
Takyojiheh https://www.google.com/trends?q=%22GNOME+3%22&ctab=0&geo=all&date=mtd&sort=003:02
fisch246hey tonyyarusso, know of a better place to have the next release party?04:24
tonyyarussoIn the same general neck of the woods?  Not really - west of the river is pretty foreign to me.04:25
Takyoji*cough hint* moar south *cough hint* :P04:26
fisch246well people were traveling far in all directions :/04:26
TakyojiNext time: perhaps folks could talk prior about commuting04:27
TakyojiRather than all separate vehicles each04:27
fisch246hmm perhaps04:27
TakyojiCould even be a progressively working release party. :P04:28
fisch246well i need like a map or something that has everyone's address so i know where to have the next party *glares at Launchpad*04:28
TakyojiEveryone in the south gathers together, screws around, then everyone of the south and other areas come to the metro, to met with even more, etc04:28
tonyyarussoOr everyone in the south has their own party...04:29
TakyojiThe thing is, there isn't really anyone down here. :P04:29
* Takyoji checks Launchpad04:29
tonyyarussoSure there are - you just haven't found them yet.04:29
TakyojiAlso, anything of update the website theme at all yet? :P04:30
TakyojiI thought there was a map of members on: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-minnesota04:32
Takyojiunless if I'm thinking of something else04:32
tonyyarussoThere was.  Launchpad removed that feature.04:32
TakyojiCould add it to our own website then04:33
Takyojialso, anything of the consideration of in-person meetings at all?04:34
fisch246my tummy is almost gone :3 yay!04:34
Takyoji(just not too freakishly often, to devalue it)04:34
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Stop asking and just do it.04:36
TakyojiUnless if everyone wants to drive an hour down here. :P04:37
Takyojior at least most04:37
TakyojiIf so, then yes04:37
fisch246everyone drove about an hour04:37
fisch246except me, nate, my dad, and tony04:37
tonyyarussoIt was still about 45 minutes for me.04:38
fisch246for me it was less than 5 minutes haha04:40
TakyojiThen where does the majestic tonyyarusso live? :P04:40
fisch246nate lives in GV04:40
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Shoreview04:40
fisch246he came from St. Paul04:40
fisch246from the other party04:40
TakyojiHaaah, that's a distance more.04:41
Takyojifisch246: I came from the TIES installfest as well. :P04:41
fisch246well... :P04:41
Takyojiactually I guess Shoreview isn't substantially that further04:41
Takyojiin terms of travel time04:41
tonyyarussoIt's about 20 minutes from my house to TIES.04:41
fisch246and btw... i think we all realized tony wasn't that majestic in person :P04:42
fisch246i kid haha04:42
Takyoji1 hour 7 minutes from Shoreview; 56 minutes from St. Paul; 58 minutes from Hopkins04:42
TakyojiJust strictly based upon Google Maps data04:42
TakyojiPsh yea, he never starts anything. :P04:42
fisch246we could move to minneapolis04:43
Takyojiand gives us crap about it. :P04:43
TakyojiSuch a hypocrite that tonyyarusso is. :P04:43
fisch246not really >.>04:43
fisch246his purpose isn't to be a leader04:43
TakyojiThen someone needs to take leadership, obviously. :P04:44
fisch246what i have been doing04:44
tonyyarussosomeones, plural, preferably.04:44
fisch246but only with getting everyone acquainted and such...04:44
Takyojiotherwise we'll just continue of the usual "hey, someone should start an installfest in their area" and nothing happens.04:45
Takyojior any other activity04:45
fisch246then do it your self >.>04:45
fisch246that's what i did04:45
fisch246i just did it all myself04:45
tonyyarussoExactly.  We need more of that.04:45
fisch246you guys are the only ones worth doing it all for04:47
TakyojiNot everyone has a strong leader personality, is a contributing issue; and there could be some facilitation04:47
fisch246remember that 1984 mac commercial?05:01
fisch246ubuntu should make a remake of that, and have steve jobs on the screen05:02
TakyojiI just had my mother and sister watch 'Pirates of Silicon Valley' with me last night (even though I've seen it several times over) :P05:05
fisch246never seen it05:06
TakyojiEver seen 'Revolution OS'?05:09
TakyojiThen I shall barrow both DVDs to you next time05:09
FloatingGoatNo need to fear, I'm here now05:18
tonyyarussoTakyoji: http://blog.linode.com/2011/05/03/linode-launches-native-ipv6-support/07:31
* Takyoji cries in joy19:02
* Takyoji wonders what datacenter tonyyarusso's VPS is in. :P19:15

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