
linuxman410anyone here00:02
linuxman410wrst u here00:04
linuxman410does anyone know of a linux program that will clone my harddrive so i do not have to reload when i change the harddrive00:05
chibihogoshinopartedmagic i think can do it00:08
chibihogoshinoahh here linuxman410 try this http://clonezilla.org/00:10
chris4585chibihogoshino, yes03:34
chibihogoshinoah hey.. chris458503:42
* cyberanger sneezes03:43
cyberangerhey everyone03:43
chibihogoshinoi modded the magiclive script for maverick .. just wanted to know if you could help with a few errors i got03:43
cyberangerhow's it going03:43
chibihogoshinook cyberanger03:43
chibihogoshinosup with you03:43
cyberangernormal week I hope03:45
cyberangeronce the red cross bit is done03:45
chibihogoshinoim heading to wv03:45
cyberangerwhere at, fayette?03:45
cyberangerusing a smartphone?03:46
cyberangernice area too, not been there much though03:46
chibihogoshinosmartphone ?03:46
chibihogoshinono cell service there .. heh03:46
cyberangerwell, you said heading to, thought maybe you were still in TN or VA03:47
cyberangeror even an area with VZW03:47
chibihogoshinoim home right now .. leaving tomorrow03:47
cyberangerah, have a safe trip03:47
chibihogoshinoi hope i will.03:49
* wrst is not happy that the final release of natty has broken broadcom still04:16
cyberangerwrst: ouch04:17
wrstyeah you have to install the bcml kernel source from 10.1004:18
wrstor i think that is it04:19
wrstthen reinstall after every update04:19
cyberangerwrst: dkms?04:19
wrstyeah that's it :)04:19
cyberangerwrst: you mind giving me the specs of everything again04:21
cyberangerwifi chip, driver version and package name, working and broken one04:21
cyberangerperhaps I can figure something out, I'm more used to patching wifi drivers, but this isn't far from my alley04:22
wrstcyberanger: its a broadcom BCM431104:22
vychuneuh oh ubuntu and wifi problems?04:22
vychuneiit took me a year to get one working04:23
wrsti am having to install bcmwl-kernel-sourc_5.60.48.36_bdcom-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb04:23
wrstcyberanger: maybe a 64 bit problem? i meant to install 32 bit actually04:23
wrstbut copied the wrong iso to my thumb drive04:23
cyberangerperhaps wrst04:24
cyberangerthat is one more reason I limit 64 bit to something requiring that exactly04:24
wrsteither way that's something that has always worked and pretty populsar hardware it should work and been known not towork for a while04:24
wrstbut whatever for now to bed I go, night cyberanger, vychune04:26
vychunecheck your modules wrst04:26
cyberangerwrst: have you been 64 bit before?04:28
cyberangerand ok, see you tommorow04:28
cyberangerhey vychune04:28
cyberangerhow's it going04:28
vychunehow are you04:28
cyberangernot bad04:36
chibihogoshinowhat happened with the ubuntu being able to run android apps06:22
cyberangerchibihogoshino: probally the same thing as houdini, was a great trick, just wasn't feasable06:24
cyberangersomething about lack of oxygen06:24
chibihogoshinoit would be cool to run some of them06:24
cyberangerhttp://www.linode.com/IPv6/ woot06:25
cyberangeryeah, but for now, VBox and Android will do06:25
chibihogoshinonot on my system06:25
cyberangerchibihogoshino: can't run VBox?06:26
chibihogoshinoyeah but its slow06:26
cyberangeryou might be giving your VBox too much ram06:28
cyberangerandroid doesn't need a ton06:28
chibihogoshinoi think it was 30006:28
cyberangerand it robs your system of ram if that is what happened06:28
cyberangerwell, hrm06:28
chibihogoshinoi have a slow system06:29
wrstcyberanger: yes been 64bit several times12:33
wrstXpistos: how's it going?15:25
wrstand xTEMPLARx how's it going? :)15:25
wrsthello Xpistos!15:25
wrstgoing that well? :)15:26
Xpistoslooking into some italian comics and eating creme of wheat15:26
xTEMPLARxI've been playing with the comixology app on ipad... its pretty sweet15:31
wrstxTEMPLARx: do you desire reconnection to my quassel core?15:33
xTEMPLARxI would definitely prefer over this x-chat.. not sure why, but it keeps d/cing on me :)15:33
xTEMPLARxhow's that little one?15:33
wrstdoing well xTEMPLARx15:34
wrstI will set you up, had database issues moved from sqlite to postgresql xTEMPLARx so should not have these issues any more15:34
xTEMPLARxpostgresql, eh?15:35
xTEMPLARxi have only barely messed with postgresql15:35
wrstxTEMPLARx: you have  PM, Enjoy :)15:38
wrstxTEMPLARx: its the other option they offerbut seems to be working much better15:38
wrstsqlite really was not meant for multiple users and have 3 users on the core so that bares a little too much of a load evidently for sqlite15:39
xTEMPLARxah odd15:40
xTEMPLARxit would seem like sqlite would count users by connections, not by data content15:40
xTEMPLARxi.e., quassel core would be the one user15:40
xTEMPLARxcontaining three people's worth of information15:40
wrstwell i thought so too xTEMPLARx15:41
wrstbut i'm no expert by any means15:41
wrstthere you go xTEMPLARx is it working?15:48
xTEMPLARxbelieve so :)15:49
xTEMPLARxty sir15:49
wrstany time, more than happy to aid your irc pleasure :)15:49
xTEMPLARxyou running natty anywhere?15:49
vychunegood morning15:50
wrstyou are Irc'ing on it right now xTEMPLARx ;)15:50
xTEMPLARxheya vych15:50
wrsti just went ahead and upgraded while i was having issues15:50
xTEMPLARxi'm still not certain if I"m gonna like Unity15:50
xTEMPLARxi let it do a dist-upgrade on my work box here, forgetting that it was gonna switch my UI15:50
wrstxTEMPLARx: I do not like unity i'm much more in the Gnome 3/Shell camp15:50
wrstha ha xTEMPLARx15:50
xTEMPLARxhow long till G3 is good to go, though?15:50
wrstits released now xTEMPLARx15:51
xTEMPLARxno longer beta?15:51
xTEMPLARxits ready for prime time, etc?15:51
wrstbut the ubuntu ppa version is not so good15:51
xTEMPLARxnot so good, like Al's fish?15:51
vychuneunity is that bad?15:51
wrstold, buggy etc etc, Fedora 15 is going to be released with it15:51
xTEMPLARxunity isn't so much BAD as it is in the way15:51
xTEMPLARxI'm adapting fairly quickly15:51
wrstvychune: its not that bad... just not that good, I really would have preferred gnome 2.30 with docky15:51
vychuneoh ok15:52
xTEMPLARxi had a docky sort of thing going prior to the upgrade15:52
vychunetell me why i open opera and my new window is nowhere to be found15:52
xTEMPLARxwas actually using the avant dock t hingy15:52
xTEMPLARxif you minimize x-chat to tray, it disappears too15:53
xTEMPLARxin unity anyway15:53
wrstyes you have to hack it to get your tray items to work, in gnome 3 they disappear but the bottom right corner mouse over causes a nice little try to appear15:55
xTEMPLARxwell at least you can get to'em :)15:56
vychuneoh im on my mac mini15:56
xTEMPLARxI'm surprised that gnome3's website has "try it out" for openSUSE and Fedora and not ubuntu15:57
xTEMPLARxI guess Unity rubbed them the wrong way, maybe?15:58
wrstwell ubuntu doesn't support gnome3  so...16:06
wrstto run gnome 3 unity won't work since unity right now requires gnome 216:07
xTEMPLARxwell I figured it would be an either/or scenario16:20
xTEMPLARxbut its like ubuntu decided to snub Gnome3 development and went with something that is their own thing16:21
xTEMPLARxif i was gnome I'd be all like16:25
xTEMPLARxhey what's up with that?16:25
vychunethat were like that16:29
xTEMPLARxdon't blame'em16:31
xTEMPLARxubuntu tried to pull the whole "its not  you, its me" deal16:31
wrstyeah, and xTEMPLARx i think unity is moving to a QT base or something another more or less16:34
* wrst is not a programmer so really has no clue what that means but knows that QT isn't GNOME16:34
vychuneqt is unity 2d16:36
vychunenits not another WM16:36
wrstahh but vychune i think the goal is eventually to have it working everywhere, I don't know they seem a little frankenstein on the whole deal to me16:39
xTEMPLARxgnome 3 is sounding better and better all the time16:42
wrstxTEMPLARx: I'm running it on arch and love it16:44
wrstxTEMPLARx: if you decide to go with any distro and gnome 3 the arch wiki on it is building up to have some good info: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNOME_316:51
xTEMPLARxthanks for the link :)16:52
wrstof course the installing on arch you don't need but the rest has some good tid bits the gnome-tweak-tool is absolutley a must have regardless of what distro you use16:53
* wrst doesn't like his lappy going to sleep when he closes the lid to see what's on tv16:53
vychune.dont close it then16:59
wrstgotta close it to see vychune and they should provide the setting for me to waste or save however much power i want to17:03
vychunerolling out job interveiw17:03
wrstbut glad gnome 3 came up xTEMPLARx its in regular arch repos now so i can take myself out of the testing repo... that's a scary place17:03
wrstgood luke vychune17:03
wrstoh and xTEMPLARx, pace_t_zulu pointed me to something cool, if you go to File, Networks, Configure Networks, Then in freenode go to the Auto Identify tab use sas and it identifies you before you log in17:09
pace_t_zuluwrst: unity 2d will utilize qt17:11
xTEMPLARxwhat account is sasl lookin for?17:12
xTEMPLARxthe freenode registration account?17:15
wrstyour /msg nickserv password stuff17:16
xTEMPLARxyeah, but what is it expecting for "username" or is that just my auth name17:16
wrstthat's what you put ^^^ :)17:17
xTEMPLARxlol kk gonna give it a shot17:17
xTEMPLARxvery nice17:18
xTEMPLARxI had given up on auto-identifying coz I had tried the other nickserv method that's built in there... it didn't work very well or at all most of the time17:18
wrstyeah xTEMPLARx and that identifies you before you appear in channel so your cloak is on as soon as you come in and protects the ip address17:50
wrsta little anyway :)17:50
xTEMPLARxvery cool.  ty mister wrst17:50
wrstpace_t_zulu: how are you doing?17:50
wrstxTEMPLARx: all thanks to pace_t_zulu on that one he taught me :)17:50
wrstxTEMPLARx: bought any interesting instruments lately?17:51
xTEMPLARxwrst perhaps but you coulda been selfish and just squirrelled it away and not shared17:52
xTEMPLARxon the instruments front, noper.  Got an ipad2... does that count?  :D17:52
wrstha ha xTEMPLARx yes the ipad counts you can play guitar on it!17:52
xTEMPLARxi actually use it for chord charts when playing guitar at church17:53
xTEMPLARxditched my notebook17:53
xTEMPLARx(3 ring binder notebook that is)17:54
wrstcool xTEMPLARx17:54
wrsti have wanted one of those elect. stands with a foot pedal17:54
xTEMPLARxelect. stands?17:54
wrstelectronic... sorry :)17:54
xTEMPLARxah so17:54
xTEMPLARxyeah they sell a bluetooth pedal set for ipad to nagivate thru music hands free17:55
xTEMPLARxpretty neat but I can't afford it after paying for the ipad itself17:55
xTEMPLARxOH well :D17:55
wrsthah a yes i understand that one!17:55
xTEMPLARxwelp, off to the dr.s office to get myself an allergy shot or three17:56
wrsti feel that later xTEMPLARx18:01
xTEMPLARxback, fwiw19:01
wrsthow are the allergies xTEMPLARx?19:02
xTEMPLARxi haven't been taking the shots long enough to really put a dent in them, imo19:12
xTEMPLARxso my answer will have to be "no change"19:12
wrsti took them most of my life... they really helped me out19:20
Xpistosmy doctor said the shots wouldn't help me so I moved from new jersey to TN19:53
Xpistosthat did19:53
cyberangerit depends on the person, and the allergies20:37
cyberanger(and perhaps the insurance plan)20:37
xTEMPLARxTN is normally NOT the target zone EVER suggested by an allergist20:39
xTEMPLARxassuming your allergic to plant-based allergens20:39
xTEMPLARxTN is one of the worst places to live if you're allergic to plant-based allergens, and I'm allergic to them all.20:40
wrstxTEMPLARx: agreed allergies for that stuff are horrible here23:11

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