
Unit193BiosElement: If you find a plugin that works with KeePassX and FF, link me?00:16
BiosElementUnit193: I will. Actually thinking of looking to see how hard it'd be to make a web interface for a keepass database00:16
Unit193The ones I found only work with KeePass... (And that should run under mono)00:17
Cheri703SO ANNOYED00:20
Cheri703my mic worked earlier today, I checked it. now when I'm just about ready to start recording a screencast (that I've been trying to start since like 2pm -_-) it suddenly decides it doesn't want to recognize input00:22
canthus13Cheri703: Are you sure you have the correct mic selected? (I've had it switch to a different mic, mute itself, deselect all mics...)00:22
Cheri703have been switching to make sure00:23
jgouldI threw a mouse ealier that wasn't working right...00:26
jgoulddoes that make you feel better?00:26
Cheri703so it would seem that it was the headset itself -_- changed headsets and we're good00:27
jgouldthat will do it00:28
Cheri703luckily it was my husband's spare headset, not my usual one...it had been with the stuff for my trip00:28
Cheri703so now I'm using mine :)00:28
canthus13Cheri703: Mebbe he shorted out the mic from yelling into it? :)00:31
Cheri703nah, he wasn't using it today00:31
Cheri703it's a crappy one anyway00:31
jgouldthat's why the mic shorted... it's a crappy headset that had it's feelings hurt00:32
Cheri703I think it's working! so now to attempt to record the first section of this thing...this may be a LONG night -_-00:33
jgouldThe Accessiblity pages say orca's on the live CD. (I can't remember if we fiugred that our or not)00:35
Unit193Hello dmcglone1's laptop/netbook00:57
jgouldHow does the sever version generate the 'System Information' data at login?01:09
Unit193Good to know that you can install linux on PS3 again!01:16
dmcglone1Hello Unit193. sorry I had to run to Dairy Queen01:18
dmcglone1Hello jgould, Cheri70301:18
jgould'Ello dmcglone101:18
Unit193dmcglone1: Don't be sorry for that! (unless you didn't get me any)01:23
dmcglone1jgould: did the server version work for you?01:23
jgouldfor the macbook?01:23
dmcglone1then I'm sorry01:23
dmcglone1jgould: yeah01:23
jgouldI'm using a Beta 2 disk for Natty. My issue was actually ndiswrapper causing the system to hang01:24
dmcglone1I see01:32
jgouldI can boot as much as I want without ndiswrapper instaleld01:34
jgouldI picked up a Zonet usb adaptor today that works (Thanks Cheri703!)01:34
Cheri703I'm glad it's working!01:34
jgouldSo am I01:35
jgouldI'm just paitently waiting for the built in wifi card to start working. :)01:35
Cheri703:) at least you have it, and you can use it as backup for other machines if that one starts working01:35
jgouldThe wnic in my Mac Mini is hosed.  So that will be the next place it goes (or the server so that it goes faster than 100Mbit...01:36
jgouldwe're heading home from the library.  Be back in a bit01:38
jgouldand we're back02:05
Unit193Welcome back02:05
dmcglone1`welcome back jgould02:22
dmcglone1what library did you go to jgould?02:22
jgouldHilliard.  It's down the street fromt he house02:33
dmcglone1Ah Ok02:35
jgouldI wonder why my macbook didn't want to suspend when we left the library02:44
jgouldBluetooth is working at 100% now02:47
jgouldOf course I can't remember the settings for my tethering plan..02:48
* canthus13 kicks bluetooth. hard. repeatedly. :(02:50
jgouldOne downside to not using evoloution for email: the accounts don't appear under the little menu in teh menu bar...02:58
canthus13jgould: It falls apart on me constantly.03:06
canthus13Sync fails every few minutes.  (On two different machines with two different adapters on multiple devices...)03:07
dmcglone1I use evolution without problem. Hmmm03:08
jgouldI can't decide.... Gnome or XFCE!03:08
canthus13Not evolution. bluetooth.03:08
dmcglone1jgould: using pop3 or IMAP?03:09
jgouldHave you tried the sledgehammer approach?03:09
jgouldIMAP.  Too many devices for pop03:09
dmcglone1I use IMAP and all my accounts appear03:09
jgouldTo *not* use evolution03:10
canthus13anyway.. I'm out.03:11
dmcglone1jgould: got a SS hang on03:11
dmcglone1Screen Shto03:14
jgouldif you aren't using evolution, they don't show up.  I'm using thunderbird.03:16
dmcglone1I've never used thunderbird :-/03:17
* Unit193 has03:17
dmcglone1what makes thunderbird stand out?03:18
jgouldI can't make up my mind as to which WM to use03:18
Unit193Try both and see what you like best (I'm guessing you already did that...)03:18
jgouldto me it intergrates with gmail better than most other clients03:19
Unit193Addons are one thing03:19
jgouldI have, and that is the beauty of this.  I can change at will...03:19
Unit193jgould: Use one 'til you want to use the other ;)03:19
dmcglone1I see. I have a gmail account but never use it03:19
jgouldexactly, Unit19303:20
dmcglone1I like kmail too03:20
dmcglone1I use evolution because it's easier to sync with U103:21
jgouldAll of my syncing is done OTA.  I don't even think I want begin to think about trying to sync the thing03:22
dmcglone1Only thing I use with google is syncing my callendar with evolution03:23
dmcglone1I only do that so I can have it on all my computers here03:23
jgouldHow does gnome (or XFCE) handle multiple monitors?03:24
dmcglone1my contact and bookmarks are synced using U103:24
dmcglone1I got 2 monitors and Gnome handles them easyily03:24
dmcglone1I can't speak for XFCE03:25
dmcglone1KDE is a pain in the ass with dual monitors03:25
dmcglone1Unit193: working on any projects over there?03:28
jgouldHmm.  I've never used mulitple workspaces...03:33
Unit193dmcglone1: Was working on PXE a second ago03:34
Unit193dmcglone1: Are you working on anything?03:36
dmcglone1no not at the moment :-/03:39
dmcglone1I've been burnt out lately03:40
jgouldI always forget about the aliases...03:41
Unit193dmcglone1: Do you know what Ophcrack is?03:48
Unit193Windows Password Recovery03:49
Unit193I can boot that (minus tables) from the network03:51
jgouldshouldn't home directories be 750? (unless my mind is fried...)03:51
dmcglone1755 jgould03:51
jgouldyou want other to have r-x access to the home directories?03:52
canthus13jgould: depends.03:53
Cheri703Unit193: all you need is a normal live cd/usb and chntpw if you're trying to get into a windows box03:53
canthus13usually, though, 750 works for private stuff, 755 for your public folder.03:53
Unit193Cheri703: I have a PXE setup of that too (That's not what I'm looking to do)03:53
* dmcglone1 /home is public03:54
canthus13dmcglone1: /home is. your home folder shouldn't be, though.. I think it defaults to 755, but 750 would be better for privacy.03:55
dmcglone1I share everything in my /home on my network :-)03:55
jgouldHow does NFS handle user level security03:56
canthus13jgould: Not very well. NFS isn't really that secure.03:56
canthus13jgould: If you're worried about security, sshfs or *shudder* samba.03:56
* canthus13 uses NFS for simplicity.03:57
jgouldI've already decided that samba and linux act funny together...03:57
jgouldMy favroite site: tdlp.org03:58
Unit193I have Samba server running on the one03:58
canthus13NFS can be made mostly secure, but things like su can get around all NFS security.03:58
dmcglone1I've uses samba for years03:58
jgouldI can't authenticate to the samba server from Ubuntu03:59
jgouldit asks for a domain, and their isn't one...04:00
dmcglone1have you installed cifs?04:00
Unit193jgould: mount.cifs04:00
jgouldEven from the GUI?04:01
* canthus13 prefers to not deal with samba's complexity. NFS is far simpler for a home network.04:02
Unit193For GUI (In Xubuntu) I use Gigolo04:02
dmcglone1jgould: you probably haven't installed cifs thats why you cant authenticate04:02
dmcglone1I just put it in my fstab Unit19304:03
Unit193dmcglone1: I haven't tried to figure out fstab.....04:04
jgouldJust installed cifs and still can;t authenitcate04:04
dmcglone1//192.168.x.x /sharename /where you want mounted cifs auto,user 0 004:05
dmcglone1jgould: restart samba04:05
dmcglone1Unit193: example: // cifs user,auto 0 004:07
Unit193dmcglone1: Sweet! I'll set it up!04:08
jgouldrestart on the client or the server?04:08
Cheri703domain = workgroup for samba04:09
dmcglone1my workgroup is dmcghome :-)04:09
Unit193= Alpha-Network04:10
dmcglone1jgould: how are you trying to mount the shares?04:11
jgouldfile manager --> network --> Windows Network --> Gould --> Claire --> Share that I want mounted04:12
dmcglone1that never works, it takes forever04:13
dmcglone1mount using command line or put the line I posted above in your fstab04:13
dmcglone1of course change the info to suit your network04:14
jgouldI'll stick to NFS04:14
dmcglone1the reason I use samba is because I have fat32 partitions04:15
Unit193dmcglone1: It worked for me in XFCE04:15
jgouldXFCE or Xubuntu?04:15
dmcglone1the fstab hack Unit193?04:15
Unit193jgould: Xubuntu04:16
Unit193dmcglone1: Haven't done it yet...04:16
dmcglone1what worked for you in XFCE?04:16
Unit193Hitting the Network thing on the side panel04:17
dmcglone1it always worked sporadic for me and took forever04:19
dmcglone1but I also like to have my shares mounted on startup, so thats why I stick it in my fstab04:19
dmcglone1no clicking anywhere for me, it's there right when I log in :-)04:20
Unit193Ubuntu isn't easy to put into PXE, SliTaz is...04:23
jgouldI love VNC04:31
dmcglone1I'm out all, g'night04:32
Unit193VNC is sweet! canthus13 would say to try FreeNX04:32
jgouldIt's on a windows client.  my wife's laptop is displayless04:33
Unit193If it's XP Pro you can RDP in04:33
Unit193FreeRDP is what I use04:34
jgouldVNC works for when I need to get in there.04:35
Unit193OK, :x04:37
jgouldIf I can get her to switch, then I will have to figure out how to do that with X04:39
Unit193I use x11vnc (tight is nice if you want another desktop)04:40
jgouldYou mean like an alt+f8 desktop?04:41
Unit193Not exactly... Like another X server (apt-cache show tightvncserver)04:42
deejoeslitaz, eh?04:42
* deejoe is getting a bit of a slackware vibe04:42
Unit193deejoe: It's easy over PXE (Isn't it from source distro?)04:43
deejoeI have to give them props, at least, as they run their own build hosts, and don't seem to be an Nth level derivative respin of debian, like so many distros (or of RH)04:44
Unit193And they know what lightweight is (30MB)04:45
canthus13FreeNX is easier on bandwidth and smoother than VNC.04:51
canthus13VNC is fine over a LAN...04:51
* Unit193 can't use FreeNX04:52
jgoulddamn it... I cant get firefox to come to the front...04:54
jgouldyou guys ever had that happen?04:56
canthus13no... I have issues sometimes with gnome-panel jumping to the front, over full-screen windows.04:57
canthus13Cheri703: Here's awesome.. and sad.  http://www.vnykmshr.com/2011/04/accepted-commited-resolved-boo-yah/05:05
Cheri703very interesting05:07
jgouldI'm ssh'd in to all of my linux boxes...05:22
Cheri703do you feel the POWAH?!!!05:23
jgouldYep... hopefully I didn't just screw up my install05:26
* canthus13 sshs into all his boxes. :)05:29
jgouldThat sounds dirty, canthus1305:30
canthus13jgould: It's great. Kid won't go to bed, my wife texts me. I ssh into his machine, boot him off. :)05:31
jgouldheh.  Technology win05:32
canthus13Yup. That'll work for now... I may just use the router to limit his access times.. until he figures out how to spoof his MAC.  then I'll lock down the network to the point of only allowing certain MAC addresses. :)05:33
jgouldis it possible to set logon times in Linux? (the same way you can in Windows)?05:34
canthus13But then you just use a liveCD to circumvent it.05:34
jgouldkeep the CD's locked up?05:35
canthus13Bootable USB.05:35
canthus13...and then when he figures out how to crack the neighbor's wireless, I'll have to crack it myself and secure it with WPA. :)05:35
jgouldand lock them out XD ...  I woudl love to be there to see that05:36
canthus13jgould: ..I'd print instructions on their printer as to how to reconnect and what their new key is. :)05:36
* canthus13 has already poked around on the neighbor's networks, knows that they all have network accesible printers.05:36
* canthus13 wishes he could see people's faces when their printer comes to life and starts telling them to secure their networks...05:37
jgouldI have hte key to our neighbors wireless... I helped her son set up his Xbox on the network and rather than keep walking and trying to remember the password, I snapped a picture with my phone05:37
canthus13I just use aircrack on the WEP 'encrypted' networks.05:38
canthus13Takes about 3 minutes to crack.05:38
jgouldWEP is a joke05:38
canthus13I tell people that it's like a screen door on a bank vault... it keeps honest people honest.05:39
canthus13and keeps machines from automagically connecting to your network.05:39
canthus13Speaking of printers coming to life. :/05:39
canthus13my wife just printed her course schedule without warning me.05:40
jgoulddid yours just fire up05:40
jgouldMy HP LaserJet 5Si makes the lights flicker05:40
jgouldAww... I can't get my writing software to work... :(05:49
jgouldNope.  There is a native version, (Although the Wine version may be useful05:51
jgouldI can't get it to install under wine either...06:12
Cheri703what program?06:13
Cheri703you're in 11.04, yes?06:13
Cheri703what about it isn't working?06:14
Cheri703don't know if this is helpful at all: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/scrivener-for-linux-gets-official-beta-release/06:15
jgould'm getting tired so I don't really want to fool with stuff that doesn't wnat to work right away right this second... :|06:18
Cheri703I've been working on this stupid screencast project for about 14 hours (all phases, not just actual recording)06:19
Cheri703so...I know the feeling06:19
Cheri703and I'm still not even finished RECORDING, let alone editing and such06:19
Cheri703and I have to present it at noon06:20
jgouldYou saw that I didnt' give up when I couldn't get my macbook to work right... Now look at me06:20
Cheri703heh, you've gotten it to a tolerable level06:20
Cheri703it's a matter of how much pain the issue is causing06:21
jgouldBingo... Forgot to link the libraries06:26
jgouldThank you, Cheri70306:28
jgouldI really hope they keep up developing the Linux version...06:36
jgouldI think I may be going to bed...  Good night gang.06:38
Cheri703I just had to re-record a section because I sneezed -_-06:38
BiosElementYay for insomnia07:05
Unit193Well, hello there BiosElement!07:05
BiosElementAnd god Cheri703 you read omgubuntu? >.< *waves the his "OMGUbuntu is sexist" flag*07:05
BiosElementHeya Unit19307:06
BiosElementI took a nap and forgot to load IRC up >.>07:06
Cheri703yeah, I hate it for the most part07:06
Cheri703that was a google search result :)07:06
Cheri703omgubuntu is hecka sexist07:07
BiosElementCheri703: Their excuse for sexist ads was "Well everyone does it..." which is worse then the ads themselves. I didn't care about the boobie ads, I cared about the response.07:07
BiosElementI won't argue their logic that sex sells, though I don't know how true that is, but saying it's cool because everyone else does it is just lame at the very best.07:08
BiosElementIronically I'd just heard about that about two days AFTER adding them to my RSS reader...and then removed them07:09
Unit193What reader? And is it only the ads?07:09
BiosElementUnit193: No, it's not only the ads, though the ads were the some of the most pathetic I've seen. And I use google reader with Feedr07:09
BiosElementUnit193: http://twitpic.com/4i3htz If you're curious07:12
BiosElementANd that's tame compared to a video of theirs07:13
Unit193Wow... I was guessing they were displaying the ads...07:14
BiosElementAhh no, they were FB based ads07:15
BiosElementI think the "official" response after the "Everyone else does it" and "We have one for women too" was that it was meant to be a parody..07:15
Unit193Sadly, it seems like it has some good info...07:18
BiosElementHah, they go nuts over 3 pixels moving to the left :P07:23
BiosElementUnit193: Actually been thinking of trying to get some people who'd like to write articles on ubuntu progress07:27
BiosElementSeems to me it's a disgrace that there isn't a quality community project for that. >.<07:27
Unit193If it has good info, I would read it!07:28
Cheri703fridge or whatever?07:28
* Cheri703 doesn't read it, but...?07:29
BiosElementCheri703: Well for starters, you answered your own question. :P It's more official ubuntu news then general updates.07:29
BiosElementExciting night heh07:57
Cheri703ugh, 3am and I'm NOW starting the editing part of this project -_-07:58
Cheri703hopefully, if I can figure out this software07:58
Cheri703yeah >.<07:58
BiosElementI'm about having as much fun. Digging through config file systems07:59
BiosElementIs NOT something I really enjoy.07:59
Unit193I wonder if Kon-Boot still works on Ubuntu...07:59
BiosElementPhysical access = Root access08:01
Unit193I know how to get the pass in windows. Is it easy in linux?08:03
BiosElement^So yes, easy. :P08:03
BiosElementIf someone has physical access to your system, there's little that can stop them. Even biometric security won't help if they pull the drive.08:04
Cheri703so....I'm probably not going to sleep08:38
Unit193I will at some point (I hope before last night...)08:39
Cheri703this is insane08:41
Cheri703video editing = joke08:41
Unit193What program again? (UDS?)08:41
Cheri703this is for my openweek session at NOON08:42
BiosElementSo the day after I removed a dependency08:51
BiosElementI added another08:51
* BiosElement sighs08:51
BiosElementOh AWESOME08:53
BiosElementOracle is now claiming they're amazing F/OSS supporters08:53
BiosElementAnd closed 29 bugs in Hudson, AFTER the entire dev team forked the project.08:53
BiosElementI swear I think Oracle execs live in their own lil world.08:53
BiosElementThey're talking about relicensing it from the GPL to the EPL. When they don't own the copyright to much of the code...awesome.08:57
* Unit193 doesn't know what the EPL is08:57
BiosElementEclipse Public License08:58
BiosElementYet another License used for like, a few dozen programs last I looked08:58
* jgould stumbles back in09:04
* jgould should be asleep09:05
BiosElementWB jgould09:05
BiosElementWe found out one of the problems sony got FUBAR'd over09:05
BiosElementTheir apache server wasn't updated.09:05
Unit193I'm with you there...09:05
BiosElementAnd didn't have any firewalls between public web and their user databases >.<09:05
Unit193+no firewall09:05
BiosElementI don't pretend to be an expert, I don't have any degrees, but even I friggen know that you never connect a high security database to the web directly09:06
jgouldNow I'm on my internal wireless...  Someone figured out a way around the ndiswrapper hanging on boot.  Now lets see if it still brings the system down by killing the inputs09:06
jgouldBiosElement: that's computers 10109:06
Unit193That far up?09:07
jgouldmaybe it's 10009:07
jgouldthe safest system is the one that's not networked...09:07
BiosElementHah, computers 01009:07
BiosElementOr sysadmin 10109:08
* jgould has never seen a 0xx class09:08
BiosElementIt gets even better though09:08
BiosElementSony is VISA 'certified' but they breached VISA's card storage rules as well09:08
jgouldrut roh09:09
jgouldI think I'm going to try this sleeping thing again...  Night gange09:09
jgouldre -e09:09
BiosElementI find it simply amazing they're still trying to keep their pride with this nonsense and pretend it's no big deal.09:09
BiosElementNighty night jgould09:09
BiosElementAny luck so far Cheri703?09:37
Cheri703was making a teeeeeeny tiny bit of progress and then pitivi crashed09:37
Cheri703if husband wasn't asleep I would be screaming profanities at my computer09:37
BiosElementBleh, video editing is a pain09:37
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
BiosElementNot TWO DAYS after I looked for ssh key support for GoogleOS09:47
BiosElementAnd learning google told us to go to hell since we're just lame power users09:47
BiosElementGoogle updates it with, oh hey look, ssh key support.09:47
Unit193Wow it's late...10:03
Unit193Good night!10:03
BiosElementOr early10:15
BiosElementI think 5am is considered early10:15
canthus13BiosElement: Google is almost entirely staffed by 'lame power users', so that isn't too surprising...11:55
dmcgloneHiya all14:33
Derath-SrvrHi all14:51
thafreakwow, my remote server aparently got rebooted16:06
thafreakit was weird to log in, and my screen/irssi session was gone16:06
canthus13thafreak: It got bored, left for greener servers...16:13
thafreakthat always worries me when a server is rebooted, and I didn't do it16:14
canthus13Sounds like windows... :)16:16
thafreakwhich is what scares me16:17
thafreakrunning the aide report which didn't run today....which also scares me16:17
Derath-Srvrwhich os?16:18
Derath-Srvrnvm, guess with screen it'd have to be a *nix based...16:19
Derath-SrvrOkay, anything particular in messages or /var/log in general?16:19
thafreakit's lenny16:19
Derath-SrvrI'd check the uptime to see when it came up and look around for timestamps about 5 minutes before then...16:20
thafreakgap in my logs16:20
Derath-Srvrthen again, I'm the type to actually go through the log files rather than have a python parse it out for me ;)16:20
thafreaknothing between 5:50 am and when the machine rebooted at 7:48am...atleast in messages16:20
Derath-SrvrPower fail?16:20
thafreakpossible I guess16:21
thafreakshould probably check the provider's website...they usually apologize for stuff like that happening16:21
thafreakwell, their website is down, so it was probably something bigger16:22
Derath-Srvrlol call them?16:22
thafreakI'll check their twitter feed16:22
Derath-SrvrI'm sure there's a support number16:22
* Derath-Srvr smirks16:22
thafreakThey're a parttime outfit16:22
thafreaknot like it's a critical box...it mostly just runs irssi :)16:23
thafreaknever got around to putting anything else on it16:23
Derath-Srvrbut I still see it as "renting a server" which had an "unexpected downtime" for "unknown reasons"... blah blah blah16:24
canthus13prgrm.com? Heh. they're a bare-minimum outfit with prices to match. :)16:32
canthus13It's 'Bring-Your-Own-Support'. :)16:33
Derath-Srvrsweet! get to order my new hdd tonight16:36
Derath-Srvrwonder if I can talk the wife into two, or if the server will have to wait a while longer...16:36
dmcglone1Hi all19:07
Unit193Hello dmcglone119:10
dmcglone1whats up?19:11
dmcglone1in ubuntu, grabbing the edge of a window to stretch it is challenging19:12
Unit193It can be...19:15
dmcglone1whats the trick?19:16
Unit193Having a laser mouse...19:16
dmcglone1I got one, that hasn't helped me :-/19:17
Unit193Then you can move it just a little bit... (The mouse pointer seems wrong too)19:28
dmcglone1it all seems wrong.. LOL19:32
Derath-Srvrjust witnessed an overtaxed server, that I'm installing a database into, to tax it even more...19:38
Unit193They may fix it when it crashes...19:39
Derath-SrvrI don't think it'll have enough memory to even crash...19:40
Derath-SrvrGot plenty of hdd and cpu... probably overkill, but very lacking in mem for this build...19:41
Cheri703dmcglone: I just click the menu button in the upper left and choose resize...or right click on the task bar-esque thing19:54
jgouldInteresting... My client isn't showing me the voiced nicks...20:12
thafreakJust found a new vps hosting provider...$24/year20:43
jgouldstupid computer20:54
jgouldit just locked up for no reason... If I wanted that, I'd run Windows20:58
Unit193I get that too...21:07
thafreakanyone else have problems with the screensaver/screen lock?21:08
thafreakMy maverick desktop at work, mostly when I'm gone over the weekend, on monday, the screen won't unlock...21:09
thafreakyou see the mouse pointer, but the dialog to enter the unlock password never apears...21:09
thafreakand now my one home machine with natty did the same thing last night!21:10
canthus13Cheri703: Less than a day to go... Nervous yet?21:34
canthus13thafreak: My maverick machine randomly locks my NX session while I'm using it.21:35
Cheri703I have most of the stuff gathered, once clothes are dry I'll start actually packing21:37
Cheri703anyone have good luck with recording from a tv tuner card?21:38
canthus13Heh. Last minute packing, eh? :)21:38
Cheri703nah, last minute laundry :)21:38
canthus13Never tried.. I"m gonna try out an Osprey 210 soon, though.. but that's a video capture card, not a tuner card.21:38
Cheri703I'm the type that I will have my clothes laid out for tomorrow and EVERYTHING packed except myself and my phone so I can just go out the door21:39
canthus13still.. it's a hauppenpage chipset like most TV tuners.21:39
Cheri703I can NEVER get sound in ubuntu. I've tried off and on for a few years now...21:39
canthus13Heh. My wife is the type that makes me 6 horus late for every trip.. even if I built in 12 hours advance time.21:39
Cheri703in windows it generally works, but I'm trying to copy a vhs tape (yes a commercial one), and it's giving me a "this is protected can't record" which is crap because it's from 198321:39
Cheri703or so21:39
* canthus13 had issues with a SB Audigy.. it worked for months, then the mic stopped out of the blue, never worked again. :/21:56
canthus13Cheri703: Think they'll want to clone your hard drive? :)22:02
canthus13Cheri703: the TSA.22:03
Cheri703ah...meh if they do, they won't find much that is interesting22:03
canthus13Hmm.. mebbe not TSA. Customs can do it, though.22:04
Cheri703yeah, I've heard that22:05
Unit193Hello TheErk , jacob22:16
TheErkHowdy Mr. Unit sir.22:16
jacobheya Unit19322:16
* jacob was knocked offline by a power outage at the datacenter :<22:16
TheErkHow is everyone this glorious day?22:18
Unit193TheErk: Alive. You?22:20
TheErkI am fan freekintastic22:56
dmcglone1Y'all probably sick of me saying this but Gnome 3 rocks23:19
Unit193No more then they hate me with X/Lubuntu :D23:20
dmcglone1I'm sorry but this is the best desktop I've ever run23:21
Unit193From the 2 screens you sent, it looked real nice!23:21
dmcglone1looks don't matter to me, functionality is what I look for in a distro23:22
dmcglone1Usability also23:22
Unit193(Looks like it's usable...)23:22
dmcglone1more than I've ever seen a desktop23:22
dmcglone1it also boots in about 4 seconds23:23
dmcglone1Hey all, if I sign a contract with 1 company and that company is bought by another company that I don't want to use, am I bound to that contract?23:54

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