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yofelkdeplasma-addons tar up if someone wants to do it, I'm doing kdeedu09:30
aseigoany developer here that feels resposible in some way for patches to kdeplasma-addons? there is a crash in a patch shipping in kubuntu's 4.6.212:55
aseigoc.f. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27032712:55
ubottuKDE bug 270327 in widget-microblogging "Plasma shell crashes on system startup each time since 4 6 2 (related to MicroBlog) [QGraphicsItemPrivate::setVisibleHelper, QGraphicsItem::setVisible, hide, MicroBlog::downloadHistory, MicroBlog::configChanged]" [Crash,Resolved: downstream]12:55
* aseigo links to the patch and describes the problem in his comment at the endo that report12:55
ScottKI'll have a look.12:59
ScottKaseigo: Thanks.12:59
aseigoScottK: btw, what is that feature supposed to do? add a "branded" feed if the user doesn't set up an account? e.g. show the Kubuntu tweets?13:04
ScottKaseigo: Sorry, didn't realize you were still here.  I just pinged in #plasma.13:05
aseigoyeah,it'sok.. i'm busy and only checking irc infrequently 13:05
zero_perhaps that's not the best place to ask, but since I'm seeing ScottK around, any news on a possible kde-pim 4.6 release?13:21
ScottKzero_: I heard it's to be released the same time as KDE 4.6.4, so ~a month.13:22
ScottKPersonally I'm not in a rush.13:22
ScottKYep.  Thanks ulysses.13:23
ScottKzero_: ^^^13:23
zero_ah, thanks13:23
apacheloggerspooky patches13:31
ScottKFortunately we dropped it before release, but it was still in the backports PPA.13:35
ScottKI just fixed that.13:35
* apachelogger does not like them patches13:41
ScottKOne down.13:43
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zero_ScottK: sorry, I went afk, were you refering to kde-pim when you mentioned the backports PPA?15:45
ScottKkdeplasma-addons bug.15:46
zero_ah! :)15:46
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Peace-well knetworkmanager widget , can't see hidden wifi and , no static ip ...16:11
Peace-==>wicd-kde 16:11
ScottKPeace-: It can do hidden now.16:12
Peace-static ?16:13
Peace-i have tested some days ago and it seems to use dhcp 16:13
ScottKI haven't tried that.16:13
Peace-, to me is not a problem i have compiled and created my own wicd-kde but... 16:14
Peace-a lots of people has asked about static ip, with wicd-kde it works out of the box16:14
ScottKWhen I want static, I just put it in /etc/network/interfaces .16:14
Peace-well... that is not a solution16:15
Peace-it's a workaround :)16:15
Peace-i am writting just so someone knows better about the problem 16:15
ututuPeace-, if it's hidden wifi, how would you expect to see it?16:17
Peace-ututu: try wicd-kde16:17
Peace-then you will understand...16:17
ScottKututu: You need to know the SSID and you enter it manually.16:17
ScottKSome people think this is a security feature.16:17
Peace-well you can crask wpa2 too 16:17
ututumine does not broadcast SSID16:18
Peace-i use ethernet :)16:18
ututuScottK, if you know the SSID then it's no longer hidden16:20
Peace-:S ututu ... the others don't know ssid . 16:23
Peace-sudo iwlist wlan0 scan 16:23
yofeldebfx: did you upstream the kile dependency changes yet? If not I can open a bug for that16:46
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bambeeuserconfig is accepted in playground on git.kde.org :)17:44
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QuintasanIt's just me or plasma-widget-menubar is entirely useless?19:19
Quintasan(read: it doesn't work)19:19
* Quintasan creates pbuilders on his laptops19:20
Quintasanapachelogger: ping19:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: pong19:27
Quintasanapachelogger: want any beer from Poland?19:29
* Quintasan wants beer of apachelogger's land19:29
* apachelogger needs to find out what austrian beer is good though ^^19:29
Quintasanapachelogger: Want my recommended beer or you have something in mind?19:29
apacheloggernothing in mind19:30
ScottKQuintasan: Works great in plasma-netbook.20:25
ScottKI never tried it in -desktop.20:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: I think I'll take the train with arrival at 150021:02
apacheloggerotherwise I'd have to get up way too early ^^21:02
c2taruncan anyone please help me in reproducing this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=272098 just the name of the application will be enough.21:03
ubottuKDE bug 272098 in text-chat-ui "JJ: Add "ctrl+w" close tab shortcut to chatwindow" [Minor,New]21:03
apacheloggerc2tarun: kopete?21:04
apacheloggerwho'd know21:04
apacheloggerwe dont even have that plunder in kubuntu :P21:05
c2tarunapachelogger: how to install telepathy?21:05
c2tarunwhat is the name of binary pacakge to install telepathy?21:07
bambeeto copy a directory recursively I suppose it's good to use KIO ?21:08
apacheloggerwe dont even have that plunder in kubuntu :P21:08
apacheloggerbambee: yeah, depends on the situation mostly ;)21:09
apacheloggera kde app ought to be using kio ;)21:09
bambeeapachelogger: to copy the skel directory into a new home directory21:09
apacheloggerwell.... arguable whether you should use kio for that21:10
apacheloggeras kio introduces overhead the question is does it give you any benefit21:10
apacheloggercause I think it doesn't21:10
apacheloggerlike the skel copy will be pretty fast, so you'd not need progress indication magic, also since the copy is executed as lord root you dont have any other funny business21:10
apacheloggeralso as the copy is local you do not need any remote protocol foobar21:11
apacheloggerso IMHO kio is overkill21:11
apacheloggerc2tarun: telepathy-kde-text-ui is the name of the app21:12
bambeeso I need to write a copytree function which uses QFileInfo...21:12
apacheloggerunless I am being eaten away or something21:12
c2tarunwhere can I find Qt related bugs? I mean bugs in applications written in Qt?21:13
apacheloggerbambee: http://www.qtcentre.org/archive/index.php/t-23469.html21:13
apacheloggerin the qt bug tracker21:14
apacheloggerkubotu: google qt bug tracker21:14
kubotuResults for qt bug tracker: 1. System Dashboard - Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ | 2. Bug Tracker FAQ | Qt Developer Network: http://developer.qt.nokia.com/static/bug_tracker_faq | 3. Issue Navigator - Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=10510&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC21:14
bambeeapachelogger: mhhh interesting21:15
c2tarunapachelogger: that qt bug tracker is reporting bugs with Qt :/ that is something beyond my skills, can you tell me where can I find bugs with the applications written using Qt/C++21:23
neversfeldeI talked to a german speking guy from Norwegia today. He's really interested in Kubuntu packaging and I showed him how to take the first steps21:42
neversfeldehis IRC nick is Startlett21:42
neversfeldeand hgis real name is Nico21:43
neversfeldeI promised to introduce him here, but if I am not here, please give him a warm welcome, he is probably a great contributor21:45
DarkwingDuckneversfelde: Does he speak/read english?21:47
neversfeldedebfx: sure21:47
DarkwingDuck:D Tab fail? :P21:48
neversfeldesorry debfx21:48
neversfeldeDarkwingDuck: :)21:48
* apachelogger still thinks we need flipping fezes for UDS22:03
ScottKMount lasers on them and I'm in.22:06
ScottKProper steel cutting lasers, not the silly pointers.22:06
debfxyofel: no, I didn't. please file a bug22:18
yofeldebfx: kaffeine updated23:24
apacheloggerScottK: :O23:45
apacheloggeras if fezes weren't cool enough already23:46

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