
arbosis_oracleoftruth: maybe the volume of something is not right, did you check alsamixer?00:02
oracleoftrutharbosis_:thanks. whats the command for that? also attempting playback of sound seems to stress the cpu00:03
arbosis_just alsamixer on any terminal00:04
oracleoftrutheverything is turned up00:06
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ssfdre38where are the default images at for the log-in and desktop01:35
SIR_Tacoand ... /usr/share/wallpapers/01:42
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, do you know where the basecode is for both are located at?01:44
SIR_Tacoin svn?01:44
SIR_Tacossfdre38: give me a second and I'll find out01:45
SIR_Tacossfdre38: that's the wallpapers... can't remember where kdm themes are... but I'll find it haha01:47
ssfdre38well im trying to make an os right now im working on a prototype with debian01:48
ssfdre38and well kubuntu is my KDE prototype01:50
SIR_Tacossfdre38: ok... there should be a lot of documentation out there to making a custom kdm login, splash screen, etc.01:51
ssfdre38well right now im working on LFS01:52
ssfdre38well with01:52
SIR_Tacostilly, shouldn't be too hard building kdm01:53
SIR_Tacoyou should call the OS "Kraken" .... always thought that would be an awesome name for a KDE distro :P01:54
ssfdre38no im going to call it tronOS and i do have a screenshot of GRUB so far at http://irc.ssfdre38.com/e10.4.jpg01:55
SIR_Tacossfdre38: nice, what's the selling point?01:56
ssfdre38that is what it should look like for the GRUB01:56
ssfdre38its going to be for web site dev and desingers01:56
SIR_Tacossfdre38: nice01:57
ssfdre38im thinking of doing a clean server os and a pre-bulit web server01:57
ssfdre38its just been an idea for a while now and now im going to make it a prototype and see what people think with gnome and KDE01:58
zushello is there a  ppa for  the daisy widget in natty 11.04?01:58
SIR_Tacossfdre38: that's how good ideas start01:59
ssfdre38just need to work on it01:59
zusSIR_Taco,  thank you, i wasnt sure if it was too new a release for the widget yet02:00
SIR_Tacozus: nothing is too new :) and you're welcome02:01
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, i was going to use ubuntu but then i dont want to use unity02:02
SIR_Tacossfdre38: you can strip Unity out.... for now anyway02:02
ssfdre38gnome 3 thro02:02
SIR_Tacobrb... have to kill the neighbors lol02:03
zuswot is going on tonight, this is the most active iseen this channel in a day or two, or is it the  hours i log in02:03
SIR_Taconot litterally, of course02:03
SIR_Tacozus: not sure.... seems to be feast or fammine around here02:05
ssfdre38is it me or did unity somewhat slowed down ubuntu?02:05
SIR_Tacossfdre38: not sure... haven't touched Gnome in over 10 years02:06
zushas anyone  managed to get  runes of magic to work on 11.04?02:06
zusim still a newbie with Linux,02:06
expecto #ubuntu02:06
ssfdre38i just say for noobs they should use Jolicloud first02:08
SIR_Tacozus: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=815702:08
SIR_Tacozus: if you need help figuring it out, let me know02:12
zusactaully  i do have a question, do i just down load it like normal and  wine takes care of everything else?02:14
zusSIR_Taco,  ^02:14
SIR_Tacozus: should, yes. I haven't tried that game before... but usually you download 'whatever.exe' and in a console you'd type 'wine whatever.exe'02:16
SIR_Tacozus: of course you need to install wine first02:16
zuswine is isntalled,  but if i can get this to work i will never need windows again02:18
SIR_Tacozus: according to the Wine DB entry, you might have sound problems.... but that was for Ubuntu 10.1002:19
zusyeah? personally i play with no sound as i normally rock out to some metal! but least i know it should be expected02:20
SIR_Tacozus: problem solved then haha02:21
zushmm ok i clicked the  exe and the wine glass icon showa but then thats it02:22
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SIR_Tacozus: can you use the command line and go to the directory/folder where you downloaded the .exe and type 'wine whatever.exe' (without the quotes)02:23
=== Guest90508 is now known as ssfdre38
zusim not good with command line, how do i get into the downloads folder02:24
ssfdre38its cd downloads02:24
SIR_Tacowell if you open Konsole (Alt-F2 then type konsole), type "cd Downloads"02:24
SIR_Tacothen "wine whatever-the-name-of-the-file-is.exe"02:25
ssfdre38this is why i say noobs should start with jolicloud os02:25
SIR_Tacossfdre38: I was a noob 15 years ago, and I used Slackware.... not a good noob OS, but I survived :)02:26
ssfdre38i started with ubuntu 702:26
SIR_Tacosometimes it's best to be thrown into the fire :)02:26
zusi get command not found ?02:28
ssfdre38what did you type?02:28
zuswhen i got to the downloads directory  i did WineSlime.exe02:28
SIR_Tacossfdre38: I am really not that old... lol... just and inquisitive kid and in a completely opposite job than I probably should be02:29
SIR_Tacozus: small "w"02:29
SIR_Tacoand a space between 'wine' and the exe name02:29
ssfdre38well im 22 now so that says something02:29
SIR_Tacolinux is case-senstive (ie. 'a' and 'A' are completely different)02:30
SIR_Tacossfdre38: 2902:30
zushmm virtual memory exhausted is wot i got now02:30
zusone sec.02:30
ssfdre38you need to increase the wineHQ virtual memory02:30
zushmm dunno how to do that,02:31
SIR_Tacojust a minute... let me install Wine again... and see what's going on02:31
ssfdre38you need to go to the control panel of wineHQ and increase it there02:32
SIR_Tacozus: according to the winehq entry you need to install winetricks first02:33
zuswinetricks is in my  menu,02:34
SIR_Tacook, then you need to install: dotnet20 and vcrun2005 through winetricks02:35
zushmm is that like   sh winetricks  in the  terminal to get the  list?02:35
SIR_Tacozus: depends on how you got winetricks02:36
zusi see02:36
zuskxstudios  ppa02:36
SIR_Tacoshould just be able to hit Alt-F2 then type winetricks02:37
SIR_Tacotrying it out now... seems that it's changed a lot since I used it last02:38
zusok sec,..02:39
SIR_Tacoselected "Select the default wineprefix" then OK.... "Install a Windows DLL or component" then OK....  and select dotnet20 and vcrun2005 then OK02:40
zusok sh can not open winetricks  and it loooked as if it wa doing something  but  not anymore02:41
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, someone thought tronOS was an offshoot of TRON Project02:41
SIR_Tacozus: shouldn't need to type 'sh' if it was installed through apt... just type 'winetricks'02:41
SIR_Tacossfdre38: well it's an easy mistake02:42
ssfdre38no with apt you just type sudo02:42
zusstill getting a virtual memory exhausted02:43
SIR_Tacozen: winehq also says to 'Download the client files from the "Multiple File Download" section.' and then "Run the first file to start the installation process."02:45
SIR_Tacozen: winehq also says to 'Download the client files from the "Multiple File Download" section.' and then "Run the first file to start the installation process."02:46
SIR_Tacoworst internet cliche ever lol02:48
ssfdre38also the best02:48
zuslol which  "Fail"?02:49
SIR_Tacoand the irony is lost02:49
ssfdre38well time to try and see if i can get a image on grub for kubuntu02:50
zushaha  i dont get anythin but a blue screen untill the  rectangle with the  hdd and the k logo pops  up02:51
kubu2I see this plasma dock on kde.org on Kubuntu. http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/05/plasma-desktopap4455.jpg02:56
kubu2Need help how to get this02:56
SIR_Tacoany idea what the name of it is?02:58
Walzmynthe propritary drive gizmo says the nvidia driver is activated by not currently in use. How do I kick it in use?02:59
kubu2SIR_Taco: no idea..googling docks and seems like kooldock is no longer in the repo?02:59
SIR_Tacokubu2: are you sure this isn't just a mock-up?02:59
kubu2SIR_Taco: that's what I was thinking too.02:59
SIR_Tacokubu2: seems like an OSX meets Kubuntu mock-up.... but hey, you never know03:00
kubu2SIR_Taco: It would be nice but that's all I know.03:01
ssfdre38well i broke grub for kubunut03:02
SIR_Tacossfdre38: how so?03:03
ssfdre38i was trying to put an image on it and now i cant get on it so i went to my windows03:03
SIR_Tacokubu2: superkerumba (or whatever it was/is called) used to have something similar years ago I believe...03:03
SIR_Tacossfdre38: you don't get a grub screen? or you only have a windows option on it?03:04
ssfdre38i get it but it doesnt give me the grub os choosing window03:05
SIR_Tacoso it shows the grub screen, but nothing in the list?03:06
SIR_Tacohmmm.... maybe I should stop giving advice.... they all seem to get eaten by a Grue afterwards03:09
ssfdre38sorry about that and it doesnt even show the list it just shows grub>03:15
SIR_Tacoah, so you're stuck on the grub command line....03:16
SIR_Tacodid you just recently update grub?03:16
ssfdre38i just redid it so im good and it was a mod to the grub.cfg file03:16
ssfdre38well reinstalled kubuntu03:17
SIR_Tacossfdre38: you can usually just boot a live-cd and fix your mistakes03:17
ssfdre38i didnt mod the kubuntu that much so it wasnt worth it03:18
ssfdre38and windows is my main os so it would see vista over kubuntu03:18
SIR_Tacoah ok03:18
ssfdre38yea modding it back to what i had it before i reinstalled kubuntu takes no time03:21
SIR_Tacothere is a package (can't remember it's name) that well take a snapshot of your current configuration and packages and create a CD/DVD out of it.... so you could technically backup as you go03:22
SIR_Tacowell = will03:23
ssfdre38but i do want to get an image on the grub boot loader like the one i showed you that i did for Debian03:24
SIR_Tacook..... so you just want to add a background image to grub?03:26
SIR_Tacomove and change the name of your image to /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png03:27
SIR_Tacoyou'll have to open it in Gimp or such and change the format to PNG.... then just "sudo update grub"03:27
ssfdre38well i have it in .png already03:28
SIR_Tacosorry... "sudo update-grub"03:28
SIR_Tacoso just "sudo cp tronosgrub1.png /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png" then "sudo update-grub"03:30
SIR_Tacossfdre38: worky? no worky?03:31
ssfdre38right now im on windows03:32
ssfdre38i would need to switch ove03:32
ssfdre38over and im helping someone on a hosting site real quick03:32
SIR_Tacook well that will work, haha03:32
SIR_Tacolet me know if you have problems though03:33
ssfdre38i will be on here when i get xchat install on kubuntu03:34
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SIR_Tacossfdre38: what's wrong with Quassel?03:35
ssfdre38i just like xchat interface03:36
SIR_Tacofair enough03:36
ssfdre38i did try Quassel03:36
ssfdre38for me xchat works better then Quassel03:37
darthanubisgstreamer backend to phonon WIN! Finally you can play multiple audio sources at once out the box! Makes Kubuntu actually relevent.03:37
SIR_Tacowhatever floats your boat03:37
darthanubisKonversation took the place of xchat in KDE for me03:38
SIR_Tacodarthanubis: yes, I agree... I had problems here and there03:38
SIR_Tacogot a tattoo the other day.... now I have to wait 6 months to give blood again03:42
LinkmasterI didn't know that :o03:42
SIR_Tacomight be different in other places, but that's how it works ehre03:42
SIR_Tacosorry... that's my minute rant haha03:46
LinkmasterIts fine, haha03:51
mole__just upgraded to 11.04 thanks everyone!04:18
mole__went 100% smooth! which is totally rad!04:18
SIR_Tacoglad to hear mole__04:19
mole__does anyone think microsoft will shut down QT dev via nokia like microsoft shutdown mono via attachmate/novell?04:20
SIR_Tacomole__: with it being open source, I don't think there's much they can do about it04:22
mole__i realize that but they can kill it's development resources heh04:22
mole__and the fact that google used GTK for chrome... i was hoping they went QT :(04:23
SIR_TacoI'm sure they could... but with any luck they community would pick up the slack04:23
SIR_Tacothe community04:23
SIR_Tacomakes it sound like a cult lol04:24
mole__it'd be nice to be reassured by someone that QT will not be shut down despite the nokia 1 billion dollar soul selling04:24
SIR_Tacomole__: If (and that's a big if), Nokia shut down development on it... there are enough people in the KDE and QT groups, that are not affiliated with either company, to continue the good work04:26
mole__I'm not losing sleep over this obviously but I used to think trolltech being bought by nokia was a good thing, then after novel and nokia being bought out by microsoft... it's pretty scary... i just don't want my precious KDE to die04:27
ssfdre38so SIR_Taco what is the command for it?04:28
SIR_Tacomole__: I don't see it happening... it would more go the way of OpenOffice to LibreOffice than snuff out04:28
SIR_Tacossfdre38: ?04:28
ssfdre38for grub image04:29
mole__SIR_Taco: thanks man! that was the right thing to say to me04:29
mole__SIR_Taco: i think that's a bot04:29
SIR_Tacomole__: haha ok04:29
SIR_Tacossfdre38: "cp 'yourfile.png'  /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png" and then "sudo update-grub"04:31
SIR_Tacoalmost pasted my tattoo pic lol04:32
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, are you an op on here?04:37
SIR_Tacossfdre38: lol no04:37
FirefisheIs there a volume-balance control in kde 4.5.x?04:38
SIR_TacoFirefishe: what do you mean exactly?04:38
SIR_TacoFirefishe: you mean 'normalizing' the audio? (ie. setting a max/average volume)04:40
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Well, I can't seem to find any sound balance (Left----Right) control in kde anywhere.  I have to use gnome's volume control system applet to change it.04:40
Firefisheluckily, I use everything, so I can usually make something work ;)04:41
FirefisheMy primary vexation, however, is that whenever I log in (to any desktop), I have my Left---Right (Balance) almost all the way to the left, though not all the way.  I have to use gnome's system configuration to change it.04:42
SIR_TacoFirefishe: Kmix doesn't provide left and right control, unfortunately.... you can us 'alsamixer' in the command line and/or konsole04:42
FirefisheMy wife's user doesn't experience this.04:42
FirefisheSIR_Taco: I'm kind of curious by kde doesn't have a native interface to change the balance control.04:42
SIR_TacoFirefishe: I have no answer for that :)04:43
SIR_Tacoit should.... for sure... but it doesn't... yet04:44
mole__Firefishe: alsamixer :)04:44
FirefisheSIR_Taco: k.  Perhaps I should add something to the code base....04:44
Firefishemole__: True, that does work.04:44
SIR_TacoFirefishe: I've been thinking the same thing for a while.... just haven't had the time for it04:44
mole__Firefishe: kde 3.5 was may more complete and polished than KDE even at 4.6.204:45
mole__it's definitely lacking what it used to have but eventually it'll get there... i have hope04:45
Firefishemole__: Is there a way to get back to 3.5.10?  I'm kinda missing it, and wouldn't mind having it for a choice alongside everything else.04:46
mole__it's bad times but whatever... kde 4.6.2 is still the besst04:46
mole__Firefishe: who knows... i always upgrade because there are some things that are better04:46
mole__but yeah... obviously everyone misses kde 3.504:46
Firefishemole__: Is there a ppa for 10.04 for 4.6.2?04:46
mole__i dunno04:46
mole__i just upgraded to 11.04 and whent super smooth04:47
ssfdre38well its still on the default grub background04:47
mole__Qt: 4.7.204:47
mole__KDE Development Platform: 4.6.2 (4.6.2)04:47
mole__kde4-config: 1.004:47
FloodBotK1mole__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:47
FirefisheOh, 11.04 is out now?04:47
mole__yes and it's worth the upgrade04:47
Firefishefrom LTS?04:47
mole__went smooth from 10.10 for me04:47
mole__i dunno04:47
ssfdre38Firefishe, dont upgrade from LTS04:48
mole__the only thing that went awry with my buddy's ubuntu 10.10 was his ati driver but that was fixable04:48
FirefisheOne thing that is completely annoying me, is every time konqueror is called from another application as the URL handler, I get multiple instances, all at once, and usually end up having to kill the x server.04:49
mole__sounds ghetto04:49
SIR_Tacossfdre38: what's the line about 6th from the bottom of your /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme say for set_background_image?04:49
mole__i don't even use konqueror any more at all04:49
mole__just dolphin and chromium04:49
mole__although dolphin really pisses me off and konqueror used to be awesome in kde 3.504:50
FirefisheI have an Asus G50V.  Chromium--and even Chrome--don't work on my machine at all.  I get a kernel panic.04:50
SIR_TacoI've been using KDE for over a decade... and I don't miss 3.5 anymore04:50
mole__SIR_Taco: me too, but there are some things04:50
mole__that fail04:50
FirefisheSIR_Taco: I don't either, really ;)04:50
FirefisheI'm well into the 4.5.x hierarchy, and will probably just stay there.04:51
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, under the same dir bit its not working04:51
mole__i've filed one bug.. i'll test it soon but someone already reported it not working in 4.6.204:51
mole__on bugs.kde04:51
Firefishessfdre38: Do you mean don't upgrade from LTS to 11.04, or 10.10?  I could upgrade to 10.10 from here, first, then to 11.04, correct?04:51
Firefishemole__: What is that?04:51
mole__hold on04:52
SIR_Taco4.6.2 of what?04:52
mole__it's in all of 4 series04:52
mole__it irritates me everyday04:52
mole__i want to stab it04:52
ssfdre38Firefishe, just wait till the kubuntu 12.04LTS04:52
Firefishessfdre38: When's that scheduled to be out?04:53
ubottuKDE bug 264557 in kioslave "multiple smb:// fish:// sftp:// requests to same server are blocked by ongoing file transfer" [Normal,Unconfirmed]04:53
SIR_Tacossfdre38: version of KDE has nothing to do with Grub04:53
ssfdre38Firefishe, apr 201204:53
mole__someone confirmed it i thot04:53
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, its set to /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png04:54
Firefishessfdre38: Well, that's next year.  I may want to upgrade before that ;).  It would be nice to see konqueror working again, and not spawning endless child processes.04:54
Firefishe...as well as have chromium working properly04:54
ssfdre38well if you want to you can im just saying for LTS releases just wait04:55
mole__you probably have it weirdly installed04:55
mole__Firefishe: it totally should work04:55
Firefishemole__: You mean chromium?04:55
Firefishesudo apt-get install chromium04:55
Firefishewhat's hard about that?04:55
FirefisheI've done that multiple times.04:55
mole__if you install strace04:56
SIR_Tacossfdre38: when you do the "sudo update-grub" does it list "desktop-grub.png" anywhere?04:56
mole__and run04:56
mole__strace chromium-browser04:56
mole__you will understand why your browser is crashing04:56
mole__you are probably linked to a bad library04:56
mole__that you need to upgrade or reinstall proper version of04:57
Firefishemole__: It doesn't just crash the browser.  When it happens (and it's always the same), the entire computer stops and my caps lock indicator light blinks slowly, on and off..04:57
mole__that would be your video card driver crashing04:57
mole__do you know what kind of videocard and what driver you are using?04:57
Firefishethen the proprietary driver I'm using for my effects is interacting weirdly with chromium's rendering engine.04:58
mole__which one?04:58
Firefishelet me check04:58
mole__ati or nvidia?04:58
SIR_Tacossfdre38: for example: mine says "Found background image: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png"04:58
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, nope04:58
mole__are you sure you are using bbinary04:58
mole__or are you using nouveau?04:58
Firefishemole__: I'm not sure.04:59
SIR_Tacossfdre38: what version are you basing your OS off?04:59
mole__glxinfo | grep -i nvidia04:59
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, 11.0404:59
SIR_Tacossfdre38: so you should have grub2 then04:59
mole__grep -i nvidia /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:59
SIR_Tacossfdre38: you can always try installing kde-config-grub2 and see if you can chage it that way05:01
Firefishemole:  Here's the output:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/603971/05:01
FirefisheI use good ol' regular grub05:01
mole__okay yes... so binary driver05:02
mole__is your xorg.conf empty?05:02
ssfdre38Firefishe, that is what im using too im just trying to put a background on it like how i did on Debian http://irc.ssfdre38.com/e10.4.jpg05:03
Firefishemole:  checking05:03
Greeneryi tried upgrading 10.10 to 11.04 but couldn't. Currently I'm on Kubuntu 10.10 with KDE 4.6.205:03
ssfdre38Greenery, on your terminal type sudo do-release-update05:04
SIR_Tacossfdre38: so you are or you're not using grub2?05:04
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, i am05:04
Greeneryssfdre38: command not found05:04
mole__Firefishe: this looks promising http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html05:05
mole__but you may only want to try it if you know what you are doing05:05
mole__i don't want to leave you with a black screen lol05:05
SIR_Tacoand at the end of your 05_debian _theme the line matches what I quoted above?05:05
Greeneryssfdre38: is it sudo do-release-update or sudo do-release-upgrade?05:05
Greeneryah okay05:06
Firefishemole__: Here's my xorg.conf output:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/603974/05:06
Firefishenot much there05:06
ssfdre38but you need to update the distro first Greenery05:06
mole__Firefishe: looks safe05:06
Firefishemole__: Relative to chromium-browser, neither Firefox 4 nor Opera 10.1 are affected.05:07
Greeneryssfdre38: updated already with latest packages for my 10.10, so its fine for me to do the command now right?05:07
mole__Firefishe: you could check Xorg.0.log after crash05:07
mole__and also dmesg05:07
Firefishemole__: after using strace?05:07
mole__disregard strace05:08
mole__that is if it was just randomly crashing05:08
mole__not tanking X05:08
Firefishemole__: Yes, this is a regularly occuring theme ;)05:08
Firefishemole__: Although, after I had it uninstalled for a while, I reinstalled it, and it behaved for a long time.  Then it just started crashing agian.05:08
ssfdre38SIR_Taco, GRUB2 is what is on all ubuntu distros since 9.1005:09
mole__u could also try05:09
mole__sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-common05:09
mole__then reboot05:10
mole__i meant05:10
mole__sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-current05:10
FloodBotK1mole__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:10
SIR_Tacossfdre38: yea, thanks... just trying to figure out why yours isn't being nice05:10
ssfdre38i dont know05:10
Firefishemole__: I understand the manual install stuff coherently enough.  I just don't want to do anything too dire.  I'm having 2 major issues with 10.04 on my machine:  1)  The chromium x/crash bug, and 2) konqueror spawning multiple windows when called from another program as the browser/url handler,.05:13
SIR_Tacossfdre38: your desktop-grub.png file is actually there?05:13
ssfdre38im looking right at it05:13
Firefishemole__: 3) Something not-too-dire:  When I log in, my volume Balance is almost all the way to the left.  My wife's user doesn't have this problem.  So far, I haven't found any reason for it.05:13
mole__Firefishe: set it properly using alsamixer05:14
mole__then use05:14
mole__alsactl store05:14
SIR_Tacossfdre38: I have no idea then, that's how I've always done it in the past05:16
ssfdre38well im asking on #grub right now05:16
ssfdre38just nobody is answering05:17
SIR_Tacossfdre38: well their more the experts than I am05:18
Firefishemole__: I'm going to log out and back in, and see if that worked.05:20
mole__lol okay05:20
mole__win or fail?05:23
Firefishemole__: fail  Balance control was still almost all the way to the left, still.05:24
mole__i wouldn't be surprised if your gnome app is what is screwing it up05:24
mole__rm -r .gconf/apps/gnome-alsamixer05:24
mole__if you are pissed off enough05:24
mole__rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-alsamixer05:24
Firefishemole__: will that force a new file to be created?05:25
mole__who cares if u're running kde05:25
mole__one time i had a problem with the multimedia key module of kde05:26
mole__was screwing up my volume05:26
mole__sounds weird but if i stopped it from loading it worked properly05:26
Firefishemole__: I use gnome on occasion, so I don't want to delete something that can't be replaced.05:26
mole__oh don't worry05:26
mole__it'll recreate it self05:26
mole__worst case you reinstall the app05:26
Firefishemole__: That's what I needed to hear.  No problems.05:26
Firefishemole__: I'll check out the file first, I always do. :)05:27
mole__u can mv ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-alsamixer ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-alsamixer_backup05:27
mole__u can also try this05:29
Firefishemole__: There is no .gconf/apps/gnome-alsamixer.  Neither directory nor file.05:29
mole__sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio :)05:29
Firefishemole__: that's asking for more problems if I remove pulse.05:29
mole__it might fix it05:29
Firefishemole__: yes, but pulseaudio is gnome's primary output, and I've had problems with things not working without it.  This laptop is weird.05:30
mole__u could also try05:30
mole__sudo alsactl store05:30
Firefishemole__: did that05:30
Firefishefact is, it wouldn't work any other way05:30
mole__well that's no fun05:31
Firefishemole__: I may have permissions issues as far as I can tell.  I'm about ready to just save all my files to my windows partition, delete my primary user, then recreate it when I know everything in /home/myusername is and /usr/share/myusername is gone.05:32
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
SIR_Tacosorry Firefishe... haven't been paying attention... you're having left/right volume issues?05:35
FirefisheSIR_Taco: I'm having Balance issues.  When I log in, my balance is way over to the left, though not all the way.  I have to use gnome-volume-control to correct it.05:35
FirefisheVolume control, itself, is linked fine, they go up and down together.05:36
SIR_Tacognome? or kmix?05:36
mole__Firefishe: does it do it in mplayer?05:36
FirefisheI'm on kde at the moment.  I have gnome and xfce installed, too.05:36
Firefishemole__: I haven't checked it.  I don't use mplayer much, mostly xine.05:37
FirefisheThis box is such a Heinz 57 mongrel, it's not even funny ;)05:37
SIR_Tacoand you're absolutely sure that your other users have no problem? (ie... the jack is all the way plugged it.... not trying to be an ass)05:38
FirefisheSIR_Taco: The only other person on my laptop is my wife, and her user doesn't have the problem.05:38
SIR_Tacoah, it's a laptop, so no plug problems05:39
FirefisheSIR_Taco: And no issues on the ass part ;) LOL *duck*05:39
mole__sorry i couldn't help05:39
mole__i'm shleepin now05:39
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Asus G50V05:39
Firefishemole__: You've helped a lot05:39
Firefishethank you, and sleep well. :)05:39
SIR_TacoFirefishe: levels aren't messed up in alsamixer?05:40
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Well, let's just see...05:40
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Looking at it in my terminal window, alsamixer is showing all volume levels to be equal05:41
SIR_Tacoby default *buntu is set to have separate configurations for sound per-user (if I remember correctly)05:42
SIR_TacoFirefishe: not left/right differences?05:42
FirefisheI don't actually see where I'd view that05:42
SIR_TacoFirefishe: usually... there are two bars per audio input/output....05:43
FirefisheSIR_Taco: I'm viewing the command line version.  I'm showing one bar.  Let's say Master and PCM.  Both have one multicolored bar (green/white/red--vertical) and show, at the bottom, or base, of the meter bar, two numbers like this:  81<>8105:45
FirefisheVerson of alsamixer is 1.0.2205:45
SIR_TacoFirefishe: just checked mine... seems they have done away with the left/right.... odd05:46
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Is there a way to downgrade to a previous edition to get the functionality back?05:46
FirefisheI don't like this trend that I see, that being an apparent 'less is more' type of attitude with deference to interfaces.05:47
SIR_Taconot really... but at the same time you shouldn't have this problem either lol05:48
FirefisheSIR_Taco: It's a  weird thing.  The only gui app that's picking up the problem  seems to be gnome-volume-control.05:48
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SIR_TacoFirefishe: I am scractching my brain05:49
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Regarding what mole__ said earlier, I also don't have .gconf/apps/gnome-alsamixer05:50
Firefisheat all05:50
SIR_TacoFirefishe: but you have Kubuntu yea?05:50
Firefishekubuntu, ubuntu, and xubuntu.  Also have e17, openbox, fluxbox, etc.05:51
SIR_TacoFirefishe: ok, but what was your base install? Kubuntu? Ubuntu?05:52
SIR_TacoFirefishe: what is your Wife logging into/using?05:53
Firefishekubuntu/kde 4.5.x05:54
Firefishewe use the same desktop05:54
Firefisheshe never uses any other05:54
SIR_TacoFirefishe: and if you log into another DE, you get the same audio problems?05:55
Firefishewith gnome, anyway.  xfce, I think so, but I don' t use it much.05:56
SIR_Tacobut your wife doesn't?05:56
Firefisheonly kde05:57
FirefisheIt was enough to have weaned her away from xp years ago ;)05:57
SIR_Tacohaha ok05:57
Firefishe*doze xp broke, so we either had a choice:  gnu/linux or nothing.  easy choice.05:57
Firefisheno regrets, either, for her.  she loves not having to reboot all the time, no spyware/malware problems, etc.05:58
SIR_Tacowell... what I would suggest trying... if you haven't tried it yet... log out of kde. Open a console ALT-F2 and go to your home directory "cd /home/<name>/" and type "mv .kde .kde-bak" and reboot06:00
SIR_Tacoyou'll lose all your settings though, just a warning06:00
SIR_TacoI guess CTRL-ALT-F2...06:02
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Umm...hold on06:04
FirefisheSIR_Taco: That used to be the old way to do that, just delete .kde and start over from scratch. Thing is, if I do that, everything will be nixxed.06:06
FirefisheAlso, the config files are in .kde/shar/config now.06:06
Firefishe.kde/share/config rather06:06
SIR_TacoFirefishe: true... that's why you move it, not remove it... you can always put it back :)06:06
Firefishedeleting the .kde/* directory recursively may have dire consequences.06:07
Firefishelet me reread your suggestions above06:07
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Well, it can't hurt to try06:08
FirefisheSIR_Taco: I mean, this is what gnu/linux is about, anyway, experimenting....carefully ;)06:08
SIR_TacoFirefishe: that was my thought.... I was out of ideas haha06:08
Firefisheokay, here goes06:09
SIR_TacoFirefishe: the other option is to create a new user, make sure it all works well... and remove the old one06:09
FirefisheI like my old one too much ;) hee06:09
Firefishebut I"ve done that too, before, depends. ;) hee06:09
Firefishehere we go.06:09
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Well, that is interesting.  A new, shiny desktop!  Also, no balance problems.  The culprit is probably in the .kde/share/config area.06:15
SIR_TacoFirefishe: so it worked?06:16
noaXessif i ssh/login into my 10.04.2 servers i get the welcome message twice... one without information about updates, the other with inforation about updates.. the second one is wrong, cause all updates are installed..06:16
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Well, it reset everything.  Of course, all my desktop art is trashed, my compiz effects no longer works, and everything else.  I have to reset everything ;) LOL06:17
SIR_Taco but audio is fine now?06:17
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Yes, the volume control was in the center, and not to the extreme left06:18
Firefishe..or almost-to-the-extreme-left06:18
FirefisheSIR_Taco: However, I think I'm going to delete the new .kde and put back the old one.  Obviously, it's one of those files.  Or, more than likely.06:20
SIR_TacoFirefishe: very true, isolating it would be good06:20
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Now, this is good, but it also doesn't explain why konqueror wants to spawn multiple windows-at-once when called from other apps, or why chromium crashes my x server.06:21
SIR_TacoFirefishe: can't help you with that unfortunately, I uninstall Konq whenever I install Kubuntu... just don't like it06:22
FirefisheSIR_Taco: First of all, I'm going to get my old .kde back....be a sec.06:23
FirefisheSIR_Taco: Also, thanks for the help on the volume/balance issue.  I can probably find it from here.06:23
SIR_Tacono problem06:23
alesanhi! since I upgraded to 11.04, it does not login automatically anymore06:28
alesanit was a very useful feature, any idea how to re-activate it?06:28
Firefishealesan:  I think that can be set in the login manager area06:28
Firefisheor user accounts06:28
alesanmh best would be to know which file to edit... but let me see if I have luck with the control panel06:29
FirefisheSIR_Taco: I wonder if 11.04 has eliminated that feature, too ;).06:29
Firefishealesan.  kubuntu?06:29
SIR_TacoFirefishe: I don't think so, should still be able to06:29
SIR_TacoI remember there being problems in the beta for that.... but it had been resolved if I remember correctly06:30
Firefishealesan:  It doesn't seem to be present in 10.04 (my system) in System Settings > User Management06:31
alesanFirefishe, yes of course kubuntu, what is this channel abut?06:31
Firefishealesan:  Got IT!06:31
Firefishealesan:  System Settings > Login Screen > Convenience Tab06:32
alesanI mean I was using it with 10.1006:32
alesanI would have never guessed06:32
Aluetesomeone knows how to change the server???06:32
Firefishealesan: Enable Auto-Login06:32
Firefishealesan: choose your user, and I guess you're done.  I don't know what the Lock Session check box does, though.06:33
SIR_Tacoargh... women will be the death of me lol06:33
alesanwell it will lock the screen so you have to enter the passwor06:33
Firefishewimmin trubble, Taco?06:33
Firefishebrb...nature calls06:35
SIR_Tacotry to be direct with breaking up.... but there always seems to be some catch lol06:35
SIR_Tacoguilt trips suck too06:36
alesanat the end it was much simpler to edit /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc06:40
alesanbut at least that hint allowed me to understand where it was06:40
alesanfor whatever reason the control panel did not shoe all my users06:41
alesanroot was missing for example06:41
SIR_TacoI thought every girl read that "he's just not that into you" book lol06:41
SIR_Taconeed sleep.... good night, good morning, or good day depending on where you are06:52
Whoguys a quick question , ATI Radeon Linux Display Drivers 11.4 vs ATi OSS drivers which would be better ?07:26
mr0wlask #linux07:32
mr0wlI haven't messed with ATi in a long time07:33
MorfinRussian chenel?07:44
MorfinКак называется оболочка kde для скачивания с сервера?07:58
grekhemвсем привет08:00
valorie!ru | Morfin08:02
ubottuMorfin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:02
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hitman3r44hi can any one tell me what are new features in kubi=untu 11.04 (natty)08:34
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acidhi :(09:25
MK``hi :o09:26
acidI just had a _very_ weird and annoying problem09:27
acidall my .kde settings are gone09:27
acidthis morning I started my computer fine, kde shows up normally09:27
acidthen I let the computer alone and when I came back to screen was black and unresponsive. No hd activity either09:28
acidso I did the RIESUB thing09:28
acidand when it restarted, kdm shows up, without my login (that it normally remember)09:29
KeshlDid you wait a few seconds (About 20) between each keypress when you did that?09:29
acidyes I did09:29
KeshlOkay, continue.09:29
acidand when logged in, I get a sh*ty metacity window and no border09:29
KeshlSounds like X windows..09:30
acidI dpkg-reconfigured kdm and choosed gdm instead, rebooted, could should the kde 'session'09:30
acidand now I'm a brand new kde installation09:30
KeshlWell, yeah, you reinstalled KDE..09:30
acidI checked the /home/acid directory09:30
acidit's really wieard09:30
KeshlNo, you reinstalled KDE <.<09:30
KeshlOf course you're gunna loose your configureation.09:31
acidhow come ?09:31
KeshlYou know how two files with the same name can't exist in the same folder?09:31
KeshlThat's why.09:31
acidi never asked to "reinstall" kde :(09:31
Keshldpkg-reconfigure == reinstall.09:31
KeshlWell, not exactly.09:31
acidkdm isn't kde is it ?09:31
KeshlKDE is the entire suite, KDM is the desktop manager.09:32
KeshlChances are when you did REISUB all you had to do was select KDE as your DE.09:32
KeshlThere's a button for it.09:32
KeshlI forget exactly where (Been a while since I've seen Kubuntu's normal login screen), but you'd just have to switch it to KDE.09:32
acidI didn't know riesub could reinstall a desktop, and wipe the configuration file at the same time :'(09:33
KeshlBUt, yeah. Your problem is user error, it's fine. Stuff happens.09:33
KeshlIt didn't.09:33
KeshlX is always there.09:33
KeshlIt has to be, KDE runs off of X, even.09:33
KeshlAnd then you paniced when you saw X, and did dpkg-reconfigure.09:33
Keshlon KDE*09:33
KeshlThat wiped your config files.09:34
acidI'm in kde now, my only real problem (configuring kde again isn't a problem), is that I lost my std.ics file and saves for korganizer, that's a REAL bummer for me :(09:34
KeshlAt least, that's what I can gather. I'm no expert here, but, it seems pretty logical.09:34
KeshlBackups help. <.<09:34
acidi'll check the .bash_history09:34
KeshlIf a file is really important, back it up.09:34
acidKeshl: when I did the RIESUB, all I had was a black screen and unresponsive computer09:35
KeshlYes, that's true.09:35
KeshlAnd then when you rebooted and logged in you came to X instead of KDE.09:35
acidwhat's really odd to09:35
KeshlSometimes stuff like that happens.09:35
KeshlIt's a failsafe.09:35
acidis that my mozilla configuration files are gone too !09:36
KeshlIf KDE caused the error and every login you did then crashed and made you REISUB..09:36
Keshl...Okay, now things are weird. <.<09:36
acidI have one question : could it be possible that's I'm right now using the "default" kubuntu installation files, while my real files aren't decrypted somewhere ?09:37
KeshlI have no idea at this point.09:37
acid(I choosed "encrypt home folder" and installation)09:37
KeshlWait for someone who knows more than me.09:37
acidon the other hand, my ~/.bash_history file is legit with entries prior to the "bug"09:38
* acid is becoming sligthly crazy09:38
KeshlWell, your name /is/ Acid. -pets at-09:38
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
acidfor info, I did `dpkg-reconfigure kdm`, not kde09:40
acidlooks bad :(09:53
sobczyk_hi, is there a terminal version of upgrading to natty? the kde upgrade program hangs when setting repositories09:59
KeshlNatty's 11.04 right?10:00
KeshlJust making sure, still kinda half-new around here.10:00
susundberggoogle shows: sudo do-release-upgrade -d10:01
valoriesobczyk_: also, you can wget the ISO file, burn it to a liveUSB or CD10:02
valorieand upgrade from that10:02
valorieof course you can torrent it too10:03
sobczyk_something is bugged or the core program is bugged10:03
sobczyk_I meant slow :)10:04
sobczyk_after downloading the repositories is "hangs" when processing changes10:04
sobczyk_I'm not sure if it really hung because it does some dist write10:05
maitrey_hi, question: I am running ubuntu 10.04 and need a system on my second computer. I am thinking to get 10.10 is it a good idea or does it still have a lots of bugs (as when I've tested it 6month ago). thanks10:11
susundbergmaitrey_: current release is 11.04 -- i would go with that if its not a server10:13
susundbergsurely it will contain some bugs still, if you want bug free system i suggest sticking with release that has long-term-support10:13
susundbergmaitrey_: i am using it (11.04) and it works fine with me10:13
maitrey_susundberg: ok, i'll that too. It's just that I10:14
maitrey_have heard it's too much buggy10:15
susundbergmaitrey_: give a try with livecd (do use daily image)10:19
iomarigreetings, can someone tell  me where I can get the wallpaper for kubuntu live 11.04?10:20
TeslaTonyRight now I'm using the Kubuntu 11.04 liveusb, and I am only given the option for the plasma netbook interface, not the desktop interface. I am pretty sure I downloaded the desktop version of the disk. What's going on?10:23
iomarigreetings, can someone tell  me where I can get the wallpaper for kubuntu live 11.04?10:52
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HouseMDis there a workarround for the nvidia bug (random pixels on X, even with desktop effects disabled) or have to wait for a new driver?11:13
darthanubisgood question11:16
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LetsGo67Hello! Here's the scoop: my Ubuntu computer is hooked up to an iMac. But the iMac has a 169 IP address and cannot browse the Internet. What should i do?11:47
tsimpson!ics | LetsGo6711:48
ubottuLetsGo67: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing11:48
LetsGo67tsimpson: it usually works.  :(11:49
tsimpsonnot without a DHCP service, or static IPs11:49
tsimpsonthe 196 range is for avahi/zeroconf11:49
LetsGo67Time for a reboot.11:50
LetsGo67Thanks and ttyl!11:50
russiachandhello to everyone12:01
Gizmo__hello, who has developt kubuntu ?12:03
Peace-Gizmo__: who?12:06
Peace-Gizmo__: everyone12:06
Gizmo__do every one know who developed kubuntu?12:08
Peace-Gizmo__: ...12:11
chilmaasterHey guys12:27
chilmaastercan someone pls help me out? I'm trying to run a shell script (bash) with a mouseclick but nothing is happening.Script has execution permissions12:30
chilmaasteri'm using Kubuntu 10.0412:30
chilmaasterno ideas? :(12:31
tsimpsonhow do you know it doesn't run?12:32
chilmaasterbecause it should ask for a su pw12:33
Peace-run a script12:34
chilmaasterwell because the file i'm editing trough the script needs su permissions12:34
Peace-sudo ./namescript12:34
Peace-if you need root12:34
tsimpsonchilmaaster: if the script doesn't use a GUI password program, how can it ask unless you run it in an interactive terminal?12:35
chilmaasterthx guys 4 your answers. My script is working fine when i run it in cli but now i just want the cli to pop up and run the script (incl. entering the pw) when i click on it in my home folder12:37
chilmaasterthe commandline just doesn't appear when i click on it12:38
tsimpsonchilmaaster: you will need to replace the command line "sudo" with the graphical "kdesudo"12:40
chilmaasterthank you tsimpson. is that the reason why the comand line doesn't appear?12:41
tsimpsonbecause you need a terminal open to see it, when you run the script the script runs, just not in a terminal12:42
aseigoanyone know where i can get a look at the patches applied to kubuntu's kdeplasma-addons package (if any)?12:42
tsimpsonscripts don't need terminals to run12:42
* aseigo has a strange backtrace that seems quite specific to kubuntu's 4.6.2 packages12:42
chilmaasterthanks very much tsimpson12:44
Peace-aseigo: hi :)12:44
chilmaasterlil stupid 2nd question: how can i change now the icon of this script12:45
tsimpsonaseigo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/kdeplasma-addons/natty/files/head:/debian/patches/12:45
Peace-aseigo: maybe here ? https://code.launchpad.net/kdeplasma-addons12:45
tsimpsonaseigo: also #kubuntu-devel should be able to help12:46
tsimpsonchilmaaster: you'd need to create a link (shortcut) to the script and choose an icon for that afaik, the icon for the script file is based on the type of file12:47
aseigoah, there's a -devel channel. thanks.. will check there if that link doesn't pan out. cheers..12:48
aseigotsimpson: thanks. that was it :)12:49
chilmaasterthanks tsimpson. i guess it is a "link to programm"?12:51
iomariwhat is the wallpaper used on kubuntu 11.04 live cd?12:52
chilmaasterwhere  do i need to enter which path?12:52
mac_where are you\12:55
chilmaasterany idea how i can do a simple kde output dialog on a script?13:00
Peace-chilmaaster: of course13:00
Peace-chilmaaster: kdialog13:01
Peace-chilmaaster: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/09/12/kdialog-qdbus-progress-bar/13:01
Peace-chilmaaster: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/kdialog-set-position-on-the-screen/13:01
chilmaasterthank you peace13:02
amokk¿can you update ubuntu/kubuntu? since installing all servers are extremely slow so can't update anything13:47
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LetsGo67Hello!  Does Kubuntu have Unity?15:00
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PiciLetsGo67: No.15:00
LetsGo67Good.  :)15:00
LetsGo67slinker1: Why does LibreOffice take three icons?15:01
slinker1you mean one for writer one for impress etc...?15:04
pjpj_is there a way to turn off my laptop touch pad in Kubuntu?15:28
Whoyou mean compeletly or when typing ?15:29
Whoor when mouse is connected ?15:29
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Whoanyway press alt + f2 , then type synaptiks15:30
Whosee the options there15:30
pjpj_I would to turn it off when typing with my mouse also connected.15:31
Whoyes so do what i have told ,  press alt + f2 , then type synaptiks15:31
pjpj_it worked!  thanks a lot.15:37
zero_is there any particular reason for knotify4 to use 100% cpu?15:41
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Guest76402hi, im totally new to kubuntu, i used linux mint before, can someone tell me how to get codecs for mp3, mpeg and other things?15:46
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:47
AlexZionprobably just openingamarok andtrying to play an .mp3...15:47
AlexZionit should comes out a pop up to install the missing codecs ...15:48
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Guest76402i did but it says that i have to get some stuff from the net to play mp3 but when i want to get that it says that i cant download it becase of some problem15:48
Magnussonanyone got an idea as to why i'm unable to get my microphone to capture sounds when i'm trying to speak into it15:51
Guest76402hey there tnx im getting those codecs right now thank you ubbotu15:55
Guest76402by the way is there any known issues with dsl connections? im creating a dsl connection but can't find it on connections page by clicking on the network icon in the main panel15:59
ututuGuest76402, there should be a kppp apps in the internet category16:00
Guest76402but isn't this kppp for dial up?16:01
ututuGuest76402,  not in kde right now but that's where you set it up.  Not sure but you can add also in the plasmoid16:03
ututuGuest76402, normally you should have a router between your pc and dsl modem16:04
ututuGuest76402, you set thins up in dsl modem once and just plug your pc in router ports16:05
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BluesKaj Guest76402 , have tried setting up you etherent connection in network manager...your router is what getermines your dsl settings not the network manager16:07
BluesKajerr ethernet16:07
Guest76402i try it now16:09
Guest76402but it's automatically identified ethernet connection16:11
BluesKajGuest76402, open the konsole and copy and paste this : sudo ifconfig eth0 up16:12
Guest76402responds: the command not found16:14
BluesKajGuest76402, try ifconfig16:16
pjpj_can you access the synaptiks touchpad management programs from the system settings?  or do you always have to run it as a separate program?16:18
BluesKajpjpj_, system settings input devices16:18
pjpj_BlueKaj:   I already looked there, it does have an input devices configuration page but it is not the same as the synaptiks program (i can't seem to turn of the touch pad from the system settings, only buy way of synaptiks)16:21
BluesKajpjpj_, there was a small app for turning off the touchpad triggered by a keystroke , sorry but I can't recall the name16:24
pjpj_i don't mind having to run the synaptiks program by itself.  but it just seems wierd that it is not integrated with the system settings-- it feels logical to me that there is where you should go if you wish to turn the touch pad on/off.16:25
BluesKajyup, I used a mouse with my laptop, so the touchpad was permanently turned off16:27
pjpj_having a desktop widget or panel icon to click would also nice a nice thing (along with the option to set a hotkey)16:27
=== donato is now known as Guest79873
naught101is there any software that let you run a slideshow of all images in a directory, and it's sub-directories?16:48
LinkmasterIts possible, though it depends on what your trying to do16:49
diconico07naught101: digikam ?16:49
naught101diconico07: ok, will try that16:49
Linkmasternaught101: What do you want to do? [Digikam is very nice by the way]16:50
naught101Linkmaster: er... run a slideshow with all the images in a directory, as well as all the images in it's sub-directories?16:51
LinkmasterDerp..I just didn't know if you wanted it a background process or something :P but DigiKam, Gwenview, and a couple others are all very nice16:51
naught101gwenview doesn't do it...16:52
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LinkmasterThen try DigiKam, its bigger then Gwenview, but at the same time it gives you a LOT more features16:53
BluesKajgwenview will give a slideshow , but you need to cleck next manually, there's no timer auto settings16:57
James147BluesKaj: no you dont... there is a play button16:58
* BluesKaj searches for the play button17:00
James147BluesKaj: after you full screen, move the mouse to the top a menu should appear17:01
LinkmasterJust click on 'view' and click on 'play slideshow' and it'll play all files in whtever folder your in, naught101, BluesKaj, James14717:01
James147^^ or that :)17:02
diconico07Linkmaster: but not the files in the sub-directories17:02
LinkmasterWhats wrong?17:02
LinkmasterI thought they did? :o17:02
naught101what diconico07 said...17:02
James147^^ digikam can do sub folders as well, but it a bit more heavy... but very nice if you want to manage pictures17:04
LinkmasterYeah, I suggest DigiKam. I just tried to get Gwenview to show subfolders, and I couldn't :l. But DigiKam is very nice17:05
kubu2picassa will do it17:06
kubu2everything on your HD17:07
LinkmasterSame for digiKam, though digiKam is KDE oriented. What you do is navigate to the specific folder you want to view, along with the subfolders, click 'view -> start slideshow -> all subalbums'17:08
BluesKajthanks James147 , found it17:08
BluesKajpicasa is ok ,but it's too much ..prefer a simpler approach17:09
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* BluesKaj wonders if digikam will seethe pics on my phone ...somehow I doubt it ...moto4linux certainly won't17:13
* Linkmaster thinks BluesKaj should try though..Linux is getting more powerful daily17:15
James147BluesKaj: its a kde application... so I bet if it can then the rest of kde can17:15
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BluesKajJames147, I tried moto4linux with my motorola flip phone , not fancy , just for travelling and occasional use , but it's disappointing that such a comon device doesn't work worth a dam on linux17:20
* Linkmaster thinks that its because large companies hate Linux, and thus try to make it hard to use17:20
James147Linkmaster: except it seems google :)17:21
BluesKajLinkmaster, I think linux is just not even considered , it's too small17:21
LinkmasterIts not that its too small...its just that nobody wishes to spend the time on free software that they won't get money out of17:22
James147Linkmaster: Not nobody... just most companies17:23
LinkmasterRephrase: people who want to make a profit :P17:23
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James147Linkmaster: ^^ why can they not get money out of linux? People will still pay for the device if it works17:24
James147Linkmaster: looka t the android and kindel ... both work flawlessly on linux (probally because they both run linux... but still :D )17:25
LinkmasterThey can..but they need to write a whole new code set for it17:25
LinkmasterIts BECAUSE they run linux actually :P17:25
BluesKajlinux doesn't even enter their minds is what I really meant, it's beyong their horizon so to speak17:25
James147Linkmaster: :) still shows its possible...17:25
LinkmasterCompanies don't want to pay for OS X/Windows on the phones/readers, so they grab a frew kernel, make mods and they are done17:25
LinkmasterIts because its too awesome for them to grasp :D17:26
Linkmasterbut I gotta go, be back later17:26
BluesKajBBLL as well, ...news17:27
James147BluesKaj: but anyway :) when you next decide to buy a device pick one form a company that at least looks at linux :)17:27
BluesKajJames147, it never occurred to me when we bought the phone ..it's a replacement that's on a pay as you go plan...which suits us17:29
=== joke_ is now known as Guest1177
sean_wHi. I upgraded from Ubuntu  10.10 to 11.04 and hated it. I have now installed kubuntu-desktop. I would have done a fresh install, but I have way to much customization just to get my printer working. How can I rid myself of the ubuntu-desktop packages. I suspect some confilct is causing some of the strange bugs I have right now.17:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:43
James147though it hasent been updated in awhile :S17:43
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Chris_HHi, how do I get disconnected from a Virtual Private Network?17:45
Chris_HWhenever I do a bit with the Network applet (or plasmoid or whatever it is), the whole kwin freezes17:47
Chris_Hand I have no option left, but to restart.17:47
Chris_HKDE 4.6.2 has been really buggy for me17:47
sean_wJames147: Where might I request an updated version?17:50
sean_wIs there any group who manages the kbuntu Wikis?18:19
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ryrychgood evening ku people :)18:37
jedixhey, I'm trying to use kdenlive to edit videos, but the sound in my recording makes me sound liek a robot.  Anyone know about this?18:38
ryrychwhat is your opinion on Firefox in Linux/Kubuntu? Do you feel that it behaves like a monster (slow, chugging)?18:39
ryrychI asked this question because I have a problem with Fx and my jQuery plugin. Could you be so kind and test something?18:41
ryrychit isn’t my code that is flawed but just Fx. It is OK in Chromium, Opera on Linux and Fx, IE on Windows18:41
ryrychI just want to make sure18:42
ryrych…make sure if I should file a bug report :)18:43
simion314ryrych: if you have scrolling problems on all sites then it could be the video driver and the effects18:43
sean_wCan the 32 bit OS use 16GB of RAM?18:45
ryrychsimion314: I have a problem with resizing browser window – I attached an event handler to the window object and when window size changes, I scale an image in my lightbox18:45
James147sean_w: yes, but no applivation can use more then about 3 or 418:45
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James147sean_w: and only with a spical kernel18:45
James147^^ I think the server one is compiled to let it18:45
James147sean_w: normally best to just use a 64bit os though18:46
simion314ryrych: give me a link18:47
James147sean_w: see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/ fro more info18:47
ryrychsimion314: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1220038/lb/examples/test.html, open the last image (that below 2,2 label), when it loads (4.5Mega) please resize the window a few times and tell me if it chugs or not, OK?18:48
ryrychsimion314: I would like to make sure where I should file a report: X, Firefox, Ku?18:48
simion314ryrych: it did not work,and when i closed firefox it crashed18:50
simion314ryrych: does it workl in other browsers?18:50
ryrychsimion314: yup, it works for sure: tested in many browsers18:51
simion314it could be a bug in the library you are using18:51
ryrychsimion314: could you open it in other browser?18:51
simion314then ask for someone on other distro but with same firefox version(4) and see if in that distro works18:52
simion314ryrych: try #firefox or #javascript also18:53
ryrychsimion314: just gone to #firefox in mozilla channel18:54
darkarchonhi all18:55
darkarchondoes xinerama + composite work18:55
darkarchoni seem to be unable to enable desktop effects after enabling xinerama18:55
James147darkarchon: kde dosnt yet support seperate screens as far as I know... best to use twinview18:56
James147darkarchon: and from what I know xinerama is largly depercated18:57
darkarchonwill applications in twinview be maximized to both displays?18:58
katsrcis there a way to install codecs individually instead of installing kubuntu-restricted-extras18:58
James147darkarchon: most will not... wine still has some issues i think18:58
darkarchonbecause i have one display in pivot, and this would be VERY unfortunate18:59
James147katsrc: yes... install the packages that it depends on18:59
katsrcJames147: ok, thanks18:59
darkarchonoh well, i'll have a look at twinview18:59
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katsrcis amarok not able to play aac files?19:05
tertl3katsrc: ^19:16
ryrychsimion314: it seems that it is a bug, I filled a report19:30
ryrychdo you have an account on Mozilla’s bugzilla?19:30
ryrychsimion314: should you want to confirm that bug, please refer to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65531619:37
ubottuMozilla bug 655316 in General "an event handler attached to resize on window object causes UI to freeze or crash" [Critical,Unconfirmed: ]19:37
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Crembohey guys, linux newbie here. installed kubuntu 11.04 on laptop. graphics driver works fine. wireless doesn't work. tried using "additional drivers" app to install wireless driver, gives me an error I can't quite understand19:41
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Thinkerer68upon first reboot after upgrading from Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty to kubuntu 9.10 Karmic I got this message in TTY2: "could not access PID file for nmbd"20:10
Thinkerer68smbd and nmbd are both running and working fine20:10
Thinkerer68I just don't know what the error means, or whether I need to worry about it.20:10
Thinkerer68I found this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138277620:11
Thinkerer68Is this a bug which will be fixed?20:13
BluesKajThinkerer68, well. it's over 18mos since it's release , one would think the bug has a patch available20:20
Thinkerer68One would think that the patch might be included in updates?20:21
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BluesKajI've added synaptic (/usr/sbin/synaptic) to: user ALL=NOPASSWD with sudo visudo, but synaptic still asks for the pw , what's missing ?20:29
BluesKajin sudoers20:31
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mpadair00anyone have issues with 11.04 and compiz (fusion) and emerald? I've been googling, forum searching, wiki searching, hacking, reinstalling, and seancing since beta 1 trying to get it to work. Never had issues with prior releases. It just worked out of the box.20:51
Peace-mpadair00: compiz?20:53
Peace-mpadair00: btw , i use kwin20:53
Peace-mpadair00: not too bad here , http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/06/plasma-desktopY17647.jpg20:54
mpadair00yeah...compiz...there's one feature of compiz that I can't seem to live without...opacify20:54
mpadair00other than that, i'd be fine with kwin20:54
Peace-i can't help you just because i don't use compiz since .. 8.0420:55
mpadair00s'all right. I appreciate the response anyways. For a bit, I thought it was a dead chan.20:55
Peace-mpadair00: nope here there is a lots of activities , well i am in italy so now i guess i will go out xD20:57
Peace-have luck!20:57
mpadair00thanx. Good night.20:57
mpadair00_kwin -kwinkkn21:04
mohamadHi Guys, somebody here play Nexuiz?21:13
mohamadI want know how to make a local server just for Nexuiz21:14
ray1clawhey can anyone help me with this? I get an error when I try to upgrade kdm, heres the screeny of the error http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/06/snapshot1.png21:17
ray1claw^ this wont let me install anything21:17
Crembofinally managed to get wifi to work on my laptop. dell studio 1555, kubuntu 11.04, clean install. the only thing that worked.. was to install synaptic, reinstall the bcmwl-kernel-source package, reset, and then use jockey as normal21:18
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multipass|2hi, anyone know if the new kubuntu has the same compiz changes as ubuntu 11.04?21:29
multipass|2mainly i wanna see if edge flipping works21:30
BluesKajmultipass|2,  edge flipping ?21:30
multipass|2cursor or dragging window past the edge of screen21:30
multipass|2flips to next destktop if there is one21:30
* BluesKaj checks desktop effects21:31
multipass|2yeah ubuntu destroyed alot of functional compiz21:31
multipass|2lol :\21:31
BluesKajno need for compiz for that effect21:31
multipass|2how so?21:31
multipass|2ive been looking for a way around it21:32
multipass|2in new ubuntu, u can still enable the abilities, but they dont actually work21:33
BluesKajjust moved my cursor to the left top corner and all pages are displayed on one scrn21:33
multipass|2the effect im looking for will switch to adjacent desktop21:33
multipass|2very effective for the web dev i do21:34
BluesKajgotta have a decent graphics card for these effects21:34
multipass|2i dont want to see a expo of everything21:34
multipass|2gx 460 nvidia :)21:34
BluesKajmultipass|2, theres the desktops widget21:35
multipass|2well ill try out new kubuntu reguardless21:35
multipass|2the new kde keeps tempting me21:35
BluesKajit flips the desktops depending on your desktop settings21:35
multipass|2but if you go into compiz > desktop wall > edge flipping, does this are exist?21:36
BluesKajdunno, haven't bothered with compiz since karmic21:36
BluesKajI use the desktop cube animation21:37
multipass|29.04 karmic?21:38
multipass|2or when was that21:38
BluesKajabout 9.1021:39
BluesKajabout 18mos ago21:39
maitrey_ hi everyone, my wireless went at once of. it shows disabled (without possibility to enable in the panel. the driver is Broadcom sta 802.11 wireless driver under ubuntu 11.04 (it is first time that happened). what to do? thanks !21:43
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BluesKaj!broadcom | maitrey_21:47
ubottumaitrey_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:47
BluesKajBBL , stuff to do21:47
m_tadeuhi....strigi doesn't seem to be working on this new version of kubuntu22:18
m_tadeuis anyone else experiencing this?22:18
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bigbrovaris anyone able get amarok to connect and sync with a masstorage device (like android) on Kubuntu 11.0422:28
overlordрусские есть?22:35
ubuntuis there any edge flipping in kubuntu?22:36
ubuntuthat i can test on live cd?22:36
sean_wMy audio imput device priority isn't saving. Help?22:37
bigbrovarubottu: what do u mean by edge flipping?22:42
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:42
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foormeai have an external hard drive with files that belong to 1000:1000. i have a laptop that uses a different user/group, say 1357:2468. do i have a way to allow write to the external drive without going o+rwx on the external drive's directories?23:53
foormeacan i change group ownership of the directories on the external drive to 2468? will user 1000 still have ownership and rights on the directories??23:54
gomiboyfoormea: in general: yes23:56
foormeagomiboy: does that seem like the right approach?23:56
lautaroalguien sabe como me conecto a irc hispano???23:57
lautarouso quassel23:57
foormealautaro: try /join #kubuntu-es23:58

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