
BigMiganybody? please just point me in the right direction00:00
StereocaulonBlaDe^, np, I like to help other people (and I get frustrated when I don't succeed at it) ;-)00:00
xskydevilxHow to I convert a *.ogv file to *.avi ?00:01
soreauMy natty wont load ubuntu classic session. It worked the first time, but since I switched to 'ubuntu' and back to 'classic ubuntu', now all sessions load unity regardless. How can I fix it?00:01
AngelicI can't connect to wireless for some reason -- however it shows the wireless networks but the wireless networks that I want to connect to are grayed.00:01
soreauIs there some file that controls the session?00:01
BigMigI updated Ubuntu using the updater from the last verision to Natty Narwal and after update all I seeis flashing icons and cant do anything. I'd perfer not to have to downlaod the lice cd and reinstall that way, can anybody point me in the right direction00:02
CaptainkrtekAngelic, use Yelp00:02
StereocaulonBlaDe^, it is indeed getting late (1:00 AM here), so I'll follow my plan and I'll head for my bed now. Good luck resolving this. Could be a partially supported chipset or another device that is somehow interfering.00:02
CaptainkrtekAngelic, there is already a guide for resolving network issues00:02
zizban/usr/share/sessions ?00:02
CaptainkrtekAngelic, open a terminal, type yelp00:02
freeman_i am running ubuntu 64 bit on my single processor netbook. should i worry or is it ok?00:03
CodeGnomeBigMig: You mean your desktop is hosed, or what?00:03
soreauzizban: That directory doesn't even exist. I would assume it would be some file in /etc00:03
Angelicits just displaying a white panel00:03
happolatiDid I get another nvidia driver when i upgraded to 11.04? Google earth suddenly won't work, I get : Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".00:04
rednammoclittle question about booting my encrypted hd during boot. i added a line to /etc/crypttab and another to /etc/fstab. During boot it asks about the hd. Pressing 'M' i get to manual mode. ls /dev/mapper/ --> the hd is not mapped to this folder. manually steps like: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb my_map; mount /dev/mapper/my_map /media/the_map -- are working. any ideas what's wrong :-?00:04
happolatiGoogle Earth has caught signal 11.00:04
BigMigno i dual boot and just ubuntu is screwed00:04
CaptainkrtekAngelic, Ill try to help you, what's the issue?00:04
soreauhappolati: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to pastebin.ca00:04
CodeGnomeBigMig: That's kind of vague. Screwed how?00:04
AngelicCaptainkrtek: Well, its seeing the wifi networks but the wifi networks available is showing in grey.00:04
CaptainkrtekAngelic, have you tried disabling-re-enabling your adapter00:05
Captainkrtekjust uncheck the box "wireless networking" then re-check it00:05
zizbansoreau, I have /usr/share/xsessions00:05
BigMigafter boot it shows blinking icons and doesnt let me do anythinh00:05
linuxman410does anyone know of a linux program that will clone my harddrive so i do not have to reload when i change the harddrive00:05
AngelicCaptainkrtek: Tried, still the same result.00:05
CaptainkrtekAngelic, is this new?00:06
CaptainkrtekAngelic, or did you just upgrade to natty00:06
freeman_i am running ubuntu 64 bit on my single processor netbook. should i worry or is it ok?00:06
BigMigit worked before the update00:06
AngelicCaptainkrtek: Its new.00:06
soreauzizban: That appears to contain the session files, but not the config file to select which it's using00:06
CaptainkrtekAngelic, install any new software? is this a new adapter?00:06
geusAngelic, maybe you accidentally turned of wireless by means of fn+f2 or a switch/button on the side?00:06
CodeGnomeBigMig: You can try a couple of things. Do a cold boot; Windows can hose firmware. If it's just your graphical desktop that's hosed, you can delete your gnome directories and try with a fresh desktop.00:06
BigMigmy question is where to find out how to fix it without downloading a disk and reinstlling00:06
zizbansoreau, right. Does it show all the sessions?00:06
AngelicCaptainkrtek: Lastly I put quite a few updates on it.00:06
soreauzizban: yep00:06
CaptainkrtekAngelic, open Synaptic file manager00:07
Captainkrtekthen go File -- History00:07
CodeGnomeBigMig: So, GDM doesn't show up at all after booting?00:07
zizbanso you select Unity, log out, login and it doesn't change?00:07
Topy44ok, never mind my flow control problem from before... i have a windows app that uses the serial port which works fine on windows, but in wine it can send but not receive data. sending data works, and other windows apps in wine (like putty for example) work fine too.00:07
BigMigno all i see is my desktop backround and blinking icons00:07
Angelicgeus: Its an IBM R32.00:08
BigMigif by cold boot u mean manually resetting the computer and selecting the kernel i do that00:08
AngelicCaptainkrtek: Done.00:08
Topy44minicom on the same serial port at the same time recieves the data fine, but it somehow never reaches the windows app in wine00:08
CodeGnomeBigMig: Fine, so you're actually booting and getting a desktop. Try CTRL-ALT-F1 to get a TTY, log in, and remove your desktop folders:00:08
GlycanHow come, with a WUbi install,  I hav e0 bytes left on \, but 24GB on \host?00:08
CaptainkrtekAngelic, go to file --> history00:08
tepstercold boot = power computer off00:08
zizbansoreau, check and see if you have a /etc/gdm/custom.conf00:08
CodeGnomeBigMig: .gnome/          .gnome2/         .gnome2_private/00:08
GlycanAnd how do I reloacate said memory?00:09
AngelicCaptainkrtek: I am in there and now I see all the history.00:09
BigMigthanks i will try that00:09
rednammoclittle question about booting my encrypted hd during boot. i added a line to /etc/crypttab and another to /etc/fstab. During boot it asks about the hd. Pressing 'M' i get to manual mode. ls /dev/mapper/ --> the hd is not mapped to this folder. manually steps like: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb my_map; mount /dev/mapper/my_map /media/the_map -- are working. any ideas what's wrong :-?00:09
Captainkrtekokay, find anything related to kernel updates or your wireless card?00:09
soreauzizban: Yes00:09
CodeGnomeBigMig: Hope that helps.00:09
zizbansoreau, Is is this a new install or upgrade00:10
rednammoclittle question about booting my encrypted hd during boot. i added a line to /etc/crypttab and another to /etc/fstab. During boot it asks about the hd. Pressing 'M' i get to manual mode. ls /dev/mapper/ --> the hd is not mapped to this folder. manually steps like: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb my_map; mount /dev/mapper/my_map /media/the_map -- are working. any ideas what's wrong :-?00:10
soreauzizban: clean install00:10
AngelicCaptainkrtek: Linux firmware thats about it.00:10
GlycanAnyoen mind answering?00:10
donkeyinspacehello, is there a specific channel to talk about compiling?00:10
ceed^I have my disk partitioned with a / partition and an encrypted /home partition. Before I encrypted /home I updated by deleting everything in /home except for data and format and install on /. Can I do that with an encrypted /home?00:10
zizbansoreau, sounds like something went wrong during install.00:11
Captainkrtekdonkeyinspace, #ubuntu-devel00:11
CaptainkrtekAngelic, hold on00:11
donkeyinspaceCaptainkrtek , thanks00:11
bazhangGlycan, you want to resize / on wubi ?00:11
Captainkrtekdonkeyinspace, no problem00:11
soreauzizban: I doubt it. The classic session worked the first time but since switching to 'ubuntu' and back to 'classic ubuntu' now both load unity00:11
rednammocceed^: you deleted everything except for data ?00:11
Glycanbazhang: yes00:12
bazhangGlycan, there's a special tool for that00:12
GlycanWhat is it?00:12
soreauzizban: I just want to know what happens exactly (or what's supposed to happen) when switching sessions00:12
soreauzizban: I assume some config file is changed but I have no idea where that might be00:13
CaptainkrtekAngelic, can you try and find the package for your wireless card?00:13
TheEvilPhoenixhey all, i'm stuck at an initramfs screen, with an error where it can't find /sbin/init in the system on boot.  It booted fine last night.  I also can't load up the LiveUSB.  Any suggestions on fixing?00:13
CaptainkrtekAngelic, http://packages.ubuntu.com/00:13
rednammocceed^: what do you meen by saying you deleted everything except data on /home ?00:13
ceed^rednammoc, yes all the settings for programs and such, but kept all my data like docs music pics and such. That's been the way I've upgraded Ubuntu for years. Now I had to encrypt /home, so I wonder if I will be able to access the old encrypted /home after an instll on /?00:13
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1625371 Glycan00:13
zizbansoreau, got me00:14
w30How do I make Unity start at login rather than restarting window manager after I log in?00:14
puffHow do you figure out if a CPU is 64-bit?00:14
soreauzizban: I am requesting the ubuntu gdm source in the devel channel00:14
rednammocceed^: mounting the encrypted root-partition on boot works but you have problems by mounting the encrypted home-partition?00:15
puffI've tried to install ubuntu on this old dell poweredge three times, with two different releases (10.4 LTS and 11) and the altenrate install CD.  Every time, it gets halfway through the install, and the screen freezes.00:15
bastidrazorpuff: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm     :if you get any output you have a 64 bit capable processor00:15
puffbastidrazor: Okay, so it's *not* 64-bit...00:15
zizbansoreau, you know it might be controlled by $GNOME_PREFIX/share/gdm/defaults.conf00:16
zizbanI'm not sure though00:16
rednammocceed^: mounting the encrypted root-partition on boot works but you have problems by mounting the encrypted home-partition?00:17
ceed^rednammoc, I do not have any problems now. When I upgrade Ubuntu I use custom partitioning. I format / and install on it. I do not format /home which is where I keep all my data. That worked fine when I didn't have /home encrypted. Now I do, so I wonder if the installer will recognize the encrypted /home partition?00:17
ceed^rednammoc, the only partition which is encrypted is /home.00:17
drmorphiasi just installed ubuntu 11.04, and i see that nvidia drivers are installed but the additional drivers page says that no proprietary drivers are in use on this system.00:18
drmorphiasvictorhugo289, hi00:19
rednammocceed^: this is a google result for: ubuntu installation recognize encrypted home partition --> http://superuser.com/questions/12182/how-to-get-a-reinstall-of-ubuntu-to-recognize-home-partition00:19
victorhugo289Guys, in Banshee, does "importing your videos" copy everything into a different folder?00:19
victorhugo289what does it do?00:19
soreauzizban: 'locate defaults.conf|grep gdm' shows no output00:20
Aikartanyone know why im getting a black screen after switching to KDE?00:20
drmorphias"this driver is activated but not currently in use"... how do i make ubuntu use the nvidia driver?00:20
victorhugo289The Banshee "import" option, does it copy media files into a different folder? anybody?00:21
GlycanWhy won't ubuntu recognize my cds?00:21
zizbanI dont think so00:21
w30drmorphias, make sure you read the buttons right, my drivers are green button and  gray button; confusing00:21
zizbanI think it just makes a playlist00:21
happolatisoreau: Ok, here it is: http://pastebin.ca/205364800:21
victorhugo289Zizban, I don't think so either, but I just wanna make sure before I click on "Import"00:21
drmorphiasw30, yeah it shows a green icon. confusingly enough, unity works when ubuntu claims the driver isnt in use (ugh)00:22
victorhugo289I'm running out of space on my computer00:22
zizbanvictorhugo289, I think your safe00:22
freeman_i am running ubuntu 64 bit on my single processor netbook. should i worry or is it ok?00:22
ceed^rednammoc, I have read that, but that is about /home that's not encrypted. I already know how to do that  without /home encrypted.00:22
victorhugo289I'll choose the option, then. : )00:23
Joker_77lol free should be ok00:23
Jordan_Ufreeman_: That is OK.00:23
drmorphiasis there like a 3d test i can run to really see if the driver is actually being used?00:23
ZiberWould anyone be able to venture a guess as to why skype makes my laptop run really hot (~90C) but is fine otherwise?00:23
w30drmorphias, how do you make Unity default without  having to reload window manager?00:23
user10213can someone help me please?00:23
Ziberubuntu 10.10...00:23
user10213need help at 11.04 natty narwhal00:23
Joker_77im running 32 bit ubuntu on my netbook00:23
user10213just dunno how to partition00:23
Maaheshow do you make a sound theme?00:23
drmorphiasw30, idk... it defaulted for me.00:23
w30drmorphias, if you can run the program gears then the driver works00:24
Jordan_Udrmorphias: If unity3D is working then you're using the proprietary nvidia drivers.00:24
Joker_77the only problem ive had with ubuntu on a netbook is00:24
user10213someone help me?00:24
rednammocceed^: ok. i now the manual steps to do that: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/<device> <map_name>; sudo mount /dev/map/<map_name> /home00:24
Jordan_Uw30: Incorrect. glxgears can be runwith the software renderer.00:24
tepsteruser10213: ubuntu install walks you through partitioning00:24
Joker_77some of the program guis wont ajust for this screen size00:24
saryuser10213: use gparted00:24
victorhugo289Yup! everything's ok!00:24
ray24If an external hd was originally formated on a windows, it should be able to on linux?00:25
Joker_77i like cli better anyways though00:25
zizbanvictorhugo289, good to hear!00:25
ZiberWould anyone be able to venture a guess as to why skype makes my laptop run really hot (~90C) but is fine otherwise (ubuntu 10.10)?00:25
rednammocceed^: to manually mount your home-partition you need to edit /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab00:25
w30Jordan_U, how do you get Unity to run at login?00:25
tepsterray24: yes, ntfs or fat are windows filesystems that linux can read00:25
Jordan_Uray24: Yes. What the drive used to have is of no consequence.00:25
ray24For some reason, linux isn't letting me format my external drive00:25
GlycanHow do I make Ubuntu see my CDs?00:25
saryuser10213: dual booting ?00:25
Joker_77tep and fat3200:25
Jordan_Uw30: It runs by default.00:26
zizbanGlycan, gotta be a little more specific than that00:26
geusray24, what message do you het?00:26
GlycanUbuntu doens't see my CDs. That's it.00:26
ray24"error creating filesystem"00:26
w30Jordan_U, not for me *sigh*00:26
Joker_77should just show up on the desktop00:26
ceed^rednammoc, so what you're saying is that installer won't recognize the encrypted partition as such even if I set it as /home with the manual partitioner in the installer?00:26
GlycanWhen I trry to do "Write to disc" on some file, with a cd, I closes.00:26
GlycanIt*, e.g. he file browser00:27
geusray24, what command/program are you using?00:27
w30Jordan_U, I have to restart the window manager to get it to run.00:27
GlycanIt opens a prompt the first time you put in a CD, but not the next times for the same CD.00:27
ray24geus, I right click on the hd to format, just straight off linux00:27
=== jeffish is now known as jeffr
=== jeffr is now known as jeffish
geusray24, never done it like that, is the disk unmounted? I always use gparted00:28
rednammocceed^: i never tried that before so i would be really careful about that :D00:28
ray24wait, I just realized I had "ext" as type of format00:28
zizbanGlycan, what does the prompt say?00:28
user10213what is swap space?00:28
GlycanOpen this CD with..00:28
ray24Nope, still didn't work. I changed it to NTSF type00:28
* zizban hasn't burned a CD in Ubuntu in years00:28
zizbanGlycan, and what do you choose?00:28
Joker_77jeffster is now known as jeffster00:28
geusray24, , is the disk unmounted?00:29
ray24it's mounted00:29
bull9408I downloaded python while I was attempting to set up Conky, and now my splash screens on startup and shutdown are jacked up, I decided I didn't want to use Conky on this system. Anybody know how I can uninstall python? and Conky?00:29
rednammocceed^: maybe there is a dialog where it say's: "can't read that device/partition -> wanna format"00:29
user10213what is swap space? :D00:29
ray24I can access the files on it,but I can't delete or create new files on it, which is why I'm formating00:29
GlycanEr.. Burn stuff to cd00:29
GlycanI forget, sort of, since I only saw it once.00:30
Joker_77sudo apt-get remove whatever isnt it?00:30
Glycan"Open CD/DVD Creator00:30
zizbantry it with "Brasero"00:30
Glycan"You have just inserted a black CD. Choose what application to launch"00:30
Glycanhang on.00:30
bull9408Joker_77 I'm not positive what exactly I typed in the terminal :O one second and I'll pull it up00:31
Joker_77so take it out and insert a white one00:31
ceed^rednammoc, hopefully it is. I guess I will simply have to backup data on /home and then try to see if it works. Thank you for the manual method though. Good to know! :)00:31
Cporterdoes Ubuntu work on RAID 0, and do I have to do anything to it to make it work? I was using WUBI to install but keep getting srros00:31
Joker_77do a autoclean first00:31
rednammocceed^: you're welcome :D00:32
Jordan_UCporter: Yes it works (not that I recommend RAID 0, especially FakeRAID which you are most likely talking about).00:32
geusray24, easy answer: use gparted, unmount the drive and repartition/format00:33
rednammocCporter: maybe this helps you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x2rZe2Z9as00:33
Joker_77jordan its better then no raid and its easier to upgrade later00:33
ray24geus, it seems that I Don't have permission to access/delete my files on external00:33
bull9408Joker_77 , I typed in $sudo apt-get install aptitude python-statgrab ttf-droid hddtemp curl lm-sensors conky-all00:33
bull9408$sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp00:33
comthre3Guys,, Transmission wont download any torrent after update to Natty,, can someone help please?00:33
bull9408$sudo sensors-detect #answering00:33
geusyeah, figured that much00:34
Joker_77chmod 777 filename00:34
bull9408ignore the $ s00:34
Jordan_UJoker_77: I would argue that RAID 0 is in many respects much worse than no RAID at all.00:34
comthre3Tried deleting the config folder, with no avail00:34
comthre3can someone help please?00:34
Joker_77its easer to do forensics on too u get less lost data jordon00:34
user10213can someone private chat and help me on installing linux??00:34
user1021311.04 natty narwhal00:35
Jordan_U!pm | user1021300:35
ubottuuser10213: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:35
platzhirschIs everyone satisfied with Unity?00:35
Maahesanyone know a skeleton template for making a sound theme?00:35
Joker_77no i like anarchy00:35
geusray24, you could cd to the drive and type "sudo chown -R yourusername" (make sure you have backups of all your data 1st)00:35
zizbanI love Unity.00:35
tepsterim liking Unity..it has its quirks though00:35
comthre3anyone with transmission experience ? the ports are all set and open, the router is configured, Vuze started working now, but not transmission00:35
tsrkHow do I add kernel boot parameters permanently, that last through kernel upgrades?00:36
minargeI find unity gets better the longer you use it00:36
zizbanya it has quirks but it's mostly awesome00:36
geusray24, otherwise try gparted00:36
Joker_77anyone tried inguma?00:36
w30platzhirsch, I cant get it to be default.00:36
platzhirschI have still some troubles with using multiple monitors, but its fine00:36
minargeas it once it knows your typical programs it becomes more efficient00:36
comthre3hello,, anyone?00:36
w30platzhirsch, I have to restart window manager00:36
platzhirschw30: :(00:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:37
tepsteri love that top left application button though...i use something like that all the time in mac os x00:37
ray24geus, its formating now, I'm not sure if it was because I downloaded gparted as I did not use it.00:37
tepsterworks kind of like spotlight00:37
geusray24, good!00:37
utututsrk, add them in /etc/default/grub00:37
Joker_77anyone tried inguma?00:37
ray24geus you're great, thanks.00:37
Cporterit's not "FakeRaid" and this computer is better with the e read bonus, not redundancy necessary. I just want to dual boot win7 and Ubuntu.00:37
Cporterill okk at the vid, thanks00:38
bull9408can somebody tell me how to uninstall python00:38
Cporterdam, i cant type today00:38
ray24geus, it works now :) thanks again dude!!00:38
Veloce06I have a backup from clonezilla of my previous machine. I'm trying to mount the .img file on loopback after restoring it using partclone, but I keep getting a can't read superblock. dmesg | tail shows XFS: last sector read failed. Any ideas?00:38
geusglad it worked out00:38
zizbanbull9408, why do want to do that?00:38
Joker_77yeah no prob porter i would suggest rewiting the boot.ini instead of using grub though00:38
eiriksvinis there a way to use gnome3 in 11.04 Classic?00:39
comthre3can someone help me with transmission pleaase?00:39
bull9408I had installed it to use conky, however I changed my mind because I don't want conky on this system now. It has messed up splash screens on start up and shut down. and a few other graphical issues00:39
quanteiriksvin, there is a way to install Gnome Shell and Gnome 3 which breaks Unity00:39
quant!question | comthre300:40
ubottucomthre3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:40
tsrkututu: Thank you, that's the file I'm looking for00:40
Joker_77hey anyone have any experience with postgresql?00:40
eiriksvini want to keep unity for my gf, but i want the sweet eye candy for my classic00:40
Cporterunfortunately I wouldn't know how to do that without messing it up. The problem is i keep getting an error sayingno root file system. but it works with the laptop fine00:40
utututsrk, np00:40
zizbanbull9408, if you installed it via apt, just go to Synaptic and uninstall it00:40
quanteiriksvin, Classic is Gnome 200:40
Joker_77thats what i said ziz00:41
comthre3quant transmission wont work, tried to delete the config folder, nothing, the ports are all set and open, the router is configured, Vuze started working now, but not transmission00:41
bull9408didn't know synaptic recognized if i installed through terminal00:41
minarge@fennucci before logging in you can change the session to ubuntu classic00:41
zizbanJoker_77, had back turned, eating00:41
zizbanbull9408, it does00:41
quantcomthre3, what exact problem are you getting?00:41
zizbaneiriksvin, try Unity2D ;-)00:41
bull9408zizban, good deal, thanks man00:41
zizbanbull9408, my pleasure00:41
comthre3quant, its simply not downloading/uploading anything, not even connecting to peers/seeds host unreachable, on all torrents00:42
donkeyinspacehello, where can i talk about compiling?00:42
bull9408zizban, actually I'm now seeing that I had not downloaded python, it's integral to ubuntu, well, unity...00:42
Joker_77hello world00:42
quantcomthre3, do you see it open the torrent file?00:42
bull9408zizban, here's the command I put in terminal: $sudo apt-get install aptitude python-statgrab ttf-droid hddtemp curl lm-sensors conky-all00:42
bull9408$sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp00:42
bull9408$sudo sensors-detect #answering00:42
fennuccieh minarge00:42
tepsterdonkeyinspace: #ubuntu-dev i believe00:42
comthre3quant,  the torrent file loads, but gives a 0 0 peers seeds doesnt connect to anyone00:43
zizbanbull9408, unless you are crunched for disk space, don't worry a bout those. they're harmless00:43
minargeah sorry does @<username> send a private message?00:43
Joker_77idid u autoclean?00:43
quantcomthre3, check more torrents and check all the setting (maximum and minimum dowload and upload limit etc.)00:43
bull9408zizban, any clue about what messed up my splash screens00:43
Eyes_OnlyHello everyone, I need some help with keyboard mapping and manually altering what keys do.00:44
zizbanbull9408, what splash scrren?00:44
comthre3quant, did that, tried 13 torrents from different sites, all working in vuze non in transmission00:44
eiriksvinis unity 2D gonna give me that little glow around my windows, and make my menus  and windows tranpsparent?00:44
minargequant whats wrong with your keys?00:44
puffCan anybody help me get ubuntu installed on this machine?00:45
eiriksvincus thats what i want, i like my inside veiw desktop box too00:45
puffIt keeps freezing halfway through the install.00:45
bull9408zizban, well I'm referring to them as splash screens, the "Ubuntu" screen with the "....." when you are starting up and shutting down. They just kinda go black and do some crazy pixelation, thing. not really sure00:45
zizbaneiriksvin, I'm not sure. My untiy 2d install is that work00:45
Eyes_Onlyminarge: ae you talking to me?00:45
zizbanbull9408, did this start after you installed that software?00:45
Veloce06I'm trying to mount a backup .img file getting the error /dev/loop0: can't read superblock. This is from a clonezilla backup of an XFS partition. What is this error telling me? Google didn't give me anything either.00:46
Joker_77ziz get him to start with a autoclean to see if its leftovers00:46
zizbanlet me scroll up and see what you installed00:46
zizbanJoker_77, ah yes00:46
eiriksvinis it possible to get gnome3 on 11.04?00:46
LjLeiriksvin: it's possible, but it will break Unity and quite possibly other things, and it's unsupported00:47
geuscomthre3, you do have a static IP address?00:47
comthre3geus, yes00:47
zizbanbull9408, you can try autoclean. sudo apt-get autoclean00:48
geusports forwarded on router? Firewalls? firestarter/ufw?00:48
AngelicCaptainkrtek: I managed to find the package and had to transfer it via usb to install it and it did but still no wifi.00:48
comthre3geus, all open, no firewall00:48
CaptainkrtekAngelic, not sure, never had an issue like this :/00:48
AngelicCaptainkrtek: It'll detect the wifi networks but the wifi networks come in greyed out.00:48
bull9408zizban, says it's unable to find package "autoclean"00:48
eiriksvincrap, is there anything else i can do for classic... other than be stuck with what little compiz offers?00:48
geustried alternate ports? 16881-16891 instead of 6881-689100:49
quanteiriksvin, what are you referring to as "classic"?00:49
comthre3geus, hmmm,, nop didnt try that, let me give it a whire!00:49
comthre3it started working now!!!!!!! when i ran it as sudo it started downloading!00:49
AngelicAnyone knows a fix to wireless networks being greyed out in the wifi list?00:49
eiriksvinUbuntu (Classic Session) when you choose your session at the login creen at the bottom00:50
geushmm, that's ermm not good00:50
geusshouldn't need root priviliges00:50
zizbanbull9408, it's part of apt-get. it should just be "sudo apt-get autoclean"00:50
geusprobably will work as "normal" user now too00:50
AngelicAnyone knows a fix to wireless networks being greyed out in the wifi list?00:50
comthre3geus, i know,,, it was a hailmerry sorta thing and it worked.. let me check running as normal use00:50
bull9408zizban, ok, it ran... well, the command ran without errors.00:51
eiriksvinAngelic whats ur Wifi adapter, and what driver are you using?00:51
bull9408zizban, is that all there is to it?00:51
gem_catI am under some kind of attack - I am watching it on tcpdump but do not know what to do about it00:52
Fudgedoes anybody know if it is possible to convert a powerpoint presentation to vcd00:52
comthre3geus, im getting "Couldn't open "/home/com3/.config/transmission/lock": Permission denied"00:52
Angelicerbngeek: Not sure, I just know its an IBM R32.00:52
=== Maahes_ is now known as Maahes
zizbanbull9408, yup so it found nothing. That was a long shot. Try uninstalling everything you installed, what you listed00:52
geustry removing your config files as root and fire up as normal user afterwards then I'd guess00:52
Angeliceiriksvin: Not sure I know its an IBM 32* not sure of the hardware00:52
eiriksvinok are you using it through Wireless Windows Drivers?00:53
geusunless transmission is still running as root?00:53
=== Cerdabr is now known as Cerda
Angeliceiriksvin: I think so.00:54
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:54
eiriksvinAngelic open it up, and the driver name will be in there00:54
Angeliceiriksvin: Through what command in terminal?00:54
robin0800Angelic, lspci and look for wireless adapter00:56
eiriksvinAngelic open ur terminal and type lsusb             <that will tell you what adapter you have00:56
maryanneHey I just tried out a code to a site to reprogram it but it's locked; is there any other way to program an existing site?00:56
Angeliceiriksvin: Aironet wireless communications cisco aironet wireless 802.11b00:57
eiriksvinrobin0800 lspci will only give you pci info, lsusb will give you usb info00:57
maryanneok thanks00:57
Mitchell|2Can someone help me with something? I just installed ubuntu 11.04 on a 2005 intel mac mini, worked fine with 10.04... now I put in a KVM switch today, when I switch devices, a lot of the time, I have to reset the computer, it doesn't respond, it locks up.00:57
=== Cerdabr is now known as Cerda
maryanneYou might have virus00:58
=== candy is now known as Guest76723
Mitchell|2Me, maryanne?00:58
eiriksvinok, take that online and google it to see if theres a way to get it to run native, thats the best:)00:58
Angeliceiriksvin: me?00:59
maryanneHey I need some help I tried to use a code on a website to reprogram it but it's locked. Is there any other way to program an existing site?00:59
eiriksvinyeah, sorry:)00:59
AngelicAnyone knows a fix to wireless networks being greyed out in the wifi list?01:00
=== com3__ is now known as comthre3
tjiggi_fo!ot | maryanne01:00
ubottumaryanne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:00
comthre3geus, guess what! it just decided to work out of the blue! but thanks for your help :)01:00
puffAngelic: Usually it does that if the network in question isn't in range.01:00
kernulis there a way to disable my computer from sleeping when i close the lid in 11.04?01:01
tensorpuddingkernul: yes, check out the power settings01:01
* ceed^ is away: Auto-away after 30 mins idle (gone at 3rd May, 19:01:28)01:01
=== ceed^ is now known as ceed^`away
kernultensorpudding: not blank the screen... do nothing01:01
kernultensorpudding: using external display01:01
gem_catsomeone help me overcome this stupid attack - :(01:01
bastidrazorubottu: tell ceed^`away about away01:01
Angelicpuff: I am rigt under it.. I have one windows laptop working on it now (this one is it)01:01
ubottuceed^`away, please see my private message01:01
tensorpuddingkernul: what?01:01
geuscomthre3, weird, sounded like your config files were owned by root but O.K. Cool I guess :)01:01
maryanneIs there a way to rename a computer after you've finished setting it up?01:02
tensorpuddingkernul: you want video to keep going to the screen when you've closed the lid?01:02
kernultensorpudding: if i set blank screen it blanks the screen... no big deal right? but im using an external display01:02
bastidrazor!hostname | maryanne01:02
ubottumaryanne: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:02
kernultensorpudding: it blanks that screen too...01:02
tensorpuddingkernul: oh01:02
tensorpuddingthat's not supposed to happen, i don't think01:02
maryanneOk thank you my cpu. name sucks01:02
kernultensorpudding: ya i know... it didnt in 1001:02
kernuland i cant for the life of me get it to stop01:03
tensorpuddingkernul: could be a bug then01:03
AngelicAnyone knows a fix to wireless networks being greyed out in the wifi list?01:03
comthre3geus, you know whats weirder? tranmission autostarts so it cannot be owned by root., that doesnt make any sense, but its working cant complain :)01:03
freezwayhey, i upgraded my heatsink and now sound doesnt work. I usually run arch but it doesnt work off the ubuntu 10.10 livecd either01:03
kernultensorpudding: shoulda stayed with 10 (= i seem to be having all sorts of issues01:03
freezwaylspci finds my sound card, but alsa wont load01:03
maryanneI  need my computer debugged01:04
geuscomthre3, but if you start it from terminal it doesn't display any errors?01:04
kernultensorpudding: thanks for your help01:04
AngelicAnyone knows a fix to wireless networks being greyed out in the wifi list?01:04
freezwaymaryanne, more specific please01:04
maryanneIt keeps locking me from my downloads and saying stuff01:05
robin0800Angelic, what does the windows machine tell you about the adapter01:05
dios_miocan anyone address my problem --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77645101:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 776451 in Ubuntu "keyboard layouts - will the new window get the active window's layout" [Undecided,New]01:05
maryanneI keep getting messages01:05
dios_mioIn keyboard layouts preferences there is the option where you can pick whether you want the new windows to get the active window's layout. This option is broken because whatever you pick it is always the rule that new windows get the active windows's layout.01:05
AngelicAnyone knows a fix to wireless networks being greyed out in the wifi list?01:05
freezwaymaryanne, what messages01:05
comthre3geus, nopm starts normally01:06
nutsfornattygood day all01:06
maryannecodes and things to use to debug01:06
xet7nutsfornatty: good day :)01:06
freezwaymaryanne, please give us the messages. we cant do anything without knowing what the problem is01:06
AngelicAnyone knows a fix to wireless networks being greyed out in the wifi list?01:06
geuso.k. nothing to worry about then I guess01:06
flodinecan someone tell me why unity desktop keeps locking up?01:06
maryannehold on01:07
Eyes_OnlyAnyone here familiar with openbox and keyboard apping?01:07
freezwayAngelic, please dont ask the same question 10x in a row. ask it and wait a little, reask if you must in a few minutes01:07
Alec_hey guys01:07
eiriksvinflodine check your graphics driver01:07
Alec_anyone here that i can ask a question?01:07
freezway!ask Alec_ \01:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:07
=== sony is now known as Guest66667
freezway!ask Alec_01:07
freezway!question Alec_01:07
quant!question | Alec_01:07
LjLAlec_: just ask it01:07
ubottuAlec_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:07
freezwayquant, beat me to it01:08
flodineeiriksvin i just in stalled the basic on recomended01:08
maryannejust lost info01:08
Eyes_OnlyAngelic: what wireless card do you have01:08
eiriksvinAngelic google it and see if u can run in Native01:08
maryannehave to go bye01:08
AngelicEyes_Only: Aironet wireless communications cisco aironet wireless 802.11b01:08
eiriksvinflodine whats ur graphics card?01:09
Eyes_OnlyAngelic: wow thats some serious hardware, wht model01:09
robin0800Angelic, thats not enough info you need a product number01:09
flodineeiriksvin nvidia fx quadro01:09
eiriksvinheh.. thats why...01:10
dios_mioIn keyboard layouts preferences there is the option where you can pick whether you want the new windows to get the active window's layout. This option is broken because whatever you pick it is always the rule that new windows get the active windows's layout.01:10
flodinewhat should i do01:10
nutsfornattynvidia? hum, ati released new drivers for 11.04.. has nvidia done the same yet?01:10
jwtiyarhow to use usb to alternate upgrade? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD01:10
AngelicEyes_Only: Doesn't say.01:10
nutsfornattyflodine: if, and only if, nvidia has released new 11.04 drivers you should use those01:11
eiriksvinflodine ok, heres what u do, ru in Natty now?01:11
Alec_hey, so i have a macbook pro (first generation) or macbook pro 3,1. With the release of ubuntu 11.04 i got interested, and downloaded the 32 bit version. i burned it to a cd using disk utility with no problems, then popped it in and using rEFlt, booted into it. After showing the loading screen for 4=+ minutes, it showed three lines of errors. 1.(initramifs) can not moint /dev/loop0 (lcdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs 2.udevd [82]: wo01:11
Alec_[203] unexpectedly returned with status 0x0100 and 3. udevd [82]: worker [203] failed while handling '/devices/virtual/block/loop0'01:11
robin0800Angelic, your windows machine should know01:11
Eyes_OnlyAngelic: get the hardware id01:11
freezwayhey, i upgraded my heatsink and now sound doesnt work. I usually run arch but it doesnt work off the ubuntu 10.10 livecd either. lspci sees it, but on arch, alsaconf does not. output of "sudo alsa reload" here http://pastebin.com/dpDD226g01:12
eiriksvinflodine Search for System Settings then inside there look for Additional Drivers01:12
fizyplanktoni forget. how do i disable x? not just switch to a VT, but actually disable it?01:12
eiriksvinflodine use the nVIDIA 173 driver01:12
jwtiyarthere is alternate USB to upgrade?01:12
Eyes_Onlyrobin0800: cisco aironet is serious hardware, not a consumer/end user wireless solution01:13
ngc604Angelic, does it have a serial number or any kind of sticker on the back?01:13
eiriksvinflodine if its an option01:13
flodineok thxs im doing it now and will reboot soon01:13
freezwayfizyplankton, kill it? "sudo service gdm stop"01:13
fizyplanktonfreezway: thx01:13
robin0800Eyes_Only, yes but she sayes its working now with windows01:13
eiriksvinflodine then youll be welcome to Natty:)01:13
eiriksvinflodine then get Compiz01:14
freezwayto keep it from starting edit /etc/rc.conf (may be init.conf or something, just remove gdm from the daemons list)01:14
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: edit the /etc/init/gdm.conf and comment out the lines beginning with "start on"01:14
flodinewhy compiz01:14
bastidrazorfizyplankton: in /etc/default/grub add 'text' to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=   ::this will boot you to a terminal login01:14
eiriksvinflodine trust me you will want that:)01:14
=== root is now known as Guest21757
Eyes_Onlyrobin0800: i gathered that, but someone with that kind of hardware should at least know what they are doing with it lol01:14
fizyplanktontensorpudding: bastidrazor which one of yours do i do?01:14
flodineyou got a command for the terminal for compiz01:15
=== Nisstyre is now known as Mark_Shuttlecock
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: doing service stop will stop it this time, but won't prevent it from running in the future01:15
Angelicrobin0800: The system thats connected to the wifi network that the ubuntu machine has greyed out is right under the router so I am basically saying I don't understand why would it be greyed out.01:15
Alec_hey, so i have a macbook pro (first generation) or macbook pro 3,1. With the release of ubuntu 11.04 i got interested, and downloaded the 32 bit version. i burned it to a cd using disk utility with no problems, then popped it in and using rEFlt, booted into it. After showing the loading screen for 4=+ minutes, it showed three lines of errors. 1.(initramifs) can not moint /dev/loop0 (lcdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs 2.udevd [82]: wo01:15
Alec_[203] unexpectedly returned with status 0x0100 and 3. udevd [82]: worker [203] failed while handling '/devices/virtual/block/loop0'01:15
chaospsyXwhats the command to see what kernel version i have installed ?01:15
bruenigchaospsyX: uname!01:15
LjLchaospsyX: uname -a01:15
eiriksvinflodine just use Applications>Search>Compiz01:15
Kamakazi_I think my upgrade is frozen at Configurin ltrace, is there anyway to stop the process?01:15
ngc604Angelic, do you have any numbers off that card?01:16
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: actually, i might be better to change the "stop on runlevel [016]" line to "stop on runlevel [0126]"01:16
Eyes_OnlyAngelic: what does dmesg | grep wi say01:16
jwtiyarany helpp?01:16
Angelicngc604: http://hardware4linux.info/component/19645/ <--- is the only info I gather when looking it up.01:16
flodineits already installed01:16
Angelicngc604: Otherwise there is no numbers on the back that I see on the hardware.01:17
robin0800Angelic, how is ubuntu connected?01:17
Angelicrobin0800: It's usually connected through wifi, but as of the moment I am on another machine(Windows machine).01:18
eiriksvinDoes anyone know how to get Regnum online to run in windowed mode?01:18
Angelicrobin0800: It sees the wifi network in the area but its greyed out, and the network thats greyed out is currently connected to my windows machine so it can't be out of range.01:19
KM0201Angelic: open a terminal and type "lspci" no quotes, and hit enter.. .loook through the output and find the wireless device, and tell us what it sayas01:19
KM0201oh wait.01:19
KM0201so it sees networks01:19
freezwayhey, i upgraded my heatsink and now sound doesnt work. I usually run arch but it doesnt work off the ubuntu 10.10 livecd either. lspci sees it, but on arch, alsaconf does not. output of "sudo alsa reload" here http://pastebin.com/dpDD226g01:19
Mitchell|2Can someone help me with something? I'm using a KVM switch, and when I switch between computers, one that I just put 11.04 on doesn't respond.01:19
Eyes_OnlyAngelic: what does dmesg | grep wl say?01:20
eiriksvinKM0201!! Hey buuuuuddy!01:20
KM0201eiriksvin: :)01:20
ngc604Eyes_Only, what makes airo so great?01:21
Eyes_Onlycan anyone help me with modifying my keyboard map?01:21
fogobogoEyes_Only: tried a waterproof marker?01:21
fizyplanktontensorpudding: what will the stop on run lever do?01:21
OY1RQ: anyone have an image of Windows XP i can download ?01:21
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: unfortunately yes :(01:22
amitHi. Would appreciate advice on method for reading ubuntu's mailing list (currently subscribed, but rather read them off a feed, so as to not burden my mail client)01:22
MustardCUSo I recently installed lxde (and it appears on ubuntu.com there is no lxde IRC channel) on my computer but I can't connect to the internet (and I can't even connect to lxde.org even on Gnome) I installed Wicd but the internet still wasn't working.  It did work fine on Gnome though.  Any ideas why?01:22
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: just prevent it from running on that runlevel01:22
eiriksvinKM0201 i have been telling Angelic to search google and try to run the usb adapter native if its possible, thats what i have to do to get rid of that, but i got a different adapter01:22
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: it's a bit of an annoying mix of system v and upstart01:22
fizyplanktontensorpudding: what is a runlevel?01:22
OY1Rthat or a WinPX preinstalled.vdi01:22
georgiehow to Join IRC at or (SSL Only) Port 669701:22
=== KolakCC is now known as K_prob_not_consi
KM0201eiriksvin: hmm.01:22
georgiethey didnot mention the server name01:23
=== K_prob_not_consi is now known as sleepdeprivation
bull9408anybody have a clue why I can't get my internal microphone to hear anything01:23
georgiei've empathy,xchat and irssi has irc chat clients01:23
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: you don't really need to know about runlevels, but they are different configurations for the init program, which chooses what to start at boot01:23
Eyes_Onlyngc604: airo is a professional networking solution, it isnt a standard belkin wireless thing you can pick up at wal-mart for $3001:23
AngelicEyes_Only: it returns nothing back.01:23
robin0800bull9408, alsamixer in a terminal01:24
Eyes_OnlyAngelic: what about dmesg | grep wi01:24
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: ubuntu uses upstart, which replaces (to an extent) the old way of doing things involving runlevels, but it still have runlevels, it's just that people don't really mess with them anymore01:24
ngc604bull9408, system > preferences > sound > input and make sure the right intup is selected and it is not on mute01:24
bull9408ngc604, the correct input is selected, and not on mute01:24
robin0800Angelic, is it usb?01:24
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: one corresponds to a single-user mode, one to shutdown, and runlevel 2 is the one for normal activity in ubuntu01:24
bull9408but all i'm getting is static01:24
OY1Ranyone ?01:25
Angelicrobin0800: No.01:25
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: my issue isnt as simple as you might think, ive got a CR 48 and would like to have some of the keys do different things01:25
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: there's others that can be defined but nobody uses them01:25
ngc604bull9408, try robins idea of alsamixer.  didn't know that was there.  mic option is on the end01:25
robin0800Angelic, then lspci should find it01:25
fogobogoEyes_Only: why not just change the keys then01:26
tensorpuddingfizyplankton: adding the 2 in that line just means that the gdm isn't run on runlevel 2, which is the default runlevel for multi-user, graphical mode01:26
bull9408ngc604, I'm playing with it now, didn't know it was there either01:26
freezwayhey, i upgraded my heatsink and now sound doesnt work. I usually run arch but it doesnt work off the ubuntu 10.10 livecd either. lspci sees it, but on arch, alsaconf does not. output of "sudo alsa reload" here http://pastebin.com/dpDD226g01:26
georgiecan somebody pls tell me how to " Join IRC at or (SSL Only) Port 6697".. its saying connection refused01:26
fogobogoEyes_Only: the screwdriver method might not work but there could be something in the system menu01:26
Angelicrobin0800: It sees it, as the aironet wireless communications cisco aironet wireless 802.1101:27
Angelicwhen I do the lspci01:27
amr_How can I add the control bar windows after deleting Combez01:27
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: do you know what a CR48 is?01:27
fogobogoEyes_Only: some crippletop01:27
XerYuSOY1R: How to auto mount partition in natty on bootup. Tried pysdm with no success. I have screenlets w/ shortcuts of folders on desktop that show up unlinked until mounted.01:27
bull9408ngc604, still nothing01:27
bull9408just less static01:27
robin0800Angelic, but thats not enough info you need a product number01:28
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: more like a browser in a box in its standard configuration01:28
ngc604bull9408, any vocal sound at all01:28
MustardCUSo I recently installed lxde on my computer but I can't connect to the Internet (and I can't even connect to lxde.org even on Gnome) I installed Wicd but the Internet still wasn't working.  It did work fine on Gnome though.  Anyone know how to fix my problem?01:28
Wvmi updated to Mark_Shuttlecock 's ubuntu 11 cd and i get a black screen01:28
bull9408ngc604, no vocal sound what so ever01:28
Wvmwhat do i do?01:28
fogobogoEyes_Only: yeah. but what makes you think that has anything to do with ubuntu?01:28
fogobogoEyes_Only: im under the impression you at least hacked the box to install ubuntu. correct me if im wrong01:29
ngc604bull9408, did it ever work?  have you changed anything?  is the connection clean and finger oil free?01:29
CerdaXerYus: do you want to mount ntfs partition automaticaly on boot?01:29
* eiriksvin says thats an awesome nick>> Douche has quit (Quit: Douche)01:29
fogobogoEyes_Only: if it still runs the google spyware i have no clue. maybe the browser settings?01:29
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: i flashed a new bios and installed crunchbang, the crunchbang channel is dead (whats new), and the solution should be similar in both ubuntu and #!01:30
XerYuSthnks... no, its a ext4 partition01:30
Angelicproduct: 82801DB PRO/100 VE (MOB) Ethernet Controller01:30
OY1Rnm got it..01:30
bull9408ngc604, it's an internal mic, and It worked under vista, I have just recently installed Ubuntu on this system, there was a hard drive failure, and this was easier th ian ins01:30
fogobogoEyes_Only: nope. not at all. lucky you i run openbox. get obkeys01:30
bull9408ngc604, than installing Vista and finding all of the drivers01:30
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: looking it up now, how flexible is obkeys?01:31
AngelicEyes_Only:Product: 82801CAM (ICH3)01:31
ngc604bull9408, make sure the hardware tab has the right info under sound preferences01:31
Eyes_OnlyAngelic: intel chipset01:31
WvmMark_Shuttlecock:  ur new gnome thing is broken :(01:31
eje211I upgraded to Natty, now the computer freezes at startup unless I use a session of type "Ubuntu safe mode". Which log should I look into to diagnose the issue? The freeze occurs both on Unity and on KDE, my default desktop.01:31
bull9408ngc604, already checked it, it's correct01:32
bull9408ngc604, my only other option is the HDMI output for hardware01:32
Mark_ShuttlecockWvm: Unity 4 lyfe01:32
AngelicEyes_Only: Intel Corporation: 82845 845 Brookdale01:32
ngc604bull9408, let me read up.  is it a laptop?01:32
bull9408ngc604, yes, Fujitsu Lifebook A series01:33
robin0800Angelic, 82801DB PRO/100 VE is erthnet not wirless?01:33
WvmMark_Shuttlecock:  unity?  is that the new gnome?01:33
fogobogoEyes_Only: well. its a gui for editing keybindings of the openbox wm. so its not flexible at all. but you have a gui01:33
fogobogoEyes_Only: you sissy01:33
Angelicrobin0800: Try the 82801CAM (ICH3)01:34
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: whats with the hostility? you hurting my feelings :( i might cry01:34
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: ;D01:35
fogobogoEyes_Only: the real men's way would be to open ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml and edit your keybindings there manually01:35
Angelicserial: 00:d0:59:c8:99:0e01:35
fogobogoEyes_Only: unfortunately using a text editor is a dying art :/01:35
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
madpropsreal men use butterflies01:36
fogobogoor that01:36
Wvmeww butterflies.  microsoft uses those01:36
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: will i have to learn vi just to show you up? :P01:36
eje211I upgraded to Natty, now the computer freezes at startup unless I use a session of type "Ubuntu safe mode". Which log should I look into to diagnose the issue? The freeze occurs both on Unity and on KDE, my default desktop.01:36
Wvmthe wings fall off all the time and they crash01:36
fogobogoEyes_Only: definitely worth to learn vim but as a bloody beginner you might be better off using geany or gedit01:37
robin0800Angelic, 82801CAM (ICH3) thats an i/o hub01:37
fogobogoEyes_Only: because it has buttons and shit01:37
* madprops loves geany01:37
tensorpuddingi can't say it's worthwhile learning vi just to edit config files as an ubuntu user01:37
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: bout time someone with some stones showed up on this chat. congratulations, youve made my day01:38
fogobogoEyes_Only: youre welcome01:38
* psusi can't say it is worthwhile learning vi at all... emacs is vastly superior ;)01:38
Eyes_Onlypsusi: haha amen01:38
tensorpuddingpre-emptively avoid flamewars01:38
ZekeS(besides, everyone knows that ed is the best, vi and emacs are bloat)01:39
* psusi uses emacs as his OS ;)01:39
Eyes_Onlypsusi: hax01:39
Wvmemacs i herd of that before.  i had a friend that always talks about it.  he has rsi now01:39
aeon-ltdwho the hell uses just vi anymore?01:39
madpropsor emacs01:39
sudokodelol emacs01:40
tensorpuddingugh, too late01:40
aeon-ltdif you were gonna use vi at least use vim01:40
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ZekeSaeon-ltd: I believe that's implied01:40
psusiWvm, actually it kind of prevents rsi since you don't have ot muck about with that silly mouse all the time and generally avoid a great many keystrokes that would be neccesary in other editors01:40
Wvmi warned him about that alt key  i warned him dawg01:41
puffmadprops: I use emacs.01:41
puffI'm typing this in emacs now :-).01:41
Mark_ShuttlecockEyes_Only: I'd like to personally thank you for using Aboontoo01:41
Eyes_OnlyMark_Shuttlecock: who says im using aboontoo?01:41
Mark_Shuttlecockyou are in this channel01:41
puffAnd always remember, "vi vi vi" == 666, ergo vi is clearly The Editor of The Beast.01:41
Eyes_OnlyMark_Shuttlecock: doesnt mean i use it01:41
Wvmsatan knows what is up01:42
sudokodeyes, rms is a great source of knowledge01:42
sudokodeand toejam01:42
ngc604bull9408, you still here01:43
Paolo_CTHello everyone01:43
Paolo_CTI been using Ubuntu since 8.04 and I was so happy to upgrade to 11.04, but after that is been just problems, I ....(lol, just had a weird behavior with empathy). Every time I use LibreOffice, my netbook with totally freeze (Not even able to change to a tti), and like five other bugs. Well after saying it, I dont know if I should go back to 10.10 or just wait (and stop using libreoffice :p)01:43
bull9408ngc604, yes01:43
Mark_ShuttlecockEyes_Only: my apologies sir01:43
ngc604bull9408, have you seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1408506 looks promising01:43
Eyes_OnlyMark_Shuttlecock: im just not terribly familiar with openbox is all, i been using crunchbang as of late. ive got an arch box with gnome which i hardly ever use01:44
tepsterPaolo_CT: did you reinstall libreoffice?01:44
bull9408ngc604, I'm going to try that backports solution now, I'll let you know01:44
fogobogoEyes_Only: oh hai fellow archer01:44
tensorpuddingPaolo_CT: try starting libreoffice from the terminal, and see if doing Control+c will kill the process01:44
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: :D greetings fine sir01:44
ngc604bull9408, there is also the option in post #5 that you can try01:45
sudokodelol arch01:45
sudokodeubuntu is way simpler01:45
tensorpuddingarch talk goes elsewhere, this is an ubuntu support channel01:45
* psusi was having fun today running emacs in daemon mode on his server today and being able to disconnect and reconnect later to his open files, shells, and irc sessions running under emacs ;)01:45
vorlovhave anybody tried analyzing apache2 coredumps before? i need some help figuring out what im seeing01:45
bull9408ngc604, it said it couldn't find the package when I tried backports solution01:46
tensorpuddingvorlov: you might consider the apache channel01:46
ZekeSpsusi: then why run linux at all :V01:46
Paolo_CTtepster: No, I just upgrade saturday, and been way to busy (The main reason I was unhappy with libreoffice was that It frozze will writting my tesis <,/ lost like an hour), I will try reinstalling01:46
sudokodepsusi: wow, sounds like something you could do with tmux or screen01:46
ZekeSGiven that, unless I misunderstood your statement, I can do the same damn thing with ssh and screen :p01:46
* Wvm is a racoon and uses coonbuntu01:46
sudokodeyou could just skip that extra step of using emacs01:46
flodinecan someone help me with my 11.04 keeps locking up01:46
Eyes_Onlyfogobogo: we could so totally start a flame war, but lets not01:46
bull9408ngc604, actually do I need to replace the 'uname -r' with something?01:46
Wvmnow to fix black screen01:47
Paolo_CTThis is weird, second time that happened (In empathy) will I write, and the line end, I cannot keep writting, and had to resize window to continue01:47
fogobogoEyes_Only: way too easy :D01:47
psusisudokode, screen lets you run multiple shells and disconnect... but not also edit files, get on irc, read info pages, and be able to copy/paste between them01:47
Paolo_CTI dont know if there is a lot of people having bugs, or might that be with my computer01:47
trevorpaceHey, I'm unable to adjust my brightness in 11.04. Is there a brightness application? Using a toshiba A103 laptop, never been able to adjust using the function keys.01:47
Barridus_hey guys, is there any way to remove/hide a program from the natty side-launcher?  i don't exactly need background stuff like mail-notifier showing up there01:47
* ZekeS opens vim in one screen, weechat in a second, etc et etc01:47
Paolo_CTI have a Samsung Netbok01:48
kraftyflodine pls expand on  "locking up" how, what is ur machine/u doing?01:48
sudokodepsusi: it does if you use vim/nano, weechat/irssi, whatever you read info pages with, etc01:48
spotteranyone aving consistent X lockups (but restartable) with Intel on natty?01:48
psusisudokode, they don't share a common kill ring to copy/paste between, and you can't see what channels people have spoken to you in while you are looking at your info page or vim01:48
bull9408ngc604, I installed aumix, but now I can't get it to run, it says. "error opening mixer: No such file or directory"01:49
tensorpuddingtrevorpace: it's under Screensaver iirc01:49
tensorpuddingtrevorpace: err, wait, power management01:49
sudokodesounds like bloat01:49
ngc604bull9408, are you on 11.0401:49
eje211I upgraded to Natty, now the computer freezes at startup unless I use a session of type "Ubuntu safe mode". Which log should I look into to diagnose the issue? The freeze occurs both on Unity and on KDE, my default desktop.01:49
bull9408ngc604, yes01:49
psusisudokode, if I'm editing a file in the top half of the screen while browsing the info page in the bottom half, I still see the channel name pop up in the info bar if someone speaks to me on irc01:49
trevorpacetensorpudding: Thanks, not exactly ideal but it works.01:49
tepsterPaolo_CT: unity is rather buggy i'm finding01:50
Paolo_CTOther thing, I cant change between windows with ALT+TAB anymore, is there a way to change that to work again=01:50
tensorpuddingeje211: does ubuntu classic work?01:50
w30Could someone with Natty check their login screen in control center and see if it offers unity as a choice rather than ubuntu?01:50
sudokodesounds like an easily remedied problem with a weechat script01:50
tepsterPaolo_CT:  check under shortcuts in the control center01:50
sudokodeI may look into that actually01:50
sudokodegive me something to do01:51
tensorpuddingw30: not in there01:51
ZekeSsudokode: weechat! <301:51
tensorpuddingw30: is this instead of, or in addition to, unity?01:51
psusisudokode, then there's the common kill ring, which is quite handy for copying and pasting back and forth.. also iirc, screen doesn't give you scrollback buffers01:51
tensorpuddingw30: err, ubuntu01:51
kevnIs there a quick way to make the XFCE4.8 menu similar to the fluxbox menu, in terms of the multiple sublevels01:51
Paolo_CTtepster: Oh, that is kinda good (Because is not just me), in the unity search thingy if I try to use tild ( example.  ó) I will get ´o01:51
eje211tensorpudding: I'm not sure. I think I tried it and it didn't. I know KDE fails, even after I disabled compiz, so compiz is not the issue. I have direct rendering.01:51
Paolo_CTtepster: And I cant get a tild with any other combination01:52
flodinemy desktop is locked up right now and its letting me typ only in xchat01:52
flodinei cant move nothing01:52
tensorpuddingeje211: don't suppose you installed gnome 3 from a ppa or anything?01:52
Paolo_CTtepster: Im really thinking of going back to 10.10, but I kinda like unity as a concept01:52
flodinei tried both drivers01:52
w30tensorpudding, I can't get unity as default, I have to restart window manager after I log in01:52
ngc604bull9408, is the volume on the mic up at 100%01:52
tensorpuddingflodine: i used to get that bug once in a while01:52
eje211This is the first time I've used Gnome at all. So far I've been faithful to KDE. So no.01:52
tepsterPaolo_CT: I found that upgrading causes more bugs. When i do a new install, it was much more better01:52
tensorpuddingflodine: does the windows key still bring up the launcher?01:52
bull9408ngc604, yes01:53
w30tensorpudding, I have two ubuntu choices, actually 301:53
tensorpuddingeje211: it could be a bad mixing with kde and unity, but i doubt it01:53
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tepsterPaolo_CT: If you plan on going back, you might as well try a fresh install of 11.04 first01:53
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eje211tensorpudding: I'm just wondering where to look for the cause. There must be a log file with the answer, but I'm not sure where to look.01:53
ngc604bull9408, maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1651779 post #6.  just make sure to back up files before you edit them01:54
tensorpuddingeje211: maybe /var/log/dmesg01:54
tensorpuddingeje211: if it's a problem with drivers01:54
eje211tensorpudding: I looked, but found no error.01:54
eje211tensorpudding: Nothing obvious, at least.01:54
Paolo_CTtepster: Wow, this is annoying, empathy is not working right with my netbook resolution.01:55
Paolo_CTYou have a good point, will try with a fresh install01:55
tensorpuddingeje211: i don't know then, it's not likely to have been logged in another log01:55
magn3tsDoes anyone have GNOME 3 working in Natty? Every time I try to install it, it blows up and wrecks all my DEs.01:56
ngc604bull9408, what does    lspci | grep Audio     get you?01:56
tensorpuddingmagn3ts: given that it requires different versions of important libraries to be installed, you probably can't do it01:57
bull9408ngc604, |spci| ?01:57
eje211tensorpudding: could this be it, it looks innocent enough: svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97)01:57
tensorpuddingeje211: i think that's related to nfs?01:58
mteleshaupgraded my son's lenovo S12 from 10.10 to 11.04 no gmd just boots to background image and I can clt-alt-t a terminal. Can I redo the upgrade?01:58
dios_miounity is messed up when I turn on wobbly windows in ccsm01:58
Tophhey dios_mio01:58
dios_miohey toph!01:58
tensorpuddingeje211: don't know why that would cause your problem01:58
ngc604bull9408, type lspci | grep Audio in terminal and paste the results01:59
bull9408dios_mio, it did the same thing for me. I think i ran          reset --unity         in the terminal01:59
dios_miothanks bull01:59
bull9408ngc604, I thought that was a |spci| not lspci.02:00
ngc604bull9408, also,  under alsamixer hit f4 and make sure the input is on internal mic.  Does the mic 3.5mm headset plug option work?02:00
tensorpuddingmtelesha: what's gmd?02:00
eje211tensorpudding: I'll continue investigating. Thanks.02:00
bull9408ngc604, lspci | grep audio gave no results02:01
bull9408and I don't have a mic to plug in to the 3.5 input02:01
ngc604bull9408, do you have sound comming from the speakers?02:01
bull9408ngc604, yes02:01
Eyes_Onlybull9408: lspci = ls pci = lst pci02:01
Eyes_Onlybull9408: list pci*02:02
tensorpuddingmtelesha: is this on ubuntu or ubuntu classic session?02:02
bull9408Eyes_Only, i gotcha, I just read it as (pipe) spci (pipe) instead of an L at the beginning02:02
Eyes_Onlybull9408: i always liked bash, it makes more sense to me :D02:03
bull9408yea, bash is what I always used.02:03
bull9408i've been on mac for a while though02:03
mteleshagmd = gnome login manager where you type in your name and password02:03
bull9408my memory is a tad foggy02:03
josvukHi, how to find out which boot manager was used during booting?02:03
tensorpuddingmtelesha: oh, gdm02:03
tensorpuddingmtelesha: it doesn't show up?02:03
Eyes_Onlymtelesha: gdm***02:03
dios_miounity is retarded... no offense02:03
tepsteri take offense :p02:04
ngc604bull9408, also, under alsamixer press f4 and make sure the input is internal mic02:04
KM0201dios_mio: not really.. just takes som getting used to.02:04
tensorpuddingdios_mio: watch the language, also take it elsewhere02:04
Eyes_Onlytensorpudding: what language? :/02:04
bull9408ngc604, it is02:05
acfrazier_Alright. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop PC, and all I get is a blinking cursor upon reboot. Same deal with both the LiveCD and alternate install CD02:05
acfrazier_How can I fix this?02:05
ngc604bull9408, try switching it to front mic then back to internal02:06
bull9408I did02:06
andygraybeal_i just booted 11.04 offa usb disk for a test run.  it didn't load the new interface automatically, is this expected?  in otherwords, do i have to install it onto my harddrive to see the new interface. ... or did my computer not work with the new interface and it reverted back to normal gnome?02:08
andygraybeal_i was looking forward to seeing the new interface after the big stink everyone has made about it.02:09
tensorpuddingit's possible that it won't load in the default installer session02:09
mdmkolbeI understand that the blue triangle in the upper right corner means an application wants my attention, but how do I know which application?  (E.g. If I've come back to my computer an hour after the app asked for the attention)02:09
Cerdaandrygraybeal_: unity loads on my hp netbook (intel card) but not on my desktop too (nvidia card)02:09
andygraybeal_Cerda, i got nvidia on my lenovo t41002:10
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tepsterandygraybeal: it has something to do with your video card02:10
acfrazier_how can I fix a blinking cursor upon reboot after a fresh install?02:10
andygraybeal_ah so on the outs with nvidia then?  i made a poor decision?02:10
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fogobogo*pew* *pew*02:10
tensorpuddingnvidia should work with unity fine if you have a modern card02:10
Cerdaandygraybeal_ probably not, nvidia should be better but maybe it has something to do with the live system02:11
andygraybeal_tensorpudding, it's a pretty modern computer. we bought it last year, lenovo t41002:11
andygraybeal_Cerda, aah okay the live system02:11
Guest71831can I use monodevelop with .NET 4 on Natty ?02:11
Bobbyyyyycape can i use monodevelop with02:11
andygraybeal_thanks for helping me clear that up02:11
fogobogoGuest71831: try?02:11
tepsterandygraybeal: i mean, it will revert to classic if it has problems with using your 3d card02:11
tepsterI had no problem with unity using the cd02:11
xsinickthere is problems with unity and NVIDIA driver02:11
zenoconhi, i just installed natty, and the menu bar at the top (that has network, battery info, etc.) has disappeared -- how to get it back?02:12
andygraybeal_tepster, okay cool.. i am sad i didn't get to see it! :(02:12
tepsterand i have nvidia02:12
Guest71831fogobogo, i tryed, I got an error saying that .net 4 inst installed, the roadmap says that its implemented, but ubuntu version doesn't have it02:12
andygraybeal_tepster, how new is your machine??02:12
tensorpuddingGuest71831: you'll have to check the version of mono that is included, and see if it supports .NET 402:12
tepsterandygraybeal_: i'd say pretty new..like within 2 years02:12
xsinickhow do you add an icon a shortcut icon on the desktop of Natty Narwhal?02:12
andygraybeal_tepster, yea, mines like a year old..... awww shucks02:13
andygraybeal_brand new from lenovo.. not refurb or anything02:13
BlaDe^is anyone around?02:13
acfrazier_Does my problem have something to do with ssd partition alignment?02:13
fcuk112is this still correct for natty?  http://www.taranfx.com/sync-iphone-linux02:13
zenoconjust installed natty on samsung series 9 -- working pretty well so far02:13
josvukI have no file named /etc/defaults/grub but the docs says grub is the default boot manager for lucid. What is wrong?02:13
psusiis anyone able to run the ubuntu livecds under qemu running on 11.04?  it seems totally fscked for me02:13
Cerdaandygraybeal_ u probably get a nice 3d desktop with unity once you install02:14
jrmcmIs it possible to run gnome and kde side by side choosing which one to use at log in?02:14
tepsterandygraybeal_: what kind of setup do you have? what card?02:14
andygraybeal_Cerda, awesome then.. i want to try it!  thank you for the advice.  tepster ... lemme bring up my nvidia softwaqre02:14
xsinickhow do you add an icon a shortcut icon on the desktop of Natty Narwhal?02:14
acfrazier_Alright. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop PC, and all I get is a blinking cursor upon reboot. Same deal with both the LiveCD and alternate install CD. How to fix?02:15
zenoconok, figured out answer to my own question -> alt+f2 gnome-panel02:15
xsinickhow do you add a shortcut icon on the desktop of Natty Narwhal?02:15
LittleRedanyone install Natty to a laptop yet?02:15
katanagood question02:15
andygraybeal_tepster, NVS 3100M, 16 CUDA cores, 256MB of RAM, 64bit memory interface02:15
zenocon@LittleRed, i just installed it on samsung series 902:16
thegoodcushionGood morning, gang02:16
xsinickhow do you add a shortcut icon on the desktop of Natty Narwhal?02:16
LittleRedzenocon > did you have any video driver issues?02:16
Paolo_CTLittleRed: I install in a Samsung Netbook, but my experience wasnt good02:16
katanawhat gang ?02:16
zenoconno, worked great out of box02:16
tepsterandygraybeal_: hmm...ya try an install, maybe an update has fixes the problem02:16
tensorpuddingxsinick: a bunch of desktop files are put in /usr/share/applications, just copy them to your desktop02:16
brad_I just installed 11.04 and now my laptop won't connect to either of my wireless access points in the house. It doesn't list either of them.02:16
zenoconi had no install issues at all -- installed from USB stick since the laptop has no optical drive02:17
Paolo_CTReinstall time, later all02:17
tepstergood luck02:17
Cerdabrad_ for my wireless work i needed to install the aditional drivers02:17
zenocononly issues i'm having are wrestling with compiz weirdness -- just not used to some of these changes02:17
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brad_Cerda, I think the drivers for mine are already installed (ath5k for an atheros chip), but maybe I'm wrong?02:17
josefigI have a doubt,  when I turn on the machines all the scripts from /etc/init.d/ are executed ?02:18
LittleRedzenocon: when I upgraded to 10.11 I had problems with my nvidia card... so I'm a little afraid...02:18
brad_nm-tool shows wlan0 and everything, it just won't show any access points. iwlist scan brings up nothing02:18
zenoconi have had problems with the upgrades myself02:19
LittleRedanyone... is it possible to roll it back to previous version if the install hates me?02:19
zenoconi've always had better luck backing up my data, and doing a clean install to upgrade02:19
LAcanCan someone help me with VNC real quick? I'm trying to connect from TightVNC on windows to my ubuntu machine but keep getting the error "Server did not offer supported security type!"02:19
tepsterzenocon: I usually do that with major upgrades too02:20
zenoconjust got this laptop today, and put natty on it.  it is a sweet piece of HW: http://www.engadget.com/2011/03/28/samsung-series-9-900x-laptop-review/02:21
LittleRedNatty hasn't been out there with the masses that long has it? I know a lot of people have upgraded to it, but I'm guess I'm waiting to see a known issues doc before I try it02:21
JDuke128hi , i'm having some problem , i want to develop some application that will run Linux first and then Linux runs some my custom code and boot windows back , is it possible ? if yes , how ?02:21
josefigIf I want some service not start from the beginning what should I you ?02:22
tepsterya thats pretty slick laptop02:22
xsinickjosefig:  you  have tyo be root to make a desktop shortcut02:22
tepsterso thin02:22
zenoconSSD, boots to desktop in like 15-20s02:23
tepsterSSD is uber02:23
josefigxsinick, I am a root, but I mean, I dont want mongodb starts at the beginning because I only use it to develop and sometimes I use it in only 2 projects.02:23
OmegaLittleRed: backup and do a fresh install02:23
tepsterwish I had ssd in all my machines02:23
zenoconme too...prices will come down soon02:24
xsinickhow do you add a shortcut icon on the desktop of Natty Narwhal?02:24
cornellHi...  I'm using chromium with ubuntu and of a sudden it seems every page has a banner complaining that adobe flash is out of date.  I'd've thought that the update manager would take care of that.  Anybody else experience this?02:24
zenoconxsinick - right click -> create launcher...02:24
trismjosefig: is this on 11.04?02:25
LittleRedOmega: that's what I was thinking, but loading drivers is a pain... even though I'm getting good at it02:25
xsinickI'm on 11.0402:25
OmegaLittleRed: loading drivers?02:25
xsinickhow do you add a shortcut icon on the desktop of Natty Narwhal?02:26
LittleRedOmega: I have a nvidia cardd and I had to manually upgrade the driver with the last 2 releases02:26
tensorpuddingxsinick: did you not read the message i sent you02:26
zenoconxsinick: i am using 11.04 too, just right click desktop, create launcher...  follow dialog02:26
xsinicktensorpudding:  yes but that does  work02:27
OmegaLittleRed: Check if the LiveCD works, also you might want to file a bug about that02:27
tensorpuddingxsinick: all the launchers that the launcher/menu/applications things use are in /usr/share/applications, choose which ones you want and copy them into the desktop02:27
bull9408how do I modify the notification area in 11.04?02:27
josefigtrism, yes it is :)02:27
xsinickoops I see it02:27
LittleRedOmega: someone had filed a bug on it already, so I didn't bother.Never tried LiveCD02:28
tensorpuddingxsinick: make sure you're copying them; the default is move, which won't work because you don't have permission to delete files from taht directory02:28
trismjosefig: echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/mongodb.override; that should do it, it should only start when you run: sudo service mongodb start;02:28
zenoconso, what is the official name of the launcher bar on the left side of the screen, and why does it behave so strange (i.e. auto-hides sometimes, sometimes not)02:28
OmegaLittleRed: if the livecd works, you know that the drivers are fine02:28
bull9408how do I modify the notification area, and panels, in 11.04?02:28
nutsfornattyzenocon: that is unity, and you can change the settings using compiz settings manager02:28
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xsinicktensorpudding:   thanks'02:28
nutsfornattyzenocon: that is window dodge, it will autohide on contact with an active window02:29
josefigtrism, oh I see the mondgo flag manual should be the one, thank you.02:29
wolf__how can i install the bilut-in webcam on pidgin ??02:29
tepsterzenocon: i thinkn it's just called launcher?02:29
LittleRedOmega: might try it this weekend. I have other machines I can use to surf to find fixes if needed02:29
tepsterand you can change that behavior02:29
bull9408how do I modify the panels and notification area in 11.04?02:29
OmegaLittleRed: Good luck, friend :)02:30
wolf__how can i install the bilut-in webcam on pidgin ??02:30
LittleRedOmega: thanks... only way to learn these things is to have them break  :-)02:30
zenoconi'm also seeing weird issue in natty.  if i mouse over window title bar, and click touchpad, i expect to be able to drag, but it won't.  i can drag if i double click title bar and move touchpad.  haven't figured out why yet02:30
tepsterand if you install the compiz manager, you can make the launcher do all sorts of flashy things like giggle or flash.02:30
zenoconyea, i have ccsm installed, and messed with some things already02:31
xsinickyou should not have to go in the usr/ bin/ crap to get that stuff working02:31
tepsterthe only weird issue i had was using it with google chrome..sometimes it doesn't register that i have it open02:32
nutsfornattysame here @ tepster02:32
xsinickyou should not have to go in the usr/ bin/ crap to get that stuff working02:32
zenoconhaven't installed chrome on this yet.  since ff4 came out, i'm happy with it02:32
druciferreDoes anyone else have a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 1000 ?02:32
xsinickyou should not have to go in the usr/ bin/ crap to get that stuff working02:33
tepsteri think there's a broken record02:34
nutsfornattywill be a banned record soon enough02:34
bigeyeIn 11.04, where is the panel for tray icon?02:34
LAcanCan someone help me with VNC real quick? I'm trying to connect from TightVNC on windows to my ubuntu machine but keep getting the error "Server did not offer supported security type!"02:35
w30zenocon, a window open that area will hide the bar, then you can go to the top left with your mouse or just to the left with delay loitering and it will open over the window that is incroaching n it's  territory02:35
w30zenocon, a window open that area will hide the bar, then you can go to the top left with your mouse or just to the left with delay loitering and it will open over the window that is incroaching n it's  territory02:35
bigeyeI want to relaunch existing xchat window, but I can't. It is disappeared.02:35
w30zenocon, woops....02:35
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tepsterbigeye: not sure what you mean, but have you tried alt-tab?02:36
zenoconin compiz -- key bindings might have something like <Alt>KP7 for example, what's KP, i'm guessing short for Key Pad?  what if yer on laptop -- guess have to re-bind that to something else02:36
zenoconbigeye: try <Alt><Tab> to nav through open applications02:36
LittleRedAh there is a kow issue with the nvidia card drivers... have to install a package before the last reboot to resolve it02:37
bigeyezenocon: tepster: Yes, I did. Maybe xchat window goes to background after closing. so [Alt][Tab] doesn't work..02:37
bull9408anybody have any idea how to modify the panel, add applets and such, in 11.04??02:37
xsinicknutsfornatty: linux is about freedom of speech02:38
tepsterbigeye: oh you mean it's minimized?02:38
eiriksvin<bull9408> easy02:38
Cerdais there a way in nautilus to assign Libraries like in windows 7 ???02:38
zenoconif you have compiz enabled, there are lots of other plugins that can do similar.  Try <Super><S>02:38
bull9408bull9408, ok... what is it? haha02:38
eiriksvin<bull9408> just search for the app, run it the right click on it and check the keep in luancher02:38
bull9408not in the launcher, I want them on the notification areal02:39
anthonylseriously wtf02:39
bull9408like my forcequit app, and my weather applet, and things like that, over near the clock and battery and wifi, etc.02:39
eiriksvinoh, uh thats a good question02:39
bull9408yea... cause you can't right click.02:39
bull9408I can't add a task bar or anything either, I like to modify my panels, but now i can't.02:39
bull9408it's rather annoying02:40
eiriksvinthats why i went to classic mode02:40
trismbull9408: it isn't a gnome-panel, you can't add panel applets, they need to be recoded as indicators to show up there02:40
anthonylyou fools ruined my girlfriends laptop! how hard is it to not fuck shit like this up02:40
bull9408trism, ughh. that's really annoying.02:40
bull9408i miss my gnome.02:40
fogobogoanthonyl: lol?02:41
trismbull9408: it's still there in Ubuntu Classic mode02:41
eiriksvin<anthonyl> uh what is wrong?02:41
Tohuw!language| anthony102:41
ubottuanthony1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:41
bull9408trism, haven't tried it yet. might later. just up-ed to 11.04 today02:41
anthonyloh i didn't know this was a G rated channel!02:41
fogobogoanthonyl: just gimme here ip and ssh pw and i will uhm... fix it02:41
bigeyetepster: I think it is different b/t minimized and going to background. In previous ubuntu, xchat window went to tray when I closed window.02:41
LittleRedbull9408: how did you upgrade it?02:42
trismbull9408: the notification area is still there though, but most apps are blacklisted by default, you need to add apps to the whitelist for them to appear02:42
bull9408trism, yea, i just saw it.02:42
eiriksvin<anthonyl> uh what is wrong?02:42
bull9408LittleRed, due to a bunch of completely unrelated issues, I acutally installed a new hard drive today, and in the process installed 11.0402:42
bigeyetepster: But I can't find tray bar in 11.04..02:42
Thedemon007How do I update my ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 from an iso or live usb?02:42
LittleRedbull9408: did you use LiveCD?02:43
DryfyreHey does anyone use 10.04 and have problems with webcam, compaq mini 110 is my pc02:43
anthonylto much to say, freezes on startup02:43
tepsterbigeye: oh. i'm not sure. im not using 11.04 at this time02:43
bull9408LittleRed, yes.02:43
anthonyldid you add evil to the distribution when you were packaging it this time?02:43
anthonylor just fail02:43
zenoconbigeye: try <Alt><F2> -> gnome-panel02:43
bull9408LittleRed, well, I used A live CD, i'm not sure if you are reffering to a specific program02:43
LucyIntheSkyjust updated to natty and my panels are transparent, panel settings shows nothing about transparency...02:43
anthonylanyway now i've got to install windows all night it's very lame02:43
eiriksvin<Thedemon007>be careful if you have gnome3 or anything like that you dont want to update02:43
fogobogodunno. i just use arch02:43
LittleRedbull9408: what kind of laptop... no liveCD was what I'm looking for...02:44
dagonhow do i get advanced02:44
bull9408LucyIntheSky, have you checked ccsm under the Ubuntu Unity settings>experimental>panel transperancy02:44
fogobogoanthonyl: intel gpu?02:44
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. My GUI is busted. I removed KDM, because it randomly started popping up in place of GDM, and only a Kubuntu session would start, regardless of sessions selected.02:44
econdudeawesomeAny ideas?02:44
bull9408LittleRed, I have a Fujitsu with a 64 bit Intel processor, what do you have? how weren't any of them what you were looking for?02:44
Thedemon007create a live usb of ubuntu 11.04 from the creator of ubuntu 10.10 but to run it it not gives me the option to upgrade my ubuntu 10.1002:44
anthonylits stuck on TiMidity start actually02:45
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fogobogoanthonyl: oh. if thats all02:45
LittleRedbull9408: I have a 64 bit Sony...02:45
eiriksvin<anthonyl>use the 173 driver if your having freezing ussues02:45
anthonylis there a solution?02:45
anthonylshe may love me again if i fix it02:45
tepsteranthonyl: nvidia RIVA or Vanta?02:45
fogobogoanthonyl: sure. just switch the runlevel and disable it02:45
LucyIntheSkybull9408, I see no experimental category02:45
econdudeawesomewhen I run startx the gui starts, but its like running ubuntu with Unity removed02:45
ozfalconHow do i remove env variables permantly? I can unset them, But when I log back in they are back. I can't find any location they are set in .bashrc or local home. Does not set for a different user. So is user related.02:45
bull9408LittleRed, just download Ubuntu 11.04 for 64 bit operating system, mount the .iso to a CD, and voila.02:45
bull9408LucyIntheSky, it should be a tab.02:46
tepsterI'm guessing it's an nvidia Riva TNT02:46
LittleRedBull9408: I have always just upgraed from the update manager, so I was looking for people who used the CD to do the update...02:46
fogobogoanthonyl: timidity is just a crappy software midi card anyway02:46
bull9408LittleRed, i didn't update through CD, was a fresh install, I think I updated from a CD a longg time ago, not sure though.02:46
anthonylit looks like I was once again wrong to blame someone else for my problems02:46
dagonthis latest version is absolute garbage02:46
pattysmattyhow do we know that evolution mail isn't malware02:46
anthonylthat won't stop me from doing it again02:46
LittleRedbull9408: that makes sense with the new hard drive02:46
econdudeawesomeis there a way I can specify which session to use with the "startx" command?02:47
anthonylis there a TiMidity i can vent on?02:47
bull9408LittleRed, yup, I still haven't upgraded my other systems yet though.02:47
pattysmattyecondudeawesome, i thnk 7 or 8 is good02:47
saryThedemon007:thats how you make a fresh install , you can upgrade from-in ubuntu 10.10.02:47
dagonwtf i can scribble code with a crayon on a Denny's napkin that would run better02:47
econdudeawesomepattysmatty: what?02:47
LittleRedbull9408: think I'm going to try my desktop first.... I can't live without my laptop for very long02:47
jribecondudeawesome: didn't you ask this yesterday?  And I suggested you setup your ~/.xinitrc?  What's wrong with that?02:47
fogobogoanthonyl: should be02:47
econdudeawesomejrib: different computer, different situation02:48
anthonylI'm going to to take a picture of my girlfriend , find their mailing list02:48
fogobogoanthonyl: however, i suspect it to be a ubuntu packaging bug02:48
anthonyland put..02:48
eiriksvin<anthonyl> go to additional drivers and switch to 173, trust me its nVIDIA acting up02:48
anthonyl"This girl now hates you02:48
pattysmattyecondudeawesome, nvm i thought tty02:48
econdudeawesomejrib: I set up the ~/,xinitrc just fine for that computer02:48
jribecondudeawesome: ok, ignore the first question... why can't you use ~/.xinitrc?02:48
zenoconwhat is up with ubuntu software center; try to install skype, "available from natty-partner source", button: Use This Source, click...nada.  doesn't work, can't install.  have to go add sources manually?02:48
econdudeawesomepattysmatty: all good02:48
LucyIntheSkybull9408, sorry Guess im on xfce, do you know how I can make it normal again02:48
nutsfornatty11.04 making too many people rage in chat :(02:48
snailanyone understand fonts? what fontdo i need for http://www.signbank.org/swis/iswa/cat_1.html ?02:48
pattysmattyhow do we know evolution mail doesn't steal your email accounts etc?02:48
econdudeawesomejrib: not sure--my gdm disappeared (I was using it on this computer).02:48
Thedemon007I don't want to do a new installation sary02:48
bull9408LucyIntheSky, make what normal?02:48
AliciaTheBunnyRahey boys02:48
jribecondudeawesome: so you want to use gdm?02:48
Paolo_CTWow, definetly, I needed a fresh install, now almost every bug I was having is gonne (Upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 gave me way to many bugs)02:49
econdudeawesomejrib: I would LOVE to use GDM :-)02:49
Thedemon007As does the installer to detect that I have installed ubuntu 10.10?02:49
jribecondudeawesome: what happens when you execute « sudo service gdm start »?02:49
tepsterPaolo_CT: good to hear!02:49
LucyIntheSkybull9408, my panels02:50
shcherbakpattysmatty: There is source to read, you can compile yourself if you wish. Idea of open source is that it is open to read and modify.02:50
sparrWHow can I get a taskbar or move the dock to the bottom and un-autohide it in 11.04?02:50
nutsfornattythedemon007: the installer will detect your OSs. in case if 10.10 you have the option to upgrade02:50
tom11sorry quick/dumb question...I'm upgrading to 11.04 from 10.10 and got the question "what do you want to do about modified configuration file grub?"....i dual boot with windows 7 so can i just keep my local version? thanks02:50
bull9408LucyIntheSky, are you still running 10.1002:50
AliciaTheBunnyRaany1 want 2 cyber02:50
saryThedemon007: Alright, then  for more information on how to upgrade02:50
Thedemon007may not detect it because I have archlinux and this governs the mbr and grub02:50
Paolo_CTtepster: THe ALT+TAB works, the problems with empathy are gonne, but I still got a problem with the tild in the unity search02:50
AliciaTheBunnyRawho wants to cyberfuck my tight cunt?02:50
saryThedemon007: yes i does.02:50
econdudeawesomejrib: it starts gdm :-D02:50
LucyIntheSkybull9408, no upgraded to natty02:50
pattysmattyshcherbak, how do we know that the packages aren't corrupt02:50
Paolo_CTtepster: Anyway, now I will install, Im running it in test mode02:51
shcherbakAliciaTheBunnyRa: Wrong channel?02:51
tepsterPaolo_CT: Hmm..I havent tried that..i'm not on ubuntu right now02:51
sary!upgrade | Thedemon00702:51
ubottuThedemon007: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:51
dagonthis release is a waste of time02:51
bull9408LucyIntheSky, what exactly is wrong with the panels?02:51
econdudeawesomejrib: how do I ensure this works the next time I reboot?02:51
AliciaTheBunnyRak shcherbak thanks for ruining the mood02:51
LucyIntheSkythey are both transparent even though I told it not to touch my config02:51
dagonUbuntu I'm very dissapointed02:51
jribecondudeawesome: did gdm ever start?02:51
econdudeawesomejrib: yes02:51
trismsparrW: you can disable launcher hiding in compizconfig-settings-manager under the unity plugin, you probably can't move it easily02:51
Paolo_CTtepster: I will go ask in ubuntu-es about the tild bug02:51
nutsfornattydagon: this release is very usable if you take the time to learn how to 1) use fullscreen apps and 2) use keyboard shortcuts. I love it.02:51
Paolo_CTdagon: why=02:51
bull9408LucyIntheSky, I wish I could tell you how, but it did the same to me, I suppose they removed all Gnome panels, so I don't have any of mine anymore02:51
jribecondudeawesome: do you have any idea what changed when it stopped starting?02:51
bull9408LucyIntheSky, it kinda $*(@)%) me off...02:52
rfxcasey_Hello, I installed sensors with sudo apt-get iinstall lm-sensors. After installing I run sudo sensors-detect and after letting it run and telling it yes to all sensor scans the summary says Driver 'via686': * Chip 'VIA VT82c686 Integrated Sensors' (confidence: 9)02:52
econdudeawesomejrib: my wife did something, but I'm not sure what. According to her, she plugged in her ipod before she started the computer, and it went to KDM02:52
LucyIntheSkybull9408, im on xfce not gnome.02:52
eiriksvini think that when they bumped Gnome3 they shouldnt have, they should have worked it so you could load either one02:52
bigeyetepster, zenocon: It works! Thanks :)02:52
nutsfornattyyou can boot into classic ubuntu (login screen -> look at lower menu -> change "ubuntu" to "classic ubuntu" -> login)02:52
jribecondudeawesome: so kdm starts now?02:53
shcherbakpattysmatty: There is source of package on ubuntu website, you can *really* buildit yourself, also ngrep, iptables and more tools can help you monitor data exchnage over netwoks02:53
bull9408LucyIntheSky... hmm... I'm not sure what the terminal command is for that, sorry02:53
nutsfornattyif you believe unity to be flawed, dont use it and instead boot to classic (and enjoy your panels etc)02:53
econdudeawesomejrib: I removed kdm and kdebase-bin, figuring it would give me the option to choose gdm (also purged the two packages)02:53
pattysmattyshcherbak, cool that makes me feel better02:53
econdudeawesomejrib: I haven02:53
fogobogoxfce4 is pretty good these days...02:53
econdudeawesomejrib: I haven't used KDE in months, and figured it wouldn't hurt to remove (though I typically do so in synaptic)02:53
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jribecondudeawesome: so what happens now when you boot?02:54
dagonlearn me how to get advanced features for my compiz02:54
tom11do i have to install package maintainer's version of grub when upgrading to 11.04? will that mess up my win 7 dual boot? thanks02:54
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eiriksvindagon im looking to do the same thing02:54
tepsterwhat sort of advance features are you looking for02:54
jribtom11: view the differences and decide02:54
econdudeawesomejrib: well, now that I started the gdm service, I'm not sure. Before I did that, it would boot up to "battery state" notification, and then hang (I've seen it do that on the computer I set up for text login yesterday, so I knew I could tty at least)02:54
dagonbah why would they take that out02:55
econdudeawesomejrib: but beginning the gdm service allowed me to log in as normal02:55
magpiii just had my system upgrade to 11. something, can someone show me how to get compiz back on? all my desktop settings are reset02:55
dagonand this unity thing should be called headache02:55
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econdudeawesomejrib: should I reboot and see if hte issue is fixed?02:55
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dagonI hope for the love of god Ubuntu is not selling out02:56
jribecondudeawesome: sure, you may want to check /etc/X11/default-display-manager first though02:56
tepsterdagon: install ccsm02:56
econdudeawesomejrib: is this a file or a folder?02:56
dagonit is installed02:56
LittleReddagon: what makes you think that?02:56
jribecondudeawesome: file02:56
tepstercan't you access the features?02:56
dagonwhy the heck is it gone02:57
aj00200I have 2 things I need help with. 1) My system has been extremely unstable after the 11.04 update including 6 crashes in about 5 hours today (where the screen freezes and the caps lock light blinks). 2) After restarting after my latest crash, the latest kernel image (It crashed somewhere during the install, I restarted and completed the install without errors) causes my screen to blink during startup and not boot completely. An02:57
econdudeawesomejrib: done. Changed to GDM. I'll restart and see what happens--I may be back. Thanks much for your expert advice02:57
tom11jrib: sorry i'm not sure how to interpret the differences...http://paste.ubuntu.com/603070/02:57
jribtom11: go with the new version, the only significant change is that an option seems to have been renamed02:58
FireblastoHi, I've recently upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 on my netbook, and I am liking the new user interface, especially on my smaller screen. However, is there any way of changing the panel's position at the top to the bottom?02:58
zenocondigging the move, resize, snap compiz plugins.  so much more efficient that mac os02:58
jribtom11: and it's commented anyway :)02:59
tom11jrib: ha okay thanks for your help02:59
tom11jrib: when i went from 9.10 to 10.04 to 10.10 i royally messed up grub so just a little skiddish this time03:00
zenoconlast time i tried cube rotate, it went berzerk-o.  scared to try it again, but i want that03:00
eiriksvinis there a way to get more plugins for compiz?03:00
econdudeawesomejrib: success. Thanks man03:00
dagonanyone know how to get adavanced or is it totally gone03:00
eiriksvini want to make my windows have that glow around the03:00
shcherbakeiriksvin: PPA (some extra stuff, grid etc.)03:01
zenoconi think there is one that lights your window on fire03:01
shcherbakeiriksvin: You need to look for "extra compiz plugins ubuntu", PPA have instuctions how to add repos and what to install.03:02
shcherbak!ppa > eiriksvin03:02
ubottueiriksvin, please see my private message03:02
HelloAny good programs for Ubuntu03:03
LAcanhow can I check if SSH is active and listening?03:03
shcherbakHello: Yes, many.03:03
shcherbakLAcan: sudo netstat -tulp03:03
zenoconHello: try troll-hunter03:03
Hellolike which?03:03
neon___WOW!! what the hell they were thinking when they developed the latest ubuntu03:03
anthonylmy girlfriend still wants me to give you guys a hardtime03:03
HelloOk I am using windows but my Ubuntu desktop is by me03:04
anthonyldear ubuntu: 8=====================DdD03:04
anthonyllets make untested releases durring finals at most schools in the usa herp derp herp herp03:04
anthonylwell not untested, just buggy03:04
anthonylok gtg!03:04
anthonylagain i'm fine with it..etc i'm just taking orders03:05
xiaojiI have a question..why can't I succeed to install the gnome3 at 11.04?IT always  collapse03:05
LAcanshcherbak, and if I dont see ssh or 22 then I can assume its not running?03:05
tepsteris it a full moon in here tonight?03:05
shcherbakLAcan: most likely, sudo srvice ssh restart03:06
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tjiggi_fo!gnome3 | xiaoji03:06
ubottuxiaoji: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.03:06
neon___i feel like an 85 year old granma that needs big buttons for everything when using the latest ubuntu03:07
LAcanshcherbak, i get 'unknown service: ssh'03:07
FireblastoHi, I've recently upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 on my netbook, and I am liking the new user interface, especially on my smaller screen. However, is there any way of changing the panel's position at the top to the bottom?03:08
LAcanshcherbak, sorry "ssh: unrecognized service"03:08
LAcanFireblasto, right click the panel, properties03:08
shcherbakLAcan: try: cat /etc/ssh/sshd.config , if it do not exist install openssh-server03:08
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xiaojiThanks very much.you mean that in recently days,I'd matter not install the gnome3?but unity is not fit my habits03:08
LAcanoooohhh openssh-server i dont think is installed03:09
anthonylnext time time the updates to not  interfere with finals! -----my girlfriend says this.03:09
neon___unity is a joke03:09
* cheapie is accepring support requests03:09
neon___what moron came up with that interface03:09
FireblastoLAcan, I've tried the original method of how you would sort the panel positions, but when I right click the panel, there is no menu popping up. I'm using the new unity interface.03:09
todd2need some help with wifi problems on Dell Inspiron 150103:10
cheapieFireblasto: That is not yet implemented in Unity.03:10
aj00200I have 2 things I need help with. First, my system has been rather unstable after the 11.04 update and crashes (screen freeze with a blinking Caps Lock light). Any ideas on how to troubble shoot that or file a bug report>03:10
cheapietodd2: What's wrong?03:10
tjiggi_foxiaoji, wait till it's out of the experimental stage03:10
todd2cheapie: upgraded and now my wifi is turned "off"03:10
cornellThanks all, TTFN03:11
cheapietodd2: As in you can't turn it on at all?03:11
Fireblastocheapie, well that just sucks then, I'm really digging the new interface but certain aspects are really letting me down.03:11
neon___we suppose to move forward and this latest update seems to take us back to the 80's03:11
slinger2519Hey can I get some help hacking the bios of a Dell latitude 2110 so I change the boot sequence03:11
todd2cheapie: no, try running some code last night to "activate STA", but didn't work03:11
cheapieFireblasto: Unity is under heavy development. It's about 6 monts old.03:11
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
neon___unity is a joke03:11
cheapietodd2: Can you upload the output of ifconfig to pastebin?03:11
doc-saintlyWhat is the default key to scroll up/down in a screen in ubuntu?03:12
Fireblastocheapie, yeah, hopefully it will be made better!03:12
cheapieneon___: ...you can stop now...03:12
LAcanshcherbak, success!03:12
QuikNikHey guys, am I not supposed to have a '/boot/grub/menu.lst' file that I can use for updating my grub menu?  I'm trying to get my install of 11.04 to boot the older kernel.. as my system doesn't like the 2.6.38 kernel.  It's listed in previous versions, but I need to change grub to default to it03:12
QuikNikany ideas?03:12
todd2cheapie: remind me how pastebin works?  Haven't done it in a long while03:12
neon___i'm just venting, cause we can do better03:12
cheapieQuikNik: Grub2 uses grub.cfg03:12
shcherbakneon___: You *really* do not have to use it, but some people spent time on it, so...03:13
cheapie!pastebin | todd203:13
ubottutodd2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:13
edbianQuikNik: /etc/default/grub03:13
QuikNikcheapie: D'oh... thanks03:13
neon___how we suppose to reach the masses when we released stuff like this03:13
Fireblastodoc-saintly, the normal keys used are the up and down arrows? Just like windows.03:13
bazhangneon___, venting in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here03:13
Jordan_UQuikNik: You change settings in /etc/default/grub.03:13
QuikNikJordan_U, edbian: Gotcha, thanks03:14
edbianQuikNik: sure :)03:14
doc-saintlyFireblasto: when i'm in... well, mid sentence i decided  to double check and it works :S, thanks!03:15
cheapieWhat ever happened to todd2?03:15
todd2cheapie: here's my ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/603075/03:15
* LAcan needs help with VNC bad..SSH is working, I can get a terminal (PuTTY) but TightVNC on Vista always returns "Server did not offer supported security type!" HELP!03:15
shcherbakLAcan: ohffs?03:15
xiaojican I download a deb package form a website?03:15
tepsterI like the launchbar thing actually, neon___03:15
LAcanshcherbak, see above03:15
xiaojiem.. gnome3 deb package03:15
LAcanshcherbak, i cant get VNC to work :(03:15
cheapietodd2: OK. Try running 'lspci | grep wireless' and see if that returns anything.03:16
tepstera lot of people love unity03:16
ArenWhen I was on ubuntu hardy, I had no problems whatsoever.  Upgrading to 10.10 my wifi card started acting screwy...randomly disconnecting.  Now on 11.04 it barely stays on for more than a minute at a time before cutting out.  My laptop is a gateway T-1625, and I'm not finding anything through google that has helped me so far, and I really don't want to go back down to hardy just to get a solid wireless connection again.  Can someone he03:16
Jordan_UQuikNik: Since Ubuntu now puts menu entries in a submenu, here is the documentation for specifying an entry within a submenu in /etc/default/grub : http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#default03:16
Arenslow compared to the onboard wifi. :(03:16
todd2cheapie:  did not return anything03:16
Fireblastodoc-saintly :) If you are using a IRC client though, the up and down arrows actually select the lines that you already posted. Additionally, you can use the page up and page down keys for greater distances03:16
PatoVWhi, im trying to update from 10.10 to 11.04 booting from live usb, but it doesnt show the update option03:16
QuikNikJordan_U: Great, thank you!03:17
cheapietodd2: Do you know what chip your wireless card/stick/whatever uses?03:17
Jordan_UQuikNik: You're welcome.03:17
shcherbakLAcan: ssh and vnc are two different services, they can be connected (somehow), vnc have some compatibilities win M$, but not every version.03:17
Jordan_UPatoVW: There is no upgrade option on the live install media. Just use update manager in your booted 10.10 system.03:18
AlexGerhelo, i need your help please03:18
variableAlexGer: don't ask to ask; just ask03:18
LAcanshcherbak, ya looking thru the ubuntu wiki here it says u have to have SSH tunnel first, which i have and is working...03:18
xiaojiinto the live cd  interface.. you will find a program to upgrade03:18
todd2cheapie: can't tell you what chip, but it's a Broadcom STA driver for Broadcom 431103:18
genjixsudo do-release-upgrade says 'No new release found'... I've done apt-get update but still not working03:18
eiriksvinhow do i take screen video with ubuntu?03:18
AlexGeri didn't realy asked to ask :-)03:19
genjixusing Lynx03:19
Jordan_U!upgrade | genjix03:19
ubottugenjix: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:19
AlexGeri installed ubuntu in english to tell you the correct error message:03:19
cheapietodd2: OK. Can you run lsmod and upload that to pastebin?03:19
PatoVWok, but is there a way to use the download cd to update or I just have to do it from internet03:19
edbiantodd2: cheapie sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer03:19
ArenI asked immediately, rather than asking to ask, and it just feels like I'm getting ignored. *shrugs*03:19
AlexGer[!]Install the base System03:19
shcherbakLAcan: Hm, with vnc i cannot be much of help.03:19
AlexGerNo installable kernel was found in the defined APT sources.03:19
LAcanshcherbak, ok thanks for the help with SSH03:19
AlexGerYou may try to continue without a kernel, and manually install your own kernel Later.03:19
todd2edbian:  did that last night... nada03:19
Jordan_UAren: You're not being ignored. If nobody knows the answer then nobody will answer you.03:19
edbiantodd2: cheapie Did you have a plan of action?03:20
genjixJordan_U: i do what it says in the guide but it's not upgrading03:20
AlexGerThis is only recommended for experts, otherwise you will likely end up with a machine that doesn#t boot.03:20
AlexGerContinue without installing a kernel? <Go Back> <Yes> <No>03:20
AlexGerthat's my problem03:20
xiaojiwow~,so many people..  i cant glimpse the latest speake03:20
Zombiedeadshothello i have a advanced question about the live cd's can some one help?03:21
uRockwhat folder are installed .deb files stored in?03:21
eiriksvinhow do i take screen video with ubuntu?03:21
uRockZombiedeadshot, just ask03:21
cheapietodd2: Here we go. 'sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-common' might fix it.03:21
todd2cheapie:  here's the lsmod http://paste.ubuntu.com/603076/03:21
AlexGerZombiedeadshot sudo updatedb03:21
Jordan_Ugenjix: Can you pastebin the contents of  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades?03:21
AlexGerZombiedeadshot locate *.deb03:21
julian_ceiriksvin: Best bet would be recordmydesktop (with the gtk-recordmydesktop front-end).03:22
cheapietodd2: OK, yeah, try 'sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-common'03:22
shcherbakuRock: locate *.deb or /var/cache/apt/03:22
eiriksvinhow do i go abaout getting that?03:22
mnouh_Hello, I'm having an issue when I installed clang, I did apt-get install clang and when I run clang, its giving me : main.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'iostream' file not found03:22
mnouh_#include <iostream>03:22
mnouh_         ^03:22
mnouh_1 error generated.03:22
Zombiedeadshotim tired of configueing my crunchbang installzation so i want to know a way i can take the live cd and edit the files so when you boot iit up or install it it will have the required customisations03:22
Jordan_UAlexGer: "Zentyal" is not a supported derivitive of Ubuntu. You'll have to get support from them.03:22
variablemnouh_: you need clang++ not clang03:22
variablemnouh_: I'm uncertain however how to install clang++ on Ubuntu :-)03:23
intelinside2020can anyone help me with the HTACCESS file!!!!03:23
eiriksvinand is it compatible with Natty?03:23
uRockshcherbak, thanks, I had tried searching *.deb, but it came back empty handed03:23
uRockI found what I was looking for03:23
AlexGerJordan_U i tried it olso with ubuntu03:23
genjixJordan_U: thank you! that file fixed it.03:23
Jordan_Ugenjix: You're welcome.03:23
* cheapie continues waiting for todd203:23
todd2cheapie:  did the install, still no light on the wifi saying it's on... may have to restart? right?03:23
eiriksvin<julian_c> is it compatible with Natty?03:23
cheapietodd2: That should help.03:24
Jordan_UAlexGer: What version of Ubuntu and what was the exact error message from Ubuntu?03:24
variable<intelinside2020> can anyone help me with the HTACCESS file!!!! ---> ask & wait. don't complain03:24
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shcherbakintelinside2020: apache channel would be better choice.03:24
todd2cheapie: out for a restart...03:24
cheapietodd2: OK.03:24
RxDxis there any "netspeed" indicator for Unity?03:24
variablecan anyone tell me & mnouh_ how to install clang++ (the c++ driver for llvm) on Ubuntu ?03:24
saryeiriksvin: You might also wana try xvidcap.03:24
LAcanuggghh... where can I go for VNC help?03:24
cheapieRxDx: What exactly are you looking for?03:24
AlexGeri googled around to find more information abaut that message and i've seen a coupple of forum posts...03:25
RxDxcheapie, an applet like net-speed for gnome203:25
AlexGere.g.: http://www.linux-web.de/thread/11061/fehler-es-wurde-kein-installierbarer-kernel-gefunden.html03:25
cheapieRxDx: Please Wait...03:25
__yhvh__anyone upgraded their bios recently?03:25
intelinside2020@variable   i wanted to knw tht i can ask the question hre or not03:25
RxDxthat shows the network speed on the top03:25
RxDxcheapie, thanks03:25
AlexGerhave to install it again03:25
intelinside2020@shcherbak thank u03:25
variableintelinside2020: generally the rule is "don't ask to ask - just ask" and people will redirect you03:25
eiriksvin<sary> is it in the repo?03:26
julian_ceiriksvin: sudo "apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop" (works in Natty, AFAIK)03:26
mnouh_Anyone know how to install clang++ on Natty, its giving me an error :  fatal error: 'iostream' file not found03:26
mnouh_#include <iostream>03:26
mnouh_         ^03:26
mnouh_1 error generated.03:26
cheapieRxDx: I don't think one exists yet. A search turned up nothing.03:26
eiriksvin<julian_c> sweet getting it now03:26
Zombiedeadshoti guess what im asking is how can i edit filesystem.squashfs to customize some configueation files within a live cd?03:27
saryeiriksvin / it is.03:27
variablemneptok: please avoid pasting multiple lines. :-)03:27
cheapieCan anybody help me with errors when trying to build an application from source?03:28
Jordan_Ucheapie: What are you trying to install?03:28
eiriksvin<sary> imma try that one too03:28
mnouh_Can anyone help me installing clang++ on natty?03:28
AlexGerJordan_U i also tried to burn the image with a PC and with a laptop. I used different cd's and DVD's!03:29
Jordan_U!remaster | Zombiedeadshot03:29
ubottuZombiedeadshot: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility03:29
cheapieJordan_U: I am trying to build a program called Skyscraper (http://www.skyscrapersim.com/) on Natty, and I'm getting these errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/602578/03:29
Zombiedeadshot@ubottu thank you03:29
mnouh_Can anyone help me install clang++ on Natty.03:30
jiltdilhow to dd any application  permanently visible on left side panel of unity?03:31
LAcanok, outside of VNC what are my remote desktop options for ubuntu?03:31
cheapiejiltdil: Right click it and select "Keep in Launcher"03:32
mnouh_How do I install clang++ on Natty.03:32
Jordan_Ucheapie: Have you read http://www.skyscrapersim.com/downloads/linux/linux-install.txt ?03:32
cheapieJordan_U: I'll go read that now...03:32
cheapieJordan_U: That's for the older Crystal Space versions. I'm trying to build one of the new OGRE versions. I followed the instructions on their forum.03:34
jiltdilany text to speech conversion s/w in ubuntu s/w center except jovie as it is not working i am using natty?03:35
mnouh_Installing clang++ on Natty. It cannot find the c headers.03:36
dagonI want my linux to look like the pc in the aracade in tron03:37
dagonyou know they use linux in legacy03:37
Jordan_Udagon: Press ctrl+alt+F1, ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to X (the GUI).03:38
kylemcgilldagon: use arch linux then03:38
* cheapie wonders what's taking Jordan_U so long03:38
Jordan_Ucheapie: I'm not particularly interested in going through the steps to install it myself and thus can't really help you much.03:40
cheapieJordan_U: Well, there goes the third person that I've asked for help...03:40
khaotikwhat r u trying to install?03:40
cheapiekhaotik: Me? I'm trying to install Skyscraper (skyscrapersim.com)03:41
jiltdilis there any text to speech conversion s/w in ubuntu s/w center except jovie as it is not working i am using natty?03:42
speed752whats the "getapt"thing for flash player03:42
shcherbakjiltdil: festival03:43
AlexGerJordan_U any ideas?03:43
DiazepaNgot this error when open cheese One or more needed GStreamer elements are missing: camerabin, can someone help me?03:43
antonio_hola cual esta el chat de ubunto venesuela03:44
jiltdilscherbak:thanks alot03:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:44
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:44
Jordan_UAlexGer: You still haven't told me what version of Ubuntu you are installing and what the exact error message from Ubuntu is.03:44
jetscreameri dunno your language03:44
DiazepaNgot this error when open cheese One or more needed GStreamer elements are missing: camerabin, can someone help me?03:44
veovis_muaddibSorry, decided to move this from #lubuntu - I just installed lubuntu and it detected my network during install, updated things, installed the restricted things, etc...  Then upon first boot DNS didn't work until I added my own nameservers in the system tray tool.  (DHCP Addresses only)  Then upon next boot I could only access my local network, but adding the proper gateway, switching to static IP, all don't work03:45
IdleOneantonio_: /join #ubuntu-ve03:45
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IdleOnede nada03:46
lieyinghello xiaoji03:50
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andygraybeal_yay, i have unity :)03:51
andygraybeal_just needed to isntall proprietary nvidia drivers and it works!03:51
edbianandygraybeal_: :D03:51
andygraybeal_:)  i wasn't sure it was gonna work!  but it does!  i am happy.03:52
xiaojicongratulation to you03:52
LAcanis there a good guide on optimizing GNOME for VNC (ie. make it faster?)03:52
tepsteri guess the live cd couldnt detect it hey?03:52
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:52
andygraybeal_tepster, yes that is correct.  i wonder if the same would have happened if i installed the opensource nvidia drivers.. maybe i'll find out in the future, but for now i'm set!!03:52
mickster04LAcan: see ubottus thing03:53
afeijodid ubuntu 11.04 changed drastically? it now seems the netbook version03:53
mickster04!unity | afeijo03:53
ubottuafeijo: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity03:53
EdganAnyone know how to remove launchers from the panel in Gnome3 fallback mode?03:54
LAcanmickster04, ya i saw that for setting up my VNC over SSH.. now i just want it to be more responsive03:54
red2kicEdgan: ADD MORE LAUNCHERS. Start crying. I had the same thing. :\03:56
imbezolon 11.04.. the side menu bar is stuck open.. how do i close it?03:56
quintso, im running lubuntu (lxde) cant seem to get emesene to work.. im on 11.04 now when i was 10.10 i could run it clean03:56
red2kicEdgan: My solution? I ignored it and slowly making a switch to different environment.03:57
Edganred2kic: I know the nuclear option of how to get rid of them.03:57
red2kicEdgan: Remove Gnome3?03:57
Edganred2kic: remove your user dconf file03:58
Edganred2kic: ~/.config/dconf/user03:58
multipass_is there any fix for desktop wall edge flipping in 11.04?03:58
soreaumultipass_: Probably not if you don't say what's wrong with it03:59
Edganred2kic: They must have been smoking something the day they made dconf binary format.03:59
jiltdilin synpatic package manager i marked some residual not installes s/w for complete removal but after marking these for removal where from where i apply changes as the apply buttin is freezes?03:59
red2kicEdgan: I get the same feeling when Vista first came out. (So I made the switch to linux). And now Gnome3 is doing this! :(04:00
Edganred2kic: I have considered switching environments.04:00
Edganred2kic: They did the same shit, though not this bad, with Gnome2.04:00
multipass_soreau, very simply it just dosnt work, 10.10 to 11.04 broke it-- it flips sometimes, most of the time it dosnt04:00
red2kicEdgan: Language. It's the policy here. .__.04:00
Edganred2kic: :P04:01
KM0201red2kic: they'll get it worked out.. do you remember when the transition from kde3 to 4 was made?... it was way rougher04:01
multipass_soreau, it seems that if u have a window in focus, then it flips, but if not then nothing happens04:01
gtechI just upgraded to the new version of ubuntu and now when I loggin my scroll lock key blinks and everything locks up, I hear this is a kernal panic, how do I resolve this?04:01
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jiltdilany solution to my problem?04:01
soreaumultipass_: Join the crowd. They really totally screwed up compiz and this whole 11.04 release04:01
red2kicEdgan: I love Gnome2. Now I'm using AwesomeWM. I need more time to absorb shortcuts.04:01
multipass_soreau, yay.04:01
red2kicKM0201: I haven't tried KDE4.04:01
soreaumultipass_: If you feel like getting ignored, file a bug04:02
jiltdilin synpatic package manager i marked some residual not installes s/w for complete removal but after marking these for removal where from where i apply changes as the apply buttin is freezes?04:02
andygraybeal_i don't know what the big deal was on the ubuntu list.. this isn't much different than it was before!  i thought it'd be totally different from the whining on the list!04:02
mbrigdanHello! Since I upgraded to 11.04, all my window decorations in compiz (i don't really like unity) have disappeared. I've tried reinstalling many things, (even new window decorators, such as emerald) but nothing works, and it makes it hard to do things04:02
KM0201red2kic: well, now its fine.. (if you like kDE, i personally hate it) but when it first came out, it was a mess.04:02
red2kicKM0201: Gnome2 was hitting all the notes for me. Now it's singing off-key. :\04:02
KM0201red2kic: your best bet, if you're that unhappy with gnome3/unity.. is to switch to xfce/lxde.. .04:02
Edganred2kic: Sadly it takes them years to get it right. When they do, they are bored, so they start over. :\04:02
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KM0201Edgan: lol, i don't know about a few years, but probably a year is fair04:03
Omega!attitude > soreau04:03
ubottusoreau, please see my private message04:03
soreauOmega: Whatever.04:03
quintlxde is fantastic04:03
red2kicEdgan: If it isn't broken, don't try to fix it. Also, it seems like everybody is always trying to reinvent the wheel and call it the new thing.04:03
quinttook a sec to get used to04:04
* KM0201 agrees with quint 04:04
soreauI'm just telling it like it really is04:04
gdbI've not tried lxde, but xfce is very gnome2-like if that's the experience you're looking for.04:04
Edganred2kic: Not invented here syndrome.04:04
OmegaIf you don't want to be helpful, feel free to leave.04:04
soreauIf you don't want to see a real attitude, feel free to shut up.04:05
KM0201red2kic: well, it's only natural that a desktop interface evolves.. gnome2-gnome3.. only  makes sense.. it's just gonna take time to work the bugs out.04:05
gtechI just upgraded to the new version of ubuntu(11.04) and now when I loggin my scroll lock key blinks and everything locks up, I hear this is a kernal panic, I'm using gnome, how do I resolve this?04:05
red2kicKM0201: Are you on Gnome3 right now?04:05
KM0201red2kic: no, but i tested it pretty extensively w/ fedora04:05
red2kicKM0201: You can't change the background with traditional right-click --> Background. They took away many things.04:06
soreaugtech: Typically a kernel panic is caused by a faulty kernel module04:06
quintwhat is this kernel panic you speak of?04:07
soreaugtech: Which graphics card do you have?04:07
fearphagemy bluetooth adapter (internal, laptop, GE620) is not automatically recognized. how do i probe for it?04:07
red2kicgtech: If things aren't working, you can reboot and hold SHIFT to select older kernel.04:07
KM0201red2kic: i'm aware of that.04:07
soreauquint: It's basically a lockup where your keyboard LEDs start blinking04:07
nutsfornattyits still light years better than windows and no apple tax like a mac, no real room for unity complaints04:07
gtechsoreau: gtx 26004:07
Edganred2kic: I think that was nautilus, which can be brought back04:07
soreaugtech: Is that an nvidia model?04:08
gtechred2kic: I'll try that again, last time I did it just hung on the loading screen04:08
gtechsoreau: yeah04:08
Edganred2kic: you need gnome-tweak-tool, and then set file manager | have file manager handle the desktop | on04:08
quintpcmanfm is the wayy04:08
soreaugtech: Can you boot into recovery mode ok?04:08
Edganred2kic: then run nautilus. I just tried it, it let me change my background.04:09
gtechsoreau: yeah04:09
awesomestmanIs this the appropriate loction to ask for Ubuntu support?04:09
red2kicEdgan: I like gconf-editor better. I'm just going to walk away from this cesspool. :)04:09
Edganred2kic: gconf-editor = dconf-editor now04:10
gtechsoreau: what should I do once there?04:10
red2kicawesomestman: Yes. Welcome to #ubuntu04:10
chaospsyXwhat do i need to access a windows network from ubuntu ?04:10
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KM0201chaospsyX: samba04:10
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:10
quintsay now, how do i go about installing the java environment and icedtea ?04:10
ZekeSchaospsyX: samba, although ubuntu should see them out of the box iirc04:10
quint(forgot how)04:10
red2kicawesomestman: If you have a question, plop it away. Somebody who know the answer are likely to respond.04:11
red2kic!java | quint04:11
ubottuquint: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.04:11
bazhangquint, enable partner repo04:11
quintthanks ! :)04:11
awesomestmanJust made the switch to Ubuntu today. I have some issues with Software Center. It's been hanging on me and won't get past the loading icon.04:11
soreaugtech: Try blacklisting the nvidia kernel module by creating a file called /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia.conf and putting 'nvidia' on a single line without quotes04:11
zenoconquint: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk04:12
gtechsoreau: cool, I'll try it04:13
soreaugtech: Also remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf if it exists04:13
red2kicSoftware Center is back in Ubuntu 11.04?04:13
KM0201red2kic: well of course it is, why wouldn't it be?04:14
trinikronoawesomestman: use apt-get :D04:14
soreaured2kic: I don't think it ever went away04:14
red2kicawesomestman: Close it. Use a terminal or synpatic when it comes to install packages.04:14
chaospsyX<red2kic> Software Center is back in Ubuntu 11.04?  <---- LOL04:14
ZekeSdisregard apt-get, use aptitude04:14
soreauchaospsyX: It's not that funny, really04:14
* KM0201 sighs..04:14
faryshtaHello. I can't read original DVD's. Looks like its a region issue. How can I fix it?04:14
red2kicchaospsyX: Somebody trustworthy told me that. :|04:14
KM0201faryshta: have you installed libdvdcss?04:14
soreau! dvd | faryshta04:14
ubottufaryshta: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:14
faryshtaKM0201, yes, I can read pirates and downloaded dvd's. I can't read original DVD's region 4.04:15
gtechsoreau: which log files would I attempt to look at to see what is happening?04:15
red2kicThen again, this is Internet. I shouldn't trust anyone.04:15
KM0201faryshta: read the lnk soreau gave you above04:15
magpiii just updated to ubuntu 11 and now i cannot see the panels on my desktop, also, i cannot move any open windows or resize them . any help?04:15
red2kicawesomestman: Open a terminal (under Accessories) -- Type "aptitude search firefox" -- You get the idea.04:15
chaospsyXred2kic: :-P04:15
red2kicawesomestman: Want to install firefox? "sudo aptitude install firefox"04:16
soreaugtech: Probably /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages04:16
faryshtasoreau, KM0201, I have libdvdread4 and libdvdcss installed.04:16
soreaured2kic: Hey, watch your aptitude buddy04:16
KM0201faryshta: ther's also instructinos on that site on how to deal w/ region issues04:17
awesomestmanred2kic: thanks. I was trying to find what to enter into terminal to install something04:17
tbrew13i need some help with chrome how do i get just the chrome border and not the unity border in ubuntu 11.04 also the bisigi repository does not work04:17
magpiii cannot view the panels on my desktop, also windows wont move or resize and the close, minimize and maximize buttons ar not visible, can someone advise please?04:18
trinikronoawesomestman: you can look at http://ubuntuguide.org/ it has a guide on how to install alot of things that you might need04:18
red2kicawesomestman: If you're new, obviously this stuffs will confuse you at first -- but after few days, your brain cells will start firing up and you're *now* off autopilot in your life. :)04:19
faryshtaKM0201, I remember using an illegal opensource lib in my old installation. Do you know any?04:19
KM0201faryshta: even if i did, it wouldn't be allowed to be discussed here04:19
faryshtaKM0201, its only illegal in US. Not in my country méxico.04:19
faryshtaIt was done by DVD-Jon.04:20
magpiican anyone tell me how i can revert to ubuntu 10 seeing as 11.04 has just screwed my perfectly decent system up04:20
red2kicawesomestman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide#Aptitude from the command line04:20
KM0201faryshta: then try ubuntu-es04:20
bazhangmagpii, full reinstall, or choose gnome-classic from login window04:20
chaospsyXmagpii: i was in your situation a few nights ago :-( i feel for ya man, i really do04:20
red2kicawesomestman: Number #504:20
bazhang!medibuntu | faryshta04:21
ubottufaryshta: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:21
magpiinone of my panels are showing on desktop, the close window, minimize an resize options are gone, so is my 3d desktop04:21
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Guest17232recently bought the verizon mobile hotspot, but everytime i connect to it with ubuntu, the connection drops every 10 sec, any suggestions?04:21
bazhangmagpii, you wish to use unity-2d then? or gnome classic04:21
Guest17232it's the verizon 4g mobile hotspot04:22
soreauGuest17232: Does it work ok with any other OS on the same machine?04:22
Guest17232soreau: not on the same machine, but it works with windows no problems whatsoever04:23
keithtooanyone know how to configure vmalloc size in grub on natty?04:23
Guest17232soreau: i have another laptop with the windows OS, and it connects fine04:23
gtechsoreau: no dice, it still locks up04:24
Guest17232i have the latest version of ubuntu (11.04)04:24
quintdid you do a distro upgrade ?04:24
quintif your using gdm you can still choose your last gnome interface rather than unity04:24
quintdoesnt really matter if you use gdm actually04:24
gtechsoreau: I'll try looking at the log04:24
soreaugtech: Did you check those log files? esp syslog?04:24
gtechsoreau: not yet04:24
soreaugtech: I'm only guessing the nvidia module is the problem04:24
magpiii just wanted to have my desktop as it was in ubuntu 10 after the upgrade to 11.04, but since upgrade, the entire desktop is screwed, and the new sidebar panal has disapeared as well as the main menu bar when windows are opened04:24
red2kicmagpii: LTS. (10.04). <304:25
bazhangmagpii, it reappears with mouse over, you could try unity-2d if your card is not up to it, or choose gnome classic from the login window04:25
keithtoomagpii: log in under classic desktop04:25
jiltdilalways when i opens firestartter after entering password it says "failed to open the system log , no event information will be available." please tell how to fix it?04:26
awesomestmanso I use aptitude to install a package I already downloaded?04:26
red2kicawesomestman: What are you trying to install?04:26
magpiiok i will try classic first, as for the mouse over, tried for the last hour and nothing. will re log and follow classic option then try 2d04:26
* keithtoo hates unity04:26
magpiithanks for the help, cya soon04:26
bazhangmagpii, the unity-2d package needs to be installed04:26
red2kic!skype | awesomestman04:27
ubottuawesomestman: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga04:27
* chaospsyX prepares for the inevitable mutiny within the ubuntu community as a result of 'unity'04:27
magpiithanks, is it bundled with package manager?04:27
jiltdilno solution?04:27
bazhangmagpii, yes04:27
red2kic!info skype04:27
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in natty04:27
magpiiok thanks, will log back in shortly with any issue after reboot into classic, fingers crossed04:28
red2kicawesomestman: You may have to enable partner repo. (Look under Software Sources).04:28
chaospsyXhow ironic if 'unity' resulted in the ubuntu community becoming divided, lol04:28
bazhangchaospsyX, lets take this to the chat channel please04:28
chaospsyXok no prob04:28
ner0xAnyone to keep track of expenses in Ubuntu?04:28
jiltdilbazhang: always when i opens firestartter after entering password it says "failed to open the system log , no event information will be available." please tell how to fix it?04:29
bazhangner0x, an app?04:29
ner0xbazhang: Yeah.04:29
bazhangjiltdil, why not try gufw instead04:29
red2kicner0x: https://www.mint.com/ :)04:29
bazhangred2kic, ?04:29
red2kicbazhang: Not that gucci knockoff AKA Linux Mint04:29
jiltdilbazhang: is gufw is in graphical04:30
IdleOnejiltdil: yes04:30
bazhangjiltdil, yes its graphical for ufw04:30
bazhangner0x, like gnucash ? along those lines?04:30
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts04:30
bazhang /msg ubottu please04:31
jiltdilbazhang: one more question in synpatic package manager i marked some residual not installes s/w for complete removal but after marking these for removal where from where i apply changes as the apply buttin is freezes?04:31
ner0xbazhang: Yeah, something like that.04:31
awesomestmanI didn't know that Skype was going to be a problem given that it seemed okay to download.04:31
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
bazhangner0x, should be a list in the package manager, or apt-cache search related-term will turn up some04:31
IdleOnener0x: search synaptic or Software centre for "accounting"04:32
=== b_ is now known as Guest77594
bazhangjiltdil, what about from the command line? sudo apt-get remove packagename04:32
studyany one konw how to use autoconf...04:32
IdleOnebazhang: he is going to get an lock error :)04:32
bazhangstudy, to do what, clarify04:32
bazhangIdleOne, good point04:33
studyi want to get config.h04:33
bazhangstudy, instead of asking a generic question, ask what you really want04:33
studyi want to study program...04:33
bazhangjiltdil, be sure to close software center before you try that command04:33
bazhangstudy, this is not the channel for that04:34
red2kicawesomestman: It's not a problem. Private softwares usually don't go in any repo (aptitude database) -- because well, it's closed thus we can't view the codes -- therefore we don't know if it's really safe -- but yeah, it's available. The same thing goes for dropbox.04:34
jiltdilbazhang:it also gives residual in synpatic package manager04:34
studyso for waht?04:34
bazhangstudy, Ubuntu support04:34
bazhang!alis | study04:34
ubottustudy: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*04:34
bazhangjiltdil, close them all and try the command from the terminal04:34
red2kicawesomestman: When you enable the partner repo -- you're now aware about the choices you're making. You're now aware that you're about to install Skype (which you can't see the codes) and you're going to accept it. It's all new to you, but install it. It's fine.04:35
bazhangstudy, got an ubuntu support issue?04:35
IdleOnestudy: what exactly is it you are trying to do?04:35
jiltdilbazhang:ok but why the apply button in package manager is frezed when i want to apply for the packages to removal04:35
study....who are u?04:35
studywhy i can`t ask question here...04:35
bazhangjiltdil, perhaps a bug? try from terminal to verify its not something else04:36
IdleOnestudy: we are volunteers trying to figure out how to help yoy :)04:36
studya ha..04:36
red2kicstudy: We're trying to help you study something -- but what is it that you want to study? :)04:36
bazhangautoconf is hardly an ubuntu issue study04:36
studyi will try...04:36
awesomestmanOh, I see. I was just trying to make sure I could maintain parts of my social life while keeping Ubuntu as an operating system.04:36
jguzikowskiHey guys, is it suggested to NOT upgrade from the last version of Ubuntu to the latest?04:36
bazhangjguzikowski, no04:37
awesomestmanAnyways, this is what I got in Terminal.04:37
jguzikowskibazhang: sorry, i worded that terribly..should i do a clean install of the newest ubuntu or just upgrade?04:37
awesomestmanrichard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$ sudo apt-get install skype [sudo] password for richard:  Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for richard:  Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. richard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$04:37
bazhangjguzikowski, both work, I have done both without issue; back up as always, and having a separate home is always a good idea04:38
IdleOneawesomestman: run sudo apt-get update04:38
IdleOneawesomestman: after try to install skype again04:38
awesomestmangot to 99% then this happened04:39
awesomestmanIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates/universe Translation-en Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. richard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$04:39
jguzikowskiThanks baz, off to go try updating04:39
julian_cPerhaps clear out the directory </var/lib/apt/lists>, and then run "apt-get update" again.04:39
jakegubI'm having unity problems on my new Sandy Bridge Optimus-equipped notebook.   Ouput of unity-support-test is http://pastebin.com/XBCLgx8E04:40
awesomestmanjulian_c: was that directed at me?04:41
red2kicawesomestman: Yes.04:41
red2kicawesomestman: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/73549104:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 735491 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt can't recover from file corruptions (dup-of: 226361)" [Undecided,New]04:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 226361 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get update fails forever for corrupted /var/lib/apt/lists/foo_Packages" [Wishlist,Triaged]04:41
unorugbyis this were I can ask a support question, or is there another chat room?04:42
red2kicunorugby: Ask away.04:42
IdleOneunorugby: ubuntu support yes04:42
awesomestmando I just delet everything in that folder? Just wondering because there's another folder inside it called "partial" and I'm not sure if that's suposed to be there or not.04:42
gtechsoreau: http://pastebin.ca/2053687 The actual lock up happens at 20:31:41 but this is as close as I can get04:43
gtechsoreau: the log stops there04:44
unorugbyok, ive been having some issues with loading ubuntu...when I launch my computer everything starts out normal (getting to the screen when i select either ubuntu or windows 7), but if I select ubuntu it goes through a sequence but never loads it04:44
IdleOneawesomestman: should be safe to delete all that04:44
unorugbyshould I reinstall?04:44
red2kicawesomestman: "sudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main* ~/Desktop/"04:44
gtechsoreau: at least until the next boot04:44
red2kicawesomestman: "sudo aptitude update"04:44
soreaugtech: Have you tried unplugging any devices you can such as your xbox controller?04:45
gtechsoreau: no, I'll try04:46
awesomestmanrichard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$ sudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main* ~/Desktop/ mv: cannot stat `/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main*': No such file or directory richard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$04:46
awesomestmanDid I do it wrong?04:46
red2kicawesomestman: No last part "mv"04:47
fizyplanktondoes any one know if it is possible to have a VT on 2 monitors? like to where they arent the same, and i can switch back and forth. either that, or can i make it to where i can log into TTY1 on one monitor,m and TTY2 on the other monitor?04:48
gtechsoreau: tried disconnecting the xbox reciever and speakers, still hardlocking04:48
Bpentestany one using 11.04 yet as there main OS not VMing?04:48
almoxarifeunorugby: was it a wubi install?04:48
red2kicawesomestman: "cd /var/lub/apt/lists ; ls" -- What file(s) do you see?04:48
soreaugtech: I still think it's loading the nvidia module too04:48
tepsterBpentest: I am04:48
ZekeSBpentest: I'm using the Server 11.04, but I dont think that'll help you :p04:49
tepsternot really my main actually, just not VMing04:49
unorugby@almoxarife what constitues a "wubi" install?04:49
soreaugtech: Can you try booting with nvidia.dontloadme=1 nouveau.dontloadme=1 ?04:49
awesomestmanrichard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$ cd /var/lub/apt/lists ; ls bash: cd: /var/lub/apt/lists: No such file or directory Desktop    Downloads         Music     Public     Videos Documents  examples.desktop  Pictures  Templates richard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$04:49
ZekeSunorugby: an install using wubi04:49
Bpentesttepster: any major issues? im kinda hesitant to upgrade it with all my server/ wine apps im using04:49
gtechsoreau: where do I set those?04:49
awesomestmanSo it said no such file or directory but I got all this04:49
unorugbyi partitioned my hard drive and installed it off of a disk04:49
BpentestzekeS: are you able to do things like ssh with out issue?04:50
gtechsoreau: like in the grub menu?04:50
fizyplanktondoes any one know if it is possible to have a VT on 2 monitors? like to where they arent the same, and i can switch back and forth. either that, or can i make it to where i can log into TTY1 on one monitor,m and TTY2 on the other monitor?04:50
tepsterBpentest: I don't have any major issues, no, but then again, I did a fresh install, not an inplace upgrade04:50
soreaugtech: yes, as kernel args04:50
ZekeSBpentest: yep, altho I dont do anything too serious - ssh, samba, nfs, ftp mainly04:50
red2kicawesomestman: Damnnit. I made a mistake. Replace 'lub' with 'lib'04:50
Bpentesttepster: ok thanks04:51
soreaugtech: Append to the linux line, where it ends with something like ro quiet splash04:51
red2kicawesomestman: Use arrow keys to use the previous command -- then edit it.04:51
alcanewhat is that website where i can paste code &  get a url for it?04:51
red2kic!paste | alcane04:51
ubottualcane: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:51
BpentestZekeS: alright as long as i can keep up my ssh server04:51
ZekeS~inplace upgraded since 9.04~04:51
almoxarifeunorugby: since the ubuntu install did you re-install windows?04:51
ngc604how can i change the background of the log in screen. i think i am just overlooking it.04:51
unorugbyalmoxarife: no, it just stopped working out of no where04:52
awesomestmanah it's all right04:52
GarryFreMy conky is covering over all my windows. I remember I need to edit autostart.sh to correct it, and I have this site telling me to do so but no site is reminding me where autostart.sh is, and the find command just drops to command line without even trying to find it.04:52
awesomestmanrichard@richard-VGN-FZ430E:~$ cd /var/lib/apt/lists ; ls extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Index extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_source_Sources extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_Release extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dist04:52
unorugbyliterally one day working the next morning not04:52
awesomestmanand there's more but it looks like IRC cut it off04:52
ZekeSawesomestman: use a pastebin04:53
gtechsoreau: cool, executing and logging in...04:54
red2kicawesomestman: I'm not sure why you have extras.ubuntu.com (I'm not sure if that's normal).04:54
soreaugtech: It worked?04:54
gtechsoreau: nope, lockup04:54
gtechsoreau: no nvidia splash though04:54
soreaugtech: Well I'm just about out of ideas then04:54
red2kicawesomestman: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" -- Paste it in http://paste.ubuntu.com04:54
jakegubI'm having problems getting unity to work on my new Sandy Bridge Optimus-equipped notebook.   Ouput of unity-support-test is http://pastebin.com/XBCLgx8E04:55
alcanei just tried to upgrade ubuntu and now I'm getting this: http://pastebin.com/x7Jb58UZ04:55
soreaugtech: Try a livecd and see if it helps. If so, a clean install should work04:55
bazhangjakegub, can you disable optimus in the bios?04:55
awesomestmanI found how to use a pastebin.04:55
genewitchwell, natty dist upgrade works on the cloud04:56
jakegubbazhang: Not an option on mine.  Pastebin expired.  Re-pasting  http://pastebin.com/U4x91z5P04:56
gtechsoreau: heh thanks for the help anyway, gonna try to configure stumpwm and finally migrate from gname04:56
gtechsoreau: gnome*04:56
red2kicawesomestman: Please paste the results of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"04:56
unorugbyshould i reload and be more specific about what the screen says when ubuntu fails to load?04:57
bazhangjakegub, there's a thread about that on ubuntuforums with a link to a PPA is that the nvidia 420 (cannot remember the exact chipset name)04:57
DocfxitI have been trying to signon to my Ubuntu. It says I have a wrong password. I have booted into recovery mode and tried passwd Docfxit in all lower case it says passwd: unknown user Docfxit in all lower case. How can I get back into my system?04:57
soreaugtech: no problem, best of wishes04:57
awesomestmanHere's this paste for ya http://pastebin.ca/205369404:57
MethedManwhat is considered to be the best email client for ubuntu04:58
tensorpudding!best | MethedMan04:58
ubottuMethedMan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:58
bazhangMethedMan, ask in #ubuntu-bots dont poll here please04:58
jakegubbazhang: it's the 540m   I haven't tried using the proprietary drivers yet.  I was actually willing to do without the dedicated graphics, but maybe that's the thing to try first is using the nvidia set04:58
tensorpuddingMethedMan: Evolution is the one that is included, you should try it first04:58
tepsterwebmail is best email client04:59
MethedMantensorpudding: evolution is default.  i am using that one now.04:59
hypetechMethedMan: you can try out thunderbird if evolution doesn't tickle your fancy04:59
MethedMantensorpudding: i am not looking to "poll". looking for possibilities.  what is out there?04:59
bazhangjakegub, ok. well not sure if the PPA works for that, there is also unity-2d package for non 3d accellerated04:59
tensorpuddingMethedMan: i liked claws-mail, but i use evolution now and am happy with it04:59
bazhangMethedMan, that was a poll question please dont here04:59
jakegubbazhang: proprietary drivers say they're installed but not in use05:00
bazhangMethedMan, check the package manager05:00
bazhangjakegub, you can enable them via additional drivers and then reboot05:00
jakegubbazhang: I'm sorry it says they're activated but not currently in use05:00
DocfxitCould someone please help me signon to my system?05:01
bazhangjakegub, then a reboot, and if it says must start in low res mode, go back and try to enable again05:01
GarryFreOk, I can't find out how to get conky to stop covering over every window, None will help, I am going to have to uninstall conky and give up.05:01
bazhangDocfxit, Docfxit would not be a password, but your username05:01
bazhangGarryFre, or try the ubuntuforums conky guide05:02
Docfxitbazhang That's correct.05:02
xanguaGarryFre: or just ready conky documention or use one of the many easy to use  configuration like conky colors05:02
MethedManubottu: how do i communicate with a bot?05:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:02
jakegubbazhang: are you saying to remove the drivers, then re-install them?05:02
Docfxitbazhang Docfxit is my user name - It's all in lower case05:02
bazhangxangua, he just quit05:03
MethedManbazhang: good suggestion. thanks05:03
red2kicawesomestman: Meh. Open Software Sources. Try disabling/enabling the repos. Hopefully that can refresh the index.05:03
bazhangMethedMan, in #ubuntu-bots with bestbot?05:03
awesomestmanSoftware sources doesn't seem to come pre-installed. How can I get it without using Software Center given that it's not working for me?05:04
red2kicawesomestman: It is not under System --> Admin/Prefs?05:04
xangua!source | awesomestman05:04
ubottuawesomestman: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:04
Docfxitbazhang How can I get to accept my password or reset my password?05:05
bazhangawesomestman, its in synaptic now05:05
MethedManbazhang: i am a bit confused with these "bots"05:05
red2kicawesomestman: You want to enable parnter repo. Not extra repo.05:06
lylehey is there some way to have the unity launchbar use a different icon theme from nautilus and the notification area, etc.?05:07
giacomo_ci'm having a bit of trouble connecting to my wireless on the live 11.04 cd05:07
awesomestmanThis is what happened when I tried to open synaptic05:08
xangualyle: change the icon theme, google for: gnome look05:08
Erf_Neerggiacomo_c do u know what kind of chipset you have?05:08
bazhanggnome-look.org xangua05:08
Erf_Neerggiacomo_c I'm having the same issue with bm 44/43 something05:08
awesomestmanshit can't upload the image05:08
giacomo_cnot really sure Erf_Neerg, i know its an intel integrated a/g/b05:08
bazhangawesomestman, no cursing please05:08
hiexpothis is what I am beginning to see is that ubuntu 11.04 is broke   > Glad i stuck with 10.04 lts05:09
giacomo_ci can get it to show me a list of networks, ifconfig says it's up05:09
red2kicawesomestman: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" -- http://pastebin.com/KUKqJgrr05:09
awesomestmanOops. Anyways here's the pastebin of what Synaptic gave me http://pastebin.ca/205369505:09
giacomo_cyeah, i'm thinking 10.04 might be the way to go hiexpo05:10
giacomo_calso, this new interface is confusing and kinda a pain05:10
awesomestmanred2kic: what do you want me to do?05:11
red2kicawesomestman: You may want to use Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) -- Stable and you don't have to mess around. My opinion is that 11.04 may not be ready.05:11
Erf_Neerggiacomo_c go in terminal and try lspci05:11
lylexangua, what i'm asking is, can the launcher use a different icon theme than the rest of ubuntu?05:11
zenoconnice summary of 11.04 tweaks: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html05:11
red2kicawesomestman: I just looked. I don't think extra repo have anything yet. However, skype is in partner repo and it's not enabled.05:11
elijahWhat is the command to list all my devices? (not partitions)05:11
lylexangua, i want to use Humanity on the launcher and Faenza everywhere else.05:11
lightahi, how can I disable webcam in empathy ?05:11
awesomestmanYou want m to just downgrade to a lower version and work from there?05:11
Erf_Neergelijah lspci ?05:11
red2kicawesomestman: I highlighted four lines -- See the differences (hashes) between pastebin and the file you're about to open.05:11
xangualyle: edit the icon theme05:11
giacomo_cErf_Neerg: Network controller:  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2915ABG [Calexico2}05:11
unorugbyhello, i'm having issues with ubuntu loading, when i start up my computer, it runs through a sequence of text before it ends with information similar to what follows: "in ouit: mountin /sys or /root/dev failed: no such file or directory" and " No init found. Try passing init: bootarg"05:12
red2kicawesomestman: Different (older) version -- but more stable.05:12
red2kic!lts | awesomestman05:12
ubottuawesomestman: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)05:12
Erf_Neerggiacomo_c dunno what else to say sadly05:12
annhi all05:12
mbrigdanHello! Since I upgraded to 11.04, all my window decorations in compiz (i don't really like unity) have disappeared. I've tried reinstalling many things, (even new window decorators, such as emerald) but nothing works, and it makes it hard to do things05:12
elijahErf_Neerg: I mean like sda and hda etc05:13
zenoconawesomestan: i just installed skype on 11.04 without issue05:13
zenoconhad to enable partner repo first, but that was it05:13
elijahErf_Neerg: I am trying to recover a drive with ddrescue and need to make sure I can see it first05:13
Docfxitbazhang I got into my system with a different user name. I'd like to fix my original user name. When I select System, Administration it doesn't have users as an option.05:13
hiexpogiacomo_c, yep i use it with kernal 2.6 38.5 kernal works good05:13
lylembrigdan, try doing a compiz --replace ?05:13
annu pay for skype?05:13
giacomo_ci have no idea what i just did, but i got it to work i guess, haha05:14
awesomestmanI understand.  I'll get that taken care of tomorrow then. Will doing so affect my partition though?05:14
xanguaann: if you want skype credit to make calls i suppose05:14
Erf_Neergelijah wooshing over my head05:14
xanguato make calls to phones*05:14
xangua!emerald | mbrigdan05:14
ubottumbrigdan: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.05:14
annyes so i thought lol05:14
zenocony, you can buy skype credits for computer to pots, but it is free for computer<->computer05:15
mbrigdanxangua, Well, it wasn't working before emerald either, so I thought I might as well try it05:15
giacomo_calso, what's up with this new interface?  why are they dumbing everything down so much?05:15
annI can't see tv on Hulu05:15
anndownloaded flash player05:15
ChaorainI have a small problem, whenever I try to open a file downloaded in Chromium's download manager Nautilus tries to open it instead.05:15
annstill blocks me05:15
LittleRedann: what browser?05:16
anninternet explorer and firefox05:16
=== help is now known as Guest64315
mbrigdanlyle, compiz --replace appears to be stuck on Setting Update "run_command_terminal_key", still no window decorations05:16
red2kicChaorain: Any files or a particular filetype?05:17
zenroxann it is in the ubuntu repos look thare useing synaptic05:17
Guest64315can someone help me with this usb sound device05:17
Chaorainred2kic: every filetype.05:17
LittleRedann: let me check mine05:17
giacomo_cis there a way i can just install xubuntu from the ubuntu live cd?05:17
annI know how to get in terminal05:17
lylembrigdan, oh yeah, it's not stuck, that's compiz running now. do alt+f2 and then do compiz --replace in that launcher.05:17
Guest64315hello, my usb device doesn't sound on xubuntu, but worked on regular ubunt05:18
elijahi am inside the program parted and i can't get back to prompt with ctrl+c or q, any ideas?05:18
xanguagiacomo_c: download xubuntu from xubuntu.org05:19
mbrigdanlyle, Still nothing, but the previous compiz --replace (in a terminal) segfaulted and died05:19
red2kicChaorain: Hmm. Check Chromium's Settings/Preferences? I know a situation where opening a folder would result in opening a music player (instead of nautilus).05:19
awesomestmanSo I'll take care of going to 10.04 tomorrow. Anything I should know about that ahead of time though?05:19
bazhangxangua, xubuntu-desktop and purexfce would be more optimal05:19
red2kicawesomestman: Just come in when you did your part.05:19
MethedManhow do i get evolution to show in the system tray05:19
red2kicawesomestman: Far less hiccups, that's for sure. Ubuntu 11.04 just came out maybe five days ago.05:20
annnot a big deal I watch cbs,crackle05:20
lylembrigdan, can you pastebin the output from when you ran it in the terminal?05:20
xanguaMethedMan: check the envelope, it's there05:20
giacomo_ci know, but how do i install xubuntu-desktop to my hd from the live cd bazhang05:20
annI have a problem where pc shuts down when doing updates05:20
bazhanggiacomo_c, you dont05:21
annthen have to reload operating system on usb flash drive05:21
mbrigdanlyle, http://paste.ubuntu.com/603095/05:21
MethedManxangua: i do not understand what you are saying05:21
bazhanggiacomo_c, you need the alternate cd to use a s a source05:21
giacomo_celijah: just type quit to exit parted05:21
awesomestmanred2kic: Gotcha. I alreay have Windows 7 running fine on a partition created with 11.04 . Will installing 10.04 affect that?05:21
xanguaMethedMan: check the envelope...on the right corner05:22
red2kicawesomestman: There should be graphical installer. You may see the option to delete 11.04. Or replace the partition. As long as Windows partition are left alone.05:22
giacomo_ci guess i'll just install this and then get the xubuntu-desktop05:22
magusOTBIs setting up a swap partition on a SSD a good idea?05:23
MethedManxangua: are you saying by default it is in the system tray.  i do not see an envelope on the right corner05:23
magusOTBwouldn't it result in tons of write cycles?05:23
bazhang!purexfce | giacomo_c05:23
ubottugiacomo_c: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »05:23
lylembrigdan, do alt+f2 again and this time try metacity --replace05:23
bazhangmagusOTB, what size ssd05:23
DocfxitWhen I put use sudo -I -u myusername I get sudo: no passwd entry for myusername How can I fix that?05:23
magusOTBbazhang: 128G, but what difference does that make?05:23
awesomestmanred2kic: Okay. Another question. I installed 11.04 from a flash drive. Should I do the same or should I just buy a blank disc to be safe?05:24
bazhangmagusOTB, some, for example my eeepc 4GB ssd05:24
mbrigdanlyle, Hey! Window decorations! That's nice. I do rather like compiz though, do you know how I could get it working again?05:24
Chrisevtengo una consulta05:24
lylembrigdan, not sure, just wanted to see if they showed up under metacity05:24
bazhangChrisev, english here please05:24
lylembrigdan, you can go back to comiz by doing compiz --replace again05:25
magusOTBbazhang: Still, given that mine is not, is it worth having one, especially considering that the machine has 12GB of ram05:25
lyleMadDecent, ohai05:25
Or1on1I just upgraded to 11.04 and I'm getting kernel panic after login on my asus G5105:25
Chrisevbazhang give me a channel05:25
bazhangmagusOTB, if you want to hibernate/suspend then sure, some swap is always a good idea05:25
bazhangChrisev, for italian?05:25
multipass_anyone know a decent mechanism to "alt-tab" out of openGL games?05:25
bazhangChrisev, #ubuntu-es05:26
magusOTBbazhang: I don't need to hibernate/suspend. I don't think my motherboard supports either of them properly.05:26
mbrigdanlyle, Hmm, going back gets rid of them again. Maybe I'll reinstall all the compiz packages05:26
Chaorainred2kic: Nothing yet05:26
giacomo_canother question, how do i view my hdd from the live cd?05:26
giacomo_ci don't remember05:26
bazhangmagusOTB, then your choice really, a small amount is what I'd do, but that's up to you05:26
magusOTBgiacomo_c: Does it now show up on your desktop?05:26
magusOTBbazhang: K. thanks.05:26
MethedManxangua: any ideas?05:26
Chrisev thanks05:27
bazhangMethedMan, by system tray you mean the top panel?05:27
bazhangMethedMan, right click add to panel05:27
awesomestmanDoes it matter whether or not I'll install 10.04 on a flash drive or if I should just buy some discs given that I installed 11.04 on a flash drive and these issues are occuring?05:27
MethedManbazhang: no. sorry. i mean the "notification area"05:27
bazhangawesomestman, if it can boot from usb then that s fine05:28
MethedManbazhang: when you run xchat or whatever it automatically docks in the "notification area"05:28
Bane99hey all05:28
Bane99got a question05:28
awesomestmanThanks for all your assistance.05:28
CaptainkrtekBane99, what'sup?05:28
bazhangawesomestman, use the usb-creator or unetbootin to make it05:28
Bane99never used Ubuntu before... when you log into the computer after installing does it give you the dual boot option?05:28
Bane99i have a separate partition for it05:29
Bane99first time i'll be using linux actually05:29
CaptainkrtekBane99, no, you have to install windows then Ubuntu, or the other way around and boot to a live CD and edit grub05:29
Bane99aside from my android phone :P05:29
bazhangBane99, is it set up properly for that? whats the other system on it05:29
Chaoraincan someone tell me what the command in the last post is suposed to be? http://www.thisweekinlinux.com/forum/index.php?topic=574.005:29
Bane99Windows 7 Pro x64bit05:29
bazhangBane99, then installing ubuntu will do it for you05:29
Bane99i set aside a 100GB partition for installing another oS05:30
CaptainkrtekBane99, did you install Ubuntu over?05:30
CaptainkrtekBane99, if so Grub will take care of up05:30
Bane99i havne't installed it yet05:30
giacomo_chow do i list the drives i have?05:30
Bane99downloading the file05:30
Bane99well the iso05:30
bazhangsudo fdisk -l05:30
RxDxis there any applet (like net-speed for gnome2) that shows me my network speed for Unity?05:30
CaptainkrtekRxDx, terminal based- sudo apt-get install speedometer05:30
Bane99essentially i'm a linux noob05:30
Bane99sorry guys =/05:30
RxDxCaptainkrtek, ill try, thanks05:31
bazhangBane99, we all are at some point05:31
CaptainkrtekBane99, we all were once, if you need any help feel free to ask or PM me :-) welcome!05:31
giacomo_cfdisk doesn't show it05:31
Bane99so after making the disk05:31
Bane99boot from cd?05:31
giacomo_cbut when i go to intall ubuntu, it shows it as /dev/sda05:31
Bane99or should i just install it from windows05:31
bazhangBane99, set in bios to boot from CD first05:31
CaptainkrtekBane99, boot from CD, select partition, install, reboot, select what you want to boot to from grub05:31
LittleRedBane: i lurk in here to leatn stuff05:31
Bane99the problem is, my mobo doesn't like to recognize my USB mouse05:31
Bane99in the boot screens05:31
bazhangCaptainkrtek, he has partitioned already05:31
Bane99i tried to install ubuntu awhile ago05:32
CaptainkrtekBane99, During the boot up you have to use your keyboard05:32
Captainkrtekbazhang, just meant for him to select it, not create it05:32
mbrigdanlyle, Do you happen to know there the proprietary drivers setting has gone? I figure I might as well double check, but I can't find it under System->Preferences or Administration05:32
Bane99install it to the free partition05:32
CaptainkrtekBane99, yeah05:32
LAcanhow do i knock down the color depth on gnome desktop?05:32
Bane99then will i get the boot choice when i start the computer?05:32
RxDxCaptainkrtek, speedometer doesnt integrate with Unity =/05:33
Bane99sigh 50min left on the.iso download05:33
lylembrigdan, should be in Administration05:33
Bane99what is unity?05:33
CaptainkrtekRxDx, oh sorry didn't see unity, thought you just needed something to view speeds, sorry!05:33
bazhangBane99, yes you will05:33
bazhang!unity | Bane9905:33
ubottuBane99: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity05:33
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RxDxCaptainkrtek, np :) but do u know some that does?05:33
CaptainkrtekRxDx, not off the top of my head, check the Ubuntu Software Center perhaps?05:34
Captainkrtekor the forums05:34
saryann , how you doin there05:34
RxDxCaptainkrtek, i did.. thanks anyway :)05:34
CaptainkrtekRxDx, no problem, sorry heh05:34
bisonhello, why is it my ubuntu, after re starting, its not working, only flashing05:36
Captainkrtekbison, could you be more specific?05:36
Captainkrtekby the sounds of it possibly a video card issue05:36
fatguy@bison  I had the same problem, you probably need to switch to classic mode05:36
mbrigdanlyle, hmm, is there a difference between the NVIDIA binary Xorg driver and the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver?05:37
bisonafter reboot nothing happens05:37
bisonfatguy: im using ubuntu 10.1005:37
fatguyoh, nm then05:37
Captainkrtekbison, your video card may be broken05:37
fatguymy problem was with 11.0405:37
Captainkrtekbison, do you just see lines on the display or something of the like?05:38
bisoncaptainkrtek: nothing05:38
FHtrainhow do i access places from livecd?05:38
lylembrigdan, if one of them says "experimental" then that one is nouveu, not the official nvidia driver05:38
Captainkrtekbison, verify connectivity of your video card and the cable, test a different monitor if possible and also try booting to a live CD05:38
mbrigdanlyle, No, but the currently enable one (accelerated graphics) says recommended, so I'll just leave it05:39
fatguyanyone know a program that will stream a webcam? (I googled and came up with nothing.)05:39
saryann shuts down issue could be related to serval things ..05:39
lylembrigdan, that's probably the best idea. did you upgrade to 11.04 or do a fresh install?05:39
mbrigdanlyle, I upgraded05:39
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok rebboting to live cd05:39
frankelyHello, i want to know how to allow execution of a file which is mounted in a hard drive partition in /media05:40
Captainkrtekfrankely, chmod +x filename.file05:41
Captainkrtekin /media ^05:41
Bane99is v11 not recommended over 10?05:41
CaptainkrtekBane99, 11.04 is new as of a few days ago05:41
frankelyit doesnt work, Captainkrtek05:41
Captainkrtekfrankely, what is the output?05:41
Captainkrtekor could you be more specific05:41
frankelywhat i want is that give the x permission05:41
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok, im in, using live cd05:41
Captainkrtekfrankely, what type of file are you trying to execute05:41
DiverdudeTo this day i still do not understand why the clipboard in ubuntu has not been fixed yet. When i copy something from a program or window or whatever it goes to the clipboard-> good. But when i close the program or window....my copy is ALSO deleted from the clipboard...this is something which should have been fixed in alpha version 0.0.1.....but in ubuntu 11.04 it still exists. I am baffled!05:41
frankelybut i have tried that, and when i check the file doest no have it05:42
Captainkrtekbison, so video works now?05:42
frankelynon-extesion file, is the eclipse launcher05:42
SmiledonDiverdude, i agree with u. developer wants to develop eye candies than fixing  bugs05:42
Bane99oh i'm d/l 1105:42
bisoncaptainkrtek: i thinks so, im using it now, using live cd05:43
DiverdudeSmiledon, yes. it is a shame05:43
Captainkrtekbison, okay so did you install some updates recently in your real installation?05:43
nutsfornattyreally? wow i never knew copy worked that way.05:43
bisoncaptainkrtek: ya, a while ago05:43
bisoncaptainkrtek: but i can't remember what kind of update is that05:44
Captainkrtekbison, okay so we can presume that that is the issue, let's try to boot into safe graphics mode using the vesa driver05:44
bisoncaptainkrtek: how?05:44
Captainkrtekbison, hold on05:44
DiverdudeSmiledon, but what is there to do05:45
Smiledoni dunno. i just live with it lol05:45
bisoncaptainkrtek: tnx05:45
Captainkrtekbison, okay boot up and at grub highlight your installation and hit 'e'05:46
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bisoncaptainkrtek: i can't see anything05:46
mbrigdanlyle, Yay, I fixed it. Apparently the "Window Decorations" compiz plugin has disappeared somehow, and re-installing compiz plugins made it come back, so I just had to enable it. Thanks for the help05:46
lyleyeah, that'd do it05:46
Captainkrtekbison, before it boots to Ubuntu, at grub05:46
Smiledonsometimes i just opened gedit then paste and copy and paste again lol05:47
Captainkrtekbison, what size is your monitor by the way, looking up a code, *resolution size*05:47
AginorDiverdude: https://launchpad.net/glipper might be something for you then05:47
Captainkrtekbison, k05:47
Captainkrtekbison, you at the grub loader?05:48
bisoncaptainkrtek: i can't see the grub loader, all black05:48
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Captainkrtekbison, turn off the computer then turn it back on, before it boots up to Ubuntu it should go through your grub bootloader05:48
bisoncaptainkrtek: i already did that05:48
Captainkrtekbison, okay boot back up to the live cd05:49
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok booting05:49
DiverdudeAginor, it does not work in all programs05:51
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok im in, using live cd05:51
ChaorainI am having a problem where Nautilus is trying to open files instead of the correct program (.jpg, .deb, etc), can someone help me fix?05:51
needlezhey is there a way to have totem display the length of the current playing movie, in a script?? and if so how and how can i make the script get that in seconds and tell the computer to wait for the length of the movie in seconds05:51
Captainkrtekbison, navigate to your old hard drive, if not available mount it via disk utility05:51
AginorDiverdude: I can't say I've tried it myself :D05:52
erik__network not available,previously the wire network was working and i had problems with wireless.now neither is working05:52
needlezI have asked in #bash and they told me its not a bash issue05:52
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok05:52
Captainkrtekbison, in a terminal type05:52
bisoncaptainkrtek: mounted05:52
Captainkrtekopen a terminal and navigate to that hard drive05:52
Captainkrtekthen: gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:52
chelzanyone know how to add/remove ufw/gufw rules for *only* ipv4 or ipv6, not both?05:53
Captainkrtekbison, actually once on that disk do gedit boot/grub/menu.lst05:53
Captainkrteknot /boot05:53
bazhangthats not around anymore05:54
bazhangie menu.lst05:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:54
zenocongnome-panel dies a lot if you mess with compiz plugin settings05:54
Captainkrtekbazhang, oh05:54
erik__is there a "windows restore"equivalent in ubuntu 10.10?05:54
bazhangerik__, as in a restore point?05:55
erik__bazhang: yes05:55
Captainkrtekbazhang, I haven't messed with grub in a while, didn't know that changed05:55
bazhangerik__, got backups ? a separate home partition? you could create one as well05:55
erik__bazhang: what is the commanf please?05:56
Captainkrtekbison, guess that won't work05:56
bazhangerik__, its not a single command, you need to use an app to create one05:56
erik__bazhang: is it active by default?05:56
bisoncaptainkrtek: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$05:57
buntuWhile trying to download ubuntu, the little load-balancer thing sent me to http://linuxfreedom.com/ubuntu-releases//natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso05:57
buntuthat mirror needs to be removed05:57
Captainkrtekbison, Im not sure what the issue is here, it's odd how you don't have the grub boot screen05:57
Captainkrtekbuntu, go to #ubuntu-mirrors ?05:57
buntuCaptainkrtek: that's not the point; the mirror needs to be removed from the pool05:58
bisoncaptainkrtek: menu.lst is empty05:58
Captainkrtekbuntu, they will be better able to help05:58
Captainkrtekbison, I know, my mistake05:58
buntuCaptainkrtek: ahh, misread; roger05:58
Captainkrtekbison, im just confused as to why you don't have even your grub menu displayed on boot05:59
bisoncaptainkrtek: :(06:00
Captainkrtekbison, can you still access /home on your old hard drive?06:01
Captainkrtekbison, I suggest making a backup06:01
bisoncaptainkrtek: how do i fix a boot loader06:01
Captainkrtekbison, you can use this *let me find the link06:02
atlef!grub | bison06:02
ubottubison: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)06:02
CaptainkrtekI haven't messed with grub in a long time06:02
Captainkrtekso it's not my area of expertise06:03
chaospsyXhow can i install firefox 4 on 10.10 ?06:03
CaptainkrtekchaospsyX, check the ubuntu software center06:03
bisoncaptainkrtek: im using 1 OS, no windows, just ubuntu06:03
intokUsing 10.10 PPC port, need to know anything at all about the gnome implimentation of 11.04 before I try and upgrade, since the PPC port is unofficial there is no livecd to teston06:03
intokno, I currently don't have any other machine, no I can't youtube06:04
Captainkrtekbison, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub06:04
Captainkrtekbison, sure you didn't do anything else to cause this issue?06:04
atlefchaospsyX, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/install-firefox-4-in-ubuntu-1004-1010.html06:05
FHtraini'm on wubi and cant boot. i managed to open grub.cfg with livecd and i'm supposed to06:05
bisoncaptainkrtek: hmmm. just reboot the pc after the update06:05
Captainkrtekbison, just the update?06:05
FHtraini'm on wubi and cant boot. i managed to open grub.cfg with livecd and i'm supposed to edit it but i dont know what to type in there can anyone help?06:05
yigalFHtrain: install full ubuntu and then we'll talk, jk06:06
CaptainkrtekFHtrain, please refrain from asking the question multiple times in a short time frame, people will help you when they can06:06
bisoncaptainkrtek: ya, im just surfing the net while updating06:06
mithranhi all, in sun virtualbox is the (save machine state == hibernate)?06:06
Captainkrtekbison, odd, let me look into this more06:06
Captainkrtekmithran, in a sense, it saves all your current memory to disk06:06
Captainkrtek^ which hibernate does06:07
bisoncaptainkrtek: thanks06:07
FHtrainCaptainkrtek, i didnt complete the question the first time, i accidentally pressed enter, so i completed the question06:07
CaptainkrtekFHtrain, okay06:07
mfilipehello guys! I'm using linux-image with generic-pae but I want compile the same kernel with a patch applied. I installed linux-source-2.6.38, copied config-2.6.38-8-generic-pae to .config in linux-source dir and compiled with kernel-package. My problem is that I get kernel panic without patch applied. Anyone knows what is wrong?06:08
Captainkrtekmfilipe, maybe try #ubuntu-devel06:08
CoolCoderI lost my font for firefox after updating ubuntu to Natty Narwhal. Skype not working properly. any help in fonts for firefox?06:08
bisoncaptainkrtek: do want to see my grub.cfg?06:08
FHtrainFHtrain, seriously i think thats what i should have done06:08
Captainkrtekbison, sure06:08
mfilipeCaptainkrtek, thanks! :)06:09
Captainkrtekmfilipe, no problem06:09
FHtrainlol talking to myself...i meant yigal06:09
bisoncaptainkrtek: paste bin?06:09
Captainkrtekbison, that works as well06:09
CoolCoderIs there anyway to go back to previous version from Natty Narwhal to 10.x?06:09
bisoncaptainkrtek: whats the site?06:09
Or1on1I'm getting kernel panic on 11.04 64bit after login on ubuntu... does anyone have this problem?06:10
Captainkrtekbison, just use paste.ubuntu.com06:10
FHtraini didnt find out about the problem with wubi until after lol06:10
CaptainkrtekOr1on1, what is the kernel panic, IE what is it spitting out06:10
Or1on1Captainkrtek, there is nothing on the logs. its a total freezup with the keyboard light blinking...06:11
crlcan81I'm having odd issues with flash embedded video/audio players, outside of youtube. Though part of those are using html5 so don't know if any of the ones I've watched WERE using flash player.06:11
CaptainkrtekOr1on1, what'd you do prior to this?06:11
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bisoncaptainkrtek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60310706:12
Or1on1Captainkrtek, I can log in using ubuntu safe mode option. I just upgraded, this happened at the first login.06:12
Captainkrtekhello Guest2264606:12
elijahIs there a GUI way to unmount a device (not a partition)? If not what is the command to unmount a device?06:12
CaptainkrtekOr1on1, Ill try to help you in a second, hold on06:12
Or1on1Captainkrtek, thanks! :)06:12
Captainkrtekbison, let me edit it for you06:13
crlcan81On sites like beemp3 and crooksandliars, when using their players I have the player's components disappear and all I see is the player background, as well as some of the video if I open up any controls over it. Sometimes that happens on videos directly, spots that are blocky showing the background, instead of a low quality pixel o the image.06:14
halehi. i want to emty my file. i use echo "" >> myfile but whis this: i see a empty line in it. i want to delete enter in my file. plz help me.06:15
Captainkrtekbison, try this: http://pastebin.com/g0FcNV9K make a backup of your old one06:15
Captainkrtekhale, dd if=/dev/null of=/location/to/my/file06:15
anadonhey, I don't know what happened, but my win7 partition won't boot, but when I updated grub's conf file, it still didn't work.06:16
Captainkrtekhale, oh just use rm myfile06:16
haleCaptainkrtek: ok. tnx06:16
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok.06:16
Captainkrtekhale, np06:16
haleCaptainkrtek: no. i dont want to rm in. i want to empty it.06:16
Captainkrtekhale, okay then use06:16
Captainkrtekhale, dd if=/dev/null of=/location/to/my/file06:16
purveshmy top bar had been gone after applying unity in ccsm so it means i cant control windows even cant move some where + alt and Tab not working in ubuntu 11.0406:16
gueriLLaPunKi have a phemon II x4 945 cpu. do i insdtall the amd64 version of ubuntu?06:16
CaptainkrtekgueriLLaPunK, how much ram do you have06:17
CaptainkrtekgueriLLaPunK, yes06:17
gueriLLaPunKok ty06:17
anadonhey, I don't know what happened, but my win7 partition won't boot, but when I updated grub's conf file, it still didn't work.06:17
gueriLLaPunKI asked bvecause it syas this:06:17
gueriLLaPunKChoose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon, Core 2). If you have a non-64-bit processor made by AMD, or if you need full support for 32-bit code, use the Intel x86 images instead.06:17
Jordan_Uanadon: What happens when you try to boot?06:17
CaptainkrtekgueriLLaPunK, yeah you're good to go06:17
gueriLLaPunKok excellent. thanks again06:17
Captainkrteknp :-)06:18
anadonit throws  some lines of error messages, then says there is no partition06:18
anadonbut I can see it and access it06:18
anadonand I didn't play with partitions at all06:18
Captainkrtekanadon, find out what partition it is on, boot into ubuntu, and go to disk utility06:18
Captainkrtekanadon, what'd cause it not to boot in the first place?06:19
anadonI don't know06:20
anadonit just didn't do it06:20
Captainkrtekanadon, well if it worked and then didn't then something must be up06:20
haleCaptainkrtek: sorry. after dd if=/dev/null of=/var/log/squid/top-urls-7days.log: i have a blank line still.06:20
anadonlast time I tried 7 last week, it worked without a hitch06:20
Captainkrtekhale, Im not sure what you want to do06:20
Captainkrtekanadon, then... *poof* ?06:20
anadonyeah, that's what it looks like to me at my end...alas06:21
Captainkrtekhale, to empty all content of the file dd it, to remove it, rm it06:21
halei want to have empty file.06:21
Captainkrtekhale, that is empty as it gets06:21
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Captainkrtekbison, that fix anything?06:23
bisoncaptainkrtek: wait06:24
bisoncaptainkrtek: should i copy this to usb?06:24
Captainkrtekbison, what?06:24
bisoncaptainkrtek: how do ni save this06:24
CoolCoderIs there anyway to go back to previous version from Natty Narwhal to 10.x?06:25
Captainkrtekbison, that new file, replace the contents of your cfg with it, but make a backup of your old one06:25
Captainkrtekcp file.cfg file.cfg.backp06:25
Captainkrtekcp file.cfg file.cfg.backup06:25
bisoncaptainkrtek: so ill just copy and paste06:26
Captainkrtekbut make a backup first06:26
jamescarrWhere would be an appropriate location to create a directory for application data that all users can read and write to?06:27
intokCoolCoder what for?06:27
CaptainkrtekJamescarr locally?06:27
Captainkrtekor a network share06:28
jamescarrCaptainkrtek, locally... any user logged into the machine, the application should use that same dir for caching :)06:28
O-ngaWeze`Ola bruederz06:28
O-ngaWeze`ikonia bruder && Pici bruder06:28
Captainkrtekhello O-ngaWeze`06:28
jamescarrThe way it is is that when a user does something it might download 40MB or so of data to the cache, I'd prefer to share it vs. making each user do that download again06:29
anadonhey, I don't know what happened, but my win7 partition won't boot, but when I updated grub's conf file, it still didn't work.06:29
O-ngaWeze`Captainkrtek bro hello06:29
Captainkrtekhello bro :P06:29
jamescarrbecause the apps default is .appname/cache (which can be configured to elsewhre)06:29
anadonsays it can't find a symbol, then partion, then disk doesn't exist06:29
jamescarrI'll put it /usr/local/share I guess06:29
Captainkrtekanadon, don't use windows, problem solved ;-)06:29
leojayhi, how to map win+L to lock screen? the shortcut seems doesn't work for ubuntu 11.04, but it worked for 10.1006:29
O-ngaWeze`One more mug of beer?06:30
bisoncaptainkrtek: how to edit?06:30
Captainkrtekleojay, hold on06:30
bisoncaptainkrtek: how to edit or just replace the file06:30
O-ngaWeze`windows? wtfm windows?06:30
Captainkrtekleojay, System --> preferences --> keyboard shortcuts06:30
anadonI'm sorry, but podcasts of a crazy guy I'm researching work only in windows06:30
xendrasguys, its showing installer crashed when i install ubuntu 11.04, any idea how to solve it?06:30
Captainkrtekbison, nano or gedit06:30
leojayyes, I tried. but it doesn't work.06:30
Captainkrtekanadon, hehe06:30
bisoncaptainkrtek: terminal window?06:31
Captainkrtekleojay, it won't let you map it? is it already taken06:31
leojayit worked in 10.10, but not 11.0406:31
anadon.mp3's don't work, and I can't even get to the damned things!06:31
Captainkrtekbison, yes or right click06:31
Captainkrtekanadon, vlc-player06:31
=== ubunub is now known as DaGeek247
anadonstill can't get to them--itunes06:31
Captainkrtekleojay, odd sorry I can't help much further06:31
Captainkrtekanadon, ewwwww itunes06:31
Captainkrtekanadon, surely the person has a website?06:31
leojayI can map it in "Keyboard shortcuts" dialog, but it just doesn't work.06:31
anadonyeah..been there...it's a bitch!06:31
bisoncaptainkrtek: i can't edit the file huhuhu06:32
Captainkrtekleojay, odd06:32
Captainkrtekbison, blah, let me just finish some work real quick06:32
anadonthey do, but it's non-standard and touched up for ie806:32
Captainkrtekanadon, ahhh ie8, im cringing06:32
Captainkrtekand I live outside Redmond06:32
anadonYeah!  The guy's really messed up with EVERYTHING06:32
Captainkrtekanadon, so he is crazy ;-)06:33
anadonhe lives in one of the safest cities in the WORLD and has body guards go with him everywhere06:33
anadonnot kidding06:33
Captainkrtekanadon, what's his name?06:33
anadongoing to try to push him off the deep end06:33
anadonMark Barclay06:33
Captainkrtekanadon, interesting...06:34
bisoncaptainkrtek: read-only :)06:34
DaGeek247its purple!06:34
O-ngaWeze`Searching new target... New terget accepted: Redmond Drop the atomic bomb now! 5.. 4.. 3... 2... 1... 0... Start!06:34
Captainkrtekbison, blah /me jumps off a cliff06:34
O-ngaWeze`Pigkilling party06:35
CaptainkrtekO-ngaWeze`, oh no! hehe I live in Seattle06:35
DaGeek247who here lys Alien Arena?06:35
O-ngaWeze`Seattle is clearly06:35
Captainkrtekhello websiteguy anything we can help with?06:36
anadonwell, any idea how to get it to work-win7 or hacks?  Need research material06:36
salaahi installed kubuntu-desktop, and tried to enable antialiasing, fonts are now messed up in chrome, and firefox. can anone help please06:36
CaptainkrtekO-ngaWeze`, ?06:36
O-ngaWeze`todays will bbeginning the "windowsless" new age:D06:36
bisonwhat is the coomand in overwriting a file06:36
CaptainkrtekO-ngaWeze`, haha06:36
Captainkrtekbison, don't06:37
mnouh_anyone know how to install clang on Natty?06:37
websiteguyhey can anyone help me with a ubuntu vps06:37
Captainkrtekwebsiteguy, I'd be glad to :-)06:37
websiteguythanks man06:37
bisoncaptainkrtek: how can i edit the file, its a read only06:37
salaahi'd like help with fonts please06:37
Captainkrtekbison, well I honestly dont mess with grub much, I'd hate to futz it up more06:37
Captainkrteksalaah, if people can help you they will06:38
websiteguyi'm trying to buy one and one of the things it asks is Hostname:,NS1 Prefix:,NS2 Prefix:06:38
websiteguywhat do i write there06:38
Captainkrtekwebsiteguy, ahh06:38
salaahCaptainkrtek: k06:38
anadonyou can't directly access those servers...which is ass backwards06:38
anadontried it06:38
Captainkrtekwebsiteguy, can you take a screenshot of the fields it wants you to input just so we can be on the same page06:38
Captainkrtekwebsiteguy, PM them to me06:39
websiteguy^ on that page it asks me06:39
=== zack is now known as buhman
bisoncaptainkrtek: how can i change the grub .cfg06:39
O-ngaWeze`captainkrtek I am Ongavezir Da Holyness, favour of Allah:)06:39
buhmanI have just installed ubuntu after playing with the livecd for a bit06:39
anadonbison: try running update-grub06:39
Captainkrtekthanks anadon for helping him, grub isnt my speciality06:40
O-ngaWeze`my old goodfriend ikonia bro && Pici bro :D06:40
buhmanAll the sudden it feels like I have no 2d/3d acceleration and overall performance seems much reduced06:40
anadonbison: also, make sure you have grub 206:40
buhmanI think I was actually booting from the external harddrive than from the installed systemd06:40
anadonbison: should take care of it if you regularly update your system06:40
CaptainkrtekO-ngaWeze`, well nice to meet you :-)06:40
Captainkrtekwebsiteguy, can you /query Captainkrtek06:41
ActionParsnipbuhman: what video chip do you use?06:41
buhmanActionParsnip: Radeon HD425006:41
buhmanActionParsnip: radeon appeared to be running upon installation06:41
buhmanthen ubuntu suggested I install fglrx06:41
anadonbison: research super gurb disk--burn it and you'll be set until grub 3 comes out06:41
buhmansince radeon performance was terrible (which is unusual for this card), I thought, meh, I guess...06:42
O-ngaWeze`You're welcome Captainkrtek bro:)06:42
buhmanI think performance has gone down slightly after installing fglrx06:42
O-ngaWeze`ActionParnsnip bro gotta mornin'!06:42
anadoncaptainkrtek, websiteguy, were you two helping me?  I got lost.06:42
buhmanI was running debian wheezy beautifully before this (other than growing problems with borked packaging)06:42
O-ngaWeze`I hate da drupal:D06:42
Captainkrtekanadon, no what was your issue sorry?06:42
crlcan81Found out the issue I was having is a firefox problem, not sure if it is flash itself, or simply certain sites since the 11.04 upgrade.06:42
anadoncrazy guy research, need windows or a hack06:43
ActionParsnipbuhman: if you use the hardware driver app you can see if the drivers are installed. If you have the unity bar then you have 3D acceleration06:43
buhmanActionParsnip: well I do... but I fear there's no 2d acceleration06:43
buhmanActionParsnip: lspci -k tells me fglrx is loaded, and glxinfo tells me I have direct rendering and that my vendor string is ATI...06:44
buhmanActionParsnip: this is quite unusual06:44
buhmanActionParsnip: but I swear that video performance is terrible06:44
ActionParsnipBuhman: also make sure you have full updates: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade06:44
buhmanActionParsnip: I had 2d acceleration on the livecd06:45
ActionParsnipBuhman: try a reboot, it's cliche enough to work06:45
buhmanActionParsnip: surprisingly, there's a bunch of new packages... all perl related it appears.. and one for apt06:46
anadonNeed to get win7 to boot!  Symbols missing, partitian "doesn't exist", disk "doesn't exist".  After "update-grub" still didn't work06:46
gsbhi, are applets gone in Natty?06:46
bisoncaptainkrtek: it didnt work, i saw a glimpse of the spash screen then gone, blank screen with light flshing of the screen06:46
Captainkrtekbison, press escape06:47
bisoncaptainkrtek: nothing06:47
ActionParsnipGsb: log in to gnome classic and they should be fine06:47
Captainkrtekbison, when it splashes06:47
gsbActionParsnip, no in Unity interface06:47
buhmanActionParsnip: is universe and metaverse not enabled during installation I gather?06:48
ActionParsnipBison: what video chip do you have and is ita06:48
ActionParsnipIt an upgrade or clean install?06:48
buhmanActionParsnip: clean install; haven't even gotten a chance to mount my real /home06:49
buhmanActionParsnip: anyway, I'll try rebooting I guess06:49
jack123whats the fuss all about06:49
bisoncaptainkrtek: waahhhh hehehe06:49
ActionParsnipBuhmam: not sure to be honest06:49
bisoncaptainkrtek: nvidea06:49
Captainkrtekbison, blah not sure what I can do for ya man06:50
ActionParsnipGsb: to my knowledge no. I've seen loads in here asking but I don't use them so cannot say for sure06:50
bisoncaptainkrtek: can i replace my boot loader06:51
Captainkrtekbison, fix grub06:51
bisoncaptainkrtek: when im using the live cd, its working06:51
ActionParsnipBison: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=106:51
O-ngaWeze`Our companies will kick Bible' size knock against the hell of drupal! The Holy Djihad starting again!06:51
gsbActionParsnip, oh, i am gonna miss 'Wanda'06:51
zackActionParsnip: hmm, it does seem a tad peppier, but I'm getting horizontal tearing when I move windows around as if 2d acceleration is still not really working06:52
ActionParsnipO-ngaWeze`: do you have a support question?06:52
CaptainkrtekActionParsnip, he can't even see the grub boot screen06:52
zackActionParsnip: is it possible to turn off compositing?06:52
O-ngaWeze`ActionParnsnip bro: I am Da Support, Da Way, Da Light!06:53
ActionParsnipCaptainkrtek: hold SHIFT at boot06:53
zackActionParsnip: speaking of that, I don't like the little left-hand osx-esq launcher thing; can I have my gnome taskbar back? :P06:53
CaptainkrtekActionParsnip, bison "hold SHIFT at boot"06:53
jack123my internet connection is not working in ubuntu but in live cd its working06:53
ActionParsnipZack: presz ALT+F2 and run: metacity --replace06:53
zackActionParsnip: the 2d acceleration feels nicer now, but there's no taskbars06:54
bisoncaptainkrtek: no luck06:55
Captainkrtekbison, odd06:55
Or1on1Captainkrtek, i think i found a clue for the freezup! :o)))) i think its one of the startup applets/applications06:55
zackActionParsnip: in fact, if I were'nt in a terminal right now I'd probably be in a slight amount of trouble (at least probably forcing me to restart x)06:55
ActionParsnipZack: if you dislike unity (mac has the bar on the bottom, not left). Simply log off and select Gnome Classic as the session06:55
pindropperim reading this book "beginning linux programming" and it mentions the use  of the "dot" command. which makes commands in the shell execute directly in the shell process, and not in a sub process. i tried using it and i keep getting a "cannot execute binary fil" response. i tried doing ". ps" and ". /bin/ps" what am i missing?06:55
CaptainkrtekOr1on1, ahhhh most likely06:56
zackActionParsnip: ok06:56
bisoncaptainkrtek: yes!!! i can now see the grub loader hehehe06:57
leojayhi, how to map win+L to lock screen? the shortcut seems doesn't work for ubuntu 11.04, but it worked for 10.1006:57
mufasiscan someone help me real quick, how do i know if i installed raid correctly and its working?06:57
bisoncaptainkrtek: but too many options06:57
pindropperleojay: try shortcuts in preferences06:58
Captainkrtekbison, okay06:58
Captainkrtekbison, highlight your kernel06:58
ActionParsnipJack123: boot livecd and run: sudo lshw -C network    to see the driver name. Back in the installed OS run: sudo modprobe -r modulename; sleep 2; sudo modprobe modulename     may help06:58
bisoncaptainkrtek: 2.6.35-28-generic06:59
buhmanActionParsnip: much better06:59
Captainkrtekthen hit the e key06:59
bisoncaptainkrtek: 2.6.35-28-generic (recovery mode)06:59
Captainkrtekbison, no06:59
Captainkrtekthe non-recovery mode06:59
ActionParsnipPindropper: its:   ./command    note there are no spaces06:59
bisoncaptainkrtek: 2.6.35-22-generic (recovery mode)06:59
bisoncaptainkrtek: 2.6.35-22-generic07:00
Captainkrtekbison, just hit enter over the recovery mode07:00
pindropperActionParsnip:  no. thats not what i am trying to do. i know what you saying. but i think you misread my question07:00
chaospsyXwhere kind I find all the keyboard-shortcuts for ubuntu 10.10 ?07:00
bisoncaptainkrtek: black screen again\07:00
nit-witchaospsyX, ths is a older gconf method. http://ubuntuguide.net/assign-custom-keyboard-shortcuts-on-ubuntu07:01
pindroppermufasis: try typing raid and see what it says07:01
rob_ppindropper: Maybe you are referring to sourcing a file, like a script. example:  . /path/to/script07:02
nit-witmufasis, raid is not a common set up in linux07:02
Captainkrtekbison, okay get back to grub them07:02
chilleHello guys! I just switched my workstation from a Mac to a PC with Ubuntu 11.0407:02
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok07:02
mithranhi, does anybody know how to copy and paste text from host to a sunvirtual box vm?07:02
rob_ppindropper: You could also do, "source /path/to/script" and it would accomplish the same.07:02
chilleI have most stuff up and running, however i would need some help to find a few applications07:02
nit-witmufasis, you might find help it just may take a bit.;)07:02
chillefirst of all i want some kind of application to monitor cpu temp etc, any ideas?07:03
Captainkrtekchille, congrats!07:03
pindropperrob_p: would that make it run in the same process as the shell itself, rather than a sub process?07:03
nit-witchille, conky07:03
mithranwow are there actually any other answers?07:03
nit-wita smattering of applause for conky07:03
pindropperrob_p: and i thought i would work on the commands too. is it that it only works on scripts? like ". ./script"07:03
rob_ppindropper: I think so, yes.07:03
chilleconky.. okay..07:04
bisoncaptainkrtek: what will i choose now? recovery mode or the other version
nit-witconky uses the lowest system resources07:04
mithranhi, does anybody know how to copy and paste text from host to a sunvirtual box vm?07:04
Captainkrtekbison, hold on07:04
rob_ppindropper: No.  It's equivalent to sourcing.  You can't source a binary in that way.07:04
crowsnestHi. I am getting an error when trying to format a USB drive: Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot mount /dev/sdg1 at /tmp/job-mkfs-CuICaQ: No such file or directory07:04
crowsnestAfter this error the OS seems to disable the drive.07:04
nit-witcrowsnest, how are you formatting07:05
pindropperrob_p: ok. i know this might be a stupid question to ask. but why not07:05
crowsnestI'm using disk utility. Trying to format it to ext4.07:05
rob_ppindropper: Because it doesn't make sense!07:06
nit-witcrowsnest, I would use gparted it is easier, at least for me07:06
buhmanthis makes me slightly uncomfortable: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603119/ ; how might I re-enable root?07:06
Or1on1Captainkrtek, it was the cdemu deamon07:06
buhmanI want to have a more traditional su/sudo setup (closer to how debian is setup)07:06
CaptainkrtekOr1on1, ahh nice find :-)07:06
rob_ppindropper: I'm not sure why you want to attempt to source a binary file.07:06
pindropperrob_p: lol. clearly i need to read more and figure out what sourcing is. but thanks.07:06
geekoramaanyone having issues with evolution and rss feeds?07:07
buhmanThe idea that knowing the password of the restricted user allows you to elevate priveledges is a disgusting idea, I'm sorry07:07
rob_ppindropper: Think of it like a method of importing the code in some other file, into the currently executing script.07:07
rob_ppindropper: It's commonly done in other scripting languages like perl, php, etc.07:07
pindropperrob_p: aah! ok. now it makes sense.07:08
pindropperrob_p: so its like sharing the environment.07:08
chilleah, sweet, conky does the job perfect07:08
=== Trueman is now known as bubu
geekoramaany evolution users?07:08
pindropperrob_p: thus sharing scope. Am I right?07:09
buhmangeekorama: if you're asking about exchange or something like that, I can't help you :P07:09
nit-witchille, there are scripts all over the web to have it looking pretty cool07:09
Captainkrtekbison, okay07:09
geekoramabuhman: rss feeds, i am having issues getting em on evolution07:09
Captainkrtekbison, highlight the -generic on and hit the e key on your keyboard07:09
red2kicbuhman: Use Debian CUT? Heh.07:09
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok07:09
Captainkrtekbison, scroll down to kernel07:10
Captainkrtekthen hit e again07:10
rob_ppindropper: Sort of, yes. Think of multiple scripts utilizing a common data source or library.  Sourcing is perfect for that.07:10
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok, hold on07:10
pindropperrob_p: got it. thanks for clearing that up.07:10
buhmanred2kic: that looks interesting... I just abandoned a bogged down and semi-broken apt on wheezy07:10
rob_ppindropper: But yes, it's also commonly used to source a common environment file.07:10
rob_ppindropper: welcome :)07:10
red2kicbuhman: Why don't you stay on *squeeze*?07:11
bisoncaptainkrtek: im here07:11
=== bubu is now known as coon
geekoramaok guess  nope07:11
geekoramabye all, thank you07:11
Captainkrtekbison, k now at the end of the line, add: vga=77107:11
Captainkrtekleave a space between the last word and vga=77107:11
chilleokay next application on my wantlist list is some kind of password manager. is ther any one like keychain in os x?07:11
Captainkrtekchille, password manager07:11
geekoramachille: keypass07:12
chilleaha.. hmm..07:12
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bisoncaptainkrtek: after generic or after?07:12
Captainkrtekerr yeah07:12
Captainkrtekbison, huh? what does it say07:12
buhmanred2kic: well, I was trying to do things like installing python 2.7 system-wide, which wheezy is supposed to accomplish (eventually)07:13
buhmanbut it didn't work out well07:13
=== Evil_DuDe_ is now known as Evil_DuDe
xmazHey, i am just upgrading my ubuntu, and a screen come up saying: A new version of conf file /etc/defoult/grub is avaliable, but the verson installed has been modyfied: what you want do? KEEP CURRENT or change ? What is this grub file? Can i upgrade it? Does it effect any security issues if i dont upgrade it?07:13
bisoncaptainkrtek: last line says " initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-28-generic07:14
geekoramabye all07:14
Truemanyesterday tried compiz and unity crashed07:15
buhmanred2kic: so I played with the ubuntu livecd (hearing that this 11.04 was just released), and it had all the package versions I wanted (plus this PPA concept looks pretty cool, and I found myself stealing ubuntu packages frequently, which probably contributed to my package-management-meltdown)07:15
Truemangnome don't work too(07:15
red2kicbuhman: Heh. You bork the system when you have unmanaged packages.07:16
red2kicbuhman: That was the whole point of using debian, awesomestableness.07:16
buhmanred2kic: I know; it was great until I changed repositories and did the (surprisingly) fatal safe-upgrade07:16
Truemandoes anybody know how to control brightness in ubuntu 11.04?07:17
red2kicbuhman: The PPA concept is stupid in my opinion. If you really need python2.7 (and Ubuntu) without many stuffs. Go for minimal, maybe? Install barebone Gnome (Same effect you would with Debian Gnome Environment).07:17
buhmanTrueman: my hardware keys work, which is surprising considering acer-wmi is broken on all aspire one's07:17
devkorcvinceany issue's while updating 10.10 64 -> 11.04 64?07:17
bisoncaptainkrtek: last line says " initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-28-generic07:17
red2kic!info python07:17
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.7.1-0ubuntu5 (natty), package size 158 kB, installed size 760 kB07:17
red2kic!info python lucid07:18
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 144 kB, installed size 640 kB07:18
buhmanred2kic: I already switched to gnome with no effects and switched to clearlooks07:18
red2kicbuhman: You can live with lucid? (lts, 10.04, considered to be stable-ish as debian).07:18
Captainkrtekbison, scroll to kernel07:18
red2kicbuhman: 2.6.5 -- That bad?07:18
buhmanred2kic: might as well just use squeeze in that case07:18
=== Sverd_ is now known as Sverd
red2kicbuhman: What is squeeze's python version?07:19
TopGearI can't choose between Unity or Classic in 11.04... I only have that human-like image and the restart/poweroff button in the logon screen.07:19
buhmanred2kic: 2.607:19
bisoncaptainkrtek: ok07:19
bisoncaptainkrtek: then?07:19
LAcan!wlan | lacan07:20
ubottuLAcan, please see my private message07:20
red2kicbuhman: I see that. 2.6.6-1407:20
chillesweet, KeePassX does the job perfectly. however it would be awesome with better integrations with 3rd party applications, but i guess thats not possible? :o07:20
buhmanred2kic: I'm pretty ok with this, it at least looks somewhat like debian so far; I just don't like this concept of what a priveledges user is in ubuntu07:21
buhmanand want to re-enable something more traditional07:21
buhmansee, the live-cd worked how I wanted07:21
buhmanand now all the sudden it changes during install07:21
buhmanpretty deceptive I think...07:21
buhmanI got quite a few surprises thrown at me after installing actually07:22
red2kicbuhman: Heh. Maybe you can ask in #bash about that -- They could know the solution. I could be wrong -- but -- It is probably group permissions or etc. I'm not too versed with users/groups stuffs.07:22
red2kicbuhman: You can make it like Debian -- but you just have to find out. Pretty typical in linux. <_<07:23
Captainkrtekbison, hit e07:23
steve1I'm running 11.04 and the top (unity?) menubar periodically semi-locks up (the time gets stuck, and a part of some window somehow gets overlayed on it, but it's still responsive to clicks).  Is there a way to force Unity to redraw itself?07:23
buhmanred2kic: that was the plan; more stable than wheezy (at this point) and I could probably un-ubuntu-ifity it pretty easily... or so I thought07:23
bisoncaptainkrtek: how to save? ive already added vge=77107:24
Captainkrteknot vge07:24
red2kicbuhman: Maybe you can ask in #debian on how to upgrade a singular package, python -- for your reason.07:24
bison]sorry hehehe'07:24
Captainkrtekbison, press enter when done07:24
red2kicbuhman: Install wheezy deb? :o07:24
buhmanred2kic: I had wheezy...07:24
buhmanred2kic: the problem is you can't just go from 2.6 to 2.7 that easily...07:25
red2kicbuhman: Many other packages (and GUI stuffs) broke?07:25
vegadoes anyone know why natty's gdm does not remember the last logged in user? i just get "other" every time and have to press enter and type my username manually whereas in maverick it would prompt for the password right away07:25
buhmanlots of components depend on python and you need to solve lots of dependencies making an upgrade like that07:25
buhmanred2kic: I had it basically half-way done07:25
johwilhi guys I wonder : if there is a MODTracker for s3m?07:25
buhmannothing was broken; but apt was severely confused07:26
buhmanI tried to have aptitude make a automagic proposal for me: it included uninstalling gnome07:26
buhmanI think glibc was in there too in the list of packages to uninstall07:26
buhmanI thought "hmm, I'd better jump ship before this blows up in my face"07:27
red2kicbuhman: Meh. Ask in #debian -- or try using wheezy iso. The installation went crappy on me during upgrade (from stable to testing).07:27
johwilMaybe this isn't the best #channel to ask such questions....07:28
buhmanred2kic: if this doesn't work out; that's what I'll end up doing :)07:28
red2kicbuhman: :)07:28
buhmanred2kic: I do already miss not having the firefox branding :P07:29
red2kicbuhman: It's just a brand. A logo.07:29
buhmanred2kic: I know07:29
buhmanred2kic: I thought it was amusing "iceweasel"07:29
red2kicbuhman: I miss out not having latest chromium.07:29
buhmanI wonder if I can't switch that around too07:30
buhmanshouldn't be hard at all07:30
red2kicvega: Upgrading always go flaky in my opinion. Also, my other opinion? Natty isn't ready. Ho ho ho. :<07:31
bisoncaptainkrtek: my disk drives are being checked for errors07:31
Captainkrtekbison, :D07:31
bisoncaptainkrtek: but still, no luck it went to black screen again07:31
Captainkrtekbison, darn07:31
xmazHey, guys where can i change the login MOTD?07:32
Gloopie 07:32
red2kicxmaz: /etc/motd? (iirc).07:32
steve1I'm running 11.04 and the top unity menubar periodically semi-locks up (known bug http://preview.tinyurl.com/4xxbhm4).  Does anyone know a way to force Unity to redraw itself?07:33
chillewhat development environment should i take a look at? is Eclipse the most powerful choice for C/C++ and PHP?07:33
bisonwhat seems to be the problem,07:33
Truemani'm impressed by unity)07:35
bisoncaptainkrtek: after typing vga=771, wat is the command in saving?07:35
Captainkrtekbison, enter key07:35
bisoncaptainkrtek: then?07:36
buhmanred2kic: all the sudo was confusing me; I've set the root password...07:36
bisoncaptainkrtek: vga=771 is the last line07:36
Captainkrtekbison, boot to kernel07:36
red2kicbison: /boot/grub/grub.cfg (me think). There are no command to save. Just edit the file (and possibly) grub-update07:36
Captainkrtekred2kic, he doesnt have access to the os yet07:36
red2kicCaptainkrtek: Ah.07:36
dc5alachille, also have a look at Netbeans, less messy ;)07:37
ChaorainHey,  I'm using Burg and I wanted to remove a few boot entries (Ubuntu recovery and the like) Can someone help? Editing Burg.cfg did nothing07:37
buhmanred2kic: and #bash told me that that's not a bash question and that I should probably go back to #ubuntu :P07:37
chilledc5ala: okay07:37
red2kicbuhman: :o07:37
bisoncaptainkrtek: just a flashing screen, dark to light dark07:38
red2kicbuhman: More like users/groups question, I'd imagine. #linux (or was it ##linux) could be the good channel. #ubuntu is good channel too but I don't know if people will know the answer to that (at this time).07:38
Captainkrtekbison, im as confused as you're07:38
Captainkrtekbuhman, what is your question07:39
ajdonnisonbuhman, the default sudoers file sets those that are in the admin group as being able to use sudo, you can edit /etc/group and drop your user out of that group if that is the problem.07:39
buhmanajdonnison: that's the one; thanks07:39
soreaubuhman: What's the question?07:39
bisoncaptainkrtek: how about recovery mode07:39
Captainkrtekbison, try it07:39
buhmanstyle question: how do I remove the padding from the taskbar buttons in the top-right?07:40
aLeSDhi all07:41
aLeSDsomeone know how to don't run the gnome-panel in ubunut-classic ?07:42
soreauaLeSD: You don't want any panel at all?07:42
buhmanajdonnison: should I have to re-log in? now I'm not asked for a password at all when I sudo (rather than the expected behavior: being told that that's no allowed"07:42
ajdonnisonbuhman, yes, you need to re-login.07:43
buhmanajdonnison: I appreciate it07:43
ajdonnisonThe /etc/group file is only read at login.07:43
cretsiahhi ppls, is there away, to view a sata drive that is connected by a multiport adapter, filesystem type comes up as unkown07:44
dc5alaaLeSD, think you have to rename the binary of it, used that once when i tried fancy dock like panel07:44
jozefkcan I disable some of these effects in 11.04 with unity? all special desktop effects07:45
jozefkI can't find where to do that07:45
buhmanjozefk: see? nobody likes unity07:45
aLeSDsoreau: yes .. I am replacing everything with awn07:45
jozefki don't like it either07:45
jozefkbut I want to disable the effects07:46
dc5alajozefk, have a look at compiz-config-manager07:46
jozefkcan I?07:46
buhmanjozefk: I switched to gnome-classic07:46
aLeSDdc5ala: I wan't rename it .. I used to change the panel entry in gconf-edit ... but .. it doesn't work anymore ... (11.04)07:46
jozefkcan I start that from terminal?07:46
steve1buhman: I'm having a hellova time with it too.  I'm hoping it's just growing pains, but it just feels like alpha or beta software released too soon.07:46
buhmanjozefk: you can log out and then switch in gdm307:46
buhmansteve1: I think it's just it's a bad idea gone wrong, plain and simple07:46
soreauaLeSD:From your terminal: 'sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/gnome-panel; killall gnome-panel' and to undo it 'sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gnome-panel; gnome-panel & disown'07:47
dc5alaaLeSD, yes that's the one i tried once too (AWN), just renamed gnome-panel07:47
red2kicsteve1: Time-based releases -- It's the tradition. :)07:47
jozefkhow to start compiz config manager07:47
jozefkfrom terminal it does not work07:47
soreaujozefk: Run ccsm from your terminal07:47
soreau! work | jozefk07:48
ubottujozefk: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:48
red2kicsteve1: I imagine you will get updates to square out bugs, a month or two.07:48
jozefkccsm is not installed07:48
mithranwhere can i install an installation cd of ubuntu that does not come with the x server, (so that i can try to install it)?07:48
buhmanhow can I remove the padding from the taskbar icons in the top-right? (making it look like every other gnome environment I've experienced prior to now)07:48
jozefkwhere do I get those effects without compiz then?07:48
red2kic!minimal | mithran07:48
ubottumithran: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:48
sjejozefk: what effects?07:49
buhmanjozefk: aptitude install ccsm?07:49
dc5alajozefk, install compizconfig-settings-manager07:49
red2kicmithran: Although I have no idea if you can toggle on/off packages or it'll just install lot of packages at once. See alternative or server iso too07:49
jozefkI have compiz but can't do anything with it if I don't install first ccsm07:49
steve1buhman: how are you liking Gnome3?  that's the new one, right?07:49
jozefkthat sucks07:49
soreaujozefk: What is the problem with installing ccsm?07:50
buhmansteve1: umm, i think this is still 2.32 or something07:50
jozefkit should be already there07:50
buhmansteve1: roger that ^07:50
soreaujozefk: No, it shouldn't07:50
steve1buhman: oh, I thought you said you were on 3.  my bad. :)07:50
red2kicsteve1: I hate it. Added a launcher in fallback gnome mode. Can't delete it. I'm forced to nuke dconf fil.07:50
buhmansteve1: gdm307:50
dc5alajozefk, well that is a very advanced config program ;)07:50
buhmansteve1: the login manager thingy07:50
soreaujozefk: ccsm is technically a developer tool07:50
jozefkok I run it now07:51
glaciacan someone explain to me why i cant get an .exe to open in wine?07:51
buhmanglacia: what's the output?07:51
red2kicglacia: What is the software? Screensaver.exe ?07:51
buhmanglacia: my guess is that you might need to install vc runtimes07:51
soreauglacia: Perhaps you need to make it executable first?07:51
buhmansoreau: not neccessary with wine07:51
alphamalecan someone help me with running ubuntu live on a usb, i already have grub and puppy running on it07:52
jozefkif I disable Animations, Window Decoration and Fading Windows, I have no more icons in panel lol07:52
glaciaits a trainer for a game... basically editting roms07:52
jozefkI believe this will work better now07:52
jozefkbut without icons what will I do ? :))07:52
buhmanglacia: and what's the output when you do "wine game.exe"?07:52
soreaualphamale: just install ubuntu as you normally would but select manual partitioning and select the usb stick node from gparted07:53
alphamalei dont want to partition07:53
Targenhi.  i've got a question that might seem a bit silly, but i've been googling for a couple hours now and i can't find anything.07:53
glaciabuhman, i dont understand what you mean by output?07:53
alphamaleand where do i perform the install from07:53
Targenin gnome, how do i change the number of lines or otherwise alter the speed of mouse wheel scrolling?07:53
jozefkmaybe reboot and see what happens :) most probably it won't even start anymore :)07:53
crack888is re07:53
alphamalei can mount the ubuntu iso in puppy07:53
alphamalebut then what07:53
FHtrainhow do i copy xchat logs from broken wubi using livecd? the logs are in /.xchat2 and i can see the list on the terminal but i dont know how to access them07:53
jozefklet's see07:54
buhmanglacia: generally, when you run wine, it prints stuff to stdout07:54
mysteriousdarrenI just upgraded to 11.04 and installed Microsoft Office 2007 through wine and now I can not find where to start it07:54
buhmanglacia: and I'm asking when your application fails, what does wine say? Usually it will tell you more or less exactly what the problem is07:54
crack888china ???07:54
glaciawell when i tell wine to open it, it just sits there thinking and then stop07:54
glaciano pop ups or anything07:54
tripelbFHtrain, I dont think you can get to wubi at all unless you boot from it.07:55
red2kicbuhman: /etc/group thing worked?07:55
crack888my English is bad07:55
buhmanred2kic: brilliantly07:55
tripelbFHtrain, tell me if it's different.07:55
sjeFHtrain: I'm a bit confused by hat you mean, but cant you upload them to a file server?07:55
red2kicbuhman: Ahh. Now I'll try to remember that. :007:55
buhmanred2kic: there's still some other su configuration that incorrect07:55
sjeI think Wubi is a virtua machine, yes?07:55
buhmanred2kic: it asks for the user's password, not the root password07:55
red2kicbuhman: Compare /etc/group with ubuntu + debian, maybe?07:55
soreauglacia: Open a terminal, cd into the directory where the .exe is and run 'wine program.exe' and pastebin the output to paste.ubuntu.com and post the link here07:56
buhmanred2kic: I don't think that has anything to do with /etc/group07:56
jozefkafter reboot icons on panel are back but the top area in the window is gone :))07:56
tripelbcrack888 suggestion: prepare a whole sentence with your problem and what Ubuntu you are running and he basic information. We are not mind-readers.07:56
FHtraintripelb, i managed to access wubi with livecd but the problem is this dir starts with a period so i dont know how to access the files07:56
ajdonnisonbuhman, it doesn't.07:56
jozefkI can't minimize, maximize or anything07:56
sjeFHtrain: control H ?07:56
bisoncaptainkrtek: still no luck07:56
buhmanajdonnison: then what does?07:56
Captainkrtekbison, sorry :/07:56
soreau! ch | crack88807:57
ubottucrack888: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.07:57
alcaneso, yes, peeps are having issues with the 11.04 upgrade, but just want a little direction as the only searches I get r my own pastebins... ;/ http://pastebin.com/9qENxDgs07:57
FHtrainsje, i dont know how to upload them to file server07:57
tripelbreally. FHtrain if you are using GUI then go to view and choose see hidden files. If you are in terminal use ls -a07:57
ajdonnisonbuhman, su should ask for the root password, sudo asks for the user password, which are you using?07:57
alphamalesoreau: will that wipe my usb partition? i want to keep the data on it07:57
buhmanajdonnison: that was my main concern to begin with, actually, not so much that the user was in sudoers07:57
buhmanajdonnison: yes07:57
jozefkok window decoration effect must be on07:57
jozefkwe are forced to use some effects07:57
ajdonnisonbuhman, yes is not a valid answer to my question.07:57
soreaualphamale: When you select manual partitioning, it should show the partitions already on it07:57
glacia.... nvm im just going to reload windows tomorrow... i am too stupid for linux07:57
buhmanajdonnison: sudo asks for the user password; not the root password (not the same thing as su)07:58
FHtraintripelb, thanks i'll try it out07:58
alphamaleyes, but does ubuntu need its own partition07:58
alphamalei want to run it as a live usb07:58
sjeglacia: nonsense....my dad is too stupid for windows, but smart enough for linux07:58
soreaualphamale: So create one07:58
jozefkstill without animation everything is much faster07:58
tripelbOK I want to copy a DVD complete to disk. what do you recommend I do.07:58
jozefkand fading things07:58
elvianI tried installing 11.04 with Wubi on my Toshiba satellite but all I get when I reboot is a blank screen after choosing Ubuntu in Grub. Where can I get some help regarding this issue?07:58
buhmanalphamale: not neccesarily07:58
alphamaleok i could do that but i have grub already on it07:58
tripelbFHtrain, use my nick when you come back and I'll notice that in the room.07:58
Heron_Markedglacia, you may think that, but I don't think so.  Grab a Linux For Dummies Book from the Library or Bookstore.  After a bit of reading I think you'll get a really rapid hag of it.07:58
alphamalei just want to select booting into ubuntu instead of puppy07:58
ajdonnisonbuhman, so do you still have a problem? Or need clarification?07:58
buhmanajdonnison: both07:59
glaciaheron, i have ubuntu unleashed 10.04 and 10.1007:59
buhmanajdonnison: the problem is that (even though the user isn't in sudoers right now), that sudo asks for his password07:59
buhmanand no the root password like I'd expect07:59
soreau! ask | buhman07:59
ubottubuhman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:59
alphamalecan i just modify the grub menu entry that comes with ubuntu, add it to my menu.lst?07:59
FHtrainlol tripelb thats a weird idea07:59
buhmansoreau: how is that not a straightforward question?07:59
alphamaleand then put ubuntu in its own directory07:59
soreaubuhman: I still have yet to see you ask your full initial question08:00
red2kicsoreau: Ubuntu's sudo/su does not behave same as Debian's sudo/su.08:00
alcaneWARNING: Couldn't find symtab and strtab in module /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia-current.ko08:00
elviananybody have an idea about my problem?08:00
bisoncaptainkrtek: what is "-bash: /etc/profile: permission denied"08:00
red2kicsoreau: He wish to have Debian's sudo/su.08:00
ajdonnisonbuhman, I think you are confusing su and sudo.  They do different things.  sudo only ever asks for the user password (unless configured not to), su only ever asks for the target user's password.08:00
soreaured2kic: So tell him to use debian?08:01
red2kicbuhman: If you have Ubuntu + Debian side-by-side, you could compare /etc/pam.d/su -- Hopefully that matter. :\08:01
tripelbFHtrain, it's a wierd idea to tell me that it worked? or that the chat room tag turns blue when my nick is used?08:01
jozefkthanks for help anyway08:01
red2kicsoreau: He want to use python2.7 .08:01
alphamalei just want a small debian that works well with python08:01
faryshtaIs there any good tutorial for wifi cracking?08:01
A[D]minS!Gnome 308:02
FHtrainFHtrain, i mean i thought it was weird idea for me to use your nick08:02
buhmanred2kic: that wasn't neccessarily the problem: it was me borking the package manager08:02
soreaufaryshta: aircrack-ng.org08:02
red2kicsoreau: Debian --> 2.6.6. He may use debian if this thing does not pan out for buhman.08:02
* alcane steps away for nourishment08:02
buhmanred2kic: which was 100% my fault08:02
red2kicbuhman: How did you bork package manager? By trying python2.7?08:02
buhmanred2kic: among many other things, yes08:03
buhmanred2kic: another problem was moving from openoffice to libreoffice08:03
FHtraintripelb, but i thought 2 people cant use same nick?08:03
=== lance is now known as Guest94171
buhmanred2kic: that caused more problems than you'd expect08:03
boomboorumHi, is there any alternative to Gwibber?08:03
red2kicbuhman: Heh. I wanted libreoffice. Just try wheezy iso and let me know how it goes.08:03
faLUCEhi. how can I encrypt a samba share?08:04
red2kicbuhman: Also, I think you could have put python2.7 in /opt/ -- and use it when you need it. (what do you need it for?)08:04
buhmanred2kic: for whatever reason, openoffice could not be uninstalled while gnome was installed08:04
nutsfornattyboomboorum: yes, pidgin for starters08:04
FHtraintripelb, anyway thanks for telling me about showing hidden files, i didnt think of that, it worked08:04
buhmanred2kic: (I think it was a specific component.. email or something...)08:04
Igor_Elezhi, i need help, i mistakenly uninstalled Network Manager, now i cant connect to internet, how can I get it back??? ANYONE? (using Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix)08:04
bisonany idea why my boot loader is broken08:04
red2kicbuhman: gnome is metapackage. You can remove it. It'll whine -- but you can remove it.08:04
boomboorumnutsfornatty: I have pidgin, but I need a client which will combine twitter, facebook and buzz08:04
buhmanred2kic: it wasn't "gnome" it was specific components; I'm aware of this :)08:04
sjeIgor_Elez: do you have a flash drive?08:05
red2kicbuhman: :D08:05
buhmanred2kic: as I recall, it was like gnome-workspace among others08:05
elvianguys, where can I get help with Wubi?08:05
buhmanhow does wubi work, anyway?08:05
bisoni did an update and after reboot, my system is not working anymore08:05
=== david is now known as Guest1380
red2kicbuhman: It install Ubuntu OS as a Windows program.08:05
buhmanis it just an embedded version of qemu?08:05
Igor_Elezsje yes, i am on the other PC, i have a flash drive ready08:05
Stormshadowhello all...08:05
buhmanred2kic: that's *what* it does, not *how* it does it :)08:05
sjeIgor_Elez: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/NetworkManager/0.8/08:06
sjedownload and install08:06
alphamaleif someone wants to pm me that's fine it's too confusing here08:06
Igor_Elezsje THANKS08:06
FHtrainbuhman i did the same thing, i learned after that i'm not supposed to update after installing wubi08:06
g0r33kHi everyone, I recently bought a microphone for my pc from ebay and have connected it to my computer using the microphone and speaker jack. The speakers work fine but the microphone does not wont. Any ideas?08:06
bisoni did an update and after reboot, my system is not working anymore, i can see a glimps of the flash screen and it went black with a flickering scree, dark to light dark08:06
buhmanFHtrain: why?08:06
glaciai think i am still going to reload windows and just dual boot until i get a full hang of ubuntu08:06
Stormshadowim using xscreensaver and passwords containing the £ character cannot be used - i.e. unlocking fails. Any ideas?08:07
buhmanFHtrain: isn't it just being virtualized?08:07
faryshtaIs there any good tutorial for wifi cracking?08:07
buhmanFHtrain: I don't see how that would cause problems with the package management08:07
FHtrainbuhman, from what i read, updating ubuntu on wubi can cause booting problems08:07
nutsfornattyubuntu 11.04 is there a way to change the wallpaper of the login screen? thanks08:07
selig5g0r33k: Get a microphone preamp.08:08
FHtrainbuhman i'm now copying everything from the disc because i havent been able to fix the problem like other people08:08
FHtrainbuhman, i cant boot into windows or ubuntu because of it08:08
Igor_Elezsje private :)08:08
g0r33kselig5: is that the only way?08:08
red2kicbuhman: It install grub on MBR. Grub point to a compressed ISO somewhere on C:\ -- So Ubuntu on NTFS filesystem.08:08
selig5That's my guess.08:09
red2kicbuhman: If NTFS filesystem is garbage, Ubuntu's experience will be garbage, just same as Windows.08:09
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
faryshtawhich command should I use to resume a download in shell? Currently trying with wget.08:10
grobehi guys , , anyone know how to set IP address in natty ? cause my IP address usually change if I disconnect and connect agaain, any idea ?08:10
buhmanred2kic: and somehow it's a windows "application"?08:11
tripelbFHtrain, yw08:11
buhmanred2kic: that doesn't make sense; and it you can't flexibly install packages or do a distribution upgrade?08:11
red2kicbuhman: Yeah. It is treated that way.08:11
buhmanred2kic: how?08:11
red2kicbuhman: Ask in #debian about python2.7 (ask about backports)08:11
tripelbFHtrain, I see your confusion. I meant you use my nick in the line and it turns it red. Like you have been doing. nothing special. Good to have all this cleared up. Now I have to find a DVD copying program.08:12
faryshtawhich command should I use to resume a download in shell? Currently trying with wget.08:13
grobeanyone can help me please about my problem?08:13
FHtraintripelb, oh ok you meant for me to just type your nick. i thought you were telling me to use your nick lol08:13
mysteriousdarrengrobe: set a static ip?08:14
larsemilanything to do when the unitypar does not want to minimize?08:14
faryshtagrobe, gnome or kde?08:14
buhmantripelb: transcode works pretty well08:14
tripelbbuhman, I'll look.08:15
grobemysteriousdarren: yeah, how to set it in my ubuntu natty ?08:15
FHtraini learned my lesson i'm not going to try wubi again08:15
tripelbplease remind me, what's the command to get all my specs. 10.0408:15
buhmantripelb: hwinfo?08:15
bisoni did an update and after reboot, my system is not working anymore, i can see a glimps of the flash screen and it went black with a flickering scree, dark to light dark08:15
buhmantripelb: for other's "uptime" :P08:16
bhaskaranyone can tell me how to configure vsftpd configuration file. i tried so many combinations but i still can't find the solution for my ftp server08:16
helpnot funny08:16
=== help is now known as Guest66097
Guest66097ur point08:16
Guest66097listen up noobs08:17
Guest66097i need some help08:17
tripelbbuhman, I'm installing it but there's something I had. It wasnt uptime... It gave me a long long list of every everything and I'd rather have a short one.08:17
Guest66097i got this far with a cord08:17
Guest66097thats talent08:17
Guest66097someone help08:17
buhmantripelb: I was being facetious with "uptime" :P08:17
Guest66097dont care last night and ill ghost all involved08:18
tripelb!ask | Guest6609708:18
ubottuGuest66097: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:18
red2kictripelb: hardinfo is a nice GUI tool.08:18
buhmantripelb: how about hwinfo --short?08:18
Captainkrtekgoodnight everyone08:18
faryshtawhich command should I use to resume a download in shell? Currently trying with wget.08:18
buhmantripelb: what are you looking for in particular?08:18
Captainkrteksorry I wasn't able to help much bison :(08:18
bisonhow to restore xorg.cfg?08:18
buhmanfaryshta: that would work08:18
bisoncaptainkrtek: its ok, thanks08:18
Guest66097looking for a good person to help you will get what I intend to give and will make it worth ur while i go at 13 vs 1 not fair'08:18
anarhisthi, i wanted to see if any application on the machine is bright enough to store my password in plaintext (i suspect one which has asked my pass during the startup and that's all), i am trying to do $sudo cat /dev/mem |grep "password"  but i get an error cat: /dev/mem: Operation not permitted what is that?08:18
red2kicfaryshta: wget -c ?08:18
faryshtabuhman, what?08:18
buhmanfaryshta: wget works08:19
faryshtared2kic, no use.08:19
tripelbbuhman I asked in hardware about my old dell that heats up the room... and how I could tell if some other computer would be less hot. He asked me for my specs.08:19
red2kicfaryshta: aria2 is nice (but I guess it's too late).08:19
Guest66097anyone real in here08:19
faryshtaaria2 is a program or a command?08:19
mysteriousdarrengrobe: did u google it yet? I would guess this is for a server?08:19
shcherbakGuest66097: You could just say what is The Problem (in english).08:19
faryshtared2kic, aria2 is a program or a command?08:19
red2kic!info aria2 | faryshta08:19
llutzGuest66097: do you have any ubuntu support related question?08:19
ubottufaryshta: aria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.9-1 (natty), package size 1521 kB, installed size 4380 kB08:19
Guest66097Im hacked its obvious08:19
Guest66097ghost crips08:19
red2kicfaryshta: It can do much more -- but only if you used it properly the first time.08:20
buhmantripelb: oh, well it doesn't need to be that specific; he's probably just interested if you're running some insane core i7 @ 10ghz or something rediculously stupid like that08:20
bhaskaranyone can tell me how to configure vsftpd configuration file. i tried so many combinations but i still can't find the solution for my ftp server08:20
llutz!ot | Guest66097 take it there08:20
ubottuGuest66097 take it there: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:20
=== sean is now known as Guest2863
red2kicfaryshta: Which I guess you didn't -- So use "wget -c whatever.com/fat.zip"08:20
faryshtared2kic, will try it.08:20
=== Guest2863 is now known as sje2
ubuntuhelp me08:20
buhmanfaryshta: that's what you're supposed to do with wget, by the way :P08:20
faryshtared2kic, wget -c doesn't work. Restart the download completely.08:20
Guest66097wow im sitting in chat with the kiddy scripters man is there anyone who can help me08:20
buhmanfaryshta: who downloaded it to begin with?08:21
larsemilanything to do when the unitypar does not want to minimize? It stays open08:21
larsemilunity panel even08:21
red2kicfaryshta: -c,  --continue                resume getting a partially-downloaded file.08:21
sunilhello everyone.08:21
Guest66097anyone help me man08:21
sunilI was looking for help on how to create custom debian CD/DVD. Anyone has information on this?08:21
bhaskaranyone help me in vsftpd ftp server08:21
sunilI was looking for help on how to create custom debian/ubuntu CD/DVD. Anyone has information on this?08:21
mysteriousdarrengrobe: I have a guide if you want it08:21
faryshtared2kic, I read that too in the man pages but it doesn't work here.08:22
buhmanred2kic: it might not work... for example, you can't resume a partially downloaded torrent :P (or anything else "mulithreaded" for that matter)08:22
anarhistsunil, try #debian08:22
red2kicfaryshta: What are you wgetting?08:22
sje2sunil: remastersys08:22
sunilanarhist: I am also trying in #debian irc.08:22
buhmanfaryshta: the server might just plain not allow resuming08:22
faryshtaAn extabit file.08:22
tripelbthanks buhman got them and pasted them http://paste.ubuntu.com/603134/08:22
red2kic!remaster | sunil08:22
ubottusunil: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility08:22
sunilsje2: will I be able to add my own applications using remastersys08:22
Guest66097looks at the room all my attackers not one legit like i said i get this far with a cord lol08:22
sje2sunil: remastersys will make a copy of everything but your home directories08:22
sje2sunil: yes08:23
new_kidHi, is there a channel for casual chat08:23
ubuntumy ubuntu on hdd can't acess the internet, but a live ubuntu can, help me!!08:23
sunilsje2: thanx, I am gonna try this now08:23
red2kicHe quit...08:23
buhmantripelb: that gets somewhat boring somewhere around line 26 :)08:23
Guest66097im going to retaliate yo not going to sit here someone help me08:23
red2kictripelb: Check out hardinfo -- it can generate a report too.08:23
sunilubottu: will I be able to make an installer media using the link you have provided.08:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:24
DJonesnew_kid: #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus for general chat08:24
red2kicsunil: Try it and find out.08:24
new_kid@djones : Thanks08:24
tripelbnew_kid, #ubuntu-offtopic08:24
Guest66097anyone please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:24
Guest66097no joke08:24
buhmanwhat would be cool is if ubottu actually *was* intelligent08:24
syrinx_stop sending people to !ot08:24
tripelbred2kic, I will08:24
syrinx_!enter | Guest6609708:25
ubottuGuest66097: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:25
llutzGuest66097: <°)))o><  - take your fish and troll away -  ><o(((°>08:25
buhmanif he actually learned from everything everyone said in the channel...08:25
Guest66097ill pay one of you for heavens sake 15 pc's destroyed08:25
shcherbakGuest66097: Just sent you message08:25
sunilred2kic: Yes, I am gonna try it now, I was looking for a shortcut. as I was bit in hurry to find the solution for this08:25
buhmanlike running that ken-jennings-beating-jeopardy-bot08:25
syrinx_Guest66097: don't do that here08:25
red2kicsunil: Just use a LiveCD. Install packages when you need them.08:25
Guest66097do what08:25
red2kicsunil: That's my "I'm in a hurry" approach.08:25
Guest66097ask for help08:26
syrinx_offer money08:26
sunilred2kic: No problem :)08:26
Guest66097ur all against me i get it08:26
syrinx_Guest66097: ask your question once, and wait for someone to reply :D08:26
red2kicsunil: Sometimes it really is the best solution. Just saying.08:26
Guest66097asking one who understands to help u will be rewarded no joke08:26
JesseJ79is 1024x768 a suitable enough resolution to set the dash form factor to "desktop" instead of "automatic" so it doesn't take up the whole screen08:26
mysteriousdarrenwhat do you need guest?08:26
Guest66097the rest i know ur scam08:27
shcherbakGuest66097: SEE PRIVATE MESSAGE!08:27
Guest66097nice sploof08:27
Guest66097i cant click08:27
syrinx_what do you mean you can't click?08:27
tenochslbAnyone having issues when closing banshee? It always crashes on me08:27
shcherbakGuest66097: Use TAB ?08:27
mysteriousdarrenask politely and people will help you08:27
red2kicGuest66097: "/nick iDestroyPCs" -- then explain the issue in one loooooong line.08:28
red2kic!enter | Guest6609708:28
ubottuGuest66097: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:28
Guest66097ur dead08:28
shcherbak /ignore Guest6609708:28
syrinx_!bing | Guest6609708:28
ubottuGuest66097: ban08:28
llutzdon't feed the troll please08:29
syrinx_Guest66097: stop being rude :D08:29
uvaca10join #django08:29
Guest66097anyone who is connected ur going to the law 15 broken pc's netbios intrusion good luck08:29
html_inprogresshi yall08:29
html_inprogresshi yall08:29
blueonyxahoi, how to make the sshd of some of my ubuntu machines use the /etc/{passwd,shadow} from my master machine?08:29
tenochslbhow do i file a bug for banshee?08:29
Guest66097anyone real!!!08:30
html_inprogresshi everyone08:30
Guest66097my last try before i leave this hacked room08:30
tsimpsontenochslb: Alt-F2, type in "ubuntu-bug banshee"08:30
Guest66097HELP ME08:30
Guest66097U have no clue08:31
mysteriousdarrenGuest66097: so what is your problem? explain it cool,calm and collected and we will do our best to help08:31
Guest66097i have notes for months08:31
blueonyxGuest66097: http://goo.gl/cEF1w08:31
tenochslbok thanks tsimpson08:31
Guest66097video pics08:31
red2kicGuest66097: When we asked you questions -- you never explain anything.08:31
Guest66097linux journal will love me08:31
bisonhow to restore xorg using live cd08:31
Guest66097im a living man in the middle attack08:31
celthunderbison: what part of xorg08:31
syrinx_Guest66097: no one will help you if you keep spamming08:31
Guest66097need help if anyone is legit please08:31
bisoncelthunder: i did an update and after reboot, my system is not working anymore, i can see a glimps of the flash screen and it went black with a flickering scree, dark to light dark08:32
html_inprogressGuest66097,  what do you need help with?08:32
buhmanGuest66097: perhaps you should adjust your snr08:32
Guest66097right now08:32
red2kicGuest66097: You worked for Sony? Were you responsible for 77 millions + 25 millions accounts?08:32
celthunderbison: can you get to a terminal?08:32
Guest66097a redhat user has me logged08:32
red2kicGuest66097: Run "w" in the terminal. What do you see?08:32
Guest66097i have 26 broadcasts on bios08:32
Guest66097block but keep coming lose08:33
bisoncelthunder: recovery mode?08:33
Guest66097video hijacked08:33
celthunderbison: alt f1 /ctrl alt f1 when it starts going nuts08:33
Guest66097there is no recovery08:33
llutzGuest66097: STOP spamming this channel please08:33
celthundercan someone kick him?08:33
Guest66097im a project for 3 years without knowlege08:33
nicolaslarahi there, has anyone had issues with a laptop's built-in keyboard and mouse on X after upgrading to natty?08:33
buhmanGuest66097: adjust your snr08:33
Guest66097worst case ever i swear should be on linux mag08:34
Guest66097they never seen anything like this08:34
bisoncelthunder: o08:34
Guest66097i need help08:34
bisoncelthunder: terminal ready08:34
red2kicGuest66097: "lsb_release -cs" -- What does it say?08:34
Guest66097me  vs 12 -20 at one time not fair odds08:34
Guest66097but i maintain08:35
celthunderbison: ok what gui were you trying to load?08:35
llutz!ops  | Guest66097 trolling, spamming08:35
ubottuGuest66097 trolling, spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!08:35
Guest66097i cant get private messages ect08:35
unityproblemi am not able to install any packages due to dpkg error can any one help ??08:35
Guest66097someone call if ur real08:35
Guest66097ill exp[lain08:35
Guest66097please yo08:35
celthunderunityproblem: what's the dpkg error08:35
html_inprogressguest what do you need help with08:35
celthunderhtml_inprogress: he needs help being kicked08:36
buhmanGuest66097: you must be quite skilled to deal with these alleged attacks and spam irc at the same time08:36
tsimpsonGuest66097: either explain your issue, or go somewhere else08:36
FlynsarmyWhen i first installed natty I had teh option of setting my drivers to noveau 3d (expierimental) or nvidia proprietry in the 'additional drivers' window. I selected nvidia proprietry. I now want to switch to noveau but the only drivers available in that window noare are hte nvidia proprietry ones...how can i switch to noveau 3d?08:36
Guest66097im hacked beyond anything you know08:36
red2kicGuest66097: Explain everything in http://pastebin.com/ -- Cmon!08:36
jussiGuest66097: please keep to support topics only08:36
bisoncelthunder: gnome08:36
nicolaslarais there a way to revert to the previous (pre-natty) x server?08:36
DJones!classic | nicolaslara08:36
ubottunicolaslara: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.08:36
celthunderbison ok can you try loading in fallback mode?08:36
celthunderbison: can your video card handle it08:36
llutztsimpson: may i pm you (ubottu related question)?08:37
celthunderunityproblem: what's the dpkg error08:37
bisoncelthunder: i have a gforce 9500 with 512am08:37
tsimpsonllutz: sure08:37
html_inprogressnicolaslara,  who isnt ...? lol08:37
unityproblemwait ill give u the paste bin link08:37
celthunderBison using propriertary drivers or open source?08:37
nicolaslaraDJones: ubottu: no, no.. I'm using kubuntu, but the built-in keyboard and mouse don't work on X08:37
bisoncelthunder: proprirtary08:38
nicolaslaraI have a usb mouse so I can drop to the console to debug the issues08:38
nicolaslarabut no usb keyboard..08:38
DJonesnicolaslara: ok, I thought you just wanted to get back to the previous gnome desktop instead of unity, I don't use kubuntu so can't help with that08:38
Digsalve, come rimuovo Unity e installo gnome?08:38
helpmehacking me on backtrack08:39
html_inprogresscelthunder,  well i just scanned , athe logs and his a windows power user and a big linux virgin,, but still try to see what he wants08:39
helpmecant even maintain08:39
DJonesDig: Gnome desktop is installed alongside Unity, you can select it at the login screen08:39
DJones!classic > Dig08:39
ubottuDig, please see my private message08:39
huitailangi wanna compile a package named gbkfonts08:39
unityproblemcelthunter :  http://pastebin.com/wGWnesBX08:39
unityproblemcheck out08:39
nicolaslaraDJones: thanx anyway.. I think it's an issue with X in general, more than kubuntu itself, though. I tried installing gdm and running X manually and get the same problems no keyboard/mouse recognized08:40
huitailangon 11.04, gbkfonts requires /usr/include/freetype/ftxpost.h08:40
bisoncelthunder: so is there a problem with my xorg? or driver of my video card thats going nuts08:40
helpmestupid me not to realize this is the channel08:40
Besogonhelpme: What can't you "mantain"08:40
helpmesomeone if theres anyone real help me08:40
huitailanghow can i install freetype and freetype-dev ?08:40
helpmei got 5 XXXX on irc08:41
unityproblemany solution?08:41
helpmeon tab08:41
nicolaslaraI was trying to manually edit xorg.conf, but apparently ubuntu's x config is quite different from other distros08:41
html_inprogresshelpme,  what do you need08:41
huitailangi just installed libfreetype6 and libfreetype6-dev. it does not worked.08:41
LAcanwhat do I have to put in /etc/network/interfaces to make an interface start automatically when the computer boots?08:41
helpmea person who knows computing to help me08:41
tsimpsonhelpme: either explain your issue, or go somewhere else08:41
helpmeplease man08:41
helpmeall techs fail08:41
red2kichelpme: UNPLUG ALL COMPUTERS.08:41
bazhang!backtrack > helpme08:41
ubottuhelpme, please see my private message08:41
helpme15 broken pc's no joke08:41
LAcanwhat do I have to put in /etc/network/interfaces to make an interface start automatically when the computer boots?08:42
helpmeit wont let me08:42
bazhanghelpme, this not the bt channel08:42
unityproblemanyonw can help me with this ? http://pastebin.com/wGWnesBX    ??08:42
helpmei know08:42
helpmei know computers08:42
bazhanghelpme, stop with the enter key08:42
helpmei have 20+ hackers on me08:42
red2kicI know remote controls.08:42
helpmeand no one to help08:42
red2kichelpme: UNPLUG ALL COMPUTERS.08:43
bisoncelthunder: still there?08:43
celthunderbison back sorry08:43
celthunderwent afk for a minute to answer a call08:43
celthunderlet me scrol up08:43
unityproblemhttp://pastebin.com/wGWnesBX   can anyone solve this  ???08:43
* LAcan can someone help me configre /etc/networks/interfaces ?08:43
celthunderbison: try the open source ones08:43
shcherbakred2kic: Wonder if he have dynamic ip...08:43
ajdonnisonLAcan, you need them in an 'auto' stanza.08:43
unityproblem http://pastebin.com/wGWnesBX   can anyone solve this  ???08:43
bisoncelthunder: how can do that, i cant use my system08:44
red2kicshcherbak: I don't care. He can't answer simple questions. :\08:44
grobeLAcan: http://pastebin.com/9hrzxpv808:44
nicolaslarain general, is there a way to revert the xorg package without having to uninstall it (and with it all things that depend on X)08:44
unityproblem http://pastebin.com/wGWnesBX   can anyone solve this  ???08:44
html_inprogresshelpme,   you need to listen to red2kic ...    and why are you getting hack? what are they trying to hack you for?08:44
celthunderbison: unless you set a specific driver in xorg.conf install them and then use modprobe08:44
red2kichtml_inprogress: He can't talk. Yay. :)08:44
zvacetunityproblem: try with sudo dpkg --configure -a  sudo apt-get -f install08:44
bisoncelthunder: can you teach me how08:45
LAcanajdonnison, can you maybe tell me ahwere i need to put the auto? http://pastebin.com/uMis1nxE08:45
unityproblemE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:45
llutzgrobe: LAcan editing /etc/resolv.conf isn't recommended, use entries like "dns-nameservers" in /etc/network/interfaces   (needs package resolvconf being installed)08:46
ajdonnisonLAcan, better to use the resource grobe pointed you to.08:46
LAcanya i did and its useless08:46
hyuhello i'm a racegoer i have a link that makes08:47
hyume win some money check it and register08:47
hyuIn france the most popular bet in horsebetting08:47
hyuis the "quinte+":08:47
hyu3on5 wins up to 30008:47
FloodBot1hyu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
hyu4on5 wins up to 300008:47
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
LAcanajdonnison, I just need to make is start when the PC boots.... dont know where to put the 'auto' stanza08:47
ajdonnisonLAcan, did you do a 'man interfaces'?08:48
hyuIn france the most popular bet in horsebetting08:48
hyuis the "quinte+":08:48
hyu3on5 wins up to 30008:48
hyu4on5 wins up to 300008:48
hyu5on5 disorder 15000 , order up to 1.000.000€ ,08:48
FloodBot1hyu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:48
hyucheck yourself at my own channel name: leturfiste08:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!08:48
html_inprogresshyu,  this is not a race horse channel08:48
LAcanajdonnison, I read the ubuntu WiFiWiki pretty thoroughly08:48
shcherbakhyu: Why???08:48
llutzLAcan: "auto wlan1" after "iface lo...."08:48
DJoneshyu: Please stopp spamming, its offtopic and not appropriate for this support channel08:48
viliHello, I have a problem installing 11.0408:49
LAcanty llutz08:49
viliI put Ubuntu on an USB drive with unbetbootin08:49
viliAnd when i try to load it up I get a really messed up screen08:49
vilifuzzy pixels and white squares everywhere08:49
hyui'm a french racegoer check my channel : leturfiste08:50
viliNot sure what to do08:50
viliAnyone have any ideas or need more info?08:50
zvacetunityproblem: try sudo apt-get -f install first and then sudo dpkg --configure -a08:50
sandGorgonwow .. phoronix reports that between 8.04 and 11.04 there is almost a 20% increase in power consumption for laptops08:50
kaushalcan i know the history of iotop application ?08:50
huitailangwhat should i do for install libttf and libttf-dev?08:50
chilleis there any easy way to configure the shortcuts in Unity?08:51
chillefor example, i don't want Super+T to open the trash, i want to use it to open a new tab in my terminal08:51
LAcanhrmmm didnt take08:53
faryshtaIs there any good tutorial for aircrack?08:53
shcherbakkaushal: Not sure iotop do produce logs (or history)08:53
LAcanfaryshta, #aircrack-ng08:53
bazhangfaryshta, #aircrack-ng can help08:53
LAcanHow do I get a wireless connection to auto start with the computer instead of on log in?08:53
llutzLAcan: networkmanager has a setting for that08:54
viliIs there any way to boot the Ubuntu installer in a low graphics mode?08:54
bisonplease help me with my system08:54
LAcanllutz, im trying to avoid network manager.... but are you sure cuz I looed thru it pretty thoroughly...?08:54
shcherbakvili: you would need alternative CD, Why do you use unetbootin, btw?08:55
llutzLAcan: i'm sure, since my netbook using networkmanager has wifi-connection with nobody being logged in08:55
LAcanllutz, also network manager doesnt start until gnome does...?08:55
shcherbak!alternative > vili08:55
ubottuvili, please see my private message08:55
viliIt's just something I'm used to using08:55
llutzLAcan: thats nm-applet. networkmanager runs as a service in background after boot08:55
viliIs there a better alternative for USB installs?08:56
Tiktalikguys, I installed Ubuntu 10.1008:56
LAcanllutz, just "networkmanager" from the command line?08:56
TiktalikAnd it refuses to boot right08:56
grobeunity not supported with my graphic card Nvidia RIVA TNT2, is there hardware error, so I'm using ubuntu classic ><08:56
TiktalikUnity won't work right, that is08:56
TiktalikIt refuses to start08:56
shcherbakvili: Ubuntu have native Startup disk creator, so why unetbootin?08:56
zvacetTiktalik: didn't boot at all or you can not boot unity08:57
Tiktalikzvacet: I tried Ubuntu Classic, not working right either08:57
vilishcherbak, Ah, well my laptop isn't running Ubuntu08:57
zvacetfrom login menu select ubuntu classic08:57
Tiktalikzvacet: I tried that, it didn't work either08:57
DirtyDawgguys, when trying to install 11.04, i can *just* about see the graphics for the installer, its there but sooo dim i can hardly see it, any ideas08:57
zvacetTiktalik: are you sure that cd is right ( md5sum checked)08:58
Tiktalikzvacet, it's not a fresh install08:58
LAcanDirtyDawg, plug your laptop in08:58
TiktalikI upgraded08:58
loxsi tried installing redis-server i386 on my amd64 system (with dpkg --force-architecture). It failed, but now I can't install normal redis-server, as it thinks i386 is installed. I can't uninstall it, as it doesn't find such a package. The error is as follows        redis-server: 2:2.2.5-1 (Multi-Arch: no) is not co-installable with redis-server:i386 2:2.2.5-1 (Multi-Arch: no) which is currently installed08:58
faryshtallutz, where to find this networkmanager option?08:58
shcherbakvili: Right, CD is better way then (you can make USB via live session from CD)08:58
bisonplease help me with my system08:58
Tiktalikzvacet: I upgraded ubuntu to 11.4, then when I tried to log in the login window just disappeared, then I tried again with ubuntu classic selected08:59
TiktalikAfter that, I tried safe mode08:59
TiktalikIt worked08:59
TiktalikThen, I tried unity again, and it kinda worked. No menu bar though08:59
zvacetTiktalik: if you can boot in recovery then08:59
starZhi all, just get my upgrade to 11.04 and the desktop switcher in the panel is showing only 1 workspace.. have you ever experience that?09:00
zvacetTiktalik: maybe your gpu I don't know09:00
Tiktalikzvacet: brb, imma try classic again09:00
faryshta #aircrack-ng is dead. Does anyone knows where else to find help about aircrack or a good tutorial about it?09:00
vilishcherbak, Alright I'll try that then, thanks09:00
AziaBurgihello all09:00
Trond^^Why is it advisable to not upgrade to latest Ubuntu, but instead do a fresh install?09:00
bisoncan anyone help me09:01
shcherbakfaryshta: They forum and wiki and quite decent.09:01
starZhi all, I've just get my upgrade to 11.04 and the desktop switcher in the panel is showing only 1 workspace.. have you ever experience that?09:01
AziaBurgii screwed my install of ubuntu when i upgraded to 11.0409:01
AziaBurgii was getting the following error: http://i51.tinypic.com/2cz8t5g.jpg09:01
mysteriousdarrengo to the http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/forum.php to find help, it always works for me09:02
AziaBurgii've booted off a live cd to the cmd line09:02
AziaBurgiall the files are still there and are intact09:02
Tiktalikzvacet: okay, classic works now09:03
AziaBurgii suspect i've broke grub somehow09:03
Tiktalikthat was odd09:03
zvacetTiktalik: good  :)09:03
LAcansorry llutz how do i get to the network manager?09:03
AziaBurgican anyone point me someone to fix it?09:03
FlynsarmyHow can i stop window titlebars opening behind the top panel in natty classic?09:03
faryshtashcherbak, but is very outdated http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/Compatibility?action=diff&version=5 the compatibilily list was written 2 years ago.09:03
sje2LAcan: what do you mean, get to it?09:03
LAcansje2, how do I open it?09:04
LAcanbrign up the gui or whatever...09:04
sje2LAcan: nm-applet09:04
LAcansje2, no i dont want the applet09:04
sje2that's the gui, man.09:04
bisoni did an update and after reboot, my system is not working anymore, i can see a glimps of the flash screen and it went black with a flickering scree, dark to light dark09:05
LAcansje2, ok.. im going off osmeone else tips but maybe u know... how can I manually configure a wifi interface to start and connect when the computer boots instead of when I log in?09:05
ArachonI restored my home folder from backup after installing Natty, and now Unity is bugged, the panel is invisible (apart from a slightly transparent border) and the dock is completely missing09:05
sje2LAcan: I don't know how to do that, sorry09:05
sje2good question though09:05
FlynsarmyAnswer to my question was 'Place Windows' in csmm. thanks me09:06
visionofarunHi, I am trying to build 32 bit C++ app on my 64 Ubuntu. I get the following error09:06
visionofarun/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4.5/libstdc++.so when searching for -lstdc++09:06
LAcanCan anyone tell me how to manually configre a NIC to start on boot instead of when I log in?09:06
ArachonI restored my home folder from backup after installing Natty, and now Unity is bugged, the panel is invisible (apart from a slightly transparent border) and the dock is completely missing09:08
mysteriousdarrenArachon: it was buggy before the restore?09:09
Arachonmysterious: Nope, worked perfectly09:09
Arachonmysteriousdarren: So there's something in my home folder doing it... Probably a config file that's hung around since 10.1009:09
LAcanCan anyone tell me how to manually configre a NIC to start on boot instead of when I log in?09:09
Tupladis there a way to uninstall unity and everything that comes with it ? it's really bloated and slows everything down on both computers.09:10
mysteriousdarrenIt would def be a config file or a .....I am thinking.09:10
red2kicTuplad: Uninstall -- No.  Reinstall -- Yes.09:10
shcherbakLAcan: Apart that linuxforum need blocking ads, they still have some nice info: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/networking/43978-ubuntu-wireless-boot-connect.html09:11
Tupladred2kic: why reinstall ?09:11
rumpe1Tuplad, if you don't use it, it won't slow your pc down09:11
red2kic!downgrade | Tuplad09:11
ubottuTuplad: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.09:11
mysteriousdarrenor use a different desktop environment altogether.09:11
red2kicTuplad: Read what ubottu told you.09:11
TupladI'm not trying to downgrade09:11
Tupladjust remove unity09:11
TupladI'd rather get Gnome 309:12
ArachonYou can install Gnome 309:12
ArachonIt's gonna break Unity, but you can still use Gnome09:12
starZhi all, I've just get my upgrade to 11.04 and the desktop switcher in the panel is showing only 1 workspace.. have you ever experience that? is it because of new compiz?09:12
shcherbakTuplad: Unity can coegsist with Gnome3, on point of removing it, yet.09:12
mysteriousdarrenArachon: or one of the dependancies.09:12
Tupladso removing Unity can't be done ?09:12
red2kicTuplad: I think you can switch to classic Gnome.09:12
Jordan_U!gnome3 | Tuplad09:13
ubottuTuplad: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.09:13
shcherbakTuplad: Who knows?09:13
Jordan_U!classic | Tuplad09:13
ubottuTuplad: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.09:13
mysteriousdarrenArachon: look at the package manager and see if anything is broken. Or update and see how it goes from there.09:13
Tuplad!Unity | Tuplad09:13
ubottuTuplad, please see my private message09:13
Arachonmysteriousdarren: The thing is, I can log into a guest account perfectly alright.09:14
veovisIn 11.04, when you click on the sound icon in the system tray, and you see album art and song info, as well as controls, is there a way to add ratings, say, under the controls?09:14
AziaBurgican anyone talk me through rebuilding my grub thingy?09:14
starZhi all, I've just get my upgrade to 11.04 and the desktop switcher in the panel is showing only 1 workspace.. have you ever experience that? is it because of new compiz?09:14
mysteriousdarrenArachon: that is very strange. So everything works normal on one, and not the other? Are the apps and programs identical?09:14
Starminn!grubrepair | AziaBurgi09:15
ubottuAziaBurgi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:15
Arachonmysteriousdarren: Well, it's the same system... I just choose "Guest session" from the shutdown menu, and bam, unity's working09:15
mysteriousdarrenstarZ: just add another workspace...09:15
Arachonmysteriousdarren: so there's something in my home folder that came with me from Maverick09:15
faryshtaLAcan, did you managed to do it? I am interested in your problem too.09:16
LAcanshcherbak, ok i think i had my auto statment in the wrong place09:16
starZmysteriousdarren: thx for the answer but it doesn't work for me.. :(09:16
mysteriousdarrenArachon: hmmmm, is there anything that you can take out. I had the same problem when I upgraded. I cut everything except my own files and did a reinstall of the apps and programs.09:16
LAcanfaryshta, rebooting09:16
bisoncan anyone help me09:17
Arachonmysteriousdarren: Well that's just it... Lots of things hidden, .gconf, .compiz etc, that I'm not sure what it does09:17
ArachonI guess I could load up natty in a virtual machine on my desktop, and compare the home folders09:17
grindUpgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, 2 display machine, about 2 days after upgarde i log into machine and 2nd display retains the login screen wallpaper with no menu bars. I can move the mouse into that screen but cant do anything (right click doesnt work either)09:17
sje2bison: with what?09:17
grindother profiles can see the 2nd screen fine09:17
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bisonsje2: i did an update and after reboot, my system is not working anymore, i can see a glimps of the flash screen and it went black with a flickering scree, dark to light dark09:18
sje2root: shouldnt run irc clients under root...09:18
mysteriousdarrenI stripped mine down and deleted almost everything and it worked. Alot of things aren't needed.09:18
sje2bison: ah, I'm not on the new version of ubuntu...I'm actually on mint09:18
starZhi all, I've just get my upgrade to 11.04 and the desktop switcher in the panel is showing only 1 workspace.. have you ever experience that? is it because of new compiz?09:18
grindstarZ right click and add more rows09:18
LAcanffs didnt work09:19
slacker_nldoes anyone know why ubuntu+1 is invite only?09:19
glassrosehi! I just upgraded to natty and the update manager gives me the following message: Not all updates can be installed09:19
DJonesslacker_nl: There isn't an ubuntu +1 in development yet, so the channel is closed09:19
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc09:20
slacker_nlDJones: I used to be in that channel, till my server rebooted and now it is invite only.. they must have changed it while I was init09:20
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc in backtrack09:20
starZgrind: doesn't work.. ;(09:20
slacker_nland well, no dice atm09:20
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc in backtrack09:21
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc in backtrack09:21
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc in backtrack09:21
Jordan_U!mint | sje209:21
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc in backtrack09:21
ubottusje2: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:21
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc in backtrack09:21
FloodBot1bhavanshu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:21
glassroseI was getting this error on Maverick too and I hoped this should have got resolved when I installed natty. :(09:21
glassroseany clues09:21
glassrose anyone?09:21
novaria_fajarhello all!09:21
Jordan_U!backtrack | bhavanshu09:21
ubottubhavanshu: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition09:21
bhavanshucan any 1 help me to install no-ip duc in backtrack09:21
starZhi all, I've just get my upgrade to 11.04 and the desktop switcher in the panel is showing only 1 workspace.. have you ever experience that? is it because of new compiz? anyone anyclue?09:22
shcherbaknovaria_fajar: Hey!09:22
DJonesslacker_nl: When new releases are made, they make the channel invite only so that people use #ubuntu for support to avoid confusion, once 11.10 starts being developed and available for download its normally opened up again09:22
visionofarunHello, can someone please help me in building a sample 32 bit c++ app on 64 bit Unbuntu?09:22
novaria_fajarCan somebody help me explain about piracy thing??? :))09:22
red2kic!piracy | novaria_fajar09:22
ubottunovaria_fajar: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o09:22
bisoncan anyone help me09:23
sje2Jordan_U: why did you do that?  Was I asking advice, and even if I was asking for advice, most of the advice I can be given would be just as usable09:23
novaria_fajarno...i mean this: I want to explain to my friends that blender, libreoffice, n etc didnt violate someones copyright09:23
Jordan_Usje2: Sorry, that was indeed a mistake on my part.09:24
sje2its fine09:24
novaria_fajarany body?? could explain me that copyright thing......09:24
sje2novaria_fajar: did you explain waht free software is?09:24
shcherbaknovaria_fajar: I guess it is called fork ;)09:25
Jordan_Unovaria_fajar: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/why-is-it-free09:25
Angelo_abeHi, I reinstalled my laptop with ubuntu 11.04, since that I cannot export displays from a server to my screen, how can I fix that? The error on the remote host is "Cannot open display". I did run "xhost +" on my localhost09:26
sje2Angelo_abe: what kind of server?09:26
Jordan_Unovaria_fajar: You can also give the example of Firefox which they are likely to be familiar with.09:27
mysteriousdarrenvisionofarun: have you used C# before? I used devc# and it worked great for me09:27
d_atharvaHi,I am going to format my pc soon.My ubuntu is Up to date.can I save the file so that I can avoid downloading the update files again ??09:27
novaria_fajarSo this is my debate with my friend: He think, that if someone want to make a new software that can execute .DOC file in example he need to asking for permission to the .DOC code owner......09:27
shcherbak!ot | novaria_fajar09:27
ubottunovaria_fajar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:27
Angelo_abesje2: from a linux server09:28
sje2Angelo_abe: i mean, like, how are you connecting to it?09:28
sje2remote desktop?  ssh?09:28
DJonesnovaria_fajar: You might be better asking that in #ubuntu-offtopic as its not strictly a support question, the offtopic channel is probably better for discussions like that09:28
Angelo_abelike I did yesterday with DISPLAY:myIP:0 application09:28
sje2d_atharva: like the iso file?09:29
shcherbakAngelo_abe: Can you post /etc/ssh/ssh_config from you lappy on paste.ubuntu.com ?09:29
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sje2d_atharva: maybe you can try remastersys...09:29
shcherbakAngelo_abe: And if you mess with sshd_conf on your server, please revert it.09:30
ben42hi, i don't see the sudo group in the "user sttings" -> advanced -> "user priviledge" window09:30
ben42how should i add a sudo priviledge to a user ?09:30
Angelo_abeI changed the ForwardX11 to yes, but that did not help09:30
shcherbakben42: admin group gouvern sudo rights09:30
Angelo_abe@sjcherbak, I cannot change the server09:31
bp0I went back to maverick and my nvidia problem is solved. even though it is the same version of the driver09:31
shcherbakAngelo_abe: Do you use -Y or -X switch (not sure it do matter)?09:31
sje2d_atharva: you still there?09:31
Angelo_abeno i don't, I also did not use it before I switched to 11.0409:31
d_atharvaya .But i dont want all the installed softwares also to be copied.only the updates09:32
amybunnyIm using Firefox 4.0.1 for Ubuntu Canonical - 1.0, and it seems to be crashing and it crashes (firefox turns grey) after navigating a page or two. Any idea how I can fix this?09:32
Angelo_abeit has something to do with my computer not allowing to accept the export display, but on 10.04 I had a graphical interface to accept this , but I don't find it in 11.0409:33
sje2d_atharva: I'm not sure that makes sense09:33
sje2the updates are the updated softwaer09:33
ben42shcherbak, <user> is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.09:33
ben42shcherbak, groups -> adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare09:34
shcherbakAngelo_abe: For the moment, my conf to compare (working but 10.10): http://paste.ubuntu.com/603158/09:34
johnmrename u1304498075UKwNI derrick_paul_fb09:35
shcherbakAngelo_abe: Only trusted differ.09:35
Angelo_abeshcherbak: indeed, that will do the trick?09:35
zvacetd_atharva: you will install same ubuntu version?09:35
Angelo_abesherbak: I found this which seems very related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/49843409:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 498434 in gdm (Ubuntu) "No graphical way to allow TCP logins to Xserver in gdmsetup. No alternate method documented." [Wishlist,New]09:36
shcherbakAngelo_abe: As far as I know, I have reinstalled one system to get X forwarding work ;)09:36
Angelo_abeubottu: yes, that might be my issue, I will need to create the custom.conf file?09:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:37
zvacet!aptoncd | d_atharva09:37
ubottud_atharva: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline09:37
sje2he doesnt want all the packages, zvacet, just the important ones09:38
Angelo_abeshcherbak: I just reinstalled it and it is not working since :D09:38
faryshtaIs there any good tutorial for aircrack?09:39
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Angelo_abeshcherbak, I created the file and will perform a restart of gdm to see if this helped me09:39
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zvacetsje2: well,I was thinking that he want save updates09:39
bisoncan anyone help me09:39
mysteriousdarrenbison: what do you need?09:40
defsworkanyone know what the plans are for unity ? will we be able to have pullout/popout lists on the launcher bar etc..09:40
bisonmysteriousdarren: i did an update and after reboot, my system is not working anymore, i can see a glimps of the flash screen and it went black with a flickering scree, dark to light dark09:40
SinnerNyxTrying to make a script run on startup (not for a particular user but for all users). I don't know how to make a startup job.09:41
defsworkSinnerNyx, call it from /etc/rc.local09:41
mysteriousdarrenbison: so no login screen? or anything like that?09:41
SinnerNyxdefswork: really? that easy? thanks, I'll try that now09:42
bisonmysteriousdarren: nothing, just black screen09:42
defsworkyou want it to run at boot up or at login ?09:42
mysteriousdarrenso from the time of bootup a couple flickers of light and then darkness?09:42
amybunnyhmm... with firefox broken for the moment, what's another good web browser?09:42
Angelo_abeshcherbak: after the restart my issue is resolved! thanks for the inputs09:43
shcherbakAngelo_abe: Thanks09:43
mysteriousdarrenjust switch to a older kernel, I had the same problem till I did that.09:43
liwho can tell me the gesture    of    ubuntu ?09:43
bisonmysteriousdarren: ya, from bootup09:44
veovisIn 11.04, when you click on the sound icon in the system tray, and you see album art and song info, as well as controls, is there a way to add ratings, say, under the controls?09:44
faryshtabison, there is only one thing coming to mind all this time long.09:44
starZmisteriousdarren: any other suggestion?09:44
faryshtabison, use the liveCD and check if your files are still there.09:44
shcherbakli: \o/ ???09:44
SLruanhow to mount ntfs by root password???09:44
SLruanhow to mount ntfs by root's password in kde??????????????09:44
SLruanhow to mount ntfs by root's password in kde?????????????09:44
faryshtabison, then try to make a back up on them. Re install the all system, try to use /home in a separate partition.09:44
SinnerNyxdefswork: Thanks for the help. I have no means of testing if it works right now. I didn't think it would be that easy. I'll be back if I have any more problems.09:44
mysteriousdarrenhmmm...well that worked for me, I do not know a workaround at this time.09:45
sje!spam | SLruan09:45
bisonfaryshta: all files are still intact09:45
syockitYay, I got back to Ubuntu after long years. Quick question: any changes to Xorg regarding how it reads Xft settings? I still can't set DPI to what I want even though I already have the Xft.dpi entry in ~/.Xresources09:45
faryshtabison, if you wanna try my idea I can help you step by step.09:45
uberfrauhey guys, flash is giving me problems (little or large squares over view window or buttons), what can i do about it?09:45
syockitErr I mean fontconfig09:45
StarminnSLruan: Ask in #kubuntu09:45
li3d desk09:45
SLruanthank you09:45
faryshtabison, do you have an external hard drive or something to create a back up?09:45
mysteriousdarrenSLruan: slow down and ask nicely. We are more than happy to take time.09:45
bisonfaryshta: there a lots of applications09:45
SinnerNyxdefworks: it's the setterm commands. I'd like it to run at bootup, but I think that it's unlikely to work unless a user is actually logged in09:45
Starminnmysteriousdarren: Eh, he's using KDE anyway so... If he doesn't get an answer then we'll try. :)09:45
bisonfaryshta: and how about my settings09:46
bisonfaryshta: plugins and some tweaking09:46
SinnerNyxdefswork: it's the setterm commands. I'd like it to run at bootup, but I think that it's unlikely to work unless a user is actually logged in09:46
mysteriousdarrenStarminn: what do you think? ideas?09:46
grind2nd display wont work properly on one of my login accounts, where should i start looking?09:46
mysteriousdarrencould be a older driver...09:47
Axlinuberfrau: i was having that problem as well. 64 bit ubuntu installation?09:47
defsworkSinnerNyx, add something to /etc/profile them09:47
uberfrauyes Axlin09:47
faryshtabison, all gone. Let me find if there is a script to save the programs you have installed and reinstall them again.09:47
bisonfaryshta: so you mean to say that i have to re install the whole system?09:47
zvacetbison: back up home and etc I think that is enough09:48
SinnerNyxdefswork: so wait. is rc.local on bootup?09:48
visionofarunhad to install g++multilib package09:48
faryshtabison, if you put /home on a separate folder then settings are restored after reinstalls.09:48
visionofarunthanks to apt-cache09:48
faryshtabison, that is the only think **I** can think maybe there is another way to fix this.09:48
defsworkSinnerNyx, rc.local gets called from the normal init.d bootup regime09:48
ben42when i log at root from a user terminal and i want to start a graphical app (as root so) is ther something to do ? because i get errors : ...connection->initialization_error == NULL...09:48
zvacetbison:  do you have any valuable files if you do back them up too09:48
Axlinuberfrau: yeah, i don't have an explanation for you, but it has something to do with firefox + the latest 32 bit flash plugin. i fixed it with a FF extension called flash-aid. you can either disable "npviewer tweak for 64b system with 32b plugin" or use have flash-aid download the latest 64 bit flahs preview. it'll also keep it up to date09:49
Axlineither solution worked for me09:49
defsworkSinnerNyx, /etc/profile gets run each time a user logs in (to a shell - not into X)09:49
bisonfaryshta: docs and settings09:49
uberfrauso i should just go get t his 'flash-aid'? is it ff4 compatible? :/09:49
SinnerNyxdefswork: I'm sure you can guess i'm an Ubuntu newb. I'm trying to disable the screen blanking in Ubuntu Server09:49
Axlinyes uberfrau09:49
bisonfaryshta: is there an other way to fix it?09:49
uberfrauk, going to try that then, Axlin, brb =)09:49
zvacetbison: doc and settings are in home09:49
Charbelhi, why i don't have visual effects in system>preferences>appearance !?09:49
SinnerNyxdefswork: So I have no idea about init.d bootup regimes :S09:50
uberfrauupdate your graphics card drivers, Charbel :D09:50
blueonyxhi, i just branched a bzr repo from lp which says i should run ./configure, but there is only a configure.ac, what to do?09:50
faryshtabison, I don't know. I can't think on any other way.09:50
kim0Hi, for installing on macbookpro7.1 do I need the +mac iso, or normal one ? also 32 or 64 bits ?09:51
faryshtabison, try www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs its a very active comunity.09:51
amdа где русский канал есть убунты?09:51
rchavikhi guys.. in the process of upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 using alternate CD.    now the "Distribution Upgrade" dialogs hung on: "Setting up nvidia-common".  what should i do?09:51
brubelsabsI installed mozplugger to view pdfs inside firefox, but /etc/mozpluggerrc is missing, and it does not work, beside dpkg -L mozplugger tells me that it is contained within the mozplugger package..09:51
DJones!ru | amd09:51
ubottuamd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:51
brubelsabsusing 10.01009:51
defsworkSinnerNyx, you need something in global xsession or similar09:52
uberfraublueonyx, are hidden files shown by any chance?09:52
syockita gde russkii kanal est ubunt?09:52
FuzzyFox0hey all09:52
syockitposhaluista posetitye #ubuntu-ru dlya polutseniya argh I give up reading that09:53
FuzzyFox0I am looking for a command to list all printers on the network with their IP addresses09:53
bisonfaryshta: how about fixing the xorg?09:53
bisonfaryshta: or grub loader maybe09:53
faryshtabison, ask on reddit, they might help you on finding if xorg is the problem.09:54
=== syockit_ is now known as syockit
faryshtabison, does grub start? Can you access your system on shell mode? If those answers are yes then the problem is in xorg.09:55
uberfrauerr, Axlin, idk how to look at add-ons with ff4 :/09:55
=== Pyker is now known as Guest49139
uberfraunvm, found it09:56
brubelsabsto my original question: Its a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/76651209:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 766512 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "Apparmor prevents the use of mozplugger" [Undecided,New]09:56
uberfrauis now a subsection of a search, lame09:56
AziaBurgiok i need help with this grub thing09:57
crlcan81ok that was annoying..09:57
faryshtabison, can you access grub?09:57
bisonfaryshta: how09:58
FuzzyFox0anyone? list all networked printers?09:58
shcherbakFuzzyFox0: nast will list lan, but do not distingish printers09:58
bisonfaryshta: what is the command?09:59
FuzzyFox0shcherbak: can it distinguish if port 9100 is open?09:59
shcherbakFuzzyFox0: Oh, use nmap10:00
Glowballhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/760131 <-- Is this bug important enough to be fixed in Natty or will it only be fixed in Oneiric? I'm on a laptop with a not so fantastic battery, so it really is keeping me from updating...10:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Confirmed]10:01
FuzzyFox0shcherbak: any thing more specific? Im not the most tech user however I can get my head round most things10:01
faryshtareboot your computer, after the bios loads push F8 (or one of those)10:01
defsworkFuzzyFox0, listing networked printers is usually via network device discovery10:01
uberfrauAxlin: i ran the script after downloading it, and it doesn't seem to have solved my problem. You stated that there is a "npviewer tweak for 64b system with 32b plugin" option, but i do not see it...10:01
faryshtabison, then you should see a list of boot options.10:01
defsworkFuzzyFox0, hpnp or lpr printers won't show though10:01
bisonfaryshta: ya, i can see the options10:02
faryshtabison, then you must choose the option to load on shell.10:02
FuzzyFox0defswork: some show but not all10:02
Axlinit's under tweaking options uberfrau10:02
FuzzyFox0defswork: most of the printers here use IPP so I need their ips :P10:02
faryshtabison, its probably the second option.10:02
defsworkport scanning to find printers shows that somewhere you aren't managing your network properly10:02
bisonfaryshta: recovery mode?10:02
Axlinuberfrau: and if it doesn't work, i know of a couple people including myself that have had success with the 64 bit flash preview10:02
faryshtabison, yes, then you must see a ton of commands, after a while will ask you to log in.10:02
uberfrauoh i see it now, sorry for overlooking it. what does it do though?10:03
blueonyxuberfrau: what do you mean?10:03
rchavikhi guys.. in the process of upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 using alternate CD.    now the "Distribution Upgrade" dialogs hung on: "Setting up nvidia-common".  what should i do? help..10:03
blueonyxuberfrau: there is nothing special hidden, just .bzrignore and .bzr10:03
bisonfaryshta: i already re configure the graphics10:03
bisonstill no luck10:03
uberfrau. = hidden, just making sure you knew that10:04
faryshtaWell but we at least now know where is the problem.10:04
blueonyxuberfrau: normally i know how to compile, but i'm not into autoconf10:04
faryshtabison, I am not knowledged at xorg so I can't help you any further :(10:04
bisonfaryshta: i review the the log and seeo screen something wrong, no n10:04
uberfraublueonyx, idk about your specific issue, sorry buddy :o10:05
bisonfaryshta: its ok...i understand, im still hoping that solution will be given to me rather than install the system all over again10:06
celthunderbison: still having issues?10:06
=== lance is now known as Guest78867
blueonyx.oO(ah running autoconf generates a configure script)10:06
bisoncelthunder: same issues10:06
faryshtabison, I seriously recommend reddit for that. Here people seem very unattentive.10:06
uberfrauAxlin, disabling that setting fixed it, thank you very much for pointing me to that add-on10:06
celthunderbison: did the open source drivers help?10:06
Ajc1do we know how quickly a fix will be found for the nVidia issue: addiitonal drivers / the driver is activated but not currently in use ... ?  thx10:06
Axlincool, np uberfrau10:06
cheater_hi guys10:06
bisoncelthunder: i cant login10:06
uberfrauwait Axlin10:06
uberfraunow no sound...10:06
uberfrauwtf lol10:07
cheater_how do i find out who the maintainer of a specific package is?10:07
bisoncelthunder: black screen10:07
celthunderbison: ? i thought you could get to a terminal?10:07
Axlinwell... that's bad10:07
bisoncelthunder: dunno what to type10:07
celthunderbison: i'd start with lsmod find your video drivers and modprobe -r them10:07
celthunderbison: i'd then apt-cache search nvidia and find the open source ones and install them10:08
bisoncelthunder: asking for a login in terminal10:08
celthunderyeah...so login?10:08
bisoncelthunder: login as root10:09
bisoncelthunder: user@desktop login: ?10:09
celthunderbison: ? login as your user and sudo su -10:10
bisoncelthunder: password?10:10
AziaBurgiguys I got this error yesterday: http://i51.tinypic.com/2cz8t5g.jpg10:10
celthunderbison: if you don't know your own usernames password then you deserve to get screwed over10:10
uberfrauerr Axlin, i disabled that plugin but youtube still doesn't work...what do10:11
uberfrauvideo runs, audio doesn't10:11
togglesAziaBurgi: generally trying to mount wrong partition10:11
xmazAziaBurgi: is your ubuntu ran as a virtual machine?10:11
bisoncelthunder: -bash: etc/profile: permission denied10:11
faryshtauberfrau, I don't have flash installed I prefer deturl and add ons to download the youtube videos. Maybe you can give it a try.10:12
chrisbsterbison: Are you new to Linux?10:12
xmazI had this issue, what i did to repair is was, checking the disk.10:12
AziaBurgitoggles: any suggestions on fixing that?10:12
celthunderbison: ??????? what does that have todo with anything set a .bash_profile if you want it has nothing to do with your X issue10:12
uberfraui just want flash to work, it's too important x.x10:12
bisonchrisbster: yes sir10:12
Axlinuberfrau: you can restore the original version of flash with the flash plugin in software center. first you might want to try the 64 bit plugin if you haven't though, unless that's the one giving you issues10:13
celthunderuberfrau: you on 64 bit or 32?10:13
bisoncelthunder: ok...sorry, i already type lsmod10:13
NET||abusehey there folks, i'm using 10.10 on my netbook in gnome, and i can't get keyboard shortcut for tomboy to work, alt+F12 is set in the tomboy preferences, and in ngnome keyboard shortcuts there's no conflicting setting i can find.10:13
faryshtauberfrau, not actually :) you won't miss it after a while.10:13
uberfraumy computer is 64, and i'm pretty sure i installed 64 as well10:13
NET||abusebut it just does nothing.10:13
Axlinuberfrau: i have to head to bed though. i'll let others take over. sorry i couldn't get you to a final solution, good luck :)10:13
celthunderbison: find your video modules and modprobe -r them10:13
uberfrauAxlin, is okay as long as i get sound back -_-10:14
celthunderuberfrau: make a 32 bit chroot if 64 bit flash fails (which it does) and install it in that10:14
ben42i installed xchat on ubuntu 11.4 with unity but now i can't get it back from the dock because it goes in the inexisting system tray10:14
chrisbsterbison: sudo is what we use to change the system in any way. It stands for super user. Usually, it has the same password as your user account.10:14
celthunderuberfrau: then you get your 64 bit system with the 32 bit flash10:14
uberfraucelthunder: i have no idea how to do that ._.10:14
ArneyThis bloody <blue message envolope> is stuck in my status bar. Empathy caused it, but it won't remove it even when I click on it.10:15
cretsiahis there an anti-virus i can install in ubuntu10.10 to examine windows hd's?10:15
astropirateAnyone have any luck with setting up gnome-shell with Natty? I can't stand Unity10:15
kevinyounghi all10:15
bisonchrisbster: ok copy that. tnx10:15
bp0uberfrau, there is a firefox extension called flash-aid that will install the best possible flash setup and clean up a little10:15
bp0uberfrau, thats what you should use10:15
dvbuserQuestion: why does different versions of Ubuntu supply different versions of Unison in synaptic package manager?10:15
uberfraubp0, that's what i installed, it killed my sound10:15
bp0uberfrau, it killed your sound in flash?10:16
uberfrauyoutube :/10:16
bisonchrisbster: agpgart10:16
faryshtauberfrau, it killed your entire system sound or the flash sound?10:16
bp0uberfrau, what version of flash did it install? (about:plugins)10:16
rchavikupgrade 10.10 to 11.04, process hung. now i killed the nvidia-detector process, upgrade continues, and now stuck when creating grub.cfg.   please help10:16
Starminncretsiah: Avast! and ClamAV are popular choices.10:17
uberfraubp0:    Shockwave Flash 10.3 d16210:17
Starminncretsiah: Avast! is also nice on Windows, so if you have a dual-boot you could always use the same on both. ;)10:17
bisonhow to use modprobe10:17
celthunderbp0: and flash-aid is better than finding the one that works yourself how?10:17
jgouldHow do you install{ a kernel on a partiton without booting on that partition?10:18
celthunderbp0: j/w....i generally view stuff like that....badly10:18
celthunderbison: modprobe -r <module>10:18
kevinyoungon ubuntu use what to replace the photoshop to make photo10:18
cretsiahty Starminn10:18
elkykevinyoung, gimp10:18
jgouldkevinyoung: Gimp10:18
bp0celthunder, its magic and i've had only good results10:19
celthunderjgould: can just compile it there, or chroot to it10:19
alphamalehow can i install ubuntu on a usb from puppy linux10:19
kevinyoungthink you10:19
alphamalei have the iso and a usb partition10:19
Starminncretsiah: You're welcome. By the way, most people with Linux for a while use ClamAV. I used Avast! but it stopped working on me, so ClamAV is the "cool kid" in Linux world. Try both though and see what suits you.10:19
alexUnderis there anyway to create a custom command (word) to run a specific executable in a location? example "sudo program" to run "~/myapps/Cool/program" ??? is this what softlinking is? :/10:19
kevinyounggimp is same to photoshop10:19
StarminnalexUnder: Or making an alias?10:19
celthunderalphamale: dd -o <iso> <usb> that'll put the iso on your usb drive so you can install from it10:19
jgouldI have .debs for the new kernel.  I've been bitten by the bug that affects the i915 chipset10:19
alexUnderStarminn:  how? :/10:20
chrisbsterI have a challenge for the collective wisdom of the group. I have a machine I want to dual boot with. It's a 2 TB HD. I've done dual boots before, and never run into issues, but this is different for me. I try the install or Live of Ubuntu 10.10 or 10.04 and it won't show my partitions, it just shows free space. I tried GParted and nothing. I can mount the NTFS partition and can read/write files just fine, but nothing. I was hoping the gur10:20
chrisbsteru's might have some suggestions. :-010:20
bp0uberfrau, thats the version i've got and no sound probles, I'm on maverick (10.10) Firefox 4, amd6410:20
alexUnderStarminn @ im not sure what i need for this >_<10:20
uberfraufaryshta: it disabled my headphones...10:20
alphamalei can copy the iso onto the usb no problem10:20
StarminnalexUnder: I've never messed with them. Just throwing out some suggestions to help with your search while you wait for somebody who can answer you properly.10:20
alphamalebut how do i install10:20
AziaBurgidoes anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed? i have booted from a live cd10:20
cretsiahmight try clamav first.... system was working fine ..... now its slow from the bootup bios screen :/10:20
faryshtaHow safe it is to install my root folder / on a SD card?10:20
uberfraugod damn it -_-10:20
brubelsabsposted workaround which at least solved the issue on my box: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/76651210:20
celthunderchrisbster: do they show up in fdisk?10:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 766512 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "Apparmor prevents the use of mozplugger" [Undecided,New]10:20
celthunderfaryshta: not very...10:21
alexUnderStarminn @ okie, thnx. im gonna g00gle it =)10:21
chrisbstercelthunder: yup10:21
uberfrauhow the hell did installing flash-aid disable my headphones???!?10:21
StarminnalexUnder: Best of luck to you.10:21
faryshtauberfrau, then the problem isn't in flash, its in your system settings.10:21
celthunderchrisbster: so use that to partition instead of the crap default partitioner?10:21
celthunderchrisbster: then mount your drives and skip that step10:21
uberfrauoh? where then? it resulted *from* running the flash-aid script ;/10:21
alphamalesorry i am not getting it celthunder10:22
astropirateAnyone have any luck with setting up gnome-shell with Natty? I can't stand Unity10:22
cretsiahubuntu10.10 doesnt seem to like big file transfers + xchat + software center all at the same time with only 2gig ram :(10:22
bp0uberfrau, restart pulse, or log in and out, maybe10:22
bisoncelthunder: i can't dot it, maybe i'll just re install the whole system :(10:22
bp0er, out and in10:22
uberfrauidk how to restart pulse :/10:22
celthunderbison: ? how's that goign to help10:22
chrisbstercelthunder: huh...yeah...it makes more since to do it that way. i've been trying to f*ck with the GUIs, but yeah... Duh...10:22
jgouldcan I unpack the  .debs and manually copy the files to where they go on teh boot partition10:23
uberfrauoh wait10:23
uberfraui think i fixed it10:23
uberfrauwent into pavucontrol and toggled on headphones10:23
pippopippohy, how to set the preserve parameter (-p of copy) in nautilus10:23
uberfrauwhy did it toggle it off to begin with, though? :(10:23
bisoncelthunder: i can't understand some of your terms10:23
celthunderjgould: you can set --prefix to somewhere other than root would probably be better10:23
shcherbakjgould: Rather not.10:23
bisoncelthunder: like module?10:23
bisoncelthunder: i already type lsmod, there are list10:24
chrisbsterbison: I wasn't here for a description of your error, what's going on?10:24
celthunderbison: yeah those are your loaded kernel modules10:24
rchavik*sigh*, this is going to destroy my install10:24
celthunderchrisbster: he's got X issues i told him to use the open source drivers10:24
jgouldThere has to be an easier way to install a kernel on a machine that wont' boot using the generic kernel....10:24
chrisbstercelthunder: ah. Gotcha.10:24
uberfrauthanks for the help, fixed my problem10:25
celthunderchrisbster: and he can't apparently find the nvidia proprietary drivers to get rid of first...meh if he reinstalls hes just gonna end up in the same place10:25
uberfrauthough i dislike solving one problem and then having to solve another to have the same functionality as before10:25
alphamalecan i just make a new menu entry in my grub file?10:25
bisoncelthunder: :(10:25
tripelbI want to copy a dvd to my hard drive. How do I do that?10:26
chrisbstercelthunder: Where have we been looking for the drivers?10:26
celthunderchrisbster: lsmod lol10:26
tripelbI want to return the original and still be able to play it.10:26
Starminntripelb: Open the DVD and drag-and-drop all the files ot where you want.10:26
celthunderchrisbster: where else would you look10:26
Starminntripelb: Oh..10:26
celthunderchrisbster: lsmod modprobe -r them and modprobe up the right ones10:26
celthunderchrisbster: unless you have a better way10:26
Starminntripelb: We can't discuss that. :(10:26
bisoncelthunder: after typing lsmod10:27
bisoncelthunder: there ist10:27
bisoncelthunder: there are list10:27
chrisbstercelthunder: I was thinking about finding them file structure wise and wiping out the NVIDIA files, but you're correct, lsmod seems like the way to go, since that wouldn't change the dependency files.10:28
celthundertripelb: vobcopy poweriso or cdrkit10:28
bisoncelthunder: i can see agpgart10:28
celthunderbison: pastebin the list10:28
cretsiahtripelb thats considered illegal in most countries10:29
bisoncelthunder: how? im on the terminal console (alt+F1)10:29
celthunderchrisbster: it also saves from having to reinstall the proprietary ones if they aren't the issue10:29
chrisbstercelthunder: couldn't we just do, sudo apt-get --purge remove10:30
amr_im a newbie10:30
gabryatfendorhi, looking for help with the new ubuntu release10:30
gabryatfendori installed it yesterday, but it's very slow and choppy10:30
cretsiahdoes any1 know how some1 can hack a browser to create a chat?? it happened to me yesterday now my system is clapped out10:30
celthunderbison: wgetpaste or curlpaste (you may have to install them with apt-get install)10:30
ikoniacelthunder: that is offtopic here10:30
celthunderchrisbster: i don't want him to uninstall them though just unload them10:31
ikoniacelthunder: sorry - not you10:31
ikoniacretsiah: that is offtopic here10:31
van7huhello, is there a way improving the speed of hibernate?10:31
faryshtacelthunder, I doubt he can paste bin something from shell.10:31
Starminnfaryshta: I was thinking the same, haha.10:31
celthunderfaryshta: it's like 530 am and i'm on like no sleep again...give me a break10:31
chrisbstervan7hu: Only if you're willing to work on conditionally throwing out some info10:32
shcherbakcretsiah: what site (in /msg)10:32
chrisbstervan7hu: Hibernate literally takes everything in active memory and writes it out to the HD.10:32
shcherbakcretsiah: Oh, and what browser?10:32
FeyisayoI'm dual-booting windows and Natty. But when I try to boot to Natty my display is messed up and I see coloured lines and I can't go further. Can anyone help?10:32
faryshtacelthunder, I just found that funny not trying to be offensive at all.10:33
van7huchrisbster: windows seven is more faster, I just wonders about ubuntu10:33
chrisbstervan7hu: The information in Ubuntu utilizes meory differently10:33
bisoncelthunder: sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: permission denied10:34
robin0800Feyisayo, try to log out and choose classic you may have to reboot10:34
chrisbstervan7hu: What I mean is, Ubuntu usually loads more stuff into memory for us to speed up system response time10:34
celthunderbison: ?  sudo su - type in your user passwrod then type passwd set a root password and then type apt-get install one of the two packages10:34
van7huchrisbster: I see, thanks10:35
celthundervan7hu: chrisbster you can increase hibernate speed...depending on other factors though10:35
* jgould finds a wall and beats his head into it10:35
celthundervan7hu: chrisbster you can suspend to ram instead of hdd for instance...10:36
RehanI'm trying to copy an image of my ubuntu install to my USB flash drive. How can I make it so that there's a GRUB install on the usb flash drive too after I use dd to copy it over? Thank you very much.10:36
faryshtavan7hu, W7 is a cheater on booting matters. It loads the graphic enviroments first.10:36
chrisbstervan7hu: Correct, you could go and find/code something that will conditionally not save certain things in memory and that should speed up response time10:36
chrisbstercelthunder: Can you? I always thought that DDR3 lost information when it lost power.10:37
whatisthatIs there a way to keep things like a clock screenlet above the Video window even in fullscreen mode?10:37
celthunderchrisbster: it does10:38
MohammadAGIs there a way to reinstall all gnome-applets that I should have in Ubuntu classic? I had to delete them all from config and I only have the app launcher left10:38
celthunderchrisbster: van7hu you combine suspend to disk with suspend to ram....10:38
celthunderchrisbster: van7hu that way it goes fast and if you lose power completely it's ok10:38
chrisbstercelthunder: But isn't that like sleeping, but hibernating at the same time?10:39
celthunderchrisbster: something like that...benefits of both10:39
Feyisayorobin0800, I can't log in because of the messed up display10:39
whatisthat Is there a way to keep things like a clock screenlet above the Video window even in fullscreen mode?10:40
chrisbstercelthunder: I'm honestly not following how that could go faster when we have to do more file operations. it's also late, and I'm kinda slow10:40
Tiktalikyay! the chat's dead10:41
celthunderchrisbster: is he trying to increase hibernate shutdown or power up10:41
chrisbstercelthunder: Speed up shutdown10:42
celthunderbison: still there?10:42
sachinanyone knows how to add thunderbird to me menu of ubuntu10:42
RehanI'm trying to copy an image of my ubuntu install to my USB flash drive. How can I make it so that there's a GRUB install on the usb flash drive too after I use dd to copy it over? Thank you very much.10:42
celthunderchrisbster: nvm then lol i misread the first line10:42
celthunderchrisbster: what i said would increase startup (or did for me) by a lot10:42
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chrisbstercelthunder: You are correct though, it should exponentially increase star-up10:42
chrisbstercelthunder: I was just like...what?10:43
sachinanyone knows how to add thunderbird to me menu of ubuntu10:43
faryshtasachin, if you installed thunderbird then you should be able to see it on the menu on the "network" submenu.10:43
whatisthatsachin, ALT+F2  alacarte press enter10:43
Starminnsachin: Which Ubuntu version?10:43
=== spearman is now known as Spearman
celthunderchrisbster: bison uhm where we at with the pastebin10:43
sachinwhat it would alt+f2 and next command will do10:43
NEWSKYhi every body10:44
chrisbstercelthunder: haven't heard from bison in a while...?10:44
astropirateAnyone have any luck with setting up gnome-shell with Natty? I can't stand Unity10:44
Starminnsachin: This works in 10.04 and 10.10. Not sure about 11.04. https://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/email-notification-add-mozilla-thunderbird-to-the-indicator-applet-in-ubuntus-system-tray/10:44
Starminn!gnome3 | astropirate10:44
ubottuastropirate: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.10:44
chrisbstersachin: Alt-F2 is a run command, similar to Windows Key+R10:45
chrisbstersachin: alacarte manages the Main Menu10:45
bisoni can't do it10:45
chrisbstersachin: i promise no one's trying to break you're install10:45
sachinthanks starminn and chrisbster a lot10:46
SomelauwHi, what is the gnome program called that handles wallpaper by default?10:46
sachinlong live ubuntu philosphy10:46
celthunderchrisbster: what's the default suspend method? uswusp? perhaps compcache mixed with that?10:46
bisoni have no name!@user-desktop:~$10:46
faryshtasachin, hail! I mean you are welcome.10:46
gaurav_helphow to create dns database in  ubuntu10:46
Blou_Aaphow can I remove a panel, see I got dual screen setup and only want one panel10:46
chrisbsterbison: Am i correct in assuming you are using a different computer for IRC than for the fix?10:46
celthunderchrisbster: van7hu ever try using compcache with uswusp...that'd suspend pretty fast?10:46
bisonchrsbster: yes sir10:47
celthunderbison: what can't you do10:47
BlackflowersHi, I am looking for user input, I have been using fedora linux the last couple of days and have had nothing but lock-ups have to manually go out and reset the computer and nobody seems to be able to help me, I am curious is ubuntu support more reliable? I've got a computer that I have been trying to get setup for weeks now. Althought it does have some additional hardware which may not be supported by linux.10:47
StarminnBlou_Aap: Right-click, remove panel..10:47
celthunderBlackflowers: what's the problem10:47
Blou_AapStarminn, 11.0410:47
celthunderBlackflowers: other than a generic description of "lock up"10:48
StarminnBlou_Aap: Oh..10:48
bisonchrisbster: im using a dffrnt pc10:48
Ameobais there someone online that can help me with troubleshooting a new install of ubuntu 11.04 and graphics performance?10:48
celthunderbison: chrisbster which part didn't work?10:48
bisoni have no name!@bison-desktop:~$10:48
BlackflowersIt freezes up, typically under wine that I noticed but then it froze up under gkrellm, a friend said that it could be video related.10:48
SomelauwHow do I activate the gnome wallpaper if it shows the default one? What is the command gnome used to set wallpaper?10:48
chrisbsterBlackflowers: What was installed on the box before Linux?10:48
whatisthatwhat abut me ???10:49
whatisthat Is there a way to keep things like a clock screenlet above the Video window even in fullscreen mode?10:49
BlackflowersWindows 710:49
ali_how do i tell ubuntu to look in a cd for drivers and not internet?10:49
chrisbsterBlackflowers: Did it lock up in Win 7/10:49
celthunderwhatisthat: that depends on your window manager10:49
bisonchrisbster: have no name!@bison-desktop:~$10:49
FeyisayoCan anyone help? I can't log in to Natty because the screen is messed up with coloured lines10:49
Blackflowersno, its got a 2+ week uptime going right now.10:49
whatisthatcelthunder, I am using XFCE10:49
celthunderbison: ?10:49
celthunderFeyisayo: nvidia?10:49
bisoncelthunder: i have no name!@user-desktop:~$10:49
chrisbsterBlackflowers: So it doesn't sound like a HardWare issue10:50
celthunderbison: whoami10:50
celthunderbison: type that it'll tell you your username10:50
chrisbsterBlackflowers: It sounds like a driver issue10:50
bisoncelthunder: what should i type to get the package10:50
chrisbsterBlackflowers: Maybe a video card?10:50
whatisthatcelthunder, I am using XFCE10:50
celthunderbison: apt-cache search pastebin..and pick one10:50
BlackflowersI haven't been able to get any support so I've spent the last day reading up on Ubuntu/Kubuntu. Basically this computer sits in another room, I VNC into it. I use it for storage mainly.10:51
celthunderwhatisthat: idk if you can do that in xfce...i know i can in my wm10:51
Blackflowerschrisbster : It had onboard video ati 4200 hd10:51
whatisthatcelthunder, which WM are you using?10:51
celthunderFeyisayo: what's your video hardware10:51
celthunderwhatisthat: Xmonad10:51
bisoncelthunder: when i type to get the package (unable to read /etc/apt.cnfg.d/ - directory exist permission denied)10:52
Feyisayocelthunder: No ATI Radoen generic PnP10:52
shcherbakBlackflowers: Do you need video for vnc server?10:52
celthunderFeyisayo: ok do they have 3d support with the open source drivers10:52
jsonWhat is the command to change the permissions (owner, group and execute as program) of a file from 'root' to my account ?10:53
SomelauwHi, my default wallpaper is shown instead of the one I provided. Is there a way to activate the wallpaper that I provided myself. It should be somewhere in the settings.10:53
celthundershcherbak: you shouldn't10:53
bisoncelthunder: when i type apt-cache  (unable to read /etc/apt.cnfg.d/ - directory exist permission denied)10:53
celthunderjson: chown and chmod10:53
Blackflowersshcherbak its not really a nessecity but i figure it would be nice to have.10:53
jsoncelthunder, just chown and chmod ? Nothing else ?10:54
dandreis sshpass package broken in 11.04?10:54
celthunderbison: ? apt-get install pastebinit10:54
Blackflowerswhen it comes to linux I am and have always been a noob.10:54
celthunderbison: type that10:54
html_inprogressAmeoba,  everyone is  having a problem,,,with that ,and if you are going to use as a work computer then go  back to gmone/10.04 /10.1010:54
whatisthatcelthunder, Is Xmonad  in the repos ?10:54
celthunderjson: what else do you need? chown can change group and owner chmod changes execute read and writability of the group user and other10:54
chrisbsterBlackflowers: Next time you lock up, see if you can punch  ctrl-alt-shift F210:54
celthunderwhatisthat: yes10:55
bisoncelthunder: i typed "apt-get install pastebin"10:55
celthunderbison: you forgot the it at the end10:55
celthunderit's pastebinit10:55
chrisbsterBlackflowers: If that works, it means X (The graphics rendering program) is frozen, but your hardware is fine10:55
jsoncelthunder, Yes, but no other args ? As in just, $ chown <file> will do it for me ?10:55
celthunderwhatisthat: get xmonad-contrib and xmobar too...you'll want them10:55
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Feyisayocelthunder, video hardware? What's that?10:55
chrisbsterBlackflowers: To back back to your frozen screen, press CTRL-ALT-F710:56
Ameobahtml_inprogress: ok if it's a common problem I'll keep an eye on the forums and wait for an update then10:56
celthunderjson: chown <user>:<group> <file> <file2>10:56
chrisbsterBlackflowers: The command I gave you will get you to a terminal10:56
bisoncelthunder: i typed "apt-get install pastebinit"10:56
celthunderbison: and?10:56
syockitMe wants to know how to properly set firefox's dpi settings10:56
bisoncelthunder:  (unable to read /etc/apt.cnfg.d/ - directory exist permission denied)10:56
chrisbsterbison: put 'sudo' in front of that command10:57
whatisthatcelthunder, okay10:57
chrisbsterBlackflowers: if that works, all hope is not lost10:57
jsoncelthunder, Thanks ! And to execute the file as program, giving read/write privileges as well  ?10:57
chrisbsterBlackflowers: come back here, and we can probably sort you out, just tell them you have an issue with X locking up10:57
bisoncelthunder: (sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers" permission denied)10:58
celthunderjson: chmod <user><group><other> <file> <file2>  777 is everyone can do everything10:58
jsoncelthunder, Thank you !10:58
chrisbsterBlackflowers: If it doesn't, it means you either have an issue with memory or your HD that windows isn't noticing yet10:58
celthunderjson: to set on a directory add a -R after chmod so chmod -R 777 / means everyone can do anything on any file (don't do that...it's suicidal)10:59
chrisbsterBlackflowers: I don't want to dig around yet until we figure out which one it is10:59
RehanI'm trying to copy an image of my ubuntu install to my USB flash drive. How can I make it so that there's a GRUB install on the usb flash drive too after I use dd to copy it over? Thank you very much.10:59
celthunderbison: you don't have sudo access?10:59
jsoncelthunder, Yup, I needed that, too ! It's only me... !10:59
bisoncelthunder: something like that11:00
chrisbsterbison: celthunder oh oh11:00
celthunderjson: the -R works on both commands btw11:00
chrisbsterbison: celthunder have him change his user11:00
ace__is anyone else experience really really slow wireless internet in 11.04?11:00
chrisbsterbison: celthunder What does whoami return?11:00
Blackflowerschrisbster well Fedora wasn't my choice I let someone talk me into it and they promised they would help and now I just want to choke them, Ubuntu was my original but like always I let someone convince me what to run.11:00
jsoncelthunder, Is there a book where you get your info from ? I mean, besides, the man pages... ?11:01
shcherbakbison: please paste output of: groups <yourusername>11:01
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celthunderbison: chrisbster idk i told him run that he didn't give back output11:01
Feyisayocelthunder, do you mean my driver details?11:01
celthunderjson: man pages and common command knowledge11:01
celthunderFeyisayo: yes11:01
__shaihello :) is there a way to create a partition via command line without user interaction?11:01
Starminnjson: Google around for Bash lessons/guides11:01
chrisbsterBlackflowers: I really am sorry BlackFlowers, I prefer Ubuntu build to the Fedora one anyways11:01
bisonwhoami: cannot find name for user11:02
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shcherbak!abs > json11:02
ubottujson, please see my private message11:02
chrisbsterbison: celthunder He's nobody right now11:02
tmagHi, I'm trying to resize a raid1 partition with mdadm (I am using a live cd for this), but when I do "mdadm -- grow /dev/md0 --size=max", the size is set to 500G, but both disks have a capacity of 1000G. Am I forgetting something here?11:02
lenovohello everybody.......i am come from china ....11:02
wn1zidis there a bounce feature in evolution ?11:02
jsoncelthunder, man pages, then for me !11:02
ace__hey lenovo11:02
celthunderbison: chrisbster lol no wonder he can't do anything LOL bison logout (type exit) and login as your user11:02
celthunderjson: they're there for a reason :)11:03
jsonStarminn, Yes, shcherbak just pointed one to me.. !11:03
celthunderjson: theres some bash guides as someone just suggested that might help if you're lazy11:03
celthunder__shai: yeah there is11:03
chrisbsterbison: celthunder Now we can make some progress11:03
Feyisayocelthunder, how do I use the open source drivers?11:04
jsonshcherbak, Thanks ! I'll look it up... Who know ? I'll come back later and help you !!11:04
bisonwhen i type my username and password - it shows that i have no name :)11:04
adam__Hey guys, I'm having a problem with compiz. Anyone who can help?11:04
mar_jei can help :D11:04
chrisbsterbison: celthunder Type whoami again11:04
celthunderFeyisayo: ? if you're using catalyst no wonder it's broken those havn't been updated since like 200411:04
mar_jewhat a problem? :D11:04
chrisbstersame output?11:04
adam__I'm using an nvidia card with the proprietary drivers installed and when I drag windows it stutters a lot.11:04
bisoncannot find name11:04
BlackflowersI'm new to all of this linux and I have a decent machine built for it. I have planned on doing a Ubuntu install I want to keep it simple. It feels like I've been dropped on my head with Fedora.11:05
celthunderFeyisayo: find them in apt then install modprobe -r the existing ones and modprobe up the right ones11:05
adam__It happens in both Unity and Classic, so I assume it's a compiz issue.11:05
jsoncelthunder, yes, thank you, thank you !11:05
chrisbsterbison: celthunder OK, we are going to (dare i say it) log you in as root11:05
chrisbsterbison: celthunder I promised myself I would never do this...11:05
mar_jewhat happening when you enable soft-windows?11:05
celthunderchrisbster: i told him to sudo su - and set a root pw and just use that for now a while ago...11:05
mar_je(sory for bad lang. ;>)11:06
celthunderchrisbster: why not? i ALWAYS have at least 3 root terminals open...and a few user terminals too but...they're needed11:06
adam__It's okay. Where is the soft window option?11:06
wn1zidBlackflowers-   many people like showing off to new comers, with that ill leave it up to you, ubuntu has the best help community.11:06
__shaicelthunder: can I create an xfs partition using parted?11:06
mar_jego to ccsm11:06
mar_jeand... in effects group11:06
bisonok what is the command to login as a root11:06
chrisbsterbison: celthunder bison, logout and login with the name 'root' and the password as your user password11:07
Blackflowerswn1zid so far i've gotten more help here since i've joined the channel than in the past 4 days of asking around everywhere else.11:07
BlackflowersI almost had the machine pulled apart and was looking to see if the mainboard was bad.11:07
celthunderchrisbster: ? his root password is his user password? that's just dumb11:07
wn1zidwell, i would wipe the drive and put ubuntu in its place and be done with it.11:07
mar_jeyou should have option (with icon like a curved window) ;d11:07
chrisbsterbison: celthunder that's what I was guessing11:07
ali_how do i install sta drivers?11:08
BlackflowersSounds like the best plan.11:08
adam__Fading Windows or Wobbly Windows?11:08
adam__Fading is checked, Wobbly is not.11:08
AceKingI'm trying to disable "Recent Documents" If I use this command, sudo apt-get remove zeitgeist will it interfere with anything else?11:08
chrisbsterbison: celthunder since he doesn't have extensive knowledge of a Unix environment, I was assuming he was using the defaults11:08
mar_jeand what happening now?11:08
bisonlogin incorrect11:08
adam__I'm currently in the no effects desktop right now. I'll relog into compiz.11:09
Feyisayocelthunder, ok I try that. But right now. I can't log in because of the messed up display. Any ideas as to a work around?11:09
celthunderFeyisayo: ctrl alt f111:09
adam__Okay, now I'm in the compiz login. :)11:10
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milen8204I did something and now I have no up-lets , who to review thous back ?11:10
mar_jeso try that option D:11:10
BlackflowersShould i install 11.04 or a earlier version, this machine has 8gb ram and if i remember 32bit has PAE which works fine right?11:10
adam__The windows wobble, but it's still stuttering.11:10
celthunderBlackflowers: up to you...11:11
karthick87I am unable to login, can any one help pls ?11:11
ali_how do i enable networking?11:11
bisoni login as root then my password would be my user password11:11
mar_jewhat is your hardware spec?11:11
celthunderwn1zid: how is installing ubuntu going to help Blackflowers if it's a driver problem he should be asble to fix it in fedora or any other distro as well as ubuntu11:11
bisonlogin incorrect11:11
vibhavI am having a problem , anybody willing to help?11:11
adam__I'm running a tri-core Phenom 8650, 6gb DDR2, nvidia GTX 260, and 11.0411:12
adam__I'm using the proprietary drivers as well.11:12
ali_can i reinstall ubuntu over itself?11:12
mar_jeit should be enought to run11:12
milen8204anyone knows how to showup my panels11:12
mar_jeyes, you can ;)11:12
syockitbison, usually root is disabled. Did you setup root by yourself?11:12
celthunderbison: chrisbster ok boot to grub edit the kernel line and add a 1 at the end.  when done booting you'll be at a root terminal type passwd set a password then tytpe telinit 3 to boot the rest of the way into a terminal11:12
mar_jethere is an option in installer11:12
wn1zidcelthunder-  i entered with Blackflowers  commented on not getting help anywhere for fedora, and this being a ubuntu help only and her being new, i thought best for her to start fresh.11:12
CaneToadI'm finding an odd change in behaviour after some updates... if I press the CTRL key, when I release it I get circular animated rings appearing where the mouse pointer is, and also I cannot hold down control and select additional files in a file selection dialog...it lets me use shift but not CTRL... any ideas?11:12
mar_je"Install over"/"Reinstall"11:12
mar_jesth like this11:12
Blackflowersamd x6 1090t black edition, 8gb ddr-1333, onboard ati 4200. and 8x2tb drives. 1x 1tb drive (boot)11:13
vibhavI am having a problem , anybody willing to help?11:13
M|lwhois M|l11:13
celthunderBlackflowers: use the 64 bit....why use 32 when 64 is supported11:13
chrisbsterbison: celthunder We might have to talk him through that11:13
milen8204Please helmee guys11:13
rodemireMultiple monitors in Unity: How can i get the launcher to appear on both monitors?11:13
chrisbsterbison: celthunder But I need to get some sleep. You need some more help on here celthunder. I'll try and come back a different time11:14
celthundervibhav: what was your issue didn't se it sorry11:14
chrisbsterbison: celthunder Night!11:14
BlackflowersOkay. I was under the impression that their wasn't much for x64 support. Time to get some coffee in me and get this started. :)11:14
Feyisayocelthunder, at what point do I press that?11:15
celthunderFeyisayo: when your screen is fubared11:15
celthunderFeyisayo: though sooner probably will still work11:15
vibhav<celthunder> I cant access gnome 3 from gnome 311:16
adam__So, is anyone else having any window stuttering issues in Unity/Compiz?11:16
vibhav<celthunder> I cant access ubuntu one from gnome 311:16
celthundervibhav: uhm can't help you sorry...don't use ubuntuone11:16
milen8204Please help me. I do not my panels How to restore them ?11:17
shcherbakvibhav: I think, I saw Ubuntu One in one of Gnome3 todo lists ;)11:17
robin0800vibhav, I have tearing in unity 3d when it does actually run11:17
zvacetmilen8204: using gnome?11:18
robin0800vibhav, gnome3 breaks unity11:18
milen8204zvacet, yes i have gnome terminal11:18
ali_no network devices available?11:18
shcherbak!resetpanel | milen820411:18
ubottumilen8204: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »11:18
celthunderali_: ifconfig -a11:19
celthunderali_: anything listed?11:19
milen8204shcherbak, thanks11:19
zvacetmilen8204:  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel11:19
ali_celthunder: no only exclamation mark over wireless icon11:20
milen8204zvacet, it worked :D thanks a lot11:20
celthunderali_: did you type ifconfig -a you shouldh ave at LEAST the lo devic11:20
zvacetmilen8204: glad I can help  :)11:21
milen8204thanks all D11:21
ali_celthunder: lo device is loopback11:21
shcherbakali_: see if: jockey-gtk will tell you of any wifi drivers11:21
celthunderali_: yeah i know lol when you said no results i was just ??? if you had screwed up your /etc/hosts anyway....uhm does it see your hardware?11:22
adam__Okay, I've done a fair amount of work trying to find any solution to this, but I cannot. Does anyone in here know why my windows are stuttering when moving them under Compiz?11:22
ali_celthunder: yes i see both wired and wireless cards11:22
adam__My machine is more than enough to run it, and I'm using an nvidia gtx 260 with the proprietary drivers. I am kinda lost at this point.11:23
mlankhorstdid you enable too many fancy effects?11:23
celthunderali_: ok but they don't show up in ifconfig? do you have the kernel modules for them loaded11:23
tmagHi, I'm trying to resize a raid1 partition with mdadm (I am using a live cd for this), but when I do "mdadm -- grow /dev/md0 --size=max", the size is set to 500G, but both disks have a capacity of 1000G. Did I forget something?11:23
rodemireHi there, anyone know how to configure an Nvidia graphics card to display the Unity Launcher on multiple displays?11:23
adam__mlankhorst: I enabled nothing manually, it's only what comes default on Natty.11:23
ali_celthunder: don't know which ones i need11:24
ChepollI have tried to change my keyboard layout using dpkg, from turkish Q to USA Q, I rebooted and now my computer has no internet connection ( it is wired connection and I didn't have to input anything to connect, before) and my window manage (stumpwm) does not even detect my keyboard or my mouse. Help me please11:24
celthunderali_: what's your hardware?11:24
ali_broadcom bcm4401 and bcm4318 wireless11:24
ali_celthunder: broadcom bcm4401 and bcm4318 wireless11:25
celthunderali_: you'll need b43 driver and fwcutter or something like that11:25
celthunderali_: try installing those 2 and seeing if that works11:25
celthunderChepoll: ifconfig eth0 <ip> netmask <netmask> && route add default gw <yourgateway>11:26
The_PhoenixHi guys, am trying to install RALink Wifi USB adapter on Ubuntu 10.04.11:26
ali_celthunder: synaptic wanyts to connect to internet and download but i only have the install cd.how do i tell it to look in cd instead?11:26
celthunderChepoll: do you have hotplugging disabled?11:26
robin0800Chepoll, doubt if the two are related11:26
The_Phoenixinsmod for RT3070 ko file fails with invalid symbol.11:26
The_Phoenix(as well as modprobe)11:27
defsworkbanshee sucessfully kills my pc when playing - cpu maxed out etc..11:27
The_Phoenixthe network manager shows that it established a successful wifi connection but am not able to browse. RT2870 drivers load fine.11:27
celthunderali_: add the cd to your sources.list11:27
zvacetali_: synaptic>repositories>check cd drive as repo reload and try again11:28
Chepollrobin0800: Well the two came together, out of nowhere11:28
Chepollcelthunder: how can I check whether hotplugging is enabled or not?11:28
celthunderChepoll: check your xorg.conf11:29
celthunderChepoll: also do you have evdev installed11:29
AceKingdoes anyone know how to disable "Recent Documents" in 11.04?11:30
Chepollcelthunder: whereis evdev works11:30
BKTech86my ubuntu splash screen is messed up at bootup (pixellated, flickers), but it doesn't happen when i boot with livecd, how can I fix this?11:31
sine_hi guys im having an issue with ubuntu. whenever i boot into it the internet connection slows right down almost to nothing. i thought it was an isp problem but when i boot into windows like now there is no issue11:31
The_Phoenixwhat are floodbot1, 2 , 3? :/11:32
ali_sherback: nothin found11:32
Chepollcelthunder: my xorg.conf is very plain, there is nothing in it, and there was nothing in it too11:32
stephan_Hey I got a problem with untiy, I miss my clock applet in the panel. I don't know if I deleted it or what i have done. So someone know how to restore it?11:32
Chepollcelthunder: only a few definitions and that's all11:32
angelete2i'm trying to mount a samba share using sudo mount -t cifs -o username=user //host/share /mnt/mountpoint11:33
angelete2but it gives me an error11:33
The_Phoenixanybody willing to help me with the drivers? :(11:34
gboers@angelete2 what kind of error does it return?11:34
sara2010any one there11:34
The_Phoenixsara2010: a lot of people are here.11:35
angelete2gboers: give me 10 minutes to try again11:35
g[r]eekHello. We've made a habit of only using LTS ubuntu server releases. But over the last 5 years, we haven't really leverage LTS in any way directly. Is there any risk to just going straight to 11.04? Or do I benefit by using LTS 10.04 in some way that I don't know about? Thanks.11:35
Seven_Six_Twouh oh. I'm going to have to install 11.04 in order to participate... Is gnome in 11.04 similar enough to 10.10?11:36
gboersgnome itself is11:36
sara2010The_Phoenix .. i m uning ubuntu 10.1011:36
Feyisayocelthunder, thanks so much. I'll try your advice ASAP. Thanks11:36
gboersbut the standard interface is unity in 11.0411:36
sara2010and i  working on openoffice calc11:36
gboersInfact I'm running ubuntu 11.04 with gnome 3 =D11:36
Seven_Six_Twogboers, so no huge surprises?11:36
sara2010i m entring 3+  but + not comeing with 311:37
gboerswell I did not like unity as much as I do gnome 3 but nope everything worked out of the box11:37
The_PhoenixAm trying to install RT3072/RT3070/RT30xx RALink USB wifi adapter on 10.04. I can't modprobe/insmod the relevant driver. Says invalid symbol.11:37
sara2010what should i do11:37
magumhi @all11:37
rchavikwhew.. just had a real bad scare upgrading to 11.04.11:37
shcherbakSeven_Six_Two: Ten_ten is easier to remember.11:37
Chepollcelthunder: evdev exists and I don't have hotplugging.11:37
Seven_Six_Twogboers, no I tried unity on 10.04. not for me11:37
gboers#rchavik what's the problem11:37
magumcould somebody please tell me how I can close my gnome session and go to the login screen from the console?11:38
Roger_Bonjabeehello :D11:38
magumI am stuck in a gnome session without title or side bar...11:38
rchavikgboers, upgrade hung mid-way... had to kill processes to continue.. upon restart udev cannot find my disks11:38
Chepollmagum: press ctrl alt F111:38
celthundermagum: ctrl alt f1 ps and kill the x session11:38
magumkilling the x session... that is an idea11:39
magumI'll try it!11:39
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:39
shcherbakmagum: sudo service gdm restart11:39
Chepollyeah, then log out from there using exit and whatnot11:39
Seven_Six_Twoshcherbak, well it may take a while. but in, ah, about 1,400 releases from now, I'm going to have the awesomest nick11:39
Roger_Bonjabeemy nic is a prety good one11:40
BKTech86hi, how can i fix the resolution of my splash screen at bootup?11:40
Seven_Six_TwoI'm sure by then .04-.10 will get old, and they'll switch to the more humane .2-.42 series11:40
g[r]eek*bump* Hello. We've made a habit of only using LTS ubuntu server releases. But over the last 5 years, we haven't really leverage LTS in any way directly. Is there any risk to just going straight to 11.04? Or do I benefit by using LTS 10.04 in some way that I don't know about? Thanks.11:41
The_Phoenixsara2010: Please keep questions/answers on one line, and address the recipient. Which + key did you use?11:41
th^^g[r]eek: when it comes to servers, they should "just run and work, and change as little as possible", LTS is for this ;)11:41
Seven_Six_Twog[r]eek, the newer it is, the more likely it is that there are still bugs. If you *need* it to work, use LTS if you can.11:41
geetanybody linux expert here?11:42
Seven_Six_Twogeet, aren't we all?  ;)11:42
g[r]eekok thanks11:42
zvacetgeet:  none11:42
AceKingdoes anyone know how to disable "Recent Documents" in 11.04?11:42
Roger_Bonjabeethey should make this chat change colours between people its hard to see who is writing what11:42
Hitekcan i install level one wua-0614 (usb) wifi?11:42
jribRoger_Bonjabee: most clients do11:43
shcherbakRoger_Bonjabee: There is script for irssi (nm.pl) to make some colors.11:43
Seven_Six_TwoRoger_Bonjabee, you mean like gray-white-gray-white-gray-white? That would drive me insane. It would reverse every line all up the screen.11:43
geetI have an issue with ubuntu...on dell...it gets heated can anybody suggest solution or better linux?11:44
karthick87I am unable to change the wallpaper, can anyone help me pls ?11:44
syockitkarthick87: are you using Windows Starter?11:45
karthick87syocit: No11:45
karthick87syockit: No11:45
Hiteksomebody can help me? please11:45
Chepollcelthunder: also the command you've written to connect eth0 gives permission error, while on root11:45
syockitkarthick87, ok sorry that was a joke. What is the Desktop Manager you are using? Gnome/KDE/else?11:46
magumthx for the tips11:46
karthick87syockit: Gnome11:47
magum... restart gdm did not work, but killing Xorg was fine11:47
geetgnome3 vs unity???11:47
Seven_Six_Twohas anyone had/heard about problems with dual-head setups?11:47
shcherbakkarthick87: Did you try right click on desktop?11:47
popeySeven_Six_Two: I use ubuntu on a dual screen setup, whats the issue?11:47
syockitkarthick87, usually it is configurable under Appearance.11:48
karthick87Yes i guess it seems to be a permission issue11:48
syockitkarthick87, and if you are using the old Gnome (not Unity), I think it's somewhere under Preferences, but I can't recall11:48
gunther44argh! "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"11:48
gunther44i can't build anything, my make system is extremely broken11:48
minimalhow to configure pppoe in Ubuntu Minimal Installation  ?11:49
karthick87syockit: Yeah its under system preferences, but thats not changing..11:49
Seven_Six_Twopopey, oh nothing yet. I use twinview with absolute positioning so that I can drag from one screen to the other. I haven't gone to 11.04 yet, so I wanted confirmation from at least one person that it can maybe work. I have an nvidia 6800gtoc11:49
shcherbakkarthick87: gconf-editor and /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename11:49
syockitkarthick87, ah, I suppose you've selected one, but then the change does not apply, right?11:50
Seven_Six_Twopopey, I've downloaded the installer, and was going to try it in vmware, but that won't show me anything useful. unfortunately my only free partition right now is being used by backtrack11:50
minimalhow to configure pppoe in Ubuntu Minimal Installation  ?11:51
popeySeven_Six_Two: i use ubuntu 11.04 with twinview on my desktop, works well11:51
pranavHow to update my Gnome in Ubuntu LTS to Gnome 3 ?11:51
shcherbakgunther44: Try: sudo apt-get install -f11:51
shcherbak!gnome3 > pranav11:52
ubottupranav, please see my private message11:52
syockitkarthick87, is there any background currently? or the default? or just black?11:52
Kre10shey! I have a laptop with et2 file systems... is there any way to upgrade them without loosing data?11:52
bazhangKre10s, you mean change ext2 to ext3/4?11:52
gunther44shcherbak: thanks, just done it, and still the same error11:52
g4I'm trying to setup desktop-webmail, but when I use "Send by email" it seems like Opera starts instead of Firefox and webmail.11:52
Kre10sbazhang, yup!\11:52
bazhangminimal, taken a look at pppoeconf ?11:53
pranavshcherbak: Thanks, but what it means by 'will break unity' ?11:53
Seven_Six_Twopopey, good, thanks. I remember having an ati card, and discovering after an upgrade (long, long ago) that their new driver cut off support for a whole whack of cards, and xfree updated at the same time and required the new ati driver. I was so mad. SO mad.11:53
karthick87syockit: Currently there is a background. But setting new bakground does not apply11:53
bazhang!info pppoeconf | minimal11:53
ubottuminimal: pppoeconf (source: pppoeconf): configures PPPoE/ADSL connections. In component main, is standard. Version 1.19ubuntu1 (natty), package size 22 kB, installed size 340 kB11:53
fredrik_in my gnome panel I had a icon that when you clicked on it and then on a window closed that process. This was very handy when a window stoped responding. How can this be done in Unity?11:53
bisoncelthunder: still there?11:53
bisoncelthunder: im in11:53
Seven_Six_TwoI read that the new version of xorg has multipointer functionality built in...11:53
syockitpranav, if on LTS, probably you don't have to worry. Unity is the new interface for newer release11:54
tenXSeven_Six_Two: multipointer?11:54
ChepollI am sorry that I disconnected. Has anyone responded to my question in the mean time?11:54
Seven_Six_TwotenX, a cursor for each input device. 3 mice? you get 3 pointers. all usable at the same time11:55
minimalbazhang, ubottu, even when I select Comman line install it starts the text installation11:55
minimalHow can I get acces to the CLI ??11:55
Seven_Six_Twofor multihead setups? Freaking brilliant. 2 people can use a computer at the same time.11:55
g4maybe I don't understand, but isn't desktop-webmail going to give me a new entry under Prefered Applications for mail?11:55
minimalbazhang, ubottu, How can I get acces to the CLI ??11:56
lampe2hey iam copying a file and new he stands at about 30 % and i cant stop it how can i kill that ?11:56
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pznwhen will finish the support for server-10.04lts security updates?11:56
tenXSeven_Six_Two: ah thats what i was missing. 3 mice and 4 keyboards ;)11:56
shcherbaklampe2: Ctrl-z and kill %111:56
Debolazminimal: CTRL-ALT-T11:56
syockitpranav, on LTS, since many packages still depend on gtk2/gnome2, it's probably difficult to setup gnome311:56
shcherbaklampe2: You mean in Gnome? xkill11:57
cvamI've read man pages but i cant find how to use  test command11:57
bisonhow to remove propriety drivers11:57
greg_72hi there, is there a log where I can see what commands were executed via ssh mymachine command?11:57
Seven_Six_TwotenX, if you run a school...or a computer camp, or a library, or an internet cafe, there are a lot of awesome reasons11:57
lampe2thx shcherbak nice tipp ;)11:57
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minimalDebolaz, CTRL-ALT-T has no effect11:58
Chepollokay, repeating question in that case : I tried to dpkg to change my keyboard layout and upon reboot, my internet connection was gone. It is wired and I did not have to input anything to connect before, even before the startx. Thank you...11:58
syockitkarthick87, have you tried what shcherbak suggested? using gconf-editor?11:58
pvh_sahey there, i'm trying to use texmaker with 11.04 and it seems the menus have vanished. the menu bar is there, but no menu items appear when a menu is selected. anyone seen something like this?11:58
bazhangpvh_sa, check the top panel, where the app name is, the menu should appear there11:59
tenXSeven_Six_Two: yeah you explained it earlier. couldnt think of any use myself and find the idea still very confusing ;) but i recognize other peoples needs11:59
cvamhow to use test command11:59
karthick87syockit: Yes but it says "This key is not writable"11:59
shcherbakbison: jockey-text or jockey-gtk, follow instructions11:59
pvh_sabazhang, nope, it doesn't. menu bar is there, but menus are empty12:00
bazhangpvh_sa, not the app panel, but the top of the screen12:00
pvh_sabazhang, what's the app panel? i'm looking at the top of the screen12:00
syockitkarthick87, just as I thought, somehow your gconf is probably not yours12:01
bisonshcherbak: how do i use that12:01
bazhangpvh_sa, are you using unity? or gnome classic12:01
pvh_sabazhang, unity12:01
shcherbakcvam: man test12:01
plouffeI have a pdf file with document scans which I need to crop and flip some of the pages. Any suggestions what to use? PDF Editor doesn't seem able to even load the document.12:01
karthick87syockit: Its mine, what i did before is i set the key to mandatory after that i am unable to use it..12:01
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
AceKingbazhang, do you know how to disable the "Recent Documents" in 11.04?12:01
syockitkarthick87, if you do 'ls -l .gconf' from your home folder in your terminal,what do you get12:01
plouffe^rotate some of the pages12:02
bromiumi'm in desperate situation. please help me finally setup dansguardian on my kids' comp running lubuntu 10.10. done everything according to manuals - nothing works. please help12:02
karthick87syockit: karthick@karthick:~$ ls -l .gconf12:02
karthick87total 812:02
karthick87drwx------ 26 karthick karthick 4096 2011-04-25 16:05 apps12:02
karthick87drwx------  3 karthick karthick 4096 2011-04-11 14:02 desktop12:02
FloodBot1karthick87: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:02
syockitkarthick87, sorry for not telling you about pastebin12:03
syockitkarthick87, okay, it does belong to you12:03
bazhangpvh_sa, no idea about texmaker then, all the other apps I use have that feature12:04
trap22How can I update my exiting RythmBox to next stable version using terminal ?12:04
bazhangtrap22, the latest one out?12:04
trap22bazhang: yes:12:04
bazhangtrap22, you don't as ubuntu is not a rolling release distro12:05
minimalubottu, Any ideas ?12:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:05
trap22bazhang: the volume seeker of rythmbox 0.12.8 in the default LTS installation is buggy. I just want to install the newer one.12:05
pvh_saplouffe, pdftk will do the flipping for you... and here's a suggestion for cropping which might or might not work: http://konrad.familie-kieling.de/computer/34-linux/63-crop-pdfs12:06
=== andi__ is now known as eltigre
syockitminimal, that's a nice way of pinging ubottu12:06
plouffepvh_sa, thanks. Will have a look12:06
trap22bazhang: any idea ?12:06
html_inprogresshow do iinstall 3d accelaction?12:06
syockittrap22, if you're lucky, you can find one in PPA. rhythmbox has lots of gnome dependencies if I'm not mistaken12:06
bazhangtrap22, then search for a PPA I suppose, but that is 100% unsupported and at your own risk12:06
minimalsyockit, thanks12:07
bazhanghtml_inprogress, via additional drivers12:07
hechuhi, I met a problem about X frozen, when I want to report a bug by apport-bug, it told me try to find a result here. could anybody tell me how to report a bug to lunchpad.net ?12:07
trap22syockit: bazhang: which player do you guys use ?12:07
syockitkarthick87, can you remove ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/background? do 'rm -r .gconf/desktop/gnome/background' from your home folder in terminal12:08
bazhangtrap22, for music? there are a ton to choose from12:08
syockitkarthick87, oh, you don't have to paste the result12:08
bazhang!players | trap2212:08
ubottutrap22: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:08
syockittrap22, i'm not the music-listener type, but right now I have rhythmbox installed with my Unity-based 11.0412:08
syockittrap22, I remember using Audacious when I was in Jackalope12:09
html_inprogresshow do i enable it/12:09
bazhanghtml_inprogress, system administration additional drivers check there12:10
karthick87syockit:  Yes i did that12:10
html_inprogressi got nothing , to install,12:10
syockitkarthick87, and then try to set background again in Appearance12:10
bazhanghtml_inprogress, what card12:10
trap22syockit: bazhang: syockit weird, you don't listen to music. anyways i'm downloading this .tar.gz of rythembox 0.13, i need to overwrite the existing one.12:11
DocPlatypusokay... 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801AA AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) <-- I'm stuck with this for sound. I keep having pulseaudio wedge and I wind up with "dummy output" for my audio device. I'm trying to write music on this machine, so this is a major problem; I really need to figure out how to keep this from happening. Should I just get rid of pulseaudio completely?12:11
karthick87syockit:  No change12:11
orange1hi all  - trying to get workrave going in unity - it used to be an applet - pointers would be appreciated....12:11
syockitkarthick87, this time, in gconf-editor, does /desktop/gnome/background point to anything?12:12
DocPlatypuskernel is 2.6.32-31-generic, 10.04 LTS12:12
karthick87syockit:  The key is not writable yet12:12
syockitkarthick87, now that would be strange12:13
trap22downloaded this "executable-mynotex-amd64_1.1.4.tar.gz" which contains a single executable file called mynotex, but it wont run after extraction ??12:13
syockittrap22, not a directory?12:13
trap22syockit: yes, not a directory, just a executable file12:14
trap22executable (application/x-executable)12:14
DocPlatypusokay... in general, how does one fix problems with pulseaudio up and wedging?12:14
DocPlatypusin 9.10 I'd kill pulseaudio and it would sort everything out.12:14
syockittrap22, what does it output in terminal? maybe it segfaulted12:14
trap22syockit:  cannot execute binary file12:15
trap22ubottu: lol12:16
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.12:16
DocPlatypustrap22: file mynotex -- what does this say?12:16
trap22DocPlatypus: mynotex: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, stripped12:17
DocPlatypustrap22: ldd mynotex -- does it look sane?12:17
syockittrap22, yay it happily runs on my 32-bit! Yeehaw!12:17
trap22DocPlatypus:         not a dynamic executable12:18
syockittrap22, might be corrupted download. redownload, it's small, worth the try12:18
DocPlatypusI'm with syockit, corrupted file is most likely12:18
DocPlatypusany pulseaudio/sound problem gurus have any insight? should I repeat my problem?12:19
syockitkarthick87, can you 'gedit ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/background/%gconf.xml' and see if you can save the file?12:19
malcolmvsHas anyone had Skype performance issues on Ubuntu desktop 10.04?12:21
trap22bazhang: which has the best sound quality. i mean sound corrections or sth like that :?12:22
exe_Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't support NVidia graphic cards? I get "This driver is activated but not currently in use" error on GeForce 7025. Fixes from google (reinstalling all drivers) don't help.12:25
jwtiyari get all new packaeges in upgrade to 11.04 ,now its installing upgardes if i disconnect the internet will damage upgrade or produce error?12:25
jwtiyari get all new packaeges in upgrade to 11.04 ,now its installing upgardes if i disconnect the internet will damage upgrade or produce error?12:26
ryankaskhi all. when I drag a window to the top corner in classic mode, and the arrow goes to the toolbar, an orange outline of the window expands and the window maximizes. how can i stop this?12:27
syockittrap22, XMMS2 is actually a player daemon/server, which needs a client to interface with, and has loads of installable plugins for you to play with, for the best hellish customization12:27
DocPlatypusjwtiyar: if the downloading is done, *most* packages don't need a network connection to configure. there are a few that do though12:27
Kre10sno way to change partition from ext2 to ext4 without loosing data?12:28
jwtiyarDocPlatypus, it gets all packages now its isntalling upgrades12:28
red2kicKre10s: Make a backup first.12:28
red2kicKre10s: In fact, make a backup of a backup too.12:29
* Kre10s has no mediums large enough...12:30
Kre10scan I rersize the partition, make a new one, move the data, delete the previous, and resize the new one to full size?12:31
syockittrap22, if you're lucky, you might get the plugins you want for audacious. I don't know just what "audacious-plugins" package provides. It lists many audio output, and at the end has this "And many more!" line that makes me wonder. It may or may not contain the "31-band EQ"12:31
red2kicKre10s: Purchase. Borrow. Steal.12:31
red2kicKre10s: Hard drives are inexpensive.12:31
trap22syockit: ok, i will install audacious'12:32
red2kicKre10s: Because if you're not serious, you'll experience the loss of all your precious data. There are one of the bad feelings in the whole world. :\12:32
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.12:32
red2kicKre10s: You could try -- but there are always risk associated with partitioning.12:33
DocPlatypusKre10s: whichever way you do it, make a backup first. always.12:33
DocPlatypusI learned this from having Partition Magic for OS/2 up and take a dump on me once.12:33
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
red2kicDocPlatypus: And you felt great? :P12:35
Tupladdesktopcouch-service is taking up 100% CPU, anyone else having this problem ? Googled, but no solution fond.12:35
DocPlatypusred2kic: ha. no. I lost no-telling-what12:35
syockitby the way trap22, does that rhythmbox volume slider bug have a bug page in launchpad? Is it fixed? If so, maybe someone could put a backport patch12:35
DocPlatypusof course this was in the day that a 3 gig hard drive was *huge* and 1.44 meg floppy drives were the typical backup medium unless you bought a tape drive or a $&#*load of Zip disks12:36
Kre10sthanks all!12:36
trap22syockit: yes, i am searching12:36
red2kicI lost about 250GB.12:36
shcherbakIn other hand he could become very skilled in data recovery.12:38
=== JPeterso2 is now known as JPeterson
jemarksyockit, which version of rhythmbox?12:38
trap22syockit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/47298512:38
trap22but how to  put a backport patch ?12:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 472985 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox consistently crashes when adjusting app volume [Karmic] (dup-of: 455421)" [Medium,Invalid]12:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 455421 in gstreamer0.10 (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_set()" [Medium,Triaged]12:38
trap22jemark: 0.12.812:38
jemarktrap22, i use 2.90.112:39
RehanI'm having a problem with GRUB. I made a duplicate image of my laptop's ubuntu install onto a USB flash drive, now when I try to boot from the USB flash drive on the laptop, even if I select the grub entry that points to my USB drive, it still loads the version on the laptop's hard drive unless I edit the grub entry and change the set root=UUID=' ' area to the /dev/sdb1 (where the usb image is). Could anyone help please?12:39
LjL!ru | vadim_12:39
ubottuvadim_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:39
Tupladdesktopcouch-service is taking up 100% CPU, anyone else having this problem ? Googled, but no solution fond.12:40
Guest8353!ru | vadim_12:40
vadim_Есть русские?12:40
trap22jemark: :(, been in isolation12:40
mihahello where could i get some help for openoffice?12:40
bazhangmiha, try #openoffice.org12:42
trap22jemark: where is version 2.90.1? http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/rhythmbox/0.13/12:42
gribouilleI have a problem with kmix12:42
gribouillekmix freezes constantly12:42
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
mihabazhang: i figured that much thx :)12:42
syockittrap22, it seems that upstream has it fixed. The patch is somewhere in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=166020 . You may request someone with technical debian knowledge to try apply patch to glib package12:43
ubottuGnome bug 166020 in gobject "use GAtomic for refcounting" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]12:43
ChepollI tried to trace the origin of my problem with not being able to connect to internet. Apparently I am missing the file "var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket", which all of the network managers are dependant on12:44
ChepollWhat should I do?12:44
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
trap22syockit: huh!!12:45
Tupladdesktopcouch-service is taking up 100% cpu after upgrade. how to fix ?12:45
trap22jemark: is there really 2.90.1. I need to download it ?12:46
mihabazhang: is that .. active channel? there are folks there but nobody writes anything12:46
syockittrap22, yup, that difficult to get things fixed. maybe I can try, I need to set up my build service first. It's been a long time since fixing debian packages12:46
sunilI got this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization, but I want to customize Server DVD, anyone have any idea.12:47
Flannelsunil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization12:48
jemarktrap22, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/30597412:49
Seven_Six_TwoI downloaded 11.04 iso. mounted loop. tried to import packages in to apt-cacher, but only 24 were found. ls -R | grep deb   shows 24. Where are all of the debs? Mounted /ubuntu/casper/filesystem/squashfs and grepped again, but no debs. Where does the installer get them from??12:50
jemarktrap22, base is 0.13.312:50
trap22jemark: it belongs to Gnome 312:51
Magvaнарод, видно мои сообщения?12:51
ChepollI'm sorry but is this the channel for ubuntu-help or am I supposed to go somewhere else to ask questions?12:51
jemarktrap22, yes, like i said12:51
syockittrap22, btw by tracing the bug reports, the problem seems to reside in glib12:52
__Alex_Chepoll: you can ask here12:52
mihaChepoll: this is kind of general help, if nobody answers, nobody knows12:52
xmazChepoll: just ask what you need :P12:52
Dr_WillisSeven_Six_Two:  i think you may want to use the alternative installer cd  if you arwe wanting to upgrade, not from the internet, but from the cd.12:52
trap22syockit: yes, i should see the glib updaets12:53
__Alex_It would be cool if ubuntu had a installer like Debian has.12:53
syockittrap22, have you enabled the backports repo?12:53
Dr_WillisI never noticed anything special about debians installer. :)12:53
trap22syockit: no12:53
__Alex_It's not special, but cool12:54
mintelleHello, world12:54
Dr_WillisIve seen so many variants in 'linux os installers' it would take a lot to impress me. :)12:54
Seven_Six_TwoDr_Willis, I'd do a straight upgrade, but I already downloaded the iso. I'll repack from the live, and it should be ok12:54
syockittry enable it a bit, update repo once, and see if libglib2 or rhythmbox is upgradable12:54
tusharIRC is weird12:55
__Alex_tushar: Why?12:55
Dr_Willistushar:  irc has been around since the 1980's also. :)12:55
syockitbazhang, is backports safe to enable in LTS?12:55
Dr_Willistushar:  i find the other IM clients/methods weird.12:55
Seven_Six_Twoapt made it's name when people pulled their hair out because of rpm's dependency hell12:55
bazhang__Alex_, alternate installer is known as debian installer12:55
tusharHey doc : dont you think its complicated??12:56
Dr_Willistushar:  irc? No...12:56
ChepollWell then I'm going to be repeating my question... My internet connection was gone upon reboot and I have done nothing to trigger it. When I try to manually start network managers, they output an error saying "system_bus_socket" file is missing. I don't know what to do. Thank you...12:56
bazhangtushar, #ubuntu-offtopic please12:56
bazhangsyockit, I'd never use them, no12:56
__Alex_Is there a Ubuntu 'Netinst' cd?12:57
Dr_WillisChepoll:  you may want to clarify Wired or wireless, and how its connecting exactly12:57
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:57
bazhang__Alex_, the minimal installer12:57
bazhang!minimal | __Alex_12:57
ubottu__Alex_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:57
AlexGerhello #ubuntu i have problems installing Zentyal 32bit AND Ubuntu Server edition 32bit 10.04 TLS. During installation i receive the following errormessage: http://pastebin.com/gTXqsHab Thank's for your help! Alex12:57
tusharstill weird12:57
bazhangtushar, please, this is not the chat channel12:57
Chepoll>Well then I'm going to be repeating my question... My internet connection was gone upon reboot and I have done nothing to trigger it. When I try to manually start network managers, they output an error saying "system_bus_socket" file is missing. I don't know what to do... It is wired and I didn't have to input anything to get it working in the first place.12:58
cassiohi. I'm using 11.04. I installed dropbox and it is working fine, but the tray icon is not showing up. if I do dropbox stop and then start it shows up... any idea how can I get it automatically? althought it doesn't show it is working in the background12:58
ChepollDr_Willis: ok now?12:58
bazhangChepoll, whats the chipset, what does ifconfig show paste.ubuntu.com with ifconfig and lspci12:58
mintellePlease recommend a chat channel. Most of the "most online"-chats is related with ubuntu, from one website.12:58
__Alex_tushar: BTW, what client you use? Xchat works great! Try it!12:58
bazhang!alis | mintelle12:59
ubottumintelle: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*12:59
Chepollbazhang: 1 sec, doing so, I will have to manually type the output so give me a minute12:59
mintelleXChat? There is a very low number of people online over there.12:59
Pici!ot | mintelle12:59
ubottumintelle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:59
bazhangmintelle, /join #freenode for that12:59
__Alex_I am using Xchat right now12:59
tusharoops sorry... no chat right12:59
mintelleI will, thanks. :-)12:59
ashmew2Hi , how do i make sure my Ubuntu installation is using USB 2.0+ ?13:00
bazhangashmew2, the hardware?13:00
=== tushar is now known as evoain
ashmew2bazhang: umm ?13:01
__Alex_ashmew: It's all in the kernel! If your kernel is abive 2.6.32, then you're good13:01
=== shcherbak is now known as qin
ashmew2i forgot the command to check kernel version , pointer pls ?13:01
Piciashmew2: uname -a13:01
__Alex_uname -r13:01
evoainhow do i register a new username13:01
LjL!register | evoain13:02
ubottuevoain: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:02
ashmew22.6.38.. :D Thanks13:02
LjLevoain: oh wait you don't mean on freenode?13:02
magicagood night13:02
qwhello how is u?13:02
qwi try to apt-get uninstall but no work in synaptic13:03
evoaintoo complicated13:03
Dazzled1hmm, I'm under the impression that Natty boots significantly slower then 10.1013:04
qwapt-get help13:04
Dazzled1also when shutting down, seems to take afes13:04
qinqw: sudo apt-get remove <package name>13:04
LetsGo67Hey room!  Ubuntu is not quite my cup of tea.  It's difficult with two monitors!  Some of my desktop icons are missing.  Can anyone help please?13:04
qwok thx13:04
Piciqw: We need more information than that.  What are you trying to uninstall? Why isn't it working?13:04
magicahaha nice can use ubuntu13:04
coz_Dazzled1,  I think it is likely due to hardware differences,,  is this a desktop or laptop?13:04
Dazzled1LetsGo67: using TwinView or Seperate X?13:04
__Alex_Dazzled1: Not to say ubuntu is Bad at any way, ubuntu is great! But it is slow13:04
Dazzled1coz_: laptop, 10.10 was lightning fast13:05
DannyButtermanHi there. Does anyone here use Phatch on ubuntu ?13:05
__Alex_Dazzled1: Try to install XFCE13:05
__Alex_and remove Gnome13:05
LetsGo67Dazzled: *Unity*, sorry, is not my cup of tea.  It's the built-in monitor manager.  i set it up so the mouse "goes" from my laptop screen to my 19' 4x3 screen.13:05
degreefkurtbestaat staat er een patch13:05
coz_Dazzled1,   not surprising,, even though most of the developers use laptops... 11.04  has exhibited different boot  speeds and glitches on several systems I have installed it on13:06
__Alex_!xubuntu | Dazzled113:06
ubottuDazzled1: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:06
Chepollbazhang: lspci output is very long for me to type letter by letter. Can you tell me what entry you are looking for so I can check for it13:06
ali_what is the Ctl+del+alt equivalant in ubuntu please?13:06
bazhangChepoll, the wired chipset13:07
coz_Dazzled1,   give it about a month,,, most glitches should have been worked out by then,  although  ,, 10.04  was LTS,, and until 12.04,, I would consider every version inbetween,, experimental13:07
Dr_Willisali_:  alt-ctrl-sysreq-k  I belive13:07
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap13:07
__Alex_ali_ ctrl+alt+Function keys13:07
Dazzled1coz_: true13:07
evoainIs there anyway i can work with ansi c in ubuntu13:07
mihaali_: ctrl-alt-f1 to change to terminal (ctrl-alt-f7 to change back to graphics mode)..when you are in terminal ctrl-alt-delete works :D13:07
bromiumstill no luck with dansguardian & privoxy13:07
Dr_Willisali_:  it may be alt-ctrl-sysreq-r to reboot. k to kill X..    I for get the ohter magic keys13:08
bromiumall porn sites can be accessed, what am i doing wrong?13:08
mihabromium: stop looking at that porn13:08
exe_Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't support NVidia graphic cards? I get "This driver is activated but not currently in use" error on GeForce 7025. Fixes from google (reinstalling all drivers) don't help.13:08
LetsGo67Dazzled1: *Unity*, sorry, is not my cup of tea. It's the built-in monitor manager. i set it up so the mouse "goes" from my laptop screen to my 19' 4x3 screen.13:08
LetsGo67Dr_Willis: Are you a PHD?13:08
coz_bromium,  oo you mean they  "can't"  be accessed?13:08
pranavLetsGo67: PPhD13:08
coz_LetsGo67,   yes  the "love" doctor  :)13:09
evoainLetsGo67 : Please don't chat like this.13:09
bromiumi mean "can", dansguardian+privoxy is a web control filter13:10
pranavevoain: is there a fun channel for Ubuntu users ?13:10
bromiumi don't wanna my kids access porn sites13:10
pranav is there a fun channel for Ubuntu users ?13:10
Picipranav: #ubuntu-offtopic13:10
Chepollbazhang: ethernet controller is Realtek something something, do you want the specifics or is it another entry I am looking for?13:10
coz_bromium,  unless you somehow inadvertently  installed or enabled some setting in firefox  I cant think of a site that is restricted13:10
ali_can anyone name a good user reference book for ubuntu that comares command with windows?13:10
coz_bromium,   open firefox and go to it's settings  and check there13:10
pranavPici: i' on13:10
bazhangChepoll, need the exact chipset13:10
tyrezahello there13:11
tyrezai got ubuntu on my pc13:11
dr0idhi there13:11
dr0idI got ubuntu13:11
dr0idon my pc13:11
tenXali_: you mean windows shell commands?13:11
bromiumcoz_: i've installed dansguardian + privoxy (if these na,es tell you something) to prevent accessing "bad" sites13:11
bromiumbut it doesn't work for some reason13:11
pranavtyreza: we all, so we belong to this base :P13:11
dr0idand my team mate can access13:11
Chepollbazhang: Ethernet controller: realtex semiconductor co ltd rtl 8111/8168B prci express gigabit ethernet controller (rev01)13:11
ubottuCurrent stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.13:11
coz_bromium,  ah ok,, there;'s  your answer then,, I dont know anything about that though13:11
=== Andy_ is now known as Guest87884
LetsGo67Someone update the bot please!13:12
pranavtyreza: nearly 1700 of us.13:12
dr0idsay if my team mate is accessing it, can I know that he is accessing it at that point of time ?13:12
Chepollbazhang: **realtek13:12
qindr0id: w13:12
Chepollbazhang: **realtek13:12
dr0idqin: ?13:12
Chepollbazhang: **pci13:12
tyrezawell my question is : i got ubuntu on my pc with 3 other pc runing on ubuntu too on a same network, i got my hard disk serial number13:12
tyrezaof one that 3 computer13:12
PiciLetsGo67: You can submit an update yourself: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:13
qindr0id: w to see users (who), iftop to have live connections listed13:13
tyrezamy question is simply from the ubuntu cli how identify my hard disk presence in which pc ?13:13
degreefkurtjme a ask santing13:14
LetsGo67Pici: Too much for me.  :|13:14
LetsGo67Why did Ubuntu copy Mac OS X a lot?13:14
tyrezawho get my questioN ?13:14
degreefkurthox doe a instal video gams wiet ubuntu13:14
tenXali_: i remember some kind of guide from back in the days, like 1999 or so. you know win shell and are new to linux?13:15
LetsGo67tyreza: i got part of it.13:15
crystal-colaCan I put ubuntu back to normal?13:15
ramshotGreets. I'm having some trouble with Unity. When it merges the software tool bar with the top bar, it seems to be leaving out some of the menu items. For example, Zend studio is missing "File" and "Help". And there are items missing even under the menus that are there. Seems strange to me, a bug or a setting?13:15
Pici!classic | crystal-cola13:15
LetsGo67degreefkurt: sudo apt-get install supertuxkart tuxkart supertux xbill13:15
ubottucrystal-cola: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.13:15
zvacetLetsGo67:  that is good question but wrong address13:15
tyrezasimply i got 3 pc runing on ubuntu, i need to find one of my hard disk location, so i got my hard disk serial number how to identify my hard disk in which computer ?13:15
ali_tenx:yes you are right13:15
blackbitwhy empathy often do not show in the launcher'13:16
tyrezaall 3 computer are in same network13:16
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete13:16
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:16
degreefkurtok thanks13:17
LetsGo67Can you have very weak computers and one very strong computer and the weak computers use the strong computer to work?13:18
tyrezawhat up ? there is no answer13:18
Chepollbazhang: sorry, forgot to attach the ifconfig. Ifconfig for eth0 ::: link encap:ethernet hwaddr 00:1e:......13:18
Chepollsorry for the early enter13:19
tenXali_: cant really supply a guide but you will like linux terminals. the win cmd is a joke compared to it13:19
DannyButtermanLetsGo67: yes you can, you can use XDMPC for instance13:19
Picityreza: I personally don't understand what you are asking.13:19
zvacetLetsGo67:  do you mean something like cluster13:19
LetsGo67Bye bye!13:19
tyrezavery simple my question Pici let me explain you again13:19
ali_tenx:ok thanks13:19
bazhangChepoll, what does sudo dhclient eth0    show? ie does it get a lease or not13:19
tyrezai got a serial number of one my hard disk, which is present on one computer, i got 3 pc all 3 pc are in ubuntu, and also 3 pc are in a same network13:20
Chepollbazhang: operation not permitted, I think I have to chattr resolv.conf , right?13:21
tyrezamy question is simply how to IDENTIFY  my hard disk location ( the presence of my hard disk in which computer) from the command  line13:21
bazhangChepoll, what did you remove to get in that state?13:21
tyrezato able to find my hard disk13:21
h4x0rsHi all, i have a problem with internet connection since i upgraded to 10.10, ifconfig gives me only one interfece 'lo'13:21
h4x0rsHi all, i have a problem with internet connection since i upgraded to 10.10, ifconfig gives me only one interfece 'lo'13:22
Chepollbazhang: as in, the permission or not having connection? All I did was dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and -reconfigure keyboard-layout13:23
crystal-colaUbuntu just crashed!! thats the new upgade13:23
h4x0rscrystal-cola: help!13:23
crystal-colanow im using classic hopefully it wont crash again13:23
tyrezais it clear now ? Pici13:23
h4x0rsHi all, i have a problem with internet connection since i upgraded to 10.10, ifconfig gives me only one interfece 'lo'13:23
crystal-colaIdon't know anything about ifconfig sorry13:24
Picityreza: This should show your disk serial numbers: sudo lshw -C disk13:24
Dark_Star1DOn't upgrade a virtualised ubuntu.. Mine just died :)13:24
Picityreza: Much clearer, I just had to test that command on a computer that wasn't virtualized.13:24
h4x0rsHi all, i have a problem with internet connection since i upgraded to 10.10, ifconfig gives me only one interfece 'lo'13:24
Dark_Star1Well don't upgrade from 10.10 to 11.0413:24
h4x0rscrystal-cola: ?13:24
qintyreza: lshw (why do you need serial?)13:24
Chepollbazhang: if I knew how I ended up like this, I would be much less frustrated. as a sidenote, this problem occured the same boot as I got prompted to update a couple of stuff and upgrade a couple of others. I don't think that's related though13:24
h4x0rsDark_Star1: i can't upgrade because there is no internet13:24
LjLh4x0rs: don't keep repeating so often please13:25
h4x0rsLjL: ok13:25
Dark_Star1h4x0rs: It's not a virtualised ubuntu is it?13:25
tyrezabut i don't want to run that command in each individual computer Pici that's why i m talking about all the 3 computer on a same network qin13:25
Chepollbazhang: also my /etc/network/interfaces has "lo", not "eth0". I never touched that file.13:26
h4x0rsDark_Star1: No.13:26
Picityreza: Unless you want to ssh into each computer, or use some sort of multi-ssh tool, there isn't a remote way of getting that information.13:26
High_Priesttyreza, ssh to each and run it13:26
Bochumis there a way to move the top-bar at the bottom?13:26
tyrezai don't want to ssh to each one13:27
coz_Bochum,  in Unity,, I dont think so,, it is not  a gnome-panel  under unity13:27
qintyreza: Em? list of ip to ssh with exec with lshw with some knowledge of bash (why do you need serial?)13:27
h4x0rsHi all, i have a problem with internet connection since i upgraded to 10.10, ifconfig gives me only one interfece 'lo'13:27
Dazzled1my login screen shows fine on dual monitors, but when  I enter my name and pass, the left screen seems to have trouble to render13:27
Dazzled1but when I click something/touch a key, the anomaly dissappears13:28
tyrezajust wanna discover that functionality13:28
tyrezafi that possible13:28
nes_god i hate 11.04 lyout13:28
qintyreza: you can skip one coz it would be ilogical, so you needto ssh only to two (or one if you use one locally)13:28
coz_Dazzled1,  if you are using 11.04  I can verify  that it has some video issues on dual monitors...13:29
Dark_Star1h4x0rs: I'm in the middle of something myself.. Give me a few mins and I'll get back to you13:29
Dazzled1coz_: ah ok, yeah I'm on Natty13:29
coz_Dazzled1,  rather 11.04  Unity13:29
h4x0rsDark_Star1: ok, thanks.13:29
Dazzled1coz_: yeah, I'm still trying to get used to it :)13:29
nes_the bar on the left is pants <,<13:30
tyrezathen how nagios get information without sshing to any computer  ? Pici qin High_Priest13:30
ChepollDark_star1: his problem and mine seem similar too. My internet connection too went all of a suddent and my /etc/network/interfaces too enables "lo" only.13:30
High_Priesttyreza, snmp13:30
tyrezaso it is possible ?13:31
Picityreza: snmp is less likely to be installed and configured than ssh.13:31
coz_Dazzled1,  at this point  Unity  on dual monitors ,, especially if you are enabling dual monitors after boot,, has issues,, there is quite a bit of video  garble in that situation,, so I am not surprise it does this while you boot to dual set up13:32
tyrezai don't have any experience with snmp13:32
elb0wugh unity13:33
elb0wmakes me sad13:33
High_Priesttyreza, which is exactly why you should listen to our advice and go with ssh, you'll get it done in 2 mins13:33
coz_Dazzled1,  I believe  it is related to  nux   which is an open-source java toolkit which was necessary , in part , for helping compiz to work on Unity13:33
Dazzled1coz_: ah, I see13:33
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coz_Dazzled1,  nux allows for " and efficient  XML pricessing"  unquote :)13:34
tyrezai know that method don't worry High_Priest , but it is not what i m looking for13:34
coz_Dazzled1,   rather  "an efficient"13:34
High_Priesttyreza, then explain exactly what you are looking for and what you are trying to achieve and someone might actually help13:34
tyrezaso if i understand correctly, if nagios is present on all 3 compter what  i have to do to find my disk ?13:34
High_Priesttyreza, snmp doesn't have anything to do with that13:35
tyrezafrom the command line ?13:35
tyrezahow to check if snmp is present on my computer or not ?13:35
tomekhhi. anyone here also have problem with thunar starting (first run) for about 10 seconds? (ubuntu 11.04)13:36
coz_Dazzled1,  I simply switched to classic gnome  ,,, much easier to deal with dual set ups..13:36
coz_tomekh,   sorry ,, I dont use xfce13:36
Dazzled1coz_: yeah, think I might consider switching back as well13:37
tomekhcoz_: currently this problem also occurs with nautilus.13:37
coz_Dazzled1,  well  you dont have to swtich to a previous version...simply log off  and log onto classic :)13:38
Dazzled1coz_: ah, yeah, that's what I meant :p13:38
coz_tomaw,  oh!  i didnt see that problem,, how does it show itself?13:38
Chepollh4x0rs: are you still here?13:39
coz_Dazzled1,  ph phew!  I thought you were going to downgrade :)13:39
syockitelb0w, oh poor dear, what's wrong? Why don't you try unity-2d instead?13:39
elb0wsyockit, it broke one of our systems that runs 3 monitors13:40
elb0whad to roll back to 10.1013:40
coz_tomekh,   that was meant for you    how does it show itself in nautilus?13:40
elb0wand its by far not a developer desktop13:40
elb0wAlso the "classic" version just through errors13:40
syockitelb0w, ah I see so it doesn't play nice with multi-heads?13:40
tyrezahow to check if snmp is present on my computer or not ? High_Priest13:40
Dr_Willis!info snmp13:41
ubottusnmp (source: net-snmp): SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.3~dfsg-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 153 kB, installed size 568 kB13:41
Picityreza: snmpd would need to be running on all the computers you want to query.13:41
maxagazthe new ubuntu sucks! Impossible to change/reset properly the desktop effects, even the Prt Screen key doesn't work anymore! I'm really fucked up13:41
Picimaxagaz: Please mind your language.13:41
AndroiDoughBoyI am trying to get my windows partition mounted in Ubuntu, but I can not find it in /dev. I installed using the Wubi installer in Windows 7. What am I missing?13:41
maxagazPici, yes, sorry13:42
Dr_Willisand reset other settings..13:42
maxagazDr_Willis, I don't want unity, it's not convenient13:42
coz_AndroiDoughBoy,   I cant help with this issue,, I have never used wubi  ,, I am sure others here can help13:42
Dazzled1maxagaz: PrntScrn works fine here13:42
maxagazDr_Willis, I use the normal gnome13:42
Dazzled1the only feeling I have about Unity atm is that it's form over function13:43
maxagazDazzled1, why not for me then after my update then ?13:43
Dr_Willismaxagaz:   so state the actual tech support issue.13:43
JohnFluxAfter upgrading to 11.04, I find that the kernel crashes about once a day13:43
JohnFluxis this a known problem?13:43
mediacenterso slight problem, ndiswrapper shows that the driver for my 2wire wiress adapter is all there and present, yet no wlan0 starts up.... iwconfig shows no wireless connections and im lost, any help please?13:43
fi8er1Cannot change functionality of Super-Key13:44
coz_JohnFlux,   I have said this many times... the one consistent thing with upgrading one version to the next, is that it is consistently inconsistent,,, If you can,, I suggest a clean install after backing up any important documents  etc13:44
maxagazI'm so unhappy of this new version13:44
Dr_Willisfi8er1:  change it to what? You check at -> http://askubuntu.com/search?q=change+super+key ?13:45
JohnFluxcoz_: who on earth reinstalls from fresh every 6 months?13:45
JohnFluxcoz_: seems like a huge waste of time13:46
Dr_WillisJohnFlux:  takes me all of perhaps 40 min.13:46
Dr_WillisBut since my main hobby is doing support here. I like to try things out from 'default' settings for the releases also.13:46
coz_JohnFlux,   yeah  I agree,, however,,  I still advocate  clean installs,,, but yeah  many people rely on upgrades,,, the issue becomes troubleshooting  after that.13:47
tyrezayes it is present snmpd , Pici13:47
AndroiDoughBoyDoes anyone know where my windows partition would be mounted in Ubuntu when installed through Wubi?13:47
Dr_WillisAndroiDoughBoy:  I think wubi auto mounts it somewhere. Ive seen that asked befor. but i cant rember where exactly13:47
JohnFluxcoz_: I've also noticed that my wireless connection is much weaker.  I don't know if it's related to the crashes13:47
OinsHow can I start a program twice from the unity panel? If a program already runs and i klick it again at the unity panel, the window come to foreground. But I like to get a new, second window.13:47
yassineim unable to set the env variable in ubuntu for grails / i tried setting the path in .bashrc, .bash_profile and .profile  resources each time but the command grails i still unknown anything am i missing ??13:48
Dr_WillisAndroiDoughBoy:  try /host/13:48
zniavreOins,  middle clic13:48
coz_JohnFlux,   I understand and i dont think you are alone with this ,, but I dont have a reason or solution for it ...sorry13:48
marcelCCiao a tutti! I need to install some packages, and they are not in the defalut repros, I would like to enable some new official repros, like backports, canonical partners, is this safe? Maybey I will need to upgrade in the future to the next ubuntu release and I don't wish to run into troubles13:48
Picityreza: Actually using it is not something I remember off the top of my head.  You'll need to do some research yourself in order to determine what MIBs you need to query.13:48
Dr_WillisOins:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/become-a-natty-power-user-in-no-time-using-this-unit-keyboard-shortcuts-wallpaper/13:48
Dr_Willislearn all the shortcuts :)13:48
Oinszniavre: ah nice, thank you!13:48
coz_marcelC,   I enable all repositories   and so far no issues13:49
OinsDr_Willis: thanks13:49
JohnFluxcoz_: thanks for replying13:49
maxagazhow to change/reset the desktop effect13:49
AndroiDoughBoyDr_Willis Thanks.  Thats it.  Never would have thought to look there.13:49
maxagazon the normal gnome environment ?13:49
maxagazis there a command line for that ?13:49
coz_JohnFlux,  no problem... hope you can resolve this without a clean install13:49
Dr_WillisOins:  also found -> http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html13:49
maxagazfor this application13:49
Dr_Willismaxagaz:  you mean reset compiz settings back to default? or restart compiz/metacity?13:49
ramshotI don't suppose there's any way to get the search functionality (super-key) from unity into "ubuntu classic"? :)13:50
ramshotLoved it, but had too many problems with Unity otherwise13:50
maxagazDr_Willis, reset compiz settings back to default13:50
Dr_Willismaxagaz:  tghat url i gave mentions the command -> gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-113:50
coz_ramshot,   you mean for application search or file search?13:51
Dr_Willismaxagaz:  it might need 'compiz' instead of compiz-1 for the classic desktop13:51
ramshotcoz_: Well, it seemed to search both, but either would be better than none :)13:51
maxagazDr_Willis, that's to disable all effect or set it to default ?13:52
coz_ramshot,   well in classic,, you can go to  system / preferences / keyboard shortcuts and look for "Search"  and put in a keybinding you like ,, this is bring up the file search dialog13:52
Dr_Willismaxagaz:  site says -->  To reset all the Compiz settings (this includes all the plugins settings, etc.) to the default values, ..... at -->  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html13:52
mattdevI keep getting the "Fully charged" status through upower (and so gnome-power-manager) even thoug an upower --dump shows that the battery is not fully charged in numbers. Is there a way to fix is?13:52
coz_ramshot,  it is also available under the Places menu   "Search for files "13:53
OinsDr_Willis: this helps me a lot. Thank you !13:54
ramshotcoz_: Yeah, but it's not instant / as well designed as the unity one, but guess I'll have to settle, thanks :)13:55
coz_ramshot,  understood,,13:55
i_is_brokehow do you get rid of the side bar in naty?13:55
coz_i_is_broke,  open ccsm   click on the Unity plugin  set it to autohide13:55
wirabumihi all, can tutorial, install gnome3 on lucid :)13:55
i_is_brokecoz_, ty13:56
syockitno lsb modules available! wait what? how did I get my distro name again? wasn't it lsb_release?13:56
insanity99hey guys, i am liking ubuntu 11.04 right now, but i dont like that i cant see what programs i have open, like normally on the bottom all your programs are there13:56
Daekdroomlsb_release -a I think13:56
syockitwirabumi, selamat pagi!13:56
coz_syockit,   lsb_release -a13:56
syockitcoz_, thanks. Oh, it doesn't display the codename13:57
coz_syockit,   oh!  just tried it13:57
=== Jeff_ is now known as Guest24791
ubuntu_hhello there13:57
wirabumipagi, syckit13:57
REKSince I didnt get a answer on the forum can anyone help me with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174889313:57
gogoboywhere r u come from13:57
DaekdroomREK, describe your problem in here.13:58
coz_syockit,  ok did you install    lsb-release  ....yes?13:58
Dr_WillisOins:  yea  they really need some links/docs/guides on the desktop fior unity. its just off-putting how differnt it is13:58
ubuntu_im from mars13:58
REKDaekdroom: Already done it on thread13:58
Dr_WillisREK:  theres the askubuntu web site also now a days yioumay want to try13:58
gogoboyr u et?13:58
Pici!ot | gogoboy13:58
ubottugogoboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:58
REKDaekdroom: Guys whenever I leave my PC idle for 20-30mins the screen turns off and the power light flickers but it doesn't turn on no matter what . I always have to hard restart when that happens . And on restart I see what ever work was left to be done on the desktop like UPDATES or DOWNLOADS had been working well just the display was giving problems .13:58
gogoboyhi guys13:59
coz_here is a small tweak guide for unity    http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html13:59
OinsDr_Willis: yes, but after a few days of using it, i don't wanna miss the new, nice features :)13:59
REKDr_Willis: Is it helpful cause Ubuntu forum never has turned helpful towards my problems the IRC at least has helped me sort out problems13:59
gogoboychat on msn?13:59
gogoboymanwei119@hotmail.com  chat on msn13:59
Dr_WillisREK:  would depend on the problem i imagine.14:00
Jeff_MosawyI need some help. Anyone?14:00
coz_Jeff_Mosawy,  well what is the issue?14:00
Daekdroom!ask | Jeff_Mosawy14:00
ubottuJeff_Mosawy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:00
Dr_WillisREK:  sounds like some power saveing issue. is all i can say. I tend to disable all that stuff and just turn off the monitor if im leaving for the day14:00
ali_After trying allday to get the wireless going,i have installed lots of drivers.the last one is functioning.my question is that do i have to keep installing this driver at every reboot?14:00
REKDr_Willis: Guys whenever I leave my PC idle for 20-30mins the screen turns off and the power light flickers but it doesn't turn on no matter what . I always have to hard restart when that happens . And on restart I see what ever work was left to be done on the desktop like UPDATES or DOWNLOADS had been working well just the display was giving problems .14:00
REKthis is the problem14:01
REKand i have disabled all power saving14:01
Jeff_MosawyI have a Dell laptop 1545. My wireless doesn't work. How can I solve the problem, please ?14:01
Dr_WillisREK:  alternatively - you could try sshing in and see whats going on. perhaps restart the GDM service.14:01
coz_REK,   did you open screensaver  and untick the boxes,, bottom one first14:01
REKcoz_: can you tell me exactly where your talking about then I might be able to check14:01
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
coz_REK,  gnome-screensaver-properties14:02
Jeff_MosawyAnyone can tell me how can I solve my wireless problem ?14:02
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REKcoz_: says command not found14:03
coz_REK,  ?  mm let me check here hold on14:03
ali_Jeff_Mosawy: if you have broadcom,u need drivers for it14:03
coz_REK,    gnome-screensaver-preferences14:04
Jeff_MosawyAli, which driver should I install for 1545 Dell Laptop ?14:04
=== Andy_ is now known as Guest83755
REKcoz_:  now what do i do .. just check for power saving stuffs?14:05
ali_Jeff_Mosawy:what type of card do you have?is it broadcom bcm?14:05
Guest6242!sk | Guest624214:05
ubottuGuest6242, please see my private message14:05
Jeff_MosawyAli: Yes, I think so.14:05
coz_REK,   there should be 2 tick boxes,, untick the bottom one first then the top   that will prevent ,,, I believe ,, what you described14:06
REKcoz_: its already disabled ... the box is not available for tick ot untick14:06
=== lance is now known as Guest66332
coz_REK,  ooo... mm then I am puzzled sorry14:06
REKcoz_:  thanks anyway :)14:07
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
ubuntu_why in ubuntu dropped  shell on f1-6?14:07
ali_Jeff_Mosawy:system>administration>additional drivers14:07
amr_i want gnome14:07
coz_REK,   ok,, just ask again,, someone else most likely has had expreience with this issue14:07
amr_i want download gnome14:07
=== drMike_ is now known as drMike
ali_Jeff_Mosawy: plus b43 and fwcutter14:08
Jeff_MosawyAli_: I'll can install my wireless device there? Are you sure?14:08
ali_Jeff_Mosawy: do this and let uss know if u still have a problem14:09
marcelCI can't find a packages [ sudo apt-get install aircrack / Reading package lists... Done / [...]E: Unable to locate package aircrack14:09
marcelCthis one is not in the official package tree?14:09
bindimarcelC: do you mean aircrack-ng?14:09
marcelCyes, for wireless14:09
PicimarcelC: Use apt-cache search aircrack   to search for packages before making assumptions.14:10
bindimarcelC: well use that then instead14:10
marcelCi am looking at this tutorial but it is a little bit old http://www.askstudent.com/hacking/how-to-crack-a-wep-key-using-ubuntu/14:10
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Jeff_MosawyOK. By the way, should I be connected to the internet for install this driver? Because I'm on Windows right now and I don't have internet in Ubuntu because my wireless doesn't work.14:10
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marcelCit's working14:11
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PatrickC_Pre2if I'm gonna dual-boot, how much HDD space should I have??14:13
marcelCis any difference between linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic 2.6.38-8.42 and linux-headers-2.6.38-8 2.6.38-8.42 ?14:13
mediacenterok, so while attempting to install my 2wire wifi adapter, ndiswrapper shows that the driver is install properly yet i do not see a wlan0, also in lsmod is shows that ndiswrapper is not being used, I need some help figuring out this wifi dilemma please14:14
ali_Jeff_Mosawy: you need internet.try to connect with eth0 first14:14
REKDaekdroom: Guys whenever I leave my PC idle for 20-30mins the screen turns off and the power light flickers but it doesn't turn on no matter what . I always have to hard restart when that happens . And on restart I see what ever work was left to be done on the desktop like UPDATES or DOWNLOADS had been working well just the display was giving problems .14:14
REKcan you help me mate?14:15
newubuntuhey anyone here running a wubi-installed copy of ubuntu???14:15
PatrickC_Pre2how much space do I need if I'm going to dual-boot?14:15
HalzenPatrickC_Pre2: Ubuntu can run comfortably with only about 10GB of space.14:15
dfgasupdated to 11.04 and now my screen is all messed up. besides /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there any other settings i can delete?14:15
PatrickC_Pre2what about 6GB?14:16
jribnewubuntu: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)14:16
PatrickC_Pre2its an old laptop14:16
dfgasso it will auto setup my screen again?14:16
voozenewubuntu, just ask your question about it14:16
HalzenREK: I would try a kernel update. Here's a guide to installing Liquorix kernels: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/how-to-install-liquorix-kernel-in.html14:16
PatrickC_Pre2only has a 15GB Hdd to start14:16
mediacenteraccording to the ubuntu wifi docs it says if there is no wlan0 then the problem persists with the driver not working properly, I am following the ubuntu unleashed wiki14:16
HalzenPatrickC_Pre2: With such limited space, I would limit it to one installation.14:16
PatrickC_Pre2thanks Halzen14:16
REKHalzen: Thanks I was looking for a kernel update only14:16
HalzenPatrickC_Pre2: Luckily, 2.5" hard drives are virtually universal and very affordable.14:17
ubuntu_on ubuntu because have dropped F1-F6 ahell?14:17
jribnewubuntu: if you fix the time, when is it incorrect again?14:17
mosezknows somebody a good way to manipulate the nameserver list when i connect a vpn with network manager?14:17
Halzennewubuntu: That's a motherboard issue. Try updating your motherboard firmware, or even a BIOS update might be needed.14:17
PatrickC_Pre2Halzen: it has 128MB RAM, I'm gonna get a new laptop before I upgrade this one :)14:17
mediacenternewubuntu, no need for all caps, even with frustration, possible if they still have it your c2032 battery on the motherboard is dead, replace, reset in bios, and see if fixed14:17
newubuntu@jrib: after rebooting of course14:17
jribnewubuntu: replace the cmos battery?14:18
HalzenPatrickC_Pre2: I hear you. I see some great options pop onto Craigslist almost every day.14:18
PatrickC_Pre2ok, thanks for the suggestion!14:18
mosezscenario: no vpn connected, use first ns, if it doesnt know the record use the one from dhcp. if vpn is connected try first and if that doesnt find a record try out the one defined by vpn14:18
akshay_hello rocket1614:18
sabri_iconebonjour a tous14:18
PatrickC_Pre2bye all, thanks for the help!14:18
newubuntuu mean its a battery problem?14:19
sabri_iconequi as une idée sur la LPIC14:19
ronr_how can I check how many cpus and memory I have using shell?14:19
sabri_iconeLPIC 114:19
mediacenternewubuntu what jrib said14:19
sabri_iconedes cours ou des exemples d'exame14:19
sabri_iconepersonnes n'a  une idée sur la LPIC14:19
DJones!fr | sabri_icone14:19
ubottusabri_icone: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:19
mediacenterhmmm, idea, brb14:19
Halzenronr_: I think gnome-system-monitor will still work in Gnome 3.14:20
sabri_icone;) hello all ubunteros14:20
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ronr_Halzen: in terminal?14:20
Halzenronr_: My Gnome 3 install didn't last long on my machine, so I can't check for you.14:20
sabri_iconeif someone has some idea about LPIC help me14:20
Halzenronr_: That or alt-F2.14:20
sabri_iconei want some document or blank exam if possible14:20
maxbmosez: I wish there was a nice way to do it. I've ended up building myself a fairly complex shell script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603267/14:20
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newubuntui strongly doubt dat this is a CMOS battery issue guys...coz the problem has arised only after installing ubuntu using Wubi14:21
compdocThe Linux Professional Institute Certification ?14:21
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sabri_icone,o one has an idea about LPIC ?14:21
sabri_iconeyeah, compdoc14:21
jribnewubuntu: well replace the battery and rule it out14:21
compdocnever heard of it14:21
jpdssabri_icone: Yeas.14:21
Halzennewubuntu: Wubi won't mess with your motherboard or BIOS. Check the battery and try a motherboard firmware update.14:21
sabri_iconecan you help me ? to get some information14:21
ronr_Halzen: it's a server, yes? only got ssh to it.14:22
sabri_iconei planify to pass this month , i need some alumni exam14:22
newubuntuyeah? so why is this problem resolved if i uninstall ubuntu and run ONLY windows?14:22
insanity99hey guys, is there a way to have the bottom bar on 11.04 so i can see my open programs?14:22
sabri_iconealso , course's really great to know what i will pass14:22
sagaciinsanity99, run Classic Gnome14:22
sabri_iconeit seem no one is interesting to LPI certification !14:22
sagacisabri_icone, #ubuntu-offtopic14:23
mosezmaxb: thx for that, got to take a look at it... i hoped that i'm not the first who needs that and that there are already solutions i cant find14:23
sabri_iconesagaci: mais cé du topic ?14:23
Halzensabri_icone: I'd head over to the Linux Foundation. They're the leaders in Linux certification, and will be of more help to you than a distro support chat.14:23
DaveAGWe're currently running 10.04 LTS with Evolution 2.28.3 to connect to an Exchange 2003 system via the OWA based exchange connector. I've been unable to find any means of connecting, either MAPI or OWA, to Exchange 2010 which we will be migrating to this summer. I know IMAP will work but am looking for a solution that would get calendaring in as well. Davmail looks possible, but I'd rather not have an extra service to support just to bridge Exchange to14:23
insanity99i'd rather uity, but be able to see my open programs14:23
sabri_iconesagaci: its not ? an ubuntu_ topicN14:23
LjLsabri_icone: ce salon est seulement pour problemes techniques avec Ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic pour autres choses14:23
dob1hi, i have sun java installed on 11.04,  why if i want to install groovy too ubuntu wants to install openjdk ?14:24
newubuntuhelp anyone?14:24
sabri_iconeLjL: thaks14:24
dob1i want to use groovy with sun jdk14:24
HalzenDaveAG: Evolution historically doesn't get along with certain Exchange functions. I'd try Thunderbird.14:25
jrib!who | newubuntu14:25
ubottunewubuntu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:25
Jeff_MosawyAli_: Hi again. I did what you said but unfortunately I couldn't get the driver. Becuase it need an internet and I don't have.14:25
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sabri_iconehello all14:25
jribnewubuntu: does the issue present itself if you boot windows, shutdown, boot windows again?14:25
ubuntu_on ubuntu because have dropped F1-F6 ahell?14:25
newubuntu!ubotto thanks i didnt know this14:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
sabri_iconecan someone help me to take some doc about LPI certification14:26
sabri_iconeor some alumni exam14:26
DaveAGHalzen: This is for integrated groupware, not just email. I didn't thing Thunderbird had any way of tying into the GAL and calendars does it?14:26
syockitubuntu_, alt-F1 to alt-F614:26
newubuntu!jrib wanna help?14:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
syockitubuntu_, wait maybe it was ctrl-alt14:26
jribnewubuntu: I'm trying to.  But can only do so if you answer questions14:26
coz_ctrl+F1  etc14:27
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syockitubuntu_, from X, ctrl-alt. from tty, just alt14:27
coz_etc  I believe14:27
fredrik__so, just installed 11.04 and trying to understand unity. I installed wine and a windows application. How can I threw unity find this app? Wine nore the windows program shows up when I search for apps witch super-key14:27
syockitnewubuntu, don't prefix ! when mentioning nickname14:27
HalzenDaveAG: Any chance this will help? http://gitorious.org/lightning-exchange-provider/pages/Home14:28
newubuntujrib: sry ur last wues got lost in the group...and no there is no problem when i boot windows, shut down, and boot windows again14:28
ronr_Halzen: doesn't seem to have gnome installed.14:28
milen8204How can I do CPU temperature monitoring14:29
DaveAGHalzen: Cheers, that definitely looks worth a try14:29
jribnewubuntu: make linux use local time: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Make%20Linux%20use%20%27Local%27%20time14:29
Halzenronr_: You have Gnome Shell but not Gnome? I must've missed something.14:29
OneSquaredHello, I need help. I would rename file (637-texte.png --> 637.png) but how ?14:29
syockitDid someone mention witch? Witches shall be lynched14:29
ubuntu_syockit, i know that because isnt there the shell? i see nothing..14:29
newubuntujrib: tx, checking ur link out...14:29
HalzenOneSquared: Gnome can do that. Right-click and Rename.14:29
Yulyahello guys14:30
llutzOneSquared: rename 's/-texte//' *.png14:30
milen8204OneSquared, i a terminal ?14:30
Yulyai have some trouble with 10.0414:30
HalzenHello, Yulya.14:30
milen8204OneSquared, mv 637-texte.png  637.png14:30
OneSquaredHalzen, There are a lot of file :/ about 248.14:30
llutzmv 637-texte.png 637.png14:30
Yulyai make backup with tar, unpack it, install grub14:30
syockitubuntu_ no login at all? just blank? but you have X (GNOME/KDE/etc)?14:30
ronr_Halzen: I have a Gnome shell? when did I say I have a Gnome shell? :)14:30
Yulyafix fstab http://paste2.org/p/139861414:30
HalzenOneSquared: Open up the folder in Nautilus and Ctrl-F.14:30
Yulyaon first boot i got http://touhou.ru/upload/6a12b415e03838b3682c25ea0fc379a8.png14:31
Yulyaand nothing happen14:31
Halzenronr_: My bad, you said shell and I jumped to Gnome Shell for some reason.14:31
kevinyoung_hi all14:31
amr_howto install Gnome 314:31
ronr_Halzen: no idea what kind of shell :)14:31
Halzenronr_: Try these in terminal for your CPU and RAM: "free -m" and "cat /proc/cpuinfo"14:32
OneSquaredThere are a lot of file : 637-texte.png, 6898-look.png, 875458-nick.png, etc..... so I would a dynamic command or script for rename all file.14:32
fredrik__so, just installed 11.04 and trying to understand unity. I installed wine and a windows application. How can I threw unity find this app? Wine nore the windows program shows up when I search for apps witch super-key14:32
ronr_Halzen: right, thanks! I forgot the commands.14:32
ubuntu_syockit, yes are all blank im using gnome, for add  how i do it?14:32
Halzenronr_: Good. Sorry for the confusion.14:33
ronr_Halzen: I blame myself. I wasn't clear enough.14:33
syockitubuntu_ tty should've been installed by default14:33
dob1hi, i have sun java installed on 11.04,  why if i want to install groovy too ubuntu wants to install openjdk ?  i want to use groovy with sun jdk14:33
ronr_Halzen: free -m gives me 492 total. don't remember what that maens.14:34
OneSquaredI will like use sed but it's difficult...14:34
syockitubuntu_ see if you have tty1.conf in /etc/init/14:34
Halzenronr_: That reads 492 MB of RAM, meaning you have 512MB installed.14:34
jribOneSquared: you need to describe what sort of rule you want to use to rename them-14:34
ronr_Halzen: that's.... pathetic.14:35
ronr_Halzen: thanks :)14:35
ubuntu_syockit, if i install tty then work like other distro?14:35
Halzenronr_: It's a bit under par, yeah. xD14:35
ronr_Halzen: how do I know how many cores the cpu has? if it prints out only one cpu it means only one core?14:36
ubuntu_syockit, yes ive this file there...14:37
Halzenronr_: There will be a line around the middle of the print with "cpu cores". As you know, multiple cores will fit on one physical CPU, so you have to be careful what you read.14:37
syockitubuntu_ the conf file is installed by upstart (I found out by doing 'dpkg -S /etc/init/tty1.conf'), and I think it is also installed in your distro14:38
llutzOneSquared: if the files all start with a number and you want to remove ALL text,s tarting from "-":       rename 's/-[A-z]*//g' *.png14:38
LjLsabri_icone: http://lpi.org/eng/certification/the_lpic_program/lpic_1/exam_101_sample_questions14:38
ronr_Halzen: no cores. if I run 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep core' it prints out nothing.14:38
syockitubuntu_ the command 'ps' will list running processes. If you do 'ps -a | grep getty', do you get a list, or nothing?14:39
llutzronr_: LANG=C grep core /proc/cpuinfo14:39
Halzenronr_: That's odd. O.o14:39
amr_Is it possible to find distributions based on Ubuntu using GNOME 3 is currently14:39
ronr_llutz: meh?14:39
Sidewinder110.04 and 10.10 use Gnome.14:40
ronr_llutz: that gave out nothing as well.14:40
Halzenronr_: Given your RAM, it's possible that you're using a CPU or motherboard that's too old to provide information that these commands can read. That's just my theory, though.,14:40
OneSquaredThanks you llutz14:40
ronr_Halzen: it's a brand new server ;)14:40
newubuntujrib: ur solution didnt quite work :(14:40
gbjkHi. I've just installed ubuntu 11.04 32-bit on a thinkpad t420. I've brought everything up to date with apt-get. I don't get unity. If I run unity-support-test I get 'extension "GLX" missing on display :0.0.14:40
syockitSidewinder1, and 11.04 uses it partly14:40
fredrik__how do I create a "launcher" that act likes an installed app in Unity? Ie when I browse installed apps I want to se the launcher14:40
jribnewubuntu: in what way?14:40
gbjkRestricted drivers shows nvidia as activated but not running. (I've seen this might be a bug).14:41
syockitfredrik__ it's probably a .desktop entry14:41
robin0800amr_, no14:41
newubuntujrib: the link told me to set my clock to 'local time' if its on 'ust' time, but its ALREADY set to 'local time'14:41
jribnewubuntu: well try the other option14:41
syockitfredrik__ maybe quite tricky to find tutorial for that one, seeing google doesn't recognize the .14:41
newubuntujrib: what other option?14:41
gbjkdmesg doesn't suggest that the module was kicked out.14:42
jribnewubuntu: if it currently says "no", then change it to "yes"14:42
Halzenronr_: Let's try a more specific terminal command: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l14:42
judgenHow do i disable screen blanking properly... setting "Option" "DPMS" "no" in xorg.conf did not work.14:42
syockitfredrik__ if you "ls /usr/share/applications" you get a list of system-installed .desktop files14:42
newubuntujrib: exactly what i tried to do, but ubuntu says i dont have permission to make changes in the file14:42
fredrik__syockit, But how can I make it act like a "installed app"? can I make unity find it to launch it. I dont want to pin it to the launcher.. I dont use it that often..14:42
gbjkWhat do I do next to understand 1) If my driver isn't working (nvidia 4200M) 2) Why unity bombs with GLX errors.14:42
jribnewubuntu: use "gksudo gedit /etc/default/rcS"14:42
ronr_Halzen: that gave out 114:42
speedyfuck you14:43
llutzjudgen: xset -dpms14:43
Halzen ronr_: Well, then you have one CPU. We're getting...somewhere.14:43
kevinyoung_how to stop command apt-get when it running14:43
ronr_Halzen: the question is where ;)14:43
nerdshellwhat is the command ./setup .sh used for exactly ?14:43
Sidewinder1syockit, An I correct in my assumption (I'm on 10.04) that one can get to Gnome in 11.04 at boot by selection "Classic Ununtu?"14:43
syockitfredrik__ if you want to make your own, put it in "~/.local/share/applications"14:43
fredrik__syockit, I just want to be able to browse it whitout looking up the exe file in nautilus everytime I want to start it14:43
nerdshellkevinyoung_: ctrl+c14:43
judgenllutz, still get screen blanking every five minutes without activity...14:44
syockitSidewinder1, should be. If I'm not mistaken, they included the fallback in case Unity doesn't work. But I haven't tried14:44
syockitfredrik__ hence the .desktop file14:44
nerdshellwhat is the command ./setup .sh used for exactly ?14:44
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Sidewinder1syockit, Thanx14:44
syockitfredrik__ I'm pretty sure Unity also searches it14:44
fredrik__syockit, Ok. Think I understand... its not easy this... In Gnome all wine apps was installed to the startmenu in wine folder14:44
kevinyoung_o thanks14:44
Halzenronr_: Any chance you can Pastebin the output of "less /proc/cpuinfo"?14:44
Yulyaguys, whole qestion in one line: i make tar file from live system, unpack it on new disk, install grub, fix fstab like here http://paste2.org/p/1398614 and on first reboot i got : http://touhou.ru/upload/6a12b415e03838b3682c25ea0fc379a8.png and nothing happen14:45
newubuntujrub: done! but ill be able to check if it worked the next time i boot, thnkx anyways man, tx a lot!14:45
nerdshellwhat is the command ./setup .sh used for exactly ?14:45
jnlsnl_around 100 bad sectors is not so bad right?14:46
jmkgreenthis the best channel to deal with a server upgraded to natty which won't now go beyond a grub prompt?14:46
Yulyaif i move /var/ and /tmp/ to its default place and remove bind's from fstab system boot properly14:46
kpowerwhat's a great way to leanr open office calc?14:46
kpowergraph and all14:46
nerdshellwhat is the command ./setup .sh used for exactly ?14:46
maconerdshell: with a space in it like that? a syntax error14:47
ronr_Halzen: http://pastebin.com/yNsLcQYC14:47
usr13nerdshell: running executables  ./executable-file  sh executable-file14:47
maconerdshell:  ./setup.sh would execute a script named setup.sh14:47
jribnerdshell: if you mean "./setup.sh" it just runs setup.sh which can do whatever it wants14:47
fredrik__syockit, Ok, in my .local/share/applications I have a bunch of files like: wine-extension-gif.desktop nothing more... What should I put here?14:47
Halzenronr_: Well, I don't know why it isn't showing the cores, but I know that CPU to be a quad-core.14:48
mrcreativityubuntu installer doesnt seem to see my hard drive14:48
alexUnderanyone knows from shell scripts ? :/14:48
mrcreativitycan anyone help me14:48
usr13nerdshell: setup.sh is more than likely a script that will setup or install something on your system.  Be careful.14:48
ronr_Halzen: It's a bit weird that it has only 512MB RAM, no?14:48
SilekonnHello all.14:48
syockitfredrik__ first let's confirm whether it finds the .desktop entry or not. gedit that wine-extension-gif.desktop and check its name. Then use unity's finder to find it. Is it able to find?14:48
fredrik__syockit, sorry.. there was a folder called wine and in that one lays my windows app.. Still.. unity cant find my windows app.. still lost..14:48
Halzenronr_: Yeah, that's odd, too. Did you build this machine, or are you renting it?14:49
nerdshellusr13: is it the same as the make && configure && make install ?14:49
mrcreativityit works fine with windows, but ubuntu doesnt see the hard drive14:49
acon543what are the applications that use jamendo music service , I know rhythmbox, amarok and clementine14:49
ronr_Halzen: neither, I just work here ;) started working here this week. it's a new company too so the server only got here a couple of days ago. trying to see what's what.14:49
akshay_anirban ru dere14:49
vakhi all14:49
syockitfredrik__ I just restarted my unity-applications-daemon and it manages to find my custom .desktop. So I suppose it works. After making one .desktop file, you may have to relogin14:49
akshay_helllo anirban14:49
ubuntu_syockit, thanks again but for add only 2 tty?i know the comand please14:50
vakWhat shortcut shows desktop in Unity?14:50
akshay_cyber life14:50
fredrik__syockit, ok.. Im trying to relogin then14:50
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usr13nerdshell: No. But if it is indeed an executable scirpt, you can look and see what it will do.  cat setup.sh14:50
syockitfredrik__ do you already have the .desktop entry?14:50
ronr_Halzen: apparently, it's supposed to serve git and redmine. it still feels a bit low on RAM.14:50
phoenixsamprasplease a proper RDP client with gui example??14:50
milen8204Anyone have had a problem whit compiz in Ubuntu 11.0414:51
fredrik__syockit, yes. In a subfolder of the .local/share/applications lays a .desktop file for my windows app14:51
Halzenronr_: Well, something doesn't seem quite right with the configuration. I guess if it's working we shouldn't mess with your work machine, but still... xP14:51
nerdshellah, I got it, the software is installed by the setup script, not with a makefile14:51
nerdshellusr13: ah, I got it, the software is installed by the setup script, not with a makefile14:51
fredrik__syockit, rebooting.. brb14:51
w30i don't get Unity running even though my login chooser session says Unity;  I have to restart  the window manager with Fusion14:51
syockitfredrik__ okay go on and relogin, then try to find that file14:51
usr13nerdshell: ... but that is not to say that it won't install an application in much the same way as ./configure ; make ; make install14:51
DerMicha1ive got a problem with my RS232 Card: the most time I get the error "Control signals read: Input-/Output Error" it makes no difference which programm i use for accessing ttyS1.14:51
DerMicha1here are the messages from lspci and gtkterm: http://pastebin.com/Nbcv80eh i am using ubuntu 10.4 LTS14:51
usr13nerdshell: Yes, you are correct14:51
ronr_Halzen: well, I'll ask the guy who ordered the machine. it just seems like a really odd configuration.14:51
ronr_Halzen:  thanks for all the help :)14:52
alexUnderthis is inside an .sh.. is there any error on the line ? because its doesnt start ---> /home/alex/.nuke/Nuke6.0 -b %f14:52
Halzenronr_: No problem. :)14:52
syockitubuntu_, sorry I'm not sure what's wrong there. so you ctrl-alt-f1 and nothing comes out? Does it stay in GNOME/KDE/XFCE/Unity/whatever  or does it become black screen?14:52
nerdshellusr13: okay, thanks a lot, actually, it's a pretty trusted software, but thanks for the cat script.sh hint, didn't know about it14:52
ronr_Halzen: on a different note, I updated my ubuntu box at home from 10.11 to 11.04 and suddenly xbmc videos are choppy. any idea why? :p14:53
usr13nerdshell: NP14:53
w30i don't get Unity running even though my login chooser session says Unity;  I have to restart  the window manager with Fusion. Is there a sesson file that needs tweaking?14:53
Halzenronr_: Well, let me get this out of the way real quick: I never recommend doing a straight upgrade from one version to another. I always prefer backing up the /home folder and doing a clean install.14:53
nerdshellusr13: it wont be possible to see what is inside the script using a text editor ?14:53
rtdoshello all: how do i remove or uninstall the onscreen keyboard that comes up when my screensaver is active (only when i am unlocking the screensaver)14:53
DinkHow would one go about running both FF3.6 and FF4 ?14:53
DinkOn 11.0414:54
nerdshellwhat is the channel for open discussion about Ubuntu please ?14:54
Dark_Star1hello has anyone managed to implement bridged networking in ubuntu with a vbox guest os?? I need to be able to contact the guest os from the network14:54
usr13ronr_: It could be that your video driver is not the same.  Could be that the video player you are using is hosed up.  Could be that it is streaming video and it's playing faster than it's streaming.  etc. etc.14:54
Halzenronr_: If you're slick with the install, you can even isolate the /home folder to its own partition. That's what I'll be doing with my upcoming Fedora install.14:54
syockitnerdshell, come to #ubuntu-offtopic. closely related to ubuntu, but not #ubuntu enough14:54
nerdshell nerdshell: usr13: it wont be possible to see what is inside the script using a text editor ?14:55
ronr_Halzen: I've heard that recommendation before, but it seems a bit odd, imho. an OS upgrade shouldn't be a problem. A fresh install feels like much more trouble.14:55
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usr13nerdshell: Yes it will14:55
SilekonnUbuntu noob here.  I have installed xp/v/7 on a box and then i installed ubuntu with /boot, /swap, root and /home.  I am /now/ trying to install Kubuntu and would like to have it use the first boot, swap and home partitions.  Is this doable/practical?14:56
ronr_usr13: same video player as the previous version, not streaming video. could be the video driver, but I'd expect the update to either keep it or update it.14:56
Halzenronr_: It's really not so bad. Your app settings are saved in your /home folder, so the rest should only set you back an hour or two every six months. Software upgrades can cause a lot of problems, though.14:56
syockitDink, you may have to download the flavorless unpatched version of the other to avoid dependency conflict. For example, download firefox 3.6 binaries and install to your home or /opt folder. And also make sure to make new profile14:56
jribSilekonn: why install ubuntu and kubuntu?  Just install kubuntu-desktop package on your ubuntu install14:56
bperuHi. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 along Windows 7 Ult. 64. The Wubi installer finishes without errors but when rebooting there are no changes to the system and W7 boots up as normally. No traces of Ubuntu on the boot menu nor in the boot selector inside the W7 control panel. Anyone know what the fix is?14:56
Silekonnjrib: The box is a demo system.14:56
ronr_Halzen: right, but wouldn't I need to reinstall all my software?14:57
Dinksyockit: So grab from mozilla site, extract to /opt or what not and use new profile ?14:57
Halzenronr_: Normally, yes. Luckily, AptOnCD is here to help: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/14:57
jribSilekonn: but you understand that installing kubuntu-desktop will give you an identical setup to what you get with kubuntu and you get to choose your environment at the login screen?14:57
syockitDink, yup. I don't know of a deb package that will not conflict14:58
usr13ronr Halzen: I would say that software updates can cause problems occasionally, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they cause a lot of problems.  I've done a lot of upgrades with very few problems.14:58
Halzenronr_: There is no slick and easy way to upgrade with no chance of issues. Thankfully, this only has to happen every 6-12 months.14:58
ronr_Halzen: I'll check it out... but that's why I don't like the idea of a fresh install. Don't want to mess anything up...14:58
Dinksyockit: thanks14:58
edbianHalzen: ronr_ Every 3 years if you stick with LTS releases only14:58
Halzenusr13: I guess I should be more careful with my phrasing: upgrading a distro holds the risk of one or two of many potential problems.14:59
Silekonnjrib: is the theme for ubuntu used with ubuntu's desktop manager (excuse my lack of terminology)?14:59
Halzenedbian: Yick. x314:59
Silekonnjrib:  It needs to look identical to cust. systems.14:59
ubuntu_syockit, in ctrl-alt-f1 is a X mode,where i am....14:59
edbianHalzen: I use Debian!  :P14:59
Halzenedbian: Sounds about right. :P14:59
robin0800I think safe-upgrade stops a lot of problems14:59
jribSilekonn: "cust. systems"?14:59
Silekonnjrib: customers have ubuntu and so I am learning it.15:00
ronr_edbian: that feels like staying back in time :)15:00
jribSilekonn: well with ubuntu you'll have gdm whereas kubuntu users would see kdm.  That would be different, yes15:00
ubuntu_syockit, i know that exist a comand just for add other virtual shell but i dunno :(15:00
usr13ronr_:  Halzen  In my opinion, it's usually better to just fix what  you have.  Yes, I would agree, one or  two potential problems may occur.  If you are logged into one of these support channels, what you see is problems problems problems.  90% of the people that are upgrading are having no problems, but people are not reporting success stories here, they are reporting problems.15:01
user82hi. is there a tool to track(=txt or graphic) the cpu usage of a selected task?15:01
syockitubuntu_, wow I haven't seen one that use f1 for X before. Wait, what about arch... err anyways so how about f2 and f3 or others? btw just for the record my X is on 8, and upstart output on 715:01
researcherhow do I resolve this http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=6fd2d077ba&view=att&th=12fbade30661f545&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=f_gna7mksp0&zw15:01
jattuser82: top -p15:01
Silekonnjrib: can you answer my q about partitions?15:01
Halzenronr_, edbian: A common philosophy among Linux users is that the cutting edge is overrated. I personally disagree, but stability is welcoming too.15:01
edbianHalzen: The cutting edge is the most fun!15:01
ronr_Halzen: imho, stability is overrated. one of the reasons I use Firefox Nightly rather than stable/beta/aurora :p15:02
donkeyinspacehello, i would like to check a burned ubuntu cd (dont have iso) using MD5SUM, anyone know if can it be done?15:02
user82jatt does it make a log?15:02
FreeHCKhi from russia, people! :)15:02
ronr_usr13: well, I don't know where to begin in fixing the issue15:02
nerdshellI am using Guake terminal, and in the general preference I can set the default interpreter, what is the difference between setting bin/bash and using <user shell> ??15:02
Halzenusr13: I don't speak solely from my time in IRC. Forums, blogs...all covered with upgrade woes. I understand that the success stories typically go unheard, but I'm just saying that a clean install can sidestep these problems.15:02
edbianbperu: You still there?15:02
bperuedbian: Hi, sure15:02
jattuser82: you can use it in combination with the -b flag15:02
jattuser82: and redirect the thing to a file15:02
edbiannerdshell: Every user has a default shell (like dash or bash or sh or something).  Typically everyone's default is bash (cause let's face it bash is the standard)15:03
syockitubuntu_ try "getty 8 38400 tty2"?15:03
Halzenedbian, ronr_: That's the spirit. I'm switching to Fedora soon to enjoy the newest app updates in their unadultered goodness. I had some good times in Ubuntu, though...15:03
jribSilekonn: you should be able to select manual partitioning during install and do what you want, just choose not to format the partitions that already have data on them15:03
nerdshellFreeHCK: Hello, what's the temperature in there ? =)15:03
mbeierlSilekonn: you can use the same /home partition, but I would recommend using different /boot and / partitions if you are going to install ubuntu (gnome) and kubuntu (kde) as individual bootable operating systems15:03
edbianbperu: Something is going wrong with the grub boot loader.  Because this is wubi I don't have an exact idea of how to fix it :(15:03
FreeHCK21 C15:03
ronr_Halzen: well, I installed ubuntu on the box just because... I installed ubuntu on the box. I have no real preference either way on the distro there. it's just a media center.15:03
edbianbperu: My suggestion is go back into the wubi installer and try to see if you can find any options or setting or anything about grub.  Perhaps there is a 'install grub' buttons somwhere15:04
nerdshelledbian: so I have bash per default, in my case <user shell> or /bin/bash is the same, right?15:04
FreeHCK<donkeyinspace> try md5sum /dev/cdrom15:04
edbianbperu: My second suggestion is to just do a normal install15:04
mbeierlSilekonn: the reason is that the software updates will happen for one and might not be consistent with the other.  keeping boot and root distinct avoids any possible conflicts15:04
edbiannerdshell: yes exactly15:04
Halzenronr_: A media center won't be too picky, so there's little reason for you to be, too. :P15:04
edbianHalzen: I think you mean 'unaltered'15:04
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.15:04
Silekonnmbeierl: I know to use a different / :)  but I am asking if overwriting boot, swap and home is acceptable.?15:04
bperuedbian: I was going to do the normal install but I wasn't sure it would screw up Windows somehow (or that Windows would screw itself up in the process, which seems to be what it does best)15:04
usr13Halzen: I would agree with that, ... to a  certain extent.  But you must admit, you see a lot of problems people have with installs too.  Just because one does a fresh intall does not mean it is going to be problem free in the end.   (Actually, this is a topic that should be on #ubuntu-offtopic )15:05
nerdshelledbian: how can I change my interpreter ? maybe, moving from bash to zsh ??15:05
ronr_Halzen: right. just needed something that can use the ION board I have, and that's it basically.15:05
ZuhaitzHi, I just bought an USB-Wifi gadget for my wlan and Linux support, the connection is OK, but is VERY, very slow, is imposible to work that way, is the second I bought, I changed the previous because happened the same thing, can someone help please? I dont know what can be the problem.15:05
alexUnderis there any error here? it wont run (its inside a .sh file) ------>   /home/alex/.nuke/Nuke6.0 -b %f15:05
edbianbperu: The normal install actually has a better chance of working well.  Wubi is a bit of a hack.15:05
Halzenedbian: Oddly enough, I meant unadulterated. It's early here.15:05
mbeierlSilekonn: although the suggestion to install both the ubuntu desktop and kubuntu desktop in the same installation is good.  it is only the log in screen that would be slightly different.  from there when you log in, it will be identical15:05
edbiannerdshell: You set it in /etc/passwd15:05
Silekonnmbeierl: I understand.  I will share the home and swap partitions and recreate the others.15:05
edbianHalzen: :P15:05
nerdshelledbian: okay, needs a reboot ?15:05
kevinyoung_ubuntu how to make 3d desktop please?15:05
mbeierlSilekonn: I would keep boot separate if you want the two installed on separate roots.15:05
edbiannerdshell: I think so.  Perhaps just log out and back in15:06
Halzenusr13: Yep. The fresh-install-versus-upgrade is a fight I see picked every time I'm on here.15:06
bperuedbian: Do you know if there is any VM that will allow me to run the installer virtualized in Windows, and install to a real hard disk partition?15:06
nerdshelledbian: okya, thanks a lot, but actually what is the difference between shell and interpreter ?15:06
edbianbperu: Umm, virtualbox might be able to let you do that.15:06
donkeyinspaceFreeHCK , However this will almost NEVER be the same hash as the iso image that was burned to the disk, because this command includes the empty space at the end of the disk, which changes the hash. So you must check only the part of the disk that was on the iso.15:06
edbianbperu: But I don't think that will be easier or safer than just installing normally :)15:06
Halzenbperu: Sounds like Wubi, but there's nothing that will give you a true-to-form install while operating inside of Windows. Don't be too scared of an Ubuntu Live CD.15:07
newubuntuQUESTION--- how to make flash videos run smoothly on ubuntu, youtube videos get stuck when changed to full screen mode sometimes...15:07
Silekonnjrib:  Thanks for the help.15:07
hyphyphyphHi all.  Any way to get the damned battery icon into the Unity panel ?15:07
edbianbperu: Really it is not hard or confusing :)15:07
Silekonnmbeierl:  Thanks for the help.15:07
bperuedbian, Halzen: I'm fresh out of USB sticks and CD-Rs, that's why I was looking for a way to keep it all "inside" the computer :)15:07
kevinyoung_brothers how to make 3D desktop ?15:07
iggyologyis clicking on Firfox... watching the icon pulse... and .... nothing happens (acer aspire one, win 7 starter garbage, Ubuntu on 4 gig flash, everything loaded ok, got internet access)15:08
Halzenbperu: Well, that's gonna put you in a bind. You could use Wubi, but frankly it's more trouble than its worth.15:08
nerdshellwhat does etc stands for ?15:08
researcherwhere can I get linux trainers in India?15:08
mbeierlSilekonn: you are welcome.  That is a lot of partitions though.  it is possible to have /boot on the same one as / (as in don't make a separate boot partition) and reduce your management that way15:08
HalzenI'm out, guys. Enjoy your Natty bugs. :P15:08
bperuHalzen, edbian: Thanks for your time and help.15:08
bperulaters all15:08
usr13Halzen: Yep, there are good arguments for both sides.  But I think the bottom line is that fresh-install is ok for those that have not added a lot of extra apps. while dist-upgrade is a good path for those that have heavily customized their systems and added a lot of apps. that weren't in the default install.15:09
iggyologybrb in 1 minute... I would like to PM anyone about my firefox issue in Ubuntu on my flash drive15:09
iggyologythis room is flying!15:09
nerdshellwhat does etc stand for ?15:09
GuataPeluda_/join #openfiler15:09
donkeyinspacehello, i would like to check a burned ubuntu cd (dont have iso) using MD5SUM, anyone know if can it be done?15:09
pznupgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. how can I use old gnome interface/taskbar? any configuration option?15:09
iggyologylatin for "and so on"15:09
nerdshelliggyology: no, I was talking about the etc in the linux file system15:09
iggyologyha hahahhahaha15:10
eokepzn, You should have a ubuntu classic option on the logon screen under session15:10
riktkingpzn, you can log out and get "gnome" back15:10
iggyologyhave to leave my chair for 1 minute15:10
Silekonnmbeierl: But then I couldn't get my kicks off of sda10.  Thanks :)  ttyl15:10
nerdshelliggyology: yeah, in latin, it's actually et catera desunt, literally, and all other things, or all things that are missing15:10
mquinnerdshell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard#Directory_structure15:10
usr13nerdshell: I don't know that it stands for anything in particular, it is a short directory name where application files are stored.15:10
* mbeierl thinks some people have too much time on their hands :)15:10
mbeierlSilekonn: you're welcome.  enjoy!15:11
lbbef_Hi! Can anybody help with the audio quality in Ubuntu? I notice its not very good...15:11
quassel_what is wrong with ff4 it hangs when i want to type in address bar, but ok in google's bar15:11
FreeHCK<donkeyinspace> sorry. try " head --bytes=`isosize /dev/cdrom` /dev/cdrom | md5sum -b "15:11
usr13!audio | lbbef_:15:12
ubottulbbef_:: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:12
matthias_hey, my terminal currently looks like this http://imagebin.org/15165815:12
matthias_and ideas how to revert this?15:12
Ecsihi all !15:12
matthias_I have no idea how that happened, I just turned on the pc and it looked like this :(15:12
quassel_is there way to my ff3 back?15:12
Ecsihow to activate s2both in the suspend ? (uswsusp installed)15:12
matthias_I tried rebooting but it didn't help either15:12
quassel_oops, to *get* ...15:12
usr13matthias_: Is this gnome-terinal ?15:12
ronr_ff3? why use ff3?15:13
nerdshellmquin: thanks a lot15:13
rtdosHELP: how do i remove or uninstall the onscreen keyboard that comes up when my screensaver is active (only when i am unlocking the screensaver)15:13
matthias_usr13: it's urxct15:13
ronr_it's like saying you want to use netscape 4.15:13
nerdshellusr13: look at mquin's link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard#Directory_structure15:13
ronr_that makes no sense.15:13
Janusmananyone have problems with the "Dim others" compiz plugin? Mine just quits working sporadically15:13
matthias_usr13: actually it's  "urxvt +tr -tint black -sh 25 -tn rxvt-unicode"15:13
mbeierlI am caught between releases of Ubuntu.  I can not really use 10.10 as I keep getting display issues (see screenshot at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1672749), which is resolved in 2.6.36 + kernels, but I can't use them because iphone tethering is broken.  Anyone have any suggestions?15:13
rtdosHELP: how do i remove or uninstall the onscreen keyboard that comes up when my screensaver is active (only when i am unlocking the screensaver)15:14
pzneoke, riktking: now using gnome again :-) thanks15:15
riktkingpzn, no danger15:16
rtdosHELP: how do i remove or uninstall the onscreen keyboard that comes up when my screensaver is active (only when i am unlocking the screensaver)15:17
Dark_Star1has anyone manage to configure bridge networking with a virtualbox guest OS in 10.10?? I need a decent guide or ssome tips please15:17
ronr_anyways, thanks for the help guys! have a good one!15:17
Janusmanis there a way to tell ubuntu to always set the CPU speed to max?15:17
researcherVirtual machine fails to work and displays this http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/screenshotst.png/15:18
mosezknows somebody a way to _always_ set as first nameserver to resolv.conf?15:18
compdocDark_Star1, I dont use virtualbox, but bridges are easy15:18
usr13!virtualbox | Dark_Star115:18
ubottuDark_Star1: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:18
milen8204Anyone can help whit options for program recordmydesctop15:18
Dark_Star1compdoc: can you give me a guide? or pointers?15:19
usr13milen8204: What do you need to know ?15:19
compdocDark_Star1, how many network cards are in the box?15:19
Dark_Star1usr13: thanks for the help... I already looked and the ubuntu help only covers from 2.115:19
llutzmosez: using dhcp? change dhclient.conf to read "prepend domain-name-servers;  "15:19
Dark_Star1compdoc: 215:19
i_is_brokewhats the command to reset the panels?15:19
Dark_Star1compdoc: I need the guest os to appear on the network15:20
ZuhaitzHi, I just bought an USB-Wifi gadget for my wlan and Linux support, the connection is OK, but is VERY, very slow, is imposible to work that way, is the second I bought, I changed the previous because happened the same thing, can someone help please? I dont know what can be the problem.15:20
Dark_Star1compdoc: so I want to assign eth2 to the guest OS15:20
quassel__ff4 sucks a lot when i type fast15:20
FreeHCK<donkeyinspace> This will be better: dd if=/dev/cdrom | md5sum15:21
mosezllutz: prepend domain-name-servers; works only as long i'm not connecting my vpn connection. after connecting vpn my local ns will be the second ns only...15:21
llutzmosez: check your vpn client.conf15:21
compdocDark_Star1, good. On pastebin.com, can you post the contents of the file: /etc/network/interfaces?15:21
quassel__even after i cleared all the history15:21
riktkingquassel__, why not try an alternative, such as chrome/ium15:22
Dark_Star1compdoc: just need pointers to a decent guide 's all.. Ok but my interfaces file is quite simple so far15:22
quassel__riktking: yeah, gotta go for it, that's disgrace for mozilla15:22
researcherI wish to conduct linux training workshop for metro youth.Where can I find trainers?15:22
luxoresi have some problems with my qualcomm UMTS modem after upgrading ubuntu last night15:23
rtdosHELP: how do i remove or uninstall the onscreen keyboard that comes up when my screensaver is active (only when i am unlocking the screensaver)15:23
luxoresit disconnects all 3 secounds15:23
usr13researcher: Where?15:23
jribresearcher: please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is focused on support15:23
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest94920
researcherin India, Bombay & Pune city. triners will be paid15:23
luxoresMay  4 14:53:42 -ThinkPad-X100e kernel: [ 1326.581624] qcserial 1-3:1.3: device disconnected15:23
alexUnderis there any error here? it wont run (its inside a .sh file) ------>   /home/alex/.nuke/Nuke6.0 -b %f15:23
luxoresMay  4 14:53:42 -ThinkPad-X100e kernel: [ 1326.860109] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5915:23
luxoresMay  4 14:53:43 -ThinkPad-X100e kernel: [ 1327.012558] usb 1-3: config 1 has an invalid interface number: 1 but max is 015:23
Dark_Star1compdoc: http://fpaste.org/FEuS/15:24
ZuhaitzHi, I just bought an USB-Wifi gadget for my wlan and Linux support, the connection is OK, but is VERY, very slow, is imposible to work that way, is the second I bought, I changed the previous because happened the same thing, can someone help please? I dont know what can be the problem.15:24
luxorescan you give me some help?15:24
compdocDark_Star1, you use the gnome desktop?15:25
mosezllutz: http://pastie.org/1864271 and what exactly?15:25
Dark_Star1compdoc: yeah15:25
Guest94920hola a todos no tengo ni idea de que tipo de chat es este15:25
Guest94920alguien me puede explicar15:25
Dark_Star1compdoc: it's a standard 10.10 install15:25
Guest94920para que sirbe15:25
sine_im having an issue with ubuntu on a new laptop it keeps freesing the internet15:26
compdocDark_Star1, open the menu System>Preferrences>Network Conecctions, is there anything listed in Wired?15:26
Dark_Star1compdoc: yup auto eth215:27
devon_hillardI tried installing MSTTCOREFONTS and I got a Microsoft EULA. How do I continue? There is no 'Click OK', what do I press? The package manager is blocked at this stage.15:27
devon_hillardI tried pressing enter or page down etc...15:27
Dr_Willisdevon_hillard:  hiot the tab key over to the yes/no button and hit enter15:27
compdocDark_Star1, delete that, beacuse we're going to set the card manually, and not thru network manager15:27
Dr_Willisdevon_hillard:  if its sjhowing the EULA. hit 'q'to quit it.15:28
researcherI cant start my sound in Natty. Kindly advice15:28
devon_hillard<Dr_Willis> thanks, life saver15:28
Dark_Star1compdoc: doone15:28
sine_how can i list process and their cpu usage and also the bw allocation of procecces]15:28
Dr_Willissine_:  htop,  can most likely do that.15:28
devon_hillardDr_Willis: I tried closing the console, but the package manager still kept the locks on15:28
Guest94920hi sine you talk spanis15:28
Dr_Willisdevon_hillard:  tjhres some apt-get command, or dpkg-reconfigure that will make it reshow the silly EULA thing15:29
hansuanyone know how can i read/write in my hdd using LBA method ? any example in asm .. ?!15:29
compdocDark_Star1, eth0 uses dhcp?15:29
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Guest94920Iam Argentino15:29
=== kto is now known as kto-kto
Dark_Star1compdoc: No eth0 is commented out.. I have 2 cards the one I'm using right now has a manual address set15:30
noobCan somebody help me with upgrading? There is a problem15:30
InHisNameI've just u/g to 11.04 and all was fine until screen blanking cut in.   Now all I have is a mouse arrow and black screen.  NO login prompt to unlock screen blanking.15:30
usr13compdoc: Dark_Star1  Considered wicd yet?  (Many find it simplier and easier to use.)15:30
zizbannoob, whats your problem?15:30
Dark_Star1compdoc: it's named eth0-eth2 as shown in the network interfaces file15:30
=== lbbef_ is now known as longbigbronzeele
compdocDark_Star1, ok, so you want eth0 to use that static ip? thats cool15:30
dr0idwhat permission do you generally need over a dir and a file to change it's permissions ?15:30
sine_downloading habgs15:31
=== longbigbronzeele is now known as lbbef__
llutzmosez: seems openvpn needs some scripts to do, look at this example http://www.phocean.net/2006/12/07/openvpn-and-dns-on-a-linux-client.html15:31
sine_it freezes on getting headers15:31
dr0idwhat permission do you generally need over a dir and a file to change it's permissions ?15:31
Guest94920I dont andestan15:31
Dr_Willis!permissions | dr0id15:32
ubottudr0id: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:32
usr13compdoc: sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager   #Log out and back in again.15:32
dr0idI am sure I have read that before :) woll re-read, thanks15:32
Dr_Willisdr0id:  a dir would need to be writeable perhaps.15:32
Dr_Willisdr0id:  and executable.15:32
Dr_Willisand of course you rarely see somthing wruiteable without it being readable. :)15:33
dr0idwhat about a file ?15:33
noobzizban: i upgraded to the 11.04 beta or whaterver from 10.10, and now when I go to the update manager it says "partial upgrage" but after running that it closes after a couple second15:33
Dark_Star1usr13: no thnaks.. I need to manually configure this but i've not bridged before  let alone with a virtualised guest15:33
dr0idhehe, yeah15:33
GAN900So, 11.04 now segfaults while booting and goes into initramfs. As the 11.04 i386 image's usb-creator gives me a flash drive that hangs at SYSLINUX, how can I fsck in initramfs?15:33
benccwhy does this page give me error: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/erlang15:33
llutzdr0id: only root or the owner of a file/dir can change permissions15:33
dr0idaah, I see15:33
zizbannoob, I hear upgrades from the 11.04 beta are hit and miss15:33
usr13Dark_Star1: Ok, just a suggestion.15:33
dr0idthanks, there we go :)15:33
compdocDark_Star1, try this in your interfaces file. backup the old one if you like: http://pastebin.com/0NPcD91j15:33
Dr_Willisowner can always change permissions.. otherwise they could lock theirselfs out. :)15:33
noobzizban: why?15:33
Dark_Star1compdoc: Yeah. I want all network traffic on eth2 to go to vboxnet015:34
vakWhat is the shortcut to show desktop in Unity ?15:34
Guest94920Hablas español15:34
Dr_WillisDark_Star1:  theres some Virtualbox network config setting. that lets the vbox instance show up on the lan as if it was a 'real' machine. getting  an ip on the normal lan range.15:34
zizbannoob, I don't know why. They just seem to be. I wouldn't have recommended it myself15:34
Guest94920porque no entiendo nada15:34
ayecee!es | Guest9492015:34
BlouBlouvak: 'super' (windows logo key)15:34
dabukalamI'm trying to install natty, just booted off the disk, and I get the splash screen followed by initramfs giving me a mount error for /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs or something along those lines.15:34
ubottuGuest94920: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:34
Dr_WillisDark_Star1:  Or it can be on its own private network.15:34
gaelfxcould someone tell me where to go to figure out how to block ISP-injected ads? (I know this is not the place for it, I just a need a good place to go)15:35
compdocDark_Star1, any vm that uses the bridge br1 will obtain an ip address from your lan's dhcp server, unless you give the VM a static ip15:35
Dr_Willisvak:  check  this unity guide >  http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html15:35
dabukalamgaelfx: #web? #programming? #ISPcomparators?15:35
Dark_Star1Dr_Willis: I tried that (choosing the bridge network settings) but it turned out it wans't that simple... I need the guest os to repsond to a manually assigned ip address15:36
Dark_Star1compdoc: Yeah I'll be manually assigning an address to the guest15:36
lukenukemHey, can someone help me with a problem with Natty Narwhal?15:36
dabukalam!ask | lukenukem15:36
ubottulukenukem: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:36
compdocDark_Star1, dhcp tends to be better, but as long as you set the static right...15:37
w30my Unity chooser in my login screen doesn't work; How can I login with Unity? I can get Unity ok id I restart window manager in fusion utility.15:37
Dark_Star1compdoc: and less headachy but I just need to have the guest OS on it's own permanent address15:37
ojiiis it normal that banshee doesn't show a notification when the song changes? If not, how do I enable it?15:38
compdocthats fine15:38
lukenukemCool! So, I've just upgraded from 10.10 (I guess) to NN. After installing and restarting I can still move the mouse thingy but the rest is frozen.15:38
lukenukemIs there anything I can do?15:38
rtdosHELP: how do i remove or uninstall the onscreen keyboard that comes up when my screensaver is active (only when i am unlocking the screensaver)15:38
untuhow do I display gnome in the realease 11.04?15:38
sine_new install of 11.04 internet keeps freezing have to recon to irssi. windows is fine. not sure if it wifi drivers or something else please help15:38
BlouBlouuntu: Go to gdm menu, in which you select user, and select in a box below user password >> classic-session15:39
usr13sine_: You have no network connection?  Is that it?15:39
=== Superstar_ is now known as Superstar
BlouBlouuntu: in session-screen, login window15:39
compdocDark_Star1, you do have bridge-utils installed?15:39
ojiilukenukem, not an expert, but you could try: ctrl+alt+F2, type  `metacity --replace &`, ctrl+alt+F715:39
sine_no im here with the inet con but it keeps freezing and hanging like on getting binaries15:40
Dark_Star1compdoc: don't think so. I'll check15:40
SuperstarAre there any tools to limit CPU for certain processes? I've tried CPULIMIT but it doesn't handle spawned processes15:40
sine_and irc updates in floods15:40
TheRedOctoberHow do you kill a user logged into an X session without killing X?15:40
compdocDark_Star1, you do need that, although you wont be needing to use any of its commands15:40
noobdoes anybody have experince of upgrading from 11.04 beta to just 11.04?15:40
sine_think it was after the updates yesterday15:40
JenkCould someone explain the output of ls -l , in this case, "-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 67548"  ?15:40
usr13sine_: ... and it's  using a wireless connection?  Is this a laptop or a desktop PC?15:40
shashwatpnsThere is no software sources in my system administration (10.10) !15:40
ojiilukenukem, or try to open a shell using ctrl+alt+t from your current screen (no F2ing)15:40
untucant find it15:41
sine_new asus g53j laptop15:41
Dark_Star1compdoc: yes it's now installed15:41
sine_after install it was fine15:41
shashwatpnsThere is no software sources in my system administration (10.10) ! | help plz15:41
llutzJenk: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:41
usr13sine_: What happened to mess it up?15:41
BlouBlouuntu: click on your user and change in a small box bellow user-password box15:42
donkeyinspaceFreeHCK , i ve been away, will try it later , thaks15:42
lukenukemojii, I tried your first suggestion and I got the message: unable to open x display15:42
noobdoes anybody have experince of upgrading from 11.04 beta to just 11.04?15:42
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gedOI can't install gnome tweak tool15:42
gedOapt-get can't find it. Can someoune help me?15:42
ojiilukenukem, that sounds bad and probably someone more experienced than me should try to help you15:43
llutzJenk: your line: a 64k file, owned by root, group root is read-/write-/executable for everyone and has no hardlinks pointing to it15:43
sine_its using wifi usr13 im guessing that its either a process hogging the bandwidth or something with the wifi card or drivers. i just did a system update yesterday after i installed15:43
BlouBlounoob: it updates with normal updates, if you have all updates installed, you're running last version (no beta)15:43
lukenukemojii, okay, thanks for helping, anyway. :)15:43
noobBlouBlou: When I launch update manager it says partial upgrade, then starts a distro upgrade which soon closes before it updates fully15:44
Jenkllutz, Thanks for the help. How can I change the owner and group to my account ?15:44
llutzJenk: sudo chown $USER:$USER file15:44
iggyologyis now sitting at his computer, asking for help with Ubuntu on a flash drive... trying to get Firefox to actually open and not just blink15:44
compdocDark_Star1, once that new interfaces file is saved, you have to restart netorking15:44
BlouBlounoob: That may be because you have old ubuntu and new ubuntu's repos added15:44
Dark_Star1compdoc: just doing that now.. Will let you know15:45
untuim so dumb15:45
untuis it in user grups15:46
rtdosHELP: how do i remove or uninstall the onscreen keyboard that comes up when my screensaver is active (only when i am unlocking the screensaver)15:46
noobBlouBlou: is there some app that can show system info like system distro?15:46
iggyologydoes anyone know why the Firefox icon would pulse, but Firefox wouldn't open? I'm using ubuntu on a flash drive15:46
nerdshellIs it possible to copy folders with scp ?15:46
llutznerdshell: scr -r15:46
llutzscp -r15:46
mbeierlnerdshell: scp -r15:46
Dr_Willisiggyology:  run it from a terminal. look for errors15:46
nerdshellwow, thanks15:46
mbeierlllutz: beat me to it :)15:46
Dr_Willisscp = cp15:46
Jenkllutz, It didn't help... The file permissions are still the same.15:46
Dr_Williswith ssh stuff15:47
iggyologyDr. Willis: Thanks, but can you help me understand what a terminal is?15:47
iggyologyis it like a dos window?15:47
BlouBlounoob: I don't remember command now15:47
Guest38000Hi, guys. I want to configure on Ubuntu Server 10.10 Wi-Fi access point. Adapter is plugged in lsusb it is visible. Tell me if there is a program that provides WEB INTERFACE to easily setup and manage Wi-Fi to the client computers. To make it similar to the Web Interface for routers.15:47
llutzJenk: permissions won't change, just user/group15:47
nerdshellDr_Willis: you mean, scp takes the same options as cp ?15:47
shashwatpnsseriously, My Software Sources is Gone Someone Help me plzzzz15:47
Dr_Willisnerdshell:  yes it does15:47
kubu2untu: when you turn on your computer dose it ask you for user id/password?  this is the logon sscreen (aka gdm ) where you select session15:47
untuok now i got it15:48
nerdshelliggyology: yes, it looks like a Dos window, to open one, go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal15:48
iggyology@Dr Willis : thank you... doing that now15:48
llutzDr_Willis: scp has no -d option15:48
InHisNameI've just u/g to 11.04 and all was fine until screen blanking cut in.   Now all I have is a mouse arrow and black screen.  NO login prompt to unlock screen blanking.15:48
kubu2untu: you logout and that woudl be it15:48
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Jenkllutz, That too is the same... How come ?15:49
Dark_Star1compdoc: I madethe changes but before I restarted the network daemon I just pinged the Virtual guest and I get a response.15:49
ZuhaitzHi, I just bought an USB-Wifi gadget for my wlan and Linux support, the connection is OK, but is VERY, very slow, is imposible to work that way, is the second I bought, I changed the previous because happened the same thing, can someone help please? I dont know what can be the problem.15:49
llutzJenk: sudo chown $USER:$USER file                    file= the filename of your file to change15:49
Dark_Star1compdoc: I don't know how but I'll take it.. :D15:49
compdocDark_Star1, so you think its working?15:49
iggyologyI'm in a terminal window, can anyone tell me the command line to start Firefox this way.. and I'll look for errors.15:50
Dark_Star1compdoc: Well I think so.. I can ping it from my laptop so yeah15:50
compdocgksudo firefox15:50
Dr_Willisiggyology:  its 'firefox'  :) logical eh15:50
rumpe1iggyology, or shorter: fir[TAB]15:50
sine_hehe the sound just decides to stop working15:50
MrKeunerhello, how can I disable a user temporarily using the shell?15:50
llutzJenk: on what filesystem is the file (vfat/ntfs)?15:50
iggyologySo I'm surprised...15:50
compdocDark_Star1, like I said - bridges are easy15:51
Dr_Willisiggyology:  theres also 'firefox --help' if its a user setting issue, you can try the failsafe, or other profiles.15:51
iggyologyfirefox opened just fine this way!!!!!15:51
llutzJenk: chown only works on unix-filesystems. for ntfs/vfat you'll have to use mount-options (uid/gid)15:51
kubu2compdoc: why gksudo?15:51
Dr_Willisiggyology:  you dident run it with gksudo did you?15:51
rumpe1iggyology, you will never need a panel or widgets ever again ;)15:51
Jenkllutz, Doesn't work. It's 'fuseblk' .15:51
Dr_Williskubu2:  its silly to run it as root.15:51
noobWhen I try to install something from the software center, it says download failed15:51
researcheris natty known for sound issues?15:51
Jenkllua, Is 'fuseblk' a Unix fs ?15:51
kubu2Dr_Willis: exactly15:51
Dark_Star1kubu2: because it opens up a root like finder windoww15:51
compdockubu2, thats what ppl are saying you should use to run a graphical app15:51
nerdshellDr_Willis: what is gksudo ?15:51
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems15:52
Dr_WillisJenk:  fuse  is a tool to do special kionds of filesystems.15:52
Dr_WillisJenk:  like accessing a .zip file as if it was a directory.15:52
llutz!ntfs-3g | Jenk so it's ntfs most likely15:52
ubottuJenk so it's ntfs most likely: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:52
iggyologyI just typed "firefox" in the terminal window and it opened just fine. For some reason the icon on the apps bar won't open Firefox correctly.15:52
sine_how do i restart my sound system15:52
Dr_Willis!sudo |  nerdshell15:52
ubottunerdshell: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:52
kubu2compdoc: no need as you want firefox to run as normal user15:52
sine_the sound works at bootup for a minute or two then stops working15:52
compdockubu2, good point15:53
bobo123is there a command which will tell me active services on host, which is located on a local network15:53
dfgasupdated to 11.04 and now my screen is all messed up. besides /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there any other settings i can delete?15:53
dfgasso it will auto setup my screen again?15:53
iggyologyI wonder if I have to install something to make the Firefox icon work properly... I would hate to open a terminal window every time I want to open Firefox!15:53
kubu2Dark_Star1: no need to run as root15:53
JenkDr_Willis, Thanks for that...15:53
Dr_Willissine_:  so if you start playing a movie or song at login,, will it keep playing?  if it breaks after you are 'quiet' for a while. It could be the sound drivers going into a powerdown/power savceing sleep mode and not wakeing up15:53
Jenkllutz, Alright, I'll transfer it to a Linux fs and try again.15:54
incorrecti know someone who wants to try ubuntu,  what they want is a virtual pc image,15:54
Dark_Star1kubu2: agreed...15:54
lastoflastneed help in smtp server of gmail in evolution15:54
MrKeuner!"disable user"15:54
sine_it will keep playing15:54
gr8audioguyGood Morning folks! I am going batty with Natty in the networking area. Everything worked fine in 10.10 but now I can't see other computers at all, not even the Windows volume on my C drive. Personal File Sharing is "greyed out" in system settings -> network (says proper packages are not installed)  yet Samba is installed and (apparently) configured. Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction?15:54
sine_how do i reenable them15:54
Bisu[Shield]what is the best tool for comparing files15:54
OneTXxLnovice bt415:54
Jenkllutz, It works ! It works !! Thank you, thanks a million ! :)15:55
iggyologyI would very much like to PM with someone who can help me with my new flash loaded Ubuntu.15:55
Bisu[Shield]like a gui for diff15:55
jattBisu[Shield]: vimdiff15:55
iggyologyThis room is very busy.15:55
lastoflastneed help in smtp server of gmail in evolution15:55
OneTXxLyou speak frenc?15:55
ToeKutteryea it is.. too many Qs15:55
gbjkFor anyone that cared: I found my problem is that I cannot run NVIDIA OPTIMUS under linux. Turn it off and I'm fine.15:55
iggyologyI think it's good that people are getting into Linux.15:55
OneTXxLno speak inglish15:55
lastoflastneed help in smtp server of gmail in evolution15:56
Pici!fr | OneTXxL15:56
ubottuOneTXxL: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:56
ToeKutteragree iggy15:56
sine_hmmm i think you are right you know there is an issue with sleep mode and this klaptop15:56
yuskhanzabuntil when maverick version will be support?15:56
OneTXxLthank you pici15:56
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
g[r]eekHello. Is there any way to get a list of installed programs on my ubuntu server? I did a default server install a few years ago and have since installed a couple of programs (ie: OpenSSH server). I'd like to make a list of all the installed programs if possible. Thanks15:56
OneTXxLcommen je peu faire sa15:57
OneTXxLavec xchat ?15:57
iggyologyWould anyone like to help me with my flash installed ubuntu?15:57
yuskhanzabmaverick support until when????15:57
PiciOneTXxL: /join #ubuntu-fr15:57
ayeceeOneTXxL: taper /join #ubuntu-fr15:57
BlouBlou!maverick | yuskhanzab15:57
ubottuyuskhanzab: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101015:57
llutzg[r]eek: dpkg -l|grep ^ii   ;)15:57
ToeKutteriggy - USB installed ubuntu ?15:57
Piciyuskhanzab: April 201215:57
syockitiggyology, or adobe flash?15:57
Jenkiggyology, You mean Ubuntu installed on a thumb drive ?15:58
iggyologyis talking with Jenk15:58
yuskhanzabPici, is it ok if i use it over april 2012?15:58
OneTXxLji arrive pa15:59
Piciyuskhanzab: Sure, but you won't receive and updates or be able to get support here.15:59
OneTXxLpouvai vou me dire la manipulation et ou a mettre s'il vous plait15:59
iggyologyis messaging Jenk15:59
yuskhanzabowh, i see..15:59
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yuskhanzabthx for the info Pici15:59
jrib!away > sebrock15:59
ubottusebrock, please see my private message15:59
iggyologyyes, a thumb drive... I'm messaging you back in pm16:00
=== jack is now known as Guest17320
ZuhaitzHi, I just bought an USB-Wifi gadget for my wlan and Linux support, the connection is OK, but is VERY, very slow, is imposible to work that way, is the second I bought, I changed the previous because happened the same thing, can someone help please? I dont know what can be the problem.16:00
OneTXxLje pense avoir réussit lerci16:01
OneTXxLthank you very much16:01
iggyologypm'ed Dr. Willis16:02
k_szeWhat's the best tiling window manager for Xubuntu (i.e. XFCE)? Xmonad?16:02
jribk_sze: the one you like best is the best16:02
iggyologywould like to continue to pm Jenk16:02
iggyologyI'm looking for help with Ubuntu I loaded onto a flash memory drive16:03
voozeiggyology, ask what you need help about insted16:04
rpkIs ubuntu.com down right now?16:04
k_szejrib: I should put it another way. I have never used any, so I don't know what my options are. Googling xfce+tiling doesn't reveal much; I think the only name I spot right away is Xmonad. I would just like to know if that's my only option.16:04
iggyologyI loaded Firefox on ubuntu... I click on the icon and it just pulses.. but doesn't open.. so I...16:04
k_szerpk: not for me.16:05
riktkingrpk, nope16:05
iggyologyopened a terminal window, typed "firefox" and..16:05
jribk_sze: personally I like xmonad.  Awesome is another popular one16:05
iggyologyit opened just fine..16:05
iggyologyI'm perplexed16:05
usr13rpk: Turn of the ubuntu.com filter.16:05
rpkhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download Shows the drupal site offline16:05
Picirpk: took a little bit here, but I'm having some other network issues.16:05
k_szejrib: lol, what a name.16:06
Jessica903anyone here know anything about PXE over wireless?16:06
rpkusr13: ubuntu.com filter?16:07
Dr_Williswireless can do PXE?16:07
fredrik_Now I done it... When I login with unity I only get a background image.. nothing else. I think I messed up in compiz-config. I tried to delete the .compiz folder in my home but that didnt help.. how do I solve this?16:07
Jessica903well, that's part of the question16:07
jribk_sze: I remember reading the name came from barney's character in HIMYM16:07
usr13rpk: Sorry, was only teasing.  Couldn't resist.16:07
nanogyou can't do it16:07
Co11ym00r3hi guys i'm having problem with rfkill16:07
Griffin_hey guys I'm trying to install ubuntu but my processor overheats so I'm trying wubi but when it I still get the problem. is there a way to scale cpu frequency for the duration of the install16:07
Co11ym00r3everytime I poweroff my laptop16:07
Co11ym00r3it disable the wifi16:08
Jessica903I was reading about making a grub boot disk http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/GRUB_PXE_network_boot16:08
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html16:08
fredrik_if I log in with clasic and turn ubuntu plugin on in compiz-settings I get the unity launcher back with my settings.. but not the panel16:08
brilldoctorIm having a issue with my graphics drivers in ubuntu16:08
nanogJessica903: pxe is for wired lan16:08
usr13Dr_Willis: Maybe if you used a wireless bridge you could.  But otherwise, I don't think so.16:08
pwrusrHi i'm running natty with gnome3 and cant seem to find where to set up keyboard shortcuts and help woule be greatly appreciated16:08
iggyologyIn short: 1-loaded ubuntu on flash drive, 2-reloaded Firefox to try and fix issue of Firefox not opening 3-still wouldn't open, 4-opened a terminal window typed "firefox" and it opened. I'm looking to pm someone who thinks they know what is wrong.16:08
iggyologyI want to learn ubuntu so I can start helping other noobs.16:08
krishnanduhi i m gwtting blank screen after upgrade pls help. tried nomodset. no result16:08
Dr_Willisiggyology:  reloaded how? and how loaded on flash drive?16:09
JettisJessica903: http://etherboot.org/wiki/wirelessboot16:09
iggyologyI loaded using the flash installer file that was recommended on ubuntu's website16:09
Dr_Willisiggyology:  could be the launcher is doing somtjhing weird. make a new launcher icon for it perhaps16:09
nanogheh i forgot about gpxe16:09
fredrik_Dr_Willis, but I dont want to reset the launcher.. it seems to work (if I start it in classic anyway). But the panel + launcher is gone in my unity login16:09
iggyologyI did in fact drag a new icon into the bar, but that didn't work either16:09
nanoghowever, there are only two families of wlan cards supported16:09
blinkupgraded to 11.04, removed unity, installed gnome, now I can't select checkboxes, and sometimes clicking buttons fails16:09
s3r3n1t7Whenever i'm connected to mumble server, which runs on my laptop (ubuntu 11.04) every now and then it disconnects briefly everyone who is connected to it16:09
Jessica903Basically, I wanna boot a static CD with PXE enabled Grub, and then grab my boot image wirelessly.  anyone done this?16:09
zulaxunity broke, after enabling desktop cube, i see no panels, no dock....no shortcuts16:10
nanogJessica903: that can be done16:10
zulaxall i have access to is desktop icons!16:10
Dr_Williszulax:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html16:10
Griffin_hey guys I'm trying to install ubuntu but my processor overheats so I'm trying wubi but when it I still get the problem. is there a way to scale cpu frequency for the duration of the install16:10
nanogi'd imagine you'll need an initrd though16:10
nanogwhere you'll load your wlan drivers16:10
GAN900Really? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/e2fsprogs/+bug/65652616:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 656526 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu) "Device or resource busy while trying to open" [Undecided,New]16:10
Jessica903I have a couple of really old intel wireless cards I wanna use instead of throwing them away16:10
madowhom do i have to report a wrong time on my computer (ubuntu 11.04) ... you see -> at the "clock" you can set a few times from various time zones ... i noticed one to be totally wrong so far (or since when does the East coast of the US almost use the same time as e.g. the UK does?)16:10
Griffin_hey guys I'm trying to install ubuntu but my processor overheats so I'm trying wubi but when it I still get the problem. is there a way to scale cpu frequency for the duration of the install16:11
krishnandutried removing nviia drivers, didnt helped16:11
iggyologyis pming Jenk right now..16:11
Jessica903nanog, can you point me in the right direction?  I'm kinda weak here...16:11
Dr_WillisGriffin_:  You have opened up the pc/dusted it out good? a cpu overheating that easially.. i would think bne a sign of a bigger problem16:12
krishnandutried modifying kernel img n headers, no result16:12
nanogyou will just want to create an initrd (squashfs) that includes your wlan drivers16:12
Griffin_I have sir and its really difficult to install as it shuts down16:12
v3nd3tta``someone knows how to enable the kmix channels and my mic again under lmint 10 kde? (worked under kubuntu 10.04)16:12
nanogI would just modofy en existing bootable setup16:12
Griffin_its an old laptop but is there a way around it?16:12
usr13mado: Set the time correctly and sync the system time with the hardware clock.16:12
madousr13, ... am new to ubuntu ... how do i go about that?16:13
nanogthe bootstrap will load the initrd which will in turn load your wlan, run a script to connect to your wifi, and then begin whetever else it is you're wanting to accomplish16:13
nanogif you're just wanting to have a diskless boot16:13
zulaxDr_Willis, thanks that was so annoying16:13
Jessica903is there any kind of "make boot disk" utility that will add the drivers I select?16:13
nanogthen you should just load the system via nfs or tftp16:13
madoone moment ... i'll be right back16:13
nanogno, this is not for beginners16:14
nanogor even intermediates ;)16:14
usr13mado: Set the system time correctly and then sync the hardware clock with it.   sudo hwclock -w16:14
Jessica903nanog, what about stubborn biatches who wanna learn?16:14
nanogi suggest reading all you can about doing it with a LAN adapter16:15
nanogthen apply the differences16:15
nanogthere is stuff available that is pretty easily slapped together16:15
nanogto do this via LAN16:15
usr13mado: sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org16:16
Jessica903u8 and u10 can both ID my old PCMCIA WLAN card, so I have faith I can get it working.16:16
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usr13mado: and then   hwclock -w16:17
zulaxDr_Willis, i dont think the shortcuts(terminal) is still working16:17
usr13mado: sudo hwclock -w16:17
Chipzzzopenntpd is a much better solution for maintaining an accurate clock: sudo apt-get install openntpd16:17
usr13mado: But make sure your timezone is correct.16:18
miceikenHello, so I'm wondering about something, in my previous server setup the directory public_html used to be created for all users, what made that happen, is it an apache module or is it a file I changed and just can't recall it?16:18
RadiosLinux is illegal its breaks several patents just has google found out16:18
ToeKutterradios.. ha ha u Troll16:18
photonRadios: we don't care.16:18
InHisNameScreen saver has me frozen with just a mouse arrow working.   What to try now ?16:18
photonRadios: illegal in what country?16:18
ChipzzzRadios: Micor$oft's patents, no doubt :/16:18
Jessica903OH NO!  LINUX ILLEGAL?16:18
compdocwe're going to use Linux anyway16:18
zizbanRadios, that's a civil fraction. It's not illegal16:19
=== mbali_ntuli is now known as budgee
zizbanbut then again, don't feed the troll16:19
* Dr_Willis violates the eula.16:19
Jessica903sorry, ziz... couldn't help myself16:19
brilldoctorafter following a guide similar to http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml (it was a script) my dell vostro now only displays in 1024*768 and unity does not detect the graphics card.  any ideas?16:19
zizbanI hear ya16:19
QuartZoyou guys loving unity, or most of you in classic gnome?16:19
Dr_Willisbrilldoctor:  i always disable plymouth16:20
livingdaylightguys: I installed wine, and I'm looking for wine configuration tool?16:20
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zizbanQuartZo, I love Unity16:20
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photonlivingdaylight: Applications > Wine > COnfigure wine16:20
BlouBloubetter gnome16:20
Dr_WillisQuartZo:  i really have no issues with Unity. other then i keep goind DOWN to where my panel use to be to change apps. :)16:20
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  theres a winecfg progrfam installed with wine.16:20
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:20
Chipzzz<-- sticking with gnome16:20
kyodaiHow are Mesa 3d development files named in naty ?16:20
brilldoctorDr_Willis: what can i do to get ubuntu to reconise the graphics again16:20
ToeKutterI couldnt get Unity going in VM, or Unity 2D mode either for that.16:21
zizbanAs a matter of fact, I installed Unity 2d on my older laptop16:21
Dr_Willisbrilldoctor:  try booting with plymouth tiotally disabled. I have no idea what that script may jhave done.16:21
iggyologyis still working with "Jenk" on my flash drive ubuntu issues16:21
* zizban is a Unity freak of nature16:21
livingdaylightDr_Willis, yes, used to find it under applications but having trouble with the new release16:21
usr13mado: To change / correct your timezone use:    sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata16:21
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  use the terminal/search feature of the sidebar.16:21
Jenkiggyology, Please, sir. Your a bit too loud.16:21
html_inprogresslivingdaylight, winetricks i think16:21
zizban"Unity Freak Of Nature" is the name of my new band16:21
brilldoctorDr_Willis: dont think that will make any difference.  if it helps its a intel gma card16:22
Dr_Williswinetricks is differnt then 'winecfg'16:22
html_inprogresshi all, just popping in16:22
Dr_Willisbrilldoctor:  I thought those guides were for getting Plymouth working with nvidia cards.16:22
livingdaylightfound it...16:22
html_inprogressoh so thats  no what his talk about????? well its a try ,,,16:23
livingdaylighthtml_inprogress, winetricks is something different still. Requires separate installation16:23
cannonballIs the Ctrl-Shift-u thing for unicode only in Gnome or is that a standard across all Linux desktops?  What about Windows and Mac?  Or do you need separate apps for that?16:23
livingdaylightwinecfg was what I was looking for, but couldn't remember the name, which made finding it hard.16:23
* Dr_Willis wonders what ctrl-shift U does..16:23
brilldoctor_Dr_Willis: i didnt realise that!16:24
usr13Dr_Willis: In firefox it views source code.16:24
html_inprogresslivingdaylight, its WinE based" ,, well im just sayng it maybe youll need it16:24
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Dr_WillisHmm.. heh cant see ctrl-shift-u doing much of anything  some sort of mode/thing in the terminal16:24
funnylookinhatAnyone here use Audacious?  I can't seem to resize the playlist window... it keeps jumping around...  lol16:24
html_inprogresslater need it16:24
usr13Dr_Willis: No, I'm wrong, it's just Ctrl-u16:24
brilldoctor_Dr_Willis: what should i do? reinstall16:25
zizbanfunnylookinhat, I think it's a bug with gtk and Unity because the Gimp acts the same way16:25
brilldoctor_by the way cntrl + shift is view source in chrome16:25
brilldoctor_ctrl even16:25
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funnylookinhatzizban, I'm running Classic Gnome on 11.04 - would that still affect it?  Also - POS unity...  >_<16:25
brilldoctor_anyone else??16:26
delacsince when has Startup Disk Creator started to ask password for erasing the usb stick? I'm fairly sure this was not happening a few weeks ago...16:26
jmkgreenI've managed to rescue a broken grub menu after upgrading to natty16:26
brilldoctor_ 16:26
jmkgreenhowever I have no console now16:26
jmkgreenjust a cursor16:26
Dr_Willisbrilldoctor_:  most of those scripts/guiides are for the older ubuntu. so they could break all sorts of things in a new release.16:26
jmkgreenI can ssh in16:26
voozeAnyone else experienced that unity "freezes" your windows.. I have found a solution to fix it temp: alt f2, open somthing and its back, but anyone else tryed this?16:27
jmkgreennothing seems "hung"16:27
brilldoctor_Dr_Willis: so what should i do? reinstall16:27
Dr_Willisjmkgreen:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 gets to no consoles?16:27
Dr_Willisbrilldoctor_:  maybe easiest fix.16:27
Dr_Willisbrilldoctor_:  unless the script has some undoo feature16:27
brilldoctor_ok is it possible to keep data16:27
jmkgreenDr_Willis: interesting16:27
jmkgreenDr_Willis: only after hitting alt+f1 do I get a console16:27
brilldoctor_Dr_Willis: tried the uninstall scripy16:27
usr13jmkgreen: So none of them work?   Ctrl-Alt-F1 or F2, F3, F4, F5, F616:28
brilldoctor_Dr_Willis: is it possible to keep my docs if i reinstall16:28
jmkgreenusr13: isn't tty1 supposed to come up by default these days?16:28
pwrusram trying to add keyboard shortcuts (via system-settings ==> keyboard) but the (+ -) buttuns are dimmed any ideas as to how to fix this ... my user account has admin privledges16:28
stevdI am having problems with my network card16:28
Dr_Willisjmkgreen:  seems like its going to the X 'display' which is alt-ctral-f7 by default but X is not running.16:28
jmkgreenDr_Willis: this is a headless virtual machine - no X16:29
pwrusrbtw am running natty + gnome316:29
zulaxi reset unity and unity is back, but the keyboard shortcuts dont seem to work16:29
Dr_Willisjmkgreen:  then how are you seeing a console at all?16:29
jmkgreenI'm looking at a vmware console16:29
blinkupgraded to 11.04, removed unity, installed gnome, now I can't select checkboxes, and sometimes clicking buttons fails16:29
Dr_Willisjmkgreen:  ok in vbox.. :)16:29
Dr_Willisits not really headless then. just Xless.16:29
brilldoctor_pwrusr: is there a option to authenticate? (im in windows at the moment due to graphics issues)16:29
brilldoctor_so cant look16:29
jmkgreenDr_Willis: just had to rescue it having upgraded from 10.10. This really is not going well16:29
v3nd3tta``someone knows how to enable the kmix channels and my mic again under lmint 10 kde? (worked under kubuntu 10.04) tried already the alsaconf method, doesn't work.16:29
shreya"brilldoctor_ ping"16:29
funnylookinhatblink, Have you tried choosing "Classic Ubuntu" in the gnome login manager... ??  Gnome should have already been installed w/ your upgrade.16:29
Dr_Willisjmkgreen:  check teh grub options  - seem to recall some 'handoff' option that mentione the console 7, not sure what it really does16:30
brilldoctor_whys someone going16:30
brilldoctor_brilldoctor_ ping16:30
Dr_Willisv3nd3tta``:  linux mint has its own support channels.16:30
pwrusrbrilldoctor_ no16:30
v3nd3tta``Dr_Willis: but there no one responds16:30
Dr_Willisv3nd3tta``:  sounds like a good reason to NOT use mint then.16:31
Dr_Williswe cant support every variant here v3nd3tta``  thats the channel rules.16:31
parcoespinme qereis chupar el ano16:32
xocolotono gracias16:32
delaccan anyone confirm that it is normal behaviour for Startup Disk Creator to ask for password?16:32
parcoespinfuck yeakç16:32
syrinx_!language | parcoespin16:32
ubottuparcoespin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:32
Travis-42is there any way to get Empathy to pop up chat windows when someone messages me? I never notice the small flashing icon on monitor 1 of 3...16:32
html_inprogressbut mint is really big,, and like cuz to ubuntu16:33
Dr_Willisdelac:  it would need sudo rights perhaps to reforamt a filesystem.16:33
parcoespinfuking mea16:33
Dr_Willishtml_inprogress:  i find mint rather pointless. but it dosent matter. its not supported here.16:33
delacDr_Willis: since when? This is the first time ever I experience this.16:33
Dr_Willisdelac:  let me try it right now16:33
ToeKuttertheres quite a few pretty versions of Linux out there.. but most use Ubuntu16:34
[4-tea-2]Howdy, someone with knowledge of Unity terminology willing to help me write a better bug report for a Unity problem?16:34
Dr_Willisdelac:  it dident ask for sudo password here when i just started it.16:34
delacDr_Willis: well that is what I expected16:35
html_inprogressdr, and form time to time whos familys are not pointless16:35
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Dr_Willishtml_inprogress:  Huh?  dosent matter. Mint discussion is OT :)16:35
Dr_Willisbesides we all know PenGuy Linux is better. :P16:36
html_inprogressot ,,, means ?16:36
Sidewinder1Off topic..16:36
Chipzzzoff topic16:36
Dr_Willisasking what OT means is OT? :)16:36
Sidewinder1By definition16:37
html_inprogressovertime ?16:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:37
shreya_shai ping16:37
LAcanCan anyone tell me how to manually configre a NIC to start on boot instead of when I log in?16:38
xocolotofuck yea16:38
Dr_WillisLAcan:  you are refering to a wireless network card? or a wired one?16:38
html_inprogressnic? means?16:38
LAcanDr_Willis, a wireless one16:38
Chipzzznetwork interface card16:38
Sidewinder1Network Interface Card16:38
cerietkeI recently installed 11.4 when the update manager suggested it, I've now noticed the system will hang during a reboot, while it seems to boot just fine if it starts in a powered down state, I'm not really familiar with Linux/Ubuntu, is perhaps anybody familiar with such an issue?16:39
Travis-42I want to do a "fresh" install of Ubuntu, but then install the same packages (and remove the same packages) -- is there a good way to do this?16:39
=== sebrock|away is now known as sebrock
cannonballDr_Willis: If you do Ctrl-Shift-U, release, then enter 195, then press Enter, you'll then see ƕ in your console.  It's Gnome's way of allowing you to enter unicode.  I am still very inexperienced when it comes ot unicode entry though.16:40
html_inprogressxocoloto, theres no cussing16:40
LAcanCan anyone tell me how to manually configre a wireless NIC to start on boot instead of when I log in?16:40
iggyologyCan an experienced person help me with my flash loaded ubuntu. So far I'm pm'ing Jenk, but we seem to be stalled.16:40
usr13LAcan: If it is set to dhcp and you uninstall netowrk-manager that should do it.    Or you can switch to wicd16:41
Sidewinder1html_inprogress, He's already been banned. ;-)16:41
LAcanlollo64it, i stumped the bot16:41
LAcanusr13, what is wicd?16:41
Pici!info wicd16:41
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-6 (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB16:41
usr13Pici: Tnx16:42
samplezthey guys, anyone knows how can i put mores deskstops in ubuntu 11.04?16:42
k_szeOn a motherboard with AMI BIOS, should I set the "Plug And Play O/S" option to "Yes" or "No"? Which choice would be optimal?16:42
LAcanusr13, Pici is that a replacement network manager with more options?16:42
html_inprogresscannonball, so as if you have a worst problem then windows users,right now16:42
ouyesadd pannel16:42
_jwmorning users, I am trying to get the extra animations to work with 11.04, ie burn, explode, etc.. and anytime I enable the extra animations plugin the launcher no longer works. Is this a known issue or is it me?16:42
usr13LAcan: Replacement yest16:42
LAcanusr13, does it have a gui at all?16:42
usr13LAcan: Yes16:42
ouyessamplezt, add pannel16:43
LAcanusr13, also it isnt using dhcp, will that be a problem for wics?16:43
usr13LAcan: sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager16:43
iggyologyCan someone help me with my flash installed ubuntu?16:43
usr13LAcan: O, so you need static IP?16:43
LAcanusr13, ya16:43
blinkfunctor: yeah16:43
iggyologyis pming html_inprogress16:43
blinkrather, funnylookinhat: yeah16:43
LAcanusr13, does networkmanager basically overule everything i put in /etc/network/interfaces?16:44
DefghanistanHello, I am looking for any documention for Ubuntu server MPIO. Can anyone point me in the right direction or give me any useful information?16:44
PiciDefghanistan: #ubuntu-server perhaps?16:44
DefghanistanPici: Thanks buddy  ;)16:45
_jwmorning users, I am trying to get the extra animations to work with 11.04, ie burn, explode, etc.. and anytime I enable the extra animations plugin the launcher no longer works. Is this a known issue or is it me?16:45
PiciDefghanistan: /join #channel ;)16:45
usr13LAcan: No, but for a simple system  you can do away with it and just use the config file16:45
miceikenIs there any way to search through all files for some text?16:45
DefghanistanPici: haha damnit. TY.16:45
Dr_Willismiceiken:  text IN the file.. grep command16:45
llutzmiceiken: grep -r pattern path/*16:45
LAcanusr13, well.. is there a way to tell network manager not to config a certain card?16:46
Dr_Willismiceiken:  text In a filename. find or locate command.16:46
kpettitmiceiken, "grep word files"16:46
usr13LAcan: yes16:46
Dr_Willismiceiken:  i saw that exact same question asked on the askubuntu site just this week. :)16:47
Dr_Willisfor complex searches grep can use regular expressions also. :) which are uber-cool  :P16:47
Blou_AapHow can I use Classic, instead of Unity16:48
testI have a problem:  minimized xchat disappear from launcher16:48
_jwI am trying to get the extra animations to work with 11.04, ie burn, explode, etc.. and anytime I enable the extra animations plugin the launcher no longer works. Is this a known issue or is there a way to get them enabled without crashing Unity?16:48
LAcanusr13, any link or info?16:48
html_inprogress I want extra animations  like burn, but is there a pack they all come in?16:48
alphamalei need some help installing ubuntu on a usbdrive, already running puppy linux and editing the menu.lst file16:49
metalf88011What's the name of the program that is used when Ubuntu has less than 2GB of free space?16:49
jenkiggyology, Any progress ?16:49
tjiggi_fo!classic | Blou_Aap16:49
ubottuBlou_Aap: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.16:49
Dr_Willishtml_inprogress:  theres some extra compiz plugins in th repos. not installed byd efault.16:49
Dr_Willisalphamale:  if you set it up with grub2. you could boot the ubuntu ISO file. :)16:50
alphamalei have grub4dos now16:50
Dr_Willisalphamale:  converting the ubuntu syslinux.cfg to lilo.. would be the kind of task.. i would not want to have to do.16:50
alphamalei dont want to do that either16:50
Dr_Willisoh using grub1 - that may be easier..16:50
alphamalei unmounted the iso and copied files to a new partition on the usb16:51
alphamalegot the splash screen then problems16:51
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usr13LAcan: Not really, it would be hard to tell you... click here click there etc.  Easiest way is to remove network manager and use the config file.  Edit /etc/netwrok/interfaces   and set the NIC you want to use to the IP you need to use.  See: http://pastebin.ca/2053860  #An example.16:51
alphamalei think im close it's just not finding some files16:51
logeshhow can i create a new account16:51
logeshin xchat16:51
Dr_Willislogesh:  sudo adduser billgates  (pick a username)16:51
llutzlogesh: sudo adduser16:51
LAcanusr13, and then interfaces will be used when I boot intead of when I log in?16:52
=== sebrock|away is now known as sebrock
Dr_Willisxchat? err.. check the menus..16:52
usr13LAcan: Yes16:52
alphamalewhat is the easiest way to install or run a live iso16:52
LAcanusr13, ok thanks. I'm go try that16:52
Blou_Aapawwwww yeah16:52
epistemehello everyone16:52
madosooo usr13 ... am sorry . .. i head to answer the phone and wait for an order ... ... am back now16:53
saryalphamale: a USB stick.16:53
Blou_Aaphope they don't remove Gnome in the future16:53
alphamalei have a usb16:53
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:53
epistemei have a quick question. I installed ubuntu desktop edition on my laptop and am curious if its worth it to switch it to the netbook edition16:53
alphamalei created a partition on it16:53
wendellcomo mudar de canal16:53
_jwI am trying to get the extra animations to work with 11.04, ie burn, explode, etc.. and anytime I enable the animations add-on plugin the launcher stops working. Is this a known issue or is there a way to get them enabled without crashing Unity?16:53
alphamaledo i need to unpack the iso or can i just stick the iso on it16:53
donkeyinspacehello, when trying to get a iso from a burned ubuntu cd get a file with only + - 100 mb. what is wrong?16:54
Pici!br | wendell16:54
ubottuwendell: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:54
tjiggi_fowendell, /j #canal16:54
madousr13, ?16:55
alphamalei was trying to follow directions from here...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Troubleshooting16:55
alphamalebut this line i think caused problems...16:55
alphamale/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper root=/dev/ram ramdisk_size=1048576 rw16:55
_jwguess I'm being ignored..16:55
PatrickC_Pre2will wubi install xubuntu?16:56
alphamalei dont have a /dev/ram directory in my usb16:56
zizban_jw what?16:56
LAcanPatrickC_Pre2, yes16:56
madousr13, ... am back ... sorry it took me that long16:56
_jwI am trying to get the extra animations to work with 11.04, ie burn, explode, etc.. and anytime I enable the animations add-on plugin the launcher stops working. Is this a known issue or is there a way to get them enabled without crashing Unity?16:56
jazzyjefany cfengine3 experts here16:56
PatrickC_Pre2ok, thanks16:57
wendellbrigadão ;D16:57
madoyou said something about my hardware-clock ... but how can my clock be wrong? ... mine shows the real time ... the time for e.g. Houston, TX, USA is totally wrong16:57
zizban_jw, I'm not sure it's officially a bug but I've heard this before16:57
Nirkuswow. so when you use last.fm, enable its try icon (which is not shown in unity) and close the last.fm windows, the program runs, but there is no way but to attach its launcher permanently if you want to see its windows ever again :D16:57
logeshhow can i create a freenode in xchat.16:57
Nirkusalso, the menu items of last fm are not shown in the top bar of unity16:57
LAcanlogesh, "/j #<channelname>16:57
zizbanlogesh, what?16:57
Nirkusis that a generic issue with qt apps?16:58
zizbanah someone got it16:58
_jwI've seen some videos where people have this enabled with unity, just curious.16:58
madousr13, (and others) you said something about my hardware-clock ... but how can my clock be wrong? ... mine shows the real time ... the time for e.g. Houston, TX, USA is totally wrong16:58
iggyologyIs there anyone who is very knowledgeable in debugging icons that won't open the app?16:58
iggyologyI'm running into icon's that won't open the app16:59
LAcaniggyology, ya use "gksudo" instead of just "sudo"16:59
donkeyinspacehello, when trying to get a iso from a burned ubuntu cd using dd i get a file with only + - 100 mb. anyone knows if im doing something wrong?16:59
LAcaniggyology, alternately u have to check "Run in Terminal"16:59
logeshhow to create new server in xchat?16:59
iggyology@LAcan : can you pm me?16:59
zizbanlogesh, you want to create a new channel?17:00
LAcanlogesh, "/j #<channelname>17:00
MethedManis there a user friendly equation editor in ubuntu to input discrete math or calculus HW17:00
=== marco is now known as Guest72812
jmrkill3rgh0stAnyone having issues connecting to facebook, youtube ,gmail with ubuntu 11.04 ty in advance..17:00
DJonesdonkeyinspace: Is the cd a desktop cd, or the minimal install cd? The minimal cd is a download of of only about 100Mb maybe that could be the cause17:00
iggyologyhow do I configure the change from sudo to gksudo?17:00
zizbanYou create one anytime but for it to stick you need to apply for one17:00
LAcanMethedMan, OpenOffice + Latex17:00
zizbanask in #freenode17:00
iggyologyis that something in the system or the icon properties maybe?17:00
LAcaniggyology, edit the shortcut17:00
chrisgeorgeI was hoping for some help. I upgraded to natty the other day - but all of a sudden ctrl-f does not work to 'find' in any application. I was hoping someone else had this issue and solved it.17:00
madojmrkill3rgh0st, ... did you install "flash" ?17:00
donkeyinspaceDJones , it is a desktop cd17:00
iggyologyI'm editing the shortcut...... thanks LAcan. I'll see if this works17:01
MethedManLAcan: thank you for your response.  could you please expound on that.17:01
DJonesdonkeyinspace: ok, it was just a thought17:01
LAcanChrisBuchholz, you can edit your keyboard shortcuts thru the menus17:01
iggyologyHow do I get into the properties for an icon?17:01
jmrkill3rgh0stWell i can see the videos on youtube but not let me log in ..17:01
codingenesiscan anyone say what is the benefit of learning assembly language and learning the computer organization and architecture??17:01
LAcanMethedMan, install open office and the latex plugin for it through ubuntu software manager17:01
antennaguyHow do I fix the stutter after transcoding with oggconvert from flv to ogg?17:01
jmrkill3rgh0stSo i asumme the flash works perfectly..17:02
zizbando you have cookies enabled?17:02
MethedManLAcan: you are the man.  how about learning functionality?  is there a good guidebook or tutorial?17:02
LAcancodingenesis, if u want to program PC's, dont bother with assembly language17:02
spankbotAnyone running 11.04 on a laptop run into a problem when on battery power, the laptop intermittently goes to a black screen and forces a re-login?17:02
Pici!ot | codingenesis17:02
logeshwhere i want to type "/j #<channel name>17:02
ubottucodingenesis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:02
LAcanMethedMan, google is your firend! (i dont use sci notation)17:02
jmrkill3rgh0stYes i do have does enable17:02
pizza333I was hoping for some help. I upgraded to natty the other day - but all of a sudden ctrl-f does not work to 'find' in any application. I was hoping someone else had this issue and solved it.17:02
jmrkill3rgh0sti even call my isp17:02
=== sebrock is now known as sebrock|away
jmrkill3rgh0stu wont believe what they told me17:03
alexUnderanyone knows how i can run an executable with some variables inside a .sh script ????? (variables like "-b" etc..)17:03
jmrkill3rgh0stthey told couse im using a very advance os it wont let me in17:03
tjiggi_focodingenesis, a job with intel or AMD.17:03
pizza333I'm editing the shortcut...... thanks LAcan. I'll see if this works17:03
pizza333I'm editing the shortcut...... thanks LAcan. I'll see if this works17:03
FloodBot1pizza333: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
testhey guys i wanna have offline installation how can i do that?17:03
pizza333I'm editing the shortcut...... thanks LAcan. I'll see if this works17:03
jmrkill3rgh0stso i told em know u guys control wut os i have to used17:03
FloodBot1pizza333: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
Picipizza333: I don't know what you're trying to do, but please stop, it is not working.17:04
iggyologyanyone able to tell me how to edit an icon to use gksudo instead of sudo?17:04
pizza333jmrkill3rgh0st, ... did you install "flash" ?17:04
pizza333So i asumme the flash works perfectly..17:04
codingenesistjiggi_fo: last Q, so if i design computer architecture than i have to design the processor to make it compatible17:04
jmrkill3rgh0stalexunder use monodev17:04
Picicodingenesis: This channel is not for general discussion, you've been told this a few times already.17:05
pizza333can anyone say what is the benefit of learning assembly language and learning the computer organization and architecture??17:05
tjiggi_focodingenesis, yes, the processor is part of the architecture17:05
spankbotpizza333 what's all this extra traffic?  Looks like WOW console command getting dropped on us.. are you trying to cast a spell on this channel?17:05
pizza333How do I get into the properties for an icon?17:05
pizza333DJones , it is a desktop cd17:05
lampe2hey is there a way that gnome when i logout saves the open programms and when i login he open it ?17:05
jmrkill3rgh0stYes >pizza i did install flash17:05
alexUnderjmrkill3rgh0st:  ahmm monodev? :/17:06
donkeyinspacepizza333 , any solution?17:06
iggyologySorry if someone responded to me, but I didn't see it, I'm trying to change the way an icon initiates the opening of it's respective app by switching it from sudo to gksudo. Whatever that means17:06
LAcanusr13, ok i removed the network manager applet and now I have 0 network connections.. crap17:06
KrisDouglasHello, I have a serious problem with an Ubuntu web server. A permission was changed somewhere, and the resulting problem is that no matter how much I chown files and update permissions- apache2 still says forbidden.17:06
LAcaniggyology, that means u are running the command as root17:06
jmrkill3rgh0styes alex it let u build exe so it will run on linux17:07
Bisu[Shield]I am still in the process of learning doctrine.  In zend I used to do $tableObject->fetchAll( "clause" ) what is doctrine's equivallent?17:07
nemoIs it just me or is tab completion absolutely useless on 11.04? - like, if you're trying to dig down a long directory tree.  Like. ls -l /v<tab> yields "/var " so you can't do /v<tab>/li<tab>/cl<tab>17:07
LAcaniggyology, if your shortcut requires it, use gksudo instead of "sudo" in the command part of the launcher17:07
nemoyou have to keep hitting backspace and correcting17:07
MethedManLAcan: would prefer not to hop around google trying to find what i need for the next 30 min.  the last equation editor i used was in Microsoft Windows.  not quite ready to make the full jump to latex, but would like to transition smoothly.17:07
nemodoes anyone know where the bash settings to fix this behaviour are? :)17:07
alexUnderokie m8 thnx, i will google it and see what happens =]17:07
LAcaniggyology, if however, there is no "sudo" in the lanucher, then u need to create the lanucher and check "Run in Terminal"17:07
WeemsHow do I change grub screen resolution on boot? it's too large and my monitor won't display the boot screen17:08
LAcanWeems, theres a grub editor in the system menu17:08
ZiberHow do I configure wlan0, on ubuntu 10.10 to connect to wpa2/aes wifi?17:08
jmrkill3rgh0stalex no nedd to google its on the software center it gives u details of the proggy17:08
odinsbanenemo: I don't get whats different.17:08
nemoodinsbane: hm. maybe only mine is screwed up17:08
iggyology@LAcan : can you tell me where to look for sudo?17:08
WeemsLAcan: under what17:08
odinsbanenemo: they add a space at the end you are say?17:08
nemoodinsbane: if I type /v<tab>  it completes with "/var " instead of "/var/"17:08
LAcaniggyology, in the lancher properties under Command17:09
spankbotnemo, I'm trying to replicate your <tab> problem, no impact here17:09
lampe2hey is there a way that gnome when i logout saves the open programms and when i login he open it ?17:09
LAcanWeems, GRUB something17:09
LAcanWeems, prolly grub editor17:09
llutznemo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/71600817:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 716008 in Partner Packaging "strange bahavior on directory completion with bash built-in commands (dup-of: 752193)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:09
LAcanlampe2, yes, install tweak ubuntu17:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 752193 in acroread (Ubuntu) "Installation of the acroread package causes completion to treat directories like files with some commands" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:09
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WeemsI dont have a list for grub17:09
iggyologyI don't know how to get to the launcher properties.17:09
llutznemo: sed -i "s/_filedir/_filedir_acroread/" /etc/bash_completion.d/acroread.sh17:09
LAcaniggyology, right click the icon17:09
=== Uebi is now known as web_knows
lampe2LAcan, i will look at it thx17:10
nemollutz: thanks17:10
ZiberHow do I configure wlan0, on ubuntu 10.10 to connect to wpa2/aes wifi?17:10
nemollutz: that looks like exactly the bug17:10
Bisu[Shield]am i invisible?  is there a doctrine equivallent to zend's fetchall17:10
nemollutz: and unfortunately I need acroread since workplace loves signed PDF docs17:10
iggyologyLAcan, when I right click the only menu options are 1-open a new window, 2-Firefox web browser, and 3 -keep in launcher17:11
llutznemo: sed -i "s/_filedir/_filedir_acroread/" /etc/bash_completion.d/acroread.sh                     <- issuing this command should fix it17:11
nemollutz: I already did. that's why I said thanks ;)17:11
LAcaniggyology, are you in openbox or....? what do you mean by "launcher"?17:11
frag4nowhi all. I upgraded to natty narwhal but I prefer "classic ubuntu", but even if I select it on login page I can't see the upper bar with "close button", "minimize button", "maximize button". How can I show it again?17:12
iggyologyif I say "launcher" I mean the icon in the bar on the left side of the screen17:12
phoenixsamprasstupid UPGRADER, crashed my system, i needed to reinstall17:12
iggyologyperhaps I need to understand what launcher means?17:12
MitchMI'm looking to get the latest PHP version of software (including mod_php) for Ubtunu 8.04LTS, can someone recommend a path/action I need to take to do this?17:12
LAcaniggyology, so you added a panel...? there are no left side icon bars in native ubuntu (10.10 at least)17:13
odinsbaneMitchM: you might be able to build it.17:13
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MitchModinsbane, is that recommended?17:13
testcan i talk about ubuntu-netbook edition here?17:14
odinsbaneMitchM: I think recommended would be to use a supported version of ubuntu.17:14
iggyologylacan, i downloaded ubuntu from canonicals website... it loaded with a pretty app icon bar on the left side of the screen17:14
MitchModinsbane, 8.04 is LTS, is it no longer supported?17:14
MethedMani would like to do my discrete math HW with an equation editor.  i really do not know where to start. openoffice appears not to have the necessary symbols, perhaps i am ignorant of what it has.  would really appreciate assistance.17:14
iggyologyubuntu stopped the netbook distro17:14
iggyologythey merged everything into one ubuntu17:14
iggyologythere is no more netbook ubuntu distro17:14
zizban"one ubuntu to rule them all."17:14
noseais someone still here?17:15
Piciodinsbane, MitchM: The server release of 8.04 is still supported.17:15
noseai need some help.17:15
LAcaniggyology, so create a working shortcut on the desktop, then add it to the panel17:15
odinsbaneMitchM: my mistake.  Is there a backports for newer php?17:15
iggyologycool lacan. I'll try that now17:15
noseai want to hide the shutdown information .17:15
nemoMethedMan: how about FireMath?17:15
noseawhat should i do?17:15
nemoMethedMan: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/8969/17:15
nemoMethedMan: there's also mathjax.org17:16
iggyologyawww.... man! There was an error while copying saying that the specified location isn't supported!17:16
nemohttp://www.owlfolio.org/uncat/acceleration-stop-const-distance/ - uses it here17:16
nosea* Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support [OK]17:16
nosea* Checking battery state... [OK]17:16
noseaacpid: exiting17:16
noseaBroadcast message from root@rays-Aspire-one17:16
nosea    (unknown) at 6:59...17:16
noseaSystem is going down for halt NOW!17:16
FloodBot1nosea: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
FloodBot3nosea: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
frag4nowHow can I show windows' bar with "close button", "minimize button", "maximize button" on a natty narwhal? I mean using classic ubuntu at login...17:16
muneebhi, after upgradation my bash isn't working as it is supposed to be. after i press TAB it completes dir name and leaves space17:17
nemofrag4now: if you aren't seeing that stuff, perhaps your window manager isn't running?17:17
odinsbaneMitchM: how new of php do you need.17:17
nemofrag4now: try classic with no effects at login17:17
frag4nownemo: nautilus?17:17
nemofrag4now: might be compiz is crashing17:17
nemofrag4now: window manager, not file manager :)17:17
LAcanHow do I start an interface with the settings in the interfaces file?17:17
frag4nownemo: how can I run it again?17:18
frag4nowfrom shell i mean17:18
nemo12:17 < nemo> frag4now: try classic with no effects at login17:18
frag4nowi'm arealy using "no effects" ;)17:18
jgouldHow do you get rid of the spashscreen so you can see what your system is doign at boot?17:18
nemofrag4now: oh... eh. type metacity --replace&17:18
epistemei have desktop edition installed on my laptop. Are there significant difference between netbook edition and desktop edition that it would be worth it for me to change over?17:18
insanity99what are peoples opinions on unity?17:18
MitchModinsbane, 5.317:18
noseaI just want to know how to hide the information when i shutdown the ubuntu system(10.04)..thanks17:18
compdoc`insanity99, its either a love or hate relationship17:19
frag4nownemo: ok, thanks. It solved ;)17:19
wabznasminsanity99: I like the idea, but it is annoyingly buggy17:19
dfgasupdated to 11.04 and now my screen is all messed up. besides /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there any other settings i can delete?17:19
dfgasso it will auto setup my screen again?17:19
MitchMWhat is the "codename" of 8.04LTS ?17:19
nemocompdoc`: eh. not quite. I like some parts of it, but not enough to put up with it :)17:19
zizbanI love Unity.17:19
nemocompdoc`: for me it was an. "eh. that's kinda cool, but gets annoying fast" :)17:19
odinsbaneMitchM: hardy?17:19
Sidewinder1MitchM, Hardy Heron17:19
SANGKEUNHardy is the name of 8.0417:19
frag4nownemo: Does metacity own to compiz?17:19
nemofrag4now: not sure what you me17:20
MitchMthanks :)17:20
insanity99i wasn't liking it at first, then i discovered the keyboard shortcuts, there great, especially if your a vim/emacs user :D17:20
muneebhow do i reset bash?? it's not working properly17:20
nemoinsanity99: that's not the issue for me.  is more about what it prevents one from doing17:20
iggyologycan someone tell me how to dig up the properties of an icon?17:20
nemoinsanity99: I went on a bit about it in the unity sucks bug, so no point in rehashing here17:20
gedOHello. I have one big problem17:20
Slarkhow is this diffrent from the one on freenode.net ?17:20
MethedMannemo: thanks for the suggestions.  mathjax appears to be for someone putting equations on the internet.17:20
gedOI can't  mount my encrypted partition!!!!17:21
gedOAny help?17:21
nemoMethedMan: I know.17:21
MethedMannemo: correct me if i am wrong17:21
nemoMethedMan: that's why I said firemath first17:21
nemodid you read that part? :)17:21
baggar11is there a trick to getting unity to allow you to open a program twice that is docked?17:21
insanity99though i dont like not having all my open programs on the bottom, its harder to access and see your programs17:22
MethedManis there something like firemath that is in openoffice or any other program in the ubuntu repository17:22
iggyology@gedO : sorry I'm a noob or I'd help you.17:22
Captainkrtekbaggar11, when it is open hit file at the fop17:22
nemobaggar11: yes. irritatingly counterintuitive, but use middle mouse button17:22
wabznasmbaggar11: middle click on it17:22
Captainkrtekalso middle click17:22
epistemeis there another ubuntu help channel??17:22
nemobaggar11: that shortcut reallly sucks on laptops, where it isn't exactly easy to hit both buttons on the touchpad17:22
jgouldis there a channel for kenel issues?17:22
baggar11ah, thanks guys17:22
Captainkrtekepisteme, depends, what;s the issue?17:22
nemobaggar11: I usually resort to spawning the new app w/o using the dock17:22
MethedMannemo: exactly what i needed -> firemath17:22
jdahmwho is the idiot that packages firefox on ubuntu?17:22
baggar11will give it a shot17:22
gedOGuys, how to recover my encryption  phase???17:22
iggyologyI'm trying to find someone who knows the way to open an icon's properties17:22
Picinemo: Please use http://paste.ubuntu.com , don't paste your information to the bot.17:23
nemoPici: huh?17:23
Picinemo: sorry, mistabbed.17:23
Picinosea: Please use http://paste.ubuntu.com , don't paste your information to the bot.17:23
InHisNameubuntu 11.04 fell asleep and wont wake up.  How do I poke it with a virtual stick to wake up ?17:23
quellhorstanyone see systems you build with vmbuilder run fine, but when it comes time to restart them, the virtual disk files are missing?17:23
baggar11yep, middle click seems to work, thanks again17:24
iggyologyanyone good at fixing broken icons?17:24
noseaI just don't know how to use it.17:24
odinsbaneMitchM: you might be able to get away with d/loading the .deb's and installing from those.  http://snippets.notmyidea.org/2009/12/13/install-php-5-3-apache-on-ubuntu-9-10-using-dotdeb-repositories-via-apt-get/17:24
dios_mioIn keyboard layouts preferences there is the option where you can pick whether you want the new windows to get the active window's layout. This option is broken because whatever you pick it is always the rule that new windows get the active windows's layout.17:25
Picinosea: paste your text at that link, press submit and then provide us with the URL of the resulting page.17:25
Valdrincan anyone to tell me how to do when i resume my pc from lock screen or screen saver to ask me for password ?17:25
jdahmiggyology: install more?17:25
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insanity99i just installed indicator-sysmonitor, how do i get it on panel?17:25
MnCCwhere can i get keyboard layouts ?17:25
MitchModinsbane, i'll give it a try thanks17:26
iggyologyjdahm? what?17:26
ubuntu_I have problem with mounting encryped volume. Can someone help me?17:26
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trap22when i try to ./configure in conky, it says "Can't locate your X11 installation"17:26
jdahmiggyology: to fix icons, just remove and reinstall packages17:26
jdahmusually that fixes things17:26
Picitrap22: Conky is in the Ubuntu repositories, do you have a particular reason to install it from source?17:26
Valdrinhwo to do to ask for password after lock screen ?17:26
iggyologyjdahm: I'll try that.... again :)17:27
odinsbaneMitchM: dpkg will give you dependancy errors before it installs so it shouldn't be too risky.17:27
gedOGuys, who will help me with encrypted partition mounting?17:27
DraZoroValdrin: Allocate screensaver there are options there to enable password and duration it takes for the desktop to auto lock.17:27
MitchModinsbane, yeah - failed, lots of lib* dependecies17:27
trap22Pici: thanks i just did. apt-get, it worked this time17:27
DraZoroValdrin: Depending on which version and window manager you are using. If you are using Unity go to application lens "Super + A" and type screensaver.17:28
odinsbaneMitchM: did you try the link, and add the debian repo stable?17:29
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tripelbI know there17:29
LAcanhow do I mount a cd to E: ?? Ubuntu Software Centre wants the CD on "E:"?17:30
zizbanLAcan it should it do it automatically.17:30
odinsbaneMitchM: It could be possible to build it even if you can't get a package to work, but probably the reason there isn't the package is because there isn't the dependancy.17:30
LAcanzizban, well it mounts it to /media/cdrom17:30
Tomfoolaryis there an open source version of skype that'll actually run on ubuntu 10.10?17:30
LAcanzizban, but software centre wants it on "E:\"17:30
zizbanLAcan, is this a Windows CD?17:31
LAcanzizban, no ubuntu17:31
llutzTomfoolary: theres skype from skype.com for linux, nothing open17:31
zizbanLAcan and you are in Ubuntu?17:31
LAcanzizban, yup17:31
LAcanzizban, im trying to add the CD as a sofwtare source so I can reinstall network manager applet17:31
tripelbI know there's a better place to say this, maybe later. It's a suggestion for ubuntu. windows has the same problem. - Say there is a "copying" process happening. The only choice is continue (donothing) or abort (cancel). I think that aPAUSE would be helpful. Might just need to use the resources for something else for a while and put the copy on the back-burner. That is all.17:31
zizbanLAcan, that's weird. When I put in a CD it appears om the desktop.17:31
odinsbaneMitchM: this page seems to be more closely related. http://serverfault.com/questions/36040/installing-php-5-3-on-ubuntu-server17:32
iggyologysome please tell me how to access icon properties17:32
bcoopI've googled and searched gconf-editor and compizconfig settings, but I have not found any answer: how can I change the Super+T = Open trash folder keyboard shortcut in Unity?  It replaced my terminal opening shortcut (which is still in the configuration but doesn't function)17:32
g_uhm, hi (Again!)17:32
LAcanzizban, ya, it does that... but this is ubuntu software centre17:32
Tomfoolaryllutz, I tried downloading it and opening in the ubuntu software centre and it came up with an error, am I doing something wrong?17:32
tripelbzlZBAN THAT'S Normal17:32
zizbanLAcan what sudo apt-get install gnome-network-manager doesn't work?17:32
g_hi, i have a completely broken build system, and can't complile anything, would anyone be able to help me through this? for starters: gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory17:32
LAcanzizban, no network connection17:32
dios_mioIn keyboard layouts preferences there is the option where you can pick whether you want the new windows to get the active window's layout. This option is broken because whatever you pick it is always the rule that new windows get the active windows's layout. ....????17:32
llutzTomfoolary: no idea, i don't use skype17:32
zizbanLAcan, OOOOOH17:32
Tomfoolaryllutz, *sobs*17:33
LAcanusr13, left me without a net connect... i unnstalled the manager and now i cant get the cards to connect to the internet...17:33
iggyologycan someone pm me and tell me how to access icon properties17:33
fredrik_is there any known graphic bugs with 11.04? I did a clean install on my brothers computor and his screen wont "light up" If you look closley you can se some of the background image and I can se the mouse.. Its like the screen has no backlight. Everything workes on 10.10 (liveCD) and if I connect it to the TV it works...17:33
noseasome one can help me?17:33
llutzTomfoolary: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype17:33
iggyologyI'm trying to get an icon to open the app it's associated with17:33
ricorx7g_: use pastebin or something to paste your code for review17:33
Soupermaniggyology, icon?17:34
noseaplease give me some advice.17:34
Tomfoolaryllutz, love you man17:34
iggyologysouperman, yes17:34
iggyologythe launcher icon17:34
spankbotwhere can I find solid Ubuntu themes?17:34
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LAcanusr13, man, i cant get any network connections now that i uninstalled the network manager... grrrrr17:34
bcoopAnyone?  How can the Unity keyboard shortcut for 'Open Trash Folder' <Super>T be configured?  There doesn't appear to be an entry for it in gconf17:34
LAcanbcoop, theres a keyboard shortcuts option in the system menu17:35
dios_mionobody address the bug i reported!! --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77645117:35
Soupermaniggyology, you left clic it go to propierties and edit the string17:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 776451 in Ubuntu "keyboard layouts - will the new window get the active window's layout" [Undecided,New]17:35
usr13LAcan: ifconfig17:35
iggyologyleft click?17:35
LAcanusr13, ya i tried that17:35
bcoopLAcan, that option is missing all the 'advanced' unity shortcuts.  It doesn't have an entry for 'open trash folder'17:35
usr13LAcan: YOu must have worte the config file wrong.17:35
Soupermanright right, iggyology just get the contextual menu17:35
g_ricorx7: that's the only error i get17:35
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LAcanusr13, ya and now my only option is reinstalling ubuntu to get the damn network manager back17:36
noseaI want to hide the shutdown information:http://paste.ubuntu.com/603345/17:36
usr13LAcan: ifconfig eth0 ; route add default gw
usr13LAcan: no it's not.17:36
MethedMannemo: how can i convert the text from firemath to latex?17:36
LAcanusr13, they wont connect to their essid17:36
iggyologySouperman, there is no menu item for properties when i right click on the launcher icon17:36
tripelbHere's was my problem: and my question. Yesterday I said, how do I copy a DVD to my hard drive. I want to return the original and also be able to play it here. :: I was told, copy the files. When I looked at it I see --> two folders and no files!? [audio_ts and video_ts) <-- I am getting the copy (method: saw the cd one my desktop. clicked on it. it offered to copy it. Done, err still doing. --- What is on this DVD anyway? Is this norm17:37
tripelbal? Why dont I see files? How does a DVD work anyway? ---> Obviously (I think) a referral to info would be great. THANKS17:37
iggyologyLAcan, can you tell me where the icon properties are again?17:37
Soupermanoh, launcher, you are using unity rite, sorry iggyology i never used it17:37
iggyologySouperman, I don't know what unity is17:38
iggyologyshould I get rid of it?17:38
nemoMethedMan: you mean from MathML to LaTeX? :)17:38
nemoMethedMan: and why would you want to do that?17:38
kalei have circular dependencies, how do i solve those?17:38
kalei am running lucid and want to do a dist upgrade17:39
bluegoon_hi guys17:39
gedOGuys, HELP17:39
bluegoon_I keep losing wifi connectivity with a netbook over wifi17:39
nemoMethedMan: I expect most tools out there have the exact opposite goal17:39
gedOHow I can mount encripted partiton?17:39
Soupermaniggyology, you are using ubuntu 11.04? if yes it comes whit the new unity interface, you can use the standard old interface loging out and choosing "classic desktop" at the log in menu17:39
MethedMannemo: exactly.  why?  b/c i want to jump on the latex bandwagon so i can feel self-important (joking).  what do you mean exact opposite goal?17:39
nemoMethedMan: latex is presentational, not semantic17:39
bluegoon_Would updating to 11.04 update my wifi drivers?  My netbook keeps freaking disconnecting17:40
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nemoMethedMan: mathml can be rendered presentationally17:40
nemoMethedMan: there are plenty of tools to render latex to mathml, but the other way around is rarely desired17:40
demoncan someone help me enabling nvidia driver on Ubuntu UE2.7?17:40
iggyologySouperman, oh heck... I'm reading an article right now about it!!!   Man, I had no idea I was using something that hadn't been debugged yet!17:40
nemosince mathml can be rendered just as well as latex, only has actual semantic content17:40
MethedMannemo: i see. so why would anyone care to use latex17:40
nemoMethedMan: used to be what people used17:40
jgouldHow do you get rid of the splash screen so you can see what your system is doing at boot17:40
nemoMethedMan: and if you are generating equations, there were editors to support it17:40
iggyologySouperman, here's the article: http://mybroadband.co.za/news/columns/20018-Ubuntu-Unity-not-all-that-unifying.html17:40
bluegoon_Is there an 11.4 netbook edition?17:41
nemoMethedMan: if you have no problem generating the equations though, seems silly to output to latex, since mathml can be rendered just as well17:41
bluegoon_I am having trouble with my netbook wifi17:41
Pici!une | bluegoon_17:41
ubottubluegoon_: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.17:41
Soupermaniggyology, thanks17:41
nemobut has actual useful content17:41
gedOGUYS!!! HELP!!!17:41
dios_mionobody address the bug i reported!! --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77645117:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 776451 in Ubuntu "keyboard layouts - will the new window get the active window's layout" [Undecided,New]17:41
gedOI can't log in to my PC17:41
Pici!helpme | gedO17:41
ubottugedO: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:41
MnCCis there a way to hide wireless networks ?17:41
MethedMannemo: there were editors to support it?  what do you mean?  sorry for needing a history lesson.17:41
nemoMethedMan: or if you are more used to latex, you would find it easier to generate, that way. but if you are, you would not have asked for an editor17:41
nemoMethedMan: http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/LaTeX17:41
genii-aroundMnCC: Tell the WAP not to b roadcast it's SSID?17:42
FloodBot1nemo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:42
nemooh. come on. floodbot. that was so not flooding OR using enter as punctuation17:42
gedOit gives me error : Could not update ICEauthority file17:42
nemostupid floodbot... can't handle fast typing apparently, or pasting of URLs. one of the two17:42
MethedMannemo: is there something like mathml that is built-in for openoffice, emacs, vim, or any other program that does not require a web browser?17:42
nemoMethedMan: mathml is just XML. it can be rendered in anything that can parse it17:43
bluegoon_i can go on IRC, i can update etc, but DNS not opening web pages.17:43
nemoit does not require a web browser17:43
iggyologySouperman, I'm in IRC through unity's website the room is #ayatana17:43
nemoMethedMan: I know I have to repeat myself. but you aren't reading what I link you to. please read those 2 links17:43
dios_mionobody addresses the bug i reported!! --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77645117:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 776451 in Ubuntu "keyboard layouts - will the new window get the active window's layout" [Undecided,New]17:43
Cassinican someone help me getting my nVidia 9500 GT card working? I am in 11.04,  the current drivers are loaded but are not being used. Log error is "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:0:0". In lshw it lists the PCI as "Bus Info: pci@0000:01:00.0"17:43
nemoI hate retyping stuff. esp in here where it spams the channel and gets me yelled at17:43
MnCCgenii-around, not what i meant .. i need to hide all wireless networks of my neighbourhood ..there are over 40+ networks ..17:43
Morten_Hi, how is it possible to share an external storage harddrive on a network? I have tried using nautilus to start the sharing, and I can see the external storage on the network, but cannot access it?17:43
iggyologyjoin/ #ayatana17:44
demonCassini. i think i have similar problem17:44
iggyologyjoin /#ayatana17:44
Soupermaninteresting iggyology, but i dont really use unity, and being a xubuntu fan i think i never will :D17:44
iggyologySouperman, what's xubuntu like? will it run good on a netbook?17:44
genii-aroundgedO: sudo chown $(whoami):$(whoami) .ICEauthority17:45
Cassinidunno if that might be it on the pci addy... if 0000:01:0.0 is pci 0:1:0 or what... any ideas?17:45
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gedO@genii-around: problem is that I can't do this17:45
MethedMannemo: i understand that mathml is xml, just not sure how to use that in another program.  also, i am reading http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/LaTeX and am not really sure where to begin.  some of the english links hit documents in german.17:46
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nemoMethedMan: the 2nd link. read THAT one. before asking more questions17:46
nemoMethedMan: the one that explains MathML17:46
jribgenii-around: neat syntax:  chown user: file  is equivalent to  chown user:userlogingroup file17:46
Dark_Star1hi guys.. does one need to install a samba server to be able to connect to another client?17:46
bluegoon_my dns isnt resolving!17:46
bluegoon_Help me! Oh my word, my DNS does not resolve@!17:46
Dark_Star1another server*17:46
Soupermaniggyology, very probably, its quite fast, but i thing lubuntu is the fastest of *buntu family17:46
delaccan anyone confirm that something happened (got updated) to Startup Disk Creator and it now always asks for password? Seems to affect both Maveric abd Natty.17:46
genii-aroundgedO: ctrl-alt-F1 should bring you to console login on tty1, where you should be able to do this, then to alt-F7 back to gdm and restart it17:47
genii-aroundjrib: Ah, thanks17:47
Cassinithe only way I can get ubuntu 11.04 to boot is into recovery low graphics mode... at least 10.04 would boot.. I am about to give up again...17:47
robin0800Cassini, have you tried classic?17:48
designupanybody knows why my ubuntu 11.04 doesnt "see" my Wireless Network, which is amplified by a FRITZ WLAN repeater n/g ?? ANY other wlan is detected perfectly!! need some help please.... :(17:48
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MethedMannemo: i do not see anything about mathml at http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/LaTeX17:48
ubuntuhy i have problem with install ubuntu - im now on live system, instalation finish with error17:49
ubuntuerror install grub17:49
ubuntuwhy i can do now ?17:49
Cassiniif I choose the standard kernel it locks up at the splash screen. Never get to the login screen.17:49
MethedMannemo: this is my 2nd or 3rd week on IRC.  i appreciate your patience.17:49
nemo12:42 < nemo> http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/MathML17:50
nemoMethedMan: I typed that just immediately after the other link, FFS17:50
Guest96883my battery seems to be lasting longer, something changed since yesterday?17:50
nemook. I need to stop spamming this channel w/ irrelevant stuff17:50
bluegoon_Guys, any reason why ubuntu would just lose DNS every now and then?17:50
fredrik_I have this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/772785 on my computor and the suggested fix workes. But How can I make this stick after reboot?17:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 772785 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Aser eMachines E527 - LCD brightness - 0% after update to 11.04 (dup-of: 765438)" [Undecided,New]17:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 765438 in linux (Ubuntu) "On startup, the backlight is off on laptop" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:50
demonwhy does the  nvidia driver is not used by X? Error: No kernel named "nvidia" found. help!!!17:51
fredrik_uberfrau, I know. The suggested fix in my link works (set the brightnes to full) but how can I make this stick after reboot?17:51
bretzelHi, ( no, google doesn't satisfy refined search:too much results) -->  I need to know how ncurses/libncursesxx have been built, with what options: MOUSE VERSION2 "-enable-ext-mouse  (wheel event support? ) ;  -enable-ext-colors ? (for 256 xterm colors support ???? I really need to know17:52
bluegoon_how do you monitor DNS on ubuntu?17:52
denohi there17:54
denoguys do you know a package better than the default one for gnome to take multiple screenshots?17:54
hallhi all. i've failed in my attempts to google this: is there a "known problems" page somewhere for unity? it does not work at all on my setup (thinkpad/external monitor)17:54
LAcanonly in ubuntu does it take 3 days to set a static IP address. yeesh.17:54
eternicode3 days?  really?17:54
iggyologyDoes anyone use Gnome desktop?17:54
test@bluegoon what?17:54
fredrik_anyone knows how i can make this suggestion stick at reboot? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/77278517:55
iggyologyor is everyone a XFCE fan?17:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 772785 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Aser eMachines E527 - LCD brightness - 0% after update to 11.04 (dup-of: 765438)" [Undecided,New]17:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 765438 in linux (Ubuntu) "On startup, the backlight is off on laptop" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:55
gedOGuys, I can't mount my encrypted partiton17:55
gedOhow I can do this??17:55
JanusmanLAcan: what? I did it in under a minute =)17:55
eternicodeiggyology, does it have to be either/or? :/17:55
iggyologyeternicode, you tell me what you like17:55
iggyologytalk to me man!17:55
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eternicodeiggyology, I use kdm (leftover from my KDE days) with a custom .xinitrc that launches Compiz as my window manager.  No fancy "desktop environment" for me.17:56
eternicodegnome-do for app launching, awn dock for app management, conky for system stats.17:56
iggyologySo, eternicode, please help me to understand if your approach is superior to a fancy desktop17:57
iggyologyor if you're just settled in a comfort zone17:57
eternicodeit's very much a comfort zone :)17:58
eternicodebut I would say it's lighter than having all the DE libraries etc loaded on every startup17:58
iggyologyeternicode, So do you know if there is a desktop environment, say that your friends use and are happy with? Something tried and true?17:58
iggyologyI see17:59
webbenIs anyone else having problems with PECL/PEAR failing to find packages on Ubuntu Lucid?17:59
iggyologylighter is good for a netbook17:59
webbenGot this problem on 2 VMs now.17:59
usr13Where are packages downloaded by apt-get  (when using download-only)?17:59
usr13or... how do I find a particular deb file?17:59
llutzusr13: /var/cache/apt/archives17:59
eternicodeLXDE, Gnome, and KDE are all tried and true.  In order of "heaviness", I would rank them KDE, Gnome, and LXDE, but that's very subjective17:59
eternicodegreat thing about linux is there's all the highly interchangeable pieces and parts.18:00
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iggyologyeternicode, So Gnome has been around for a while, but maybe the problem is the new "unity" thing?18:01
aneeshep@eternicode: I still love gnome. Wht is ur choice?18:01
iggyologyalso, do you know about XFCE?18:01
aneeshep@eternicode: What is the problem with unity?18:02
eternicodeI haven't tried Unity, nor am I going to.18:02
ActionParsnipetotheipi: just log onto gnome classic if you dislike unity18:02
eternicodenot because I don't like it, but because I like what I have.18:02
eternicodeaneeshep, I use a custom collection of programs, no DE.18:02
eternicode*no stock DE18:02
jimmybriteIs there a reason why grub breaks my mbr? I tried instaling 11.04 like 6 times already, and I can't boot into linix or win7 at all, so I have to re-install 10.10 to fix my mbr so I can at least use my system.18:03
eternicodeXFCE I think is slightly more heavy than LXDE, but it's good as well.18:03
ActionParsnipjimmybrite: boot to liveCD and reinstall grub218:04
iggyologyI see why people fall into the poisoning embrace of Windows18:04
iggyologyThis is nuts18:04
jimmybriteI tried that, but Im sort of a noob with grub, grub-install said something like aufs needed?18:04
iggyologyIt's so much work to fart around with Linux18:04
iggyologyI've spent 2 days fudging with this stuff18:04
eternicodeonly 2 days? :P18:05
iggyologyexactly eternicode!!!18:05
eternicodewait till you've spent 4 years :P18:05
iggyologyI have a life I want to get back to!18:05
jimmybriteI tried a clean install from cd, an upgrade from cd, an upgrade from 10.10 installed on my hd, and al of them meses up grub, this is insane, I've never had that happen before18:05
eternicodegranted, only year 1 was spent getting everything perfect... the other three have been small tweaks along the way18:05
iggyologyoh my freakin god!18:05
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duendeI have a problem with video in 11.04 can anybody helpme??18:06
eternicodeanyway, my question: my internal wireless card seems to be stuck in promiscuous mode, as all traffic on my network is hitting my machine, whether or not it's the destination/source.  I've tried "ifconfig wlan0 -promisc" to no avail.  Any ideas?18:07
PType1There is any problem with Ristretto in Xubuntu 11.04?18:07
iggyologyI mean it's fun talking with people.. I understand why there are Linux groups :)18:07
jimmybritei'll be back later, when i'm trying to install 11.04 AGAIN, it'll be more helpful if I give you guys the exact error messages, it's something like device/partition not found18:08
ActionParsnipiggyology: what re you having issues with exactly?18:08
ActionParsnipjimmybrite: remeber to MD5 tes the ISO18:09
PType1sideshow in Ristretto (Xubuntu 11.04) is not working, right?18:09
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duende<PType1> to me dont like these programa ristretto18:09
fredrik_Ive got the "backlight is off" bug on my laptop. I tried to put the solution (setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=20) into rc.local but it wont work. I guess I need to do sudo.. .how can I solve this so the command is runned as sudo everytime a reboot?18:09
ActionParsnipjimmybrite: and check the CD for defects18:09
ActionParsnipiggyology: have you tried other distributions too?18:09
jimmybrite<ActionParsnip> yeah but that also happens when I do a dist-upgrade dude18:09
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  rc.local is ran as root. You Did put it befor the exit command in rc.local?18:09
iggyologymy launcher icon is broken. I can only open Firefox directly with the command window (Alt+F2)18:09
ActionParsnipjimmybrite: sounds about right, I always clean install18:09
jimmybritebur yeah, md5ing the cd is a MUST, which I don't do all the time,18:10
fredrik_Dr_Willis, Yepp I did. Though the screen light up for a second it turns of when I have loged in18:10
ActionParsnipiggyology: tried making a shortcut on the desktop?18:10
ActionParsnipjimmybrite: may be the cause of the issues18:10
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  try the command from your users login. does it work?18:10
fredrik_yepp if I do a sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=20 the screen lights up as it should18:10
jimmybriteyeah, it's grub2 and dual booting on my machine that seems to mess up, I tried to keep the old bootloader or installer the maintainers package, and both installed the same grub with deep white fonts? if that makes sense18:11
iggyologyActionParsnip, I tried, but I can't place icons on the desktop18:11
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  you could add it to your X startup stuff then. Sounds like X may be some how resetting the  thing when it loads.18:11
iggyologyit's not a valid location18:11
jimmybriteanyhow, i'll be back later, because i'm giving out symptoms blindly..18:11
ActionParsnipiggyology: tried gnome classic desktop, or a different DE altogether?18:11
DannyButtermanHi there. Who knows how to make the drag n drop of attached files working in ubuntu thunderbird ?18:11
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Dr_Willisfredrik_:  if you dont want to run it with sudo. you could (not reccomended) set the suid bit on the binary. then it alwyas runs as root even if a user runs it.18:11
fredrik_Dr_Willis, sounds right.. witch file and where? I'm feeling like a n00b18:11
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:12
fredrik_Dr_Willis, come again?18:12
Dr_Willis!startup  | fredrik_18:13
ubottufredrik_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:13
Dr_Willisread the bots url it gave. :)18:13
iggyologyActionParsnip, nope, not yet, thinking about it though18:13
iggyologyit may be lighter too18:13
fredrik_Dr_Willis,  sorry... ok.. I'll try that one18:13
ActionParsnipiggyology: so your issue is with gnome, not linux18:13
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PiciActionParsnip: I think he is using Unity.18:13
Dr_Willisiggyology:  make a new user. see if they have the same issue.18:14
ActionParsnipPici: possibly18:14
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NewPosixquestion about ubuntu: how do you know which ubuntu you have (what is the parallel of cat /etc/redhat-release of linux)18:14
NewPosixI mean of fedora18:14
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ActionParsnipPici: seems to be fashionable to dislike it right now18:14
* zizban is a raving Unity fanboy18:15
ActionParsnipNewPosix: lsb_release -a18:15
genii-aroundNewPosix: cat /etc/issue18:15
ActionParsnipzizban: I don't mind it, it's not as bad as everyone makes out if you ask me18:15
iggyologyDr_Willis, I'll have to try that after I'm done with Unity's support person18:15
multipass_Hi, is there any way to get the new Iphone drivers that are in 11.04 over to 10.10??18:15
iggyologythanks though18:15
iggyologyActionParsnip, yeah, seems like unity is too "wet behind the ears" still...18:16
iceroot!backports | multipass_18:16
ubottumultipass_: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:16
icerootmultipass_: but why does an iphone need drivers?18:16
PiciNewPosix: Two people already answered you.18:16
Dr_WillisNewPosix:  you got 2  answers.. did you not see them?18:16
icerootNewPosix: cat /etc/issue.net18:16
icerootNewPosix: cat /etc/issue18:17
multipass_iceroot, maybe i didnt word that correctly, but something in 11.04 gives me root directory access to my iphone, as well as access to its music-- in 10.10 i get nothing18:17
iceroot!iphone | multipass_18:17
ubottumultipass_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:17
fredrik_Dr_Willis, So I put a new startup app in system->preferences->sessions and at command I wrote setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=20. Nothing happened at reboot.. Does "startup apps" work the same when running unity?18:17
ActionParsnipiggyology: possibly, give other DEs and they may suit you better. Gnome is default but it doesn't make it any better than the others etc18:17
drhydraliskmy front panel audio connection is not working after I restarted, any help please?18:17
multipass_!edge flipping18:18
mang0I'm just wondering if I can use a virtual cd drive to run the ISO file for the ubuntu install....for instance, daemon tools lite.18:18
icerootmang0: you can boot isos with grub2, also you can put the iso on an usb-drive18:20
mang0USB isnt an option18:20
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  no idea.  if that command needs to be ran as root. that may be the issue.18:20
mang0iceroot what is grub2?18:20
mang0I'm trying to install ubuntu, long story XD18:20
fredrik_Dr_Willis, ok solved it with a uggly hack.. just put sleep 5 before the command in rc.local... Not pretty but it workes.18:20
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  you could try 'gksudo that-fancy-command'   and see if it asks for the root password. and works.18:20
icerootmang0: is there already something running on the pcß18:20
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  oh yea. rc.local running BEFOR X gets started could be an issue18:21
Dr_Willisfredrik_:  you may want to have it sleep longer.18:21
iggyologydoes pasting my .xsession-errors expose my confidential information?18:21
mang0iceroot what do you mean?18:21
iggyologyjust wondering18:21
cong06does anyone know of a network monitor that would run from the system tray? I need some kind of replacement for conky that would work with unity...18:21
icerootmang0: you want to install ubuntu to your pc, correct?18:21
joelixnyhow can I use sed to delete a line that is <?somethingsomething /> in a html document?18:21
Dr_Willisiggyology:  i wouldent think soo.18:21
fredrik_Dr_Willis, Hope they solve this soon... this workes for now.. thanks for all the help.. I buy you a beer sometime.. ;-)18:21
iggyologymang), were you talking to me?18:22
Dr_Willisjoelixny:  ive seen collections of 'sed one liners' web sites that have exasmplex of stuff like that.18:22
mang0iceroot I have two 120GB hard drives18:22
icerootmang0: and why not using a cd or a usb-drive?18:22
mang0iggyology no heh18:22
fredrik_Dr_Willis, Yepp.. I'll make it like 20 instead...18:22
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Dr_Willisfredrik_:  ive had to do similer delays for other apps in X also. like conky,18:22
mang0iceroot I have the liveCD for 10.10 but it doesn't work....it's not mounting my drives.18:22
mang0So I wanna try the alternate installer18:22
drhydraliskcan anyone please help me with my audio problem?18:23
icerootmang0: you are using fakeraid?18:23
mang0I don't know18:23
* mang0 is a noob18:23
coz_mang0,   then you arent18:23
mang0lol k18:23
dios_mionobody addresses the bug i reported!! --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77645118:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 776451 in Ubuntu "keyboard layouts - will the new window get the active window's layout" [Undecided,New]18:23
icerootmang0: so the installer is not detecting your hard drives?18:23
coz_mang0,   you might want to try the mini.iso image...its only 19 megs and downloads directly from the servers18:23
spankbotanyone know about using JBOD for Ubunut?  Does each disk display as an individual disk or is it like an iSCSI target?18:24
mang0iceroot the installer won't detect them.18:24
spankbotJBOD  or SLED18:24
mang0coz_ what do you mean....*confused*18:24
coz_mang0,      the mini  is just 19 megs... installs from the net,, aka   netinstal18:25
mang0so it just installs straight from the net?18:25
chrome_how can I see which version of ubuntu I have?18:25
Dr_Willischrome_:  lsb_release -a18:25
icerootchrome_: cat /etc/issue18:26
coz_mang0,  it does indeed18:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:26
spankbotoh no, I'm trying to make a file execute by typing the command "sh filename" and I get a Syntax error: "(" unexpected18:26
coz_mang0,   however,, it will ask what you want to install at one point,, it is a list,, arrows  scroll the list  SPACE bar ticks the box18:27
coz_mang0,  would you like to try that??18:27
ActionParsnipspankbot: check the syntax of the file18:27
mang0coz_ yes*18:27
coz_mang0,     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/mini.iso18:27
spankbotActionParsnip, oh no, how do I do that?18:27
chrome_what is unity exactly?18:27
mang0so coz_ how do I use it?18:28
iceroot!unity | chrome_18:28
ubottuchrome_: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity18:28
ActionParsnipspankbot: open the file in a text file? Did you create the file or did you download it?18:28
coz_mang0,  burn that to disk...it will not work on usb ,, even though i have tried over and again18:28
ActionParsnipchrome_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_(desktop_environment)18:28
mang0is there no way I can install without burning a disk/usb coz_18:28
grooi just learned the hard way that gnome 3 does >not< play well with unity18:28
spankbotActionParsnip, oh no, when I go to open the file I get an error, "There is no application installed for executable files"18:29
coz_mang0,   I have tired  over and again to burn this to usb without success18:29
chrome_nice one ActionParsnip :)18:29
ActionParsnipspankbot: then you don't need sh. Just run the file as you would a normal executable18:29
coz_mang0,  it burns fine but refuses to boot18:29
ActionParsnipchrome_: I simply websearched18:29
mang0coz_ is there not a way to install it without ANY burning of ANYTHING?18:29
ActionParsnipcoz_: did you MD5 test the image?18:29
spankbotoh no, gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.18:30
spankbotPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.18:30
spankbotSelect a character encoding from the menu and try again.18:30
icerootmang0: yes you can install ubuntu without burning a cd or use a usb-drive but why go the hard way?18:30
coz_ActionParsnip,  yes and  still i do recall reading somewhere that the mini.iso will not work on usb  and I always use netbootin18:30
icerootmang0: just burn a cd or use usb18:30
llutzmang0: you can use debootstrap if you already have a running linux-sys18:30
coz_mang0,  no not that I am aware of,, you are not able to burn cd?18:30
adeadasвы все ПИДОРАСЫ18:30
mang0iceroot because I only have like, 5 cd's that are NOT rewritable18:30
mang0and I don't wanna have 2 liveCDs/installers18:30
icerootmang0: then you one of them18:30
mang0aw screw it18:31
mang0alternate installer18:31
mang0for 11.0418:31
llutzmang0: do you have grub2 installed? it can boot from ISO18:31
mang0COME TO ME18:31
icerootmang0: its not the fault of a failed burn that the live-cd isnt detecting your drives18:31
FloodBot1mang0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:31
Picimang0: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation particlarly "Installation without a CD" and "Server and Network installtions"18:31
lxs-makotoso i was dd'ing an old hdd, and it epicfails. http://pastebin.com/S8Hh4JfT - can anybody tell me how im gonna be able to dump the contents of the hdd in linux?18:31
k_szeoh great18:31
ActionParsnipcoz_: i believe it does, I've used it myself :)18:31
Younderlxs-makoto, dump or dd18:31
mang0iceroot why is it not detecting my drives then?18:32
coz_ActionParsnip,  wow then I will have to troubleshoot the issue at some point18:32
gedOGuys, how to swich froem gnome to oanother enviroment?? I have gnome and isntalled LXDE18:32
lxs-makotoi just want to get a raw backup of the drive.18:32
k_szeI was trying to install Google Chrome from deb package on my newly-installed Xubuntu 11.04.18:32
zizbanlogout, select your session, log back in18:32
Younderlxs-makoto, then dd18:32
PicigedO: Log out and select it from the sessions menu at the login screen.18:32
icerootmang0: because you are using fakeraid or your controller is not supported or your harddrives are not detected from the bios18:32
coz_mang0,  if you burn that mini.iso ,, even though it is on ly 19 megs  it will always install the most current updates18:32
k_szetotally messed up Package Manager18:32
ActionParsnipcoz_: yeah unetbootin will take the ISO as far as I remember18:32
nikophello, can somebody help me? I updated Xubuntu to the newest version yesterday. Now I cannot find my Multiboot -menu by pressing SHIFT on startup, what i can do?? Do i have my Windows partiotion anymore??18:32
mang0iceroot would I know if I was using fakeraid? cos I don't think I am....I think it is my controller18:33
gedO@Pici: Great :0 THX18:33
ActionParsnipk_sze: you can add the daily PPA and install it that way, gives a nice new version with snazzy features :)18:33
coz_ActionParsnip,  tried over and again.. but if you have done it then that just gives me incentive to troubleshoot it :)18:33
lxs-makotoso how would I go about doing a dd of this hard drive if it doesnt seem to want to?18:34
Youndernikop,  It's still there. You jsut have to access the grub menu18:34
ActionParsnipcoz_: could grab the daily, pretty much the same deal18:34
k_szeActionParsnip: ya, but I still need to fix package manager18:34
llutzlxs-makoto: try gddrescue18:34
k_szeI get some weird message about "E: Encountered a section with no Package: header"18:34
coz_ActionParsnip,  yeah I realize that,, but the mini.is cool :)18:34
BlaDe^Can anyone help me with making a user locked down a little more?18:35
ActionParsnipcoz_: very :)18:35
mang0so how do I install grub2?18:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:35
nikopYounder, How can i access that grub menu?? Before yesterday I got the grub menu by pressing and holding SHIFT on startup, now it doesnt work!! :(18:35
mang0!grub install18:35
ThinkT510!brain | mang018:36
ubottumang0: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:36
icerootmang0:  thought about using ubuntu 11.04 with better hardware support?18:36
=== trism_ is now known as trism
icerootmang0: is your bios detecting the harddrives?18:36
Cassini_any idea why my nvidia drivers are loading but won't be put to use? in the log file it just says failed to initialize NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:0:0. check system kernel log. I checked... I see nothting there.18:36
=== test is now known as Dattebayo
mang0iceroot permission to PM you? I can't concentrate here...18:36
mang0yes I know, !ask...18:36
nikopYounder, and i have Grub version 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3 installed18:37
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
eternicodemy wireless card seems to be stuck in promiscuous mode, as all traffic on my network is hitting my machine, whether or not it's the destination/source.  I've tried "ifconfig wlan0 -promisc" to no avail.  Any ideas?18:37
YounderCassini_, Yes, there is a interrupt conflict. Both IDE scci0 and display want to use irq 16. Check with lshw18:37
mang0So 11.04 has better support for drivers then 10.10?18:38
mang0iceroot may I PM you?18:38
novitololoHello.  I'm having problems with VirtualBox trying to run Windows under Ubuntu 10.10.  It doesn't recognize my CD/DVD, it is not shown...18:38
Cassini_Younder, is where will I change the irq # to use?18:38
Youndernikop, This is a new grub version which behaves differently. Check the grub documentation18:38
nikopYounder, how? :)18:39
OneKoreaHello, I wanna install ubuntu but retain all data on current D: partrition of windows vista, how hard is that / does ubuntu installer supports it? thanks!18:39
ThinkT510mang0: 11.04 uses a newer kernel than 10.10 so there are driver updates and whatnot18:39
mang0okay cool18:39
enzotibhi all, i would install "timidity" with suggested packages, but --install-suggests option of apt-get do not seem to work, also -o APT::Install-Suggests=1 do not work18:39
P_KableHello, I have to reset every 5 mn under natty, anyone got that too ?18:39
masterburnerwhen I boot into ubuntu classic, all my window borders are gone... how do I fix this?18:40
k_sze"The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."18:40
CryptKperCan someone tell me how to restore the ubuntu software center to its classic look. after my upgrade everything shows up in a single file line.18:41
YounderCassini_, I Have sent a bug report. Technically this should not happen as a separate demon  assigns the interrupts. I have just decided to wait to they have a fix..18:41
ThinkT510OneKorea: you can install ubuntu and access any partitions just fine yes18:41
xavier_nick xaiev18:41
=== xavier_ is now known as xaiev
xaievhi there18:41
YounderCryptKper, When you log in and click the user (but haven't entered the passwd yet) on the bottom line you can select classic18:42
xaievi'm trying to install latest 11.04 from a usb key and apt-get fails not finding the cdrom - tried 'cdrom-detect/usb=true'18:42
masterburnerwhen I boot into ubuntu classic, all my window borders are gone... how do I fix this?18:42
xaievwas the same with 10.10 :/18:42
CryptKperYounder, Ubuntu Software Center, unity isnt the issue.18:43
Dr_WillisHmm. I just noticed that Chromium and google chrome both start the first time with their 'pick a search engine' dialog window 1/2 way off the screen at the bottom.18:43
Dr_Willismasterburner:  try alt-f2 and run 'metacity --replace' or 'compiz --replace'18:43
ThinkT510P_Kable: you'll need to give more details so that we can figure out your problem18:43
KM0201xaiev: why would you even need to use that command?  usually i just boot an ISO i've put on the thumb drive, and install.. what issue are you having again?18:44
masterburnerDr_willis: already tried both, doesn't help... not even after a reboot18:44
KM0201Dr_Willis: yeah... kinda ironic they don't "force" one on you like some browsers.. :018:44
Dr_Willismasterburner:  try it in a terminal, look for error emssages.. metacity should work on any setup18:44
Dr_WillisKM0201:  i just found it odd that the window was in a bad spot.18:44
Dr_WillisKM0201:  and it affected both chromouim browser and google chrome.18:45
masterburnerDr_willis: I think I found a fix... brb18:45
Dr_WillisThere are some neat 'unity' tricks these browsers are doing  from what ive seen on the blog sites. :) progress bars in the icon.18:45
xaievKM0201, If you get "Incorrect CD-ROM detected" error on detection stage, reboot, press F6 and then ESC to go to manual boot line editing, and add the option 'cdrom-detect/try-usb=true'18:45
xaievfound on ubuntu.com18:46
ActionParsnipxaiev: I've seen a few users say they had liveusb expect a cd18:46
centHOGGxbmc library mode anyone?18:46
KM0201xaiev: strange, never had that issue.. are you rying to use the alt. cd?18:46
xaievno the regular one18:46
ActionParsnip!details | centHOGG18:46
Cassini_Younder, I don't see anything else using irq 16 on my box18:46
ubottucentHOGG: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:46
YounderCryptKper, Oh I see. Rightclick background. select change desktop background, on the first tab select classic18:46
xaievKM0201, was the same w/h 10.10 my personal laptop & another usb stick18:47
xaievanyway i can bypass apt to check for the cdrom and install package from online repositories?18:47
OneKoreaThinkT510, hm this means i need to use wubi installer or the 'real' full one can do as well? (to install ubuntu but save current Window's D: NTFS partrtition, ubuntu can read NTFS?)18:49
CryptKperYounder, please read my entire sentence. IN ubuntu software center, all of the software categories are being displayed in a single line, how do i restore the setting for 'ubuntu software center'18:49
ThinkT510OneKorea: yes, ubuntu reads and writes ntfs partitions on a full real install, it won't overwrite anything there18:50
OneKoreaoh thats lovely18:51
ThinkT510OneKorea: its an easy install process, the hardest part is partitioning, but that is simple when you know how18:52
KM0201OneKorea: actualy, a "wubi install" is not a real, full install.. and i personally wouldn't do it.. but thats just my opinion18:52
KM0201OneKorea: to clarify, i wouldn't do an install w/ wubi.18:52
OneKoreaof course not, i want full install, bye bye to windows, but want my DATA xD18:52
salomonvhi guys, my unity launcher won't hide anymore, for some reason, is there any way to force it to hide?18:52
KM0201OneKorea: have you ever used ubuntu?18:52
zizbansalomonv, is it in Unity2d? Nvidia drivers?18:53
salomonvdon't know about 2d, i'm running standard natty, but yes, nvidia drivers18:53
KM0201OneKorea: nuking windows right off the bat, only means you're going to be reinstalling windows within a week... set up a dual boot, and learn the OS... dual boot for at least 6mo.18:53
OneKoreayea, i have some experience with linux distros, no problem, just wondered about ubuntu installer, im not completely newb18:53
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salomonvzizban: don't know about 2d, i'm running standard natty, but yes, nvidia drivers18:53
=== Mallory is now known as komodo169
CryptKpersalomonv, clean install or upgrade?18:53
andreabormanI have installed Linux Mint 9 alongside my Windows 7 starter on one of my computers.18:53
salomonvCryptKper, upgrade18:53
zizbansalomonv, you have to install unity2d manually. Yeah, Nvidia is a problem right now.18:54
ThinkT510!mint | andreaborman18:54
ubottuandreaborman: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:54
salomonvzizban, so I need to install unity2d then? for the record, this is the second time today this has happened (rebooted last time) - i had no problems till today18:54
CryptKpersalomonv, turn off your nvidia driver, reboot, turn it back on, reboot, should be fine.18:55
chrome_Why gnome3 is not the ubuntu main desktop?18:55
andreabormanI did this by mounting it the ISO file on virtual clone drive and used the mint 4 windows installer. So mint can be uninstalled again if I want like any of my other Windows programs18:55
ActionParsnipchrome_: you can add it18:55
salomonvCryptKper, should be fine forever, or for just this time?18:55
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.18:55
zizbanchrome: because Gnome3 sucks :-)18:55
CryptKpersalomonv, good question.18:55
coz_chrome_,   gnome  3 uses mutter   11.04  decided to not use mutter and replace it with compiz as the compositor18:55
andreabormanI have Linux Mint 9 gnome by the way it's the easiest one to use.18:56
salomonvCryptKper, last time a reboot did the trick but now it happened again. Only thing I can think of is I started to use different workspaces today18:56
iggyologyanyone experienced with natty?18:56
KM0201andreaborman: maybe, but offtopic here..18:56
ActionParsnipiggyology: as experience as you can be18:56
deostrollI need some help with formatting the USB. I am referring this article: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-format-usb-pen-drive/ . it says assume /dev/sda1 is the partition name for usb pen...I don't get this part...18:57
iggyologycan you tell me why the Firefox icon isn't showing in the launchbar when there's an open window?18:57
ActionParsnipiggyology: are you using unity?18:57
Wolf_22I'm trying to install Tomcat to a Natty VM and I *think* everything is fine so far, but I want to ensure that the JAVA_HOME var "sticks" after reboot. Is this done through the startup.sh?18:57
KM0201deostroll: you have to find what drive lable your thumb drive has... the instructions are assuming it is sda1 (coudl be sdb1, sdc1, sdd..e tc..)18:57
ActionParsnipWolf_22: add it in ~/.bashrc18:58
iggyologyActionParsnip, yes I am18:58
deostrollKM0201, how do I find out?18:58
Wolf_22Thanks Action. Will do.18:58
jribWolf_22: what is "the startup.sh"?18:58
ActionParsnipiggyology: that's why. Unity uses globalmenu18:58
gp5stis there anyway to create a tmp file that resides in memory only?18:58
coz_deostroll,   you can install netbootin  or  I believe its called  image writer or go to system/administraton/startup disk creator18:58
KM0201deostroll: are ou just trying to format it as ext3?.. you do realize gparted can do that w/ a fairly simple GUI don't you?18:58
iggyologyActionParsnip, can you tell me how to get the icons back in the launch bar?18:58
salomonvanyhow, there is no way to invoke the launcher to hide?18:59
ActionParsnipiggyology: you may get luck if you boot to gnome classic then start compiz, may help18:59
deostrollKM0201, coz_ i kinda want to dos format it...18:59
iggyologyActionParsnip, I wish there was a way for me to get the Unity to work18:59
coz_deostroll,  ah ok18:59
KM0201deostroll: terminal isn't dos19:00
iggyologybut if you think that it's too new than I'll switch19:00
andreabormanKM0201 Linux mint is based on ubuntu they say. But I have tried ubuntu installed in the same way as I did with Mint. but it does not have a Windows type start menu like Linux mint does. which make it more familiar for Windows users like me.19:00
Wolf_22jrib: It was my understanding that it was the Natty version of a startup.19:00
Wolf_22(startup file, that is.)19:00
deostrollKM0201, no but the article does say I can do a mkfs.vat19:00
gnudehello, i like to show you my blog about my experiences with debian: http://erfahrungenmitdebian.blogspot.com/19:00
LuckyNeoWhat steps should I take to update to Ubuntu 11.10 beta 2?19:00
KM0201andreaborman: it really doesn't matter, its still off topic in this channel (no its not easier, it's just got a different GUI, theya re the essentially the same OS)19:01
ccallahan|School(10.04.2) If I were to setup a Jailkit on a desktop environment, what programs to I need to whitelist for GNOME, Firefox, OOo, and the Network Share Mounter (On the places menu)?19:01
ThinkT510LuckyNeo: 11.04 is no longer beta19:01
deostrollmy main concern is what comes after the mkfs.vfat part...i.e the argument...19:01
ThinkT510LuckyNeo: oops, sorry, misread19:01
KM0201LuckyNeo: i don't think 11.10 is public yet.. but i could be wrong.19:02
crazyrohilacan i upgrade my 10.04 to 11.0419:02
KM0201crazydiamond: no19:02
KM0201crazy 10.04>>10.10>>>11.04 is what you'd neeed to do19:02
andreabormanWell i must admit when I tried the new version of ubuntu 11 it is beter than the old because at least with the new version. It recognised my wifi so I could connect wirelessly to the internet.19:02
ccallahan|SchoolOh, and WiFI19:02
crazydiamondKM0201: ?19:02
ablazehi everyone19:03
PiciLuckyNeo: 11.10 has not yet reached alpha status.19:03
LuckyNeoOh I'm sorry19:03
ablazeI hope this is the right place to come to search for a solution19:03
KM0201crazydiamond: ?19:03
andreabormanAnd it was not so difficult to use as the old version either.19:03
crazyrohilaThinkT510: can i upgrade my 10.04 to 11.0419:03
jribWolf_22: I'm not familiar with this file.  Where is it located?19:03
Dr_Willisablaze:  theres here, theres the forums and theres that askubuntu web site. :)19:03
usr13andreaborman: YOu can make Ubuntu look exactly like MS Windows, it's just a matter of changing the theme.  If that will make things easier for you, go for it.19:03
crazydiamondKM0201: you wrote <KM0201> crazydiamond: no19:03
KM0201crazyrohila: no, you can't.. 10.04>>10.10>>11.04 would be what you'd have to do, you can't do it directly19:03
ThinkT510crazyrohila: you'll have to update to 10.10 then to 11.0419:03
Dr_WillisI want to make ubuntu look like my C64 GeOs :)19:04
andreabormanI can only do simple things on Linux. I cannot tweak it like I can Windows.19:04
KM0201crazydiamond: sorry.. to many "crazy's" here.. :)19:04
crazydiamondwasn't it to me?19:04
crazydiamondoek :)19:04
deostrollKM0201, coz_ where can I learn more about /dev/sda, sda1, sdc, etc...19:04
ssfdre37[*|-NOTICE-|*] STARTING  JUNE 1ST  FREENODE  WILL CHANGE  THE WAY YOU  CONNECT TO  IT. UNLESS  YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE  UNABLE TO CONNECT  TO FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN #FREENODE OR  MSG A STAFFER  FOR DETAILS.  [*|-NOTICE-|*]   ssfdre37 artur_ masayaa goshawk [ND] JohnFlux ablaze zniavre greywalk grindax ophion jfi puremichael @FloodBot3 jean @FloodBot1 ccallahan|School BlankVerse ring1 gp5st nadirvar_ gsb kurtul gsb__ platius @FloodBot2 Wolf_22 gerzel 19:04
usr13andreaborman: you can if you learn how.19:04
PiciIts spam. Ignore it.19:04
* KM0201 sighs.19:04
Dr_Willisandreaborman:  check out http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html19:04
ccallahan|SchoolYummy Spam ;)19:04
KM0201deostroll: google... thee's tons of walk throughs usually cli to format a drive.19:04
KM0201deostroll: you ust happened on one that sucked19:05
Dr_Willisyou format a filesystem.. you partion a drive into filesystmes. :)19:05
ablazein fact, i have upgraded to 10.10 and i was not able to start ubuntu (i have wubi installed) ::: then I used live USB to recover wubldr file and then it starts but it blocks on Ubuntu screen with dots moving underneath and nothing happens ::: what to do please?19:05
deostrollKM0201, i did so...i want to understand what the /dev/* means...19:05
deostrollwhat should i b looking for...19:05
iggyologyHow many people here have tried Unity and not liked it?19:05
KM0201deostroll: /device/then whatever its designated as...19:06
tsimpsoniggyology: this is not a polling channel, #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat19:06
ccallahan|School(10.04.2) If I were to setup a Jailkit on a desktop environment, what programs to I need to whitelist for GNOME, Firefox, OOo, Wi-Fi, and the Network Share Mounter (On the places menu)?19:06
usr13deostroll: /dev/*   means everything that is in the /dev/  directory.19:06
KM0201deostroll: you should be using the GUI so you don't screw something up... crawl before you sign up for a marathon19:06
ablazei m totally newbie and know almost nothing about ubuntu ::: can someone help me please19:06
coz_!ask | ablaze19:07
ubottuablaze: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:07
andreabormanI would like to remove my pasword on Linux so that I don't have to enter it every time I install software or make changes to my computer on Linux. On windows I do not have any passwords. I just turn on my computer and go and do what I want(adjust settings) without any password. It would be nice if I could do this on linux.And not have a password.19:07
ThinkT510deostroll: maybe look up some documentation of the file structure of linux, it sounds like you are unfamiliar19:07
usr13ablaze: Sure, what is your question?19:07
iggyologytsimpson, can you tell me how to get the Firefox icon to show up in the launch bar?19:07
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment19:07
ozanorhanHi, is it any harm to remove keyring or should i stop its disturbing password questions at start up ?19:07
KM0201andreaborman: you're not gonna get anyone here to tell you how to do that19:07
tsimpsoniggyology: no, but someone else here probably can19:07
deostrollThinkT510, i did that I got stuff like inode and stuff like that...19:07
ablazei have already asked ::: i re-ask: in fact, i have upgraded to 10.10 and i was not able to start ubuntu (i have wubi installed) ::: then I used live USB to recover wubldr file and then it starts but it blocks on Ubuntu screen with dots moving underneath and nothing happens ::: what to do please?19:08
Dr_Willisthres some 'Linux Filesystem Hiarchy' guide/site/docs that detail the filesystem layout. I cant rember the factoid for it.19:08
iggyologytsimpson, what do you use for Linux OS?19:08
Pici!hier | Dr_Willis19:08
andreabormanWhy is not having a password on Linux dangerous?19:08
Pici!heir | Dr_Willis19:08
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier19:08
usr13andreaborman: It's not a good idea to have a blank password.19:08
tsimpsoniggyology: I use Kubuntu19:08
PiciDr_Willis: sorry about that, I thought that was an alias for !filesystem.19:08
jribandreaborman: you shouldn't do it.  You shouldn't be doing sudo things that often that it would annoy you.  If you think you know best, read « man sudoers » about NOPASSWD.  Again, it's not a good idea19:08
usr13andreaborman: Well, it would be ok if you do not get on the internet with it.19:08
Dr_Willisablaze:  try booting using the 'text' option. that will disable plymouth (qwhich is the dott/animation.  when  you see the grub menu , hit 'e' edit the kernel line that has 'quiet splash' to read 'text' and see if you can boot to the console and login.19:09
Dr_WillisPici:  :) getting to many factoids for me to rember19:09
iggyologytsimpson, have you used anything else?19:09
multipass|2is there gui svn client??19:09
andreabormanBut on Windows I do not have a password. On windows it is optional. You don't have to have a password if you do not want one.19:09
ablazei have tried recovery mode and i was able to go to the terminal mode19:09
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier19:09
ablazeis this matters, regarding your question ?19:09
KM0201andreaborman: stop trolling.. if windows is so great, why are you using linux?19:09
usr13andreaborman: This is not Windows.  Ok?19:09
ablazesuggestion sorry19:10
angelete2i have this in my form: http://pastebin.com/6vHnciFG19:10
OneKoreaI totally admire people here dedicating to help fellow newbs, its really noble and mostly ungrateful hard work. but without you ubuntu wouldnt be what it is, good job, have a nice day!19:10
tsimpsoniggyology: many things, but that's offtopic for this channel19:10
crazyrohilaThinkT510: ok19:11
coz_need to break here   be back later19:11
iggyologytsimpson, this channel is about ubuntu, see I understand that, what I'm trying to do is learn whether learning about ubuntu is a waste of my time, why are you here if you use Kubuntu?19:11
andreabormanYou are right I keep forgeting-Linux is not windows. they have a different system.19:11
ablaze<Dr_Willis> I have tried recovery mode and it worked ::: i was able to go to terminal :::: should i try now with your suggestion or???19:11
tsimpsoniggyology: this channel is for ubuntu technical support, ask for opinions/comments in #ubuntu-offtopic19:11
iggyologytsimpson, ok, I'm using ubuntu, it's not working, does that satisfy you?19:12
k_szeXubuntu is stuck while trying to reboot after initial setup.19:12
SverdHelp Requested: Running ubuntu 11.04 x64, nvidia gfx adapter. Flash Videos in fullscreen freezes the computer. I have tried chromium and firefox. I have tried flash player 10.2 64 and 32 bit. I have tried enabeling/disabeling hardware acceleration.19:12
iggyologycan someone help me make ubuntu work?19:12
tsimpsoniggyology: "it's not working" is not a good description19:13
Dattebayodesktop efects can be enabled in netbook edition?19:13
Dr_Willisablaze:  if recovery mode works. you may want to install irssi, and/or weechat or some other text based irc client, and come in here and try to get help on the issue.19:13
iggyologyI'm using the new Natty with Unity and the launch bar is bugged. It should be put back in the beta room.19:13
Dr_Willisablaze: personally i disable plymouth totally. that way i can see errors that happen. If recovery mode works. you could try the 'startx' command and see if the desktop loads.19:13
iggyologyUbuntu people must be too worried about their competition to admit that they have realeased something prematurely.19:14
LuckyNeoI got some problems with after installing 11.04. I think, updates should solve it. What is better to get newer updates, backports or proposed?19:14
iggyologyBy Ubuntu people I mean Canonical people19:14
ThinkT510iggyology: you could always try any other desktop environment if you don't get along with unity, i prefer xfce myself19:14
jribiggyology: this channel is for *support* only.  If you want to discuss other things, there is #ubuntu-offtopic.19:14
usr13#ubunto-offtopic is a good channel with a lot of lively discussions... There are a number of us that should join and disscuss things, and the topic is quite negotiable19:14
ablazeDr_Willis: I am not able to use the internet in recovery mode ::: for the sake of information, ubuntu is installed on another computer and i m using another computer ::: so i can use both at the same time ::: so kindly give me suggestions here and i will try them immediately on my ubuntu on other computer :::19:15
Dr_WillisLubuntu is getting very very well done.19:15
ActionParsnipusr13: #ubuntu-offtopic you mean19:15
Dr_Willisablaze:   if X does not start up. try 'startx' look for error messages.19:15
usr13ActionParsnip: Thanks for the correction.19:15
iggyologyThinkT510, see your the second person pushing XFCE. I'm thinking that it's currently the best desktop environment. I've also had a couple people suggest that I just go gnome classic with Compz or something like that19:16
ablazeDr_Willis: what should I do? I didn't understand ::: sorry i m really newbie ::: i don't know about commands very well :::19:16
iggyologyjrib, can you help me fix my icons to work?19:16
jribiggyology: no19:16
greywalkhi. i specified manually a proxy server in the evolution settings, but it wont send messages through it. it just sends them using direct connection to internet. does anyone know what the cause may be? can it be related to the fact that the proxy i put requires authorization?19:16
ablazeDr_Willis: i m just trying to google and using commands and trying to learn ubuntu in this way19:16
iggyologyjrib, than go kiss a cobra19:16
usr13ablaze: Reading man files is a very good way to learn.19:18
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
ablazewhere are these files please19:18
ablazekindly tell me that while in recovery mode :: which option should i select to start19:19
usr13ablaze: What files?19:19
Pici!man | ablaze19:19
ubottuablaze: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/19:19
ActionParsnipablaze: what files?19:19
usr13ActionParsnip: He was asking about man files19:19
SverdHelp Requested: Running ubuntu 11.04 x64, nvidia gfx adapter. Flash Videos in fullscreen freezes the computer. I have tried chromium and firefox. I have tried flash player 10.2 64 and 32 bit. I have tried enabeling/disabeling hardware acceleration.19:19
alphamalei tried all day to add ubuntu to grub4dos19:20
alphamalecouldnt get it working19:20
usr13ablaze: You read a lot of man files and you'll be an expert in no time.19:20
enzotibhi all, i would install "timidity" with suggested packages, but --install-suggests option of apt-get do not seem to work, also -o APT::Install-Suggests=1 do not work19:20
alphamalethis seemed like the easiest way to do it...19:20
jcapincI just upgraded to 11.04 and it uninstalled my proprietary video drivers and now they cannot be found in additional drivers.  I cannot enable compositing now when I could before.  dell insperon 6400 : any suggestions?19:21
AceKingIs there any way to disable "Recent Documents" in 11.04?19:21
alphamalesomeone that can help me install ubuntu from a working linux system?19:22
voozealphamale: input cd, install??19:22
ivan__what do you means of working linux system ?19:23
alphamalei have no cdrom19:23
alphamalei want to install on a usbdrive partition19:23
ivan__install from iso19:23
ivan__grub boot iso19:23
alphamalei am running puppy19:23
ThinkT510!usb | alphamale19:23
ubottualphamale: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:23
alphamalegrub4dos bootloader19:23
alphamalei used this site...19:23
ivan__I currently using ubuntu 11.04 in a usb driver too.19:24
alphamaledoes the usb have to be formatted ext3?19:24
ivan__you can boot the iso from grub.19:25
alphamaleyes i would like to boot the iso too but failed19:25
ivan__then you can install the ubuntu into your usb19:25
alphamalei have grub4dos not grub19:25
ivan__it is the same19:25
botcityAceKing,  http://ubuntuguide.net/clearprevent-recent-documents-under-files-folders-in-ubuntu-unity19:26
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:26
ivan__you can google how to boot the iso image.19:26
evilaimoh man19:26
evilaimthat upgrade gimped me bad19:26
evilaimI went from 10.10 with an upgrade -d19:27
alphamalei googled it19:27
alphamalefound some sites but it didnt work yet19:27
evilaimsoon as the install finished, all my menu's and bars went away...19:27
Dr_WillisIs there a grub2-4-dos? only grub2 can boot ISO files.19:27
evilaimthen rebooted19:27
evilaimnow I can't even get past grub219:27
alphamaleyou can supposedly boot from iso with puppy19:27
alphamalebut i messed something up19:27
ivan__or, I know vmware can boot from iso. do you think you can install the system into usb by vmware ?19:27
alphamaleno idea19:28
ActionParsnipalphamale: the xpud site shows how to boot an ISO from grub219:28
Dr_WillisI dont recall seeing puppy having that feature. Unless they moved to grub2 in it.19:28
alphamalei dont have grub219:28
alphamalei am booting from grub4dos19:28
jcapincI just upgraded to 11.04 and it uninstalled my proprietary video drivers and now they cannot be found in additional drivers.  I cannot enable compositing now when I could before.  dell insperon 6400 : any suggestions?19:28
Dr_Willisi have several guides on booting iso files with grub2 at http://delicious.com/dr_willis19:28
jribjcapinc: I suggest mentioning your video card19:28
nutsfornattyanyone know how to change the login screen wallpaper on ubuntu 11.04? thanks19:29
ActionParsnipjcapinc: which video chip do you use?19:29
jcapincATI x1400 256mb Radeon19:29
Dr_Willisnutsfornatty:  it used tobe just the image at /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png19:29
alphamalehow about this portable linux app19:29
Dr_Willisnutsfornatty:  not sure if it still is. :) its proberly some image in that dir19:29
jcapincI am trying to install the ATI binary driver from the software manager19:29
errris there something I can pass at install or to grub that would keep the system from trying to mount my disks when I begin an install?19:29
nutsfornattyDr_Willis: thanks, I'll go searching for that file. All the google hits told me to use ubuntu tweek to do it, but i dont see a 11.04 version of that app yet.19:30
Dr_Willisnutsfornatty:  i just installed ubuntu-tweak the iother day. and its works on 11.0419:30
botcitynutsfornatty, http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-change-login-screen-in-ubuntu-11-04/19:30
nutsfornattythanks @ Dr_Willis & botcity19:31
ActionParsnipConsidering its on the screen about 2 seconds I don't get why people put so much effort into the login screen19:32
nutsfornattyActionParsnip: some people want to customize. you could say the same thing about any part of the OS really19:32
Gen2lyhello, just installed was wondering... I remeber that ubuntu can save my last session... where is this again?19:33
mamadhaving trouble with apt-get can anyone help?19:33
AceKingbotcity, thank you19:33
jribmamad: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)19:33
BlouBlouGen2ly: that's not ubuntu, that's xubuntu with LXDE19:33
ActionParsnipnutsfornatty: not the wallpaper and gtk theme. You see those constantly19:33
AceKingbocity, sorry for the delay, I was away from my PC for a minute19:33
mamadwhich channel is for apt-get?19:34
botcityAceKing,  np   :)19:34
Gen2lyBlouBlou: Oh, really thought that there was a setting that saved windows positions, remembers opens apps, when you log back in again.19:34
jribmamad: this one; just ask your question19:34
nutsfornattyActionParsnip: I full screen most of my apps so I barely see the desktop wallpaper. :-)19:34
ActionParsnipnutsfornatty: so not really at all19:34
usr13mamad: What is your problem?19:34
gp5stis there anyway to create a tmp file that resides in memory only? without having to have a tmpfs mounted somewhere19:34
nutsfornattymamad: apt-get would be here i think19:35
Creaki have a simple question... Is it normal that webgl doesn't work on firefox 4 (I use the nouveau drivers)19:35
usr13mamad:  You are on the correct channel. What is your problem?19:35
mamadwhen trying to install some packages, i get "Hash Sum mismatch" after download, have tried google, have tried other mirrors, apt-get update several times, have tried in xubunu and ubunu 11.04 this did not happen in 10.1019:35
ActionParsnipGp5st: add a command in /etc/rc.local to make the file in /tmp19:36
tertiusHow do I remount an LVM in a new installation?19:36
gp5stActionParsnip: /tmp isn't required to be mounted as tmpfs though19:36
ActionParsnipmamad: try sudo apt-get update  does it help19:37
serifgoood evening to all19:37
usr13mamad: What version of ubuntu are you on?19:37
serifmay i ask a ques pls19:37
AceKingbotcity, I tried it.. didn't work :(19:37
elijahI grabbed gnu ddrescue from the package manager yesterday, it was v 1.11 however the latest version is 1.14, what would be the best way to upgrade to 1.14,, manually or can I use apt-get or the package manager?19:37
mamadno sudo apt-get update does not help19:37
mamadi am on 11.0419:37
mikaelsa va?19:37
mang0iceroot are you there?19:38
mamadFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/texlive-base/texlive-latex-base-doc_2009-11_all.deb  Hash Sum mismatch19:38
mamadE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?19:38
CryptKperDoes anyone know how to correct software-center from displaying everything in a single column?19:38
FoolsRunHi, since upgrading to 11.04 I've been receiving the following when trying to run a graphical app from command line:  "Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable". This worked in 10.04 by putting DISPLAY=:0  before the command. I've removed -nolisten tcp from the X start command with no luck.19:38
jguzikowskihey guys, i just updated to 11.10 but i assume from a previous configuration my clock on the top panel has a black font..how would i go about changing that?19:38
ActionParsnipgp5st: anything you put in there is in tmpfs in a default install and will be lost on reboot. You will need the commands in rc.local to recreate them each boot19:39
mikaeldo you speak french??19:39
Pici!fr | mikael19:39
ubottumikael: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:39
serifelo ubuntu experts19:39
usr13mamad: Try:  sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*  (See:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1729381 )19:39
serifi have a ques pls19:39
spacebug-"May the 4th be with you!" :)19:39
AceKingjguzikowski, go into appearance and choose a lighter theme19:39
ActionParsnipMamad: ok run: sudo apt-get -f install19:40
AceKingjguzikowski, the same thing happened to me when I upgraded one of my laptops19:40
mikaeldo you speak french???19:40
mang0Guys, ubuntu 10.10 LiveCD isn't detecting my 2 Harddrives. This may be a bios problem, but IDK how it is ment to be in the bios....19:40
serifany deal with me19:40
ablazesearching online documentation is really a long way to solve the problem ::: can someone help me here to solve my problem ::: i m totally a newbie ::: and in this way i m learning by practicing :)19:40
jguzikowskiAceKing, hahah whoops, thanks :) easy fix!19:40
usr13mamad: Yes, as ActionParsnip says,  sudo apt-get -f install    should do the trick.19:40
ablazei would be really obliged19:40
mamadapt-get -f install does not fix it, downloads again and gives the same error19:40
usr13mamad: Try:  sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*  (See:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1729381 )19:41
ActionParsnipMang0: if you run: sudo fdisk -l    do you see them there?19:41
AceKingjguzikowski, no problem. I didn't like the new layout, so I logged out and booted in Ubuntu Classic mode19:41
Dattebayohow can i install sun java?19:41
botcityAceKing, did you copy and paste the commands ?19:41
nutsfornattybe very careful with the rm command...19:41
serifstreamtuner cant connect to shoutcast a long time?any solution has come up now?19:41
mamadusr13: i am trying your solution now (slow internet here)19:41
mang0ActionParsnip I'm on windows atm...19:41
gp5stActionParsnip: yes, i know that.  I would like to create a memory resident file that isn't in a tmpfs mount19:41
ActionParsnipDattebayo: which release?19:41
AceKingbotcity, Yes, I seen a comment below that said it didn't work for them either.19:41
mang0I have run  Gpartition and it doesn't see them19:41
mang0and also Disk manager19:42
igi69@DAtevayo there are 2 ways to install java19:42
usr13Dattebayo: sudo apt-get sun-java6-plugin    #If it's the java plugin you are  after.19:42
AceKingbotcity, I was almost thinking about unistalling Zeitgeist. I just don't know what repercussions it would have on anything else.19:42
igi69@Datebayo once is using the add/remove software19:42
ActionParsnipgp5st: ok run: mount  use a tmpfs from that list (not /proc)19:42
bobluvcheeseHello i am having problems with installing a printer driver, I go to Canon website, download correct driver for ubuntu open it with the software centre install it and it says that the software package failed to install19:43
igi69@datebayo the other with the terminal something like sudo apt-get install java19:43
FoolsRunDoes anyone knwo anything about my DISPLAY=:0 issue?19:43
usr13bobluvcheese: Did  you look to see if the driver is already there?19:43
serifany one help me pls?19:43
igi69@datebayo there is a third one from the web19:43
usr13bobluvcheese: Just do the printer configuration utility thing and see19:44
eklok5000i wanted to install Stalker (Game)...the installation under wine works fine, i got all files on my data...but when i run the exe it says, that it cant find the CD-Rom, anyone has an idea?19:44
ActionParsnipDattebayo: in google type: java natty  use the first link19:44
macsHello, i Wan't to know what the bashrc function is to make this "macs@li278-5:~#" Green19:44
halinI am logged in to ubuntu from command line mode using a live cd. How can I access the drives on my hard disk ?19:44
bobluvcheeseI have tried add printer and it does not have my printer in the database19:44
igi69@datebayo you type www.java.com19:44
serifam i invisible?19:44
ActionParsnipDattebayo: did you do ANY research at all to try and fix yourself?19:45
nivardusI've installed python-gdata but it doesn't seem to be including the calendar module: http://paste2.org/p/139918719:45
usr13bobluvcheese: What version of Ubuntu are you on?   What is the make/model of your printer?19:45
freakxi have radeon hd3200 graphic card, lcd brightness buttons doesnt work, but when i set full brightness on battery and unplug power cable, screen is going 100% bright :D how to set it as default?19:45
mamadusr13, with rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* i get the same error again19:45
igi69@datebayo the web will find out that your S:O is linux and i will offer a download19:45
ActionParsnip!mount | halin19:45
ubottuhalin: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:45
gsp2009hello everyone. Does anyone know if there are USB drivers for motorola phones for natty?19:45
igi69@datebayo, did this help?19:45
bobluvcheese11.04 Canon MP14019:45
ksniwhat should I use for testing DVB signal strength?19:45
Dattebayoi reid to dl from the  oracle websites but there was no link for my pc19:45
usr13mamad: Do you have a good connection  to the internet?19:45
mamadit's like 100KB/s19:46
ablazei have a computer with winxp and ubuntu (through wubi) installed ::: i upgraded from 10.04 lts to 10.10 and ubuntu stops to start ::: then i used live USB and copy wubildr file to c:\ and i am able to get to the grub menu ::: but after that the computer is stucked on ubuntu screen with dots moving just below :::: i tried recovery mode and it works ::: what should I do to get back ubunto desktop pls ::: i m really a newbie ::: any help will be highly appreciate19:46
bobluvcheesethe driver is called cnj filter common19:46
ActionParsnipbobluvcheese: tried the canon site. They support some models in Linux19:46
usr13mamad: Well, I don't know then.19:46
Dattebayo@ActionParsnip tanx dude19:46
usr13mamad: What is the exact error message?19:47
Dattebayonatty works19:47
mamadthis is strange, have been trying for 3 days, i am not new to ubuntu have been a debian/ubuntu user for ages now19:47
ActionParsnipDattebayo: the details I gave gives 3 commands and you will have java19:47
eklok5000 i wanted to install Stalker (Game)...the installation under wine works19:47
mamadapt-get install texlive-latex-base19:47
=== Repentium is now known as selig5
bobluvcheeseActionParsnip:Yes I have downloaded the linux driver but the software centre says failed to install when I try to install19:47
mamadReading package lists... Done19:47
mamadBuilding dependency tree19:47
mamadReading state information... Done19:47
mamadThe following extra packages will be installed:19:47
FloodBot1mamad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
mamad  texlive-latex-base-doc19:47
ActionParsnipDattebayo: can you answer my previous question please..19:47
Pici!appdb | eklok500019:48
ubottueklok5000: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:48
usr13mamad: Does it say:  "Failed to fetch"  and then give a URL?19:48
ablazecan someone hep me please?19:48
jcapincATI Mobility Radeon X1300 proprietary drivers were uninstalled when I upgraded to 11.04 and they are not in jocky and I cannot compozit now.  why is this happening?19:48
usr13ablaze: What is your problem?19:48
ablazei have a computer with winxp and ubuntu (through wubi) installed ::: i upgraded from 10.04 lts to 10.10 and ubuntu stops to start ::: then i used live USB and copy wubildr file to c:\ and i am able to get to the grub menu ::: but after that the computer is stucked on ubuntu screen with dots moving just below :::: i tried recovery mode and it works ::: what should I do to get back ubunto desktop pls ::: i m really a newbie ::: any help will be highly appreciate19:48
AceKingActionParsnip, Do you know of anyway to disable the "Recent Documents" in 11.04? I've tried some stuff I tried  on the Internet, and something someone told me in this channel. Neither worked. I figured you may know something.19:49
chromakodemy sudo seems to have stopped remembering my permission for 15 minutes, without any config change. any ideas what may have broken?19:49
D-coywubi fail. ..19:49
bobluvcheeseHello i am having problems with installing a printer driver, I go to Canon website, download correct driver for ubuntu open it with the software centre install it and it says that the software package failed to install19:49
ActionParsnipAblaze: try removing the quiet splash boot options19:50
mamadyes it does19:50
mamadplease see http://paste.ubuntu.com/603415/19:50
bobluvcheeseHello i am having problems with installing a printer driver, I go to Canon website, download correct driver for ubuntu open it with the software centre install it and it says that the software package failed to install19:50
koperinoNo new release found is what I keep getting tried everything the last 3 days.....I was upgrading but then lost internet connexion and since then can't restart upgrade..Help19:50
ActionParsnipAceking: no idea, try asking the channel19:50
Marilyn_Mhi all19:50
ablazeand what should i write in place of quiet splash ::: nothing???19:51
halinActionParsnip: thanks. Is there a way so tat sudo fdisk -l shows file one page at a time ?19:51
ActionParsnipbobluvcheese: install the in terminal and pastebin the output19:51
Creaki have a simple question... Is it normal that webgl doesn't work on firefox 4 (I use the nouveau drivers)19:51
ActionParsnipHalin: sudo fdisk -l | less  use Q to exit19:52
AceKingActionParsnip, I have been asking since 4:00 AM. LOL. I know you helped me out a bunch of times and never steered me wrong, so I figured I'd check.19:52
botcityAceKing, sorry that did not work  http://linux.aldeby.org/ubuntu-natty-11-04-unity-clear-recent-documents.html  this has more infoinfo19:52
iggyologyCan someone help me switch to Gnome classic from Unity on Ubuntu Natty?19:52
AceKingbotcity, Thanks!19:52
rumpe1ablaze, nothing is fine. But if it bothers you, you could also write "noquiet nosplash" ... i guess...19:52
igi69Hello,  I have 2 ubuntus (2HDD) in my pc in one (ubuntu 10.10) is working the bluetooth in the other not (ubuntu 11.04), I am geting the following error" "Connection refused (111). how may I copy the configuration of the bluettoth that is working in the one that is not working? what files should I copy?. I have already posted in  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/bl19:53
Creakiggyology: if you simply disconnect and reconnect changing the desktop to ubuntu classic (at the bottom)19:53
ablazei m trying :::19:53
FoolsRunOne more try:  Hi, since upgrading to 11.04 I've been receiving the following when trying to run a graphical app from command line:  "Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable". This worked in 10.04 by putting DISPLAY=:0  before the command. I've removed -nolisten tcp from the X start command with no luck.19:53
Creakiggyology: it should work19:53
ActionParsnipiggyology: log off. Click user. At the bottom of ths screen select gnome classic. Log in19:53
ghostlineshi all, I'm trying to point virt-install to my cdrom drive but -c /cdrom isn't working how should this be done?19:53
mamadusr13, do you get anything from http://paste.ubuntu.com/603415/ ?19:54
iggyologyWhere do I log off?19:54
mamadiggyology: top-right corner19:54
AceKingbotcity, It's funny, whenever I run rm ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite zeitgeist-daemon --replace in Terminal, it starts to run and freezes. I am going to try the second part (remove zeitgeist) Log out and log back in and see if that works. I'll come back in and let you know19:55
iggyologyI see lock screen, Switch from ubuntu, suspend, restart, shut down, system settings19:55
kbrosnanCreak: only runs on binary nvidia driver19:55
Diverdudeif i have 2 series of numbers: [1 2 4 6 8 9] and [3 5 1 3 6 9]. how do i plot that with gnuplot?19:55
* jiltdil thinking did mamad tried different mirrors?19:55
ablazewhen i remove quiet splash ::: there are log of messages (white on black screen) and at the ned it is stucked on enabling addition executable binary formats binfmt-support ::::: and it is written OK in front of this19:55
Marilyn_MI need help with configuration of two monitors - I have newest Ubuntu and NVIDIA GPU (drivers installed) - I have to monitors, they are wirking, but... second monitor is in, lets say, horizontal mode, is there an option in setting to turn it 90 degrees?19:55
Creakkbrosnan: ok thanks!19:55
jcapincATI Mobility Radeon X1300 proprietary drivers were uninstalled when I upgraded to 11.04 and they are not in jocky and I cannot compozit now.  why is this happening?19:55
usr13mamad: Try:  wget http://kw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/perl/perl-modules_5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1_all.deb   #see if it tries to download the file.19:55
macsSomeone Help me add some color to my vps i want the "macs@MacsFromGS:~#" to be green...19:55
Marilyn_M*vertical I meant19:56
iggyologyActionParsnip, I don't see log off in the upper right corner.19:56
* jiltdil perhabs also give a try for dpkg -a mamad 19:56
koperinoHi there Just reinstalled the whole ubuntu Maverick and tried everything but no upgrade signal to 11.04 Help19:56
usr13mamad: I'm wonderding if you're having  trouble getting the file in the first place.....?19:56
mamadi can download the packages (have done that before) but when i say dpkg -i package i get an error19:56
bastidrazormacs: in .bashrc edit your PS1 line19:56
mikaelcomme allez vous19:57
ActionParsnipiggyology: you can restart x and it will log you off19:57
ablazeActionParsnip: now it is stucked on enabling additional executeable .....19:57
ablazewhat to do now plz19:57
mikaeldo you speak french19:57
iggyologyActionParsnip, What is restart x?19:57
bastidrazormikael: everyone does in #ubuntu-fr19:57
bretzelHi, ( no, google doesn't satisfy refined search:too much results) -->  I need to know how ncurses/libncursesxx have been built, with what options: MOUSE VERSION2 "-enable-ext-mouse  (wheel event support? ) ;  -enable-ext-colors ? (for 256 xterm colors support ???? I really need to know19:57
CryptKperDoes anyone know how to correct software-center from displaying everything in a single column?19:57
* jiltdil perhabs mamad should giva a try to sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a before updating19:57
bretzelSorry for du msg .. no one can answer ?19:58
SnakkahHi. I'm running 10.04 and trying to get Tomboy to be running at startup so I added it to my Startup Applications. The problem, however, is that the "Search All Notes" box always comes up every time I log on. How do I get Tomboy to just run in the background in the tray and not have that window come up?19:58
bretzelfor du ** for duplicated19:58
SnakkahAnd yes, I know there's a panel app for Tomboy. I just like the systray icon more.19:58
SnakkahSo I prefer to just have it running at startup.19:58
igi69 Hello,  I have 2 ubuntus (2HDD) in my pc in one (ubuntu 10.10) is working the bluetooth in the other not (ubuntu 11.04), I am geting the following error" "Connection refused (111). how may I copy the configuration of the bluettoth that is working in the one that is not working? what files should I copy?. I have already posted in  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743353 or this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/b19:58
ablazekindly help me to sort out my problem :::19:59
ablazeis there someone available to help me???19:59
ActionParsnipiggyology: you can use alt+k+printscrn  or you can enable trusty ctrl+alt+del in keyboard settings19:59
Metroshicahow do you view contents of a zip file in command line?19:59
mamadplease have a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/603424/19:59
iggyologyActionParsnip, c-a-d doesn't have a log off option20:00
icerootMetroshica: unzip filename20:01
ActionParsnipMetroshica: read: man unzip20:01
_pg_im looking for the lightest music player/manager than can still mount and let me add songs to my iPhone. Can someone recommend one?20:01
ActionParsnipiggyology: sorry backspace not del20:01
AceKingbotcity, That didn't work either. What a pain in the @ss this is!20:02
igi69@mamad sorry did you try the maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?20:02
ablazeActionParsnip: i have tried without "quiet splash" and now it is stuck on "enabling additional executable ....." what to do now plz :::20:02
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mamadyes i have done that, does not help20:02
Metroshica1. Thank you for referring me to the man page, I already know about it though and I couldn't find what I was looking for. 2. That command just unzips the file, I want to view the contents without unzipping20:02
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iggyologyActionParsnip, When I push Ctrl+Alt+Bkspc nothing happens.20:02
=== Nappz-Zzz is now known as Nappz
ActionParsnipablaze: ok now you have a direction for enquiries. Go look what can cause that.20:03
igi69well it seems that this address http://kw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/perl/perl-modules_5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1_all.deb has a problem20:03
MetroshicaWell it's unzip -l, just found it20:03
Froq_how do I remove unity????20:03
igi69@mamad somthing like http://kw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/perl/perl-modules_5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1_all.deb a problem with the 5sum=20:03
alanonymousquestion:  I may be missing something, but in gnome3, can you really not move the launcher bar?20:04
ablazeand how should i do that plz??? how to do that???20:04
ActionParsnipiggyology: like i said. It needs ENABLING in keyboard settings20:04
mamadigi69: same thing happens when i use other mirrors20:04
ActionParsnipAblaze: research, use the web20:04
botcityAceKing, same here I am trying on this pc but it freezes also, I think its because its not got ubuntu tweak installed20:04
igi69@mamad have you tried the add/remove software application?20:04
mang0Hey guys, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu. I used the 10.10 LiveCD, but it won't detect my two SATA harddrives inside of my tower...20:04
mamadi have tried the main server as well as some european ones20:04
mang0This might be a bios problem20:05
mamadyou mean synaptic?20:05
cannonballFroq_: when you login (after you enter the username), select "Ubuntu Classic" for the desktop, it will load Gnome instead.20:05
ablazei have already tried but not very helpful ::: just kindly tell me that what can i do with this screen :::20:05
janisozauris it possible to find out what version of gcc compiled give nbinary?20:05
igi69@mamad synaptic, yes, but the easiest is the add/remove software20:05
jiltdilin synpatic package manager i marked residual configuration for complete removal but the apply button is showing freezed how to remove that and also fix this problem?any idea?20:05
Marilyn_MIn TwinView, can I rotate only one monitor by 90 degrees?20:05
ablazeis there any information which can help me to resolve my problem???20:05
mamadi'll try that now20:05
jacktheripperI just installed gnome 3 on ubuntu natty by adding the official ppa and dist-upgrade + gnome-shell. gdm now doesn't list any users (just auto-login and other) and doesn't allow me to login. When I keep pressing return I can see 'Permission Denied' flickering.20:06
ablazeok tell me ::: is there a channel where we help the beginners plz???20:06
ActionParsnipAblaze: i don't know and i have low battery so i can't research. I'd be using the same internet you'd be using20:06
Froq_cannonball, I desire to remove Unity completely though.  is there a command I can complete?20:07
rumpe1jacktheripper, gnome3 is experimental, there are warnings all over the project page... i hope you have a backup.20:07
jcapincI just installed 11.04, I have ATI Mobility Radeon X1300, which is in ubuntu wiki's list of supported cards, and jocky is not showing me proprietary drivers20:07
mamadwhere is add/remove? i have synaptic and software center20:07
phoenixsamprashow to have 2 columns of icons on UNITY menu ?????!!@!@@!#20:07
jcapincand I cannot compozite when I could in 10.1020:07
jacktheripperrumpe1, it's a new install so I didn't lose anything. But experimental ? doesn't 'released' mean it's tested and stable ?20:07
haseebany body knows how to download youtube videos20:08
ablazebut what should i search ??? this is the problem ::: i have already searched google with "computer block on ubuntu screen" but i was not able to find the solution ::: so just help me plz and tell how to search :::20:08
ablazeand i will do that20:08
BlouBlouhaseeb: Yes, install video downloadhelper20:08
jorekhaseeb: do you use firefox?20:08
BlouBlouhaseeb: it's a firefox script20:08
cannonballFroq_: Haven't tried, am sure there is a way, but I don't know it.  I'd guess to remove the unity package.20:08
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.20:08
rumpe1jacktheripper, it's not officially released as a desktop for ubuntu.20:08
jorekhaseeb: if so, do what BlouBlou said20:08
igi69@mamad I means software center of ubuntu20:09
jacktheripperI can see that..20:09
Froq_cannonball, thaz20:09
haseebwhere can i find it?20:09
rumpe1jacktheripper, thats the reason, why you had to add a ppa to the sources20:09
haseebjorek: ok20:09
ActionParsnipjacktheripper: try in #gnome20:09
jorekhaseeb: google it20:09
haseebjorek: ok20:09
jiltdilin synpatic package manager i marked residual configuration for complete removal but the apply button is showing freezed how to remove that and also fix this problem?any idea?20:10
jacktheripperActionParsnip, yeah I asked there already20:10
l403Hi. I'd like to listen to Pink Floyd with my new headphones but I have the ubuntu sounds piercing my eardrum every time I click a button. I am using fluxbox and it doesnt seem to respect the gnome settings where the sound theme is disabled. What is responsible for the sounds and how can I kill them?20:10
ActionParsniphaseeb: insall youtube-dl   and you can do it in terminal20:10
botcityAceKing, just type rm ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite that removed it for me20:11
AceKingbotcity, OK20:11
mamadubuntu sofware center says: failed to download package files and under that Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.qualitynet.net/ubuntu/pool/main/p/perl/perl-modules_5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1_all.deb Hash Sum mismatch20:11
coz_l403,  open a terminal type   alsamixer ,, see if you can adjust the sound there20:11
ablazeis there someone else who can help plz????20:11
ActionParsnipl403: could uninstall the ubuntu-sounds package20:11
zuswhat is the CLI for updating  grub?20:11
botcityAceKing, did that work ?20:12
FoolsRunCan anyone tell me how to run an application (actually a Java .jar file) on my machine's :0 display from SSH?20:12
_pg_zus, sudo update-grub20:12
_pg_i think20:12
ActionParsnipZus: sudo update-grub20:12
AceKingIt ran the command and came back to the prompt20:12
smwFoolsRun, export DISPLAY=':0'20:12
zus_pg_,  ActionParsnip  thank you20:12
AceKingbotcity, It ran the command and came back to the prompt20:12
icerootFoolsRun: ssh -X host java -jar file.jar20:13
botcityAceKing, yaeh but is your history there?20:13
FoolsRunsmw: export DISPLAY=':0' COMMAND HERE ?20:13
AceKingbotcity, yes20:13
smwFoolsRun, yes, it is a command20:13
ablazeanyways thanx :::20:13
FoolsRunsmw: I mean do I use the export command on a separate line, or as part of the java -jar line?\20:13
botcityAceKing,  try zeitgeist-daemon --quit ?20:13
amiuhleI executed a make clean as sudo, which ran "rm -r /usr/*". As soon as I realized this, I cancelled, but at least /usr/bin is already gone. After some research on Google, my best solution is to boot the Ubuntu CD, copy the /usr/bin folder from there to my hdd and then executing "sudo apt-get install --fix-broken". Does anyone have a better idea?20:13
smwFoolsRun, different line20:14
usr13mamad: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169838620:14
iggyologyActionParsnip, how do I enable the keyboard command Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to show the log off option?20:14
smwFoolsRun, or export xyz; java -jar x.jar20:14
ActionParsnipiceroot: add -C too (enables compression)20:14
FoolsRunsmw: I get "Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable."20:15
ActionParsnipiggyology: prefs -> keyboard settings -> options20:15
smwFoolsRun, are you the same user?20:15
ActionParsnipiggyology: not sure if that's 100%20:15
FoolsRunsmw: the same user as who?20:15
_pg_anyone know of a good alac decoder20:15
AceKingbotcity, I ran that last command. Do I need to re run the first command you gave me?20:15
smwFoolsRun, the same user as the person who is logged in20:15
ActionParsnipiggyology: could you not find a guide for it online?20:16
FoolsRunsmw: I'm not, but I disabled "nolisten tcp" for X20:16
iggyologyActionParsnips, I found it in "Keyboard Shortcuts"20:16
igi69@mamad I think the solution of ust13 can help20:16
coz_iggyology,  the command would be    gnome-session-save --kill20:16
iggyologyit allows you press the keys you wish to use to modify the shortcut also, very cool20:16
botcityAceKing,   no  ..   but did it remove the history ?   for some reason that worked for me ?20:16
smwFoolsRun, if you are not the same user, I don't think it works. I know very little about x20:16
AceKingbotcity, No, still there20:17
FoolsRunsmw: I'll try as the same user20:17
kaiserjust install ubuntu 11.04. all seems fine, but no sound. soundcard detected and installed fine. just no sound20:17
smwFoolsRun, in the past without doing anything I have run stuff by setting DISPLAY as the same user who was logged in20:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:17
l403ActionParsnip, I guess I have to log out and log back in to actually get rid of the sounds huh?20:17
l403or restart fluxbox? 1 sec20:17
mamadusr13: the thread just suggests changing the mirror, but i have done that before and doesn't work20:17
iggyologyActionParsnip, yes, that was the option I was looking for20:18
ActionParsnipL403: not sure dude. Makes sense20:18
ablazehi i need some help about ubuntu ::: i m really a newbie ::: and don't know a lot about ubuntu ::: just trying to learn it ::: can someone help me please???20:18
coz_iggyology,  also ctrl+alt+F1 will kill the applications including gnome and nautilus properly,, ctrl+backspace will not20:18
botcityAceKing,   hmm have you updated recently ?20:18
coz_rather ctrl+alt+backspace20:18
zakwilsonSkype isn't appearing in my notification area in 11.04 using classic Gnome. I tried the whitelist fix, even though that appears to be Unity-specific. It did not help.20:18
jorekablaze: what's your problem?20:18
AceKingbotcity, This morning I had some updates20:18
coz_iggyology,  so if you dot ctrl+alt+F1  log in then     sudo restart gdm20:18
ActionParsnipiggyology: i just searched for: natty ctrl alt backspace and the 2nd link was great20:19
haseebi have installed clive20:19
haseebbut not working20:19
FoolsRunsmw: the same user can't connect to :0 either20:19
smwFoolsRun, I don't know the answer then.20:19
AceKingbotcity, I just realized something. Check this out.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/603433/20:20
ActionParsnip!details| haseeb20:20
ubottuhaseeb: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:20
jorekis ubottu a bot?20:20
haseebi am using ubntu lts 10.420:20
Pici!bot | jorek20:20
ubottujorek: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:20
ezli have a bunch of files with no extension and i want to set them to all have the same extension: whats the best way?20:20
epartcant ping yahoo.com20:20
jorekPici: thanks20:20
l403ActionParsnip, the ubuntu-sounds package is gone, I logged out and back in but the sound theme is still there20:20
epartin my ubuntu server20:20
ablazejorek: I have winxp and ubuntu (via wubi) installed on my computer ::: i tried to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 and ubuntu stopped to restart after upgrade ::: then i searched google for the solution and i used the liveUSB to replace wubldr file ::: and GRUB menu appears now but after that there is only a black screen with Ubuntu written in middle and dots moving beneath this ::: and computer is stuck on it ::: what should i do plz?20:21
smwFoolsRun, It works when I try to run firefox20:21
epartcant ping yahoo.com in my ubuntu server20:21
rumpe1ezl, use "rename"20:21
botcityAceKing,  hmm try sudo?20:21
AceKingbotcity, OK20:21
haseeberror: no match: `(?-xism:&video_id=(.*?)&)'20:21
BlouBlouepart: many sites doesn't allow pings20:21
jorekI don't know how to update on wubi20:21
AceKingbotcity, Same thing using sudo20:22
funkymonekyCan anyone tell me how to prevent mounted disks from opening a nautilus window? (11.4)20:22
rumpe1ezl, you know that ubuntu itself doesn't use extensions?20:22
jorekablaze: but the "blackscreen" is just the loader for ubuntu. as long as you didn't halted the computer while updating everything should work20:22
ablazebut now i m blocked on ubuntu screen ::: is there something to resolve this problem plz?20:22
Jordan_Ubotcity: AceKing: sudo is not the solution to every problem and should not be used unless you're sure the command you want to run should be run as root.20:22
ablazejorek: what should now I do to sort out the problem plz?20:23
botcityAceKing, sorry  cant remove it because its not there  lol !20:23
AceKingJordan_U, I was sure of the command, we just wanted to try to see if it made a difference20:23
ezlrumpe1: thats where i was heading, but can't quite get it20:23
AceKingJordan_U, Thank you for the info20:23
ezl$ rename 's/(.*)/$1/'20:23
ezloh bugger20:23
Jordan_UAceKing: Using sudo when you're not sure it's needed is a bad habbit to get into.20:23
Jordan_UAceKing: You're welcom.20:24
mr_orangeI am trying to install ubuntu along side Windows 7 on my desktop and after I install ubuntu and I restart my computer it goes into grub without a problem but when I try to load ubuntu it splashes the load screen then goes black and just sits there. I am using 11.04, can anyone tell me what my issue might be?20:24
hwildehow to restore middle mouse paste function in 11.04 ?20:24
ablazejorek: sorry, it's a purple screen with ubuntu written in it and dots are moving (becoming red and white) :::20:24
rumpe1ezl, maybe this helps you in the future: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/matching/rename/cmVuYW1l/sort-by-votes20:24
jorekablaze, how are you working right now?20:24
l403mr_orange, check the logs in /var/log/20:24
ablazejorek: i m on another computer with vista :::20:24
l3Hi All: Well my ubuntu update has not been going so smooth, long story short ive accidentally sudo apt-get autoremoved ALL of my kernal images, which autoremoved a bunch of useful packaged before I could kill the operation.  Ive cleanup up dpkg and reinstalled the latest kernel image, but I dont know which packages are still missing.  is there any way to reinstall "important" packages before I reboot?20:25
hwildehow to restore middle mouse paste function in 11.04 ?20:25
AceKingJordan_U, I understand. There is a problem that is driving me nuts. I'm trying to disable the Recent Documents20:25
jorekablaze: okay. the purple screen is nothing but the loader for ubuntu20:25
tjiggi_foablaze, there's actually a warning on the wubi page about a problem upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide20:25
kaiserFresh Ubuntu 11.04 install. No sound. run alsamixer and made sure nothing is muted.device is enabled, volume is on but NO AUDIO at all. card 0: ICH6 [Intel ICH6], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel ICH6 - IEC958]20:25
mr_orange1403, and what would I be looking for in there and how can i get to it if ubuntu 11.04 doesnt load?20:25
kaiser  Subdevices: 1/120:25
Jordan_UAceKing: It seems that the file has been successfully unlinked. If you still see history from zeitgeist then try restarting zeitgeist.20:25
smwl3, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:26
l403l3 install some metapackage like ubuntu-desktop or something similar20:26
rumpe1l3, autoremove doesn't deinstall anything20:26
cannonballl3: Look in /var/log/apt/history.log to see what packages got removed.20:26
l3rumpe1: oh?20:26
AceKingJordan_U, What is the command to restart zeitgeist?20:26
rumpe1l3, erm... wait...20:26
ablazetjiggi_fo: i have fixed the grub problem ::: now it's not the grub problem but after that it stucks on this screen20:26
Jordan_UAceKing: In *NIX files aren't actually deleted from the filesystem until there are no applications with an open file handle.20:26
smwl3, you removed all your kernels and it started removing everything else, right?20:26
tjiggi_foablaze, best is to uninstall wubi from windows (instructions in the link above) and reinstall 10.1020:26
smwl3, the ubuntu-desktop package should have everything you need.20:26
Bum-GumI used 10.4 and everything was good but now i have natty narwhale and my computer isn't able to connect with my archos 2.4 vision20:27
tjiggi_foablaze, understood, but it breaks more than just grub20:27
l3smw: yeah20:27
jorektjiggi: wouldn't it be better to install 11.04 right away?20:27
l3smw: seems everything ubuntu-desktop depends on is still available20:27
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
rumpe1l3, man apt-get : "autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically  installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that are no more needed."20:27
hwildemiddle mouse paste doesn't work in 11.04 anymore??20:27
hwildehow to restore middle mouse paste function in 11.04 ?20:27
tjiggi_fojorek, that's his choice not mine20:27
l3smw: I may still have missing packages but at least I think I can safely boot20:27
FoolsRunOkay, new question: when shell scripting, what is the syntax for inline-su?  Is it just su username command?20:27
jorektjiggi, okay20:27
smwl3, are you sure?20:28
tjiggi_fo!tab | jorek20:28
ubottujorek: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:28
l3rumpe1: right, but when I removed ALL my kernel images, a bunch of important packages got uninstalled (libraries etc).20:28
haseebany body knows how to download youtube videos.20:28
ablazetjiggi_fo: i just read the megathread link given in your site ::: and i used their method to restore grub menu ::: but now it's not working ::: after that ::: when i use a generic, after that it stucks on purple screen ::: but recovery mode is working20:28
macoFoolsRun: -c i think20:28
LjL!info youtube-dl | haseeb20:28
phibxrhaseeb, try apt-get install minitube20:28
ubottuhaseeb: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2011.01.30-2 (natty), package size 30 kB, installed size 156 kB20:28
l3smw: I guess reinstalling the latest kernel image also reinstalled all the necessary packages20:28
Bum-GumI used 10.4 and everything was good but now i have natty narwhale and my computer isn't able to connect with my archos 2.4 vision20:28
smwl3, do sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop. Then, do sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop20:28
rumpe1l3, uh... why would you do that? :)20:28
[snake]I have ubuntu 11.04 64 bit, and firstly, when I boot up my monitor (not the computer) says optimum resolution exceeded (1400 x 900 @ 60). Secondly when I have more than a few windows open, they start to go completely blank white, and I sometimes have to restart the application to get it to show its content again.20:28
Jordan_UAceKing: "zeitgeist-daemon --replace &" I believe.20:28
mr_orangel403, and what would I be looking for in there and how can i get to it if ubuntu 11.04 doesnt load?20:29
[snake]*when I boot up, my monitor...20:29
AceKingJordan_U, Thank you20:29
kalibhi people. I was trying to run: # aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree..20:29
kalibbut got an error exit status 13920:29
Jordan_UAceKing: You're welcome.20:29
kalibhow can I fix it?20:29
Bum-GumI used 10.4 and everything was good but now i have natty narwhale and my computer isn't able to connect with my archos 2.4 vision20:29
kalibgot the same error when trying # aptitude safe-upgrade20:29
smwkalib, do sudo apt-get update and pastebin the results20:30
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MnCCi have an application with no icon .. how can i fix this ?20:30
smw!pastebin > kalib20:30
ubottukalib, please see my private message20:30
MnCCit looks horrible in 11.0420:30
abogatyrevhi guys20:30
l403mr_orange, warning lines should start with WW: and error lines with EE: I think20:30
l3rumpe1: sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-2.6.28* somehow also matched 2.6.35 and 38 etc.. apt regex matching is .. different than i expect it to be.  It warned me, but i hit yes without thinking20:30
Bum-Gummy archos isn't recognized by natty narwhale please help20:30
abogatyrevplease help with sleep mode20:30
[snake]can you just downgrade back to 10.10?20:30
coz_[snake],   make sure the monitor is plugged in firmly and also make sure the power plug to the video card, if any,  is plugged in,, these two things will cause that monitor to report that20:30
smw[snake], downgrading is not supported20:31
ablazejorek: can u help in this regard pls?20:31
AceKingJordan_U, I am going to log out and log back in. I will sign back in to let you know20:31
tjiggi_foablaze, I understand where it gets stuck, but I have no idea how to solve that. You might look in your log file viewer at messages and boot to see if there are any clues20:31
coz_[snake],  no guranatee those are the issues  though20:31
mr_orangel403, how can I see them if Ubuntu does not load?20:31
[snake]coz_, it is... it fixes right after my boot splash20:31
Bum-Gumtoo much trouble20:31
coz_[snake],  ooo that's odd20:31
phedhi guys, firefox 4.0.1, flashplugin-nonfree and using flashaid leaves with a black screen when full screen viewing youtube videos, could you point me in the direction of a fix please?20:31
phedusing ubuntu 11.04 in classic mode with effects20:31
ablazetjiggi_fo: i tried to remove "quiet splash" ::: should i try this and give u some information which could be helpful???20:32
kaiserHi Guys, Have a Fresh install of 10.10 and no sound at all. device details:card 0: ICH6 [Intel ICH6], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel ICH6 - IEC958]20:32
kaiser  Subdevices: 1/120:32
kaiser. unmuted everything in alsamixer. volume enabled but no sound. what can i do?20:32
[snake]smw, is it possible at all to downgrade? how difficult is it?20:32
Tropichi, somebody can help me? i have one problem whit hardware wireless usb (sorry my bad english)20:32
tjiggi_foablaze, the problem with using wubi is that not many people here use it, so not many know how to fix it :)20:32
smw[snake], it is actually very easy... if you are doing a reinstall. Otherwise, I would call it impossible.20:32
arkaniwhere should I ask Xubuntu related question?20:32
jorekTropic, which language?20:33
ablazetjiggi_fo: it's true ::: well ::: where i can see log viewer???20:33
IdleOnearkani: #xubuntu20:33
Tropicitalian :D20:33
smw[snake], only attempt if you think it would be fun to learn everything about the internals of ubuntu and want to try the impossible ;-)20:33
IdleOne!it | Tropic20:33
ubottuTropic: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:33
tjiggi_foablaze, System, Administration20:33
arkanithanks... but that #xubuntu is quite dead....20:33
Tropici know thanks20:34
[snake]smw, oo! I have an idea... I get an Ubuntu 10.10 installer and use the user account linker thing... and then remove the 11.04?20:34
IdleOneTropic: ok :)20:34
ablazetjiggi_fo: but i m not able to start ubuntu :( :::20:34
[snake]smw, good idea?20:34
Tropicnobody is on  :P20:34
kalibsmw, ubottu http://pastebin.com/DdUhUx7K20:34
Tropic"for help"20:34
amiuhleI executed "make clean" as sudo, which then did "rm -r /usr/*". I cancelled as soon as I realized this, but /usr/bin was already gone. I did some research and right now my best solution is to copy /usr/bin from the Ubuntu CD, and then repair my packages. Does anyone have a better idea?20:34
smw[snake], I don't know of any user account linker thing...20:34
tjiggi_foablaze, do you have a live CD?20:34
l403mr_orange, try if you can boot into single user mode - terminal with root privilege http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/20:34
Archie18_Hi all. I'm stuck here with a "ImportError: cannot import name Pool" when trying to "import multiprocessing" with Python2.6 on Ubuntu 10.10. Any hints?20:34
hwildehow to restore middle mouse paste function in 11.04 ?20:34
ablazetjiggi_fo: yes i have a live USB20:35
[snake]smw, one time I was dualbooting Ubuntu and Windows Vista... and it asked me if I wanted to copy all of the files from vista to ubuntu.20:35
mr_orangel403, ok thank you20:35
coz_hwilde,   that should be enabled by default... when did this stop working?20:35
MnCCanyone know where the shortcuts on the menubar are stored ?20:35
smw[snake], yeah. I have a better idea.20:35
hwildecoz_, in 11.04.20:35
kalibsmw, any idea?20:35
BrandanoGood evening, I need a little help with the MOTD on an Ubuntu Server 10.04 machine20:36
mikaeldo you speak french?20:36
smw[snake], backup /home, reinstall, restore /home20:36
smwkalib, I do not speak your language ;-)20:36
meraqlixNeed Help with Ubuntu 11.04!20:36
Brandanofor some reason I get two sets of landscape-info output, the second being an old stale copy20:36
meraqlixMy desktor has vanished20:36
IdleOnemikael: #ubuntu-fr pour de l'aide en francais20:36
[snake]mikael, I am learning french in school :P20:36
tjiggi_foablaze, boot up into a live session and look for the wubi install in Program Files (or wherever) and the logs will be in /var/log/messages and /var/log/boot. use the date and time to try find when your first problem boot happened20:36
coz_hwilde,  in all honesty  I only use classic gnome and it works there,, I will have to log onto Unity to test it  hold on20:37
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meraqlixi can se my desktop picture but Unify is missing!20:37
meraqlixAfter an update20:37
AceKingJordan_U, I restarted my PC and it's still showing Recent Documents20:37
smw[snake], I still have not updated to 11.04 ;-)20:37
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[snake]smw, that's good. don't.20:37
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jribArchie18_: this is likely a #python question as « from multiprocessing import Pool » works fine here on 10.10.  Does that work for you?20:37
ablazetjiggi_fo: ok ::: thanx ::: i m giving this a try ::: and i will tell u the results, if i found ::: thanx again20:38
tjiggi_foablaze, :)20:38
Brandanomeraqlix: first thing to check is for (EE) lines in /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:38
smw[snake], That is good to know. My opinion is that ubuntu needs to choose between "just working" and being on the "bleeding-edge". That used to be the same thing ;-)20:38
hwildecoz_, pain, huh?20:38
coz_hwilde,   well on my Unity set up ,, middle click paste works fine20:38
hwildecoz_, interesting20:39
coz_hwilde,  is this a clean install or an upgade from 10.10 ??20:39
counanybody using Full Disc Encryption on 11.04?20:40
coz_coun,  I am not ...sorry20:40
Jordan_UAceKing: Is it showing recent documents from before rming .local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite ?20:40
AceKingJordan_U, Yes20:41
meraqlixBrandano: How to access terminal? All my menues are missing20:41
coun@meraqlix, wat u mean menus missing?20:41
l403meraqlix, alt+F2 and run xterm20:41
Brandanomeraqlix:  Ah, so you are only missing the UI? then xorg will be fine20:42
MnCCprob no unity support, gives a blank screen20:42
arscariosusanyone here who has installed ubuntu 11.04 on hp mini 210?20:42
kwtm[snake]: Do you want to consider downgrading to 10.04?  (Long-Term Support edition).20:42
counuhh. I'm so sick of gnome 2x20:42
[snake]kwtm, prefferably 10.10, but that would also work.20:42
meraqlixYep, the UI is missing after update to Ubuntu 11.0120:42
PeterJCLawanyone (else) tried using libphp--simplepie under 11.0420:42
MnCCanyone know where the shortcuts on the menubar are stored ?20:43
Brandanomeraqlix: anyway, CTRL+ALT+F1 will give you a terminal window, CTRL+ALT+F7 will return you to the graphical environment20:43
kwtm[snake]: Maybe, but 10.10 is not supported for as long.  It's up to you.  I have only been using LTS editions (upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04).20:43
jcapinchow do I get X11 to use FGLRX and not ATI's free drivers?20:43
counctrl+alt=F1 is for debugging isn't it? use ctrl+alt+F220:43
botcityhi guys is ubuntu tweak available from the repositories or an external site ?20:43
MnCCCLTR+ALT+T , gives a terminal window .. thats how i overcame my unity problems20:44
[snake]kwtm, eh, I just don't like the fact that my box is barely usable... yet it worked fine with 10.1020:44
Brandanomeraqlix: you ought to be able to install gnome that way, and then select it from the login screen20:44
kwtm[snake]: If there is something that you need in 10.10 that's not in 10.04, then by all means.  In general I (and many others) do not feel the need to upgrade just because a new version has come out.20:44
counctrl+alt+T didn't work by default for me in 11.04. you have to add that shortcut.20:44
hwildeso nobody else has trouble with middle mouse paste?20:44
kwtm[snake]: I actually promote dual-booting into "newest" and "second-newest" versions, but if someone's computer is already set up not to dual-boot this, it's a bit of hassle to set it up.20:45
MnCCcoun, is correct, you can also add a shortcut to gnome-terminal20:45
coz_Brandano,   one application/utility you may want to look into is easystroke,,, gesture recognition20:45
counmiddle mouse paste working on my box20:45
[snake]kwtm, true... but I'm already passed 10.10... and into 11.04, I need to downgrade.20:45
phedhi guys, firefox 4.0.1, flashplugin-nonfree and using flashaid leaves with a black screen when full screen viewing youtube videos, could you point me in the direction of a fix please? using ubuntu 11.04 in classic mode with effects20:45
kwtm[snake]: But it is *really* robust, and you simply use Newest and then easily switch to Second-Newest if need be.20:45
Brandanocoz_: for what exactly?20:45
DarsVaedahow do i uninstall gnome3 and reinstall unity or at least gnome2 on ubuntu 11.04?20:45
koperinohi there, after three days of getting "no new release found" no matter what I try can anybody help me?????20:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:45
coz_Brandano,  it is by far ,, in my opinion ,, the top companion application for linux / compiz20:45
kwtm[snake]: Anyway, just something to think about.  Watch out for 11.10. :)20:45
jcapincI should not have updated20:45
jcapincanother terrible release20:45
[snake]:) lol20:45
kwtmkoperino: I bet you're using 10.04 and it's looking for the next LTS edition, 12.04, right?20:45
coun@phed, try the Beta version of Flash available through flash-aid. Although I have blank screen prob too sometimes and don't know a fix20:45
IdleOnekoperino: what version are you running?20:45
Brandanocoz_: ah, I don't use compiz. Or Unity, for that matter. Still running 10.10 on my client and 10.04 on a server20:46
coz_Brandano,   opening applications  closing etc,,,  Unity is a pain in my opinion for ease of use  ,, easystroke makes it far less  of a  learning curve20:46
coz_Braiam,  aj pl20:46
coz_ah ok20:46
koperinoMaverick and want to go to Natty20:46
Jordan_UAceKing: All the guides I see suggest that "rm ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite && zeitgeist-daemon --replace" should do it.20:46
[snake]Dang it! my sombrero! I got coffee on it! :(20:46
jcapincyou dont want to go to natty20:46
Braiamcoz_: ?20:46
jcapincwait for the next lts20:46
IdleOnekoperino: sudo do-release-upgrade20:46
IdleOnekoperino: what does that give you?20:46
rhin0ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) comes with 2.6.32 kernel -- I need to INSTALL 2.6.33 or higher of that OS to get 'trim' on an SSD -- is there any 10.04 ISO snapshot with later kernel?20:47
MnCCwho wanted something for firefox ?20:47
counlol snake20:47
Brandanocoz_: I am waiting for a bit while all the users tell Canonical why they don't like Unity and someone forks to Gubuntu :)20:47
l403what is in charge of playing ubuntu sound themes? where can I disable the themes or kill whatever is playing them?20:47
koperinono new release found20:47
AceKingJordan_U, I'm going to try it again.20:47
rhin0because I really don't want to move off 10.04 -- but I want it on an SSD (so I need a later kernel)20:47
SnakkahI'm using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04, and I want to install "pianobar" It's an application that runs Pandora radio from the command line. It appears that it's only available in the Maverick and Natty repositories though. Would it be safe to get it (and its dependencies) from a Maverick repository even though I'm running Lucid?20:47
jcapincyea I dont get why ubuntu is ditching gnome320:47
xrohi, i have a THE question,... why did ubuntu change gnome to ubiquity?20:47
AMAGI've been trying to get some help with my graphics driver on Ubuntu 11.04 for several days, but no luck so far.  In the "Additional Drivers" tool, my NVIDIA driver has the green dot, yet the tool says "This driver is activated but not currently in use."  Help please.20:47
coun@rhin0, if you want SSD, i think it best to use 10.10 or 11.0420:47
IdleOnekoperino: lsb_release -a     what Version number does it report?20:47
MnCCphed, you there ?20:47
phedjust trying beta version mate in flash aid20:48
BrandanoSnakkah: you should look into either adding a PPA or enabling the backports repository20:48
fcuk112how to check currently installed mesa version?20:48
coun@Brandano, Unity is awesome. I was actually thinking of going back to Windows cause of sick of gnome2x. Unity is a huge improvement20:48
coz_Braiam,  well there is another distrobution in the works UGR  ubuntu gnome remix   using gnome320:48
MnCCtry this: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGL.so.1 firefox-4.0 %u20:48
l403AMAG, did you look at your xorg.conf?20:48
jcapincubuntu 11.04 broke my compiz support baddly20:48
rhin0ok coun ty.20:48
SnakkahBrandano, I have the backports repo enabled.20:48
koperinoDistributor ID:Ubuntu20:48
koperinoDescription:Ubuntu 10.1020:48
phedno go on the beta20:48
FloodBot1koperino: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:48
jcapincshould not have upgraded20:48
phedMnCC, anything else to try?20:48
SnakkahAnd a PPA seems to be hard to come by for this little program.20:48
Braiamcoz_: what're you talking about?20:48
rhin0coun do you know where my kit of screwdrivers is?20:48
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coz_Braiam,   sorryy wrong nick20:49
coun@AMAG  I have had nothing but trouble with NVIDIA graphics when trying 11.04. I'm done with NVIDIA.20:49
MnCCphed, open the properties of the firefox icon20:49
coz_Brandano,   UGR   ubuntu -gnome-remix  is in the works20:49
bars0rhin0: you can install later kernel from standard Ubuntu repository: as far as I remember 2.6.3520:49
Gremlyn1multi-monitor question: I have my laptop (on 10.04) with an HDMI->DVI cable plugged in to a second monitor. I have the laptop as display0, I think, as it has the menu/task bars, but programs are opening by default in display1 (the larger, desktop monitor). Anyone know how to alter that behaviour?20:49
AMAGl403: No, but I just have looked.  I have a Section "Device" which says Driver "nvidia" and no other Device sections20:49
kwtmrhin0: I see  linux-headers-2.6.35-23  as a possible package on my 10.04 (which I haven't installed, but still, it's there)20:49
MnCCpaste: env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGL.so.1  in front of it20:49
Brandanocoun: I don't use compiz because it's too fancy... I doubt I'd like Unity. On my netbook I switched back to UNR because it was making my life too difficult20:49
AceKingJordan_U, This is what happens when I run that command. You'll see where it freezes up on me. http://paste.ubuntu.com/603443/20:49
celthundercoun: nvidia cards are still by far better supported than ati, just use the open source ones20:49
rhin0yes bars0 but I need to install it direct onto an ssd -- won't work with earlier kernel20:49
rhin0i'll just install 10.1020:50
MnCCopen youtube and press fullscreen icon20:50
AMAGcoun: nvidia cards have treated me better than others on Linux for more than 10 years.  I don't think you will be any happier with ATI.20:50
x1ohey, can anyone help me with my flash-buffering problem?20:50
SnakkahBrandano, it's not in the Lucid backports repo. :/20:50
IdleOnekoperino: open Synaptic Package manager and go to Settings > Repositories, then click on the update tab, at the bottom make sure it is set to Normal Releases.20:50
ablazetjiggi_fo: i will find the log and boot files in system folder of my live session's system file or it should be elsewhere ::: because i m not able to find this in my system except in live session's sytem files :::20:50
l403AMAG also check sudo lsmod that lists the loaded modules aka drivers20:50
kwtmrhin0: Disagree with coun: stay with 10.04 unless you need to.  (Whether you need to is up to you, but if linux 2.6.35 is there for 10.04, just stay with it)20:50
BrandanoSnakkah: try grabbing the deb from Maverik, but expect possible problems. Try it in a chroot first, perhaps?20:50
x1oi wonder where it comes from, flash only buffers about 1 minute of streaming-videos20:51
coun@Brandano, I never used Compiz before because it was too fancy. You don't have to use cmopiz for Unity. Just install 11.04. and it works20:51
rhin0yes kwtm but how would I INSTALL 10.04 with a 2.6.35 -- can't INSTALL it with lower kernel & then upgrade20:51
AMAGlsmod |grep nvidia  does indeed show a module called "nvidia" that is loaded, and dmesg |grep -i taint shows me that loading this module taints the kernel20:51
kwtmrhin0: Okay.20:51
SnakkahMmm...maybe. I'll let you know what happens. I expect dependency problems though,.20:51
phedpaste env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGL.so.1 into where, do you mean the firefox launcher properties?20:51
ikoniarhin0: you want to install ubuntu with a lower kernel than is provided ?20:51
rhin0kwtm 10.04 comes with the earlier kernel -- can't install it so then I can't upgrade20:51
* Brandano is the odd sort of Ubuntu user that spends a lot of time on the command prompt20:52
Jordan_UAceKing: And you still see old history?20:52
MnCCphed, and ?20:52
ikoniarhin0: 10.04.2 has a later updates20:52
l403!sound > l40320:52
ubottul403, please see my private message20:52
coun@celthunder: that's what I've herad, nvidia better supported. But they give me nothing but trouble with Unity. AMD/ATI radeon and Intel integrated give zero problems so far with Unity.20:52
kwtmBrandano: Does that count as odd?20:52
Brandanoterminal window, if you like20:52
koperinodid that, must say I was updating when internet fell away, since then problems20:52
rhin0no ikonia I'm saying its impossible to install 10.04 on an ssd because it ships with < 2.6.33 kernel -- you cannot get it onto the drive - coun is right20:52
phedlol sorry, ill re-phrase, do i just paste in front of the firefox command?20:52
AceKingJordan_U, Yes, it's still shows20:52
rhin0what kernel is 10.04.2? pls?20:52
* ikonia wishes brandon would be the odder person who doesn't use the /me command trying to be l33t with command line comments20:52
MnCCphed, yeah20:52
tjiggi_foablaze, if you go to Places, Computer you should find a "FileSystem" entry (NTFS) that includes your windows files20:52
Brandanokwtm: depends. You are not supposed to spend time tweaking the OS, should just work20:52
Jordan_UAceKing: Try "rm ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite && mkdir ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite".20:52
ikoniarhin0: I've got 8.04 working on an SSD drive here20:52
Jordan_UAceKing: Then log out and back in again.20:53
rhin0you'll have a > 2.6.33 kernel ikonia yes?20:53
maxbJordan_U: mkdir?20:53
rhin0its all for "trim"20:53
phed+10 internets to MnCC20:53
phedthanks very much dude20:53
kwtmBrandano: ?? I spend a lot of time on the command line, but I don't tweak the OS.  You mean, then, that you'd expect the command line to be for tweaking the OS?  I see.  I just use vim and ssh a lot.20:53
AceKingJordan_U, Ok, I'll come back and let you know. Thank you20:53
ikoniarhin0: ahhh you want the trim options, ok20:53
MnCCphed, nice20:53
ikoniakwtm: ignore it, he's trying to make it sound like he's hard core20:53
IdleOnekoperino: sudo apt-get -f install20:53
Jordan_Umaxb: If there's a directory there then zeitgeist can't write it's database there. It's a bit ugly but...20:53
Brandanokwtm: nah, in my case is to install and compile stuff, mainly20:53
AMAGl403: so it is certainly loaded into the kernel, but it appears X is not using it?20:54
coun@celthunder: how exactly do I install the open source NVIDIA drivers? be great to get unity working on my nvidia machines20:54
IdleOnekoperino: please prefix any response to me with my name, as you can see this channel is very busy and hard to keep up at times :)20:54
xrowill ubuntu stop using gnome? should i use KDE instead???20:54
phibxrcoun, why don't you use the binary drivers?20:54
Brandanokwtm: I got used to PuTTY for SSH on Window. I really ought to use the SSH client from the command line, but it's hard to shake ingrained habits20:54
kwtmBrandano: Installing stuff is tweaking the OS?  Compiling stuff is tweaking the OS?  Wait ... um.... actually, never mind.  My, what lovely weather we're having!20:54
counrhin0, i think you best to use 1010 or 1104 to avoid trouble20:55
Brandanokwtm: no, neither is, but Ubuntu is not the frieldliest environment to work with non-standard libs20:55
rhin0willdo coun20:55
koperinoIdle0ne : sorry first time here never had problems with ubuntu . Nothing happens tried that before20:55
celthundercoun: uninstall and modprobe -r the proprietary ones and install the open source ones and modprobe them up20:55
l403AMAG, can you run sudo nvidia-xconfig ?20:55
IdleOnekoperino: hmm, not getting any errors?20:56
coun@rhin0: 10.04 kernel does NOT have TRIM20:56
oddchildMy ubuntu server keeps shutting down at 1AM every night. I cannot find out what started this or how to stop it. When I do a abort on the shutdown it doesnt see any20:56
kwtmBrandano: ? I use PuTTY, too, when I have to use Windows.  Not sure what's different between the two except I can't script the Windows version.  I haven't felt that Ubuntu does not have a friendly environment, but then I don't work a lot with their libraries.20:56
coun@phibxr: you mean NVIDIA? what binary drivers?20:56
AceKingJordan_U, I'm still seeing recent documents. When I ran the command you gave me in Terminal, it came right back to the prompt. Was I supposed to see it running like the other one that was hanging up?20:57
Jordan_UAceKing: No.20:57
meraqlixsorry did a restart20:57
phibxrcoun, the nvidia closed-source binary drivers. actually, they installed on first boot for me.20:57
phedputty is nice but try mremote on windows20:57
phedits awesome20:57
Jordan_UAceKing: Did you log out and back in again?20:57
koperinoIdle0ne : no just  0 packets,  install, 0 packets removed,......20:57
meraqlixwhat did I miss about the missing GUI20:57
AceKingJordan_U, Yes20:57
edbiankoperino: packages, not packets20:57
SnakkahBrandano, just installed pianobar along with its dependencies (it had two dependencies that installed without a hitch). :D20:57
Ap0c4lyptic0hi all20:57
Brandanokwtm: not much difference. Putty allows you to store session parameters, and shows a black terminal background20:57
AceKingJordan_U, I didn't have to completely restart right?20:58
koperinoedbian . sorry dutch version20:58
BrandanoSnakkah: in a chroot?20:58
IdleOnekoperino: ok sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade20:58
Ap0c4lyptic0i have a little problem with virtual box can i type here?20:58
edbiankoperino: no worries20:58
kwtmphed: In what way is it better than putty?  I just started at a new work environment and all they run is Windows.  I just went with PuTTy which was easy to find through the corporate firewall and install onto some directory.20:58
Jordan_UAceKing: Shouldn't have to.20:58
Gremlyn1sorry to repeat, but I didn't see an answer: I have my laptop (on 10.04) with an HDMI->DVI cable plugged in to a second monitor. I have the laptop as display0, I think, as it has the menu/task bars, but programs are opening only in display1 (the larger, desktop monitor). Anyone know how to alter that behaviour?20:58
coun@celthunder: I already uninstalled the proprietary because they were crap. When I do this, graphics just work. So whatever default driver Ubuntu is using is working. BUT it won't do Unity 3D even though my graphics card supports 3D with the proprietary NVIDIA driver20:58
SnakkahBrandano, no. Do I need to chroot?20:58
Jordan_UAceKing: What is the output of "ls -ld ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite"?20:58
phedmore complete it allows for rdp, ssh, vnc, rdp20:58
ardchoille!bugs > ardchoille20:58
ubottuardchoille, please see my private message20:58
BrandanoSo, any idea why the landscape data in MOTD is written twice, witht he second set being a stale copy?20:59
phibxrGremlyn1, under screen settings you should be able to drag your primary monitor to the left, or select it.20:59
Jasonn!bugs > Jasonn20:59
ubottuJasonn, please see my private message20:59
l403what is in charge of playing ubuntu sound themes? where can I disable the themes or kill whatever is playing them?20:59
phibxrGremlyn1, <super>, monitor20:59
phedand other things, the interface is much nicer plus you can have multiple sessions in one window20:59
MnCCwhere does unity store my favorite apps ?20:59
BrandanoSnakkah: no, you don't. It was just a safety in case it tried to replace stuff it ought not to20:59
kwtmBrandano: ?  Not sure what you mean.  You mean you can just invoke it with "ssh" instead of "ssh myserver.mydomain.com -p <portnum> -l <login> -v"?  Black terminal background just depends on your terminal, I guess --I always had a black terminal background, wasn't aware that it didn't come that way in Ubuntu.  Must've set it way back when I was using 6.06.20:59
AMAGl403: that has added numerous blocks to my xorg.conf file, but restarting the PC still didn't get it to actually use the driver.  The "Additional Drivers" tool still says the same thing20:59
SnakkahBrandano: Regardless, I have a new problem. pianobar isn't doing its normal action. It normally asks for your username (your Pandora email) and password. I put those in and it says "Error: Protocol incompatible. Please upgrade libpiano."20:59
coun@phibxr: so the default ones are the open source ones? These won't do Unity 3D. Although the proprietary one do do 3D when I'm using Windows XP20:59
AceKingJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/603445/21:00
phibxrcoun, I got the closed-source ones by default. the proprietary that is.21:00
ardchoilleIs there aknown issue with the disappearing scrollbar not working in gimp's toolbox window (Ubuntu 11.04)?21:00
DarsVaedahow do i revert back to unity after installing gnome3?21:00
phibxrcoun, can you run nvidia-settings?21:00
IdleOneDarsVaeda: fresh install21:00
phibxrcoun, if you can, you're running the closed-source binary drivers.21:00
kwtmphed: Oh, I found your message!  Please prefix my nick when you talk to me, or else I'll think it's someone else talking to someone else.  Ok, will check out mremote but since I just need a text interface, and I've already got PuTTy installed at work, I'll just stick with it.21:00
DarsVaedai do not want to fresh install -.-21:00
xrowill ubuntu stop using gnome? should i use KDE instead??? can i have a response?21:00
coun@1403: you can just disable sound. That is, system related sounds. You will still hear music etc if you play it21:00
DarsVaedathere must be a different solution21:00
IdleOneDarsVaeda: gnome3 right now breaks Unity.21:00
Brandanokwtm: no, I mean that putty is a graphical app. but you know it since you used it. You can install it in Ubuntu as well. Does not have any great advantages over the standard SSH client, except the user interface simplifies a few things21:00
Jordan_UAceKing: I am completely confused then.21:00
kwtmphed: Does it have a vnc client?  Or just allows tunnelling by a vnc client which I have to install myself.21:01
Gremlyn1phibxr: you mean under Preferences > Monitors? I don't see an option for specifying default/primary21:01
l403AMAG, aslo check nvidia-settings21:01
Jordan_Uxro: Ubuntu will not stop using GNOME.21:01
AceKingJordan_U, does it look like something is missing?21:01
IdleOneDarsVaeda: solution is a clean install so everything is setup properly.21:01
botcityAceKing, are you sure your seeing recent doc and not downloads and favourites ?21:01
kwtmBrandano: Wait, 1) PuTTy is available for Linux?  and 2) someone actually finds it useful?21:01
kwtmBrandano: I wasn't aware of that.21:01
Brandanokwtm: like storing the configuration for often used connections. You can of course just write a small shell script for that sort of stuff21:01
antonio__ hola buenas tarde me pueden ayudar con airmon-ng cuando trato de ponerlo modo monitor con el siguienete cocando airmon-ng start wlan1 me sale este error21:01
antonio__ @antonio:/home/antonio# airmon-ng start wlan121:01
antonio__  Found 4 processes that could cause trouble.21:01
antonio__  If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after21:01
antonio__  a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!21:01
FloodBot1antonio__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
coun@phibxr: no can't run nvidia settings since unisntalling proprietary. I can use the "Monitors" to set up res etc with the default Ubuntu drivers21:01
Slackmanhey guys21:01
antonio__  PID Name21:01
l403coun, which slider is that in alsamixer?21:02
edbianSlackman: hello21:02
Jordan_Uxro: GNOME Shell will not be used by default in future versions of Ubuntu, but GNOME is a lot more than just the shell.21:02
kwtmBrandano: Wow, you're right, putty is available! :)  Whaddaya know.21:02
phedkwtm, im not sure i still use tightvnc if i am honest, the best part for me is the multiple sessions, but i do think the vnc client is built-in21:02
xroJordan_U, so all version will come with ubiquity but it will always possible to change t to gnome with all support?21:02
Slackmantrying to install ubuntu on the new macbook pro 2011 15" but get the following message on cd boot - "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"21:02
Brandanowell, I use it :)21:02
LjL!es | antonio__21:02
ubottuantonio__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:02
phibxrcoun, after a couple of beers, I actually can't remember your issue anymore. so let's hope someone else can help you. :)21:02
Jordan_Uxro: As far as I can tell, yes.21:02
XylchI have a dual monitor setup on unity, and I am having a bug where indicators on my main panel slide to the right, completely off the screen. I can still see them on my secondary monitor, does anyone know the cause/fix to this issue? I can't seem to find anything about it searching google.21:02
Brandanodownside, it uses its own format for keys21:02
Wolf_22Is xorg.conf in Natty? I can't find it and I need to look at it to see if my VM install has USA as it's default keyboard layout (because every time I reboot, I keep having to reset it to USA).21:02
l403antonio__, #aircrack-ng21:02
fcuk112looking at my xorg log it seems to be using the i965 driver instead of i915?  any ideas?21:02
CQanyone know how to get the sbs module loaded for lm-sensors, or what it is exactly? I have the same problem as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153774621:02
Brandanobut on the plus side on Ubuntu it makes use of the OS keyring21:02
AceKingbotcity, I am seeing Recent Documents under "Places"21:03
coun@1403: go to settings, look for sound. There is a setting to disable sound (ie system sounds). Then when you login for example no sound will be played21:03
kwtmBrandano: I don't want to use a GUI because then I can't ssh in to a computer and then use PuTTy.  (From outside of home I ssh into a gateway computer and then ssh from there into another computer.)21:03
filosofixitMy friend tried to uninstall the binary nvidia driver using hardware drivers, but now he is unable to log in due to blank screen... I have ssh access to his box but am not able to restore to binary nvidia drivers.. have installed the nvidia-current package and runned : " sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg " but still no luck21:03
Slackmanthe cd seems fine on different computers is there a way to fix that21:03
xroJordan_U, ok.. and what are the difference between the new shell and gnome shell?21:03
filosofixitxorg.conf shows "nvidia" as the driver enabled... should it be " nv " ?21:03
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koperinoIdle0ne :I think it started at least I see a lot of commands with natty-updates in it21:03
l403coun, the sound theme is disabled in gnome settings but fluxbox doesnt respect those21:03
Brandanokwtm: just tunnel the SSH port, I imagine21:03
kwtmphed: Ok.  Will keep that in mind!  I use screen so I don't use the multiple sessions that much.  Main criteria I use for WIndows is: how easily can I find, download, and install it in a restrictive corporate environment? :)21:03
edbianCQ: sudo modprobe sbs21:03
coun@phibxr. hehe. lol. Can't get Unity to work 3D with the default graphics driver. But graphics card works 3D with proprietary driver on Windows XP21:04
hitttwhat does frameworkd do?21:04
IdleOnekoperino: ok good, let it do its thing and hope it doesn't get interrupted again :)21:04
edbianCQ: injects modules into the kernel.  Think of it as 'turning a drive ron'21:04
SnookiNeedsJCi've had real slow transfers from Ubuntu 9-10 to flash drives. any ideas to fix?21:04
kwtmBrandano: Right, but do you know how much bandwidth that takes up? :?21:04
phibxrcoun, ah, yes, right. why don't you use the proprietary drivers? the noveau drivers aren't that good yet.21:04
IdleOnekoperino: welcome21:04
Brandanokwtm: same as that double SSH conn you use. Uses up a little more processor, perhaps21:04
CQedbian: doesn't do anthing, modprobe -l doesnt show it, locate doesn't show it...21:05
coun@filosofixit, have friends try running the LIVE CD and see if he can fix it up that way21:05
Slackmanany one can help? advise? - trying to install ubuntu on the new macbook pro 2011 15" but get the following message on cd boot - "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"21:05
MnCCits driving me nuts ...where are the launcher shortcuts stored ?21:05
jgouldSlackman: I havnen't seen that one yet...21:05
Jordan_Uxro: Best way to find out is probably to try both. You can try GNOME shell from a fedora 15 beta liveCD and Unity from Ubuntu 11.04.21:05
phibxrcoun, press <super> (Windows-key) and type driver, press enter. should present you with Additional drivers, where you can activate the proprietary drivers.21:05
filosofixitcoun : he does not have a clue how to do  that :)21:05
edbianCQ: If it returns without giving an error that means it was inserted successfully.  Try running sudo sensors-detect21:05
phedkwtm: well I also work in a restrictive corporate environment, only place I use Windows, and had no problems, so I am pretty sure you will be fine :)21:05
kwtmBrandano: Oh, I see.  I thought you meant tunnel VNC through the SSH port so I can use putty on the remote computer.  No, the gateway computer has scripts for me to ssh into the satellite computers, so I just leave it.  It's a lot handier running the gateway computer than the client computer at work anyway, since the gateway is set up the way I like.21:05
jgouldSlackman: I've been having issues with the kernel on my 2011 13" MacBook Pro21:06
kwtmphed: Sounds good.  WIll check it out.  Thanks for the tip!21:06
CQedbian: but modprobe -l should show it, shouldn't it??21:06
edbianCQ: Yeah it should.  Try lsmod | grep sbs21:06
tbrew13I cant make compiz effects work in ubuntu 11.0421:06
coun@phibxr, well I tried the proprietary on Ubuntu. Problem I had, it would never remember settings after reboot :)  So for example every reboot my res would return to 800x600 or something.21:06
Brandanohmm, i use VNC tunneled over SSH, but only for Windows machines. And even then probably I ought to use therminal server21:06
CQedbian: nope, shows nothing21:06
xroJordan_U, unity don't have a "work bar" on the bottom on the screen... not usable for me!21:06
edbianCQ: strange.21:06
phibxrcoun, that's one strange bug. what card are you using?21:06
filosofixitwhat is the correct driver name in xorg.conf for the binary nvidia driver?  "nvidia" or "nv" ?21:07
SnookiNeedsJCneed ideas - when I copy files using u 9 or 10 to flash drive it takes forever. any way to speed this up?21:07
edbianCQ: Does sudo sensors-detect work any differently?21:07
AMAGl403: nvidia-settings detects the display and graphics card, and I did a "save" from this program which did modify xorg.conf again, and rebooted again, yet the driver is still not being used.21:07
coun@phibxr, yes this is what I did but none of them worked to do 3D with unity21:07
phibxrcoun, i'm using some obsure intel/nvidia integrated card in my laptop, so most cards should work as well or better. :P21:07
edbianCQ: What is the ultimate goal here?21:07
CQedbian: get gkrellm to show all the sensors that are in the computer ...21:07
TheRedOctoberwhile userHold.setup:21:08
counNVIDIA Geforce 3 from 2001 :021:08
saryhas anyone faced this issue lately ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/603447/21:08
l403AMAG, I dunno then. reinstall the nvidia package? :-/21:08
kwtmphed: Waitaminnit!  It's cheating!  When I use mRemote, one of the prerequisites (besides needing to install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 on my work computer) is PuTTy!   So why wouldn't I just use PuTTy?21:08
edbianCQ: Ignoring this sbs error what functionality are you getting out of gkrellm ?21:08
botcityAceKing,  sorry maybe the update they mentioned about clearing history will help . when that comes out!21:08
tbrew13someone help ubuntu 11.04 is very choppy can i have some help fixing this21:08
edbiantbrew13: Graphics card?21:08
AMAGl403: the nvidia-current one?21:09
kwtmphed: I was all set to say, "This is great!  It can do SCP as well, and PuTTy can't, meaning I have to install WinSCP also."21:09
CQedbian: shows quite a few sensors that the sensors command shows as well21:09
phibxrcoun, have you tried "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"?21:09
AceKingbotcity, Ok, thank you for your help!21:09
Jordan_Uxro: Have you tried finding a new workflow? Try double clicking on the icon of the app you want to switch to to see all its windows in exposé.21:09
l403AMAG, Id do all of them that you have installed and have the word nvidia in them :)21:09
phedkwtm, as said i use it mainly for multiple sessions and the tidyness of the desktop21:09
counIvy Bridge graphics supposed to make gains over current Sandy Bridge. Hopefully this whole proprietary drive things will be a thing of past21:09
edbianCQ: I'm not sure what sbs does.  What the error pertains to.  Perhaps it makes no difference having it installed or not.  I can't offer any more advice :(21:09
guntbertsary:  Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience.21:09
phedkwtm, its a connection manager for putty etc21:10
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edbianCQ: In short, if I were you I'd be in here asking people :P21:10
coun@phibxr, no. I'll give this a go tonight. Thanks for tip21:10
kwtmphed: Okay.  Anyway, thanks for letting me know about it.21:10
CQedbian: ok, thanks all the same... there's no answer in #linux-sensors which is the lm-sensors channel here21:10
tbrew13edbian, ati21:10
edbianCQ: Most channels are not as active as this one.  wait a while21:10
phedkwtm, no trouble lol i should have mentioned that21:10
phibxrcoun, installs the latest proprietary nvidia-drivers for your card.21:10
edbiantbrew13: Which driver are you using according to sudo lspci -k  ?21:10
coun@phibxr, but wouldn't update manager install any updated drivers?21:10
filosofixitDoes anyone have a clue how to restore a box from nouvue-drivers to nvidia-binary  throuh ssh?21:10
phibxrcoun, yep. but you never know.21:11
jamesstanleyI have just got a new hard disk. I moved everything using LVM to the new one with LVM, and /boot I copied manually. Now, the new /boot has a different UUID to the old one. No problem, when I booted I just typed the new one in to grub and booted fine. However, when I run "sudo update-grub" I am told "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: Couldn't find PV pv0. Check your device.map."21:11
jamesstanleyWhere is device.map and how can I check it?21:11
coun@edbian, this channel is goin nuts! lol21:11
jamesstanleyNone of my PV's have ever been called pv021:11
edbianfilosofixit: sudo apt-get purge <package for nouveau>  and then, sudo apt-get install <binary-package>21:11
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: device.map is a red harring in this case.21:11
edbiancoun: tell me about it21:11
coun@phibxr, i def try tonight. thx :)21:11
daktarihi, does anybody know a way of making mutter and fglrx work together :(21:11
tbrew13 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]21:12
tbrew13Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device 028d21:12
tbrew13Kernel driver in use: fglrx_pci21:12
tbrew13Kernel modules: fglrx, radeon21:12
phibxrcoun, you're most welcome.21:12
FloodBot1tbrew13: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
jamesstanleyJordan_U: ok, what should I do instead?21:12
edbianfilosofixit: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nvidia&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all21:12
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coun@phibxr, Thunderbird released security update last thrusday. I still haven't received an update. Makes me wonder if I can rely on updates sometimes.21:12
jamesstanleyJordan_U: i could manually fix /boot/grub/grub.cfg but there must be a better way21:12
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: What version of Ubuntu?21:12
edbiantbrew13: Please don't paste to the channel21:12
filosofixitedbian : thanx man, will check it out21:12
edbianfilosofixit: sure21:12
jamesstanleyJordan_U: i upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 recently21:12
edbiantbrew13: Do you understand that output?21:13
xroJordan_U, i dislike it...  i want to use ubuntu to work... not for a multimedia table... I think a good point for ubuntu was gnome (simple and performant)...21:13
jamesstanleyJordan_U: but unrelated to the hard disk upgrade and everything worked fine before the hard disk changed21:13
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: How are you booted currently?21:13
SnookiNeedsJCslow flash drive copy has no current fix per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148759021:13
Jordan_U!classic | xro21:13
ubottuxro: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.21:13
jamesstanleyJordan_U: i am currently in the 11.04 kernel and i did it by pressing 'e' at grub and fixing the uuid manually21:13
phibxrcoun, no idea if it has been added to the ubuntu repositories yet. i use gmail through the browser. :)21:13
saryguntbert ;) , it's simple / i'm unable to post in-to forums ! thats about it.21:13
BrandanoHmm, I think I ought to check back once the 11.04, err, backlash has died down a bit. It's a minor annoyance anyway21:13
filosofixitedbian : nvidia-current should be the right driver for me right?21:13
Jordan_Uxro: You might also like XFCE in the long run as they (at least for the moment) aren't planning any major overhauls.21:14
coun@phibxr, ah, I worry about Google knowing everything about me. I wish I could sell my own info to make money. Instead everyone else sells me and makes profit oOOo21:14
edbianfilosofixit: I think so?  It's going to be a bit of trial and error I'm afraid21:14
BrandanoJordan_U: I bet they will just update it to the point you won't be able to tell it apart from Gnome 221:14
xroJordan_U, yes.. but if the default is unity... the future development will be done for unity...  i'm afraid to see incompatibilities for gnome21:15
saryguntbert I appreciate your concern.;/21:15
phibxrcoun, I've stopped worrying about google, since I've already disclosed anything useful you could ever know about me to them. but I think that discussion is more appropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic, before someone redirects it there. :P21:15
billsmithDoes anyone know if changes were made to the 11.4 release just before the announcement?  I have a pre-release version that has problems with intel video.21:15
filosofixitedbian : I will try and fail until I get it right ;) thx again21:15
tbrew13edbian, sorry xchat does not show me when someone address me anymore about the output kind of but not really21:15
edbianfilosofixit: good luck!21:15
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phibxrbillsmith, running at update should put you at the current release.21:16
AMAGl403: Well, removing nvidia-current and rebooting has affected something.  Now the display appears broken and gdm cannot start, but the machine isn't locked up, just the display.  So I guess I'll straighten that out and try installing nvidia-current again.21:16
edbiantbrew13: No worries, you're using the fglrx driver which is proprietary.  Have you tried using the radeon driver?21:16
tbrew13edbian, and its only a little choppy21:16
phibxrbillsmith, *an21:16
guntbertsary: sorry, no idea here - do you say you cannot post to any forums using any browser? but everything else on the web works just fine?21:16
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billsmithThe screen is so broken that I can't get to a terminal.21:16
jibadeehatbrew13, i wish unity would flash the icon or something when somebody messages me rather than shake it for a short duration that i might miss21:16
l403AMAG, boot insto single user mode, install them via apt or aptitude and then just run /etc/init.d/gdm start21:17
epimeth_hi all!  can I restrict which services a user can start/stop using sudo?  IE: I want them to be able to service apache2 restart but not, say mysql21:17
billsmithBTW, have been running SuSE 11.4 and there are boot problems and video problems with that release that have not been evident with previous versions.21:18
Brandanobillsmith: just use an actual terminal rather than the terminal window. CTRL+ALT+F1 to CTRL+ALT+F& . CTRL+ALT+F7 will bring you back to the graphical interface21:18
Brandanoerr, s/F&/F6/21:18
OsmodivsSo, MSN is not compatible with aMSN, because I am trying to do a web conference and I can ' t21:18
tbrew13edbian, okay no please help me with that also how do i get compiz effects working21:18
saryguntbert, that/ exactly.21:18
AMAGl403: actually the "failsafe graphics mode" choice in the recovery menu worked, so i am re-installing nvidia-current now and will see what happens in a few minutes.21:18
edbiantbrew13: I'm thinking that switching drivers will solve both problems.21:18
MnCCanyone know a good total commander clone ?21:19
billsmithI'll try that again, but recall the previous attempt failed.  Don't recall what happened, so as mentioned, will retest.21:19
gridbagyou guys are scaring me. i don't think i want to upgrade to 4.11 today.21:19
AMAGHow could gdm be depending on nvidia-current but it isn't the X driver that X is running?  This seems strange.21:19
sarygridbag , why not ?21:19
tbrew13edbian, how do i do this21:19
Brandanothat would be a release from November 2004?21:20
edbiantbrew13: According to lspci radeon (the open source driver) is installed it just isn't being used.  If we remove fglrx (sudo apt-get purge fglrx) and reboot we should see the radeon is being used in sudo lspci -k21:20
billsmithAm just curious if the same problems with SuSE are evident in Ubuntu.  From the comments scolling by, it may have to do with changes in the kernel.21:20
edbiantbrew13: Make sense?21:20
usr13MnCC: are you talking about Midnight Commander?21:20
meraqlixdo I need to format and re-install Ubuntu 11.04 after missing the GUI from the rescent 11.04 update?21:20
xroJordan_U, thanks for your time.... i hope ubuntu won't disappoint me in the future...21:20
jamesstanleyJordan_U: are you sure the device.map thing is a red herring? Should I not try to find and correct device.map?21:21
CQmeraqlix: no. sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop could do it21:21
usr13MnCC: mc - Midnight Commander - a file manager21:21
tbrew13edbian, on it but can i just use the addtional drivers and uninstall it from there21:21
MnCCusr13, no a good equivalent for the Windows version of Total Commander under nix21:21
guntbertsary: are you behind a proxy?21:21
usr13MnCC: Ok, sorry, I don't know about Total Commander.21:21
MnCCusr13, thanks21:22
edbiantbrew13: The additional driver thing is buggy in my opinion.  I think it will cause more problems then it will solve but you can if you want.  We should still confirm things using sudo lspci (or sudo lsmod is even better)21:22
tbrew13edbian, do i have to reboot or will log out work21:22
BrandanoMnCC: runs on wine21:22
tbrew13edbian, i removed it your way21:22
edbiantbrew13: I suggest a reboot21:23
l403MnCC, filezilla21:23
tbrew13ok on it now21:23
zerosanityok.. my menu bars turned white and i can't get them back to the dark defaults.. how do i fix it?21:23
edbiantbrew13: :)21:23
zul_hi all21:23
AMAGl403: Same situation after re-installing nvidia-current.  X works but "Additional Drivers" claims the nvidia driver isn't in use, and 3D acceleration is clearly not working because glxgears like doesn't even budge, the system is almost hung when running it, and it claims it is running at 17,000 frames/second, but obviously that's not true21:23
saryguntbert , No , not something am aware of. but i've start notcing this issue after i've re-subscribe to my (ISP). week ago.21:24
AMAGwell, I dunno, maybe it could be but the gears aren't moving and the system is useless :)21:24
zul_who can tell me what's the path to copy  mysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar for a java web application running in tomcat6?21:24
l403AMAG, I am trying to kill sound events in fluxbox unsuccessfully.. going for a smoke21:24
AMAGl403: I'll probably still be here struggling with X when you come back :)21:24
newb2linuxIs anyone able to help me out removeing a ppa in terminal?21:24
velcroshoozcould someone tell me the best way to format an 'advanced format' (ie the larger sector) drive under linux?21:24
l403sul_ find / "name.jar"21:25
edbiannewb2linux: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list   comment out that PPA21:25
guntbertsary: try it with a text based browser (like elinks)21:25
MnCCBrandano, personally i dont trust wine with tc on ext4 .. you tried it ?21:26
zul_the java application is in /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps l40321:26
zerosanityok i've got it looking like this http://bit.ly/iGN6vx but i want it to look like this http://bit.ly/ip2lSn again. help!21:26
yehudah_how do you use a bluetooth device that has been rejected21:26
BrandanoAMAG: check the output from glxinfo and /var/log/Xorg.0.log for (EE) lines ( cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep \(EE\) )21:26
MnCCl403, gonna try it21:26
BrandanoMnCC: nope. I have plenty of other stuff running with Wine on ext3 though21:26
quixI've been using LibreOffice on Ubuntu 11.04 a lot these days and I've noticed a strange behavior21:26
newb2linuxits not a ppa I guess.. this is what I get when I try to update with apt-get21:27
newb2linuxW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found21:27
newb2linuxhow do I remove that?21:27
MnCCBrandano, can you give me some examples ?21:27
tbrew13edbian, ok now i need help how do i get xchat to put its icon on the top panel where the shutdown button is and how do i use compiz effects21:27
newb2linuxErr http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages21:27
quixwhen I drag content within LibreOffice (text, images, etc), Ubuntu"s dock locks up above all otehr windows, ifen if they are maximized21:27
quixanzone else having this problem21:28
BrandanoMnCC: Steam, Myst Online... games mainly21:28
newb2linuxWhat is ppa.launchpad.net?21:28
celthunder /b 721:28
edbiantbrew13: So what driver is being used?  Is the choppiness problem gone?21:28
AMAGglxinfo says "server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation" and I have no (EE) lines in /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:28
tbrew13edbian, yes21:28
l403AMAG, I can msg you my xorg.conf21:28
MnCCBrandano, cool21:28
edbiantbrew13: Are you using unity?21:28
tbrew13edbian, yes21:28
edbiantbrew13: ps -e | grep compiz21:28
edbiantbrew13: What does that return?21:28
BrandanoMnCC: to be honest, Steam is installed on ext3, but the appdata folder is a symlink to a folder on an NTFS partition21:28
AMAGl403: sure21:28
BrandanoMnCC: that way I get to reuse the same space for Windows and Linux. I rarely run Windows, but some of the steam apps won't run on Linux21:29
newb2linuxErr http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages when updating with apt-get in terminal how do I fix?21:29
tbrew13edbian, im lost like can i put an panel on the botton like in classic ubuntu and how do i put icons on my desktop i cant drag them from the unity bar21:30
dfgasupdated to 11.04 and now my screen is all messed up. besides /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there any other settings i can delete?21:30
dfgasso it will auto setup my screen again?21:30
tbrew13edbian, result of that command 1525 ?        00:00:26 compiz21:30
dfgasor any other way to fix it??21:30
MnCCBrandano, i have that too .. but i ditched windows completely .. run some apps in virtualbox if i cant find a suitable replacement21:30
BrandanoAMAG: does  glxinfo say "direct rendering: on" somewhere?21:30
edbiantbrew13: That command shows me that compiz is running.  In unity you cannot drag the buttons off the unity bar.  To add a new panel I think you right click an existing panel and select new panel.  Not sure if this is gone in unity as well.21:31
BrandanoMnCC: I doubt I have enough processor power for serious 3D graphics in a virtual PC21:31
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BrandanoAMAG: sorry, I meant "Yes" instead of "on"21:32
MnCCBrandano, well you can assign 3d memory from your graphics card in 4.0 .. but for gaming .. i dunno ..it might21:32
tbrew13edbian, okay so how do i get xchat to beep or an icon on the top panel of unity so i know when you message me21:32
saryguntbert will do.21:32
edbiantbrew13: in xchat settings -> preferences -> alerts -> enable system tray icon.  Assuming you're not running gnome-xchat or what21:32
dpis there a walkthrough on being able to sync music/videos/photos/etc to your iphone from natty?21:32
scottladAnyone need any hosting?21:33
AMAGbrando:Yes, it says "direct rendering: Yes"21:33
oCeanscottlad: no spamming please21:33
guntbertscottlad: don't advertise21:33
BrandanoAMAG: then your drivers are installed fine21:33
newb2linuxErr http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages when updating with apt-get in terminal how do I fix?21:33
BrandanoAMAG: the problem is somewhere else21:33
tbrew13edbian, system try icon is checked nothing21:34
tbrew13edbian, running regular version21:34
BrandanoAMAG: did you restart the desktop manager after installing them?21:34
botcity!iphone | dp21:34
ubottudp: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:34
AMAGBrandano: Yes.  I think it might be that "glx" is not loaded into X?21:34
edbiantbrew13: Maybe it's a unity thing.  Can you right click on the top panel -> add to panel -> notification area21:34
pattysmattyis dban good to use?21:34
AMAGl403:My xorg.conf does not have this anywhere:   Load     "glx"21:35
dpbotcity: sadly, the ipod I have doesn't work with rockbox yet, and everything in the iPhone page (from a cursory glance) is based around the suggestion that you're jailbroken21:35
tbrew13edbian, i cant right click on the top panel at all21:35
edbiantbrew13: Then it's unity to blame21:35
TheRedOctoberHas anyone gotten dual monitors extended desktop working on xubuntu-desktop 11.04?21:35
edbiantbrew13: Sounds to me like you're missing gnome2.  Why don't you use ubuntu classic at login?21:35
yehudah_how do you use a bluetooth device that has been rejected21:35
saryguntbert , you think it's a browser part issue. what's odd is that / i've tried to post-in to forums from a windows machine.21:36
MnCCyehudah_, remove device try again21:36
tbrew13edbian, i like unity just working with it ok i got it to show a notification at the top of the screen21:36
edbiantbrew13: What did you do to get a notification area?21:36
guntbertsary: and did it work?21:36
tbrew13but how do i add icons to the desktop if i cant drag them21:36
edbiantbrew13: I don't know.21:36
MnCCyehudah_, i tried mine like 3 or 4 times before it accepted21:36
yehudah_dont help21:36
tbrew13check show bollons in prefrences21:36
BrandanoAMAG: neither does mine, doesn't seem to be a problem. In the "device" section what is the value of "Driver" ?21:36
saryguntbert: it did work, Yes.21:36
edbiantbrew13: Preferences for xchat or perferences for unity?21:37
* sary testing in elinks + w3m.21:37
tbrew13edbian, xchat21:37
edbiantbrew13: mm.  Fixed?21:37
Masterhi guys21:37
edbiantbrew13: Any more problems?21:37
W00ttyhow can I change my console coloring with the command force-color in the config file ?21:38
Masterwhat's up21:38
edbiantbrew13: :D21:38
tbrew13edbian, thank you so much okay what about desktop cube wobbly windows21:38
tbrew13stuff like that21:38
AMAGBrandano: Driver      nvidia21:38
guntbertsary: I want to make sure if it might be a problem with gnome settings, a transparent proxy,....   - but I'm out for tonight  - Good luck :-)21:38
edbiantbrew13: install compizconfig-settings-manager and tweak to your hearts content!21:38
BrandanoAMAG: that really ought to be enough21:39
tbrew13tried it messed up ill try again21:39
edbiantbrew13: What do you mean you messed up?21:39
l403AMAG, success. I am done. I have no idea what I did. I just booted into gnome and then back to flux its the sounds are gone.21:39
__yhvh__why is the emacs-snapshot package more out of date than the emacs package?21:39
yehudah_MnCC: just tried 6/7 times. the device has been added to the reject list.21:39
BrandanoAMAG: anyway, messed up stuff in xorg.conf would show in the logs21:39
yehudah_how do i remove it from the list21:39
AMAGfrom looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log it seems like the nvidia driver is running, as is glx, but I can't understand why glxgears does not work and the "Additional Drivers" tools says it isn't being used.21:39
edbianAMAG: Not sure about glxgears.  Additional Drivers is a bit buggy in my opinion.  Not surprised it's lying to you :P21:40
BrandanoWell, if you started the safe graphics mode it won't be used in your current session, but I guess that is not what you mean21:40
AMAGYeah, I rebooted since then, several times. :)21:41
BrandanoDo you have the Nvidia X Server Settings icon in System>Administration?21:41
tbrew13edbian, i would make the top bar disappear i would log out the top bar would work again but wobbly windows was unchecked21:41
JWayafter upgrade to 11.04 google chrome opens a tab 500 ms slower than it used to, any suggestions?21:41
BrandanoPerhaps it is mapped to a different display21:42
AMAGYes, and it is able to detect the monitor and the graphics card.  I hit "save" and it modified Xorg.conf, but all it seems to have done is add descriptions.21:42
saryguntbert you're so kind in assistance ;) .. i've noted the ' gnome transparent proxy ' ty and have a nice one/21:42
JWayhappens on both ubuntu classic and unity21:42
edbiantbrew13: What is making the top bar disappear ?21:42
edbiantbrew13: If you check wobbly windows do they become... wobbly?21:43
Brandanoedbian: I bet for autohide21:43
tbrew13edbian, whenever i disable snapping windows to enable wobbly windows21:43
tbrew13be right back21:43
Masterguys i need help !21:43
BrandanoAh, missing decorators in compiz21:43
edbiantbrew13: ?  You can have snapping and wobbly at the same time.  What do you mean top bar?  The top unity bar or the title bar of the window?21:43
AMAGI'm really confused as this all worked fine before I upgraded to 11.04, from 10.10.  I admit it's been quite a few years since I've had to fight with X to make things work. :)21:44
Masterwhat's the best linux ?????21:44
BrandanoMaster: I can give you some generic solutions, or do you want a specific one?21:44
edbianBrandano: You think the decorators for compiz are missing for tbrew ?21:44
BrandanoMaster: why would you ask that in an ubuntu centric channel?21:44
Brandanoedbian: I had that problem in the past when fiddling with an early compiz and emerald21:45
SomelauwHi, how do I do: sudo cat 1 > proc/sys/sysrq ?21:45
Masteri don't know just asking to improve my knowledje about linux21:45
edbianBrandano: Oh yeah?  Tell tbrew how to fix it! :D21:45
tbrew13edbian, wobbly windows work but it made the top bar go missing i logged out and logged in and now wobbly windows does not work and is unchecked snapping windows is rechecked21:45
SomelauwCan I do it without su?21:45
Brandanoedbian: but I don't remember how I got around fixing it. Ultimately I fixed everything by disabling Compiz21:45
edbiantbrew13: see Brandano He has an idea21:45
edbianBrandano: well crap21:45
Brandanotbrew13: let me google a bit21:46
saryMaster , Linux is just the kernel / you meant whats the best GNU/Linux Distro. you have to find out yourself .. and there is no such thing as ' the best '.21:46
CQMaster starting with ubuntu is not bad, easy to install, fairly stable, and you can always dig into the internals as much as you like21:46
phibxrMaster, of course, most people in here would respond 'ubuntu'. :)21:46
saryI would go with CQ advice ;)21:46
edbiantbrew13: I'm not sure.  Try messing with all the different settings in ccsm.  Like maybe gnome-support or some other generic settings.  The title bars are drawn by the 'decorator'  not sure if that's related21:46
jamesstanleyJordan_U: I have got my update-grub to work :D. I made a /boot/grub/device.map with "(vg1-ubuntu--root) /dev/vg1/ubuntu-root" as the only contents21:46
phibxrMaster, it's like joining #apple and asking what the best personal computer is. :P21:46
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tbrew13edbian, is there a way i can get in touch with you outside the channel you really helped me and i have to go so post it and ill look when i get back Brandano im sorry i have to go post like an email or something or at least tell me if you will get on again21:47
edbiantbrew13: Just come back to the channel.  I'm here all the time.21:47
Masterthank you guys21:47
edbianor not...21:47
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: That is a *very* bad idea and will break grub-install (without warning).21:47
deokanonhello, i have a simple question... did something change in the open source propiertary driver for graphic cards in 11.04? i can play games now like crazy21:47
saryale_ الأغاني حرام.21:47
jamesstanleyJordan_U: how so?21:47
Masteranother question what's the good about the RED HAT21:48
GlycanHow do I make it so that U boots before windows?21:48
syrinx_!ot | Master21:48
ubottuMaster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:48
botcitySomelauw, what is that for ? it does not make sense21:48
saryale_: Could we assist you with something ?21:48
yehudah_how do you use a bluetooth device that has been added to the reject list21:48
edgyHi, echo '1z' |grep --color '[A-Z]'21:48
AMAGl403:any other ideas?  My Xorg.conf file looks functionally identical to yours, except Load glx, but I added that to mine and it did not do anything (other than emit a message to Xorg.0.log about how it's both automatic and configured)21:48
edgywhy z is selected?21:48
jamesstanleyJordan_U: grub-install currently works perfectly well and i can't see myself changing the name of either the vg or the lv ever21:49
saryGlycan: that whould be from grub setting , i can't recall it how though.21:49
CQAMAG: I had some other stuff installed (nvidia drivers iirc) that I had to uninstall to get the GL based stuff to work properly... maybe you have something installed you don't need and that's being used?21:49
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: By putting a device in /boot/grub/device.map you are stating that said device is a plain device accessible at boot from the BIOS (i.e. not a higher level abstraction like LVM).21:49
GlycanPlease explain,21:49
GlycanI deleted windows and now I can't boot.21:50
saryGlycan: you might wana check grub config.files21:50
Glycan(On that box)21:50
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: grub-install will not give any error, but it will produce a core.img which cannot read LVM.21:50
jamesstanleyJordan_U: the root filesystem should be irrelevant to grub since /boot is not in lvm21:50
Somelauwbotcity: I am trying to enable sysrq magic. I have trouble with the getting acces part.21:50
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: Ahh, indeed.21:50
jamesstanleyJordan_U: /boot is a separate partition21:50
AMAGCQ: I can't imagine what that would be.  My ubuntu 10 install was pretty vanilla; I didn't fool with it at all.21:50
yehudah_edbian: how do you use a bluetooth device that has been added to the reject list21:50
saryGlycan:from what OS box you're typing right now.21:50
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: I forgot that you had a separate /boot.21:50
edbianyehudah_: No clue.  Sorry!21:50
edbianyehudah_: Never done that myself21:51
jamesstanleyJordan_U: ok, thanks for pointing out my potential mistake anyway21:51
yehudah_edbian: thanks21:51
edbianyehudah_: sorry!21:51
GlycanI'm on a seperate windows box;21:51
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: You're welcome.21:51
GlycanWhat are you talking about?21:51
jamesstanleyJordan_U: well i guess it's still a mistake but it will have no consequences. it's more of a workaround21:51
GlycanAlso, where is the boot sequance stored?21:51
thevishywhile chosing partitions21:51
tasewhen I go on google.com it's all in a wierd language, how do I fix it, firefox on ubuntu seems to be reporting my language as being CHR ?21:51
CQAmag no idea either, i went through the packages that were installed and renoved the xserver-* packages I didn't need and also the nvidia stuff since i have intel chipset21:51
thevishycan I make sure windows partitions are untouched?21:51
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: You may not get the full resolution purple menu at boot since fonts won't be able to be read from LVM, but other than that it should be fine.21:51
jamesstanleythat's no odds to me21:52
jamesstanleyi don't spend much time staring at the boot menu anyway21:52
thevishyhow is natty ? what is the review21:52
thevishycan I install ubuntu-desktop edition to my netbook21:52
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: Please do file a bug report about it (run "ubuntu-bug grub" *without* any device.map so to avoid confusion) though as it is a problem which should be fixed.21:52
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: Sorry, "ubuntu-bug grub-pc"21:53
jamesstanleyJordan_U: ok, will do21:53
saryGlycan you have o exuse me , i know nothing about boot sequance in windows.21:53
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: Thanks.21:53
GlycanThis is a computer.21:53
GlycanIn general.21:53
GlycanNot windows.21:53
GlycanIt had windows on it.21:53
guidewire_has anyone installed the flash player 11 on ubuntu?21:54
GlycanNow it doesn;t.21:54
FloodBot1Glycan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
botcitySomelauw, i think you what the  "echo"  command21:54
* Brandano goes to grab some food21:54
saryGlycan: Try to describe your issue in details.21:54
botcity!sysrq | Somelauw21:54
ubottuSomelauw: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:54
corinth_Hi all. Is there a command to basically purge my system of changes I've made since the fresh install...essentially setting it back to a vanilla state?21:55
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GlycanLet's see...21:56
GlycanWell, at the very least21:56
guidewire_I'm trying to see if flash molehill21:57
Emylbusall of my windows are messed up! they are caught in the corners of the screen and I can't move them out of the way to interact. Here is a picture of it happening with both my screenshot program and firefox (you will see i cant see the tabs bar nor anywhere to move the window. I can't even resize http://imgur.com/QeFHD  this problem remains even after restarting the computer. I'm using Unity 640-bit21:57
guidewire_runs nicely in ubuntu21:57
syrinx_ where you on the date of july 29, 2009?21:58
syrinx_16:55 < syrinx_> rabbitear: in space21:58
syrinx_16:55 < rabbitear> Srf?21:58
syrinx_oops, sorry21:58
SomelauwHi, my computer just crashed.21:58
Emylbusand by unity i mean 11.04 T_T21:58
GlycanBefore, Win would load, ask me what I wanted to do, I woul dtell him to load U, U would ask me if I wanted to run safe mode or what, I woul dask for U, and I would give it to me.21:58
GlycanThen I killed Win, but it still points to win, and doesn't work.21:58
SomelauwI was asking how to enable reisub? In ubuntu. I tried echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq.21:58
jamesstanleyJordan_U: submitted21:59
SomelauwBut it didn't work.21:59
corinth_So is apt purge-ppa not a command...because it's not registering as one for me o_O21:59
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: Could you subscribe me, "jordanu" to the bug?21:59
GlycanAlso, the laptop this is happening on seems to turn of randomy, despite the fact that it's plugged in.21:59
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: Or just give me a link?21:59
LjLSomelauw: thought it was enabled by default21:59
mstefanyone notice how unity screws up when you 'X' an application that minimizes to the system tray when 'X'ed? is there a way to fix that so it keeps the icon? otherwise it keeps running int eh back and you can't get to it..21:59
jamesstanleyJordan_U: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/77743521:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 777435 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "update-grub failed after changing hard disk (using lvm for root but not for /boot)" [Undecided,New]21:59
SomelauwLjl, it isn't here. Using ubuntu 10.10.22:00
Jordan_Ujamesstanley: Thanks.22:00
jamesstanleyno problem22:00
LjLSomelauw: i know i've used alt+sysrq+k (don't try this everyone unless you want to kill x), and it worked22:00
rikkimaruwhat's the best way to remap fn + left to home?22:00
LjLi tried it under 11.04 though22:00
SomelauwLjL: $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq22:00
juniorsaHi, I have an HP laptop AMD and since I installed 11.04 it seems to overheat and freeze, any suggestions? I don't even know how to find out what is making it freeze22:01
SomelauwIronically, my laptop just crashed.22:01
SomelauwAnd I couldn't use it.22:01
saryGlycan: so , what are you triyng to do exactly.22:01
GlycanRun U.22:01
SomelauwBut this laptop + ubuntu never has been very stable.22:01
SomelauwBut anyway, I tried to enable it using sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq, but it says I don't have permission. I think that it is because of the ">" inside the command.22:02
saryGlycan: grab an ubuntu Live-cd , burn it to a USB stick or CD-DVD-R.22:03
GlycanBeen there, done that.22:03
GlycanDoesn't work.22:03
GlycanWell, on a DVD22:03
trismSomelauw: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq; and you're right, > is captured by the shell22:03
MnCCid like to launch programs as root from context menu (like the runas in windows), does that exist ?22:03
GlycanSpecial user-do22:04
MnCCGlycan, from the context menu .. when i click on an icon ?22:04
rikkimaruis there a built-in way to remap keyboard commands in ubuntu 11.04? I'd like fn+left to be home22:04
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
GlycanOtherwise, no idea22:04
usr13MnCC: sudo will do the job.22:05
saryGlycan: have you checked the iso with ubuntu md5sum? also22:05
MnCCGlycan, thats why i asked22:05
MnCCusr13, not from the context menu unfortunately22:05
GlycanAhem, guys: "Can not mount /dev/loop/() (.cdrom/casper/filesystem.squshfs) on //filesystem.squashfs22:05
usr13MnCC: Is there a particular application your thinking of?22:06
MnCCcrapy unity, it hijacks my mod key22:06
MnCCusr13, no .. i just need an extra menu option run as root . . its such a hassle to gksu/su/sudo everytime .. or create duplicate items22:07
SomelauwIs there any reason sysrq magic is disabled by default by the way? Since why would you disable such a useful feature22:07
usr13MnCC: Pretty much all the applications you have installed are going to have all the authority and permissions to do what ever it is they need to do.22:07
Emylbusdoes anyone know of a way to move windows around by pressing a button? In previous versions of ubuntu I could hold down alt and then grab any window to move it. Now i can't and unity is bugging out for me not letting me access the top part of any window of any application i open. I'm using 11.04 64-bit if that helps. Here is a screenshot of my problem http://imgur.com/QeFHD note the screenshot program is cut in half and i can't see the tab bar in the firefo22:07
icerootSomelauw: its enabled22:07
Somelauwthanks trismn. I think it worked. If it didn't work. I will probably notice when I reboot.22:08
MnCCusr13, true: except for every filemanager22:08
Somelauwiceroot: Here it was disabled. Also I updated from 10.4 to 10.10.22:09
usr13MnCC: You will find that there are some fundamental differences between Linux and MS Windows.  I think this is one of them.22:09
SomelauwBut really, it was disabled hre by default.22:09
usr13MnCC: What do you mean every filemanager?22:09
usr13MnCC: What is it that you are unable to do with the filemanager?22:09
icerootSomelauw: the keycombo for restarting is working fine on 10.10 and 11.0422:09
icerootSomelauw: others are not testet22:09
muneebhi, i'm not getting overlay scrollbars? How do I enable it?22:10
MnCCusr13, i can do everything with it .. its just such a hassle  .. you want to copy something outside your home folder .. have to gksu/sudo/su ..start app again.. go to directory .. then repeat the action22:10
icerootSomelauw: go to tty1 and press alt + print + m  and it will show you the memory dump22:10
icerootSomelauw: testet on 11.0422:11
saryGlycan have you tried changing your boot order to boot from CD-ROM first.22:11
guidewire_so.... adding the beta flash player into firefox22:11
guidewire_any ideas22:11
LjLMnCC: if you need to copy stuff outside of your home folder that often, you're Doing It Wrong©22:11
|Seth|I got nothin'22:11
cellardoorHelp :)wraund@morpheus:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a22:11
cellardoordebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable22:11
cellardoorwraund@morpheus:~$ htop22:11
Somelauwiceroot: what is the memory dump. Does it work in gnome-terminal?22:11
chaospsyXcan someone help me on how to use 'KLibido'22:11
MnCCLjL, not really ..you keep al your music and videos in your homefolder ?22:12
icerootSomelauw: if i am correct its only working on tty and not gnome-terminal22:12
LjLMnCC: yes? but even if i didn't, i'd keep them somewhere i have permissions to, obviously22:12
icerootSomelauw: the memory dump is showing you what is going on on your memory22:12
saryGlycan: do you get this ' BusyBox vX.XX.X(Ubuntu X:X.X.X-XXXXXX) built-in shell (ash)22:12
saryEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.22:12
gridbagmy box has been very busy lately.22:13
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usr13MnCC: I think you may have a misconception or two about how to do things in the Linux environment.  It's not hard but there are some things that require admin priviledges and there is good reason for it.  The cases where you copy something to a directory that you as a user don't have permission to write to are very rare.22:13
icerootSomelauw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/315503  maybe have a look here?22:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 315503 in linux (Ubuntu) ""Magic SysRq keys" don't work on laptop (Dell XPS M1210)" [Undecided,Expired]22:14
chaospsyXcan someone help me on how to use 'KLibido'22:15
usr13MnCC: Everything you need, want, use  etc.  are going to be found in your /home/ directory.22:15
SomelauwIt says loglevel set to 0???22:15
NO92hey guys , when i boot my laptop this message appear >> BusyBox v1.17.1 (ubuntu 1:1.17.1-8ubuntu1)22:16
NO92Built-in shell (ash)22:16
NO92Enter help for a list of built-in commands22:16
NO92any one know how can i solve it , i can't open my ubuntu NOW ><22:16
FloodBot1NO92: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
MnCCusr13, look i dont want to dump everything there ..especially after my upgrade to 11.04 .. it wasnt pretty22:16
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Somelauwiceroot: It says loglevel set to 0?22:16
icerootSomelauw: who said that?22:16
ablazecan someone tell me how to use wifi internet while using recovery mode console? plz22:17
usr13MnCC: You don't dump everyting in one single directory, you orginize our files into directories that make sense to you as a user.22:17
ChaorainI'm trying to make a perssistant Live USB, I want the usb partition to not be visible to Windows, can someone recomend a program? This seems out of date http://rudd-o.com/new-projects/portablelinux22:17
JohnFluxablaze: not so easy :-/22:17
icerootChaorain: maybe encrypt the partition?22:17
JWayinstall of 11.04,  google chrome opens a tab 500 ms slower than it used to in 10.10, any suggestions why?22:18
Somelauwiceroot: tty said that. I did alt + fn + prtscr + m.22:18
LjLMnCC: and if you're worried about upgrades (or for that matter, if you aren't), you use a separate partition for /home22:18
icerootSomelauw: hm strange22:18
MnCCLjL, now were talking22:18
ablazeJohnFlux: :( ::: i would really love to do so ::: any help is appreciated22:18
MnCCLjL, how ?22:18
ubuntu-usrjoin #compiz22:18
baggar11anyone using eyefinity in here? how well does it work?22:18
SomelauwChanging loglevel. Log level changed to 0.22:18
LjLMnCC: well it's easier to do it during install than after, to be honest. you need gparted and a bit of console tinkering. shrink your / partition, make space for a /home partition, format it, copy everything from your old /home there, add the new /home to fstab, reboot, see if it works, if it works reboot into single user mode, delete stuff from old /home, done22:19
usr13MnCC: You need to experience a lession in file-management.  Linux is very well organized, (when compared to the way file management is handled in a MS Windows invironment).  Once you get the hang of the Linux way of file-management, you'll love it.22:19
LjLMnCC: i know unfortunately it's a bit involved if you do it after installing.22:19
tessaraktwhen running update-grub, I get:22:20
Chaorainiceroot: I don't want it encrypted, just maybee ext422:20
tessarakt"  Parse error at byte 54 (line 3): unexpected token"22:20
icerootChaorain: still can be seen from windows if ext4 drivers are installed22:20
tessaraktumm, but which file?22:20
MnCCLjL, i have been trough bigger fires =)22:20
leeis there any quick and dirty way of speeding up writes to compactflash media (that is, when the OS is installed to such)?22:20
ChrispyAnyone here know much about Ubuntu 11.04 ?22:20
Chaorainiceroot: they won't be22:20
iceroottessarakt: /etc/default/grub  i guess22:20
JasonnHow do I change the apache port?22:20
misreckoninghey guys, I'm installing Ubuntu on Mac Book Pro, for the first time ever, so, what do you recommend, 64bit or 32bit version? If I was installing on a PC laptop, I'd definitely choose 32bit, but I'm not sure what's the situation on MacBooks... tips? :)22:20
iceroot!anyone | Chrispy22:20
ubottuChrispy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:20
MrKeunerhello, natty here... in synaptic, items in residual config section cannot be purged... Any idea what may be wrong?22:20
tessarakticeroot, thx, will take a look22:20
icerootJasonn: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf22:20
ablazenobody knows, how to connect to interent in recovery mode console???22:21
icerootablaze: iwconfig22:21
MnCCLjL, create 2nd uer .. modify fstab .. mount under /home ?22:21
JohnFluxablaze: if you do "iwconfig", do you see your device?22:21
tessaraktline 3 of that file is a comment22:21
ablazeJohnFlux: yes22:21
Chaorainiceroot: any clue if I can get this to work on 11.04? http://rudd-o.com/new-projects/portablelinux22:21
ChrispyI am currently having problems with SLOW AS HELL Ati Drivers, Both Opensource, AND Ati Drivers, on Ubuntu 11.04 Natty. Has anyone else had this problem ?22:21
ablazeit's wlan022:21
LjLMnCC: uhm, usually it's the whole /home that's put on a separate partition, not just a single user's directory inside /home.22:22
tessarakticeroot, how do you guess that?22:22
usr13MnCC: LjL is correct.  I very much like having a separate /home/ partition because I have the option to do a fresh install anytime I want and leave all my files right were they are, undisturbed.22:22
ubuntu-usri can not resize windows! moreover i haven't any plugin in ccsm to fix that! it seems it should be under uncategorized item but it's does not exists. what now i should do?22:22
LjLMnCC: so you might as well keep the one user you have now, you just need to know how to deal with single user mode in case things go wrong22:22
icerootChaorain: why not using the usb-creator from ubuntu?22:22
iceroottessarakt: normally its the only file a person would change22:23
MnCCLjL, basicly boot into live and take it from there22:23
LjLMnCC: that's another option22:23
ChrispyUbuntu 11.04 Slow Graphics Performance PRoblems. Anyone had same issue ??22:23
Chaorainiceroot: doesn't that place it on a FAT partition?22:23
ChrispyNamely with ATI Drivers22:23
LjLMnCC: well, the only option if you need to resize the root partition to make space, really22:23
ablazeJohnFlux: it says "wlan0    IEEE 802.11bg   ESSID:off/any      Mode: Managed       Access Point: Not-Associated      Tx-Power=20 dBm    Retr long limit:7   RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off      Power Management:off22:23
Somelauwiceroot: But why do I need to check memdump anyway?22:24
icerootChaorain: you cant install linux on fat22:24
icerootSomelauw: its just an example for magic sysreq22:24
icerootSomelauw: i dont want to test the reboot or kill command22:24
MnCCLjL, thanks man .. back in a jiffy .. i hope ... =P22:24
tessarakticeroot, aha22:24
Somelauwiceroot: but is uses printscreen instead of sysrq.22:24
Chaorainiceroot: I meant Fat32, I've done it before.22:24
tessaraktwhy doesn't it just output sensible error messages?22:24
tessaraktyou know, I am trying to repair my boot config22:25
icerootSomelauw: its the same key22:25
=== Kaon is now known as AntiKaon
SomelauwAre you sure? My keyboard has 2 keys for them.22:25
tessarakt"change" is relative22:25
tessaraktthe file might just be broken22:25
=== AntiKaon is now known as Vacuum
NO92any help please ?!22:26
=== Vacuum is now known as Vacuuum
usr13NO92: What is your problem?22:26
ablazeJohnFlux: it is wlan022:26
NO92when i boot my laptop this message appear22:26
NO92BusyBox v1.17.1 (ubuntu 1:1.17.1-8ubuntu1)22:26
NO92Built-in shell (ash)22:27
GlycanDitto me, I think.22:27
NO92Enter help for a list of built-in commands22:27
NO92and i can't open my ubuntu till now ?22:27
usr13ablaze: are you using network-manager?22:27
usr13ablaze: Or console mode only?22:28
ablazeusr13: I don't know how to use this ::: can u explain how to use this plz?22:28
GlycanWhere is the bloody boot sequance stored?22:28
ablazeusr13 it's console mode only ::: according to my understanding22:28
ablazeusr13: ther is nothing graphical22:28
usr13ablaze: iwconfig wlan0 scanning22:28
usr13ablaze: sudo iwconfig wlan0 scanning22:29
nicboulHello, How can I list default search path /lib/ld-linux.so is using to link shared library22:29
arandNO92: normally means the root filesystem failed to mount, what kind if you filesystem, have you edited fstab lately, and can you access it via a liveCD?22:29
ablazeusr13: unkown command "scanning"22:29
NO92so , how can i do that , i'm totally new to ubuntu  , can u tell me please ?!22:30
dd214_Let's talk Ubuntu vulnerability.. does anyone have the same problem if idle, the screen goes black, but when the mouse or keyboard are moved you have access to the desktop for 10-20 seconds, then out of no where the Login Prompt appears?22:30
usr13ablaze: what is the essid of your  wireless router?22:30
LjLdd214_: yes. X is horrible.22:30
GlycanWhat is HDD?22:30
ablazeusr13: the essid i know or essid ubuntu is showing?22:31
usr13ablaze: sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap any22:31
maxdmytrenkoreceive this error during boot: "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"22:31
reisalq no canal entende de hardware?22:31
maxdmytrenkoany advice?22:31
dd214_LjL that would be a security no-go for some of the environments I would like to use Ubuntu @ work/22:31
ablazeusr13: done22:31
usr13ablaze: host av.com22:32
ablazeusr13: what next plz?22:32
LjLdd214_: well i don't know, i admit that even though it irks me, i have no particular necessity for secure locking. but, have you seen whether it also happens if you lock the computer manually before leaving it?22:32
dd214_LjL, at least it's not just me.. thanks for confirming the err.22:32
usr13ablaze: what is the output?  (Did it resolv av.com for you?)22:32
arandNO92: Those were qusetions, do you use a plain default ubuntu install? Have you edited fstab lately? When you get stuck in initramfs, what kind of error messages do you see?22:33
ablazeusr13: waiting22:33
ablazeusr13: connection timed out; no servers could be reached22:33
ablazeusr13: it's not "scan" instead of "scanning"22:33
ablazeusr13: ???22:33
usr13ablaze: iwconfig wlan0 scan22:34
ablazeusr13: unknown command "scan"22:34
eiriksvinhello, im trying to use Remote Desktop Veiwer, how do i set up my desktop to be veiwed by me from another computer?22:34
usr13ablaze: Do you know the essid of your wireless router?22:35
ablazeusr13: yes22:35
usr13ablaze: What is it?22:35
ablazeusr13: one minute plz22:35
MrKeunerhello, natty here... in synaptic, items in residual config section cannot be purged... Any idea what may be wrong?22:36
jimmybriteHi, i'm upgrading 10.10 (clean install+10.10 updates) to 11.04, I've tried before but grub2 seemed to have messed up my mbr, I dual-boot with windows 7, and never had any grub issues with previous ubuntu versions, so in the upgrade for grub-pc, should I keep the old grub (which has failed in previous install) or install the package maintainer's version, which has also failed previously.22:36
ablazeusr13: SFR_DA922:36
MrKeuneris it me o everyone?22:36
usr13ablaze: iwconfig wlan0 essid SFR_DA922:36
usr13ablaze: dhclient wlan022:36
=== Captainkrtek is now known as feeyoisthebest
MoleMananyone know of any P2P torrent agents that I can run from command-line?22:37
=== feeyoisthebest is now known as Captainkrtek
LjLMoleMan: rtorrent22:37
usr13ablaze: host av.com  #Let us know if it is resolving.22:37
st2011how do i register?22:37
MoleMan@LjL: is it in the standard repositories? I'm using server 10.10...22:37
LjL!info rtorrent maverick | MoleMan22:38
ubottuMoleMan: rtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent from rakshasa. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-1 (maverick), package size 397 kB, installed size 1308 kB22:38
ablazeusr13: not permitted ::: then i used same command with sudo and it worked ::: but with command "host av.com", it gave same result "connection timed out"22:38
ablazeusr13: it will need key also ::: no???22:38
MrKeunerMoleMan, try transmission-cli22:38
usr13ablaze: I remember now.  It's iwlist:   sudo iwlist scanning22:38
usr13ablaze: You have encryption on the router?22:38
MrKeunerMoleMan, chances are you already have transmission anyways22:39
NO92arand : no , i didn't , and actually i don't where's the problem22:39
st2011what is the unofficial ubuntu channel?22:39
LjLst2011: this one22:39
st2011ok, can someone help me install a program please...22:39
ablazeusr13: after giving this command, there is a large file just passing before my eyes ::: and it's only the last page in front of me ::: and yes i have encrypted router ::22:39
LjLst2011: what program?22:39
someguyhi guys , girls22:39
usr13ablaze: I'm sorry, I've got to go now.  But if you'll turn off the encryption on the router it will be easy.  Just do: iwlist wlan0 scanning ; dhclient wlan0  #That should do it.22:40
jimmybritein the upgrade for grub-pc, should I install the package maintainer's version (all signs point to yes)22:40
st2011let me pastebin the link22:40
someguyi got a problem with phpmyadmin , using fcgid as parser , any smart one's out there :-)22:40
st2011its for android programming22:40
ablazeusr13: thanx anyway :::22:40
LjLst2011: that's like the most gratuitous use of the pastebin ever...22:41
ablazeis there someoone else who knows how to use internet in recovery console mode ???22:41
st2011:) lol22:41
LjLst2011: ok so what's the problem installing the Android SDK?22:42
st2011LjL, well i downloaded it but i dont know how to install it....22:43
LjLst2011: to my knowledge, you only need to extract it somewhere. "tar xf filename.tar.gz" in a terminal will do it.22:43
GlycanOkay, good.22:43
GlycanI've got console-style acces instead of Ubuntu from a live cd.22:44
GlycanBut at least that's soemthing.22:44
st2011idk ill get back to this later, i need to step out22:44
GlycanHow do I get stuff working now?22:44
GlycanWhere are the instructions on what to do on startup?22:45
engammalskoWhy do I just have an orange dot as background process icon?22:46
engammalskoVLC and Skype are just dots.22:46
desg_xdgoing to study for exams cya /amsg22:46
Sophiieany itilatian speakers here?22:46
engammalskoBut under icons are working, like pidgin and KTorrent.22:46
* wli is having little/no trouble with a 64-bit kernel on 32-bit userspace, for whom it may concern.22:46
engammalskoI use Gnome theme on Ubuntu 11.0422:47
GlycanYou people?22:47
GlycanWhere are the boot commands?22:47
engammalskoCan anyone help me?22:47
GlycanThis is a toshiba laptop22:47
dd214_engammalsko did you upgrade 11.04 or clean install?22:47
engammalskodd214: Upgrade.22:48
GlycanHow do I make startup point to U and not Win?22:48
engammalskodd24_: *22:48
Sophiieany italtian speakers / readers here?22:48
LjL!it | Sophiie22:49
ubottuSophiie: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:49
GlycanNote: The only proper thing I can get to is "PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility", and a crapish text console of ubuntu from a live cd from which I can't find the other paritiions.22:49
GlycanCan anyone killaly help me?22:49
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )22:50
studentzHi there.  It is possible to hide the top panel in Unity22:50
engammalskodd214_: I upgraded, can you help me?22:50
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:51
engammalskostudentz: I think you just can right click on it and delete it.22:51
shaymhi, can anybody help with NFS mount issue?22:51
Sophiieubottu - thanks, if you see a user by majewski tell him to go there as he is new to IRC22:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:51
engammalskoNo help?22:52
engammalskoI have more problems.22:52
dd214_engammalsko, unfortunately not.  I had alot of problem after upgrading,  so I backed-up and did a clean install of 11.04, all my problems went away in about an hour.   but.. that's probably what you didn't want to hear.22:52
engammalskoOkay, thanks.22:52
engammalskoI didn't know if you where busy or ignored me, thanks anyway!22:53
GlycanNote: The only proper thing I can get to is "PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility", and a crapish text console of ubuntu from a live cd from which I can't find the other paritiions.22:53
studentzengamalsko Hi. Nothing Happen with the right click, but I do not want to delete it just hide it. In the same way I can Hide the Launcher22:53
GlycanI had dual boot, then I half-killed Windows, and now nothing works.22:53
OmegaGlycan: what is the problem?22:53
AgresiVI instaled 11.04 and after 16 hours went for the 10.10 :) easier to learn22:53
Omegawhat did you do?22:53
GlycanBecouse startup script points to Win, and Win points wherever you tell him to point to.22:53
dd214_Glycan, send your traffic22:53
engammalskostudentz: Ok, then I have no idea. Just used Unity for 30 min and have only used Ubuntu in 3 months X)22:53
engammalskosee you guys, bye.22:54
nicboulmy alt-tab is slow as hell22:54
shaymhi, can anybody help with NFS mount issue?22:54
dd214_engammalsko, let us know how the clean install works22:54
nicboulmy ctrl+alt+(right or left) is slow as hell also22:54
regeyahey, I've used Ubuntu for several years, and I used Unity for about 30 minutes ;-)22:54
nicboulsince im in 11.0422:54
studentzengamalsko thanks  and enjoy Unity22:54
AgresiVmy piece of ... you know...PC doesn`t support unity interface :((22:55
studentzAgresiV did you try Unity 2D?22:55
lastoflastneed help in me menu22:55
AgresiVnope.. I reinstaled 10.10 xubuntu22:56
Omega!dualboot | Glycan22:56
ubottuGlycan: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:56
studentzAgresiV I had 2001 laptop and it works ;)22:56
AgresiVafter hours of googling seems everyone pointed to xubuntu ..22:57
AgresiVafter all... I need speed22:57
lastoflastneed help in me menu22:57
AgresiVI was thinking to upgrade...think it`s a good ideea ?22:58
OmegaAgresiV: backup and fresh install22:58
studentzAgresiV: you mean to buy another box?22:58
lastoflastneed help in me menu22:59
AgresiVno :d I ment to go for the 11.04 again22:59
AgresiVI`m a litle noobish so I thought 10.10 is more stable and easier to learn the basiscs22:59
thingfishI didn't think I'd like Unity, but I do.  I really do.  The more you use it, the more it makes sense.22:59
MarcoPauhi, I have an old installation of vmware on my machine and I would like to purge it. the thing is that dpkg -l | grep vmware won't give any result. what am I supposed to do?22:59
lastoflastneed help in me menu23:00
VCoolioAgresiV: there was a 4.8 release for xfce which is the desktop environment in xubuntu; it's certainly not in 10.10, maybe 11.04, if it is, upgrade is worth it23:00
nodusMarcoPau, you probably didnt install vmware via a deb23:00
studentzAgresiV look at this link http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/unity-2d-qt-now-available-in-ppa-for.html23:00
MarcoPaunodus: I guess, but it's been ages and I can't remember. do I better ask the vmware guys?23:01
Axlinyeah, xubuntu 11.04 ships with xfce 4.823:02
AgresiVstudentz, interesting ...then shall I upgrade from 10.10 or fresh ?23:02
eldarhi! I've just updated to Natty, but hit a nasty bug with wifi connection being extremly slow, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/72144923:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 721449 in linux (Ubuntu) "slow wifi (atheros driver issue)" [Medium,Triaged]23:02
eldaris there any workaround for this bug?23:02
GlycanCan someone helpme?23:04
Shaeykh!ask | Glycan23:04
ubottuGlycan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:04
studentzAgresiV  good question, I do not have the right answer. But i use the ppa and I had a little problem with the xorg.conf file, which I solved.23:04
lastoflastneed help in me menu23:05
AgresiVwell when I initially instaled 11.04 I had a problem to..  xorg.conf file was missing and my graphics drivers was messed up23:06
lastoflastcmon for the last half hour and no help23:06
federicainternational chat?23:06
VCooliolastoflast: "need help in me menu" isn't much to debug23:07
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:07
studentzAgresiV Did you fix it?23:07
lastoflastwhat should i write23:07
AgresiVstudentz, I will try to upgrade from 10.10... I`ll let you guys know how it went23:07
AgresiVif not....back to the draqing board23:07
codex84is it important to have firwall,and antivirus23:07
Somelauwdont do it you will get unity23:08
codex84on ubuntu?23:08
studentzAgresiV Please first make a copy of your xorg.conf file and keep it23:08
VCooliocodex84: only if you're worried to pass on viruses in mail attachments23:08
GlycanI/my friend had Windows vista on a toshiba laptop. The screen broke, I took it from him, hooked it up to another screen, put U on it (11.04), the computer was very cluttered so I only put the gb partition, then when space became very tight I tryed cleaning the windows, deleted windows (didn't get my space back- How do you change partition borders?), then a while later when I rebooted, it tryed23:09
Glycanto poitn to windows (normally boot points to windows, and windows asks you what you want, and you go to ubuntu from there.), but most of windows wosn't there, so I can't get to U. A live CD I made only shows test console, and doesn't even let past the cd, I think. "BusyBox v1.17.1, build in shell (ash). How do I get to U?23:09
lastoflastvcoolio-what should i write23:09
studentzAgresiV I mean the one that is working in xubuntu23:09
GlycanE.g. hwo do I make toshiba poitn directly to U.23:09
VCooliolastoflast: more details on your problem: what do you want to achieve, what's the problem, is there error output, what did you try to solve23:09
Glycan(Also how to resize partitions, but that's another story)23:09
bU1137Pr00fDoes anyone know of a good VPN service that I can use on Ubuntu?23:09
macsi keep getting this error when trying to start mysql http://pastebin.com/bqBQNctf can someone help me please23:09
GlycanCan someone help _me_?  I've been waiting for about an hour.23:10
AgresiVstudentz, in the 11.04 could fix squat... to much info to digest.. so I went for the 10.10.. It doesn`t work as it should work but at least a have opengl23:11
AgresiVstudentz, shouldn`t xorg.conf be located in /etc/X1123:11
studentzAgresiV that  is good enough. Yep23:12
GlycanHave you all muted me or something?23:12
studentz /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:12
AgresiVI can`t find it....23:12
lastoflastvcoolio-i solved it own my own,still thanks23:13
=== Vituz is now known as Vitux
lastoflastthough i have another question23:13
bU1137Pr00fI need a good VPN for Ubuntu. Anyone know of any?23:14
Vituxdoes anyone have experience with jackd?23:14
raidoGlycan: Sounds like you removed the boot bartition/boot loader. Unless you have some significant investment in that install, and since you dont want Windows anyway, just start ovar. Reinstall Ubuntu and manage the partitions on the fresh install process.23:14
cellardoorWhich is the ubuntu dev channel? #ubuntu-dev is relatively deserted23:14
AgresiVstudentz, take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/603479/23:14
VituxI installed guitarix/jackd the other day.. and ever since then I've got a weird echo on my sound23:15
Vituxnothing I do seems to remove it23:15
GlycanNo, I have important _files_ on the windows partition, and soem good stuff on the old ubuntu one, to.23:15
VituxI've checked the forums23:15
studentzAgresiV try in a terminal   sudo   find  /  -type f  xorg.conf23:15
GlycanBarition? Boot loader?23:15
Vituxheck I even uninstalled guitarix and jackd and makes no difference23:16
lastoflasti need help in  finding good music player having playlist pane editor,not playlist queue23:16
Vituxrhythmbox? :P23:16
Vituxlastoflast, whats wrong with rhythmbox/banshee?23:16
eekTheCatstudentz, there isn't much reason for an xorg.conf on most modern systems23:17
eekTheCatstudentz, I don't have one23:17
lastoflastvitux-brother they have playlist queue,i hate it. i need playlist pane editor just like in winamp,wmp,mediamonkey23:17
AgresiVfind: ‘Xorg.conf’: No such file or directory23:17
MoleManattempting to install transmission-daemon to use web interface, anybody know where the files are so I can add my IP to the whitelist?23:18
Vituxthere's always xmms :\ sadly it's deprecated..23:18
Vituxwhich is too bad cause I always loved xmms23:18
studentzeekTheCat  May be you are right, but we are talking about a specific old hardware, like my laptop from 200123:18
Cube``i want to automate a python job, but when i use cron to run it from some directory, the filenames in the script don't work anymore, like when i have "f = open('asd.log')" it doesnt open it in the script directory, but tries to open it in the cron directory, where it obviously does not exist. how can i execute a script with a custom working directory?23:19
lastoflastvitux- i have tried that,gmusic,exaile23:19
lastoflastand others23:19
Vituxin that case I don't fully understand your issue23:19
GlycanGood grief23:19
VCoolioMoleMan: localhost:9091/transmission/web or try dpkg -L transmission-daemon; maybe /usr/share/transmission/web23:19
AgresiVstudentz, find: ‘Xorg.conf’: No such file or directory23:20
VituxI have no idea what playlist pane editor would mean then..23:20
eekTheCatAgresiV, the command would be find / -name xorg.conf23:20
Vituxcan you be any more descriptive?23:20
Cube``how can i execute a script with a manual workdir?23:20
studentzAgresiV  Are you in Xubuntu?23:21
AgresiVdo`h... thx23:21
daveone_does anyone know the next alternative to kdenlive? I am having a few issues under natty :(23:21
eekTheCatlastoflast, i don't know what you mean either. just throwing Amarok out there as another possiblity23:21
MnCCLjL, thanks a million =)23:21
LjLMnCC: did it? :)23:21
VituxeekTheCat, glad to know I'm not the only lost one :)23:22
AgresiVstudentz, /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/examples/xorg.conf23:22
MnCCLjL, had some problems with gparted .. but im ok now =)23:22
illioI'm looking at this bug report at the moment.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/542943 .. They're claiming the fix has been released in the given versions they write in there.. but how do I get those versions, because the official packages have earlier versions?23:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 542943 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc assert failure: vlc: encoder/encoder.c:2481: x264_encoder_frame_end: Assertion `pic_out->i_pts >= pic_out->i_dts' failed." [Medium,Fix released]23:22
lastoflastvitux-i have large music collections around 50k,so managing requires good music organizers.i like rhythmbox but it has playlist queue(i cant play one song again). you might say that you have browser,but suppose i need two different artists.i would not create playlist for that23:22
Vituxwell you could do as I do.. throw everything in the library and make different playlists23:23
VituxI can play any one song I want at a time23:23
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:23
VituxI don't much use the playlists... I mostly just use the library23:23
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest70321
lastoflastvitux-not in playlist quue23:24
fizyplanktonany one know how to connect to wifi network "foo" with network key "bar" via cli?23:24
studentzAgresiV  I think you can try it. The driver is usually mesa.23:24
phedsudo iwconfig wlan0 essid bar23:24
Vituxlastoflast, it may be that my music collection isn't as vast as yours.. but I don't seem to be following you I think...23:25
zubin71hi. Im on a 64 bit machine right now and id like to compile my c program in a 32 bit mode. how can i do that23:25
AgresiVstudentz, well...here goes nothing... see ya in 11.04 :))23:25
Vituxlastoflast, terribly sorry I couldn't be of any help23:25
zubin71Thanks in advance.23:25
lastoflastvitux-no issue. have a good day(i am in india)23:25
studentzAgresiV Good luck. I'll be out for a while :)23:25
phedsudo iwconfig wlan0 key bar23:25
VituxCanadian here :)23:25
MrKeunerhello, natty here... in synaptic, items in residual config section cannot be purged... Any idea what may be wrong? is it me or everyone?23:25
AgresiVstudentz, thanks a lot for the help... beats googling anytime :))23:26
beanstalkI just updated my netbook to 11.04 but now I'm dropped automatically in the command line without going to the graphical login screen. How do I fix this?23:26
zubin71aah the -m32 argument23:26
* zubin71 is used to using the -arch from osx23:27
lastoflastanyone uses songbird??need help23:27
anygivennameanyone can help with Asterisk ?23:28
phedbeanstalk type startx23:28
beanstalkphed: "fatal server error: no screens found"23:28
phedx is broken by the sounds of it23:28
=== rocio is now known as Limada
Limadahello everybody, hope somebody can help. I need to copy my web folder into var/www so I can launch in in firefox, how can I do it? thanks in advance.23:30
beanstalkphed: how should I fix it?23:30
coz_Limada,   several ways,, in terminal      sudo nautilus,, then you can just drag and into that directory  or paste it there23:30
phedmv /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.broken23:31
phedreboot and test23:31
coz_Limada,  the other way is to   sudo mov name/of/webfolder  /var/www23:31
jimmybriteI upgraded 10.10 to 11.04, I dual boot, and now I can't boot into ANY os at all, long story short, grub2 messed up my mbr something fierce, can anyone direct me the right way, i'm geting nowhere with the grub2 ubuntu documentation23:31
phedor try to autogen a new xorg.conf file23:31
coz_Limada,  sorry that is  sudo mv  not mov23:31
Limadacoz_, thanks, I need to be root, ohhh....ok. I'll try that, thanks for your kindness.23:31
coz_Limada,  no problem23:32
coz_Limada,  yeah its easy when you do      sudo nautilus... but just as easy with the sudo mv  stuff as well23:32
jimmybriteI'm also getting error : nosuch device, no such disk, need to load kernel first23:32
kim0Hi, anyone running natty on macbookpro7.1 ? I'm not getting wifi23:32
dibsI am having a lot of window based redraw issues, is there anyone how can help at all?23:34
makaveli0129ok i have windows 7 installed in a virtualbox ubuntu as the host OS and i can't see any of my other partitions in virtualbox anyone know how to do this?23:34
dfgasupdated to 11.04 and now my screen is all messed up. besides /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there any other settings i can delete?23:34
dfgasso it will auto setup my screen again?23:34
dfgasor any other way to fix it??23:34
raidoIt seems so oxymoronic that the Ubuntu policy in IRC it to not support the use of the root account because of the preceived increase in suppord demand but then a huge amount of time and effort is spent on having to support dual booting/resizing partitions and shared partitions between Win/Linux. Having to support dial booting in IRC far surpasses support demand than would peoples use/misuse of the root account and at lease using the root account is related o23:35
Limadacoz_ it worked, I did moved the folder there but firefox is now asking me what it should do with the file =/23:35
coz_Limada,  ok at this point..you will have to ask someone else.. my feet are a bit wobbly with networking issues of any kind23:36
Limadacoz_ lol, ok. THanks anyway ;)23:36
beanstalkphed: I'm trying your first suggestion23:36
dibsAre you guys getting graphical issue in Natty?23:37
beanstalkphed: the first one works, I think :)23:37
coz_dibs,  can you be a bit more specific?  is this nvidia?23:37
Krondibs: I'm running Natty on a laptop with an NVIDIA card and a desktop with an ATI card. No problems on either.23:38
dibscoz_: ati, compiz, unity, when typing in a window nothing shows till I resize the window then it's fine for a while.23:38
coz_dibs,  ah someone had this issue the other day,, I dont recall the solution,, gah23:39
dibsAnyone else have this issue? ati, compiz, unity, when typing in a window nothing shows till I resize the window then it's fine for a while.23:39
Belial`i did an upgrade from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 and unity worked fine. i just did a clean install of 11.04 and now it's telling me i can't run unity on my system and it defaults to classic.23:39
dibscoz_: yeah it's not too bad but enough to bring me here23:39
bU1137Pr00fOkay, VPNs for Linux. Anyone know of a good service to use?23:39
coz_dibs,  yeah not doubt,, trying to see if I remember the solution,, but no luck  so far,, so in the meantime ,, someone else can take this if they remember23:39
phedcool beanstalk gl23:39
dibscoz_: so you think they resolved it?23:40
dibsI hear there are new ati drivers so I might try those?23:41
coz_dibs,  I am vaguely remember that it was solved for that one person,, i dont think I was the one who solved it  however23:41
KronBelial`: Sounds like it's not recognizing your video card. You try installing restricted drivers maybe?23:41
Belial`Kron, i have an optimus laptop (intel switchable to nvidia) but that doesn't work.23:41
Belial`it always uses the intel chip which worked fine when i used unity after upgrading from 10.1023:42
makaveli0129i have windows 7 installed in a virtualbox ubuntu as the host OS and i can't see any of my other partitions in virtualbox anyone know how to do this?23:42
Belial`for some reason the clean install doesn't run it.23:42
jimmybriteI upgraded 10.10 to 11.04, I dual boot, and now I can't boot into ANY os at all, long story short, grub2 messed up my mbr something fierce, can anyone direct me the right way, i'm geting nowhere with the grub2 ubuntu documentation, should I just reinstall grub2?23:42
coz_dibs,   I do recall asking to also join #radeon channel23:42
dibscoz_: thanks bro, will do!23:43
coz_dibs,  he may have gotten it solved there :)23:43
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
KronBelial`: You might not be the only one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/77068523:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 770685 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "there is no optimus support in linux" [Undecided,New]23:44
litropy_Hi, peeps. For some reason Bluetooth won't turn on. The menu applet says it's on but when I go into the Bluetooth prefPane I see a but button that says "Turn Bluetooth on." I click that, and the button greys ... and nothing happens.23:45
litropy_s/but button/button23:45
Belial`Kron, yeah, i've read on all that. it's just weird that if i install 10.10 first and then do an upgrade to 11.04, unity works.23:46
Kronlitropy_: You sure it's enabled in the BIOS?23:46
Belial`but i wanted to try a clean install.23:46
litropy_Kron, yes.23:46
KronBelial`: I understand wanting a clean install :)23:46
Kronlitropy_: I'm afraid my Bluetooth Dongle grew legs. I haven't played with it in Natty :/23:47
litropy_Is there a CLI command I can use --verbose in order to see the output of what happens when I attempt to enable Bluetooth?23:48
litropy_Kron, wireless keyboards all the way!23:48
=== funnylookinhat is now known as FunnyLookinHat
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
Kronlitropy_, hehe all my wireless keyboards are RF and the range is disappointing23:49
litropy_... radioing to a bluetooth card, hooked into an iMac, hooked into an HDTV!23:49
Kevin147Now that I upgraded to ubuntu 11.04, it FRIED my monitor, what am I supposed to do about this? >:|23:49
litropy_Kron, Range is fine from couch distance here23:49
CheeseIs there any way i can install fedora along with ubuntu and windows 7?23:50
litropy_Kron, it works when I boot into OS X (not a fanboy). I'm using Refit to dual boot.23:50
Kronlitropy_, Not sure if it will show up there, but you could try tail -f /var/log/dmesg and see if any events show up there?23:50
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
Kevin147Now that I upgraded to ubuntu 11.04, it FRIED my monitor, what am I supposed to do about this? >:|23:52
coz_Kevin147,   get a new monitor...yes?23:53
CheeseIf i install fedora along with ubuntu and windows 7 Will grub pick it up? is there any special installation procedure i have to do?23:53
litropy_Kron, nothing bluetooth-related.23:53
Kevin147coz_: oh yeah totally, how about you buy me one? not my fault 11.04 FRIED my monitor! I'm ticked23:53
linux_is_my_herohow do i disable ubuntu one?23:54
linux_is_my_heroin ubuntu 11.04?23:54
Kevin147it was a brand new monitor, just got it over the time of the return date so yup >.>23:54
CheeseI dont know why the operatings system would fry your monitor23:54
coz_Kevin147,  well not trying to be  flippant about it,, but ubuntu didnt fry the monitor23:54
CheeseIt was probably a coincidence23:54
Kevin147Cheese: new drivers = fry my monitor23:54
Kevin147yes it did23:54
linux_is_my_herokevin147: if the refresh rate is wrong, that can do some damage.23:54
Kevin147it was 60Hz23:54
coz_Kevin147,  which video card do you have?23:54
Kevin147idk, i can't see it?23:54
coz_Kevin147,  in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga23:55
linux_is_my_herokevin147: did you consider just contacting your monitor vendor and blaming them?23:55
linux_is_my_herokevin147: just tell them it never worked in the first place and you want another one.23:55
coz_Kevin147,   wait apparenlty you are not on linux ,, am I correct?23:55
Kevin147linux_is_my_hero: yes I tried that23:55
Kevin147didn't work because they say that Linux did it23:55
Kronlitropy_, Found this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bluetooth/2011-March/009623.html23:55
Kevin147on my laptop atm, that has ubuntu23:55
coz_Kevin147,   yeah ,, shows what they know23:55
CheeseAre you sure it didnt fuck your video card?23:56
litropy_Kron, browsing23:56
coz_Kevin147,  ah ok23:56
Kevin147I'm switching over to pclinuxos gnome version23:56
linux_is_my_herokevin147: call them back and say you have a blank hdd and therefore only a signal from your bios. if they dont understand that just ask to speak to a supervisor.23:56
sgaapKevin, the only thing that might be an issue is if the driver overclocked your gpu and it fried, but that would be a long shot23:56
linux_is_my_hero11.04 is slower than 10.10 was because it reenabled ubuntu one. how do i disable ubuntu one in 11.04?23:57
Kevin147linux_is_my_hero: I tried that, I said it about 100 times to ESALATE the call, but hp is so damn stubburn >.>23:57
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
Kevin147unity sucks anyway, thats why I'm changing.. one more thing I guess I'm gonna try is to install windows (blek!!) and see if that works.. if that doesn't, I'm gonna call them back23:58
Kronlitropy_, You try restarting the bluetooth service?23:58
Kevin147so bbl.23:58
linux_is_my_herokevin147: have you tried connecting an HD video source via HDMI, like cable/sat/fios or a video game console?23:59
litropy_Kron, sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart worked! thanks!23:59
linux_is_my_heroor an N64 via component :-D23:59
Kronlitropy_, Great!23:59
Kevin147linux_is_my_hero: still don't work, tried it on my laptop and everything, still don't work so its the monitor not my comp23:59
Kevin147and before 11.04 does anymore damage to my comp, I'm changing asap.23:59

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