[18:29] I am interested in making a program similar to the Ubuntu ShipIt program. [18:31] I am assuming that I am allowed to do something like this (please correct me if I am wrong) [18:32] what web form service do you think would be the best for this type of program? [18:35] I am thinking I should use Google Docs. [18:55] yes, you are allowed to do that. You can sell them or ship them for free or get sponsors, or whatever you like. [18:56] as of what forms to use, that will depend on whatever software you wish to use. Joomla has lots of good tools. [18:59] Alright. I made a Google Docs form. Do you think I missed anything? https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDRXczJvTjlKMkFzT240MmZVcl9ZUWc6MQ [18:59] however, if you make any changes to the software, you should state that clearly. Otherwise, you may be in violation with copyright laws, unless you refrain from using the Ubuntu name and official artwork. I'm no lawyer, so I can't state this as a fact, but I would assume that's the case. [19:00] first of all; the link is almost entirely unreadable on my screen with my eyes. (And they're very good) [19:01] I would suggest not adding any alpha or beta releases. People who need those will know how to get them and will need a good internet connection in order to stay up to date, so providing them would only serve to discredit Ubuntu. [19:02] but that was interesting. I didn't know you could do that with gdocs. [19:03] Gulfstream, I think you should also provide a link to shop.ubuntu.com so that people in a hurry can order and pay for the CDs themselves. That's good for you and them. [19:04] for for the other them; canonical :) [19:05] okay [19:06] I see the unreadable part... [19:07] I think it might also be cool if you tried to use the "correct" colours. As this would be a community service, it should use the orange colour used elsewhere in the community, just for consistency. [19:16] I made some changes [19:17] and for the discs, I will use the official Lubuntu and official Ubuntu .isos for burning [19:17] coming along nicely! :) [19:27] I want to offer at least Ubuntu & Lubuntu... Do you think I should offer any other flavors? === Gulfstream3 is now known as Gulfstream