
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
* gmb -> lunch12:32
danilosgmb, benji: hi guys, if you can see it, please comment on the announcement for the beta team opening (http://blog.launchpad.net/?p=2324)13:23
danilosgmb, benji: you might need to log into the blog, and if you still can't see it, I can paste it for you13:23
gmbLogging in now.13:24
gmbdanilos: By "comment on" do you mean "write a comment on the post?"13:25
danilosgmb, no, I mean comment if you think anything needs fixing13:25
benjiI appear to have logged in, but can't see the post.  Any hints?13:26
gmbdanilos: Ah. In that case, I think it reads fine.13:26
danilosbenji, it's unpublished, so you are probably not an admin yet; for that you'd have to talk to mrevell most likely, but for now, you can look at the text at ...13:27
danilos(some formatting is lost in the process, but I am sure you can interpolate it back in with little effort :)13:28
benjilooks good; I suggest adding a bit about filtering, i.e., you can subscribe to bugs with particular tags, bugs that are only "Critical", etc.13:31
danilosbenji, I'll pass that on to mrevell, we are still waiting for losas to change the feature flags to launchpad-beta-testers13:38
danilosbenji, gmb: ok, launchpad-beta-testers is exposed to the feature stuff, mrevell will announce it14:19
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
danilosthe coincidental change of the launchpad product configuration (which breaks mail filtering for many launchpadders) is very badly timed with our beta opening :/16:07
* danilos -> off, might drop in later to check in on things16:10
danilosif anyone notices something going horribly wrong, we know what to do (blame it on someone else :))16:11
=== danilos is now known as danilo-afk
=== Ursinha is now known as EvilUrsinha
=== EvilUrsinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as EvilUrsinha
benjiif, like me, anyone is getting irritated wading throught all the tagged bugs looking for something to work on, here's a query that shows Critical, or High bugs that aren't being worked on: http://bit.ly/m7FZ7921:44
=== EvilUrsinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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