
qwhelanHi. In trying to fixing a U1 issue I was having, it seems I may have hosed my local couchdb. I tried apt-get purging, but it seems the bad database survived that. What do I need to do to get couchdb/desktopcouch back to a known state?03:07
mandelmorning all08:05
teknicogood morning09:00
karniGood morning!09:20
karniWhat a ... snowy and rainy day we have today here in the North of Poland.09:21
pedronisgood morning all09:35
karnihi pedronis09:35
karniIf a bug report is a duplicate, should I mark it as invalid as well, or just 'duplicate of..' and that's it ?09:40
beunokarni, duplicate of09:40
karnibeuno: thanks09:41
* fagan forgot to say morning 09:58
JamesTaitBuenos días a todos!09:58
mandelJamesTait: room mate, hello ;)09:59
JamesTaitHola mandel. :)10:00
JamesTaitQue pasa?10:00
mandelJamesTait: ah, no esta nada mal, leegas a decir que pasa tronco y hubiera pensado que eres español :)10:00
JamesTaitOK, you win. ;)10:01
mandelJamesTait: there is nothing bad in there, and google translate will be puzzled :)10:01
JamesTaitWow, yes, Google translate needs translating. :)10:03
JamesTait"ah, not bad, you get to say what happens trunk and Spanish would have thought that you"10:03
beunoJamesTait, be careful, though, mandel may not be the best person to learn spanish from!   :p10:03
faganmandel: any new merges10:03
JamesTaitbeuno: I suspect mandel would teach me Spanish the same way my wife teaches me Afrikaans - all the bad words. ;)10:04
mandelbeuno: buah! he will learn castellano, which is event better, podemos coger cosas :)10:04
beunomandel, for extra fun, JamesTait will be in Buenos Aires in 3 weeks10:05
JamesTaitFor the second time. And I'm still waiting for one of you to teach me Spanish. ;)10:06
mandelJamesTait: do ask the following: Perdón, donde se coge el autobus para ir a la playa? Quiero recoger conchas para mi hijo10:06
mandelal niño le encantan todo tipo de conchas!!!10:07
mandelwhich is perfectly polite spanish :)10:07
JamesTaitSomething about a bus and a beach. :)10:07
beuno...and I will film that from a decent distance10:07
mandelfagan: no mergers ready, I mean that you can review, lp is read only10:07
beunoJamesTait, you will soon learn that certain words in Spain mean _totally_ different things in Argentina10:08
JamesTaitbeuno: This does not surprise me in the least. :)10:08
faganwell English is different in other countries too10:09
mandelJamesTait: and for some strange reason, it is always something sexual10:09
JamesTaitfagan: Exactly. There are some quite shocking, if amusing differences in meaning across the pond. :)10:09
faganLike there are lots of words used in America that have completely weird meanings over here10:09
JamesTaitmandel: Yeah, all the examples that are coming to mind at the moment are somehow sexual! Funny, that!10:10
mandelJamesTait: a poor guy from the canary islands said: Voy a coger la guagua, which is terrible in Peru for some reason…10:10
mandelgoes from I'm going to take de bus to 'm going to fuck the baby...10:11
mandelfagan: lp is back can you look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/cannot_shutdown_windows/+merge/5983310:13
faganmandel: sure10:14
mandelfagan: and https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/cannot_start_windows/+merge/5984810:14
mandelbeuno: will you be at UDS?10:18
beunomandel, I will10:18
beunoI'm here for this week and next10:18
mandelbeuno: oh, yes the some hand (or what ever the name is)10:19
beunoright, "canonical summit"10:19
karnimandel: haha, "some hands" as opposed to "all hands" ;D?10:24
beunokarni, that is exactly iy10:24
beunowhen the whole company gets together, it's some hands10:24
beunoer, all hands10:25
beunowhen only part of it, some hands  :)10:25
karniyeah =)10:25
faganbeuno: but even then there are always people missing10:25
beunofagan, from all hands?10:25
faganyeah there couldnt be everyone10:26
beunofagan, well, I think for the last all hands we had everyone in the company10:27
mandelfagan: all hands != UDS10:28
faganbeuno: hmmmm I just would have thought they would miss at least 1010:28
faganin terms of something always comes up10:29
mandelof course, always some one will be missing10:29
faganmandel: I know :)10:29
beunoI don't remember anyone missing, but it could of been10:29
faganbeuno: maybe it was no one that you would miss10:29
beunomaybe we should rename it to "all hands (that care enough to show up)"10:29
faganwell "all hands (that are needed there)"10:30
karnifagan: how would you know, have you evern been to all hands already? :)10:30
fagankarni: nope im just guessing10:30
karnifagan: naturally somebody might not come due to personal or company issues, but the point is, everyone should come.10:31
faganBut I have a tendency to get guesses like that right. (doesnt work with programming though)10:31
fagankarni: that was the reason why I said it cant be "all hands" :D10:32
mandelno, there are feet and ears too10:32
faganmandel: boooooo10:32
karnifagan: but it's supposed and expected to be all hands. would you say "my software is broke" only because it *may* contain a bug :P?10:32
fagankarni: well all software is broken because every software has bugs and things to improve upon10:33
karnifagan: you're a pessimist, right?10:33
faganjust varying levels of broken10:33
mandelno, yacc is finished10:33
fagankarni: realist10:33
karnifagan: software quality scale: just a little broke, some broke, broke, broke as fsck ;d ?10:34
karnifagan: then face it, in reality - it's called "all hands" ;D heheh10:34
fagankarni: exactly10:34
karnifagan: all right, I'm going back to my "some broke" software ;)10:35
fagankarni: ha have fun10:35
karnifagan: thanks10:35
mandelkarni, fagan: so you too are telling me that 'print "hello world"' is broken software?10:35
karnimandel: yes it is! who knows if the libraries aren't "broke as fsck"  ;)10:35
mandelkarni: no, that software is correct, the axioms (libs working) on which it stands imply it10:37
mandellets asusmer we are talking about maths, would you say that 1+1 is broken?10:37
faganmandel: well anything with <200 lines of code isnt really in the same light as something higher than that10:37
karnimandel: that was irony, I'm not the pessimist here ;)10:37
faganthere can always be improvements made to larger projects than that10:38
mandelkarni: I kind of like this dicsussions10:38
karnifagan: with that I don't agree. it can be equally broke as fsck like a 30000 line software. just poor quality 200 lines of code.10:38
karnimandel: :)10:38
fagankarni: yeah10:38
mandelprint 'Helo world!'10:40
faganoh and your 1+1 code can be improved upon mandel by writing it in assembly10:40
mandelA one liner with a bug :)10:40
faganmandel: no \n10:40
faganand l10:41
mandelfagan: I was talking about arithmetics, not coding10:41
mandelfagan: and print already adds de \n10:41
faganmandel: and spelling10:41
faganmandel: yeah but im a C programmer I want to see a \n10:41
karnithis is such a waste of time ;] ;P10:42
mandelmandel: there there would be another hidden char missing10:42
mandelhe I talked to my self, classy10:42
faganmandel: hah10:42
karnimandel: :D10:42
faganfagan: you do know your right10:42
karninow that was funny :)10:43
faganThis entire conversation is quotable on the wiki10:43
* fagan wonders if lp is back up yet11:20
mandelfagan: I have been working with it no problem11:25
faganmandel: sweet ill do your merges then11:25
faganmandel: is just a code review ok for the cannot start windows branch11:26
faganyou didnt provide the test infi11:27
mandelfagan: well, those bits have no tests...11:27
faganwell I read down through the code and its ok11:27
mandelfagan: they are the scripts that start the service, so kinda ahrd...11:28
mandelthere is always some part you cannot cover :(11:28
fagan+1 anyway its fine for code review11:28
faganoh both are like that11:28
faganok both approved11:31
faganjust on code review11:31
mandelfagan: cool, give me some mins and I'll send yet another one :)11:33
mandelwith tests11:34
mandelfagan: what was the name of the pacakge to install so that the ui would not appear in the sso tests?11:40
faganmandel: em something starting with an x :D11:41
faganill go find it11:41
mandelhehehe the x I did guess too :)11:41
faganmandel: xvfb11:42
mandelfagan: superb, thx!11:43
mandelfagan: here is the new one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix_signals_emition/+merge/5989811:49
faganmandel: I have to pop off for a little sec ill get to it when I get back11:49
mandelfagan: np11:50
* fagan needs to catch up with payroll for 10 minutes brb12:26
faganoki done with that ill get onto that merge in 15 taking a break12:41
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
mandelguys, one question, do we have a stand up today?13:51
faganhow many are here?14:01
fagandobey, thisfred, mandel14:01
faganthink thats it14:02
faganill just go and dobey can do his when he notices14:03
fagan* did 2 merge requests from mandel14:03
fagan* did some nice notes on the sessions at UDS14:03
fagan* checked up on payroll to see whats going on14:03
fagan* do some more merges14:03
fagan* nope14:03
mandelDONE: Performed my partially succeful sync with sd on windows. Found bug that I'm currently fixing but the thing kind of 'works'14:03
mandelTODO: More small fixing, py2exe, throw at people.14:03
mandelBLOCKED: no14:03
mandelthisfred, please14:03
thisfredDONE: nothing much, packaging exercises TODO: might look into packaging playdar so it'll be easier to install and test BLOCKED: no14:03
fagancongrats mandel14:04
fagan(on getting it working)14:04
mandelyes, we are getting there, lots of tiny bug, but we are there14:05
fagango team go :D14:05
mandelthisfred: is that .deb what you are doing?14:07
thisfredmandel: yeah packaging in my own ppa14:08
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
faganmandel: that sso branch has some failures14:08
mandelthisfred: cool14:08
fagan14 I cant remember if that is normal or not14:08
mandelfagan: pastebin please14:08
mandelfagan: if it complains that the reactor is unclean might be because the windows socket takes to long to clean14:09
thisfredmandel: nessita taught me how. It's not that hard for python projects. Of course playdar isn't so I'm gonna have to figure stuff out14:09
mandelthisfred: I'll pick you brain at UDS I should learn this things :)14:10
faganmandel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60326114:10
thisfredmandel: sure14:10
thisfredmandel I'll mail you the packaging howto nessita wrote, so we have it there14:11
mandelfagan: can yu import pykeyring?14:11
* fagan looks14:11
mandelimport keyring14:12
mandelthisfred: superb, that way I'll do something while in the plain14:12
mandelalthough this time for me is 'close'14:12
faganmandel: nope14:12
thisfredthe rain in spain stays mainly in the plain14:12
alecuhello. Sorry I'm late.14:13
thisfredhi alecu14:13
mandelfagan: then you have to install it :)14:13
mandelalecu: we hate you for that ;)14:13
faganalecu: its cool only 4 of us anyway14:13
alecudid we have a standup?14:13
mandelthisfred: hehe, I dont know what my brain was thinking, probably in spanish, such an easy lang to write14:14
faganalecu: yep14:14
mandelalecu: yes, but you can do your part if you please :)14:14
faganmandel: passed and approved14:15
mandelthisfred: can I ask you a favour, I cannot find in spain that clicker thing you used to train your dog, would it be hard to bring me one?14:15
mandelfagan: sweet14:15
thisfredmandel: If I get to a pet store before saturday I will14:16
thisfredor else I'll give you mine14:16
fagandid any of you look at any of my notes that I posted on ubunet?14:16
mandelthisfred: thank you very much!!!14:16
* fagan is wondering if there is any feedback 14:17
mandelfagan: which notes?14:17
mandelfagan: I was in the classroom if that is it14:17
faganmandel: I posed a load of docs onto ubunet that I wrote up yesterday14:17
faganI just was doing some thoughts on UDS sessions14:17
faganthere was a couple of pretty long ones14:17
dobeyλ DONE: mostly fixed bug #566292 and bug #746592 pointlessly14:18
dobeyλ TODO: finish fixing up the nightlies builds14:18
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:18
ubot4`Launchpad bug 566292 in ubuntuone-music-store "Show fewer pages at a time on the My Downloads page (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56629214:18
ubot4`Launchpad bug 746592 in libubuntuone (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Many songs in My Downloads can block UI (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74659214:18
faganI did one about the music store, shotwell plugin and u1-people14:18
faganThe music store one was about navigation and suggestion of songs to buy14:19
mandelfagan: I cannot find them14:20
faganmandel: ill pm them14:20
faganmandel: are you sure it wasnt posted on the ML?14:21
mandelfagan: not that I saw them14:22
faganIf so that explains why no one commented14:22
* fagan checks gmail14:22
dobeyi don't talk about private mailing lists in public places :)14:22
faganyeah its definitely there14:22
fagandobey: well they are just notes14:23
faganI dont mind putting them in public but would prefer not to be discussing why I dont like the music store at the moment in public :/14:23
faganjust not to get peoples hopes up for a reboot14:24
fagan(just in case)14:24
fagansince im still not long here I dont know what the story is on some of the public private talky bits14:25
faganso better safe than sorry14:26
faganoooh that would be a good one for my first post about what I learned so far14:27
faganAsk mark starts in a half hour14:28
faganalways very interesting14:28
faganmandel: I see another merge14:32
mandelfagan: certainly14:33
dobeyman this weather sucks14:48
fagan10 minutes till ask mark in #ubuntu-classroom14:50
faganAsk mark in #ubuntu-classroom at the moment just in case anyone isnt there :)15:08
fagandobey: dont use tracker for the service16:01
faganit would be 100x more sucessful if you did a quick dbus api for it16:01
mandelfagan: shall we ask him why they make me work on windows ;)16:02
dobeyfagan: do you have some valid reason for that16:02
dobeymandel: ask who?16:02
fagandobey: well for 1 it would be easier for mandel to port16:03
dobeyno it wouldn't16:03
fagandobey: 2 if you wanted that service on the disk to provide the search to unity you cant use tracker16:04
mandeldobey: mark, refering to fagans mention about u-clarrom16:04
dobeyfagan: you are making no sense16:04
dobeymandel: the ask mark thing is over with now16:04
fagandobey: the service is for allowing queries of what songs are available correct?16:05
fagandamn im an idiot but still ill stick by my point and say dont use tracker16:06
dobeyyou are just hating on tracker for no good reason, is all16:06
mandelfagan: is there a reason16:06
mandelhaha, both more or less saying the same :P16:06
faganwell there is a few reasons why tracker isnt being used today in Ubuntu by default and they are its big its overly complicated for simple tasks and most importantly it has major memory leaks even now16:08
fagandobey: the reason why im saying dont use tracker is simply because it wouldnt take a very long time to write our own dbus service that indexes the songs and have it completely reliable and maintainable16:09
dobeytracker isn't being used today for purely historical reasons16:09
dobeyand people spreading false information, like you are now16:10
mandelin FOSS you should reuse, if is meant to do the job like we want it, but has memory leaks, we should fix it, not reinvent the wheel16:10
mandelexcept for dbus on Windows, I'm not fixing that16:10
dobeymandel: windows is a whole other set of insane issues for stuff like this16:11
dobeymandel: unless we're going to start shipping banshee on windows for our media integration point, i'd say don't worry about it16:11
fagandobey: cant we plug the zeitgeist full text search or something instead and actually use whats shipped in the desktop already16:12
mandeldobey: yes, I dont worry about windows, if they ask more than I can do, well they wont get it :)16:12
dobeyzeitgeist is not a search service16:12
fagandobey: it has a search built in and thats what unity is using for the most part16:13
dobeyno it isn't16:13
mandeldobey: can you elaborate?16:14
fagandobey: zeitgeist-extension-fts in the repo and installed by default in ubuntu16:14
dobeyunity doesn't do search, and neither does zeitgeist16:14
dobeyzeitgeist does not index your data16:15
dobeyzeitgeist only searches for things you've physically looked at previously on the machine16:15
fagandobey: it stores logs of activity but if you log enough activity you get all of the data16:15
dobeyfagan: so it's basically entirely useless16:16
fagandobey: not really16:16
dobeyzg stores history16:16
dobeythat's it16:16
dobeyyes really16:16
faganif you are on a new install of Ubuntu and zeitgeist is installed it will know about everything that is on your computer16:17
dobeywhy should i have to go and actually open *ALL* of the files on my computer, to be able to search them?16:17
dobeyno it won't16:17
faganno just the users files16:17
faganwhich is what we are dealing with16:17
faganim just saying we should be using the same thing that unity is plugging for its search that is in the dash16:17
dobeyplease stop saying things that aren't true16:18
fagandobey: can I bring someone in who knows more than both of us about this?16:18
faganok he is coming16:19
dobeywho? manish?16:19
fagandobey: seif16:19
faganhey dude16:19
faganseiflotfy: could you explain how the fts extension works with unity16:20
faganim wondering how we can not use tracker for a music discovery service for u116:20
dobeywhatever, i am going to lunch16:20
mandelseiflotfy: would be interesting to here the point of using ze* (bloody german word) and tracker16:22
seiflotfyfagan, tracker does nothing else than add a a montior on  the harddisk on "Music" director16:22
seiflotfyit doesnt really scan your harddisk16:22
seiflotfyits just monitors the XDG directories and the home directory16:22
seiflotfyif anything is outside the XDG directory its not discovered per default16:22
faganseiflotfy: well the idea is that we are thinking about doing some sort of plugin or something to tracker to give it the data of what music is synced16:23
seiflotfyfagan, i can finish a script that does that the same way tracker does16:24
seiflotfythere is no magic in it16:24
seiflotfyits just a process monitors the "Music directory"16:24
seiflotfyyou can do it in a few lines of python too16:25
seiflotfyfagan, if you want i can do it for you16:25
faganseiflotfy: well this is both in the cloud and what is already synced locally16:25
faganthats the idea that is there16:25
seiflotfytracker won't look into the cloud unless you tell it which directory it is16:25
seiflotfytracker cant tell you whats synced16:26
seiflotfyit will tell you what music you hav16:26
seiflotfyenot whats synced16:26
faganseiflotfy: well id say the idea that dobey had was to tell tracker what music is there and if they try to play it, it would sync or stream down..etc16:28
faganIm only suggesting not using tracker because its not going to be shipped by default because its not needed16:29
seiflotfyfagan, you cant just tell tracker on the fly something is here or there16:29
seiflotfyele we would have used it as our indexer16:29
faganseiflotfy: ahhh ok so we cant even use it that way16:30
faganthat clears it up a lot16:30
seiflotfyfagan, i can finish this script for you guys if you want16:30
seiflotfyi played with ubuntu one16:30
seiflotfyand i plaed with monitoring directories16:30
seiflotfyits a 500 line script imho16:30
faganseiflotfy: well im pretty sure that we could do the entire thing with a quick dbus api and get it done easy anyway we dont need to monitor anything16:32
faganso moral of the story I forgot what I was going to say originally but my point turned out valid in the end even if im bad at saying it16:33
seiflotfyif you want to know whats already there on your harddisk to not duplicate the syncing16:37
seiflotfyjust compare the directory16:37
seiflotfytracker is no help there16:37
fagandobey: yeah seiflotfy just explained that the zeitgeist fts thing uses xapian16:42
faganAlmost EOD16:44
faganI think I could have handled the lot better16:47
fagan/s/handled/handled that16:47
* fagan needs a book on tact 16:48
faganOk im leaving a few minutes early for something but will be doing some stuff later. mandel ill look down through my mail and do what ever merges are in the queue16:55
mandelfagan: ok, cool, there should be a couple16:55
mandelif I fix the bloody bug I have ;)16:56
faganmandel: its not a bug its a feature16:56
mandelhe, I wish16:56
faganthats a similar statement to "hey your not working" "yes I am im brainstorming"16:57
* fagan is bad at making up jokes16:57
faganmandel: could you mentor me in your awesome jokes :D16:58
* fagan EOD16:58
mandelfagan: the golden rain is to say: 'That is what she said'16:58
faganmandel: ha16:59
mandelI'm great at this \m/16:59
faganWe're not worthy we're not worthy :)17:00
dobeymandel: i don't think that's what golden rain is17:28
dobeyi wonder if i should even bother reading the backlog17:29
mandeldobey: I was playing with the fact that I tend to spell thing wrong, and that my jokes are dirty17:32
mandeldobey: golden ratio ;)17:32
dobeyfagan: the only thing that is clear, is that you have no idea why i suggested tracker for that blueprint :)18:04
dobeyor even what the blueprint is for18:04
dobeydoh, no rodrigo18:17
* rye wonders whether uuid mergeable lists could have been replaced by [ {'type': 'url', 'value': 'something'} , { ... } ]... After all the update/PUT calls are putting the whole document and in this case the order is preserved by js array18:44
dobeythinking out loud?18:47
ryedobey, doing couchdb2vcard converter18:47
ryedobey, and lookind at contacts from slightly different angle18:47
dobeywhy do i have to pick timezone and make a user, if i am upgrading18:48
ryedobey, hmm? why? I mean are you using the ISO image?18:48
dobeyyes, i am installing from a usb keyfob with a 11.04 iso; though the iso is a few weeks old18:49
dobeyso maybe that has been fixed18:50
ryedobey, well, i have never upgraded from the ISO image18:50
dobeyme either18:50
dobeyi didn't realize i could, until just now when i was installing it, and it gave me the option of upgrading18:50
dobeyso figured i would try it18:51
dobeywill see what happens :)18:51
ryefirst_name/last_name vs given/family grrr18:52
dobeyeh, separating names like that is always a problem18:53
ryeith_name jth_name kth_name... nth_name, n+1th_name18:53
ryei wonder what standard dc contacts are following18:54
dobeyrye: especially for this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDPqB9i1ScY18:54
ryedobey, you know, I've been specifying "O." as my middle name until i went to UK and found out that... it is based on nothing, middle name is like an alias. And "O." is initial for my patronymic name18:56
dobeywell, middle names are mostly for uniqueness really.18:57
ryeuuid for middlename!18:59
ryeRoman ac4f6b5a-704e-4bde-97e2-06cf04d63511 Yepishev18:59
dobeyoh sigh19:04
dobeyso "upgrade" went horribly wrong, but not overly so, i guess19:05
dobeyat least it didn't just repartition the entire drive19:05
karnirye: I've sent you the mail. I would be very interested in how the new app handles your huge folders in the cloud :)19:10
karni*a mail19:11
thisfredrye: the reason mergeable lists are not simply lists is that when you get two versions of a record from two different sources, you can no longer distinguish between reorderings+edits and removal/adding of entries in the list. We may have overestimated the importance of making that distinction though.19:41
ryedobey, that's the thing i was about to say, drive partitioning :)20:13
ryethisfred, well, merging the case when only mergeable lists have changed is interesting, but don't know whether this currently occurs in the natural condition20:14
ryeCommunity series is awesome but I feel i picked too many lines from it20:14
mandelguys, the bloody sd is running on windows atm, performance has gone from 90% of cpu time to 7% , over 265 chars files are downloading andwe have shares, udfs and what not20:16
mandelwell, we can't use special char just yet and file names like COM1, but that is a diff story :)20:16
thisfredmandel: ^5!20:17
thisfredor ⁵ if you prefer20:17
thisfrednext stop Amiga!20:19
dobeysyncing COM1 would be interesting ;)20:30
mandelthisfred: no way20:30
mandeldobey: yeah, it will break in a very interesting way, but I think I know how to fix this using a little trick from NTFS20:30
ryekarni, from startup till first level of files in 5 seconds20:30
ryemandel, \0COM1 ?20:31
mandelrye: yes :)20:31
mandelI'm going to try, I dont know if it will work20:31
mandelrye: the problem is not how it is represented, is how you map the event to fix the path20:32
dobeymandel: i am pretty sure that you do not want to stick a NULL in there20:33
dobeybad things will happen :)20:33
ryekarni, yay, sleek menu!20:33
mandeldobey:  I've stick a \0 with other paths and worked :P20:33
ryemandel, does \0 trick even exist?20:34
ryekarni, how are the entries sorted ? alphabetically case insensitive ?20:35
* mandel looks for something20:35
dobeymandel: i think we should just ignore files with special names20:36
mandeldobey: well, I'm going to try, what do I have to loose?20:39
dobeymandel: well, we don't sync special files on linux...20:39
dobeyi don't see why we should on windows20:40
mandeldobey: we dont?20:40
mandelwell, I can ignore special files, but will deal with special chars20:40
dobeymandel: no; we don't sync symlinks, or unix sockets/pipes20:41
mandeldidn't know that20:42
mwhudsonubuntuone-syncdaemon is still chewing my cpu to pieces22:02
mwhudsoni think it's used at least a week of cpu time by now22:02
dobeywhat is it doing?22:04
mwhudsondobey: recovering from the fact that i took my Maildir out of ~/Ubuntu One/ i think22:08
mwhudsonis there some way i can make u1 forget that i ever had any files locally at all?22:08
dobeyshut down all the processes22:09
dobeymwhudson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/HowDoICompletelyRemoveAndReinstallUbuntuOne22:11
dobeymwhudson: although, those intructions aren't exactly true on 11.0422:11
mwhudsonah, thanks22:12
dobeysince there is no ubuntuone-preferences22:12
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dobeybut just replace it with "stop all the u1 processes" :)22:12
dobeylater all!22:19
mwhudsondobey: thanks, although i now seem to have lost the u1 control panel...22:22
mwhudsonah, the software center to the rescue!22:23
karnirye: UDFs first then folders first then alphabetically - you will have an option to change that to alphabetical sort22:31
karnirye: btw yes, also case insensitive22:33
=== zyga-bbl is now known as zyga
=== JaimeRave_ is now known as JaimeRave

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