
Kilosmorning superfly nlsthzn and others06:52
nlsthznGood morning uncle Kilos06:53
Kiloshows ya today nlsthzn 06:54
nlsthznKilos: still fuzzy and only half awake :/ silly cold/flu is taking it's sweet time making me sick... seems I am now loosing the battle against it 06:56
nlsthznI guess it is my turn... several peeps here have been very ill in the last two weeks (wife even it the hospital for a day)... so my turn is my turn ... still sucks :p06:59
Kilosyou wife07:00
Kilosthats not nice nlsthzn 07:00
Kiloshow did they cure her in a day07:00
nlsthznnot cured, but the high fever broke so she was ok to go home (or she fealt good enough... was still very ill)07:01
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:12
* Maaz starts grinding coffee07:12
Kilosnlsthzn, coffee time07:13
nlsthznMaaz: coffee please07:14
Maaznlsthzn: Alrighty07:14
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and nlsthzn!07:16
nlsthznMaaz: thanks07:17
Maaznlsthzn: Okay :-)07:17
KilosMaaz, thanks very much kind bot07:17
Maazsure thing, Kilos07:17
Kiloslo sakhi 07:33
Kilosfly must be sick too07:33
Kilostoo many peeps spraying doom around07:33
Kilosgotta be careful. i see they even got super doom as well07:36
sakhihi Kilos 07:42
Kiloshi Vamp0611 08:26
Kilosnew here?08:27
Kiloshi |3o|3 08:27
|3o|3hey Kilos08:27
plustwohi Kilos09:34
queeryweirdest thing09:52
queeryusing 10.10 and my dell's little blue light of the webcam just went on09:53
queerynothing open that would use the webcam09:53
queeryit just went on09:53
queeryhad to restart09:54
queerylogging out did nothing09:54
inetprogood morning09:59
queeryMaaz, coffee on10:08
* Maaz starts grinding coffee10:08
queeryanyone else?10:08
plustwokonnichiwa inetpro10:09
inetprothe japanese guy here again?10:10
inetproheh plustwo, what's up doc?10:10
queerykonnichiwa plustwo 10:10
queerygenki desu ka?10:10
MaazCoffee's ready for queery!10:12
queeryMaaz, ty10:12
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure10:12
queerywho played with maaz?10:12
queeryplustwo, anata wa okama?10:13
plustwoqueery: genki desu10:13
queeryplustwo, anata wa okama desuka?10:14
afrodeityvery genki today I see10:16
queerymy hanasu is horrible!10:16
inetprohmm... I think you guys should join the japanese channel at #ubuntu-jp10:17
afrodeitywatashi wa afrodeity des10:17
plustwoinetpro: domo arigato10:17
inetpronee man plustwo, gaan speel op 'n ander plek10:18
afrodeitygenki desu10:19
plustwoinetpro: chotto, sumimasen ga ...10:19
queeryI only know like 10 words10:19
plustwosame here10:20
inetproMaaz: help translate 10:20
Maazinetpro: Translates a phrase using Google Translate. You can use it like this:10:20
Maaz  translate (<phrase>|<url>) [from <language>] [to <language>]10:20
Maaz  translation chain <phrase> [from <language>] [to <language>]10:20
plustwoafrodeity: hajimemashite10:20
inetproMaaz: translate "chotto, sumimasen ga" from japanese10:21
Maazinetpro: "Chotto, sumimasen ga"10:21
afrodeitydoso yoroshiku onegaishimasu10:21
inetproMaaz: translate "chotto, sumimasen ga" from japanese to english10:21
Maazinetpro: "Chotto, sumimasen ga"10:21
confluencyIt's like "schadenfreude". ;)10:21
inetproKilos: jy sien, hy praat net nonsens10:21
queerygoogle translate needs the original jap10:21
plustwoinetpro: it means 'excuse me'10:22
afrodeitythere doesn't appear to be a good japanese-english tranlator10:22
inetprothat's just sad10:22
afrodeitykisu shite mo ii?10:22
afrodeityall the translaters only translate kanji to english10:23
queerymaaz, translate "元気ですか" from Japanese to English10:23
Maazqueery: "How are you?"10:23
Kiloswie inetpro maaz?10:23
inetproMaaz: translate "元気ですか" to english10:24
Maazinetpro: "How are you?"10:24
afrodeitydai suki dayo10:24
plustwocan maaz translate to japanese?10:24
afrodeityno way10:24
queeryhe will give the jap letters10:24
afrodeitykekkon shite kureru?10:25
afrodeitythought I was getting lucky there10:26
queeryWatashi wa anata o shiranai10:26
plustwomada kekkon shitakunai10:26
afrodeitywatashi wa gekusei desu10:26
queeryme neither plustwo 10:28
afrodeityneed to brush up on my language skills10:28
afrodeitywhy is there no direct translation for japlish?10:29
queeryhehe im horrible at languages cause I have a bad memory10:29
plustwoqueery: arigato gozaimasu10:29
afrodeityqueery: anata wa nihonjin desu ka?10:30
afrodeityhonki desu ka?10:31
queeryno afrodeity 10:32
afrodeityjust wondering10:32
queerya bit10:32
queeryno to anata wa nihonjin desu ka?10:33
queeryyes to honki desu ka?10:33
queerygood that im sleeping?10:34
afrodeitythat would be nemui desu ka10:35
afrodeityhonki desu ka = are u serious?10:35
queeryoh are you serious10:36
queeryserious about what?10:36
afrodeityjapanese I guess10:36
afrodeitywakari south africa desu10:37
queerythat's a really long way to say ok10:37
queeryI am10:37
* plustwo utaimasu10:38
afrodeitykekkon shite irasshaimasu ka?10:39
queeryim single10:41
afrodeitynihon ni itta koto ga arimusu ka?10:43
afrodeityogenki desu ka10:45
afrodeityvery genki today 10:45
* Vamp0611 wonders if learning to translate is all that happens here13:21
superflyVamp0611: no, it's just afrodeity, he's... uh... "special"13:26
Vamp0611k... every groups got to have one right13:27
Vamp0611r u in SA13:29
superflyMaaz: u13:29
Maazsuperfly: Excuse me?13:29
superflyyeah, I didn't understand either13:29
superflyVamp0611: are you asking if I am in SA?13:30
* inetpro didn't even see Vamp0611 stepping into the room13:30
inetproVamp0611: welcome at #ubuntu-za13:30
Vamp0611"are you living in South Africa" I need to find a way to get neotel to work on ubunt. 13:31
* Vamp0611 slides into a room13:31
superflyVamp0611: I think most of us are in SA13:31
inetproVamp0611: this is the South African channel for ubuntu 13:31
superflyVamp0611: what modem do you have?13:32
Vamp0611neotel prime13:33
inetproVamp0611: that's the deal with just a phone?13:33
inetproand the phone has some USB connection?13:33
inetproI think I had that some time ago and got it working on the CLI but I gave up13:34
inetprotheir speed was way to slow for me13:34
inetproI'll have to look at my backups at home and see whether I can find the relevant settings13:35
inetprolater tonight13:35
inetprobut maybe someone else can help so long13:35
Vamp0611I did not have a problem with the speed just cant use ubuntu with it, I duel boot windows and ubuntu13:36
* inetpro feels spoilt with speeds of higher than 1Mbps13:36
inetproVamp0611: what speeds did you get on Windows?13:37
inetproI used Ubuntu13:37
inetprowell Kubuntu13:37
afrodeityza-free -- demand last mile access to fibre optic cable13:37
afrodeityjoin on fb13:38
inetproafrodeity: huh?13:38
Vamp0611it said it was a 2.4mb conection but I download @ 150kb13:38
afrodeityno more copper we want fibre13:38
inetproVamp0611: well that is the thing, the real speed that you get is definitely much lower than advertised13:39
Vamp0611if things worked as advirtised I would not need to work13:40
inetproand these telcos get away with it because they advertise speeds of "up to" a specific amount13:40
inetproI don't mind not getting to the high amount but I do mind when it's almost unusable13:41
Vamp0611the "UP TO" is a burst speed every blue moon if you r luky13:41
inetproafrodeity: wb13:41
afrodeitydo u perhaps know how to toggle between two channels in weechat?13:42
inetproafrodeity: hmm... not alt+1,2,3... ?13:43
afrodeityhmmn lets see13:43
* nlsthzn is flu'ish and fuzzy and can't think straight and is sure nobody in the room is making the mistake but just wonders is anyone is confusing kilobits and kilobytes when talking about speed on the internet still....13:44
inetproafrodeity: alt + left/right arrows (or F5/F6): switch to previous/next buffer 13:45
superflyVamp0611: also remember that a 4Mbps connection gives you about 400KB/s - don't confuse Mbps with MB/s13:45
Vamp0611nlsthzn: no i think i got it 10mb line 1mb download13:46
superflynlsthzn: it happens all the time13:46
nlsthznjust checking... lots of times people get mad when they actually have very decent speed :D13:47
inetproVamp0611: got to http://speedtest.net/13:47
inetprogo to*13:47
superflyVamp0611: http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=convert+2.4+Mbps+to+KB%2Fs&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gl=za13:47
* nlsthzn likes the speedtest.net13:47
inetprothat will help you to determine a relative real speed13:47
superflyVamp0611: of course that's not your *actual* speed, because you're not taking packet headers and other things into account13:48
superflybut it gives you an idea13:48
Vamp0611from here (PTA North) to jburg 15ms ping, 7.8mbps down, .86mbsp down13:50
Vamp0611I downloaded 11.04 in about 15min13:51
Vamp0611sorry .86up13:51
afrodeityapparently alt+1 2 3 no work13:52
Vamp0611done working for the day 13:52
* Vamp0611 stuffs the laptop in a bag and runs out of the office13:53
* afrodeity puts VR goggles back on13:54
KilosMaaz, coffee on13:56
* Maaz puts the kettle on13:56
afrodeityf5 or f6 toggles channel in weechat13:58
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:00
KilosMaaz, ty14:00
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure14:00
afrodeityMaaz, serve me a bloody mary 14:02
Maazafrodeity: Huh?14:02
afrodeityobviously needs to go to LCD liquors14:02
* afrodeity cashes in some bitcoins and buys a two litre papsak14:07
* nlsthzn wants some too please, liqour license has expired :/14:08
afrodeitymaaz, google bitcoin please14:12
Maazafrodeity: "Please help test: Bitcoin version 0.3.21 release candidate" http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=6189.0 :: "Earn 139BTC or 3BTC for getting shops/organisations to accept Bitcoin!" https://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=4667.0 :: "Bitcoin - Area 51 - Stack Exchange" http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/30763/bitcoin :: "BitcoinMe.com - Home" http://www.bitcoinme.com/ :: "User account | Bitcoin Bonus" https://bitco14:12
netdogMaaz: botsnack14:14
queerymaaz: whats for lunch?14:17
MaazHmm queery . Methinks Kentucky and coleslaw would go down well14:17
queeryfat bot14:17
cocooncrashMaaz: forget whats for lunch14:17
Maazcocooncrash: Done14:17
queerymaaz: whats for lunch?14:18
Maazqueery: Excuse me?14:18
queerycocooncrash, you cant leave him like that14:19
queerywhy did Kerbero show the proxy and myne shows my ip?14:21
cocooncrashMaaz: lunch is <reply> $who: It feels like a KFC day14:22
Maazcocooncrash: I'll remember that14:22
queeryhehe ok14:22
cocooncrashMaaz: lunch is also <reply> $who: How about some soup?14:22
Maazcocooncrash: If you say so14:22
cocooncrashMaaz: for lunch is the same as lunch14:22
Maazcocooncrash: Okay14:22
cocooncrashMaaz: for lunch today is the same as lunch14:22
Maazcocooncrash: Done14:22
cocooncrashMaaz: what's for lunch today?14:22
Maazcocooncrash: How about some soup?14:22
queerysounds goood14:23
cocooncrashMaaz: lunch is also <reply> $who: Coffee should be enough...14:23
Maazcocooncrash: Got it14:23
queeryMaaz: lunch is also <reply> $who: How about some sushi?14:23
Maazqueery: Got it14:23
marcogpity maaz doesn't have the dinner plugin :/14:23
queeryI ahve to go work14:24
queeryplay l8er14:24
cocooncrashMaaz: lunch is also <reply> $who: Go get Chippies, your friends will love you14:24
Maazcocooncrash: Got it14:24
marcog15:24 <&marcog> tibid: what should i have for lunch?14:24
marcog15:24 < tibid> marcog: Try some Roast Turkey with Pan Gravy. If you can't work it  out for yourself, there's a recipe at  http://www.cookstr.com/recipes/roast-turkey-with-pan-gravy14:24
afrodeityMaaz: lunch is also <reply> $who: A bowl of miso soup and noodles14:31
Maazafrodeity: If you say so14:31
nlsthznMaaz: what is for lunch?14:36
Maaznlsthzn: Go get Chippies, your friends will love you14:36
nlsthznMaaz: thanks14:36
Maaznlsthzn: Sure14:36
* nlsthzn goes for some chippies14:36
afrodeityanybody know what the default runlevel for networking is supposed to be?14:46
afrodeitymy sysv-rc-conf says 0,614:46
Kilosare Chippies still pickled onions14:53
cocooncrashafrodeity: 2 to 5 should all have networking.14:53
nlsthzn...else no internets for Firefox :p14:57
afrodeitycocooncrash: thanks, probably explains why I have to manually start the network after natty upgrade15:09
afrodeityanybody have a sysV default list for natty?15:13
afrodeitylove it when a bug turns into a feature15:19
afrodeitythe natty upgrade tool must have been assembled by a weed tokin' hippie 15:22
inetproMaaz: lunch16:26
Maazinetpro: Coffee should be enough...16:26
inetprohmm... he knew that it's not lunch time any more?16:26
inetproclever bot!16:26
nlsthzninetpro: maaz got some new programming earlier today :)16:28
inetprococooncrash: wb16:29
* inetpro heading home to take a breather from a rough week16:30
inetpronext week might just be worse16:31
* inetpro is considering resigning from the board at school due to lack of time16:31
inetproothers should be able to do a much better job than me16:32
Kilosya ya16:35
Kiloshave a good weekend inetpro ]16:35
inetproKilos: thanks, will see you later in here16:36
afrodeityweechat + yeahconsole = obama bin laden17:56
inetprogood evening19:07
inetpromagellanic: wb19:23
magellanicinetpro: ;)19:23
inetproor rather welcome?19:23
inetpromagellanic: you been here before?19:23
magellanicnope. noob here19:24
inetprowell, that be cool then19:24
inetproKilos: I brought him across from #glug.za19:25
inetpromagellanic: np19:26
Kiloshi magellanic 19:26
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu_za19:26
Kilosthats nice inetpro  we need some more peeps here19:27
Kilosgo find more19:27
Kiloslook by #clug too19:27
inetproKilos: how do I check the amount of free minutes available on VC again?19:27
inetproKilos: remember I forget more than you19:28
inetproKilos: tks19:30
Kilosinetpro, yw19:31
magellanicso like the meet is so far tomorrow. I suppose most attendees are from pta though19:31
inetpromagellanic: you going to the meeting?19:32
magellanicstill deciding19:32
* inetpro will not be going19:33
magellanicwhy not?19:33
inetproneed time to recover from a rough week19:33
inetproor rather I need more time with the family19:34
magellanicfair enough :)19:34
inetpromagellanic: you coming from which area again?19:35
magellanicyep :p19:36
inetproyou in town for the weekend?19:36
magellanicwhich town?19:37
inetprolike in JHB or PTA?19:37
inetproor are you planning a launch party in Southgate?19:37
magellanicnope. from southgate, might go to centurion for the launch, not decided yet.19:38
magellanictoo late/no interest in the south to get a gathering I think19:39
inetproheh, you'll be surprised19:39
inetproI'm sure there are more people using Ubuntu that we still don't know about19:40
inetprolike my brother in law in Shelleybeach who suddenly told me he's been using it for a few months now19:40
inetproand extremely happy19:41
inetprono more viri for him19:41
magellanicgood to hear19:41
magellanicwell lady gaga said she likes ubuntu, so that settles it :D19:42
afrodeityapril 119:50
afrodeitygetting some celeb testimonial would be cool tho19:51
afrodeityapparently they used linux to blow up the Tube19:52
magellanicoh yea april 1, heh didn't read the comments there :p19:54
magellanicblow up what tube?19:54
* afrodeity chuckles19:55
afrodeitychecking gulliblity levels19:55
afrodeitybut still would be good idea19:56
afrodeitymake some viral vids19:56
afrodeityI survived the Natty Upgrade19:56
afrodeityand I'm chuffed because I'm not a client of M$19:56
afrodeitywould rather get cut down to size, and even be forced to use minix than have money extorted out of me19:58
magellanicif you bought a pc preinstalled with win, you were already extorted?19:58
afrodeityluckily my box was cheaper without windows19:59
afrodeitynow they trying to clampdown on android20:00
afrodeityhave you seen the B&N responding document?20:01
afrodeityit is basically a response to the  attack against linux, where M$ literally claims it invented windows20:02
afrodeityas in windowing20:02
afrodeityand suchlike20:02
afrodeityif it looks like an operating system, then M$ must have invented it ...go figure20:03
magellanicis this a new case, not related to the oracle vs google one right?20:03
afrodeitymaaz, google Microsoft vs Barnes & Noble20:04
Maazafrodeity: "Microsoft vs Barnes & Noble: Who Really Wins? - Techland - TIME.com" http://techland.time.com/2011/03/22/microsoft-vs-barnes-noble-who-really-wins/ :: "Microsoft vs. Barnes & Noble" http://www.scribd.com/doc/51246791/Microsoft-vs-Barnes-Noble :: "Microsoft: Lawsuit Pushes Barnes & Noble Into Trending Tweets" http://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-suit-pushes-barnes-and-noble-into-trending-tweets-2011-3 :: "Same song, second ve20:04
afrodeitymaaz: google B&N responding document20:04
Maazafrodeity: "TechEye stirs up trouble for Microsoft in Barnes & Noble case ..." http://www.techeye.net/business/techeye-stirs-up-trouble-for-microsoft-in-barnes-noble-case :: "[WTF] Barnes & Noble Responds To Microsoft's Android Lawsuit ..." http://www.androidpolice.com/2011/04/29/wtf-microsoft-sues-barnes-noble-reminds-us-why-ms-is-the-devil/ :: "Terms of Use - Barnes & Noble - NOOKdeveloper - Home - Let's ..." https://nookdeveloper.barnesa20:04
afrodeitymaaz: google groklaw Barnes & Noble20:06
Maazafrodeity: "Barnes and Noble Charges Microsoft with Misusing Patents - Groklaw ..." http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20110427052238659 :: "Groklaw - Barnes & Noble Charges Microsoft with Misusing Patents ..." http://www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=20110427052238659 :: "Groklaw - Microsoft Sues Barnes & Noble for Selling Nooks running ..." http://www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=20110321172008657 :: "Barnes & Noble Charg20:06
afrodeitythe responding document is on groklaw20:06
magellanicah okay, think I saw that initial one on /.20:06
* inetpro thought that groklaw is closing down20:06
magellanicdidn't think it was much, because comments mostly said the claims looked like rubbish :p20:07
afrodeitycould go either way in a US court20:07
magellanicyeah heh20:08
magellanicif google gets nortels patents maybe it can do some fighting back20:08
afrodeityclaims are total rubbish, but take a billion dollars and 20 senior counsel arguing the thing and starts to look, well, weird20:08
* inetpro hates patents20:09
afrodeitymy take is this is the end of M$ as a serious contender, it's like trying to enforce a patent on the sandwhich20:10
afrodeityhowever, the IP lobbey in the USA is massive20:10
inetpronow I understand why MS is in bed with Nokia20:10
afrodeitythey got some patents20:10
inetpromore patents20:11
afrodeityM$ couldn't beat us on the desktop, now they want to kill linux on the tablet and phone20:11
afrodeityby taking on a relatively small company20:11
inetprohaha, yeah right20:11
magellanicwhat do you mean desktop? they own desktop atm..20:11
inetprothey've already succeeded IMHO in slowing us down but they will never stop it20:12
inetprothe snowball is growing20:12
afrodeitybut the nuisance value alone20:12
afrodeityso we need to support B&N, make a noise, 20:13
inetprodefinitely a big nuisance in me eyes20:13
afrodeitylitigation is expensive and timeconsuming20:13
afrodeitywe can't rest on our laurels20:14
afrodeityif we complacent, they could loose20:14
afrodeityB&N I mean20:14
afrodeitytest case20:14
afrodeityso we install ubuntu because we don't want M$ telling us what to do20:15
afrodeityeven if we fight bugs every season20:15
* afrodeity rolls a kernel and lights up20:16
inetproso who's going to the launch party tomorrow?20:16
afrodeitythere's a party?20:17
magellanicmore like a lunch20:17
magellaniclast time was quite cool, but it's so far20:17
afrodeitytanka town?20:18
inetpromagellanic: who arranged it?20:18
inetpromagellanic: it's not up at http://ubuntu-za.org/20:18
magellanicthis one? Nick from ptaisp, I think20:19
magellanicoh, not sure why it's not up. was there any other gathering for 11.04?20:19
afrodeitythere was a meet in Stellenbosch20:20
magellanicbut jhb/pta?20:21
magellanicthis is the only one I know of, should be the 'official' meet20:21
magellanicinetpro: yea that's the one, invite was sent to glug etc too20:22
inetproahh, ok20:22
inetproeish, we should have put it up on the site20:22
afrodeitycan't cut & paste in yeahconsole, ouch20:23
afrodeitypretoria stomp20:25
afrodeityi'll put some wors on my braai20:26
* afrodeity puts on my lederhosen20:28
* afrodeity dusts off the old flugelhorn20:29
inetproI put the info up on the site but I may have added it incorrectly20:40
inetprosuperfly: I should probably have posted a story rather than a page?20:41
inetproit's not appearing at the top20:42
inetprook, made it sticky at the top20:43
Kilosmethinks i gonna crash fellas. sleep tight20:56
inetpronight kil[tab]20:57
superflyinetpro: yeah, should have been a story - not a problem though22:10
inetprosuperfly: ahh ok22:11
inetprosuperfly: how you doing?22:11
superflynot well22:11
superflyI'm gonna see if I can go chat to a doctor friend of mine, and get him to book me off for a couple of days next week22:12
superflythe irritating thing is that I've been on leave, so everyone wants to see me22:13
superflyso, for instance, this morning I slept till 12, then I was feeling much better, so we went out this evening, and in retrospect I probably should have rather stayed at home22:13
superflybut you know, when it's friends that you only see once a year, you make the effort22:13
inetprosuperfly: eish23:21
inetproreally hope that you'll be better soon23:21

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