
_marx_jack__: it ain't joe the plumber ;-)01:07
_marx_wow, house bet no rain, and she's about to win it01:45
BugeyeD_marx_: you win02:41
BugeyeDer, rather, house loses02:41
jack_^_marx_, wat heh03:21
kowenThat took a little while, didn't it? :P03:22
_marx_su bets: no one loses03:39
_marx_raining hard here03:40
holsteinpretty calm here finally03:40
holsteinit was rough earlier though03:40
kowenIt better not be raining here in Chapel Hill.03:40
kowenI'll punch the clouds in the face for that. It's a long walk to my car. :P03:41
Nivexkowen: I saw some lightning off in the distance but no rain yet03:43
kowenThank God.03:44
kowenSeriously, I have to walk a good deal to get to the parking deck here; rain is misery.03:44
* holstein gives kowen an umbrella03:45
kowenYou'd think I'd have one already.... :P03:45
holsteini lose 'em03:45
kowenIronically, I have one in my car. :P03:45
holsteinme too03:45
kowen"Not doing me much good there, ARE YOU?"03:46
NivexI keep a small one in my desk at work for just such emergencies03:46
kowenI used to keep some things here, but they have a tendency to get pilfered unceremoniously.03:47
holsteini had a nice smallish one i would keep in my bass case03:52
holsteinbut i ditched it for the weight03:52
kowenAnd it's time for me to pack up and head home for the night.03:55
holsteinkowen: o/03:55
kowenLater, all.03:55

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