
kaushalI am using TB 3.1.8, I format the message in gedit and when i paste it on the compose window and send it , the lines get dealigned01:18
kaushalAny clue ?01:19
kaushalI mean when i receive the email01:19
gorillakaushal: Does the same thing happen if you type it directly into Thunderbird? (I am assuming that this is what you meant by TB)01:20
kaushalgorilla: yes it happens01:21
gorillahmm. I don't use Thuirnderbird but perhaps it's word wrap is turned off. I can't really offer much more advice. Sorry.01:49
valoringorilla & head_victim, I got a good couple of responses on ServerFault about the issue I was having yesterday, if you are interested: http://serverfault.com/questions/266055/ssh-connections-freezing-with-write-failed-broken-pipe02:48
gorillavalorin: Nice.04:28
head_victimvalorin: yeah so the keepalive stuff is what the issue is04:42
valorinhead_victim, Yeah, because the NAT setup was timing out before the SSH connection. After modifying those settings, it appears all good :)04:50
head_victimvalorin: sweet, glad it's sorted05:00
head_victimsagaci: well done btw, just shot the ML a message05:00
gorillahead_victim: I only see it after I go home... I think the timeout on the server must be long... as it doesn't reset the connection during my lunch break.05:00
head_victimgorilla: I never ssh for longer than I'm at the keyboard so I never see it :)05:01
sagacihead_victim, when I first saw the email, I thought it was about you... then when I saw my name, I audibly said "Holy Shit"05:01
head_victimsagaci: hah I don't do much translation, it's more a "when I have 30 mins spare sometime".05:01
head_victimI actually have been trying to tidy up "Trash" recently which is really time consuming for little result. But I have managed to fix Unity and Nautilus05:02
sagaciit comes up as Wastebin in 11.04 on the bottom left hand corner icon05:03
head_victimYeah I only just did it today05:03
head_victimIt should all be Rubbish Bin05:03
head_victimBut there's no way to search it all online, you have to go to each package separately and then search for "trash" or "bin"05:03
head_victimSo if you can try to remember to do a search on each package you translate part of for those 2 and check to make sure they're all Rubbish Bin it will make everything gela  lot better05:04
sagacihead_victim, but you can do it via downloading the .po, right?05:07
head_victimI assume you can search for it in the po editor05:08
head_victimYou can search individual packages just not the whole lot I don't think. Unless you get into some serios google fu05:08
sagacithe gimp packages are pricks, every second string is color05:10
blahdeblahAny grub experts out there? I've got a client getting grub error 24 "Attempt to access block outside partition" on a server that was previously running perfectly. Bug #353071 seems to be related, but it is for much older versions, and i've tried all the suggested remedies.05:27
lubotu2Launchpad bug 353071 in grub (Ubuntu) "grub error 24 with Jaunty beta" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35307105:27
head_victimblahdeblah: no recent bios or partition changes I assume?06:00
head_victimAll I can find on it is it's usually an error thrown by a kernel that can't read ext4 properly06:03
head_victimIf trying a different kernel doesn't work I'm kinda out of ideas06:04
blahdeblahDoesn't even get as far as choosing a kernel06:14
blahdeblahAnd there's no ext406:14
gorillablahdeblah: Hit the mail lists with that one... it might get answered here but personally I haven't dived under the hood of grub configs.07:14
sagacihead_victim, ping09:36
head_victimsagaci: yeah the Rubbish Bin is correct :) I went through nautilus and unity before10:09
sagacijust saying how many iterations there are10:10
head_victimAh yeah there's heaps :/10:10
head_victimI've even noticed it on my computer10:10
head_victimI've seen 3 different names for it at once wiht random stuff I had optn10:11
* gorilla just put the rubbish out... Bin very Laden.10:11
head_victimsagaci: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+translations is where I'd go10:27
head_victimAnd then look at the "base pack" or "see all language packs"10:27
head_victimhttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+language-packs and then the "base pack"10:28
head_victimit's a tar.gz I beleive10:28
head_victimSpelling fail tonight.10:28
sagacithe base pack, yeah?10:28
head_victimOn that note I should head off, got a bunch of stuff to do and need to be awake at 4am10:28
head_victimYeah the base pack10:28
head_victimI tried downloading something once, editing it and then when I went to upload it it failed and I couldn't make it work. I stuck to doing it online since then (I'd spent hours on translating basically all of firefox offline)10:29
sagacinot bad but i'd have to see how that goes with merging and everything10:29
head_victimThat sounds right10:29
sagaciI don't think there's any point to getting the base pack till most of the strings are translated10:30
sagaciyeah righteo, cya10:30
sagaciand more of an issue to upload the base pack, 588MiB upload on an aussie connection... tell him he's dreamin10:31
head_victimHaha just leave it overnight10:31
gorillasagaci: Well done on your translation ranking. :-)10:31
head_victimgorilla: sagaci is the translation king :D10:31
head_victimWell, 4th in line to the throne anyway ;)10:32
sagacii just have spare time for the meantime10:32
sagacimay as well use it10:32
head_victimMay as well indeed.10:32
sagaci1st is 10100010:32
gorillasagaci: you mean that you had spare time :-D10:32
head_victimsagaci: well what are you waiting for! Hop to it 10:32
sagacigorilla, precisely10:32
sagacimaybe by 12.0410:33
head_victimBut really, I'm off now. Cheerio10:33
gorillasagaci: but thanks all the same.10:33
sagaciwell I'll actually feel ok installing the AU language pack after a while10:33
sagaciall these years i've passed up on it10:33
iktheya :)13:33
Fudgeplaying with  natty here trying to get my remastersys under 700meg13:37
Fudgeits 817 currently13:37
iktoh nice13:49
iktwhat did you change in the remaster?13:49
iktFudge ?14:12
Fudgeoh sorry14:12
Fudgewell its for vinux so took out libreoffice ubuntu docs ghome manual but a lot of other stuff was instaleld so thats why im trying to get the install down14:13
Fudgeits a blind friendly14:13
iktah nice :)14:33

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