/tear-down-this-wall/ <- The thought for the day.14:02
rick_h__lol, "public static final"14:03
rick_h__always fitting java into your posts snap-l, you fanboi :P14:03
snap-lYah, totally14:03
greg-gI liked it, made me giggle14:04
rick_h__OMG I love zsh14:07
rick_h__rm **/*.pyc14:07
rick_h__greg-g: can you do recurring meetings in the loco directory?14:10
snap-lfor CHC?14:11
snap-lNot easily.14:11
snap-lI think you have to copy the event14:11
rick_h__yea, was thinking of starting a rebranding of UH/CHC14:11
snap-lCalling it Ubuntu Hour instead?14:11
rick_h__combining a bit14:11
snap-lYeah, that makes sense14:11
rick_h__Ubuntu House:CofeeHouseCoders14:11
rick_h__nice little shortcut of UH:CHC14:12
rick_h__claim we work with the community and such so the dual brand14:12
rick_h__but get it on the calendar14:12
snap-lsellout. ;)14:12
* greg-g nods14:12
greg-gI like14:12
greg-gI'll report a bug against loco directory for the feature request part, but I'm game for the rebranding, of course14:13
snap-lBut yeah, I was going to put it on the events calendar, but hesitated because it wasn't ubuntu specufic14:13
snap-lSo a slight re-branding would work14:13
rick_h__dammit, I hate canonical web UX14:14
rick_h__that time picker is the suck14:14
snap-lOh totally.14:14
snap-lYou can't even type in a value14:14
brouschyeah, that thing is annoying. i'll bet it's really annoying if you hate your mouse14:14
rick_h__what? have to put it in diff time?14:14
snap-lTry typing in 20:00 and see what happens.14:15
rick_h__I'm regretting my decision just based on getting it in this freaking suckitude of a web page14:15
rick_h__no, you mean 00 since it's +414:15
snap-lEvents are local time, no?14:15
rick_h__dammit, so CHC is 00 the 6th?14:15
rick_h__no, UTC14:16
rick_h__sorry, 00 5th14:16
snap-lThe natty panel event that I put in was under EDT14:16
brouschi think it's local time14:16
brouschi remember having to pick the time zone14:16
rick_h__no, it says all events must be in UTC14:17
rick_h__but then it says the TZ is +114:17
rick_h__do we have a TZ in our team settings?14:17
brouschmaybe recurring events are different?14:17
rick_h__there's no recurring events14:17
rick_h__this is for a meeting vs an event14:17
rick_h__at least that's what I figured this was since there's no signup/etc14:17
rick_h__ugh, pita14:17
brouschah, that could be14:17
snap-lI think it might be better to put it as an event14:18
greg-goh, yeah, meetings are UTC, because it does fancy IRC log parsing14:18
jrwrenMilyardo: blind hatred of MSFT. The extremists don't use samba and hate it just as much and will offer solutions like "use NFS"14:18
snap-lsince it isn't a team meeting14:18
greg-gevents are local time14:18
rick_h__ah, events are local14:18
rick_h__ok, well events had all this extra crap I didn't need/want so went with meeting14:19
rick_h__going back14:19
jrwrenrick_h__++ I use an IDE, but I still look down on the ide folks :)14:19
greg-gbtw https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/77709814:19
snap-lMarked as affecting me as well14:19
rick_h__ok, added the month of may at least14:21
rick_h__we'll see if I copy/keep it up14:22
snap-lI can maintain it if you want.14:22
snap-lI'm kinda anal about calendars. ;)14:22
brouschwill you make rick_h__ boot from an ubuntu livecd at the meetings?14:22
snap-lNah, he'll come around eventually14:23
snap-lthe fifth time that X crashes for no reason, he'll be back. ;)14:23
rick_h__had 5 of them :(14:23
rick_h__but spread over several weeks14:23
snap-lI mean in one day.14:23
rick_h__heh, I think 3 in one day would trigger a reinstall14:24
greg-gnot to be a wet blanket in ubuntu-land, but a buddy from another channel had unity crash 3 times on him yesterday for no apparent reason, on a fresh install :/14:24
snap-lgreg-g: I'd believe it14:25
snap-lUnity is hard on graphics hardware14:25
greg-gI was saddened by it. The first it crashed completely, the second was alt-tab wouldn't display the windows being tab'd through (but would "blindly" work), the third I'm not sure14:25
rick_h__it's getting hardon users14:25
brouschi haven't had it crash, but i also haven't used it for real work or for longer than an hour at a stretch14:25
rick_h__with a space in there14:25
snap-lI think a lot of folks that found the intel cards "good enough" are going to be rethinking that decision.14:25
greg-gbrousch: oh, I thought you were full time with it for some reason14:25
rick_h__yea, I'm seeing a lot of folks thinking about really jumping ship14:26
brouschgreg-g: http://clusterbleep.net/blog/2011/05/02/natty-and-unity-at-wmlug/14:26
snap-lThing is, Unity is still beta software14:27
jrwrenno it is not.14:27
jrwrenit is released.14:27
jrwrenit may be poor quality, but canonical shipped it.14:27
jrwrenthere is no beta in there.14:27
rick_h__ok fine: "it's beta quality software"14:28
greg-gjrwren: :) I agree. It is like calling KDE 4.0 "beta"14:28
snap-lrick_h__: ++14:28
rick_h__release early/often has its drawbacks...see bookie blow ups14:28
snap-lThing is, KDE 4.0 was beta quality14:28
greg-gbut we loves rick_h__14:28
jrwrenyet gmail beta was extremely high quality.  IMO higher quality than it is these days.14:28
snap-leven though it was "released"14:28
jrwrenso I'm not sure what "beta quality" maens.14:28
jrwrenI've used betas of extremely high quality.14:28
greg-g"not releaseable"14:28
rick_h__bah, beta == known bugs and gmail had that14:28
jrwrenso lets just call it poor quality or buggy14:28
rick_h__now they carried that tag way too long14:28
rick_h__but a giant new window manager framework that's < 1yr old should have a beta tag on it14:29
snap-ljrwren: We're getting into a semantic war that nobody will be able to definitively win. ;)14:29
jrwrenso lets argue about something else... like was it really war?14:29
snap-land who really won?14:30
jrwrengiant new window manager?  how big is it?14:30
jrwrenit can't be more than a few thousand lines of code.14:30
rick_h__bigger than pytile :P14:30
snap-lWell, Unity also includes app changes to make it work better14:30
rick_h__I don't know, if they go about their C anything like their python/launchpad it's a lot more than that14:30
snap-lXEMBED is deprecated.14:30
brouschso if they'd released it with a giant BETA on the desktop background it would've been ok?14:30
greg-gI'm still hung up on the fact that Unity is *just* a plugin to Compiz14:30
rick_h__greg-g: funny isn't it14:31
snap-lbrousch: Of course not14:31
snap-lbrousch: They'd need to make that text customizable14:31
snap-lbrousch: So instead of saying "BETA", it could say "Joe's Chicken Shack", or have an API to put a clock there.14:32
rick_h__brousch: personally, I'd say at this point it should have been a install time option14:32
snap-lor your entire todo list.14:32
rick_h__"would you like to help beta test our huge cluster?"14:32
snap-lrick_h__: Nobody would use it, then. ;)14:32
rick_h__see: https://luke.faraone.cc/blog/2011/05/your-release-sucks/14:32
snap-lThat's what Ubuntu Classic is for14:32
rick_h__right, but when crap crashes it doesn't say "I noticed you had a big boom crash. Would you like me to install the classic for you?"14:33
brouschclassic is always installed14:33
rick_h__ok fine "Would you like me to switch to classic for you"14:33
snap-lrick_h__: You're assuming that the person involved with the crash still has display drivers that aren't completely fucked at this point. ;)14:33
brouschwell actually it does say that if your graphics drivers aren't up to snuff ;)14:34
snap-lblink blink blink blink blink14:34
rick_h__brousch: then the code to do it is already there14:34
brouschIt says something like "your graphics drivers suck. logout and switch to classic"14:34
rick_h__they should also be referencing a list of drivers that are know to be causing issues this release14:34
snap-lrick_h__: ++14:35
rick_h__good ole blacklist is back "lots of people with that totally legit card, but which we didn't test much, are having crashes, we'd like to provide you a more stable experience to reduce our hate mail kthx"14:35
jrwrenthat would be great.14:35
jrwrenand not do that until after the first crash... so people who do have a good experience continue to have a good experience.14:35
rick_h__stable > pretty14:35
rick_h__jrwren: totally, get the bug report14:35
rick_h__and get the crash count14:35
rick_h__so you know about it since you're basically turning live people into beta testers on hardware that wasn't well tested14:36
jrwrenyou guys should go code that up14:36
rick_h__but after that first crash...don't do it 3 times in one day14:36
rick_h__and piss off greg-g's buddy14:36
jrwrenwho is that?14:36
rick_h__greg-g's buddy had 3 crashes in one day and is not happy with natty14:36
rick_h__see backlog14:37
snap-lhttp://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/h3las/attachmate_lays_off_mono_employees/ <- This discussion really pisses me off14:37
rick_h__add that to the comments you don't read14:38
snap-lmostly because people are so blinded by hate that they can't see potential good14:38
rick_h__ /. reddit youtube14:38
snap-lMeh, I like the comments on Reddit14:38
snap-lTehre's some gold in there14:38
snap-lYoutube's featured comments are about as far as I can get before they blow up into crap and racism14:39
snap-lactually, racism is definitely in the set of crap14:40
jrwrensnap-l: the fact that the original article is a lie should piss you off too14:40
snap-lhttp://blog.internetnews.com/skerner/2011/05/attachmate-lays-off-mono-emplo.html#comment-153773 <- The fact that Bradley Kuhn is the voice of reason here is sad.14:41
brouschjrwren: attachmate is not laying off the mono people?14:41
jrwrenits all a lie.14:42
jrwrenno mono people were laid off.14:42
jrwren100 or so people from Novell were laid off in provo Utah.14:42
jrwrenno one on the mono team was laid off.14:42
wolfger"Its about what is an application and what is a program."14:43
jrwrensnap-l: I like that reddit comment thread... lots of posts with negative points.14:46
jrwrennow there are also too many comments with high + points that should be negative, but at least there is some good in tehre :)14:47
snap-lIT's just a bowl full of stupid14:47
wolfgera lot of pointless bickering over what is a good language14:47
wolfgerand idiocy like the above "what is an app and what is a program" quote14:48
jrwrenrofl @ GTK# is patent incumbered.14:48
jrwrenROFL ROFL.14:48
jrwrenwell, then, I guess GTK+ is too!14:48
snap-lIt's the same bullshit argument that we're somehow chasing Microsoft and asking for a seat at the big-boys table14:48
wolfgerwhat about GTK++?14:48
snap-lAnd that it's a patent trap14:48
jrwrenoh definitely.14:48
jrwrenmust be.14:48
jrwrenso that means all of gnome too, because its built on GTK14:49
jrwrengnome is a MS patent trap!14:49
snap-lin case anyone hadn't noticed, just about anything is a patent trap14:49
jrwreni'm not sure the phrase "patent trap" even makes sense.14:49
snap-lIt makes as much sense as a parent trap14:49
jrwrenhrm... Haley Mills or Lindsay Lohan?14:50
wolfger"parent trap" was a movie about trapping parents14:50
wolfgerpatent traps are not about trapping patents14:50
wolfgertotally inappropriate comparisson14:50
snap-lso, by extension, we should make a movie with Lindsay Lohan about trapping patents14:50
wolfgerLet's use Kim Khardasian instead. She's hotter.14:51
jrwrenI think she would be better at trapping something else.14:51
jrwrenZOMG GROSS.14:51
snap-lI'm sure she'll be pretty reasonably priced once she gets off probation / jail / whatever.14:51
jrwrenI don't understand who the world thinks she is hot.14:51
jrwrenor why the world thinks she is hot.14:51
jrwrengross gross gross.14:51
snap-ljrwren: There's a certain contingent of folks that enjoy the easy slut look14:52
wolfgerso... jrwren thinks Lindsay Lohan is hotter?14:52
jrwrengross gross gross.14:52
jrwrenLohan at her prime was hot.14:52
jrwrenthese days... not so much.14:52
snap-lI prefer something that can at least hold up the end of a conversation without trying to hold themselves onto a barstool.14:52
jrwrensnap-l: brains?  those just get in the way of my adgenda ;]14:53
wolfgerKim appeals to those who like booty14:54
jrwreni like booty. she does not appeal to me.14:54
snap-lShe's as appealing as a used cigarette14:54
wolfgerto each their own, I guess14:55
wolfgermind you, she's not on my top 10 list... all I said was she's hotter than Lindsay. And about on-par celebrity-wise.14:56
snap-lwolfger: I can live with that.14:56
ColonelPanic001I have just walked into something14:58
wolfger"I can't think of a hotter reality show floozy". How's that for a ringing endorsement? XD14:58
_stink_better weigh in, ColonelPanic00114:58
snap-lhttp://cdmckay.org/blog/2011/05/02/things-i-miss-from-java-while-programming-in-c/ <- Maybe I'm dumb, but I don't think I'd miss any of these so-called "features".14:59
ColonelPanic001Kim Cardassian looks too artificial.14:59
rick_h__@!$##$@ speaking of X crashes...14:59
snap-lruh roh14:59
ColonelPanic001I'm sticking with my Natalie Portman infatuation. You all can take the useless idiot reality show "stars".15:00
snap-lHey tbemus15:00
jrwrensnap-l: you aren't writing enough code then :)15:00
snap-ltbemus: Quick, somewhat embarrassing question if you've got a sec.15:00
snap-ljrwren: Maybe I'm not15:01
jrwrensnap-l: although the anonymous inner classes point I think the author misunderstands what is going on.  the other points I kind of agree with him on.15:01
snap-ltbemus: https://picasaweb.google.com/craigmaloney/Penguicon2011#5602143548380050258 <- Who is the lady on the left?15:01
jrwrenColonelPanic001: do you have black swan on repeat?15:01
snap-lI should know this.15:01
wolfgercurse my anti-picasaweb work firewall :-p15:02
ColonelPanic001jrwren: never saw it15:02
tbemussnap-l: Mary Tolmech  - She is a regular at the MDLug meetings15:02
ColonelPanic001she looked starved, from what I saw, anyway15:02
snap-lThank you. :)15:02
ColonelPanic001but it is aronofsky, so I will eventually15:02
snap-lI thought her name was Mary, but I wasn't 100% sure15:02
tbemusYour welcome15:03
wolfgerok, can it be lunchtime yet?15:04
jrwrenColonelPanic001: its a great movie. and I'm not a huge portman fan.15:04
wolfgerI am both hungry and tired. I would like some food and a nap :-p15:04
ColonelPanic001jrwren: noted, thanks15:06
ColonelPanic001in other related news, I just found that WSU has a page for their cheerleaders.15:07
snap-lThat's like finding out that WSU has a football team15:07
jrwrenI remember liking the oakland dance team back when I went there.15:07
jrwrenI'd take 1/2 or maybe all of them over any of the aforementioned celebs.15:08
snap-lI did not like the Venturettes (Bishop Foley's Dance Team)15:08
jrwrenhigh school groups always suck IMO.15:08
jrwrenor... back when I was in high school... the never sucked when you wanted them to.15:09
jrwren*oh snap*15:09
snap-lMostly because somoene got the bright idea to play Axel F at top volume through the shitty horn speakers in the gym15:09
* jrwren imagines a breakin' crew dancin with the nuns15:10
snap-ljrwren: You wish15:10
snap-lIt was the girls team for those who didn't do cheerleading15:11
jrwrenand I'm LMAO picturing them in neon clothes and headbands and wristbands doing backspins and headspins with nuns15:12
snap-lAlso, Foley was the more 1970s version of nuns15:12
snap-lno habits, folk music15:12
snap-lVatican II was in full effect there.15:12
jrwreni know.15:13
ColonelPanic001Sounds like a movie sequel.15:13
ColonelPanic001Vatican II: The Resurrection15:13
snap-lConsidering they let a Lutheran in there, that was pretty big. :)15:13
wolfgerthe connection is so obvious.... Axel Foley... Bishop Foley....15:13
jrwrenbut lots of silly movies of the same time period...well...ok... a little earlier... made hokey nuns in habits references.15:13
_stink_ColonelPanic001: i had just typed that exact thing in15:13
wolfgerVatican II: Electric Boogaloo15:13
snap-ljrwren: Sister Act this wasn't. ;)15:13
snap-lwolfger: lol15:13
ColonelPanic001Vatican II: Revelations15:13
_stink_Vatican II: Chastity is Dead15:14
ColonelPanic001Vatican II: Weekend At Ratzinger's15:14
snap-lThough I'm sure they didn't like me referring to John Paul II as "The Deuce"15:14
wolfgerVatican II: Why are the alter boys all scared?15:14
snap-lThat, and my mom packed me baloney sandwiches during lent.15:14
jrwrenI was thinking Repossessed :)15:14
snap-lSo I'd be sitting there eating meat on a Friday in a Catholic school.15:15
wolfgers/alter/altar/ :-p15:15
_stink_snap-l: that is awesome15:15
snap-lYeah, I'm a rebel.15:15
wolfgerit was a subtle statement... "no-meat on Fridays is baloney"15:16
wolfgerDid they call you Baloney Maloney?15:16
snap-lwolfger: Ever since first grade, thank you.15:16
wolfgerchildren and moms are so cruel15:17
snap-lThough one of the coaches shared my last name15:18
snap-lso people naturally assumed we were related.15:18
snap-ldidn't help that he also had reddish hair15:18
snap-lCoach Edward maloney15:18
wolfger"why does the coach's son suck at sports?"15:18
snap-lI'm sure that came up a few times.15:19
brouschand what's their secret baloney connection?15:19
snap-lWhy is he in band15:19
wolfgersnap-l: the orignal Glee15:19
wolfgerdid you get slushied a lot?15:20
snap-lI don't sing in public. :)15:20
snap-lIf they had an American Idol for drummers, I'd totally be there. :)15:20
wolfgerpoor JoDee15:20
wolfgerbecause I know what the "in public" attachment means...15:21
snap-lwolfger: Well, lets just say one year people got a taste of me trying to sing Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie15:21
wolfgerIf you don't sing, you don't sing. If you don't sing in public, the people who live with you suffer.15:21
snap-l(at Penguicon)15:21
wolfgerwhen is Penguicon, anyway?15:22
wolfgerI feel like it should be here soon15:23
snap-lwolfger: Yeah, wasn't this just the pre-show?15:23
wolfgerfeels like it.15:23
wolfgerit just.... was *less* than usual, somehow15:24
wolfgerpartly because I was tired and in bed earlier than normal (for con) every night15:24
ColonelPanic001Saturday night was the best Pcon Saturday night I've ever had.15:24
ColonelPanic001Then again, I drank more than usual, might be related.15:24
wolfgerbut even aside from the missed parties, it felt like the days just flew by without much happening15:25
ColonelPanic001but I was right behind the actual romans when they paraded through the lobby, I watched a drunken nerd wrestle a viking to the ground in the hotel hallways, and was there when packed Hallway by the romans all sang "Piano Man" at screaming-sound-levels. It was a good night.15:25
snap-lYeah, I did the panels I was involved with, the Smithee Awards, and the Unity panel15:25
ColonelPanic001I did a few offbeat ones. "Something About Dopamine" was really good15:26
ColonelPanic001the Killer Android one was okay15:27
ColonelPanic001Apartment-Friendly Composting was neat, although I doubt I'll try it myself.15:27
snap-lYeah, my biggest complaint would be that the good talks were opposite my talks.15:27
snap-lgood tech talks, rather15:28
ColonelPanic001they did tend to cluster together15:28
brouschgreg-g: Do you know if there's a way to order the photos that get displayed here? http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-michigan15:33
brouschI think it's showing mine first because my username is first alphabetically15:33
snap-lMan, I love Google Voice15:37
snap-lI've set some annoying idiots to go to voicemail (Bank of America advertisers)15:37
snap-lJust save the contact, set "send directly to voice mail", and I don't have to hear a thing.15:38
wolfgerColonelPanic001: Yeah, the dopamine panel was very interesting15:39
wolfgermy favorite was the molecular gastronomy panel, though (ever so slightly)15:39
wolfgerI want to make little spheres of Bailey's Irish Cream now15:40
ColonelPanic001last year there was one or two about neural networks that was really good15:41
wolfgerthe panel on dopamine explains why I enjoy a bad day at work more than a normal boring day at work.15:41
wolfger"Everything's breaking! Yay, dopamine!" :-p15:42
binbrainreally odd that attachmate kicks suse over to germany, curious decision15:42
snap-lhttp://theoatmeal.com/comics/coffee <- I love the "Caffeine: How it works" section of this comic.15:43
wolfgerI love the dancing goats graphic15:45
snap-lwolfger: You can get to that?15:45
snap-lPraise be.15:45
ColonelPanic001official tea for Pcon next year?: http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/blend.html?blend=1380515:45
snap-lColonelPanic001: Heh15:46
snap-lhttp://www.meijer.com/s/skyline-furniture-armless-accent-chair-esprit-pear/_/R-183409 <- Oh wow, I need 12 of these15:46
wolfgersnap-l: this firewall's idea of what is ok and what is not truly boggles the mind...15:48
snap-lYeah, I don't understand it15:48
snap-lunless one of the VPs needs their fix of The Oatmeal15:48
_stink_man, the Oatmeal is really good.15:49
snap-lafter all, he's a published author, you know.15:49
snap-lSo, it's legitimate, or something15:49
greg-gbrousch: no clue :/16:26
greg-gbrousch: I'm not the happiest with how they display those photos, but, whatevs right now16:27
brouschlooks like default sorting for the group16:28
rick_h__for the software peep out there17:04
snap-lDoes this mean I don't get to wear the striped hat, and can't blow the whistle?17:08
wolfgerI *almost* stopped reading before it started making a little sense.17:09
wolfgerHe's really stretching a metaphor. Because if you don't plan out "where the petals and leaves will be", your software design scares me.17:10
wolfgerhaphazard software is not good. I should know... I've written it. :-p17:11
brouschcoming from the construction industry, the finished building will not look exactly as the architect envisions it17:11
brouschoften because their vision costs too much or is physically impractical17:11
rick_h__meh, especially if you're agile/agilish, you plan out the big parts17:11
rick_h__color scheme of the garden, layout, tall/small plants17:12
rick_h__but it comes out as you work it17:12
wolfgerRight. If you think everything that gets engineered comes out looking like the first blueprint, you're clearly a fool who's never seen what engineering is really like.17:12
rick_h__you can play it any way, found it interesting17:13
rick_h__I mean, we don't have to do match on 'will the total structure support the weight of itself...as final weight"17:13
rick_h__we miss calculate some load numbers we refactor17:13
wolfgerI've been on this one plant launch for 2 years now, and they are still making changes, even though we're "in production". Engineering is a lot more like gardening than this guy thinks.17:13
rick_h__they forget to count the weight of the drywall...well uh oh17:13
wolfgernow if you're writing unique code from scratch, which is a rarity in the professional world, then the gardener metaphor works better... but in my experience, professional coding is much more like taking pre-made bricks of code and arranging them in a blueprinted formation.17:19
rick_h__heh, and I can compare that to planting a garden with purchased plants17:20
rick_h__you build off blocks17:20
wolfgerunless your code grows while you're sleeping, I think the gardening metaphor fails ;-)17:24
wolfgerand if it does....17:24
wolfgerskynet is becoming self-aware. Destroy it now.17:24
brouschOSS software grows while you sleep, assuming you have developers in other countries17:27
wolfgerwell, now you are getting into a cat-herding metaphor :-D17:27
rick_h__cats like gardens17:28
wolfgera program is not a work of engineering.... it's cat-scratch17:35
wolfgerseeing the apps here at Chrysler supports that theory 100%17:35
snap-lSeeing the code at Chrysler gives me faith inreverse evolution17:42
snap-lthe theory of survival of the fittest is bunk over there.17:42
wolfgerevidence #1, the TTTS self-service website. I get dangerously close to having a stroke and/or aneurism every time I use it.17:44
wolfgerbecause the first thing you have to do is select an application, even though selecting an application is something you have to page down to get to17:45
wolfgerand you know you have to, because a popup box tells you so17:45
wolfgerrather than, you know, just popping up a box with the selection dialog17:45
snap-lThat TTS system is garbage17:46
wolfgerso you have to click ok on the box, click the selection dialog button, do a search for the application group code even if you know it by heart and did need the search dialog at all...17:46
wolfgerthen as soon as you get done with that, another pop-up says "hey, check your contact info to make sure it's right"17:47
wolfgereven if you just went through all this 30 seconds ago17:47
snap-lI have to say, most ticket tracking systems are garbage17:47
wolfgerI have "checked my contact info" as many as 6 times in a single day before17:47
snap-land corporate catch-all systems are the worst.17:47
wolfgerTTTS makes Bugzilla look elegant17:48
snap-lI agree, and I hate Bugzilla with a fiery passion17:51
snap-lNothing say "we hate our users" more than Bugzilla17:51
wolfgerThis isn't a garden, it's an abandoned lot.17:59
wolfgerall stinkweed and danylions18:00
wolfgerand bugs18:00
greg-grick_h__: ok if I tweet/dent: "Announcing the new combo Ubuntu Hour/Coffee House Coders in Detroit, MI http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-michigan/events !UbuntuMichigan"18:02
snap-lwolfger: And every three months, they send someone to groom it, so it isn't considered abandoned and reposessed. ;)18:03
rick_h__greg-g: sure thing, though was debating on the "new" thing18:13
rick_h__was trying to figure out a way to word it so that it was clear it's been going down for a while18:13
rick_h__just not named right18:13
rick_h__greg-g: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/312/ ??18:24
rick_h__http://paste.mitechie.com/show/313/ or maybe18:25
snap-lI like the second one18:31
rick_h__greg-g: cool, I'll post and then you want to RT?18:41
rick_h__or was it something you wanted to post?18:41
greg-geither way..... Mind me?18:41
rick_h__not at all18:42
* greg-g shryugs18:42
ColonelPanic001I RTed.18:46
ColonelPanic001I'm sure all two of my linux-related followers will read it18:47
rick_h__now we just have to keep too many new people from finding out19:07
rick_h__or I'll have to break down and get a real venue19:08
brouschput it on the ubuntu-mi mailing list19:10
rick_h__brousch: stop helping19:10
brouschit will be awesome when 30 people show up for the next meeting19:10
rick_h__yea, don't think that whole cofee house holds 30 people19:11
brouschstanding room only. everyone balancing their laptop on one raised knee, typing with one hand, and holding their coffee in the other19:12
ColonelPanic001our problem at Downriver CHC (read: me and a former coworker) is that the coffeehouse is nice, but has a really flaky internet connection19:14
rick_h__yea, ours can get bad19:14
brouschrick_h__ will tether them all on his phone19:14
rick_h__when I get my 4g19:14
ColonelPanic001often we resort to just him putting up a wireless net on his phone. yeah19:14
snap-lYeah, some evenings we have way too many people there.19:15
snap-lNot that I'm complaining19:15
brouschfinding bigger coffeehouses can be a problem19:15
rick_h__yea, you get big enough you rent a room...but then no beverages19:16
brouschyou could encourage people to form smaller groups at various locations19:16
snap-lAnd then you get into dues, and pretty soon you're having board meetings.19:16
rick_h__that's no fun19:16
rick_h__you never know what the topic is going to be19:16
brouschwho rally wants to drive 30 minutes for an hour meeting?19:16
rick_h__it's two hours and I do it every week kthx19:17
brouschwith the rename you will have to cut the meeting time down19:17
rick_h__12/27 is my upgrade...man end end of the year19:17
brouschchc meets 7-9?19:19
rick_h__7-10 on the last one of the week19:19
rick_h__last week of the month that is19:20
brouschi want to do one, but i want it to start after my son goes to bed. so it would be 8:30 − 10 probably19:20
brouschseems so late19:22
rick_h__yea, it's my latest night of the week19:22
rick_h__but nice to have that scheduled hacking time every week19:22
brouschi se there's one in lansing now, so GR is the next logical location19:22
brouschi just realized we have the perfect spot for a CHC19:45
brouschand it would actually scale to 30+ pople easily19:47
snap-l"I used to think that PHP was the biggest, stinkiest dump that the computer industry had taken on my life in a decade. Then I started needing to do things that could only be accomplished in AppleScript."19:49
ColonelPanic001"PHP is a minor evil perpetrated and created by incompetent amateurs, whereas Perl is a great and insidious evil, perpetrated by skilled but perverted professionals."20:04
ColonelPanic001my favorite20:04
snap-lAnd Java is just a miserable mess20:06
greg-gbrousch: awesome re: perfect CHC location, do it! ;)20:13
brouschi'm talking it over with the venue owners20:14
brouschthey don't technically have a cafe yet20:14
brouschhave to bring ur own coffee20:14
jordon_apple "geniouses" should wear that shirt22:40
binbrainI feel like I'm back in 1999, boxing with linux drivers all day23:04

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