
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:55
KilosMaaz, coffee on05:55
* Maaz washes some mugs05:55
Kiloscold here right now 10c. maybe gonna be a long winter05:56
Kiloswhere be global warming05:57
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:59
KilosMaaz, ty05:59
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure05:59
Kiloslo MPD 06:14
nuvolarimore oom Kilos 06:29
Kiloslo nuvolari  wen jy darem?06:29
nuvolariek doen dankie oom06:29
nuvolariis by die werk en aan die gang06:29
superflymôre oom Kilos, and nuvolari06:30
Kiloslo vliegie06:30
Kilosek lag vir julle praatjies in die pos box06:31
superflyeish, go to bed at 1am, get up at 7am... thanks kiddo06:31
Kiloswow thats not nuf sleep06:32
superflyKilos: that's what you get when you have a toddler06:32
Kilosthe joys of parenthood06:32
superflyKilos: oom should remember ;-)06:32
Kilosbut they actually good memories to forget06:32
Kilosour time with ian started only when he was 2 months old if i member right06:36
Kiloshe was born 2 months 3 weeks prem06:36
Kilosyeah. he incubated for 2 months06:37
superflythat's very premie06:37
superflyincubation is stupid06:37
Kiloshad a 24/7 nurse watching him06:37
superflyif you use kangaroo care the babies actually develop better06:37
superflyall our high tech medicine is no match for mother nature06:38
Kiloshis lungs hadnt developed yet even so one squeal and stopped breathing06:38
Kilosneeded to be whacked onna but to get going again06:38
Kiloskangaroo care06:38
Kilosoh inna pouch06:39
superflyKilos: well, they strap the baby to the mother's bare chest06:39
Kiloswe had no choice superfly . he was too early06:40
Kiloseven when he came home one of us had to stay with him at all times because he stopped breathing if he cried06:40
superflya friend of my dad's did a study on Kangaroo Care in Zimbabwe about 15 years ago, the premie babies in Kangaroo care developed much faster and better than those in incubation06:40
superflyKilos: no, even more reason to have used Kangaroo care06:40
Kilosmethinks docs didnt even know about that back then06:41
superflyKilos: that was how people dealt with premies before "modern" medicine06:42
Kiloswhen he was born doc told me dont even think of having a child his chances are minimal06:42
nuvolari*expensive modern medicine06:42
superflynuvolari: yeah, that too06:42
Kiloshe hadnt developed yet so they felt he had to be inna sterile incubator at all times06:43
superflywe just decided that our "modern" techniques were much better than the ancient ones, and now we have a higher infant mortality rate, more kids suffering from depression, and more teenage suicides than ever before06:43
Kiloswas the hardest time in my life06:43
superflyKilos: yes, of course they would, doctors are brainwashed into believing that modern medicine is *always* the best thing06:43
Kilosmost of that is because of the modern way of living and drugs in todays world06:44
Kilosbut we won anyway. got our miracle baby big06:44
Kilosnow hes a bit bigger than me but still fulla06:45
inetprogood morning06:57
Kilosmornin inetpro 06:59
inetpromy dad was born early and at home, was so small that they put him in a shoebox. He survived only to become a man with a big stature almost as big as corrie206. 07:05
Kilosand tyou so small07:10
inetproKilos: yeah right, my mom was small07:11
Kilosblame it on poor mom07:11
inetproKilos: heh, I'm much longer than she ever was07:11
Kilosinetpro, you didnt eat your veggies07:12
Kiloshey guys. cam you still make lotsa desktops with natty07:32
Kilosi like lotsa desktops. hate minimising07:33
nuvolariKilos: not sure about unity, but G3 auto-creates new desktops as needd07:54
Kilosah ty07:54
Squirmhello nuvolari 07:54
nuvolarilo Squirm 08:14
Squirmnot a lot08:16
Squirmgoing to work soonish08:16
nuvolariwhat are you going to do?08:29
nuvolariSquirm: ^^08:30
nuvolarithe torture begins08:33
nuvolarilunch is smelling good already08:33
superflyKilos: I believe Unity has workspaces (same thing as virtual desktops)09:02
Kilosah ty superfly . and kde?09:03
superflyyup, KDE has had virtual desktops for aeons09:04
Kiloscant remember what i saw on the pro's lappy09:04
superflyKilos: KDE09:04
Kilosgreat. so looks like kde pushing to the forefront for me09:04
superflyKilos: I'm going to get those CDs burned and posted by the weekend09:05
superflyKilos: *shrug* depends on how much you like/dislike Unity09:05
Kilosty very much superfly . just hope the nm works for me09:05
Kiloswas not being able to get connected that stopped me and Kde with 9.1009:06
superflyNM has come a long way since then09:06
superflyIt was pretty pathetic before 9.1009:07
Kilosthat was all that blocked me. i just couldnt get connected09:07
Kilosthe gnome one was so simple09:07
superflyKilos: KDE is different to Gnome - it has a different way of thinking about things09:09
superflyit prefers to give you more options, rather than less, for instance09:09
Kiloslol. yeah. but the nm was shocking09:09
Kilossaw lotsa peeps asking for help once i got going here09:10
Kilosif the new nm is as easy as gnomes then kde looks good09:10
Kilosalso then i might get to try quassel09:11
superflyKilos: I find it pretty easy, but I also don't know what Gnome's NM looks like, so I can't compare the two09:12
Kilosits just a little tower in the top panel09:12
Kilosyou click and it says new broadband connection and you tick your way through the choice of country and service provider09:13
Kilosvery simple09:13
Kilosdont forget. simple to you is not simple to a doctor or lawyer or mechanic etc09:14
superflyi know09:14
Kiloslol. like the many commands that are given without sudo before. was difficult in the beginning09:15
Kilosnow sudo is one of my favourite words09:16
Kiloslike when i  first went to #ubuntu  The help they tried to give me just made things wors09:16
Kilosalso this time i will have 2 pcs going so i can get help on one to fix the other09:17
Kiloswas very difficult without contact in the beginning09:18
Kilosin todays modern world your nm should be the most important working application09:25
Kilosor at least the easiest to manage for your basic pc user09:31
Kilosbbl gonna fight vodacom about their poor data connection,.09:40
Kilosthe refuse to give a complaints email address09:40
rodemireGood day all.11:07
rodemireMultiple displays on Unity, how can i get the Unity launcher on both displays?11:08
rodemireI think i got kicked out somehow. 11:15
rodemireMultiple monitors in Unity: How can i get the launcher to appear on both monitors?11:15
Kiloshiya rodemire looks like everyone is very busy11:26
rodemireYep, it appears so.11:26
Kiloshave you tried googlin11:27
rodemireyep, am actively doing so now.11:27
rodemirethere's stubs all over the place but no real solution.11:27
Kilosi use maaz for googlin then i dont get 500 choices11:27
rodemireplease explain, not familiar with Maaz11:28
queeryyou arent11:28
KilosMaaz, google multiple monitors with ubuntu 11.0411:28
MaazKilos: "[ubuntu] How to enable dual monitor for Ubuntu 11.04 + ATI Radeon ..." http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748037 :: "Ubuntu 11.04 gnome issues with dual monitor and panel applets" http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-11-04-gnome-issues-with-dual-monitor-and-panel-applets-877887/ :: "Ubuntu 11.04 Nappy: More Dual Monitor Problems. - comp.os.linux ..." http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/br11:28
queerys/he is awesome11:28
Kiloshe is our resident bot11:28
queerymakes coffee too11:28
Kiloslo queery 11:29
queeryhi oom Kilos 11:29
Kilosrodemire, try the top link11:29
Kilosfor starters anyway11:30
queeryok lunch time11:30
KilosMaaz, whats for lunch11:30
MaazHmm Kilos . Methinks Kentucky and coleslaw would go down well11:30
Kiloshmmm same food everyday11:31
Kilosbot likes chicken11:31
MaazKilos: *blink*11:31
queeryok I gata go11:31
Kiloschow now11:31
rodemireKilos: Thanks for the links but unfortunately they do not really relate to the situation i am facing.11:33
Kilosaw sorry11:34
rodemireKilos: I have an Nvidia card and the nvidia-settings is working correctly.11:34
Kilostry asking the question differently11:34
Kilosim no good at getting the right links normally11:35
rodemireKilos: The problem is. my second display is a TV which i watch movies on, and i want to be able to access my files there. If i start the Unity Launcher (using the Windows key), the Dash appears on the other monitor, thus rendering my TV useless as i cannot start anything there.11:35
KilosMaaz, google how to set up dual monitors with ubuntu 11.04 unity11:36
MaazKilos: "[ubuntu] Unity and dual monitors - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742186 :: "Bug #661450 in unity (Ubuntu): “Support for multiple monitors broken”" https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/661450 :: "YouTube - Ubuntu 10.10 (Unity interface con dual-monitor)" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCKiimNWEtg :: "Howto Setup Dual Monitors with NVidia in Ubuntu | a community for ..." http://www.ubuntux.org/howto-setup-dua11:36
Kilosmaybe there rodemire 11:36
Kilosgood luck11:38
Kilosor lotsa patience11:38
rodemireLol. Thanks there's a guy who says he got it done, thanks a lot.11:42
rodemireKilos: I've decided to just have Twinview, and drag the window to the other monitor11:55
rodemireWill continue googling so long...11:56
inetprohmm... and why did he leave?12:12
* inetpro just had a nice cup of Cup a Soup for lunch12:13
* inetpro stepping out for a restart of quassel12:19
* inetpro is back12:20
inetproKilos: thanks12:20
queeryI thingk I brole the USB prort on my external12:21
queeryI don't think it is covereed under the warentee for more than a year12:22
queeryand its over a year12:22
Kilospeer giving maiatoday  a hard time today15:23
KilosMaaz, coffee on15:27
* Maaz starts grinding coffee15:27
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:31
KilosMaaz, ty15:31
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure15:31
Kiloslo marcog|masters 15:49
marcog|mastershey Kilos 15:49
Kiloswassup the big nick15:49
marcog|masterstumbleweed shutdown our server for a bit15:49
marcog|mastersso running irssi from a different pc15:49
Kiloslucky  tab works15:49
tumbleweedit wasn't me. If it was me, I'd have told you why :)15:50
marcog|mastersyeah yeah15:50
* nlsthzn waves17:35
Kilosnaand nuvolari 18:00
nlsthznalo almal18:03
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
nuvolarinaand nlsthzn-work 18:04
Kiloslo neelsie18:34
nuvolarioe, ek't vanaand van die lekker kerrie en rys geëet wat my ma gemaak het18:36
Kilosnuvolari, julle vrystaters weet nie hoe om kerrie te maak nie19:13
Kilossweet jy darem as jy klaar geeet het19:14
Kilosjy moet oefen daar in durban19:14
Kiloseet n bunny chow elke dag19:14
nuvolariKilos: oom, ek luv die kerrie hierso, my ma se kerrie brand *niks*19:17
Kilosek het jare geleef op bunnies19:18
Kilosmaar daai tyd was hulle n drie kwart brood19:18
nuvolariEk hou van warm goed oor die algemeen19:18
nuvolariek het vir my chilli sous aangeskaf wat baie lekker is19:19
Kilosmooi man20:20
inetprogood evening20:24
nuvolarinaand naand20:44
Morganvdevening all21:03
Morganvdand hows everyone doing with natty and unity?21:03
MorganvdMaaz: coffee on 21:05
* Maaz washes some mugs21:05
nlsthzn-workMorganvd: I like unity and natty... but at the moment using Kubuntu 11.0421:07
Morganvdi have chosen to put my pre-thoughts in my pocket and try it out for a week or two21:08
Morganvdmost of the people say its because your not used to it thats why some people dont like it21:09
Morganvdbut i can say this its fast21:09
Morganvdi just need to get rid of the menus disapearing 21:09
Morganvdthen im happy21:09
MaazCoffee's ready for Morganvd!21:09
MorganvdMaaz: thanks21:10
MaazMorganvd: No problem21:10
Kilosnight all sleep tight21:15
nuvolariok, night everyone22:07

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