
altharavalorie, I'm updating the team's approval application. Has the team done anything aside from the 10.10 release party and table at lfnw in the past 6 months?00:11
altharaWas there some Global Jam activity this past summer?00:12
valoriewe did one before the last release, yes00:13
valorielet me look at lauchpad00:13
valorieplus charles has his ubuntu hours00:13
altharaare the ubuntu hours active?00:22
valorieI don't know00:23
valorieCharles is a great guy, but what success he's had, I don't know00:23
altharaas an aside, it looks like the 500 err meonkeys was hitting is a problem with one of their backend servers. I've hit it a few times in thrying to update the Approval Application page.00:23
altharaI cannot type00:24
* althara finds some coffee00:24
valorieubuntu wiki FAIL00:24
altharafortunately I didn't have to redo my edits00:26
altharaI like smart web pages00:26
altharaSo I upgraded my work laptop to 11.04 last night00:27
altharaNow there is no networking :(00:27
altharaI've been using my windows partition all day. It makes me sad.00:28
altharaAnd my puter is slow00:28
valorieI've had minimal problems in kubuntu00:30
valorieheadphone jack doesn't work00:30
valoriethat's about it00:30
valorieI've heard the no-networking problems elsewhere, though00:30
valoriemy wireless seems to be better than ever00:31
altharayeah, I've got a really really old laptop00:31
valoriesomething icky right now though00:31
altharaIt had no problems with the maverick upgrade which I also did yesterday00:31
valorie907ms lag00:31
valoriesounds like a clean install of mav would be a good thing then00:35
valorieI'm not sure unity was ready for prime time00:36
* valorie needs more coffee00:36
altharayeah, I'm going to try a clean install of Natty, and then revert to maverick if I have to.00:37
altharaI've got my usb drive all ready to go. :)00:37
altharaI just sent a message to the list re; geeknic(s)00:47
altharaI'm determined to see something happen along those lines this summer00:48
valoriethanks for your energy00:48
altharait would be super sweet if we could get something along the lines of the LinuxPicnic (http://linuxpicnic.org)00:48
altharabut that may be overly ambitious00:49
valorieI haven't had time to even blog about lfnw yet00:49
altharaI've all but given up on blogging00:49
* althara shrugs00:49
valoriewe all have only so much time00:50
valoriehard to squeeze any more in00:50
altharaI need to used to taking pictures with my phone. Then I can just send stuff straight to posterous and have a photo blog :)00:50
valorieand when you have a young one, that is your priority00:50
valorieshe's growing up too fast as it is00:50
valoriemy baby is 31!00:51
valorieand my oldest 3600:51
altharaYeah. I just got her pictures taken by a pro a couple weeks ago and she is really like a little person now00:51
valorieand it seems like maybe a couple of years ago they were her age00:51
altharaI can start to see the adult she's going to become. Wonderous and a bit scary00:51
seattlegauchovalorie: my oldest is turning 25 @ the end of the month02:01
valorieColin is 22, but he wasn't MY baby02:34
valorieI got him when he was 1402:34
meonkeyslinuxpicnic.org looks cool.02:55

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