
MrChrisDruifAloha ka po'e alau11:12
webczatIt was hey :d11:22
MrChrisDruifwebczat: Aloha11:23
* webczat is from poland :d11:40
MrChrisDruifwebczat: I'm from Holland O:-)11:44
MrChrisDruifBut I'm trying to learn Hawaiian for when I move there (if ever)11:45
webczatI tested the java-atk-wrapper14:24
webczatResults are negative for java.awt, positive for javax.swing14:57
webczatexcept some things about textbox navigation15:03
hajourhi all :)18:09
hajouri have test openmary out.18:09
hajourfirst results see link http://openetherpad.org/Wbr6YE3iHx18:10
hajourAlanBell, ^18:10
webczathey hajour 18:10
hajourhi webczat :)18:10
AlanBellhajour: what is haspering in dutch?18:11
hajourfirst was wrong fault18:12
AlanBellok, that is stuttering in English18:12
hajourok thank you AlanBell 18:13
webczatI don't know this english word. :o18:13
AlanBellstammering stuttering faltering perhaps18:13
AlanBellnot speaking smoothly anyhow18:13
webczatlol! I don't know any18:13
hajourwhat is your language webczat ?18:14
AlanBellhajour: I don't understand what software you are using18:14
AlanBellis this with orca?18:14
webczatprobably not...?18:14
hajourjÄ…kanie  <<< webczat 18:15
AlanBellopenmary does not read web pages18:15
hajourwhat you had linkt me AlanBell 18:15
AlanBellok, lets start from the beginning18:16
AlanBellyou have followed the instructions to get speech dispatcher working with openmary?18:16
AlanBellso from a terminal try spd-say "hello world"18:16
UndiFineDAlanBell, I tried, but came to the same error with her18:17
AlanBellthat should sound like espeak does18:17
hajourUndiFineD,  have done it18:17
UndiFineDto read the blueprint I installed browserspek18:17
UndiFineDand the voices it uses are a bit choppy18:17
hajourorca was shut down my whole pc AlanBell 18:18
AlanBellyeah, that doesn't use speech dispatcher18:18
webczatlol, I just read "to read the blueprint i installed AlanBell "18:18
UndiFineDorca still crashes and logs out the user btw18:18
AlanBellI have never had orca crash on me18:18
hajourand this laptop is bought in 201018:18
AlanBellhowever that doesn't matter18:19
webczatHmm, I've had orca crashes, but not logouts or (oh no!) pc shutdown.18:19
hajourits from my 16 year daughter this laptop18:19
AlanBellI want to know if you have speech dispatcher working18:19
AlanBellwhat happens when you go to a terminal and enter18:19
AlanBellspd-say "hello world"18:19
UndiFineDwhen you quit orca, it seems to shutdown the accessibility profile which logs out the user18:19
UndiFineDclient: Speech Dispatcher failed to open: No such file or directory18:20
hajourAlanBell, ^18:20
AlanBellright, you have something broken still18:20
webczatBtw, AlanBell; I just tested java-atk-wrapper. Seems to be complete but having some major bugs. For example text fields are not fully accessible, but it works and it's possible to navigate it.18:20
UndiFineDindeed something18:21
UndiFineDbut there is no way in telling what that is18:21
webczatBut java awt apps aren't accessible.18:21
hajourhave also good news.ubuntu forums have used the accessibility link .what had given much accessibility bugs.they now go try to improve it AlanBell 18:22
AlanBellUndiFineD: http://mumble.libertus.co.uk:59125/18:22
AlanBellchoose a voice18:22
AlanBelland does it make a sound?18:22
UndiFineDit works on hajour her computer, not on mine, my audio is still broken18:24
UndiFineDshe says the sound is a bit choppy here too18:24
AlanBellok, now download the sound file18:26
AlanBelllink at the bottom of the page18:26
AlanBellsave it as voice.wav18:26
AlanBellin fact, better idea, one sec . . .18:26
AlanBellgo to a terminal window again and paste this18:27
AlanBellwget http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/mary.wav18:27
AlanBellplay mary.wav18:27
AlanBelldoes that sound choppy?18:27
hajourwith saving its the same results18:27
AlanBellwhat model laptop is it?18:29
UndiFineDrecent hp18:29
AlanBellok, there is no way that should not be able to play sound18:29
AlanBellso you can't play any music on it, use skype, do anything like that?18:29
UndiFineDmine is a desktop18:29
hajoursame with terminal18:30
AlanBellso you have a desktop which is silent, and an HP laptop with choppy audio18:30
* webczat is not happy, I can't use skype, it's qt ugh...18:30
UndiFineDno, sound hardware seems broken, just like some sata ports18:31
AlanBellyou are not missing much webczat 18:31
AlanBellcan you try a live CD?18:31
UndiFineDi did, no solution18:31
webczatAlanBell: I used skype before.18:31
webczatOn windows.18:31
webczatUntil I went to text mode mini-linux in like 2005.18:32
AlanBellhajour: you are bringing that laptop to UDS?18:32
hajouryes AlanBell 18:32
AlanBellok, get someone to fix it there18:33
webczatI still have a serial hardware synthesizer.18:33
AlanBellyou are not going to be able to do anything with speech programs without clean audio18:33
AlanBellUndiFineD: I might be able to fix the desktop remotely18:34
hajourok AlanBell 18:35
AlanBellso the desktop has no audio at all, is that right?18:35
hajourhe only hears noise18:40
hajourwhen he try to hear something18:40
hajourAlanBell, ^18:41
* webczat is bored18:55
MrChrisDruifwebczat: Wanna talk about something so you aren't bored anymore?19:00
hajourhee MrChrisDruif :)19:09
MrChrisDruifAloha hajour :)19:10
hajouri was wondering.if i am at uds .i use a headset for to hear what is put on chat.how i can hear then the 1 who speaks on that moment ?19:10
MrChrisDruifOnly put one headset piece on?19:11
Daniel0108hi hajour, MrChrisDruif 19:12
Daniel0108hajour: check your memos ;)19:12
hajourok Daniel0108 :)19:14
hajourwhere is that for Daniel0108 ? :)19:16
Daniel0108PM please19:16
UndiFineDDaniel0108, I hope you are not sending out IRC memos19:17
Daniel0108UndiFineD: I am, why?19:17
webczatMrChrisDruif: I'm currently trying to understand parts of a java spec19:17
UndiFineDthey are annoying19:18
Daniel0108UndiFineD: hmm.. I don't send many Memos, just when somebody is not answering my PMs ;)19:18
Daniel0108that's like my 2nd memo I think :P19:18
Daniel0108or my 3rd19:18
UndiFineDwell, first try if the person youre sending is available19:19
hajourhe not mean it rude Daniel0108 :)19:19
Daniel0108UndiFineD: I'm always trying to PM first ;)19:19
Daniel0108hajour: I know :)19:19
hajourbut i oftenda need UndiFineD  to get it able to read the memo s 19:19
hajourDaniel0108, 19:19
JanChttp://blogs.igalia.com/mario/2011/05/05/webkit-contributors-meeting-sockets-plugs/ --> interresting21:52
* webczat sings22:10

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