
=== c0nv1ct is now known as lunatic_fringe
seattlegauchowho owns manages the mailing list?22:44
valorieI'm not sure23:01
valorieI should be an admin, but I never asked23:01
valorieubuntu-us-wa list run by chuck at olylug.org, cjac at colliertech.org23:04
valoriefrom https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admin/ubuntu-us-wa23:04
valorieI think that is one more thing Chuck needs to hand over23:05
seattlegauchovalorie: I just signed up to the list ... I wanted to check whether I was already subscribed or not23:20
seattlegaucho... interested in the Geeknic, but I need dates :(23:20
valorieoh, so is Linda23:20
valoriealthara: Geeknik!23:20
valorieI will come, if possible23:21
valoriebut otherwise can 't help much this time around23:21
altharawe havent' gotten as far as dates yet23:21
altharaI'm thinking about putting up a poll but I haven't gotten any resonses re helping with coordination23:21
valorieseattlegaucho: you should be able to check the status of your subscription online23:22
altharaand like I said I can't do it all by myself23:22
valoriehttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-wa < -- login there23:22
valorieI'll help as I can, of course23:26
seattlegauchoalthara: my presence depends heavily on dates ... can't do anything in July :(23:26
altharaI was hoping we could get something going for June23:26
altharaeven if it turns out to be smallish23:26
seattlegauchoJune ... it depends23:27
seattlegauchobut I volunteer a camping grill and spread the word for sure :)23:27
valoriewell, we can use my yard and BBQ23:28
valoriebut I do live in Black Diamond23:28
valorieso that's not ideal23:28
seattlegauchohmm ... Black Diamond is not bad if the weather cooperates :)23:29
valoriewe would have to have ride-sharing for those without cars23:29
altharaI've setup a poll on the launchpad group for voting on the month23:34
altharaIt will open in 17 hours.23:34
valoriehey, I'm looking at the team reports23:36
valorieI don't see the recent one23:36
valorieI was going to add my OpenWeek talk23:36
altharaI haven't set one up recently23:36
altharaI can do that23:36
valorieok, I thought you were writing one the other day23:37
valorieI suck at getting them to show up in the right place23:37
altharaI probably got distracted23:37
altharait happens a lot23:37
valorieI can't imagine!23:37
seattlegauchovalorie the problem to login to the page I needed to have a user ... which is what I didn't know ... 23:40
seattlegaucho... so I registered anew and let the software figure it out :)23:40
seattlegauchoalthara: squirrel!23:40
altharaomg, I have to eat lunch23:42
* althara dies from tummy pains23:42
altharasee that's me getting distracted again23:45
altharawits for the wiki page to update23:47
* althara taps fingers23:47
* althara reads a novella23:47
* althara is still waiting23:47
* althara got an internal server error23:47
* althara curses23:47
altharavalorie: add your open week to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam/TeamReports/11/May23:49
valoriethank you my dear23:50
altharawhat is with the wiki's internal server errors?23:50
valorieit needs updating, drastically23:51
altharaI hope they get to it soon. It really makes the distro look bad to not be able to reliably serve content on the office site.23:55

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