
wgrantlifeless: Yes, it's on LPS, but that normally gets ignored :)00:06
lifelessgawd I hope not00:06
lifelessso whats special00:07
lifelessalso when is good for you00:07
wgrantIt needs buildd-manager to be shut down before the update, then process-upload run, then proceed as normal.00:07
wgrantThe directory name format has changed.00:08
wgrantAnd accepting and testing both seems more trouble than having a slightly special one-off upgrade.00:09
lifelessmaxb: https://code.launchpad.net/~launchpad-committers/lpreview-body/packaging00:12
lifelessis done00:12
lifelessthe other needs the regression in LP fixed00:12
lifelessmaxb: can you follow up on the list so folk know00:13
lifelesswgrant: so whats the filename format change about01:21
wgrantlifeless: Removing BuildFarmJob.id.01:21
wgrantIt was used to identify temporary upload directories.01:21
lifelesswhat did the filename encode, what does it encode, why does it encode it01:21
wgrantSo, buildd-manager takes an upload and dumps it into a directory for process-upload.py --builds to handle.01:22
wgrantIt used BuildFarmJob.id to identify the relevant build.01:22
wgrantNow it uses the job type and BPB/SPRB ID.01:22
lifelessis that in a metadata file or the dirname?01:22
wgrant(yes, ew)01:23
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!02:01
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #519: FIXED in 5 hr 12 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/519/02:01
lifelesswgrant: when would you like to talk?02:03
wgrantlifeless: Now's good for me.02:12
wgrantlifeless: You still prefer Skype?02:15
lifelesscooking lunch, will ping in a bit02:24
lifelesswgrant: ping03:06
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #240: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 9 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/240/03:07
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #38: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 10 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/38/03:12
wgrantlifeless: Hi.03:16
wgrantI'm ready.03:16
lifelessvoip or skype is bestest03:16
wgrantI'm on Skype, I've not got SIP set up.03:16
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lifelesspoolie: jetlag?05:37
lifelesshmm, code free day :(05:52
lifelesswgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/777794 - please triage as you file :)06:09
_mup_Bug #777794: Bug subscription AJAX popups are too bold <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/777794 >06:09
lifeless777789 too06:10
lifelessand 77778606:10
wgrantlifeless: I can't triage those.06:10
lifelesswhy not?06:10
StevenKHm, I meant to file a low bug about that06:10
wgrantBecause I don't know what importance they are.06:11
lifelesswgrant: take a good guess06:11
wgrantGiven that there is meant to be a UI polish mode at the end of each feature, they should probably be High.06:11
wgrantBut I don't know.06:11
lifelessthe feature squads are not watching the tracker.06:11
StevenKIf you set the importance and such like when you file a bug, we shouldn't say "Your bug will be triaged soon"06:11
StevenKPerhaps ...06:11
wgrantStevenK: That's for external people.06:11
lifelessStevenK: that prose is just the post-filing-notice, its not programmatic06:11
lifelesswgrant: please triage them, even if its just to high + an email to gary to say 'these need your hand to really assign importance'.06:13
lifelesswgrant: you can certainly assess them in the context of the BugTriage wiki page06:13
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
lifelesswgrant: a nontrivial reason for doing is so that end user filed bugs which are not triaged are obvious on the portlets on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs06:15
lifelessthe [non]zero distinction is easier for everyone to observe than a floating figure06:15
pooliehi lifeless06:20
pooliea bit06:20
wgrantDF's up to 62GB... this is going to take a little while.06:37
StevenKAs in DF's DB?06:38
wgrantHmm. Might need to clean some stuff out.06:38
wgrantlifeless: \l+ on staging?06:38
lifelessits fat too06:38
lifelessit has the garbo running nowadays06:38
lifelessqastaging is 275GB fwiw06:39
lifelesswgrant: ok, I've triaged your  bugs... next time I'll make em all opinion :P06:40
lifelessohh nice06:45
lifeless+patches gone from oopses06:45
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.06:48
wgrantHmm, the missing structural subscription listing a bit unfortunate.07:25
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #241: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 5 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/241/07:33
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #242: STILL FAILING in 41 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/242/08:14
adeuringgood morning08:59
pooliehi mrevell09:06
poolielifeless, did people ever consider changing the ec2 image to run tests on a tmpfs?09:06
poolieit doesn't seem to be using its whole cpu09:06
bigjoolsgood morning09:07
pooliehi bigjools09:12
lifelesspoolie: I don't think our ec2 stack has been all that optimised09:12
lifelessbigjools: missed you this morning09:12
bigjoolslifeless: yeah sorry09:12
lifelessno worries09:12
bigjoolswas knackered09:12
lifelessperhaps we could talk in ~30 ?09:12
bigjoolslifeless: I have a standup, but in  ~45 would work09:13
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #39: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 4 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/39/09:18
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
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=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
pooliehm so just moving bits of /var to ram doesn't immediately fail10:38
poolieand is doing little io10:39
pooliestill lots of idle cpu, but i think that's just lack of parallelism10:39
wgrantbigjools: Bug #778408 may amuse you.10:55
_mup_Bug #778408: Deleting an unpublished publication behaves unexpectedly <soyuz-ftpmaster-tools> <soyuz-publish> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/778408 >10:55
wgrant(Side-effects of amusement may include uncontrollable sobbing and a sense of hopelessness.)10:57
wgrantrvba: Have you seen the stable->db-devel merge conflict? It seems to be your stuff.11:04
wgrantSo you're probably best to resolve it.11:04
rvbawgrant: I just saw that.11:05
rvbawgrant: can you guide me with how I can fix that?11:06
rvbawgrant: I understand the problem of course but I'm unsure about the procedure to solve it.11:07
bigjoolswgrant: colour me unsurprised11:07
wgrantrvba: Grab stable and db-devel locally, merge stable into db-devel, fix the conflict as you would normally. Push the branch up somewhere, then pqm-submit it to db-devel.11:07
bigjoolswgrant: we need yet more code to stop people from being stupid11:07
wgrantrvba: if you are feeling forgiving you could ask for a review, but I never do and haven't broken anything yet.11:08
rvbawgrant: thanks. I'll do that.11:08
wgrantbigjools: Do you have a list of stuff to kill from mawson? Its free space will probably not last the weekend.11:24
bigjoolswgrant: yeah I was looking at that11:24
wgrantWe could just start wiping out the archive, I guess.11:24
bigjoolsthat archive is too fat11:24
wgrantEasy enough to bring back in a few hours if we need to.11:24
wgrant(sorry mizuho)11:24
wgrantIt is fat, but was useful for testing a few things.11:24
wgrantBut that's all done now.11:25
bigjoolscan be restored easy11:25
bigjoolsgiven time :)11:25
* wgrant deletes.11:25
wgrantMass deletion + restore == molten mawson?11:25
bigjoolsI bet it's hot it mawson's cabinet :D11:25
bigjoolswgrant: it'll all be invalid once the db is restored anyway11:26
bigjoolslocal librarian is 5.2G, purging11:27
wgrantNot really. This is all from frozen series.11:27
wgrantmaverick + natty11:27
bigjoolsnot all11:27
bigjoolsnot sure they weren't frozen when we last restored11:27
wgrantmaverick was released, and natty was basically identical to maverick.11:28
wgrantSo it was mostly just maverick's final packages plus a few more.11:28
wgrantAnyway, deleting now.11:28
wgrantVery slowly.11:28
bigjoolsthe disk stepper motor is going to fall off its track11:29
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #40: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 4 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/40/11:33
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
rvbawgrant: would you mind taking a look at this for a quick sanity check? https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/launchpad/db-devel-fix-merge-failure11:55
wgrantrvba: The diff is large, but as long as the tests you've changed pass it should be fine.11:57
rvbawgrant: yeah, the tests in the modified file pass.11:58
* rvba bzr pqm-submit -m "Merge stable."11:59
wgrantrvba: You'll need a --submit-branch12:01
bigjools"fix conflict with stable" would be more accurate12:01
wgrantTo target db-devel.12:01
bigjoolsand that12:01
rvbawgrant: oops ... too late.12:01
wgrantIt should reject it.12:02
lifelessrvba: hi; its my weekend now, but wgrant may be able to answer your perf tuning thing if you're lucky12:02
lifelessrvba: otherwise I'll shoot you some thoughts on mondayish12:03
wgrantWhere's that?12:03
lifelesswgrant: I'l forward12:03
rvbalifeless: thanks a lot. Have a good weekend!12:03
wgrantI have no email client at the moment, but I'll get one in a sec.12:03
wgrantrvba: So, what's the issue with it being a list?12:06
wgrantrvba: checkCopy is already pretty fast, except for one code path.12:06
rvbawgrant: since it's not a ResultSet there is not way to try to eager load related objects ... right?12:06
wgrantrvba: You can't add a preiter hook to it, no. But that's just a handy place to do it... you can do the same thing manually afterwards.12:07
wgrantWhat are you looking to eager-load?12:07
wgrant(the slow bit is when _checkArchiveConflicts finds some destination_archive_conflicts)12:09
rvbaI was just *thinking* of eager-loading related things since I saw the the kind of db queries issued looked like related objects being loaded.12:09
rvbabut I might be wrong.12:09
rvbaI you say it's pretty quick already, it might not be worth the bother then.12:10
wgrantIt's already pretty good. Most copies check within half a second, except for _checkArchiveConflicts.12:10
wgrantSo yeah, not worth spending time on that yet.12:10
rvbaok, so I guess the tests to make sure the number of queries does not increase is enough for now.12:11
wgrantThat would be useful.12:11
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
gmbadeuring: Can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bug-772609/+merge/60176 for me please?13:47
adeuringgmb: sure13:47
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #243: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 4 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/243/13:48
deryckMorning, all.13:58
jtvhi deryck14:15
deryckhi jtv14:15
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgmb: overall, nice work. but could you remove the "#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" line in test_bugs_views.py?14:22
SteveAyay, code reviews :-)14:23
adeuringgmb: and you disabled the get_notified_subscribers() call in bugs/subscribers/bug.py14:23
adeuringgmb: there is an XXX from bac about the call which has no bug number14:24
adeuringgmb: also, I am not sure if we can really simply drop the call.14:24
adeuringderyck: could you please run these queries  on staging: https://pastebin.canonical.com/47200/ ?14:26
deryckadeuring, indeed I can.14:26
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #244: STILL FAILING in 40 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/244/14:29
deryckbenji, I'm triaging bug 778323 as high as I assume it's related to y'all's current work.  Is story-better-bug-notification  still the best tag?14:41
_mup_Bug #778323: On the subscription page, the help popup button opens up a 404 page. <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/778323 >14:41
benjideryck: yep, that's the current tag14:41
deryckbenji, cool.  done.  Thanks14:42
deryckI don't think anyone understood the implications of dropping ~launchpad-bugs mailing list.14:44
jtvdanilo, henninge: I wonder if those links in the "untranslated" etc. numbers on the overview pages disappeared because of the Prague work.14:46
danilosjtv, I don't know, I don't have the time to investigate right now14:54
jtvSame here.  :(14:54
danilosjtv, I filed a bug so when I switch to maintenance I'll take a look14:55
danilosjtv, it's tagged "regression", which makes it "Critical"14:55
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jtvI guess it doesn't absolutely require a Rosetta veteran.14:56
jtvHi Ursinha14:56
danilosjtv, indeed14:56
jtvI wonder why I'm suddenly being showered in bugmail.14:56
deryckHi, gmb.  Could I get you to review my GCC credentials branch for me?  It's simple, but I want to make sure I haven't missed something I don't know about.15:01
gmbderyck: Sure thing. Diff me.15:01
deryckgmb, lp branch is:  https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/add-gcc-keys-schema-lazr-745794/+merge/6018615:02
* gmb looks15:02
gmbOo, complex!15:02
gmbThat looks fine.15:03
deryckgmb, and I did a matching lp-production-configs one first:  https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/lp-production-configs/add-gcc-bugzilla-creds/+merge/5995615:03
deryckgmb, so I understand land the lp branch, nodowntime rollout, then the lp-production-configs one, yes?15:03
gmbderyck: I believe so. I haven't had to do one of these since before there were nodowntime rollouts.15:03
gmbBut that sounds sane.15:04
deryckgmb, ok, cool.  yeah, this is my first config change believe it or not.15:04
gmbAh, always fun.15:04
wgrantderyck: Land the branch, land the configs, nodowntime rollout.15:08
wgrantNo need for a rollout in the middle.15:08
deryckwgrant, ah, ok.  thanks.15:08
deryckwgrant, and no need for any special rollout requirements, i.e. the usual nodowntime will cover everything I need?15:09
wgrantderyck: That's right.15:09
deryckwgrant, awesome sauce.  thanks, again.15:09
wgrantWe grab the requested rev of stable and the latest lp-p-c rev.15:09
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #41: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 5 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/41/15:34
adeuringgmb: did you see my questions about your mp?15:36
gmbadeuring: Oops, missed them. Let me look...15:37
adeuringbac: are you around?15:37
gmbThanks for catchign that pdb.15:37
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
gmbOh. I don't remember removing that...15:39
adeuringgmb: np. but can we reall drop the get_also_notified_subscribers() call?15:40
gmbAh, I see. That's from bac's work and I've not spotted it...15:40
gmbadeuring: Hmm. Lemme check.15:40
gmbadeuring: I honestly don't know.15:41
bigjoolsadeuring: hi, I've got a small branch in the queue, no rush.  TIA :)15:41
gmbadeuring So, I'll put it back and run EC2 and see what happens.15:41
adeuringbigjools: I'll look15:41
adeuringgmb: ok, sounds good15:41
jcsackettsinzui: would you like to mumble this morning?15:43
beunohello lp devs15:51
beunoI _love_ this new email management story15:51
beunoI get this:15:51
beunoLaunchpad Bug Contacts subscription: (unnamed)You do not receive emails from this subscription15:51
beunoany idea what the (unnamed) bit is?  should I file a bug?15:51
huwshimibeuno Did you give the subscription a name?15:52
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
huwshimibeuno: Did you just create the subscription or was it an old one?15:52
beunohuwshimi, no, not even sure where (or why!) to do that15:52
beunohuwshimi, old15:52
jcsackettallenap: i've made changes to the branch you looked at yesterday, if you could take another look.15:52
huwshimibeuno: I don't know heaps about it, but I'm guessing you might be able to give it a name somwhere15:53
beunohuwshimi, why would I want to name something so efimeral?15:54
huwshimibeuno: Are you around somewhere and have a minute? I wouldn't mind looking at the UI of what you have.15:54
wgrantAnyone in ~launchpad can see the same thing at https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+subscriptions15:55
beunohuwshimi, I am! I'm in the canonical sumit room, and would love to meet you. I have another hour of sessions, but then I'm free.15:55
deryckbeuno, if you name it, bug mail gets the name in headers and in the footer of emails, to help you filter on that name.15:56
huwshimibeuno: I'll try to catch you at some stage. Not sure what I'll be doing in an hour though15:56
beunoderyck, right, that makes a bit of sense15:57
huwshimideryck: Does that mean someone needs to go back to the subscription and give it a name?15:57
beunohuwshimi, I'm here this and next week15:57
huwshimibeuno: ok, I'll be around until Wednesday15:57
deryckbeuno, huwshimi -- you can edit the subscriptions off the target or the +subscriptions or +structural-subscriptions pages, I believe.15:59
adeuringbigjools: r=me15:59
bigjoolsadeuring: cheers15:59
deryckbeuno, huwshimi -- should be able to name it from:  https://launchpad.net/launchpad for example16:00
beunoderyck, so maybe it needs a default name?16:00
deryckI may have some details wrong, though, since it's Yellow Squad working on this now :-)16:01
deryckbeuno, yeah, probably some string concact of $target-$user-sub or some such.16:01
deryck(Unamed) seems not clear or useful16:01
allenapjcsackett: Already done :)16:01
jcsackett\o/ thanks, allenap!16:02
danilosbeuno, there should still be old headers which one used to use for subscriptions filtering16:04
deryckbeuno, can you file a bug?  I can triage it and assign to story tag.16:04
danilosbeuno, fwiw, the bug mail you might have started getting could be due to a change in launchpad product configuration, and is unrelated to the beta fwiw16:05
danilosderyck, thanks for helping out with this :)16:05
deryckdanilos, np. :-)  I don't mean to nosy my way into your work ;)16:07
danilosderyck, not at all, just go ahead, I am off now as well :)16:07
deryckok cool :-)16:07
danilosderyck, and we appreciate all the help we can get :)16:08
deryckIt's an awesome feature.  Many will love it.16:08
danilosas long as launchpadders don't confuse this configuration change with the feature :)16:08
danilos(i.e. ~launchpad losing the contact address)16:09
beunoderyck, I can16:10
beunodanilos, right, no, I get the same amount of email (I was subscribed to everything)16:11
huwshimidanilos: But this change should mean you can stop getting all that mail though right?16:11
beunothis was me taking advantage of muting some email  :)16:11
daniloshuwshimi, right16:11
beunoderyck, I'll file the bug, I need the karma16:11
danilosbeuno, I am sure you'll find a bunch of bugs to report :)16:11
huwshimidanilos: Do you know how I can mute all of this new mail?16:12
deryckI don't even see why we need ~launchpad-bugs.  Just unsubscribe it from the ~launchpad, no?16:13
deryckisn't that the account causing issues?  huwshimi ^^16:14
huwshimideryck: I think it might be16:14
wgrant~launchpad-bugs' subscription to /launchpad can be removed by a Launchpad admin. But it's not the main problem.16:14
wgrant~launchpad also gets vcs-imports spam, loggerhead question spam, probably launchpad-reviewers MP spam.16:14
wgrantNone of that is fixable.16:14
deryckand ~launchpad lost it's email address16:14
deryckI see16:14
wgrantWe may have to readd the address, once everyone is pissed off enough to file critical bugs about all the unstoppable mail.16:15
huwshimideryck: It's not just that. I'm getting heaps of mail from Loggerhead and stuff now too16:15
wgrantBut until we have lots of bugs filed it would be silly to readd it.16:15
wgrantBecause we'd never fix it properly.16:15
wgrant(see eg. the last 5 years of having a contact address)16:15
deryckwe just shouldn't expand teams to individual emails.  why would anyone really want that ever?16:16
deryckcould be easier to fix than file the bug ;)16:16
wgrantderyck: Then who gets the mail?16:16
wgranteg. ~launchpad is an admin for some teams. Who gets the mail that somebody is trying to join?16:17
daniloshuwshimi, you should be able to go to any of the bugs with emails, click on "Edit bug mail" and mute the team subscription16:17
deryckwgrant, if you don't set a contact for the team, no one.16:17
wgrantI think team subscriptions to any object are stupid and should be banned.16:17
daniloshuwshimi, with something like "Don't send me email"16:17
wgrantBut we use subscriptions for security too.16:17
wgrantSo we can't do that.16:17
deryckcreate a security mailing list for the team that people optionally subscribe to.16:17
deryckthis is how the rest of the world works, no?16:18
huwshimidanilos: Thanks16:18
wgrantThis sounds a lot like working around an incomplete advanced subscriptions feature to me :)16:18
deryckmaybe in one sense16:18
deryckbut I think my point is that you want a security or team mailing list, not a team subscription.16:19
daniloswgrant, for security stuff, direct subscriptions are created for the security contact on all security bugs16:19
deryckthat magically expands16:19
huwshimidanilos: What about stuff that comes from questions etc?16:19
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #245: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 5 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/245/16:19
wgrantderyck: Why?16:19
daniloshuwshimi, can't help there, other than filtering16:19
huwshimidanilos: OK thanks :)16:20
wgrantderyck: Security email isn't special enough that it deserves a list. That's just the only way it can sensibly be done now, because LP is broken.16:20
wgrantHmm, poolie's not here.16:20
wgrantWe should unsubscribe loggerhead-team from loggerhead's questions.16:20
wgrantThat will stop a lot of the immediate spam.16:20
deryckwgrant, maybe you're right.  I'm just being clear that the rest of the world uses a security mailing list, not team membership to manage security bugs.16:21
deryckand that we're conflating the two16:21
* danilos -> really out16:21
=== danilos is now known as danilo-afk
deryckwhat happened now is that we have a team subscribed for many reasons, not to manage mail16:21
deryckand the conflation is the issue.16:21
wgrantA lot of these reasons are obsolete.16:21
wgrantAh, flacoste is readding the address now.16:22
deryckand that's all I mean.  I don't mean to overanalyze or suggest the one true way to fix it.  just pointing out the root issue.16:22
wgrantderyck: The root issue is that we need to separate permission and subscription, and we probably also want to extend the excellent new structural subscription stuff to cover everything.16:22
flacostewgrant: yeah, PQM bot will receive all the email we are receiving16:23
wgrantflacoste: We should really fix that PQM bug.16:23
flacosteso it will be sending those kind of error message in a lot of case16:23
deryckwgrant, yes, agreed.16:23
flacostewgrant: or we should fix launchpad spam :-)16:23
flacosteto be honest, i'm not sure what is the PQM bug in this case16:23
flacostethat it's a member of ~canonical16:23
deryckyeah, some things we really just should never send mail for16:23
flacostei don't know why PQM should be a member ~canonical16:24
flacosteit's mainly for branch16:24
flacosteand we always subscribe it explicitely16:24
flacostewhich is better16:24
wgrantflacoste: The PQM bug is that it crashes when it can't verify a signature.16:24
wgrantRather than just ignoring the mail.16:24
wgrantAlso it probably shouldn't be a member of ~launchpad, I guess, but it might need those privileges.16:25
flacostewell, even if it didn't oops16:25
flacosteit should send an email about the error16:25
flacosteit can be a legitimate user error16:25
wgrantI guess having ~launchpad-pqm's email address set to PQM's email address is pretty pointless.16:25
wgrantI can see no possible benefit of that.16:25
flacosteme neither16:25
flacostebut it's hard to set a LP profile to a sink hole16:26
wgrantWe need robot profiles.16:26
derycksinzui, ping16:26
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
deryckbenji, are we making noise about +subscriptions or +structural-subscriptions as part of y'all's work?  or keeping that on the dl?16:52
abentleyadeuring: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/daily-build-permissions/+merge/60207 ?16:53
adeuringabentley: sure16:53
benjideryck: I don't think they're secrets; both should be linked to from user-visible parts of the UI (those users who can see them because of the feature flag that is)16:54
benjiadeuring: I have a small review for you when you have a minute: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-777794/+merge/6020916:55
adeuringbenji: sure, I'll look16:56
deryckbenji, ok, thanks.  Early on in that story there was talk of hiding them until they were ready, and I didn't want to assume they were ready. :-)16:56
* deryck is doing IRC duties and wants to be prepared as people ask about new work16:57
adeuringbenji: r=me17:01
adeuringabentley: r=me, just one note: there is an "import re" in a method in test_sourcepackagerecipe.py. I think this import can happen at the top of the file17:15
sinzuideryck: I think all registry admins can hide bug and question comments. I do not think https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/156277 should be assigned to an admin17:29
derycksinzui, ah, sorry.  from the web UI?  I didn't realize this.17:29
derycksinzui, or using an api script?17:30
sinzuideryck:  https://dev.launchpad.net/MaintenanceRotationSchedule has link to dealing with spam and there is a script that you can run17:30
derycksinzui, ok, I'll take a look.17:30
deryckI have such a low tolerance for administrivia.  I really suck at keeping up with all this.17:31
sinzuideryck: jcsackett is working on the UI to toggle comment visibility now. You may not ever run that scrip again after today17:32
* bigjools is with deryck17:33
derycksinzui, and if I have a user spamming bugs with linkedin invites, do I deactive or suspend the account?17:34
* deryck sucks at reading 45 wiki pages too :-P17:34
sinzuisuspend and include the question URL in the comment so that we know why17:34
derycksinzui, why isn't hide-comments in the lp tree?17:38
sinzuiask gmb he wrote it17:38
sinzuideryck: I modified that script a week ago so that we could work with questions too17:38
sinzuiAs I said, jcsackett is adding the UI now17:39
derycksinzui, is that the copy in the wiki?17:39
deryckah true17:39
sinzuiyes it is17:39
deryckso shall I wait until Monday to hide this comment then? ;)17:39
sinzuijcsackett: when do you estimate we can QA comment hiding in the UI17:40
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
derycksinzui, i was just kidding around.  I've got the script running now.17:41
deryckfeels so 2004 to have to moderate Launchpad17:47
deryckdon't people automate this sort of thing these days ;)17:47
* deryck is just kidding around17:47
jcsackettsinzui: Out to ec2 land now.17:50
jcsackettso I can qa sometime this weekend, or Monday depending.17:51
sinzuijcsackett: thanks, I was just confirming my commitment not to add the api script to the lp tree17:53
* jcsackett nods 17:54
jcsackettThere should be no need.17:54
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
gmbderyck, sinzui: No he didn't. That was intellectronica. At least I think it was. I could be lying.18:06
sinzuigmb: my apologies18:06
gmbsinzui: Don't apologise :) I just don't want people to get the impression that I know anything.18:07
sinzuiyes. I know exactly how you feel. People keep asking me questions expecting me know the answer18:07
sinzuiHelp! I see that @operation_returns_collection_of errors if the method it decorates returns a Set. Can I make it like the Set, or do I need to change it to a list?18:21
sinzuiI think there may be good reason the method returns a Set.18:22
=== Ursinha is now known as EvilUrsinha
SteveAhi, quick question. I couldn't find the answer on a cursory look at the launchpad dev wiki18:44
SteveAhow long is a launchpad dev cycle?18:44
EvilUrsinhaSteveA, it used to be about a month18:45
SteveAspecifically, how long does a squad work on one area?18:46
abentleySteveA: Mostly, we release features when they are done: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ReleaseFeaturesWhenTheyAreDone18:46
EvilUrsinhaSteveA, that's a bit different question, what abentley said18:46
abentleySteveA: as long as it takes to complete the feature.18:46
SteveAcool :-)18:47
SteveAfor the most part (the modal average, say) how long does a squad work on a feature?18:47
SteveAor rather, on an area of the codebase18:47
abentleySteveA: We have two feature squads and two maintenance squads at a time.  When a feature squad finishes, they swap with a maintenance squad.18:47
abentleySteveA: I don't think we've got enough experience to answer this.  We've only been doing this since the last Epic.18:48
sinzuiSteveA 4-13 months, but that we want to scope features into small units so that no feature is longer than a few months. We want teams to rotate to do maintenance more often.18:49
SteveAok, I understand, I think. Thanks sinzui18:51
SteveAthanks abentley and EvilUrsinha too18:51
EvilUrsinhano problem :)18:52
abentleySteveA, np18:52
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #42: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/42/19:06
=== EvilUrsinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
deryckbenji, wouldn't the views I was asking about this morning count as a single view of subscriptions.  i.e. https://launchpad.net/~deryck/+subscriptions and https://launchpad.net/~deryck/+structural-subscriptions ?19:11
deryckwell where single == two views ;)19:11
benjideryck: I think so!  I had forgotten that +structural-subscriptions works for a user; I thought there was only a list of directly subscribed bugs (i.e., ~user/+subscriptions)19:14
deryckbenji, right.  jkakar might be interested in that  ^^ then19:14
jkakarHiya benji, deryck. :)19:15
* jkakar looks at +structural-subscriptions19:15
benjihmm, I can't find any links to those pages; I wonder why not19:15
benjiit seems to me that there should be a link from the ~user page to those19:16
deryckbenji, right.  that's why I asked this morning.19:16
jkakarbenji, deryck: Uhm... my first impression is that I have no idea why I'm seeing what I'm seeing on this page. :)19:16
deryckbenji, early on they needed a lot of polish19:16
deryckexcatly! :-)19:16
benjithe style looks messed up on +structural-subscriptions, those boxes should be full width19:16
benjioh, and the edit links take you to the old-style subscription edit pages19:17
deryckyeah, maybe they're not ready to talk about19:17
benjideryck and jkakar: ok, those are definatly not meant for public consumption; we need to either kill those or fix them posthaste19:18
deryckbenji, right19:18
benjisorry for the confusion19:18
jkakarbenji: Okay, cool.19:19
deryckbut as a rough, unpolished sketch of what you're subscribed to, they're not bad19:20
derycklp subscriptions easter egg19:20
jkakarbenji: I think what I want to see is something like (1) a list of bug subscriptions I have (ie, things I explicitly subscribed to), (2) a list of projects that I get bug or merge proposal mail from because I'm in a team, and (3) a way to control each of those things.19:20
benjiThat's one of the downsides of deploying incomplete features, they are sometimes never finished.19:21
jkakarbenji: Yeah.  Though, seeing something unfinished in production can also be a strong motivator to land further improvements.19:21
jkakarAnyway, I'm really glad you guys are pushing this work forward.  It's going to be so great to have control of these issues.19:21
benjiyeah, that would be quite nice; you'll also probably want a list of all the non-subscription reasons you can get email; there are quite a few of those19:22
jkakarbenji: Yeah, I probably do want that... particularly because I don't understand what they are off the top of my head... it would be nice to see it all in one place so I could complete my mental model of how LP notifies me of things.19:23
jkakarUh oh, am getting repeated OOPSes trying to load: https://launchpad.net/fluidinfo/+milestone/11.0519:45
jkakarLike OOPS-1952AY485 for example.19:45
sinzuijkakar: You have discovered a bug! looks like the page dies trying to render the  structural subscription menu items19:48
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #43: STILL FAILING in 43 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/43/19:49
jkakarsinzui: Ah, oops. :)19:50
sinzuiI am reporting the bug now19:50
sinzuijkakar: I can see the page as anonymous since we do not try to render the bad link19:53
sinzuiI think the issue may just be project group milestons19:53
jkakarsinzui: But I guess you can't see any bugs because the project is private, right?19:53
sinzuiI see 119:53
jkakarsinzui: Interesting, I can load https://launchpad.net/storm/+milestone/0.19 without issue.19:54
jkakarsinzui: Ah, which one? :)19:54
sinzuibug 66454819:54
_mup_Bug #664548: Rearrange chairs on upper decks <story-brave-new-world> <Fluidinfo:In Progress by fluiddb-dev> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/664548 >19:54
jkakarsinzui: Ah, okay, that one is public indeed.  Thanks.19:54
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as EvilUrsinha
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #246: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/246/20:51
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #44: STILL FAILING in 43 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/44/20:59
* deryck reboots, brb21:00
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #45: STILL FAILING in 43 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/45/21:43
lifelessjkakar: I didn't realise fluidinfo used lp. Cool.21:48
=== EvilUrsinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #46: STILL FAILING in 43 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/46/22:29
lifelessspammer on bug 41129623:17
_mup_Bug #411296: traceback if python has no ssl support: httplib module has no HTTPSConnection <https> <Bazaar:Confirmed for vila> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/411296 >23:17
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #523: FAILURE in 5 hr 13 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/523/23:22

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