
Snicers-Androidawfully quiet tonight06:16
skyjumperfirst day in a while i been able to have windows open at 9am16:17
skyjumperhouse windows, not Windows(r)16:18
Randen_when i had windows xp i felt the same way XD16:21
Randen_if my nick is signed on at home, how do i disconnect it so i can identify here at work?16:22
Randen_in IRC16:22
skyjumper/msg nickserv identify <password>16:22
Randen_i did that but Randen_ is not a registered nick16:22
Randen_b/c of the underscore16:22
skyjumperoh you can have nickserv kill your Randen nick16:23
Randen_cool, how do i do that16:23
skyjumperdunno... /msg nickserv help16:23
Randen_says: GHOST Reclaims use of a nickname.16:24
Randen_but will not let me ghost16:24
funnylookinhatI just lost all of my titlebars on my windows...  ??!16:24
skyjumperfunnylookinhat: in natty?16:25
funnylookinhatI think i hit a bad key combo ?  or. maybe it just broke?16:25
skyjumperrun compiz-decorator16:25
skyjumperdid you alt-space16:25
funnylookinhatQuite possibly16:25
skyjumperi been having that problem too16:25
funnylookinhatoh yeah that fixed it16:25
skyjumperthis may be the buggiest compiz i've seen in a "stable" ubuntu release ever16:26
funnylookinhatPOS natty.16:26
funnylookinhatIt's because they tweaked the hell out of it to make sure it'd be set for Unity16:26
skyjumperand decided to go with the development branch of compiz16:26
=== Randen_ is now known as Randen
Randenhaha, i just pwned my home IRC connection :P16:28

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