
jonocjohnston, ping?00:38
mhall119jono: something I can help with?01:36
nigelbmhall119: fixing the hide sessions that aren't for me aint04:17
nigelbI'll take a poke tonight, but I don't have much hope.04:17
nigelbheya paultag04:19
paultag03:17 < nigelb> I'll take a poke tonight, but I don't have much hope.04:19
paultagthat's getting tweeted04:19
nigelbpaultag: wait, what? why?04:20
nigelbpaultag: bah. You devil! :p04:20
paultagnigelb: poke in american english == to have sex04:20
nigelbpaultag: *facepalm*04:20
nigelbfor the record, I meant poke as in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poke_(gesture) :p04:20
IdleOnethat is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:21
nigelbpaultag: lol, I think we should run bets on who's brining ubuflu this UDS :p04:21
paultaghttps://twitter.com/#!/paultag/status/66341453986664448  <--04:21
paultagnigelb: :)04:21
mhall119nigelb: what's broken?04:39
nigelbmhall119: Hide talks that aren't for me.04:40
mhall119who broke that?04:40
nigelbmhall119: Apparently, it worked on and off04:40
mhall119must be something in render.py then04:41
nigelbmhall119: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/05/04/%23ubuntu-community-team.html#t19:0104:42
mhall119if you can't get it working by Saturday, I'll take a crack at it on my flight04:43
mhall119we can always pust a new version of summit on Sunday evening04:43
mhall119right jcastro?04:43
nigelbmhall119: I've got plenty of time. Let me try tonight. Something should work.04:45
nigelbmhall119: if it b0rks, jcastro will shoot joey, not us :P04:46
nigelbok, time to head to work.04:53
jussinigelb: YEAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:04
* jussi hi5's nigelb08:04
nigelbjussi, I have about 25 minutes for a friend or someone to pick it up :\08:07
nigelbjussi, its darn tight :(08:08
jussinigelb: what the heck are you doing on irc then? :D08:08
nigelbjussi, I'm in Bangalore, embassy is in Delhi.08:08
nigelbjussi, pretty much nothing I can do at this point.08:08
nigelbjussi, calling in favors from friends to go pick it up08:09
jussinigelb: so... have you got someone yet?08:09
nigelbOMG OMG OMG08:34
nigelbI might actually make it to UDS.08:34
nigelbmhall119, ^^08:35
nigelbokay, how do I get in touch with marianna?08:37
nigelbI'm failure sure she's in Budapest08:38
nigelbwell, that's too slow08:38
nigelbAt least for now :(08:38
jussijcastro: might know if he is about...08:38
nigelbDaviey, ping08:38
Pendulumnigelb: ring the hotel and ask if they can connect you to Marianna?08:40
nigelbI'm confused who to talk to.08:41
nigelb(a) I need to know if the international connection is working08:41
nigelb(b) I need to check if I can just buy my own tickets to and from Delhi.08:41
Pendulumfor A, I assume you mean you need to find out if your plane tickets still exist?08:42
nigelbyeah, I'm trying to find call center number to call08:42
Pendulumyeah, that would be calling the travel agent08:42
nigelboh. okay.08:42
nigelbI'm hesitant.08:42
PendulumIIRC you can buy your own tickets and they can reimburse you later08:42
nigelbThe travel agent and I don't communicate very well ^-^08:42
nigelbaccent issue basically08:43
Pendulumnigelb: just call and say 'I got my visa, I still have plane tickets, right?'08:43
Pendulumthen it's a yes or no answer08:43
nigelbPendulum, ah08:43
Pendulumif it's strike related concern, they may not know, tbh08:43
Pendulum(and even the airline may not really know yet)08:44
* Pendulum remembers last year and the ash08:44
czajkowskimarianna and michelle are in the hotel, they should replay to any mail asap tbh08:46
czajkowskithey;kk be on their cs 24/708:46
czajkowskithey'll be on their pcs 24/7 till uds is over08:46
AlanBellnigelb: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/949/detail/08:48
nigelbczajkowski, thanks. I did email. I wanted to sort of expedite that :)08:55
nigelbAlanBell, YES08:55
czajkowskinigelb: no worries08:57
nigelbI regret my decision to fly air india08:59
nigelbmdz leaves canonical :(09:00
nigelbhey kim009:04
kim0nigelb: hey man09:05
jussigrumble bumble wiki slow09:46
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=== nigelb is now known as Guest86583
=== Guest86583 is now known as nigelb
mhall119nigelb: what?!??!12:53
nigelbmhall119, HUH?12:54
mhall119you may be going after all?12:54
nigelbmhall119, *maybe* ;)12:55
nigelbmhall119, the airlines I booked is goign through a pilot strike12:55
nigelb(yeah, the national carrier)12:55
nigelbI'm sorting that with travel agent now12:55
mhall119dammit man, everything is against you isn't it?12:55
nigelbbut yeah, looks like I'm going after all :-)12:55
nigelbmhall119, I'm fighting everything to get there :)12:55
mhall119dude that's awesome!12:55
dpmjcastro, someone asked me this regarding a UDS session/blueprint which is already on the schedule " if I change the bluprint title, (which I just did), will the session name auto-udpate (eventually)?" - can you help there?14:38
jcastroyeah it should update automatically14:49
jcastrogive it an hour for the cronjob to catch it14:49
nigelbjcastro, \o/ \o/14:49
nigelbjcastro, I HAZ VISA14:49
nigelbjcastro, btw, how was 'Ask Mark' this time around? Sorry none was around to help you deal with it :(14:54
dpmthanks jcastro14:55
dpmcongrats nigelb!14:55
nigelbdpm :)15:00
nigelbdpm, FINALLY!15:00
jcastroScottL: you're on in 1 hour!15:01
dpmTLE has been rocking in getting the UOW logs up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Timetable15:04
nigelbwe should give him a "Classroom medal of honor" :-)15:04
jcastroanyone have a good pic of the IRC setup at UDS?15:05
jcastronm got one15:08
nigelbI feel so guilty having not helped out with UOW this time...15:15
jcastrobot help is totally fine. :)15:15
nigelbwe did get that bit right :-)15:16
nigelbcheers to nhandler and cjohnston :-)15:16
ScottLjcastro, got it, left work, i'm at home and about to move upstairs for this15:27
kim0nigelb: congrats man :)15:30
nigelbkim0, \m/15:31
nigelbI feel strangely surreal15:32
jcastroI hear it's sweater weather in budapest15:33
nigelbmore packing :)15:35
nigelbok, laters all.15:35
nigelbI'm heading home and printing tickets and stuff like that :-)15:35
=== ScottL is now known as scott-downstairs
jcastromhall119: ping15:40
jcastroDaviey: you around?15:45
jcastrojames_w`: or perhaps you?15:45
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
james_w`jcastro, yo15:52
jcastrojames_w`: I just sent an email15:53
jcastrolooks like desktop-o-touch sessions aren't being imported or something15:53
jcastroI was wondering if one of you could kick the hamster cage15:53
james_w`jcastro, I'll give it a shake15:54
james_w`jcastro, the "Design" status needs to be "New" or "Discussion", not "Approved" as it is now for most of them16:00
jcastroI always forget that16:05
mhall119jcastro: pong16:28
jcastromhall119: situation averted, normal jorge idiocy16:29
jcastroakgraner: you know carla schroder right?16:31
czajkowskijcastro: surely breaking things 3 days before uds goes live is your thing :)16:31
jcastrojames_w`: how's the weather over there?16:41
jcastroI heard "bring a coat"16:41
nigelbugh. roommates.16:50
nigelbThey removed the lock to my door.  I'll take revenge when I get back.16:50
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
jonohey all16:52
jonojcastro, is the Mark and Me thing for Wed night at UDS?16:52
jonojcastro, if so, we might need to re-schedule16:52
jcastroit's actually on the schedule16:52
jonoahhh ok16:52
jonoMark is organizing a dinner that night - let me talk to Claire16:52
jonowe can shift that to another night if needed16:52
jcastro(scroll down) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/ClassBot16:53
jcastrothere's a huge space there but people should be able to find it16:53
jcastrojono: ok I'm going to go get lunch, just jet me a mail on what day you want it16:53
jonojcastro, np16:53
mhall119anybody else flying out from JFK to Budapest tomorrow evening?16:54
nigelbmhall119, when do you reach budapest?16:54
mhall119nigelb: Sunday morning, their time16:54
nigelb12 pm local time16:55
mhall119okay, a couple hours after me16:55
mhall119cjohnston is already there16:55
nigelbyeah, he poked me on FB16:56
TechnovikingI love my job, "Hey Mike, we need to have a new 50TB Linux server built pretty soon after you get back, and have it login info from active directory"17:17
nigelbTechnoviking, heh17:18
=== scott-downstairs is now known as ScottL
james_w`jcastro, yeah, definitely, it's pretty cold of an evening17:24
nigelbjames_w`, I like the subtleness17:25
=== daker is now known as daker_
JFo-tabletakgraner, what was the name of the Conf stuff?19:57
JFo-tabletor whomever knows19:58
JFo-tablethmmm can't find it19:58
akgranerone sec19:58
akgranerJFo-tablet, http://summit.ubuntu.com/mobile/19:59
akgranergo there and you'll find the destructions19:59
akgranerI mean instructions19:59
JFo-tabletgot it...20:01
JFo-tabletthanks: -)20:01
JanCdid you guys see the offer at the bottom here: http://thomas.apestaart.org/log/?p=1329  ?21:29
cjohnstonjono: pong23:32

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