
* TheMuso is finding it difficult to work out why someone who wrote a packaging patch for a debian package decided to remove a .install file and use dh_install calls in debian/rules instead...00:52
RAOFEven well-understood magic can be, well, magic, I guess.00:58
TheMusoYeah, but I would have thought creating a new install file for the newly created binary package would be easier.01:01
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pittiGood morning05:43
TheMusoHey pitti.05:48
astropirateAnyone know if the gnome3-team PPA is working?07:17
astropiratei mean stable07:17
astropirate*enough to use07:17
TheMusoFrom what I've heard, yes it is, but I haven't used it myself.07:20
vish!gnome3 | astropirate07:20
ubot2astropirate: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.07:20
astropiratei don't care about unit. it is buggy07:22
vishastropirate: also mentions "… and possibly other parts of your system," so use it at your own risk ;)07:22
astropiratehehe i plan to07:23
astropiratebut just wanted to know if others had allready risked and if it had worked07:23
vishastropirate: you'd have better luck about that question on #ubuntu …07:24
astropiratevish ok, thanks07:25
jbichaI use the gnome3 PPA but I don't recommend others do07:28
astropiratei tink this is the perfect opertunity to try other distros :D07:38
astropirateexpanding horizons and all that junk07:38
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:39
vishthe world is your oyster!07:39
TheMusoHey chrisccoulson.07:39
chrisccoulsonhi TheMuso, how are you?07:39
vishmorn chrisccoulson …07:39
TheMusochrisccoulson: Not too bad thanks, just starting to get final bits and pieces together for my trip to UDS.07:39
pittihey chrisccoulson07:43
pittiTheMuso: good luck!07:43
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:43
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, when do you travel?07:43
pittichrisccoulson: splendid, thanks! slowly getting used to getting up at 607:43
chrisccoulsoni'm going to be a fairly late arriver, i don't travel until sunday :)07:43
TheMusopitti: Thanks, there is a little bit of luck involved I guess.07:44
TheMusochrisccoulson: I fly out tomorrow afternoon my time.07:44
TheMusoIn less than 24 hours to be exact.07:44
pittihey rodrigo_08:59
rodrigo_hi pitti08:59
cdbsUmm, is the Software Center 'reviews' server down?09:28
cdbsmpt: ^^09:28
mptcdbs, works for me09:45
pittio_O is there _anything_ the internet doesn't provide?09:48
pittihah, http://iamboredandhavenothingtodo.com/ doesn't exist; quickly, point it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu!09:48
abhinav-pitti: is there a gir for xlib as well ?09:58
pittiabhinav-: not an usable one, I think; /usr/share/gir-1.0/xlib-2.0.gir merely provides some struct names and open_display09:59
pittiabhinav-: use python-xlib for this09:59
pitti(static binding)09:59
abhinav-ah thanks09:59
abhinav-pitti: in gtk2 this feature could have been added without any unnecessary extra dependencies but with gtk3 the list is mounting up and still no success :-/10:01
pittiabhinav-: at this point you should perhaps file an upstream bug with the requirements and point out the lost API?10:02
abhinav-pitti: yeah. good suggestion. I cannot find any work around now :(10:02
pittior gnome-screenshot should just be taught to give you the XID/pid10:03
pittiabhinav-: sorry for all the trouble..10:03
abhinav-pitti: yeah, it could be added to gnome-screenshot but it will add dependency on cairo and that will have to be done in C :-|10:04
abhinav-pitti: no problem, its just that every morning I feel like I could do it today :P10:05
cdbschrisccoulson: The globalmenu extension in oneiric Thunderbird doesn't hide up the old-style menubar from the window10:35
cdbsdidrocks: hello there! Could you take a look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-default-apps-unity-integration ?10:48
didrockscdbs: hey Bilal! sure having a look :)10:49
didrockscdbs: is that something you want to work on?10:49
cdbsdidrocks: yep, but others could pick up just as well.10:50
cdbsdidrocks: We need to decide which app needs what10:50
cdbsdidrocks: and there are a ton of non-default-but-immensely-popular apps which could do with integration as well.10:50
cdbsall that has to be decided10:50
cdbsdidrocks: So if you say so, I'll set assignee to myself10:51
didrockscdbs: ok, I'll ensure we have a designer coming and that it's scheduled then :)10:51
didrockscdbs: sure ;)10:51
* cdbs sets10:51
didrockspitti: hey, can you approve this one, please? ^^10:51
cdbsdidrocks: its approved already10:52
cdbspitti: ^10:52
cdbspitti: oh no wait, it isn't10:52
didrocksno, it's still "proposed"10:52
didrocksI'm subscribing Jorge as well as we will need some community advocacy as well10:53
cdbsWeird that the assignee would be attending remotely :(10:54
pittinot "proposed" any more :)10:54
pittibonjour didrocks10:54
cdbsdidrocks: Enjoying Budapest? How's the whether there?10:54
didrockspitti: Guten Tag! ;)10:54
cdbspitti: Good morning , and thanks :)10:54
* cdbs should *seriously* learn french10:55
didrockscdbs: well, depends, one day, it's a london weather, the other day it's really sunny ;)10:55
didrockssome kind of flip/flap :)10:55
didrockscdbs: yeah, this is mandatory! :p10:55
pittifor now I should seriously learn some Hungarian phrases10:55
didrockspitti: the "Sorry, I don't speak Hungarian" one? :-)10:56
didrockspitti: thanks for acking!10:56
cdbspitti: Fire up google translate and translate that :)10:56
pitti"Elnézést, én nem beszélek magyarul!", ugh10:57
pittiat least the pronounciation seems to be pretty straightforward10:57
seb128does it? ;-)10:58
cdbsit is, just read it like one reads English10:58
pitticdbs: exactly not -- English pronounciation is horribly inconsistent10:58
pittiGerman, Russian, Hungarian etc. have strict rules, you pronounce as you write10:59
* pitti tries to remember "Szeretnék két sört" (two beer please)10:59
LaneyI like your style — no need to ever order just one ;-)11:00
cdbssudo dd if=/dev/beer of=/home/pitti/glass{1,2} count=2048  # That's the unified way of saying that, no language barriers :)11:02
pittiwhy sudo?11:03
pittiaccess to beer should be fairly public!11:03
Laneyrequires administrator access to your body11:03
Laneyaka adulthood11:03
jbichause sudo when you really want to make sure something gets done11:07
jbicha-f helps too :-)11:07
pittione day I want a T-Shirt with http://xkcd.com/149/11:08
davmor2is there a way to make unity show up in the share my desktop feature on empathy?11:08
jbichapitti: oh you mean like this one? http://store.xkcd.com/xkcd/#Sudo11:09
jbichabut you want someone else to buy it for you? lol11:10
hyperairdoes anybody know if we're moving to gtk3 in oneiric?12:03
pittihyperair: yes, we will12:22
hyperairpitti: okay, awesome.12:22
pittigets high time to do so :)12:23
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ricotzjbicha, ping13:27
ricotzjbicha, regarding the gnome-session 3.0.1 merge, what is the reason for dropping debian/po-up/de.po?13:29
cyphermoxgood morning!13:44
pittihey cyphermox13:53
cyphermoxhey pitti13:53
cyphermoxhey piiti, I seem to have a bug 776662 here that mentions an possible issue with gnome-panel ...ubuntu6.5; would make that system crash. any ideas how/why this would be?14:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 776662 in network-manager-applet "network-manager-gnome crashes on logon after the last update" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77666214:08
pitticyphermox: oh, that was for me14:12
pitticyphermox: ah, so presumably a regression from the SRU in bug 774427?14:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 774427 in gnome-panel "Cannot add applets to second X server display in 11.04" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77442714:12
pitticyphermox: is it reproducible? I didn't try classic session recently14:13
cyphermoxI was about to try, but I doubt I'll be able to reproduce it14:13
pittiI'd like to defer to rodrigo_ here, I need to leave now14:13
pittisee you all in Budapest!14:13
cyphermoxsee you there!14:13
jbicharicotz: oops, that wasn't intentional14:59
jbichaI'm not really sure why that file would have been cleared on my computer; I had no reason to be touching the pos15:00
ricotzjbicha, i see ;), do you want to propose a fix or shall i just add it back?15:01
jbichaI can propose a merge for you15:02
rodrigo_I have to do some stuff for my trip to budapest, so if I'm not back later, see you all in budapest!15:14
jbicharicotz: thanks for letting me know15:17
cyphermoxrodrigo_: alright ;)15:17
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bigonwhat are the plan for gnome-shell and oneiric?22:24
kenvandinebigon, we will be talking about that at UDS22:51
kenvandinebut we are expecting to have gtk3 and gnome3 in some fashion for oneirc22:51
kenvandinebut that isn't finalized or anything, just what we know we want to do22:52
bigonok ok22:54
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bcurtiswxbigon, do you know if cassidy is going to UDS?23:11
bigonbcurtiswx: good question, I know he's going to the guadec, but I'm not sure about UDS23:15
bcurtiswxbigon, OK thanks :)23:16
bigonthis make me think that I should take vacations to go to the guadec23:19

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