
lifelessjelmer: test_fixup_expected_errors (subunit.tests.test_subunit_filter.TestTestResultFilter)00:00
lifelesssubunit.tests.test_subunit_filter.TestTestResultFilter.test_fixup_expected_errors ... ok00:00
lifelesstest_fixup_expected_failures (subunit.tests.test_subunit_filter.TestTestResultFilter)00:00
jelmerlifeless: thanks, I'll have a look00:00
lifelesssubunit.tests.test_subunit_filter.TestTestResultFilter.test_fixup_expected_failures ... ok00:00
lifelesstest_fixup_unexpected_success (subunit.tests.test_subunit_filter.TestTestResultFilter)00:00
lifelesssubunit.tests.test_subunit_filter.TestTestResultFilter.test_fixup_unexpected_success ... ok00:00
lifelessjelmer: for me locally, but failed in the package build00:00
lifelessits probably shallow00:00
mgzyeah, those are the problems00:00
mgzsee <https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/subunit/bug-654474/+merge/59627> jelmer00:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 59627 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "Intel Core Duo 50% load with powernowd running" [Undecided,Invalid]00:01
mgzwth ubotu5.00:01
mgzlifeless: while I have you, can you update the milestone etc on bug 770519?00:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 770519 in subunit "Test failures and stream leaking in test_test_protocol suite" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77051900:02
* maxb removes bzr/daily's dependency on testing-cabal for now as a workaround00:08
maxband on jelmer/daily since that also contains a subunit00:08
jelmermaxb: that's going to break all packages for old distroseries00:10
jelmermaxb: they need newer versions of subunit - that's why we have the dependency on testing-cabal00:10
lifelessmaxb: mgz: better to fix bzr I think00:11
maxbThere is a new enough but not too new version in bzr/ppa00:11
lifelessthe subunit test failures are not the cause of whatever bzr's issue is00:11
mgzlifeless: I agree, would prefer if maxb left it borked so I knew if I'd fixed it00:11
mgzas I'm not certain yet if it's a bzr issue or a subunit one.00:12
jelmermaxb: what about the version of testtools?00:12
mgz...or testtools00:12
mgzwhich could also be my fault!00:12
maxbI believe testtools should be adequately satisfied from bzr/ppa too00:12
lifelessmaxb: so I suspect mgz is debugging now00:12
jelmermaxb: why does bzr/daily have a bzr/ppa dependency in the first place? It seems like that might risk bringing in dependencies00:13
maxbIn any case, if there's stuff in your personal daily PPA that the bzr one depends on, it would be good to make that less ad-hoc00:13
maxbbzr/daily has a dep on bzr/ppa precisely for things which we don't do daily builds of, but still need a recent release of00:14
maxb(IIUC, anyway)00:14
jelmermaxb: which ones?00:14
maxbtesttools, subunit00:14
jelmermaxb: THat's why we have the dependency on testing-cabal00:15
lifelessbut we do daily builds of them00:15
lifelessin ~testing-cabal00:15
lifelessso they don't match the 'dont do daily builds' part of your statement00:15
maxb"That ~bzr doesn't do daily builds of"00:15
mgzyup, I've got it repo'd00:16
mgzit is related to the two tests I knew about, not sure which rev where triggered the build failure but it's easy enough to fix the root cause00:21
lifelesswhat is the root cause00:22
lifelessmaxb: is there any harm having testing-cabal as a dep00:22
lifelessmaxb: it seems useful to me00:22
maxbI've got no problem with adding it back later, but right now I'm aiming to try to fix the sorry state bzr/daily is currently in, for which I need a bzr build which completes successfully00:23
mgzthe test bt.per_workingtree.test_smart_add.TestSmartAddTreeUnicode.test_accessible_explicit has its expectFailure logic backwards00:23
maxbjelmer: Do you have unpushed revisions for bzr-buildddeb/unstable locally?00:29
jelmermaxb: you mean lp:bzr-builddeb?00:30
maxboh, sorry, I was confused by the misleading presence of the alioth branch00:31
maxbalso, ugh, the recipe is set to use {debupstream}+.... - which of course generates bogus versions when the changelog is UNRELEASED00:31
jelmeryeah, that should be ~bzr probably00:32
mgzgra, testtools still doesn't make debugging this easy, it loses the matcher output00:33
lifelessmgz: it doesn't attach it?00:33
maxbI'll set the recipe to use 2.7.4+bzr... (literally) for now. that will ensure we don't need to fix it in sync with pushing the next changelog entry00:35
mgznope, never even formats the exception.00:35
maxbjelmer: Hi. I see you have a Build-Depends of bzr (<< 2.4.0~beta1-2) | python-bzrlib.tests in bzr-cvsps-import - unfortunately LP's sbuild is too stupid to resolve that - it only tries to install the first alternative00:41
maxbCan you see any downside to swapping them around?00:42
jelmermaxb: Yeah, I'm working on swapping them right now00:44
jelmerseger pinged me about it earlier00:44
jelmerI have a test build running atm00:44
mgzmaxb: okay, I have a fix for you.00:44
maxbjelmer: ok. Might be worth making it bzr (<< 2.4.0~beta1-2~) whilst you do (trailing ~)00:45
jelmermaxb: to what point?00:45
maxbSo the condition applies as intended to any backports that exist (like the bzr PPA ones)00:46
jelmerthat doesn't seem like a particularly worthwile revision to backport (a beta release?)?00:47
maxbNot particularly important, no. Just a thought given they need editing anyway00:48
jelmermaxb: There was a merge request for the addition of python-bzrlib.tests to debian/control of bzr-builddeb00:49
jelmerjames_w`: What's the exact policy on reviews for lp:bzr-builddeb?00:50
maxboh, sorry. I was in the "Packaging branch, no launchpad, exercise good judgement" mentality00:53
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AuroraBorealisso, is this the place we ask about bzr explorer questions?04:41
bignoseAuroraBorealis: yes, go for it. (I'm not someone who knows though, so can't asnwer.)04:55
AuroraBorealisfor some reason on windows bazaar explorer wont connect to my ftp server anymore.04:55
AuroraBorealisit just sits there on 'starting' and freezes04:55
=== AuroraBorealis is now known as aurora|away
pooliehi spiv, all05:25
spivHi poolie05:30
spivHow's the springy side of the planet?05:30
* fullermd jumps up and down a bit to check which side he's on...05:30
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
poolienice thanks06:20
=== aurora|away is now known as Auroraborealis
james_w`jelmer, trivial -> no review, everything else -> one review, unless you explicitly want more06:32
maxbjames_w`: and, who constitutes a valid reviewer?06:45
james_w`maxb, anyone on the bzr team, myself and people like you who know something about it07:05
poolie_droidhi vila07:09
poolie_droidthanks for that mail to linaro John07:14
vilahi droid :)07:26
* vila bbl07:30
vilaSo I said, 'Horse?  That looks more like a peanut to me!08:08
* fullermd applauds.08:12
* vila giggles08:36
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
vilafullermd: ViewSourceWith tracks the tmp file ! I thought I had to quit my editor but I only need to save... There is a small lag but I'm already getting used to it, this rocks ;)09:20
fullermdYeah, it's Pretty Durn Shiny(tm).09:21
vila. o O (Funny that *I* was pushed to use my favorite editor even more ...)09:27
* vila grins 09:28
fullermdHey, I told you how to set it up to use a good editor instead...  ;p09:40
poolievila, what's ViewSourceWith?09:40
vilapoolie: a firefox extension that allows you to use your favorite editor for text fields09:41
fullermdFirefox extension to let you use $EDITOR_OF_CHOICE for, among other things, View Source and <textarea>'s.09:41
vilapoolie: perfect fit for reviews09:41
vilapoolie: most notably because you can still scrolll the page to view the diff and copy/paste excerpts09:42
poolieoh right09:43
vilarhaaa, don't we have some option listing the warnings one want to ignore ? I can't remember :-/10:03
vilaha ! suppress_warnings10:05
vilajelmer: hmm, trying to rebuild the OSX-10.5 installer, I got a compile error in subvertpy (tip) in wc.c about svn_wc_conflict_choice_t being undeclared... rings a bell ? want a bug ?10:36
vilajelmer: telling me that I need some recent svn version will only make me cry10:36
poolievila i kind of wonder if these WIP mps will be lost10:39
vilawhich ones ?10:40
vilapoolie: anyway, PP should switch to https://code.launchpad.net/bzr/+merges?field.status=WORK_IN_PROGRESS&field.status-empty-marker=1 when https://code.launchpad.net/bzr/+activereviews  is back under control no ?https://code.launchpad.net/bzr/+activereviews10:41
vilawhich is what we say on http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/PatchPilot/10:42
pooliefor instance the one from Joke10:42
pooliejust an observation that many of them seem to get lost there10:42
vilapoolie: if I get feedback I'll finish this one10:43
vilapoolie: if I don't, well, it's not active anymore ;)10:43
=== r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor
maxbjelmer: Hi. Do you want any help adjusting the rest of the python-bzrlib.tests Build-Depends, or would you rather do each one as you upload?13:34
AfCWhy would upgrade to Natty be forcing me to remove bzr-git ?13:46
vilaAfC: Because you installed it from something else than the official repos ?14:03
vilaAfC: in which case you can just re-install it after the upgrade (after re-activating whatever repos you added)14:04
jelmermaxb: No, thanks; I doubt it would save much time as I have to process each package anyway.14:05
vilanaughty naughty loom bug... An AttributeError caused by a missing import and wrongly interpreted higher in the stack as meaning: this is not a loom...14:06
vilabzrlib.merge.anything syntax is Evil14:07
AfCvila: oh, right14:07
AfCI hate how Ubuntu keeps deactivating your PPA list.14:07
* vila nods14:07
vilaAfC: but there may be another reason than just that, Ubuntu is pretty "good" at keeping packages so maybe some other dependency triggered that14:09
vilapython version, whatever14:09
AfCWe'll see14:09
=== bialix_ is now known as bialix
vilaloom devs: I'd like to land https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr-loom/tweaks/+merge/6018514:36
vilalifeless, jelmer, whoever: ^14:36
vilahad I filed a bug I would have set it to Critical, but the fix is so trivial I can't bother14:39
vila... and I don't think it's worth searching why it occurred14:39
vilaif that doesn't wet your appetite I don't what will :)14:40
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jelmervila: sorry, missed that earlier. Approved15:19
vilajelmer: keep crawling the history back ;)15:20
vilajelmer: hmm, trying to rebuild the OSX-10.5 installer, I got a compile error in subvertpy (tip) in wc.c about svn_wc_conflict_choice_t being undeclared... rings a bell ? want a bug ?15:20
vilajelmer: telling me that I need some recent svn version will only make me cry15:20
jelmerwell, either you need a new version of svn or we need to fix a bug in subvertpy..15:20
jelmercan you pastebin the traceback?15:20
vilajelmer: *compile* error15:21
vilaerr, C compilation error15:21
jelmeruhm, sorry :015:21
jelmerCan you pastebin the compile error, mr pedantic ? :-P15:21
vilaisn't subertpy implemented from scratch ?15:22
vilajustasec, different host15:22
vila(and no copy/paste linked to *this* one)15:22
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:23
vilajelmer: is it just a matter of ONLY_SINCE_SVN(1, 5) or something more elaborate ?15:31
jelmervila: probably15:32
jelmerlooking at it now15:32
vilaok, thanks15:34
jelmervila: sorry, had to install libsvn-dev15:46
jelmervila: what svn are you using, 1.5?15:47
vilajelmer: no idea, it's the default one coming with OSX 10.5 AFAIK15:47
vila'svn help' says 1.4.415:48
jelmervila: that's really too old for a decent bzr-svn experience..15:48
vilajelmer: tsk tsk, I'm not an OSX 10.5 user, only an installer builder ;)15:49
vilajelmer: I mean, bzr-svn has been packaged so far and nobody complained, I think there is at least one bug about how hard it is to upgrade svn there and if we should drop it completely, let's do that. But if there is a simple way to keep supporting it for a few more months...15:51
jelmerhmm, ok15:51
vilaWe'll drop OS 10.5 support all at once at some point (10.7 is around the corner)15:51
vilalet me check what is the default on 10.615:51
jelmerI'm happy to fix this build issue for subvertpy, but svn 1.4 has much much worse performance for bzr-svn15:51
vilaright, I have no doubt about that ;)15:53
vilaerr, both points !15:53
vila1) thanks for fixing it, 2) no doubt about the perfs15:53
vilasvn 1.6.15 on OSX 10.615:55
vilajelmer: so, IIUC, subvertpy wraps libsvn and as such depends on it for providing features. Does that mean some features will not be available on OSX 10.5 or only that they will be slower ?15:58
jelmervila: some features in subvertpy won't be available, but bzr-svn works around that by using slower code paths15:58
jelmerand in some cases subvertpy provides the extra functionality if it can15:59
vilajelmer: wft (t == them ;) then15:59
jelmervila: pushed a fix, can you try with current trunk?16:03
vilahuh, no revisions to pull16:04
vilarevno 233316:04
vilajelmer: ^16:08
jelmervila: I think lp:subvertpy is a mirror, try http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/subvertpy/trunk/16:08
viladamn cached parent_location16:11
vilajelmer: that fixes the first compilation error16:17
vilaerr, not even wait16:17
vilajelmer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604131/16:25
vilajelmer: i.e. one typo and a different error16:25
vilaha, shooting in the dark sometimes works :)16:26
jelmervila: fixed16:26
vilayup, I trust your fix more :) Using svn_wc_resolved_conflict3 (instead of 2) was compiling too but was probably not producing the right code ;)16:29
vilaand it compiles fine16:29
vilajelmer: thanks16:30
jelmervila: according to the header _conflict3 is only available in svn >= 1.516:30
pindongahi, I was wondering.. I want to modify the lp-propose command to include some extra options... what is the best way to approach this for inclusion? shall I just submit an MP, or should I first discuss with someone if the changes will ever be approved first?17:55
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vilapindonga: MP is best, even to *start* a discussion, IRC logs are << MPs threads18:09
vilapindonga: I'm not saying you should create a MP with no patch at all either ;)18:09
pindongavila, no, sure, I have the mp almost ready18:14
pindongabut no tests yet :)18:14
pindongaI'll submit it later, and let you know18:14
vilapindonga: ha, not TDD-addict yet :)18:14
=== Ursinha is now known as EvilUrsinha
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== EvilUrsinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
maxbjelmer: When you touch bzr-colo for the Build-Depends fix, it looks like it's erroneously Architecture: any as well19:11
maxbHmm, oneiric's python-subunit is broken, it's built only for python 2.7, not all supported versions19:30
pindongavila, sorry to bother, I'm trying to find out where the tests are for the launchpad plugin19:54
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as EvilUrsinha
=== EvilUrsinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
cbzjelmer: just sent in a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/77879323:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 778793 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "Unexpected import error on importing svn branch" [Undecided,New]23:16

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