
ckontrosWhy don't we own this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntustudio-default-settings/oneiric00:03
holsteinckontros: you want to try and catch someone in -devel?00:04
holsteinor is that something TheMuso would know?00:04
ckontrosLuke might. I left a msg for james-w in #bzr but he's in the UK IIRC and Ill have to have ScottL follow up. *Any* branch we have should be owned by the -dev team.00:05
TheMusoUbuntu branches are branches that are part of the archive proper. TO get access to them you need to have ubuntu-dev privileges.00:09
TheMusoSo you can upload to the archive.00:09
ckontrosTheMuso: When the hell did this happen? And shouldnt our -dev team have access to our own branches?00:10
ckontros(and HI btw) :)00:10
ckontrosTheMuso: I mean, really. We've already been through so much shit just friggin' getting them in there. We had you (someone trusted) to make the upload. Why the change?00:12
TheMusockontros: This is ongoing work towards Ubuntu Distributed Development.00:14
ckontrosTheMuso: So WTF do we do?00:14
TheMusoEventually, anybody who is in ubuntustudio-dev will be able to touch those branches and upload packages.00:14
TheMusoAtm we use separate branches, and not worry about those ubuntu-branches.00:14
ckontrosUg. So this is something that will go away in some time? Couple of months?00:15
TheMusohave a look here for starters. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment00:15
TheMusoI don't know what the timeline is.00:15
ckontrosTheMuso: Ok. I mean, I just dont know how we'll get our disks built then. Will james-W be pulling out changes? I just know how we're supposed to work.00:17
* ckontros reads.00:17
TheMusoWe can work the way we have always done for quite a while yet, so wI wouldn't be fretting over it just yet.00:17
ckontrosWell we actually cant, because james-w now owns our main branch. We made release-specific ones for the packages. Our main one was always for tinkering. He's made /that/ one tied to oneric.00:19
TheMusoWhich branch?00:20
ckontrosLook here: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ubuntustudio-default-settings00:20
ScottLckontros, try this one: bzr branch lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio00:21
ScottLfrom: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio00:21
ScottLckontros, you are grabbing the mirrored code that would then be owned by ubuntu i think00:21
ScottLoh, i see luke is already answering :)00:21
ckontros"lp:ubuntu/ubuntustudio-default-settings" was always our main. Where "lp:ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntustudio-default-settings" would be for release.00:22
TheMusoRight, so just use the branch ScottL pointed to.00:23
ckontrosScottL: Something is odd though. Try to pull fresh and you'll see.00:23
* ckontros tries00:23
ckontrosWhy isnt our development branch listed here: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-default-settings ?00:26
ckontros/Should/ be: lp:ubuntu/ubuntustudio-default-settings By now, we dont own it.00:28
ckontrosWTF? Really, there's things going on here. Changes the team haven't kept up with.00:29
holsteinwhen you say team?00:30
ckontroshttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-studio-devel says: "UbuntuStudio Developers does not use Launchpad."00:30
holsteinwho are you reffering to?00:30
holsteinlike you and me and ScottL ?00:30
ckontrosThe -dev team.00:30
holsteinoh, the 'group'00:30
holsteinthe LP group00:30
ckontrosLook @ that page. Askes me to claim the group? I *know* that page used to look different.00:31
ckontrosGrr... There's something just weird going on. Changes. Making me nuts. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev00:32
holsteinmaybe theres just a mistake00:33
holsteinan extra one00:33
holsteinor a new one cropped up after an error00:33
ScottLckontros, i'm pulling from: bzr branch lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio00:33
holsteinand hasnt gone away yet00:33
ScottLckontros, it seems to be working correctly at the moment00:34
ckontrosHere: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-default-settings it says: "Maintainer: UbuntuStudio Developers" with a clickable link that leads to: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-studio-devel Where it should be : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev00:34
ckontrosScottL: Got time for Skype?00:35
ScottLckontros, i can in about 30 mins00:38
ScottLi've been getting code for -settings from: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio00:38
ckontrosScottL: What bothers me is that none of this is obvious. lp:ubuntu/ubuntustudio-default-settings should be ours. ALL our branches are set up this way. lp:ubuntu/ubuntustudio-PACKAGE. Im now worried all of our main branches are now like this. Where if you/I got to the page for any packages it actually doesnt show our main brainch.00:39
ScottLckontros, i think it's been this way for a release or two....i've just been using everything under ~ubuntustudio-dev00:42
ScottLbut i can follow up with james-w00:42
ckontrosScottL: "bzr branch lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio" Drops a "UbuntuStudio" folder in ~/ What happens when I pull another package? It should be a "ubuntustudio-default-settings" folder.00:43
ckontrosOr "ubuntustudio-wallpaper" folder.00:43
ckontrosScottL: Please gimmie a pastebin (or whatever) with the correct branch cmds. (and push cmds if you will)00:46
ScottLckontros, no, you're right...it makes a UbuntuStudio folder and it didn't used to do that :(00:50
ckontrosGrr... I still can't push. Something's odd.00:50
ckontrosScottL: Please pull clean, make a minor change, and try to push.00:51
ckontrosYou've done this more recently than I.00:51
ckontrosLike pull it and do a "bzr upgrade" or something.00:51
ScottLsorry, been distracted, i've been trying to keep kids from being heathens and get them dinner as well :/00:53
ScottLmade the changes, pushing in just a sec00:55
ScottLaw crap, it's not working for me either00:58
ckontrosI knew Im not nuts00:58
ScottLis this something to do with it being so early in the development cycle00:58
ckontrosMight be. Xubuntu's settings pkg is the same. Look @ the owner: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/xubuntu-default-settings/oneiric00:59
ScottLhmmm, maybe we (i) need to folow up with james-w then01:01
ckontrosSome sorta freeze has gotta be on. All of our branches to this pkg are that way.01:05
ckontrosScottL: Follow up with James and offer my apologizes if things just arent open yet. I didn't get mean, just obviously frustrated. :) And shouldn't Luke know we're frozen? :)01:09
ckontrosScottL: We also have to clean out our PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ppa01:11
ckontrosHmm.. I think I can.01:13
ckontrosScottL: Just hit me up when you're ready. If we cant actually upload code yet maybe we can take care of other stuff.01:14
holsteinckontros: did you say you were going to make a live CD?01:14
holsteinwith some studio stuff and xfce?01:15
holsteinor you wanted someone to make that*01:15
ckontrosholstein: It's a secondary goal. 1st, we gotta get things switched to XFCE and normal Alt disks building. Then, we'll need to talk to the Edubuntu folks who have made strides in task selection with their disks.01:16
ckontros*live disks.01:16
holsteinckontros: i was talking about more for demo purposes01:17
ScottLckontros, i will ping you as soon as my wife is home01:17
ckontrosThen we'll see how to apply it to us and wether Canonical will even do it.01:17
ckontrosIf they dont, then we'll go from there.01:17
ScottLi think our main goal for ocelot is to switch to xfce, if we have time for live image, then good, if not that's okay01:17
holstein12.04 wouuld be fine for the live switch01:18
holsteini was thinking more for demo purposes01:18
holsteinfor folks to see some of the apps in XFCE01:18
holsteinthere was a thread like that on the ML01:18
holsteinad i couldnt tell if you were saying you were going to make on or if you wanted someone to ckontros 01:19
ScottLholstein, mac committed to making a live image of natty01:19
ckontrosholstein: There's not much on the live front to do any time soon. I *hope* to have the switch to XFCE and our custom layout/UI done the 1st month after the archive is actually open.01:19
ckontrosNew are will follow. For now I will just use our current stuff.01:19
ckontrosAnd I guess a parallel effort (to the art. which will apply to the website) can be made with the live disk work.01:20
holsteini was just trying to come up with something I/we could do right now01:21
holsteinin the meantime01:21
holsteinfor the next couple01:21
holsteinun-related to actual dev01:21
holsteinjust so folks could have a look at XFCE01:21
ckontrosholstein: Well stepping up on the wiki page for a time line (like i posted on the list) would be a start.01:21
holsteinsince thats something i could probably handle01:21
ckontrosJust something with basic structure. Maybe copy an official ubuntu one and we'll edit to suit.01:22
holsteini was thinking we could discuss a timeline in the next meeting01:22
holsteinget a list going of what our goals are01:22
holsteinthe UI01:22
holsteinand the live thing down the road01:22
ckontrosI dont think it needs too much talk. For now, if you can get a page together that would rock.01:23
ckontrosWe should have most of our "goals" stated from the last meeting?01:23
holsteinwell, i think since then, we have really solidified the UI change01:23
ckontros(didnt need the? )01:24
ckontrosI'm gonna try for the no panels/AWN thing ASAP. If the overwhelming opinion is everyone hates it, I'll copy our old setup with an XFCE panel.01:25
ckontrosBut Ive been using *just* awn on XFCE for a week now and I gotta say it really works.01:26
holsteinill give it a look01:27
holsteinlike ive said, i know how to get rid of AWN if i dont like it01:27
ckontrosOnly niggle I have is the cario-menu applet doesnt copy the XFCE menu totally. I talked to the AWN guys and they said they are working on it and it will happen this cycle.01:27
ckontrosIm really missing Nautilus and the tabs the most. :(01:27
holsteini like nautilus01:28
ckontrosI do like Thunar. I just miss a couple of features. Just little things. But its manageable.01:30
ckontrosScottL: My wife came home early from school so I gotta chill w/her. Think about a time for us to get together to hack for a bit and let me know. Maybe Friday (ill be home) or Sunday.01:32
ckontrosScottL: Also, I was gonna do it but you should. Kill these: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ppa/+delete-packages They are damn old. We dont need the cruft.01:32
ScottLckontros, friday or sunday would be good and i'll look at the ppa later tonight01:36
holsteinScottL: this good?01:41
ScottLholstein, that sounds good01:49
holsteinScottL: theres no other oneiric specific sub directories i should honor yet right?01:50
ScottLholstein, no, but i'm thinking of adding other subdirectories under /oneiric though01:58
holsteinScottL: i think im going in /Sandbox with this02:00
holstein /Sandbox/Timeline/Oneiric02:01
holsteinif given the choice02:03
holsteinid rather have a stick in the eye than mess with wikis ;)02:03
ckontrosholstein: The addy matters less than the formatting of the page.02:06
holsteinim just going to steal it from another page02:06
holsteinthe format02:06
holsteinim just trying to think of the future02:06
ckontrosnp. Ok. Im off for the night.02:06
holsteinas far as the addy02:07
holsteinckontros: GN02:07
ScottLholstein, i'd prefer your first link to be honest02:08
ScottLholstein, i'm seriously going to parse some things out from other pages and stick them under /oneiric as well, but on their own pages of course02:09
holsteinScottL: i like that too02:10
holstein /oneiric /then whatever02:10
holsteinthen we can change down the road easier if needed02:10
holsteini think i might be missing the vision of what this page is for...02:14
ScottLholstein, i would list the things that we might want to accomplish and then place a particular date for when you think it should be done by02:38
ScottLholstein, remember, be realistic but try to allow for time to test02:38
holsteinScottL: i have a plan02:42
holsteinive already kinda started it02:42
holsteinim going to put it in that thread02:42
holsteini have some general dates02:42
holsteinlike before first alpha02:42
holsteinand question marks02:42
holsteinlets see if those get commented on02:42
holsteinand if not02:43
holsteini'll just nail it down further as needed02:43
holsteinScottL: art lead?02:43
holsteinwhats his name again?02:43
* holstein found it02:45
holsteinDick MacInnis02:47
holsteinwell, its a start03:06
holsteinnow im fixing cammelcases :)03:08
holsteinKokito: hey04:26
holsteini stole lock on you04:26
holsteinon the wiki :/04:26
Kokitohey holstein 04:26
holsteini had a quick change04:26
holsteinand i hit the button04:26
* Kokito is confused04:26
holsteinand then read that you were in there too04:26
Kokitowas just checking the page :)04:26
Kokitowill at some point observations in what relates to the new website04:27
holsteinKokito: i was hoping to catch you on that04:27
holsteinget a timeline idea04:27
holsteini dont think its on you though necessarily04:27
holsteini think we have to get access on the backend still04:28
Kokitowell, I think I can finalize the theme, say, in about 4 weeks04:28
Kokitohow the website itself is structure and what features are desired (wiki, forums, etc.), it's something that we would need to discuss as a team04:29
holsteinKokito: debian import freeze is june 16th04:29
Kokitoout of ignorance, how does that relatre to deploying the new website?04:30
holsteinKokito: it doesnt04:30
Kokitoah, ok :)04:30
holsteinim just trying to get an idea of the timeline of the release04:30
holsteinbut, mabye somewhere around there would be reasonable for you then?04:30
holsteinfinalize the theme around the 16th of june04:31
KokitoI believe so04:31
ScottLKokito, i'm sorry, i completely forgot to get you screenshots, do you still need them?04:31
holsteinKokito: you know where the page is04:32
holsteinif its too much of a push04:32
holsteinwe can push it back :)04:32
KokitoScottL: I think I have what I need for now, but it would be nice to have a screenshots area in the website, so some updated shots04:33
Kokitono rush though, ScottL 04:33
Kokitoholstein: not sure I understand you... what page are you referring to?04:33
holsteinKokito: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Oneiric/Timeline04:34
Kokitoholstein: I saw that page earlier today04:35
holsteinKokito: september 1st is resonalbe right?04:35
holsteinfor total new site deployment?04:36
Kokitoyes, I think it is holstein 04:36
Kokitoyou can quote me on that :)04:36
ScottLholstein, Kokito :  there's getting the website deployed and then there's getting content in it ;)04:38
Kokitotrue ScottL 04:39
Kokitothe new site can be deployed with the basics, and then content added gradually, preferably in a collaboritve way04:40
ScottLholstein, one thing we should consider on the timeline is time to research hosting and moving the website over (if that is the choice we make)04:42
ScottLwhich i suppose we need to have a date to make a choice about website hosting as well04:42
holsteinScottL: yeah, im assuming not moving now04:43
holsteinbut, these are all flexible04:43
KokitoScottL: that is one concern; from the POV of getting more hands in collaborating with content, running the website on our own server would be preferable04:43
Kokitobeing that it is so difficult to get admin and/or editing permissions in the current setup04:44
Kokitonot criticizing Canonical, but just stating a fact :)04:44
Kokitoon a different topic, anyone located in the San Francisco Bay Area?04:47
ScottLheh, i can't disagree with your comments Kokito  :)04:50
ScottLi'm in texas04:50
KokitoTexas is where I had the best steak in my life, after Argentina, of course ;)04:51
Kokitook, going out for a while05:06
Kokitosee you guys!05:06
holsteinKokito: o/05:07
Kokito_nice wallpaper05:53
Kokito_holstein: edited the "Update website" section of the wiki page a bit. I hope you don't mind.06:05
holsteinKokito_: please :)06:05
holsteinyeah, i like that06:06
holsteinill get with cory about the UI section06:09
holsteinand dick about the art section06:09
Kokito_cool holstein 06:09
Kokito_time for a movie06:38
Kokito_good night folks06:38
falktxbtw, I just noticed, lmms-vst is no longer available10:38
falktxso the lmms package pulls wine now10:38
falktxI guess US natty will have Wine pre-installed ?10:38
holsteinfalktx: ubuntu comes with wine now right?14:51
falktxholstein: no14:51
holsteinmaybe i just install something early on that triggers it14:52
holsteinlmms is just so glitchy14:52
holsteini need to spend more time with it 14:52
holsteinand get active about reporting where ever im supposed to be reporting14:53
* ckontros waves22:39
holsteinckontros: o/22:40

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