
silvertip257Hello!  I'm attempting to PXE boot Ubuntu-based live CDs with the squashfs on NFS.  Has anyone in here undertaken a similar project?  I can PXE boot small distros (ones that have the rootfs as part of the initrd).01:32
silvertip257Any other distros either 1) cannot locate the root fs _OR_ 2) have problem with (it seems) NetworkManager dropping the interface01:35
silvertip257I'll just have to post this project to the mailing list for comments. :)01:36
ChinnoDogjedijf: I need to make a laptop appear. Any suggestions?03:50
andrewbest buy04:05
knightzeroChinnoDog: what's your budget and timeframe for need.  If you aren't in an incredible hurry and don't need brand new, I'd check the lenovo and dell outlet for deals.04:11
ChinnoDogknightzero: as cheap as possible.04:18
ChinnoDoglike, -$100! Pay me to take your netbook04:18
ChinnoDogFreeGeek sells used laptops, right? But, I remember them being pricey.04:36
pleia2microcenter has refurbs04:36
pleia2laptops start at $20004:37
ChinnoDogOnline or are they in a bucket or something? hehe04:37
pleia2er, netbooks :)04:37
pleia2pick up in store, when I bought a refurb there I reserved it online and went to pick it up from their customer service area04:38
ChinnoDogYou bought one there? For you?04:38
pleia2I bought a little server04:38
ChinnoDogThe cheapies have Intel GMA 3150 graphics. Is the driver for that any good?04:39
pleia2not a clue04:40
pleia2might search on ubuntuforums.org04:40
* pleia2 goes to find some dinner04:42
JonathanDGood morning PA10:44
rmg511morning JonathanD10:48
JonathanDHowdy rmg51110:48
JonathanDdid I ever ask you why you're up so early? :p10:48
JonathanDThats a good reason.10:49
JonathanDI'm up so I can say "good morning PA" so I think thats about the same ;010:49
rmg511I even forgot to change my nick :P10:49
=== rmg511 is now known as rmg51
rmg51saw that last night and forgot to change it10:50
JonathanDThe rain woke me up this morning.10:51
rmg51back to reading the morning paper before the dead tree version arrives10:51
rmg51the alarm clock usually wakes me up ;-)10:52
JonathanDI don't use one.10:55
rmg51yeah, just wait for the rain10:56
JonathanDheh :P10:56
JonathanDwell, I tend to get up early enough with or without the rain :)10:56
rmg51sometimes I do too10:57
rmg51but I keep the alarm set for those days I don't get up before it goes off10:58
JonathanDI figure someone else will wake up if I don't.10:59
rmg51I just can't depend on Teddy11:01
rmg51he could sleep all day11:01
JonathanDheh :)11:09
rmg51sad but true11:12
JonathanDalarm clocks are so glaring :/11:14
rmg51try waking up to a teddy bear falling on your face :-D11:19
InHisNameIt said that my hardware does not have level to support unity so please select ubuntu classic at login.   Then it booted on into my normal desktop, yea it at least recognized my monitor!11:34
InHisNameGood morning anyone14:33
teddy-dbearanyone isn't here ;-)14:37
knightzeroGood morning InHisName, teddy-dbear14:44
InHisNameMornin' to you, knightzero14:58
InHisNamewell, my test box stopped the desktop being visible and just the mouse arrow.   Did something time out?15:03
InHisName10 minutes, so far of mouse moving and pressing shift, ctrl, alt keys.   No login prompt yet.15:03
InHisNameJust finished the u/g to 11.04 at 7 this morning.15:04
InHisNameScreen saver has me frozen with just a mouse arrow working.   What to try now ?16:19
rhpot1991InHisName: not a netbook is it?16:22
InHisNameCorrect,  desktop, older 1cpu 2.0 ghz16:23
InHisNameIts my test box16:23
JonathanDhey InHisName16:30
InHisNameHi JonathanD.16:37
InHisNameI tried ctrl-alt-del but it ignores that.    ctrl-alt-f2 brings up a text login.  alt-f7  brings back the mouse arrow & black screen.16:39
InHisNamehow do I poke a stick to alt-F7 to wake up from tty alt-F2 ?17:18
andrewOk, who ever is trying to get the password reset link for my gmail account can give up now, I don't play that easily17:39
ChinnoDogandrew: How are they doing that?17:43
andrewit's the common 'forgot password' thing17:46
andrewbut I keep getting a password reset email to my alternate email accounts17:47
andrewwhich I promptly delete and clear from the trash17:47
ChinnoDogBut how would someone use that to get the password unless they could see your email?17:49
andrewThey can't17:51
andrewbut it's annoying to know someone is trying, and twice this morning17:52
ChinnoDogWhere is your alternate email? Could someone be trying to intercept traffic to it?18:02
ChinnoDogSo for someone to intercept traffic to it they would either have to be somewhere on the internets between google and yahoo or they would have to know where you work and be intercepting work traffic18:12
andrewdoubt it, last time it happened was a month or so ago, and I had plenty of information on the person (they used my email to do their taxes with hr block online...)18:15
andrewI ended up calling HR Block about that one since there was no way to let them know online.18:16
andrewdarn Virginian18:16
ChinnoDogSo how did they get your password then?18:17
pleia2he already said they didn't18:18
andrewthey didn't, but they tried when they realized they weren't getting the hr block emails18:21
andrewbut just from those emails, I know this person's full address among other things18:21
ChinnoDogBut, why would they use your email address for hr block in the first place?18:24
pleia2obviously by mistake18:25
pleia2people generally don't send their tax information to someone they don't know on purpose :)18:25
andrewthey technically used a.keyes instead of akeyes, but gmail doesn't care18:26
ChinnoDogah, I see18:58
ChinnoDogluckily I don't think anyone will accidentally use my email on a web form. haha18:58
rhpot1991andrew: I don't think gmail would let them register like that then19:06
rhpot1991if you had a.keyes, akeyes shouldn't be available19:06
andrewthey probably messed something up19:12
andrewnot my problem19:12
rhpot1991phone number on the tax return, you could call them19:20
andrewno, hr block got in contact with them and fixed things19:21
andrewI didn't want to log in and get into that mess19:21
InHisName1Gave up and held in button and ended.19:26
InHisName1Hung again,  rebooted.   dirty disks, long time, errors, more time.19:26
InHisName1Rebooted and shutdown 3x.  All appears to work ok now.19:27
InHisName1Tried Pidgin, ok its running and I can get back from screen saver mode.19:27
ChinnoDogDoes lucky lamalex have any stories to tell us?22:19
* lamalex doesn't kiss and tell22:21
lamalexi did see a ghost today22:21
lamalexi could tell you about that22:21
lamalexbut i don't think it's a good story, it was just really frightening22:21
ChinnoDogI'll accept a ghost story22:24
lamalexi saw a ghost  i think, but probably not22:37
lamalexthats the whole story22:37
ChinnoDog that is a pretty weak story22:39

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