
hamitronI remember the cpu did get hot when run at full speed00:01
DeathSling1i'm trying to figure out how to get vmbuilder to work. I have it working on another machine but this just errors00:01
hamitronbut it is one of them AthlonXP-m chips, so can get it to stay at 800mhz00:01
DeathSling1ah yeah, sorry. Brain is fading  ;)00:03
kirrusJust... no...00:03
hamitronso nothing clever, just lazy00:04
* brobostigon sets up gwibbers dual panes, to show election reuslts, seperatly.00:06
hamitronwhen are AV results in?00:08
dragonkeeperhow do i get a .sh script to call a different .sh script in a different terminal ?06:37
dragonkeeperi tried to call the script sudo ./scriptname.sh   but it runs in that terminal ;/06:39
gingdragonkeeper: can't you just run it in the background or do you specifically want it to pop up into another terminal?06:40
dragonkeeperging: i want it to pop up another terminal and that new terminal to open a file06:41
AlanBellI guess it could run the gnome-terminal command06:42
AlanBellbut this is a pretty odd thing to want to do06:42
dragonkeeperi tried gnome-terminal scriptname.sh   but it just opened a terminal like normal06:42
AlanBellgnome-terminal -e find / &06:44
AlanBellthat will launch a terminal in the background, and list all files on your system in it, then close06:45
AlanBellI did find / because a short command like ls means the terminal barely opens before it closes again06:45
dragonkeeperso if i do  gnome-terminal -e " then put a command here"  ?06:46
AlanBellbut like I said, this is an odd request06:46
AlanBellwhat if you want to run the command whilst not running X?06:47
dragonkeeperi just like alot of stuff to open at same time and some are scripts so wanted to make one script to boot it all up at same time06:48
dragonkeeperthat works perfectly06:52
dragonkeepernow only if was a way to give script root privileges with out having type a pass06:53
AlanBellthere is06:55
AlanBellI have no idea how to use it, I never have06:55
dragonkeeperahh ok ty06:57
HazRPGmorning all07:11
TheOpenSourcerermorning peeps07:53
TheOpenSourcererGot a meeting on your manor this morning popey07:54
* popey raises the drawbridge07:54
pipaHelp! How do you create a list of packages that everything else depends on?07:57
* popey waits for 9am to phone virgin to get his internet back on07:58
popeyer 8am07:59
czajkowskiwhat happened?08:00
popeygot a new hub08:02
TheOpenSourcererhttp://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/s/2092166_election_local_council_results "In Waverley, all opposition [to the Tories] has been virtually wiped out. "08:02
czajkowskiyes oddly enough whe I wen to vote yesterday08:04
czajkowskithere was a local election08:04
czajkowskiI'd not heard anything of08:04
czajkowskiback home I'd go 1 2  308:04
czajkowskiover here I can only Go X08:05
czajkowskivery odd08:05
czajkowskiand I voted on the AV bring ye more in line with common sense voting08:05
pipaI'd of voted Schulze method08:06
popeyhttp://www.speedtest.net/result/1283756073.png  MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAH!08:12
MartijnVdSpopey: New internet connection in your Evil Underground Lair?08:13
MartijnVdStoo bad about the upload though08:13
popeythat upload is just perfect for me :)08:13
MartijnVdSpopey: I'm getting 100/10008:13
TheOpenSourcererBlimey - that's fast.08:13
MartijnVdSpopey: speaking of upload :)08:13
TheOpenSourcererShame I live nowhere near a cable service08:13
MartijnVdSI wonder how they're going to connect the fibre to my appartment08:17
MartijnVdS(I'm on the 7th floor)08:22
popeydangle a cable from a helicopter08:24
MartijnVdSpopey: unlikely08:25
gordmorning all08:55
gordooh what did we say this time09:00
MooDoohello all09:00
hoovermoning all09:02
MooDoopopey: ?09:03
popeysee the link TheOpenSourcerer posted09:04
gordoh right its matt zimmerman leaving. sad days09:04
czajkowskiso true09:05
czajkowskithe man is a great guy and so approachable09:05
popeywonder if he's off to Google :)09:05
bigcalmMorning peeps, good or otherwise09:06
popeylo bigcalm09:06
MooDoosometimes it's just time to move on.09:06
czajkowskiMooDoo: true09:06
bigcalmpopey: what will you be doing with your new found bandwidth?09:07
Myrttimdz news makes me sad09:07
Myrttimoin all09:07
* bigcalm hugs Myrtti happy09:07
awilkinsHmmph. Either it's a compression effect or my ISP has upgraded my bandwidth without asking. Bastards.09:07
czajkowskiI met him in barcelona when I wne to my first uds and sat talking to him, not exactly realising who he actually was.he was very helpful listened and has always been helpful when I asked him to speak at events.09:07
AlanBellhello pipa and pippa09:08
AlanBellpipa: you mean packages on your system?09:08
MooDooczajkowski: sounds a pleasant chappy.....09:08
czajkowskihe is09:08
MyrttiI love the articles he shares in greader09:09
popeybigcalm: right now, I am using debmirror :)09:09
czajkowskiohh Bones09:10
czajkowskiand Big bang theory09:10
czajkowskitime for some beans on toast, and tea09:10
dwatkinsyeah, Bones rocks, as does Fringe09:11
MooDooyay fringe09:11
MooDooand smallville and eureka09:11
MooDooand ncis09:11
czajkowskiNCIS LA was damn good yesterday09:11
czajkowskithere is a mole in NCIS09:11
czajkowskiwonder wll the director go09:12
MooDooonly watched the first few of those, think i need to catch up09:12
MooDooczajkowski: i thought it was jimmy at first but now i'm not so sure09:12
dwatkinsI used to watch Smallville, it got a bit wierd. Quite like Eureka though.09:12
czajkowskinoooo has to be someone on the new team09:12
gordmmm beans on toast, could go for some of that09:12
MooDooczajkowski: i dunno, they are there only as part of their introduction coz they are the new spin off09:12
czajkowskigibbs really hates them09:13
MooDooczajkowski: well i'm only guessing, but it was mentioned they were showing the new spin off team09:13
czajkowskino likey09:13
czajkowskithe blonde is annoying09:13
MooDooczajkowski: better not be abi :D09:14
czajkowskione of the team is from Numb3rs09:14
MooDoooh yeah09:14
MooDoono not ducky09:14
MooDooi'm thinking a minor char09:14
czajkowskidenoza nope not after last nights ep, not jimmy, he wuldnt have the balls to do it, no abi as well,... no... not gibs, so it has to be ducky or his assistant, or the director is out for gibbs09:15
MooDoojimmy is duckys assistant09:15
czajkowskioh thinking of ...09:16
MooDooczajkowski: glad i'm able to download them from the states :D09:16
MooDooooo bones ep 21 :D09:17
czajkowskiTIm McGee09:17
bigcalmpopey: have VM asked you to max out the connection for hours on end? ;)09:17
MooDoosupernatuaral is another good one.09:17
popeybigcalm: :)09:20
popeybigcalm: I have downloaded ~50GB in the last 24 hours or so09:20
TheOpenSourcererOooh - shiny. 480core ARM Server: http://www.geek.com/articles/chips/calxeda-to-offer-480-core-arm-server-20110314/09:20
bigcalmpopey: Balls to the fair useage policy!09:21
TheOpenSourcererLaterz all.09:21
czajkowskipopey: please tell me thats not all natty updates :p09:21
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: toodles09:21
popeyczajkowski: thats a copy of the entire natty repo, i386 and amd6409:22
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: ttfn09:22
czajkowskipopey: what odd testing are you doing09:22
popeyimagine having a USB stick that boots to either (optionally) the i386 or AMD64 ISO09:23
popeyyou do the install, then point your apt at the usb stick and install anything you want from the repo09:24
popeyso you can do fully offline installs09:24
czajkowskiactually funny thing, I've not one USB in the house09:24
* AlanBell has a USB belonging to czajkowski 09:24
czajkowskiyou do09:25
oimoni have 3 usb sticks in my pocket at all times09:26
AlanBellis that a USB stick in your pocket or are you just . . . never mind09:28
* MooDoo shakes head :D09:28
bigcalmJust realised the folly of Radio 4 recording the Friday Night News Quiz on Thursday. As with them speculating over the wedding last week, it'll be speculation over the voting results today09:28
* Myrtti is watching a show about ospreys in UK, interesting09:29
oimonthere's been an election?09:29
bigcalmNot really that bothered about the local elections, it's the AV result I want to know09:30
oimoni can tell you that already09:30
MooDoooimon: ah that explains the extra traffic09:30
MooDoobigcalm: 8pm tonight09:30
bigcalmMooDoo: indeed!09:30
czajkowskiMyrtti: the rugby team ?09:30
MooDoobut we all know the answer already :)09:30
Myrtticzajkowski: no, the bird09:30
oimoni have a new theory. the election result is always NOT what the masses on twitter are proclaiming09:30
czajkowskiMyrtti: oh right yes09:30
Myrtticzajkowski: it's the official bird of these parts of Finland, the town I was born started out as a mill village of the parish called "osprey hill" in English09:31
czajkowskiMyrtti: ah ok, I just associate it with one of the rugy teams we play09:32
MooDooczajkowski: you really are a rugby fan aren't you :D09:34
czajkowskiagain I'm going to point out I'm from Limerick, which is in Munster the home of Irish rugby09:35
czajkowskiyou either follow rugby or GAA09:35
czajkowskiit's as simple as that09:35
popeybbc live news seems screwed today09:36
danfishmorning - my rugby highlight just pinged09:36
czajkowskidanfish: go pick another date YOU:RE free so we can go watch a rugby match again09:36
danfishczajkowski: world cup soon so plenty of choice :)09:38
danfishearly matches though, so beer for breakfast09:39
* popey hugs ali1234 09:41
* popey is riding ali1234's train track09:41
MartijnVdSpopey: Minecraft?09:42
czajkowskidanfish: tons of time to find a ub we cna reserve a space !09:42
czajkowskilast pub was grand and all but space would be idea09:42
danfishczajkowski: plenty on time for theopensourcerer to get a licence to serve booze and set up a pub in his back garden ;)09:46
gordgmail takes longer to load than evolution!09:47
bigcalmgmail crashes less than evolution!09:47
gordand makes firefox throw up an unresponsive script thing. why must all email clients suck? :(09:47
MartijnVdSa lot less09:47
MartijnVdSgord: It's rule #1 of the internet09:48
MartijnVdSgord: (from the same list as #34)09:48
gordhaven't seen evolution crash in a long time09:48
MartijnVdSgord: going catatonic == crash09:48
MartijnVdSIt might not technically be a crash if it stays running in an infinite loop/wait09:48
MartijnVdSBut it's dead to me :)09:49
gorduse imap+09:50
MartijnVdSgord: Sorry, employer uses Exchange09:50
brobostigonmorning everyone.09:57
brobostigonfor everyone who wanted to try gnome3, from the gnome3-teams ppa, gnome-session 3.0.1, is inthere, and is fixed, to start other things from gdm, than only gnome-shell.09:59
popeystill breaks unity though, doesn't it?10:02
brobostigonnope, unity started fine.10:02
JamesTaitHi hi, happy Friday! :)10:05
brobostigonmorning JamesTait :)10:06
brobostigonvps suggestions?10:37
MooDoobrobostigon: i use memset, people use linode or bitfolk10:37
* gord sings the i hate google docs song10:37
brobostigonthank you chaps,10:37
gordits the worst thing in the world10:37
dogmatic69gord: it could be worse, you could be singing the i hate m$ office song10:38
gordeh at least ms office sort of works, google docs just plain sucks10:39
brobostigonbitfolk do debian sid on their vps's as an option, interesting choice.10:40
popeybrobostigon: they have an irc channel, #bitfolk on irc.lug.org.uk10:40
Myrttithe best advice I can give you is "don't use anything free as in gratis"10:41
popeydrop by and say hi to grifferz10:41
popeyhe can answer your questions10:41
=== serial is now known as Guest85815
brobostigonpopey: ah, intersting, will do, thank you.10:41
Myrttimy problems with any hosting provider has always started when I've not paid for the service10:41
Myrttiand thus can't expect any service10:41
=== 13WAAOEP0 is now known as WinterWeaver
bigcalmYesterday I prompted a client to have 10.04 LTS installed on their new VM with Bytemark. #doingMyBit10:43
bigcalmRemind me how to change the default editor for the CLI?10:45
brobostigonbitfolk looks like it will will do the job. good price aswell.10:51
MooDoobrobostigon: they are very good, i just wanted cpanel on my box10:52
brobostigonMooDoo: ah, ok.10:52
popeyif you mention my name if/when you sign up, then i get a bonus, which I donate to debian10:52
brobostigonah, thats ok.10:52
gordmuch of a bonus?10:53
popeywell, I've referred a bunch of people, and the DPL dropped me a mail to say thanks :)10:53
popeyso probably not huge amounts, but a bit10:53
brobostigonand ipv6.10:54
gordah, thats nice10:58
davmor2morning all11:02
davmor2czajkowski: prod hello11:02
czajkowskidavmor2: pokes11:03
davmor2Yay! hugs czajkowski11:04
MooDooczajkowski: you better enough to be poked again?11:11
davmor2MooDoo: only on good days11:13
MooDoodavmor2: pah!11:14
davmor2MooDoo: you need to watch her twitter feed to find out which it is :)11:14
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 11:14
czajkowskidavmor2: thanks :)11:14
davmor2no probs11:14
JamesTaitCan anyone remember what the query parameter is to tell URL shortening sites to display a "preview" page telling you what URL you're about to visit?11:30
czajkowskiivanka: thanks for replying to my mails so fast! clears up my inbox swiftly! :)11:34
bigcalmJamesTait: offten adding a + to the end of the url will do that11:37
bigcalmI should add that feature to my own URL shortener at some point :S11:37
JamesTaitbigcalm: That's the one - I just found it on Google, thanks. :)11:37
oimonat what point did memory management by linux applications become so bad that 4gb isn't enough RAM for some basic apps like email/internet/office?11:45
dogmatic69oimon: my machine never makes it past ~2gigs11:46
oimondogmatic69: how often do you reboot?11:46
dogmatic6910:46:31 up 7 days, 22:52,  3 users,  load average: 0.37, 0.33, 0.3211:47
davmor2oimon: it is here but then I shut down each night11:47
dogmatic69chrome + ff ~50 tabs xchat, netbeans, ~10 terminals connected to 6 servers11:47
oimoni have memory probs on most of my apps11:48
dogmatic69skype dropbox music etc11:48
oimoni'm on lucid11:48
dogmatic6910.10 32bit for me11:48
oimonthunderbird/chromium/pidgin/hotot/openoffice/evince - killing my machine - each morning i have a 2gb swap in use and 60-80% RAM used11:49
davmor2oimon: thunderbird in lucid had a memory leak, pidgin also iirc,  open office if left open uses more ram as it keeps saving automagically .11:51
oimonalso hotot and chromium eat RAM11:51
oimonit didn't used to be like this11:51
davmor2oimon: Banshee is my biggest memory killer11:52
oimoni get that too, although disabling useless plugins helps11:53
brobostigonafternoonings reaper433412:15
reaper4334how is everyone?12:15
MooDoogood here12:16
brobostigon**** really, not so hot.12:16
Adriannomhm...  what would my BASE_SERVER_VHOST be? :s12:17
Adriannomthe full hostname of the vps maybe?12:18
czajkowskiok something is up with vlc12:23
czajkowskiit plays most of my movies12:23
czajkowskithe stops12:23
czajkowskibut continues juming but no sound12:23
czajkowskiso have to hard reboot then as all machine locks up12:23
oimoni had a similar problem 2 days ago on my desktop pc - machine hard froze during vlc playback, needed to give it the finger12:24
oimonhttp://www.talktalk.co.uk/ << LOL12:29
wintellectAnyone tried the new nVidia driver which was released on 20/4 ? (270.x.x)12:33
popey!info nvidia-current12:33
lubotu3nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 260.19.06-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 25690 kB, installed size 76364 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)12:33
popeywintellect: I haven't, is it any good?12:33
=== serial is now known as Guest45324
popeywintellect: seems I'm using it on natty12:37
popeyits rubbish12:37
wintellectpopey: lubotu3 reported the 260.x.x version12:48
wintellectthe latest is 270.x.x - released about 15 days ago or so12:49
popeyi have 270 here12:49
davmor2wintellect: 270.41.06-0ubuntu112:54
davmor2popey: so how is your 30 meg connection and do you get limited to 5 meg if you download more iso in peak hours?12:55
DeathSlinganyone here work with vmbuilder?12:56
popeydavmor2: http://www.speedtest.net/result/1284032579.png12:57
kazadeI'm on ADSL about a million miles from an exchange :/12:57
kazadecarrier pigeon is probably quicker12:57
* popey ponders slapping a 3rd 2TB disk in his server and migrate from RAID1 to RAID512:59
* kazade ponders piggybacking popey's wifi13:00
kazadeheh, not worth the travel though :p13:00
kazaderight, off to see the Colonel about some fried chicken13:01
dogmatic69not bad :)13:02
AlanBelldogmatic69: gimme a few minutes ;)13:03
AlanBellgah, I have to install flash on this server to beat you13:04
dogmatic69popey's in front, im 2nd :P13:05
popeyoh, it's like that is it13:05
davmor2meh I can't wait till june 6 at 3pm when my reliability issue disappear supposedly13:05
dogmatic69davmor2: bigcalm: your 19.99 is no match for my supreme 20.0513:05
reaper4334my download speed's depressing compared to most of those http://www.speedtest.net/result/1284041377.png13:05
davmor2dogmatic69: that's a good speed for me I'll do it again this afernoon and watch it drop into the pits of hell13:06
Apacheukhttp://www.speedtest.net/result/1283793563.png he he :)13:07
dogmatic69davmor2: mine will go up when every stops leaching it with work stuff13:07
bigcalmYep, VirginMedia do that to us13:07
bigcalmApacheuk: in a datacentre?13:07
dogmatic69Apacheuk: bt? why so fast13:08
Apacheuknope, at home.... btinfinity13:08
* dogmatic69 wants bt ∞13:08
bigcalmBT Infinity won't be coming here as it's already a cabeled area13:08
Apacheuklove the upload, makes backing up a lot quicker13:08
* bigcalm kippers AlanBell13:09
exobuzzthere is bt infinity here, but when they launched they had 300gb/month ,limits combined upstream/down which wouldnt be enough. however i believe they just removed that13:09
exobuzzwas going to wait to see what the 100mbit virgin offer looked like13:09
ApacheukAlanBell: I think you win!13:09
exobuzz(mostly concerned about decent upstream)13:09
dogmatic69AlanBell: where you get that?13:10
bigcalmDenmark by the looks of it13:10
AlanBellone of our servers13:10
* dogmatic69 wants 70Mb/s upload13:10
bigcalmDoh, I always forget .de isn't denmark13:10
exobuzz100mbit would suit me fine13:11
AlanBellit is a core i7 980 extreme running KVM, that is one of the VMs running Natty13:11
exobuzzboth ways13:11
AlanBellit is in fact mumble.libertus.co.uk13:11
AlanBellyeah, not much of a web server there13:12
AlanBellnot a 404 though, no web server on port 8013:12
dogmatic69chrome complaining ~= 404 :P13:13
AlanBell(there is interesting stuff on port 3000 and port 59125 for the curious)13:13
andylockranheya all13:14
popeyhowdy howdy howdy13:15
reaper4334AlanBell: that speech synthesis client is pretty cool13:15
AlanBellreaper4334: yeah, and I got it working with speech dispatcher so you can integrate it with the desktop13:15
AlanBellworks with orca13:15
andylockranpopey: you well?13:16
bigcalmAlanBell: that screams for a minecraft server13:16
AlanBellI want to pop something together that listens on dbus for libnotify stuff and throws it at speech dispatcher13:16
AlanBellso all the little notify popups get read out loud13:16
reaper4334that'd be pretty cool13:16
reaper4334useful too13:16
popeyyup yup13:17
andylockranthat makes me happy :)13:17
X3NAlanBell: doesn't that happen already?13:19
X3Nwith the accessibility stuff13:19
AlanBellX3N: if you are running orca it can read notifications13:23
AlanBellbut that needs at-spi on by default which it isn't13:23
AlanBelland lots of people would not want to run orca all the time13:24
X3Noh right, this isn't for accessibility reasons?13:24
AlanBellnot directly13:24
AlanBellbut I have a general objective of getting accessibility tools in more mainstream use13:25
AlanBellto get more eyeballs on them and more developers13:25
X3Nit should be pretty quick to write anyway :)13:25
X3Nyou could even do it in a bash script heh13:25
AlanBellhow would you listen for notifications via a script?13:26
AlanBellspeaking is easy, just spd-say "hello world"13:26
exobuzzsome accessibility tools are incredibly useful. like simulate second click - for example on touchscreens13:26
AlanBelland an on screen keyboard with a touch screen13:27
X3Nsomething like, dbus-monitor "type='signal',sender='org.freedesktop.Notifications',interface='org.freedesktop.Notification'"13:28
X3Nthough, i'm not sure if there is actually a signal for notifications13:28
exobuzzAlanBell, the best onscreenkeyboard ive used so far is "florence"13:28
X3Nyou can use d-feet to inspect what you have in dbus13:28
exobuzzcertainly its way more usable than the ubuntu default13:28
exobuzznot tried the new meego one though13:28
AlanBellthere is this https://launchpad.net/libnotify-speech-dispatcher13:29
AlanBellbut a simpler bash or python based thing would be cool13:29
AlanBellexobuzz: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/21/ubuntu-natty-in-virtualbox-with-unity/13:30
AlanBellI did some themeing of onboard which should get into natty at some point13:30
exobuzzthe theming looks much better. but the keyboard doesnt type as well as florence. in terms of responsiveness and speed13:31
popeyAlanBell: that guide needs updating13:31
popeythere is a new version of the virtualbox extensions, the ones in the repo are outdated13:31
X3Nhmm that's not very nice, the libnotify-speech-dispatcher has to eves drop on messages going to the notify daemon13:32
exobuzzAlanBell, http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/images/ubuntulinux3.png try florence out . would be nice to have it as the default in ubuntu13:32
popeyyeah, i like florence13:32
oimonwhat's the smiley key?13:33
exobuzzwindows key i guess13:33
popey'super' key13:33
oimonsorry but it looks naff13:33
exobuzzyeh sorry super key13:33
popeywhat does?13:33
exobuzzits skinnable/themable..13:33
exobuzzthis is a simple transparent look13:33
oimonthe smiley key..the rest is good13:33
popeyyou might want to actually consider using it13:34
popeywhich is far more important than the look of one single key13:34
exobuzzit's packaged for natty so easy to install now13:34
popeyoh nice13:35
oimoni'm not suggesting i wouldn't not use it because of the naff smiley key13:36
X3Ndid anyone see media-explorer released? would be interested in any comments/feedback13:36
oimonhow many negatives in that sentence?13:36
bigcalmAbsolute80s player cut off half way through David Bowie's Lets Dance :(13:36
oimontoo many :P the smiley key wouldn't stop me using it13:36
oimoni wonder how much truth there is in the story that apple might soon start moving to ARM laptops?13:37
exobuzzoimon, better for you ? http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=217749&ssid=7723213:37
bigcalmSelecting in the source view of FireFox 4 is broken on Windows. Is this also true to Linux users? (I don't have a linux desktop to hand)13:46
davmor2bigcalm: I can view source if that is what you mean13:47
bigcalmdavmor2: can you select anything though?13:48
bigcalmWith ctal +a13:49
bigcalmOr the edit menu13:49
bigcalmUsing the mouse still works for me13:49
davmor2bigcalm: Yeap13:50
davmor2bigcalm: with mouse and ctrl+a13:50
Azelphuryay, my inspiron duo came naked no OS :D13:50
MartijnVdShmm naked computers13:52
bigcalmdavmor2: Good, just my machine or windows then :)13:52
oimonAzelphur: and no windows tax paid?13:58
Azelphuroimon: yep.13:58
Azelphurhe just knows to send me osless machines now haha13:58
oimoni'm about to buy 35 PCs and will save > £1k in win tax13:58
Azelphurhe knows I'm a linux nut and that it's entirely pointless :D13:58
oimoni have to jump through hoops tho13:59
Azelphuroimon: me and my brother always buy from this one place up in London, they hook us up with cheap prices and do things for us out of the way :D14:01
oimonnot dell direct?14:01
Azelphuroimon: nah, he's a dell outlet guy14:02
Azelphurhe gets all the refurbs in and fixes em up14:02
oimonok - i have bought direct from dell outlet for home PCs before14:04
oimonyou get great deals..surprised to see a duo already in there!14:05
Azelphuromg downloading ubuntu natty iso at 1.3MB/sec :D14:05
Azelphurfastest by far my internets ever gone14:05
Azelphuroimon: yea, he went out of the way to get some for me :p14:05
Azelphurme, my brother and his girlfriend combined have probably spent 10k+ there over the years though14:06
Azelphurso we get special treatment xD14:06
oimoni'd be interested to hear your experiences on the duo14:08
oimonabout to buy a thinkpad tablet for a user, but cost 3x greater14:08
Azelphuroimon: will do :p14:10
* awilkins is supposed to get 10Mb/s but it tends to tail off at peak times now... fricking 'torrenters *slap*14:19
MartijnVdSawilkins: Don't blame torrenters, blame buffer bloat:14:20
awilkinsMartijnVdS, Bufferbloat affects latency, no? Don't see how any amount of extra ping time cuts my bandwidth down to a fifth of what it should be.14:22
MartijnVdSawilkins: bandwidth != speed14:26
MartijnVdSawilkins: bandwidth = speed * latency14:26
* awilkins is reading the "parking lot" metaphor14:28
X3Narguing for patches upstream is more work than writing the actual code :\14:47
* awilkins can relate to that14:47
Laneydo enough non-controversial changes14:47
Laneyget commit access14:47
Laneycommit your dubious patch14:48
MartijnVdSunless Linus merges14:48
MartijnVdSthen you get a flamewar14:48
awilkinsSounds like a great arcade game14:48
awilkins"Linus Merges! FIGHT!"14:48
X3Nhaha, then you have to fight using git commands14:49
awilkins"Linus rewrites your history! You cease to exist!"14:50
MartijnVdS"You rebase. Linus gets angry."14:50
Azelphur"Linus firewalls you, it's super effective!"14:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: killfiles14:52
MartijnVdSmailing lists don't care about firewalls :)14:52
awilkins<Scary boss music>   Microsoft files a patent suit!14:53
Azelphuroh noes!14:53
MartijnVdSGoogle countersues14:53
AzelphurFSF Lawyer, I CHOOSE YOU!14:53
Azelphuroimon: I'm starting to think Ubuntu on the inspiron duo is gonna be fun :)15:09
AzelphurUbuntu natty beta I had downloaded, compiz crashes and the installer doesn't load15:09
oimonthat's normal though Azelphur15:09
AzelphurDownloaded alternate and it bleets about the installer encountering an error when I try and install ubuntu desktop \o/15:09
oimoncompiz was unstable until about beta215:10
Azelphurfair enough :p15:10
Azelphurmanaged to get through the alternate install :p15:15
AzelphurI don't seem to be getting a lot in the way of...anything though15:16
gordgoogle docs is the only office software i have ever used where i have to take breaks from typing to let the text catch up...15:16
Azelphuryea, black screen lol15:16
gordkinda weird typing on my netbook from a table. feel like i need to be laying out on my bed with my netbook in some weird position15:17
oimongord: microsoft office 365 is bound to be worse15:17
awilkinsgord, Yeah, even my old Epson PX-8 could keep up with my typing (Z80 processor)15:18
awilkinsIt incidentally had the nicest laptop keyboard I've ever used. A shame the Nicad battery pack developed seriously heavy memory.15:19
awilkinsI used to connect it to my Amiga 500 via a null modem cable and type on it rather than use the Amiga keyboard15:20
Azelphurattempt 2 on the install, I'll let it have networking this time and make sure to get openssh installed :p15:20
oimonusing the release version this time?15:20
Azelphuroimon: I used a release version last time and got black screen15:21
Azelphurand failed to install ubuntu-desktop15:21
awilkinsYou could make a zsync up-to-date version of the alternate CD with all the patches in15:21
Azelphurif I can just get it installed and get ssh I can run an upgrade15:21
awilkinsOr jidgo or whatever works15:21
Azelphurhopefully that'll make everything work15:21
awilkinsYes, I always like that about Gentoo - always had ssh on by default15:22
AzelphurI have the alternate install so I can install it by default15:22
oimonthunderbird is becoming like outlook...fortunately we don't run it as root like windows users: http://lwn.net/Articles/441650/15:38
* popey gives AlanBell a http://img.thedailywtf.com/images/mark/errord/050611/bitterremarks.JPG15:39
AlanBellthat would be a thread 31 entries deep I think15:39
oimon"Prince Harry 'warned off Pippa Middleton' "  ..because that wouldn't be at all weird..not at all...15:42
pippahe's not my type anyway ;o)15:43
oimonyou mean he's a windows user?15:44
popeyhe looks more like a xbox user15:44
AlanBelldoes that mean someone warned him off, or he warned Pippa off?15:46
Azelphuroimon: yay, got ssh on the black screen :D15:46
Azelphurinstalling ubuntu-desktop now xD15:47
oimona friend of friend of a facebook friend of an acquaintance said something to a newspaper so they could print pictures of the bridesmaids bum15:47
oimonbtw how can i explain this? we had 2 power cuts this morning affecting the whole area. one of the user's mac mini's still has a 25 day uptime :S15:47
oimonno UPS15:47
Azelphurhow long was the cuts?15:48
oimonbut all our machines went down15:50
oimonthe non UPS'd ones15:50
Azelphuroimon: sometimes some stuff can go off but some stuff can survive through it15:52
oimon200-odd machines, all went down except for 4 mac mini's15:52
AzelphurI remember once I had a power cut and all my monitors went off but my PC went off15:52
Azelphursorry my PC stayed on*15:52
X3Noimon: maybe there is enough residual power in the mac mini's power block to keep it running15:53
oimonseems to be the case15:53
X3Noimon: where abouts were the power cuts?15:53
oimonah, it has a laptop type power block?15:53
oimoni was beginning to suspect voodo15:54
brobostigonhow much data would everyone say, would be used, running just irssi, on something like a vps, monthly?15:56
X3Noimon: not far from me, i'm just outside aldgate :)15:56
popeyvery little15:56
popeyless than any package you could buy15:56
oimonx3n..only 1/2 to 1 mile away then15:56
brobostigonpopey: umm, little  vague, but a good anwser, thank you.15:57
X3Nno power cuts here anyway15:58
popeybrobostigon: its text, it takes next to no bandwidth at all15:58
gordbrobostigon, look at how big your log files are :)15:58
brobostigonpopey: very true, yes.15:58
brobostigongord: good thinking, :)15:58
brobostigon4.1 MB, inthree days. roughly, soyes,not much.16:02
AzelphurThe disc drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present16:30
Azelphuroh, now that error disappeared and it booted \o/16:30
Azelphurwoa, black screen of death16:31
* MartijnVdS pokes at unity2d some more16:31
oimonmy desktop PC isn't showing usb sticks that aren't inserted at boot :(16:31
AzelphurI just got a real, legit BSoD16:31
Azelphurthat never happens :o16:31
Azelphurwith a kernel backtrace and everything16:32
MartijnVdSMine shows ISO images I've made USB sticks out of16:32
MartijnVdSand they're unremoveable16:32
oimonAzelphur: nvidia drivers?16:32
Azelphuroimon: nope, on my netbook16:32
Azelphurand first boot with GUI so stock everything16:33
oimonis it a nvidia card tho?16:33
Azelphurno, intel16:33
oimonhmmm comments never get to the bottom of my problem http://tips4linux.com/usb-devices-not-mounting-in-lucid-heres-a-fix/16:33
Azelphurgot it booted into a GUI though, getting on wifi and doing an upgrade :P16:34
Azelphurtouch pad is insanely sensative16:34
AzelphurI like it :)16:34
Azelphurtouch screen doesn't work ootb16:36
oimonyeah i was expecting that16:36
oimonAzelphur: there's info at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1658635 relating to meerkat16:38
Azelphurfun fun xD16:39
Azelphuraww, no multi touch16:39
oimonhttp://plippo.de/touchscreen-tools might be helpful for you16:45
Azelphuroimon: fun16:46
Azelphurthe fix on that thread doesn't seem to work in 11.04 :(16:46
oimonthe pain of being an early adopter means no multi touch yet16:46
Azelphurearly adopting is fun though16:47
oimonAzelphur: you become the guy that writes the help wiki then :P16:57
Azelphurknowing my luck :p16:58
X3Nthat's a bit sexist17:12
X3Ns/a bit//17:12
Azelphurepic win, plugging or unplugging my inspiron duo on natty = kernel panic17:38
Azelphurhow do I get debug info for a kernel panic so I can file a bug ?17:39
MartijnVdSAzelphur: best way? Serial line17:40
MartijnVdSAzelphur: or a screenshot (camera?)17:40
AzelphurMartijnVdS: the data goes off the top of the screen17:40
Azelphurbut I can take a photo I guess17:40
MartijnVdSAzelphur: even if you set a very huge resolution?17:41
MartijnVdSAzelphur: (assuming you have a KMS-capable graphics chip)17:41
MartijnVdSAzelphur: you could try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Netconsole17:42
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I've never seen a kernel panic before, but I assume this is one? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/May%202011/IMG_20110506_173809.jpg17:44
Azelphuras soon as I unplug or replug X dies and that appears17:45
MartijnVdSAzelphur: that might be enough, but you might need more17:46
MartijnVdSalso.. turn off camera flash :)17:46
AzelphurMartijnVdS: funny enough, the one with camera flash came out better than the other 4 photos I took of it17:47
Azelphurthe no flash ones came out blurry17:47
MartijnVdStripod \o/17:47
MartijnVdS(or open a curtain)17:47
Azelphuropening a curtain gets reflections17:48
* Azelphur works on netconsole17:50
popeyblurry is because you're too close or not still17:51
popeypull back until its not blurry then zoom in17:51
MartijnVdSnot still, I guess -- less light = longer shutter time17:52
Azelphurpopey: I think the camera has autofocus, it just can't autofocus in the dark17:52
Azelphurbut yea I can do netconsole in theory so that'll get me better info17:52
popeyso make it not dark?17:52
popeyits 17:52 not 01:0017:52
TheOpenSourcererOK - Bye all - Off to cricket with the kids then pub.18:02
brobostigonbye TheOpenSourcerer o/18:02
AzelphurMartijnVdS: FATAL: Error inserting netconsole (/lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/kernel/drivers/net/netconsole.ko): Unknown error 52418:13
DJonesI wonder whether this will change the direction of Canonical/Ubuntu in any way http://blog.canonical.com/?p=56618:14
popeyAzelphur: http://prefetch.net/blog/index.php/2009/08/05/using-the-linux-netconsole-service-to-send-console-messages-to-remote-hosts/18:34
Azelphurpopey: I noticed that, however I also noticed that my ethernet card doesn't support polling :(18:49
popeyset the kernel boot option to have a very high res kernel terminal resolution, and take a pic ture of it?18:49
Azelphurpopey: good idea, how do I increase the terminal resolution?18:50
AzelphurI assume it's a grub command line option18:51
popeydoes the kernel barf even if you're in recovery mode?18:51
popeyi.e. with no gui running18:51
popeysingle user mode18:51
davmor2gord: you need to fix unity so the interface shows up in share my desktop via empathy, ie remote desktop viewer can see it ;)18:51
Azelphurpopey: I can try it, it probably will though, it happens when I change power states18:51
popeydavmor2: thats almost certainly a compiz issue18:51
popeyAzelphur: I'd be interested to know18:51
Azelphurit's completely reproducable18:51
Azelphurok :)18:51
popeyanyway, boot to recovery mode18:51
davmor2popey: hence gord needs to fix it :D18:51
popeyand there's an option VGA=ask18:51
popeyit prompts with a list of resolutions18:52
popeymaybe :)18:52
Azelphurfiring up in recovery mode now :p18:53
Azelphurpopey: yes, still panics in recovery18:54
popeyok, good18:54
Azelphuralso, I noticed the text scrolling, there's quite a large chunk of it18:54
AzelphurI'm not sure if increasing resolution will help, but I'll try :p18:54
popeywell that means it's not something like gnome-power-manager triggering it18:54
MartijnVdSAzelphur: higher resolution = more fits on screen (= maybe entire panic)18:54
popeyexactly :)18:54
MartijnVdSit looks like it's either a buggy acpi table, or a bug in the acpi handler in the kernel18:54
MartijnVdSAzelphur: are you on the latest BIOS for your hardware?18:55
popeyhehe, bet you have to install windows to install BIOS :)18:55
popeyAzelphur: what exact device model number is this?18:55
AzelphurMartijnVdS: it's a new laptop, dunno if it's the latest18:55
MartijnVdSpopey: My BIOS can read new BIOS images from USB sticks itself :)18:55
popeycheck their website?18:55
popeyyeah, my desktop can too18:55
popeyreally nice feature18:56
Azelphurpopey: I believe there's only one model of inspiron duo, lemme check the underside :p18:56
popeyalso, you could use upstream kernel18:56
popeysee if its an ubuntu patch causing it18:56
Azelphuryea, just says inspiron duo on the bottom18:57
AzelphurVGA=ask didn't prompt me18:57
Azelphurpopey: could do, but first I need to get it into a bug report :)18:57
popeyuhm, no, you dont18:58
Azelphurwhy not? if it's a bug it needs to be reported/fixed?18:58
AzelphurUbuntu doesn't update the kernels so it'd need to be cherry picked18:58
Azelphureither that or everyone can have crashing duo's till october :p18:58
popeyI'm suggesting using upstream kernel18:59
popeyto see if that works18:59
popeyif it does then thats an ubuntu issue18:59
popeyif it doesn't work then its a kernel issue18:59
Azelphuroh, the same kernel version?18:59
AzelphurI see18:59
popeythe kernel ppa has packages for it18:59
Azelphurcould do, but I still wanna get the bug report up18:59
Azelphurbecause which ever it is it's beyond me to fix :p18:59
popeyyeah, I'm trying to help you get the best bug report19:00
Azelphurjust add that ppa and upgrade?19:00
popeyand file it in the right place19:00
popeyget the debs and manually install them19:00
jacobwthis could well be a stupid question..19:00
Azelphurok ty :D19:00
popeywhat kernel are you on now?19:00
jacobwbut can i use a modem in a laptop to hold an adsl connection?19:00
popeyi.e. what does uname -a return?19:00
popeyjacobw: no19:00
jacobwi thought not :)19:01
popeyjacobw: well, you can buy an internal adsl modem19:01
Azelphurjust booting it up again :p19:01
popeyjacobw: but not a traditional modem19:01
popeyAzelphur: grub menu is sufficient19:01
bigcalmI'm not sure my dell laptop has a rj11 port at all19:01
popeymy mbp has no modem19:02
Azelphurpopey: 2.6.38-8-generic19:02
davmor2bigcalm: my hp doesn't19:02
popeyAzelphur: is it 64-bit or 32 bit?19:02
popeyso grab the two amd64 debs and the middle "all" one19:02
bigcalmHayley's dell laptop has one though19:02
Azelphurpopey: ok19:03
popeyput them all in a folder and 'sudo dpkg -i *.deb'19:03
bigcalmI think it might be time to reconfigure my office this weekend. It's sad that I'm excited by this19:05
MartijnVdSbigcalm: "Life, don't talk to me about life"19:06
bigcalmMight dial 15019:06
* bigcalm ponders19:07
Azelphurpopey: done, reboot and unplug? :p19:07
MartijnVdSbigcalm: Customer support?19:07
bigcalmMartijnVdS: indeed. I want 30mb cable19:07
* bigcalm wants what popey has19:08
MartijnVdSbigcalm: Now available at popey's19:08
* bigcalm throws a wee tantrum19:08
X3Nit's pub o'clock19:08
AzelphurMy ADSL was doing 1.3MB/sec today19:08
Azelphurat peak time :)19:08
MartijnVdSI'm getting 1.6 steady here19:08
Azelphurpopey: yep, still happens on mainline19:09
popeyok, cool19:10
popeyupstream kernel bug then19:10
* bigcalm eyes VM19:11
bigcalmYou're in a Virgin Media fibre optic cable area, so you can enjoy:19:11
bigcalmBroadband: Superfast, reliable broadband up to 100Mb19:11
Azelphurpopey: fun, what next?19:11
bigcalmDo I dare?19:11
bigcalm35 quid a month19:11
MartijnVdSbigcalm: How many pints is that?19:12
popeyAzelphur: get the screen res higher and take photos19:12
Azelphurpopey: how do I get the res higher?19:12
popeyAzelphur: dunno, i would end up googling19:12
popeyAzelphur: what video card does it contain?19:13
bigcalmMartijnVdS: if I were to have something enjoyable, 35 pints http://www.goodfoodoutlet.com/shepherd-neame-spitfire-premium-kentish-ale-500ml-cheapest-in-sainsbury-39-s-today-on-offer-p7720419:13
MartijnVdSIt's probably as high as it gets19:13
AzelphurI have a feeling that increasing the res won't catch the whole thing anyway, It scrolls a bit when showing it and it's already at a pretty decent res19:13
popeybut more is better19:14
Azelphurpopey: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)19:14
bigcalmpopey: by going to 30mb, have you restarted your 12 month rolling contract?19:14
bigcalmGood to know19:14
bigcalmNot that we want to move19:14
popeyAzelphur: I would start building up some debug info about the hardware19:14
popeyto package it up ready to send to the kernel devs19:15
popeyAzelphur: did you give me the model number?19:15
Azelphurlspci -vnnn ? :p19:15
Azelphurpopey: there's no visible model number, it's just an inspiron duo19:15
popeyah ok19:15
Azelphurthis thing :p19:15
Azelphuronly I didn't pay anywhere near that for it xD19:16
bigcalmOh, that thing19:17
bigcalmLooks nice. How heavy does the tablet feel?19:17
Azelphurbigcalm: it's ok :)19:17
davmor2Azelphur: that's cause the one you had, had a broken touch screen :P19:17
Azelphurdavmor2: lol, that would be funny :P19:18
popeylets see if that works :)19:18
* Azelphur upvotes19:19
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild#Reporting Bugs Upstream19:20
popeythere you go19:20
popeythats some information19:20
popeyi dont think you should file in launchpad, but upstream in kernel bug tracker19:20
MartijnVdSstill link it on launchpad though19:21
bigcalmOo, Discovery and Alibi are both in the M tv package. Now I'm not so worried about losing Mates Rates19:21
MartijnVdSas it's present in Ubuntu, and you want it fixed for oneiric19:21
bigcalmLets see what's offered on FreeSat19:21
MartijnVdS(maybe even in natty)19:21
Azelphurpopey: agree'd :)19:21
MartijnVdSbigcalm: Freesat has lots :)19:21
* MartijnVdS loves your freesat ;)19:21
bigcalmAlibi isn't on freesat :(19:23
DJonesbigcalm: What is broadcast on Alibi? I've heard of it & flicked past it, but never watched it19:24
bigcalmThat's the only show we watch on Alibi19:25
DJonesCan't say I've heard of that, just looking it up19:25
DJonesLooks interesting19:26
davmor2Castle, Murdock Mystries, Murder She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder and others19:27
bigcalmAh crap, I was looking in the wrong column. Alibi is not in the M tv package. That starts in L19:28
bigcalmBut Discovery is in M19:28
* bigcalm ho-hums19:28
Azelphurpopey: uhh, it just stopped happening lol19:28
bigcalmWe have all of these channels and watch 3 or 4 of them :( http://shop.virginmedia.com/digital-tv/channels.html19:28
AzelphurI now can't reproduce it19:28
popeyfun too19:29
popeywhat did the laptop come pre-installed with?19:29
bigcalmAzelphur: fresh re-install of natty19:29
Azelphurall I did was change the resolution in grub, I wonder what happens if I change it back xD19:29
popeyis the battery full?19:32
popeymaybe thats why its not triggering any more19:32
Azelphurnope, it's not, maybe.19:32
Azelphurtriggered it again without the grub resolution change19:32
popeythere are some odd bugs that only occur when the battery is in certain conditions19:32
Azelphurlemme just test this a few times to make sure I'm not going insane re changing the grub resolution makes it not happen xD19:33
AzelphurI'll let it charge all the way up too19:33
popeylo Hazmaster20:15
MartijnVdSHazmaster: playing around with multiple clients again? :)20:15
HazmasterMartijnVdS: heh, sort of :)20:15
Hazmasterpopey: lo :)20:16
HazmasterMartijnVdS: I'm currently running gnome3 LiveCD20:16
MartijnVdSHazmaster: and? like it?20:16
HazmasterMartijnVdS: I'm not sure... :S20:16
CepheusHazmaster: how is GNOME shell compared to Unity?20:16
brobostigonevening Hazmaster :)20:17
HazmasterCepheus: Well personally gnome3 has done a lot better than Unity, but there's some things I think Unity just gets right that gnome3 doesn't - its quite frustrating actually :(20:17
Hazmasterbrobostigon: evening :)20:17
CepheusI like the minimality of unity, but the mac os x style context menus are an annoyance... as is the complete lack of customisation20:18
popeyCepheus: that will come20:19
popeyits a first release really20:19
HazmasterCepheus: that's just it, that's one thing that frustrates me about both... and I think Gnome3 is worse for that, its almost impossible to theme it your way20:20
HazmasterI do however love the interactive notifications! Fantastic idea!! (Gnome3)20:20
brobostigonHazmaster: you can use standard gtk themes, to theme gnome3/gnome-shell.20:20
Hazmasterbrobostigon: oh?20:21
Hazmasterbrobostigon: I've tried looking for something similar to "Change theme" though, and couldn't find one20:21
Cepheuspopey: that's the thing, it feels a little rushed out20:21
Cepheuslike they were under pressure to divulge from the linux distro crown20:21
HazmasterCepheus: I wouldn't say that, Gnome3 wasn't frozen yet when 11.04 was in development... so it would have been hard for them to stick with Gnome in all fairness20:22
popey11.10 will rock, no doubt20:22
popeyespecially as it will have the nice consistency of having Unity 3D and Unity 2D on the CD20:22
Hazmasterpopey: I have no doubt about that, but I really hope that they take the best ideas currently in use, and scrap away the useless stuff20:23
CepheusI ran into  the desktop cube bug with unity while messing around with cssm20:23
Cepheusthat'll teach me =p20:23
brobostigonHazmaster: let me find it, it is a special tool.20:23
Hazmasterbrobostigon: ah cool20:23
Hazmasterbrobostigon: I might have to install gnome-shell to my 11.04 install, I feel the gnome3 distro (which is technically fedora?) is missing a lot of things20:24
brobostigonHazmaster: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeTweakTool20:24
MartijnVdSHazmaster: like apt?20:24
HazmasterMartijnVdS: exactly ;)20:25
HazmasterMartijnVdS: prefer apt to yum20:25
CepheusI've heard rumours that Attachemate layed off the mono team?20:25
HazmasterCepheus: I wonder why :S20:25
Hazmasterbrobostigon: thanks :)20:25
brobostigonHazmaster: you're welcome, :)20:26
CepheusHazmaster: I imagine Mono is not very profitable.20:26
Hazmasternow the question is... how hard is it going to be to install gnome3 to natty20:26
lubotu3Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.20:26
AlanBellI wouldn't20:26
popeyneither would I20:26
AlanBellwait a month and install oneiric20:26
brobostigoni have it working successfully here, without issue now.20:26
popeyand unity 3d?20:27
HazmasterAlanBell: You mean oneiric alpha?20:27
brobostigonlast problemwas the gnome-session issue,whichwasixed this morning.20:27
brobostigonpopey: yes.20:27
AlanBellor pre-alpha20:27
brobostigonpopey: as i said earlier, i tried it, and unity 3d started without complaint.20:28
=== OmNomDeBonBon is now known as OmNomDeAV
Hazmasteri thought you could have multiple desktop environments loaded with much conflict :s shows how much i know20:28
popeyHazmaster: you can usually20:28
AlanBellyeah, but gnome3 isn't just a shell20:28
popeyHazmaster: but this is a ppa with gnome 3 libraries in it, which conflicted with the gnome 2 libs that unity is built on20:28
CepheusI imagine GNOME 3 messes with a lot of GNOME 2/Unity stuff like GConf?20:29
popeybrobostigon: if you run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^  does it want to install lots of new stuff?20:29
AlanBellgnome3 is not the same thing as gnome shell20:29
brobostigonpopey:  iwill try it, i have food coming, let me try after,20:29
HazmasterAlanBell: Isn't gnome-shell just the bit that goes on top of gnome3?20:30
Hazmasteror can gnome-shell just be placed on top of anything?20:31
Cepheusoh yeah, biggest pet peeve with unity: no application categories20:32
Hazmasteranyone get chance to check out my first stop-motion video of minecraft btw :)20:32
Cepheusthat is all.20:32
brobostigonpopey:   branding-ubuntu libreoffice-style-human linux-headers-2.6.38-9-generic linux-headers-generic20:32
HazmasterI plan to do more if people are interested in seeing more20:32
brobostigonpopey: those are the new packages it tried to install.20:32
HazmasterCepheus: my biggest pet peeve with both is the fact that its more of a chore to access your own folders >_<20:33
popeyCepheus: yes there are20:33
brobostigonHazmaster: dont you just open nautilus like normal ?20:34
popeyCepheus: right click applications in the launcher20:34
Hazmasteri always click "Places->Home" is how i normally start it20:34
brobostigonHazmaster: i have just stuck nautilus in the launcher, seemed simplest.20:35
popeyits already in the launcher20:35
Hazmasterbrobostigon: I guess ^_^20:35
popeyits the first thing, so Super+120:35
Cepheuspopey: oh zing20:35
brobostigonpopey: it wasnt there as standard, i had to add it.20:35
popeyit is20:35
Cepheusnot very intuitive though20:35
popeyit might not have been if you upgraded from alpha/beta times20:35
brobostigonpopey: this is in gnome-shell, it wasnt there, when i first started it.20:36
popeyah, sorry, thought you were talking about unity20:36
brobostigonpopey: i upgraded at last alpha.20:36
popeyI haven't even tried gnome 320:36
Hazmasterpopey: ah that might make more sense, but if you think about it - most people will probably be upgrading then installing from fresh20:36
brobostigonno worries.20:36
popeyprobably wont bother20:36
brobostigonpopey: it isnt for everyone, and if it isnt for you, that is ok.20:37
popeyits not that20:37
Hazmasterpopey: I'd recommend at least trying the LiveCD of Gnome3 :)20:37
popeyi just have no need to use another desktop20:37
popeyi already run 4 different desktop environments, one more wont benefit me much20:37
brobostigonpopey: i had no choice, unity just simply didnt work for me, day to day, so this was simply one of the only  other options.20:38
brobostigonpopey: 4 other ones, may i askwhich ?please.20:40
popeywindows xp, osx, gnome classic, unity20:41
popeywell, five then20:41
popeywindows xp, osx, gnome classic, unity 3d, unity 2d20:41
brobostigonwow. all on one singlemachine?20:41
brobostigongnome2 ?20:41
brobostigonscrub that.20:42
Hazmasteroooooo interactive alt+tab!20:43
Hazmasterlike it!20:43
brobostigonon thatone, i have haiku-os, and then ubuntu with gnome3 + gnome-shell unity-3d and unity-2d20:43
popeyno, not one single machine20:43
brobostigonHazmaster: hve you noticed how the alt-tab sorts by workspace.20:43
popeythere are four machines on my desk20:44
popeylaptop running unity 3d, laptop running xp, laptop running osx, desktop running 10.04 LTS so gnome 220:44
Hazmasterbrobostigon: I did!20:45
brobostigonHazmaster: it makes alot sense, especially as i sort by workspace,20:45
Hazmasterit does20:45
Hazmasteri was meaning the interactive alt+tab in the sense that it groups things and you can use the arrow keys, I reall like that :)20:46
brobostigonHazmaster: like when an app has more thanone window, and being able to choose the different windows from within the alt-tab.20:47
Hazmasterthe only thing i find wierd is the fact that you can't minizise things20:47
Hazmasterbrobostigon: yeah that :)20:47
Hazmasterbrobostigon: thats pretty cool20:47
brobostigonHazmaster: as i have said before, why have a minmise, when you order your windows properly, and you have nothing to minimise to?20:48
Hazmasteralthough, i keep expecting my laptop to make random pop noises when I press alt+tab though - I think its just because it looks very similar to the shape and colours of that of OSX20:49
Hazmasterbrobostigon: this is true20:49
brobostigonok, i havent tried mac os x in years, so i cant compare.20:49
Hazmasterbrobostigon: didn't understand what you meant when you were talking about it a few months back20:49
brobostigonHazmaster: it makes  sense when you think about it.20:49
Hazmasterwell yeah :)20:49
jacobwi like gnome2, its stable :|20:50
brobostigonHazmaster: but i think, as you said, you need to try it, for it to make more sense.20:50
HazmasterI wonder if you can force each application to open up in its own workspace... that would be pretty neat if you could :)20:50
brobostigonjacobw: i have gnome3 very stable and welltested up to now.20:50
brobostigonHazmaster: no idea, interesting idea. yes.20:51
Hazmasteri must say, i'm so glad someone has finally realise that the desktop needs be nothing more than a pretty picture though20:51
brobostigoni have found*20:51
=== sdh_ is now known as sdh
SimonDBullthe software sources could not be located from the upgrade (using upgrade manager) to Ubuntu 11.04...could you help please, i know it's a tad vauge21:01
sdhon natty, my /var/log/messages is empty - is this normal?21:01
sdhit seems to be the case21:03
sdhbut would be nice to confirm21:03
Azelphurpopey: the askubuntu question got an answer :)21:03
sdhgot it21:04
Hazmaster:( something broke Kega :(21:04
Hazmasterits running hellish :(21:04
HazmasterMartijnVdS: yeah, its a multi-sega emu21:05
Hazmaster(doesn't want to go out and drag out the megadrive, easier just to emulate it)21:06
jacobwSimonDBull: pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list21:06
lubotu3Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:06
Azelphurpopey: also it does happen at full charge, however I am starting to notice it's intermittent, sometimes it'll be ok, the majory of times it won't be.21:06
MartijnVdSwoo acpi21:07
CepheusI can't find my mega drive anymore21:07
Cepheusi think it was disposed of21:08
SimonDBulljacobw: Thanks very much - i shall do that :)21:10
HazmasterCepheus: that sucks21:17
Hazmasteri wonder what broke kega to be so slow :/21:17
CepheusHazmaster: I know. it makes me sad :(21:17
Hazmasterand QtSixA is being even funnier to connect my controller up :/21:17
Cepheusi haven't used bluetooth on linux since the days of KDE 3.5, what's it like these days? pretty much the same?21:24
MartijnVdSbluetooth on ubuntu works out of the box21:25
MartijnVdSbluetooth audio works great21:25
AlanBellanyone like pulseaudio issues? http://paste.ubuntu.com/604222/21:27
DJonesMartijnVdS: Bluetooth still seems a bit flakey, Mine is only enabled whenever I do a warm reboot and so far, I've not been able to pair any device to my laptop21:28
MartijnVdSDJones: Mine toggles on/off with the switch on my laptop21:29
DJonesMartijnVdS: I don't seem to be able to detect any bl;uetooth devices and other devices don't find the laptop21:37
HazmasterDJones: how odd, I've used bluetooth on both my laptop (built-in) and on my desktop (via usb dongle) and both seem to work great - most of the time. The PS3 controller seems to be a bit flakey, but i think thats more to do with the fact that it uses its own stacking methods to do the handshakes and stuff.21:43
DJonesHazmaster: It works via Win 7, but can't get anything in Natty, service bluetooth status says "bluetooth is running" just trying to troubleshoot/identify whats happening21:45
Hazmasterright, think I've messed around in this LiveCD enough for tonight :)22:12
Hazmasterback to my main machine!22:13
HazRPGhmm, why do I get the option to suspend, but not shutdown...22:14
brobostigonHazRPG: hit alt- ,it was one of those weird design decisions.22:14
shaunotry holding alt22:14
HazRPGyeah, I was trying shift and ctrl... didn't think to try alt22:15
shaunoI've a funny feeling that's another macism badly copied :p22:17
HazRPGwhy what does the mac do?22:17
HazRPGpersonally I think it's a windows vista thing they've copied there sadly22:17
HazRPGdefault install of windows vista had the power icon do a suspect instead of a shutdown22:17
HazRPGhowever, at least vista had an arrow you could click on to pull up other options22:18
HazRPGand change the setting altogether22:18
lubotu3For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:18
shaunoosx will change menu items slightly based on modifier keys.  that's the only place I'd seen it done previously22:19
HazRPGMartijnVdS: You know that "Treble Spankers - 'Araban'" video you linked me to... the arabic on the cover found on that video says "Smirah" which is odd, I originally thought it said "Samirah" which is a girls name... however it wouldn't surprise me if smirah is a girls name too22:21
j0nrhey folks22:23
j0nrhave a quick problem (hopefully)22:23
j0nrI just installed LAMP server... went to localhost and got the default It Works! page... but when I put a php file in there and try to access it, my browser just tries to download the file rather the running it...22:24
shaunoyou have libapache2-mod-php5 installed?22:25
czajkowskicannot beleieve AV vote was rejected22:25
shaunoczajkowski: common sense has never won against FUD.  mud slinging is far too effective in british politics22:26
j0nrshauno: yup22:26
gordthe snickers in my mini bar mocks me.22:26
shaunoj0nr: try a2enmod php5 - it'll either activate the module, or tell you if it already is22:27
j0nrtells me it is already activated shauno22:27
shauno(should require sudo I think; I leave that bit to common sense :)22:27
shaunowell, there go the easy answers :/22:28
j0nrthats what I thought :)22:29
HazRPGczajkowski: well that's just ruined my night, bah22:30
HazRPGczajkowski: really had hopes up that it would get passed through :(22:30
CepheusHazRPG: it was patently obvious it wouldn't go through, really22:31
shaunocommon sense never does.  ironically, the local elect in ramsbottom was decided by pulling straws.  because there's nothing wrong with the existing system or anything :)22:31
shaunoj0nr: are you using the php from userdirs?  (eg, localhost/~bob/)22:33
popeyshauno: dont you have to restart apache?22:33
popeyafter installing that22:33
HazRPGsudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart :)22:33
shaunocan't hurt; never sure what a2enmod actually does over symlinking it yourself22:34
j0nrshauno: sorted now thanks to http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PHPDownload22:36
shaunohm .. a2enmod should take care of that, it's already in the .conf.  can't argue with results tho :)22:37
gordso i have to get a new laptop, mine is a little screwed. anyone have any recommendations for laptops with long battery life's + okayish cpus?22:47
popeythink pad x series22:48
hamitronI'd prob go for one of the new generation core-i cpu laptops22:48
hamitrondo radeon cards with hypermemory work ok?22:50
* hamitron 's last ATI card had 4Mb memory22:50
hamitronso kinda lost with ATI ;)22:51
gordi refuse to use ati on linux :)22:51
hamitronit won't be for gaming22:51
hamitronand nvidia have annoyed me22:51
ali1234you should get one of those new "3D" CPUs22:51
ali1234they are supposed to be a whole 38% more efficient22:52
gordi didn't think those were released22:52
ali1234they're not22:53
hamitronwhat about this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/19941522:53
ali1234and 38% is still rubbish anyway22:53
hamitrononly uses 40W22:56
HazRPGwell that's just messed up22:56
HazRPG"sudo /etc/init.d/sixad status"; * sixad is not running; "sudo /etc/init.d/sixad start"; * Starting sixad; sixad started, press the PS button now;22:58
HazRPGbut it is now sat running in the terminal, surely this should just run as a service :S22:58
gordThinkPad X220 looks good22:59
gord14 hours battery life22:59
ali1234why do you need a daemon to connect to a user input device?22:59
gordwonder how cheep i can get it23:00
ali1234is a nice computer23:00
ali1234like a netbook except it's got a real CPU23:01
gordeh its a little big to be a netbook23:01
brobostigongood night, sleep well, everyone..23:16
HazRPGooo, has there been an icon update for maverick?23:27
HazRPG(just noticed the icon during update has changed)23:27
damianevening all!23:41
damiananyone experience problems with Flash on x64 ubuntu?  display just overlaps, doesn't draw properly etc23:42
AlanBellI have not seen such issues running flash on 64bit in a VM23:44
TheOpenSourcererEvening earthlings23:44
AlanBellI am about to nuke my 32bit laptop and install Natty 64bit23:44
AlanBellevening TheOpenSourcerer23:44
TheOpenSourcererOooh - scary stuff AlanBell23:45
damianAlanBell: always messes up with blogtv when I'm broadcasting and ustream watching the bottom just doesn't render correctly.23:45
AlanBelldoing a 175GB backup first23:45
* TheOpenSourcerer is just back from a tour of local public hostelries.23:45
damianI <3 my backup drive :)23:45
HazRPGhmm, seems I have a lot to learn still23:46
HazRPGtrying to work out why sixad won't run as a proper daemon23:47
HazRPGthought it might be in the /etc/init.d/sixad or /usr/bin/sixad scripts23:48
HazRPGbut the bash code seems fine23:48
HazRPGseems the problem must be in the actual daemon itself /usr/sbin/sixad-bin23:49
damianor maybe a permission?23:49
HazRPGnah, the whole thing runs fine and dandy, the thing that annoys me about it is the fact that once you issue "sudo /etc/init.d/sixad start" and it starts up... it sits and waits for a controller to be connected... and once it does, it doesn't just run off in the background, it sits and waits there (controller runs fine, until you CTRL+C though)23:55
ali1234i've been having a lot of problems with flash since upgrading to natty23:55
HazRPGwhich to me is a badly constructed daemon23:56
HazRPGali1234: sup?23:56
ali1234well i get white rectangles instead of what flash was supposed to render23:56
ali1234not like it's not rendering anything at all though23:56
ali1234it's just small bits23:56
ali1234also it never happens on youtube23:57
ali1234which is the only flash i haven't blocked23:57
HazRPGrandom :S23:57
TheOpenSourcererHow cool is this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/rorycellanjones/2011/05/a_15_computer_to_inspire_young.html23:57
ali1234yeah your problem with sixad is because it isn't coded properly23:58
ali1234it doesn't even need to wait until the controller connects it should fork into background immediately23:58
HazRPGwell yeah exactly that's my point, its odd23:58
ali1234you would be surprised how many programmers have no idea at all what they are doing23:58
ali1234actually maybe you wouldn't23:58

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