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SpamapSsoren: there's the Hungarian Phrase Book00:22
Italian_PlumberIs there some magic I need to do so that Ubuntu doesn't take up gobs and gobs of CPU time when copying, moving, or deleting files?  Just deleting a bunch of files has bumped my load average to close to "3".00:26
mrroth_any good ubuntu based email appliance distrubution01:00
CalifI'm using this tutorial to configure a dhcp server01:03
CalifHowever, I'm not sure how to start it, the command in the tutorial didn't work.01:03
Calif'no such file or dir'01:03
ChmEarlCalif, cause its called dhcp3-server?01:09
Califwell, I'm sure its sometihng stupid like that01:10
CalifI've got dhcpd.conf01:10
CalifI don't know, maybe this isn't even the right tutorial, I thuoght that was what they had promoted01:11
ChmEarlCalif, dhcpd.conf is used here on lucid-server, but in /etc/dhcp301:12
Califok, let me try something01:13
Califone sec01:13
Califok, I've messed this up good01:14
CalifI should probably start over01:14
CalifI just want a simple dhcp server, whats something that I can get with apt-get, that you would recommend?01:15
Califis this dhcp3-server good? Would you have used something else?01:15
Califfuck it, I made a backup ill just start over01:19
JanCCalif: dhcp3-server is good, but if you only need a simple DHCP/DNS server for a small LAN, you can also look at dnsmasq01:21
CalifHere's another question01:23
Calif# No service will be given on this subnet, but declaring it helps the01:23
Calif# DHCP server to understand the network topology.01:23
Calif#subnet netmask {01:23
CalifWhat is this subnet - is this the external, internal, whats the point of this part?01:23
ChmEarlCalif, that only applies if you have a 10.x.x.0 private lan01:26
Califwhat if I have a different address, but it's still a private address scheme on the lan I wish to use dhcp with?01:27
Califeg: 192, or 17201:27
ChmEarlCalif, keep reading the samples, they show an example01:27
CalifI'm looking at a few under that01:28
CalifSo the purpose of these lines is just to show different config examples, the above one being the simplest?01:29
Califfurther more, the above one can remain commented without affecting anything?01:29
CalifI'm running this on a linux box thats doubling as a router/fw for my network01:30
Califso I want to offer dhcp services to the internal01:30
Califthat said, the external interface is dhcp as well, but it gets its address from an upstream router01:31
CalifI'm sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this.01:32
JanCCalif: for a small LAN, dnsmasq is much easier to set up & includes a DNS relay server (but lacks several more advanced features that dhcp3-server & bind support)01:33
ChmEarlCalif, your internals are limited to certain nics: in dhcp.conf I have - INTERFACES="eth1 eth2"01:33
ChmEarleth0 is for my WAN01:33
Califdhcpd.conf doesnt allow me to specify the interfaces01:34
CalifThat said, if I just uncomment one of these, and give it the addresses of my internal interface, can I expect that to work?01:35
CalifOr is there some other place I specify the interface I want to use?01:35
* ChmEarl slaps Calif with a trout: I just gave you the line01:36
Califyou said dhcp.conf01:36
CalifSo i have to edit that file as well?01:36
Califor did you typo it01:36
Califand meant dhcpd01:36
CalifI swear, I wish I knew this stuff like you guys do ;p01:37
CalifI'm like 10 years behind or something until a month ago, the most advanced thing I did was setup an eggdrpo01:38
Califnow im running a server with a firewall, and dhcp, I'm setting up nagios01:38
Califbut I am fairly challenged by these tasks, it's going to be a long time before I understand nix like some of you guys01:38
JanCCalif: reading up on basic networking and what DHCP does might be useful  ;)01:39
CalifI've got basic networking, and I understand dhcp, but I'm coming from windows so there's a disconnect01:39
JanCit works exactly the same in Windows  ;)01:40
Califit works the same, but the setup is radically different  ;p01:40
Califit's similiar in the physical settings01:40
Califbut how you put it all together, and knowing what to edit where, I get confused easily01:40
CalifI can set this up on windows server with my eyes closed - setting up reservations, static assignments, ranges, all sorts of stuff01:41
CalifAnd I've read stuff on linux too01:41
CalifYou all probably know the 'linux newbie administrator guide;01:42
CalifI've read that twice over the years, (not to say I'd not benefit from another round mind you.)01:42
Califwith me, I think, the trouble is I read stuff and it makes sense, but I need to _do_ it for it to sink in01:42
Califand half the tutorials I find on stuff leave things out, or expect and assume you know some small detail... You can't ask a tutorial a question... so I wind up here01:43
Califanyway, so back to this - I think if I can figure this out, I'll be able to do the rest and run this thing in a few minutes01:44
CalifI'm going to go look at your dhcp.conf, and see if that answers my question01:44
Califwell, my dhcp.conf ;p01:45
Califok, so using the locate command, I found a copy of that in the /etc/samba dir01:46
Califis it supposed to be an empty file ?01:46
CalifChmEarl, I just add the INTERFACES="ethx" - x being the interface going out to my internal network that I want to offer dhcp services on?01:47
JanCI suggest you don't go looking for similarly named files in random other directories  ;)01:48
CalifSo was he meaning to tell me to edit dhcpd.conf with that line, or did I miss something entirely here, because locate only came up with one file01:49
Califif it is dhcpd.conf where in the file do I stick that line at?01:50
CalifI'm sure once I get the interface and that line I pasted earlier figured out, that would be all my questions for tonight ;p01:51
CalifThere is an end to the madness I promise ;p01:51
CalifI know im close, it'd suck to abandon this 70% through to pick another dhcp server, that I'll probably likewise have dumb questions about...01:53
Califchm, I didn't pm you without asking, I used notice - I'm making an effort :P01:55
JanCCalif: I configured my first gateway with dnsmasq in less than 30 minutes  ;)01:57
JanCless than 15 maybe01:58
CalifIf I can figure out what I need to do next I'd be done in 201:58
JanCand I suppose dhcpd.conf is the file for the DHCP server config01:58
CalifI believe so01:58
CalifI can paste you the contents in a pastebin if you think you could help01:59
CalifI think it's simple, but I know there's something to what chm said too about defining my interface01:59
CalifI know the info I want to put in for my network, but there's some stuff it says mainly for the examples that confuses me as to why they worded it like that01:59
CalifI'm tempted to ignore that part and just uncomment one of teh examples, change some stuff to my info, but that leaves the interface thing chm spoke of, that I can't figure out where to put it "INTERFACES="eth1 eth2""02:00
CalifSorry, lost my connection02:02
CalifMy room mates coming home soon, I may have to give up soon02:04
JanCwell, 3am here, so I give up now  :P02:05
twbdnsmasq ROCKS02:05
CalifCool, thansk for your help JanC02:06
twbCalif: interface lines go in dnsmasq.conf02:06
CalifI'm not using dnsmasq I don't think02:06
twbOh sorry02:06
twbThen I can't help :P02:06
Califcrap :/02:06
Califok, I promise if I don't figure this out in a day or so02:07
Califthat will be the first thing I try02:07
CalifI'm already mostly through this one02:07
Califso I'm hoping to finish it before I jump to another one02:07
Califit'd be nice to figure out both in the end02:07
twbIs there a way to tell nmap to operate over an ssh hop (e.g. SOCKS with ssh -D) ?02:28
twbnmap is on my laptop, I can ssh into bastion.example.net, and from there I can connect to foo.example.net -- but I can't reach foo.example.net directly from my laptop, and I can't install nmap on bastio02:29
RoyKssh -I02:30
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goddardhow can i setup a default pipe for email that doesn't have a real account?03:31
goddardlike a catch all03:31
twbgoddard: with postfix?03:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #777541 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77754103:56
Califok, I read a bit about dhcpd03:56
twbgoddard: dunno, try #postfix03:56
CalifI'm a bit confused with declaring a subnet/interface03:56
CalifI'm going to run dhcp on a box which acts as a gateway/firewall, and the external interface is a public address but it dynamically changes.03:57
CalifSo how would I declare such a subnet in dhcpd.conf (isc)?03:57
twbSomeone please explain this: /bin/sh: hardcopy.7: not found04:08
twbSomeone please explain this: http://paste.debian.net/116054/04:08
twbAh, -h04:08
twbnever mind04:09
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blahdeblahAny grub experts out there? I've got a client getting grub error 24 "Attempt to access block outside partition" on a server that was previously running perfectly. Bug #353071 seems to be related, but it is for much older versions, and i've tried all the suggested remedies.05:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 353071 in grub "grub error 24 with Jaunty beta" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35307105:39
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blahdeblahAnd i forgot to mention that there's no ext4 involved - all filesystems are ext306:14
ScottKblahdeblah: What release were you using when the systems were initially installed?06:15
blahdeblahI don't know - i am only new on the site.  I think it was hardy.06:15
blahdeblahCertainly it was upgraded from hardy06:15
ScottKThen you at least have grub and not grub2.06:16
blahdeblahyes, definitely06:16
blahdeblahThe upgrade from hardy was fine for a few weeks, then something happened (don't know what, since i am only on site when required) and on the next reboot it exhibited this problem.06:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #777585 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: サブプロセス インストール済みの post-installation スクリプト はエラー終了ステータス 1 を返しました" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77758506:17
blahdeblahScottK: I wondered whether i should upgrade to grub2, but i don't like to do upgrades in the middle of an unexpected downtime.06:18
ScottKI wouldn't.06:18
ScottKYou're sure some enterprising young admin didn't decide these file systems should be converted to ext4?06:19
ScottKI'd guess not.06:19
blahdeblahVery sure06:19
twbblahdeblah: grub2 is a downgrade06:19
blahdeblahI also ran a full fsck which came back with no errors06:20
blahdeblahI've reinstalled grub a few times, using both the /dev/sdX devices, and the /dev/md0 device, and all result in the same behaviour.06:20
twbextlinux FTW06:20
ScottKSorry, no idea.06:20
twbYou've used it on CDs, you've used it from PXE, now use it for normal booting!06:20
_rubenhooray for co-workers not showing up for planned maintainance.. grr06:36
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talntidWhat is your favorite file system for hosting/scaling a large MySQL database and why?08:35
AphisOnetalntid: That may be a better question for the mysql room.08:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #777626 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77762608:42
twbI removed the stupid NAT interface from libvirt, because I only want bridging08:51
twbI just upgraded libvirt, and the postinst has recreated libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart/default.xml -- why?08:52
twbThat is not how conffiles are supposed to behave08:52
rafalk42hello, I'm trying to upgrade ubuntu server to 11.04 and I get following errors: http://pastebin.com/9whvVhs1 . Can i throw out one of those offending packages?08:55
twbTry dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/console-setup_....deb /var/cache/apt/archives/keyboard-configuration_....deb08:58
rafalk42ok, I'll try that08:58
twbIt's trying to upgrade keyboard-configuration first due to bad dependency declarations, I think08:59
twbNote that you should be upgrading only one version at a time08:59
twbe.g. 10.04 directly to 11.04 is not supported08:59
rafalk42oh, that could be the problem09:00
th0mzcan some1 tell me where i can find the changelog for  libapache2-mod-php5 last night update please ?09:33
th0mzDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS"09:33
th0mzi had some trouble with various CMS since last w.e. which has been corrected last night.09:34
tanelith0mz: aptitude changelog libapache2-mod-php509:35
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th0mzxampart: great, thanks.09:37
twbDid you know that in d-i, if you drop to a shell and do "mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda", you can convince d-i that you don't need a partition table?09:45
twbThis is especially good for /dev/vda VM virtual disks09:46
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twbOh, NICE.  Warning: Permanently added 'example-natty' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.10:37
twbnatty has ECDSA host keys OOTB10:38
dany_can anyone help with a virtual host configuration? I have 2 internal ip ś with 2 webservers. I want mail.domain.tld to refer to webmail and domain.tld to my website.11:18
dany_and both are port 8011:19
xampartdany_: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html#servername11:27
dany_thank you11:28
xampartdns should be properly configured of course11:29
RoyKany idea what might cause this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/603635/11:31
RoyKdany_: you don't need two IPs either - it's easier to just use VirtualHost with host header (ServerName / ServerAlias)11:32
jkakarHi!  I've got a server running my application.11:32
jkakarI've created an Upstart script to start it.11:32
dany_well i cannopt get zarafa an a joomla website to play nice on an OpenVZ container11:32
dany_so thats why i am trying this way11:32
RoyKok - never tried openvz11:33
jkakarPreviously, we were using start-stop-daemon, but I've removed it (because I made some changes and it was causing problems), so Upstart is starting the service directly now.11:33
jkakarI notice that the Debian guidelines recommend start-stop-daemon, but is this the recommendation for Ubuntu+Upstart?11:33
RoyKjkakar: both work11:33
jkakarRoyK: I guess they're kind of equivalent.11:34
RoyKjust different ways to do things11:34
jkakarIn this case my application is Twisted based and started by twistd.  I guess the reason to use start-stop-daemon would because (apparently) twistd's ability to switch to the right user can be dodgy.11:34
RoyKbut - anyone that knows what might cause this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/603635/11:35
sorenjkakar: start-stop-daemon is used to daemonise things that aren't very good at daemonising on their own. upstart is a proper process supervisor. You don't need start-stop-daemon with upstart.11:38
jkakarsoren: Cool, that's my impression.11:39
jkakarI just need to test my application to make sure it switches users properly.11:39
sorenjkakar: If not, I use su to do that in upstart.11:40
sorenexec su -c "nova-api --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf" nova11:40
jkakarsoren: Ah, interesting.11:41
jkakarsoren: Thanks for the advice.  It helps. :)11:41
sorenjkakar: It's not pretty, but until upstart learns how to do this natively, that seems to be the common pattern.11:41
* soren wanders off for lunch11:41
sorenjkakar: np11:41
tim_sI'm using ubuntu on ec2, one of my instances has stopped being able to connect to the apt repo.. anyone had this before?11:55
tim_sactually it can't even connect to google11:55
jkakartim_s: Have you done something to the security group the instance is in that could cause such breakage?11:56
tim_sI can however see pages from it's apache server from my laptop.11:57
tim_sjkakar, not that I know of.11:57
tim_sjkakar: we haven't11:58
jkakartim_s: Hrm, I'm not sure what to suggest then. :/11:59
jkakartim_s: I've seen my EC2 instances (in eu-west-1) occasionally lose connectivity to the archive, but never to the internet in general.12:00
jkakartim_s: Maybe something b0rked DNS on that machine?12:00
tim_ssounds like dns12:00
tim_sit can ping things12:00
tim_soh I can ping google.com12:00
hwcan anyone help me with updating apache and mysql on a 10.04.2 box? I ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade but it doesnt pick up the newer version12:16
hwapache 2.2.14 is the latest it has, and that apparently has some security issues that are causing it to fail a PCI scan12:17
JanCdoh, now hw is gone...12:32
RoyKapache failing to do a PCI scan...12:36
RoyKoh well12:36
JanCRoyK: "Payment Card Industry" scan; you know "security experts" certified by credit card companies who are too stupid/lazy to test for actual vulnerabilities but just compare version numbers instead...  ;)12:39
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_johnnyhey, i use pubkey for my login to a box i have. now i'm adding another user (but still me who will use it), and i've added the same pubkey (from my computer obviously) to that users .ssh/authorized_keys. however, i'm thrown to password being the only allowed method http://pastebin.com/x3L6s8Uq12:45
_johnnycan anyone help me debug this?12:46
_johnnythere are no different rules from sshd to this new user. and the old user works fine with pubkey.12:48
_ruben_johnny: check the logs of the ssh daemon, and verify the permissions/ownership of the keys12:48
_johnnyownership might be wrong, good point12:49
webwurstHi! I did a fresh installation of Ubuntu Server Natty, choosed btrfs for '/' and wanted grub to reside in /dev/sda12:54
_johnny_ruben: should i set it to verbose first? auth.log just tells me the pw is wrong (no mention of the pubkey attempts)12:55
webwurstinstallation finished, but booting does not work. i can chroot into the natty-server via live-usb12:55
_johnny_ruben: turns out my screen isn't found (although it exists). thanks for the help :)12:56
webwurstand now "# grub-install /dev/sda" gives me:12:56
webwurst/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)12:56
webwurstdev is mounted and i can see /boot/grub .. Any idea someone? ;)12:57
_johnny_ruben: oh no. now it's even harder to debug :( http://pastebin.com/6WYHpEVp i just get failed, and client mentions no reason for failure either13:03
_johnnyok, the bad perms might be due to encrypted homedir. my bad13:10
_rubenencrypted homedirs and key auth aren't best friends, you'll need to store you key in both your encrypted and unencrypted homedir13:17
JanCwebwurst: is the live usb also natty?13:24
webwurstJanC: yes13:25
JanCwell, I guess it doesn't really matter when you chroot into the server13:26
JanCI think btrfs.mod is rather new though13:26
webwurstJanC: boot is a directory. would it maybe help to make it subvolume and put it indo /etc/fstab? is grub-installer searching for something like that?13:27
JanCgrub installer should work either way13:28
JanCwebwurst: /dev is mounted in the chroot too?13:29
webwurstyes: i mounted proc, dev, sys with --bind13:30
webwurstJanC: grub-installer fails at this line:13:33
webwurst/usr/sbin/grub-probe --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map --target=device /boot/grub13:33
webwurstJanC: ..and there ist no device.map in /boot/grub/13:35
webwurstJanC: ist --target=device right in this case?13:42
JanCwebwurst: eh, I guess not13:50
webwurstJanC: changed it to "fs" but same error ("cannot find a device for /boot/grub")13:51
Aisonwhere can I find mac-fdisk for ubuntu?14:07
pmatulisAison: is it packaged?14:08
Aisonno idea, maybe I can also get the sources somewhere14:09
AisonI need to fix a mac partition table on an external drive14:09
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pmatulisAison: i cannot find such a command anyway14:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #777820 in mcollective (universe) "mcollective does not start." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77782014:12
Aisonpmatulis, maybe there are other tools to manipulate hfs partitions with linux, no idea14:12
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EgonisRecently, I had an attack on my wordpress site, which relayed over 160,000 e-mails through www-data using a PHP form. Is there a way to specify that www-data@mydomain.tld can only send to mydomain.tld? Any suggestions otherwise? Any help is greatly appreciated.14:31
rafalk42ok, so in fact you CAN dist-upgrade directly from 09.04 to 11.04 ... altough with a few issues14:45
Picirafalk42: Just because you can doesn't mean you should.14:48
rafalk42yeah, but I didn't knew about that before i started14:52
hwanyone have any ideas on this one? I have a U 10.04.2 box that needs apache and mysql updated... when I run apt-get update, apt-get upgrade it doesnt pick up the newer versions14:56
hwit has apache 2.2.14, and the latest is 2.2.1614:56
hwany ideas? this one is kicking my butt :-(14:56
hwI see I could go to 10.10, but this has 10.04.2 LTS, not sure if I can upgrade... looking at this for a friend14:57
Pici2.2.14-5ubuntu8.4 is the latest version in 10.04.14:58
hwso, when will this get updated? 2.2.14 has some security holes that make it fail a PCI scan14:58
hwor is really my only option to install 10.10?14:59
hw10.10 I saw has apache 2.2.1614:59
pmatulisis there anything that would limit the number of concurrent SSH connections to a Lucid server?  (besides h/w resources)15:03
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Pumpkin-the maximum number of PTY's (assuming the SSH connections have PTY's) is one thing.15:05
Pumpkin-think the default is 409615:05
pmatulisi'm seeing disconnections after about 8015:06
genii-aroundThe default number per connection I think is like 1015:06
DefusalHi everyone, can anyone tell me why aptitude would tell me the following, or how i can get it to install mplayer on ubuntu server? http://pastie.org/186806215:07
pmatulisgenii-around: default number per connection?  isn't each session a separate connection (unless using multiplexing)15:07
_johnnyhow come update-motd doesn't have a /usr/sbin executable anymore?15:11
_johnnyi mean, sure, in the long run anyone can wait 10 mins, but if you were to debug/edit, then waiting 10 mins for each change could get boring ;)15:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #777868 in postfix (main) "Postfix smtp can no longer resolve localhost - regression from maverick." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77786815:16
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ScottKhw: No, actually it doesn't have security holes.  What's happening is some brain dead security tool is looking at version numbers and not checking for actual vulnerabilities.  Ubuntu backports security patches.15:17
genii-aroundpmatulis: From manpage: " MaxSessions - Specifies the maximum number of open sessions permitted per network connection.  The default is 10."15:17
genii-around( sshd_config )15:17
hwScottK Yea, basically the issue is securitymetrics did a quarterly PCI scan, and that failed.15:17
hwIs there documentation of that somewhere? I can throw that back at securitymetrics15:18
JanChw: the changelog and the cve tracker?15:18
keeshw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Versions15:19
ScottKhw: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/a/apache2/apache2_2.2.14-5ubuntu8.4/changelog15:19
patdk-wkon this note, anyone see that postfix security question, allowing the use of EHLO is a security issue, according to some scanners :)15:20
ScottKI did.15:20
hwkees: ScottK: thank you!! let me review what the tool reported15:20
ScottKClearly I'm not leveraging other people's ignorance nearly hard enough.15:20
keesuse of EHLO is not a security issue. :P15:20
patdk-wkthese whole security scan things seem so silly, the more I see people use them15:20
ScottKkees: It was on postfix-users.15:20
hwyea, I agree. I've had to call the security scan providers a few times to get them to remove bogus stuff15:21
hwusually they do it without any issue, as long as you are technical enough15:22
patdk-wknow that, make me even more scared :)15:22
patdk-wkyour paying them to be technical enough to do the scan15:22
patdk-wknot for you to tell them how to scan15:22
patdk-wkif your a 3rd party in this, then ya, I can understand :( (customer hired x to scan their hosting stuff on your equipment)15:23
JanCpatdk-wk: you pay them to get some stupid worthless piece of paper that some financial company requires, I guess15:23
patdk-wkjanc, pretty much :(15:24
JanCnice way to create new jobs for the economy  :P15:24
patdk-wkit's what burocrates are good at15:24
hwok, the PCI scan says CVE-2010-1452 and CVE-2010-0425 are the issue.. the changelog says CVE-2010-1452 was fixed, but the other one is not on there15:25
uvirtbothw: The (1) mod_cache and (2) mod_dav modules in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.16 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (process crash) via a request that lacks a path. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-1452)15:25
uvirtbothw: modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c in mod_isapi in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.37 through 2.0.63, 2.2.0 through 2.2.14, and 2.3.x before 2.3.7, when running on Windows, does not ensure that request processing is complete before calling isapi_unload for an ISAPI .dll module, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors related to a crafted request, a reset packet, and "orphaned callback pointers." (http://cve.mitr15:25
uvirtbothw: The (1) mod_cache and (2) mod_dav modules in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.16 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (process crash) via a request that lacks a path. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-1452)15:25
patdk-wkhw, CVE-2010-0425 is an IIS issue, not linux :)15:27
uvirtbotpatdk-wk: modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c in mod_isapi in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.37 through 2.0.63, 2.2.0 through 2.2.14, and 2.3.x before 2.3.7, when running on Windows, does not ensure that request processing is complete before calling isapi_unload for an ISAPI .dll module, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors related to a crafted request, a reset packet, and "orphaned callback pointers." (http://cv15:27
patdk-wkso no, it won't be *fixed*15:27
JanCnot an IIS issue, but in Apache's compatibility for IIS plugins or something like that15:28
JanCin any case, it's Windows-only15:28
JanCand shows how stupid that scan is  :P15:28
pmatulisgenii-around: interesting, thx15:28
genii-aroundpmatulis: np15:29
* patdk-wk never realized you could run apache as an iis isapi15:29
* patdk-wk doesn't think he would ever want too15:29
JanCpatdk-wk: I think it's the other way around, you can run ISAPI plugins on Apache  ;)15:29
patdk-wkguess for .asp and .net stuff then15:30
patdk-wkshows you how much I run apache on windows :)15:30
hwpatdk-wk: LOL I just read that a bit closer. Too Funny. Gotta love the security scan protecting this server from the dangers of Windows15:41
JanChw: tell them you didn't put "Wine" on your server, see if they understand   ;)15:43
patdk-wkdamn server is drunk again :(15:50
_rubenpatdk-wk: using alcohol instead of watercooling? :)15:52
patdk-wkfor *freeze* protection :)15:53
_rubenheh, hadnt thought of that one ;)15:53
* patdk-wk would also assume alcohol fumes would smell nicer :)15:54
_rubenassuming you'd be concious still ;)15:56
hwHey, thanks everyone for your help! I really appreciate it. I checked all of the "security issues" on the PCI scan, and they were patched a long time ago.16:04
hwFor some reason, securitymetrics.com started failing these versions in the last few months16:05
hwgoing to call them today to get this fixed, I'm armed with the changelogs :-D16:06
* patdk-wk hands hw a larger bat16:07
hwwhat was that comment about helping the economy?16:07
JanChelping the economy is when you pay somebody to go over there with a bat  ;)16:12
robohi: if i add a mount to /etc/fstab and it's options are .... nfs ro 0 1 -- the mount doesn't get added at boot. Any suggestions?16:12
oCeanrobo: the mount options should be separtated by comma nfs,ro -not sure if that's your entire issue though. You don't have to reboot to test. Just run 'sudo mount -t nfs -a'16:14
JanCeh, nfs is not an option but the fs type  ;)16:15
oCeanoh right :)16:16
robooCean, mount -t nfs -a mounts it16:19
robojust not after a reboot.16:19
roboso the console is showing errors about how mountall failed. Before I get into why I'm trying to figure out how I get that same error when I'm ssh'd in to the machine16:32
roboI would think dmesg would have that, but it doesn't16:32
SpamapSrobo: dmesg only has kernel messages (for now)16:32
SpamapSrobo: you want /var/log/boot.log16:32
roboah, ty16:33
robooh, that doesn't exist16:33
robo(ubuntu 9.10)16:33
robothere is a /var/log/boot that only has "(Nothing has been logged yet.)"16:34
danyI have configured my virtual host like this but my subdomain mail.domain.TLD will only refer to my website and not the webmail as you can see in the config > <VirtualHost WAN IP>16:34
danyServerName mail.domain.TLD16:34
danyDocumentRoot /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess16:34
dany 16:34
danyAm i just being a complete noob or is something else a problem16:35
djbellocan somebody assist me with debugging an email issue with postfix?16:35
djbelloi have a user running Apple Mail on a Mac. He quite often receives emails that don't show the attachments but some email source code instead (looks like attachment boundaries).16:37
djbelloI am trying to figure out if his Mac is butchering the email (or doesn't display it right)16:37
djbelloor if the email is somewhat malformed16:37
djbellodarnit. Just got pulled away by my boss. Need to bring this up later.16:39
robois there a way to show what programs are going to start at which runlevels? A centos chkconfig --list equivalent is what I'm searching for16:42
patdk-wkthere are no runlevels :)16:44
robopatdk-lap, that's something that confuses me too that I need to look into. It shows I'm in runlevel 2 -- that's strange to me16:44
CalifHi, I'm attempting to run dhcpd - I'm running it and getting the following error: http://pastebin.com/TRp4TiQC16:45
patdk-wkubuntu only has runlevels to keep compatability with old stuff16:45
patdk-wkbut it doesn't *use them*16:45
patdk-wkthe same with almost every distro now16:45
CalifRIP run levels :/16:45
roboso how do I know if my server is booted into a gui?16:46
robonormally if I see runlevel 3 I know I'm all text. Runlevel 5 I know I have X booted16:47
patdk-wkheh, a server with a gui is just pure evil :)16:47
roboi know. That's why I'd like to figure out if a gui is running16:48
roboi just inherited these servers and I know next to nothing about ubuntu :-/16:48
patdk-wkservice gdm status?16:48
robosays un-recognized. Good thing!16:49
patdk-wkwhat is un-recognized?16:49
DefusalHi everyone, can anyone tell me why aptitude would tell me the following, or how i can get it to install mplayer on ubuntu server? http://pastie.org/186806216:49
robogdm: unrecognized service16:49
patdk-wkah, not installed16:50
roboso it's not running, which is good :-)16:50
roboSo, if ubuntu doesn't use runlevels how do I know which scripts are executed at boot?16:50
PiciDefusal: What release of Ubuntu is that?16:51
roboi guess if runlevel shows i'm in runlevel 2 then I look in /etc/rc2.d ?16:51
patdk-wkheh, I'm lazy to figure it out :) 'grep ^start /etc/init/*'16:51
PiciDefusal: Can you pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy mplayer  ?16:54
roboman patdk-wk, ubuntu is so confusing16:54
patdk-wkheh, I don't think so :)16:54
roboi need to learn it16:55
patdk-wkI ran slackware for decades16:55
patdk-wkhated centos/redhat16:55
robois ubuntu-server and debian pretty much the same?16:55
DefusalPici: http://pastebin.com/4vZVcRQ016:55
ScottKDefusal: You aren't trying to install the 10.04 version of mplayer.16:56
Defusalis it because it didnt remove the debian-multimedia source yet?16:56
ScottKYou need to remove that.16:57
=== med_out is now known as medberry
ScottKFrom /etc/apt/sources/list or list.d16:57
Defusalah, thanks, my bad :)16:57
Defusalneeded some packages and forgot to remove it earlier16:57
danyDoes anyone know if Can i change the default url froom /webaccess to mail.domain.TLD ?16:59
ScottKrobo: In many ways.   Ubuntu Server will generally have newer packages than the most recently Debian release.  Ubuntu uses apparmor by default instead of selinux.  Ubuntu has also implemented a number of security features that aren't in Debian yet:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features16:59
danyin zarafa16:59
iggiAnyone able to help me make a murmur upstart job? I run mine and it says murmur starts, but infact does not. This is the line I am using "exec /home/user/murmur/murmur.x86"16:59
zulSpamapS: ping upstart question for you16:59
SpamapSzul: sure in a bit17:13
uvirtbotNew bug: #777972 in dhcp3 (main) "package dhcp3-server 3.1.3-2ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77797217:36
hallynkirkland: around?18:00
XpistosHello. When I log in to my server it says there are 50+ updateds but when I try to upgrade or dist-upgrade it says there are no updates?18:03
=== foxbuntu` is now known as foxbuntu
robohi: I'm getting this error on boot: mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking18:10
roboany suggestions on why this is happening?18:10
RoyKstart portmap18:10
RoyKor even - enable it18:11
roboI see rpc.statd running18:11
roboservice portmap status shows portmap start/running, process 89818:11
RoyKperhaps portmap is started after the nfs mounts?18:11
roboyeah, seems that way RoyK18:11
roboany suggestions on how to figure this out?18:11
RoyKwhich version are you on?18:12
RoyKthat's not supported anymore18:12
roboi know :-/18:12
RoyKI'd upgrade to 10.04LTS18:12
roboguess as of last week18:12
robothat's where I was trying to decide if 11.04 or 10.04LTS18:12
RoyKthere are far more users on LTS releases, so bugs are found and fixed quicker18:12
robooh? Nice to know18:13
RoyKif it's just a server, I'd suggest 10.04LTS18:13
robocool; ty for the suggestion18:13
* RoyK has 20ish 10.04 servers running18:13
roboi have closer to 50 servers that will soon be ubuntu18:13
roboa bunch of solaris, ubuntu and centos right now18:14
PiciI use the latest Ubuntu release on all my personal computers (including my VPS), but for work stuff I stick with 10.0418:14
roboI prob have around 15-20 ubuntu but they are all running 9.1018:14
RoyKrobo: we still stick with solaris^WOpenIndiana for storage18:14
RoyKZFS FTW!18:14
roboWe use Netapp here18:14
RoyKheh - that costs a bit more ;)18:14
roboyes, yes it does18:14
XpistosI found the answer. motd not updateing so I deleted /etc/motd.tail - problem solved18:15
RoyKcost us some EUR 20k per 100TB box with supermicro hardware and openindiana on the top18:15
roboI just inherited all these ubuntu servers. I don't have a clue what i'm doing18:15
RoyK100TB _net_ storage after a load of redundancy18:15
roboload of redundancy? Is that data de-duplication?18:15
RoyKno dedup - that's not really stable yet18:16
RoyKbut redundancy as of small RAIDz2 VDEVs18:16
robooh, right18:16
RoyKand with SSDs for caching, the boxes can sustain 10Gbps throughput, which is rather neat for a machine at that price18:17
RoyKs/a machine/machines/18:18
roboso RoyK, any ideas how i can get portmapper to start before nfs?18:19
roboi'm not really sure how to adjust this type of thing in ubuntu. I don't think it's as easy as editing files in /etc/rcx.d18:20
RoyKrobo: upgrade to 10.04 first - it might be fixed there, and it'll give you updates18:20
roboso you think it's just a bug?18:20
RoyKrobo: ubuntu uses upstart for most stuff18:20
RoyKrobo: yes18:21
roboupstart, let me look into that18:21
RoyKrobo: it won't take too long to upgrade, though18:21
robois there a recommended way?18:21
roboi was thinking I'd have to build a fresh O/S and move everything over18:21
robooh, nice18:21
RoyKupgrading is trivial18:21
JanCjust check the release notes etc.18:22
robonice! :-)18:22
JanCand maybe try first with the least important one  ;)18:22
patdk-wkjanc that is defently not any fun18:23
RoyKpatdk-wk: why?18:23
robothere is nothing fun. We use vmware18:24
patdk-wkto test it? before attempting it on production? :)18:24
roboSo snapshot -> upgrade :-D18:24
RoyKyeah :)18:24
RoyKpatdk-wk: coward!18:24
JanCif you have vmware you can probably just test on a copy too...18:24
patdk-wkya, I'll clone, then test18:25
patdk-wkbut only if I feel something will break18:25
patdk-wkand my guts don't work most of the time :)18:25
RoyKpatdk-wk: for most servers, an upgrade won't even need a clone, so long as you have a snapshot18:25
patdk-wkwell, it depends on how you test18:26
patdk-wkI'll play with it for a week or so18:26
RoyKdepends more of what sort sort of server18:26
roboall our servers are N+1. So I snapshot it and pull it out of the F5 pool for testing18:27
patdk-wkso formal :)18:27
RoyKrobo: where do you work?18:27
roboin the US for a medium sized corporation18:28
RoyKhow specific ;)18:28
robowe have cool toys here18:28
roboF5, Netapp, getting some EMC storage18:29
RoyKwhat's F5?18:30
patdk-wkfirewall/loadbalaner company18:30
* RoyK has some rather nice toys as well - just setup this new 2U box with four servers, each with a dual 12-core opteron and 64GB RAM18:31
patdk-wkmine are the other way around18:31
RoyKs/a dual/dual/18:31
patdk-wkdual quadcore 5630's with 192gb ram18:31
patdk-wkand still keep running out of ram :(18:31
RoyKpatdk-wk: virtualisation?18:32
patdk-wknever really overload the cpu's ever18:32
RoyKwhat hypervisor?18:32
RoyKmine are just compute nodes18:32
patdk-wkthis is 50+ win2003/8 machines :(18:33
roboI'd quit :-)18:33
patdk-wkhave two other clusters that are almost all ubuntu18:33
RoyKsetting up mpich2 on them these days...18:33
RoyKdosen't ESXi support memory overcommit?18:33
patdk-wkroyk, yep18:33
patdk-wkand memory dedup18:34
roboand does it nicely too18:34
RoyKfor some stupid reason (price, that was, we're an institute, and get rather good prices from MS), my boss chose hyper-v over vmware18:34
patdk-wkbut when each vm is running 4-8gigs of ram18:34
RoyKhyper-v is not for the faint-hearted18:34
patdk-wkoh, I setup hyperv once, cause well, we had win2008 lic18:35
patdk-wkthe application failed to work properly in a win2003 hyperv guest18:35
patdk-wkreally strange issue18:35
patdk-wkit was a webserver18:35
RoyKexcessive network traffic seems to bring down the VMs on hyper-v18:35
patdk-wkya :)18:35
RoyKthere's a hotfix available now, though - the MS guys installed that on one of the nodes today18:36
patdk-wkthe hyperv guest would get the http headers, and send a reply, but the reply would never make it to the network wire18:36
patdk-wkI dumped hyperv after that18:36
patdk-wkbetween that and lack of memory overcommit18:36
patdk-wkmy san just arrived at my house last week, haven't had any time to set it up though :(18:37
=== medberry is now known as med_out
RoyKI don't get why MS hasn't figured out memory overcommit18:37
* patdk-wk starts playing with 8gb fc at home :)18:37
RoyKpatdk-wk: probably useful in the winter, if you live in a place where it gets cold :P18:37
patdk-wkI already hack a shelf of servers that are all poe18:38
patdk-wkthinking about converting them all to san boot, diskless poe test machines18:38
patdk-wkhmm, not poe, but wol18:38
PiciWake On Lan18:42
RoyKbut poe can't really drive a PC, can it?18:43
JanCmaybe if it's an ARM blade, but AFAIK those are not available yet  ;)18:43
RoyK25.5w for a PC seems a little low18:44
JanCRoyK: depends on what "PC"18:44
RoyKfor an ARM or Atom, perhaps18:44
JanCthere are x86 SoCs that run at 1 W (GPU included)18:44
JanCbut I doubt those are used a lot in servers, outside of small home servers18:45
JanCSoC = System-On-a-Chip18:45
JanCbasically most of your motherboard integrated in 1 chip, like they also use in smartphones etc.18:46
RoyKah - ok - but I don't think those will be much fun if you try to start a 3D game on them18:46
JanCwell, old 3D games should be possible  ;)18:46
JanCand the x86 SoCs I know have much worse 3D GPU than high-end ARM SoCs18:47
* RoyK likes ARM18:48
RoyKthis guruplug is rather neat18:48
JanCRoyK: you can play Full HD video on some ARM SoCs nowadays18:48
RoyKI know18:48
RoyKHTC Desire HD with HDMI output....18:49
* RoyK goes to find his old C12818:49
JanCor a PandaBoard  ;)18:49
JanCbut there is a company working on 4-core & more ARM SoCs for blade servers AFAIK18:49
RoyKaren't ARMs rather slow on FP?18:50
JanCI guess that depends18:50
RoyKalso, even if you can pack them more densely than, say, Opterons, there's still a cost of splitting jobs into smaller and smaller pieces18:51
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
JanCARM just defines the main CPU architecture, and in recent designs they have some SSE-like instructions, but you could probably use specialised co-processors if you need heavy FP (similar to the DSP they use to decode video)18:53
JanCRoyK: that depends on the type of job of course18:53
RoyKmet stuff18:53
RoyKwindfield simulations etc18:53
JanCyour users probably know best how well they can parallellize that  ;)18:54
patdk-wkroyk, I didn't mean poe, I meant to say wol instead, keep the rack of computers off, unless I need them :)18:54
patdk-wkbut the ones I'm using are 2.6ghz p4's, and use about 46watts18:55
JanCexcept on boot, I guess?  :P18:55
patdk-wkno harddrives :)18:55
patdk-wkshouldn't use *that* much more on boot, I think the psu on them is 90watts18:55
JanCthen you are wasting a lot probably18:57
RoyKwasting what?18:57
JanC90 W PSU's (and certainly older ones) probably aren't very efficient at 45 W18:58
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
patdk-wkwell, lets say it this way18:59
RoyKIIRC most PSUs are most efficient at about 50% load18:59
patdk-wkI dunno how much power the computer is using18:59
patdk-wkthe PSU draws 45 watts :)18:59
RoyKor was that 30%?18:59
patdk-wkmy watt meter on the 120v line going to the psu says 45watts :)19:00
patdk-wkhow strange of me also, my workstation runs on 230v, but I haven't ran a 230v line to the *rack*19:01
RoyKmost PSUs today take anything from 100 to 250V19:02
patdk-wkI have always found 120v power annoying, and neutral wires even more annoying19:02
* RoyK just read about the .jp power grids - there are two of them! 50Hz and 60Hz19:03
patdk-wkoh? are they converting to 50hz?19:03
patdk-wkjapan has always been a strange mix of usa and eu standards19:04
RoyKthe north runs on 50Hz, where the south runs on 60Hz19:04
RoyKboth on 110V, though19:04
RoyKI don't see the point of running 110V systems when 380/400V systems are so much flexible19:05
patdk-wkI don't see the point of 110v since a neutral is a waste of a power wire19:07
aBs0lut30hey guys, anybody had any luck getting any of the newer(SCST,LIO) iscsi targets working??19:25
aBs0lut30on natty that is...19:25
aBs0lut30I can get SCST running but as soon as I attach vmware to a lun it wigs out... lio, well I cannot even come close to making that one work19:26
CalifHi, I'm trying to get dhcpd running. I am getting a permissions error when attempting to create the pid file. See: http://pastebin.com/TRp4TiQC19:28
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, how about a Linux client? does it react the same way?19:28
CalifI have done a chmmod 777 /var/run19:28
Califremoved the old pid file19:28
Califand i still get the permission error when I run dhcpd19:28
aBs0lut30ppetraki: havent tried a linux client, but the win7 client seems to work just fine...19:29
patdk-wkwell. lio is new, I don't believe it's suppost to be that *stable* till kernel 2.6.4219:29
aBs0lut30ppetraki: and I should clarify, I can connect vmware to the target, but as soon as I try and format a lun to VMFS it just hangs the server19:29
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, so LUN discovery, with any transport, is usually free of block level access19:30
aBs0lut30am a bit curious as to why IETD is still the "default" iscsi package at this point... its a complete POS... IMHO19:30
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, e.g. connecting and writing to it are two separate things19:30
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, the win7 client, can you perform IO?19:30
aBs0lut30not much, but I partitioned and formated a lun with no problems19:31
aBs0lut30on the vm side, I do see a TON of command aborts once it tries to start writing to the lun19:32
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, well, that's sufficient, a handful of reads and writes19:32
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, so that tells me the Linux iSCSI server side of things isn't disfunctional19:32
aBs0lut30yeah its really odd...19:33
aBs0lut30ohh, there is one more thing... let me pastebin this real quick...19:33
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, I was just about to ask for logs :)19:33
aBs0lut30that is a fault I saw pop up once...19:33
aBs0lut30let me grab some of the regular logs and throw out there as well...19:34
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, oh, vmware running on Linux, I automatically thought ESX :-p19:34
aBs0lut30well it is ESX19:34
aBs0lut30that fault is from the SCST side19:34
ppetrakiyeah, that looks real19:35
aBs0lut30http://pastebin.com/cLrBkbB2 there is a snap of the dmesg output from SCST after I connect to the lun19:35
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, task wakes up to process a command and looks like it dies doing some refcount housekeeping19:36
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, bug it19:36
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, sorry :(19:36
aBs0lut30me too :( stuck with the crappy IETD I guess... which sucks cause ESX is killing it like once a day...19:37
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, IETD? what's that?19:37
aBs0lut30the old iscsi enterprise target...19:37
aBs0lut30aka the iscsitarget package19:37
patdk-wkI have only started playing with scst last week19:38
patdk-wkplan on doing a lot of it soon, but didn't plan on much iscsi with it, mainly going use it for fc lun's19:39
aBs0lut30if I could get it to work, SCST looks pretty easy to use...19:39
aBs0lut30and from what I read/hear it works pretty well too...19:40
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, I know lots of about SCSI, haven't really had the opportunity to play with iSCSI yet though19:45
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, I can tell you though, that emulating a SCSI target is one of the most difficult things you can attempt in storage19:46
aBs0lut30heh, and I am pretty much the other side of that coin...19:46
aBs0lut30yeah... I can tell, hah19:46
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, this doesn't sound like a terrible bug, I'm surprised we didn't catch this in regression testing19:47
patdk-wkoh? scst is included in natty?19:47
aBs0lut30well, wouldnt be supprised to find out its something strange in my setup that is causing it...19:47
aBs0lut30patdk: not really...19:47
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, if your clients obey the SCSI spec well enough, which I expect as much from VMware, then it's likely the target emulator screwed up somewhere in the translation19:48
aBs0lut30based on what I am seeing that would sound about right... would love to know what the win7 client is doing that lets it work...19:50
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, that lets the win7 client run up until this point :). put some stress on that with iometer and I think you'll come to the same conclusion19:50
aBs0lut30plus I had to jump through a number of hoops to get SCST to build/load... and one of the patches for the 2.6.38 kernel wont apply correctly... so there is no telling19:50
ppetrakiaBs0lut30, ooooh, now I get it :)19:51
aBs0lut30yeah, forgot about that patch not going on until just now...19:51
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
SpamapSadam_g: <impression voice="korn">ARE YOU READY?</impression>20:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #778076 in setserial (main) "package setserial (not installed) failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77807620:41
hallynSpamapS: regarding bug 280421, did you push my proposed package already?20:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 280421 in ethtool "ethtool not available in post-ifup script" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28042120:48
SpamapShallyn: no I didn't see it in the queue. I suppose I can sponsor and then approve.. ;)20:50
hallynSpamapS: no, no20:51
hallynSpamapS: it's no good, pls reject20:51
SpamapShallyn: there's nothing to reject20:52
hallynSpamapS: new one comin' atcha20:58
hallynSpamapS: oh, right, that's right.  you must have not seen my other irc msg.  I couldn't push, no perms.20:58
SpamapShallyn: hurry I want to go eat lunch. :)20:58
hallynwell you can do this after lunch if you like20:59
hallynhas the src pkg21:00
SpamapSa debdiff is fine21:00
SpamapSalright, will review later.. might be a while. :-/21:01
robohi: so I installed ubuntu but didn't have a network interface setup in vmware. It's now there but after I reboot it doesn't look like ubuntu detects it (dmesg |grep eth shows nothing and no eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces.) Is there a way to get ubuntu to detect the nic? lspci does show the vmware vmxnet3 ethernet controller21:02
hallynSpamapS: np, i consider myself done, if you dont' like how i did the changelog pls just hack it right in the debdiff since the two of us seem to have horrible communications latency :)21:03
Andre_Gondimto use webmin I need to unlock root? if not what is the default user/passwd after instalation?21:18
guntbert!webmin | Andre_Gondim21:27
ubottuAndre_Gondim: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.21:27
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WilliamHuffleswolol i put debian server on my old ubuntu server box to try it out and the load is so much less21:39
WilliamHuffleswoit's 0.01 now but with ubuntu server it was always around 0.8021:40
WilliamHuffleswoconfused :p21:40
patdk-lapload means nothing :)21:40
patdk-lapwhat was running?21:40
patdk-lapusing all the cpu time?21:41
WilliamHuffleswoI just had a clean install and it never seemed to work very well, but debian is much better21:42
WilliamHuffleswodoes ubuntu put extra stuff on it that you don't really need?21:42
ScottKThe default install is similar for servers21:42
JanCif you have a load of 0.8 on an idle system, you should investigate what's wrong...21:42
WilliamHuffleswoit's weird though it only did that with ubuntu21:43
WilliamHuffleswoidle with debian is from 0.00 to 0.0121:43
ScottKSome of the security features (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features ) do cause some marginal CPU usage increase, but nothing like that.21:43
robodoes ubuntu use /etc/resolv.conf? I don't see it22:31
robooh, looks like i have to manually create it. All because i didn't have a ethernet card added22:32
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina

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