
thebritisheditorWell here we are again00:02
thebritisheditorit's always such a pleasure00:02
thebritisheditorNoob questions00:02
thebritisheditorHow do I run the ATI Control Center Admin?00:03
thebritisheditorIt doesn't do a thing when I try, lol00:03
Soupermanthebritisheditor, uninstall the drivers00:03
Soupermanand re-install them00:03
thebritisheditorThat booted up so fast!00:11
KM0201ubottu: should have a !woot command00:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:15
knomeKM0201, it's not a funbot00:15
KM0201knome: i know, i know.00:15
KM0201thebritisheditor: so what did you do to make it boot so fast?00:16
thebritisheditorI have no idea.00:16
thebritisheditorIt was like sleep mode, lol00:16
thebritisheditorSleep mode on Windows that is00:16
thebritisheditorHow to enable jars as executables?00:18
Soupermaninstall java00:19
thebritisheditorAlready have it installed.00:21
Soupermanchange the file atribute to executable?00:21
thebritisheditorOpenJDK, the stuff that came pre-installed00:21
thebritisheditor(I'm a noob, how?)00:21
Soupermanwell clicking on it and going to >propieties and going to the last tab and changing it to executable00:22
thebritisheditorNothing there about executables00:23
Soupermanoh, thats weird00:25
Soupermanand interesting00:25
Soupermanlol i didnt had hava installed00:27
thebritisheditorDo you happen to know of any distro with working graphics drivers? XD00:42
thebritisheditorWell, working graphics drivers for ME00:42
charlie-tcamight want to ask that in ##windows00:43
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
uofm49426if you have intel 800 or 900 gpu dont install 11.0402:17
KM020111.04 works fine on the 94502:18
uofm49426i have a i915 thinkpad x4102:19
uofm494261.5 gb ram02:19
uofm49426it would freeze on screensavers02:20
KM0201did you install the intel driver?02:20
zenroxalso too just slect blank screen02:20
zenroxrunnings 3d screens on a lappy can be taking02:21
uofm49426it does it fine in 10.1002:21
zenroxi have had probs long time ago02:22
zenroxso i just said no more02:22
uofm49426its not perfect like my nvidia gt 330 but it does alright with mav02:22
zenroxmine is 8200m02:23
uofm49426did there fix that over heating problem with intel gpu yet i read about02:24
uofm49426with kernel 3802:24
zenroxdont know02:24
uofm49426and is the 8xx and 9xx part of the problem or just the hd intel02:25
zenroxdont know02:25
uofm49426look at bug number #77004002:27
uofm49426and 75569302:28
KM0201bug #77004002:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770040 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i915gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x7d8e0001) (dup-of: 727594)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77004002:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 727594 in xf86-video-intel "SRU: [i915gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x02000004)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72759402:29
KM0201bug 75569302:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 755693 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[i915gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x7f9c000c)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75569302:29
KM0201uofm49426: well, one is for ubuntu oneiric... of course its gonna have bugs...02:30
uofm49426when i upgraded to does i upgrade the xorg-intel or not02:30
uofm49426when i upgraded to 11 from 10.10 does it upgrade the xorg-intel or not02:31
zenroxit upgrades every thang02:31
uofm49426so the intel driver would have been installed right02:32
uofm49426km0201 there you go they were installed02:33
uofm49426i think 10.10 work great till its fixed02:33
uofm49426if you guy want me to see why and send bug report i could run it from a flash drive or something02:35
uofm49426i don't have resources to run it on vm from this pc02:36
uofm49426and i dont trust it the way it ran02:36
uofm49426i run 10.10 good enough it can run assaultcube 11.04 freeze on a simple screensaver02:39
LucyIntheSkycan someone tell me why m y panels are transparent02:54
KM0201LucyIntheSky: probably cuz they are set that way, just remove the transparency02:56
LucyIntheSkyKM0201, probably because ubuntu changed my settings when it upgraded although it was told 'no'02:57
KM0201probably, so just modify them back.. :)02:58
LucyIntheSkywell I figured it out but were you planning on telling me how or were you going to watch me suffer ;\02:59
Josesordohi all :)04:07
KM0201o/ Josesordo04:19
Josesordohttp://bit.ly/lYCjkO my desktop atm.. with XFCE 4.8 in Xubuntu 11.0404:21
Josesordobut, I wish to run compiz on it.. but ppl said compiz + XFCE = bad idea04:22
smoothtastei don't see why it would = bad idea04:22
Josesordowell, they said is unstable..04:23
smoothtasteI've never done it with xubuntu, but i do it on my sabayon machine all the time04:23
Josesordomaybe, I should try...but I wont know how to recover or fix it if my xubuntu get broken04:23
Josesordosabayon?.. o_O04:23
smoothtastealways keep another WM available to log into if it fails04:24
smoothtastesuch as LXDE04:24
smoothtasteif it does, uninstall Compiz04:24
G-Kardoes 11.04 support the 486 chipset i.e. k6-2?  10.10 does not and 10.04 is not 100% on a k6-2 cpu04:25
Josesordomm.. I installed cairo dock..its cool atm.. but I tried to remove the panel 1 by default in xubuntu in the bottom..and I cant.. =(04:27
smoothtastemove a panel to the top04:30
smoothtasteRight click on the panel, go to panel properties - then delete.04:30
G-Karhas any1 had problems doing a clean install on a rig w/1.3G celeron CPU?   I had to twice do a broekn pkg repair in order to get updates04:30
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Josesordosmoothtaste, I tried that.. you cant remove a panel... when one left.. I want zero panel.. to set a cairo dock one.. haha04:33
smoothtastedelete all items04:36
smoothtastemake it transparent04:36
smoothtasteproblem solved04:36
smoothtastemove it to the top as well to avoid issues04:36
Josesordohaha.. nice logic you have.. thanks =)04:38
Josesordobut, you see you cant really delete the panel.. hehe04:39
smoothtastethen stop using xfce04:41
smoothtasteno panel at all04:41
smoothtasteI use it on my primary machine04:42
Josesordowell, Im a noob in this linux world..I just have experience with ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu and debian.. xD04:43
smoothtasteMy primary machine is archbang04:51
smoothtasteMy two toys are sabayon and xubuntu - xubuntu is a great xfce distro04:51
RaggsJosesordo, Debian is great04:51
Raggsof the buntu's xubuntu is the best04:52
Josesordoa noob question.. what is the command to lock screen on Xubuntu?..04:53
Raggsxscreensaver-lock i think04:54
smoothtasteif you kept a panel04:54
smoothtasteyou can click on your username and select lock as well. i think you can incorporate this feature into docks (cairo, docky, etc.) as well04:55
Josesordowell, in cairo dock..macOS theme..there is a button for that..but dont works..cuz dont have the command lol04:56
smoothtasteah! gotcha04:57
Josesordowell, and the command to switch user?.. not log-out..to go to login screen..you know04:58
Raggsxscreensaver-command -lock04:58
Josesordothanks a lot!05:01
Josesordoand the command to open Trash folder?05:05
ubuntudo  u guys have an updated benchmark for xubuntu 11.04 vs. ubuntu and lubuntu?05:12
zenroxask in #ubuntuforums05:14
zenroxgore go to the wiki or do one your self05:14
raevolhey guys, just upgraded to 11.04, and the installer didn't let me type in /mnt/vault for my sdb1 partition07:41
raevolit's "not being used" right now, how would i set it up to automount to where i want it?07:41
Unit193Would you be looking for !fstab? (System boot mount)07:43
raevolis that what's used in 11.04?07:43
raevoli'm kind of nubby at this, but i know hardware managing stuff gets changed every once in a while07:44
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:44
raevolok added a line to fstab by uuid, do i need to mkdir /mnt/vault, or will it do that?07:48
raevolnevermind, i see i need to make it07:48
raevolcool thanks so much Unit193 :)07:50
Unit193raevol: Sorry, my ssh got disconnected...07:51
raevolnow to get dual screen working again.... ugh07:51
quackhello. can anyone here help me regarding removing items from the xfce settings menu?08:25
Sysiwhy would you do that?08:28
quackbecause I removed emerald and its entry wasn't removed :\08:29
quackoh wait...emerald is still here. hm..weird08:30
quackI removed the package in synaptic but i guess it wasn't uninstalled08:31
raevolis there a way in natty to configure dual screen support that isn't harder than finding Bin Laden, or am i going to have to learn how to write an xorg.conf again?08:35
quacki don't know much, but have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?08:36
raevoli'll have to do this tomorrow08:40
jgouldHow do you install a kernel on the disk that is not your boot disk?10:21
Sysithat doesn't actually make sense, what are you trying to do?10:24
jgouldI have a busted kernel on my linux install.  (there is a bug that affects the i915 chipset.) this one may fix the problem, but I can't boot the machine into the install on the hard drive. I'm using a liveCD to try to get this to work...10:26
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot10:29
jgouldI fail to understand how this will help me install a new kernel that is packaged in a .deb file...10:34
well_laid_lawnfrom the liv cd you chroot into the broken system and work in it like you booted into10:38
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
tomekhhi. anyone here also have problem with thunar starting (first run) for about 10 seconds??13:34
tomekhcan't solve this problem with google.13:34
tomekh(xubuntu 11.04)13:34
TheSheeptomekh: nope, you might try stracing it to see what takes so long13:39
tomekhTheSheep: good idea.13:46
tomekhit seems that i am missing some files13:49
tomekhit is hard to go through this, a lot of informations13:54
tomekhpoll([{fd=6, events=POLLIN}], 1, 25000   <- it stops here for about 8 seconds13:58
tomekhrecvmsg(6, {msg_name(0)=NULL, msg_iov(1)=[{"l\2\1\1\0\0\0\0\10\0\0\0&\0\0\0\6\1s \0\5\0\0\0:1.54\0\0\0"..., 2048}], msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC} , MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = 5613:59
TheSheeplook for an open that returned 613:59
TheSheepbefore it13:59
TheSheepyou are not missing files, it's trying different locations14:00
tomekhopen("/usr/share/themes/greybird/gtk-2.0/gtkrc", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 614:02
tomekhthere are a lot of it14:02
tomekhwrong. that is the only one line i have found for open that returned 614:04
tomekhbut, i don't see how this would cause a problem?14:05
tomekhrecvmsg(6, 0xbff07268, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)14:05
tomekhi have just hit ctrl+c in place where it hangs http://pastebin.com/uvcrAfqT14:09
tomekhafter that:14:11
tomekhand thunar starts.14:11
zenroxi have no idea14:12
zenroxeagain sound like its looken for a sound app??14:12
tomekhgvfs? smbnetfs? dbus?14:20
tomekhzenrox: from which line of strace you guess that's thunar looking for a sound app?15:03
zenroxthe one you post in here15:03
zenrox<tomekh> recvmsg(6, 0xbff07268, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) <-- that one15:03
zenroxeagain sounds like a sound app15:03
zenroxbut i ant shure15:03
tomekhhmm. that's clean installation of 11.04, don't know what can be wrong.15:04
TheSheepEAGAIN is a constant for error reading from a file/pipe in half-blocking mode15:04
TheSheepit means "nothing to read and timed out"15:04
TheSheepit's normal15:05
zenroxhmmm i just lernt something15:05
zenroxwasnt shure15:05
TheSheepzenrox: the word is 'sure' :)15:06
tomekhthe problem of long startup occurs only at _first_ start of thunar15:06
zenroxTheSheep,  i know i dont correct my spelling15:06
Sysitomekh: "feature" afaik everybody has it15:07
tomekhSysi: 8 second start?15:08
Sysivaries, but still15:08
Sysione xubuntu dev straced it to network-think in sidebar, it makes thunar to load all gvfs-stuff on first start15:09
TheSheepconnect(6, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=@"/tmp/dbus-Vu5QIkm5um"}, 23) = 015:10
TheSheepthis is the socket that it waits for15:10
TheSheepso it's communicating with something through dbus and that something is slow to reply15:10
falcon316Hello, Anyone ther ?17:37
drcnope, nap time....17:37
falcon316Sorry to disturb you guys.17:38
* drc yawns and reaches for his cuppa17:39
* Souperman is getting ready to go to work17:39
falcon316Guys i have a problem.17:40
falcon316Need your help17:40
drcIf you'd ask the question, you might get an answer17:41
falcon316@drc: how do i enable the desktop effects in xubuntu. i am a newbie to xubuntu. i was using ubuntu b4.17:42
Soupermanfirst check that you have the correct drivers installed >sudo jockey-gtk17:42
Soupermanand check your video drivers are updated17:43
drcfalcon316: You mean compiz? or the internal to xfce desktop effects?17:43
Sysixfce doesn't have effects like wobbly windows, you can get some transparencies from window manager tweaks17:43
SysiSouperman: xfce compositing works even with vesa17:44
Soupermanyes, but if he wants the compiz stuff he needs more powah17:45
Sysihe's not yet even installing it :P17:45
Sysidid somebosy test that window-decorator-plugin with compiz?17:45
Soupermanyeah, but if he where he would need to have updated drivers, it never harms17:45
falcon316i'm looking for some aero effects when i maxmize and minimize windows which i used to get in ubuntu17:45
Soupermanyep you see, he wants compiz17:46
SysiSouperman: propietary drivers can cause problems too17:46
Sysii wouldn't nstall compiz for that.. but of course it's possible17:46
falcon316i don've any propreitry drivers installed. i'm using intel 945G motherboard17:46
Sysibut he will want window borders, does gtk-window-decorator work?17:47
falcon316which has some inbuit graphics17:47
falcon316gotta check that17:47
falcon316should i type that in the terminal17:47
Sysithat was question for somebody using compiz17:48
falcon316i know my questions would seem to you so stupid. pls guide me as i'm a newbie17:48
new_archerHi, is there a way to keep stuff like screenlets above the video window in fullscreen mode?17:50
falcon316i have installed compiz-core and compizconfig settings manager. Animations is checked. it's not working though. what should i do ?17:51
Soupermanfalcon316, run xfce4-settings-manager17:51
Sysiinstall all compiz-plugin you can find, open ccsm ready and alt+F2 "compiz --replace"17:51
Sysiand then try to find out how you can get window borders17:52
Soupermango to the windows effects configuration or something like that, and check that in the last tab >composition is enabled17:52
SysiSouperman: xfwm settings don't matter if he wants compiz17:52
falcon316@sysi : you made my day :) it's working ty so much :)17:54
Sysijust works? nice.. i think you're first, 11.04?17:55
falcon316yes. using xubuntu 11.0417:55
Soupermanim gonna go now gonna let Sysi do his work17:55
falcon316But the window border has changed17:56
falcon316by the way what is ccsm ???17:56
falcon316oh k17:56
new_archerHi, is there a way to keep stuff like screenlets above the video window in fullscreen mode?17:57
falcon316ty sysi :) i'm leaving now :) ty for your help :)17:57
Sysifalcon316: you maybe should run rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions and then save session on logout17:57
Sysinew_archer: i think not, but i'm not totally sure17:58
falcon316how do i save the session ?17:58
new_archerSysi: I searching this for a long time now.17:59
falcon316@sysi how do i save the session ?17:59
Sysifalcon316: there's tab in logout window, checked by default17:59
Sysi(please don't use @ in front of nicks in irc)18:00
falcon316okay :)18:00
falcon316one last question. How do i fall back to the prev settings ?18:01
Sysifalcon316: all settings or just effects?18:01
* likemindead is glad to be back on Xubuntu. ^__^18:02
falcon316Sysi: yes18:02
falcon316Sysi: Jus effects18:03
Sysixfwm4 --replace18:03
falcon316Sysi: ty18:03
falcon316Sysi: would you come here everyday.18:05
Sysibasically i'm here 24/7 but not always present, bit somebody is about always18:06
falcon316Sysi: cause i may need your help18:06
falcon316Sysi: okay ty :)18:06
drcnew_archer: Do you mean keeping the top panel showing when you "full screen" a video player?18:08
b26hi guys.. having a bit of a prob with 11.04 & xubuntu18:46
b26i have my laptop as my primary and a 22" monitor plugged in on my vga out port18:47
kurtulb26: what's the problem?18:51
b26the 22" monitor is mirroring my desktop instead of being extended18:51
b26how can i correct this?18:51
drccorrect what, you haven't said what the <problem> is?18:51
b26the monitors are mirrored & not extended18:52
b26meaning both of my monitors are showing the same exact stuff18:52
nikopHi! Can someone help me? I updated to Xubuntu 11.04 and now my multiboot-menu is gone! I cannot log to my Windows anymore! :(18:52
nikopBefore i got to the multiboot menu just by holding down SHIFT of startup, now that doest work!18:53
likemindeadnikop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot18:53
nikoplikemindead, thank you, ill check that!18:54
likemindeadYou have Intel, NVIDIA, ATI, or ____ ? b2618:54
Sysiuse nvidia's or ati's tool or arandr18:55
b26on board laptop vid card18:56
b26worked with regular gnome18:57
b26i just did apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and let it run, logged in under the Xubuntu Session option and here i am :)18:57
likemindeadThis helped me once. >> http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/~shaikh/linux/randr.htm18:58
b26i'm installing arandr now to hopefully use the gui form19:00
b26i just don't get why there's no option to enable/disable mirroring19:00
Sysiwhat xubuntu version?19:01
b26how can i check? (this is my first time w/ xubuntu) saw some recommendations so i figured id give it a try19:03
nikoplikemindead, I didnt find a solution from the link you gave.19:03
Sysinikop: you upgraded with update manager?19:03
Sysib26: lsb_release in terminal should work19:03
b26i just did sudo apt-get update, upgrade then install xubuntu-desktop19:04
b26nikop: for the duals, i installed ARandR19:04
b26and did it that way19:04
b26granted.. i don't know if it'll save it after a reboot19:05
b26the ARandR worked well19:23
b26im at least not mirroring now19:23
hotquacanybody use compiz with natty xfce?19:37
likemindeadNope. I use Xubuntu to stay away from things like Compiz!19:38
hotquachaha I hear you19:38
tomekhas likemindead, same here.19:39
charlie-tcaHowever, yes, there are those who do insist on compiz with Xubuntu19:40
charlie-tcaWe just can't normally fix things that break for them.19:40
hotquacI like KDE, but it doesn't like to idle (memory leaks....)19:40
hotquacxfce is great for stability reasons19:40
ryan-cMy global keyboard shortcuts don't seem to be working in natty - any ideas?19:48
Unit193ryan-c: Did you check to see if they are still there?19:49
b26how can i get the system menu similar to that in gnome?19:53
b26ie: i need the Connect to..19:53
b26to access a windows share19:53
ryan-cUnit193: yes, they're still there19:53
ryan-cand even stuff like alt-f2 isn't working19:53
charlie-tcado you have strange windows colors too or missing title bar?19:54
ryan-cI don't think so19:54
b26hmm, don't have the Places Menu in the top xfce toolbar.. any idea how to get that?19:59
charlie-tcab26: 11.04 no longer uses Places20:00
b26what da heck20:02
b26how do i access that shit then :/20:02
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:02
b26that stuff then20:02
charlie-tcaIn the bottom panel is a launcher that looks like a folder, it opens the file manager20:03
* ryan-c finds the idea of irc being family friendly and professional to be hilarious20:03
b26agreed ryan-c20:03
b26bottom panel?20:03
b26i have 1 panel at the top20:03
charlie-tcacursor down towards the screen bottom edge20:04
charlie-tcait is a hidden panel that will pop up20:04
b26my docky pops up, but that's it20:04
charlie-tcathen I have no answer, since no docky was installed by default.20:04
charlie-tcaMaybe run     thunar     in a terminal to open it20:05
b26i put it on there but there never was a bottom panel20:05
b26can thunar access windows shares?20:06
charlie-tcaAs far as I know, yes20:06
charlie-tcaas long as you are using Xubuntu 11.04, and have not removed the associated apps for it20:07
b26its a fresh install20:08
b26of xubuntu-desktop20:08
b26found it20:10
b26had to do smb://<file_server>/share20:10
Kothejust wondering if someone else has a problem with the "Weather Update" in the panel20:23
charlie-tcaworks here20:23
charlie-tcaxubuntu 10.04 and 11.0420:23
Kothegood to know. ill figure out where is the problem. thanks.20:25
arkaniHelo, any way I can make my email client stay in Indicator plugin ?20:30
arkaniHelo, any way I can make my email client stay in Indicator plugin ?20:34
Unit193arkani: You only need to ask once. You also might want to say what client20:37
arkanixubuntu 11.0420:45
arkaniemail client evolution20:45
arkanithunderbird would be fine too20:45
hotquacevolution sucks20:45
arkaniis thunderbird better or you could sudgest somethin better?20:45
charlie-tcaand is there an icon when it is running?20:46
arkanino. no email client add icon to indicator plugin when running20:46
hotquacwebmail :)20:46
arkaniwebmail... :D no thanks20:47
Sysionly email-client i've ever used was mutt in school's (irc-)shell20:48
charlie-tcaIsn t there a preference in evolution to always show icon in system tray or notification area or something?20:48
arkanionly email client I like is TheBat20:48
* charlie-tca uses claws-mail, and turns that off20:49
zenroxi dont use a email client i just use gmail20:49
arkaniI liek to get informed when I get new email. with webmail I would check it once a month20:50
kuakkganniarkani: Mail Watcher (in panel's Add New Items)...20:51
arkaniok. just configured that. hopefully it will work.20:56
arkanimore questions any way to make sound, connection, sesion meniu plugins transparent?20:57
arkaniproblem. removed and added indicator plugin. now it has "shutdown" and "file" buttons (wasn't there before) any way to remove?21:00
BesogonDoes xubuntu have menu-editor and something for looking samba shared resources?21:02
Sysialacarte works, gigolo21:02
BesogonSysi, What version of xfce do you use?21:04
charlie-tcaBesogon: anything older than 11.04 does not have a menu editor21:05
arkaniwhere is 11.04 menu editor? might be usefull21:06
Besogonaccording to xfce.org they have released 4.8 but ubuntu 10.04 has 4.6 version only21:08
charlie-tcaand 10.04 does not have a menu editor21:10
charlie-tcaarkani: install and use "alacarte"21:10
arkanialacarte come with a lot of gnome stuff... woun't it slow down system?21:11
charlie-tcaI don't think it will slow it down much21:11
arkaniseems like I just ruined menu ...21:14
arkaniSo anyone has any ideas how to edit indicator plugin?21:18
NRWlionhey folks who could help me? have an usb flash with xubuntu 11.04 starting device booted up saying "error no configuration file found". what can i do?21:22
TheRedOctoberHi fellow geeks.  How I multihead extended desktop with xubuntu 11.04?21:25
Sysiwith ati or nvidia tool, or arandr21:30
Unit193NRWlion: It doesn't happen to say what file?21:30
Unit193Does it even get to the "Start without Installing"?21:31
NRWlionUnit193: negative goes straight to "error no config file found"21:31
Unit193Did the disc burn correctly? What speed did you use?21:33
arkanioh nice... now skype shows black boxes... time to downgrade to ubuntu 10.04. thanks for help everyone21:34
NRWlionUnit193: its a usb flash installation i made with unet21:35
Kotheunet with your iso or you made it download?21:36
NRWlionkothe made it download a fresh xubuntu21:37
TheRedOctoberSysi: merci!21:37
Kothefile system of usb flash disk?21:37
NRWlionlike recommended at unet21:37
Kothei had some problems with unet but not with config21:38
Kothemostly boot21:38
NRWlionseems like i am staying in Kubuntu 8.0421:38
Kothehave you tried to download the iso21:38
Kotheand make unet read that and not download the xubuntu by itself?21:39
Kothelike i did?21:39
Kothemost of the times if the one iso doesnt work the other one does. i really dont understand why21:40
Kothemaybe hash errors or something21:40
Unit193You could try to PXE it21:41
NRWlioni am not doing anything more today as i am tired21:41
gordimern00b question: Why doesn't Gigolo's "Open in file manager" button get my samba share to display in Thunar. No support for that i Thunar?21:50
gordimer(running 10.04.2, btw)21:51
gordimersupport chan asleep? Oh well - bedtime - will figure it out tomorrow...21:53
gordimerbye all21:53
tomekhhe had expected answer within 2 minutes21:54
Kotheand he decided that we all are asleep21:54
Unit193We need the topic to say "Sit and wait a little after you ask a question"21:54
Sysipeople don't look at the topic21:57
jgouldI'm having nothing but problems and I don't just run off after asking a question...21:57
=== q_a_z_steve1 is now known as q_a_z_steve
=== Souperman is now known as Soupermanito
b26is there a way to set when you double click on a title bar it toggles maximize / restore?22:39
b26right now it only seems to maximize22:40
Unit193b26: Grab and pull down is how you currently do it22:40
Soupermanitooh thats because the "not maximized" window is as big as the "maximized" window22:41
b26for example with this konversation window22:41
b26i double clicked and its maximized22:41
b26can't double click in the center to reduce it back22:41
b26Unit193: i see what you mean22:41
b26no way to set the clicks?22:41
Unit193Settings Manager > Window Manager > Advanced22:42
b26only option is to maximize22:43
b26not toggle22:43
Unit193I noticed too, I was just pointing at what I was looking at (maybe there is another way)22:43
pointmuy buenas tardes a todos22:48
Sysib26, Unit193: works for me22:49
pointtengo una inquietud y quisiera saber si alguien me puede ayudar con eya22:49
Sysipoint: pleaste write in english or ask your local ubuntu channel22:49
Unit193b26: Works here too (you may have to click 3 times fast)22:50
Unit193Didn't seem to work the first few times22:50
pointthanks I'll find which is the Spanish-language channel xubuntu22:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:52
kuakkgannib26: Check your double click timing in Settings Manager> Mouse>Behavior22:52
pointde nuevo gracias22:54
Sysii have custom shortcut for maximize/minimize, i think it by default is alt F1023:08
Unit193It is23:10
point!ask | Sysi23:14
ubottuSysi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:14
Sysipoint: ahem sorry. That was just advise for others, it came to my mind a bit late23:14
gentoo_drummeranyone here?23:57
gentoo_drummeris anyone using 11.04?23:58
MK``not me sorry23:58
gentoo_drummerjust got into xfce4.8 and i don't seem to get the notification area working for some odd reason..23:58
gentoo_drummereg.. xchat wont get minimized23:59
gentoo_drummerany idea?23:59
MK``Someone else has a similar issue. Is the notification area greyed out in the add to panel menu>23:59

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