
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
bcurtiswxmaco: Do they provide power strips at UDS?15:17
bcurtiswxMariannas email says equipment : laptop, adapter, power strip15:19
bcurtiswxSo maybe by laptop they mean for the projector15:20
macomost people bring laptops15:21
macoand then there's a projector that you can hook into15:21
macoum..should also be a laptop hidden somewhere connected to a secondary projector which just shows teh irc channel15:21
bcurtiswxIt was just confusing as to whether I needed it or why they'd be handing out 50 laptops and adapter and strips :P15:22
bcurtiswxHave they been to Budapest before?15:23
jbichaif you have a Europe to US power adapter you should bring it though15:36
bcurtiswxmaco: Any reason I'd need dress clothes?15:46
macofriday night party15:55
macoalso maybe fancy restaurant15:57
bcurtiswxFri night is a semi formal affair? Hmm16:00
macoeh it varie16:20
macosome people show up in jeans and a brightly coloured shirt16:21
macoRiddell wears his kilt but with a t-shirt16:21
macolast uds there was a costume party because halloween16:21
macothink like "night on the town" clothes as being one outfit to bring16:21
maconot like "going to a wedding" clothes16:21

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