
Tokinlsthzn: You're on the K?!09:08
nlsthznToki: hey, I was... until yesterday09:09
nlsthznwell, technically I am still in the K...09:09
nlsthznbut not Kubuntu09:09
TokiBack on U, then?09:09
TokiYeah, I see "K"onversation. :)09:09
nlsthznopenSUSE 11.4 KDE09:09
* nlsthzn lurks13:40
Tokinlsthzn: Sorry, I had to go.13:57
TokiSo did you go hopping from Ubuntu again?13:58
nlsthznToki: hey , np... I was went to bed for a few hours... killer flu/cold got me good13:58
Tokinlsthzn: Bird flu? :o13:59
nlsthznToki: doubt it... seasonal flu I am guessing13:59
TokiI kid, have a good rest... dabbling with GNU/Linux, that is...13:59
TokiSummer cold, eh?14:00
nlsthznToki: :) but yes... back using Geeko's playing ground :)14:00
Toki... And Geeko is...?14:01
nlsthznbusy looking for the best link to explant14:03
TokiAh, sorry for the trouble.14:03
TokiOh, and did Ii mention that my laptop's down in water?14:03
nlsthznit is the name of the opensuse mascot14:04
TokiAh, I see,14:04
TokiUses GNOME Shell by default, oS?14:04
nlsthznnot yet... but they have packaged it first... so the official gnome-shell demonstraters are fedora 15 and openSUSE14:05
TokiBy the way, Xubuntu looks pretty good though I couldn't get it to install on my P4 system, for reasons unknow.14:05
nlsthznstrange, I have just heard good things about Xubuntu recently14:07
nlsthznbut then again, even Kubuntu 11.04 is the best in a long while and it is still struggling for stability against other KDE offers14:08
TokiYeah, the Live session's good, unlike the installer.14:08
TokiToo much effort on Unity, and neglect of base system, maybe?14:09
nlsthznToki: well, even Mark has said Unity is a kind of a public beta... and I do think it was too much too soon ... however, the spin-offs never get the same amount of attention...14:10
nlsthznKubuntu has zero branding by defualt... nothing to say it is Kubuntu and not just another distro with KDE 4.614:11
TokiI don't know why no branding goes into Kubuntu when even Xubuntu and Lubuntu has some.14:11
TokiKubuntu does have it's own logo, Pretty stupid that there's no branding inside.14:12
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nlsthznToki: I usualy changed the menu launcher icon to the kubuntu logo at least so I knew I was using Kubuntu... if you see how much effort goes into openSUSE to brand everything, even the libre office splash screens... so much attention to detail14:15
TokiAye, it's just sad.14:16
nlsthznthe one good thing Kubuntu has going for it is that it has mostly the same ease of use options that Ubuntu has... software center (but not the option of paid apps)... and also still no Ubuntu 1 :/14:26
TokiUbuntu One should wok no problem since the underlying structure is the same.14:31
TokiOnly the integration Nautilus enjoys would be missing.,14:32
nlsthznToki: their is currently nothing available officially... the windows client is almost done but nothing for Kubuntu :/14:36
nlsthznreally feels like Canonical is going for the money with this14:36
TokiI think they feel it's important, since many users switch from Windows in office to Ubuntu back home - you get the dea.14:38
nlsthznToki: maybe14:38
TokiMaybe schmaebey, but that doesn't excuse the neglect.14:42
nlsthznI agree...14:43
TokiThe python backend works regardless of the DE, so how dfficult would it be to write a simple frontend?14:43
nlsthznseems it is more difficult than we imagine (or more difficult to find someone with time to do it)14:44
TokiGotta file a bug report. :)14:47
nlsthzn:) I filed several bug reports for Kubuntu, but they all got filed in KDE ... all been marked as duplicates and got lots of angry mails that we should stop spamming about known issues... none of the issues in openSUSE yet14:49
nlsthznbut I did get a repo that has most of the latest versions of a lot of applications which helps14:49
TokiWere they really duplicates according to you?14:55
nlsthznToki: maybe... thing was, when I read the reports they where from other distro's... so I decided to make a new one... seems however that it was the same KDE issue so they are still duplicates... I am used to filing bugs for Ubuntu in launchpad.... only one distro :)14:57
TokiI see.14:57
TokiBy the way, do you have any machine running Intel VGA?15:04
nlsthznyup, my lappy I am currently using15:06
TokiDo you experience this bug? http://slinkyourphotosup.blogspot.com/15:07
TokiDo you experience this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/74089315:08
TokiWhat version s your kernel version? nlsthzn15:10
nlsthznToki: no, I hadn't had that issue yet... but I have intel 945 graphics15:11
nlsthzncurrently using
TokiTry *.38.15:12
Tokinlsthzn: To see the bug affects you.15:16
Toki37 shows no problem for me, 38 is the ssue,15:17
nlsthznI am not using the same Intel graphics system and I was able to run Natty just fine on this laptop (I think natty uses .38)...15:18
TokiI see.15:20

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