
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
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snadgehow do i move the unity bar thing from my secondary monitor to my primary one ?02:59
snadgexrandr --output HDMI1 --primary (apparently)03:08
snadgehow intuitive ;)03:08
RAOFsnadge: Yeah, the launcher's always on the primary display.03:19
RAOFThat'd be perfectly intuitive if there was actually a GUI for setting the primary display :)03:19
snadgeyeah its just there doesnt seem to be an easy way to set the primary display03:19
snadgelol yes03:19
RAOF(There is in gnome-control-centre 3.0)03:19
Omegajcastro: You here? (I know you're busy with organizing uds, this is about that)03:20
snadgeim assuming gnome 3 didnt make it to 11.0403:20
Omegajcastro: I wanted to ask if you saw this: http://thomas.apestaart.org/log/?p=132903:20
RAOFsnadge: It indeed did not make it.  Too much crazy porting changes needed :).03:20
snadgewith compiz 0.9 AND the unity changes combined.. thats more than enough fail i think for this release ;)03:21
snadgedesktop interface appears to be smooth on my g34/g35 after booting into the livecd.. so im thinking it was perhaps a borked dist-upgrade from 10.1003:22
snadgeim presuming there will be still window jerky issues if i load quanta or amsn though03:23
* Nafai gets the crazy idea to use Emacs' dbus interface to talk to Unity to do dynamic quicklists03:37
* RAOF was about to go “emacs has a dbus interface”. Of *course* emacs has a dbus interface!03:38
Omegaemacs is a nice piece of software :)03:39
Nafaiindeed it is03:40
OmegaMaybe we should hold a session/meeting on evaluating GNOME Shell, and looking at the things they did right, and incorporate those things into Unity.03:43
OverTheHillAndFawhere to find kick ass nice brushed metal materials?04:02
OmegaOverTheHillAndFa: Wrong channel?04:03
OverTheHillAndFahe he04:03
snadgei was just discussing with a friend.. how nice it would be to be able to optionally embed the gnome panel.. in between where the application menu goes, and the indicator applet04:33
snadgeso you can add your cpu frequency scaling apps.. weather.. etc.. into unity04:33
snadgeyou can sort of do an equivalent thing.. but just running the gnome-panel, and deleting the top one.. but on high resolution desktop systems, it would be nice to be able to use some of that wasted space up the top04:34
snadgei think i'll just use gnome classic desktop in the meantime.. its cute for netbooks though05:07
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axisyshwo do I get my terminal to do the wavy when move with mouse.. like in compiz ?06:18
axisysfound it! if I try to enable wobbly windows .. it says it will disable snapping windows .. what is that mean?06:20
oSoMoNgood morning08:00
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hichamhi DBO09:27
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hichammorning didrocks10:31
didrockshey hicham!10:31
hichamdidrocks: I didn't figure out yet how to start unity properly on a livecd for example. Should compiz be using gconf backend to be able to do that ?10:34
didrockshicham: it should just use a profile where the unityshell plugin is activated by default10:35
didrockswhich, in ubuntu, is a compiz profile stored in gconf for instance10:36
hichamdidrocks: so compiz is set to use gconf by default in ubuntu ?10:36
didrockshicham: yeah, it's the default backend for both sessions (default one, which is used in the gnome-classic session and the ubuntu one, which just adds unity)10:38
didrockshicham: you should try a livecd, and look at the compiz default gconf settings10:38
didrockshicham: and the COMPIZCONFIG_PROFILE value10:39
didrocksthis is what define the default profile10:39
didrocksand what's in the profile, which backend is used10:39
hichamdidrocks: from what I have seen, COMPIZCONFIG_PROFILE is set by Xsession, and unity startup scripts take it and loads the settings from gconf10:40
didrockshicham: right, look at /etc/compizconfig/10:40
didrockshicham: it's whete compiz is using COMPIZCONFIG_PROFILE to define that this profile is the gconf backend10:41
didrockshicham: and then, look at the package, it has some gconf configuration for list of plugin enabled10:41
hichamdidrocks: the issue for me is, we won't probably set compiz to use gconf by default, because it is used in other DEs as well10:41
hichamdidrocks: in that case, I think I need to use an ini parser10:42
didrockshicham: each profile define which backend is used10:42
didrocksas I just told above ;)10:42
didrockshicham: did you look at what's in /etc/compizconfig/ ?10:42
didrocksbackend = ini10:43
didrocks-> default profile (variable unset), use the ini backend10:43
didrocksbackend = gconf10:43
didrocksprofile = unity10:43
didrocks-> ubuntu profile (from COMPIZCONFIG_PROFILE) use the gconf backend, using the unity profile in gconf10:43
didrocksI know, it's confusing, compiz has two "profiles" notions10:44
kcin1hi,how   can i disable unity-2d-spread10:46
hichamdidrocks: what is the new workspace switcher ?10:50
hichamdidrocks: I looked for it in compiz plugins, couldn't find it10:50
didrockshicham: we are using the compiz "wall" plugin, nothing really fancy10:51
didrockshicham: unity is depending on the "largedesktop" feature, which are provided by both cube (not really tested/integrated) and wall10:51
hichamdidrocks: I am using wall+expo10:51
didrocksyeah, that's what we are using with unity10:52
kcin1is there a way to disable unity components10:54
hichamdidrocks : no luck11:13
hichamdidrocks: I added [general_unity] to /etc/compizconfig/config11:13
hichamput the Xsession file11:14
hichambut profile doesn't seem to get switched11:14
hichamI also used unity as default window manager in the session file11:14
didrockshicham: does the Xsession file set "unity" in your session?11:25
hichamdidrocks: http://fpaste.org/dw6C/11:28
didrockshicham: and you have a unity.desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/ right?11:28
hichamdidrocks: http://fpaste.org/cPN0/11:30
didrockshicham: ok, and I think the name is unity.desktop isn't it? the pastebin doesn't show that11:31
didrockshicham: I need to go now (lunch time). but if it's the case, ensure that your gconf "unity" profile have unityshell by default as in the ubuntu package11:32
didrocks(compiz ubuntu package)11:32
jbichathoughts on bug 778289 ?12:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 778289 in unity (Ubuntu) "Help button in Unity default launcher" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77828912:20
Prettohi, is there a way to reload only the launcher without restart a session?14:44
axisysis there a way to move the unity bar to the bottom instead of left by default?14:51
elriclPretto, try unity14:53
elriclalt f214:53
elriclaxisys, no.there is no preference to do that.14:53
mathewsaxisys: u got it hahahaha14:54
Prettoelricl: it worked, but not to launcher only :)14:56
elriclPretto, well, atleast u didnt have to restart the session :D14:57
Prettoelricl: indeed :)14:57
axisysmathews: :-)14:57
axisysi have to move my mouse to the top left and slide to the left to get the bar.. or hold the superkey to access it.. is there a a way to not hide the menu ?14:58
axisysfound my answer15:01
Prettoelricl: this workaround makes some indicators desappears :>15:06
elriclwhat extra indicators do u have?15:07
elriclI have only ubuntu-one15:07
Prettoelricl: xchat, thunderbird, twitterdeck15:12
Prettoelricl: ah, dropbox too15:12
elriclwhich ones dissapear?15:13
Prettoelricl: xchat15:13
elriclum, how did u get the xchat notification icon, i cant seem to get it :o15:15
elriclUse xchat or xchat-gnome?15:15
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Prettoelricl: xchat-indicator15:43
elriclit deosnt seem to work15:43
Prettoelricl: https://launchpad.net/xchat-indicator15:43
Prettoelricl: it works here15:44
elriclhmm.I'll checkout the problem l8r. Thanks.15:44
Prettoelricl: did you run com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"?15:45
elriclAh. Your running it from the systray.15:46
elriclI wanted a actual indicator.15:46
Prettoelricl: http://laudecioliveira.org/blog/?p=303 you can see it here and in the message-menu too15:47
elriclWrong link buddy :D.15:47
elriclBtw, Are u the owner of that blog?15:47
Prettoelricl: yes, the link is ok15:48
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elriclWait, the writer of the app?15:48
Prettoelricl: the xchat icon is in the screenshot, but the message-menu i can make a screenshot too15:49
Prettoelricl: yes15:49
elriclI branched it off launchpad, really like it.Anything I might do to help? :D15:49
Prettoelricl: that is why I asked about the reload stuff :)15:49
elriclmakes sense. :D15:49
elriclAm just learning gtk. If you need any kinda work in the app,lemme know. I think it'll be a great learning exp for me15:50
Prettoelricl: I do have15:53
Prettoelricl: i need to beautify the dialogs for inputbox and messages15:54
Prettoelricl: and I am very very bad to write dialogs messages15:54
Prettoelricl: I write code, ursinha organize it and package15:56
Prettonow you can review messages15:56
Prettoand UI15:56
elriclbe warned, am just a newbie15:57
Prettoelricl: all of us are newbie at some point :)15:57
quido18hi everybody.. just got the unity UI.. i miss the cpu meter in system tray.. in gnome i just could right click on the panel and add widgets. how to do that in unity?15:58
quido18gr8! gonna check it out, many thaks, elricl15:59
Prettoelricl: type the nickname of whon you are talking to :)16:00
mathewswamicho: u try ur query here #ayatana16:12
Prettois there a way to reload only the launcher without restart a session?18:23
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jamaltaPretto: you can open a Terminal, and run unity --replace19:11
Prettojamalta: i will try19:14
jamaltaPretto: I would actually run unity --replace &19:19
jamaltaThe & will make it background so unity doesn't close when you close the terminal.19:19
ssherezallow the unity bar to be places on the bottom of the screen, allow the user to change the size of the icons and make it more like the mac dock20:00
Prettothat's  an order20:01
christipssherez: The size of the icons can be changed in the compizconfig settings manager. (ubuntu unity plugin -> experimental -> launcher icon size)20:12
christipoh, he already left the channel...20:13
iahello. I have a question about python bindings to indicator applet for 3rd party developers - is there any way (API?) to add in indicator (right in main menu, between gtk.MenuItem's) custom vertical scrollbar? just like in indicator-sound for sound volume - it's written in C/Vala, and looks like that for this devs using some low-level C/GTK tricks :-(20:54
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