
zul__ok wasabi00:00
Maartenperlsyntax: sorry, I have no personal experience with that particular lan card..... did google reveal any good docs on that card with ubunut?00:00
GraymanStolewhen I first turn on my netbook, the computer heats up, but the fan never turns on. Sensors say core temp is only 17 C00:00
crazedpsycMaarten, it can be resized to 32px00:00
GraymanStoleIf I reboot, the fan then turns on and sensors say temp is 56-61 C00:00
perlsyntaxidid some googleing not much came up.00:00
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silvertip257I'm attempting to PXE boot the Ubuntu liveCD, but I'm having problems after my NFS share is initially mounted; following this guide > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot00:00
giacomo_ci think i've messed up compiz.  i no longer have window borders00:01
perlsyntaxso no one know anything about wlan-ng?00:01
wasabiI'm guessing the grub2 with natty isn't good enough to boot off of a MD device, is it?00:01
busigastwasabi, prolly not00:01
crazedpsycMaarten, http://i.imgur.com/msEAb.png my unity desktop (i usually have a background on my desktop)00:01
=== mikec is now known as Guest46116
needlezanyone know what how to tell a script to read the dbus of totem and see if its playing, paused or stopped??00:02
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
Andy_Ccan someone tell me how to know if I have more than one driver installed for my wireless card?00:02
Maartencrazedpsyc: looks ok.... I am just not quite convinced yet. I am a little spartan when it comes to gui's I guess :)00:03
coobraMay  5 22:36:44 ubuntu ubiquity: SystemError: E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList   <---- can that make the installer crasch  ?00:03
cntrationalagain, X -configure fails with the error "Number of created screens does not match number of created devices.", what do I do?00:03
qinAndy_C: Feel clueless.00:03
perlsyntaxlol i give up00:03
giacomo_care there any compiz experts around that can help me get my window borders back?00:03
Andy_CHere is a link to the broadcom site that explains how to install their linux driver00:03
Da|Mummywow ubuntu, you have outfucked yourself with 11.0400:03
crazedpsycMaarten, the panel can be adjusted to 0.0 opacity, makes it look great on top of a wallpaper00:03
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
IdleOne!language | Da|Mummy00:04
ubottuDa|Mummy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:04
qinDa|Mummy: Hm, I like Natty00:04
Andy_Cubuntu already has that driver precompiled in the repository00:04
crazedpsycMaarten, the dash is way easier to use, and more productive than the old gnome menus00:04
Da|Mummyanyway, ive got no sound in flash now, whats the deal?00:04
Andy_Cso is it safe to assume that the additional drivers program is installing everything correctly00:05
Andy_Cor do I need to go in and blacklist some drivers, etc00:05
cntrationalcrazedpsyc: but it lacks a few important features like window lists00:05
axewerI installed ubuntu with an 8gb swap file. Is this overkill?00:05
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crazedpsyccntrational, window lists? whaddaya mean?00:05
syrinx_axewer: no need for that big of a swap, how much RAM do you have?00:05
TrelOn Ubuntu server, how can I get fget?00:05
cntrationalcrazedpsyc: hm, well, have you used Windows 7/OS X?00:05
Guest46116where can i get an anti-virus for ubuntu 11.4?00:06
antiphysicistyou don't normally need one?00:06
syrinx_Guest46116: don't need one00:06
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:06
crazedpsyccntrational, a bit00:06
needlezGuest46116: you dont really need an AV00:06
axewer4gb. but I assumed you always needed to double the size of the swap with however much ram you had.00:06
nmaxchatHello. I cant get my Laserjet 1018 to print out a page with the number of printed pages on it. Ubuntu 10.0400:07
cntrationalcrazedpsyc: you know how a list of window thumbnails pops-up when you hover over an icon in the Win7 taskbar?00:07
Da|Mummyi managed to transfer a virus from ubuntu to windows because ununtu somehow put a virus on my flash drive :{00:07
Guest46116thanks everyone . iwasn't sure00:07
syrinx_axewer: lol no. swap is only used it you run out of ram, 1-2gb should be more than enough00:07
crazedpsyccntrational, Oh, yeah.. The really do need to put that in00:07
IdleOneDa|Mummy: ubuntu didn't put anything on your flash drive. you put it there.00:07
Da|Mummyif you already have 4gb of ram, what more could you possibly use00:07
Andy_Cit talks about how the wl driver (whatever that is) will not work correctly if the ssb module is loaded00:07
Da|Mummyanyway, ive got no sound in flash now, whats the deal?00:08
jgouldI hate broadcom...00:08
axewersyrinx_: Hahh big mistake then. Can I move that extra space into my ubuntu partition w/ out messing up grub?00:08
cntrationalcrazedpsyc: yeah, without it, there's already a bunch of problems; e.g. I have one nautilus window minimized -- how do I check what it is without switching to it?00:08
MaartenI have 8 Gb of RAM, and made a 2 Gb swap partition.... seemed good enough for me,.00:08
syrinx_axewer: you can unmount the swap, resize it with gparted, and use it somewhere else, yes. boot into the livecd/usb to do it, so you can unmount everything safely00:10
MaartenI might wipe my 10.10 install on this comp, and install 11.04 on another though.... although I am still not entirely convinced about Unity. We'll see :)00:10
Da|Mummyhow do i keep unity always showing?00:10
crazedpsyccntrational, agreed. I wonder if there is an idea on brainstorm for that yet...00:10
crazedpsycDa|Mummy, you mean the unity launcher?00:10
crazedpsycDa|Mummy, You have to change an option in ccsm00:11
Andy_Cjgould: I am rapidly becoming unfond of broadcom myself00:11
axewersyrinx_: thanks. goodbye...............00:11
nmaxchatHello. I cant get my Laserjet 1018 to print out a page with the number of printed pages on it. Ubuntu 10.0400:11
crazedpsycDa|Mummy, if you don't have it run 'sudo apt-get install ccsm'00:11
wizworkshi, having trouble with screen blanking using HDMI out to TV  need help00:12
wizworkson Ubuntu 10.400:12
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ZykoticK9crazedpsyc, did they rename compizconfig-setting-manager in 11.04 to just ccsm?00:12
will_im bored00:13
cntrationalhasn't it always been ccsm?00:13
ZykoticK9cntrational, no00:13
syrinx_!ot | will_00:13
IdleOneZykoticK9: nope they didn't00:13
ubottuwill_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:13
crazedpsycZykoticK9, it has always been just ccsm00:13
ZykoticK9IdleOne, thanks - i was just curious (wanted to point it out)00:14
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crazedpsycZykoticK9, oh, the package isnt... oops00:14
wizworksusing Ubuntu 10.4.  Video and Audio going via HDMI to receiver then to TV.  Video blanks after few mins and will not recover.  Please help.00:14
ZykoticK9crazedpsyc, ;)00:14
IdleOnecrazedpsyc: ccsm is the common acronym for it but the package has been and still is compizconfig-settings-manager. there is a simple-ccsm package also00:14
will_oh shit didnt realize it waz a support channel00:14
crazedpsycDa|Mummy, the command is actually 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'00:15
crazedpsycIdleOne, ccsm is the command to run it too, thats what confused me00:15
acnotHi all, which file sharing/hosting service would you suggest to send a file of 136MB in size?00:15
Guest46116where can i get an anti-virus for ubuntu 11.4?00:15
IdleOneGuest46116: search for clamAV in the Software Centre00:16
syrinx_didn't you just ask that00:16
tepsterare there ubuntu viruses?00:16
acnot Why would I? I have a stereo in my car00:16
cntrationaltepster: yeah, but they're very rare00:16
ZykoticK9tepster, linux viruses are more theoretical then actually out in the wild00:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:17
acnotHopefully one that doesn't require an account or any software to be installed00:17
tepsterah, good to hear00:17
cntrationaltepster: if Linux gets more popular, though, we could start seeing more out there00:17
ZykoticK9cntrational, probably an inaccurate statement00:17
wizworksusing Ubuntu 10.4.  Video and Audio going via HDMI to receiver then to TV.  Video blanks after few mins and will not recover.  Please help.00:17
cntrationalZykoticK9: ? why00:17
spankbotcntrarional, what do you mean more popular? LNX is the #1 webserver OS00:18
Da|Mummylord help me...i cant even figure out how to run terminal from this whole unity thing00:18
ZykoticK9cntrational, "owning" a server would be much more appealing then a desktop, and linux servers don't have a virus issue (though they dominate the market)00:18
genewitchmy wireless networking is on the fritz since upgrading to natty... ad hoc connection never comes up so i can share my mobile broadband00:18
ZykoticK9cntrational, linux is more secure by default, then the OS with the virus issues (there is basically only on OS manufacturer with a real virus issue)00:19
cntrationalspankbot, ZykoticK9: hm, fair point00:19
genewitchis there a way to reset everything?00:19
tepsterDa|Mummy: type terminal in the search box00:19
Da|Mummynothing easier than that?00:19
tepsterDa|Mummy: then you can pin it to the dashboard00:19
mikeb123can someone help with a network issue?00:19
Da|Mummyalthough i just added it to launcher...00:19
genewitchmikeb123: don't ask to ask. just ask00:20
xanguaDa|Mummy: Control+Alt+T00:20
Da|Mummyok so now why dont i have sound in flash?00:20
spankbotcntrational, no, I see your point too, in reference to the home user, your right about desktop visibility, LNX does not compare in numbers against Win/Mac00:20
Jason-what irc  program  is best to use in  ubuntu00:20
cntrationalspankbot: yeah00:20
tranceNRGcan someone running 10.04 (64) get a checksum for me using this command:  shasum /usr/bin/apt-get00:20
trobrockI need to in a one line command switch to root user and run a command, but that command relys on environment variable from the root user, so generally I have to do 'sudo su' then '/path/to/command'00:20
Jason-i  using it now  but i dont see the peoples  nick on right side00:21
mikeb123where can i find what wireless radio type im connected to (N or G) in ubuntu?00:21
tepsterit seems most people use xchat00:21
Maartencntrational: I'm thinking, if Linux needs to become more popular, I think the different distro's need to get together and come up with 1 installation standard.... replace .deb, .rpm, .whatever install files with a ".bin" (which already exists somewhat) that will install on ALL distros. Then commercial and game companies can come up with a one-click installer..... and that might bring more games to linux! :)00:21
nerdshellI'm trying to install dropbox from the source code, when I install the dependency : libnautilius-extension-dev, and run ./configure, it tells me that docutils was not found. what Can I do ?00:21
cntrationalanyway, Linux anti-viruses are still useful -- you can scan Windows partitions using them00:21
KM0201cntrational: are they actually effective at finding anything though?00:21
xanguanerdshell: or you could just install the prebuilded packages they provide00:21
Da|MummyJason-, i dont know what xchat youre using, but i see nicks on right side00:21
cntrationalKM0201: yeah00:21
ZykoticK9Maarten, choice is a good thing - no OS can be one size fits all00:21
trobrockI need to in a one line command switch to root user and run a command, but that command relys on environment variable from the root user, so generally I have to do 'sudo su' then00:21
trobrock Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov5600:21
KM0201cntrational: i knew you *could* do it.. didn't know how effective they were though.... never had to as 'dows is banished here00:21
S4RYJason- irssi saved my irc'ing life ;) , check it http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi00:22
FloodBot1trobrock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:22
Jason-i  using  the  one  that came with  it00:22
mikeb123where can i find what wireless radio type im connected to (N or G) in ubuntu?00:22
KM0201trobrock: no need to use sudo su... sudo -s or sudo -i probably would suffice00:22
cntrationalMaarten: a unified installer format has been proposed, actually -- iirc, it was recommended that all distros support .rpm00:22
linuxman410do the people in here like unity00:23
ZykoticK9cntrational, rpm = fail... </OT>00:23
xangua!ot | linuxman41000:23
ubottulinuxman410: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:23
petisnnakeHi, i just installed ubuntu, but it doesnt recognize any hardware. I cant even set the resolution over 800x600. If I go to administration->hardware drivers, there are no drivers to be isntalled. what should I do?00:23
Jason-i dont like this xchat  verison ihave00:23
S4RYKM0201: ;)00:23
cntrationalZykoticK9: yeah, Debian didn't like the idea, so it never happened00:23
trobrockKM0201: thanks -i did it00:23
maniakpetisnnake, 11.04?00:23
Da|MummyJason-, try redownloading from download center00:23
MaartenZykoticK9: yeah you got a point..... I just think Linux isn't going to grow much if all distro's keep in their own little corners..... We need to get game companies on board. 99% of games are pure data, only  1% is actual windows coding to run all that data..... but the differences between all the distros make it impossible for game companies to come up with releases for "generic linux". That's a shame. :(00:24
KM0201S4RY: ?00:24
petisnnakemaniak: 10.0400:24
xanguaJason-: probaly installed 'gnome-xchat' ¿ just install normal xchat00:24
ZykoticK9petisnnake, what graphics card are you using "lspci | grep -i vga" from a terminal if you aren't sure.00:24
Jason-i  using  x chat-gnome 0.26.100:24
petisnnakeZykotick9: winfast 460 gtx00:24
Jason-yep thats the one00:24
Jason-idont like it00:24
mikeb123where can i find what wireless radio type im connected to (N or G) in ubuntu?00:24
ZykoticK9petisnnake, i've never heard of winfast before - best of luck.00:24
Jason-how do i get another one  withnicks list on  right side00:24
maniakwinfast must be the manufacturer, you mean the nvidia one?00:25
petisnnakemaniak: yes00:25
KM0201zykes-: i could be wrong, but i think they are based on Intel00:25
ZykoticK9Maarten, ever seen binary linux installs?  they're out there, they aren't really "packaged" at all.00:25
KM0201ZykoticK9: sorry.. nvidia (see abovve)00:25
maniakpetisnnake, and there are no restricted drivers?00:25
AaeRohn*pokes around* anyone good at compiling Wine?00:25
syrinx_mikeb123: iwconfig00:25
petisnnakemaniak: no, the window is completely empty00:25
mikeb123syrinx: thanks00:26
maniakpetisnnake, well I'm no expert but you could try sudo apt-get install nvidia-current00:26
syrinx_!nouveau | petisnnake00:26
ubottupetisnnake: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04. Currently 3D rendering is unsupported. More information can be found in http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ - See also !nvidia00:26
MaartenZykoticK9: Oh yeah, VMWare is a good example, it is a binary install that works on most, if not all distros. Either way, they only real reason I keep Windows installed on my systems.... is gaming. I have limited succes with Wine with some games, and they just run better in Windows 7. I just Wish the gaming industry would make Native Linux games more. :(00:27
ZykoticK9KM0201, um, I've heard of these Intel/Nvidia hybrid cards - my understanding is they have little to no linux support (I hope I'm wrong), good luck petisnnake00:27
KM0201we don't even know fo rsure he has an nvidia chipset yet.....00:27
AaeRohnCan anyone help me compile Wine? I don't want to screw anything up00:27
petisnnakeZykotick9 ty :)00:27
KM0201and people are telling him to install noveau00:27
petisnnakemaniak: thanks aill do that right away00:27
maniakThe gtx 460 is an nvidia one00:27
maniakI have the same card00:27
KM0201maniak: ok.00:28
Da|Mummyi have nvidia gfx, and it only asked to install additional drivers after the first reboot after getting the whole natty installation done00:28
xanguaAaeRohn: or you could just install the package from repository00:28
Da|Mummybut once i installed said driver, i got no sound on flash, related?00:28
syrinx_Da|Mummy: probably not00:28
AaeRohnXangua: I'm trying to get League of Legends to work00:28
Da|Mummyso whats my problem then?00:28
petisnnakemaniak: The problem is my network drivers are also lacking since I have to wait 10 seconds for a page to load00:28
syrinx_Da|Mummy: most likely need to update flash00:28
taiyalhow can you access SMB shares from the terminal in Ubuntu 11? In Ubuntu 10, you could just navigate to ~/.gvfs/ , but that seems to be disabled now.00:28
maniakDa|Mummy,  64 bit?00:29
AaeRohnXangua: and the new patch prevents it from even running00:29
Da|Mummyit was working fine before reboot00:29
Da|Mummyi had to reboot because i installed nvidia drivers, and no i have no sound in flash00:29
Da|Mummyfirefox nor chrome00:29
syrinx_uninstall the driver, restart, etc. see if it comes back00:29
syrinx_if it does, then it's the driver00:30
KM0201Da|Mummy: i dobut its related to the ggraphics driver.. check your sound levels, make sure you're not muted, etc00:30
Da|Mummyaudacios works00:30
maniakpetisnnake, did you try fiddling with connection settings?00:30
uRockwhat does a segmentation fault usually mean?00:30
maniakDa|Mummy, sounds flash related then00:30
petisnnakemaniak: nope, dont even know where to start00:30
tranceNRGCould someone running 64-bit 10.04 tell me there current checksum for /usr/bin/apt-get00:30
wizworksproblem with HDMI please help00:31
spankbotIRC question, Im on a channel that requires a registered Nickname, I registered mine and now I'm accessing it from another machine and it's saying I cannot send messages00:31
Coty91Hey everyone, I'v installed Natty on an older laptop that didn't  have support for compiz, but when I installed the graphics drivers and ran compiz from terminal it worked fine. How do I get Unity to be used as default again?00:31
Jason-there i  got it  now00:31
Jason-i went  to  the search irc and  it was in  there as x-chat00:31
maniakpetisnnake,  should be a network icon right next to the sound icon in the top left panel. Clicking on it should give you an option of editing the settings00:31
AaeRohnIf anybody can help me compile Wine correctly, here's the appdb explaining what needs to be done...00:31
petisnnakemaniak: thanks a lot ill take a look00:32
Coty91I can't seem to get it out of fallback mode. It won't use compiz by default no matter what I do.00:32
xanguaAaeRohn: sudo apt-get install wine00:32
Maartenspankbot: after your register, you also need to identify to nickserv: /nickserv identify password00:32
AaeRohnXangua: without apt00:32
maniakpetisnnake, I meant top right00:32
xanguaAaeRohn: aptitude then00:32
zvacetspankbot:if you are registred user then yoi can access irc from any comp but you will have to identify yourself00:32
earthling_ok, seems to work now00:32
needlezhi, im currently trying to write a bash script that gets the dbus of totem and if its played or stopped. Im wondering how I can do that or if there is a command to see if totem is playing, paused, or stopped??00:33
spankbotzvacet, thnx, what's the comman?00:33
AaeRohnXangua: -.- ...... any new patches that Wine will get will just make it so I'd have to recompile again, I dont want to do that over and over again00:33
wizworksproblem with HDMI please help00:33
spankbotzvacet, thnx, what's the command00:33
wizworksusing Ubuntu 10.4.  Video and Audio going via HDMI to receiver then to TV.  Video blanks after few mins and will not recover.  Please help.00:33
zvacetspankbot : /msg usename password00:33
Sledgerupdate is just sitting there GREY00:33
Sledgermust have hung00:33
xanguaAaeRohn: what you say makes no sence00:34
AaeRohnxangua: read the appdb, and you'll see00:34
genewitchmy ad-hoc wifi sharing connection is not connecting since upgrade to natty. the driver is activated and it works on infrastructure mode, just not to share my 3g connection, how do i troubleshoot or fix this?00:35
uRockwhat does a segmentation fault usually mean?00:35
=== aeon-ltd_ is now known as aeon-ltd
spankbotzvacet, got the syntax: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password00:35
ubuntuguysI used to be able to scroll with two fingers, did the new scrolls bars came and I was no longer able to do so, any help?00:35
Jason-any one like using  phoenix viewer00:36
AaeRohnJason: I do00:36
Jason-i like it00:36
AaeRohnJason-: th eonly issue I have with it is it doesnt polkay strreams00:36
Jason-yeah but the 2.6  does i think00:37
Jason-i have both viewers00:37
AaeRohnI stick with phoenix00:37
Jason-me  also00:38
maniakuRock, usually has to do with memory, depends on the context, when do you get it?00:38
Jason-i am inworld right now00:38
needlezi need help with this script... i need to figure out the dbus for if totem is playing this is my script so far, http://pastie.org/186991400:38
Jason-ubuntu has got big for in world also a lot use it00:38
rootconnect irc.freenode.org00:38
ubuntuguysWhy doesn't two finger scrolling work anymore00:38
tarvidWill an Intel D 915 run Natty AMD64?00:38
=== root is now known as Guest87777
needlezubuntuguys: it does00:39
sgaaptarvid, not sure but i just installed natty on a sandy bridge with an i915 and that worked00:39
ubuntuguysNot for me..., it was working before though00:39
wizworksusing Ubuntu 10.4.  Video and Audio going via HDMI to receiver then to TV.  Video blanks after few mins and will not recover.  Please help.00:39
rcconfcdemu solved my problem with virtualdrive in wine :)00:40
Number_6I have a ssh question.00:42
Number_6When I log on to my computer via ssh I get a line that says "[...]: command not found"00:42
BertoHi - I'm thinking about using SHC to encrypt a shell script, but it's not in the official 10.04 repo - is there a better solution?00:42
Number_6what does that mean?00:43
needlezanyone?? know what command can tell me if totem is playing or stopped??00:43
alexMocanuhello everybody :)00:43
TrelIf I run a command and while it's running want to put it in the background, how can I do that?00:43
needleztrel: bg00:43
jribTrel: ctrl-z followed by "bg"00:43
genewitchmy ad-hoc wifi sharing connection is not connecting since upgrade to natty. the driver is activated and it works on infrastructure mode, just not to share my 3g connection, how do i troubleshoot or fix this?00:44
needlezjrib: is there a command to see if totem is playing, paused, or stopped??00:44
Treljrib: two other questions then, if I want to send a command to it while it's still in the background, how can I do that (And also how can I bring it back? fg?)00:45
nit-witneedlez, top00:45
LjL!es | es_00:45
ubottues_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:45
needleznit-wit: that just tells if its running... i want to know if the video is playing or paused, or stopped00:45
es_hablen español00:45
alexMocanujava programmers please help me with (probably) this easy issue :)00:45
syrinx_alexMocanu: this isn't a java channel :(00:46
cablopdoes unity depends on compiz?00:46
alexMocanusyrinx_ oh then do you know any good one? :00:46
cablopdoes unity depends on copiz and|or metacity and |or gnome?00:46
syrinx_alexMocanu: ##java00:46
ZykoticK9cablop, i believe the regular Unity does yes, Unity 2D does not.00:46
cablopunity 2d?00:47
xangua!info unity-2d | cablop00:47
ZykoticK9cablop, it's probably still "experimental" or something similar00:47
ubottucablop: unity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 124 kB00:47
ni1sneedlez, take a look at http://git.gnome.org/browse/totem/tree/src/plugins/dbusservice/dbusservice.py00:47
ZykoticK9umm, guess it isn't00:47
wizworksusing Ubuntu 10.4.  Video and Audio going via HDMI to receiver then to TV.  Video blanks after few mins and will not recover.  Please help.00:47
genewitchmy ad-hoc wifi sharing connection is not connecting since upgrade to natty. the driver is activated and it works on infrastructure mode, just not to share my 3g connection, how do i troubleshoot or fix this?00:47
alexMocanusyrinx_ cheers00:47
genewitchi need to make a call and can't :-(00:47
spankbotkeytool -list -alias androiddebugkey \00:48
genewitchthe enable wireless in netmanager is greyed out now too00:48
TrelAlso, if I put a job at the background, how can I stop it from outputting unless it's at the foreground?00:48
cablopwell if unity is simplier i wanted to run it as the gui of an ubuntu server, but if not, then plain gnome is enough00:48
genewitchTrel: > /dev/null00:49
cablopis unity lightweight enough to run as a server GUI?00:49
syrinx_cablop: that would be a HUGE waste of RAM for a server00:49
syrinx_better off not even running X00:49
cablopbruce_: ask your problem00:49
tensorpuddingcablop: if you have accelerated graphics on your server, i guess?00:49
ZykoticK9cablop, Unity is not lightweight, check out lxde00:49
cablopsyrinx_: does it eat too much RAM?00:49
bruce_first time using a terminal irc00:49
Trelgenewitch: what if I didn't launch it with that?00:50
syrinx_cablop: alot more than anything else; that would be highly impractical for a server your just going to ssh into00:50
cablopmmm i want to run it on nx, or vnc or any other similar thing...00:50
genewitchTrel: use screen or something next time00:50
TrelI'm going to00:50
TrelI'm in the process of reading the manual for that00:50
Jason-how do i change color peoples  font color  if i have made a background color dark00:50
genewitchTrel: switch terminals, for now00:50
cablopsyrinx_: well, we got used to remotely use a GUI on the server, but not needing acceleration00:50
geekmasterHello everyone00:51
syrinx_cablop: you can install a lightweight WM, or LXDE00:51
genewitchcablop: you don't need a gui installed on the server, the vnc /remote desktop stuff runs on the client machine00:51
Tophis Unity 2D supposed to present the menu when you cursor the left side of the screen? Mind works only when i move to the top left corner00:51
genewitchcablop: install xorg and whatever desktop you want, it shouldn't affect the server00:51
rach0cablop, usually you don't need a graphical frontend for a server machine not even X. you can administer trough ssh00:52
cablopi can just disable gdm to avoid starting it, but afaik, just the gdm is not weating resources00:52
geekmasterCan anyone help me? I'm havin problems installing ubuntu server 10.04.2. The cd always shows an error of corrupted files.00:52
genewitchbroadcom wifi not working after natty upgrade, can someone tell me what to pastebin so i can make a phone call?00:52
cablopi know i can administer via ssh, but i need some users to perform tasks, they need a gui00:52
genewitchcablop: you can install whatever GUI you want.00:52
genewitchcablop: it runs on the remote machine, not the server00:53
genewitchit's not windows, where it's sending pictures.00:53
cablopgenewitch: and how you open it remotely?00:53
genewitchcablop: you run ssh with -X and then type gdm or whatever00:53
ZykoticK9genewitch, i think you are a little confused, VNC would require a GUI on the server00:53
cablopvnc and nx run it somehow in the server00:53
genewitchZykoticK9: nosir00:53
ZykoticK9genewitch, ssh is different, and you would be correct00:54
rach0geekmaster, rund a sudo lshw -c network and show the results00:54
pirxhello! i just installed 11.04, and would really love to browse through some tutorial about Unity (since i cant get much work done when i dont know how to use it...:) )00:54
cablopbut in the other hand i remembered i used to open the remote firefox locally, using local resources00:54
genewitchZykoticK9: vnc can run on a non-physical display like 0:200:54
xanguapirx: omg!ubuntu! blog has a tutorial00:54
ZykoticK9genewitch, and what would vnc be showing?  a terminal?00:54
genewitchtwo ways of accomplishing the same thing. vnc would show whatever gui you told 0:2 to have00:55
cablopthen... if i ssh to the server and launch gedit, for example, i spawn it locally, right?00:55
geekmasterrach0, sorry, I'm not with the actual hardware right now.00:55
genewitchcablop: on the ssh client command line00:55
genewitchyou need to have an x server on the remote machine00:55
cablopok, but from windows they'll need the gui in the server if they use a nx client00:55
pirxxangua: link?00:55
genewitchZykoticK9: i might be thinking of xvnc00:55
xanguapirx: google omg!ubuntu!00:56
genewitchcablop: no, they need an x server. there are a few free ones, xorg makes one that runs on windows, cygwin has one, etc00:56
cablopi liked nx, it is not oss, but it works00:56
rach0geekmaster, oh ok. though it's strange the last time i had problems with broadcom wifi was 10.04. the new drivers are top-notch00:56
pirxis xangua a bot?00:56
cablopoh, then a windows x-server... good enough00:56
genewitchrach0: not working for me, the broadcom wifi00:56
geekmasterrach0, but maybe you can tell me. Do I required a CD or can I use a cd-rw to burn the iso?00:57
genewitchrach0: i even have the restricted drivers installed and the connection is greyed out on 1.0400:57
JoeMccHello.  Are there any ways to configure nautilus to run in a single workspace when running under fluxbox?00:57
xanguapirx: just a guy that doesn't know all the url's in the world, google does ;)00:57
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ZykoticK9JoeMcc, not that I'm aware of...  good luck.00:58
cablopgenewitch: ok, suppose i run it inside a virtual desktiop or remote view or whatever is it called, via vnc or nx or even teamviewer, then between unity and gnome... gnome, right?00:58
rach0genewitch, generally there shouldn't be any difference if you use a plain cd or cd-rw. can you state the model of your wi-fi card?00:58
pirxxangua: ah, "!omg!ubuntu" was an actual website. it looked like some kind or irc-command to me:)00:58
genewitchrach0: wasn't my question :-)00:58
TrelOne last question, when you have a process screen'd can you send a command to it without actually going back into that screen?00:58
cablopsyrinx_: is lxde much different than gnome?00:59
genewitchTrel: no... terminals don't work that way00:59
rach0genewitch, yeah i saw :) it's 3 a.m. and i'm a little sleepy00:59
cablopgenewitch: ok, suppose i run it inside a virtual desktiop or remote view or whatever is it called, via vnc or nx or even teamviewer, then between unity and gnome... gnome, right?00:59
Trelso, I'd reattach the session, then do the command?00:59
ZykoticK9cablop, look for some screenshots - it's certainly different00:59
genewitchTrel: you use screen so you can detach and have something running in the background and come back to it from a different computer or terminal00:59
geekmasterrach0, ups, I believe I used the wrong terms to explain my problem. I burned the Ubuntu server 10.0.2 to a CD-RW and while installing the base system...00:59
geekmastera file corruption message appears.00:59
syrinx_cablop: not really, no00:59
genewitchTrel: screen to start, ctrl-a-d to close it, screen -raAd to reinstate the previous screen session01:00
Trelgenewitch: would screen -d -r <process ID> also work?01:00
rach0geekmaster, it could be a bad cd. try burning a new one, run an test and reinstall01:01
Trelthat was a stupid question01:02
genewitchTrel: -raAd. been using that for years.01:03
genewitchi really need to figure out this wifi thing it's driving me nuts and i can't get any work done01:04
FordPrefectHey guise Gvim wasnt working so I did sudo apt-get purg gvim and reinstalled it01:04
FordPrefectNow whenever I try to open up gvim it doesnt work01:04
FordPrefectI dont have the icon anymore01:04
FordPrefectand it says its installed01:05
rach0did you try to open a terminal and type gvim?01:05
FHtrainhow do i downgrade to 10.10? 11.04 keeps crashing when i play video01:06
xanguaFHtrain: reinstall01:06
FordPrefectrach0, Yes i did.01:07
JoeMccZykoticK9: FYI I found a workaround for my problem:  "nautilus --no-desktop --browser" with fullscreen is damn near what I need01:07
ZykoticK9JoeMcc, nice - thanks.01:07
FHtrainxangua, i dont have a 10.10 dvd01:08
XXXXwhere can i find settings or smt like this in the new ubuntu01:08
ZykoticK9JoeMcc, i didn't fully understand your initial question then - I figured  you wanted nautilus desktop working in one workspace01:08
xanguaFHtrain: download it then01:08
XXXXpreferences or something01:08
FHtrainxangua, can you recommend a safe site for downloading it?01:08
xanguaFHtrain: ubuntu.com01:09
rach0FordPrefect, uninstall and install again01:10
FordPrefectI've done that several times.01:10
JoeMccYeah I'm sure I don't always use the proper language, In icon mode in full screen, i can do all i need in one workspace for file management, and keep the others free.  (the fluxbox menu gets over-ridden by nautilus which was the start of my confusion)01:11
ZykoticK9FordPrefect, does running gvim from a terminal give any error messages?01:11
FHtrainwhere is the option to downgrade to 10.10 on ubuntu.com?01:11
FordPrefectIt doesn't do anything at all in terminal.01:11
ZykoticK9FHtrain, there is no downgrade, other then a reinstall01:11
FordPrefectI type it in terminal and then there is a big space tab in terminal01:11
FordPrefectLike I could type this:01:11
FordPrefect    01:12
FordPrefect 01:12
FloodBot1FordPrefect: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:12
linuxman410has anyone here installed ubuntu on acer aspire one01:12
ZykoticK9FordPrefect, have you tried with a lowercase g like gvim?01:12
FHtrainZykoticK9, reinstall 10.10 you mean?01:12
JoeMccAre there any program launchers which work well under fluxbox?01:12
vorlovcould anyone help me apahce2/ssl getting TLS to work?01:12
ZykoticK9FHtrain, are you currently on 11.04 and want to return to 10.10?01:12
FHtrainZykoticK9, yes01:13
ZykoticK9FHtrain, reinstall then... sorry for the bad news01:13
ZykoticK9!downgrade > FHtrain01:14
ubottuFHtrain, please see my private message01:14
rach0FordPrefect, try this and updatedb && locate gvim01:14
tomekhhi. i have played around with apt-get and did something like "apt-get remove --purge python*", it gave me some error but nothing happened. am I fine with my system?01:14
FordPrefectI will thanks rach001:14
ZykoticK9rach0, "whereis gvim" is easier ForceDestroyer01:14
tomekhno packages were selected for removal or something?01:14
ZykoticK9tab fail :(01:15
hiexpotomekh, because you were not root why you wanna remove python ?01:16
tomekhhiexpo: i did that with sudo01:16
tomekhhiexpo: i just was experimenting01:17
FHtrainZykoticK9, i didnt have 10.10 before installing 11.04. i had an older version of ubuntu. does that matter?01:17
hiexpotomekh, you need pythongood thing it did not remove01:17
genewitchfifth reboot seemed to fix my wireless01:18
tomekhhiexpo: how can i check that it didn't select some packages for removal?01:18
ZykoticK9FHtrain, in order to upgrade you can only do one version at a time, so if you upgraded to 11.04, you had to go to 10.10 first...01:18
genewitchmy phone is still having issues01:18
tomekhis there any command for this kind of operation?01:18
ZykoticK9FHtrain, irrelevant to the fact that downgrades are non-supported01:18
hiexpotomekh, the output would have told you01:18
tomekhhiexpo: tha's the point. i've seen some messages like "selected package xyz for removal" or so01:19
FHtrainZykoticK9, i guess i must have done a fresh install, i dont recall01:19
Big_Mighi I recently uprgraded from 10.04 to 11.04 and i am unable to use Unity I am only able to go in using classic ubuntu I know this is a NVIDa related issue im sure Im using a GEforce FX 5200 the additional drivers thing says my driver is activated but not in use. I saw a similar bug and tried the resolutions which didnt work. any suggestions guys?01:20
FHtrainZykoticK9, ok thanks. i'm just having trouble playing video on 11.10. maybe i should just wait it out01:20
FHtrain11.04 i meant01:20
ZykoticK9FHtrain, lol - 11.10 i was gonna ask what interface that uses ;)01:20
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ratcheerBig_Mig: What driver do you have loaded?01:21
Big_Mig@ratcheer, says version 17301:22
DanaG1Say, is it normal for b43-fwcutter to install, and not actually offer to extract the firmware from anything?01:22
DanaG1I install it, and nothing happens.01:22
DanaG1Didn't it used to actually prompt, in dpkg-reconfigure?01:22
FordPrefectUbuntu is asking me to install an untrusted package when I try to download Gvim01:23
FordPrefectfrom the Ubuntu Software Centre01:23
ratcheerBig_Mig: Ok, as long as it is the latest release, that should be good. I'll try to look it up.01:23
FordPrefectHow big is the risk?01:23
Big_Migthank you, im not positive my issue is the same as the bug reported01:23
Guest92022my wireless connection is not detected after upgrading to 11.0401:24
ratcheerBig_Mig: The latest release is 173.14.30 dated Apr 2001:24
ChronicSyncopeis there any way i can install 10.10 and get most of the updates except for the dist-upgrade?01:25
Guest92022rtl8192e wireless controller on samsung netbook.  anyone help?01:25
Big_Migbig noob here, how do i check mine I am looking in additional drivers and see verison 17301:25
xanguaChronicSyncope: 10.10 will only be supported for one more year i believe01:25
rach0Guest92022, open a termianl and type sudo lshw -c network and give us the result01:26
Guest92022wow i just downloaded an avatar without my authorization01:26
Jeffsino matter what i do im not able to install ubuntu server, ive tried on 2 diferent pc's and in vmfuion on a mac and nothing is working, anyone have any experiance with ubuntu server?01:26
cntbnot sure about right place anyway realplayer in windows installs downloader for videos on the net ex.youtube  have real<player installed in 10.10. any chance to have same download feature here?01:26
ZykoticK9Jeffsi, there is an #ubuntu-server channel01:27
Jeffsialright thanks01:27
vorlovdoes anyone have problems with TLS on 11.0401:27
ratcheerBig_Mig: In the system menu, there should be an nvidix x server settings app. Run it and it should tell you your version. Or, you could run "aptitude show nvidia-graphics-drivers-173"01:27
bazhangcntb, firefox addon video download helper01:27
Big_Migi got unable to locate that package. what do i type in terminal to fetch it. sorry weak command line skills01:28
Da|Mummyhow do i get unity bar to always show?01:29
unforgiven512Is there a way to force Banshee to transcode music to, say, OGG when copying it to a media player?01:29
coz_Da|Mummy,  open ccsm  click on the unity plugin01:30
Big_Migin X server settings it says I AM using 173.14.3001:30
ratcheerYou might be able to run the same command with apt-get instead of aptitude, but since I don't use apt-get, I don't know for sure.01:30
Big_Migdoes it hurt to try anyway?01:30
coz_Da|Mummy,  I believe if you set that to "Never"  it stays on the deskto01:30
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ratcheerBig_Mig: Oh, then according to X Server Settings, you do have the latest release for Natty.01:31
arandratcheer: Big_Mig: the equivalent is "apt-cache show ..."01:31
bazhangunforgiven512, no you would need sound converter or the like to do that01:31
ratcheerarand: Thanks01:31
Da|Mummywhat the...01:31
Da|Mummyi disabled unity, now i cant even minimize xchat...01:31
Big_Migso, if I do have the correct version, what do I do like I said the driver says its activated but not in use01:33
Big_Migi tried disabling and reinstall01:33
Axlin|MBDa|Mummy: do you mean the unity plugin in ccsm? you need to leave that on01:33
Da|Mummyok so where do i set it so it always shows?01:33
ratcheerBig_Mig: I believe that message is erroneous, i.e., its a bug.01:33
JasonnWhen I look on my processes, I see that there is like 30-50 instances of some processes.01:33
Da|Mummyinstead of minimizing01:33
Axlin|MBDa|Mummy: inside the plugin settings, there's a "hide launcher" option. set it to never01:34
Big_Miggotcha. im I out of luck for the time being?01:34
Da|Mummywhere are you seeing this plugin setting in ccsm?01:35
Axlin|MBDa|Mummy: click on the text, "ubuntu unity plugin," that resides within ccsm. it has the purple ubuntu logo next to it. then it's in that screen01:35
ratcheerBig_Mig: No, I think everything is ok with your video driver. It is supposed to support the latest X.Org server in Natty. I don't know if your card can handle Unity 3D, though.01:35
Da|Mummyoh i see...thx01:35
Big_Migthat must be the case then.01:36
Big_Migi appreciate your help01:36
Big_Miga little disappointed01:36
ratcheerBig_Mig: If you have a PC where you can open the case and install a new video card, you can get a much nicer card in the $40 range.01:37
DanaG1I'm using Unity on a 915GM.  Works, once I forced "intel" instead of "fbdev".01:38
Big_Migyeah, this is like a 7 yr old desktop wife wont let me install linux on her laptop but I will buy a new desktop eventually01:38
DanaG17 yr old desktop wife.... just kidding.01:38
DanaG1Lack of punctuation. =þ01:39
Da|Mummyok why wont the bar move to the bottom?01:39
ratcheerBig_Mig: Heh heh. My PC is 6&1/2 years old and I recently installed a new nvidia GT430.01:39
Da|Mummywhat am i doing wrong now?01:39
rach0Big_Mig, can you see the content of /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:39
giacomo_ccoz_, isn't the ubuntu version of java a bit out dated?01:39
coz_giacomo_c,  hey guy  ok open synatpic package manager01:40
Big_Mighelp me out rach8 where do i retrieve that01:40
Or1onIs there an alternative to Unity super key + NUMBER to launch/switch applications for Ubuntu Classic?01:40
coz_giacomo_c,  when that opens go to  Settings  /  Repositories  and on the second tab tick all boxes01:40
ssfdre38ok first i asked in #kubuntu does anyone know where the default images are at for the log-in and for the desktop01:40
DanaG1Oh yeah, Tablet PC stuff in Windows totally trounces Linux tablet stuff.01:40
giacomo_ccoz_, yeah, i've got all the repos enabled01:40
DanaG1Whole-word handwriting recognition, as native input method.01:40
rach0Big_Mig, sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep "Failed to allocate primary buffer: out of memory"01:40
xanguassfdre38: usr/share/images ¿01:40
ssfdre38xangua, not there01:41
coz_giacomo_c,   ok and if you already reloaded then hit Search  and type in  sun java01:41
rach0Big_Mig, see if it returns sthg01:41
giacomo_cok coz_01:41
coz_giacomo_c,  when the list opens scroll down,, now if you want just the plugin then install   sun-java6-plugin01:41
coz_giacomo_c,  if you want the who shabang  then tick all the boxes  :)01:41
Big_Migdid i do something wrong, that just went back to prompt01:42
photonI'm using this line to index all files under "/": sudo ls -laR / &> root_index.txt … How can I do it so that root_index.txt contains an automatically generated timestamp like root_index_20110505_204100.txt?01:42
FHtrainno option to install 10.10 on ubuntu.com, dang01:43
lowridahrename $1 to $1`your_chosen_date_format`01:43
coz_FHtrain,  could be now outdated01:43
ChronicSyncopehow do i keep 10.10 from upgrading?01:43
coz_FHtrain,   you could install 10.04  and upgrade I believe01:44
giacomo_ccoz_, i'm not seeing sun-java anything01:44
coz_FHtrain,  wait actually there is a place  ,, let me see if I can find it01:44
giacomo_cwell, there's sun-javadb01:44
rach0Big_Mig, no you didn't. There was a bug with some nvidia cards connected to the memory allocation but i guess it's not that after it gave you a empty prompt01:44
ratcheerBig_Mig: No, it just didn't find what he had you looking for.01:44
FHtraincoz_, they offer 10.04.2,but not 10.1001:44
coz_giacomo_c,  is this ubuntu 11.04?01:44
giacomo_ccoz_, yup01:44
coz_FHtrain,  hold on01:44
Byanwhy the hell is it when I try to remove synaptic apt-get tries to install a ton of shit??01:44
FHtraincoz_, ok01:44
bazhangByan, no cursing please01:44
ByanI've never heard of things installing when trying to remove..01:44
bazhanggiacomo_c, you added partner repo?01:45
coz_giacomo_c,  then under settings /repositories you did not tick all of the boxes and or you did NOt reload with the Reload button01:45
photonlowridah: I was more looking for a way that automatically fetches the date/time and generates a corresponding file name.01:45
rach0Big_Mig, sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log and send me what it displays01:46
FordPrefectI just deleted a program with sudo apt- purge <program name>\01:46
giacomo_ccoz_, i have restricted, universe, and mulituniverse, and i've hit reload (but i've had those loaded since i installed 11.0401:46
FordPrefectWhen I type it in locate <program> it still shows there are tons of files asosciated with it01:46
bazhang!partner | giacomo_c01:46
ubottugiacomo_c: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »01:46
Big_Mig@rach8 brings back a lot of stuff, what line I am I looking for01:47
coz_giacomo_c,  open settings. repositories  and in the second tab  make sure all boxes are ticked not the first tab01:47
coz_giacomo_c,  then hit the reload button01:47
rach0Big_Mig,  put it all in pastebin (http://pastebin.com/) and give me the link01:47
giacomo_cah, i see what you're saying coz_01:47
websiteguycan anyone help me with my mysql installation ?01:48
coz_FHtrain,  you can download the minimal install cd from here    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:48
Big_Migk one sec going now01:48
coz_giacomo_c,  once you tick those boxes  then hit reload,, then click search  type in   sun java  and go from there ;)01:48
websiteguyi'm getting an error when i try to install mysql01:48
giacomo_cyes yes, i see01:48
coz_FHtrain,  these are NOT live cds  but  well worth the effort01:48
bazhanghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ FHtrain01:49
FordPrefectWhen I find all the files associated iwth one program with locate <program> how do I delete all the files?01:49
websiteguyanyone =\01:49
rach0websiteguy, what is the error?01:50
jribFordPrefect: why do you want to do this as opposed to using apt-get?01:50
FordPrefectapt-get purge doesnt work01:50
Big_Mig@rach8 http://pastebin.com/f5DePHy0.01:50
FordPrefectI am trying to remove every bit of vim because it is unresponsive01:50
Big_Migno period sorry01:50
websiteguy* Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                                                                                           [fail]01:50
websiteguyinvoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.01:50
websiteguydpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--configure):01:50
websiteguy subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 101:50
FloodBot1websiteguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
websiteguy^ thats the error01:50
FHtrainthanks coz_ and bazhang i'll download 10.1001:50
ChronicSyncopehow do I keep ubuntu from updating to 11.04?01:50
FordPrefectSo I do "locate vim" and I find vim files still on my computer after I have deleted it01:50
coz_FHtrain,  cool01:51
jribChronicSyncope: don't ask it to01:51
spankbotwhat's the dealeo?  I've registered for a Google Maps SDK Debug Cert, using my MD5, got the cert and added the key from Google to my app... guess what, no map.01:51
FordPrefectThe source I downloaded them from was untrustworthy so it may be  a virus.01:51
websiteguythat occurs during apt-get install01:51
ChronicSyncopejrib, doesn't it do it automatically when you update stuff?01:51
jribFordPrefect: why are you downloading vim instead of using apt-get?01:51
photonI'm using this line to index all files under "/": sudo ls -laR / &> root_index.txt … How can I do it so that root_index.txt contains an automatically generated timestamp like root_index_20110505_204100.txt?01:51
jribChronicSyncope: not to a new release, no01:51
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FordPrefectI downloaded it from the Ubuntu Software center and from apt-get install vim and in both versions01:51
m15terbangHello. I have a question. If I upgrade from Ubuntu Mav to Natty, will my fingerprint reader and other hardware still work?01:51
FordPrefectvim is unresponsive01:51
SuperstarIs anyone using Gnome 3 on 11.04?01:51
jribphoton: use « date »01:51
websiteguyrach0: any ideas ?01:52
jribFordPrefect: so why would they be untrustworthy?01:52
FordPrefectI have no idea why vim wont work anymore01:52
Big_Mighey did u catch that its http://pastebin.com/f5DePHy001:52
FordPrefectjrib, because when I downloaded the file from the Ubuntu Software center it told me the file was.01:52
photonjrib: and then file_name_`date -whatever` ???01:52
jribFordPrefect: and you installed it anyway?  What repository?01:52
Superstarm15terbang: i have a very old compaq fingerprint reader that worked before and after upgrading01:52
jribphoton: yes, something like that01:52
FordPrefectYeah jrib.01:53
m15terbangSuperstar: thank you. I'll give it a go.01:53
FordPrefectI uninstalled it01:53
FordPrefectand then installed it again from CLI01:53
FordPrefectwith the same result.01:53
jribFordPrefect:  What repository?01:53
FordPrefectI dont know which one01:53
jribFordPrefect: apt-cache policy01:53
FordPrefectca.archive.ubuntu is the repository, jrib ?01:54
ChronicSyncopewhy is there no mirror list for CDs?01:54
FordPrefectI put in the code you gave me.01:54
jribFordPrefect: I don't see why that would be untrusted.  Are you sure apt wasn't talking about something else (not the vim package)?01:54
rach0Big_Mig, the driver loads fine. don't know really what else to suggest :/01:55
Big_Migoh sorry just pinged u with it01:55
Big_Migthanks anyway01:55
Big_Migthink i might need to just shell out some dough on a cheap card01:55
FordPrefectI have no idea. The warning was about the vim package in general.01:55
trismChronicSyncope: there are, but the link on the releases page is broken for some reason, they are here  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors01:55
taiyalhow can I get NoScript to work with FireFox 4 under Ubuntu 11?01:56
cntbbazhang: let me see "firefox addon video download helper" shoulsd I gogle that ?01:56
jribFordPrefect: can you pastebin the actual message?01:56
ChronicSyncopetrism, thanks, i found it by dissecting the DVD mirror url01:56
bazhangcntb, its the first hit01:56
FordPrefectRequires installation of untrusted packages. The action would require the installation of packages from unauthenticated sources.01:57
FordPrefectThat is what it says, jrib01:57
cntbbazhang: ty vm https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/01:57
FordPrefectI have no idea why Gvim worked at first and then after a few days became unresponsive like it is now.01:57
jribFordPrefect: is this the entire output?01:57
FordPrefectYes, jrib01:58
jribFordPrefect: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list*01:58
rayalanewbie question - how can i install the unity plugin for the compiz thing?01:58
jribFordPrefect: and I'm fairly certain that's not the full output01:58
cfhansendoes anyone here know a good resource for learning python?01:58
itaylor57cfhansen: oreilley has a good book on python01:59
rach0websiteguy, sudo apt-get purge mysql mysql-server-5.1 && sudo apt-get autoremove01:59
jribcfhansen: #python01:59
rach0websiteguy, then reinstall01:59
wabzhow can I stop update manager grabbing focus?02:00
wabzor anything, really02:00
wabzI open a new program -> use another while it's opening -> the one opening suddenly grabs focus02:00
FordPrefectjriv <sudo /etc/apt/sources.list* > doesnt work02:00
swattoAnyone know why i get flashy black blocks on some flash videos?02:00
FordPrefectwhen i do it without sudo it tells me permission denied02:01
KWLHow do I play mp3's offline?02:01
jribFordPrefect: they are files, open them in a text editor and pastebin the contents02:01
FordPrefectwhen I do it with sudo it tells me the file or directory doesnt exist02:01
cfhansenitaylor57:  thanks, it looks like my university has that book02:01
cfhanseni'll definitely check it out02:01
KWLHow do I play mp3's offline?02:01
hiexpoKWL, audacious02:01
cfhansenjrib: thank you, that's appealingly straightforward02:01
rach0cfhansen, read the python documentation and try the exercises at http://singpath.appspot.com/eli/index.html02:01
wabzcan't believe how bad ubuntu is becoming02:01
KWLHow do I play mp3's offline?02:02
FloodBot1KWL: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:02
cfhansenrach0: that looks great, bookmarked02:02
hiexpo^ KWL02:02
genjixgcc blaa.c02:02
genjix/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s02:02
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genjixnatty narwhal -_-02:02
genjixany ideas?02:02
rach0KWL, what do you mean offline?02:02
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KWLon another computer, that doesn't have any online access02:03
KWLsuch as installing the codecs from a junkdrive02:03
KWLbut I don't know how02:03
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rayalaim missing the unity icon/config option in my compiz settings manager, unity is my window manager so i know its installed - how can i install the unity plugin for compiz? thanks02:04
JeZ-|-LeeAnyone have any idea how to submit software for Ubuntu's Software Center?02:04
jrib!packaging | JeZ-|-Lee02:04
ubottuJeZ-|-Lee: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports02:04
connor__how do you make ubuntu faster02:05
rach0KWL, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/u/ubuntu-restricted-extras/ get the latest .deb and transfer it to the other machine02:05
FordPrefecthttp://pastebin.com/m8v5rfRt jrib here you go.02:05
JeZ-|-Leejrib - thanks! - I make video games for Linux02:05
KWLthx will try rach002:05
connor__hoe do you make ubuntu faster02:05
torchiedo u huh02:05
jribJeZ-|-Lee: that's fine, follow the link about getting a package integrated into ubuntu02:05
connor__how do you make ubuntu faster02:06
jribFordPrefect: and there's nothing in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/02:06
KWLwhat do the #'s mean?02:06
KWLlike 36, 31, etc.02:06
bazhangconnor__, faster in what way02:06
jdobrienconnor__, faster?02:06
connor__every way02:06
connor__any way02:06
xanguaconnor__: trow it for the window02:06
jdobrienconnor__, faster than what?02:06
bazhangconnor__, thats quite vague02:06
FordPrefectLet me look jrib02:06
rach0connor__, uninstall gnome and unity and x, voila!02:07
connor__i have an intell atom processor02:07
bazhangconnor__, how much do you have02:07
expectohow can i restore ubuntu to ''factory settings''02:07
bazhangconnor__, RAM02:07
expectoit is so slow02:07
connor__how do you do that02:07
KWLalso, they look too small, they are in kb's?02:07
bazhangconnor__, how much ram02:07
Da|Mummyok what did i do that now i cant see the clock on desktop?02:07
KWLrach0, also, they look too small, they are in kb's?02:07
connor__1 gb ram02:08
expectoubuntu back to ''factory settings''02:08
jdobrienconnor__, are version of ubuntu are you running?02:08
FordPrefectjrib I just checked its an empty directory02:08
low_cpuhi everyone02:08
jdobrienexpecto, what do you mean ''factory''?02:08
LAcanHow can I check if my home directory is being encrypted?02:09
low_cpui have a prob :P02:09
jribFordPrefect: what does « sudo apt-get update » return?02:09
expectoto clean install jdobrien02:09
jribLAcan: look for ~/.ecryptfs as a hint02:09
expectowindows never got so slow as ubuntu does02:09
Guest95820morning, here in china02:10
bazhangconnor__, try unity-2d then02:10
low_cpucan someone help ?02:10
low_cpui want to install ubuntu 11.04 on a different partition haw can i do ?02:10
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FordPrefectjrib it produces a bunch of links from ubuntu.com that it appears to be downloading02:10
LAcanjrib, crap, its not there. Do you know how I enable it?02:10
jribFordPrefect: pastebinning is better02:10
expectois there a code to return to a clean install02:10
aeon-ltdlow_cpu: by choosing it during install.....02:10
bazhangexpecto, no02:10
jrib!encrypt | LAcan02:10
ubottuLAcan: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory02:10
expectoso what can i do02:10
jdobrienexpecto, have you installed a lot of applications? because ubuntu by itself is much faster than windows02:11
bazhangexpecto, why would you want to02:11
aeon-ltdexpecto: backup, reinstall - same thing imo02:11
expectoit is freezing all the time02:11
cablopdid somebody got xming and putty to work on windows to remotely display gui apps on Windows?02:11
low_cpui want to run the install from my current installed ubuntu 10.04 it's possible ?02:11
jdobrienexpecto, what are you running on?02:11
low_cpuaeon-ltd ?02:11
bazhangexpecto, better to fix it then, asking here would be better in that regard02:11
mynoteshow to return the default setting of my ubuntu02:11
bazhangmynotes, you dont02:11
jdobrienexpecto, are you running 11.04?02:12
Da|Mummyyour just suffer with notty right now02:12
bazhangmynotes, if you are referring to without subsequent upgrades02:12
Da|Mummyunity is where ubuntu dies02:12
rach0cablop, you mean remotely connect to a ubuntu machine through windows?02:12
connor__make my pc faster tech guys02:12
bazhangDa|Mummy, thats not necessary nor ontopic here02:12
expectowhen i first installed it was fine02:12
expectonow its incredibly slow and freezes02:12
connor__so do i just uninstall unity02:12
FordPrefectHere it is jrib....http://pastebin.com/XPEsnM7J02:13
brewsterout of curiosity, is anyone here an Ubuntu developer?02:13
bazhangconnor__, try unity-2d as I said before02:13
cabloprach0: yep02:13
logdog16Hi all I am hving a huge graphics problen on 11.04 running live USB on an HP laptop the display has a ton of what I can best describe as blinds with lines and gradients and the right side of the screen overlaps onto the left02:13
jdobrienconnor__, you can boot without it when you login02:13
Da|Mummyyeah really, how do i just get rid of unity all together and go back to maverick interface02:13
jribFordPrefect: I don't see where you can be getting untrusted packages from.  Maybe we should just troubleshoot your vim issue?02:13
xangua!info unity-2d | connor__02:13
ubottuconnor__: unity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 124 kB02:13
cablopi opened firefox and other graphical apps via ssh in other linux, i wonder if i can do the same in Windows02:13
bazhangDa|Mummy, choose classic at login02:13
connor__boot without unity02:13
FordPrefectjrib, I think that would be a good idea.02:13
Da|Mummyi cant choose anything on login...?02:14
bazhangconnor__, choose classic at login02:14
logdog16what should I do?02:14
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.02:14
GalaxyNetI want to experience the work of a Web server and you book your domain name, but I want to make sure the work of the server from outside the network02:14
jdobrienconnor__, it's kind of wierd, but it's at the bottom of the boot screen when you login, but only after you select your username02:14
connor__ok ill try that just a sec02:14
merlin2049eri lost google gadgets when i upgraded to 11.04 --- are they supported?02:14
ni1scablop, you need X on windows to display the windows02:14
spark_hi all I got a strong problem , I can't update the software list because I have an issue with one ppa the one of gnome3 , I need to remove that one  http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop/gnome3-builds/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz how do I do it ?02:15
jdobrienexpecto, that is strange maverick runs very fast for me on a basic PC02:15
cablopi want to use xming, nils02:15
Da|Mummyok heres a weird one, how do i log out, i cant even see my clock in ubuntu now?02:15
ni1scablop, iirc cygwin includes X02:15
mynotesbazhang:  i only want to see the icon on which wifi connection i use. the connection icon on my panel02:15
marcelCI know that this is not related to ubuntu, but anyone from here used BlackICE or IBM Proventia Desktop Endpoint Security from Internet Security Systems (www.iss.net) ?02:15
logdog16is anyone there???02:15
merlin2049ercan i get some gadgets for 11.04 desktop?02:15
logdog16can you hear me?02:15
mynotesbazhang: i don't the why the icon dis appear on my panel02:16
xanguaspark_: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge <ppa's name> , to remove all what the ppa installed02:16
marcelClogdog16, i can see you but you can not touch me :)02:16
bazhangmynotes, what version of ubuntu02:16
Da|Mummytry speaking into the mic logdog1602:16
a-02m[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   a-02m paideia dspace kali`_ relik`pL mbeierl tansell-laptop marcelC lolmatic favadi quackaduck ericm|ubuntu merlin2049er juanez forkk13 woniu spark_ OverTheHillAndFa kerNULL_ logdog16 master_of_master Gwar DrManhattan krafty02:16
paideiawhy won't evince follow the look and feel set with lxappearance?02:16
xanguamerlin2049er: i saw a post on omg!ubuntu! that uses the plasma desktop widgets02:16
logdog16how do i speak into the mic????02:16
mynotesbazhang:  10.1002:16
bazhang!resetpanel | mynotes02:16
ubottumynotes: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:16
low_cpuhello can someone help ?02:16
low_cpui want to install of ubuntu 11.04 from my current installed ubuntu 10.04 it's possible ?02:16
sgaaplow_cpu, yes02:17
DrManhattanthese guys are still around?02:17
DrManhattanI wonder who pissed off the gnaa here02:17
ZykoticK9low_cpu, fresh install, or upgrade to 10.10 then 11.04 (choice is yours)02:17
Da|Mummylow_cpu, system/ update manager02:17
jdobrienexpecto, how long ago did it start slowing down?02:17
forkk13For some reason, context menus aren't appearing in gnome 3, any idea why?02:17
Da|Mummy11.11 should be there02:17
rach0low_cpu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades02:17
low_cpui want to instal it on another partition ?02:17
paideiawhy won't evince follow the look and feel set with lxappearance??02:17
sgaaplow_cpu, if you dont see an update offered do "sudo update-manager -d"02:17
bazhangDa|Mummy, please stop repeating02:17
arandlow_cpu: You will need to upgrade in steps02:17
low_cpui dont want to upgrade ??02:18
bazhangsgaap, thats not the correct command02:18
Da|Mummywhos repeating?02:18
logdog16How do i get help?02:18
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mynotesbazhang: thank you very much02:18
bazhangDa|Mummy, there is no 11.11 so need to say it02:18
cablopwhat do you think about this setup... i need a linux server, but i don't have the hardware now, it suffered a lil damage, by now i'm planning to run it inside a VM in another computer running Windows, once hardware is back to work i just move the disk to the other computer and keep it working the same, but to not to use the VM gui i plan to use any windows x-server for that (in fact when...02:18
cablop...i'll move the server to the real machine things will keep working the same)... sounds good enough?02:18
ZykoticK9low_cpu, you can dual boot various ubuntus (or other linux distros quite easily)02:18
Da|Mummysorry, 11.0402:18
rach0logdog16, what's your video card?02:18
Fordjrib, I am back sorry.02:18
arandlow_cpu: Oh, in that case, it is possible to install via chrooting, however it is rather tricky, I'm not sure if you can use ubiquity i´on a running install.02:19
xionglow_cpu, YMMV but I get better results with fresh installs than with "live" upgrades.02:19
FordWhat do you suggest I do about the unresponsive Gvim ?02:19
jdobrienexpecto, the reason I ask is if something you recently installed slowed your system down, you can use software-center and use history to see what may have been installed02:19
spark_xangua I put the pakage list or only the name ?02:19
logdog16rach0 where do i find that the sticker says nvidia02:19
jribFord: what do you mean by "unresponsive" exactly?  Does the issue exist with a fresh new user?02:19
arandlow_cpu: So I would assume that in most cases it would not be worth the hassle trying to do it that way..02:19
FordNo it exists with my root account02:19
low_cpuhow to do so ?02:19
LAcanthx jrib02:20
FordPrefectjrib, when I click on the Gvim icon in my applications area it doesnt do anything.02:20
coz_ah good old netsplit02:20
coz_good time to log off ,, no one will be the wiser :)02:20
Fordjrib, what I mean is that when I click on the icon or try to run it in terminal02:20
Fordnothing happens02:21
bazhangcoz_, :)02:21
jribFord: what are you typing in a terminal?02:21
coz_ok guys ,, I definintly need to break here,, be back later  :)02:21
Fordjrib, I am typing "gvim".02:21
jribFord: do you get a new prompt?02:22
FordNothing happens.02:22
FordNo output is returned.02:22
jribFord: does the issue persist with a fresh new user?02:22
cntrationalI'm having problems with X -configure, can someone help?02:22
FordI have not tried it with a new user.02:22
FordPerhaps I shall do so.02:22
logdog16I am running system testing and on the XRANDR cycle test there was one mode that looked perfect how do i get that setting the rest have the problem!02:23
ZykoticK9cntrational, X/GDM should be stopped and you might need sudo to run that...02:23
cntrationalZykoticK9: yes, I did all that02:23
=== DaMummy is now known as Da|Mummy
singlegirlarity0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,18,18,20 * * * * /usr/local/bin/USB.sh02:23
cntrationalZykoticK9: http://pastebin.com/eabVPcb9 here's the error02:23
singlegirlarityis there something wrong with my crontab entry?02:23
logdog16how do i get that setting???02:24
jribsinglegirlarity: no02:24
ZykoticK9cntrational, you where here yesterday with this issue right?  sorry man, I'm no help.  Good luck.02:24
spark_:/ does noe work xuanga the ppa is dead so the pakage list no longer exist  :(02:24
singlegirlarityit doesn't run...wtf02:24
forkk13Hey, I'm having an issue with gnome 3 where context menus don't appear at all. Could it be a problem with compiz or something?02:24
rach0logdog16, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html02:25
xanguaforkk13: gnome 3 is not supported02:25
jribsinglegirlarity: you should share what the shell script is...02:25
forkk13xangua: It's not supported by ubuntu? or compiz?02:25
forkk13Because it seems to run fine other than the context menu issue02:26
connor__does ubuntu netbook edition look like ubuntu 11.0402:26
rach0forkk13, ubuntu, official support is expected to arrive in 11.1002:26
low_cpuplz how to chroot to install ubuntu 11.04 ?02:27
CounterspellIs it just me or does "Always on Top" no longer work in Gnome (10.10/x86_64)?02:27
forkk13connor__: Don't use netbook edition...02:27
connor__does ubuntu netbook eition look like 11.0402:27
forkk13it does... just much slower than 11.0402:27
singlegirlarity/sbin/modprobe -r usbtouchscreen  ; /sbin/modprobe -i usbtouchscreen02:28
singlegirlaritythats the shell script02:28
singlegirlaritybut obviously on separate lines, not with a semicolon02:28
connor__oh than i actually dont have ubuntu 11.04 installed02:28
connor__i need help installing ubuntu 11.0402:28
spark_some one knows how to force the ppa lines to be removed ? I got that ... http://pastebin.com/s1TQ8qm902:28
cntrationalhmm oh yeah02:29
Guest34570i have a problem connecting to my verizon mobile hotspot device with ubuntu, does anyone have any problems/02:29
singlegirlarityjrib, I pasted the shell script above02:30
cntrationalI want to put an xrandr command in /etc/gdm/Init/Default, but it doesn't work. what do I do?02:30
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=== SudoKing is now known as sudoking
hiexpolooks like ubuntu had a train wreck on this release      > many leaving     :(02:31
jribsinglegirlarity: you need a shebang line02:31
s0|someone wanna help me unbrick my 11.04 upgrade?02:32
edbians0|: Let's do it.02:32
s0|nvidia epic fail after using dist-upgrade02:33
edbians0|: Can you boot into recovery mode?02:33
edbians0|: Can you boot into normal CLI by pressing ctrl + alt + F102:33
s0|edbian I got ssh into it.02:33
cntrationalis there any way for me to reconfigure Xorg?02:33
s0|CLI is fine, just can't get Xorg02:33
hiexpo< back to ole debian     <>     getting it back02:33
edbians0|: What driver do you have installed?02:34
edbianhiexpo: :)02:34
s0|edbian, before the upgrade I had been usinging whatever ubuntu installed as the nvidia driver. after the upgrade I haven't a clue.02:34
s0|since the nvidia module won't load.02:34
edbians0|: pastebin sudo lspci -k ??02:34
s0|sure once sec02:35
edbians0|: Can't wait :)02:35
hylianthings are much quieter here today.02:36
edbianhylian: They were insane in the past couple days02:36
nessonicI'm having a GRUB 2 issue, I am unable to change the order of ubuntu 10.10 and the server edition02:36
s0|edbian, I can probably paste my /var/log/Xorg.0.log if you need that as well.02:37
hyliannessonic, are you asking how to change the boot order, or are you saying you followed those steps and it still didn't work?02:38
chelzi'm having an issue with ufw/iptables where my logfiles have a ton of entries for a single port and i would rather not log these entries, so i added a line to after.rules that i thought would stop it, but it doesn't seem to be working. this person seems to be experiencing the exact same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1330490   any ideas?02:38
Kane`ubuntu-10.04.2-server-i386.iso written to a USB stick with both Universal USB Installer and Unetbootin is failing to install. gets to the Detect and Mount CD-rom stage and stops. can't find the device02:38
s0|I guess "bricked" might have been overstating thing. just have GUI fail after using dist-upgrade.02:38
Kane`known issue?02:38
edbians0|: nouveau is running.  Let's try the proprietary drivers.  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current02:38
edbians0|: Far from bricked :)02:38
cntrationalis there any way for me to force a resolution?02:38
s0|sudo apt-get install nvidia-current02:39
nessonichylian, I followed the steps as in editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom into what I wanted, sudo update-grub, and grub.cfg shows what I want it seems. However, upon boot, the grub 2 menu does not match up02:39
techhelper1Kane`: because a usb flash drive is not a carom drive02:39
s0|whoops, nvidia-current is already the "latest"02:39
techhelper1carom drive*, it needs to mount a physics filesystem from a cd02:39
Kane`techhelper1, obviously. the installer asks if i want to load the shit from my removable media. i choose yes and that failes02:39
s0|"nvidia-current is already the newest version." is what I got.02:39
hiexpogo to nvidia they are starting to support linux and add there ppa's02:39
hyliannessonic, i am pretty sure you can no longer directly edit files, unlike grub 1. this might be the reason why. where you trying to remove an entry, move them around, set another os as the default boot?02:40
edbians0|: Then remove the nouveau package to make it use the binary driver.  sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau02:40
edbianhiexpo: That's probably overkill right now.02:40
XGD_Viciouscould anyone help me with this stupid grub 21 error im getting.02:40
edbianThe problem is that the system chooses the open source driver to load at boot time when it has the choice02:41
XGD_Viciousbeen trying to fix it all day02:41
edbiannot that the nvidia-current package is old02:41
hylianXGD_Vicious, tell us, what's the error?02:41
s0|edbian, reboot after that ?02:41
edbians0|: Yeah (it did something right?)02:41
XGD_Viciousi have a dell tower02:41
Griemakedbian: blacklist Nouveau02:41
XGD_Viciousand after the dell start up menu i get a grub 21 error02:41
s0|it did remove : xserver-xorg-video-all ...02:41
edbianGriemak: If the package is not install that's the same effect02:42
edbians0|: That's fine02:42
s0|Removing xserver-xorg-video-nouveau ...02:42
edbians0|: perfect02:42
hiexpoI had to cause of the kernal change so wrote a driver they love it and are very helpfu l02:42
s0|k - remoting kicking the box.02:42
edbians0|: Haha, what command is that?02:42
hylianXGD_Vicious, i will look into that for you, give me a second...02:43
edbianhiexpo: rephrase that please?02:43
s0|sudo reboot now with a wall msg that isn't nice enough to post here02:43
XGD_Viciousthanks mate02:43
nessonichylian, I'm trying to move them around. Guides online say for grub 2, you edit the etc/grub.d files, then update-grub, and it configures grub.cfg for you02:43
edbians0|: ha.  K :)02:43
XGD_Viciousbeen researching it all day. lots of people have been getting it02:43
s0|I don't really like it when that box looses it's GUI, the dell monitor attached to it keeps "auto-adjusting" stuff off the screen.02:44
XGD_Viciousbtw i have backtrack installed onto an external drive02:44
edbians0|: ha.  I take it that the graphics did not come back?02:44
s0|but only does that when it's on CLI.   so I assume now that it's rebooted and I am back at CLI I should ... reinstall stuff?02:44
s0|edbian, no love yet.02:45
edbians0|: What do you mean you assume?02:45
ubuntuhello, I updated to ubuntu 11.04 and I tried to boot but grub was messed up, how can I fix it???02:45
CaveManyo guyz02:45
hyliannessonic, hmmm, i think your right. let me take a look at that..02:45
XGD_Vicioushey man02:45
s0|edbian, I am guessing that the next steps, that is what I ment by assume.02:45
hiexpoedbian, i wrote a kernal patch and submitted it to nvividia they are using it    :)    for the the and it works great02:45
edbianhiexpo: Do you have a suggestion for s0| ?02:45
CaveManguyz.... i was using unity for one week02:45
edbians0|: I'd be interested in seeing lspci -k again.  And your xorg log02:45
CaveManand i like unity a lot, but i switched back to gnome02:46
s0|lscpi is going to change after that ?02:46
CaveMancause i miss 2 things02:46
edbians0|: It should list a different driver in use by the card now.02:46
CaveMani really like to see al the open windows in a bar02:46
edbians0|: It should list nvidia  instead of nouveau02:46
hylianXGD_Vicious, it sounds like you either have a problem with a device mismatch, are you running any sata drives with ide? this is just a plain dell tower, right?02:46
edbians0|: When you boot the machine does the screen go black or X crashes or?02:46
hiexpoedbian, try that patch itcovers many nvidia cards and ati     also    add the repos02:46
ubuntugrub was messed up after updating, how can I fix it???02:47
s0|edbian, it goes so fast and the dell monitor puts have the scroll off the screen.02:47
edbianhiexpo: Tell s0| How to do that :)  I have no idea what repo or where the patch is02:47
XGD_Viciousyeah dell dimension e52102:47
s0|we are going to have to check logs.02:47
CaveMancan somebody explain me something about unity... is it created by human interaction design?02:47
s0|wathcing this thing boot is a waste of effort.02:47
edbians0|: Where does it stop?  At a cli prompt to log in?  Do you see X start and crash?02:47
XGD_Viciousany no sata drives with IDE02:47
s0|CLI prompt02:47
edbians0|: what if you log in and run sudo gdm02:47
s0|one sec let me paste bin again02:48
xanguaCaveMan: you can find a tutorial on omg!ubuntu! blog02:48
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity02:48
edbians0|: Or ctrl + alt + F702:48
edbians0|: k02:48
amin__hi any suggestion on how to install and use gnome3 on ubuntu 10.1002:48
XGD_Viciousi use an ATI radeon hd 467002:48
xanguaamin__: use the Experimental PPA on your own risk02:48
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.02:48
CaveManxangua, are you using unity?02:49
xanguaCaveMan: no02:49
edbians0|: Still using nouveau  !02:49
CaveManwhy not?02:49
chelz i'm basically going off of a totally stock ufw install, with the only rules i figure are to avoid logging info about certain noisy things and drop obvious things like invalid packets. so my syslog is full of these: "May  5 17:00:33 ubuntu kernel: [202917.172742] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00 SRC= DST= LEN=186 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=2190 DPT=219002:49
chelz<chelz>  LEN=166 "    so i added "-A ufw-after-input -p udp --dport 2190 -j RETURN" but it doesn't seem to be working. here is my iptables-save: http://pastebin.com/B4pgF9kn02:49
s0|here comes the x0rg log.02:49
ubuntuhello, where can I find info on how to restore grub? I am running from a live-cd and I need to fix the boot loader...02:49
edbians0|: k02:49
CaveManbut i have a litle problem, cause i am promoting ubuntu extremely the last year by friends, familie and knowledges people02:50
xangua!grub2 | ubuntu02:50
ubottuubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:50
XGD_Viciousbtw hylian dont know if it makes a difference but the external hardrive i have backtrack on is ran through IDE02:50
CaveMani want to know.... if a new user with less experience does that people like Unity?02:50
LAcanDoes anyone know how I get the network manager icon in systray over FreeNX?02:50
edbians0|: Do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?02:50
hiexpoedbian, yup but you know i got banned from ubuntu forums last year cause i fixed youtube-dl    >    they said it was illegal   >   but it is in the repos   >   magine that   >   and i can notstill read or right there     >    banned for life       >    so why would i help them now    >    ?02:51
guesyi have an application with the name agnclient:i386 in the list of installed softwares... ho do I uninstall it.. I cannot find it when I run spt-get remove agnclient ???02:51
s0|gdm output: ** (gdm-binary:1398): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager02:51
jetoledoes anyone know if there is a way to install previous versions of an application on ubuntu?02:51
s0|edbian> doesn't look like it.02:51
needlezis there a way to get the length of a movie playing mplayer??02:52
s0|I have backups of it tho apprently;'02:52
Griemakedbian & s0|: your outputs have the Nouveau kernel module still loaded and your xorg log is trying to use the Nvidia 173 driver (this is NOT nvidia-current):  is this intended?02:52
jetoleneedlez: while it's playing, press the o key to toggle OSD02:52
needlezjetole: i meant in command line??02:52
hiexpoedbian, i gotta go to the store brb02:52
s0|<Griemak> probably not just the way it ended up.02:52
guesyxangua: i have an application with the name agnclient:i386 in the list of installed softwares... ho do I uninstall it.. I cannot find it when I run spt-get remove agnclient ???02:53
jetoleneedlez: yes but I don't recall02:53
hylianXGD_Vicious, you know, i don't know. I have had problems with sata/ide mismatching, but mostly with ubuntu putting the boot loader on the wrong drive, for instance, i would install to my sata, but without asking me it would put grub on the ide. so i am guessing here.02:53
edbians0|: Griemak I see an error when it attempts to load nouveau.   My best guess is to install nvidia-17302:53
jetoleneedlez: check the man page or join #mplayer and you might get a quicker answer02:53
edbianGriemak: Where do you see that we're trying to load nvidia-173 ?02:53
Guest34570i have a problem connecting to my verizon mobile hotspot device with ubuntu, does anyone have any problems/02:53
needlezkk thanx jetole02:53
Guest34570my connection keeps dropping off02:53
XGD_Viciousi believe that is what is happening02:53
GalaxorI have an old closed-source game I want to play, but it's linked against libgtk 1.2.  Is there anything I can do about that?02:54
hyliannessonic, from what i read, that whould work, you got me stumped here, i think you need a more qualified grub man.02:54
Griemakebdian:  http://pastebin.com/Bm1gkNbG line 7402:54
edbians0|: I'm in over my head now too :)  We're learning!02:54
XGD_Viciousim new to linux however so i dont exactly know how to locate the grub boot file02:54
s0|nvidia-173 is already the newest version\02:54
nessonichylian: okay, thank you02:54
edbianGriemak: Why is the system trying to install this driver?02:54
s0|nvidia 173 was already there02:54
nessonicanyone else know a bit about grub 2?02:54
hylianXGD_Vicious, grub 2 has a few files. and unless you are using a really old verion of ubuntu, that's what your using.02:55
edbianGriemak: s0| says it's already installed?02:55
s0|it was02:55
chelznessonic: i do kinda. lemme read the backlog02:55
s0|(and still is)02:55
XGD_Viciousi'm using backtrack 402:55
guesyhylian, i have an application with the name agnclient:i386 in the list of installed softwares... ho do I uninstall it.. I cannot find it when I run spt-get remove agnclient ???02:55
Griemakedbian & s0|:  Nvidia-173 is a fallback driver for older cards/chips.  Nvidia-current is 260+ version.  What graphics card/chip do you have?  (lets start with which version SHOULD be there)  :)02:55
xanguaXGD_Vicious: backtrack is not supported here02:55
SirScotti installed the python-doc pkg and I see things in /usr/share/doc/html, however, when i try to view the module index, I get a 404.  Anyone know if there's another pkg I need?02:56
Guest34570how do i change my name on here?02:56
edbianGriemak: s0| I'll sit back and watch for a bit.02:56
nessonictype /nick02:56
XGD_Viciousis there a channel you would recommend i move to for support?02:56
phungvantuhi all02:56
chelznessonic: you sure grub2 is installed in only one place / properly?02:56
s0|nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8500 GT] (rev a1)02:56
nessoniccheiz: how would I check?02:56
s0|(well that is what I got lspci -k)02:56
s0|and that sounds right02:56
tx0105does anyone know what repo pre-release video drivers are on?02:57
hylianguesy apt-get is very specific, it could be named something slightly different, and apt-get wouldnt see it. for instance, sudo apt-get install icedtea6plugin gets you nothing, but add a dash, icedtea6-plugin, and whalla. try using sudo synaptic, and searching for it in there.02:57
edbians0|: lspci wouldn't lie about that :)02:57
s0|so - sorta old in the GPU world.02:57
chelznessonic: uhm, just you would remember if you installed grub before02:57
tx0105i think there is a new xserver-xorg video driver out there but not released yet02:57
tx0105that will hopefully fix my video issues02:57
Griemaks0|: fist step, let's jump over to Nvidia.com and see what they recommend:  which is the 270 version (I already checked)02:57
chelznessonic: what are you trying to do by editing 40_custom?02:58
guesyhylian: i searched in the synaptic package manager for agn.. and i cannot find anything02:58
nessoniccheiz: the only installs I did were through the live cds. I have ubuntu 10.10 and the 10.10 server edition. Server comes first, and with a ~3 second grub time it can be annoying to try switching to basic 10.10 quickly02:58
Griemaks0|: can you list all packages installed with "nvidia" in them?02:58
hylianguesy, ok, let me take a crack at it, what is it called exactly and how did you install it?02:58
s0|Griemak: if this was rpm I would know how but don't with apt....02:58
nessoniccheiz: all I want to do is move the server below 10.10 in the menu. Which is how the 40_custom is setup, but it doesn't correlate over upon bootup02:59
s0|what is rpm -qa | grep   in ubuntu land ?02:59
guesyhylian: I installed ia32libs02:59
guesythen installed it with --force architechture option02:59
jetoleneedlez: mplayer -vo null -frames 0 -identify film.avi 2>&1 | sed -e '/ID_LENGTH/!d;s/^[^=]\+=\(.*\)/\1 seconds/'03:00
inimeghello all03:00
Griemaks0|: dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia03:00
chelznessonic: do they appear in the proper order in grub.cfg?03:00
hylianguesy, what was the name of the file or deb package for the forced install of agn?03:00
spark_:( seams that I will have to do a full install again ...03:00
s0|so a few oldies.03:01
guesyhylian: that deb i installed was i386 I installed it on my 64bit Ubuntu. This is the exact name of the deb file I installed "agnclient_1.0~"03:01
LAcanDoes anyone know how I get the network manager icon in systray over FreeNX?03:01
nessonic cheiz: no, it seems it is loading 10_linux, which is not in grub.d anymore. This is the list where they are out of order03:01
Griemaks0|: that's okay. Let's purge nvidia-173 and reinstall nvidia-current afterwards03:02
hylianguesy, i see, you forced a 32 bit client install on a 64 bit os... hmm, let me take a look at it.03:02
phungvantuhi all03:02
chelznessonic: rename your 40_custom to 06_custom03:02
arnaudoghey i'm mew to ubuntu and i've been trying to install a broadcom wifi card for 2 hours now, any help?03:03
phungvantuis there any way to create a ubuntu app quickly?03:03
s0|so just purge 173 ? not 185 ?03:03
chelznessonic: also make sure it's marked executable, along with the other stuff mentioned here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Custom Menu Entries03:03
nessonicit's currently renamed to 10_linux, though grub.cfg loads mine, then it loads this unknown 10_linux that isn't mine. The one it loads first (mine) doesn't list my order03:03
guesyhylian: yeah, that was what I did03:03
chelznessonic: rename your 40_custom to 06_custom03:03
chelznessonic: also make sure it's marked executable, along with the other stuff mentioned here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Custom Menu Entries03:03
hylianguesy, anythign listed in ubuntu software center under installed software? this should show up... are you shure it installed?03:04
chelzphungvantu: there are ui tools to help design uis03:04
=== Wolf is now known as Guest81765
Griemaks0|:  correct03:04
s0|Griemak: apt wasn't so happy about that03:04
chelzphungvantu: http://developer.ubuntu.com/develop/03:04
s0|didn't clean up a lot of dis becuase they weren'03:04
s0|t empty.03:04
chelznessonic: or rename what you made 10_linux. you should leave your 10_linux alone03:05
hylianguesy, you can use that same deb file to remove, *i think*. i have never had anyone forcible install cross platform like that...03:05
s0|Griemak: still go a head and install nivida-current ?03:05
rchavikwhy bash completion won't expand environment variables in 11.04?03:05
nessoniccheiz: I believe I removed the 10_linux, though it appears to be somewhere as it still loads in grub.cfg03:05
Griemaks0|: they're shared, it's okay (this is dirty, cleanup will be easier when x starts)  can you reinstal nvidia-current without error?03:06
s0|unless I should be using a diffrent command other than sudo apt-get install nvidia-curreent03:06
s0|(spelled right of course)03:06
s0|it says it's already there and up2date03:06
hylians0|, one less e, in current.. :)03:06
Griemaks0|: yes, try:  apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current03:07
chelznessonic: yeah. that's okay to have. have your custom stuff be 06_custom03:07
hylianguesy, any luck?03:07
s0|ok it is reinstalling03:07
Griemaks0|: watch the output, hopefully we see a dkms module installed :)03:07
joseodd error in unity, I set the panel systray-whitelist to all and changed from wall to cube, now some systray icons are behind the panel rather then on it. any idea how to fix it?03:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
nessoniccheiz: I made the file an executable, renamed it to 06_custom, updated grub, but the same thing appears03:08
s0|I saw it remove some... still scanning the out put for it installing some.03:08
guesyhylian: dpkg: error: package name in specifier 'agnclient_1.0~' is illegal: character `~' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters `-+._')03:08
chelznessonic: pastebin the thing that appears03:08
nessoniccheiz: in grub.cfg?03:08
hylianguesy, rename it to angclient.deb, and try one more time...03:08
s0|here is the reinstall: http://pastebin.com/gvffMiye03:08
=== Guest34570 is now known as paprika
guesyhylian: I tried that too... dpkg: error: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in03:09
s0|Griemak, reboot? try  startx?03:09
Griemakso|: line 21 is your problem!  :)  "kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed."03:09
chelznessonic: yes03:10
s0|Griemak, so ? any idea how to fix that ?03:10
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s0|need a sudo apt-get install fix kernel source issue.03:10
Griemaks0|: yes, reinstall linux kernel headers... looking up exact commands to save time.  Which kernel version are you running?03:11
s0| 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu03:11
hylianguesy, i really don't know what to tell you, any luck finding this in ubuntu softare center? i can walk you through removing the existence of it's installation, but all that will do is make apt think it was never installed, and you will never be able to remove it then, atleast not the right way. this process would allow you to install a 64 bit version then, a little messy.03:11
fumanchu182I am having problems upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 so I can upgrade to 11.04, does this error sound familiar to anyone: W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B5?03:11
s0|basically what dist-upgrade gui gave me yesterday03:11
xangua!gpgerror | fumanchu18203:12
myrkwill Unity ever become more customizable?03:12
doki_penhow can I check if an init.d script is set to autostart?03:12
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »03:12
hylianmyrk, yes, unity is still very new, they intend on making it as customizaeble as gnome 2 someday. stilla  work in progress.03:12
doki_penservice --status all shows a bunch of -,+,?, what do those mean?03:12
guesyhylian: I cannot find it in the software Center either... :(03:13
s0|I suppose it's too late to say "ack 11.04 bad, roll back to 10.10?"03:13
Griemakso|: I'm looking for the exact package name, but what I am looking for is the "linux-headers" package03:13
lowridahi reinstalled03:13
s0|I tried the whole hold down left shift to get a grub menu to boot to an old kernel but left shift doesn't do a thing while I boot.03:13
lowridah11.04 isn't really usable imo ;)03:13
hylianguesy, ok, if you want i can help you to remove apt-'s knowledge of it's existence, but this is a two edged sword, you would be able to install the 64 bit module, but you would never be able to remove the current version properly through apt... this is a last resort.03:14
syrinx_lowridah: agreed03:14
s0|Griemak: you want me to grep for something ?03:14
hyliananyone know how to remove an app that doesn't show up in apt, synaptic or ubuntu software center? (for guesy )03:14
guesyhylian: yeah, Ok.. i will give it a try ...03:14
Griemaks0|: yep, what is the output of this?  sudo apt-cache search linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:14
s0|linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic - Linux kernel headers for version 2.6.38 on x86/x86_6403:15
hylianguesy, first we need to gain root priveleges with nautilus, unless you know your way around the cli.03:15
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Griemaks0|: cool, see if this installs or bombs with errors:  sudo apt-get linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic03:15
guesyyeah, I have root privilages03:16
s0|Griemak, install --reinstall or ?03:16
Griemakinstall (sorry bout that)03:16
hylianguesy we have to find the deb package in /var/cache/apt/archives and remove it.,03:17
tbrew13edbian, hello03:17
FirefisheHas anyone compiled packages of kde 4.6.x for Lucid 10.04?03:18
s0|Griemak: install said "ok"03:18
faryshtaHello. Having trouble with my microphone. I already tried tweaking the alsa settings.03:18
Firefishefaryshta: What type of computer, and is it built-in?03:18
guesyhylian: i already deleted that from the cache03:19
s0|http://pastebin.com/rgzpekr7  install log03:19
faryshtaFirefishe, its an HP 6735b and yes, its a build in.03:19
Griemaks0|: k, well the "headers" are needed to install modules, so let's hope that's been the issue the entire time!  :)  Let's reinstall nvidia-current and hope the output is error free:  apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-current03:19
Firefishefaryshta: laptop, I assume?03:19
faryshtaFirefishe, yes :)03:19
jukenI'm having issues with my mic in Ubuntu 10.10. Using gnome-sound-recorder, if I press record, count to 6, press stop, and then press play I can only hear myself count up to 4 or so.03:19
Firefishefaryshta: what version of u/k/xubuntu?03:19
hiexpook edbian back sorry03:19
faryshtaXubuntu 10.1003:20
Firefishefaryshta: I'm still on the 10.04 LTS release, but I'll try to help you if I can.03:20
Firefishefaryshta: Let me do a little research for a few moments, then get back to you.03:20
faryshtaFirefishe, thanks.03:20
s0|install log: http://pastebin.com/mjFApW0q03:20
Firefishefaryshta:  You're welcome :)03:21
hylianguesy, ok now we have to delete it's file from /var/lib/dpkg/info. then we have to redo the update and then consider reinstalling it, perhaps we will have to have dpkg fix itself, one thing at  a time03:21
tbrew13edbian, you said you knew what was wrong last night03:21
Griemaks0|: looks great! can you try a reboot?  (crosses fingers)03:22
s0|Griemak: k03:22
ecretI am trying to install a new sql(5.5). I try to test run mysqld file, ./mysqld, yet I see "no such file or directory". I thik perhaps I have shared links or something but am stumped on this.  If I cant run a file thats  clearly in the folder I am in, how do I look for possibly shared links or some other fix?03:22
shrimantsHello, I want to install ubuntu but the only things I really need on it is a working x server with nvidia drivers. Technically I dont even need that, I just need synaptics package manager installed and a baseline linux system that I can build frmo the ground up. What do you suggest I do to get this?03:22
hiexpoedbian, you get in trouble for talking to me while i was gone    >    seen so/ scalded you or something    >    sorry i just tell it like it is03:22
shrimantsman it would have been a good idea to hide join/part messages before coming in here03:23
s0|man Griemak, thanks!03:23
s0|that is a w00t, w00t.03:23
Griemaks0|: no prob:  I think what happened was you didn't have the linux-headers:  so the new Nouveau and Nvidia-current couldn't build kernel modules, resulting in NO gfx drivers :)03:24
s0|Griemak, should the dist-upgrade thing know to fix that ?03:24
tbrew13hello edbian you here03:24
guesyhylian: are you sure /var/lib/dpkg is correct ? i cannot find dpkg in /var/lib03:24
clu3Guys, i'm installing ubuntu. Should i just have one partition mounted to / ? should i have a swap area as well?what are your recommended paritions?03:24
hyliantbrew13, i hope you are having a better time of it today.03:24
guesyhylian: sry my mistake03:25
Griemaks0|: no idea :)  It SHOULD.  If things didn't break, where would the fun be?  lol03:25
s0|Griemak, that gets one monitor working, I can probably stumble my way to getting the other one to work.03:25
hylianguesy, /var/lib/dpkg/info03:25
tbrew13hylian, not really compiz still is acting funny wobbly windows works and i can maximize windows just can't move them03:25
* hiexpo go back to backtrack > pentoo > and aircrack Where he is welcome and appreciated > for his hard work 03:25
Firefishefaryshta: Do you have anything besided xubuntu installed?03:25
faryshtaFirefishe, skype.03:26
s0|Griemak, I didn't have to use lynx this time to manually download junk for nvidia's site this time, so things have improved since the last time I an upgrade broke a ubuntu / debian box of mine.03:26
faryshtaFirefishe, audacity.03:26
hyliantbrew13, i officially hate compiz :) sorry man. I wish i knew more, but I am the guy that removes all pretty-ness from his desktop, not the oposite.03:26
Firefishefaryshta:  I mean, so far as desktops are concerned, not individual applications.03:26
faryshtaFirefishe, nop, just xubuntu.03:26
s0|too bad I cooked my other machine yesterday I would almost be ready to see if a newer verison of ubuntu could not kernel panic when booting on my dual socket board.03:26
FrozenFire[alt3]I'm planning on using Ubuntu Server to set up a wired->wired+wifi router for my home. I've read the wiki page on this matter, and I have experience setting this sort of thing up on other distributions, but I wanted to know if there's either a better distribution to use, or a set of packages that will simplify this configuration.03:27
Firefishefaryshta: okay, that helps me a bit.  I'll get back to you in a few.03:27
Griemaks0|: I've had better luck since 10.04 as well with in-place upgrades03:27
chelznessonic: almost there?03:27
* button walks slowly into #ubuntu 03:27
tbrew13hylain, where is edbian03:27
crazifyngershey guys i'm having an issue with mdadm seeing my raid array after a reboot.  anyone available to help out?03:27
s0|Holy diffrent desktop batman....03:27
hylians0|, if it kernel panics, that about 90% of the time hardware problems... :(03:27
guesyhylian: I deleted the agnclient files from /var/lib/dpkg/info03:27
hiexpos0|, just install the nvidia repos03:27
shrimantswhich ubuntu cd do i need to download if i want to have nothing but a bash prompt in framebuffer installed?03:28
shrimantswould that be the server install?03:28
hylianguesy, ok, now we should have made apt-get forget all about it. now you should be able to update, and try the 64 bit version, if it exists.03:28
s0|hylian, hardware problem back then was linux kernenl didn't support multiple pci domains so having multiple cards in box made it panic.03:28
Captainkrtekshrimants, you can just edit the desktop kernel to boot into a shell03:28
s0|which is why that box ran XP x64 and then vista for 4 years without and issue.03:29
shrimantsCaptainkrtek: how so?03:29
Captainkrtekshrimants, you can edit the kernel options in grub on bootup03:29
shrimantsoh. no you dont get what im trying to do. i dont want all the useless crap ubuntu comes with03:29
caligula_not bot03:29
Captainkrtekshrimants, then get server edition03:29
caligula_not evil bot either03:30
shrimantsgotcha, thanks.03:30
Captainkrtekshrimants, or netbook remix, and edit the bootup option03:30
s0|so umm 11.04 doesn't dectect my multi monotor setup that 10.04 and 10.10 did out of the box... wishing I hadn't hit that upgrade button now... alot.03:30
shrimantsyeah i just didnt want it installed with anything other than linux-base03:30
Captainkrteks0l need help?03:30
shrimantsand apt stuff, obviously03:30
Captainkrtekshrimants, I would go netbook remix maybe03:30
s0|how hard is "roll back to 10.10" without losing data  ?03:30
Captainkrteks0l I can try to help you with your monitor03:31
shrimantsbut netbook remix will still install everything. i dont want any inkling of anything 'gnome' or 'unity' or any apps that are included by default03:31
hylians0|, you cna do that? you can download ubuntu without all that jazz on the iso? where?03:31
Captainkrteks0| I can try to help you with your monitor03:31
xanguas0|: make a backup, reinstall03:31
shrimantsserver is probably what im looking for i think03:31
Captainkrtekshrimants, yeah that'd work as well :-)03:31
Captainkrtekshrimants, let me know if you need any help!03:31
ProjektGhostHello, I'm having some trouble with ALSA and getting it to work. Help, anyone, please?03:31
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hylians0|, sorry, wrong person i sent it to :)03:31
CaptainkrtekProjektGhost, I can try to help03:31
s0|ugg, fried my other box yesterday this laptop I am working on doesn't have the drive space to back up a cool TB.   so we are going to try to install the monitor I guess03:31
s0|had a bad week.03:31
Captainkrteks0|, I can try to help you if you want :-)03:32
s0|Captinkrtek, lets do this.03:32
ProjektGhostThank you - appreciated :) Alright, so I installed Ubuntu 11.04 from minimal CD and have installed ALSA, but no luck getting alsamixer to run.03:32
Captainkrteks0|, do you want to PM me?03:32
s0|(and thanks everyone, just having a bad week)03:32
s0|CaptainKretek, lets keep it in the chan.03:32
shrimantsCaptainkrtek: cant i just do something like install the desktop system, and then run something like aptitude uninstall ubuntu-desktop03:32
CaptainkrtekProjektGhost, maybe try this update: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/27396203:32
Captainkrtekshrimants, ehh maybe the ubuntu minimal install disk would be best03:33
shrimantsCaptainkrtek: im trying to get an archlinux-like system going, but archlinux itself is kind of broken at the moment03:33
nessoniccheiz: I was trying to fix grub 2 before a friend came to pick up the computer (he is not used to linux at all), but he came and picked it up already so I gave him the install disk just in case. Thank you for the help though, hopefully when I get it back I can fix it03:33
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Captainkrtekshrimants, I would do minimal install cd then edit the kernel03:33
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shrimantsedit the kernel?03:33
Captainkrtekshrimants, via grub03:34
hylianguesy, any success?03:34
crazifyngershey guys i'm having an issue with mdadm seeing my raid array after a reboot.  anyone available to help out?03:34
Captainkrteks0|, you still here?03:34
s0|Captainkrtek, yes03:35
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Captainkrteks0|, let me know when you're ready03:35
s0|I am ready03:35
Captainkrteks0|, have you tried checking for additional drivers?03:35
guesyhylian: I extracted the .deb file that I installed. It had a directory structure in it... i deleted all the files manually03:36
guesyhylian: do I have to run dpkg for it to re-index  ?03:36
shrimantsCaptainkrtek: im not entirely sure what you mean by editing the kernel...the linux kernel? or do you mean just write the grub file to boot the right thing? editing the kernel does not mean to me what it means to you03:36
s0|yes, they using nvida-current (<Griemak> just fixed that since the upgrade wasn't smart enough to install kernel headers so my upgrade broke my GUI)03:36
cordoval_anyone knows how to disable sleep key on natty ?03:36
hylianguesy, yeah, I am afraid that was the only way, we literally deleted the files that told apt how to uninstall it.03:36
cordoval_my daughter always hit the sleep button and i can't get back to normal03:36
s0|nvida driver 27003:36
Captainkrtekshrimants, on bootup you can edit your kernel by hitting 'e' over your installation then edit the kernel line to edit the bootup options03:37
cordoval_there is no way I can reestablish the natty OS after my daughter hit the sleep key03:37
hylianguesy, no, suod apt-get update should do it, unless dpkg directly had a problem03:37
cordoval_completly shuts down the machine03:37
Captainkrteks0|, hold on03:37
cordoval_i am sick almost of this thing, who in the world could have invented such a key03:37
s0|Captainkrtek, I hit detect displays and it doesn't find the second one.03:37
Captainkrteks0|, k03:37
cordoval_sleep keys need to be carved each one of them and thrown into the sea03:38
Captainkrtekcordoval_, lol03:38
cordoval_how to disable it on natty? anyone?03:38
Captainkrtekcordoval_, check power settings03:38
Firefishefaryshta: I'm still looking.  Much of what I'm finding is a few years old.  What have you found, incidentally?03:38
shrimantswould it even be necessary to edit the kernel line?03:38
Captainkrtekcordoval_, Power Management03:38
cordoval_and the funny thing is that when I go to power settings there is only options for03:38
guesyhylian: it still says :  dpkg: error processing /home/harsha/Desktop/test/agnclient_1.0~ (--install):   agnclient: 1.0~ (Multi-Arch: no) is not co-installable with agnclient:i386 1.0~ (Multi-Arch: no) which is currently installed03:38
hyliancordoval_, you can turn off the sleep function in ubuntu, but I am afraid that is probably your only option.03:38
cordoval_hybernate | suspend03:38
cordoval_yes i want to do that03:38
s0|but it shows the second monitor in the freaking nvidia x server settings.03:39
cordoval_tell me how03:39
Aurigacordoval_, You could look at the binding of the keys...03:39
cordoval_how to turn off the sleep button, is all I got03:39
cordoval_rats! no03:39
Captainkrtekcordoval_, go to your session indicator > system settings > hardware > power management, general tab03:39
shrimantsCaptainkrtek: how do i set up wifi on a minimal installation cd?03:39
Captainkrtekshrimants, Im not sure :/03:39
tbrew13I am reinstalling 10.1003:39
hylianguesy, wow, that used to work... i don't knwo how to proceed from here...03:39
shrimantsscrew it im just gonnd deal with arch i think03:39
shrimantsthanks for your help anyways03:39
Captainkrtekshrimants, best of luck03:39
s0|<tbrew13> probably right behind you in about 30 mins if I can't get the 2nd display working.03:40
shrimantsarch i salready running, i just didnt want to sit through its hassels. things like the xorg package group is broken right now03:40
shrimantsits annoying but at least i know my way around03:40
shrimantsanyways, thanks03:40
hyliani am stumped, can anyone help guesy, he/she has a installed deb file that absolutely refuses to uninstall...03:40
cordoval_Rats! I am telling you in natty there is not such option for turning off sleep key03:40
s0|I think someone should chart the number 10.10 and 10.04 downloads from IPS that have recently downloaded 11.04.03:40
cordoval_only choosing between hibernation and suspend03:40
cordoval_that is killing feature! thank you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrr gahhhh!03:41
cordoval_there is NOT SUCH FEATURE03:41
cordoval_rats and CATS!03:41
Captainkrtekcordoval_, calm down03:41
hyliancordoval_, let me taka a quick look...03:41
tbrew13s0|, i am going to try to install gnome 3 it will break unity just for testing03:41
Captainkrtekcordoval_, I'll help you03:41
redintheheadSo no window will open in gnome. it just says starting "so and so" and the window dissapears in the taskbar03:42
cordoval_ok i am breathing ... not blue, not blue... I can do it ... you can help me...03:42
caligula_cordoval_ use a screw to remove the bad key03:42
redintheheadanyone have a little time03:42
zeraccas0| - have you tried choosin Ubuntu Classic in the login menu? i dont know if that changes anything, but its more 10.10 style in natty, thats all i know03:42
caligula_cordoval_ I did it w/ my <caps locks>03:43
cordoval_give me some sharp pen.... hmm I thought it was here !03:43
cordoval_which caps locks?03:43
s0|tbrew13, I am going to leave my laptop (my only working computer ATM) on 9.04 for a while .... going to probably have to roll the somewhat working desktop back to 10.something this 11.04 is not leaving me with a warm fuzzy feeling. looks wrong, doesn't like my 2nd display and that is a show stopper for me.03:43
Captainkrtekcordoval_, ill find a better method03:43
westxxfor ubuntu 11.04 can I change it to the bottom instead of left hand corner?03:43
westxxlauncher I mean03:43
hyliancordoval_, check this out, using the gconf editor, this will solve your problem, but not in unity, only in gnome 2. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63712703:44
cordoval_hurry my daughter may come by03:44
cordoval_I am IN UNITY03:44
cntrationalcan someone give me a readable guide to making an xorg.conf?03:44
Captainkrtekcordoval_, found it03:44
Griemaks0|: a quick search appears to show that a setting in Compiz-Settings manager will enable multiple monitor support.  To get it:  sudo apt-get install ccsm03:44
s0|should have just left it at 10 when 10.04 and 10.10 "worked" with both my displays out of the gate. (vmware server broke but what else is new) but nooo I had to just hit the upgrade button.   like a crack head I do stupid things.03:44
Captainkrtekhold on though03:44
westxxcan I change the launcher to the bottom instead left hand side for 11.0403:44
JoeyrI have 10.10 on an external hd that I used with my desktop. When I plug in my external on my laptop, there is no gui. Suggestions?03:44
cordoval_gahhhhhggghhhh aaahhh quick quick, this thing is so sensitive that I can be suspended anytime03:45
cordoval_i am scared to type03:45
redintheheadi can't open any window i am running 11.04 in classic mode any ideas?03:45
s0|there is no ccsm package03:45
faryshtaFirefishe, all I have found is about changing alsa settings.03:45
Firefishefaryshta:  k03:45
Captainkrtekcordoval_, okay do the following , hit ALT+F2 , then type gksu gconf-editor and hit enter03:45
Captainkrtekcordoval_, let me know wonce you've done that03:46
Firefishefaryshta: I'm still researching that model.03:46
trisms0|: compizconfig-settings-manager03:46
Griemaktrism: thank you! :)03:46
faryshtaFirefishe, how do I know if the microphone is "plugged"?03:46
zusanyone know of a good RPG on kubuntu/ubuntu?   like runes of magic or wow?03:46
cordoval_what now03:46
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Captainkrtekcordoval_, hold on03:46
ItsMeMariohello guys, i´m on a discussion here with my friend about how skype really works. The question is how skype do calls to residencial phones from a pc connected to the internet. Someone here knows the truth?03:46
s0|trism, that is installing stuff... thanks03:47
Firefishefaryshta:  The built-in one won't be 'plugged', as it's built-in.03:47
Guest44023how to completely uninstall open office ?03:47
Captainkrtekcordoval_, go to apps -> gnome-power-manager then buttons03:47
caligula_ItsMeMario good one03:47
faryshtaFirefishe, I know but what if the system doesn't recognize it?03:47
cntrationalhow do I add a resolution to xorg.conf?03:47
redintheheadanyone know what could be the problem if i can not open any windows in gnome03:47
Captainkrtekcordoval_, right click the value for suspend and hit Edit Key03:47
Hilikusis alsa capable of mixing different signals or for that i need a sound service?03:48
Captainkrtekcordoval_, then type 'nothing'03:48
Captainkrtekcordoval_, do the same for hibernate03:48
Firefishefaryshta: Well, that's another issue.  If the hardare in the laptop isn't being discovered, then you will probably need some type of module compiled for it.  Either that, or the sound settings need a little tweaking in the form of an entry in alsa-conf.03:48
caligula_jimrew lol03:48
cordoval_it is now all on nothing03:49
guesyhylian: There were a couple of references in a file in dpkg/info I deleted the references... I was able to install the 64bit deb file..03:49
s0|still no joy with the second monitor.03:49
Captainkrtekcordoval_, now hold on a second03:49
guesyhylian: Thank You very much for the help and the time03:49
Firefishefaryshta: This may take a while, but if you'd like, I can email you with things that I find.03:49
cordoval_well I thought it was it03:49
cordoval_oh  oh03:49
caligula_full house today03:49
Firefishefaryshta: Compaq branded, or HP?03:49
Captainkrtekcordoval_, just making sure of something03:49
zeraccas0| did you try logging into ubuntu with the ubuntu classic setting? if that changes anything...03:50
s0|the monitor pref. thing won't see the second the one like it used to in 10.10 , the nvida x server setting does but unless someone knows how to make the monitor pref thing see the 2nd display I might be hosted.03:50
cordoval_sure of what exactly03:50
Captainkrtekcordoval_, that those are the right settings03:50
s0|zeracca: where again is that option to change ?03:50
s0|found it03:50
Captainkrtekcordoval_, okay we are good :) just exit it now03:50
cordoval_should I test?03:51
zeraccas0| when you log into ubuntu, you click on your username and then in the bottom of the screen you can choose what session to use03:51
faryshtaFirefishe, just HP.03:51
Captainkrtekcordoval_, sure03:51
cordoval_if I test and this fails i am out03:51
cordoval_you know that03:51
Firefishefaryshta:  k03:51
Captainkrtekcordoval_ has quite (Quit: exiting)03:51
s0|so I logged out, back into classic and still no 2nd monitor support.03:51
faryshtaFirefishe, my email is angeldelcaos@gmail.com03:51
LAcanCan someone help me with Network Manager? I want it to stop managing a card and need to know what to add to /etc/network/interfaces03:51
s0|I am pretty darn sure that 11 just is busted somwhere else (more) after I hit that upgrade button.03:51
redintheheadcan someone help me with my gnmoe session. everytime i restart after about a minute i cant open anything03:52
Firefishebest not give email in channel directly (not that it's any help now) ;)03:52
redintheheadi recently made some changes to the startup script03:52
Captainkrtekredinthehead, I can try03:52
s0|so before I go and try and reinstall 10, is there anything else I should try to get the 2nd display working again...?03:53
Firefishefaryshta: Okay, I will get back to you within the next day or so.  Sorry I couldn't find any quick-fix.03:53
qinLAcan: Have you managed to connect manually (with wpa_suplicant) to your network?03:53
redintheheadthanks, Captainkrt03:53
zeraccas0| you say that the nvidia x server settings sees the 2nd monitor? did you try the save to configuration option? .. if it does something wrong, you can reinstall 10.10 as you want to03:53
LAcanqin ya.. i have two wireless NICs, I want NM to manage one and not the other...03:53
s0|the nvidia x server setting window thing from system settings lists both my displays, the monitor pref system setting thinks I have 1 and only one display. hitting detect displays doesn't do jack.03:54
Guest718i just upgraded my nvidia drivers or something on my macbook air and now my display stopped working. xorg logs are saying no screen is present03:54
zeraccas0| in the nvidia settings try to save to x configuration file and reboot03:55
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s0|the nvidia x server display setting thing also knows that my monitors are of type 2005fpw but the monitor pref config window is as clueless as I am on how to fix it.03:55
JoeyrHow come 10.10 on an external hd won't work on a laptop if you installed it using a desktop?03:55
redintheheadso basically I made a small change to the startup script to add x11vnc to startup everytime i would start the computer, but now i cant even seem to open the "About Ubuntu" window.03:56
atomhunterHey, is there an ubuntu chat channel?03:56
redintheheadthis is it03:56
atomhunterah ok... i was thinking there might be one not so support oriented03:56
s0|<zeracca> : rebooting now.03:56
redintheheadatomhunter, that, i dont know03:56
zeraccas0| cool03:56
rumpe1atomhunter, #ubuntu-offtopic03:57
atomhunter*bows* thank you kind sir03:57
s0|yup - still no go03:57
Wolfim back people03:57
cordoval_and CATS TOO!03:57
redintheheadso basically I made a small change to the startup script to add x11vnc to startup everytime i would start the computer, but now i cant even seem to open the "About Ubuntu" window.03:58
spankbotanyone work with TinyOS?03:58
zeraccas0| hmm did you check if the screen is in xorg.conf ?03:58
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cordoval_you knew it03:58
Griemaks0|: open up Compiz Settings Manager and see if "clone" is checked03:58
cordoval_and blew it03:58
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s0|<Griemak>, you mean "clone output"?03:59
Griemaks0|: yep, just a test to see if the second monitor can get anything through Unity 3D03:59
s0|not checked won't check04:00
shani313I have downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 in my Windows 7 based computer. Now Tell me how to make my USB as a bootable CD. Because I want to install Ubuntu alongside.04:00
zeraccas0| - try taking a look in xorg.conf if the monitor is listed there04:00
MaxDamageHey guys. I have Ubuntu 9 on a VPS, when I did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade it finished in 5 minutes. Is it really that fast or did I screw something up?04:01
s0|well I think X just crashed.04:01
xanguashani313: on ubuntu.com also says how04:01
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:01
redintheheaddoes anyone know what would cause every window to "almost" open, showing the starting button ont he bottom04:01
zeraccas0| after the reboot?04:02
s0|stil rebooting04:02
edwardthefmahello all04:02
Sharpshooter761hello edward!04:02
edwardthefmai need help moivng a file XD04:02
atomhuntermv [file] [new location/filename]04:03
Sharpshooter761what? too heavy? need an extra person? XD04:03
edwardthefmaim getting a permision denied wen i try to drag and drop04:03
s0|so on every time I "enable" the second display in the nvidia thing and reboot it comes back up "disabled"04:03
atomhunterhey s0l i know that fix!04:03
atomhunteryou need to run nvidea configs as root04:03
Sharpshooter761mac, pc, ubuntu?04:03
s0|atomhunter, how do I do that  ?04:03
s0|there is some place to from the command line to run gui tools as root just forogot the command.04:04
cordoval_where is the guy that told me to hit my sleep button'04:04
cordoval_whos the cat!04:04
atomhunters0l well i've always done it by enabling root login, and logout login as root, change it restart and disable root login04:04
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Joeyranybody have ubuntu on an external hd?04:04
Griemaks0|: gksudo nvidia-settings04:04
atomhunteri do04:04
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atomhuntergksudo... forget about that alll the time04:05
atomhunterubuntu on external == win04:05
k_szeI need help shutting down my Xubuntu machine blind-folded (the monitor is dead)04:05
Guest25749does anyone have a WD my book world?  I'm having trouble copying files to it.04:05
Joeyratomhunter: if you put it on another computer do you need to download additional drivers? I'm not getting a gui04:05
atomhuntereh... WD drives...04:05
k_szeWhat key combo can I use to shutdown my Xubuntu machine blind-folded?04:05
atomhunterJoeyr: what are you doing?04:06
atomhunterJoeyr: as in how04:06
atomhunterbooting from ex?04:06
s0|so do I not hit quit ?04:06
trism!reisub | k_sze04:06
ubottuk_sze: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key04:06
atomhunters0l: ?04:06
Joeyratomhunter: trying to get my wd drive to boot on my laptop, but I don't get a gui04:06
atomhunterdo you get cmdline?04:06
s0|it tells me I need to reboot, but then there is no "apply and reboot button" just a quit button and when I reboot it's just disabled again.04:06
atomhunters0l: what version?04:07
s0|atomhunter, what version or what04:07
atomhunterare you using xserver from nvidea?04:07
zeraccas0| using gksudo makes you run the nvidia-settings as root04:07
Joeyratomhunter: it asks for my username and password, but it just either gets a blank screen, or just a bunch of stuff and then a command line04:07
s0|zeracca, thanks Griemak got that for me.04:08
s0|doesn't seem to fix my issue.04:08
zeraccas0| alright04:08
s0|still comes up disabled.04:08
Joeyratomhunter: right now I'm on a live cd, just trying to get help with this04:08
atomhunterhow is your cmdline foo?04:08
Griemaks0|: do you have two monitors listed on the output if you run 'xrandr' from a terminal?04:08
rumpe1Joeyr, maybe try with noacpi kernel parameter04:08
atomhunterJoeyr: is it gnome/kde/etc.?04:09
Joeyratomhunter: I'm somewhat new to terminal. I've tried startx and that doesn't work at the beginning04:09
Joeyratomhunter:10.10 ubuntu04:10
s0|Griemak, now and stuff is telling me it's dying.04:10
afmanHello is anyone here?04:10
atomhunterand its confirmed working on another machine? Joeyr?04:10
s0|should I force relaod "notification Area" ?04:10
s0|and about 10,000 other things that are stacked below it  ?04:10
atomhunterjoeyr: how did you install it?04:10
LAcanYo does anyone know how/if I can install libnl2 on Ubunto 10.04?04:11
Griemaks0|: ugh, really?  xrandr is just an output, not a command...04:11
s0|well it made stuff blow up. and onyl lists one screen.04:11
rumpe1Griemak, no, it's both04:11
Griemakrumpe1: with no options passed?04:12
atomhunterJoeyr: installed it via normal install or as a live disk on the hdd?04:12
Joeyratomhunter: I had it installed on a dell desktop with xp service pack 2 using a live cd to download onto the hard drive, and when I try to boot it from my laptop, I get the grub menu, and I've tried editing some stuff in there but it doesn't work04:12
Guest25749If you have a dealt issues mounting / permissions on WD My Book World any help would be appreciated04:12
Joeyratomhunter: something about turning "splash" into "nomodset" didn't work04:12
s0|xrandr failed to get siaze of gamma, for output default and then about all my "areas" died and things started poping up in pretty windows if I wanted to reload them.04:12
atomhunterbut you get a cmdline on boot?04:13
Joeyratomhunter: yes. I can also log in, but then I get no gui04:13
s0|I apprechate everon'es help. I am about ready to lose it over this and don't want to vent on everyone here who has been most helpful.    going to call it a night just morn the 3 computes I have dmanaged broken, or slightly messed up in the past 24 hours.04:13
rumpe1Joeyr, try noapic noacpi as boot-parameters ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions )04:14
atomhunter^ try that04:14
Griemaks0|: I am sorry I couldn't get it completely resolved for you :(04:14
atomhuntersorry So104:14
s0|Griemak, if you were near me I would buy you whatever it is that you drink. you got me a gui back so that was big help.04:14
Joeyratomhunter: Thanks, I'll do that. but sadly I don't know if I'll be on long enough to let you know if it works.04:15
atomhunterJust try it :D04:16
thegoodcushionIs there some software for Ubuntu that I can use to turn a photo and a .wav file into a video for uploading to YouTube?04:16
Griemaks0|: water :)  I've been sober for over 3,500 days and counting04:16
k_szetrism: it rebooted the machine instead of shutting down. I should use REISUO instead of REISUB, right?04:16
LAcanYo does anyone know how/if I can install libnl2 on Ubunto 10.04?04:17
zeraccathegoodcushion, you can try kdenlive, it installs on ubuntu as well04:17
s0|Griemak, no worries, I just wanted to convey that I am very grateful for your help.04:19
trismk_sze: yes, that should work04:19
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spankbotdo you concur? http://maketecheasier.com/fedora-15-vs-ubuntu-natty-narwhal-the-battle-for-your-next-desktop/2011/03/1704:21
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LAcanDoes anyone know how/if I can install libnl2 on Ubunto 10.04?04:22
Radiosi hate wars so im going with KDE04:22
Radiosi would call it the tablet wars...04:23
atomhunterSoo... I want to make my server also automatically decrypt and rip my dvds i stick in it........ any ideas?04:24
Decker87Hello all!  I have a question regarding Ubuntu on a bootable USB drive.04:25
foreverwonderingHow do change settings in Unity?04:25
Radioslet me know if you find out04:25
CaptainkrtekDecker87, sure I can help :-)04:25
foreverwonderingDecker87, what's the question04:25
myk_robinsonis that pesky bug with hard drive spindowns still around? Seems like I have to run  hdparm -B 255 /dev/sda to make my laptop hard rive quit clicking every few seconds while on battery04:25
atomhunteranyone know of decrypting via cmdline server?04:25
Decker87okay, thanks.  So, I have a brand new 128GB solid-state USB drive04:25
Captainkrtekoooh nice04:26
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Decker87and I want to run Ubuntu on it, but I want all my changes to persist04:26
Decker87so that I can install things, etc. and keep those changes04:26
foreverwonderingJust install it like it's a hard drive04:26
CaptainkrtekDecker87, install to it04:26
MrGizmo757i Need help.   there is an Open GL option pane in compiz settings in 11.04. i need this  in 10.10  How do i get it?04:26
thegoodcushiondoes kdenlive work with GNOME?04:27
Radiosanyone knows were the anonymous channel is at ?04:27
Decker87just like a normal HDD huh?  well, okay.04:27
atomhunterRadios: leave now!04:27
Radiosor isti so anon that dosent have a name ?04:27
foreverwonderingDecker87, yes, like that04:27
Decker87I figured it would mess up the boot stuff,04:27
CaptainkrtekRadios, #anonops irc.anonops.ru ?04:27
Decker87Particularly, I want to have virtualbox installed with a windows OS.  so basically I can have Ubuntu and windows at my fingertips04:28
Decker87should be fun04:28
CaptainkrtekDecker87, Install Ubuntu to the SSD and Window to your old HD04:28
foreverwonderingno problem, but 128GB is small when running VB04:28
foreverwonderingVBox eats disk space04:28
beinghumansince I upgrated to ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10... my router doesn't detect my ubuntu box04:28
beinghumanit's a LAN router04:28
foreverwonderingis your networking on?04:29
beinghumanforeverwondering: yes04:29
foreverwonderingwireless or wired04:29
Radiosatomhunter: do you wnat your anser in a single loine of code or you prefer clicking around ?04:29
beinghumanforeverwondering: it worked fine with 10.10... boot up with 11.04 it stopped04:30
beinghumanthat's the exact moment it didn't register with my router04:30
ssfdre39[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   ssfdre39 ketut atomhunter CardinalFang_ TheRedOctober Nuit_ isilion CodingDistrict novns pabstsmear Evil_DuDe beinghuman DrManhattan shig_ iloveyou MrGizmo757 jdobrien myk_robinson Decker87 foreverwondering luckysmack Rico04:30
Radiosas far as i know everybody is synonymous around here04:30
DrManhattanyou gotta be kidding me04:30
DrManhattanthey STILL havent gotten rid of those guys?04:31
pabstsmearhello, I am having a big problem with my wireless card.  It is a BCM4312-LP-PHY card(I've checked the card and it is not a hardware issue, I've got a replacement and it is having the same problems).  I was using the b43 drivers and everything was working until...04:31
LAcanDoes anyone know how/if I can install libnl2 on Ubunto 10.04?04:31
atomhunterlol spam04:31
awfjq[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   awfjq ssfdre39 ketut atomhunter CardinalFang_ TheRedOctober Nuit_ isilion CodingDistrict novns pabstsmear beinghuman DrManhattan shig_ iloveyou MrGizmo757 jdobrien myk_robinson Decker87 foreverwondering luckysmack Ricoshady al04:32
pabstsmearearlier today it stopped working out of the blue.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver and it worked for a little while, then stopped and has been continuing on this way for a while now.04:32
Radiosis SASL legal in my country ?04:32
soreauDrManhattan: Apparently not04:32
Decker87I don't have an old HDD, what did you mean captain?04:32
DrManhattanI thought I was the most annoying when trolling04:32
CaptainkrtekDecker87, well you could just partition the ssd then04:32
Captainkrtekinto two parts04:32
Captainkrtekill brb04:32
pabstsmearalso the STA driver is no longer showing up in the list of recommended drivers.04:32
foreverwonderingvbox is better, it'll take less space than dual booting04:33
Decker87but I can't boot to a windows installation from USB04:33
pabstsmearhas anybody else had problems with the BCM4312 wireless card?\04:33
Radioscant join #freenode im not registred ...04:33
KM0201pabstsmear: is it the lp-phy card?04:33
foreverwonderingno you can't, but can from an SSD04:33
bguptaHi I have the default /usr/share/doc/git-core/contrib/hooks/post-receive-email on a hardy box, and I uncommented the line pointing to it in my post-receive hook. (I have the standard mailinglist and what not hooks. cars set, and It does send email now) I am trying to get diffs to print, and setting hook.showrev doesn't seem to have any effect.. any ideas?04:33
Radioswhat next ? pay per irc ?04:34
pabstsmearyes it is the lp-phy card04:34
foreverwonderingSSD is nothing like a USB flash drive04:34
Decker87the SSD is attached by USB04:34
KM0201pabstsmear: lots of probs w/ that one.. i've yet to see a fix.04:34
foreverwonderingDecker, why pay for SSD then?04:34
Decker87because it's fast as shit and has tons of storage04:34
pabstsmearyeah, I had it working for a while and just today it stopped.04:34
foreverwonderingthe limit on your drive speed is the USB connection04:35
foreverwonderingnot the drive it's self04:35
KM0201pabstsmear: then you got further than most i'd ehard about.. :)04:35
pabstsmearI haven't upgraded from 10.10 yet, so its a little bizarre that it would stop working04:35
Decker87I agree with you04:35
Decker87it's very fast though04:35
foreverwonderingI updated today.  Unity sucks balls04:35
ytuuio6[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   ytuuio6 l4ng1t Evil_DuDe pr4ka5a dto mr_orange2 irvie jpmonette brannig javier bgupta mackal bisby doleyb awfjq ketut atomhunter CardinalFang_ TheRedOctober Nuit_ isilion CodingDistrict novns pabstsmear beinghuman DrManhattan s04:35
ytuuio6[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   lresende codex84 afman Dj729 pjman arunce sagaci k_sze kenneth_reitz jdier_ arquebus hylinux surreal7z__ ckrailo edwardthefma dv310p3r Lenin_Cat low_cpu Vladislas etorm shang Luke1 bafilius ssfdre38 eoss sraue lizard2k Chipper304:35
ytuuio6[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   wegue Ahadiel secoif m00se rad_sci_guy onats douglasawh guydoingstuff mzuverink kb3gtn|2 Lam2012 cowslammer Destine clu3 trigrou ecret MoLE_ Pranav_rcmas brontosaurusrex faryshta Firefishe zeracca SaneWarning dyess002 Skaperen 04:35
ytuuio6[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   CaveMan fxhp red2kic DETERMINOLOGY Kasjopaja _human_blip_ ksidirt techhelper1 Captainkrtek Neo_Kipling i_is_broke s0| bigeye Daviey Counterspell HammerTiem ezkl iggy19 Auriga Da|Mummy smw _W_ FiReSTaRT cntb e-DIO-t stjohnmedran04:35
ytuuio6[*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING  JUNE  1ST  FREENODE  WILL  CHANGE  THE  WAY YOU  CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS  YOU  ENABLE  SASL  YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO  FREENODE.  PLEASE  JOIN  #FREENODE OR MSG  A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS.  [*|+NOTICE+|*]   OverTheHillAndFa master_of_master Gwar krafty priceless cablop LAcan B3rz3rk3r ResQue_ Sansui350A linuxguy101 rchavik james_jx roland Striife NG_ taiyal torchie faizul Kevin` |Seth| keffie_jayx photon svinkle sorvad airtonix Ti04:35
pabstsmearis there an alternative card I could use thats not usb?04:36
eossHEY FUCK YOU BRO@!!!!04:36
brannigoh lord04:36
Radiosits the cops04:36
atomhunterwhat the heck is the the freenode stuff?04:36
brannigThat message seemed very important!04:36
SudoKingignore :)04:36
FirefisheI've got a vexxing volume-balance issue that I have not been able to resolve thus far.  Each time I log in, my balance control is almost to the extreme left--though not all the way.  The only way to correct this is to use the gnome-volume-manager applet to move the balance back to the right, under the Output tab.  My wife also uses the machine, and her user isn't affected, only mine.04:36
LAcanDoes anyone know how/if I can install libnl2 on Ubunto 10.04?04:37
eossim a human, don't kick me04:37
KM0201eoss: lol, you got kicked cuz of your potty mouth04:38
IdleOneeoss: Please don't curse.04:38
atomhunteroh come on... potty mouthing is fun04:38
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:38
atomhunter^ kick04:38
Decker87everyone knows you're not allowed to swear on the internet04:38
atomhunterwait... no swearing on the internet?!?!04:39
IdleOneatomhunter: stop please04:39
tepsterit's a full moon night04:39
izinucsnot here04:39
Logan_!ot | tepster04:40
ubottutepster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:40
beinghumanHow can I get into the shell on my ubuntu box? Right now, even though I connect a keyboard and a monitor to it, it's just a black screen that shows log information. What "hot key" do I need to press to get into a shell?04:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:40
SudoKingbeinghuman: can you swithc YYUs?04:40
izinucsbeinghuman: ctrl+alt+F204:40
myrki wanted to see what it does04:40
FloodBot1SudoKing: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
beinghumanizinucs: okay i'll give that a try. hold on.04:40
tepsteri was referring to ubuntu silly04:40
sagaciLAcan, you should be able to install the maverick or natty package04:40
shingen !guidelines04:41
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:41
KM0201!msgthebot | myrk04:41
ubottumyrk: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".04:41
LAcansagaci, thank you! do you know where it might be available?04:41
shingenso where can I find pictures of a natty narwhal?04:41
mzuverinkHow do you enable SALS in X-Chat, you look it up in Google you get "How to enable ssl" is that a typo?04:41
CaveManguyz i am leaving, laterzzzz04:41
sagaciLAcan, http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libnl204:41
shingenlooking for current distro mascot pix04:41
Logan_SudoKing: the narwhal?04:42
beinghumanizinucs: thanks man04:42
beinghumanworked great04:42
SudoKingyou could just look for a picture of a narwhal i guess...04:43
izinucsbeinghuman: works with F1-604:43
Logan_tepster: yes?04:43
tepsterignore me04:43
SudoKingshingen; http://bit.ly/l3MrKC04:44
Logan_SudoKing: those are some natty narwhals04:45
Pr0zachi, i have a problem with a triple monitor config, and xinerama, the screens goes black, i can move the mouse pointer, but doen't click or do anything04:45
LAcansagaci, do you think i should unistall libnl1 first?04:46
shingenyeah, I'm having a hard time finding love for the narwhal... just look at how much is out there for 9.10 vs 11.0404:46
Pr0zaci'm using the official nvidia drivers04:46
sagaciLAcan, may as well04:47
izinucsPr0zac: you using xinerama because twinview doesn't work with 3 monitors?04:47
Pr0zacbecause i use 2 nvidia cards :(04:48
dojohnsohey all, hoping you can help. what's the best way to set up a domain to point to a certain directory on my local, like "local.domain.com" and point it to /var/www/domain04:48
Pr0zaci have to buy a ati one :(04:48
Pr0zacto use on twinview04:48
dojohnsoi'm guessing hosts file and httpd.conf, but i can't find good directions04:48
brannigIf I recall in apache you cant declare a vhost, or somesuch, to point to a location of a domain04:49
izinucsPr0zac: you have to hand config the xorg.conf .. not sure if it works the same as twinview but you have a virtual desktop size which is the highth of the largest monitor by the width of all the resolutions added together.. then individual native monitor resolutions within that.04:49
brannigI'll double check my config dojohnso  when my VPS reboots. I think I am, or was, doing something similar04:49
dojohnsoawesome thanks brannig04:50
Pr0zacim going to try it04:50
brannigdojohnso,  does http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/name-based.html help?04:51
gnewbbrannig: Is that the BIND package you are using?04:51
dojohnsoi think it's a good start, thanks brannig. i'll try it out04:52
gnewbdojohnso: You may aslo want to look at BIND, what brannig pointed out is a very good resource.04:53
Pr0zacthe unity is throwing a segfault04:54
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HammerjakI found directions to add the Places folders when right-clicking on the Home icon in Launcher, but after following those directions my home icon disappeared... how do I get it back?04:54
dojohnsognewb, i'm guessing that's this? http://www.isc.org/software/bind04:55
shingenhere goes nothing... upgrading to 11.04 on my desktop and server04:55
pfifooneiric installed gcc4.6 the other day and now its updating to 4.5, is this whats supposed to happen? I rather like 4.6 is there a way to get 4.6 instead04:56
hanasakishingen:  best of luck.... one of my 5 upgrades wouldn't boot04:56
shingenluckily they're both VMs, so if it truly does suck to high hell, I can kill the narwhal and embrace my meercat04:56
brannigjust checked, my VPS isn't doing hosting 2 domains anymore. So I can't double check, but apache definitely supports that via (if I recall) vhosts04:56
gnewbdojohnson: That is one, I prefer the Debian package source, http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=bind04:57
trismHammerjak: you can drag it back from /usr/share/applications, but I suppose it depends on if you edited that one or made a copy somewhere04:57
HammerjakI did make a backup but reverting to backup didn't magically bring it back04:57
HammerjakI didn't realize I'd have to drag it, thanks04:57
maheanuuI have a firefox problem and am running Ubuntu 10.10, for some reason I drop offline and when I try to reset the message is that I am working off line, I check Firefox and sure enough I have a check in "work offline".  I am not putting it there and for some reason it is automaticallyu (?) being set04:58
beinghumanyou guys know why my ubuntu box isn't showing up in my router attached device list?04:58
beinghumanit happened as soon as I upgraded to 11.0404:59
Hammerjaktrism, works perfectly, thanks!04:59
trismHammerjak: you're welcome04:59
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dojohnsofyi, i added a virtual host entry to httpd.conf, and a hosts file entry to point the domain to, and it worked, thanks all05:00
Andy_CHi everyone, having lots of trouble trying to get my broadcom wireless NIC working on my new Lenovo B560 running 11.04. Plenty of info at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603972/ and http://imagebin.org/151970      anyone up for the challenge?05:04
CaptainkrtekAndy_C, Im up for the challenge05:04
Andy_Ci have tried ndsiwrapper also with no luck05:04
CaptainkrtekAndy_C, let me just take a peak real quick at the links :-)05:05
Andy_Csounds good05:05
Andy_Ci'll grab a beer05:05
CaptainkrtekAndy_C, make that two ;-)05:05
ejvhi everybody, any ideas what has caused a drive in my mdraid to drop out? dmesg: http://dpaste.com/539322/ a bad SATA cable perhaps? something more severe?05:06
shingenmeh, server on 11.04 seems fine05:08
hanasakiis there a way to do login with oauth instead of /etc/passwd or ldap?05:08
CaptainkrtekAndy_C, try sudo modprobe -r b4305:08
FlynnOK so, how how can I make my 2D 2 image stupid simple animation my wallpaper in Kubuntu?05:08
Nisstyrehanasaki: why the hell would you want to use oauth?05:09
hanasakiwhy not?05:09
hanasakito use the same auth on everything05:09
Nisstyrebecause it's meant for APIs?05:09
pjmanHi - I just received my new laptop which I purchased specifically for editing HD video. CPU is i7-2720QM (quad core). Totem wont play 1080i AVCHD video and OpenShot stutters when trying to scrub the video. Any suggestions?05:09
Nisstyreit's meant for APIs for websites like twitter and facebook05:09
torchieis there a way to choose which folder twonkyserver shares05:10
torchiekind of out there05:10
ActionParsnippjman: we need the video chip, the cpu isn't very interesting to the situation05:10
torchieor a way to see all the format information of a video file05:10
torchielike I know something's an avi but i don't know what the avi contains05:10
Nisstyrehanasaki: I guess you could hack together something, but I don't see why.05:10
ActionParsniptorchie: mencoder or mplayer can show it05:10
ohsixo helo05:11
Andy_CCaptainkrtek: tried that. I should have also mentioned that  my blacklist.conf file incudes: blacklist  bcm43xx, blacklist b43, blacklist b43legacy, blacklist ssb05:11
ohsixpjman: nvidia card?05:11
hanasakiNisstyre:  you want your users to do password resets and admin on ldap and an oauth server if they have webapps and a shell login?05:11
CaptainkrtekAndre_Gondim, remove bcm43xx05:12
Captainkrtekand b4305:12
ActionParsniptorchie: try:   mencoder -msglevel identify=6 file05:12
Andy_CCaptainkrtek: sudo modprobe -r b43 ran uneventfully05:12
=== unforgiven512 is now known as stevejobs
FlynnYou would think running an animated gif as a wallpaper would be the simplest thing.05:12
CaptainkrtekAndy_C, you use the guide on the wiki?05:12
pjmanActionParsnip: GeForce GTX 460M 1.5Gb05:12
NeocrypterHey gang i just did an install of 11.04 when i go to boot into it after the grub selection screen it says "Error unable to read file. Press any key to continue" when i do i get the infamous blinking currsor  any idea? X86_64 architecture05:13
ActionParsniptorchie: or for quick and dirty: mencoder -identify file05:13
iszakIs there anyway to stop right click up triggering the click event in the context menu.05:13
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ActionParsnippjman: ok much better, did you install the proprietary nvidia driver?05:13
=== Guest34501 is now known as unforgiven512
iszake.g. I right click down -> context menu comes up -> I move my mouse (whilst holding the button) to a menu item and release - it triggers the menu item05:13
ohsixAndy_C: look in dmesg and see if b43 is complaining about not being able to find it's firmware05:13
ohsixAndy_C: and before resorting to ndiswrapper you could try bcmwl-kernel-source05:14
pjmanTS file format detected.05:14
pjmanVIDEO H264(pid=4113) AUDIO A52(pid=4352) NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 105:14
pjmanFPS seems to be: 29.97003005:14
Andy_CCaptainkrtek: what wiki?05:14
ohsixyou shouldn't just go down the list until something works, ndiswrapper is only an "option" if nothing else literally exists05:14
beinghumanmy router is still not detecting ubuntu 11.0405:14
beinghumanonly happened after upgrade05:14
twkgreetings! i'm looking for some help with sharing files from my ubuntu desktop to my fedora netbook on my LAN, but mdns doesn't seem to be working.. i can't find my ubuntu (natty) box by name.. help? (already opened mdns port on fedora box)05:15
pjmanActionParsnip: Yup, proprietary nvidia is installed. Running 11.0405:15
Andy_Cohsix: I have only been using linux for a week, not familiar with dmesg05:15
FlynnWhen making a kernel shouldn't you startwith the simplest thing first?05:15
celthunderFlynn: depends what it's for and what you're starting with05:16
ActionParsnippjman: ok can you give the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep nvidia            use a pastebin to hold the output of the command. Thanks05:16
edwardthefmai need help running a program05:16
ohsixAndy_C: oic, open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) or with the unity search, type dmesg in there, pretty self explainitory, if you feel the need, paste to paste.ubuntu.com05:16
celthunderedwardthefma: what program05:16
edwardthefmai installed it05:17
Flynncellthunder start from scratch and make it perform aaverage everyday tasks perfectly.05:17
edwardthefmabut it didint make a shorcut in my start bar05:17
ohsixedwardthefma: it's a command line program05:18
celthunderFlynn: i'd start with including my hdd and network05:18
=== twk is now known as twko
celthunderFlynn: with those 2 working pretty much no matter what you can add modules for the rest05:18
Andy_Coutput of dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/603976/05:18
celthunderMagePsycho: greeting05:19
MagePsychoi am very new to ubuntu05:19
MagePsychojust installed a day ago05:19
MagePsychoactually i am a PHP/Mysql developer05:19
ssfdre38how do you set a custom background on grub?05:19
edwardthefma<ohsix> you know what i need to do to make it run05:19
MagePsychoi would like to know which lamp package should i use05:19
pjmanActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603977/05:19
MagePsychowhich mysql gui?05:19
NeocrypterHey gang i just did an install of 11.04 when i go to boot into it after the grub selection screen it says "Error unable to read file. Press any key to continue" when i do i get the infamous blinking currsor  any idea? X86_64 architecture Windows boots fine from it though05:19
celthunderMagePsycho: apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-server mysql-client05:20
Flynncelthunder:  Yeah, with Ubuntu network 10.10 I couldn't even share files!05:20
getUglyneo: are you dualbooting through grub?05:20
getUglywhich partition did you install grub on?05:21
celthunderMagePsycho: i'dstart with those and add other stuff as needed (mostly the rest should be libraries05:21
MagePsychoi mean is there is no software package like WAMP05:21
=== tomer is now known as Guest3821
celthunderMagePsycho: i'm sure there is...someone probqbly bunled it all neat but it's like 5 packages anyway05:21
Neocryptertbh where ever 11.04 put it i didnt do a custom scheme just let it resize my ntfs and have its way with the box so probally sda205:21
ohsixedwardthefma: it accepts ppm and some other image files and outputs text; you probably want another program that uses tesseract from the sounds of it05:21
FlynnPeople want thier computer to do basic things correctly right of the bat.  And look nice while doing it.05:22
MagePsychoand what about mysql GUI?05:22
celthunderFlynn: when i did my linux from scratch system i took out a ton of stuff from the kernel at one point all that worked was the network nd the hard drive and i got the rest working from there05:22
celthunderFlynn: so i consider those 2 basically what NEEDS to be there...05:22
celthunderMagePsycho: phpmyadmin05:22
MagePsychoyes thats the option but i don't like it.. in windows i used to use sqlyog05:23
ActionParsnippjman: you have the recommended driver from nvidia.com. All I can suggest is you run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig     and restart x (or the system), may help05:23
Flynncelthunder:  seems reasonable.  I just want mine to look the way I want right now.05:23
celthunderFlynn: sounds like the best place to start then is with what you have :)05:24
ActionParsnip!find mysql-workbench05:25
ubottuPackage/file mysql-workbench does not exist in natty05:25
pjmanActionParsnip: Thanks - I've tried that. I do appreciate you looking into it though :-) I just thought thought with this quad core machine I wouldn't have any trouble editing (much less playing) 1080i AVCHD video. Oh well.05:25
celthunderMagePsycho: then use sqlyog never heard of it but if it doesn't suck completely (adnd the fact that you want to keep using it suggests as much) then it'll let you pick the sql server you're managing with it05:25
ActionParsnippjman: should be fine, the video chip may need some love or extra options in xorg.conf to get nice05:25
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MySqlWorkBench05:26
NeocryptergetUgly : Ive done this before with like 10.XX a long time ago and it worked fine, is grub 2 ( which i assume i 11.04 is running ) picky about where it is at?05:26
FrozenFire[alt]Is this a known papercut for Ubuntu Server 11.04?: When selecting server packages to install (OpenSSH server, DNS server, etc), there is no confirmation of the packages you wish to install, so if you accidentally hit Enter, thinking that's the way to select a package, you do not have the opportunity to revise your selections.05:26
Flynncelthunder: well, Ok I got a gif animation and a background that's static.  How do I fix that?05:26
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: http://mahmudahsan.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/wb_diagam_zoomed_out_small1.png   looks pretty graphical to me05:26
MagePsychothanks for the link05:27
getUglyI haven't done a dual boot with 11.04 yet but i'd assume the process is the same. Default grub location should work with no issue. You may want to try running the installer again and just have it rewrite the linux partition05:27
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: all I did was websearch...05:27
celthunderFlynn: dunno my background is black screen...i don't spend time staringat it:)05:27
NeocryptergetUgly : allready tired that before comming here05:27
Neocryptertried googleing it but found everything but what was going on with my box too05:28
bisbyits been a while since i checked, but last i heard you cant have unity and gnome 3 installed side by side, is that true?05:28
cld_How would I go about fixing a problem when I was trying to add the Desktop Cube, and then now I got windows that won't move when I try to drag it?05:28
bisbyis that true still*05:28
Flynncelthunder:  Thanx anyway.  Part of the draw to Linux was supposed to be ease of customization.05:29
MagePsychowhich download manager works best for ubuntu?05:29
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: they all work equally best05:29
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: there is no best05:29
tensorpuddingbisby: it's probably still true05:29
celthunderMagePsycho: depends05:29
tensorpuddingbisby: until unity gets migrated to using gnome 3 libraries, they probably can't coexist05:30
MagePsychoyes which is better :)05:30
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: none, there is no better as tat implies a best05:30
MagePsychocomparatively good05:30
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: I've heard people use jdownloader (needs java), there is also uget and fatrat (I use fatrat on my server). Try a few and see which you prefer05:31
celthunderFlynn: customization is easy....perfecting anything exactly as you desire it is hard05:31
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: it's as intelligent as asking "What is the best colour?"05:31
MagePsychowell that depends on the taste of user05:32
FlynnAnyone here have an animated wallpaper?  How'd you do it?05:32
celthunderflyi'd try xsetroot05:32
MagePsycholike beauty .. which lies in the eye of beholder ;)05:32
bisbyif unity and gnome3 cant coexist, A) which one is "better" and B) what would be some pros/cons of switching. Im curious yet I dont want to screw up unity if gnome3 isnt worth it05:32
celthunderFlynn: did you try xsetroot on it05:32
ohsixFlynn: if you get whatever is drawing on your root window to get out of the way (nautilus or whatever) then you can have anything that can target an XID to render to it05:32
ohsixFlynn: like mplayer -loop, or the xscreensaver hacks :]05:32
ohsixFlynn: but unfortunately it's one or the other usually05:33
celthunderFlynn: or whatever replacsed xstroot recently should also work05:33
redgonehas anyone else seen this bug? http://tinyurl.com/3bmaeyt05:33
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: that is speculative. Have a look at some and see which YOU like, then use that05:33
Flynncelthunder: I don't even know what xsroot is.05:33
ohsixActionParsnip: theres also tucan, i get by with it for most things instead of jdownloader05:33
celthunderFlynn: xsetroot with a completely terrible mistype05:34
MagePsychofinally it's up to me for the decision.. but i want list that people use.. since i am new05:34
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ActionParsnipohsix: i use my server running fatrat, itruns all day and night so huge downloads get puller down :)05:34
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: http://www.bloganol.com/2010/11/free-download-manager-softwares-ubuntu-linux.html05:34
jiltdilhow can i convert any video file to mp3 file?05:34
celthunderjiltdil: you mean mp4?05:34
ActionParsnipjiltdil: so you want to extract the audio?05:34
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brannigmp3 is audio05:35
Flynncelthunder:  I still don't know what either of those are.05:35
jiltdilhow to do that?05:35
jiltdilvia terminal?05:35
ActionParsnipjiltdil: can you please clarify your requirements05:35
ohsixActionParsnip: gross :D05:35
celthunderFlynn: lets you write an image to the root window05:35
ActionParsnipohsix: huh?05:35
jiltdilActionParsnip: i have a video i want to convert it into only audio how to do that via terminal>05:35
ActionParsnipjiltdil: cool, gimme a sec05:36
celthunderflyqif you google it theres a newer thing out that replaces it but i never remembber what it is05:36
jiltdilActionParsnip:ok thanks05:36
celthunderer Flynn that was to you05:36
Flynncelthunder: At the risk of sounding stupid:  what's a root window?05:36
rkhshmwhile trying  to share via exportfs i get this error http://pastie.org/187051805:36
rkhshmneeded some help as i 've been trying to figuer it out from a long time05:36
ActionParsnip!info ogmrip05:36
ubottuogmrip (source: ogmrip): Application for ripping and encoding DVD. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.13.6-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 315 kB, installed size 1504 kB05:36
celthunderFlynn: the bottom base first window drawn in an x session aka your background05:36
NeocrypterAnyone else have any ideas, on what i can try to get 11.04 to dual boot properly after the grub selection screen when i select ubuntu it just gives me "error can not read file press any key to continue" and then just goes to a blinking cursor and stays there, i tried to re-install it before comming here to no avail I would really like to get this going05:37
ActionParsnipjiltdil: ffmpeg -i file.avi -f file.mp305:37
ActionParsnipNeocrypter: boot to livecd and reinstate grub,may help05:37
ActionParsnipjiltdil: ffmpeg -i video.avi -acodec copy audio.mp3   may be better05:38
ohsixFlynn: X manages a tree of windows with one at the root; thats the one behind everything05:38
celthunderohsix: lol much better description than mine thanks05:38
cld_How would I get Desktop Cube to work on Natty Narwhal without  messing up the windows, or is that a bug?05:38
Neocrypterhopefully that will work I tried googleing my specific problem but im turning up with zilch05:38
celthundercld_: use compiz?05:38
ActionParsnipcld_: can you expand on 'messing up windows'05:38
cld_I did05:38
ohsixFlynn: you can freely draw on it; but it's usually occluded by something like nautilus05:39
celthunderohsix: ? really? nothings drawing on mine ever05:39
cld_ActionParsnip: When I activate the Desktop Cube, the windows loses the titlebar05:39
celthunderohsix: actually that sounds just plain stupid for nautilus to do05:39
ActionParsnipcld_: I'd ask in #compiz too, do you use an nvidia gpu?05:40
jiltdilActionParsnip:also when i used desktop cube the windows loose the title bar same problem?05:40
ohsixcelthunder: if there's icons on the desktop, there's something drawing on it05:40
cld_ActionParsnip: I was using nVidia drivers in Maverick Meerkat before05:40
cld_and it was fine05:40
Flynnno fighting you two.05:40
jiltdilActionParsnip:any effect used by me of compiz gives me a problem on my windows05:40
MagePsychonewbie books for ubuntu/linux?05:41
celthunderohsix: use xmonad...nothing on my desktop :)05:41
MagePsychoeasy to start with05:41
KM0201cld_: there's some nvidia bugs w/ natty i do believe.. (or i seem to remember readin that)05:41
TrelCan anyone help me with using the -X switch with screen?05:41
ActionParsnipcld_: log a bug is all I can suggest, Natty is still very young05:41
ActionParsnipjiltdil: do you use an nvidia chip?05:41
ohsixcelthunder: well i hope you understand that that's a special case, and people typically have something that owns the root window, if you have menu's on root something is there; it doesn't have to be drawing things though05:42
ActionParsnip!manual | MagePsycho05:42
ubottuMagePsycho: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:42
cld_ActionParsnip: Thanks, I'll try to do that.05:42
ActionParsnipjiltdil: may be a bug, Natty is very young05:42
MagePsychothanks ubotu05:42
jiltdilhm ok05:42
genewitchhow do i make my headset the microphone and headphone in ubuntu? it's bluetooth, i have it connected, and it acknowledged that it was connected by beeping, but it doesn't show up in sound prefs05:43
celthunderohsix: yes i know05:43
cld_ActionParsnip: I got the effect to work a few minutes back, but now the windows are undraggable. is it also related to the bug you mentioned as well? Just wondering.05:44
ohsixcelthunder: if you know then why are you telling people to draw into the root window without tellimg them it'd probably be occluded? :D05:44
rkhshmany suggestions guys?05:44
beinghumanokay so eth0 isn't showing up since 11.04 upgrade05:44
beinghumanthat's why router isn't showing it as connected05:44
beinghumanhow can I resolve this?05:44
ActionParsnipcld_: you can hold ALT and drag from any location on the app windows05:44
beinghumanit shows up in `lspci`05:44
ActionParsnipcld_: I'd make a new bug05:44
genewitchbeinghuman: network manager doesn't show "enable wired"?05:44
TrelI'm seriously stuck :(05:45
celthunderohsix: because it works even if it's not visible05:45
beinghumangenewitch: I'm running on the terminal here05:45
beinghumangive me a command and I'll tell you the output05:45
ohsixcelthunder: they probably wouldn't think so heh05:45
genewitchbeinghuman: ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth005:45
beinghumangenewitch: ifconfig eth0 says there is no eth005:45
beinghumanno eth0 interface05:45
cld_ActionParsnip: Tried the ALT key drag, no avail. But yeah, I'll make the new bug.05:45
genewitchbeinghuman: so ifconfig by itself shows only lo?05:45
beinghumangenewitch: right05:46
beinghumanthis happened as soon as I upgraded to 11.0405:46
beinghumani didn't nothing else but upgrade05:46
beinghumandid nothing05:46
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edbianbeinghuman: Does it show up in lspci ?05:47
beinghumanedbian: it does show up in lspci05:47
edbianbeinghuman: sudo lspci -k  lists what driver?05:47
beinghumanedbian: it doesn'st list any kernel drivers in use05:48
beinghumanonly shows subsystem05:48
edbianbeinghuman: what card/chipset?05:48
beinghumanit says EtherExpress pro 100/VE05:49
beinghumanpro/100 VE05:49
axisysI was using ubuntu classic .. now I switched to ubunut (unity) but I only see the desktop.. no menu on the left, top, bottom.. no where05:49
axisyshow do I get the menu?05:49
edbianbeinghuman: sudo apt-get install fxp  (this is apparently the driver for this card http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/if_fxp.4freebsd.html)05:49
axisyssuper key gives me nothing05:49
axisysalt+f2 is no workie either05:50
beinghumanedbian: did it get removed in last upgrade?05:50
beinghumanbecause it worked in 10.1005:50
i_is_brokehaving some issue with my nvidia card, anyone else having this issue? will install just wont activate?05:50
edbianbeinghuman: It should not have been.  It might be a fluke.  Sometimes upgrading causes strange things.05:50
i_is_brokegeforce 24005:50
edbianbeinghuman: Rather than figure out what convoluted thing happend lets just get it working again.05:50
bullgard4axisys: I am experiencing the same. But will I stick with GNOME 2 in Natty.05:50
beinghumanwell, I have to disconnect for a while edbian, and connect my ubuntu right into my modem then...05:51
ActionParsnipaxisys: if you press ALT+F2 do you get a run dialogue?05:51
edbianbeinghuman: ...05:51
beinghumanedbian: i'll be back if it works05:51
axisysActionParsnip: no05:51
beinghumanoh wait a second05:51
beinghumanheh nevermind05:51
ActionParsnipaxisys: does CTRL+ALT+T bring up a terminal?05:51
edbianbeinghuman: k05:51
axisysActionParsnip: let me check..05:51
beinghumanedbian: disregard everything i just said05:51
edbianbeinghuman: Is it already installed?05:51
edbianbeinghuman: disregarding...05:51
Cjohnston_Is there a way to figure out why my computer won't connect to a network?05:52
axisysActionParsnip: nawp05:52
edbianCjohnston_: wired or wireless?05:52
genewitchhow do i get ubuntu to use my bluetooth headset for sound? it's connected but it's not in the sound preferences.05:52
ActionParsnipaxisys: all I can suggest is boot to safe video mode, then reboot and it may be nicer05:52
axisysctlr+alt+f1 , f2 .. works fine .. f7 is the gui05:52
ActionParsnipgenewitch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothAudio05:53
edbianbeinghuman: Looks like fxp isn't a package anyway.  Hang on05:53
genewitchCjohnston_: does your computer have a wifi switch?05:53
axisysActionParsnip: can I run anything from f1/f2/blah... i get the terminal from there05:53
amandanyone have experience with printing from OS/X 10.6 to Ubuntu 11?  I get a timeout error05:53
ActionParsnipaxisys: if you log on as a different user, is it the same?05:53
ActionParsnipamand: how did you share the printer?05:54
mzuverinkhold on my computer acting funny05:54
axisysActionParsnip: let me create a user from one of those virtual terminal and try that05:54
ActionParsnipamand: can the client ping the print server?05:54
Andy_Cokay I have made some progress (recap -   having lots of trouble trying to get my broadcom wireless NIC working on my new Lenovo B560 running 11.04)05:54
vanmikit's possible to create ubuntu usb drive on a mac, that can be used on pc?05:54
beinghumanedbian: ok05:54
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Cjohnston_Genewitch, yes.. The network is visible, the switch is on, I just keep getting 'Wireless network, you are disconnected' every time I try to connect05:55
amandI created the printer using the GUI on Ununtu desktop, then from the Mac, the printer showed up (via Bonjour).   I have full network connectivity, and on ununtu, port 631 is listenning.05:55
edbianbeinghuman: lsmod | grep e100   ?05:55
ActionParsnipvanmik: sure, the iso is moot,  the image transfered doesn't have to match the arch it is being transferred on05:55
beinghumanedbian: one moment05:56
ActionParsnipamand: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/12/share-printer-ubuntu-10-0410-10-maverick-meerkat-windows-print/   may help05:56
amand@vanmik it is possible, I have done it a few times, but I believe the easiest way is to use a live CD inside a virtual machine.05:56
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Andy_Cwhat do the modules lib80211_crypt_tkip and lib80211 actually do?05:56
edbianbeinghuman: just learned fxp is the freebsd driver05:56
Andy_Cshould they both be loaded?05:56
ActionParsnipamand: tat will share it using samba, it will appear as a windows printer share then which I'm sure mac can hit05:57
DrManhattanHey I just had a really interesting issue with my Ubuntu 11.04 install05:57
beinghumanI'm not sure exactly what I just did05:57
edbianbeinghuman: please explain?05:57
beinghumanhold on05:57
edbianDrManhattan: that being?05:57
edbianbeinghuman: k05:57
vanmikamand: i'm on a mac now, and just want install ubuntu on nearby pc05:57
DrManhattanI installed it on my secondary drive and after the install, my mobo wouldn't recognize my drive anymore05:58
amandwhen I browse to the cups page, I see it there, and the mac sees it as a cups printer.  are you sure?  I don't even have samba installed on my ubuntu box.05:58
DrManhattanit completely froze up on the ubuntu drive05:58
axisysActionParsnip: amand05:58
genewitchActionParsnip: yeah those directions don't work in natty :-)05:58
ActionParsnipgenewitch: they do here, strange05:58
DrManhattanso I popped the drive into another box, and it worked fine, and put another drive into the main box and IT worked fine05:58
edbianDrManhattan: What do you mean the motherboard doesn't recognize the drive?  Can you explain in more detail what happens when you boot the system and log in to Ubuntu / Windows?05:58
genewitchActionParsnip: i want a2d, it says to go to a menu that doesn't exist.05:58
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: is the drive seen in bios?05:58
axisysActionParsnip: it works perfect for new account05:59
DrManhattanedbian, it wont get as far as booting with the drive connected and ubuntu installed05:59
amand@vanmik the easiest way I suggest is to install VirtualBox on the mac, to boot ununtu live cd and follow the docs on creating the bootable usb.05:59
edbianDrManhattan: Does it post in bios?05:59
DrManhattanActionParsnip, the system cannot get past the drive detection05:59
ActionParsnipgenewitch: oh sorry, crossed wires05:59
DrManhattanedbian, no, it isnt able to post with ubuntu installed on that drive05:59
edbianDrManhattan: reset the bios to default settings05:59
DrManhattanedbian, no need05:59
ActionParsnipaxisys: ok then we know its the settings, not the software itself06:00
DrManhattanI put the drive into another box as a single drive and it worked ok06:00
edbianDrManhattan: If the bios cannot post the hdd it has nothing to do with the OS.  It has to do with the settings in the bios06:00
Cjohnston_genewitch I am connected to the network on my phone, but the laptop won't connect. Password is correct, so I was wondering if there is somewhere to see what it is erroring on06:00
axisysActionParsnip: right06:00
Flynncelthunder:  xwinwrap was that it?06:00
edbianDrManhattan: But with that hdd in on that motherboard the settings are wrong for some reason06:00
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DrManhattanedbian, I'm sorry but that simply isnt so, when I wiped ubuntu 11 off of it, the drive worked in the original system just fine06:00
axisysActionParsnip: i was on ubuntu classic and had been using ccsm with ccsm plugins and all06:00
ActionParsnipgenewitch: in the sound settings, can you select the bluetooth sound device?06:00
vanmikamand: ah, i get it now. it's actually pretty strange, that no one wrote simple utility to make it on the mac.06:00
axisysActionParsnip: i just want to try unity again06:01
DrManhattanedbian, this drive has no problems with any other os, including earlier versions of ubuntu06:01
vanmikamand: anyway, thanks )06:01
edbianDrManhattan: Really.  It must be getting past the bios and getting stuck in grub.  Can you press shift during boot and get grub to show up?06:01
DrManhattanthis only happens when ubuntu 11.04 is installed to it06:01
DrManhattanedbian, it is NOT getting past the bios - there's something wacky happening to the drive06:01
genewitchedbian: i can confirm what DrManhattan is saying about ubuntu drives not posting but working fine on hard reset in windows.06:01
genewitchedbian: seriously. it's why i can't run ubuntu on my pc06:01
axisysActionParsnip: so is there a clean up script that I can run from one of the virtul terminals?06:01
DrManhattanI am using intel ich10r and the drive is an original raptor 150gb06:02
ActionParsnipaxisys: hmmm, not sure. You could remove (or better still, move to a subfolder) the first accounts gnome config folders, you should get vanilla settings then06:02
ActionParsnipaxisys: maybe others can advise but you have significantly reduced possible causes of issue :)06:02
amand@vanmik There are very few how to's on the web that explain the long form method, but it's complicated.  essentially, the USB mush be formatted FAT and must be less than 800MB to boot correctly.  The mac doesn't want to create the filesystem correctly, so you need extra software.  this is just easier to use the VM.06:03
DrManhattanit's the only time I've ever had an issue with the drive, and the only thing different about it was ubuntu 11.04 64 bit on it06:03
edbianDrManhattan: genewitch Maybe there is some bug I am not aware of.  Honestly though I have no idea.06:03
axisysActionParsnip: which folder is that? .gnome, .gnome2 or .gnome_private ?06:03
DrManhattanI don't know WHAT is being done upon install to that drive, but my bios doesn't like it one bit06:03
axisysisn;t there a gnome cleanup script or something?06:03
genewitchDrManhattan: I KNOW, RIGGHT06:03
ActionParsnipaxisys: I'd say .gconf .gconfd and .gnome206:04
edbianDrManhattan: very strange06:04
DrManhattangenewitch, I appreciate the confirmation there. I was completely befuddled06:04
genewitchDrManhattan: i ahve 2tb drive, 1tb ntfs and 1tb ubuntu, if i boot into ubuntu, grub fails, and if i hit reset or control-alt-delete it won't post, but if i hard reset, it'll post and boot into windows just fine06:04
mentocI have everything mounted on one hard drive (mounted as /) is it possible to change a directory to mount on my unused SSD drive?06:04
ActionParsnipaxisys: not aware of any cleanup script, you could try: gconftool --recursive-unset /06:04
amandMy Ubuntu install would not boot form my primary drive.  I finally learned that the 1st and 2nd SATA drives are mislabelled on the Mother Board (HP Desktop), and by swapping the two, my HD started booting just fine.06:04
DrManhattanyeah it's very confusing, I was quite disappointed. I had a TERRIBLE time with skype for linux in fedora06:05
Flynnwhere's the text editor in kubuntu?06:05
DrManhattaneverything else in fedora rocked06:05
DrManhattanbut I was quite disappointed to find that skype doesn't like pulseaudio and there wasn't an alsa option for it06:05
genewitchmentoc: you'd have to rsync the directory onto the ssd in a mount point, unmount the ssd, delete the directory you want it to replace, then mkdir the name, and then mount /dev/(whatever ssd is) /(whatever folder you want)06:05
SoupermanitoFlynn, kate06:05
amand@geneswitch swap the boot drive to another SATA port.  if it's on SATA 0 move it to SATA 1.  It may be mislabelled like mine was.06:05
DrManhattanI think I might have to go gentoo on this06:06
genewitchmentoc: then you have to edit /etc/fstab to reflect your changes so it keeps it on boot06:06
bhueyfolks natty is stalling and isn't doing any work for the update06:06
edbiangenewitch: DrManhattan try hard resetting the machine06:06
bhueyis this is a known problem ?06:06
Flynnsoupermanito: Kate?06:06
mentocgenewitch: So basically copy everything over that I want mounted on the new drive, and edit fstab.. i see.06:06
vanmikamand: thanks for explanation, but…os x can't deal with NTFS out of the box, but it can format in FAT06:07
jiltdilis there any app for showing temperature ?06:07
SoupermanitoFlynn, thats the text editor for kubuntu as far as i know, just run it alt-F2 and run kate06:07
DrManhattanNo, im not hard resetting anything06:07
ActionParsnipFlynn: it uses kate and (maybe still) kwriter06:07
genewitchmentoc: yesir. what folder are you wanting to be on the ssd?06:07
DrManhattanthe problem was ubuntu06:07
ActionParsnip!info kate | Flynn06:07
ubottuFlynn: kate (source: kdesdk): K Advanced Text Editor. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 976 kB, installed size 6420 kB06:07
* ActionParsnip uses leafpad :)06:08
DrManhattanit didn't happen with anything but ubuntu 11 and when I removed ubuntu 11, the problem disappeared06:08
edbianDrManhattan: I have no idea specifically what the problem is.06:08
mentocgenewitch: I'm thinking /home but I'm trying to figure out which folders use up more space06:08
amandIt can format in FAT, but not in the right mode.06:08
tx0105I need to create a new xorg.conf file, but I don't have the right permissions when I try to save it in /var/log....I'm assuming it has to do with needing to get root access06:08
dibsnatty is killing me with redraw issues. Anyone else got them & or know a fix??06:08
tx0105how can I do that?06:08
genewitchmentoc: look up how mount works, you might just be able to mount /dev/(ssd) /home06:08
DrManhattanedbian, the problem is that ubuntu wrote something to the hard drive that caused it not to identify properly with the motherboard.06:08
genewitchmentoc: maybe. don't quote me.06:08
ActionParsniptx0105: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     you will get write access06:08
genewitchmentoc: i know you can do that with portage temp dirs in gentoo06:09
nitAIhello, hope anybody can help. I run under ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (lucid) with KDE but want to update to 11.04 (natty) with GNOME now... what's the best way to do this without deleting all my data.. is there any way to update by cd or apt?! - btw I use two different partitions for / and /home06:09
DrManhattanedbian, it is not all chipsets either, because the drive worked just fine as a single drive in another system06:09
mentocgenewitch: That seems like it would mount the contents of /dev/sd(x) onto /home instead of vice versa06:09
ActionParsnipnitAI: you will need to upgrade to Maverick first, then upgrade to Natty06:09
ActionParsnip!upgrade | nitAI06:09
ubottunitAI: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:09
edbianDrManhattan: File a bug: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs06:09
dibsubottu !fix_natty06:09
genewitchmentoc: yeah. i'd just move everything. the home stuff isn't system critical anyhow.06:10
nitAIActionParsnip: thx ... and ubottu: thx 206:10
edbianDrManhattan: I don't think anybody on here is going to know the problem you're talking about much less how to fix it.06:10
Delahuntok fwiw since no one could help this dude, i figured i'd come on here and explain some stuff06:10
mentocgenewitch: It seems /usr/ would be a fine move since most binaries are there including libraries06:10
DrManhattanedbian, yeah, im not really up to the whole filing bug process, it's a bit too picky and time consuming for me06:10
DrManhattanbut i do appreciate the input.06:11
ActionParsnipnitAI: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core     then run: gksudo gedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades      change: Prompt=lts   to: Prompt=normal     save the new file, close gedit, then run: sudo do-release-upgrade06:11
edbianDrManhattan: Just realized that link I gave it about submitting a bug in Ubuntu.  Here is the site to do it with any OS:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu06:11
genewitchmentoc: in all honesty, if it were me i'd do a reinstall and set up the partitioning at the beginning06:11
LAcanhow can I get network manager to stop configuring one interface?06:11
edbianDrManhattan: Well if you don't file a bug your problem is probably never going to be resolved by you or anybody.06:11
Delahuntwith the ubuntu 10.04 live usb stick you get two files: casper/squashfs which is the read-only common ubuntu stuff, and the casper-rw file which is a read-write filesystem (ext4 iirc)06:11
mentocgenewitch: :) I'm too happy with the work I've puut into this install so far :P06:11
genewitchLAcan: like wifi on boot?06:11
ActionParsnipLAcan: configure it in /etc/network/interfaces is one way06:11
mentocgenewitch: well, except for the mounting issue lol06:11
DrManhattanedbian, that's ok. I figured i'd let the devs here know and if they were interested in it, they'd fix it. If not, I'm not really worried about it06:12
LAcanActionParsnip, whats a simple line to put in interfaces? I wanna use that NIC for kismet...?06:12
Delahuntif someone deletes their /etc/mtab you cannot fsck the read-only squashfs.  you can get lucky and stash it in their casper-rw if you loop-mount it rw06:12
dibsanyone getting random app stops redraw issue till you resize or maxmise or unmaximise?06:12
Delahuntbut that assumes it can fix that06:12
nitAIActionParsnip: ok thank you, I'll try06:12
edbianDrManhattan: There are rarely devs in here.  Submitting a bug is the best way to contact them06:12
DrManhattanI am not really up to the whole bug filing process06:12
Delahuntanyways, there you have it, have a good day :)06:12
Andy_Choping someone can make some very specific laptop recommendations. I am looking for a laptop in the under $400 range that supports ubuntu 11.04. I would prefer to have a 15.6" monitor and one of the keyboards that has the number pad built in06:12
Andy_Ci purchased this one http://tinyurl.com/4yz3v72 from best buy06:12
Andy_Cbut can't get the wireless up and running so I am going to take it back06:12
ActionParsnipLAcan: just add lines to set it to dhcp or static IP as you desire, interfaces configured in that file cannot be managed from network manager / wicd / the like06:12
DrManhattanf it, I'll give it a shot06:12
amand@vanmik: I remember the issue.  the Disk Util from the GUI formats the from FS type.  go to Terminal, and type DiskUtil listFilesystem.  Then use DiskUtil to partition the drive as MBR Fat32.  and the primary partition must be under 800MB.  Then you need to make that parition bootable using dd utility.06:12
ActionParsnip!hcl | Andy_C06:13
ubottuAndy_C: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:13
LAcanActionParsnip, man, im really new... just an easy line I can stick in there?06:13
bhueynatty is stalling, any help on that ?06:13
axisysActionParsnip: i got my unity back .. thanks for your help06:13
amand@vanmik: I meant formats the wrong FS, the the from FS.06:13
genewitchmentoc: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ssd && rsync -avHx /home /mnt/ssd && sync;sync;sync;sync && umount /mnt/ssd && rm -rF /home && mkdir /home && mount /dev/sdb1 /home06:13
Andy_CActionParsnip: what does that mean?06:13
ActionParsnipLAcan: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces06:13
genewitchmentoc: replace the /dev/sdb1 with whatever your ssd is.06:13
DrManhattanaw dude look at that page06:13
ActionParsnipAndy_C: click the links and read....06:14
edbianDrManhattan: Are you talking to me?06:14
genewitchthe partition number, not the device itself ;-)06:14
DrManhattanthat is just too much effort06:14
LAcanActionParsnip, i know how to edit it, i just need the line to put in there for the interfaces06:14
DrManhattanyeah edbian sorry man06:14
ActionParsnipLAcan: add these 2 lines:   auto eth0                                iface eth0 inet dhcp06:14
slackin#pugbot NEEDS 4 TO START NOW!!! COME .join NOW! BOMB mode is enabled too now, CTF/TS/BOMB avl. Lets get this PARTY STARTED!!!"06:14
edbianDrManhattan: What am i looking at?06:14
genewitchDrManhattan: if you link me to your bug report when you're done i'll second it and add any info i can06:14
ActionParsnipLAcan: change eth0 to the interface you want network manager to ignore06:14
LAcanActionParsnip, ty06:14
genewitchDrManhattan: we don't eve have the same chipset or HDD06:14
mentocgenewitch: Nice one liner. I'll copy that with screen :) Thanks for the help.06:14
ActionParsnipLAcan: if you want to SET the address then read this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/06:15
DrManhattangenewitch, what chipset/drive are you using?06:15
genewitchmentoc: it may not work like that, because something in /home might be in use or something06:15
celthunder /b 1106:15
genewitchDrManhattan: uhm, stand by06:15
LAcanActionParsnip, ideally i would put it in moniotr mode...?06:15
ActionParsnipLAcan: try websearching instead of immediately asking for help after someone gives you direction, you'll learn your OS more06:15
ActionParsnipLAcan: not sure there, hunt around for options06:15
mentocActionParsnip: ++06:16
LAcanActionParsnip, man ive searched quite a bit... monitor mode aint the most obvious thing in the world... but w/e ill figure it out06:17
ActionParsnipLAcan: were you aware of the interfaces file before?06:17
LAcanof course06:17
genewitchDrManhattan: SAMSUNG HD204UI ATA Device (hdd) and chipset is AMD 780G southbridge SB70006:18
DrManhattanok let me go through all this bs with accounts and the such06:19
edbianDrManhattan: I can relate to you here.  I too find it annoying / ridiculous that one needs an account to post a bug.06:19
ActionParsnipLAcan: let me see if I can find stuff06:19
genewitchDrManhattan: when i boot ubuntu i get scsi drive not ready, slowing link to 1.5gb, then that repeats with varying messages, and then the system hangs; on reboot, bios won't post the drive unti a powerswitch reboot :-/06:20
LAcanActionParsnip, ty. the ones ive been able to find use a command not present on my 10.04 system "wlanconfig"06:20
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
nsisodiyaHow to install LAMP server without tasksel and using apt-get command in Ubuntu 11.0406:20
mentocLAcan: try iwconfig06:21
DrManhattanfor christs sake06:21
ActionParsnipLAcan: seems to need:    pre-up iw dev wmaster0 interface add mon0 type monitor06:21
LAcanmentoc, ya, but the syntax from wlancofnig doesnt translate well for a newb like me06:21
edbiannsisodiya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP06:21
DrManhattanI hope they aren't hosting launchpad ON ubuntu, it's slower than the bejeezus06:21
ActionParsnipLAcan: in the section you add for the interface06:21
edbianDrManhattan: Actually a lot of people are annoyed that Ubuntu uses launchpad because launchpad is not open source06:21
ActionParsnipLAcan: http://www.noah.org/wiki/Packet_sniffing06:22
ohsixedbian: it isn't?06:22
LAcanActionParsnip, i should add that line?06:22
ActionParsnipLAcan: has some possibilities06:22
LAcanActionParsnip, ok i will look that up06:22
DrManhattanthis is ridiculous - where do I report a bug without being IN ubuntu and without having to be booted INTO ubuntu06:22
ohsixedbian: it's been open source for a while, some components it can work with aren't, it's a huge piece of software ...06:22
ohsixDrManhattan: launchpad.net06:22
DrManhattanok F it. not my issue anymore06:22
edbianohsix: Looks like they're making the move:  http://blog.launchpad.net/podcast/launchpod-15-launchpads-going-open-source06:22
ActionParsnipLAcan: weird how I can find stuff, your google-fu needs training young grasshopper06:22
LAcanActionParsnip, ill put it on my todo list!06:23
* ActionParsnip bows06:23
dijonyummyi'm using 10.10, recently when i open up system monitor, it begins to start, but then just exits almost immediately. anyone seen that before?06:23
mentocLAcan: google judo is critical06:23
edbiandijonyummy: It's crashing.  What happens if you open it with the terminal?  (gnome-system-monitor)06:23
DrManhattanwait, I found it06:24
ohsixedbian: that's pretty old ... theres a link at the bottom of the launchpad.net page that links to the running revision06:24
edbianohsix: You calling me old?!06:24
=== Wally| is now known as Walter
ohsixedbian: i meant the news you should have caught wind of :]06:24
nsisodiyaedbian, I want to know the apt-get command.. I do not want long procedure ,, my automation script takes only apt-get install command06:24
Snicers-HomeHow do I scan my hard drive for errors using Ubuntu Server with no X-server?06:24
dijonyummywhats the commandline for 'system monitor'06:24
edbianohsix: yeah.  Apparently they've been open for over a year now! :D06:24
nsisodiyaHey Guys,, Please comment on new software : Offline Installer for Ubuntu - http://code.google.com/p/debbundle/06:25
ohsixSnicers-Home: you can use smartctl to tell your drive to do surface scans and things, do that first; there's a log that tells you where failures are06:25
dibsnatty redraw issues anyone? help06:25
edbiannsisodiya: You'll have to ask someone else then.  I'm not a command machine.06:25
Snicers-Homeohsix, thanks06:25
genewitchDrManhattan: you've figured out why it takes so long to get stuff fixed in linux, because only the most OCD people have time and the wherewithal to post bugs on a bugtracker06:25
GalaxorHi.  I'm using ubuntu 10.04.  I wanted to add the repository for firefox 4.  I did sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install firefox.  It said that firefox was already the newest version.06:25
dijonyummyits gnome-system-monitor06:25
nsisodiyaedbian, thanks06:26
DrManhattangenewitch, yeah well, that and the tendency to deny the problem exists.06:26
ohsixSnicers-Home: then theres badblocks, which can be dangerous in the presence of an actual damaged disk06:26
Snicers-Homeohsix, why is that dangerous?06:26
dibsDrManhattan: your not really a Dr are you?06:26
dijonyummyGio:error its getting06:26
edbianGalaxor: 3.6.X is newest in Ubuntu 10.04.  firefox4 is in 11.04  !ff406:26
ohsixSnicers-Home: and you probably want to check out gddrescue too, in the face of disk damage it can help you copy what can be recovered06:26
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox06:26
ActionParsnipdijonyummy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603986/06:26
edbianGalaxor: see what Ubottu said? ^^^06:27
ohsixSnicers-Home: because badblocks can be told to rewrite what it reads to disk, which can damage the filesystem when you don't intend to do that06:27
ActionParsnipGalaxor: try:  sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install firefox06:27
Galaxoredbian: That's exactly what I did.  It didn't work.06:27
kilimanjaroUbuntu's notion of innovation is simply turning the GUI into a house of mirrors, where up is down, left is right, and nothing is as it should be06:27
edbianGalaxor: Oh I see!! :P06:27
ohsixkilimanjaro: #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a help channel06:27
edbianhang on06:27
kilimanjaroI'd like help restoring the GUI settings to what I am used to06:28
kilimanjaroWhat should I do06:28
edbianGalaxor: open synaptic.  Does this ppa show up there?06:28
ohsixkilimanjaro: ok, on the login screen after you click on your name; there is a list of sessions you can start at the bottom, pick Ubuntu Classic; finish logging in06:28
kilimanjaroohsix, ohh that's pretty simple, thanks06:28
ActionParsnipkilimanjaro: log off and log into gnome classic06:28
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.06:29
slackinok leaving so i dont spam you again! <3 please dont ban06:29
ohsixhm that factoid was different the other day06:29
Snicers-Homeis ubottu an irc bot?06:29
Galaxoredbian: Yep, it shows in synaptic.06:29
ohsixSnicers-Home: yep06:29
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
edbianGalaxor: find firefox in there.06:30
nsisodiyaHow to install LAMP server without tasksel and using apt-get command in Ubuntu 11.0406:30
genewitchyeah this bluetooth headset doesn't work with pulseaudio06:30
Snicers-Homensisodiya, I want to know this too.06:30
genewitchnsisodiya: apt-get install apache2 && apt-get install php && apt-get install mysql06:30
genewitchor thereabouts06:30
dijonyummyi know why system monitor doesnt work anymore. i made a shortcut on the panel. that doesnt work. it must've broken when i installed kde-desktop. the one in the app menus works, uses ksysguard.06:30
DrManhattangenewitch, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77828406:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 778284 in Ubuntu "after install system cannot post" [Undecided,New]06:31
Galaxoredbian: In synaptic?  Synaptic agrees with apt-get that the latest version is 3.6.17+build3...06:31
Snicers-HomeI really want to understand where files go when I am installing them via apt-get, is there an easy way to find out?06:31
KXTwoI have a really dumb question; there is basically a channel for everything, im looking for a place to talk to some one about credit reports, scores, finance etc etc, any suggestions?06:31
dijonyummyok but now how can i get the old gnome-system-monitor to run if i prefer than to the kde monitor, i'm in gnome right now06:31
edbianGalaxor: just click on the PPA.  highlight firefox and do package -> force version06:31
ActionParsnipSnicers-Home: you can extract a deb file and see the files it add to your OS06:32
edbianSnicers-Home: If you look in synaptic you can right click the package, look at properties, and see installed files06:32
jfeIs there any way to make the "Places" menu reflect the renaming of my home directories?06:32
nsisodiyagenewitch, any mod ... any other needed ?? is that same as tasksel install lamp-server06:32
DrManhattanwhat a friggin headache06:32
ActionParsnipSnicers-Home: I suggest you copy one to an empty folder and extract there06:32
genewitchnsisodiya: lamp just means linux apache mysql and php/perl06:32
Snicers-Homewhat is the difference between apt-get and aptitude?06:32
karthick87I am unable to login into ubuntu. Can anyone help me pls ?06:32
KXTwoguess it really was a bad place to ask lol06:33
DrManhattananyhow, im going to use gentoo for now.06:33
genewitchDrManhattan: i built an AMI for distcc :-)06:33
nsisodiyakarthick87, what is the problem,, what u see ?06:33
kilimanjaroThanks for the help, ohsix06:33
ohsixSnicers-Home: dpkg -L packagename06:35
Galaxoredbian: Hm.  When I click on the ppa, I see what packages it has, and it says the latest is 3.6+lucid06:35
pizzasI need some advice about setting up an ubuntu server as a VM on my vbox. Has anyone done this?  I get to the partition hard drive screen and my only options are to "use entire disk" which I do not want to to do, this is a VM test environment. How do I set up a 40GB environment for my Ubuntu server?06:35
edbianGalaxor: Ummm... really?06:35
karthick87nsisodiya: I just cant login into my normal account. I can login into root account.06:35
ohsixSnicers-Home: that's post install but it will show the location of every file in a given package06:35
edbianGalaxor: Can you package -> force version?06:35
Snicers-Homeohsix, perfect, thank you.06:35
arquebusKXTwo- #defocus or #ubuntu-offtopic06:36
DrManhattanidk, I'd mess with distcc but I DO have a quad core06:36
edbianGalaxor: What's the name of the PPA you added?06:36
Snicers-HomeDoes anyone know the difference between apt-get and aptitude, which should I be using?06:36
ActionParsnippizzas: use custom partitioning06:36
DrManhattanits a shame no one has made a Fermi compatible gentoo prog though06:36
Galaxoredbian: There's a firefox-globalmenu package that's 4.0.1.  Actually, the ppa seems not to have a "firefox" package.  Just firefox-3.606:36
Galaxoredbian: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable06:36
edbianSnicers-Home: aptitude does some slightly more intelligent package management.  They're both acceptable06:36
genewitchDrManhattan: i posted a comment06:37
DrManhattansome way to get gcc in gentoo going with CUDA instead of just CPU based compiling06:37
nsisodiyakarthick87, login with root and then go to your home folder.. /home and then change permission of /home/youruser.. ... you might not having write permissions..06:37
edbianGalaxor: Is that globalmenu package installed?06:37
DrManhattanthanks genewitch - is the bug report too much?06:37
Galaxoredbian: Nope.06:37
edbianGalaxor: install it06:37
Snicers-Homeedbian, thanks.06:37
genewitchDrManhattan: let me link you something06:37
pizzasActionParsmip That must be the Manual option, right?06:37
edbianSnicers-Home: sure06:37
edbianGalaxor: admittedly it is a bit of a guess06:37
ohsixSnicers-Home: theres no practical difference if you're just installing things, they all call dpkg to do the work; aptitude gives you a list of packages, changes, and all possible package resolutions, and you can read the changelogs for a package easily06:37
genewitchDrManhattan: http://cloudp.ath.cx/daa/cf.cgi?page=service_distcc <--check the emerge times06:38
Galaxoredbian: Can't.  It depends on firefox =4.0.1, and that doesn't exist.06:38
pizzasActionParsnip That is "configure iSCSI voulumes"?06:38
DrManhattan-j11 eh?06:38
genewitchDrManhattan: i've gone to -j22 with my cluster nodes06:39
DrManhattanthats out of control06:39
genewitchi hit the aws wall though06:39
DrManhattanimpressive though06:39
ohsixi've gone to -j1024 to be stupid! :D06:39
karthick87nsisodiya: When i login into my account. The screen simply flickers and login screen appears back.06:39
tripelbok I cannot find out how to make transmission start at boot. 10.04  I would suppose it would be in preferences...06:39
edbianGalaxor: That is bizzare.  It sounds like they took firefox4 out of the PPA.  Can anybody confirm the mozillateam PPA is missing firefox4 ?06:39
ActionParsnippizzas: once you have the drive accessible you will need to set the partitions in the VM. Why haven't you set the VM to use a smaller drive space by default, it won't need tweaking then06:39
Snicers-HomeIs there a way to install Ubuntu on a motorola Droid in a dual boot situation?06:40
ActionParsniptripelb: on server or desktop?06:40
ohsixedbian: the ppa page has listings for every package in every pocket06:40
amandI resolved my OSX Cups printing to Ubuntu issue.  It turns out the default Ubuntu Browse Publishing protocols are CUPS and dnssd.  OSX defaults to only dnssd, so I just had to change add cups to the browseremote options.   For anyone interested, I had to run the following on MAC and printing started working: cupsctl BrowseRemoteProtocols=cups06:40
DrManhattanok genewitch I gotta know06:40
genewitchSnicers-Home: yes with a "but"06:40
DrManhattanwhat single package takes THAT long to compile?06:40
genewitchDrManhattan: libreoffice06:40
Snicers-Homegenewitch, what is the "but"?06:40
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: xorg takes a fair whack of time ;)06:40
tripelbWhat can I get --cheaply-- that will keep the computer running through a flash of no electricity. ( ActionParsnip hi, desktop)06:40
edbianohsix: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable   ?06:40
ohsixSnicers-Home: not in a way that is supported, you'd have to do it all yourself and replace the bootloader, which might not be able to be done depending on the phone & bootloader version, i can say with confidence that you almost for sure don't want to do it anyways06:41
new_kid1hi, some months back I had this pulse audio tool installed ...........it was like only two level indicators jumping with sound .......What is the name of that package ????06:41
genewitchSnicers-Home: you have to either do a bootstrap yourself or google for the images, it's not a click and install lke it is on a pc06:41
Galaxoredbian: It's not supposed to have firefox-4.  It's supposed to have firefox.06:41
nsisodiyakarthick87, try to get error logs from /var/log/dmesg files...06:41
edbianGalaxor: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable  Like this06:41
ActionParsniptripelb: and do you have autologin enabled?  (grab a UPS for continual power supply in outage)06:41
ohsixSnicers-Home: you can get a board with omap4 and try the new stuff in natty though :D06:41
genewitchSnicers-Home: i suggest looking up  "mer" for ARM06:41
nsisodiyakarthick87, it may be because of incorrect resolution06:41
DrManhattanahh thats a single node single core06:41
FlynnWhere did the name Ubuntu come from06:41
pizzasActionParsnip I am new to all this VM stuff. How do I setup the max hard drive space on a vbox?06:41
xim_is there any nvidia multimonitor setting that will allow screensavers to pan both monitors rather than running the same screensaver independantly on both monitors?06:42
genewitchDrManhattan: 2 ECU, which is like a 2ghz xeon06:42
genewitchDrManhattan: it's no slouch06:42
ohsixedbian: there's no pocket in that ppa for anything but maverick and lucid, and the builds for "firefox" are firefox 4 and current06:42
ActionParsnippizzas: ask in #vmware  I'm not sure but setting the VM to use 100% space isn't a good idea06:42
genewitchDrManhattan: especially since the only difference between the -j2 compile and the -j11 compile was distcc (same base machine)06:42
Galaxoredbian: Hm.  It does show the firefox package there.06:42
pizzasActionParsnip Thanks, I will check out vmware06:42
DrManhattanmy q6600 would WHOOP it!06:42
edbianohsix: I see that.  Galaxor Is saying he added that PPA (in 10.04) and he cannot find firefox (version 4)06:43
ohsixFlynn: it used to be a page on the website, it's a word in urdu or swahili or something that means sharing and peoplesomething, wikipedia probably knows :D06:43
DrManhattanI took my overclock off though, the system actually performs better06:43
cgo81is there a way to have a different wallpaper per virtual desktop?06:43
edbianGalaxor: wait,  10.04 is what animal?  lucid lynx?06:43
DrManhattanI was able to set it to perf level 506:43
DrManhattanvs 7 at the 3g overclock06:43
ohsixedbian: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable?field.series_filter=lucid06:43
DrManhattansystem is a lot happier and seems more powerful than it did with the 3g o/c06:43
Galaxoredbian: Is there an easy way to find out what animal we're talking about here?06:43
edbianohsix: the firefox package is missing06:43
genewitchDrManhattan: I finished building a 64 bit AMI, so i can spin up 33.5 ECU instances with distcc now... 33.5ghz opteron nodes? :-P06:44
edbianGalaxor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases06:44
ohsixcgo81: unfortunately not easily :[ and i don't think the one way to do it is even supported anymore with compiz06:44
GalaxorSay, y'know, apt-get keeps on saying that 1 package was not upgraded - upstart.06:44
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: how long does a kernel build take for you?06:44
GalaxorDoes that mean that I've gotta do - like - a distupgrade or something?06:44
edbianohsix: It is in that repo (in the link) but Galaxor cannot find it in synaptic or apt06:44
ohsixcgo81: you can manually assemble a wallpaper and if you don't have it stretch it might do what you expect, but i haven't tried it06:44
DrManhattangenewitch, jeez what do you even DO with that? I'd set up raytracing and rent the thing out06:44
genewitchActionParsnip: ~4:30:00 real time06:44
DrManhattanActionParsnip, a couple of minutes06:45
karthick87nsisodiya: I dont think so,  then how root login is accepted?06:45
tripelbActionParsnip, I dont know what autologin is. .. I do now and I have it enabled...when I login some yellow notepad things start-up06:45
ohsixedbian: well that link is what's in the ppa for 10.04; that's why i posted it, who knows why he's not seeing it, did he update after adding the ppa?06:45
genewitchDrManhattan: already on it. i have a terragen rendering cluster as my next project06:45
cgo81ohsix: ty, ill whip a longgggg wallpaper up in gimp and see it that works06:45
ActionParsnipDrManhattan: yikes, nice06:45
edbianohsix: He did06:45
edbianGalaxor: what version are you running?06:45
DrManhattangenewitch, just give me a job when you get the business going06:45
nsisodiyakarthick87, check the permission of /home/user folder06:45
edbianGalaxor: system -> about Ubuntu06:45
ActionParsniptripelb: when you start the system, do you have to log in or do you get dropped on the desktop?06:45
genewitchDrManhattan: well, it's going :-) we're not hiring yet though06:45
nsisodiyakarthick87, ls -l06:45
new_kid1hi, some months back I had this pulse audio tool installed ...........it was like only two level indicators jumping with sound .......What is the name of that package ????06:46
stojabreakhow i can reset  all programs and configuration in Natty :( ? thanks !!06:46
genewitchanyhow i am done off topic, i want my BT headset to work, and the things on the bluetooth page don't work, since i don't have alsa06:46
DrManhattanthats ok, im still quite ill and in a lot of pain06:46
nsisodiyakarthick87, how to got into this problem.. how it started ?06:46
genewitchnew_kid1: those are called vu-meters irl06:46
Galaxoredbian: Well, /etc/issue says
edbianGalaxor: I have no idea what is going on here06:46
* ActionParsnip sighs06:46
edbianUnfortunately I have to go though :(06:46
FlynnBye room.06:47
edbianGalaxor: By all accounts it should be working fine how you set it up06:47
GalaxorHm.  According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases, there's a 10.04.206:47
cgo81mac, pc, linix.. if you can get your tasks done it doesnt matter06:47
tripelbcgo81, when you get the answer, please tell me. I'd like to have a different wallpaper on each desktop --> very  much  so .06:47
genewitchGalaxor: apt-get dist-upgrade?06:47
edbianGalaxor: whatev.  That shouldn't matter06:47
edbianGalaxor: You can try the dist-upgrade06:47
genewitchmake sure you apt-get update first06:47
KM0201tripelb: there was an app that did that for Gnome.06:48
cgo81tripelb: will do!06:48
GalaxorI did the dist-upgrade and it didn't do anything.  It said upstart was kept back.06:48
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ActionParsnipGalaxor: its because it's deps aren't met06:48
tripelb(what is mode +q ?)06:48
genewitchnew_kid1: pavumeter - PulseAudio Volume Meter06:48
genewitchnew_kid1: you're welcome06:48
ActionParsnipGalaxor: when the deps are met on the repository, the package will be updated06:49
Snicers-HomeI upgraded from 10.10 to Natty and it broke my ability to use "tasksel" command, is this normal?06:49
Galaxorupstart: Breaks: libc6 (< 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8) but 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.7 is to be installed06:49
edbianActionParsnip: what does it depend on?06:49
ActionParsnipedbian: not sure, package.ubuntu.com will say, if the version of the dependancies of a package are not met, it will be 'held back'  until they are06:50
edbianGalaxor: fix your libc6 problem and I think you'll have fixed your firefox package06:50
karthick87nsisodiya: It started recently without making any changes06:51
ohsixSnicers-Home: it shouldn't have, what is it saying? all tasksel does is install some virtuals iirc; but does it with a lower "question" threshold so you can configure the packages a bit more06:51
cntba good online ref for commands like list of vars in a terminal06:51
genewitchedbian: is that apt-get install build-essential?06:51
edbianActionParsnip: It's from a PPA.  It's not going to show up in pacakges.ubuntu.com06:51
edbiangenewitch: huh?06:51
genewitchcntb: printenv06:51
ActionParsnipedbian: then deps will need to be met06:51
Galaxoredbian: How do I fix the libc6 problem?  I've got libc6 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.7.  If I apt-get install it, it says it's the latest version.06:51
KM0201tripelb: http://wallpapoz.akbarhome.com/06:51
genewitchedbian: build-essential should update libc, right?06:51
edbiangenewitch: I don't know.  Sure?06:51
DrManhattanAHA - libreoffice06:51
edbianGalaxor: genewitch seems to think build-essential will fix it?06:51
cntbgenewitch: tyvm06:52
genewitchGalaxor: apt-get install build-essential06:52
Snicers-Homeohsix, it just says Aptitude failed and drops me back into standard black/white terminal06:52
edbianActionParsnip: Please explain how to find the dependencies of firefox 4 when it is from a PPA06:52
genewitchcntb: np06:52
Galaxorgenewitch: build-essential is already the newest version.06:52
ohsixSnicers-Home: do you have another package manager open?06:52
genewitchand are you root06:52
ActionParsnipedbian: if you use apt-get it will tell you what it needs06:52
genewitchor sudo06:52
jiltdilhi i have two account on empathy when i logged to one the second is not going to connect after?06:52
edbianActionParsnip: I am not doing it06:52
jiltdilplease help06:52
ohsixedbian: same way you do it when it isn't from a ppa; it's very easy in aptitude as it's on the package property window06:53
Snicers-Homeohsix, No, I run terminal only mode for my servers at work.06:53
Galaxorii  build-essential    11.4build106:53
ActionParsnipedbian: not doing what?06:53
johnathanhey y'all. So i have gtkp-recordmydesktop and i have been trying to use it, but I have a problem... i have it switched to 'encode on the fly' and then when i go to open the file the video is super fast and after the video is over the audio drags on...06:53
edbianActionParsnip: Galaxor is actually installing firefox4  I was helping him06:53
GalaxorActionParsnip: upstart is looking for 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8, but 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.7 is the latest in the repository.06:53
edbianohsix: So what, sudo apt-get install firefox  That's not going to show dependencies because it can install firefox 3.6.x06:53
genewitchGalaxor: have you tried switching repositories?06:53
ohsixjohnathan: that's weird; and i don't have a solution,  but i have had luck with "istanbul", another desktop recorder if you simply want to try an alternate06:53
ActionParsnipGalaxor: then find a deb for the newer version06:53
fisixhey, my laptop has a weird 6 GB E: drive. there's nothing in it. would it be possible to dual boot by just installing ubuntu on that drive?06:54
cntbthen genewitch  how do I find where firefox is storing temp videos ?06:54
genewitchfisix: should.06:54
edbianActionParsnip: genewitch firefox4 can't be installing in 10.04 ?!06:54
Galaxorgenewitch: Switch how?  From what to what?06:54
edbianfisix: yes06:54
ActionParsnipGalaxor: what package needs to be the 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8 ?06:54
ActionParsnipedbian: sure it can06:54
GalaxorActionParsnip: Sorry, libc6.06:54
genewitchcntb: In the ~/.mozilla/firefox//Cache folder06:54
tripelbFYI - (in 12 months)  http://tinyurl.com/3fzbjxo -- David Braben, developer of the classic game 'Elite', has made a PC into a USB stick. Based on a 700 MHz ARM11 and 128 MB of RAM, the "Raspberry Pi" has a USB-A socket on one end, a HDMI video output on the other (which can display 1080p), a MicroSD slot in the middle, and an expansion socket on top for, say, a 12MP camera. It ships with Ubuntu, and will sell for $25.06:54
edbianfisix: It sounds to me like that's just a partition on 1 harddrive06:54
ActionParsnipGalaxor: what is the output of:  uname -m06:55
genewitchedbian: i had ff4 in 10.10, i never used 10.04 desktop06:55
fisixgreat thans genewitch and edbian . do u have any guesses as to what it is?06:55
edbianActionParsnip: But he needs to download a deb of lib6c?06:55
edbianfisix: Just made one :)06:55
GalaxorActionParsnip: x86_64.06:55
ActionParsnipGalaxor: ok give me a sec06:55
ohsixyou shouldn't ever have to download a deb for something tracked in the archive D:06:55
genewitchfisix: the partition? it was probably a restore partition.06:55
stanomg guise i broked my computor06:55
fisixedbian, ohh i see. i didn't know separate partitions showed up as free space on the drive06:55
Snicers-HomeIs it at all possible to split a dual core proccessor and run windows and linux at the same time on one machine without having to us VM?06:55
ohsixif you're having trouble with stuff apt-get install -f will run through it06:55
stanall the title bars of my programs disappeared and i cant switch out of terminal06:56
edbianfisix: They show up as drive letters in Windows06:56
genewitchSnicers-Home: yes. it is, will you give me a moment06:56
* stan is fucked06:56
edbianstan: no you're not06:56
ohsixSnicers-Home: not practically06:56
fisixgenewitch, what's a restore partition for? do i need it?06:56
Snicers-Homegenewitch, sure06:56
stanedbian wtf did i do06:56
jack123hi alll06:56
genewitchSnicers-Home: two ways, one for servers one for desktops06:56
joshua12hi, guys. could u help me how to install korean language pack on xubuntu 11.04?06:56
edbianstan: ctrl + alt + F1, log in, run compiz --display :0.0  and switch back ctrl  + alt + F706:56
stani did 'compiz' and then it just sat there, and i hit ctrl+c and then it all happend06:56
edbianstan: Your window manager crashed06:56
edbianstan: you crashed your window manager06:56
genewitchSnicers-Home: servers is ESXi (good luck finding compatible hardware) and the second is google and http://www.colinux.org/06:56
stani feel 'tarded lol06:56
Snicers-Homeohsix, why is it not practical?06:56
joshua12yesterday i have just installed xubuntu 11.04 on my netbook.06:57
edbianstan: since compiz won't work switch to tty1 and do metacity --display :0.006:57
jack123i need help regarding mbr06:57
ActionParsnipGalaxor: http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu//pool/main/e/eglibc/libc6_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8_amd64.deb06:57
joshua12i want to use korean langauge but can't install.06:57
ohsixSnicers-Home: because you probably wouldn't like what you get when you do it :D and vm's are generally involved06:58
GalaxorActionParsnip: That seems like a bad idea.  Why can't I get that package from the repos?06:58
* edbian agrees06:58
jack123any 1 willing to help me06:58
genewitchGalaxor: it's liek it's redhat in 1998. it's fine, i would think.06:58
stanunable to open X display06:58
ActionParsnipGalaxor: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-updates/libc606:58
ClaudiuThello. how can I remove my user from sudoers, ubuntu-way? I want to acceess root only with su06:58
jack123i want to remove linux boot record plz help06:58
ActionParsnipGalaxor: it's in the lucid-updates repo06:58
genewitchClaudiuT: apt-get remove sudo06:58
edbianstan: metacity --display=:0.006:59
edbianstan: I think06:59
genewitchClaudiuT: don't do that though without making a root password06:59
Galaxorlucid-updates is like a backports repo?06:59
ohsixClaudiuT: /etc/sudoers, and man sudoers, but why would you want to do that?06:59
stanedbian: looks like that worked06:59
jack123insanely maccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc06:59
edbianstan: yay06:59
stanthx :-)06:59
edbianstan: Next time you restart it will be back to normal06:59
stanbut now is compiz still crashed?06:59
edbianstan: no problem06:59
edbianstan: compiz is not running07:00
GalaxorCan I see, like, a list of repos and what version of upstart each one offers?07:00
stani was trying to get into compiz to twiddle with effects, obviously i do not know what i'm doing :-X07:00
ClaudiuTohsix: I have  "root    ALL=(ALL) ALL" in my /etc/sudoers07:00
stanedbian: so how do i ahve windows w/o compiz? is this something i really need to google myself? lol07:00
ActionParsnipGalaxor: in my natty it says they are recommended updates.07:00
edbianstan: compiz --replace& in a terminal  (Don't press ctrl + c unless you wanna switch to tty1 again)07:00
edbianstan: compiz and metacity are both window managers.  You're using metacity right now.07:00
edbianstan: compiz does pretty effects.07:01
edbianstan: You can't do both at once07:01
GalaxorCuz why would upstart require a package that can't be installed?  I'm thinking I've got some other weird ppa I installed that's offering a newer version of upstart or something.07:01
ActionParsnip!noroot | ClaudiuT07:01
ubottuClaudiuT: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.07:01
stanah interesting, thats why all the wiggly window effects arent working now lolol07:01
ActionParsnip!root | ClaudiuT07:01
ubottuClaudiuT: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:01
edbianstan: compiz --replace  and metacity --replace can be used to switch07:01
edbianstan: that's right07:01
stanso now if i went in and did compiz --display = : 0.0 would i beback on compiz?07:01
edbianstan: you do compiz --replace now07:01
stanah ok07:01
edbianstan: yep07:01
ActionParsnipGalaxor: because it depends on that package being installed to at least that version07:01
edbianstan: good?  It's my bed time07:02
stanedbian: no, im sitting on a blank line in the console07:02
beinghumansudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove isn't working07:02
* stan is a huge linux noob :-(07:02
GalaxorActionParsnip: So canonical put a package in the repositories whose dependencies can't be satisfied?07:02
ohsixGalaxor: did they?07:02
edbianstan: if you run compiz --replace it will take up the terminal07:03
ActionParsnipGalaxor: currently, yes. When the packages are at the right version,  the updates will come07:03
edbianstan: Until you kill it.  (then you have no window manager...)07:03
edbianstan: Does that answer your question?07:03
ActionParsnipGalaxor: happens sometimes07:03
ksidirt_How come compizconfig doesnt apply any changes I choose?07:03
ohsixGalaxor: there might be an incomplete update, or something not on your mirror yet; but generally they don't, loud alarms go off and packages don't build generally if the deps aren't available07:03
stanedbian: got it, i needed to go in terminal.  what is ctrl alt f1 thing called? not a console?07:03
edbianstan: That's a console.  The prompt is the console.  That is TTY1  (teletype 1)07:04
stanis that the 'shell'?07:04
* stan dodges flames07:04
stanah ok07:04
edbianstan: shell, terminal, console  all the same thing effectively07:04
stanso if i wanted to mess with compiz settings in the terminal, i have to type my commands when i say compiz07:04
stani cant 'open' compiz per-se?07:04
GalaxorActionParsnip, ohsix: Okay.  So that explains why upstart isn't updating.07:04
edbianstan: Just turn compiz on using compiz --replace.  Then you can mess with the settings using compizconfig-settings-manager07:05
GalaxorActionParsnip: But my original problem is that the "firefox" package from the firefox ppa isn't showing up.07:05
edbianstan: And you can have compiz turn on by default (I think it does in Ubuntu nowadays)07:05
vanmik_how to install this on ubuntu machine witouth internet - http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/linux-backports-modules-net-2.6.38-8-generic ?07:05
ActionParsnipGalaxor: did you run:  sudo apt-get update07:05
GalaxorActionParsnip: So many times.07:05
stanLOLFUCK closed that temrinal window and compiz died again ROFL07:05
edbianstan: rofl copter07:05
stansorry guys, ill google07:06
edbianbut please don't swear07:06
ActionParsnipvanmik_: grab the deb and copy it to the webless system07:06
edbianstan: Bed time for me!07:06
ActionParsnipvanmik_: you will need to manually satisfy deps as well which could get tiring07:06
edbianstan: Have fun!  :)  Pretty sure if you restart compiz will be running and you won't need to compiz --replace it in a terminal07:06
ActionParsnipGalaxor: could try: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install firefox-4.0; sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa07:07
jack123guysssssssssssss i needdddddd helppppppppppppppppppppppppppp07:08
ActionParsnipGalaxor: the ppa should be removed or it will upgrade the current firefox to minefield release07:08
GalaxorActionParsnip: Hm.  Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US07:08
ActionParsnipjack123: just ask07:08
cgo81ask your question @ jack12307:08
fisixjack123, stop that immediately07:08
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jack123i want to fix my mbrrrrrrr07:09
GalaxorActionParsnip: Why does it Ign?07:09
jack123i have linuxxx mbrrrrrrrrrr07:09
jack123i want to removeeeeee it07:09
beinghumansudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove does not work07:09
fisixjack123, lol07:09
beinghumanit continues to start after boot07:09
ActionParsnipGalaxor: seems to be http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/dists/     looks like the repo is wrong07:09
food1jack123: mbr is and mbr ther is no such thing as a linux mbr07:09
cgo81jack123: we dont need the extra letters. so do you mean grub is installed and you want to remove that/07:10
ActionParsnipjack123: please don't type like that, its harder to read and completely unnecessary.07:10
jack123yes gurb is installed i want to remove it07:10
jack123so that directly windows 7 starts07:10
ActionParsnipjack123: just install a different bootloader then07:10
jack123how to do that07:10
ActionParsnipjack123: then ask in ##windows how to reinstate the windows botloader07:11
genewitchjack123: boot into recovery mode on windows and do fdisk /fixmbr07:11
GalaxorActionParsnip: Oh good.  Then I am not crazy.07:11
ActionParsnipjack123: type    /join ##windows07:11
genewitchjack123: almost postive that's the command07:11
atdprhshello everyone, does anyone know why Ubuntu live cd or USB doesn't load completely on Toshiba laptop, it just pauses after the first screen which has the keyboard small picture at the bottom07:11
ActionParsnipjack123: you can modify grub so windows is the default OS07:11
cgo81win7 disk can repair mbr07:11
jack123ok thanks07:11
ActionParsnipatdprhs: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?07:11
jack123thank you all07:11
jack123i had really bad experience with linux07:12
atdprhsI don't know about that07:12
cgo81you're welcome @ jack12307:12
jack123specially linux ubuntu07:12
genewitchatdprhs: you should, it is probably incomplete.07:12
genewitchjack123: you should probably leave now before you get banned :-/07:12
atdprhsActionParsnip, I installed ubuntu on my personal laptop from the same live CD07:12
jack123banned why .?07:12
food1jack123: there many distro out there try another or go back to windows07:12
cgo81ya, especially after that silly cyber guy was spamming all that mac propaganda07:13
ActionParsnipatdprhs: ok then make the CD test itself for defects, you may want to test the ram too07:13
atdprhsActionParsnip and Genewitch, and after I finished, I tried installing it on the toshiba one07:13
ActionParsnipjack123: ask in #freenode07:13
gartralin 11.04 if I have a 3G/4G and wifi on at the same time, will ubuntu automatically put the mobile connection too sleep if it has wifi?07:14
atdprhsany other options that I should do? or those may fix the probem?07:14
jack123yesterday 2 people help me a lot regarding ubuntu.  but no luck07:15
ActionParsnipatdprhs: so by freeze do you mean a black screen?07:15
atdprhsit freezes on a blank screen07:15
ActionParsnipatdprhs: then SAY THAT07:15
jack123problem was that i wans not able to start the interent in ubuntu07:15
ActionParsnipatdprhs: what video chip do you use?07:15
jack123but in live cd it was working07:15
fisixif i encrypted something with public key/private key, then reinstalled ubuntu... there's no way i can open this gpg is there07:15
atdprhsbefore it goes to the live cd which has (try ubuntu or install ubuntu), I tried the cd on other laptop and it works normally07:16
Andy_Ctrying to build a driver from source. following these instructions from post #6  - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1424280&highlight=lenovo+bcm+431307:16
ActionParsnipatdprhs: what video chip are you using?07:16
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atdprhsit's built-in07:16
atdprhsintel I guess07:16
Andy_Cthe make command seems to fail. here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/603990/07:16
ActionParsnipatdprhs: add the boot option:  nomodeset    and remove the options: quiet splash07:16
atdprhsI don't get to those options actually07:16
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | atdprhs yes you do07:17
ubottuatdprhs yes you do: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions07:17
atdprhslet me see the website, give me a min.07:17
josuf107fisix: if you have a file gpg encrypted with a public key, and you do not have the key, you will not be able to decrypt that file unless you make a miraculously good guess at the private key07:18
Akilosaluton amikoj07:18
atdprhsI don't get to see this page on toshiba laptop07:19
atdprhsit freezes before this page07:19
gartralin 11.04 if I have a 3G/4G and wifi on at the same time, will ubuntu automatically put the mobile connection too sleep if it has wifi?07:19
josuf107fisix: do you know for sure that your keyfile is gone?07:20
Andy_Cany ideas on why I can't compile this driver?07:20
fisixjosuf107, i know the password for it, i just don't have the key since i reinstalled ubuntu07:20
atdprhsubotto and ActionParsnip07:20
ActionParsnipatdprhs: hold shift as soon as the system starts to load, at the BIOS screen07:21
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atdprhsyou mean while booting the screen or the toshiba?07:22
atdprhsnot toshiba07:22
josuf107well I think the password is actually to access the keyfile07:22
FloodBot1atdprhs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:22
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josuf107fisix: did you lose your files?07:22
romeo0i just upgrade to 11.4 but not completly that is why i lost some toolbars how can i have them again above and belove of my desktop..you can see it here :http://up.vatandownload.com/images/2hk27zninu0142r5wrr1.png07:22
ActionParsnipatdprhs: yes, at boot07:22
trammI want to change background image of Ubuntu Natty greeting screen on Live CD (the one with choices "Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu"), but I cannot find where the image is defined, can anyone point me to the right direction? It seems it's not the usual GDM background...07:22
atdprhsI'll try that and see the things I could do when I get the laptop again07:23
fisixjosuf107, i backed up my home directory07:23
ActionParsniptramm: I believe it's /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png07:23
ActionParsniptramm: just replace that file :)07:24
gartralromeo0: a quickfix would be too hit ctrl-alt-t and run metacity --replace or ubity --replace07:24
gartralromeo0: unity --replace*07:24
UbuntuNoobwhere is chromium located within my hdd so i can kill it via terminal? or what do i type into terminal after killall -q to kill chromium07:25
josuf107fisix: give me just one second07:25
ActionParsnipUbuntuNoob: its file location isn't needed to kill it07:25
ActionParsnipUbuntuNoob: killall chromium-browser    should do it07:25
UbuntuNoobah i forgot the -browser thankls07:25
fisixjosuf107, no problemo07:26
ActionParsnipUbuntuNoob: chromium is a game ;)07:26
LAcancan i specify multiple ports for ssh to listen to?07:26
rob_pLAcan: yes07:26
LAcanrob_p, just add another Port XX entry under Port 22?07:27
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rob_pLAcan: add another line with, "Port xx"07:27
LAcanrob_p, ty!07:28
rob_pLAcan: welcome07:28
tripelb<3 ubuntu. All I did was sudo apt-get install libreoffice and it is doing it. I didnt even have to ask cause I can try it myself.07:28
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tripelbsorry offtopic07:29
ActionParsniprob_p: i'd change port 22 to a different port, aids security to use non standard ports :)07:29
josuf107fisix: try ls ~/.gnupg07:29
josuf107in your saved home folder07:29
Reign_I do not know how to install Xine. Instructions I have found don't make sense.07:29
fisixcannot access that directory07:29
fisixno such07:29
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rob_pActionParsnip: Yeah, I do that on all my boxes.  He/she was asking how to make sshd listen on *multiple* ports.07:30
cgo81never use port 22, hackers love you long time if you do use it07:30
josuf107fisix: that kind of sucks. You don't happen to know whether you designated someplace special for your keyfiles?07:31
rob_pActionParsnip: Although it could be argued that security through obscurity is a fallacy! :)  I tend to do it anyway.07:31
fisixjosuf107, unlikely. it was probably wherever the default location is...07:31
h4k0rany1 here know a guide to setup squid?07:31
h4k0ra noob guide07:31
ActionParsniprob_p: it helps a little ;)07:31
fisixjosuf107, which i'm guessing was overwritten when i reinstalled ubuntu07:31
rob_pActionParsnip: Indeed.07:31
jbichaReign_: why can't you just use pulseaudio?07:31
ActionParsniph4k0r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid07:32
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h4k0rtnx ActionParsnip07:32
josuf107fisix: ratso. That's pretty much it, unless you figure out how to quickly factor large numbers it seems your data is safe for all time07:32
rob_pActionParsnip: Actually, I do it more just to keep the noise level of my system logs down.07:32
ActionParsnipGuest633: running an irc client as root is a REALLY bad idea07:32
trammActionParsnip: Yes, I may try that in the end, but it would be much nicer if I could change the image location where it is defined and not replace the official Ubuntu wallpaper.07:32
=== _wally is now known as Walter
Reign_am back07:32
arhyttinhi, is there any tool to semi-automatically clean up old kernel images?  just noticed I had a bunch of them a freed a gig of disk space...07:33
fisixjosuf107, lmfao great, just great07:33
fisixjosuf107, o well thanks for the help anyway07:33
ActionParsniptramm: you could grep the file system for references to the image, it'll take a while07:33
josuf107fisix: how did you create your backup?07:33
ActionParsniparhyttin: janitor may do it. I can give a command if you give the output of 2 commands :)07:34
=== sony is now known as Guest96092
Guest96092please help me instal in light ubuntu a usb modem07:34
ActionParsnipGuest9what is light ubuntu?07:34
ActionParsnipGuest96092: what is light ubuntu?07:34
Guest96092a light version of Ubuntu07:34
arhyttinActionParsnip: nah, I'm good. but thanks, I'll check janitor out07:35
dakotagood morning. Sitting here in a bit of a pickle. Decided to upgrade a maverik server to natty. Things seem to have gone horribly wrong.07:35
ActionParsnipGuest96092: if its not a canonical release then it's not supported here07:35
Guest96092for old pc07:35
cjaredrunis that like a light salad dressing?07:35
Reign_Xine install problems. Is there a line so I know where I am in this?07:35
dakotaOn boot I get into the grub cli. Using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Using%20CLI%20to%20Boot07:35
dakotaI can get past that point07:35
Guest96092just not so powerfull07:35
ActionParsnipGuest96092: try Xubuntu (or lubuntu). Ubuntu spinoffs like that are not supported here07:36
Guest96092in what package can I find network manager?07:36
voidrhiMik, is there a better way to browse this http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/makes ? or can I somehow download this in a CVS or something? this web interface is killing me07:36
jbichaGuest96092: network-manager or network-manager-gnome07:36
jbichaGuest96092: but what's your problem?07:37
voidrsorry I meant "hi"07:37
ActionParsnipGuest96092: did you mean this: http://ulite.org/07:37
Guest96092i would like to install a usb modem stick on lubuntu and don`t know how07:38
ActionParsnipGuest96092: use unetbootin07:38
Guest96092it is very easy in Ubuntu but lUbuntu is not easy07:38
Guest96092for me07:38
Guest96092what is unetbootin07:38
ActionParsnipGuest96092: non canonical releases are offtopic here07:38
romeo0now i have got UNITY but how can i come back to gnom!07:38
jbichaGuest96092: try #lubuntu07:38
arand_!classic | romeo007:39
ubotturomeo0: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.07:39
ActionParsnipGuest96092: go find out ;) the internet can tell you more than anyone can07:39
trammActionParsnip: Do you think of any specific directories or just grep -r "warty-final-ubuntu" * at root? Yes, I think I'll do that. Yesterday I grepped through all Gconf values, but I did not find anything, I hope filesystem gives some clues.07:39
arhyttinGuest96092: so you want to "just use" and USB modem?07:39
Guest96092 yes07:39
ActionParsniptramm: sounds fine07:39
arhyttinGuest96092: unetbootin is bootable usb creation tool, so probably not related, unless you also want to have bootable usb stick07:40
dakotaok. So, I get passed the grub cli and manage to start booting. I then get a bunch of errors ending with a busyBox shell07:40
hachourihello, I cannot sync my ipad music using banshee, when I drag and drop music to the ipad it seem it's syncing but in real there is nothing, my ipad have ios 4.2.1 and using ubuntu natty07:40
Reign_Can someone help me with install problems07:40
dakotabasic errors are "mount: mounting /sys on /root/sysm faiiled: no such file or directory"07:40
ActionParsnipdakota: I'd boot to liveCD and reinstate grub07:40
arhyttinGuest96092: I found (an open source, made with Python) usb stick utility from Vodafone site07:40
ActionParsnip!details | Reign_07:41
ubottuReign_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:41
arhyttinGuest96092: which pretty much just worked, not to mention connected about 10 times faster than network-damager07:41
fisixjosuf107, do you know if my firefox favourites would be saved somewhere?07:41
arhyttinbut that was liek 1-2 years ago07:41
romeo0arand_: how can i log out in terminal because i have no taskbar now to log out? my UNITY is not install completly?!!!07:41
dakotaAlso getting "Target filesystem doesn't have request /sbin/init' / 'No init found. Try passing init= bootarg'07:41
ActionParsnipromeo0: gnome-session-save --logout07:42
Reign_I have stated more than once that I am having problems installing Xine. I have a new version of Ubuntu that I installed today. I hadn't install anything before and the instructions to do so don't make sense. (My Moive Player won't run movies. I tried to install something else.)07:42
arhyttinGuest96092: but, you could try navigating vodafone site, to Linux driver downloads or something liek that07:42
Guest96092I installed the drivers but my issue now is how to setup the network connection cause I have not packadge installed for that07:42
dakotaActionParsnip:  Guess that means I need to download the natty live cd07:42
ActionParsnipdakota: any release past Karmic will do07:42
josuf107fisix: I think they'd be in your original home directories .mozilla folder07:42
cjaredrunfisix ~/.mozilla/firefox07:42
dakotaActionParsnip:  ah. cool07:42
jbichaReign_: xine isn't supported in Ubuntu these days as much as pulseaudio is07:42
josuf107fisix: I meant "directory's"07:43
fisixshiiiit i didn't save the hidden directories >: (07:43
Reign_jbicha: the websites I read didn't say that. So how do I play movies?07:43
josuf107fisix: that's what i was goind to ask!07:43
agillatorWhere would one provide feedback to Cannonical/Ubuntu developers on 11.04?07:43
josuf107fisix: bad luck07:43
cjaredrunoh noes fisix :X07:43
fisixi'm the worst07:44
cjaredrunforums are a good place agillator07:44
jbichaReign_: oh I'm sorry, xine is just a media player07:44
Reign_jbicha: the websites didn't say that either. My movie player, which I think is Totem, doesn't work.07:44
agillatorBut which ones? This, I assume, is a general help channel, not a feedback channel.07:44
jbichaReign_: try VLC07:44
arand_romeo0: gnome-session-save --logout is one possibility07:45
Reign_jbicha: would that site include instructions in a form of English a non techie would understand?07:45
Viking667Inside Unity, how the heck do I change the background colour of the top panel? the "absorbed" menus don't show up as they're really black text on dark grey background.07:45
novitololoIf I create a connection (wired), how do I tell ubuntu to use that connection?07:45
jbichaReign_: install VLC from the Ubuntu Software Center07:45
hachourihello, I cannot sync my ipad music using banshee, when I drag and drop music to the ipad it seem it's syncing but in real there is nothing, my ipad have ios 4.2.1 and using ubuntu natty07:45
novitololoI can see how to create/modify but not how to tell him to use that connection07:45
Reign_jbicha: all right, I'll check. But I could find no movie player there.07:45
Guest96092can I run ubuntu smoothly with an old laptop pentium 4 1.5 ghz and 512ram just for internet07:45
jbichaReign_: but what type of video are you specifically trying to play?07:46
celthunderGuest96092: yes07:46
Reign_jbicha: DVD movie. Came from Netflix. VLC available but says nothing about DVDs07:46
cjaredrunagillator might find something that fits here http://www.ubuntu.com/community/report-problem07:46
jbicha!dvd | Reign_07:46
josuf107fisix: don't feel bad about yourself, anyone could have made that mistake. You're allowed to feel about your lost data though =/07:46
ubottuReign_: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:46
cjaredrunmailing lists, etc07:46
Guest96092celtjunter:how much ram does ubuntu use just for internet07:47
agillatorMany thanks, cjaredrun07:47
cjaredrunnp agillator07:47
arhyttinGuest96092: how much ram is used depends on how many, and what, internet sites you have open...07:47
predsJust upgraded to 11.04, how do I move this new bar thing from the left to the bottom of the screen?07:47
celthunderGuest96092: depends on your browser...what you have open etc07:47
jbichaReign_: you can also open the Help app and search for DVD and it will give you the same instructions but maybe easier07:47
arhyttinGuest96092: with Internet of todya, 512 may be a bit little for power using, but it's completely usable for sure07:48
Guest96092will xubuntu use less ram than ubuntu?07:48
jbichaReign_: and then even Movie Player should support DVDs but I use VLC, I've not used xine in a long long time07:48
Reign_jbicha: back to instruction problems. It tells me to do things but not how07:48
celthunderGuest96092: theoretically yes07:48
Viking667Ubuntu Server shouldn't have any issues with 256Mb memory, should it? (if we're not using stuff like apache/proftpd/mail+)07:48
arhyttinGuest96092: note: the line between ubuntu and xubuntu is quite small, you can get xubuntu on any ubuntu by installing "xubuntu-desktop" package07:49
rob_pGuest96092: There's also lubuntu which *should* run on lower end hardware.07:49
celthunderGuest96092: since you can install any wm/de in any distro ...no not really07:49
predsViking667, without a gui, 256mb is sufficient07:49
ActionParsnipReign_: the dvd guide will make ANY player play DVD as there is a central storage of plugins07:49
arhyttinGuest96092: and if you use xubunut installer, you can get full gnome from "ubuntu-desktop" package07:49
vanquish349i need some help making a launcher for ace of spades07:49
Reign_ActionParsnip: that does not make sense to me. Please explain.07:49
Guest96092ok thatnk you07:49
ActionParsnipReign_: I suggest you add the medibuntu repo and install w32codecs too (I assume 32bit OS)07:49
Guest96092thank you all07:49
Guest96092for support07:50
arhyttinGuest96092: so I'd start with xubuntu installer, I think it installs less stuff, and it's always easier to install more than clean up stuff you don't need07:50
jbichaReign_: "How do I enable restricted codecs to play DVDs" in Help walks you through the steps you need07:50
ActionParsnipReign_: read the DVD link ubottu gave. When it has been ran then ay player will play dvd07:50
Reign_ActionParsnip: I can't install anything. I can't figure out the instructions07:50
Reign_ActionParsnip: I "run" the program and it tells me it can't find a plug in, no options07:50
ActionParsnipReign_: press CTRL+ALT+T and you will get a terminal, then use the commands given07:50
jbichaReign_: have you found Ubuntu Software Center yet?07:51
ActionParsnipReign_: I dont care about the program, you need to use the guide and run the 2 commands given in a terminal07:51
e1nh4nd3rSo hey, how do you edit the command that a shortcut will execute in unity now?07:51
Reign_ActionParsnip: I have tried running other commands but they don't work in Terminal. And yes, I found the Software Center. I can't even get it to let me access my anti virus it says I installed07:51
jbicha!antivirus | Reign_07:51
ubottuReign_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus07:51
ActionParsnipReign_: then you need to close software centre as that will lock the packages and cause errors07:52
vanquish349i need some help making a launcher for a terminal command07:52
Reign_Reign: I closed it and reopened it. Doesn't help. Instructions I have found on-line don't work. I have been at this for hours before finding this chat room07:52
cjaredrunvanquish349 what are you trying to launch07:52
Reign_ActionParsnip: sorry, am getting frustrated, this comp is running slow and my other one won't run movies07:53
jbichaReign_: Have you found the Help app?07:53
vanquish349this command  wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Ace\ of\ Spades/client.exe -aos://196630111207:53
Reign_jbicha: Help app??07:53
LAcanDoes anyone know if Tomboy Notes for windows works with Ubuntu One?07:53
zairohi. not sure if this is the correct channel. how to add new root certificates in ubuntu?07:53
jbichaReign_: click the Ubuntu button in the top left and search for Help07:53
Reign_There is no "DVD guide" under search07:53
ActionParsnipReign_: all you need to run is: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh07:53
celthunderzairo: add them to /etc/ssl/certs i think07:53
ActionParsnipReign_: I COPIED those from the DVD link ubottu gave07:54
Reign_ActionParsnip: running that command will get a request for a password and make my keybvoard stop working07:54
celthunderReign_: your keyboard still works it just doesn't show the password07:54
zairocelthunder: already add. it work fine if i curl -d url -k. how to make it function without -k?07:54
jbichaReign_: search for Help and then once Help starts search for the DVD codecs article07:54
cjaredrunvanquish349 this should help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToAddaLauncher07:54
vanquish349cjaredrun: thanks07:54
cjaredrunnp vanquish34907:54
Reign_I have to go. This comp isn't working right. Thanks for you help. I wish I even understood what you were telling me.07:55
celthunderGuest633: hi07:56
Guest633any body there07:56
Guest633how are you07:56
survivor030406not toobad07:56
cjaredrunhi survivor03040607:56
survivor030406the icon for 'get software disappeared07:57
Guest633and survivor where are you from07:57
jbichaGuest633: there are hundreds of people here07:57
survivor030406from Natick MA...07:57
Guest633which country07:57
cjaredrunsurvivor030406 that sounds more like something i read in a harry potter book :X07:57
Guest633and one thing i want to ask to you07:58
zairoi follow this but to no avail. any help? http://blog.pumacode.org/2009/01/12/adding-new-root-certificates-in-ubuntu/07:58
survivor030406my 'get software' thing is gone07:59
Guest633how can i hack wifi passwords from black track 4 r207:59
cjaredrunyou must be lost Guest63307:59
Guest633which software07:59
cjaredruni suggest the #iwishiwassuperleet chan Guest63308:00
vanquish349cjaredrun: thanks08:00
celthunderGuest633: depends on the type of network security08:00
vanquish349it worked08:00
cjaredrunthat work ? perfect vanquish34908:00
survivor030406for the ubuntu packagr doenloads08:00
Guest633hello cjaredrun08:00
survivor030406package downloads08:00
celthundersurvivor030406: uhm download apt/aptitude and use dpkg to install them?08:01
survivor030406from ubuntu depository08:01
celthundersurvivor030406: or are you missing dpkg08:01
mozeeenow i have got unity but it's not installed completly so how can i log out in terminal and back to gnom?08:01
survivor030406maybe it is missing that08:01
celthundersurvivor030406: go to a terminal and type dpkg08:02
celthunderdoe you get output08:02
cjaredrunGuest633 on a more serious note, #aircrack-ng is a good place for wifi info08:02
Guest633how can i get access08:03
survivor030406maybe missing kde front end?08:03
Guest633i m running live08:03
celthundersurvivor030406: ?08:03
mozeeewhat is the command line for log out i want to switch to another user?08:04
celthunderGuest633: since you're in here using a completely different distro (ok so am i) asking about completely unrelated stuff...i'm going to assume you're a 5 year old moron...stop wasting space and go away if i'm wrong..use google08:04
celthundermozeee: exit08:04
josuf107celthunder: what distro are you using?08:05
arhyttinmozeee: do you mean, switching at the command line (su can do that), or switching the entire desktop session, or just exiting to text login prompt, or forcing desktop session logout, or desktop session user switch?a08:05
celthunderjosuf107: archlinux08:06
`[o_0]`ubuntu failz on my wifi but i has usb wifi stick... so yay :D08:06
Snicers-HomeI am running Ubuntu 11.04 in VirtualBox, how do I make it so I can access my webserver from my host machine?08:06
josuf107celthunder: no way me too, at least on this machine08:06
survivor030406wow nice08:07
hachourihello, I'm not able to add music to my ipad 1st gen using banshee, ios 4.2.1 and ubuntu natty08:07
celthunderSnicers-Home: start apache open iptables up on port 80 and visit the ip08:07
survivor030406 2 base packs not installed?08:07
survivor030406i should probably get those08:07
Snicers-Homecelthunder, I have never done iptables, what is the command to get into it via terminal?08:07
celthunderSnicers-Home: since it's by default internal nat between vm and host it should let you do it.  if not set the vm network type to be included in your normal network08:07
mozeeearhyttin: swwitch entire desktop session08:07
iAmerikanDoes anyone know how to set up GTP during? Not converting?08:07
mozeeebecause now i have unity but it's not completly install that is why  i want to come back to that classic gnom08:08
celthunderSnicers-Home: iptables -A -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT08:08
ActionParsnipSnicers-Home: if you have an X server you can use ufw08:09
arhyttinmozeee: from command line?08:09
josuf107mozee: do you login with gdm?08:09
dimitrihy guys, with ubuntu 11.04 i have some problem with classic interface. when the problam iconized the program is not visible after but runs08:09
mozeeejosuf107: no08:09
jimrewhi when ubuntu comes out with unity and gnome 3 will i be abele to download gnome classic?08:09
ActionParsnipdimitri: add the windows list item to then panel. Do you mean minimized apps don't show?08:09
celthunderjimrew: gnome 3 and unity are already both available08:09
celthunderjimrew: gnome classic is gnome 3 in fallback mode08:10
jimrewoh thank you08:10
ActionParsnipcellardoor: gnome3 is not supported here as it is a 4rd party app08:10
arhyttinmozeee: I've no experience with 11.04 yet, so can't comment much... other than what you want to do sounds bit odd, not sure if I'm not understanding, or if Unity has something strange in it08:10
ActionParsnip!gnome3 | jimrew08:10
Snicers-Homecelthunder, I got "bad argument: tcp"08:10
ubottujimrew: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.08:10
dimitriActionParsnip, this problem is only for some program08:10
ActionParsnipdimitri: strange08:10
dimitriskype thunderbird08:10
dimitribut not with firefox08:10
mozeeethe command was something like this:    gnom --savesession --logout08:10
mozeeei don't know08:11
ActionParsnipdimitri: add the system tray item maybe08:11
dimitriok i try08:11
arhyttinmozeee: ah, that makes it clear what you want.  I have no answer though, if that doesn't work... :-(08:11
dimitribut this is a fresh installation08:11
ActionParsnipmozeee: gnome-session-save --kill --silent08:11
dimitriwithout any canghe08:11
ActionParsnip!panels | dimitri08:11
ubottudimitri: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:11
jimrewso that means ubuntu will allways have gnome classic?08:11
cryptodiraburning the 11.04 iso to disk..... the iso checksum matches the ubuntu hash site.... looking at permissions on the new cd, returns: the permissions of ubuntu 11.04 amd64 could not be determined..... further, running check disk against the cd, returns:  you do not have the required permissions to use this drive....... on last note: the cd does NOT boot, even tho, i have the cd as first choice in the bios....i see no cd act08:12
cryptodiraivity during boot up.... this is on a amd64 system with 10.10 installed only....... thoughts or suggestions??08:12
mozeeeActionParsnip: and if i want to logout?08:12
ActionParsnipjimrew: who knows, lets wait and see :D08:12
=== Nappz is now known as Nappz-Zzz
mozeeeActionParsnip: would you please type it again08:12
ActionParsnipmozeee: that's the command08:12
ActionParsnipmozeee: gnome-session-save --kill --silent08:12
Snicers-Homejimrew, It will have gnome until unity is better and more widly accepted.08:12
ActionParsnipmozeee: you could have just scrolled up......08:12
mozeeejust cleared the scr08:13
ActionParsnipmozeee: i see08:13
jimrewtha say that ther working on gnome 3 with unity thats why im asking08:13
* ActionParsnip shrugs08:13
celthunderjimrew: you can only run one at a time08:13
jimrewubuntu said that tha would try to fix that08:13
jimrewbut i hope tha wount08:13
celthunderSnicers-Home: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT08:14
jimrewwhat do you think?08:14
Snicers-Homecelthunder, Thank you very much.08:14
Viking667In Unity, the panel that appears at the top of the screen with the indicators on it is really dark. How do I lighten up its background colour? Right-clicking on the panel does absolutely nothing, and menus are impossible to read against it.08:15
ActionParsnipjimrew: this is support only, chat about ubuntu is for #ubuntu-offtopic08:15
celthunderjimrew: fix what? i don't even use gnome3 or unity...they both fail imho08:15
ActionParsnipViking667: use the humanity dark icon theme08:15
jimrewoh im sory tha said this was the hellp place08:15
Viking667ActionParsnip: hm. How do I get to that?08:15
josuf107Viking667: System Settings -> Appearance ->08:15
Viking667celthunder: I'm giving Unity a month... that way, I'll know if I can stand it or not.08:16
Snicers-Homecelthunder, what do you recomend?08:16
Viking667josuf107: thanks.08:16
celthunderSnicers-Home: for what?08:16
Snicers-Homecelthunder, what do you recomend for a desktop enviornemnt.08:16
ActionParsnipViking667: right click desktop -> change background -> theme -> customise button -> icons tab08:16
ben42hi, i can't disable compiz effect on 10.10, when i set it to none i still have shadow and fade zooming on icons and stuff08:16
ActionParsnipben42: try pressing ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace08:16
ben42how could i force it to none, (was tyhinking from gconf-editor) ?08:16
josuf107i thought i was one of very few people running xmonad08:17
dimitristrange think.... i restart and now is right without any canche08:17
ben42ActionParsnip, i still have the effects08:17
Viking667ActionParsnip: that's exactly what I needed - thanks.08:17
dimitrii try it again08:17
dimitrithank you ....08:18
Reign_I found the Help information on DVDs. Its not searchable by install or DVDs or plug ins for that matter. I clicked and installed all the required options. I restarted. It still doesn't work.08:18
ben42ActionParsnip, is there a file i could remove to reset the conf ?08:18
celthunderjosuf107: lol i have like 30 things open on a netbook and still using hardly any processor and only like 65mb of ram...not to mention it puts windows hwere i want automatically not all over the place...08:19
celthunderReign_: what're you trying to do?08:19
josuf107celthunder: i know. I never realized how much space I wasted looking at fragments of my background, and how much time I wasted moving windows around with my mouse08:19
Reign_celthunder: play a movie for the last 3+ hours08:19
Snicers-Homecelthunder, xmonad basically allows for multiple terminals in a text environment?08:20
vanmik_does anyone here facing problem with wireless connection in 11.04 on broadcom bcm4311?08:20
ActionParsnipben42: not sure, sorry08:20
celthunderReign_: LOL install mplayer and play your video08:20
ben42ActionParsnip, ok08:20
pyrony"Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles grows." -Robert G. Ingersoll08:20
celthunderSnicers-Home: ? no it's a window manager for X08:20
ActionParsnip!broadcom | vanmik_08:20
ubottuvanmik_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:20
josuf107snicers-home: it's a tiling window manager for X08:20
Reign_celthunder: How exactly do I do that? The instructions don't make sense. I've been trying to install things. And can't!08:20
celthunderReign_: open a terminal and type apt-get install mplayer if it fails pastebin output and link08:21
trammIn Ubuntu gettext MO files are placed in /usr/share/locale or /usr/share/locale-langpack and the first directory is preferred to langpack directory. Is this all about MO file priorities in Ubuntu or is there a way of automatically overriding files by version number or date? Only by providing a modification of an original language pack as a DEB package using Replaces clause?08:21
celthunderSnicers-Home: xmonad.org08:22
celthunderjosuf107: pm?08:22
josuf107celthunder: I would, but I need to go. Sometime though!08:22
celthunderok pm me any time always on08:22
Reign_celthunder: tried that. got error msgs. Asks if I'm root. I was unable to find out what root was by doing a help search earlier08:22
celthunderReign_: sudo su -08:23
celthunderReign_: after that you should be at a # sign...run the command from there08:23
Reign_hold on, back up (am having serious problems with this computer's speed, making this even more difficult)08:23
MethedManwhere to go for html php questions?08:24
celthunderMohammadAG: what's the question though i suspect #php...if it's basic i can help you08:24
Reign_celthunder: start at the beginning, please, I am at a terminal prompt08:24
celthunderwell 99 percent of php/html is basic but...you get the idea08:24
celthunderReign_: sudo su -08:24
ActionParsnipReign_: sudo -i08:25
celthunderReign_: after that it'll ask you for a password you type it in (it won't show you)08:25
celthunderReign_: then apt-get install mplayer (or vlc if you want but...i prefer mplayer)08:25
Reign_celthunder: I have root@(insert comp name here)08:25
celthunderReign_: yep08:25
czar__hi all08:26
celthundernow install your media player both of the above include pretty decent codec libraries08:26
Reign_celthunder: ty. I hate DOS. Dealt with it some a lot of years ago.08:26
czar__fuck off08:26
celthunderReign_: that's not dos08:26
Reign_celthunder: I'm assuming I should continue?08:26
czar__fuck fuck08:26
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!08:26
celthundersomeone kick czar__08:26
czar__i wanna have a sex08:26
Reign_celthunder: it looks like DOS, it runs similar, and its a pain in the butt, DOS is as accurate as I can give it08:26
celthunderReign_: lol bash is 100000000000x more powerful than dos...ok any unix/linux command prompt is more powerful but...you get the idea08:27
Reign_celthunder: on another note, what is "Dash?" It shows this icon I don't have and keeps telling to use it?08:27
ActionParsnippowershell is similar under windows :D08:27
Reign_celthunder: got a root request again08:28
celthunderActionParsnip: lol powershell is kind of broken yet though...they're getting the right idea finally08:28
Snicers-Homecelthunder, how do you get into #php, it is invite only.08:28
celthunder/join #php08:28
celthunderno it's not08:28
Reign_celthunder: got another root@ and a blinking cursor08:29
celthunderReign_: which of the two did you install?08:29
ac001are there any xbuntu users here?08:29
ac001i need help with something in xbuntu 11.0408:29
Reign_celthunder: two of what?08:29
novitololoHello, what's the best I can do to create a Windows partition under Ubuntu?08:29
ActionParsnipac001: ask away08:29
apporcnovitololo: maybe gparted.08:30
jbicha!gparted | novitololo08:30
ubottunovitololo: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:30
Snicers-Homecelthunder,  ##php : Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?08:30
ActionParsnipnovitololo: ntfsprogs may do it but I recommend you use windows08:30
celthunderSnicers-Home: /msg nickserv register <pass> <email> then join it08:30
ActionParsnipnovitololo: you can make the partition in gparted, then format it under windows08:30
novitololothanks :)08:30
Reign_celthunder: did sudo su- and than the apt-get mplayer08:30
ActionParsnipnovitololo: remember, ntfs is proprietary to microsoft08:31
novitololowhat does that mean?08:31
ac001ActionParsnip I can't figure out how to disable the clicking of the touchpad on my laptop...there is no setting for that in the mouse control panel08:31
ac001ActionParsnip do you happen to know how I can disable it?08:32
ActionParsnipac001: what make and model laptop?? Kinda important information wouldn't you say...08:32
celthunderReign_: ok then mplayer -fs /dev/<dvddrive>08:32
celthunderac001: is it synaptics?08:32
ac001actionParsnip Dell Inspiron 940008:33
ac001celthunder yup08:33
Reign_celthunder: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'08:33
jbichaActionParsnip: switch to the Touchpad tab and uncheck "Enabled mouse clicks with touchpad"08:33
celthunderac001: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-synaptics.conf edit that file08:33
fmntfHi. I installed natty (root partition + home encrypted partition). I installed apache2 and configurated a website which is in /home. Apache gives "permission denied" even if there are permission. May it be related to the encrypted filesystem?08:33
jbichaac001: switch to the Touchpad tab and uncheck "Enabled mouse clicks with touchpad"08:33
ActionParsnipjbicha: wrong target dude ;)08:33
html_inprogresshi yall08:34
ac001celthunder what is the command to give me admin rights to edit it?08:34
cjaredrunhi html_inprogress08:34
Reign_UGH. This is reminding me of doing HTML help chat in the 90s. I had a teenager who could understand frames but not copy and paste08:34
celthunderfmntf: more likely its due to it can't read your home dir you using userdir addon or something else if something elsemount -o bind /home/user/folder /somethingapachecanread08:34
Reign_ celthunder: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'08:34
celthunderac001: sudo su -08:34
cjaredrunlol Reign_08:34
ActionParsnipac001: it doesn't need any special access, mouse options are stored on a per user basic08:35
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xskydevilxWhen I try making a folder in / partition I get a message "mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/iso': No such file or directory"08:35
shatlyHow do i mount a folder in a harddrive to a diffrent area?08:35
Reign_ugh, found08:35
celthunderxskydevilx: mkdir -p08:35
celthunderReign_: just install vlc type vlc at the command line and open the dvd it gives you a pretty menu even to do it from08:36
tenochslbHow do i report a bug related to unmounting flash drives?08:36
Reign_celthunder: retype what you wanted me to put in... I had an error of some sort. I tried to retype. Can't find in this chart room. My attempted corrections are not working08:36
luite2does anyone know where ufw stores its rules?08:37
celthunderReign_: apt-get install vlc08:37
cjaredruntenochslb http://www.ubuntu.com/community/report-problem08:37
novitololoActionParsnip: Once I've gparted, I restart Ubuntu and boot from the live cd, create a ntfs partition right?08:37
celthunderluite2: ? if ufw is just a front end to iptables iptables-save > file08:37
ac001celthunder I can't find that folder in X11...I'm in Xubuntu instead of Ubuntu...does that make a difference?08:37
shatlyluite2: it is in the iptables08:37
ActionParsnipac001: or run:  gconftool-2 --set "/desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/tap_to_click" --type bool falsa08:38
celthunderac001: shouldn't08:38
tripelbI thought that linux needed 256MB RAM but this will have less. How is this? (I wanted to giev a friend linux but I thought he didnt have enough RAM.) http://www.raspberrypi.org/  http://www.geek.com/articles/games/game-developer-david-braben-creates-a-usb-stick-pc-for-25-2011055/08:38
shatlyso iptables -l i think lists them08:38
ActionParsnipac001: or run:  gconftool-2 --set "/desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/tap_to_click" --type bool false08:38
Snicers-HomeHas anyone gotten Unity to work on VirtualBox?08:38
luite2shatly / celthunder: yes but they are supposed to be retained after rebooting, so they must be stored somewhere on disk, right?08:38
celthundertripelb: i'm using 65mb with a movie open 20 browswer windows and a few file transfers08:38
Viking667Snicers-Home: haven't managed to get Ubuntu to work on it yet...08:38
ActionParsnipnovitololo: you can mark it as NTFS, but it will need formatting under windows08:38
Viking667... let alone Unity08:38
celthunderb 1108:39
Reign_celthunder: "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" and another root prompt08:39
novitololobut how can I format under Windows, if I don't have Windows installed?08:39
ActionParsnipSnicers-Home: you will need 3D accelleration enabled and most likely the guest additions installing08:39
ac001actionparsnip i ran it but it's still clicking08:39
shatlyluite2: iptables08:39
SuperLagAnyone here know of any mini-PCIe wireless cards that will allow you to do "Master Mode"? I'm trying to set up a desktop box as a wireless access point.08:39
ActionParsnipac001: ok then run gconf-editor and check the option is disabled08:39
SuperLagI've tried two Intel cards, and an Atheros card... with no luck so far.08:39
luite2shatly: hehe but then the question is, where does iptables store them?08:40
ActionParsnipac001: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/85863-trackpad-tap-click-how-disable-xubuntu-dell-latitude.html08:40
luite2shatly: I know how to save them manually, but they must be somewhere already?08:40
xskydevilxHow do I mount an ISO file in Ubuntu?08:40
OverTheHillAndFahola.. i run blender 2.57b. in the middle of the work i minimized it and the icon disappeared from unity panel. blender is still running due to system monitor. how do i recall it!!!08:40
protv_Hi I am getting very distorted audio output bothh on speakers and headhones. I checked volumes in alsamixer, all of them are set at mid levels in the slider.08:41
tripelbcelthunder, will you please explain. I dont quite understand your sentence, viz: <celthunder> tripelb: "i'm using 65mb with a movie open 20 browser windows and a few file transfers" -- Movie playing? can you see youtube?  -- I forgot how much ram he has. --08:41
protv_Is there a way to reset the audio settings?08:41
novitololoActionParsnip: Do you know any online tutorial that would help me to do this? I believe it's not easy, and I'm not an expert at all08:41
Reign_celthunder: "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" and another root prompt08:41
fmntfcelthunder: I configured a vhost which has /home/user/.../... as DocumentRoot08:41
tho_masI have a question about chromium, I'm trying to install an extention off of chrome.google.com and the site keeps telling me that I'm not running chrome and that I need to install it first, I'm running chromium and ubuntu 11.0408:42
shatlyluite2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Saving iptables08:42
fmntfanother natty installation (with single partition) works fine08:42
celthundertripelb: i'm saying you don't need 256mb08:42
celthunderfmntf: yeah probably too restrictive permissions on /home/user08:42
cjaredrunxskydevilx: sudo mount blah.iso /media/isoimage/ -t iso9660 -o loop08:42
tripelbcelthunder what is the distribution you are running?08:42
Viking667OverTheHillAndFa: hm. Tried Alt-Tab like usual?08:42
ActionParsnipprotv_: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*08:42
celthundertripelb: archlinux08:43
OverTheHillAndFaehm.. no. blush08:43
Viking667ActionParsnip: hah. That'll just restart pulseaudio...08:43
Reign_celthunder: I don't know what to do and its given me another root prompt08:43
ActionParsnipxskydevilx: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso08:43
tripelbcelthunder, can you see youtube?08:43
fmntfcelthunder: but why it works with a single partition?08:43
celthundertripelb: distro doesn't matte though theoreticaly any can work08:43
celthundertripelb: yes08:43
xskydevilxActionParsnip: Thanks.08:43
ac001actionparsnip do you run that in the console? (sorry for the questions...I'm really new to Linux as you can prob tell)08:43
OverTheHillAndFaViking667: thanks a bunch :)08:43
ActionParsnipViking667: its part of the audio settings isn't it?08:43
cjaredrun^^ @ ActionParsnip :)08:43
celthunderReign_: ? still nothing?? do you have libdvdcss08:44
ActionParsnipac001: you need to use the old school xorg.conf according to that guide.Maybe someone else has a more graceful approach08:44
protv_ActionParsnip: Thanks, that worked.08:44
tripelbcelthunder, this is terrific. I'll check with him. (Dear me I gave away that beautiful pristing Compaq laptop with 48MB.) You'll hear from me if you are around here. xD08:44
ActionParsnipViking667: zing!08:44
Reign_celthunder: I installed everything the help instructions told me to. The instructions not searchable by install, DVD nor plug ins08:44
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ActionParsnipprotv_: no worries dude08:44
neocrypterok Guys im at my witts end trying to get 11.04 to even boot i keep haveing the same error's after selecting ubuntu from grub, ive tried reinstalling the whole syste, reinstalling grub, wipeing my mbr and reinstalling grub to it, but nothing seems to work, after i select ubuntu its says "error can not read file" and sometimes "you must load a kernal first" normally its the first one though08:45
tripelbcelthunder (correction) pristine08:45
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=== protv_ is now known as protv
celthundertripelb: lol nice08:45
Snicers-HomeI want to do iptables in a visual maner in gnome, what should I install?08:45
Reign_celthunder: I showed you what msg I got twice. I'm having trouble following chat and this comp has a speed problem08:45
ActionParsnipneocrypter: boot to liveCD and reinstate grub08:45
neocryptertried that08:45
celthunderneocrypter: what did you install grub to and wheres your kernel?08:45
celthunderneocrypter: can it find your initramfs?08:46
luiteoops rebooted the server that I was irssi-ing from08:46
celthunderneocrypter: what's your drive configuration and your grub.cfg08:46
Reign_celthunder: am I suppose to do something next?08:46
celthunderluite: i hate when i do that lol08:46
celthunderReign_: i suggest you use google..08:46
Viking667luite: ugh. That's sucky08:47
Reign_celthunder: I did for about 3 hours, stopping to read stuff I didn't understand, before I found here08:47
tho_masanyone have any idea of what I can check for my chromium question08:47
Reign_celthunder: is there something to type for it to tell me what's wrong?08:47
celthunderReign_: did you add the nonfree repo or whatever repo ubuntu throws libdvdcss etc in?08:48
Reign_celthunder: HUH?08:48
neocrypterwell i jsut ran the installer from the live cd and just let it do its, thing, well atm i just wipped my drive got rid of windows and trying a nothing but ubuntu install ,  now  ill look at all that if this works, im going to re-wipe reinstall 7 then try ubuntu agan dual booting08:48
cjaredruntho_mas: #chromium08:48
celthundertho_mas: chromium and chrome are two different things08:48
celthundertho_mas: you could probably modify the plugin or extension to work in chromium pretty easily though08:48
Reign_celthunder: it said I needed 5 things. Three I had to "install" separately. I did everything it told me to.08:49
ActionParsniptho_mas: some plugins need you to run a later version, which are you using?08:49
luitebut anyway, I know how to do the iptables-save/iptables-restore manually, but those lines are not in my network config, and I cant the rules in my /etc dir, and still ufw manages to restore the rules after reboot, so I'm just wondering where it loads them from (even if it uses some other program like iptables-load to manage the actual loading)08:49
luiteso it's not about how to do it, I just want to know how it works :)08:50
ActionParsniptho_mas: what is the output of: apt-cache policy chromium-browser | head -n 2 | tail -n 108:50
Reign_celthunder: reviewed again. Tells me to type in somthing and than my password. I try that. It doesn't work either08:50
celthunderReign_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs08:51
luiteyay found them, in /lib/ufw/user.rules08:51
celthunderReign_: your question is clearlyt answered there..also that was like result 2 in google08:52
sveinseHi. I've just reinstalled win7 and it has overwritten the MBR. How can I boot my ubuntu to reinstall grub2 once again?08:52
sveinseI'm running natty08:52
Aginor!grub | sveinse08:52
ubottusveinse: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:52
ActionParsnipsveinse: http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/6444/solved-recover-grub2-after-reinstalling-windows/08:53
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inetjunkyhow do i turn off the new gui in 11.04?08:53
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.08:53
Reign_celthunder: did what it set, not sure if it loaded or not. No frame of reference.08:53
serpentologistAnybody using moc player? I got "FATAL_ERROR: Can't receive value from the server." any time I cd to a folder containing any music files (mp3 or flac)08:53
html_inprogresscjaredrun,  how are you /08:55
celthunderReign_: well can you play your dvd now or not08:55
Reign_celthunder: It processed correctly but did nothing to show it did. It appears I'm playing a movie. TYVM08:55
pratzhello all i am using ubuntu and have configured apache2 server, but when i try to run it i am getting "You don't have permission to access /path/media/ on this server."08:55
pratzany advice or suggestion will help08:55
celthunderpratz: you run apache as root and make sure apache user (httpd by default i believe) can read the folder you pick08:56
ElvenArcher1hello, somehow i'm stuk with grub and it doesn't list my windows7 anymore. if i were to restore MBR and again reinstalling grub2, would that help ?08:57
celthunderElvenArcher1: add windows seperately it's not hard upgrading grub to grub2 isn't going to fix it08:58
celthunderElvenArcher1: what's your hdd setup and what parition is windows on08:58
AginorElvenArcher1: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto for info about the most painfree way to add windows08:58
ElvenArcher1celthunder:  all in seperate partitions. windows in /dev/sda2 and ubuntu in /dev/sda308:59
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celthunderElvenArcher1: then in grub your line should be something like root(hd0,2) chainload08:59
ElvenArcher1it didn't work09:00
celthunderi forget the chainload part but that's the idea09:00
ElvenArcher1i did it09:00
ElvenArcher1it's been giving me NO BOOTMGR or something like that eror09:00
luitecan anyone recommend a network backup program that does incremental backups from multiple desktops or servers and keeps a number of older (daily/weekly/monthly) backups?09:01
pratzcelthunder: i am really not getting it, the directory permission are set to 777, but still i am getting the same error , please i am getting this error from yesterday night and i can not figure it out , any help will be appreciated09:01
celthunderluite: unison09:01
celthunderpratz: so you an't even run apache or you can and it can't read the files09:02
celthunderluite: i'm notsure if unison does incrimental though...i think it just retransfersanything that changed09:03
pratzcelthunder: i start apache as root user, i change the directory permission, still getting the same error09:03
Ek|mu5hey guys09:03
Ek|mu5have a question regarding wpa/wpa2 connectivity on 11.0409:03
celthunderpratz: what's the permissions of the parent directories of the one giving you issues09:03
s0u][ighthello, can i get multitouch gestures like 3 fingers swipe left/right for previous,  next page?09:03
celthunders0u][ight: yeah probably09:04
luitecelthunder: hmm, cool, written by the author of TAPL :)09:04
ActionParsnip!backup  | luite09:04
ubottuluite: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:04
s0u][ightcelthunder: haven't found much info about how09:04
Ek|mu5VIA VT6656 USB "integrated" in a Velocity Micro M10 netbook09:04
ThinkingDragonhi, i'm having issues with using a Nvidia card in Ubuntu... according to Nvidia-Settings, its always in 80C, and using any application will take it to 100C, anyone knows what to do?09:04
Ek|mu5lsusb lists the device properly, lsmod shows vt6656 driver, can iwlist, can associate according to dmesg but it then disconnects09:05
pratzcelthunder: i just changed it to 777 still the same error09:06
s0u][ight_firefox just crashed :| as i typed: haven't found much about multitouch gestures in ubuntu09:06
celthunderpratz: ok where are you seeing the error exactly09:06
satyadeepcan anyone help me out in opening .docx in openoffice ??09:07
Ek|mu5dmesg: has this error Scanning [<some hex characters>] not found, disconnected!09:07
celthundersatyadeep: theres i believe a plugin and a few online tools that convert it for you09:07
pratzcelthunder: in the browser09:08
tripelbhow do I get transmission to start up automatically when I sign into my user? 10.04 desktop.09:08
satyadeepcelthunder: tried..but of no use..can u suggest me one ?09:08
celthundersatyadeep: not really i do my best to stay away from doc and docx in general09:08
celthunderpratz: ok09:08
pratzYou don't have permission to access /tradeprocess/media/ on this server.09:09
celthundertripelb: add it to the startup scripts09:09
ActionParsniptripelb: run startup items  and add a new item09:09
pratzcelthunder: Forbidden09:09
pratzYou don't have permission to access /tradeprocess/media/ on this server.09:09
Ek|mu5wireless worked fine on netbook remix a year ago but installed VT6656 drivers from source09:09
satyadeepcelthunder: thanx aywayz..09:09
celthunderpratz: chmod -R 755 /tradeprocess09:09
celthunderpratz: do that and then what happens09:09
tripelbI dont know how to get to the startup stuff celthunder ActionParsnip09:09
ActionParsniptripelb: add a new item to run: transmission-gtk09:09
pratzcelthunder: i did the same but facing the same problem09:09
ActionParsniptripelb: press ALT+F2 and start typing start    it will show itself09:10
tripelband ubuntu help ALWAYS FAILS. wait I can google it.09:10
celthunderpratz: ok ps auxf |grep apache what user is apache running as09:10
mars1I've made some changes to a ubuntu theme (default Radiance) and now I want to revert them. How can I reinstall the theme?09:10
HypothesisFrogCan anyone think of a reason why ALSA is producing distortion in my Left Channel but JACK isn't?09:10
ActionParsniptripelb: its one of the tools I use to help here09:10
tripelbwait, will alt-F2 give me a shell I cant get out of. AGAIN?09:10
celthundertripelb: should be in the menus's somewhere09:10
ActionParsniptripelb: or under system -> preferences09:11
celthundertripelb: alt f6/f7 to get back to gui09:11
zuswill a 32 bit os recognise all 4 gigs of ram or will ubuntu only see 3gigs like windows did?  i have a 64 bit machin but wonder if 32 os is better to get09:11
tripelbI keep getting stuck in that. --- I know I looked in preferences. I ususally dont ask before looking.09:11
celthunderzus: go for 64 if you can...though yes it'd see all 4gb or it should as it uses PAE09:11
ThinkingDragonHi, i'm on a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04, installed the Nvidia drivers already. Nvidia-Settings reports temperature of 80F, and using ANY app raises it to 100F, I can barely do anything before it shuts down from overheating, suggestions anyone?09:11
celthunderzus: no reason not to go 64 bit though...09:11
pratzcelthunder: this is the output http://pastebin.com/7Hzx618p09:12
ActionParsniptripelb: or if you run:  gedit ~/.config/autostart/transmission-gtk.desktop         and add this text, it will run. http://paste.ubuntu.com/604002/09:12
zuscelthunder,  this is a new machine for me never had a 64bit tbh. wot is the difference newbie question but never needed to worry till now. the desktop is 32bit the laptop is 64bit09:13
luiteThinkingDragon: I had the same problem and "solved" it by manually limiting the clock speed of the gpu to the lowest setting. By the way, did you mean 100C, because 100 Fahrenheit is quite cool for a GPU :)09:13
Ek|mu5anyone have WPA2 issues on 11.04???09:13
ActionParsnipEk|mu5: not all adapters can use wpa2 under linux09:14
FauxFauxI have Unity getting stuck open, like https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/763275 (but not like #769198), which is closed/fixed but I'm on a newer version; am I expected to re-open it, or raise a new issue?09:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 763275 in nux (Ubuntu) "Launcher: auto-hide gets stuck sometimes / Nux don't sent enter/leave events" [Medium,Fix released]09:14
ThinkingDragonluite: yeah i meant C. how do i limit the clock speed... i read on the forums about nvclock, but when i try it says my card is not supported (Nvidia GeForce 210)09:15
celthunderpratz: ls -al /tradeprocess and /tradeprocess/media please09:15
Ek|mu5ActionParsnip, iwlist auth : WPA WPA2 CIPHER-TKIP CIPHER-CCMP09:15
tripelbUh, I admit DumbNess. There is is now in preferences - Startup Applications. -- Apologies for asking.  (skip story)09:15
ActionParsnipEk|mu5: doesn't mean you adapter can use it, the access point is just relaying what it can do09:15
tripelb/ and this http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/07/automatically-start-programs-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-ubuntu-starts/ shows only 6 things under preferences. I have 30. - I have no idea what the diference is.09:16
eitch0000Hi guys. Can someone explain to me how the motd is updated on ubuntu server in 10.04? The update-motd package is not installed, there is no cronjob but still something is updating it. I'm lost =)09:17
gistianHi guys: They said that .7z has a high compress ratio, But why so many people and file use .tar??09:17
s0u][ight_does evolution mail support exchange 2010?09:17
celthunders0u][ight_: yes it should though i doubt it supports ActiveSync/PUSH notifications09:18
pratzcelthunder: here http://pastebin.com/Q8VRXrfH09:18
luiteThinkingDragon: one moment, I'll check my config file. a disadvantage is that the gpu is then really locked to that speed, it will not dynamically increase the frequency anymore. this is probably not a problem with unity or the desktop, but will limit performance in games09:18
Ek|mu5ActionParsnip, the thing is this worked on 10.10 but had to compile the VIA VT6656 drivers09:18
ActionParsnipgistian: you can put extra options on many compression commands and get different levels of compression09:19
ActionParsnipEk|mu5: sounds like a regression bug then09:19
=== protv is now known as protv_
eitch0000gistian, 7z does not store ownership and permissions09:19
celthunderaha pratz so your web dir is within your home dir? i suggest you use userdir addon then09:19
s0u][ight_celthunder: it does complain about the version of exchange used :|09:20
gistianok, I got it ,Thank you very much09:20
ActionParsnipgistian: gzip -9 will compress a lot but will take longest09:20
kromaggI have some trouble getting unity to work in natty with an ati dual screen setup. There's this bit of the desktop that is misaligned and doesn't get redrawn properly. Anyone know if similar bugs are reported yet? (doesn't seem to be the one mentioned in release notes)09:20
Ek|mu5ActionParsnip, it actually authenticates and associates with the AP then drops with: "Scanning [<hex chars>] not found, disconnected !" in dmesg09:20
celthunderpratz: or mount -o bind ~/www /var/www09:20
gistianActionParsnip: Thanks a lot09:20
luiteThinkingDragon: this is the relevant section of my xorg.conf, it works with the nvidia binary driver: http://hpaste.org/46421/etcx11xorgconf09:21
ActionParsnipEk|mu5: tried disabling ipv6 (assuming you don't use it).I've seen it break people's connection09:21
celthunderpratz: and then use that dir instead default permissions on your home are restrictive but likely you want to keep it that way09:21
tripelbActionParsnip> tripelb: or if you run:  gedit ~/.config/autostart/transmission-gtk.desktop         and add this text, it will run. http://paste.ubuntu.com/604002/  === I dont know where to store the file or how that applies to what the startup program starter dialog box gives me -- it asks me for a command.09:21
ActionParsniptripelb: READ what I wrote. I gave the location.....09:22
larzhello i have a problem with a friend wid a wired connection09:22
s0u][ight_celthunder: The server is running Exchange 5.5. Exchange Connector  supports Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 only.09:22
Ek|mu5ActionParsnip, IPv6 is set to Ignore on network-manager09:22
ActionParsniptripelb: the command is also outlined in the pastebin09:22
ThinkingDragonluite: thanks i'll give it a try...09:22
ActionParsnipEk|mu5: you can disable it in the kernel too with the bootoption:  ipv6.disable=109:22
celthunders0u][ight_: use imap09:22
celthunders0u][ight_: or pop309:23
Ek|mu5ActionParsnip, Okay I'll try that. Thanks09:23
luiteThinkingDragon: is it a laptop by the way?09:23
larzcan someone please give me some quick help09:23
tripelbaction, looking.09:23
crazydiphow do i change the unity lenses shortcuts and the unity launcher top-left mouse shortcut? i don't see any option in ccsm09:23
s0u][ightcelthunder: The server is running Exchange 5.5. Exchange Connector  supports Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 only.09:24
kromaggguess I'll just go try classic09:24
eitch0000 09:24
celthunderlarz: what?09:24
come_to_get_banHello every body!09:24
eitch0000Hi guys. Can someone explain to me how the motd is updated on ubuntu server in 10.04? The update-motd package is not installed, there is no cronjob but still something is updating it. I'm lost =)09:24
ActionParsniphi come_to_get_ban09:24
tripelbActionParsnip, I dont understand that. the pastebin is a list of varname=value statements I am to save in (but where) in a file named transmission-gtk.desktop  --- this is all I know. there must be soemthing I dont know that applies. ??09:25
ActionParsnipeitch0000: do you mean when you ssh in?09:25
come_to_get_banActionParsnip: Do you know why I gave this nickname?09:25
ActionParsniptripelb: read the second line, that details the command executed.09:25
eitch0000ActionParsnip, yes09:25
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ThinkingDragonluite: no, its a small desktop that i use as a HTPC09:25
ActionParsnipcome_to_get_ban: it doesn't interest me, it is family friendly09:25
tripelbthe second line is type=application    -- I dont get it.09:25
ActionParsnipeitch0000: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ssh-welcome-banner-on-ubuntu/09:26
crash1hdhey all I am trying to upgrade my video card nvidia drivers and I have one that is on here but I am getting Unable to correct problems you have held broken packages09:26
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: can you use a pastebinn to give the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade09:26
ThinkingDragonluite: btw, the overheating never happened when windows was installed, so it cant be a hardware problem09:26
sockbananahey guise, ubernoob question: I'm trying to install a java program. The instructions say "1. Open a Terminal 2. sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre 3.get the latest install package from http://www.i2p2.de/download 4.java -jar i2pinstall-x.x.x.exe"          I'm good until step 4. Can anyone explain how I do this?09:27
eitch0000thank you ActionParsnip09:27
thegoodcushionHow fast are the updates for 11.04 coming?09:27
larzcelthunder: i have a friend that is having network issues09:27
thegoodcushionis it a case of daily updates available?09:27
trammActionParsnip: Thanks! I think I found my /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png at /usr/bin/ubiquity-dm... :D I hope it's the one!09:27
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: not bad here, but I use apt-fast ;)09:27
celthunderlarz: explain the issue lol09:27
ActionParsniptramm: sweet09:27
crash1hdActionParsnip, yeah is there a way to do that in terminal?09:27
luiteThinkingDragon: well it could still be. the windows 7 aero desktop doesn't tax the gpu as much as the ubuntu unity desktop in my experience09:27
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: you can install pastebinit and pastebin from there09:27
larzcelthunder: he can seem to connect to any network (wired or wireless) yet the live cd works09:28
ThinkingDragonluite: i tried unity, ubuntu classic, ubuntu classic (safe mode), etc. it happans always09:28
celthunderlarz: ifconfig -a does he see his network devices09:28
larzcelthunder:  it is a fresh install too just wid updates09:28
crash1hdActionParsnip, its already installed09:28
larzcelthunder: yes eth0 comes up09:29
come_to_get_banActionParsnip:  I do one site www.q5.ru on ubuntu+ehcp+joomla second site have online translation from Ip cam(it have onley rtsp:// stream, and I decode it with vlc -v --decode)... it'is you bissenes?09:29
come_to_get_banin you bissines*09:29
celthunderlarz: ok so ifconfig eth0 <ip> netmask <network mask>09:29
luiteThinkingDragon: hmm, it might be a driver problem with the fan controller or something09:29
celthunderlarz: then route add default gw <gateway ip>09:29
celthunderlarz: echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf09:30
mike-whow to disable touchpad in terminal by a command09:30
luiteThinkingDragon: does it actually have a fan?09:30
ThinkingDragonluite: i also think its something to do with the drivers... so i tried uninstalling the one from Ubuntu's repositories, and installing the ones from the PPA rep mentioned in the BinaryDriverHowto help page09:31
larzcelthunder: sorry to sound dumb but is it entered "<ip>" or an acctual number09:31
crash1hdActionParsnip, how do I use pastebinit09:31
ThinkingDragonluite: yes it does have a fan09:31
celthunderlarz: <> indicates something you should change to actual info nstuff not in <> type as is09:31
crazydiphow do i change the unity laucher show/hide delay?09:31
celthundercrash1hd: pipe your ouput to pastebinit and it'll give you a link09:32
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: you should be able to pipe the commands to pastebinit09:32
larzcelthunder:  though so how do i find his ip n network mask (data to enter)09:32
tripelbthe second line is type=application    -- I dont get it. ActionParsnip09:33
luiteThinkingDragon: oh by the way, the xorg.conf settings I mentioned only work if your gpu has multiple performance levels. you can check in nvidia-settings under GPU 0 / PowerMizer09:33
celthunderlarz: if it's a home network and he doesn't know it's likelt ...the network mask just helps tell you what subnet you are in09:33
sivathe top right panel icons on ubu 11.04 is inactive except shut down option09:33
crash1hdok so do I do #<-- is terminal #pastebinit || sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade or #sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade || pastebinit09:33
ActionParsniptripelb: find the word:  Exec   in the pastebin09:33
sivais it a bug09:33
luiteThinkingDragon: my 8600m-gt (laptop) has 3 levels, but my geforce 9400 on-board (htpc) only has one09:33
ActionParsniptripelb: the command is:  transmission-gtk09:34
sivaicant click on bluetooth or speaker etc09:34
larzcelthunder:  so ifconfig eth0 netmask ?09:34
MK``Will Ubuntu get confused if a harddrive has more than one extended partition on it?09:34
celthunderlarz: no09:35
eitch0000ActionParsnip, that does not quite explain how the motd gets updated. Is it a cronjob, or something that happens on ssh login?09:35
MK``It seems to be a sort of wild-west thing to do that other OSes do not handle well09:35
ThinkingDragonluite: in Nvidia-Settings it doesnt say how many performance levels it has... but it says its set to "Performance Level 0" i'll try it anyway and see how it goes09:35
celthunderlarz: ifconfig eth0 <HIS IP ADDRESS HERE> netmask
ActionParsnipeitch0000: seems to be stored in /etc/motd.tail    maybe, not sure otherwise09:36
luiteThinkingDragon: bah that's what my htpc has too. it still does some dynamic clocking, but I have no idea how this config influences this09:36
ActionParsnipeitch0000: may help http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/change-openssh-sshd-server-login-banner.html09:36
larzcelthunder: dont think he has been assigned a internal ip address09:36
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luiteThinkingDragon: my laptop also has performance level 1 and 2, the config manually locks it to 009:36
larzcelthunder: it is the empty cone symbol up top right09:37
celthunderlarz: yeah pick one not given out by dhcp09:37
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larzcelthunder:  oh i get u09:37
ThinkingDragonluite: ok, thanks for all the info. i'm going to go try it now09:37
bullgard4'man apt-get': "update is used to resynchronize the package index files from their sources." What are the filenames and pathes of these "package index files"?09:38
crash1hdActionParsnip, ok :) figured that out here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/604009/09:38
larzwhat was the gate way command?09:38
tripelbCould not find the file /home/hara1/.config/auto…/transmission-gtk.desktop.  -- ActionParsnip Where does it expect the file to be? To-Where should I save it?09:38
larzcelthunder: what was the command after that?09:39
celthunderlarz: route add default gw <gateway ip (his router>09:39
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red2kicbullgard4: If I have to guess, I'd say /var/cache/apt/09:40
celthunderlarz: then echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf09:40
ActionParsniptripelb: that is the file, the file is /home/hara1/.config/autostart/transmission-gtk.desktop09:41
ActionParsniptripelb: run:   gedit /home/hara1/.config/auto?/transmission-gtk.desktop    copy the pastebin text I made, paste to gedit, save the file and close gedit. Its literally JUST that09:41
ActionParsniptripelb: copying text from a pastebin to an empty file09:42
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: looks fine then, are you still getting issues?09:42
tripelbActionParsnip, excuse me. Mystified but it's in ~/.config/autostart/transmission-gtk.desktop  -- I foind out because "hovering" with my mouse over the title in gedit brough up a floating yellow box that told me so. --- THANKS.  -- one ay I will learn the details.09:42
crash1hdActionParsnip, yes09:42
tripelbActionParsnip, BTW I found a terrific webpage teaching me details about linux. It's what I was looking for and it's the level I like.09:43
ActionParsniptripelb: thats all that'startup applications' thing does, it makes those files for you. You can also symlink to the items in /usr/share/applications    and achieve the same09:43
red2kictripelb: Link? :)09:43
crash1hdActionParsnip, when I upgraded to 11.04 it removed part of the nvidia drivers and wouldnt boot I had to boot into recovery mode and set xterm to default09:43
tripelbActionParsnip, this page Introduction to Linux - http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html09:43
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: then remove nvidia-common   then you should be using the open driver. You can always run:  sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf    add the text:   blacklist nvidia     press X, press y, press enter   then reboot09:45
tripelbActionParsnip, I see you repeated things I had already done. I just didnt "get" that it had already saved the file by the way you had me start gedit. -- Got it now.09:45
crash1hdActionParsnip, then when I checked the additional driver it says its there but disabled when I go to activate it I receive the error Unable to correct problems you have held broken packages09:45
tripelbActionParsnip, double thanx09:45
ActionParsniptripelb: np :)09:45
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: sorry, ctrl+x, y, enter09:46
crash1hdhmm I dont seem to have a nvidia.conf file09:46
crash1hdActionParsnip, I have a nvidia-graohics-drivers.conf file09:47
crash1hdActionParsnip, what does blacklist do?09:47
Tetsuo55is there a way to quickly minimize all windows in unity?09:47
tripelbTIL From a Palmtop with 2 MB of memory to a petabyte storage cluster with hundreds of nodes: add or remove the appropriate packages and Linux fits all.09:47
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: that'll do, just make sure it has that line so the module 'nvidia' doesn't load09:47
Bane99is there someone who could help me with an installation question in PM?09:47
Viking667quick question - in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, does anyone else have a --natty.list file?09:47
ActionParsnipTetsuo55: super + d09:47
johnraceis anyone know the diffrent betwen slackware with ubuntu09:47
crash1hdActionParsnip, could it be that because its already in the blacklist that I cant remove or add it?09:48
come_to_get_ban=====================ATTENTION PLEASE!========Go TO WWW.Q5.RU. To have information about Russian Telecomunnications==================09:48
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: possibly, if it has a hash at the start of the line then it isn't enforced as it is seen as a comment09:49
Tetsuo55ActionParsnip: what is the super button? windows flag?09:49
Tetsuo55ActionParsnip:  ok it is, thanks09:49
ActionParsnipTetsuo55: yes, one is superL and the other is superR09:49
crash1hdActionParsnip, it doesnt09:49
Bane99anyone willing to help a noob install ubuntu?09:50
crash1hdActionParsnip, this was it http://paste.ubuntu.com/604012/09:51
Carpe|DiemIn kubuntu 11.04 I am unable to get the BCM4212 wireless module working, so far i have installed b43-fwcutter without succes. I cannot bring wlan0 online.09:52
larzcelthunder:  is how do u know the defult gateway?09:53
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: nvidia-173 isn't a module name, remove the number and hyphen, nvidia is the name of the module09:53
Bane99i'm just having an issue determining which drive is the drive i want to install ubuntu on09:53
Bane99and where to install the bootloader09:53
ASrockHey, I messed something up when I installed Ubuntu, for some reason my region is set up as UK and whenever I google anything it brings up UK pages. How can I set my region to the US?09:53
Atharva How can I access Ubuntu Shared Folders on Windows XP (Using LAN)    ?09:53
Bane99nvm i'll ask tomorrow09:54
crash1hdActionParsnip, will this allow me to reinstall the new driver?09:54
Carpe|DiemAtharva: by using SMB on ubuntu09:54
bullgard4red2kic: This includes 2 directories and 2 .bin files. I cannot decide which one is correct. I'd like to know it more precisely.09:55
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: yes, it doesn't affect the package manager in any way, it just stops the kernel loading the named modules09:55
larzcelthunder: how do i find the defualt gateway?09:55
AtharvaI can access all shared pc's on Ubuntu but cannot access Ubuntu on other pc's with Windows XP09:55
eitch0000ActionParsnip, I finally found out what the situation with motd is, it is a PAM module.09:55
new_kid1larz: ifconfig09:55
BoothkBane99: iirc, Ubuntu refers to drives in  the fashion hda, hda1 etc for hard drives and sda, sda1, sdb etc for "special" drives. I'm probably misinformed about this though09:56
crash1hdActionParsnip, ok I will give it a try09:56
ActionParsnipAtharva: in windows if you run:   \\servername\sharename      you will see the share09:56
crash1hdActionParsnip, thanks :)09:56
Boothkbah, he already left09:56
larzcelthunder: under what in ifconfig?09:56
drcodehi all09:56
drcodewhat sup09:56
drcodeI have strange problem with wifi in internet cafe09:56
drcodemybe someone can help09:56
Carpe|Diemdrcode: tell us09:57
drcodei can't connect and windows xp /7 can09:57
Carpe|Diemperhaps a wpa problem?09:57
drcodeIn airdump I see pepole connected to thoseap09:57
ActionParsnipAtharva: start -> run  in windows lets you 'run' commands09:57
drcodecery strange09:57
BoothkAnyone got some tips on increasing the performance of UNR 9.10 for Acer Aspire One models?09:57
drcodeI got diracet connect09:57
new_kid1 larz: open terminal & type it09:57
drcodeor autictated denied09:58
ActionParsnipAtharva: in the command I gave, simply change hostname to the name of the ubuntu system and sharename to the name of the share you gave when you setup the share09:58
drcodeI have bout new wifi card09:58
drcode with the same problem09:58
redhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/35238/cpu-frequency-scaling-in-unity -- when I installed the app and ran it nothing appears in my indicator area, I can see that the app is running with ps -A|grep cpufreq09:58
larznew_kid1: what i ment is what field is it in terminal?09:58
redEven tested running it as super user, no dice.09:58
ActionParsnipdrcode: please use one line, hitting enter like that makes it harder to read09:58
larznew_kid1: in the ifconfig command*09:59
drcodeany one had same problem in internet cafe09:59
red2kicbullgard4: I'm guessing it's pkgcache.bin -- but I can be wrong. Also, in "archives" -- All debs are downloaded to that directory. md5sum, list of files in a package, etc goes in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ -- That's all I know.09:59
jpgnizakHi everyone, I just got 11.04 running, 1.99 grub, the 'startup manager' doesn't seem to work anymore to change the default boot. Does anyone have a nice simple, elegant solution to changing the default boot? Thanks09:59
new_kid1 larz: ifconfig etho or ppp0  depending on your connection type09:59
BoothkAnyone got some tips on increasing the performance of UNR 9.10 for Acer Aspire One models?10:01
BoothkAnyone at all?10:01
larzcelthunder: ok he has done all the commands u said10:01
clu3is it possible to reverse the theme in ubuntu 11 to ubuntu 10 ?10:01
Questo13371626 nicks, that's plenty10:02
red2kic!classic | clu310:04
ubottuclu3: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.10:04
Martiinibusybox tutorial needed here. my installation stops at the busybox here10:04
red2kicclu3: Not sure if that's what you're looking for.10:04
OngiBotOla bruederz10:05
AngryParsleyquick question: if I were going to buy a netbook to run ubuntu on, what model should I get? buget is <$50010:05
OngiBotikonia brueder && Pici brueder ola!10:05
clu3red2kic, thanks, that works, that's waht i want, any ideas how to make it permanent choice?10:05
red2kicclu3: I think they keep it that way (as last session used).10:06
bullgard4red2kic: Thank you very much for your information and help.10:07
larzi need help with a network issue please10:07
maitrey_hi, question: I am running ubuntu 10.04 and need a system on my second computer. I am thinking to get 10.10 is it a good idea or does it still have a lots of bugs (as when I've tested it 6month ago). thanks10:07
bullgard4!ask | larz10:07
ubottularz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:07
clu3red2kic, thanks, i'll try to restart now10:08
red2kicbullgard4: No problem. Glad to be of an assistance.10:08
Wizekhi there10:09
BoothkI've recently completed a build script for Acer Aspire One machines, setting permissions/programs etc for UNR 9.10. It works, but it does seem a bit slow. Anyone got any ideas on speeding it up?10:09
larzmy friends computer isnt recognizing any connections (wired or wireless) Info: eth0 comes up in ifconfig and it is a fresh install on hard drive. Live cd works with both wired n wireless10:10
redNo matter what Indicator applets I install in Natty, none of them show up -- any ideas?10:11
WizekI've tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 with wubi, but without luck. I get this error after resterting: Try (hd0,0) NTFS5: no wubildr10:11
WizekAny ideas as to how can I fix this?10:11
redCould this be some leftover from gnome panel in Gnome Shell (did not have indicator applet in it, but in Avant Window Navigator)10:11
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bromiumwhere's bodhi?10:14
bromiumstill need guru's help with dansguardian setting up10:15
bromiumare there any experienced guys?10:15
eltigrehey I have a problem with unity... the left interface doesn't retract10:16
eltigreand it is obstructing my work...10:16
eltigreany way to stop that behaviour without restarting?10:16
eltigreno idea? hm10:18
Crash1hdOk so after upgrading to 11.04 now i have no display driver and when I reboot it takes me to a shell prompt10:19
Crash1hdwhen I type startx I get no screens found10:19
eltigrehey I have a problem with unity... the left interface doesn't retract10:22
eltigreand it is obstructing my work...10:22
eltigreanyway to stop that without rebooting?10:22
LewocoI'm tired of having to specify 2 pages per sheet whenever I want to print something from firefox. Is there some way to make it do this by default?10:23
iomarigreetings, can someone tell  me where I can get the wallpaper for kubuntu live 11.04?10:24
ptteDoes anyone know how to invert colors in 11.04, classic mode?10:25
pratzcelthunder: please guide me dude, i am really confused.10:26
pratzcelthunder: now if my directory structure is wrong then should i move my project to /var/www  ??10:26
kowawhere to find command list for ubuntu?10:26
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Name141If you use a flash drive, and update Ubuntu on it.. Will it install the updated packages from there on when you use the installer ?10:30
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Name141Or will it revert back to the old packages when you go to install it on to the hard drive?10:31
pratzcelthunder: please guide me dude , should i change my directory to /var/www ??10:34
belipratz: what are you planning to do?10:35
pratzbeli: i am trying to run apache server but i am getting permissions error from apache10:36
pratzas celthunder said that my project directory was in my home directory, that is what i am asking him can i change my directory to /var/www10:37
captcelinehello everyone, i just upgraded to natty because it's been pestering me to for a while, i absolutely can't deal with the new interface, it seems there is no way to downgrade, is there a way to switch the gnome interface back to what it used to be..?10:37
k_szeWriting something that is able to communicate with a device file under /dev/ is tantamount to writing a device driver, if I understand correctly, right?10:37
belipratz: you define the webroot in the apache server config...ALL your sites have to be under that webroot10:37
pratzbeli:  so should that directory be in /var/www ??10:38
gartral!gnome3 | captceline10:39
ubottucaptceline: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.10:39
gartral!gnome | captceline10:39
ubottucaptceline: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.10:39
captcelinewonderful :/10:40
k_szeOr is the device driver abstracted by the device file?10:40
metbsdhow to get ipod to work10:41
captcelinei wouldn't mind putting up with it until the bugs are fixed but it's completely unusable with a dual screen10:41
belipratz: /var/www ist common for all debian based distros i know10:42
captcelineis there a way to stop the menus from being put into the panel osx-style? is there a way to not have an identical panel on both of my screens? is there a way to choose which screen unity appears on? those options would at least make it usable but i can't find any options for the panel anywhere now..10:42
belipratz: so you create folders for your webstuff under /var/www like /var/www/pratz-site/...10:43
pratzbeli k i will try that now10:43
belipratz: and it needs group readable permissions for the webserver user10:43
karthick87How to mount a windows drive permanently ?10:43
belipartz: www-data for ubuntu10:43
captcelinealso.. if i run gnome-panel i get my old panel back.. can't i disable the new one? :/10:43
belikarthick87: read about mount and mtab10:45
karthick87beli: The window system is connected to a domain.10:46
Carpe|DiemAny ideas on how to get BCM4312 working in kubuntu 11.04?10:46
belikarthick87: so you want to map a windows network drive, not a partition10:46
captcelineplease somebody help :(10:47
karthick87beli: Yes10:48
belikarthick87: http://mixeduperic.com/linux/how-to-map-windows-nework-drive-in-ubuntu.html10:48
Carpe|Diemcaptceline: i agree, gnome3 sux. I switched to KDE because of it10:49
belikarthick87: and read about smbmount     exec it on boot time10:49
beliCarpe|Diem: what about fluxbox? ;)10:49
captcelineCarpe|Diem: is it gnome3 that is the problem? according to apt i'm not even running gnome3 and it doesn't look like gnome3 does on the gnome website10:49
mateuszhow to turn off all those eye candy things in Ubuntu 11.0410:49
mateuszI would like to have old gnome 2.32 desktop10:50
captcelineCarpe|Diem: although it does look just like the screenshots on the ubuntu website10:50
belimateusz: so define that you want to use gnome2 on login screen10:50
Carpe|Diemoh, captceline , i thought you were speaking about gnome310:50
mateuszbeli, oh.. am I not using gnome2?10:50
mateuszbeli, I thought it is still gnome210:50
captcelineCarpe|Diem: i don't know, i'm using the default for natty narwhal.. with unity and all that stuff10:50
mateuszbeli, I did not install gnome3 just upgraded to 11.04 Ubuntu10:51
belimateusz: 11.04 is using unity10:51
syockitI'm using Intel GMA 950 for my graphics, and my glxinfo gives me SGI as the client glx vendor. Does that mean I'll never ever never ever get hardware-accelerated Flash?10:51
mateuszbeli, ok thanks... this compositing things are slow and annoying10:51
Carpe|Diemcaptceline: that is gnome310:51
belimateusz: define "eye-candy-stuff"....... :) ther are many new things with 11.0410:51
Carpe|Diemi think10:51
captcelineCarpe|Diem: it doesn't look like the gnome3 screenshots on the gnome website..10:51
mateuszbeli, yeah the compositing, shadows, slow but eye-candy transparent alt+tab10:52
belimateusz: System>preferences>appearance>"Visual Effects" Select no effects.10:52
mateuszbeli, where to find it in unity ?10:52
lgp171188Hi, there was a lot of talk about Wayland in Ubuntu 11.04. Is it used by default in the release?10:52
Carpe|Diemcaptceline: open Synaptic package manager and search for gnome10:52
Carpe|Diemsee what version you have installed10:52
mateuszbeli, no such a thing there, just theme,background,fonts10:53
mateuszbeli, that's all10:53
mateuszbeli, or is it not available for unity?10:53
captcelineCarpe|Diem: looks like 2.3210:53
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syockitlgp171188, not installed by default10:53
Carpe|Diemoh rly?10:54
syockitlgp171188, my aptitude said so10:54
thomas001Hi, what is the intention behind ubuntu's /usr/lib filesystem layout? there seem to be some libraries in /usr/lib directly and some in /usr/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu. why are there 2 places for libraries?10:54
mateuszbeli, ok I am going to switch to gnome2 this is too slow and reminds me gnome3 horror... a desktop completly not usable for work10:54
mateuszbeli, thanks10:54
captcelinealso, as someone said to me earlier, "Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible."10:54
captcelineso i don't think gnome3 is the problem10:54
Carpe|Diemcaptceline: seems like im wrong than...anyways, the maxosx style menu bar at the top is *very* annoyinf10:54
captcelineyeah. is there really no way of disabling it?10:55
Carpe|Diemi haven't found it myself10:55
syockitCarpe|Diem, that is part of the unity experience. Maybe it comes with unity's panel10:55
lgp171188syockit: Thanks :-) Since even with Wayland running, it would require X to run on top of it ( from what I have read, Wayland is still a project with a lot of scope for growth and improvement). So wanted to clarify :)10:55
captcelinecan't we just remove unity :/10:55
Carpe|Diemsudo apt-get remove unity ? xD10:55
captcelinei'm actually going to try it10:56
syockitlgp171188, no support for X11 protocol, so many apps would still need rewrites10:56
ugliefroganyone here use xbmc with mythbox?...if so i need help...channel with 179 users about mythbox offered me AWWW and thats it :)10:56
Carpe|Diemcaptceline: http://www.linuxcompatible.org/news/story/disable_unity_interface_and_restore_original_interface_in_ubuntu_1104.html10:56
syockitcaptceline, when logging in (at the screen where you choose your user name and enter password), is there no choice to log in as old gnome?10:56
captcelineCarpe|Diem: yeah i tried that already, it doesn't change anything really10:57
captcelinesyockit: i'll try10:57
ramshotI found many things in Unity great, but I'm baffled by the amount of features it seems to be flat out missing, and the lack of configurability...10:57
Carpe|Diemramshot: indeed10:57
hugobugoHello! Im trying to dump the accent thats available for ASPELL. Using > aspell dump dicts < I get the language files, i know theres accents named "brittish" for example. Anyone know? I prefer not to cat the aspell dir for this. Regards!10:58
Carpe|Diemits just plain bullshit, the unity stuff10:58
Carpe|Diemits good for netbooks i suppos10:58
Carpe|Diembut not full blown computers10:58
captcelinesyockit = my hero :)10:58
syockitcaptceline, oh you got it? great!10:58
captcelineyeah! feel stupid for not checking that sooner. awesome stuff.10:59
OO2uHi, has anyone EDID.bin for LCD with natove resolution 1680x1050_60?10:59
ramshotThe search was awesome, and I liked the launcher in general, but it's no substitute for a proper desktop-unique taskbar. Ahwell, can't really complain, classic mode works perfect and I'm actually having less work related issues with 11.04 than I had with 10.1010:59
captcelineCarpe|Diem: choose ubuntu classic at the login screen as syockit suggested, everything back to normal, win10:59
Carpe|Diemcaptceline: nice10:59
Carpe|Diemgonna eat now11:00
captcelinethanks guys.. that was truly terrifying11:00
syockitramshot, I think there's a similar launcher for gnome2. maybe gnome-do?11:01
ramshotsyockit: Thanks, I'll check it out. Does it have a search like the one in Unity?11:01
syockitramshot, yes. It's what I used when Unity didn't exist. The search has to be activated using a hotkey (I think I used Win+Space)11:02
thomas001hmm okay seems that /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu is for some kind of multi arch support. but when why is there a /usr/lib32 and not a /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu? and why aren't all libraries moved to x86_64-linux-gnu...11:05
FeyisayoHi everyone. I'm dual booting Natty and Windows Vista. On booting to Natty, I often get an unreadable screen with coloured lines. However, I stumbled on a workaround - if I put my computer sleep (Fn + F1) on my laptop. The screen becomes ok. Thought someone might find this useful11:08
ugliefrogcan someone decipher this error in a log file for me WARNING | mythbox.core | db.py | MainThread | Line 232 | Host frogpondHQ could not be mapped to a backend. Returning master backend frogpondhq instead11:09
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mozeeehi. i just install openssh-server and my friends have a ssh access to my computer but how can i install FTP and HTTP server on my computer? which packages i have to install?11:16
mozeeei'm sure that there would be the packages of HTTP and FTP but i don't know them?11:17
OO2uHi, has anyone EDID.bin for LCD with natove resolution 1680x1050_60? If you have this file please tell me with pm.11:18
DX099hello all, how do i prevent ubuntu from broadcasting my hostname troughout the LAN ?11:19
Viking667And I'm wondering where the heck to get rid of a "Invalid EDID...." constantly turning up for me.11:19
html_inprogresswhere can i get red hat ?11:19
OO2uViking667, Invalid EDID... same problem11:19
Viking667html_inprogress: redhat.com, I'm assuming. Pull out your wallet though, it'll cost ya.11:20
OO2uViking667, what kind of monitor you have?11:20
Viking667I've got two. Both CRT11:20
Viking667both 15", one hanging off the DVI port through an adapter, the other's off the VGA port.11:20
html_inprogressok ,thanks  but is there a free version11:20
Viking667Video card's ATI HD345011:20
bullgard4man apt.conf: "apt.conf is the main configuration file for the APT suite of tools, but by far not the only place changes to options can be made." How does this fit to '~$ find / -name 'apt.conf' 2>/dev/null; /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf'?11:20
Viking667html_inprogress: yeah, look for Fedora, or if you want something closer, look for CentOS11:21
Viking667they're both free.11:21
Viking667... but neither have any RedHat branding in.11:21
Kizzaso is the new ubuntu out yet??11:22
OO2uViking667, to solve this problem we need to find Edid.bin files for our type of monitors11:22
html_inprogressyes Kizza,11:22
mozeeei just installed the openssh-server in i want to install FTP and HTTP packages as well but would you tell me the name of the packages?11:22
luitethere are many ftp and http servers11:23
DX099any hint ?11:23
mozeeeluite: the famouse ones?11:23
MaRk-I!ftp > mozeee11:23
ubottumozeee, please see my private message11:23
luitemozeee: I personally use vsftpd and apache211:23
Lee_Kilayou ren ?11:26
Kizzawhats a good decomprion tool11:27
Hedgehog456Kizza: what type of archive do you want to decompress?11:27
Kizzaand rar11:27
Hedgehog456packages 7zip and unrar, respectively11:28
ramshotsyockit: Thanks for the gnome do -hint, exactly what I needed. :)11:28
Hedgehog456Kizza: packages 7zip and unrar, respectively11:28
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression11:28
Hedgehog456I use p7zip-full and unrar :P11:29
Hedgehog456sudo apt-get install unrar11:29
Hedgehog456sudo apt-get install p7zip-full11:30
Hedgehog456That's how I do it :D11:30
Kizzakk ty11:30
JediMasterhi guys, I've got pptpd setup on a ubuntu natty machine with samba setup on it too. I've firewalled down samba to one IP address on the internet and also the ppp local IP address of the same internet machine. I've been doing some bandwidth tests and directly over the internet public IP via samba (to a windows server 2008 r2 server) I can transfer a file through windows file sharing at 36MBytes/sec.11:30
JediMasterAs soon as I use the local ppp IP address this drops to 2.2MBytes/sec. I can't figure out why, cpu usage on the windows server is about 5% on one of 8 cores, on the Ubuntu side it's showing as 0% cpu usage, what's slowing it down?11:30
Hedgehog456Or you can just use file-roller11:30
Hedgehog456It's very visually appealing11:30
syockitHedgehog456, I thought file-roller need both of them installed for 7z/rar support?11:34
chiiiiiizI need help on gnome3... is it the right chan?11:35
DX099ubottu, sugest you to use Windows winrar with wine11:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:36
Kizzahow do iinstall the java enviroment11:36
nesbitti tried installing the nvidia dev drivers on my natty installation (by running the script from nvidia) and now it won't boot.  i get to the ubuntu screen with the dots and it just waits there.  anyone know what i could try to fix it other than reinstalling? or how i might be able to get it to work?11:36
Kizzahow do i use it11:36
syockitchiiiiiiz, gnome3 on ubuntu or gnome3 in general? because most users here probably do not use gnome3 as it is still experimental in Ubuntu11:36
syockitchiiiiiiz, therefore might be difficult to get support11:36
DX099kizza, i suggest you to use windows version of winrar for rar archives11:37
DX099with wine11:37
crazybrainhow to connect phone through USB in Ubuntu 10.1011:39
boomboorum1Hi everybody11:39
crazybrainIts not detecting my phone11:39
chiiiiiizsyockit: gnome3 on ubuntu natty... in fact, I want to change some font size in the css, but I do not know where to look for in the gnome-shell.css file... too many sections11:40
Samo502gotta verify something really quick, if i upgrade my windows partition(vista) to 7, it'll screw up grub? yes/no?11:40
Kizzahow do i run this file jre-6u25-linux-i586.bin11:40
Samo502Kizza: i just installed mine via software center :O but to answer your question you can just run it from the terminal11:42
Samo502i believe11:42
DX099kizza, terminal "chmod +x jre..." then "./jre.."11:42
syockitKizza, did you download from Oracle? Have you tried out the ones provided by Canonical partners first?11:42
boomboorum1My system once in a while (like 2 -3 times a day) just starts over using my memory and swap to almost 2 GB. It starts suddenly and goes for like about 5 minutes. Then Releases the memory and everything starts working fine. System monitor does not show that there is much stuff being used by programs.  But it shows that IOWait is used 100%.  (thanks in advance)11:43
Kizzai installed it via the java website11:43
DX099kizza, my opinion if you're new to linux, you should just keep yourself to synaptic or apt-get11:43
boomboorum1(PS. I am using ubuntu 11.04 - gnome )11:43
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Kizzaso apt-get java.....11:43
Samo502boomboorum1: maybe this is a stupid question, but you don't boot with a liveCD or similar do you?11:44
crazybrain1Ubuntu is not being able to detect my mobile phone11:44
crazybrain1i want to transfer media files11:44
lgp171188Kizza: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk if you need the jdk or sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre if you need just the runtime11:44
Samo502crazybrain1: what kind of phone is it?11:45
crazybrain1samo502,it is maxx mobile phone11:45
LetsGo67Hello!  Here's the scoop: my Ubuntu computer is hooked up to an iMac.  But the iMac has a 169 IP address and cannot browse the Internet.  What should i do?11:45
mozeeei just run my ftp server (tsftpv) but how can i see the users that is connected to my pc?11:46
karthick87Is there any command command to find monitor model ?11:46
Samo502crazybrain1: hmm, i've never heard of maxx so i can't really help :S11:46
Carpe|DiemAny ideas on how to get BCM4312 working in kubuntu 11.04?11:46
Da|Mummyhow do i move the unity bar to the bottom instead of left?11:46
maxi__how can i change indicator applets in ubuntu 11.04. iwant weather indicator back11:46
boomboorum1Samo502:  No I am not11:46
Samo502Da|Mummy: you can't11:46
Da|Mummywhat kinda crap is that?11:47
Samo502Da|Mummy: it's there by design and is un-moveable11:47
gedOHEllo. I'm looking for good tutorial how to remove encription11:47
crazybrain1samo502,can you tell me is there any application that being able to detect mobile phones11:47
Da|Mummynothing in linux is by design and unmovable11:47
gedOpartition encryption11:47
Samo502Da|Mummy: Source reference: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omgubuntu.co.uk%2F2010%2F12%2Fubuntu-unity-launcher-wont-be-moveable%2F&rct=j&q=unity%20bar%20not%20moveable&ei=vtHDTY26Mabe0QHQ56ixCA&usg=AFQjCNGAtEWz-aoaRooEVcZcE-yZhd7SaA&cad=rja11:47
crazybrain1samo502,i tried that with nokia too11:47
Samo502damn long google links11:47
FloodBot1Samo502: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:47
Samo502Da|Mummy: anyway, that's the source article11:48
gedOHEllo. I'm looking for good tutorial how to remove partition encryption11:48
Da|Mummywell what the hell kinda osx crap is that11:48
maxi__how can i change indicator applets in ubuntu 11.04. iwant weather indicator back11:48
LetsGo67Hello! Here's the scoop: my Ubuntu computer is hooked up to an iMac. But the iMac has a 169 IP address and cannot browse the Internet. What should i do?11:48
luitemozeee: I don't think there's a separate program to see the currently logged in users in vsftpd, but you can see who logged in in the vsftpd log file in /var/log, and if you add the line setproctitle_enable=YES to /etc/vsftpd.conf, you can see them in the process list11:48
Samo502crazybrain1: i don't have a mobile phone, so i don't know, i was hoping it would be like an iphone or something like that that i've worked with in ubuntu11:49
Da|Mummyok now who can help me figure out why one of my hdds cant be mounted?11:49
alphamalehow do you install ubuntu on a usb drive where you want to preserve the data on the drive and not format it11:50
jribDa|Mummy: what happens when you try?11:50
beliDa|Mummy: you yourself.....11:50
Da|Mummythe option to mount it isnt there11:50
jrib!persistent | alphamale11:50
offsense_anyone use cacti monitoring tools in ubuntu?11:50
Da|Mummybut i see it in disk utility11:50
jrib!persistence | alphamale11:50
ubottualphamale: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence11:50
DX099gedO, on what ?11:50
Da|Mummyand mount in terminal doesnt work either11:50
gedOOn ubuntu 11.0411:50
beliDa|Mummy: what about some error messages?11:50
gedODX099, On ubuntu 11.0411:50
alphamaleso live cd and persistent?11:51
jribDa|Mummy: "doesn't work" is too vague11:51
alphamaleim trying not to use a cd because my netbook doesnt have one11:51
Da|Mummywell the option to mount isnt there in disk utility11:51
Samo502alphamale: you could back up the files to your computer, install ubntu on it and partition some off, and move your files on later11:51
jribDa|Mummy: what happens when you try to mount the partition in the terminal11:51
beliDa|Mummy: whats the device name of that drive?11:51
maxi__how can i change indicator applets in ubuntu 11.04. iwant weather indicator back??11:51
jrib!install > alphamale11:51
ubottualphamale, please see my private message11:51
beliDa|Mummy: a drive is sda11:51
alphamaleubuntu 11 needs>gb of memory ?11:51
jribalphamale: there might be more info there too11:51
Kizza"the application requires java runtime environment 1.5.011:52
beliDa|Mummy: sda1 is a partition of drive sda11:52
Da|Mummyit was working fine in ubuntu maverick11:52
luitemozeee: after you've done that, use ps -ef | grep vsftpd11:52
Kizzahelp with error the application requires java runtime environment 1.5.011:52
jrib!java > Kizza11:52
ubottuKizza, please see my private message11:52
Da|Mummywhat are you trying to say beli?11:52
belimozeee: ps -ef  ¦grep [v]sftpd   to not list the grep job itself11:52
maxi__how can i change indicator applets in ubuntu 11.04. iwant weather indicator back11:52
alphamaledoes ubuntu need more than 4gb of space?11:53
red__i want to network a mac and ubuntu together, no idea where to start, any help, please!11:53
mozeeethanks guys!11:53
gedOI'm lookig for a tutorial how to remove partition necryption on UBUNTU 11.04!!!!11:53
mozeeebut how can i change root directory in vsftpd?11:53
jribgedO: you want to know how to remove home encryption?11:53
belimozeee: read the manual ;)11:53
alphamalei am running puppy as my main os on a netbook11:53
Samo502maxi__: i could help but i'm not on ubuntu to look and make sure i know what i'm doing :P11:54
constlI tried XFCE but didn't like so i decided it to remove it with apt-get but unfortunately a lot of applications have been left behind which i really dont want them. Is there way to remove everything that has been installed with xubuntu-dektop package?11:54
gedOjrib,  Yes :)11:54
Da|Mummybeli, any idea?11:54
alphamalei just want to install any distro that can use python, puppy doesnt play well with pyhton11:54
jrib!encryption | gedO11:54
ubottugedO: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory11:54
alphamaleand i havent been able to install anything from puppy11:54
artyomёлки палки11:54
qifajust join11:54
beliDa|Mummy: i just wanted to explain basic disc stuff to you....try to mount the partition on terminal with the mount command11:54
maxi__Samo502: maybe a guess would be great:) on 10.10 itwas so easy11:55
alphamalei just tried universal installer but it doesnt recognize a 2nd partition on my pendrive11:55
alphamaleand i had to run it from a windows machine11:55
Samo502maxi__: isn't there an add thing when you right click up there? i always recall it having an option to add something if you right click around there11:56
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luitemozeee: what do you want to do? maybe chroot_local_user=YES to restrict user access to their home dirs11:56
Samo502maxi__: that's all i can think of without looking11:56
luitemozeee: for the other options, type man vsftpd.conf :)11:56
maxi__Samo502: no there isnt anything. thats my problem:) but thanks anyway11:57
Samo502maxi__: my linux box is installing service pack 2 for windows vista at the moment so i can get sony vegas on it so i can't reboot it at the moment11:57
alphamaledoes ubuntu need an ext3 file system?11:58
icerootalphamale: not you can use other systems too but fat and ntfs are not working11:58
belialphamale: the filesystems used need to be available for the kernel at boot time...11:58
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belialphamale: i mean, the drivers for the filesystems11:59
alphamaleis there a way to install ubuntu onto a usb pendrive partition11:59
alphamalei have a pendrive with two partitions11:59
iceroot!usb | alphamale11:59
ubottualphamale: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:59
alphamalei dont want to erase the main partition11:59
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Samo502alphamale: i still say back up your main partition files, install ubuntu and leave a partition then place the files back on12:00
alphamalesorry i dont understand what you mean sam12:01
Da|Mummyi dont know what i just did, but not i cant access any of the drives here except where ubuntu is installed...12:01
alphamalei have an o/s on that partition, not just files12:01
alphamalei dont want to mess with it12:01
alphamalebut i have a free other partition12:01
alphamaleit's already bootable12:01
alphamalei have grub4dos on it12:02
belialphamale: you need to be root to mount stuff basically12:02
SmashcatHi, I'm running 10.04 on a server and the latest apt-get upgrade has broken my Postfix/clamav setup. Is there any way to rollback to a previous version easily?12:02
LetsGo67Woah dirty computer 169!  That's my iMac's IP address!  How do i fix that?  i already tried to change the cable!12:02
Da|Mummyyes i know12:02
tsimpsonLetsGo67: use a DHCP service or static IPs12:02
Da|Mummyok i managed to mount the other drives, still cant get one of them working12:02
alphamaleso is there an easy way to install any other linux on my puppy machine12:02
LetsGo67Da|Mummy How do i fix that?12:02
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alphamaleit seems overly complicated12:02
LetsGo67tsimpson: But this is Ubuntu!  It's supposed t owork!12:03
alphamalei spent 3 days trying12:03
superdumpdoes anyone know if apt in ubuntu supports ~/.netrc files for user/pass authentication for https repos?12:03
beliDa|Mummy: so why dont you try what we are telling you? mount the partition with the mount command on a terminal12:03
Da|Mummywhy the other ones havent mounted automatically when i reboot is beyond me12:03
LetsGo67tsimpson: My computers didn't 169 until Ubuntu 11.04!12:03
Samo502Da|Mummy: they aren't set to mount on boot probably12:03
Da|Mummysudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/500gb    <--right command?12:03
beliDa|Mummy: depends...but maybe12:03
maxi__anyone aving any experience with virtual box under ubuntu? i want to instal xp with it12:04
tsimpsonLetsGo67: it does, avail will allow you to publish resources over the local network without static IPs or a DHCP server, but if you want something more, you need more configuration12:04
Da|Mummyok so what did i just do to not have them set to mount on boot? they were earlier12:04
beliDa|Mummy: is the mount working on terminal?12:04
LetsGo67tsimpson: i have an Android.  Internet works on Ubuntu and Android.  i have an iMac.  Internet doesn't work on iMac.  It says 169.  What do i do?  It worked in 10.10 and below!12:04
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Da|Mummymount: mount point /media/500gb does not exist12:04
Da|Mummyfor the command i said...12:05
tsimpsonLetsGo67: how to the different computers connect to the network/internet?12:05
Da|Mummysorry made a mistake...12:05
LetsGo67tsimpson: It's a direct cable between the Ubuntu laptop and the iMac.12:05
beliso create the mountpoint before12:05
tsimpsonLetsGo67: then you need to share the internet connection12:06
Da|Mummyok still not working12:06
beliDa|Mummy: shall we guess the error output?12:06
LetsGo67tsimpson: Smartphone <---> Ubuntu <---> iMac12:06
LetsGo67What do i do?12:06
Da|Mummymount: mount point /media/500gb does not exist12:06
tsimpsonLetsGo67: you share the connection from ubuntu to with the mac12:06
LetsGo67Do i check the box "available to all users"?12:06
Da|Mummythats all im getting12:06
beliDa|Mummy: sudo mkdir /media/500gb12:07
LetsGo67tsimpson: Yeah.  There's an Ethernet connection from Android to Ubuntu.  Then there's another Ethernet connection (Shared with other computers) from Ubuntu to iMac.  The iMac says 169.  What do i do?12:07
Da|Mummymount: you must specify the filesystem type12:07
alphamaleok heres a question, does each physical drive only have one boot record?12:07
beliDa|Mummy: and thats all i wanted to know...i cannot see your error replies12:07
lolzerhi my internet in ubuntu is slow as i am using dial up12:07
Da|Mummywhere does -ntfs go?12:07
lolzerbut i  have a broadband at office12:07
alphamalei.e. can you partition a large drive into x bootable virtual drives?12:08
beliDa|Mummy: ok, do you know the fstype you are using for that partition?12:08
lolzeri wondered if any1 would know  how to make a local server from where i can upgrade12:08
tsimpsonLetsGo67: so your ubuntu system has 3 network interfaces?12:08
Da|Mummyim almost sure its ntfs12:08
lgp171188alphamale: Each hard drive has one master boot record and the partitions in the drive can have one volume boot record of their own. You can search the web for these terms and read more12:08
gedOjrib: what is  relevant data?12:08
LetsGo67tsimpson: two.  One is Android, the other is iMac.12:08
alphamaleok thx12:08
beliDa|Mummy: so make sure your kernel supports ntfs12:09
tsimpsonLetsGo67: then how does the ubuntu system connect to the internet?12:09
LetsGo67tsimpson: With the smartphone.12:09
Rickardo1I have created a new user whith useradd and when I log in as it I only see $ as prompt..  tab doesn´t autosuggest either..   why is that?12:10
Da|Mummyi already have another hdd mounted thats ntfs, but what would i need to do to have kernal support ntfs? just for the hell of it?12:10
Draco_hi! I've noticed something odd: I played a video on ubuntu, with VLC, and it plays very slow ( like, bolt action, not sure how to translate it, I'm not a native eng speaker ), while the same video with the same software ( VLC ) plays well ( mostly ) on WinXp .... I kinda expected it to go faster on ubuntu, or at least at the same speed, is something wrong?  for instance, the video goes slow because there cpu isn't fast enought, the vid12:10
FrankJamesoif you have one that is mounted ntfs then that's not the problem, but there should be an ntfs3g package you can install (it's not at kernel level but it gives you ntfs compatibility)12:10
tsimpsonLetsGo67: then you need follow the internet connection sharing guide to share the connection to the smart phone from the ubuntu system with the mac12:10
Da|Mummywhats command in termianl to get this package?12:11
LetsGo67tsimpson: but i did!  It wasn't an issue until 11.0412:11
beliDa|Mummy: right, if another one is mounted with ntfs your kernel supports ntfs.12:11
dagon666Draco_: probably an issue of your video aperture, check glxinfo | grep -i direct12:11
FrankJamesoDraco : does verything play slowly or just that one video?12:11
tsimpsonLetsGo67: no version of ubuntu ever automatically bridged interfaces, you have to set that up yourself12:12
Draco_FrankJameso, just that one ( it's the only highQ video I have, I think )12:12
zambahow can i get mplayer to play on a secondary screen automatically?12:12
beliDa|Mummy: learn to use apt tools....google for it, read the manuals12:12
LetsGo67tsimpson: my Ubuntu computer has 10.*.*.*!12:13
Da|Mummyya i really need to familiarize myself with terminal12:13
FrankJamesoDraco_, check your graphics drivers, in 11.04 you can use the start button, and then just type in drivers to get to the additional drivers option12:13
Draco_dagon666, where I'm supposed to write that line? it doesn't work in console ( command not found )12:13
Da|Mummybut right now i really need this dirve to mount like it was in maverick...12:13
dagon666Draco_: apt-get install glxinfo12:13
tsimpsonLetsGo67: 10.* didn't do it either, you're basically setting up your ubuntu system as a router. that's not automatic12:13
belizamba: mplayer -xineramascreen 112:13
Da|Mummybut i do see that i have ntfs-3g installed12:14
Samo502tsimpson: so he's going ad-hoc?12:14
Draco_FrankJameso, I'm using the opensource drivers, video card is legacy and no longer supported ( Radeon 9600 Pro 256mb ddr )12:14
LetsGo67tsimpson: What should i do?12:14
Draco_FrankJameso, I've been strongly advised to do not install the propetary drivers ... and I don't know how to do that anyway12:15
FrankJamesoDa|Mummy, you need to know the name of the usb drive itself ( usually something like /dev/???   (3 letters), type in dmesg to see if you can find it's name. Then, you probably just have to make a directory, and type in sudo mount /dev/??? (need to find 3 letters) /address/to/mountpoint12:15
Samo502LetsGo67: so you're trying to set up ubuntu as a router of sorts?12:15
zambabeli: thanks! :)12:15
tsimpsonSamo502: he's connecting his phone (which has the internet connection) to his ubuntu PC, and his ubuntu PC to an iMac. and expecting the imac to automatically pick up the internet connection from the phone12:15
Da|MummyFrankJameso, its not usb, its sata12:15
Draco_dagon666, done, but I still get a "command not found"12:15
FrankJamesoDraco I see, then I'm not sure how to help you12:15
belizamba: np12:15
Da|Mummyinternal that is12:15
FrankJamesoDa|Mummy same process either way12:15
connor__i need help installing ubuntu 11.0412:15
Da|Mummyand its /dev/sdc12:15
Samo502tsimpson: so he's wifi teathering his ubuntu and trying to ICS with his imac12:16
beliDa|Mummy: it was sda a minute ago...verify that12:16
Da|Mummyand i tried sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/500GB12:16
LetsGo67Samo502: Mmhmm.12:16
Draco_dagon666, wait, it gave me an "not found" error even when I tryed to install it12:16
lolzeranyone knowing how to make a ubuntu local server for ubuntu up gradation12:16
FrankJamesoDa|Mummy I guess you could use dmesg | grep /dev12:16
Da|Mummysorry my mistake, it was sda couple reboots ago12:16
FrankJamesothat would make it much faster12:16
Da|Mummyit is sdc now though :|12:16
beliDa|Mummy: hey, i just wanted to make sure that you should verify that!12:17
LetsGo67Who messed up 11.04 this bad?12:17
connor__when i try installing ubuntu 11.04 it says failed to fetch file12:17
DirtyDawgquick question, i have 10.10 installed as 11.04 install is so dim i cant see hardly anything (and yes, laptop is plugged in :p ) when "support" stops, does that mean that the packages etc wont update any longer ?12:17
Draco_FrankJameso, I tought maybe there is some process that's eating up too much cpu, that might explain it12:17
alphamaleis it possible to post pastebin scripts here12:17
beliDa|Mummy: retry all the stuff with sda1 then12:17
tsimpsonSamo502: in short yeah, but he hasn't done anything on the ubuntu system to share connection12:17
alphamalewill anyone look at them12:17
Da|Mummybeli, i did, no go12:17
beliDa|Mummy: and check about the partitioning of sda with cfdisk /dev/sda12:17
Samo502tsimpson: yeah he has to set up a connection bridge12:18
Da|Mummyits sdc now12:18
beliDa|Mummy: you cannot mount a drive...you just can mount partitions of a drive12:18
alphamaleubotto is trying to help me12:18
tsimpsonSamo502: that's what I said, but he thinks that it worked automatically in 10.x12:18
Samo502tsimpson: unfortunately i've only done ICS on windows12:18
FrankJamesoDraco_ I would really assume it's the driver, but try installing htop from the terminal, and then running it through the terminal while playing the video to see how much cpu it eats12:18
OO2uHi, has anyone EDID.bin for LCD with natove resolution 1680x1050_60? If you have this file please tell me pm.12:18
gedOGuys, how to remove relevent data from ~/Private???12:18
Da|MummyFATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive12:18
Da|Mummy                          Press any key to exit cfdisk12:18
Da|Mummyfrom cfdisk :|12:18
connor__when i update it says failed to fetch file12:19
Samo502Da|Mummy: the tough part is finding the 'any' key12:19
Da|Mummythe windows key will fix everything12:19
beliDa|Mummy: so lets start at the beginning.....you are trying to mount partitions of an external usb drive, right?12:19
Draco_FrankJameso, htop? anyway VLC uses 100%, of course12:19
Da|Mummywith only one partition12:19
gedOGUYS!!! How to remove relevant data from ~/Private ??12:20
Samo502ged0: be more specific?12:20
FrankJamesoDraco_ it's really using 100% of cpu? what kind of cpu do you have?12:20
tsimpsonLetsGo67: read through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:20
Da|Mummywhy disk utility labels it as Bootable under Partition Flags is beyond me as well12:20
connor__ubuntu 11.04  wont install when i try it says failed to fetch file12:21
Draco_FrankJameso, good old AMD XP 3000+ ( little more than 2ghz, single core )12:21
beliDa|Mummy: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/hdc   and post output via some nopaste site12:21
Samo502be right back guys12:21
FrankJamesoDraco_ that seems a bit excessive, but the two options I see really are either trying with a different video card driver, or with a different codec. There's not much else I could suggest aside from compiling vlc from source, which is a bit complex12:21
Da|Mummysdc i take it instead of hdc?12:21
=== Samo502 is now known as Samo502|BRB
lolzer<tsimpson>  there should be a way made to upgrade with the cd of ubutnu12:22
beliDa|Mummy: also post output of:   cat  /dev/mtab; cat /dev/fstab; mount12:22
LetsGo67tsimpson: but i did!12:22
beliDa|Mummy: no sorry....typo12:22
Cerdadoes the shortcut super + number work with the numpad keys ????12:22
connor__when i try installing ubuntu 11.04 it says failed to fetch file12:22
andrushow to change ubuntu Natty Narwhal back to Maverick Meerkat12:22
Draco_FrankJameso, the point is, I could never imagine the same video, with the same program, to go much slower  on ubuntu than on winxp ... I was expecting quite the opposite actually ...12:23
gedOGuys, how to remove relevant data in ~/Private???12:23
Da|Mummybeli, http://pastebin.com/WRbzHTkQ12:24
beligedO: what is relevant?12:24
Da|Mummyfor both commands12:24
lolzerandrus what happened ?? why do you want to change12:24
gedObeli, Ensure that you have moved all relevant data out of your ~/Private directory12:24
Draco_FrankJameso, that's because I'm pretty sure the bottleneck here is the cpu, that's why I took this chance to make a little test, not sure if you get it12:24
beliDa|Mummy: /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab          please12:24
tsimpsonlolzer: there is, see the "Upgrading Using the Alternate CD/DVD" section on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades12:24
andrusit does not recognise monitor12:24
Draco_FrankJameso, but yeah, maybe it's the video driver ....12:24
derekhello guys12:24
jiltdilmy login sound is missing how to fix it?12:24
dereki'm new here12:24
connor__when i try to upgrade ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 it says failed to fetch files12:25
beligedO: relevant for what?12:25
FloodBot1connor__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:25
gedObeli, I want to remove home directory encryption12:25
FloodBot1connor__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:25
Da|Mummybash: /etc/mtab: Permission denied12:25
Da|Mummysudo isnt working either12:25
Draco_FrankJameso, could you explain me how to install this ati driver? I even downloaded it some day ago, but I don't know what to do with it12:25
beliDa|Mummy: sudo?12:25
LjL!ops | connor__12:25
ubottuconnor__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!12:25
Cerdadoes the shortcut super + number work with the numpad keys ????12:25
Da|Mummysudo: /etc/mtab: command not found12:25
jiltdilmy login sound is missing how to fix it?12:25
=== Samo502|BRB is now known as Samo502
k_szexubuntu doesn't have a graphical network interface management application?12:25
beliDa|Mummy: omg..... cat /etc/mtab12:26
novitololoI'm trying to move /home into a new partition.. What's the command that will copy everything from /home to /mnt/newhome?12:26
bullgard4man apt.conf: "apt.conf is the main configuration file for the APT suite of tools, but by far not the only place changes to options can be made." How does this fit to '~$ find / -name 'apt.conf' 2>/dev/null; /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf'?12:26
FrankJamesoDraco_ I'm used to installing the nvidia driver, and I can go through the basic steps needed for that, I'm not too used to ati, so this guide may be more help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI12:26
Da|Mummybeli, http://pastebin.com/ANnHCmCT12:26
gedOWho can help me to remove home dir encryption????12:26
popeygedO: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#How%20to%20Remove%20an%20Encrypted%20Private%20Directory%20Setup12:27
gedOpopey, Okey, but what meants to move relevant data??12:27
belinovitololo: man cp --> cp -R ------------> but take care of files in use/cache for /home ....you want to do that maybe in single user mode12:28
popeygedO: actually that guide is awful12:28
rjuneI'm using 64bit Natty on a 2.0Ghz Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM. I'm running into issues where specific software pushes the CPU to 100%(flash, xmoto, pitiviti, openshot) I did not have this issue on my P4 system. I'm looking for potential reasons why the 64bit would behave so much differently12:28
popeygedO: you can move it to another folder temporarily12:28
novitololobeli: cp -R is going to copy hardlinks/softlinks too'12:28
Da|Mummybeli, the drive im trying to mount is 500gb, so its not the 120 or the 400gb12:28
gedOpopey, Okey. What is comand in terminal to move? :)12:28
popeygedO: mv12:29
belinovitololo: read the manual...you can define it12:29
lolzer<tsimpson>  thanks /// is this new or did i miss it earlier??12:29
tsimpsonlolzer: it's been available for several years now12:29
beliDa|Mummy: same with fstab12:29
gedOpopey, how move all files in directory to another folder?12:29
jiltdilmy login sound is missing how to fix it?12:29
Draco_FrankJameso, thanks but, that guide doesn't cover the legacy driver I need to install12:29
popeygedO: I'd rather not talk though this, because there is the possibility of data loss, let me see if there's a guide online12:30
gedOpopye, okey :)12:30
connor__when i try upgrading ubuntu 10.10 it says failed to fetch files12:30
Da|Mummybeli, http://pastebin.com/RLf5Ctai12:30
lolzer<tsimpson>  where does the upgrade dialog come??12:30
* jiltdil no one here that have these problems anytime login sound missing 12:31
connor__main server12:31
popeygedO: i cant find a good guide12:31
connor__it wont let me upgrade ubuntu12:31
tsimpsonlolzer: it's run from the CD/ISO12:32
gedOpopye, So do I. I think I will stay to that awful one12:32
beliDa|Mummy: fdisk -l /dev/sdc12:32
Da|Mummyconnor__, try using livecd/usb?12:32
jiltdilmy login sound is missing how to fix it?12:32
Draco_FrankJameso, I guess I'll just try, if I screw up the ubuntu install even better ... maybe I should try some other distribution, ty for help12:32
Da|Mummybeli, http://pastebin.com/eVf8qx7Z12:33
jon__Hi, I would like some help with cron12:33
jiltdilmy login sound is missing how to fix it?12:34
Da|Mummyjon__, its best to just ask away, instead of asking to ask12:34
lolzer<tsimpson>  should i download amd64 or i386 ??12:34
beliDa|Mummy: SFS? its a swapable drive?12:34
Da|Mummyjiltdil, stop repeating yourself every 2 min12:34
turnerbrI have installed ubuntu 11.04 and it is working perfectly on my samsung r580, my only issue is the bright control that does not work. (the fn keys are working fine to everything else) and even the brightness bar reduces and increases but it doesnt actually change anything on the screen.  How can i fix it?12:34
jon__ok after upgrading to 11.04 my cron stopped working. any ideas why12:35
jiltdilDa|Mummy:if you know the soltuon how to fix it in natty then help12:35
tsimpsonlolzer: whichever you are running now12:35
LjL!cn | administrator__12:35
ubottuadministrator__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:35
beliDa|Mummy: removable, plugable12:35
tsimpsonlolzer: but make sure it's the alternative CD or the DVD version12:35
Da|Mummyno its a sata internal as i said...12:35
Da|Mummytheres a chance its a IDE :|12:36
=== spacehat is now known as mangloid
beliDa|Mummy: i never read that...i joined later, remember ;)   try sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /mnt/somemountpointyoucreatedbefore12:36
turnerbrI have installed ubuntu 11.04 and it is working perfectly on my samsung r580, my only issue is the bright control that does not work. (the fn keys are working fine to everything else) and even the brightness bar reduces and increases but it doesnt actually change anything on the screen.  How can i fix it?12:36
mathewsthe applets and texts on panel is not getting highlighted. It started after I installed faenza icon theme.12:37
Da|Mummysudo mkdir /media/MOUNTPOINTNAME to create dir?12:37
mathewsturnerbr: pls wait12:37
gedOGuys, how to copy directory with all files and subfolders to another directory?12:37
lolzer<tsimpson>  is there a way to know which one i am running?? i sorry i am new to ubuntu so dont really know where to look12:38
bazhanglolzer, the alternative is text only12:38
mathewsturnerbr: select keyboard from preference and select the model of ur keyboard12:38
tsimpsonlolzer: run "uname -m" and post what it says12:39
Da|Mummybeli, http://pastebin.com/VmBN1eZ5   ok whats the whole ntfs sig is missing about now?12:39
mathewsturnerbr: preferences...keyboard...keyboard preferences....layouts12:39
lolzer<tsimpson>  it says x86_6412:40
tsimpsonlolzer: then you're running the 64bit version12:40
beliDa|Mummy: seems like its logically broken.....can you try to access it on a native ntfs (ms windows) client?12:40
mathewsthe applets and texts on panel is not getting highlighted. It started after I installed faenza icon theme.How to solve this12:40
Da|Mummybeli, not unless i install windows now, which i dont really want to do, and dont really want to take it out, to put it somewhere else12:41
lolzer<tsimpson>  so amd64 is the one .. right??12:41
Da|Mummybeli, but it was mounting and working fine in ubuntu maverick no more then 5 days ago12:41
beliDa|Mummy: but you also dont really want to lose data ;) so, its your decision12:41
Da|Mummyyoure damn right i dont want to lose that data :|12:42
beliDa|Mummy: my care worked 5 days ago too...in the meanwhile its overheating ;)12:42
tsimpsonlolzer: yes12:42
Da|Mummywhat do you say i live cd maverick and see how that works out?12:43
maxi__can i run a live cd in virtual box? that sould work right?12:43
jwtiyari have 11.04, but all programs should be maximize to see toolbar ,how to fix?12:43
beliDa|Mummy: the output of fdisk -l telling its SYSTEM SFS....and you telling it is ntfs or any other windows file system......tells me that something is logically broken...to prevent data loss i would use a native windows client to verify stuff........12:44
beliDa|Mummy: boot a windows cd and use the rescue console...try using chkdsk12:45
Da|Mummyhmmm...you might be onto something12:45
Da|Mummynow hear me out on this one12:45
jon__any ideas on my cron problem guys. this is the cron 0 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O - -q -t 1 http://www.presstoprint.co.uk/cron.php, but it stopped running after natty upgrade12:45
jribjon__: how are you determining that it isn't running?12:45
belijon__: what error is raised?12:46
Da|Mummywhile i was updating ubuntu through Update manager in maverick, the installation got stuck at like 99% for hours, so i force shut down pc, maybe this caused damage?12:46
mathewswhy the applet not getting highlighted with unity12:46
Da|Mummyalthough ubuntu had no reason to read/write to this drive12:46
beliDa|Mummy: maybe...12:46
beliDa|Mummy: maybe it was mounted for testing12:46
jwtiyarwhat i have to do??12:46
Da|Mummydoes windows even have live cd? :|12:46
jon__matthews: getting grandchild errors in syslog and the website log does not show a cron event12:47
beliDa|Mummy: install cd12:47
dmesgHi, could someone please recommend me a lightweight launcher similar to gnome-do?12:47
Da|Mummyand win can boot off cd/dvd w/o installing?12:47
red2kicdmesg: ALT+F2 (Gnome).12:47
tsimpsonDa|Mummy: windows? no12:47
mathewsjwtiyar: u look on the panel12:47
beliDa|Mummy: how did you install windows? with an install cd, or?!12:48
mathewsIn unity the toolbar shows on the panel12:48
jwtiyarmathews, i don understand12:48
Da|Mummyi dont have windows installed on this machine...12:48
dmesgred2kic: not quite what I'm looking for, anything else?12:48
Da|Mummybut i do have some windows install dvds12:48
belijon__: paste syslog errors pls12:48
red2kicdmesg: docky :P12:48
mathewsjwtiyar: in unity the toolbar of every window u open shows on the panel12:48
red2kicdmesg: deskbar-applet12:48
Da|Mummybut i dont remember any windows even having a live cd sorta thing where you can boot it off the dvd w/o installing it first12:49
jwtiyarmathews, yes i mean this panel12:49
mathewsturnerbr: yes u look on there12:49
jwtiyarmathews, its not shown if the app is not maximize12:49
beliDa|Mummy: you dont need a live cd.-.....you boot into the rescue/recovery mode...what ever its named...it gives you an rescue shell similiar to cmd12:49
=== SpitfireWP_ is now known as SpitfireWP
dmesgred2kic: hmm unfortunately not running gnome, but xfce. Looking for something more in line with krunner/gnome-do just not so heavy (or with qt/mono)12:50
jon__beli: May  3 11:00:01 ubuntu-server CRON[1593]: (jon) CMD (/usr/bin/wget -O - -q -t 1 http://www.presstoprint.co.uk/cron.php)12:50
mathewsturnerbr: u just move ur cursor there12:50
jon__May  3 11:00:01 ubuntu-server CRON[1594]: (www-data) CMD (         if test -x /usr/share/drupal6/scripts/cron.sh ; then /usr/share/drupal6/scripts/cron.sh ; fi)12:50
jon__May  3 11:00:01 ubuntu-server CRON[1592]: (root) CMD (nano -O - -q -t 1 http://www.presstoprint.co.uk/cron.php)12:50
jon__May  3 11:00:01 ubuntu-server CRON[1590]: (CRON) error (grandchild #1592 failed with exit status 1)12:50
FloodBot1jon__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
mathewsturnerbr: u just move ur cursor there on the panel and see12:50
belijon__:  use nopaste!12:50
Da|Mummybeli, what about HIren boot cd MiniXP12:50
jon__beli: sorry don't know how12:50
beliDa|Mummy: dunno12:51
mathewsjwtiyar: u just move ur cursor there on the panel and see12:51
Da|Mummygo to nopaste.com or pastebin.com12:51
red2kicdmesg: What do you use gnome-do often for?12:51
red2kicdmesg: That might be the better question.12:51
jwtiyarmathews, how?12:51
Da|Mummyjon__, paste your text, and submit, you will get a link, just post link instead of 0321975 lines of txt in channel12:51
mathewsjwtiyar: u move ur mouse pionter12:51
dmesgred2kic: sure, launching applications, firefox bookmarks and running terminal commands12:51
F-3000jon__: paste.ubuntu.com12:52
mathewsjwtiyar: u move ur mouse pionter on the panel and see12:52
red2kicdmesg: I think the author of gnome-do have been working more hours with gnome3 so there are no upgrades from it for some time now12:52
belijon__:  try to increase loggin caps of cron --> uncomment EXTRA_OPTS="-L 2"           in /etc/default/cron12:52
jwtiyarmathews, but its shown when i will maximize12:52
dmesgred2kic: yeah I was aware of that - gnome-do development has been quiet of late. Moreover I don't really want to load the mono libraries on my netbook just for it12:52
belijon__: and look into /var/spool/cron for some hints maybe12:53
red2kicdmesg: krufer?12:53
varmia666turnerbr any good? iv got brightness issue , let us know how U dealt with it please12:53
jon__beli: http://nopaste.info/c19ced6cd6.html12:53
mathewsjwtiyar: it must show even if u taken a minimised window.If not there,just move ur pointer on the panel and see.If not stick here12:53
dmesgred2kic: neverheard of it, link? Googling around has given me this as a good candidate http://kaizer.se/wiki/kupfer/12:53
red2kicdmesg: Same thing. Typo or something.12:54
red2kicdmesg: Try it, I suppose.12:54
mathewsjwtiyar: or u put ur question on www.askubuntu.com12:54
jon__beli: going to look now. hope the nopaste thing works12:54
jwtiyarmathews, OK I GOT IT THANKS12:55
HoldkjeftIs there a way to get a different compiler version for ubuntu 11.04? the one that ships can't be used for compiling gst-ffmpeg from gstreamer because of linaro bug 77190012:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771900 in Linaro GCC "Linaro GCC 4.5 switch optimization breaks profiled bootstrap" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77190012:55
mathewsjwtiyar: ok well12:55
kleopatraCan someone plz help me getting Starcraft 2 running on my Ubuntu 11.04? IIf i run wine Installer.exe i get an error12:55
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
belijon__: works fine :)   you could use io redirection to your crontab lines and log the output to a defined file like:    your crontabcommandline >> /path/to/logfile 2>&112:56
jon__beli: looked but the cron is not run as root. it was created by crontab -e12:56
KrzykCzaplihej :)12:57
dmesgred2kic: yep, kupfer works good - though a tad uglier than gnome-do it'll do12:58
killasmurf86Hello! I'm writing PhD thesis about OpenSource firewalls. Please vote for your firewall http://poll.bsdroot.lv/ . Stats will be available in about month on wiki.bsdroot.lv. Once stats are available I will delete e-mail addreses (they will not be used to contact you, or given away). Please specify correct email, because you will have to verify it.12:59
bazhangkillasmurf86, dont poll here12:59
jon__beli: thanks for your input. I will try it to see if I can find out why it stopped working13:00
kleopatraneed help with Starcraft 2 , if someone could help me =) (its the only reason windows is still on my computer)13:00
HoldkjeftAnyone mind if I take a poll about whether people polling in IRC channels piss them off? :)13:00
bazhangkleopatra, #winehq for particular apps13:00
LjLHoldkjeft: yeah i think the gcc-4.x packages provide alternative versions, but then you have to set CC or configure or whatever to use them13:01
aarHi, I just ran sudo rsync -vax / /media/LinExt (hoping to backup my root directory to an external drive) and it turns out the files are being copied to /Cache. Why is this happening?13:01
HoldkjeftDoes anyone here know how I can install a less buggy version of gcc on ubuntu 11.04 without messing up binary compatibility and such?13:02
sipiorHoldkjeft: there are probably PPAs for different versions. all else fails you can build it yourself, of course. what's the problem with the gcc you currently have?13:04
Cerdadoes the shortcut super + number work with the numpad keys ????13:04
shomonhi, how do I find out my default gateway? I've tried "ip route" but no idea which one it is...13:05
_6Xorg9_Hi ,Im planing to install ubuntu but when I google mine USB wifi card I see a lot of issues, so my question is would my EDUP 150 m (Realtek 818su chipset) work with Realtek non free drivers?13:05
pr0tonso in my country, people dont really have fast connections13:05
pr0tonis there any easy way to share installation files (.deb)... i know they're stored in cache13:05
Holdkjeftlinaro bug # 771900 basically there's a switch statement optimization that causes the compiler to crash. Can't compile gst-ffmpeg because of it13:05
pr0tonis there anything else that people use?13:05
sipiorshomon: there should be a "default via" entry.13:05
bazhangpr0ton, with aptoncd13:05
pr0tonbazhang, works with pendrives also?13:06
shomonaah thanks sipior13:06
bazhang!aptoncd | pr0ton13:06
ubottupr0ton: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:06
Cerdadoes the Unity dash shortcut super + number work with numpad keys ????13:06
bazhangpr0ton, not sure about that13:06
sipiorHoldkjeft: removing the optimization flag doesn't let you build the library?13:06
pr0tonbazhang, it's pretty old too... last update in 200713:07
SirDeiuCerda: yes is does here13:07
CerdaSirDeiu thank you sir!!13:07
HoldkjeftSipior would love to ... but while I can write codecs and such, autotools is my worst nightmare13:07
HoldkjeftSipior dumb question... as I'm almost entirely new to ubuntu (tend to use OS X or my RedHat 5.2 machine which has been perpetually patched for over a decade) what's a PPA?13:08
dmesgHi, how do I re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace?13:08
sipiorHoldkjeft: not a dumb question at all. let me find the factoid...13:08
SuperstarI want to create an encrypted partition and I'm at the ubuntu installation screen where I can allocate space. should I create an ext4 partition with no mount point or should I leave it as free space and create it after?13:08
sipior!ppa > Holdkjeft13:08
ubottuHoldkjeft, please see my private message13:08
Holdkjeftthanks will look into it13:09
rob_pHoldkjeft: Wow! Still using RH5!  That's what I started out on all those years ago! :)13:09
red2kicSuperstar: Use Ubuntu's Guided Partition Option if you aren't confident. There are some manual guides on Internet too.13:10
SirDeiudmesg: go to System Settings (Control Center) / Keyboard / Layouts / Options / Key sequence to kill X server13:10
jacobthey room im having problems in ubuntu 11.04 w/ my nividea graphics card i have no 3d13:11
shomonI have ubuntu 10.10, and in it runs windows xp as a guest os in virtualbox. How do I connect a network printer to XP?13:11
fixxxermetWhat is the correct way to have root execute a script on startup?13:11
red2kicfixxxermet: /etc/rc.local (assuming you don't need X)13:11
kleopatraHow can i get better at using linux? Always if i have a severe (in my eyes) problem i have to ask in irc or forums but i want to be able to solve problems on my own someday. But most times i dont even know where to look for the errors13:11
dmesgSirDeiu: unfortunately I'm using xfce, not gnome/unity13:11
red2kic!startup | fixxxermet13:12
ubottufixxxermet: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:12
fixxxermet!boot | fixxxermet13:12
ubottufixxxermet, please see my private message13:12
jacobtdoes nvidia have a driver for ubuntu?13:12
shomonkleopatra, there are a few linux admin books, try oreilly. also knowing basics of networking, web, how processes work or whatever your intended area is will help.13:12
nibbler_kleopatra, if you have a problem, use "aptitude search KEYWORD" to find software dealing with the problem KEYWORD, then read the manpage, isntall the software, google it?13:12
RatzHi all, I've installed ubuntu 11.04 and run "apt-get remove unity" to get rid of the new UI and go back to the proper one.. however unity's still listed as an option on login and if you take it, you get a blank UI and no chance to log out.13:13
RatzSo, how do I remove it as being even a login option?13:13
red2kickleopatra: Experiences make you better at everything. Practices makes perfect. Use Google when you have specific error message, eg "ubuntu, message_here, solved"13:13
SirDeiudmesg: try this command line: " setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp "13:13
josepai can't install ubuntu in mi Notebook, I have Ubuntu 10.04 and it doesn let me upgrade to 11.04... i havn't an option in the Update Manager to upgrade... some help?13:13
erixHi everyone , How does ln -s works  ? in this format ln  -s <FROM> <TO>13:13
lolzergksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade" didnt do a thing13:14
lolzerplease help13:14
nibbler_erix, i'm working with linux for >10 years now, but for this i always have to use the manpage before using ;-)13:14
rob_perix: ln -s /path/to/src /path/to/dst13:14
red2kicerix: "cd ~/Desktop ; ln -s /tmp/ Shortcut-To-Tmp"13:15
kleopatraHmm for exampkle the last problem i had was that my mousepointer disappeared sometimes. After sending a dozen of logs to irc it came out that somwehow fbdev or something like this was used instead of my fglrx driver. I didnt know how it could happen nor how to fix it13:15
dmesgSirDeiu: works a treat, thanks!13:15
erixThanks a lot for all13:15
SirDeiudmesg: ok :)13:15
LjLhateball: welcome to #acorn13:15
erixI will make a symlink between sites-avaiable and sites-enabled under apache folder13:16
josepai can't install ubuntu in mi Notebook, I have Ubuntu 10.04 and it doesn let me upgrade to 11.04... i havn't an option in the Update Manager to upgrade... some help?13:16
nibbler_kleopatra, well.. logs are important, knowledge of your system.... but these kind of error are for sure not easy to spot13:16
rob_perix: Why not use a2ensite?13:16
alphamalei got the command line grub4dos working to run kernel and initrd then it jsut crashed and exited to grub13:16
red2kicjosepa: Stay on LTS (10.04) -- You don't have to upgrade.13:16
erixIs it the same thing ?13:16
nibbler_josep: guess you are set to only use LTS releases somewhere in the packet manager13:16
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red2kicjosepa: That's the whole point of using LTS, long-term support. You're good for 5 years from LTS release date.13:17
rob_perix: a2ensite is a utility that takes care of creating the sym-link for you. :)13:17
nibbler_erix, for this just use a2ensite and a2dissit13:17
jacobtif i try installing nvidia driver i get just a terminal no active x i remove my xorg.conf it rebuilds and i have 2d just fine13:17
erixwuw :)13:17
lolzer<tsimpson>  gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade" didnt do a thing13:17
erixI didt know it13:17
rob_perix: Simply do, "sudo a2ensite name_of_site"13:17
josepaah ok... so, what I have to do to change that?13:17
nibbler_erix, i dont think this does any more then creating the symlink for you, so do as you wish :)13:17
lolzer<tsimpson>  the site said "If the upgrade dialog is not displayed for any reason, you may also run the following command using Alt+F2: "13:18
rob_perix: ...but the site name must exist in the sites-available directory.13:18
RicardoPerezHi! Can anybody tell me how can I submit a bugreport if I find a bug in the geoip.ubuntu.com database?13:18
RicardoPerezgeoip.ubuntu.com/lookup tells me that my timezone is Africa/Ceuta, but the right timezone should be Europe/Madrid13:19
alphamalecan someone help me boot from usb, i followed these instructions...http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html13:19
red2kic!bug | RichardJ13:19
ubottuRichardJ: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:19
red2kicRicardoPerez: See above (oops)13:19
erixYep I created an sitename under sites-avaiable and I enabled with a2enmod, Besides, Do I need to disable default site name under sites-avaiable ?13:20
red2kic!usb | alphamale13:20
_6Xorg9_Which is the best usb Wifi card the works well with ubuntu and aircrack ?13:20
ubottualphamale: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:20
RicardoPerezred2kic: thanks. however, what's the package name for the geoip.ubuntu.com online service?13:20
rob_pnibbler_: That's correct.  But it seems easier for people to use than doing, "sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/site_name /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/site-name"13:20
ylmfosmusic !13:20
red2kicRicardoPerez: I have no idea. I'm on debian.13:20
rob_perix: It's a2ensite. You use a2enmod to enable modules.13:21
RicardoPerezred2kic: IMHO, there's no source package because geoip.ubuntu.com is an online service, not a package13:21
LjL!cn | ylmfos13:21
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:21
erixsorry :)13:21
josepaI did it! thanks for your help... i changed the only LTS upgrates to Normal upgrades and the option appeared... thanx!13:21
jdobriendang the last update to usb-creator is busted :(13:21
jacobtcan someone help me w/ an xorg problem?13:22
lolzer<tsimpson>  sorry to disturb you ... i got the wrong cd13:22
red2kicRicardoPerez: Hmm. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/geoip13:24
red2kicRicardoPerez: Something I found. Relevant? I don't know.13:24
RicardoPerezred2kic: thank you very much13:24
p0shi. i made a fresh install of natty (amd64, setup over PXE). it randomly does not boot (with a failure rate of >90%), instead it drops into a purple screen. after adding "nosplash" and removing "quiet" from the kernel command line i was able to see that it drops into an initramfs shell, the purple splashscreen probably hides this.  further, adding the "nosplash" option to the kernel command line via the grub menu is also difficult, because grub randomly13:24
p0sdies with "alloc magic is broken at 0x3fdb7230" then (failure rate also >90%). the value of 0x3fdb7230 is always the same and there are zero google results for it. i would like to trace the problems down if someone is here who can help me with it & then file the bugtracker entries.13:25
FloodBot1p0s: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:25
roman__how do I add iso-8859-1 as chooseable charset in my terminal? using ubuntu 11.0413:25
crissi-i have a problem using debus withing python in console13:27
tasslehoffMy touchpad has died on me, but the rest of the system is up and running. Is there a way to reload the touchpad driver?13:27
linuxsterman screen13:27
Gneatasslehoff: should be able to rmmod and modprobe13:28
roman__how do I add iso-8859-1 as chooseable charset in my terminal? using ubuntu 11.0413:28
SpaceBassjoin #linux13:28
crissi-under debian it works nice13:28
RatzAh-ha!  Despite purging the pustules of unity, I had failed to remove its entry in /usr/share/xsessions/  once that was gone it's golden again.13:28
v4nelleguys is there an app which dont allow you to move/edit your widgets?13:28
coconutzwhen i load ubuntu server its hangs on grub , like he tells me to select one of the things there.. and there is no countdown to select default how can i set it ?13:28
v4nellewrong room13:29
Ratzcoconutz: Can you manually select anything?13:29
quackaduckcoconutz: i think you can set that at your grub config13:29
tasslehoffGnea: yeah. just gotta figure out what module it is13:29
Ratzcoconutz: If you change /etc/default/grub you'll see default options13:30
Ratzcoconutz: Once you're done with that run sudo grub-update and that should be it.13:30
eroomde_hello - can I make alt+vertical-mouse-movement into scroll? So I can scroll on my thinkpad which has one of those nipples13:30
RatzSorry, update-grub2 rather.13:30
Gneatasslehoff: lsmod  will tell you what modules are currently loaded13:30
SpaceBassis there a way to emulate an X environment via a web interface? I have a server without X installed, however there is one critical app that is GUI based. I'd hate to install X just to run it, can I make it think its running in an X environment which I can access via some kind of web, vnc, or other interface?13:30
linuxster?joim #linux13:31
linuxster?join #linux13:31
Ratzcoconutz: GRUB_DEFAULT=0 shows you which one is the default13:31
RatzSo 0 is the topmost entry, 1 is the one under that etc.13:31
tasslehoffGnea: hm. tapping worked, and suddenly it woke up again (after 5 minutes or so...)13:32
aeon-ltdlinuxster: / not ?13:32
coconutzi paste it after i did grub update213:32
Gneatasslehoff: weird... is it a netbook?13:32
coconutzits now ok this config13:32
tasslehoffGnea: MacBook Pro13:32
Ratzcoconutz: The entry GRUB_TIMEOUT=2 should give you 2 seconds to change your mind.13:32
coconutzwhat is hidden timeout?13:32
SpaceBassnice move spacebars?ask a question and then quit your irc program...13:33
RatzI /think/ it just doesn't give you a timer.13:33
Ratzcoconutz: It looks fine to me, but you may want to give yourself more than 2 seconds.13:33
quackaduckSpaceBass: have you tried it over SSH?13:33
Gneatasslehoff: have you read this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro13:33
RatzSome graphics cards haven't quite got their act together when grub2 starts and you may need 5 seconds or so.13:33
p0sSpaceBass: there is a virtual X framebuffer13:33
SpaceBassquackaduck, the program? Its a guy program? I mean, I can tunnel X and run the gui on a remote machine, but thats less than ideal13:34
SpaceBassp0s, how does one access the interface if needed?13:34
p0sSpaceBass: if you dont have to actually use the gui which the app provides then you can use it to make it run without any actual x display: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb13:34
p0sSpaceBass: i think you cannot. but that might have changed, i dont know.13:34
SpaceBassthanks p0s ! thats got a strong potential13:34
coconutzratz: yeah, you right thats my girlfriend says all the time!13:34
SpaceBassI'd love to be able to VNC in if needed, but not the end of the world?great solution, thanks!13:35
tasslehoffGnea: yep. followed that the last times I installed Ubuntu on my Mac13:35
quackaduckSpaceBass: http://www.vanemery.com/Linux/XoverSSH/X-over-SSH2.html13:35
Itqanhi folks!13:35
p0sSpaceBass: typically you would run the app on a machine which DOES have X, preconfigure it there, then copy it over & run it with xvfb...13:35
Itqanim new here13:35
=== chimera is now known as Guest12347
moriramarExcuse me, I have a problem using gpg with LUKS in my Ubuntu 10.10 LiveUSB. command : gpg -d go.gpg | cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 /dev/sda113:36
moriramarit says gpg: Error writing to `-': Broken pipe      gpg: handle plaintext failed: file write error13:36
star0119Itqan: im new here too13:36
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:37
AvnHmndi was wondering if there is anyone out there who would be wiling to help a total linux noob who decided to dive off the deck of the windows ship head first13:37
moriramarfor uname : Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-31-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 8 18:25:51 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:38
moriramarLiveUSB is built with universal-usb-installer, since ubuntu's liveusb tools cannot be forced to install on my USB HDD.(i dunno why)13:38
schnuffleAvnHmnd: in here as soon as you ask you'll get help13:38
Itqani have a problem with my ubuntu 10.10 it just freezes after 5 mins of use i tried uninstalling all ubuntuone packages and now the frequency of freezing is reduced but the problem still persists13:38
AvnHmndtrying to install the applications i used in windows on my fresh new ubuntu install13:38
jacobtdoes anyone ellse have problems w/ nvidia 3d graphics support?13:39
AvnHmndfor instance i am trying to install jdownloader13:39
schnuffleAvnHmnd: Windows apps or Linux apps?13:39
AvnHmndschnuffle thank you jdownloader13:39
moriramarItqan: before it freezed, did you get any information or warning?13:39
AvnHmndnot fully understanding the direction of the their site13:40
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Itqanits behaves normally13:40
Itqanand then suddenly13:40
schnuffleAvnHmnd: try http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/jdownloader13:40
DirtyDawgquick question, i have 10.10 installed as 11.04 install is so dim i cant see hardly anything (and yes, laptop is plugged in :p ) when "support" stops, does that mean that the packages etc wont update any longer ?13:40
moriramarjacobt: i highly doubt that they will answer you. ask directly. :)13:40
AvnHmndthank you schnuffle13:40
Itqanit freezes and i cant even move the mouse13:41
Itqanor turn off computer13:41
schnuffle!fr | xXRATXx13:41
xXRATXxwhere is backtrack french?13:41
ubottuxXRATXx: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:41
moriramargood, my empathy freezed...13:41
jacobtwhat d13:42
moriramarExcuse me, I have a problem using gpg with LUKS in my Ubuntu 10.10 LiveUSB. command : gpg -d go.gpg | cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 /dev/sda1.13:42
jacobtmoriramar: what do you mean ask directly?13:42
benccisn't it possible to create a group and a user with the same name? "/usr/sbin/groupadd demo" and "/usr/sbin/adduser demo" gives me "The group 'demo' already exists'13:42
moriramarjacobt: forget it. the irc client freezed and it delayed.13:43
faspI'm trying to understand the output of "dmesg" (after modprobe evbug). what do type, code and value stand for?13:43
moriramarbencc: when you create a user, a group named after the user's name is already created,  iirc.13:44
schnufflebencc: normally a new user gets a group with the same name13:44
rob_pbencc: You can view the current list of groups on your system by doing, "ls /etc/group"  If that group is found in the list, then it already exists! :)13:44
jacobti have no 3d support and unity won't work it defaultsback to normal desktop setting13:44
benccmoriramar: so I should delete the group first?13:45
rob_pbencc: I meant, "cat /etc/group"13:45
matthias_when I just updated ubuntu, I got arnings like   cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sda113:46
moriramarbencc: i am not sure whether you want to do that. what do you want to do?13:46
benccrob_p: I've created the group so I know it is there13:46
matthias_any ideas aboutthese warnings? is that something serious?13:46
erixI disable(with a2dissite default) default site under sites-avaiable and then I enabled mysite with a2ensite mysite. but I got an error which is Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mysite. Whats wrong ?13:46
rob_pbencc: So then why remove it?  What are you trying to do?13:46
benccmoriramar: I want to create a user demo which belongs to a group demo that can use sudo13:46
moriramarmatthias_: i experienced that also, but nothing serious happened. i guess it does not matter.13:46
schnuffleerix: try apachectl configtest to see errors13:47
matthias_moriramar: ok, thanks13:47
OppeI am not sure if it's the correct please to ask, but I have an ubuntu server.. which is accessable from everywhere (both http and ssh).. however a specific application we made under tomcat is only accessable inside the university's network (need vpn to see it).. any clue what could be the reason?13:47
erixYep I did and it produces above error13:47
moriramarbencc, so just write the entry in your /etc/sudoers. no need to remove the group.13:47
schnuffleOppe: apache rules or iptables13:47
benccmoriramar: but I can't create the user13:47
erixServername takes one parameter13:47
moriramarbencc: you have created that user.13:47
benccmoriramar: at least not with /usr/sbin/adduser13:48
moriramarbencc: cat /etc/shadow to check that.13:48
jacobtif i run nvidia-config my x dies and i need to remove my xorg.conf for linux to rebuilt it13:48
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erixBut intresting  I didnt get this error before disabling the default13:48
moriramaruser_: no flood here.13:48
alphamaleanyone familiar with grub4dos13:48
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bazhanguser_, do you have a support question?13:48
benccmoriramar: it's not there13:48
schnuffleerix: then maybe you miss the a virtual config option check the default site13:49
moriramarbencc: well, you can do this: useradd -g youknowwho youknowho.13:49
moriramarbencc: add other parameters according to your demands.13:49
benccmoriramar:  thanks13:49
moriramarbencc: you are welcome.13:49
jacobtYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.13:49
Al-Bawihow do updtage sound plugins in command line?13:50
Al-Bawihow do update sound plugins in command line:?13:50
InHisNameMy 11.04 is still freezing up after several hours of no imputs.   It will come out of screen saver mode at first but much later is unresponsive to any keyboard or mouse actions.   Only 10 sec of power button works.13:50
tolostoyhi i am looking for people who wants to share cloud server whit me my idea is that few people can hire server and can use it together as web hosting and storage13:50
schnuffleAl-Bawi: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade updates everything13:50
bazhangtolostoy, thats off topic here13:51
ttryi need to reinstall grub, after reinstall all i get is "Installation finished. No error reported." - the documentation shows extra lines like (hda0,0) ..which i dont see13:51
Oppeschnuffle in the sites-enabled configs i should find these rules? or somewhere else? I don't run iptables..13:51
Dr_WillisAl-Bawi:  plugins for what? or do you mean the sound card drivers?13:51
Itqanguyz could you plese help me too its just 1 month ive suffering from this problem and still cant give ubuntu a try13:51
ttryafter installing windows, and after messing up trying to reinstall grub, i cant load any OS now, it only boots to grub terminal13:51
rob_pbencc: If you manually added the group before using the useradd command, that would be why it's failing to create the new user account. As long as no other accounts are members of that group, it would be safe to remove.  Then you can create the new user account, which will automatically create the group.13:51
Al-BawiDr_Willis: i cant play my music13:51
benccmoriramar: shouldn't it create the home dir for the user by default?13:51
schnuffleOppe: does the server has more then one network card?13:51
Itqanubuntu 9.04 worked good for me13:52
Dr_Willis!sound | Al-Bawi13:52
ubottuAl-Bawi: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:52
moriramarInHisName: i think you might want to check you power settings to let it not suspend. it should be in your application list and search for it patiently. :(13:52
benccrob_p: what is the easiest way to create a user demo with group demo with /home/demo dir that can sudo13:52
moriramarbencc: if you add -m, it will create home dir, otherwise it won't13:52
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rob_pbencc: do, "sudo adduser demo"13:53
rgb247hi to everyone13:53
Oppeschnuffle the application runs under 8080 port.. but in the apache I have virtualhost only for *:80 .. but still is accessable and working inside the network but not if you try to access it from outside. No there is only 1 card13:53
InHisNameIts 'on ac power' = never   moriramar13:53
benccmoriramar: so I'll remove the user and create it again13:53
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AvnHmndschnuffle can you explain how to chmod +x jd.sh13:53
moriramarbencc: useradd -m -g demo -s /bin/bash demo13:53
jacobty is my irc chat not scrolling?13:53
rgb247I need a tool for ubuntu to search into files from a directory for a string, anyone know something?13:53
tolostoybazhang, where can i ask for such thing ?13:53
roastedWhere within Ubuntu can I see the DNS servers in a config file?13:54
AvnHmndschnuffle when you get a chance thanks13:54
schnuffleAvnHmnd: open a terminal and execute the command: chmod +x /path/to/jd.sh13:54
moriramarbencc: :)13:54
bazhangtolostoy, no idea really. perhaps #defocus or #ubuntu-offtopic13:54
Dulakrgb247: grep -r stringhere /path/to/search13:54
benccmoriramar: now it also deleted the group :) so I'll add a param to create the group as well13:54
killasmurf86Hello! I'm writing PhD thesis about OpenSource firewalls. Please vote for your firewall http://poll.bsdroot.lv/ . Stats will be available in about month on wiki.bsdroot.lv. Once stats are available I will delete e-mail addreses (they will not be used to contact you, or given away). Please specify correct email, because you will have to verify it (when checking mailbox, please check spam folder as well).13:54
schnuffleOppe: Can you reach the server from the outside network, with a ping13:54
rob_pmoriramar: It's *much* easier to use adduser instead of useradd, otherwise you have to manually specify things like groups, shell, home dir, etc.13:54
erixthis is the error = "ServerName takes one argument, The hostname and port of the server"13:55
tolostoybazhang thanks13:55
r4yJacobt did you say what irc client you are using?, I am running chatzilla13:55
moriramarNavel: no chinese character here, for chinese people : #ubuntu-cn , for taiwanese people : $ubuntu-tw13:55
AvnHmndso i should have the jd.sh file stored inside the jdownloader directory13:55
rob_pbencc: Use adduser, not useradd!13:55
schnuffleerix: paste you config, so that we can have a look at it13:55
InHisNamergb247:  grep "string" directory/*13:55
jacobtim runnign pidgin13:55
erixok buddy13:55
AvnHmndand execute it from there using the terminal13:55
wensleydalehello. does anyone know the command to find out the internal ip of a router?13:55
benccrob_p: why adduser and not useradd?13:55
schnuffleAvnHmnd: yes13:56
moriramarbencc: no need to add a param to create the group. if the group is not available, it will do this automatically.13:56
AvnHmndawesome thank you again13:56
moriramarbencc: but no matter.13:56
schnuffleAvnHmnd: to change into that directory you do a cd <name of the directory>13:56
benccmoriramar: cool. why rob_p suggested adduser instead of useradd?13:56
r4yI haven't tried but konversation and Chatzilla13:56
cfyhi all,does someone run lispworks on ubuntu ?13:57
moriramarrob_p: for me the same, at least it does not bite me. :)13:57
rob_pbencc: Because useradd is a low-level utility designed for scripting, etc.  See the manpage for details (man useradd) and you'll see that useradd's manpage encourages the use of adduser for adding new users.13:57
qinbencc: adduser is more Debian, than oldish useradd13:57
schnufflewensleydale: a router that you are connected to? If it's a DSL router check your default gateway that should be the internal IP13:57
jacobtim goignm to switch to chat zilla brb13:57
moriramarbencc: hmm, one is user-friendly and the other is not.13:57
AvnHmndokay i will try it out13:57
atdprhsHello everyone, I installed Ubuntu on my HP Pavillion DV613:57
r4yCool, I am glad to have helped you out. It's great IMO13:58
Kizzahow do i fix E:I wasn't able to locate a file for the sun-java6-jre package13:58
rob_pmoriramar: That's fine.  But it's easier for most folks to use adduser because it does all the work for you! :)13:58
atdprhshowever, I installed it manually partitioned, I can see the C and it's files13:58
atdprhsbut windows doesn't want to boot?13:58
Al-Bawimy internet company said that if your speed download is high , the download will not complete , now i want to set a downloading limit of 20 kbs/s maximum , how can i do it?13:58
cfywensleydale: the ip of route?13:58
atdprhsit gives me an error when I go into the windows after ubuntu installation13:58
atdprhsany idea about how to fix this?13:58
wensleydaleschnuffle: yes im connected to a dsl router on eth0 where is my default gateway displayed please?13:58
cfywensleydale: or ?13:58
syockitKizza, please enable the partners repo13:58
wensleydalecfy: i will try those addresses. thanks13:59
rgb247thanks you, but what does the "grep" command? I see a lot of text in terminal after I typed13:59
quackaduckatdprhs: try fixmbr via windows recovery console13:59
rgb247that is searching?13:59
Geforce88ubuntu 11.04 . if i change out sound cards, and ubuntu doesn't 'detect' my card, what is the command to reset drivers like you use the dpkg-reconfigure for graphics, but for sound ?13:59
moriramarrob_p: well, i am corrupted by gentoo's handbook...13:59
schnufflewensleydale:  route and then check for default13:59
atdprhswhat is that?13:59
Dulakwensleydale: open a terminal and type 'netstat -rn' to get a list of all route13:59
giannisdoes anyone knows the python irc-channel13:59
atdprhsI can't go into my windows quackaduck13:59
Dulakgiannis: #python13:59
faspI'm trying to understand the output of "dmesg" (after modprobe evbug). what do type, code and value stand for?14:00
rob_pmoriramar: Hehe! That's ok.  Old habits die hard! :)14:00
wensleydalecfy: got it. thank you!14:00
quackaduckyes, use the recovery console from your windows cd14:00
wensleydaleschnuffle: thank you :-)14:00
mathewsI cannot play online games as it says no java installed but I installed ubuntu extras14:00
giannisi type this and seemed "#python-uregistered14:00
quackaduckyes, use the recovery console from your windows cd atdprhs14:00
atdprhswill I lose Ubuntu?14:00
schnuffleerix: make sure you have a listening statement for port 443, nirmally made in ports.conf14:00
Al-Bawihow can limit the speed of downloading to reach 20 kb/s maximum?14:01
wensleydaleDulak: that is a very helpful command. I will remember that :-)14:01
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
Dulakgiannis: you need to register your nick to get into #python14:01
giannishow can i do this14:01
schnuffleerix: and set a FQDN for Servername14:01
mathewsI cannot play online games as it says no java installed but I installed ubuntu restricted extras.14:01
quackaduckatdprhs: well before u do that, what error does windows give u when booting into it14:01
moriramari give up. i will make a ubuntu-11.04 liveusb...14:01
atdprhsokayz, give me one minute to restart to my windows back again because ubuntu is installing a driver installation14:01
karthick87Head set is not working in 10.04 can anyone help ?14:01
qin!register | giannis14:02
ubottugiannis: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:02
SpaceBassAl-Bawi, what program?14:02
rgb247how to use grep to search only in files with a defined extension(for example .php)14:02
Geforce88what is the command to make ubuntu look for a new sound card, or does it do it automatically?14:02
Dr_Willis!java | mathews14:02
ubottumathews: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:02
brisky83hi everybody, i have big problem using gnome3 on natty, i guess the problem is about my 2 gpu, they are working bad, i cant use dual monitor ( on win i had 3) and the graphic on gnome3 jump and many icon and string appared :( how can solve that?14:02
Dr_WillisGeforce88:  it should do it automatically.14:02
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:02
=== giannis is now known as giannis_kal
schnufflergb247: combine it with find or use it like grep "something" *.php14:02
Oppeschnuffle any clue for my case? in sites-enabled conf i don't see any strange rules.. the path is /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/iqs-web-0.0.1 but i haven't placed any rule about it at apache and it works but only inside our network14:02
Geforce88thx dr_willis14:03
=== giannis_kal is now known as giannis_kal7
rob_prgb247: grep 'pattern' /path/to/dir/*.php14:03
moriramarrob_p: well, i do have a good time with freebsd's pw. am i wierd? :)14:03
schnuffleOppe: Answer my question, can you reach the server from the outside network with a ping?14:03
Al-BawiSpaceBass: the internet company in my counry said that if your download is exceeds 100 kb/s the download will not complete , so how can i reduce the download speed to reach 20 kb/s , the problem is that i cannot even update14:03
Kizza /msg ubottu !partner14:03
erixI set the servername as FQDN, it produce  = ServerName takes one argument, The hostname and port of the server14:03
schnuffleOppe: then you should check the tomcat app, if it has some access restrictions14:04
=== giannis is now known as giannis_kal7
rob_pmoriramar: I haven't used freebsd for years!  Actually, I think pfsense is based on it.  I messed with that a couple of years ago...14:04
OppeI can access the "main" website from outside.. and i can do ssh to the server from outside as well.. is just only this application under the path /usr/chare/tomcat6/webapps/iqs-web-0.0.1 which is accessable only inside the network.. (we have no rules at apache for it at all)14:04
Oppeany clue where are the tomcat conf files?14:04
syockitKizza, no space before backslash14:04
moriramarrob_p: :)14:04
rgb247rob_p/schnuffle: grep it seems to don't does what I want. It search into these files and return what and where when the pattern have been found?14:04
syockitKizza, errr I mean slash14:04
moriramarOppe: /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml?14:05
schnufflergb247: the -H prepends the file name14:05
schnufflergb247: so what do you want it to do ?14:05
rgb247schnuffle: I have a php script and I want to search in it for a variable14:06
brisky83hi everybody, i have big problem using gnome3 on natty, i guess the problem is about my 2 gpu, they are working bad, i cant use dual monitor ( on win i had 3) and the graphic on gnome3 jump and many icon and string appared :( how can solve that?14:06
rgb247I want to know in which files are this variable14:06
Soyolol oops wrong tab14:06
schnufflergb247: if you want to search in a dir tree use: find /path/to/start -name "*.php" -exec grep pattern {} \;14:06
Oppe<Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false"> Maybe i have to change the here the localhost? to * ? or?14:06
Dr_Willisrgb247:  you want to know the names of the files that contain a specific 'string' in the file?14:07
rgb247dr_willis: yes14:07
syockit∃a(Phil(a)∧¬Schol(a)) yay unicode14:07
Dr_Willisrgb247:  i think theres some options for grep that do that.14:07
rargyaHi I have a question. If I am using an outdated Live CD now, would it be possible for me to download an updated copy of Ubuntu and install it from this live session?14:08
MonkeyDustrgb247: you have to combine 'find' and 'grep'14:08
rgb247schnuffle: I don't understand where will be the grep pattern, it shouldn't be betweek " and " ?14:08
Dr_Willisrgb247:  grep here also shows the filename i searched for 'bash' in /etc/ got --> profile:# and Bourne compatible shells (bash(1), ksh(1), ash(1), ...).14:08
rgb247monkeydust: can you give me an example of this syntax14:08
Dr_Willisrgb247:  the 'profile' file contained bash on that one line.14:08
solisticwhat is /etc/group- all about?14:08
qinrgb247: -l switch? (in grep)14:08
r4yrargys do you have a flash drive?14:08
rargyar4y: yeah14:09
r4yThen maybe14:09
qinrgb247: Ups, -L14:09
rgb247qin: command not found14:09
atdprhsI'm restarting now14:09
r4yHow much can it hold?14:09
rgb247same output14:09
atdprhsquackaduck: are you here?14:09
rgb247dr_willis: I don't understand14:09
syockitMonkeyDust, why not grep -R14:09
r4yThen it's no problem14:09
Dr_Willisrgb247:  dont understand what part?  Theres dozens of tutorials online about using grep. and example command line ussaghe14:10
solisticIs it just a backup of /etc/group ?14:10
r4yGo google ubuntu and on their site it can be put onto a flash drive14:10
rargyaSo what I'm to do here, is make a live CD on the USB drive, and install from there?14:10
atdprhsquackaduck: are you here?14:10
r4yI am going there to make sure14:10
Dr_WillisExample: grep -i 'hello world' menu.h main.c14:10
Dulakrargya: yes, you can use unetbootin to convert the cd iso to a flash drive14:10
qinrgb247: grep -L pattern path14:11
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
qinrgb247: Aslo, man grep14:11
Dr_Willisgrep --help --->     -L, --files-without-match  print only names of FILEs containing no match14:11
r4yGo here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download14:11
atdprhsanyone here can help me?14:11
cutiyar_after ersaing 10.10 and reinstalling 11.04 ,the wireless does not work14:11
qinDr_Willis: Do i read that bad?14:11
Dr_Willisqin:  not sure what he was wanting. :) I just pasted the output from --help14:12
schnufflergb247: Aaah, then grep -n <variable name> /path/to/phpfile.php14:12
F-3000moustafa: Hi there. :)14:12
qinDr_Willis: Yes, you right ;)14:12
r4yStep 2 usb can be used14:12
moustafaF-3000: Hey14:12
Dr_Willis  -l, --files-with-matches  print only names of FILEs containing matches14:12
F-3000moustafa: You still remember me from yesterday?14:12
atdprhsI was having windows 7 installed on my HP Pavillion dv6, then I installed Ubuntu manually partitioned beside my C, then I booted into Ubuntu and I still can see my C and it's files14:12
rgb247schnuffle: I have a directory with files, not one file, I need to know file name which are contain the string14:12
atdprhsbut windows which is installed on C doesn't load14:13
SeamlessHello gentlemen14:13
atdprhsand when I start startup repaire14:13
rargyaThanks r4y, Dulak.14:13
atdprhsit gives me an error14:13
schnufflergb247: then grep -Hn <variable name> /path/to/*.php14:13
Dr_Willisatdprhs:  perhaps You need to restore the windows bootloader/use its fixboot command.  then try to reinstall grub.14:13
eto-remotehey guys i have a problems14:13
r4yI think I've done it before14:13
cutiyar_after ersaing 10.10 and reinstalling 11.04 ,the wireless does not work14:13
qinrgb247: What about this one: grep -l <your pattern> <path with *.php> ???14:13
Dr_Williscutiyar_:  state the wireless card/drivers/chipset perhaps.14:13
jacobtcan someone help me when i do an nvidia-config it kills my xorg14:13
eto-remotefirst one i have is with system update14:13
SeamlessI see you are all busy there, so I guess I won't annoy you with my issue ^^'14:13
atdprhsit tells me the boot selection failed because a requried device is inaccissible14:13
MonkeyDustrgb247: this is the command you need: find .  -exec grep -il 'blabla' {} \;14:13
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, how?14:14
r4yThere is a way to download Ubuntu through torrent14:14
atdprhsthat can be fixed by reinstalling grub?14:14
moustafaF-3000: Yup.  Though I don't remember all the details14:14
Dr_Willis!wireless | cutiyar_14:14
ubottucutiyar_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:14
F-3000moustafa: I had this fancy problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/603848/14:14
rob_pSeamless: Just ask your question. Perhaps someone will know the answer.14:14
Da|Mummydear ubuntu, Y U NO LET ME MOVE UNITY BAR?14:14
schnufflergb247: if there're sub dir  then find /path/to/file -name "*.php -exec grep -Hn <variable name> {} \;14:14
Dr_Willisatdprhs:  no idea. I keep my windows on its own HD. if all else fails I just boot that 2nd hd. No grub needed.14:14
Seamlessrob_p: Ok, thank you.14:14
r4yFrom here Ubuntu can be downloaded by torrent: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download14:14
schnufflergb247: if there're sub dir  then find /path/to/file -name "*.php" -exec grep -Hn <variable name> {} \;14:14
eto-remotei run update manager list is fetched and then i get this errors http://codepad.org/JpNek2Wm14:14
atdprhsokayz, what do I do to start up my windows?14:14
eto-remoteanbody point me where the problem lies14:15
F-3000moustafa: Now I have all the vital data backed up.14:15
Kizzai need to uninstall java14:15
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, omg u give all these links and how can i see whats my problem?14:15
jacobtdoes anyone know how to install the nvidea drivers?14:15
Kizzabut it says the package is broken14:15
r4yOK, he left, bye all. o/14:15
SeamlessSo here is my problem : I am struggling to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my computer, but what ever I do, I get the "grub-install \dev\sda" fatal error.  I looked up the internet and found many 'solutions' but none worked for me.  Does anybody knows why it does that ?14:15
rgb247monkeydust: missing argument to `-exec'14:15
qinschnuffle: Nice, need to note it ;)14:16
moriramarjacobt: when you feel confused, try read articles on wiki.ubuntu.com . find whether you missed something.14:16
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, my wireless not showwwn14:16
belirgb247: what are you trying to do?14:16
schnuffleqin: find is really powerfull, check its man page14:16
eto-remotethis is normal system isntalled from ubuntu isos i don't have time to solve this crap?14:16
jacobtmoriramar its not that im confused its that when i try to configure nvidia my xorg dies and i was wondering if anyone ellse had similar problems14:17
eto-remotecan somebody explain to me where did it fuck up?14:17
qinschnuffle: Nope, -Hn, it never crossed my mind.14:17
gidorahhello, i have hp pavillon dv6-3005 notebook, has dual graphics cards. i have problems on booting. every 4 of 5 booting ubuntu wont start and  seperately from that problem when i install the driver of ati radeon 5650. is there a way to disable intel graphics card, or any other solution?  it wont boot at all.14:17
rgb247beli: I try to find in a script filename which contain a specify string(for example a variable)14:17
schnuffleqin: aah, so check the grep man page :)14:17
rgb247schnuffle: find: missing argument to `-exec'14:17
F-3000moustafa: I'm wondering if you could guide me onwards.14:17
belirgb247: egrep -ir * pattern14:17
Dr_Williscutiyar_:  ask the channel. not me speficically. I dont do wireless. I think the lspci command shows  the cards.14:17
SeamlessI just tried the last solution I have found and it didn't work. =(14:18
moustafaF-3000: I'll see what I can do, but I already have most of my hands full.14:18
schnufflergb247: paste the comand you used14:18
belirgb247: executed in the dir with your script files14:18
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, ok14:18
cutiyar_my wireless not showwwn14:18
SeamlessPlus I cannot go past the fatal error message and am forced to abort the installation.14:18
moustafaF-3000: If you separated the root (/) from /home, you could try a reinstall of Ubuntu and see how that goes.14:18
rgb247find /avsvideo -name "*.php" -exec grep -Hn "$mails_count" {}14:19
Dr_Williscutiyar_:   Be more clear in what you are saying to the channel also.. You mean its not shown by 'lspci' or what excactluy/14:19
rgb247beli: no such file or directory14:19
SeamlessAnyway, everybody seems busy right now and I am between two classes so I guess I'll come back later14:19
schnufflergb247: you missed the \; at the end14:19
rgb247beli: this is my command: egrep -ir *.php "$mails_count"14:19
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, its now showing available wireless14:19
schnufflergb247: so your command should be:  find /avsvideo -name "*.php" -exec grep -Hn "$mails_count" {} \;14:19
takamarouHi all.  I'm trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on a dual boot, alongside Windows 7 Pro x64.  I went through the installation procedure, and everyting was succesful, but after the reboot I don't get any grub menu.  It sends me straight into Win7...  How can I get that grub menu to show up?14:19
nicolaHi to everyone!14:20
rgb247schnuffle: no such file or directory14:20
mathewstakamarou: press shift key on reboot14:20
gidorahhello, i have hp pavillon dv6-3005 notebook, has dual graphics cards. i have problems on booting. every 4 of 5 booting ubuntu wont start and  seperately from that problem when i install the driver of ati radeon 5650   it wont boot at all. . is there a way to disable intel graphics card, or any other solution?14:20
belirgb247:  sorry grep -ir pattern *.php14:20
MonkeyDustrgb247: try => find .  -exec grep -il 'blabla' {} \;14:20
takamaroumathews, hold it or tap it?14:20
beliMonkeyDust: thats useless use of find...14:21
schnuffledoes /avsviedo exists remebr /avsviedo is a absolute path14:21
rgb247beli: and where I specify the location?14:21
MonkeyDustbeli: it does find words within files14:21
belirgb247: just exec it from the location14:21
F-3000moustafa: Can the split be done in current state?14:21
atdprhsI was having windows 7 installed on my HP Pavillion dv6, then I installed Ubuntu manually partitioned beside my C, then I booted into Ubuntu and I still can see my C and it's files but I can't boot into my windows because one of the devices is inaccessible, anyone here can help?14:21
schnufflergb247:  okay I'm out beli is your man14:21
Dr_Willisatdprhs:  windows is saying  a device is inaccessable? or  is it grub saying that?14:22
cutiyar_available wireless does not shown after erseing14:22
moustafaF-3000: That's tricky.  If only one part is being badly read, I could look up a guide on how to fix the badblock14:22
rgb247thanks beli, it works14:22
takamaroumathews, still no grub menu14:22
rgb247find .  -exec grep -il 'blabla' {} \;14:22
cutiyar_available wireless does not shown after erasing 10,10 and reinstall 11.0414:22
moustafaF-3000: What's your partition type?  It's mentioned as EXT2 on the pastebin14:22
MonkeyDustbeli: I was right, after all, thumbs up14:22
mathewstakamarou: stck here somebody answer u14:22
atdprhsnot the grub Dr_Willis14:22
beliMonkeyDust: he just wanted to know IN what files the text is, not what the text is....my solution was therefore14:23
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, its my lspci http://pastebin.com/AXiFF8g814:23
takamarouHi all.  I'm trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on a dual boot, alongside Windows 7 Pro x64.  I went through the installation procedure, and everyting was succesful, but after the reboot I don't get any grub menu.  It sends me straight into Win7...  How can I get that grub menu to show up?14:23
Dr_Willisatdprhs:  if windows iteslf is having the issues. then you may need to check in #windows for a proper way to fix it.14:23
alex6567oh my god ext2!14:23
mathewsrepeat ur qstn14:23
atdprhsbut that happened after I installed Ubuntu!!!14:23
F-3000moustafa: sda1 = ntfs, sda2 = ext4, sda3 = swap, sda4 = ntfs14:23
atdprhsWindows was working before Ubuntu Installation14:23
Dr_Williscutiyar_:  you have a --> 06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)14:23
mathewstakamarou: repeat ur qstn and put same or search in www.askubuntu.com14:24
Dr_Williscutiyar_:  some broadcom cards are problematic. I seem to recall seeing that # card mentioned in here a lot.14:24
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, what i have to do?14:24
takamaroumathews, already repeated it :)14:24
qinatdprhs: Where did you put boot flag, also, did you resized partition?14:24
belirgb247:  another methode to do what you needed is to use find and xargs command...very powerful combination14:24
F-3000moustafa: sda1 got Windows (45Gb), sda2 got Ubuntu (20Gb), sda4 got "shared data" (90Gb).14:24
Dr_Williscutiyar_:  no idea. I would check the forums and the 'askubuntu' web site  and search for that specific chipset 'bcm4312 LP-PHY'14:24
mathewstakamarou: grub menu should show when the left shift key press and hold when booting14:24
ugliefrogis there a panel reset command14:24
Dr_Willisugliefrog:  yes there is.. let me get a url of them14:25
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:25
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, ok thanks14:25
moustafaF-3000: Ok.  If you try to run fsck on each individual partition, can you tell me which one is failing?14:25
nicolaare there any persons that are be graduates???14:25
F-3000moustafa: shall do.14:25
nicolain informatics?14:25
Dr_WillisI dont think that !resetpanel factoid works in unity..14:25
takamaroumathews, left shift key...  wonder if that was my problem.  BTW, is it possible to turn that off, and default to grub menu?  Or is that BIOS based?14:25
talntid2Can someone help me test my fail2ban configuration? All I need you to do, is try to connect to my server and give it some bad login credentials about 5 times. the hostname is: SpokanePCRepair.com. Just SSH to it14:25
eric__Greetings all:  Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop installer:  Where is "advanced" option to tell where to install grub2?14:25
qinnicola: Looking for help or husband?14:26
Dr_Willistakamarou:  theres auto-hide options for grub. I HATE it when it autohides14:26
takamaroumathews, still no grub with left shift key :/14:26
mathewstakamarou: u follow this link  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1457210.html14:26
Dr_Williseric__:  i recall seeing it in the install process.  I dont think its at the end any more. but was near the beginning14:26
ugliefrogDr_Willis, Thank you so much :)14:27
Dr_Williscutiyar_:   check out -> http://askubuntu.com/search?q=Broadcom+Corporation+BCM4312+802.11b%2Fg+LP-PHY14:27
mathewstakamarou: there are some option but take care when u do it.I think better put ur query in www.askubuntu.com14:28
takamaroumathews, OK.  Thanks.  I may have installed Ubuntu in single OS mode, which would explain my grub problem.  I'll try a reload.14:29
eric__DR_Willis:  Thanks.... Right in front of my eyes... Huge dropdown at the partitioner  "Device for Boot Loader installation"14:29
jacobtis there a 3rd party nvidiea driver that has 3d support?14:30
cutiyar_Dr_Willis, all these need internet connection but i dont have internet now on this pc14:30
qinjacobt: It depense what card you using. Try: jockey-gtk to see if there is one for you.14:31
gidorahhello, i have hp pavillon dv6-3005 notebook, has dual graphics cards. i have problems on booting. every 4 of 5 booting ubuntu wont start and  seperately from that problem when i install the driver of ati radeon 5650   it wont boot at all. . is there a way to disable intel graphics card, or any other solution?14:31
F-3000moustafa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604088/14:31
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mathewstakamarou: thats a great Idea.Make sure u installed along with windows or as only ubuntu14:32
F-3000moustafa: I'll also give you the error that boot gives. Takes a moment as I need to copy it by hand.14:32
mathewsgidorah: u installed along with windows14:32
F-3000moustafa: Well, now this is interesting. I cannot reproduce the error anymore - Ubuntu booted.14:33
jacobtqin it says no propriatary drivers are used in this system14:34
gidorahmathews: yes14:34
qinjacobt: Well, latest open source can give you some acceleration, you need to do a bit of research.14:35
jacobtqin i also don't apear to have an active xorg.conf14:35
moustafaF-3000: Go figure.14:35
twobitspriteI recetly got a USB wifi adapter for my desktop, but the only instructions I can find on getting it working is a forum post on fedora forums which requires downloading the driver source and hacking it to work with my adapter14:35
mathewsgidorah: there might problem with the boot loader14:35
F-3000moustafa: I'd guess that fsck repaired the problem.14:35
schnufflejacobt: X generates it on the fly now14:35
twobitspriteit's a Linksys AE1000 adapter... anyone have any idea is there's a better way to get this working?14:36
moustafaF-3000: But check your hard drive. Especially if it's a Seagate. They've been unreliable for the past few years now14:36
jacobtschnuffle ok thanks14:36
qinjacobt: xorg.conf is not required, but you can make one.14:36
schnufflejacobt: you only need one if you want to have some speical settings14:36
moustafaF-3000: It's a good thing you backed up as soon as you could, otherwise, you could have found yourself dealing with massive headaches14:36
nemoheh. my poor mom, who has been using ubuntu happily for 4 years...14:36
nemoI told her not to upgrade to 11.0414:36
jacobtschnuffle i want any sort of 3d i have no support i can't run unity or anything14:37
nemobut the big notice tricked her, and she did it on her own14:37
nemo"we've decided we don't like ubuntu 11.4 or whatever the new one is can you help us change it back?"14:37
mathewsnemo: whats the problem14:37
nemo"find it counter intuitive and don't like huge icon"14:37
gidorahmathews: how will i know that?14:37
nemoso. told her to log in as "gnome classic"14:37
moustafanemo: 11.04 isn't perfect, but it's pretty good once you get used to the changes14:37
F-3000moustafa: You suggested it, so I did so. Our cooperation at yesterday ended to there.14:37
jacobtqin is part of my problem im running ubuntu as a virtual machine?14:37
mathewsgidorah: just search with some key words in www.askubuntu.com14:38
nemomoustafa: there are sooo many things w/ unity that irritate me, but luckily there is still gnome classic. but for people like my mom, that isn't obvious at all, so they are just flailing wildly14:38
moustafaF-3000: Believe me, I had to deal with a similar problem.  Except that I didn't have much in terms of backups. 1TB drive stopped working right14:38
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nemomoustafa: I've listed all the things I dislike about unity in the bug though, so I won't go back over 'em here14:38
nemoI was just amused by her response to it, I warned her not to upgrade but hadn't told her why.14:39
moustafanemo: I guess it's a good thing she doesn't use Fedora, who is going to GNOME 3, while Unity 2D will be the default fallback in 11.10.  Bye bye GNOME 214:39
nemomoustafa: naw. I'll move her to xfce4 then14:39
F-3000moustafa: Disk Utility says "ATA Hitachi HTS543216L9A300" -- Is that Hitachi ATA controller or the HD manufacturer?14:39
nemomoustafa: or kde14:39
mathewsnemo: pls do this in ubuntu off topic14:39
moustafaF-3000: Hitachi is the manufacturer.14:39
* BluesKaj relaxes with KDE :)14:39
nemomathews: 'scuse me? I was just responding to moustafa.14:40
mathewsnemo: k clear14:40
F-3000moustafa: Thus it's not seagate. :P14:40
botcitytwobitsprite: there are a few goole results http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1630358&page=814:41
moustafaF-3000: Good.  Just in case, though: Replace it with something decent. Like a Western Digital.14:41
twobitspritebotcity: yeah, I've looked through the google results...14:41
axisyshow do I move the unity bar to the bottom from left as default ?14:42
F-3000moustafa: Gotta take that into serious consideration.14:43
nicolahas ubuntu 10.10 the complete support for acpi like the windows one?14:44
mathewsnicola: what is acpi?14:45
schnufflenicola: it has but acpi has often problems due to errors in the acpi tables14:45
mathewsaxisys; u try docky in gnome desktop14:46
andygraybealmathews, there is no way to move it then?14:46
nicolaok now I understand why sometimes my laptop doesn't go in standby14:46
andygraybeal... other than replace it with docky14:46
mathewsandygraybeal: it is built in with unity.I dont know more but may be14:47
schnufflenicola: the problem is that the acpi support doesn't follow the standard but fixes window problems14:47
andygraybealokay, thank you14:47
nicola@mathews the acpi is a support that control the energy of the computer14:48
ben42hello, how do i disable the raise and minimize effect on metacity (no compiz just the black squares)14:48
mathewsnicola: thank u14:48
sss314How does Ubuntu know the encoding of a text file?14:48
ben42ubuntu 10.1014:48
jacobtis it better to run ubuntu in a vm or should i do a duel boot w/ windows xp?14:49
Siksss314: it examines the text and looks for common patterns14:49
axisysmathews: so w/o installing docky I cannout move the unity bar to the bottom?14:49
SikNow, two questions I need help with: 1) How do I check that GLX is installed properly 2) How do I convince X to load the GLX module... Because it's failing to do so14:49
F-3000moustafa: Thanks for all you've done. :)14:49
mathewsaxisys: u put this comment in launchpad14:49
mathewsaxisys: I dont see any idea to do it and not heard about it14:50
P05TMANHow can I use my wimax in Ubuntu 11.04? I have a Dell inspiron n5010 with WiMax installed stock. The intel WiMax 6050 is visible but shown as off on the top task bar but there is no way to turn it on. I have windows on the laptop also and tried turning the feature on/off there...it works well. I'll leave the Wi14:50
axisysmathews: are you saying to ask this question in launchpad ?14:50
schnufflesss314:  you can use file --mime-type <file> to get the encoding14:50
mathewsaxisys: they may put an update for the next time14:50
F-3000moustafa: I feel a bit ashamed to ask if you could assist me with another issue (which is "just" about log flood)?14:50
axisysmathews: gotcha14:51
axisysmathews: let me ask it in #ayatana as well14:51
P05TMANSorry...I'll leave the WiMax on then boot to ubuntu but no go. Any ideas?14:51
moustafaF-3000: Log flood?14:51
chalet16I'm unable to use xrandr to rotate left or right in Ubuntu 11.04. (already set RandRRotation in xorg.conf), any workaround?14:51
schnufflesss314: and it uses magic to determine the encoding see: man magic14:51
chalet16I'm using nvidia driver.14:51
mathewsaxisys: I will be there as a viewer14:52
ipgdhi .... my CE 100 modem cannot connect today what should i do14:52
shomonhmm, I was just copying stuff to a pen drive, to transfer to a windows computer. It didn't copy properly, and now when I try and copy things, I get "read only file system" errors. This is ubuntu 10.10. Is there a way to fix it or mount it properly?14:54
F-3000moustafa: messages-log gets flooded with stuff related to ata3. About 8 lines once per 6 seconds. Messages-file may easily become over 10Mb in size.14:54
random-aehi, anyone knows how can ubuntu sucks as hell? I really don't know. Well, http://territoriogamers.com/sanjose may be a good start for newbies, but, not for idiots like you :-)14:55
moustafaF-3000: What kind of stuff?  ata3 points to the hard drive14:55
mathewsshomon: that drive might be password protected14:55
einseenaiguys, if i upgrade from mmaverick now, will it brake my gnome?14:55
F-3000moustafa: I think ata3 is DVD, yet I could be wrong.14:56
random-aeeinseenai, yes, type 'sudo su' and 'rm -rf /*'14:56
F-3000moustafa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604099/14:56
sipiorrandom-ae: don't be a doorknob, if you can possibly help it.14:56
shomonyes, but I didn't do anything to make it that way mathews ...14:56
moustafaF-3000: Sorry, got used to seeing laptops, forgot the desktops still existed :p14:56
edbianeinseenai: DO NOT DO THAT14:56
shomonI just pulled it out, and it doesn't have any little switches...14:56
LetsGo67Hello!  i find "LibreOffice Word/Calc/Impress" to take too much room in the Launcher.  Can i combine them into one item, "LibreOffice"?14:56
einseenaiedbian, i won't :-)14:56
F-3000moustafa: It is laptop. ;)14:56
moustafaF-3000: Yeah I just saw it14:57
edbianeinseenai: thank god you know not to :)14:57
mathewsshomon: so it get mounted and u copied on it?14:57
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einseenaiedbian :-D14:57
ipgdhi , pls help, today i cannot connect using CE 10014:57
einseenaiedbian, thank ya14:57
botcityshomon: its a common error with some usb devices i had to reformat one to reset the permissions14:57
einseenaiedbian, i probably switch to xubuntu then )))14:58
jwtiyarDr_Willis, thanks14:58
shomonyes, it mounts, and until about 5 minutes ago, I was copying stuff to it14:58
shomonbotcity, is reformatting the only solution?14:58
jwtiyarDr_Willis, just enabled sta wireless and fixed14:58
moustafaF-3000: I'm not quite sure what log is saying.  It may be that there's a bad connection, but it could also be related to the boot issue you experienced.14:58
F-3000moustafa: When I installed 9.04, I found out that if I inserted Ubuntu liveCD, I was constantly asked how to react to it - until I took the disk out.14:58
LetsGo67Hello again!  i find "LibreOffice Word/Calc/Impress" to take too much room in the Launcher.  Can i combine them into one item, "LibreOffice"?14:58
edbianeinseenai: If you upgrade to 11.04 (natty) you will by default be using unity but gnome 2.whatever will be available at the log in menu.14:59
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moustafaF-3000: If you get another hard drive, you could easily clone your hard drive to the new one using Clonezilla, that may end the log flooding14:59
moustafaF-3000: What do you mean "how to react to it"?14:59
shomonsorry mathews I copied to it, and it is mounted. permissions are my user, but set to "read only" and I can't change them even as root14:59
F-3000moustafa: You know the "do you want to open package manager?" question that Ubuntu asks when you throw in livecd?15:00
mathewsshomon: make sure the file system is NTFS and not FAT15:00
P05TMANSorry lost connection....any suggestions on the WiMax issue?15:00
moustafaF-3000: That's normal.  It IS another source for obtaining packages15:01
shomonmathews, how do I check the file system?15:01
mathewsshomon: right click and take properties15:01
shomonok thanks just trying that...15:01
F-3000moustafa: I know it is normal that ubuntu asks the question, but when you get the question repeatedly, regardless what you choose, is not normal in my opinion. :)15:01
nyuszika7hHi! I've just installed Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal), and when I boot my computer, I don't see any bootloader, Windows starts, just if Ubuntu wouldn't be there.15:02
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edbiannyuszika7h: Do you have more than one hdd ?15:02
shomonI don't know where to look in properties mathews but it may be "folder (inode/directory)"15:02
moustafaF-3000: That depends on whether you say yes, or no, I guess15:02
BlueEaglenyuszika7h: Are you running any form for raid?15:03
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nyuszika7hedbian: No.15:03
shomonmathews,  ah, it says msdos15:03
Dr_WillisHmm. nyuszika7h  you try tapping the shift key as it boots? someone in here earlier had grub hidden for some reason. Shift at the right time is suposed to unhide grub and show the menu15:03
nyuszika7hBlueEagle: No, my HDD is SATA.15:03
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: Thanks, will try that.15:03
mathewsshomon: just pin it in usb port and right click on the drive icon15:03
shomonit's in the usb and mounted, and I right clicked, it says msdos15:04
F-3000moustafa: Imagine this situation. You instert livecd. You get the question, you choose cancel. Few seconds the question reappears, even you didn't do ANYTHING. Same goes on, until you take the cd out.15:04
nyuszika7h^ lol15:04
F-3000moustafa: That led me into assumption that the ata3 is DVDrom.15:04
Dr_WillisF-3000:  i had an issue the opther day similer to that with flash drives..  but the problem has seem to vanished now15:04
shomonhmm, is there a way to force-mount a usb drive as read write?15:05
edbiannyuszika7h: If shift pressing doesn't work you probably wanna follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:05
F-3000Dr_Willis: Yep, that behavior vanished eventually.15:05
botcityshomon: from what i understand it only happens with some usb devices and was to be fixed.  but I just used the wipe function from the usb startup creator, fixed it but not perfect I know.15:05
moustafaF-3000: Then I guess you presume right.  Again: this may be possibly due to a faulty connection.  If you feel like opening up the laptop and fiddling inside, it's pretty much up to you.  Otherwise, look for a (preferably trustworthy) repair shop or send it to the manufacturer15:05
mathewsshomon: so ok. then if the data is safe with u in ur pc then format and try once more15:06
Dr_Willisshomon:  theres options to the ntfs-3g stuff to let you mount filesystems owned by specific users. see if root can write to the drive in question. If so. then its a mount issue/option you need15:06
needhelpI need to ask something. Please try to be "unbiased". I know this is a ubuntu-channel, but I'm comparing its derivates. My mother is getting a "sucky" Asus EEE laptop that's old and it only has 4 gigs of built-in storage so Windows XP and Ubuntu are both a no go. She mainly wants to browse the web and is a TOTAL novice with computers. I mean she wouldn't know what "adobe flash" is or anything. I'd set it up for her. BUT... The real q15:06
shomonok Dr_Willis will try that15:06
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edbianneedhelp: BUT... The real   ?15:06
* Dr_Willis wonders what that EEE laptop came with originally.15:06
mathewsedbian: just wait coz he want to type a page again15:06
needhelpIt's a good thing if it was ALOT less than 4GB so she could put in her photos and some music and stuff... documents. So around 2GB would be cool. Now I've heard of Xubuntu and Lubuntu, but Lubuntu's website didn't show any disk space usage estimations in the "System requirements" section. I tried googleing without results. Xubuntu should take around 2Gigs I presume, but Lubuntu's LXDE is lighter, I've heard. Any suggestions?!15:07
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  tinycore linux = 10mb.  + whatever else you install.15:07
mathewsneedhelp; u try puppy15:07
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  or lubuntu perhaps. :) if you want somthing more full featured15:07
Samo502needhelp: 4 gigs couldn't even hold my music collection :(15:08
nyuszika7hAnother question: I have FreeDOS (preinstalled) on the beginning of my HDD (System, Active, Primary). Next to it, there's Windows 7 (Boot, Swap, Memory Dump, Primary). Ubuntu recognizes that I have FreeDOS installed - that's correct, but currently, it's not accessible in any way, Windows starts when I boot my computer. I can't uninstall FreeDOS, since it's the system partition and I don't want to reformat my entire hard drive. So, is there an15:08
edbianneedhelp: lxde and xfce are about on par in my opinion with lightness.  I agree with mathews puppy will be smaller and lighter than both.15:08
nyuszika7hSorry for the long message...15:08
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  you could always run the system from a usb flash drive. Ive seen 32gb ones for reasonable prices on sale15:08
needhelpDr_Willis: Yea and puppylinux is 130mb-140mb...15:08
Samo502I got a question regarding upgrading windows15:08
nyuszika7hI tried with both Lucid and Maverick, when I select "FreeDOS" from GRUB, Windows boots up.15:08
Samo502As i've never done it with linux on my computer at the same time15:08
nyuszika7hI know I can edit the entry name, but it's still annoying.15:09
jacobtdoes a virtual machine create "virtual dirvers" or do i install drivers the sameway15:09
mathewspuppy has lightning speed if u have minimum 256 mb ram15:09
edbiannyuszika7h: What other entries are in there?  Can you not boot Ubuntu or windows with any other entry?15:09
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  You installed freedos? or did someone else? I dont see how freedos can be the windows system partition.15:09
needhelpUmm... She's getting that laptop for like a few dozen euros or something.... And she said she's not willing to put in like 250€ for a mini laptop or anything.15:10
needhelpAnd about Lubuntu: Yea I had it totally in mind but it doesn't show the diskspace usage estimation. I went to #lubuntu (the official channel) ,but they didn't have a clue (LOL)15:10
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  i really wonder what OS was on it originally. Hope its not one of those WIndowsCE things ive seen in the past.15:10
SikTwo questions: 1) How do I check that GLX is installed properly 2) How do I convince X to load the GLX module... Because it's failing to do so15:11
dirty-harryDr_Willis: maybe some system recovery partitions are freedos15:11
Samo502has anyone here upgraded a windows OS with linux also on their disk?15:11
Dr_WillisSamo502:  windows might replace/rewriute the bootloader. and require  You to reinsatll grub to the mbr. is proberly the worse thing that can happen15:11
F-3000moustafa: How I can see info about the devices (especially ATA)? I'd like to *ensure* that the ata3 is the optical.15:11
needhelpDr_Willis: I heard it was some "LINPUS" or something, a linux nevertheless. I'd rather still format it. That guy she gets the computer from is a techwiz and he doesn't need it. My mom has always just wanted a very very light and cheap laptop that is almost "pocketable"... She knows how frustrating the web browsing will be, I told her... scrolling sideways is a bummer15:12
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Samo502Dr_Willis: Yeah i was asking if it overwrites Grub15:12
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  tinycore, or lubuntu would be my choices.15:12
Sidewinder1Samo502, Win install or upgrade will probably bork Grub and you'll need to fix it.15:12
F-3000moustafa: I'll write that command down this time, too. ;)15:12
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  then she cen keep her stuff on a sd/flash/whatever drive15:12
Samo502Dr_Willis: I have to "upgrade" my vista to fix it from not screwing on me when I install SP2. So I'll have to come here later and get instructions on reinstalling grub15:13
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | Samo50215:13
ubottuSamo502: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:13
needhelpTrust me: She doesn't have alot of stuff. She just wants to pay her bills, visit facebook and check her email. Maybe open a document (doc/xls, will work with both gnumeric and abiword and other services, I know)15:13
Samo502or that15:13
Dr_WillisSamo502:  if you got a spare flash drive you can ionstall grub to that.. then boot it. to get back to the system :)15:13
moustafaF-3000: usually: sudo fdisk -l should list all drives15:13
magickaHello, Mm the other day i disabled my wireless and now i cant seem to reenable it15:14
Dr_WillisSamo502:  'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub' (plyg in flash drive first) then tell it to install grub to the flash drives mbr.15:14
Samo502Dr_Willis: i've got a liveCD too, what about that?15:14
moustafaF-3000: Just to be sure: sudo fdisk -l15:14
needhelpSo far I've thought of Pupply, Xubuntu and Lubuntu. I don't know why :D If she'd have more HD space and a better comp I'd get her either Ubuntu or Mint for sure :)15:14
Dr_WillisSamo502:  'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc'' (from an installed system)15:14
Dr_WillisSamo502:  doubt if it will work on a live cd that way15:14
beliF-3000: lspci/lsusb with verbose options15:14
magickaDan anyone help me15:14
JoeCoolDeskI upgraded to the new version and now on startup it's just an orange underscore15:14
needhelpBut Lubuntu is peculiar because they don't provide the details on disk space usage. So I'm not sure how sizable it is15:14
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  under 4gb i know. :) ive installed it to 4gb flash drives.15:15
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  smaller then ubuntu also.15:15
beliF-3000: and hdparm for speed tests, if its disc15:15
magicka.... why must everyone ignore me15:15
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  and ubuntu i recall fitting just barely on 4gb15:15
mathewsJoecooldesk: hahahaha ubuntu magic15:15
Sik...OK wat I just ran glxgears and it boots so GLX is working o_o; Any ideas on why the Ubuntu shells can't use GLX?15:15
beli7ignore mathews15:15
F-3000beli: Thanks. :)15:15
Dr_Willismagicka:  you could tell the channel how you disabled it..15:15
F-3000moustafa: Thanks. :)15:15
Samo502Dr_Willis: the restoring grub page has a liveCD guide on doing it, so i think it'll probably work fine from there15:16
magickaFN + F2 on my keyboard is disables my wireless, and ive tried pressing it like a million times it wont re enable15:16
Dr_WillisSamo502:  theres a dozen ways to do it. :) I keep a spare 512mb flash drive with GRUB2 isntalled on it as a rescue tool15:16
Dr_Willismagicka:  try booting to windows.. reenable it.. then reboot back to ubuntu.15:16
magickait is enabled in windows15:16
rumpe1magicka, try "sudo rfkill unblock all"15:16
thebastloi is there something for unity that gives me an overview of the open windows on a particular desktop15:16
Samo502Dr_Willis: i left my 1 gig at my friend's house, as long as grub can fit on 125MB it's fine15:16
thebastl+ more overview than alt +tab15:17
karait's asking to download 59 mb of software even though i got the 'ubuntu' about 1-2 weeks ago15:17
Dr_WillisSamo502:  it can proberly fit on a 2mb. :)15:17
karais that normal?15:17
mathewskara: it is ok15:17
Dr_Williskara:  59mb is a trivial size for updates. :)15:17
Dr_Willisunlike the old days. :)15:17
magicka@rumpel it didn't work15:17
karai was worried since the other os i used before did not download so many updates15:17
Samo502Dr_Willis: had i known i was going to end up reinstalling my windows system files today i would have just torrented windows 7 :P15:18
belikara: well....now you can see how less stuff ms is fixing ;)15:18
mathewskara; ubuntu 11.04 is a new release so it need constant updation15:18
Dr_WillisI just updated here the other day.. and today - thers another 17mb of updates15:18
karaok... i guess as long as it is expected15:18
Dr_WillisHmm. some Plymouth updates..15:18
magicka@rumpel anything else15:18
rumpe1magical, you can check with "sudo rfkill list" if some device is still hard blocked... in this case you have to do a hard reset (complete shutdown)15:18
Samo502i've got firefox-trunk in my sources so i get 22MB updates every hour or so >_>15:19
needhelp[17:15] <Dr_Willis> needhelp:  and ubuntu i recall fitting just barely on 4gb <---- Their site says 5GB :D15:19
Samo502it's from when i was on 10.10 and wanted firefox 415:19
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  i dident say it was useable. :) it fit...15:19
magickanothing happened rumpel15:19
mathewskara: if data charges makes u headache just cancel it15:19
[lan3y]is it ok to ask about gnome3 here or is there a special channel for it? i know to ask here but gnome3 is not yet fully supported15:19
rumpe1magicka, "nothing" isn't possible15:19
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  your apt/cache will take up 1gb real fast..15:19
mathewskara: still it work15:19
magickawell it did nothing15:19
rumpe1magicka, no output at all?15:19
magickanothing at all15:19
karaoh ok i'll go ahead and cancel it then15:20
tx0105what's the command in the terminal to allow you to edit a system file?15:20
needhelpDr_Willis: Do you know if Xubuntu and Lubuntu have lots of differences in sizes or their usability? Think about a complete novice who just surfs the web, like most nowadays teens or old people15:20
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  lubuntu can proberly do all she needs15:20
Blackadderhi anyone knows how I can I stop my HDD on 11.04 Ubuntu desktop from going into idle15:20
rumpe1magical, well... maybe just try a shutdown and then restart15:20
[lan3y]tx0105, gksu gedit /path/to/file15:20
magicka@tx0105 try doing gedit filedir/filename15:20
magickai did but ill do again15:20
magickaso brb15:20
BlouBlouBlackadder: Go to energy-administration or something like it and change in there the option of autorurn off monitor after x minutes15:21
semperosadded a symlink to an executable in ~/bin, which is on my PATH, but "which foo" returns nothing; thoughts15:21
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  that JoliOS might do what she wants.. its basically a webbrowser os. :)15:21
Dr_Willissemperos:  try the 'rehash' command?15:21
semperosDr_Willis: don't have it15:21
mathewsneedhelp: Jolicloud15:21
Dr_WillisHmm.. thought it was a bash built in.. thers some command that rescans the PATH15:21
semperosI've restarted the terminal15:22
sHOCkw8VeDoes anyone here have experience in installing a CISCO AE 1000 wireless USB with Ubuntu 11.04?15:22
semperoschecked that $PATH is set correctly15:22
semperosit's only the one symlink it doesn't like15:22
mathewsneedhelp: http://www.jolicloud.com/15:22
semperosothers in ~/bin work fine15:22
semperosperm's set to +x15:22
Blackadderty m8 i never playded with graphics before I am a server command line geek lol15:22
F-3000moustafa: fdisk lists the info about HDs and their partitions. I can get that info with Disk Utility. :)15:22
Dr_Willisperhaps its the hash command..15:22
shomonthanks mathews and Dr_Willis! all working now, remounted as rw...15:22
Dr_Willissemperos:  start a new login shell? see if it works in there.15:23
tx0105i just did sudo gedit and it said "command not found"15:23
semperosDr_Willis: good point15:23
mathewsDr_willis: u made needhelp so confused15:23
needhelpI'd rather pick a ubuntu variant or derivate :D Why? It's easier to get software if you need any.15:23
Dr_Willismathews:  :)15:23
needhelpjolicloud doesn't ring any bells x)15:23
mathewsshomon: happy to know u done well15:23
Dr_Willisneedhelp: JoliOS is a ubuntu variant.15:23
moustafaF-3000: Yeah, it's all pretty redundant overall.  Although, it should have listed the DVD drive as well15:23
[lan3y]anyone else's gnome3 broken after updating?15:23
BluesKajwhat happenedto the so called google OS ?15:24
F-3000moustafa: It didn't, even there was cd in.15:24
Dr_WillisJoliCloud became JoliOS - and started focusing on low-end-old machines also.15:24
semperosDr_Willis: it's always the simple things :)15:24
semperosthanks, that did it15:24
[lan3y]BluesKaj, open source project is here : http://www.chromium.org15:24
semperosopened a different tty15:24
magickaNothing happened15:24
voozeIs it possible to make a "go to desktop" icon in unity launcher?? would be great15:25
sHOCkw8VeDoes anyone here know to how install a CISCO AE1000 USB wireless device in Ubuntu 11.04?15:25
Dr_WillisI really wished that Ubuntu sort of went the JoliOS route instead of the Unity UI  route. :) but  who knows where we will be in 4 years time.15:25
magicka@rumpel helloo15:25
belisemperos: using bash you can also use the refresh command15:25
Dr_Willisbeli:  i was thinking it was hash. or rehash. :) but maybey it was refresh.15:26
mathewsvooze: u just click any icon on the launcher to come to desktop15:26
rumpe1magicka, i don't know. Try restart.15:26
beliDr_Willis: same mistake my brain has any time i am trying to remember that command ;)15:26
magickai did!15:26
magickalike 3 times15:26
needhelpWhy I'd not rather take JoliOs? a) No friend has any experience with it compared to ubuntus b) the website doesn't even have a single screenshot! :D Looks pretty cheap compared to Ubuntu X)15:27
mathewsmagika: what u trying to explain15:27
magickaMy wireless15:27
magickaI disabled it using FN + f215:27
magickaON my keyboard is disables wireless15:27
magickaand now whenever i press it it wont re enable i15:27
voozemathews: i mean.. i want a shortcut/icon to show the dekstop, and all there is in the desktop, like there was an icon for that in gnome, and even windows15:27
needhelpI bet it's documentation isn't that great either :O So yea... I'll check a few vids of xubuntu and lubuntu from youtube. Darn I'd wish to know the installation size of Lubuntu though... I can't believe the developers didn't know either. I know it varies if you install less or more, but still... atleast a hint.15:27
magickait works fine on my windows just my ubuntu wireless is fked15:28
mathewsvooze: I agree with u.That would be great if it there15:28
thegoodcushionHi everyone15:28
thegoodcushionI hope everyone's feeling Ubuntu today15:29
magickaomg i hate this irc15:29
Coreythegoodcushion: I'm in more of a Debian mood.15:29
voozemathews: yeah, takes forever to minimise 10 open programs15:29
belimagicka: what chipset is your wireless card using?15:29
mathewsmagicka: u do one thing15:29
mathewsmagicka: u right click on the wireless applet on panel and check "enable wireless"15:29
thegoodcushionCorey: If Unity doesn't improve, I'll be feeling the same15:30
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  its the smallest of the ubuntu variants.. so its under xubuntus size. :) even the iso is smaller.15:30
F-3000beli, moustafa: lspci and lsusb does not tell me which device ata3 is.15:30
belimathews: the problem is that its driver/acpi related stuff15:30
P05TMANDoes anyone know why I am unable to activate my WiMax adapter in Ubuntu 11.04? Its there it the Network icon list but showing disabled15:30
mathewsvooze: all these comments make Ubuntu unity a perfect15:30
beliF-3000: respecify your question please....maybe i got you wrong15:31
ner0xIs it possible to not change the way libs are linked in releases? Not the greatest release, that's for sure.15:31
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Dr_WillisGuide on using Unity -> http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html15:31
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mathewsbeli: the same I experienced earlier with 10.10 and after that I did a windows install to clear it15:31
ner0xAnd Unity? Not a fan either. Hopefully they fix everything they broke soon.15:31
nyuszika7hedward__, Dr_Willis: Currently, GRUB doesn't even show up, but the installer still recognized I have FreeDOS on my computer, so when I get GRUB to show up, possibly FreeDOS will show up as the entry name, not Windows. Earlier, when I installed Maverick, I had Ubuntu, Ubuntu (recovery) and FreeDOS. The first two are obvious, the third boots Windows.15:31
belimathews: windows is using native drivers for acpi handling15:32
belimathews: thats why it works there15:32
needhelpOkay.... Thanks for the clarification, Dr_Willis ! : ) I knew it was lighter, but the required disk space doesn't mean the same thing. Speed and running background apps don't always correspond to the file sizes15:32
F-3000beli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604099/ "messages"-log file gets flooded with this (new 8 lines every 6 seconds). I'm trying to figure out which device (hd, dvd) it is.15:32
Dr_Willisneedhelp:  i have to wonder how they got 4gb in that eee also. If its an IDE-CF adaptor - you can get bigger CF cards.15:33
nyuszika7hedward__, Dr_Willis: I have FreeDOS on my computer because it was preinstalled, and I forgot to remove it when I installed Windows. I don't want to reformat my entire hard drive because of this.15:33
needhelpOne problem is that I don't think I have a 4GB memory stick and netbooks rarely have a cd-rom :S15:33
JacinatorIs there a way to have a taskbar on Ubuntu 11.04?15:33
mathewsbeli after that I never unchecked enable wireless15:33
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  if freedos is on its own partition. I dont see why You cant just delete the freedos partition.15:33
belimathews: same here :)15:33
nyuszika7hI'm curious, what would happen if I'd move Windows' partition before FreeDOS' one.15:33
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: It's a system partition, and Windows' partition isn't.15:33
Dr_WillisJacinator:  you could use some of the various DOCKS in conjunction with Unity15:33
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  I dont think the term system partition applies..15:34
JacinatorDr_Willis: What do you mean Docks?15:34
Dr_Willisthe windows 7 boots from teh windows 'system' partition.15:34
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.15:34
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: Yes it does, Disk Management shows FreeDOS' partition is marked as System.15:34
sHOCkw8VeHas anyone here been able to get their wireless (RT2870) to work with Ubuntu 11.04?15:34
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  I have to wonder if thats not actually the windows 7 'boot' partition .15:34
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: No, that's not the boot partition.15:35
JacinatorMr_Willis: Where do I find these Docks, and how do I install them?15:35
nyuszika7hIf I mark the Windows 7 parition as active, though, it doesn't even boot.15:35
P05TMAN Does anyone know why I am unable to activate my WiMax adapter in Ubuntu 11.04? Its there it the Network icon list but showing disabled15:35
Ian_CorneHow can i disable the gnome-panel's alt+f2 thingy?15:35
Dr_WillisJacinator:  their names were given in the url above.. use the package manager tools15:35
nyuszika7hIs there any way to mark it as system?15:35
mathewsJacinator: u just docky in ubuntu software center15:35
BagualasHello, using unity is possible to attach banshee, xchat and other in tray? (near the clock)15:35
mathewsJacinator: u just type docky in ubuntu software center15:35
P05TMANsHOCkw8Ve: Yes, wifi works for me just not WiMax15:35
F-3000beli, moustafa: correction: it's not just messages-file. kern.log (at least) got it's share as well.15:35
Dr_WillisBagualas:  theres a whitelist of what apps are allowed to appear in the tray.  and some tweaks to allow other apps in that list as well. xchat has its icon-tray extension15:36
Ian_CorneThis channel feels very crouwded15:36
F-3000beli, moustafa: because of that, reading the log files is pain.15:36
Dr_WillisBagualas:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html15:36
sipiorIan_Corne: use a smaller font, maybe?15:36
mathewsBagualas: yes. u just drag and drop ur application on the launcher15:36
sHOCkw8VeHas anyone here been able to get their wireless (especially the RT2870/Cisco AE1000) to work with Ubuntu 11.04?15:36
beliF-3000: whats your kernel version?15:37
BagualasDr_Willis, Ill take a look on that.. thanks man!15:37
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  i wonder what would happen if you deleted that freedos partition using a live cd. :) You got backups made rigth?15:37
JacinatorDr_Willis & Mathews: Thank you very much, I have figured it out!15:38
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: I ask again, is it possible to unmark the FreeDOS partition as system and mark the Windows partition as system?15:38
sHOCkw8VeHas anyone here been able to get their wireless (especially the RT2870/Cisco AE1000) to work with Ubuntu 11.04?15:38
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  if its possible from a live cd. Gparted can proberly do it.15:38
F-3000beli: 2.6.31-2315:38
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: yeah, I have a gparted live CD15:38
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  i dont recall there even being a system flag.15:38
Dr_Willislooking at my windows HD now with gparted.15:39
P05TMANsHOCkw8Ve: Yes but im using linksys router15:39
F-3000beli: It has done it always with 9.04.15:39
nyuszika7hthere is, at least in Disk Management15:39
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  you mean under ubuntu's disk management tool? or widnwos?15:39
sHOCkw8VeI'm also using a linksys router15:39
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: Windows15:39
Dr_Willisgparted takes like 10 min to scan all my HD's :)15:39
sHOCkw8VeMind telling me how you were able to get yours to work?15:40
mathewsfriends pls choose a short name as possible15:40
Dr_Willisthere is no 'system' flag in gparted. theres a 'bootable' flag.15:40
sHOCkw8VeI have not been very successful.15:40
beliF-3000: using what file system? have you done fs-checks? just to make sure....also i think of problems with the smart monitoring...maybe try to disable that in your bios just to try out....there were problems with that on older kernel versions....2.6.2x...15:40
P05TMANsHOCkw8Ve: Is the wireless showing disabled or not even an option15:40
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  perhaps the windows tools are calling 'bootable' the same as 'system'  You might want to ask in #windows15:40
sHOCkw8VeIt's not coming up at all; however, when I run a command to list usb devices attached to the computer, it is listed there.15:41
F-3000beli: ata3 is the optical drive, dmesg revealed that.15:41
P05TMANsHOCkw8Ve: Is it just your home router you cant get connected to or is it any wireless network?15:42
beliF-3000: ata3 is your controller....15:42
beliF-3000: maybe its accessing your optical drive15:42
gr8audioguyGood Morning folks! I am going batty with Natty in the networking area. Everything worked fine in 10.10 but now I can't see other computers at all, not even the Windows volume on my C drive. Personal File Sharing is "greyed out" in system settings -> network (says proper packages are not installed)  yet Samba is installed and (apparently) configured. Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction?15:42
P05TMANsHOCkw8Ve: So its a USB wireless adapter?15:42
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  checking wikipedia right now also.   it says ->  A primary partition contains one file system. In DOS and earlier versions of Microsoft Windows systems, the system partition was required to be the first partition.15:43
beliF-3000: but i remember sth. with that and optical drives...lemme think15:43
nyuszika7hDr_Willis: system partition is the first for me15:43
sHOCkw8VeI'm unable to connect to any wireless network with this Ubuntu workstation; however, it works fine with the Microsoft OSes.15:43
F-3000beli: ah, yes. ata3.00: ATAPI: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7580S, FX04 max UDMA/100, ATAPI AN15:43
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sHOCkw8VeYes, it is a USB AE1000 cisco adapter15:43
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  reading up at --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning15:43
P05TMANsHOCkw8Ve: Do you have wired access to the Internet15:44
F-3000beli: ata1 is for HD.15:44
Dr_Willisnyuszika7h:  i dont see why you cant just use gparted to delete it. :) but you may want to make the windows aprtition bootable if you do that.15:45
sHOCkw8VeYes, I do. I'm on it now.15:45
uberfrauhey, what are the common things i should check to troubleshoot why my mic isn't working15:45
sHOCkw8VeI followed the instructions on this site: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1701471&highlight=AE100015:45
F-3000beli: also, kern.log doesn't get entry per 6 secs, it gets something like once per 50 secs, and it's different than in messages-file.15:45
sHOCkw8VeHowever, the wireless adapter still doesn't start up.15:45
beliF-3000: what chipset is your controller using? are you using AMD or INTEL? 64 or 32bit?15:45
mathewsgr8audioguy:stay repeat ur qstn as lot of flood here15:46
beliF-3000: put up that log then too please15:46
P05TMANsHOCkw8Ve: Ok. Check in system>additional drivers15:46
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Ian_Cornesipior: huh?15:46
gr8audioguyGood Morning folks! I am going batty with Natty in the networking area. Everything worked fine in 10.10 but now I can't see other computers at all, not even the Windows volume on my C drive. Personal File Sharing is "greyed out" in system settings -> network (says proper packages are not installed)  yet Samba is installed and (apparently) configured. Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction?15:47
F-3000beli: CPU is AMD 32.15:47
mathewsgr8audioguy: in the middle put ur query in www.askubuntu.com too15:47
beliF-3000: ok can you provide any information about your sata controllers chipset?15:47
xsinickanyone knows the command to put you wacom on one of your dual screens?15:47
jacobtis there anything special about running linux in a vb that i need to know?15:47
sHOCkw8VePO5TMAN, I have checked for additional drivers. Unfortunately, the only thing that comes up is an updated driver for my GPU15:47
Ian_Corneanyone know what the name of the alt+f2 launhcer is for gnome2?15:48
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mathewsjacobt; u just have visit to the concerned VB website15:48
th0rjacobt: I run several distros in virtualbox and just installed them all as normal15:49
F-3000beli: I'll include a snippet from all logs that's repeating msg about ata3.15:50
cassiohi. my hp printer stopped working... cups recognizes it... but it wont print... documents stay in processing mode15:50
cassioany help?15:50
xsinickI got it15:50
jacobtth0r thats what i thought im having problems w/ my 3d on nvidia and didn't know if it was a vb problem  or a driver problem15:50
mathewsjacobt; u try to install and VB will take ur hand on the go15:50
th0rjacobt: I have no experience with nvidia, but all the distros I tried run just fine in vb15:51
mathewscassio: just reconnect and try once more15:52
mathewscassio: If it detected then would say it loud to u15:52
jacobtmathews its working fine on the VB except for 3d15:52
cassiomathews, I deleted it. disconnected/reconnected, it added the printer automatically... still doesnt print15:53
cassiomathews, it stays in procesing and then disappears from the printing list15:53
wamichohey  is there a way to install the 11.04 unity  int 10.04 ?15:54
wamichohey  is there a way to install the 11.04 unity  int o10.04 ?15:54
compdocinstall unity in 10.04?15:55
VhozardHow can I start gnome-terminal --command "echo test"15:55
VhozardWITHOUT it directly closing15:55
mathewswamicho: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/unity-2d-qt-now-available-in-ppa-for.html15:56
JacinatorCan I go to my desktop with just one click on the keyboard or with the mouse? I am running Ubuntu 11.0415:56
F-3000beli: where I find info about the controller? I seem to fail to find it from dmesg.15:56
Vhozardand yes, Ive been to gnome-terminal settings "Title and Command" and selected "When command exists: Keep the terminal open" But that is a complete phail15:56
sc30317Jacinator, CTRL + D15:56
mathewsJacinator: u just click on the Ubuntu menu button15:57
beliF-3000: lspci -vvv ¦ grep -i ata           maybe helps you out15:57
uberfrauwhat should i check to get my mic to work?15:57
wamichothank you mathews let me check that ..15:57
Vhozardanyone ?15:59
mathewswamicho: for 10.04 here  http://digitizor.com/2010/05/10/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/15:59
FIREBRANDi installed the KDE 4.6 and replaced the unity, and damn it's cool16:00
gr8audioguysuddenly quiet!16:00
xsinickno sdc for me today I guess16:00
JoeCoolDeskNiether of my computers work after upgrading to 110416:01
xsinickJoeCoolDesk: they still ahve to work on Natty16:02
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mathewsgr8audioguy: I am helpless on ur query and might be other here so far but surely u will get it16:02
JoeCoolDeskI understand if something's buggy but my computers just don't start16:02
beliF-3000: i recommend to play around with hal polling, dma and plug and pray to localize the problem16:02
JoeCoolDeskIt's just a blank screen16:02
wamichomathews   i have installed that but it doesn't look like in 11.04 !16:03
Samo502I say what i said before, windows is an ass.16:03
bad_allocHello I've recently updated to firefox 4 on an ubuntu 10.04 system. as of today firefox is constantly sending ACK requests to an IP registered to Limelight Networks (a content deliverer) additionally it sends "Continuation or non-HTTP trafic" (according to wireshark). What causes this behaviour?16:04
mathewswamicho: then u upgrade or do a clean install to the 11.0416:05
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xsinickKDE looking good right now16:05
F-3000beli, moustafa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604122/16:05
wamichomathews:  so to get the actual interface you must do the dist -upgrade ?16:05
mathewswamicho: I dont know more but I think so..or u google it and try16:06
alone08hi all16:06
mathewswamicho: if u have problem with data charges or anything like bandwidth dont go for upgrade16:07
mathewswamicho: it may take hours to get upgraded or not sure it work after it16:08
mathewswamicho: and the other thing is that u have to do first the 10.10 and then 11.0416:08
beliF-3000: lcpci as root user pls16:08
wamichogoogled  it i came across a page saying that you need to dist upgrade to get the actual interface but just need confirmation of that or perhaps there is way arround...16:08
mathewswamicho: I have seen many here asking help after failure of upgrade16:09
beliF-3000: take a look at this: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/hal-disable-polling.1.html16:09
OsmodivsHello. I was trying to have a nice splash screen in Ubuntu 11.04, and I downloaded and executed this .py file,http://pastebin.com/E0QLHUAe  but now, everytime I login, it sends me to the GRUB menu,  and then all I can see is text, wich is ok, but I do not want to enter the GRUB menu, it's just a waste of time, so, is there a way to reset this thing?16:09
NewPosixhow do you download a package to you local filesystem , and pnly afterwards install it ?16:10
mathewswamicho: better u copy all ur files to a ext. HDD and do a clean install with 11.0416:10
mathewsNewPosix: u just give the settings in browser....edit then preferences16:11
wamichomathews: anyway wont do it cant leave the LTS just wanted to have a unity experience if there is no  way  to do that iam not going for it ..!!16:12
zulaxi had to reset my unity, now the keyboard shortcuts dont work16:12
zulaxhow to get the shortcuts working again?16:12
dawn713Oh thank God16:13
afrodeityi have five entries for plymouth in sysv and none checked after natty upgrade, is this right?16:13
Vhozardanyone knows howto open a terminal and make it not quit after completing a command ?16:13
dawn713I need help in the worst way16:13
zulaxVhozard, i would do something like open a text file with the terminal , like vi temp.txt16:13
mathewswamicho: thats better idea as 10.04 is better and get long support16:13
BluesKajdawn713, let's hope not ,.. best way is better :)16:14
Vhozardzulax, lol16:14
mathewswamicho: to me everything was better with 10.0416:14
dawn713I know NOTHING about computers.  Took mine to a local shop to get fixed and it came back with 2 hard drives and two OS WindowsXP and Linux/Ubuntu16:14
alone08best website to ask newbie problems16:14
alone08on kernel16:14
F-3000beli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604127/16:15
mathewsalone08: www,askubuntu.com16:15
beliVhozard: depends on terminal16:15
wamichomathews: yap16:15
dawn713It defaults to Ubuntu.... I need to get to windows cause my tax stuff is in Quickbooks.   LOOOONNNGGG story short... the place I took my pc wont answer their phones16:15
llutzVhozard: gnome-terminal. Navigate to Edit->Preferences. Click on the "Title and Command" tab. There's a spinbox labeled "when command exits", change it from "exit the terminal" to "hold the terminal open".16:15
Vhozardbeli: gnome-terminal16:15
Vhozarddid that16:15
Vhozardits shit16:15
FloodBot1Vhozard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:15
Vhozardtry it16:15
Vhozardit will keep the terminal open, BUT it wont return to a type-able line16:16
Vhozardso I cant do anything, but close it16:16
schnuffledawn713: so you want to keep both but windows as the default?16:16
dawn713real shady outfit it seems after some searching on internet16:16
beliVhozard: just for yourself? or a common solution?16:17
mathewsgood morning and good bye to everybody16:17
Vhozardthat happens to everyone16:17
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Vhozardits virtually a useless feature16:17
dawn713Yes... i think so.... most importantly I just wanna get to windows so I can get my tax stuff.... 3 years behind and the IRS and blowing up my phone.  :-(16:17
beliVhozard: use another terminal ;)16:17
koperinoHi,E: Encountered a section with no Package: header is the message from update manager. What now?16:17
xsinickhey Guys and Gals16:17
xsinickI got some news16:17
* beli detex: gnome-terminal shrugs ;)16:17
afrodeityanyone default plymouth sysv presets?16:17
schnuffledawn713: Do you have the choice at boot time to select windows?16:17
VhozardI want to use gnome-terminal16:18
beliVhozard: xterm -hold16:18
llutzVhozard: write a feature-request, demand something like xterms "hold" or konsoles "noclose"16:18
afrodeityyeahconsole is better16:18
afrodeityyou can leave it open forever16:18
dawn713I don't know.... It goes by so fast I don't have time to read what it's doing16:18
xsinickUbuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" is gonna fix all the bugs and be better that  10.10 and they going back to gnome16:18
Vhozardllutz, that feature is requested like 5 million times already I bet16:18
antlerVhozard: xfrun4 ?16:18
llutzxsinick: its not april 1st today16:19
xsinickUbuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" is gonna fix all the bugs and be better that 10.10 and they going back to gnome16:19
gr8audioguythanks mathews, Yup, I'll get it.16:19
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afrodeityno alt-F2 in classic16:19
xsinickllutz:  not kidding16:19
crondOkay my copy/paste ability has mysteriously failed.16:19
koperinoProblem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists  is the following I cant find anything on the internet about it, help???16:19
Vhozardxterm -hold is useless too16:19
afrodeityplymouth runlevels please16:19
llutzxsinick: fine, continue in #ubuntu-offtopic please16:19
beliVhozard: you can also try something ugly like: gnome-terminal -x bash -c "fortune ;bash"16:19
Vhozardafter the command exits, I cant type anything in it16:19
Vhozardbeli, tried that already16:20
Vhozardalso just quits16:20
beliVhozard: you need to stay it open just to see the result or to get interactive on that terminal?16:20
schnuffledawn713:  press ESC as soon as the bios creen disapears then you should see the choices you have16:21
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afrodeitysysv defaults for natty where?16:22
Vhozardbeli, that "ugly" way does work, but yeah its ugly :/16:22
beliVhozard: ;)16:22
F-3000beli, moustafa: I've been speaking of 9.04 a lot, yet I just figured out I'm using 9.10.16:22
funnylookinhatSo - I just lost all of my window titlebars in Ubuntu Classic on 11.04 - I think I might have hit a key combo by accident... but there's no titlebar w/ the close/minimize buttons on anything anymore.... suggestions?  :D16:22
dawn713ok  "esc" as soon as the bios screen disappears.  then what?16:23
KereltisI did a reinstall of Natty last night and was thinking...16:23
moustafaF-3000: I'd like to mention that 9.10 has reached its end of life recently, you may want to consider going to 10.1016:23
schnuffledawn713: then youshould have the option to choose which OS to boot, If the computer guy installed both OS in a correct way you should be able to choose windows16:23
KereltisWouldn't it be great if Ubuntu One could remember the podcasts I'm subscribed to in Banshee, that would be very handy16:23
dawn713OK.... wish me luck....here I go.16:24
dawn713BTW Thank you.16:24
schnuffleyour welcome, but wait till your problem is solved :)16:24
Vhozardbeli, you then get cool things like "There's still a process running, sure to close this terminal?"16:25
OsmodivsHello. I was trying to have a nice splash screen in Ubuntu 11.04, and I downloaded and executed this .py file, http://pastebin.com/E0QLHUAe  but now, everytime I login, it sends me to the GRUB menu,  and then all I can see is text, wich is ok, but I do not want to enter the GRUB menu, it's just a waste of time, so, is there a way to reset this thing?16:25
Vhozardwhile its only bash, thats running16:25
afrodeityKereltis: yes and save rythmbox station info16:25
dualcoreswitched and gonna use debian for a while16:25
beliVhozard: you can suppress that with gconf16:26
AdamantusI have a question about open source: People say that if something was going on in the code then people would know about it, but is anyone checking or has time to check code of the software they use? I supose if they are copying and building something new but otherwise..16:26
F-3000moustafa: I was considering 10.04 due to LTS. I dislike idea of reinstalling ubuntu once per half year. Even once per year sounds frustrating. I'm aware of update-manager being able to do it, yet, if something goes wrong, then I HAVE TO reinstall Ubuntu.16:26
moustafaF-3000: Sorry, meant 10.04.  10.10 is just easier to type on a laptop's keyboard :p16:26
schnuffleAdamantus: most people don't check, but everyone is able to check if he wants to16:27
afrodeitysysv defautls, sysv defaults, sysv defaults please16:27
kalehi i'm trying to rescue my ubuntu installation. the initrd cannot find /dev/sda. so how do i make a new initrd?16:27
F-3000moustafa: I would still be using 8.04 if one bloody game (which I eventually grew bored to) wouldn't have demanded newer.16:27
Kereltisafrodeity: it would make a reinstall so much easier :)16:27
Adamantusschnuffle: So you're saying that is enough of a deterent, for example: Being reported for file sharing by a bittorrent client (not ubuntu q related I know).16:28
beliVhozard: gconftool --set /apps/gnome-terminal/global/confirm_window_close --type boolean false16:28
afrodeitykale: chroot into you installation and install linux && update-grub16:28
kaleafrodeity: linux as in the kernel?16:28
afrodeitykale: yep16:28
Samo502on natty has anyone had trouble resizing their resolution?16:29
Samo502when i put mine up to where it was(i turned it down for a few reasons temporarily) i get black outside the old res16:29
afrodeitykale: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-generic && update-grub16:29
samirancan i get help using ubuntu 11.04 here, i have problem with my wireless and bluetooth16:29
kaleafrodeity: ok, done, but isn't there a tool to rebuild the initrd?16:29
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afrodeitykale: sure there must be I just dunno16:29
jdobrienhelp...easy question. i'm stuck in a terminal cuz i screwed up compiz. what's the command name to start compiz settings from the command line?16:30
afrodeitykale: update-grub will do it16:30
kaleafrodeity: ahh, that made the system download a new kernel. it seems my mother forgot to upgrade for about 2 years16:30
schnuffleAdamantus: don't understand your question. I would recommend it this way. As long as you use official repositories you're on the save side.16:30
coz_jdobrien,   compiz --replace ccp &   or  from terminal    compiz --replace ccp & disown16:30
coz_jdobrien, sorry    you want just  the settings manager16:31
coz_jdobrien,  that would be       ccsm]16:31
jdobriencoz_, yes16:31
coz_jdobrien, sorry bad key  habits  it is     ccsm16:31
kale afrodeity ok, rebooting, thanks16:31
plmtitlchey, somehow the MBR got installed on the wrong harddrive and I wanted to know how I might change this.16:32
coz_jdobrien,  what h append16:32
gh0stzI have a box with win7 installed.  This machine is setup in RAID1.  I partitioned off half of the drive and installed 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04 but after each install it just hoses my MBR and sends my machine into a reboot loop16:32
coz_jdobrien,   did the system freeze or compiz crash?16:32
jdobriencoz_ tried the desktop cube + unity mix16:32
coz_jdobrien,  ok the cube is possible in unity16:32
gh0stzthere are no errors during the install but I can never use the install.  I can however always repair the MBR and boot back to windows but nothing on the ubuntu side16:33
coz_jdobrien,  it does crash  unity when you first enable it16:33
madadam1Hi, how could I add a launche inside the "game" menù in ubuntu 11.04?16:33
gh0stzanyone aware of any issues that could cause this16:33
Samo502http://samo502.hopto.org/resprob.png <- this is the problem i'm having16:33
qinmadadam1: Use: alacarte16:33
mazHello, I don't suppose there is anyone who is familiar with the BlackBerry Tethering Software Berry4all?16:33
coz_jdobrien, `  however,, if you  run    metacity --replace  & disown from terminal  then open ccsm,, and start enableing cube   rotate cube viewport switcher and the unity plugin then start compiz  it should work16:34
madadam1qin, what is it?16:34
plmtitlcgh0stz: Is it possible it installed the MBR on a different drive than usual, so you have to go in and change the boot sequence?16:34
coz_jdobrien,   this wont happen later,, however,, enalbing the cube in Unity is recent so doing this wont be necessary later on16:34
mazAnyone? Berry4all? Blackberry tethering software?16:34
gh0stzplmtitlc: maybe, but that's the thing, because of the raid controller it only shows as one drive16:34
samiransomeone please help me fixing my wifi and bluetooth in ubuntu11.04 which worked fine in previous versions. I dont find it anywhere in www16:35
jdobriencoz_, perhaps you can answer this. my windows are opening outside of the visible area with only the  bottom showing, how can i move them?16:35
gh0stzplmtitlc: sorry but it's been a while since I've used ubuntu...what would be the best way for me to check16:36
Samo502Does anybody know how to fix this issue?16:36
coz_jdobrien,  ah open ccsm... go to the  Window management category,, click on Place windows plugin,, in the "Placement Mode" pull down  , choose "Centered"16:36
qinmadadam1: Sorry, outdated (was thinking of 10.10)16:36
coz_jdobrien,  see if that works16:36
gem_cathaving prob with pulseaudio - how do I disable it in natty16:36
F-3000moustafa: And the fact that Ubuntu rushes so fast with the distro versions, eventually TOTALLY abandoning older versions, makes it very bad choice for "install for non-poweruser and forget". For example, Firefox 4 works even on Win 2k. I can't get FF4 for 9.10.16:37
madadam1qin, doesn't it work in 11.04?16:37
Vhozardbeli: thanks for that gconf16:37
coz_jdobrien,  if you have dual monitors then in the Multi Output Mode pull down  choose "Use active output device with pointer"16:37
raven_11.04 + VLC - swapping errors. any reasons or solution known16:37
coz_jdobrien,  that did not work?16:37
beliF-3000: it works on 9.10.....why shouldnt it work?16:37
qinmadadam1: Not sure, alacarte, is gnome menu editor16:38
jdobriencoz_, i'm stuck can't open anything anymore16:38
Samo502http://samo502.hopto.org/resprob.png <- any ideas on this?16:38
moustafaF-3000: The six month releases is to allow "latest and greatest" on all areas of the OS.  Having Win2k online nowadays is like having a car with three tires and a barely working braking system: It's asking for trouble.16:38
F-3000beli: Tell me how to install it using Synaptics?16:38
coz_jdobrien,  make sure the Move window plugin is enabled in Window mangement16:38
jdobriencoz_, keyboard shortcuts don't work16:38
beliF-3000: that was not your statement ;)16:38
jdobriencoz_, if I could open ccsm i would. but i closed it and the terminal i had open.16:38
OsmodivsHello. I was trying to have a nice splash screen in Ubuntu 11.04, and I downloaded and executed this .py file, http://pastebin.com/E0QLHUAe  but now, everytime I login, it sends me to the GRUB menu,  and then all I can see is text, wich is ok, but I do not want to enter the GRUB menu, it's just a waste of time, so, is there a way to reset this thing?16:38
coz_jdobrien,   ok  can you hit alt+F2  or terminal   metacity --replace & disown ?16:39
Dr_Willisraven_:  what sort of swapping errors?16:39
jdobriencoz_, so without that menus or shortcuts, i can'd do anything16:39
madadam1qin, no, it doesn't work16:39
TheoreticianSo I just installed Ubuntu 11.04. I like it, however I would like to adjust some settings. I want to reposition the sidebar, as well as other stuff. The control panel doesn't have this option and I can find it. Help?16:39
jdobriencoz_, no keyboard shortcuts work16:39
F-3000moustafa: I agree, yet, tell that to people who... *ponders*16:39
coz_jdobrien,  oooo16:39
Samo502Theoretician: the sidebar isn't repositionable16:39
jdobriengoing to need to chroot this puppy16:39
=== OsamaObamaOWho is now known as tPl0ch
Dr_WillisOsmodivs:  the grub menu has some auto-delay of a few seconds to  allow you to select items. If you dont want to see the grub menu. theres a hide option in /etc/default/grub16:39
coz_jdobrien,   are you on another system because you are typing here16:39
qinmadadam1: Sorry, my bad.16:39
TheoreticianSamo502: That sounds like a weird thing not to allow...16:40
madadam1qin, nothing16:40
jdobriencoz_, i have xchat open16:40
raven_Dr_Willis, after a time wasting up the ram, slowing down the system, crashes16:40
coz_jdobrien,  so the keyboard works right?16:40
jdobriencoz_, yes16:40
OsmodivsDr_Willis,  Can you tell me how to activate that option?16:40
jdobrienno shortcuts16:40
coz_jdobrien,  ok do ctrl+alt+F1   log in     sudo restart gdm16:40
F-3000beli: Ubuntu aims for easy of usage. For me, getting something that's not within the packages is easy. But for someone who merely reads email and uses FF with his computer, it's something like rocket science.16:40
jdobriencoz_, need to wait for a long scp to finish running16:40
TheoreticianIs there any way I can set ubuntu 11.04 back to classic gui?16:41
Dr_WillisI alwasy DIsable the option. I hate it when grub hides.   i set it to show for perhaps 10 sec.16:41
Pici!classic | Theoretician16:41
ubottuTheoretician: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.16:41
jdobriencoz_, thanks for the help16:41
Dr_Willis!grub2 | Osmodivs16:41
ubottuOsmodivs: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:41
Theoreticianah... Thanks!16:41
coz_jdobrien,  ok then meet me in #compiz   I walk you th rough  a solid compiz  set up16:41
afrodeityno plymouth, sysv defautls anybody?16:41
jdobriencoz_, is there a way to reset all the compiz settings?16:42
jdobriencoz_, i just realized when this scp finishes i'll have a prompt16:42
coz_jdobrien,   yes in ccsm   preferences    hit the Reset to defaults16:42
Dr_Willisafrodeity:  ubuntu is slowly moveing to the Upstart system. Not sysv.16:42
w83hi, is there a bug in u11.04 ad-hoc network - I can't make it operational16:42
F-3000beli: True is, that getting help with Ubuntu is very easy, but problem is, that there is freaking a lot of people who don't know how to get that help. All they have is the phone number to some guy who charges for it.16:42
erixHi all, I want to uninstall apache2 and reinstall it again. I used apt-get remove apache2 but nothing happened. Where is the wrong ?16:43
thegladiatoris GDM theme something I can install , if yes what effect would it have on my system16:43
jriberix: why do you want to do this?16:43
erixBecause, Php doesnt work16:44
jriberix: uninstalling and reinstalling would solve nothing16:44
jrib!lamp | erix16:44
ubottuerix: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:44
thegladiatordoes GDM theme just affect the LOGIN screen ?16:44
Dr_Willisw83:  theres issues with some of the wireless chipset drivers I think where they cant do ad-hoc. I seem to recall seeing this once.16:44
jriberix: see the instructions on enabling php.  If you've done that, then scroll to the troubleshooting section and follow that16:44
erixYep you'r all right buddy It is a assignment16:44
jriberix: what?16:44
erixI need to install each seperately16:44
jriberix: install each what?16:45
erixIt is a homework16:45
Dr_Williserix:   use  the PURGE option to remove configs.. but i dont see what you are gaining by this.16:45
jriberix: but what do you want to do?16:45
erixI want to do first install apache,then php and after that mysql16:45
beliF-3000: well the biggest problem is that most ppl you are talking about are not willed to consume a manual16:46
JoeCoolDeskHey, my systems both boot into a blank screen.  No message and unable to issue commands16:46
erixI cannot use LAMP16:46
jriberix: ubottu's link explains how to do that then, just follow that16:46
JoeCoolDeskAnyone else see this after upgrading?16:46
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
Dulakerix: you want to get a list of packages from 'dpkg -l | grep apache' then run 'apt-get purge packagenameshere'16:46
Dulakerix: then you install the packages again and you'll have a pristine install to work with16:47
kale afrodeity thank you, my system is booting fine now.16:47
Ian_CorneAnyone know if there's a launchpad bug yet with the wireless hardware button problem?16:48
F-3000beli: I'm one of those people. The fatter the manual, the more it freaks me. ;) Difference is, that I have interest to learn. As an example, I'd very easily learn how to drive a car. Yet, I have close to zero interest to how to fix it (not true, but let's pretend for the sake of the example).16:48
gh0stzso has anyone else had any problems installing as a dual-boot situation after a win7 install16:49
F-3000beli: So goes with computers. There's a lot of people who can easily learn to use it, yet they have zero interest about how to fix it. Just because it's not something that lights their fire.16:49
beliF-3000: so acting that way you have to exspect that nothing is working 100% as you want and you cannot configure it 100% to your needs...so you need help from someone else and in common you have to pay for it..........nothing special in my eyes16:49
Travis-42Do current versions of GParted properly align SSD partitions? I can't find a clear answer.16:50
QwertManAbybody here running 11.04 on their cr-48?16:50
gh0stzdoes anyone know if you install on a machine with hardware raid, do you have to specify any flags on the install to make sure it works properly with the raid configuration?16:51
F-3000beli: Why I have difficulties seeing it that way? ("nothing special")16:51
F-3000beli: (it was a real question)16:51
compdocQwertMan, you dont like chrome?16:51
schnufflegh0stz: you don't have to specify anything16:51
QwertManI love chrome :P16:52
QwertManBut I also like to watch videos. And chrome OS doesn't do that yet.16:52
tadoi am having trouble with cryptkeeper after a fresh natty install. when i try to create a new encrypted folder, the program shuts down and i get a "segmentation fault" error, any ideas on how to solve it?16:52
schnufflegh0stz: of course you'll need the tools to access the RAID infos16:52
Dulakgh0stz: hardware raid is below the OS, it simply presents the raided volume as a disk, there is nothing to configure on the OS side, because it's done in the raid bios16:52
gh0stzschnuffle: any ideas then what could cause this situation...i've installed multiple times as stand-alone or side by side with win7 and it works fine.  The only difference on this box is the RAID controller but it refuses to install properly16:52
Dr_WillisUnless its one of those cheap sort-of-a-raid setups :)16:52
erixWorks :)16:53
gh0stzDulak: true, I was curious about the flags in case any kernel modules would be necessary to properly handle any tasks16:53
beliF-3000: its just how reality is.....nothing is perfect.......and if you dont want to invest time to learn and fix things itself.....you have to pay for it....thats with just anything that way16:53
erixBut If I made a2dissite default, then php didnt work again is it normal ?16:53
schnufflegh0stz: where does it hang then?16:53
Dulakgh0stz: schnuffle is right though, if you want info on it, you'll need a util that can speak to the bios you have, but otherwise the OS just sees a disk, not a raid array16:53
icerootgh0stz: a hardware-raid is invisible for ubuntu, its just a normal hdd for ubuntu16:54
icerootgh0stz: everything else is fakeraid/software raid. so the only important thing is that the kernel supports the raid-controller16:54
gh0stzschnuffle: nothing hangs but after the install completes and the system reboots the bios screen shows, then the raid controller info, then the system reboots and continues that pattern forever16:55
erixBuddies, But If I made a2dissite default, then php didnt work again. is it normal ?16:55
schnufflegh0stz: during installation where does it install grub?16:56
gh0stziceroot: yea this is not fakeraid and the controller seems to be supported because it works fine on livecd and sees everything properly during the installer, but then it doesn't...i was just wondering if it could possibly be loading some module via discovery on livecd but then that wasn't getting installed/configured during actual install16:56
w83Dr_Willis, managed to google it - any suggestion how this can be fixed ?16:56
* beli is off upgrading some bizzapps......IT weekend stuff ;) cu all16:56
Dr_Willisw83:  i cant even rember the original problem...16:57
spyhermitso, anyone running into an issue where unity isn't scaling images/fonts right?16:57
gh0stzschnuffle: it is installing  it on the /dev/dm-0p which is the device mapper16:57
gh0stzschnuffle: but i've also manually specified /dev/sda and sdb16:57
schnufflegh0stz: under which device is your RAID accessible /dev/sda?16:58
Bane99hey can anyone help me with the install of ubuntu 11?16:58
tadospyhermit: i had a font problem, that i solved following advice here and did this: sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-*16:58
tadospyhermit: backup first ;)16:58
gh0stzschnuffle: well now see that's the thing...i've not gotten to boot into the installed system at all, but from the livecd I can actually see the mapper, sda and sdb16:58
silverlightningdoes anyone know the  fglrx drivers?16:58
F-3000beli: In other words... There's no way to create most idealistic and stable situation for a non-poweruser. Just because of the simple facts, that a) world changes. In IT area, it's just quicker than on ie. cars, b) hardware deteriorates over time, thus there's no hope they'll never have problems even if they got the perfect software.16:59
Dr_WillisBane99:   It pays to always have backups of your system.16:59
spyhermittado: have to restart after?16:59
schnufflegh0stz: So sda is RAID, what is sdb?16:59
Bane99what i mean is i'm a noob at this, so... something about where to install the bootloader16:59
Bane99and determining which drive since linux has different free space allocation values17:00
Dr_WillisBane99:  normally the hard drive you boot from. ie: sda17:00
gh0stzschnuffle: sdb is the 2nd disk in the raid array...that's what I'm saying, for some reason under ubuntu it is seeing them as 2 drives, which it shouldn't be17:00
Bane99sda isn't the drive i boot from tho... it's sdb oddly enough17:00
Dr_WillisBane99:  if you have 2 hard drifes and linux is dedicated to one you could put it on that drive and tell teh bios to boot that hd.17:00
Dr_WillisBane99:  so you can do it eitehr way really.17:00
korst3nwhat precautions should I take before having my PC's SSH accessible over the internet?17:00
Dr_WillisBane99:  sda - windows here, sdb  - linux, i put mine on sdb. and set bios to boot sdb17:01
Bane99well i set aside a 100GB partition17:01
milen8204How to run Compiz setting trough Unity. I've tried but everything got messy. I didnt have  minimize, maximize and close buttons on my windows and so on.17:01
red__hi i just upgraded to the new ubuntu and it has the option bar at  left hand side can I get rid of it?17:01
Dulakkorst3n: rate limit ssh connections, and use ssh keys and turn off passwords for ssh17:01
nit-witmilen8204, are trying to get the cube17:01
Dr_Willismilen8204:  unity uses compiz by default. but some settings in ccsm/compiz can cause issues.17:01
milen8204nit-wit, yes :D17:01
Bane99just having an issue recognizing which one it is.. that and i apparently have 2 windows 7 loaders?17:01
gh0stzschnuffle: be back in a few minutes...i've made a few changes, i re-installed grub as well...going to try to reboot17:01
korst3nDulak, thank you17:01
* Dr_Willis hopes unity kills the cube.17:01
nit-witmilen8204, hold on I have a link it is messy but works.17:02
F-3000beli: So, if I build a system for non-pu, I just need to ensure they're using LTS of Ubu?17:02
schnufflegh0stz: That sounds strange cause if you really have a Hardware RAID and it's setup correctly then there will be only one drive. Check if your RAID is configured as JBoD17:02
Bane99lol can anyone help me in PM?17:02
bimbohello, I'm running sudo to execute a command as another user, however the HOME env variable is always root, even if I use the -H option: sudo -u user -H command17:02
burghello. i have ubuntu 11.04 and core2duo processor (2 GHz). when i`m running virtual box with windows xp, one of the cores is at 100%, the other at about 50% - is this normal?17:02
milen8204nit-wit, I saw in Youtube that it is possible to use cube on Unity but dont know how to set it up17:02
bimbowhat am I missing? I need the HOME variable to change to the running user17:03
sipiorF-3000: he logged out about five minutes back.17:03
nit-witmilen8204, you will see what looks like a melt down lol while do this but follow the instructions.http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/17:03
alex___hello, is Xen4.0 kernel supported by 11.04 server?17:03
spyhermittado: no joy.17:03
victorhugo289Guys, what would be the best highlighting mode to write this: 9x^2-36+3x^2-11x+10=3x^2+x-10, in Gedit and to hightlight the coefficients for me??17:03
DulakF-3000: for the most stable experience with ubuntu always stick with an LTS, you should only be on a non-lts if you need something the LTS doesn't have17:03
Dr_Willisbimbo:  perhaps teh su command may work better?17:03
maurizio__no one can help me with launchers in 11.04? not in unity, in applications. How can add a launcher inside the menu game for example?17:03
Dr_Willisbimbo:  dependiong on the details.17:03
tadospyhermit: the no idea, sorry17:03
iri1989is 11.04 any good?17:03
rumpe1victorhugo289, try alt(right)-217:04
Dr_Willisiri1989:  its .04 better then 11.0017:04
milen8204nit-wit, thank I will see what i can do17:04
F-3000sipior, Dulak: Ay, thanks.17:04
laurent57000hi everybody17:04
victorhugo289@Rumpe1, thanks.17:04
nit-witmilen8204, good luck17:04
milen8204Dr_Willis, ist there 11.00 ?!?17:04
Dr_Willisiri1989:  try it for your self and decide. :) chedk out the various Unity guides.17:04
milen8204nit-wit, thanks17:04
Dr_Willismilen8204:  :) x2 as good as (11.04/2)17:04
iri1989what's unity guide?17:04
Dr_Willisiri1989:  lots of blog sites have guides on getting started with unity. then theres a few other sites17:05
nit-witmilen8204, no prob the cube is a functional attribute not just bling .17:05
laurent57000Hello what do you think about the 11.0417:05
nomorewindowsmy grub screwed up and i cant access the kernel from inside my partition since its encrypted. ive been trying for 2 days googling and i really cant. im using grub 1.96 and also i cant use any live cd grub always boots first even if in my bios cd are set to num 1 priority17:05
F-3000Dulak: How I should react, if someone on the dev-side tells me to update distro (from LTS), when I report about a bug?17:05
iri1989i don't know what's unity17:05
alex___hello, is Xen4.0 kernel supported by 11.04 server?17:05
thusI want to deploy and automatically configure a bunch of 8.04 LTS cli-only ubuntu virtual machines.  What are some good ways to do that?   I'm using VMware Player on the host machine.  Should I just generate startup scripts that the VM will use once upon first boot?17:05
Bane99nvm is there a forums i can ask help at?17:05
F-3000Dulak: Because I have faced that.17:05
victorhugo289@IRI189, to know if an Ubuntu is good, what I do is install Google Earth, if it's easy and it works, then I consider it "usable". Haha, Google earth works nice on 11.04, don't take my idea.17:06
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ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity17:06
DulakF-3000: if you need the bug fixed, upgrade, if you don't need it, wait for the LTS backport17:06
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support will end on May 12 2011. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.17:06
nit-witnomorewindows, do you know the persession key prompt for the boot from menu outside of the bios17:06
bimboDr_Willis: but I need the user to have a shell in order to execute command using su17:06
iri1989is linux better than openbsd?17:06
bimboDr_Willis: correct me if I'm wrong17:06
nit-witnomorewindows, boot from media that is17:06
mozeeeI have an on-board graphic device and in ubuntu 10.10 and 11.4 i have no resolution of my monitor? my monitor's resolution is 1280*1024 but it's not in System>Preferences>Monitor?(now i have 1024*768 what should I do?17:06
MonkeyDustofftopic: victor hugo is my favorite writer17:06
DulakF-3000: i only run the LTS myself, but I'm more conservative than a lot of people17:06
SoyoAnyway its the netbook gui I believe17:06
nomorewindowsya but grub doesnt show that17:07
Dr_Willisbimbo:  im not really clear on what you are doing. I recall running stuff as differnt users using 'su' and the password of the new user.17:07
nomorewindowsand if i get to boot my ubuntu i get busybox17:07
milen8204nit-wit, I agree whit this17:07
schnufflebimbo: when I run sudo -u user -H env I get the correct Home var17:07
nit-witnomorewindows, I'm not talking about grub it is a choice of hd, floppy usb, etc out of the bios a second choice menu17:07
nit-witnomorewindows, you need grub in the mbr correct?17:08
Dr_Willisbimbo:  you are running an X application as a differnt user?17:08
bimboschnuffle: I see, but it'll print /root when you do: sudo -u user -H echo "$HOME"17:08
bimboDr_Willis: no, cmd line app17:09
Dr_Willisbimbo:  su billgates -c makemoneycommand17:09
Dr_Willisit will ask for billgates password17:09
nomorewindowsmy second boot option is my hdd on my bios but i dont get any other kind of menu17:09
Dr_Willisecho $HOME17:10
IamTryingThis is cool news: http://mashable.com/2011/05/04/facebook-buy-skype/17:10
bimboDr_Willis: if I do: su user -c echo "$HOME" it'll return no output17:10
new_kid1is there a channel for linux games ??17:10
Dulakbimbo: you might want the -i option to sudo, it should emulate a login, running the various configs to setup the environment17:10
jasongriffeewhat version of adobe air does ubuntu use?17:10
Dr_Willisbimbo:  that may be bypassing the shell somehow.17:10
SuperLagmeganerd: you around?17:11
nomorewindowsnit-wit, brb ill go check that17:11
iri1989do you guys know any cool tricks on IRC?17:11
Dr_Willisbimbo:   su billgates  -c set | grep HOME17:11
bimboDulak: same thing, it'll print /root17:11
nit-witnomorewindows, try f12 at powering oin gthe computer17:11
F-3000Dulak: It's quite a shot on interest towards Ubuntu when someone just simply tells you to upgrade from LTS to get a bug fixed. As if saying "Ay, we got the LTS, but we care a shit about it."17:12
Dr_Willisbimbo:  that shows home as being /home/billgates17:12
icerootiri1989: the best trick about irc is to stay ontopic17:12
iri1989it's not fun17:12
iri1989i'm never ontopic17:12
icerootiri1989: wrong place for that17:12
iri1989iceroot: where should i go?17:12
icerootiri1989: #ubuntu-offtopic17:13
new_kid1okay let me stay on topic..........is there a channel for linux games???17:13
SergeantWagneranyone having a problem with usb mic in webcam not working?17:13
iri1989iceroot: be truthful17:13
DulakF-3000: LTS bugs are backported from the current release, they are basically saying 'it's fixed in current, if you want it now upgrade, otherwise wait for the backport'17:13
Holger_Morissonihi, i know nothing about linux - yet - but i am thinking of installing it. i have decided to make it debian or ubuntu but have found not much information about what's better in ubuntu than in debian on which it is based17:13
bimboDr_Willis: Dulak: schnuffle: ok seems like it's working :) echoing $HOME from a script does print the right variable, thank you17:13
SergeantWagnerit was fine before the upgrade but now it doesnt show up on input tab17:13
jribbimbo: that's probably because you aren't passing $HOME to sudo but instead passing whatever your shell determines $HOME is when you execute the command17:13
crazedpsycanybody know if there is a version of Ambiance that supports gtk3?17:13
iri1989i'm bored17:14
Dr_Willisbimbo:  yea - i think its how you were calliong the echo inline17:14
F-3000Dulak: If they would have mentioned about the waiting for backport...17:14
SergeantWagnerwow this is a crowded room17:14
crazedpsycHolger_Morissoni, Go for it!17:14
Dr_WillisSergeantWagner:  actually its a slow day in here.17:14
Holger_Morissonicrazedpsyc: go for which? the go is already decided17:14
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Holger_Morissonibtw i am asking the opposite question in debian17:14
SergeantWagneraite, so can someone help me get my webcam mic working?17:14
crazedpsycHolger_Morissoni, That is really your decision, but ubuntu is actually more stable than most other distributions17:15
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crazedpsycHolger_Morissoni, Another + of ubuntu is the massive and helpful community17:15
ajmakhi guys, anyone provide some advice on setting up Ubuntu Server 10.04 as a mail proxy to Exchange?17:15
DulakHolger_Morissoni: it depends what you are doing, what you want the computer to do.  If it's a workstation, ubuntu is generally better, if it's a server, debian tends to be more stable17:16
SergeantWagneranyone know where to go to complain/debug regressions?17:16
bimboone last question, what can I do so the account doesn't need a shell?17:16
lil00tonyi needz help17:16
crazedpsycHolger_Morissoni, Dulak is right there :)17:16
lil00tonyif i download ubuntu on my xp, will it remove all files from my xp?17:16
Dr_Willisbimbo:  what is the account supposed to be able to do?17:16
bimboDr_Willis: run a server17:16
schnufflebimbo: set it to /bin/false or /bin/n ologin17:17
Dr_Willisbimbo:  an account running what server? you mean run a 'service' ?17:17
ajmakAnyone?  Postfix, amavisd-new, spamassassin, clamav setup....17:17
Soyolil00tony: You can choose to do a side-by-side installation that is on a seperate partition which will save your files and even allow a dual-boot17:17
bimboDr_Willis: yes, I'm sorry, service17:17
x-ipHi, can someone recomend me a sip / voip client  for Ubuntu Natty ? :)17:17
aBs0lut30how can I check the CPU affinity for a process?17:17
novitololoHi, I've installed Windows after having Ubuntu, and GRUB is not there as I expected.  I launched with a LIVE CD to run sudo grub, but it says grub: command not found.  Any thoughts what I can do?17:17
bimboschnuffle: if I do that using su it won't work, I know how to do it with sudo but not su17:17
schnuffleajmak: me but ask a question17:17
lil00tonyokay, but it will remove?17:17
ubottuVoIP is Voice over IP. The default VoIP client for Ubuntu is !Ekiga. There is also an xmpp voice component in !Empathy. Kubuntu Clients include Kphone and Twinkle. Proprietary Clients include !Skype and Gizmo5. VoIP server applications include Asterisk and Yate ( both in repositories ), FreePBX, and SipX.17:17
lil00tonyi want it to remove17:17
momoleelil00tony  nope it wll not erase all you files all you have to do is to create a separate partition for the ubuntu17:18
lil00tonyoh, okay17:18
Dulakbimbo: set the shell entry for the account to /bin/false, ex: 'sudo chsh -s /bin/false username'17:18
ajmakschnuffle: ta.  I have the proxy setup however, when relaying to exchange I'm losing the X-* headers that spamassassin adds.17:18
Dr_Willislil00tony:  you can delete your xp install partitions, befor or after booting the ubuntu cd . If you want to remove xp that is..17:18
Soyolil00tony: If you WANT to remove all the files you can erase and use the entire disk. Otherwise I would use a sperate partition.17:18
ajmakSorry, X-Spam* headers...17:18
x-ipthanks Dr_Willis :)17:18
SergeantWagnerx-ip, you can get the gtalk plugin for your browser and call US lines for free for one year17:18
schnufflebimbo: there's a setting for sudo that should help you, alway_set_home17:18
bimboschnuffle: yeah, I was just wondering how to do it using su instead of sudo17:19
momoleepolis_ hello17:19
lil00tonyone of the reasons i am doing ubuntu is because i wanna remove everything from my computer17:19
polis_hi nomolee17:19
Dr_Willislil00tony:  the Ubuntu installer even has a check box for 'use the whole disk'17:19
schnuffleajmak: sure you don't relay before running your stuff through spamassassin?17:19
lil00tonyokay, so that will make it so i have all my space again?17:20
momoleepolis_ how you?17:20
x-ipSergeantWagner, thanks for the tip :) but i only need a sip client to connect to the Office Asterisk so i can call my workmates from here :)17:20
mordofdoes 11.04 gnome have widget support?17:20
polis_i'f fine, how are you?17:20
Soyolil00tony: Then just choose the erase and use entire disk option, it will reformat the HD and install Ubuntu. (You will lose anything that was on there)17:20
asdf__i knew i booted my windows from /dev/sda2, now grub show it /dev/sda1 -- i still know that my windows lives in sda2  and only the Boot directory is in sda1 - what is happening?17:20
Dr_Willislil00tony:  lets be clear.. you want to DELETE XP totally from the pc. and use the entire hard drive for your brand new Ubuntu Install?17:20
novitololoI need help please.  I'm trying to resintall GRUB from a live cd, but when doing sudo grub it says grub: command not found.  I can't access Internet because my card needs to download drivers.  What can I do?17:20
schnufflebimbo: with su use su - which sets a login shell17:20
Dr_Willislil00tony:  or is Ubuntu allready installed?17:20
ajmakschuffle: no, I'm creating a mail file and delivering it to postfix on the ubuntu box.  It's spam and av checking fine.  If I leave the message no the ubuntu box, I can see the X-Spam* headers on it.  If I turn the Ubuntu box into a relay to exchange, when the message drops into Outlook, the X-Spam* headers are missing.17:21
lil00tonyit is not installed17:21
Dulaklil00tony: that will make ubuntu delete everything on the hard drive then install itself, so you'll have ubuntu installed, with any space ubuntu itself doesn't take free17:21
aBs0lut30how can I check the CPU affinity for a process... anybody??17:21
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lil00tonyso if my computer is almost full then it will empty and install ubuntu?17:21
Dr_Willislil00tony:  ubuntu installer has a button that does 'delete all teh other stuff on the HD and use space just for ubumntu' :)17:21
schnuffleajmak: but the subject line is prepended with a SPAM>>> or something17:21
Dr_Willislil00tony:  it will DELETE the partitions.. gone..  all removed..17:21
ajmakschnuffle: actually, I'm wondering if this is being stripped by exchange, I may be asking this in the wrong place....17:21
Dr_Willislil00tony:  backup stuff you want to keep :)17:22
polis_i have a problem too17:22
lil00tonyokay, i already backed everything up on an external17:22
ajmakschnuffle: no, it's spam free, doesn't trigger anything.17:22
schnuffleajmak: that was my next proposition17:22
momoleepolis_ what's your problem ?17:22
Soyolil00tony: Well in that case go for it!17:22
Dr_Willislil00tony:   You can even install/boot Ubuntu from an external usb HD. :)17:22
odlahow can i install ubuntu from kubuntu?17:22
ajmakschnuffle: np, thx anyway17:22
Dr_Willisodla:  install the ubuntu-desktop package.17:22
Dr_Willisodla:  then puick what desktop at the login screen17:22
lil00tonyyeah, i have a BTlinux cd that does that too17:23
schnuffleajmak: cause postfix doesn't change any header as long you don't tell it to do17:23
lil00tonybut i wanna make it permanent17:23
polis_well, i was upgrading to 11.04 ubuntu, when i had my laptop disconnected from power supply17:23
nomorewindowsnit-wit, ok so f12 is actually network boot for me so. im on my backtrack partition now you think theres anything i could do from there? the disto is based on ubuntu17:23
polis_the result is that the disk drive is not recognised anymore17:23
schnuffleajmak: I have a sinilar setup which relays to another postfix bix and no changes17:24
momoleepolis_ then what happened? did you have important files in your home folder or your data was on a separate partition?17:24
lil00tonyDr_Willis:   if i mess up, is there an option to fix it?17:24
polis_i followed the support forum where i found that i had to write "sudo do-release-update" from the terminal17:24
ajmakschnuffle: cool, that's how I'll spend my Monday then :)  Exchange box still has forefront on it which may be doing the stripping, I'll speak to the admin.17:24
jasongriffeewhy cant I unmute my sound?17:24
DulakaBs0lut30: you can use the taskset util to see affinity and modify it: 'man taskset'17:24
polis_i have everything on the same partition17:25
odlaok that's what i thought but it seemed to easy17:25
momoleewas your home folder encrypted?17:25
momoleepolis_ was your home folder encrypted?17:25
polis_anyway when i select "m" for manual boot, and write the sudo command i get a reply "bash: sudo not recognised" or smng17:25
lil00tonyhow much better is ubuntu than xp?17:26
polis_i do not think so momolee17:26
asdf__lil00tony: depends what you need it for17:26
jasongriffeelil00tony, tons17:26
lil00tonyi wanna get rid of all of my stuff on my computer, and start fresh. my hacker friend suggested linux, as it is easier with shell17:27
polis_i believe that if i do the upgrade again somehow everything will be restored or not?17:27
gnarlygroundhogI've read that Natty doesn't use more than 2.2GB on a fresh install with updates. Is there any way to get the installer to require less?17:27
bimbothank you all!17:27
Dulaklil00tony: I haven't had to reboot my ubuntu file server in over a year.  I doubt xp could have done that.  Though really it's all about what you are doing, for instance gaming is much better on xp than any of the linux distros17:28
momoleepolis_ if your home folder wasn't encrypted then try booting using a live cd and navigate to your home folder and check to see if your files are there17:28
jasongriffeeDulak, true17:28
lil00tonymy computer is a Dell Dimension 450017:28
novitololoAnybody could tell me what can I do to reinstall GRUB if from the Live CD it says "grub command not found"?17:28
polis_momolee_ good thinking thank you17:28
lil00tonymomo means peach in japanese17:29
Dr_Willislil00tony:  you may want to try out linux for a while, from a live cd. to be sure you like it.17:29
LAcanmaz u can tehter via blutooth in native ubuntu17:29
lil00tonyokay, thank you.17:29
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mang0I want to use empathy17:29
mang0It is annoying me to setup17:30
KronDr_Willis, Live CDs are a neat idea, but they're so slow...17:30
mang0facebook isn't working17:30
momoleepolis_ you'll have to backup your data then do a fresh upgrade(if still upgradable) else you'll have to do with a fresh install17:30
edgedoes somebody uses elvis?17:30
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Dr_WillisKron:  actually i rarely notice them being slow.. but i always run them from USB flash drives. :)17:30
jasongriffeecan someone explain my sound issue to me?17:30
mang0and they take SO LONG to bloody connect17:30
Dr_Willis!info elvis17:30
ubottuelvis (source: elvis): powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (with X11 support). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-11.1 (natty), package size 317 kB, installed size 744 kB17:30
Dr_WillisI tend to just use vim :)17:30
Guest32671i installed elvis om my ubuntu17:31
Guest32671but the text color is black17:31
* mang0 rages17:31
Guest32671it's hard to read a black text with a black background17:31
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Dr_WillisI imagine elvis has settings for that somewhere...17:32
the_edgei imagine it too17:32
the_edgethat's why i'm here17:32
Dr_Willisprobelry has a homepage, and manpage, and docs also.17:32
RaJiLAlfa network AWUS036H usb rtl8187 and ndiswraper woks fine?17:32
Dr_Willisi wonder why one would use elvis over vim.17:32
jasongriffee*Waves* Can I get help?17:32
Dr_Willissize perhaps?17:32
the_edgei like elvis17:33
Kronnano FTW17:33
Dulakvim-tiny and elvis are comparable in size, elvis used to be default in debian back in the day17:33
Dr_WillisYou can force Elvis to use only black and white with the -mono flag; this is the default if your display only has one bitplane. For color displays, -fg color and -bg color can be used to set the normal text color and the background color, respectively.17:33
the_edgein fact, i use elvis because it's the vi-type editor default on slackware17:34
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polis_momolee_ thank you, i will try and see17:34
jasongriffeecan someone explain how to get my sound to work?17:34
ajmakschnuffle: have u setup postfix with ldap querying for valid recipient filtering before?17:34
Kronjasongriffee, You're going to have to give people more to to go on17:34
SavoxUnityHi guys, I have a laptop using an external display/kbd/mouse.  But when I close the lid of my lappy the display goes blank, looking at the "power settings" there is no option to have it not do anything when I close the lid, any ideas? (Ubuntu 11.4)17:34
momoleepolis_ it's ok, wish you the best hey!17:34
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=== RobotPirata2 is now known as RobotPirataN2
jasongriffeemy sound is dead, i cant unmute it17:35
momoleejony hello17:35
Kronjasongriffee, So it was working and you muted it, and now you can't unmute it?17:35
jonyI have a problem with ubuntu 11.0417:35
MonkeyDustjasongriffee: in terminal, type alsamixer17:35
jonythis is the right place for this kind of questions?17:36
MonkeyDust!ask jony17:36
jasongriffeeit muted itself17:36
Dr_Willisjony:  ask the actual question and see. :)17:36
momoleejony it's ok bring it on17:36
MonkeyDust!ask| jony17:36
ubottujony: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:36
jonyso... actually I have more than one problems :P17:36
ZinovaShi, i just upgraded from ubuntu 10 to ubuntu 11 an mouse on my laptop no longer works, usb mouse does not work too... usb device is detected then plugged... how can i fix that?17:36
Kronjasongriffee, but it WAS workinga t some point?17:36
GalaxorI have a linux partition and a windows partition.  I want to use gparted to shrink the windows partition.  Can I do that while I'm running the linux partition, or do I have to go boot from an external disk?17:36
Dr_WillisZinovaS:  dosent work on boot.. works after you unplug/plug it back in?17:37
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schnuffleDr_Willis: jut a note for bimbos sudo problem, he's missing a bash environement. When you write a bash script HOME is correclty set17:37
jonyok, so.. I use transmission remote GUI17:37
momoleejony bring the questions and let the community help you17:37
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MonkeyDustGalaxor: you cannot change a mounted partition17:37
Migi32what's the easiest way to get gcc 4.6 in ubuntu 10.04? I don't really want to go through the big hassle of building it all.17:37
jonywhen it's running, it has an icon at the left taskbar17:37
jasongriffeeidk, i installed ubuntu late last night, I couldn't use sound or I would wake family17:37
jonywhen I click it to show its window, it doesnÍt do anything :(17:37
jasongriffeebut it looked like it would have worked17:37
ZinovaSDr_Willis, does not work, try plug few times... cursor is missing, keyboard and everything else works ok17:38
GalaxorMonkeyDust: Yeah.  But can I change a non-mounted partition that's on the same disk as a mounted partition?17:38
MonkeyDustjasongriffee: in terminal, type alsamixer17:38
Kronjasongriffee, Fresh install of 11.04 or upgrade?17:38
lostdogplease check my grub.cfg , am trying to boot puppy but getting error unknown command win xp and ubuntu boot ok please help http://pastebin.com/AMnVjn9u17:38
jasongriffeei burned iso and installed next to windows in unallocated space on drive17:39
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Kronjasongriffee, And I assume sound works when you boot Windows17:39
MonkeyDustGalaxor: yes, but only shrink, not expand, because the mounted partition cannot shrink17:40
jasongriffeeshould never been a problem before17:40
GalaxorMonkeyDust: Excellent.  Here goes!17:40
KronDid you try opening alsamixer from a terminal as MonkeyDust suggested?17:40
momoleejasongriffee I suggest u type alsamixer in terminal, then use your right key on your keyboard to navigate to where it's printed EXTERNAL then press "m"17:40
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot17:40
ZinovaSwhile booting mouse cursor apears at first, but then finished it disapears...17:41
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nomorewindowsmy ubuntu has like 5 entrys in my grub but they all have a different kernel version17:42
maco!ru | sasha17:42
ubottusasha: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:42
momoleenomorewindows did you have the kernel updated?17:42
nerdshellI'm trying to install Arch LInux with on a virtual machine, and when I have to choose the hard drive to install in, do I have to choose the automatic option, or will it erase my Ubuntu partition ?17:43
momoleenomorewindows 5 times?17:43
jasongriffeei pressed m, now what?17:43
nomorewindowsno idk y it shows 5 dif ones though17:43
momoleejasongriffee try playin audio...17:44
jonyok, I have an another problem: why does it happen to be unable to press a button? but is I press the left click of the mouse when the cursor is a bit upper than the button only then it works?17:44
nomorewindowsi only updated to 11.0417:44
MonkeyDustnomorewindows: use ubuntu-tweak to delete obsolete kernels17:44
snoopiebacktrack.fr ??17:44
nerdshellI'm trying to install Arch LInux with on a virtual machine, and when I have to choose the hard drive to install in, do I have to choose the automatic option, or will it erase my Ubuntu partition ?17:44
jasongriffeeok, i hear it, can't adjust volume17:45
nomorewindowsmonkey im on my backtrack partition since i cant get on my ubuntu17:45
inimegi would like to know if ther is a way to "downgrade back to ubuntu 10.10 from 11.0417:45
nomorewindowsthough i mounted the partition and i can see all the kernels17:45
nomorewindowsso can i just del them manually17:45
jasongriffeeinimeg, nope17:46
nerdshellinimeg: no, downgrading is not supported, you have to do a fresh install, I did it myself after wifi problems on 1.0417:46
snoopieconnaissez vous une clé usb wifi compatible sous bt4 intégrant injection de paquet?17:46
momoleejasongriffee maximise MASTER,PCM and FRONT by navigating to each and pressing the upward arrow17:46
nerdshellI'm trying to install Arch LInux with VMbox on a virtual machine, and when I have to choose the hard drive to install in, do I have to choose the automatic option, or will it erase my Ubuntu partition ?17:46
inimegDoh.... thank god for backups....17:47
inimegi hate reinstalling17:47
jasongriffeemomolee, alsamixer?17:47
Soyonerdshell: I am not sure if your going to find support for Arch Linux in #ubuntu..17:47
jonynobody got this problem?17:47
momoleejasongriffee yes in alsamixer17:47
red2kic!classic | inimeg17:48
ubottuinimeg: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.17:48
venik212any SAMBA experts?  I get an error message: failed to retrieve shares from server17:48
red2kicinimeg: You wanted classic gnome, ya? ;o17:48
venik212ubuntu 11.0417:48
jasongriffeemomolee, my issue now is that the sound prefs. won't boot17:48
nomorewindowsmonkeydust, what kernel should ubuntu 11.04 have17:48
Soyonerdshell: /join #archlinux17:48
red2kic!info linux-image | nomorewindows17:48
ubottunomorewindows: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)17:48
MonkeyDustnomorewindows: i'd say, the most recent17:48
red2kicnomorewindows: "uname -r" to see the version you're using.17:48
nerdshellsoyo : thanks17:48
momoleejasongriffee what OS are you using?17:49
jasongriffeeubuntu 11.0417:49
inimeginstalling 11.04 broke my vmware and made flash all wonky in firefox (hard to watch pron) my system is working for the most though17:49
morecheesehi all. getting a segmentation fault when using medusa... "error 6 in libc-2.11.1.so". tried reinstalling libc6 and medusa, still getting it.17:49
momoleeJasongriffee tried rebooting the machine? I once expirienced probs with sound prefs. when I connected my Bluetooth headset17:50
jasongriffeei thought that was a windows only issue17:51
Kronjasongriffee, I had a similar issue on my home system last night where a USB headset wouldn't show up after being plugged in. I rebooted and it worked fine.17:51
ugurhello i got a problem about autostart17:51
jasongriffeelet me reboot17:51
Kronjasongriffee, similar in that sound prefs was acting goofy17:51
Akanii get that same issue with ieked sometimes17:51
uguri have tried different way but couldnt start conky after login17:51
momoleejasongriffee will be waiting for you ...17:52
ugurwhat can i do ?17:52
jonyso nobody has this problem with unpresseble buttons?17:53
jonyyou have to press a little bit upper to have a response?17:53
momoleetouch hola17:54
wildc4rdevenin all17:54
Kronjony, I have had that happen a couple of times. Fairly consistently on my home system when I open Banshee from the Sound notifier and have it full screen.17:55
venik212any SAMBA experts?  I get an error message: failed to retrieve shares from server... I am using 11.04 (everything worked until then... )17:55
Kronjony, Unfortunately I haven't found a resolution :/17:55
linuxrealmGood Morning Ubuntu17:56
Kronlinuxrealm, Morning17:56
jonyok, and the second problem: I cannot reopen from the left taskbar the transmission remote gui... why? :(17:56
linuxrealmhello kron17:57
jonyit's icon backround remins red17:57
erixHello, Php works fine on default site under sites-avaiable but not works for sites which I have created. Do I need to configure a file ?17:57
jonyand sometimes it's blinking in red17:57
jasongriffeerebooted, vol now works, still issue with headphones17:57
Kronjony, Interesting... I have had that problem as well on my dual-monitor set up at home once as well. Wish I had answers, I can only confirm you are not alone...17:58
momoleedo they have a jack or they are bluetooth headphones?17:58
OsmodivsThis configuration file contains information formerly contained in the upper section of GRUB Legacy's menu.lst and items contained on the end of the kernel line      But when I GEDIT, there is just a blank file, there a re no code inside that file17:58
jasongriffeewhen i put headphones in, it mutes it, unmutes when pulled out17:59
uguri need help about autostart and conky17:59
jonyKron, thank you17:59
MarkSSHow do I do System>Administration>Update Manager from the command line? Then how do I make everything in the list install?17:59
ugurconky doesn't start automaticly17:59
momoleealsamixer next to master "m" where it's printed headphones17:59
jasongriffeemomolee, they are standard plug17:59
KronMarkSS, from command line run update-manager18:00
momoleejasongriffee alsamixer next to master "m" where it's printed headphones18:00
jasongriffeehold on18:00
mordofk, an application locked up - but i can't figure out what process it is to kill it :\18:01
jasongriffeewhen I manually move vol. after muting, it plays through both outputs18:01
KronMarkSS, Sorry, if you want to actually update from command line (no GUI available) you'll need to run "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade"18:01
MarkSSKron: Is there a way to do it without bringing up update-manager? I guess a pure non-GUI way. Mostly want to know for learning purposes18:01
MarkSSah thanks!18:01
KronMarkSS, Sure thing18:01
MarkSSKron: What about distributions? If say 11.10 or whatever comes out and I do upgrade will it install that automatically without my permission? Or is that a different set of commands?18:02
momoleeremove and reput the jack with the vol at the max the reduce the vol but not to 018:02
mordofis there any way to list frozen applications?18:02
jasongriffeemomolee, what?18:02
KronMarkSS,  "sudo apt-get upgrade" should NOT upgrade distro. You'd have to run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" for that18:03
momoleeremove and re-insert the jack with the vol at the max then reduce the vol but not to 0  to prevent dual output18:03
ceoall brotha18:03
mordofscreenlets have frozen on my desktop, how do i find their process or name so i can kill them?18:03
ceoam need coverstion pdf file to odt file how i do?18:03
KronMarkSS, the man page for apt-get is pretty thorough18:03
jasongriffeemomolee, i can't just do that, i'm sitting right under a glassbreaker sensor18:04
conanhi guys18:04
jonyis there any movie automatic subtitle searcher like that on in bsplayer?18:04
geekbriguys, im trying guys im trying to setup a bind server so that i can send nsupdates from a remote server, but when i try i get the message NOTAUTH(BADKEY) and i'm not sure why as i believe i set the keys up properly18:05
OsmodivsWhat's wrong with my start uop Manager??  osmodivs@Djiin:~$ startupmanager18:05
Osmodivsg_dbus_connection_real_closed: Remote peer vanished with error: Underlying GIOStream returned 0 bytes on an async read (g-io-error-quark, 0). Exiting.18:05
OsmodivsI want to change the splash screen in the GRUB menu, but nothing's working18:06
shmupEverytime I log onto my VPS, I get two separate announcments on my packages. The first says 0 updates (which reflects truth), the other says 17 and 19.18:06
jetoleDoes anyone know if there is a way for me to install a previous version of a package through apt-get or aptitude?18:06
jasongriffeemomolee, how should i proceed?18:07
mang0Guys, for some reason Ubuntu is a lil laggy on my computer...any ideas why?18:08
seanismmang0: how old is your PC?18:08
jonyfrom where i can see the opened windows list in 11.04?18:08
mang0seanism: I don't actually know18:08
mang0but I know the exact specs18:08
seanismmang0: First time using Ubuntu?18:08
mang01.46ghz processor, single core. 1.5GB ram etc18:08
mang0seanism: yes it is18:09
tobyburtonis the graphics card onboard or?18:09
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mang0nessonic: are you talking to me?18:09
seanismmang0: Laptop or desktop?18:09
nessonicmang0: yes18:09
mang0The card is built into the motherboard18:10
Priestdoes anyone have the time to help with a boot loader question?18:10
mang0!ask | Priest18:10
ubottuPriest: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:10
li0swhy when i go fullscreen on youtube the size of the video remains the same but the whole desktop perimeter goes black?18:11
* Nabiki is dancing in joy joy in the freeness of linux!18:11
Nabikihate windoz18:12
seanismmang0: did you live boot or install ubuntulo118:12
mang0Seanism lol, I installed18:12
seanismmang0: Did you say it was a desktop or laptop? sorry closed my window18:12
seanismmang0: custom built or store bought?18:13
mang0Custom I believe18:13
mang0It's second hand18:13
dlynesworkIs there a requirement that /linuxrc must set the root filesystem onto a ramdisk?18:13
seanismmang0: Which version of ubuntu did you install?18:13
PriestI have installed Ubuntu before, but as a standalone OS.  I have just tried Dual boot for the first time doing the install beside a windows OS.  I followed steps outlined in the ubuntu help pages but when going from cold boot the machine only goes to the windows install.  Some help making it use the correct bootloader would be appreciated.18:14
mang0seanism: 11.0418:14
mang0from the alternate CD installer18:14
li0scan someone help me to make youtube videos go fullscreen size?18:14
seanismmang0: Try 10.41 perhaps?18:14
seanism11.04 is a little more resource intense18:14
mang0Hold on, I think it's to do with the face I have a few differant apps running18:15
mang0BLOODY DOCKY18:15
nessonica 1.4 processor is somewhat low; I've had problems with a 2.4 before with 10.1018:15
FloodBot1mang0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
FoolishOwlHello. I notice synaptic lists manpages-pl as a missing recommend on my system. I haven't intentionally installed anything in Polish, and the list of packages of which it's a dependency look like standard packages. Is there a way to check exactly which package is asking for manpages-pl, if only so I can report a bug properly?18:15
seanismmang0: haha yea close some stuff out18:15
mang0gonna restart18:15
mang0docky is pissing me off18:15
jonyI want an automatic subtitle search for movies when I staqrt a movie18:16
jonylike in Bsplayer18:16
MarkSSCan I install things in another language if my Ubuntu is English?18:16
danohuiginnis there some shell utility that can tell me whether the output of a command is empty? e.g. read stdin, return 1 if it gets any output, 0 otherwise.18:17
FoolishOwlMarkSS, yes.18:17
MarkSSFoolishOwl: Do I need to do anything special or will it just work?18:17
cjaredrunMarkSS there are many localisations available on the installation disc18:17
cjaredrunjust select which one when prompted18:17
MarkSSI guess I do not know what ta do18:17
seanismgood luck mand018:18
FoolishOwlMarkSS, are you trying to install a specific application, that happens to be written in another language?18:18
OsmodivsThe tutorial telss me to do this: The GRUB 2 splash images are controlled by the WALLPAPER line in /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme. Open this file for editing as root and find this line:    WALLPAPER="/usr/share/images/desktop-base/moreblue-orbit-grub.png" But there is no such a line, the line I found and that resembles the most is this one:  # If we haven't found a background image yet, use the default from desktop-base.  if set_background_image "/usr/sha18:18
Osmodivsre/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png"; then18:18
MarkSSI am considering doing it just for grins. Want to know how.18:18
OsmodivsBut there is no/usr/images/desktop-base folder18:19
li0scan someone help me to make youtube videos go fullscreen size?18:20
nessonicOsmodivs: Just wondering, but have you tried creating it?18:20
FoolishOwlMarkSS, I think it wouldn't take anything special, usually, but if it has dependencies, you may wish to go -> System Settings -> Language Support, and install support for the language. That shouldn't interfere with your English language settings.18:20
jonybest movie player in ubuntu?18:20
josuf107danohuiginn: you can use bash string comparison (i.e. if [ $(cmd) -eq ""]18:20
Azelphur!best | jony18:21
ubottujony: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:21
gnarlygroundhogli0s: http://www.techbangalore.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/facebook_youtube_fullscreen.png18:21
Azelphurjony: some recommendations would be the default one, vlc or mplayer :)18:21
gnarlygroundhogthe youtube player's been updated since that screenshot. it should be in the same area though.18:21
FoolishOwlAnyone else seen the issue with manpages-pl? Or know a way to determine what package I have installed is recommending it?18:21
jonya good movie player?18:21
MonkeyDustli0s: use Totem to watch youtube videos full screen18:21
venik212when I click NETWORK in PLACES, it asks for a password, and when I type it in, it immediately asks for the password again (and again...);  What do I do?18:21
danohuiginnthanks josuf10718:21
Azelphurjony general consensus is that VLC is good :)18:21
venik212ubuntu 11.0418:22
li0sgnarlygroundhog that's exactly my problem :D18:22
Osmodivsnessonic,  No, well, it's GRUB, I just can't create something like that, I have GRUB images in /usr/share/images/grub But I want to know IF that's  the right line to modify18:22
mang0right, I've got a problem. I start up docky and it says I need to composite or somthing.....18:22
necromancerhow do i find where a package came from (its source) after i already installed it?18:22
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mzuverinkwhat is it in do I have to change in Ubuntu to simulate the "at+ctrl+esc" close frozen program like in knoppix?18:23
MonkeyDustnecromancer: use sudo apt-cache policy18:23
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
necromancerMonkeyDust: hmm that's not quite what i was looking for, but maybe telling you my actual problem might help. i'm trying to install the package sun-java6-jdk, but when I do apt gives me this error: "Package sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package."18:26
necromanceracting like it doesn't exist in any repo18:26
DrMax_is there an alternative to the gnome cpu-freq applet that shows all 8 or 16 CPUs in a same widget? (the current gnome-cpu-freq thingie can monitor only one CPU at a time)18:26
necromancerMonkeyDust: but it installs fine on my VM of Ubuntu, which is running Joes 8.04. the VPS i'm trying to install on is running Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS18:26
josuf107danohuiginn: no problem18:27
mand0seanism i think you meant mang0 :D18:27
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HyperShockanyone know why ubuntu.com is down?18:27
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=== Apple is now known as slow-motion
mand0it's not ?18:28
DJonesHyperShock: Its working for me18:28
HyperShockdjones: are you there now?18:28
dios_miois not down18:28
DJonesYes, front page18:28
nomorewindowson grub cmd line when i do ls (hd0,1)/boot which is my ubuntu partiotion it gives A????????????end??????????????????18:28
nomorewindowsidk why18:28
HyperShockok, that's odd, cause i get everything but them. ie the forums i can get.18:28
DJonesHyperShock: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ubuntu.com18:28
necromancerahhh never mind i think i got it. i was googling wrong i guess :) http://happy-coding.com/install-sun-java6-jdk-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/18:29
SnakkahHi. I know a lot of you will not recommend doing this, but I was wondering if there is a way to use GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid 64-bit. I added the appropriate PPA (ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3) to my Software Sources but when I update the repos, it says it can't find the packages for my 64-bit system.18:29
novitololoHi: I've a problem.  I've created a partition with Windows, and Grub has disappeared.  I'm trying to find where are the Grub files, but I can't find in any of my two Linux partitions (home and root partition).  Any thoughts please?18:29
SnakkahI really just wanted to try it out more than anything.18:29
MonkeyDustnovitololo: try this (non-english text) => http://paste.ubuntu.com/604137/18:29
MonkeyDustnomorewindows: try this => http://paste.ubuntu.com/604137/18:30
ZGrubI've got a grub issue booting into my windows. windows is installed on a raid array of 2 disks ubuntu is installed on single disk18:30
HyperShockDJones: lol, that site says its down.18:30
Guest63930anyone else suffering from a wifi regressions since a few days??18:30
nomorewindowsmonkey where would i paste thatÉ18:30
MonkeyDustnomorewindows: not paste, but execute18:31
nomorewindowsohh ok18:31
DJonesHyperShock: Odd, it says its up & working for me18:31
MonkeyDustnomorewindows: when in GRUB, press C18:31
alesanhi, how do I uninstall the "ubuntu" font?18:31
nomorewindowsbut thats what i do but it tells me please load the kernel first18:31
alesanit looks like comics18:31
alesanI had removed it shortly after it was introduced, after the upgrade to 11.04 here it is again18:31
MarkSSHow do I change the language for my menus, interface and everything I read with Ubuntu?18:32
Soupermanitoupdate the language packs18:33
MarkSSI did that.18:33
MarkSSI think...18:33
alesanwhat was the name of the ubuntu font? I mean the file, so that I can find it and delete it18:33
novitololoMonkeyDust if I press C in grub it says Erorr 27: Unrecognized command18:34
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
kristianpaulubuntu.com down?18:34
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cjaredrunmust be just you kristianpaul18:34
schnuffleme too18:34
HyperShockdjones: it required me to prepend www, so it works that way.18:35
kristianpaulha loading now18:35
kristianpaulwas like 5 minutes18:35
HyperShockis there a way to see what is being worked on for the next update?18:35
MarkSSHow do I see all of the dependencies for a program from the commandline?18:36
trismMarkSS: apt-cache depends package_name;18:36
MonkeyDustalesan: type => locate ubuntu-font18:36
saegehey, i'm going to install ubuntu on the 2nd hdd in my desktop pc. now the question is where to install the bootloader? on the 2nd hdd where ubuntu will be installed or on the 1st hdd where win7 is installed?18:37
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trismMarkSS: and you can change the language on the login screen, if you installed the proper language packs from Control Center/Language Support18:37
ZinovaSlooks like my wifi card was not found as well as mouse after upgrade tu ubuntu 11 :(18:37
MarkSStrism: Thank you.18:37
HyperShocksaege: the bootloader goes on the hdd that boots the system, so the win7 drive18:37
jedixhey, I'm trying to use kdenlive to edit videos, but the sound in my recording makes me sound liek a robot18:37
jedixlast I checked, I do not sound this way18:38
HyperShocksaege: if you don't do that you will never see the linux18:38
novitololoI'm trying to recover Grub but when doing find /boot/grub/stage1 it says Error 15: File not found.  Please any thoughts?18:38
thwg2005any hdmi audio out experts out there?18:38
saegeHyperShock, and only the section that will be overwritten is the mbr, right?18:38
saegeso any files are still there?18:38
T0X|Cubuntu website is down :-(18:38
thwg2005I can get VLC to output audio by selecting volume: "keep audio level between sessions"18:39
HyperShocksaege: yeah that's correct18:39
thwg2005I can't get any other programs to output audio18:39
BluesKajthwg2005, some hdmi cards need to have the soundcard output connected to the audio input on the hdmi card18:39
saegeHyperShock, erm, in my case, is this /dev/sdb ATA WDC or /dev/sdb1 Windows 7 (loader)18:39
lfformanany one have trouble accessing ubuntu website?18:40
thwg2005BluesKaj: I'm using NVidia GT 43018:40
T0X|Cis ubuntu EOP, endo fo project?18:40
thwg2005BluesKaj: no dedicated sound card18:40
T0X|Clfforman: they are down again18:40
=== Bagualas is now known as Guest19977
HyperShocksaege: it is sdb1 as sdb is the entire drive18:40
malik_hi all, Is it possible to have multiple linux installers on one USB Disk using unetbootin?18:40
lolmaticare there any nice tools for designing wordpress themes on ubuntu?18:40
BluesKajthwg2005, is there an audio input on the hdmi card?18:40
saegeHyperShock, ok, thanks18:40
korst3nSo I have set up SSH and an arbitrary app that listens to TCP. I can't access sshd over the internet but i can access to the second app. what might forbid WAN login to SSHD?18:41
thwg2005BluesKaj: no18:41
HyperShocksaege: but you don't specify the exact partition with the grup-install command, you specify the drive so it will be /dev/sdb18:41
IR5183Hey did anyone solve the problem regarding the dual screen wallpapers?18:41
thwg2005BluesKaj: I am trying to edit /etc/asound.conf to see if that'll make it happy18:41
thwg2005BluesKaj: but haven't had much luck18:41
nomorewindowswhy cant i access my /boot folder from grub but on an other partition i can18:41
HyperShocksaege: sorry i meant grub-install18:41
saegeHyperShock, ok, so i can choose /dev/sdb without any loss of data on this drive?18:42
IR5183cause in 9.10 worked great and now in 11.04 it doesn´t18:42
HyperShocksaege: yes18:42
saegeHyperShock, ok, i'll start ;) thank you18:42
HyperShockseage: yeppers18:43
=== IR5183 is now known as Tuteg
HyperShocknomorewindows: what do you mean? or rather why are you having a need to do that?18:43
malik_Is it possible to have multiple linux installers on one USB Disk using unetbootin?18:44
BluesKajthwg2005, then you may need to run a seperate audio line out to the sound system device you're using ...for instance I use an hdmi out for video/tv and spdfi/pc coax audio out to my digital coax input of my audio receiever18:44
thwg2005BluesKaj: it's weird that I can make it work in VLC, though - seems like I should be able to set it globaly18:45
nomorewindowshyper i cant load my ubuntu so i need to sload the kernel right? but when i load  it says you need to load the kernel first so if in grub i do ls(hd0,1)éboot it it gives me ???????????????????????????????????6 so it wont laod the kernel; from éboot18:45
Tutege/ip.] cierra [Quit: Page closed ]18:45
Tuteg14:44                       ------» ¦ radarek [~radarek@nat1-21.ghnet.pl] entra18:45
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Tuteg14:44                       «------ ¦ MarkSS [~stevenb19@c-76-98-12-141.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] sale "Ex-Chat"18:45
Tuteg14:44                       ------» ¦ DarkEra [~DarkEra@d54C17A3C.access.telenet.be] entra18:45
Tuteg14:44                       «------ ¦ DarkEra [~DarkEra@d54C17A3C.access.telenet.be] cierra [Changing host ]18:45
Tuteg14:44                       ------» ¦ DarkEra [~DarkEra@unaffiliated/darkera] entra18:45
FloodBot1Tuteg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:45
Tutegdam sorrt. Does anyone now how to fix the dual screen wallapaper issue18:46
HyperShocknomorewindows: boot will be at (hd0,0)18:46
BluesKajthwg2005, it's unfortunate that the hdmi card and soundcard don't link ...sorry but that's about all I know how to do18:46
HyperShocknomorewindows: that is if you gave boot its own partition18:46
thwg2005BluesKaj: I appreciate it18:47
HyperShocknomorewindows: if you didn't, ie standard ubuntu install, then the line will read (hd0,0)/boot18:47
pipegeekmaverick here.  the resolv.conf man page states that setting $LOCALDOMAIN overrides the search path in /etc/resolv.conf, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.  Is this true for anyone else?18:47
ZinovaShow to get mouse back on lenovo 3000 laptop after upgrade to ubuntu11 ?18:47
Tutegdoes anyone know how to fix the dual screen wallapaper issue?18:48
HyperShockzinovas: touchpad or mouse? if mouse: usb or ps2?18:49
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ZinovaSHyperShock, both dont work, tryed replug usb mouse, still dont work. cursor does not apear...18:49
MonkeyDustnomorewindows: try this to boot Ubuntu, it does not change or repair GRUB => http://paste.ubuntu.com/604171/18:50
bobhopeHello, how can I get ubuntu to show me the source code of its pthreads library?18:50
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
HyperShockZinovaS: does lsusb show your external mouse?18:50
ZinovaSHyperShock, will check, but dmsh log shows low speed device then i plug it (only one line, no lines like configuration or something..)18:51
trip_Whats the best free virus scanner for Linux18:53
HyperShockzinovas: did you just upgrade to 11.04?18:53
venik212why am I being asked for the SAMBA passwd repeatedly?18:53
trip_HyperShock: whats the best free virus scanner for linux?18:54
Calinoutrip_: there's almost no virus on linux, my opinion18:54
ZinovaSHyperShock, yes. upgraded, rebooted and mouse does not work. also it chose gnome and not uniti couse my hardware is old..18:54
Calinoulet's say you "don't need it", and i don't know if one exists18:54
OsmodivsWhy can't  I rename this file ??  root@Djiin:/usr/share/images/grub# rename Grub Splash Screen.png  TuxScreen.png18:54
OsmodivsBareword "Grub" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.18:54
HyperShocktrip_:  that's a non-sequitor my friend. Linux doesn't get infected, you only have to safeguard against hackers.18:54
Calinouin 2 years i haven't got any virus alert18:54
ocxhow can i add multiple poll in my fetchmailrc18:55
ocxonly the first  is working fine18:55
ocxthe othewrs are not18:55
llutzOsmodivs: rename "Grub Splash Screen.png"  TuxScreen.png18:55
Calinouyou just need to be prudent on the internet18:55
Calinouthat's all18:55
ocxwhat is the seperator18:55
HyperShockZinovaS: ok, were there any hiccups during upgrade?18:55
cecuretrip_: do you mean to scan pdfs etc for viruses that may affect windows?18:55
Osmodivsllutz, That's what i'm trying to do, rename it, but I get that message18:55
llutzOsmodivs: err:               mv "Grub Splash Screen.png"  TuxScreen.png18:55
llutzOsmodivs: rename works different, use mv18:56
HyperShockOsmodivs: put quotes around the filename with the spaces18:56
Osmodivsllutz, Ok, I'll try it18:56
llutzOsmodivs: "man rename"   how that works (more suitable for mass-renaming)18:56
nomorewindowsmonkeydust, i tried that several times it wont read anything from my /boot/ but when i load it with my backtrack kernel it loads but i get busybox18:56
HyperShocknomorewindows: you may want to backup your home directory somewhere and do a fresh install, then reload your home directory18:57
* HyperShock wonders where ZinovaS went ...18:58
ZinovaSHyperShock, well.. it took very long time.. so i left laptop alone, and in the morning it was of, so i turned it no and no mouse...18:58
=== mathieu is now known as mathieubee
mathieubeehello, I'm running ubuntu 11.04 and trying to use Unity with dual monitors on an nvidia card.. However, i cannot drag a window across to the other display18:59
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mathieubeeit just snaps to the main display18:59
HyperShockZinovaS: I've got several ideas to try: 1) sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-input-mouse; sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-mouse  or 2) sudo dpkg -a --configure or 3) sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-broken .. in that order I would try them until the mouse works again19:00
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SinnerNyxTrying to stop terminal 'blank' screensaver. Tried everything with setterm. I put it in rc.local first and then I put it in profile. either way it still blanks19:00
ZinovaSHyperShock, thanks, will try19:01
HyperShockZinovaS: aye19:01
=== irvee is now known as irv
rpkIs anyone else experiencing an issue where they'll occasionally lose the title bar and max / min / close buttons?  (11.04, classic)19:01
SnakkahHi. I was wondering, is there a way to change the Trash's name to "Garbage" or some other name?19:01
ZinovaScan you say, how with keyboard i can get to terminal, i see window, but i cant focuse it.. :/19:01
ashmew2Hi , im having problems with my mouse pointer , some links are just dead randomly , some buttons arent clickable at times..what do i do ? I also posted a thread about this on UF , but to no avail yet , could someone please help ? Thanks , heres the link : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175098219:02
=== basti2 is now known as basti
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jonywhy is the sound in vlc player distorted?19:04
mathieubeeHas anyone any idea why this is happening?19:04
jonyI'm using ubuntu 11.0419:04
mathieubeeI just want to drag a window onto my other display19:05
HyperShockmathieubee: have you checked to see if you have the latest video drivers?19:07
Tapisanybody have some clue about the steps to follow in order to build our own Ubuntu iso FROM an existing installation, with basic tools, not with a script/GUI/whatever like remastersys :)19:08
Tapis( FROM an existing installation guys, not from an iso, or whatever )19:09
INEEDHELPcould someone help me with something?19:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:09
ZinovaSHyperShock, thanks, reconfigure helped, mouse works again ;)19:09
LAcananyone feel like being a blackhat helper real quick?19:09
INEEDHELPI've deleted themes on ubuntu but they still appear in Appearence?????19:10
CreetureSince my upgrade to 11.04, I'm having a lot of problems with X. Windows leaving artifacts on top of other windows, immediate logout of desktop if try to run winecfg, etc.19:10
mang0Guys, I'm having trouble with docky. Some of the options (hide, magnify etc) are not click-able in the docky options19:11
mang0This is to do with configuring it or somehting...19:11
INEEDHELPI've deleted themes on ubuntu but they still appear in Appearence?????19:11
ActionParsnipCreature: does it happen if you turn off effects?19:11
INEEDHELPI can't turn on effects19:11
LAcanINEEDHELP, why did you delete the themes? thats not necessary19:12
=== JesusLovesYou is now known as JesusHatesLefty
Snakkahhow do I reset gconf?19:12
INEEDHELPWell I did but now they won't dissapear19:12
ActionParsnipINEEDHELP: i was addressing creature...19:12
CreetureActionParsnip: I use Classic No Effects desktop (metacity). Happens there. More limited, but also happens in Unity.19:12
spankbotHow do I take a screenshot ?19:12
trismspankbot: print screen button, or run gnome-screenshot19:13
LAcanspankbot, print screen button19:13
=== Nappz-Zzz is now known as Nappz
CreetureI see a similar bug reported for Lucid, but I didn't have problems there or on Maverick.19:13
ActionParsnipSnakkah: the panels factoid shows how to reset one folder in gconf. Just change the item reset to /  then logout and login and you should get vanilla settingz19:14
CreetureAlready tried setting apps/metacity/general/capture_before_unmap to false (as mentioned in another bug). No help. Tried GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1. No help.19:14
mang0Hm. Guys, when I mouse over somethng in Docky, it appears in the top left of the screen :S19:15
spankbottrism, LAcan, I should have explained, I know the printscreen works, but I want to take just capture a specific window.  In Winders, I can set focus on an open window and Ctrl+Print Screen, to capture that, in Ubuntu, I don't see that working the same.  Is there another way?19:15
ActionParsnipCreeture: does it only happen with wine related things?19:15
REKanyone tried hackintosh?19:15
ActionParsnipRek: that's offtopic here19:16
REKActionParsnip: Any IRC you know of that can help ?19:16
CreetureActionParsnip: The crash so far only happens with wine. The window tearing and artifacting is across all applications (QT, GTK+, etc.) I can also crash it very easily by running gitk19:16
trismspankbot: first thought is in gimp, File/Create/Screenshot/single window19:16
spankbottrism, is gimp the photoshop of LNX?19:17
ActionParsnipRek: #hackintosh if it exists19:17
trismspankbot: I think there is a key combo for a single window though, I'll see if I can foind it19:17
Creeturespankbot: The "Take Screenshot" application will give you the option of what to capture.19:17
ioneyedAnyone get natty narwhol on a thinkpad t410 with the hybrid gpu working properly? I found a few sites that got natty working with an ATI hybrid gpu but not many on the T41019:17
REKspankbot: Yes19:17
spankbotREK, thanks, I'm going to pull it down19:17
arand_spankbot: use alt+prntscrn instead19:17
Creeturespankbot: If you can't find it in the menu, try 'gnome-screenshot --interactive' from the cmdline, bind it to your PrintScrn key.19:17
=== arand_ is now known as arand
HyperShockZinovaS: you are welcome my friend19:18
REKspankbot: what is exactly your problem?19:18
ActionParsnipCreeture: is it a clean install or an upgrade? Which release are you using?19:18
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CreetureActionParsnip: Upgrade. 11.04 x86_6419:18
ActionParsnipCreeture: nvidia video chip by any chance?19:19
CreetureActionParsnip: Nope. Saw that bug. This is Radeon.19:19
CreetureSame symptoms, with the "EQ Overflowing" in xorg log19:19
spankbotREK, I'm trying to take a screenshot of just 1 open application, I can use print screen, save, then use Gimp to crop.. but that's extra steps where I'm use to using "ctrl+Print Screen" in Windows on a focused app.19:19
HyperShockspankbot: you can do a screenshot by pressing the printscrn button at the upper right of your keyboard, if a dialog doesn't popup asking where to save it, you can then open a image program like gimp and choose paste, as it will be in the buffer19:20
LAcanspankbot, look in your keyboard shortcuts. there is a key combo for just the window19:20
ActionParsnipCreeture: using open or proprietary driver19:20
mang0lmao, spankbot....that is an epic name19:20
CreetureActionParsnip: Open19:20
hazzhi there i messed up with the upgrade, not having enough space in the /boot  it stopped can someone follow me pls?19:20
llutzspankbot: "import screen.png" then click the window you want19:20
=== Dunas__ is now known as Dunas
CreetureActionParsnip:  I upgraded to the drivers from xorg-edgers ppa, but didn't help. Removed that and went back to distro provided packages. Same issue.19:21
spankbotmang0, it dates back to my Quake handle.. I use to be good19:21
REKspankbot: oh I did the long way mostly :P . Well you need a third party software for that purpose IMO but wait alot of guys here have extra to addon19:21
hazzi resized the boot disk19:21
hazzi changed the /etc/fstab19:21
arandspankbot: Once again, use alt+prntscrn instead19:21
mang0Does anyone here use Docky? I need help!19:22
mathieubeeHyperShock: yes I have, actually19:22
ActionParsnipCreeture: strange. Not sure personally, maybe others can help. Is there a bug with the video chip using natty? Try creating a fresh user to see if its bad settings19:22
hazztower is keeping me sayng that i'm using natty but it's not true19:22
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spankbotREK, its no problem19:22
spankbotarand, you nailed it!19:23
REKmang0: I do19:23
CreetureActionParsnip: Back in a minute. We'll see if it's settings.19:23
spankbotarand, that is exactly what I was looking for!19:23
ActionParsnipArand: 2nd time is a charm19:23
mathieubeehello, I'm running ubuntu 11.04 and trying to use Unity with dual monitors on an nvidia card.. However, i cannot drag a window across to the other display. It simply just snaps to the edge of the monitor.19:24
LAcanmathieubee, disable window snapping19:25
LAcanLAcan, i suggest tweak ubuntu for that19:25
LAcanerr mathieubee19:25
mang0REK: I had a problem, but I got help in #docky (lucky guess for the name lol)19:25
ActionParsnipmathieubee: its in ccsm, you don't19:25
Kronmathieubee, Do you have your Nvidia drivers set to "Twinview" mode?19:25
REKmang0: GOOD GOING19:26
conor_irelandwhat is ubuntu enterprise cloud as opposed to ubuntu server?19:26
ActionParsnipmathieubee: need 3rd party stuff for it19:26
mathieubeeKron, They're in "separate x screen"19:26
mathieubeeActionParsnip, any idea how to get something like this done?19:26
Kronmathieubee, That's why it's acting that way. I didn't have to change any of the window snapping and I'm on a dual-monitor setup with an NVIDIA card right now :)19:27
LAcanmathieubee, I just told you how19:27
=== novitololo_ is now known as novitololo
LAcanmathieubee, which ubuntu are you running?19:27
Crash1hdcan anyone tell me how I can download a legacy driver from maverik or roll back to maverik?19:27
CreetureActionParsnip: New user with completely empty settings. Same problem.19:27
mathieubeeWhere do I control the window snapping settings?19:27
LAcanmathieubee, install tweak ubuntu and then install the ccsm plug in. very simple19:27
ActionParsnipconor_ireland: research cloud computing. If you only have one box its not really going to benefit unless you have a lot of power.19:27
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ActionParsnipconor_ireland: and if you only need one server19:28
conor_irelandactionparsnip - thanks but how would it differ than me running 4 servers in virtualbox say?19:28
mathieubeeThanks, LAcan, I'm checking it out now19:28
c0nsenseHey! I want install a ubuntu 10.04.2 to test an exploit, but i need the kernel 2.6.32-24-generic the kernel now is 2.6.32-28-generic, how to install the kernel 2.6.32-24-generic?19:28
ashmew2Hi , im having problems with my mouse pointer , some links are just dead randomly , some buttons arent clickable at times..what do i do ? I also posted a thread about this on UF , but to no avail yet , could someone please help ? Thanks , heres the link : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175098219:28
LAcanmathieubee, in theres is definately a snapping option. u may not even need the ccsm plugin, but its nice to have anyways19:29
REKc0nsense: Use synaptic19:29
c0nsenseREK: it's a ubuntu server 10.04 lts.19:29
ActionParsnipconor_ireland: with more physical systems added to the cloud the processing will be shared19:29
kapare_Hi there, How do I remove the keyring pops at boot up... because I want to access that PC remote all the time and know it always bloc because of keyring.... I remove the .gnome2/keyring/login.keyring and just before rebooting I asking here???19:29
c0nsenseREK: without gnome.19:30
novitololoI'ev followed this guide in order to recover GRUB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows  After doing a restart, I can't see the GRUB and either pressing shift/esc doesn't show it either. ANyone could help me to see what's wrong with Grub?19:30
REKc0nsense: ohh :P my bad .. wait others can help you out ... have you tried the apt-get ?19:30
conor_irelandactionparsnip - hmm cool thanks19:30
Crash1hdI downloaded the nvidia driver and it installed fine in init 3 mode but when I go to activate it, it tells me that I have SystemError: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages?19:30
conor_irelandactionparsnip - so its sort of like a cluster as opposed to virtual machines?19:30
LAcanCrash1hd, howd you install it?19:30
ActionParsnipconor_ireland: very cool. You can spawn and kill systems as you need them, specifying cpu ram etc.19:31
ActionParsnipconor_ireland: very exciting19:31
conor_irelandactionparsnip - is it more like a cluster than a vm?19:31
conor_irelandbut a distributed cluster19:32
arandc0nsense: Do you specifically need the ubuntu-applied patches to be there or will the upstream .24 do?19:32
Crash1hdLAcan, well it was working fine until I upgraded to 11.04 then for whatever reason it stopped working, I tried reinstalling it from the repositorys but I kept getting the error so I also tried downloading it from nvidia website and dropping to init 3 mode and it installed just fine but when I go back to init 5 mode after resetting my display config to basic setup or I get no supported monitors I get the error when trying to activate19:32
Crash1hd it19:32
mathieubeeLAcan, I cannot find any option to control snapping with ubuntu tweak19:32
LAcanmathieubee, hold on19:32
ActionParsnipconor_ireland: kinda like vmware but as far as I'm aware the virtualized system doesn't run just on one box. Research will tell you more than I can. There are YouTube vids explaining it19:33
LAcanCrash1hd, did u try installing it thru "Additional Drivers" because that will allow u to enable third party drivers on your system, which seems like ur problem..19:33
popezaphI have an Asus 1015PN that I can allegedly tell to run graphics on Intel or Nvidia.  How do I confirm which one is active?19:33
Crash1hdLAcan, It seems to have something to do with the following package is missing from 11.04 xorg-video-abi-8..019:33
IcanhasnicknamenUm, hello...19:33
conor_irelandactionparsnip - ok thanks, the main ubuntu site doesnt have much but ill search around. thanks19:34
LAcanmathieubee, clikc Compiz Settings19:34
IcanhasnicknamenCould someone help me with a little problem?19:34
vakI don't see "Hibernate" option anymore since in Ubuntu 11 !19:34
IcanhasnicknamenAn audio problem?19:34
Crash1hdLAcan, I am in additional Drivers and I click on activate thats where I get the error I am not sure how you go about installing or uninstalling inside addition drivers? I dont see that as an option19:34
LAcanmathieubee, what do u see?19:34
KronIcanhasnicknamen, Ask away. Someone will help if they can19:34
mathieubeeI have to install compiz19:34
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LAcanCrash1hd, your gonna have to remove all your broken installs, i dont know how to do that, then add the drivers using the method i just showed u19:35
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arandc0nsense: Hang on, I read you version # incorrectly, you should be able to find those in the backlog of launchpad..19:35
IcanhasnicknamenMy audio stopped working all of a sudden... I use Xubuntu 11.0419:35
Crash1hdLAcan, Ok but how do I add inside additional drivers there is no add button19:35
LAcanmathieubee, so install compiz plugin and then u will see an option for snapping windows19:35
vakI don't see "Hibernate" option anymore since in Ubuntu 11 ! How to activate it again?19:35
LAcanCrash1hd, remove all your broken stuff first19:36
* LAcan can someone tell Crash1hd how to remove is bad/broken driver pakages?19:36
Crash1hdOk but when I run the command to remove broken stuff it doesnt show that there is anything broken19:36
mathieubeehmm, sadly it still snaps..19:36
ray24Hi, I get this message when I try to load Banshee "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation"19:36
arandc0nsense: From https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux you should find links to previous builds19:37
LAcanmathieubee, well thats fkd19:37
IcanhasnicknamenAnyone, help?19:37
LAcanCrash1hd, then remove them the same way u installed them19:37
Icanhasnicknamen*-multimedia UNCLAIMED19:37
Icanhasnicknamen       description: Audio device19:37
Icanhasnicknamen       product: N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller19:37
Icanhasnicknamen       vendor: Intel Corporation19:37
Icanhasnicknamen       physical id: 1b19:37
mathieubeeUnity has its own snapping which must be different from Compiz'?19:37
FloodBot1Icanhasnicknamen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
Icanhasnicknamen       bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.019:37
ravexHey ho guys19:37
LAcanmathieubee, yes that seems likely... I am using 10.04 with gnome19:37
Kronmathieubee, Just switch to Twinview and reboot if necessary19:37
mathieubeeTwinview just gives a cloned view19:38
Dr_Willistwinview can clone, or extend.19:38
SniiHi, I have a machine currently running ubuntu, and I would like to reinstall to the newest version or reset it to "defaults" (I may have messed around a bit). There is no cdrom or USB available. Does anyone have a quick solution?19:38
Dr_WillisI use it in extended mode all the time.19:38
mathieubeeit needs a new name, haha19:38
vakam I alone who doesn't see "Hibernate" option anymore?19:38
roboonce you install ubuntu from cd, what command should you run to make sure you have all the latest patches?19:38
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Dr_WillisAfter enabling TwinView. you normally MUST restart the X server for it to work properly19:39
Kronmathieubee, I'm running a dual-head setup right now and my nvidia-settings are set to twinview19:39
arandrobo: Start the update manager, refresh, upgrade.19:39
Dr_Willisor else some apps can get confused19:39
mathieubeeI'm trying it out now19:39
roboarand, do you know what command that is?19:39
popezaphI have an Asus 1015PN that I can allegedly tell to run graphics on Intel or Nvidia.  How do I confirm which one is active?19:40
Dr_Willispopezaph:  one of those DUal Video Card laptops? IVe heard they can well.. be probleatic in Linux. :(19:41
arandrobo: If you want to use the terminal for it: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade"19:41
roboah, okay19:41
Kronpopezaph, If you're talking about Optimus I believe there are still some issues with supporting it fully19:41
popezaphDr_Willis - People have figured stuff out on them, but I haven't poked Ubuntu in years so I'm not sure I did it correctly19:41
roboarand, i suppose update just installs patches while upgrade upgrades to the latest version?19:41
roboarand, yup, man page says it's so :-)19:42
popezaphKron - I'd be OK with just having Nvidia's stuff active and deal with the battery drain19:42
conor_irelandis ubuntu enterprise cloud any different to the normal server? like should i install it now if i might use it in the future or should i only install if i have 2 or more servers now?19:42
Dr_Willispopezaph:  You could try running the nvidia-settings tool and see what it says19:42
jordotechhow do i create a user's home dir with .bash_rc and all that for an existing user?19:42
popezaphDr - Thx19:42
Dr_Willisjordotech:  for an existing user? you would have to copy the files to their existing home, and chown them as needed I would imagine.19:42
arandrobo: No, update only updates the cache, upgrade upgrades to whatever the latest fix for your version of ubuntu is19:42
Dr_Willisjordotech:  its .bashrc also I think. :)  the stuff in /etc/skel gets copied to newly made users as a skeleton for their Home.19:43
roboah, okay arand. So a apt-upgrade won't cause it to jump to a new version. So if i'm running 10.04LTS i'll always stay on that version?19:43
jordotechDr_Willis, thanks and yes its .bashrc :)19:43
arandrobo: Yes, for that you'd need to use "sudo do-release-upgrade" instead19:44
uberfrauhey guys, when i unplug my headset and plug it back in, alsamixer doesn't save the settings that places the mic volume and boost up. how can i get it to save those settings?19:44
Dr_Willisjordotech:  theres some other files besides .bashrc you may want to check out. Depending on what you want to do. Then thers tye system wide bashrc in /etc19:44
Kronpopezaph, Not sure how to do that. Taking a quick look around19:44
jordotechsomething weird- new ubuntu install 11.04 doesn't allow tab to complete the command19:44
robocool; ty arand !19:44
Dr_Willisjordotech:  try 'source /etc/bash_completion'19:44
qrIn 11.04 ctrl+alt+numpadkeys resizes windows.  How do I turn this off?  It doesn't seem to be an option in the keyboard shortcuts configuration.19:44
Dr_Willisqr:  its a compiz setting.  grid plugin.19:45
andyccHello, does anyone know if there's a workaround for the Chromium extensions problem (i.e. "we don't support your browser just yet") besides installing Chrome?19:45
Dr_Willis!ccsm | qr19:45
ubottuqr: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:45
afrodeityno alt-f2 in classic19:45
Dr_Willisqr:  install and run ccsm.19:45
Kronpopezaph, You might want to read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165766019:45
Dr_Willisafrodeity:  i belive it worked here - last i tried classic.19:45
afrodeityDr_Willis: it's disappeared, how do I get it back?19:46
CreetureSo yeah...wine1.2 on classic desktop is brizzoken for me bad.19:46
Dr_Willisafrodeity:  No idea.19:46
mathieubeeThanks guys, Twinview worked flawlessly!19:46
popezaphKron - checking that out19:46
Dr_Willismathieubee:  :) theres aparently a lot of issues with Unity and dual monitor setups. so watch out.19:47
afrodeityDr_Willis: anybody know what the underlying app or framework is called?19:47
mathieubeeDr_Willis, will do19:47
Dr_Willisafrodeity:  i thought its part of metacity. or the gnome panel19:47
qrDr_Willis: excellent, thanks.19:47
CreetureIs there an easy to rollback to maverick once upgraded to natty? Can't work like this. Productivity has come to a halt.19:47
REKCreeture: NO :( you need a fresh install again :( like i had to19:48
CreetureREK: Figured. Already looking for my old DVD.19:49
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
CreetureDang. All I have is a 10.10 i386 server.19:49
CreetureOr a CentOS 4.8, but that ain't gonna help me.19:50
andornautJust upgraded to 11.04. Everything works, 'cept Banshee won't recognize my Nexus S (android). If I mount the usb drive via palimpset i get "Tried to unmount 14 GB Filesystem/ with no matching udev device" in banshee's debug log. Any ideas?19:50
hazzafter the upgrade X freezed how can i restore it?19:50
helmarhello... I can´t upgrade my laptop... I´m running 10.10 but 11.04 shows me "system program problem" and freezes19:51
shahrimanguys, i have a usb modem which works with ubuntu 9.04 (a kernel module that's compatible with an older linux kernel) is there a way to make it work with newer ubuntu releases?19:52
c0nsenseHey! i installed a new kernel.. so, now how can i select the other kernel? or set a new installed as default?19:52
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qrhow do I adjust the animation when switching virtual desktops?19:55
andyccHello, does anyone know if there's a workaround for the Chromium extensions problem (i.e. "we don't support your browser just yet")?19:56
Kronc0nsense, If you're looking for an easy way to tweak grub you could try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Natty#Use_Startup_Manager_to_change_Grub_settings19:56
CreetureThis is going to hurt my feelings.19:57
Kronqr, Install the ccsm package. You should be able to tweak whatever you want from the CompizConfig Settings Manager19:57
qrKron: I just installed that but I can't find the setting for this particular animation19:58
erryguys, anyone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173736019:58
qrthey're not given terribly obvious names19:58
dagonthe new ubuntu release is garbage I swear19:58
Kronqr, Have you checked under "Desktop Wall"19:58
nomorewindowswow i just wiped my full hd and grub rescue shows up wtf19:58
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komodo169dagon: that seems to be the 'floating' opinion19:58
Creeturedagon: I agree enough that I'm reinstalling 10.10.19:58
dagonCreeture, I just did that lol19:59
qrKron: no I hadn't, thanks.19:59
komodo169i swithched to kubuntu and I'm quite happy with it19:59
nomorewindowsmy whole drive is wiped but i still get grub rescue on start19:59
Kronqr, NP19:59
arandc0nsense: Holding down shift at boot time will get you a menu of choice, editing /etc/default/grub will allow you to specify a default entry19:59
OmsniffiscentSometimes when I close Google Chrome, I get logged out. Anyone heard of this issue?20:00
linuxrealmerry looks like: irq errors = hardware failure emminent20:00
frostschutznomorewindows: well, it has to be coming from somewhere => so its not wiped, or maybe you had another grub on another disk20:00
dagontoo many distros to keep track of20:00
CreetureWhomever is responsible for the whole Unity-by-default thing obviously isn't in this channel.20:00
nomorewindowsits alll wiped20:00
BluesKajnomorewindows, depends how you wiped your drive , what app you used20:00
nomorewindowsbut theres still a partition table20:00
nit-witnomorewindows, grub is in the mbr any install will overwrite it20:00
frostschutznomorewindows: then you didnt wipe a drive but a partition on that drive :)20:01
komodo169nomorewindows: you need to do a low-level format to get rid of that20:01
arandc0nsense: After editing that you will need to run "update-grub"20:01
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komodo169in other words: it's not wiped20:01
* Creeture pulls the trigger. Back in a bit. I hope.20:01
BluesKajnomorewindows, then create a new partition table20:01
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nit-witnomorewindows, what is your goal with that disk20:01
nomorewindowsthe clean my hdd and reinstall ubuntu 10.1020:02
frostschutznomorewindows: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=1M count=1 - overwrites first MB of a disk, that gets rid of grub, partitions, and might kill the filesystem on the first partition20:02
frostschutznomorewindows: if your goal is a clean reinstall that's all you have to do, no need to wipe the entire drive20:02
nomorewindowskk ty20:02
nit-witnomorewindows, the install will over write the mbr-first 512MB on disk AKA master boot record.20:02
nomorewindowsmy ubuntu partition is corrupt so i have no coice frost20:03
zuslooking for a link  on how to move the side launcher to the bottom 11.0420:03
zusor even customising unity?20:03
nit-witnomorewindows, ?20:03
Crash1hdLAcan, Ok it looks like there was no support for nvidia-96 in natty there is a bug report regarding it and it also indicates that it is confirmed to still occur in beta 1 is there anyway to rollback to maverik20:03
usr13zus: Rotate monitor 90deg right.20:04
nit-witnomorewindows, are you able to boot the cd now?20:04
mordofis it possible to set up 2 seperate X screens that is capable to drag windows between the two?20:04
LAcanCrash1hd, not that I know of. u can do a clean lucid install...20:05
Kronmordof, It's pretty easy to set up from both the ATI and Nvidia restricted drivers.20:05
mordoftrying to use TwinView right now, but for specific tasks i have to disable the one, and that is really messing with certain things20:05
mozeeehow can i install python on my ubuntu? which packages i have to install?20:05
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nomorewindows1 sec20:05
mordofKron: actually i'm finding it rather difficult. Seperate X Screens, not TwinView or the like20:05
Crash1hdLAcan, is lucid newer then maverik?20:05
OmsniffiscentAnyone else getting random logouts? Gnome Ubuntu 10.04. http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=397dc72d2002ea2d&hl=en20:05
LAcanCrash1hd, older 10.0420:06
mordofKron: it's not letting me drag windows between the two, they are completely isolated.. and the wrong monitor is the main one, and i can't change either of those from the nvidia driver panel20:06
Kronmordof, I've never had much luck changing things while it's running. Always used Twinview on Nvidia. Separate X doesn't work for me20:06
Crash1hdLAcan, ahh right hmm it seems I only really want to downgrade the nvidia driver20:06
Kronmordof, Not being able to drag between is what Separate X windows does. To my knowledge you have to use Twinview to have it act like a single desktop where you can drag windows around20:07
usr13Crash1hd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases20:07
c0nsenseKron: i think that grub is not installed20:07
Crash1hdusr13, thanks :)20:07
c0nsenseKron: how o install?20:07
nomorewindowsnit i get invalid number 1m20:07
mordofKron: hmm..20:08
mordofthis is so troublesome20:08
Kronmordof, Grub is the bootloader. Unless you intentionally changed bootloaders, you have it20:08
mordofKron: wrong person20:08
Kronmordof, sorry20:08
Kronc0nsense,  Grub is the bootloader. Unless you intentionally changed bootloaders, you have it20:08
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c0nsenseKron: but menu.list file don't exist20:09
usr13!grub2 | c0nsense20:09
ubottuc0nsense: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:09
ChronicSyncopeis it unusual that i don't have an /etc/jvm file?20:09
_archerhelp me with ubuntu maverick server edition please. it will hang up ~@ grub menu after resetting on a crash20:10
Kronc0nsense, The new version of grub moved the file to /etc/default/grub20:10
JimmioI'm following the steps on the download page to make a bootable USB stick from the iso on Mac.. and it's not bootable.20:11
usr13_archer: What happened to it?20:11
c0nsenseKron: how to access grub during initialization?20:11
Kronmordof, You should be able to change which is your main monitor by checking the "Make this the primary display for the X screen" but that may only be visible in Twinview...20:11
Kronc0nsense,  I believe holding down shift during boot will cause the menu to appear20:12
usr13c0nsense: Esc key20:12
_archerusr13, when it crash or unresponsive , i reset. but it will stop at grub loader . will not go on with default boot sequence20:12
ksidirtHey, Im running 11.04. Which version of JDK do i install? Linux x86 or Linux x64?20:12
usr13Kron: c0nsense Probably Shift or Esc either one will do it.20:12
_archerthis takes place on maverick server20:12
ManDayI've got two question for you guys of the GUIs: ONE: Any idea why an external USB Webcam of type Logitech QUICKCAM Messenger does work with CHEESE but not with Skype? TWO: If I use synaptics to "install" "qc-usb-source" which is said to be the source for the modules (??), does that *automatically* compile into the kernel?20:13
usr13_archer: YOu should see options there.  Right?20:13
_archerusr13:  but i am running vmware .. it is anonyying20:13
nmvictorwhich compiz plugins arranges the windows on the screen, I want to disable it for gnomenu, when I click on gnomenu at the awn bar, the menu is positioned on corners of the screen or sometimes even at the centre, I want the menu posotioned above the awn bar next to the gnomenu icon, like in windows, how do I achieve that, I know some compiz pugin is dictating that behaviour. Please help...20:13
usr13_archer: Oh well, I don't know then.  (I'm not a vmware user.)20:14
mordofKron: troublesome..20:14
_archerusr13:  any way to auto skip this manna l selection to default boot partition?20:15
Kronmordof, Nothing in Linux has given me as much trouble as display drivers ;)20:15
aBs0lut30hey guys, anybody know if there is a way to slave nic's without ifenslave? got a box that I reloaded and the switch is already setup for LACP, and wont bring up the interfaces so i cannot get to apt to install ifenslave :(20:15
Kronmordof, And Ubuntu makes is far easier than most distros I've used20:15
mordofKron: oh i know, same. understandable though as they're the most complex i would think20:15
mang0guys, I'm very new to Ubuntu, and I want to install WINE so I can run certain .exe files. How do I do that? I looked in the software center, but there were lots of things20:16
mordofKron: it'd be nice if i could get, at the very least, wine to work on my main display instead of at 0,020:16
jimrew can i get pidgen in kde?20:16
usr13_archer: I don't know20:16
coz_mand0,  open a terminal and type    sudo apt-get install wine20:16
mang0lolol, is it that simple?20:16
nit-witmang0, do you have a ms license if so check out a virtual as well20:16
coz_mand0,  yep :)20:16
mand0i' m not mang020:16
_archerusr13:  ty20:16
muell_mattoHi! I created an Audiocd Image using cdrdao. My has no copy protection.  When i brun this image i get a cd with white noise only. burning the same image in windows gives me my copy. has anybody an idea want went wrong?20:17
usr13aBs0lut30: ifconfig20:17
coz_mand0,  the other way is to open synaptic package manager   hit search and type in    wine20:17
mang0nit-wit: yes I do....why?20:17
mang0coz_ I'm mang020:17
Kronmordof, Have you tried dragging the monitors around in the nvidia-settings tool? If the monitors are backwards you can swap them that way20:17
mang0not mand020:17
_LoneCrowAnyone know how I can get a copy of vmware player for ubuntu?  Vmwares site seems to be broken.. I've registered and tried but it keeps sending me into a loop.  Anyone have a link somewhere?20:17
aBs0lut30usr13: whats the switch for that on ifconfig?20:17
coz_mang0,  sorry20:17
jimrewhow to i get pidgen in kubuntu?20:17
mordofKron: my monitor set up on my desk (physically) main monitor is on the right, secondary is on the left20:17
coz_mang0,   then mark the package for installation in synaptic20:17
pankaj_sharma_LoneCrow, vmware is not free20:18
mordofKron: TwinView accepts this just fine.  Wine has no support for spawning +1280 absolute positioning20:18
nit-witmang0, if you want to run MS reliably I would do it in a virtual wine has well some draw backs but to each there own.;)20:18
nmvictorwhich plugin dictates how windows are positioned on the screen/20:18
mordofKron: when using a virtualized desktop i mean20:18
_LoneCrowthe player used to be free..20:18
usr13aBs0lut30: You need to establish a network connection.  Right?20:18
_LoneCroweven then if I wanted to try it I can't even get a copy to try it20:18
mang0nit-wit, I've just realised I'm dual booting windows so I don't need anything else lol20:18
coz_jimrew,   http://www.multimediaboom.com/install-pidgin-2-7-9-in-ubuntu-ppa/20:18
_archervmware is free , only server edition20:18
nit-witmang0, try both is my idea20:18
mang0installing with terminal20:18
jimrewthanks coz20:19
aBs0lut30usr13: yeah, but I have to bond the nic's before the switch will enable the ports, and of course the base install doesnt have ifenslave...20:19
Kronmordof, Like when you full-screen a virtualized desktop? I've had good luck with Virtualbox on a secondary display, haven't tried that with WINE20:19
coz_mang0,  you are    going to enjoy both terminal install and synaptic,,, both are really cool to use :)20:19
mang0228mb O.o I can't be arsed, i'll just boot windows if I wan't it20:19
_LoneCrowWell I might buy the player if I have to,  because vbox doesnt do as I need it to.. anyoen know how to get a virtualbox running a vmware appliance to run on startup when using a GUI without ru nning it headless?20:19
aBs0lut30got the bond configured, just cant figure out how to slave the real nics to it without ifenslave20:19
mordofKron: there's no way i'm going to play Warcraft 3 under VB, lol.. it works very well under Wine20:19
coz_mang0,  that's not how big wine is  ,, let me check hold on20:19
Kronmordof, hehe I wouldn't recommend it either20:19
mang0coz_ what is the differance between syaptic and terminal install?20:19
mordofKron: works smoothly unless a TON of stuff is going on under 1920x1080 full settings, it's an older game obviously20:19
mordofKron: the game wouldn't lag at all regardless if i were actually in windows.. but it's playable20:20
coz_mang0,  wine is only 69.6 kbs20:20
spyder89999hello all helpers20:20
mang0coz_: I ran "sudo apt-get install wine" in terminal20:20
mordofKron: i can't play the game properly if A) it's not on my main display, B) i can't lock the mouse into the window20:20
coz_mang0,  are you running gnome  or  kde?20:20
spyder89999anyone know how to downgrade bluez-utils in ubuntu 11?20:20
nit-witmang0, more feedback in synaptic dependencies access to he repo list broken packages...etc20:20
mordofB is possible with seperate X screens, but not twinview to my knowledge20:20
_LoneCrowBut I can't buy it unless I can download it..20:20
* mordof sighs20:20
JoshuaLwhat is the name of the enveloppe thingy in ubuntu?20:20
coz_mang0,  ok open synaptic-package-manager20:20
dagonThe tron reconfigured album rocks20:21
Kronmordof, I suppose some of these issues will remain until X Windows finally goes away. Let's hope Wayland gets some traction!20:21
Rehani just installed ubuntu on my gateway laptop but don't see a setting in Mouse prefs for the touchpad -- any way I can install touchpad drivers for it? The touchpad works but its too fast on scrolling so I'd like to change that. Thank you.20:21
nit-witmang0, the terminal is good with info as well try aptitude20:21
coz_mang0,  o wait  I do see an 87 meg wine package there as well20:21
mang0nit-wit: what do you mean20:21
mang0coz_ what do I install then?20:21
mang0let me open the synaptic manager20:21
nit-witmang0, with aptitude?20:22
coz_mang0,    if you open synaptic  hit the Search button and type in   wine  it will  tell you the size of the package   , just right click the wine  package and let it pull in what it needs20:22
coz_mang0,   right click the wine package rather and mark it for installation20:22
mang0nit-wit: yes20:22
mang0coz_ okay20:22
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mordofKron: apparently the plan is underway to replace X20:23
mang0coz_:  I marked it for installation20:23
usr13aBs0lut30: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-bond-or-team-multiple-network-interfaces-nic-into-single-interface.html20:23
mordofKron: but for now it's still in place :\20:23
mang0it gave me a popup20:23
coz_mang0,   ok now hit the Apply button20:23
mang0about additional packages20:23
dagoncan i use gedit to make the config file for conky?20:23
pankaj_sharmadagon, yes20:23
coz_mang0,   it will tell you what is going to be installed,, indlucing requires packages20:23
dagonpankaj_sharma, thanks20:23
Kronmordof, How is it that no matter how things advance I'm always looking forward to some future update? :)20:24
mang0so I just "mark" what it wants me too?20:24
nit-witmang0, aptitude is another package control manager for example if you install something with it and the dependencies when you remove it aptitude removes the dependencies as well, a clean way of do all of this. it is just installing it and subing aptitude for apt-get20:24
pdfmandoes anyone know how to tell Ubuntu to load wirers each time?eless adaptor driv20:24
coz_mang0,  but remember this is a windows emulator  for installing       windows apps on linux20:24
mang0nit-wit: I getchat now :)20:24
coz_mang0,  so at some point you have to decide the disk useage costs of wine+applications  or windows20:24
mordofKron: lol, oh i know right.. but it's a far stretch from Ubuntu 6, where i first started20:24
nit-witmang0, cool carry on you all20:24
mang0BLOODY HELL20:24
jordotechwould following directions for ubuntu 10.04 on how to downgrade php to 5.2 still apply for 11.04?20:24
FloodBot1mang0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
BluesKajI've added synaptic (/usr/sbin/synaptic) to: user ALL=NOPASSWD sudo visudo, but synaptic still asks for the pw , what's missing ?20:25
hays_Which is the newest liveCD with gparted?20:25
mordofjordotech: highly doubtful20:25
mordofjordotech: well, i dunno to be honest20:25
LjLmang0: what happened?20:25
nit-withays_, they all have goarted20:25
jordotechwhats the worst that could happen?20:25
mordofjordotech: 11.04 upgraded -all- of my server software20:25
mordofjordotech: worst case scenario, it doesn't work and you uninstall/reinstall20:25
pdfmanhow to tell ubuntu to load wireless adaptor drivers at each boot automatically?20:25
hays_nit-wit: which one would have newest kernel and most drivers?20:26
coz_BluesKaj,   not sure you want that do you?20:26
mordofjordotech: link to the guide?20:26
hays_nit-wit: I am having issues with gparted seeing my drives20:26
pdfmanI have to install every time20:26
Kronmordof, Indeed. I didn't jump on the Ubuntu bandwagon until 9.04. Played with Mandrake and OpenSUSE back in those days. I love Ubuntu for sure20:26
linuxrealmPACKAGE LOCATION:  ./slackware/n20:26
coz_BluesKaj,   installing from terminal or synaptic ,, root access is required20:26
hays_Marvell 88SE91xx chipset20:26
nit-withays_, natty or a gparted ISO itself20:26
jordotechmordof, http://www.nickveenhof.be/blog/reverting-or-downgrading-php-53-52-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-100420:26
hays_gparted ISO does not work20:26
ubuntuHi, after installing ubuntu (several version) at restart pc won't boot, I can't see grub .... anything20:26
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mordofKron: heh, that's about the same time, yeah - but at that time i was still dedicated to playing games, that's the only thing that kept me from it20:26
nit-withays_, what is going on share20:26
hays_nit-wit: I am trying to repartition20:27
mordofjordotech: why do you want to downgrade anyhow?20:27
Kronmordof, True true... Everquest would never have run on any version of Linux at that time20:27
hays_nit-wit: and gparted does not see either of my hard drives plugged into a SATA III controller20:27
nit-withays_, where is the problem at in the process20:27
pankaj_sharmaubuntu, need more info20:27
hays_nit-wit: I have tried the latest release of gparted and tried toggling AHCI in BIOS20:27
Rehani just installed ubuntu on my gateway laptop but don't see a setting in Mouse prefs for the touchpad -- any way I can install touchpad drivers for it? The touchpad works but its too fast on scrolling so I'd like to change that. Thank you.20:27
nit-withays_, is it a raid or gpt or just a regular mbr set up20:27
hays_nit-wit: right now i am downloading the natty-desktop livecd20:27
hays_nit-wit: its not a raid its just two drives20:28
dagonhow is the latest wine is it better?20:28
trihopeKM0201: are you there?20:28
hays_hoping to see sda and sdb or whatever20:28
peto_when I come back from a long period of suspension, I only get a black screen with the mouse, how can I return to Unity?20:28
nit-withays_, so so far you see unallocated?20:28
mordofKron: everquest.. never got into that, lol20:28
BluesKajcoz_, when I run aptitude or apt-get , which I've added to the suddoers file .and in the cli and I'm not asked for a pw20:29
hays_nit-wit: the drives just dont show20:29
coz_peto_,   not sure I can answer that since I dont use laptops...however I have seen this happen even on my desktop,,, I generall just log off  and back on or restart x20:29
coz_BluesKaj,  ooo  ,, on current ubuntu ?20:29
Kronmordof, Lucky you. It sucked up years of my life that I'll never get back!20:29
hays_The SATA chipset is MARVELL 9128 SATA 6Gb/s20:29
ray24My banshee was syncing music this morning until it crashed. Now it doesn't sync, even after uninstall and reinstalling.20:30
mordofKron: well, FFXI online did that to me, lol20:30
mordofKron: dropped 272 days of pure playtime into my account20:30
BluesKajcoz_, on kubuntu 11.04 , yes20:30
nit-withays_, anything installed on them and what?20:30
coz_BluesKaj,  then I may be dumb around t his issue,, although ,, i always  install via root here ,,, ah oh did I say that out loud ? :)20:30
Kronmordof, Wow... I wish I knew my totals. Then again maybe not...20:30
spyder89999anyone know how to downgrade bluetooth packages in ubuntu 11?20:30
hays_nit-wit: one is blank and one has windows 7 in an annoying place on the drive20:30
hays_nit-wit: hence gparted20:30
FloatingGoatwhats that graphics accelerration tweaking application called in ubuntu?20:30
nit-withays_, and W7 boots?20:30
mordofKron: yeah, lol... FFXI had a /playtime that told the running total on the overall account xD20:30
dasdasdsi have a question20:30
BluesKajcoz_, :)20:30
peto_coz_ how can I log off?   (I have proof to enter startx in a console but to no avail)20:30
dasdasdswhat do you use, kubuntu or ubuntu or lubuntu20:31
mordofKron: or.. was it the character.. i think it was just the character20:31
jordotechmordof, drupal 6 doesn't play well with php 5.320:31
coz_peto_,     gnome-session-save --kill20:31
jordotechmagento doesn't either apparently20:31
hays_nit-wit: oh yeah works fine20:31
peto_gracias coz_20:31
xgt001laptop runs VERY noisy :( in ubuntu since 10.0420:32
xgt001someone help20:32
jack123how to convert hdd to fat32 in windows 7 .?20:32
usr13xgt001: what is your problem?20:32
dasdasdswhat do you use, kubuntu or ubuntu or lubuntu20:32
xgt001usr13: laptop runs extremely noisy in ubuntu20:33
usr13jack123: We have Ubuntu support here.  Can not tell you how to do stuff in Win720:33
coz_xgt001,  no need to move up to 11.04  since 10.4  was LTS and is supported for some time,, and directly upgradeable to 12.04  LTS  when its released20:33
xgt001with less battery life20:33
mordofjordotech: well.. give it a try, though that guide won't help you entirely. you'll need to get the repo list for 10.04 first20:33
dasdasdshello i have a question20:33
mordofjordotech: and supplement with that20:33
mang0!ask dasdasds20:33
dasdasdsi LIKE gnome 2, not unity, not gnome 3, and i need very stable operating system20:33
nit-withays_, hmm does the disk manager in W7 se both HD's20:33
usr13xgt001: What noise is it making?20:33
dasdasdswhich should me use20:33
coz_xgt001,  11.04 is still rather glitchy  ,, I dont know of a solution for this20:34
mang0!ask | dasdasds20:34
ubottudasdasds: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:34
usr13jack123: We can tell you how to reformat a disk in Ubuntu.20:34
dasdasdsi LIKE gnome 2, not unity, not gnome 3, and i need very stable operating system20:34
dasdasdswhich should me use20:34
mang0coz_: are you there?20:34
Kronmordof, EQ had a per character count. Had to cancel my WoW account last year and delete my toons. Had 5 level 80's, a couple 70's and a couple others...20:34
LjLmang0: oh you're alive. you weren't replying to ping, i was worried :P20:34
mordofKron: geez20:34
mang0I was uploading screenie20:34
coz_dasdasds,   unfortunately gnome2  will not be around probably a while after gnome2 releases unless someone forks it20:34
coz_mang0,  yep20:34
mordofKron: i keep thinking i should start playing WoW.. it's easy.. friends play it, lol.. but i'd drop too much time into it20:34
haysnit-wit: any ideas other than to try the ubuntu kernel with gparted?20:35
mordofKron: at least FFXI was a challenge20:35
ackt1cmang0 everyone has20:35
mordofand required skill20:35
LjLmang0: well sorry for the prolonged mute, i'm looking at what happened now20:35
dasdasds<coz_> okay20:35
dasdasds<coz_> what alternatives ?20:35
mang0lol. okay great, thanks LjL20:35
usr13jack123: To format from Ubuntu just do:  sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx#20:35
BluesKajcoz_, I've included synaptic as an alias in ~/.bashrc sy='kdesudo /usr/sbin/synaptic' and that works in the cli , but i'd just like to click on synaptic in the panel and have it open without being asked for the pw20:36
coz_dasdasds,  but I completely understand your perspective,, not sure  perhaps  lxde which is based on gtk2  but not sure if they will switch over  maybe  xfce  but my guess that will go to... maybe one of the other minimal  DE's out there20:36
dasdasds<coz_> what alternatives ? unity, gnome 3, xfce, kde ? what do you reocmmend !!20:36
Kronmordof, WoW is a cash cow now. Leveling is easy, but fun. They do a decent job of providing content for casual play and hardcore folks. I'm just too much of an addictive personality to keep any balance20:36
mordofKron: same xD20:36
coz_BluesKaj,  then I think I am puzzled ,, although it is irritating I never bothered changing it sorry :(20:37
mordofKron: hence why i deleted windows.. easier to avoid stuff20:37
dasdasdswhat shouuld i use instead of gnome 220:37
coz_dasdasds,   well  there is fluxbox     openbox  ,, I would take a look at youtube to get an idea  how they work,, however NO compiz with those20:37
Kronmordof, same, I built a new system in October and it's running Ubuntu natively. I have a Virtualbox VM with Win XP for Adobe Creative Suite, but that's all I use it for.20:37
IdleOneSavoxocity: how is that Ubuntu support related?20:37
mang0LjL what do you thing?20:37
ratcheerdasdasds: I am enjoying Gnome 3 on Natty20:37
Savoxocitydasdasds, use kde420:37
Frankennsteinsomeone for a little help? :-)20:37
mordofKron: hah! me too, CS4 though20:37
mang0!ask | Frankennstein20:38
ubottuFrankennstein: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:38
jordotechtoday someone accidentally sudo chmod 775 an entire server20:38
Frankennsteinalternative of Wine emu?20:38
dasdasdsis it good to use gnome 3 on ubuntu?20:38
dasdasdsbecause there are ppa20:38
mordofKron: managed to also get an OS X 10.6 installed under vbox and running smoothly20:38
LjLmang0: sorry, what i think of what? i'm not really following, i'm looking at the floodbots' code20:38
nit-withays, If it was me I would first check if W7 is seeing the HD's and a MS type partitioner see them just for comparison. I see this problem on occasion never encountered it. I have to presume here that you have some knowledge in general ;)  in thiis area,  on the ubuntu cd lool at the disk utility and see if it shows the HD20:38
SavoxocityIdleOne, That clip relates to everything, and everyone20:38
coz_dasdasds,  n ot on Unity,,, it will break Unity,, but there is a PPA for it20:38
* mang0 is confused20:38
Kronmordof, At work I find it much easier to manage our networking equipment from Linux than Windows20:38
dasdasdscoz_ yes i know20:38
IdleOneSavoxocity: lets keep it Ubuntu support related in here please.20:38
dasdasdssomebody who can recommend me20:38
* mang0 thought coz_ was helping....then thought LjL was helping20:38
haysnit-wit: W7 is seeing them, and partitioner does see them.20:38
dasdasdsan alternative20:38
coz_dasdasds,  not sure gnome3 is actually stable however20:38
mordofKron: yeah i believe that20:38
dasdasdsok so what else coz_?20:39
coz_dasdasds,  not even Unity is that stable at this point20:39
LjLmang0: hah. it was definitely coz_, i only helped you by removing the mute on you :P20:39
Kronmordof,  Reeeeally. Never even though about trying that. They have a EFI emulator for Vbox?20:39
Savoxocityapt-build --rebuild world ftw!20:39
coz_dasdasds,  not su re let me check hold on20:39
mang0I gettit20:39
nit-withays, look to see if te disk utility in Ubuntu does as well20:39
haysnit-wit: im hoping the ubuntu kernel solves this..  and that the gparted kernel is just missing some support20:39
dasdasdscoz_ so i think, kde or xfrce20:39
mang0Coz_ didn't seee what I was writing20:39
mang0because of the mute20:39
haysnit-wit: ok will do20:39
FloodBot1mang0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
* mang0 facepalm20:39
LjLmang0: i'm afraid not20:39
mordofKron: they do, not one that works for OS X, you have to use a custom EFI loader20:39
mang0.....dammit. Coz_, may I PM you?20:39
Savoxocitydasdasds, depending on the power of the machine you could use kde4 or xfce, xfce is very light, I put it on my servers for vnc20:40
dasdasdsi ahve good pc @savoxocity20:40
Kronmordof, Of course. Apple has great hardware but I don't wanna be a fief in SJ's kingdom :) Which is why I use Ubuntu20:40
SavoxocityThen go for kde4 if your tired of gnome, or gnome3, its... different20:40
haysnit-wit: you just mean du right?20:40
dasdasdssavoxocity and why not unity or gnome 320:40
coz_dasdasds,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_X_Window_System_desktop_environments    and     http://xwinman.org/20:40
coz_mang0,  sure20:40
Frankennsteinsomeone who use Yahoo on ubuntu?20:41
mordofKron: lol *nods* i wanted to test it out before i considered buying a macbook. actually strongly considering it now20:41
zzecoolDeos anyone knows how does ubuntu is able to mount windows share using connect to a server without having the smbmount command installed ?    Thank you20:41
mordofKron: so that move was in apple's favor20:41
Savoxocitydasdasds, to each their own.  I like unity more than gnome3 myself, they changed alot in gnome320:41
dasdasdssavoxocity and why not unity or gnome 320:41
Kronmordof, Try to convince them of that...20:41
mordofKron: i would never xD lol.. just sayin20:41
dasdasdsSavoxocity i have one problem20:41
dasdasdsSavoxocity if i move windows to edge of desktop20:42
dasdasdsand then double click on the bar20:42
dasdasdsit maximized in other deskto p20:42
zzecooldasdasds, tru but you must have more than half window to the next desktop20:43
Savoxocitydasdasds, that can be annoying (unity right?) you should have a "desktop" switcher in your sidebar, iirc you can drop your desktops down so there is only one aswel20:43
dasdasdsyes i dont know where20:43
dasdasdsyes it is unity20:44
dasdasdshow can i stop that20:44
zzecooldasdasds,  just dont move more than the half of the windoes out of the current desktop20:45
paul_ikhi. anybody experienced problems while surfing web pages through wi-fi when you have pages loaded almost completely but taking forever to load some random images or css? In my netstat I see lots of acknowledgments without payload delivered20:45
zzecoolthis is a feature not a bug20:45
dasdasdsdasdasds,  just dont move more than the half of the windoes out of the current desktop20:45
dasdasdsand what should i do20:45
dasdasdsif i haved moved it at the bottom20:45
dasdasdshow can i maximized in THIS desktop20:45
zzecooli see20:45
Savoxocityzzecool, albeit there is a way to use only 1 virtual desktop i jsut dont remember where20:45
zzecooli dont use 4  desktops as a square20:46
dasdasdsmaybe its a feature but it is really shiit20:46
zzecooliuse 4 in a row20:46
dasdasdsokay how can i use 120:46
dasdasdsor 4 in a row20:46
zzecoolso i dont have this problem when i have it down or up20:46
dasdasdsi dont need so many20:46
zzecooldasdasds,  yes20:46
dasdasdsbut how20:46
IdleOnedasdasds: no cursing please20:46
zzecoolinstall ccsm20:46
zzecoolill guide you through20:47
dasdasdsokay first i have to install ubuntu again20:47
dasdasdsbut i come back20:47
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zzecoolthen take some notes20:47
dasdasdsok thanks20:47
zzecoolfirst install ccsm20:48
dasdasdsi think if you said its in ccsm i will find it on my own20:48
dasdasdsthanks very20:48
zzecoolyou have to find in ccsm the unity plugin20:48
zzecooland play with the features20:48
tasslehoffAny good alternatives to Gwibber?20:48
tasslehoffxangua: ah. of course. that's adobe air. thanks :)20:49
zzecooltweetdeck is the best twitter client ever20:49
zzecoolbut you need to install adobe air first20:49
zzecoolas it is adobe air application20:49
zzecooltasslehoff, no other native application come even close to tweetdeck20:50
ActionParsnipzzecool: depends on taste20:52
_UsUrPeR_hey all20:53
_UsUrPeR_do the changes to /etc/grub.d/40_custom ever change during a grub update in ubuntu?20:53
_UsUrPeR_I need to know if I should be pinning the grub package20:53
jiltdilis evolution safe for chat?20:53
zzecoolActionParsnip, i didnt find any better though20:53
ActionParsnipjiltdil: evolution is an email client20:53
ddilingeranyone know of some nice screen shotting software, perhaps with imgur integration(or a scripting method).  I would love to be able to hit a key combo, draw a box on the screen with the mouse and have it uploaded and the url put into my clipboard20:53
ActionParsnipzzecool: maybe for you, many will disagree20:53
jiltdilActionParsnip:sorry empathy20:53
ActionParsnipjiltdil: yes its safe, just run it as user and you'll be fine20:54
ddilingerthe default prtscrn button one is alright, but it doesn't allow me to quickly do much i have to copy to clipboard, open an image editor, crop20:54
jiltdilActionParsnip:thanks but what is the meaning of run it is user here20:54
zzecoolActionParsnip,  maybe you will know , how is it possile that ubuntu mount windows shares without having installed the smbmount command ?20:54
zzecoolany clue?20:55
koperinoI can't mount my ipod 120 G this is the message I get superblock or something?20:55
ActionParsnipzzecool: i believe mount can do it20:55
zzecooldidnt tryied20:55
ActionParsnipzzecool: or add an item in /etc/fstab20:55
zzecooltried that20:55
zzecoollet me see20:55
FloodBot1zzecool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
ActionParsnipddilinger: there is a screenshot plugin for compiz and you may be able to draw a selection box around what you wish20:56
ActionParsnipddilinger: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9161/20:56
zzecoolActionParsnip, true it worked20:56
zzecooldidnt even know that the simple mount cmd could do that20:56
zzecoolthank you20:56
ActionParsnipzzecool: np man20:57
koperinoError mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc2, is the message i get for my ipod anybody help?20:57
ActionParsnipkoperino: when you last detached it, what steps did you take?20:57
mang0Heya guys, I installed Ubuntu yesturday on my 2nd harddrive, which is exactly the same model and make as my first drive. I unplugged the windows drive so that I didn't accidentally wipe it, as they are the same make it wouldnt be too difficult to make a mistake....but now when I boot up my computer, it doesn't detect windows, only ubuntu. I know this is a grub problem. How can I fix this?20:57
koperinoput on car radio and it worked20:57
mang0I have asked in #grub too20:58
ActionParsnipkoperino: did you safetly remove the device last use?20:58
ActionParsnipmang0: try: sudo apt-get -y install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub20:58
morecheesehi all20:59
koperinoActionParsnip: it was in Maverick and it worked ok; it is mounted on mac20:59
dasy2k1hi morecheese20:59
ActionParsnipkoperino: then in mac, select the safetly remove option in the right click20:59
morecheeselooking for a command-line clock program. i like using "watch -n 1 -t date", but, well, its not pretty enough. ideas?20:59
ActionParsnipkoperino: then try in the ubuntu OS20:59
* morecheese smiles at dasy2k1.21:00
ActionParsnipmorecheese: so you want the date always shown in the terminal?21:00
morecheeseActionParsnip: meh, sure, either way21:00
morecheeseitd be nice i guess but not necessary21:00
morecheesejust want to see the current time while working on my server via putty21:00
morecheesecurrent date wouldnt hurt ;)21:01
nb72Is Quicken now in the ubuntu software center in 11.04?21:01
dagoncool stuff right there21:01
dagoni'm blasting that with my sexy ubuntu rockin compiz21:01
moelemorecheese, you could always export PS1 with \d21:01
moelemorecheese, if you are rtying to have the date shown on your bash prompt21:01
icerootnb72: you can look at packages.ubuntu.com21:01
ActionParsnipmorecheese: you may be able to add the current time to the prompt so the latest prompt will be the time21:01
moeleor \d\T if you want the time21:01
moeleand date21:01
icerootnb72: or using apt-cache search searchstring  on your machine21:01
morecheeseActionParsnip: im looking for using a seperate screen region just for a small clock21:02
nb72iceroot, I'm not updated to 11.04.21:02
koperinoActionParsnip: ok I'll try when i find a mac i'm some 1000 km from home in alps......i'll keep you informed thanx :s21:02
icerootnb72: then packages.ubuntu.com21:02
dasy2k1http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/index.html mainly section 2 morecheese21:02
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morecheeseim not a fan of putting current time in PS1 because if your prompt sits unused for 10min, then that time is ten minutes behind21:02
ActionParsnipkoperino: always use the safe remove and you will have fewer issues21:02
icerootnb72: you can also use /msg ubottu info packagename21:02
ActionParsnipkoperino: or a windows pc, get it mounted then unmount gracefully21:02
morecheesedasy2k1: see my above line21:02
KM0201does quicken even have a linux version?21:02
nb72iceroot, I'll try that.  I was curious because it is listed on ubuntu.com in the features walkthrough.  Thanks21:03
itaylor57KM0201: gnucash21:03
KM0201itaylor57: is gnucash actually quicken though?21:03
ActionParsnipKM0201: I saw a question for this in the answers page, there is a pic of it on the ubuntu site saying its available21:03
KM0201ActionParsnip: hmm, didn't know that21:03
dasy2k1KM0201:  nope, but it does the same job much better21:03
nb72gnucash is nice, but it's not quicken.  ubuntu.com specifically mentions quicken (with icon)21:04
KM0201dasy2k1: i've used gnucash pretyt extensively, i like it... just never heard anyone say is quicken.21:04
ActionParsnipKM0201: yeah, strange21:04
nb72I don't see it with a search on packages.ubuntu.com21:04
itaylor57KM0201: I think it is better,  I wrote an accounting program I name Cubbyhole back in way back before quicken21:04
dasy2k1it isnt quicken, but it does the same job in a better way even if quicken has a bit more eyecandy21:05
nb72Maybe it's a mistake and the web site needs to be changed?21:05
McShaneKM0201: You can try running quicken in Wine, I reckon, or in a virtual machine21:05
KM0201McShane: well, yeah of course, but that wasn't really the point of the discussion21:05
McShaneglad I could help!21:05
itaylor57I just came in so I missed the whole point of the question21:06
kalei'va been upgrading my ubuntu. and for some reason, it keeps setting som e UUID in the root= statement in grubs menu.lst. this UUID is wrong, and i have to replace it with /dev/sda2 to make my system boot properly. now how do i make ubuntu put in the correct UUID?21:06
ActionParsnipKM0201: may work in wine21:06
KM0201McShane: the question specifically, was "is it int he repositories".. which would seem to indicate there is a linux version (which i never heard of)21:06
nb72I'm not asking because I want to run quicken (although it would be nice).  It's because I see it here:  http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features/office-applications21:06
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KM0201ActionParsnip: i understand that.. see my comment to McShane21:06
ActionParsnipkale: boot to live CD and reinstate grub221:06
itaylor57I believe quicken is now cloud based so independant of os21:06
ActionParsnipKM0201: i've not seen it in the repos21:06
KM0201itaylor57: now that may well be the case...21:06
SimonBullthe software sources could not be located from the upgrade (using upgrade manager) to Ubuntu 11.04...could you help please, i know it's a tad vague21:06
kaleActionParsnip: err... i can boot the system21:06
KM0201ActionParsnip: i haven't either... thus why i was wondering where the guy who asked the question, got that idea21:07
kaleActionParsnip: so how do i reinstate grub?21:07
nb72itaylor57, Ah, that would make more sense.  But if that is the case I think the ubuntu website is misleading.21:07
Andy80hi all, excuse me for the, maybe, off-topic question, but.... cannot find an answer: can anyone please tell me what do I have to write in the "For:" field (the first textfield) of this blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o/+addspec ? Thanks :)21:07
SniiHi, I have a machine currently running ubuntu, and I would like to reinstall to the newest version or reset it to "defaults" (I may have messed around a bit). There is no cdrom or USB available. Is it possible to do some magic to complete a reinstall from inside ubuntu?21:08
itaylor57that is freakie I put quicken in the s/w center and get gnucash21:08
Jordan_Ukale: I would recommend upgrading to grub2. "sudo apt-get install grub-pc" and read the prompts carefully.21:08
kaleSnii: why would you want to reinstall, what is not working?21:08
KM0201itaylor57: yup,l you get the same thing if you search quicken in synaptic21:08
xanguaSnii: no21:08
KM0201itaylor57: htats what spurred my question of if they were related somehow(although i didn't think they were)21:08
Jordan_Ukale: And be sure to have a LiveCD on hand in case something goes wrong.21:09
nb72KM0201, quicken and gnucash are defiantly different programs21:09
kaleJordan_U: is it grub, that makes the wrong UUID's ?21:09
KM0201nb72: right... i don't use (and have never used) quicken.. but have ussed gnucash a lot, so i didn't think they were related21:09
Sniikale: because I messed around in config files and modules and whatnot some time ago (I vaguely remember working on undervolting the processor). Now I cannot remember what I have done, and what I left only half completed...21:11
itaylor57I was mistaken as usual, quicken is not cloud, only for windows and macosx21:11
hays_here goes21:11
kaleSnii: if nothing is not working, then i'd say there is no reason to reinstall21:11
Jordan_Ukale: It sounds like it's the Debian grub-legacy "update-grub" script thats doing something wrong, and there are so many advantages to using grub2 (IMHO at least) that I would recommend it even if nothing were broken.21:11
nb72As much as I love ubuntu that's not the behavior I'd expect to see on ubuntu.com.  Listing quicken as available from the software centre when it's not.  What is the right way to get this known.21:11
kaleJordan_U: ok, i'll wait until this upgrade to 11.04 is complete, then i'll take a look at it.21:12
Jordan_Unb72: What page are you seeing this on?21:12
nb72It's in the box 'also available from the software centre'21:13
Sniikale: It's probably not needed, but who knows what "previous-me" has done to make trouble for "future-me"?21:14
Error404NotFoun1 #ubuntu-beginners21:15
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tilleyrwHelp.  My display shows a very dull imprecise UI.  Why can'21:15
tilleyrwcan't it be sharp like Windows or MacOS?21:16
guntbertnb72: looks like its time to file a bug report against the web site21:16
mordoftilleyrw: your monitor may be stretching the picture to fit21:16
mordoftilleyrw: check your resolution21:16
dasy2k1tilleyrw:  probabbly because its not in the right resloution21:16
Jordan_Unb72: Could you submit a bug report to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content ?21:16
Sniikale: Nothing on there I want to keep anyway, so if there was a relatively easy way to reinstall it might be the best solution. Now, if xangua is to be trusted it is not worth the effort :)21:16
jimrewi cant install pidgen in kubuntu21:16
dasy2k1tilleyrw:  you may also want to check system>administration>additional drivers21:16
dasy2k1if your graphics card has a driver it would help to set the resolution correctly21:17
alaingI'm using a headless ubuntu server how do i check if there are any updates from shellprompt?21:17
ActionParsnipjimrew: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get install pidgin     Thanks21:17
xanguajimrew: sudo apt-get install pidgin21:17
ActionParsnipalaing: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade21:17
alaingthanks ActionParsnip21:17
ratcheerI need help with Pulse Audio, please. Ubuntu 11.04. ALSA is sending sound to PA and, according to padevchooser monitor, PA is sending it to outputs. But, no sound is coming from speakers. This is with Audigy2 5.1 output. Speakers got sound from internal 2-channel stereo.21:17
ActionParsnipratcheer: audigy things can be a real pain to get working, totally not worth bothering with21:18
ratcheerActionParsnip: It was working just fine with Ubuntu 10.10.21:19
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jamil_1Hello, is there an equivalent of rainmeter on ubuntu ?21:22
nb72Jordan_U, I'll file the bug report21:22
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Jordan_Unb72: Thanks.21:22
nb72arrg.  Don't have a launchpad account yet.21:23
LAcandoesn anyone know of a good webserver profiler for ubuntu?21:23
jimrewnever mind i have Quassel irc21:24
FreddyLeehi all21:24
rbriggsatuiowaHow do I get rid of the auto-hide scrollbar in 11.04?21:24
FreddyLeeI have a telnet problem when trying to check e mail, anyone could help?21:25
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GlycanHeyos- I'm trying to install U as small as possible to just get acces to my box (I deleted some important stuff), an dI'm trying to figure out how the allocate drive space works.21:26
Corey!ask | FreddyLee21:26
ubottuFreddyLee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:26
GlycanCan someone explain?21:26
DarsVaedahi where in unity do i find the applications menu?21:26
jimrewwhen you do ubuntu respin can i add older repos to it?21:26
pfifowhat program or chain of programs is responsible for detecting usb thumb drives/memory sticks and auto-mounting them?21:26
LAcanGlycan, use a boot cd instead21:26
CoreyGlycan: If you're attempting data recovery, install nothing.21:26
GlycanThe boot cd doesn't work.21:26
CoreyGlycan: Then pull the drive and use another machine for recovery.21:27
nb72Yay my first bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/77873021:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 778730 in ubuntu-website-content "Web site incorrectly lists Quicken as software available in software centre" [Undecided,New]21:27
jimrewwhen you do ubuntu respin can i add older repos to it?21:27
GlycanI really don't want to pull the drive. That would be bad. How do I use the all ocate thing?21:27
CoreyGlycan: Welp, good luck with that.21:28
GlycanWhat does "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu" mean?21:28
jimrewcan some one help?21:28
LeeDrOiD-DHDglycan select the partition on which you want to instal your distro and enter /21:29
Joseph_Is there a way to install something locally to a single user?21:29
bc81question: my xubuntu doesn't have an option to suspend, all i have is [Log Out] [Restart] [Shutdown].. where do i find the suspend option?21:29
Joseph_Using apt.21:29
Joseph_Rather htan needing superuser.21:29
Joseph_Like, I would like to install valgrind and svn in my user directory.21:29
FreddyLeeok, I was trying that on windows and it partly worked. Then I changed my passwords (I'm talking about two accounts) and switched to ubuntu, now I can connect to mail server no problem, it says +OK after I entered user and then it says bad login or pass after I entered password. I've had the same problem on windows, when I used account, that has "_" in it. Now I changed passwords to more compolicated ones with signs like !@#$%^, you know,21:29
FreddyLeeand I'm having the same problem - bad log or... Could those signs be the problem? (same with netcat)21:29
Joseph_Can this be done?21:29
DanielHolthis it no longer possible to log into launchpad with a non-launchpad openid?21:29
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Priteshi have upgraded ubuntu version to 11.04 and now it doesn't boot and stuck on ubuntu logo with dots21:30
GlycanDoesn't work.21:30
DanielHolthNo, have to use launchpad's openid, not a RP21:30
Priteshis there anybody experienced that ?21:31
guntbertJoseph_: why do you want to do that?21:31
GlycanSO I select a partition, but when I click install now it does't work.21:31
pathfinderi have some questions in ubuntu be cause  i am a new user21:31
guntbert!ask | pathfinder21:31
ubottupathfinder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:31
lucas_does anyone happen to know why ubuntu natty gets stuck on boot from a live USB on a new macbook pro?21:32
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McQueenhi, how can i active unity?21:32
LAcandoesn anyone know of a good webserver profiler for ubuntu?21:32
Joseph_guntbert: Because I need valgrind and svn on cluster I work on, but the admin is busy.21:32
Cody3290Hello everyone21:33
Cody3290I am looking for ease of use in Ubuntu, should I upgrade to Natty Narwhal or should I stick with Meerkat?21:33
Jordan_Ulucas_: Apple's firmware doesn't allow BIOS based booting from USB. What are the exact symptoms you are seeing?21:33
Cody3290It's for my mom, she does not have very much experience with computers21:33
guntbertJoseph_: you *can* always install software from the sources into your home directory - will not work if the running of it needs root permissions21:34
Cody3290All she will be doing is checking email and pictures and stuff21:34
FreddyLeepritesh might be, but I say MIGHT be a compiz problem (ask someone more experienced).21:34
Juv1228hello, so yesterday i was trying to install ubuntu server 11.04 from the main release iso21:34
Joseph_guntbert: Man... Compiling valgrind is going to take so long.21:34
McQueenhi, how can i active unity?21:34
Juv1228burned to a CD, passed the integrity checks21:34
rewireCody3290, Natty's new user interface is great and especially friendly with new users21:34
Juv1228in the install process it gets all the way to installing base system21:34
Cody3290If I am upgrading to 11.04, then do I have to run the updates for 10.10?21:35
guntbertJoseph_: well - in some way you will have to spend some time :)  best ask the system administrator and don't try to do things behind his back21:35
S4RYCody3290: yes , thats right.21:35
alaingI'm using a headless ubuntu server how do i restart it from shellprompt21:36
KM0201Cody3290: somehow i think that would be a very very good idea21:36
zusis there anyway for customising unity? any links or something?21:36
Juv1228then near the end of that it asks me to insert the cd labeled something21:36
Juv1228i cant remember exactly21:36
lucas_Jordan_U: i get the option to boot from the live usb, then i get to see grub, and choose if i want to install or try first. But for both options, after i select them the screen just stays black21:36
rewireCody3290, It's prob best to do them afterwards, you may end up installing stuff that gets made redundant in natty21:36
guntbert!manual | pathfinder21:36
ubottupathfinder: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:36
Juv1228but it was identical to the currently inserted CD replacing " with _21:36
falsefiveHey, I know this is an ubuntu channel, but does any have a good resource on choosing distros?21:36
Joseph_guntbert: He totally doesn't care, I administer the server too, but I am remote so I cannot go restart the machines to reload the image.  He is just busy with a paper deadline.21:37
Cody3290ok thank you21:37
pathfinderok let me try21:37
rewirefalsefive: your best bet is to watch youtube videos, from there research into the disto that suits you best :D21:37
maitrey_hi everyone, my wireless went at once of. it shows disabled (without possibility to enable in the panel. the driver is Broadcom sta 802.11 wireless driver under ubuntu 11.04 (it is first time that happened).21:37
Jordan_Ulucas_: That's because, for the moment at least, graphics drivers in linux don't handle BIOS interfaces being missing very well.21:37
falsefiverewire: thanks!21:37
genii-aroundalaing: Probably sudo reboot .21:37
pathfindermy question is about the grub menu21:37
Jordan_Ulucas_: If you can, install from CD using the +mac iso.21:37
maitrey_what to do? thanks !21:37
guntbertJoseph_: I told you about your alternatives21:38
Juv1228does the mini online install cd work for installing the server edition of 11.04?21:38
pathfinderi installed ubuntu 10.6 and b21:38
morecheeseseems weird that something necessary for compiling from source isnt included by default21:38
morecheesewhoops sorry bout that21:38
subsume_After a xen server restart my install won't start. http://dpaste.com/539649/ Ends with 'General error mounting filesystems'21:38
alainggenii-around: spot on thanks. I was trying restart instead of reboot.21:38
bc81any idea why xubuntu doesn't have an option to suspend, all i have is [Log Out] [Restart] [Shutdown].. where do i find the suspend option?21:39
adilioalguem ae ?21:40
LjL!br | adilio21:40
ubottuadilio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:40
lucas_Jordan_U: what is this +mac iso you speak about?21:40
adilioexiste alguem online q possa me ajuda21:40
=== ||||||||| is now known as grantg
x_How do I open a gtk app over ssh, but on the server not on the client (ssh x forwarding is working fine already)21:41
S4RYpatholio: There are several causes to stuck on ubuntu logo with dots.21:41
Jordan_Ulucas_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37999/what-is-different-about-the-mac-iso-image21:42
subsume_ubuntu won't boot with mountall: mount /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc [996]: Permission denied21:42
subsume_. Brings me to a maintenance shell but I'm not sure what to do.21:42
grifo74hello people i a ubuntu user 10.04 lts give a opinion about unity?21:42
S4RYpatholio: does grub menu shows up !21:43
Jordan_Ugrifo74: This channel is for support. For opinions try #ubuntu-offtopic.21:43
guntbertgrifo74: here we try to solve problems - ask about opinions in #ubuntu+1 please21:43
Juv1228anyone have any luck installing server 11.04 off the release ISO?21:44
guntbertJordan_U: :)21:44
lucas_Jordan_U: thanks alot21:44
Jordan_Ulucas_: You're welcome.21:44
Juv1228i managed to get to installing base system then it asked for the cd labeled Ubuntu-Server 11.04 _Natty Narwhal_ - Release amd6421:45
Juv1228where my cd is labeled Ubuntu-Server 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" - Release amd6421:45
Simeonhi all. I have a problem: I cant update my system: E:Method gpgv has died unexpectedly!, E:Sub-process gpgv received signal 7.21:46
ruskin20difficulty downloading online programs21:46
Simeon@Juv1228 can you disable the cd as a source and do everything from online?21:46
Juv1228i am connected to the internet on this pc21:47
Juv1228how would i go about doing that in the installer?21:47
donkeyinspacehello, is there a way to reset ubuntu 11.04 as if it was freshly installed?21:47
lucas_always when I install ubuntu, i think: ´this is going to be the time i will install perfectly without any problems whatsoever´, but i get tricked again every time :p21:47
KNUBBIGdonkeyinspace: fresh install it?21:48
Simeonoh - I thought you were beond that point - I dont know.21:48
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guntbertJuv1228: did you check if the iso was not corrupted?21:48
donkeyinspaceKNUBBIG , dont have the cd21:48
lwizardlin 11.04 how do i turn off this anoying window snap21:48
Juv1228guntbert, yes, it passed the integrity checks21:48
FreddyLeeif you don't mind I'll try again:21:49
FreddyLeeok, I was trying that on windows and it partly worked. Then I changed my passwords (I'm talking about two email accounts) and switched to ubuntu, now21:49
FreddyLee I can connect to mail server no problem, it says +OK after I entered user and then it says bad login or pass after I entered password. I've had the same problem21:49
FreddyLeeon windows, when I used account, that has "_" in it. Now I changed passwords to more compolicated ones with signs like21:49
guntbertJuv1228: strange - but please ask in #ubuntu-server , maybe they know about such problems21:49
FreddyLee!@#$%^, you know, and I'm having the same problem - bad log or... Could those signs be the problem? (same with netcat)21:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:50
IsmAvatarI'm using Konversation and Ubuntu 11.04 with unity. Sometimes when I type something in Konversation, and/or press enter, I will occasionally be instantly logged out. Why? Am I hitting some magic logout keystroke? Can I disable it?21:50
Juv1228guntbert, thanks21:50
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:50
chrome_how can I access a server through sftp? In kde I just do ALT+F2, sftp://user@host:port21:50
chrome_and it appears a window with the stuff in the server21:50
KNUBBIGIsmAvatar: I think it is a crash instead, happens for me randomly, too21:50
chrome_I think in gnome is not possible21:50
IsmAvatarKNUBBIG: ok, thanks21:51
Pouncer012I need some help21:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:51
Pouncer012I have a Radeon HD 5670 graphics card, is it supported yet?21:52
linuxboxi have a radeon 5750 and the opensource drivers work but not the ati drivers21:52
Pouncer012linuxbox, I have a Radeon 5670, how can I get it to work to install correctly? I get the Ubuntu logo to come on and asks to run or install screen, but then after the Ubuntu screen, my monitor shuts off21:53
philipHow can i restore .mozilla after rsync backup?21:54
linuxboxi had a similar problem the screen was blinking on and off i choose install ubuntu directly from the cd menu21:54
FreddyLeeok, let's try different angle here21:54
usr13Pouncer012: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141996221:55
donkeyinspacei  ve been trying some experimental packages, is it possible to change all the experimental packages with the ones from original repository?21:55
Pouncer012So linuxbox, what about installing from USB drive?21:55
KNUBBIGdonkeyinspace: from ppas?21:55
donkeyinspaceKNUBBIG , yes21:55
FreddyLeefor those who read about my telnet issue, could anyone (on a secure connection) having in login and password signs like "_ ? @ #%" or whatever, check if they can check email with telnet?21:56
KNUBBIGdonkeyinspace: ppa-purge will revert the changes from the ppa you give it as a parameter21:56
KNUBBIG!ppa-purge | donkeyinspace21:56
linuxboxyea that is what i did using unetbootin and choose install ubuntu with out trying it21:56
KNUBBIGhm :D21:56
KNUBBIGdonkeyinspace: no ubottu doesn't know it21:57
KNUBBIGdonkeyinspace: you have to apt-get install ppa-purge21:57
guntbertFreddyLee: I don't see how that is an ubuntu support question21:57
FreddyLeetelnet or netcat is in ubuntu.21:57
Jordan_UFreddyLee: So is Firefox, but that doesn't mean we'll help debug your web server if it's running IIS :)21:58
Nero-WolfHello.  So, Eclipse-built apps require a VAR to be set in the terminal before they can be launched and have their toolbar available... but I can't edit the *.desktop file to do this at-launch on the 'Exec=' line.  What gives?21:58
donkeyinspaceKNUBBIG , going to try ,thanks21:59
amunakCan Ubuntu in default fully support my chipset (sis)? I want to get rid of archlinux, because I'm not able to compile my video card drivers (sis671)? I've already got tons of problems with this.21:59
FreddyLeeok, forget about it.21:59
FreddyLeec y21:59
Nero-WolfFrom the terminal, "APPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH=1 /usr/local/xmind/xmind" works.  However, editing the "Exec=" line in /usr/share/applications/xmind.desktop to read that way makes it not-launch.21:59
Nero-WolfWhat gives?21:59
zuscan anyone  please help me with setting up evolution for 2 gmail accounts and is there a link on customising unity?22:00
havoknoob question: if I am on Intrepid, can I install packages for later releases like lucid, maverick etc?22:00
canthus13amunak: SiS? Probably not. SiS chipsets are problematic.. :/22:01
Crash1hdhow do I enable beta mode for 11.04?22:01
canthus13amunak: Google really is going to be your best friend on this one.22:01
erixWhere should I add <Location></Location> tag to define Digest authentication ? such as in apacheconf or in my virtualhost, Thanks22:01
Tigerplug292greetings - anyone able to help me install kqemu?22:01
amunakcanthus13: thx, I'll try to find help on arch :/22:01
alaingi'm trying to find out how i can upgrade my php from 5.1 to 5.2 or later22:01
chrome_how do I connect to sftp?22:01
canthus13amunak: Debian might actually be a better one to search for...22:02
asteigChrome: To upload files?22:02
* canthus13 gave up on SiS chipsets a while back. :(22:02
ZiberBooted to a live disk, trying to figure out whats going on with my HD. ubuntu 10.10 is installed, lately its booted up extremely slowly, loads skyrocket immediately, and i cant access my home directory via GUI (i can through terminal). ubuntumontools said i had disk fragments... on the live CD I tried fsck, but that seemed to run for a split second and didnt report any problems22:02
Kazilladoes anyone know how to set my wireless to a particular channel?22:02
Tigerplug292I tried apt-get but I can't get it from there - what are my other options to install kqemu? I'm running 11.0422:02
asteigchrome_: Regular FTP client, like FileZilla, but set the port to 22.22:02
thomas_Hallo, Any one knows how to change the location of my bordeer controles in 11.04 unity?22:03
chrome_asteig: KDE supports sftp://....22:03
amunakcanthus13: you think it can natively support it?22:03
chrome_asteig: do I really need to install that?22:03
thomas_Hallo, Any one knows how to change the location of my bordeer controles in 11.04 unity?22:03
axisyswhich pkg gived nfs mount option?22:04
asteigchrome_: You can use whatever you want to connect through SFTP. I was just giving an example.22:04
usr13alaing: What version of Ubuntu do youhave installed?22:04
ZiberBooted to a live disk, trying to figure out whats going on with my HD. ubuntu 10.10 is installed, lately its booted up extremely slowly, loads skyrocket immediately, and i cant access my home directory via GUI (i can through terminal). ubuntumontools said i had disk fragments... on the live CD I tried fsck, but that seemed to run for a split second and didnt report any problems22:04
alaingusr13: ubuntu server 10.0422:04
SerialMDKcan anyone help me with wine?22:04
chrome_asteig: how can I connect without installing anything? and without using the batch22:04
thomas_Hallo, Any one knows how to change the location of my border controles in 11.04 unity?22:04
asteigchrome_: What are you trying to do? Upload files to your site?22:04
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usr13alaing: Well, I'm seeing this:  http://randyfay.com/node/6322:05
alaingusr13: its headless so i need to do from commandline22:05
chrome_asteig: download files to my machine22:05
chrome_but I will use the batch22:05
S4RYchrome_: shouldn't sftp://username@sftp.server.com , do it.22:05
NewberryHi folks.  Any virtualbox gurus here?22:05
Tigerplug292any ideas ? - I tried apt-get but I can't get it from there - what are my other options to install kqemu? I'm running 11.0422:05
axisysgot it! nfs-common22:05
chrome_S4RY: that what I was saying, that isn't working form me. But I will try again22:05
S4RYTigerplug292: synaptic , ubuntu software center.22:05
thomas_any one knows how to change the side (left to right) of the border controlles in 11.04?22:05
fr00gIs there a difference between "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty main restricted" and "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty restricted"?22:06
Nero-WolfTigerplug292: USC should have it in the listing.  Make sure your software sources are set to enable "Canonical Partners"22:06
alainghow can i double check my php version i just used phpmyadmin to see the version22:06
NewberryAnyone know anything about Mouse Integration and Virtualbox?22:06
mordofalaing: make a new php file,  phpinfo();22:07
mordofview it from your server22:07
guntbertCrash1hd: 11.04 is released - so no "beta mode"22:07
alaingoh yes forgot about phpinfo thanks22:07
guntberthavok: no, you should upgrade your system22:07
guntbert!eol | havok22:08
ubottuhavok: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:08
thomas_Hallo, Any one knows how to change the location of my bordeer controles in 11.04 unity?22:08
havokthanks guntbert22:08
SerialMDKwine will not recognize my cdroms help please22:08
thomas_Hallo, Any one knows how to change the location of my border controles in 11.0422:09
guntberthavok: you're welcome :-)22:09
thomas_Hallo, Any one knows how to change the location of my border controles in 11.0422:09
robin0800thomas_, what border controls?22:09
Tigerplug292Nero-Wolf, the command in my howto is sudo apt-get install kqemu-source , is that the same as qemu?22:09
thomas_the cloze minimize an max controles22:09
thomas_of windows22:09
robin0800thomas_, try ubuntu-tweak22:10
=== RFA_PLZ is now known as KolakCC
chrome_S4RY: it's a knowing bug -> http://www.google.pt/search?q=ubuntu+unity+sftp&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a22:10
guntbert!controls | thomas_22:10
ubottuthomas_: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56422:10
guntbert!ubuntutweak | robin080022:10
ubotturobin0800: Ubuntu Tweak is a tool that automates some things; however, it is potentially dangerous an informal review of its code is pending and most of the things it does can be done by the use of other tools. Please don't ask for or provide support for it in #ubuntu.22:10
=== Tigerplug292 is now known as Tigerplug292|AFK
morecheesethomas_: System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme22:11
thomas_morecheese i cant find how i can switch it to the right in their22:11
VhozardWhat defrag program can I get for Ubuntu ?22:11
thomas_an tnx ubbot i will look their22:11
Cody3290I have a problem.22:11
Cody3290Ubuntu 11.04 installation upgrade will finish in 1:3022:12
Cody3290I have to leave in :4022:12
Cody3290I can't stay, this is a business and they close at 6:0022:12
jimrewyeah thats bad22:12
Cody3290Is there a way to force pause the installation?22:12
VhozardCody3290: no22:12
morecheesethomas_: well, there is actually a way to just move the controls to either side, but i dont remember that, google it. i use the "New Wave" theme on my ubuntu desktop machine and its controls are on the right by default.22:12
S4RYchrome_: looks like it , it's in Unity part.22:12
Cody3290Just leaving is no good, I'm 10 minutes away from any socket and my battery is broken/dead and only lasts a maximum of 522:12
guntbert!google | morecheese22:13
ubottumorecheese: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:13
morecheeseguntbert: yeah i know, but it was unrelated22:13
morecheeseman could some other #chans benefit from a guy like you22:13
Cody3290If the computer shuts off in the middle of the installation, I will more than likely have to reinstall ubuntu 10.10, then re-download all the stuff for 11.04, right?22:13
IsmAvatarCody3290: plan a route to the nearest outlet, and start running22:13
VhozardWhat defrag program can I get for Ubuntu ?22:14
IsmAvatarCody3290: or you could make an install CD for 11.0422:14
morecheeseseems like every place i go on irc every question is answered with "Google is your friend" after I've already spent 3 hrs on Google.22:14
Cody3290I could...22:14
S4RYchrome_: you could switch to ubuntu classic and try again.22:14
usr13Vhozard: You already have it.22:14
guntbert!defrag | Vhozard22:14
ubottuVhozard: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.22:14
Cody3290I have no CD on me now, and the download would take longer than I have22:14
VhozardI was actually talking about defragging an ntfs partition22:14
Vhozardnot /22:14
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IsmAvatarCody3290: not saying now, just saying it's an option, to help alleviate the time between 10.10 <=> 11.0422:15
usr13Vhozard: (It's called Ubuntu :)22:15
shatlyOk i am trying to swith from -genaric to -server kernal version, how do i do this22:15
Vhozardusr13 ?22:15
S4RYchrome_:also , have you tried ssh / ssh://username@ssh.server.com22:15
chrome_S4RY:  ok :P22:15
BlouBloushatly: Search in Synaptic the newst server kernel version22:15
usr13Vhozard: Last comment(s) were humor.  You would defrag NTFS from a MS Windows OS22:15
BlouBloushatly: and, after that, just install it. Then select it from Grub22:16
shatlyBlouBlou: i tried linux-image-(version)-server22:16
hihihi100is it recommended to use k9copy with ubuntu? or should I use it with kubuntu?22:16
shatlyand it is not poping up in grub22:16
donkeyinspaceKNUBBIG , an i purge the proposed ubuntu too?22:16
VhozardI want to know if its possible to do in Ubuntu22:16
Cody3290Hmm, the estimate keeps going down by increments of a few minutes. Maybe I won't have to reinstall after all22:16
BlouBlouhihihi100: KDE apps works fine with Gnome22:16
KNUBBIGdonkeyinspace: ?22:16
Cody3290Vhozard: No.22:16
BlaDe^hi guys, I did chmod g+w and have this: drwsrws---  8 etj      www-data 4096 2011-05-06 13:40 includes22:16
BlouBlouhihihi100: You can use it without problems22:16
guntbertVhozard: don't try22:16
BlaDe^I still can't write to the dir tho, and i'm in www-data22:16
KNUBBIGdonkeyinspace: ah understood, no you can't. only PPAs22:16
donkeyinspaceKNUBBIG , thanks22:17
Cody3290Vhozard: But you can check this out if you're feeling brave http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-407230.html22:17
hihihi100bloublou, I dont , I cannot read the pop up messages, all I see is a black box (I mean the info that appears if I leave the mouse over an icon)22:17
Vhozardthanks Cody329022:17
caudexSystem - Prefs - Keyboard won't reset to defaults Apply-System-Wide (meerkat on tpad t-42)22:18
usr13Vhozard: I don't know, but serously doubt there is a way to do it from Linux.  Defrag is not an issue for us as Linux uxers,  the NTFS file system is a MS Windows problem.22:18
BlouBlouhihihi100: Then there is a problem with application. Because Ubuntu/Gnome is totally compatible with KDE (QT) apps22:18
medianickname #lol22:18
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SowuloSalve a tutti22:18
thomas_any one knows how to change the side of the window controls22:18
BlouBlouSowulo: Do you need help?22:18
hihihi100i believe my k9copy has problems copying double layered dvd's, the image is not clean, not as clean as in one layer dvd's, suggestions appreciated22:19
Vhozardusr13: problem I wouldnt call it22:19
usr13Vhozard: I should qualify that... I seriously doubt there is a reliable way to do it from Linux.22:19
BlouBlouhihihi100: I would use Brasero, and if you want a more advanced app, try "k3b"22:19
SowuloBlouBlou no thx22:19
Vhozardusr13: youre probably right22:19
Cody3290Vhozard: YOu wouldn't call fragmentation a problem?22:19
VhozardNot if defragmentation runs regulary22:20
Vhozardalso, ext4 does fragment too22:20
hihihi100blouvluo, does brasero allow me to copy into mp4 format? or just free ogg and similar ones?22:20
Vhozardjust not as bad as ntfs22:20
Cody3290Vhozard: Best bet, install windows on your NTFS and download defraggler22:20
usr13Cody3290: i called NTFS a problem.22:20
Cody3290usr13: Oh.22:20
VhozardI already have windows installed22:20
Cody3290Vhozard: Then why not just defragment from there...22:20
BlouBlouhihihi100: It copies what you want to copy :)22:20
Vhozardtried defraggler, I prefer auslogics :)22:20
VhozardCody3290: I will, but it would be neat if I could do it from ubuntu too22:20
Cody3290Vhozard: So you were just looking for info, then?22:20
guntbertVhozard: please keep to ubuntu support22:20
Cody3290Vhozard: That would be neat. xD22:21
VhozardJust the info, yup22:21
Zelozelos11.04 can still be ran via live cd right?22:21
Vhozardthanks :)22:21
usr13Cody3290: Not the best choice of wording, but... well that is a philosophical issue.  (I'm not good with philosophy.)22:21
BlouBlouZelozelos: Right22:21
Cody3290usr13: Right-oh.22:21
buhmanwow, gnome 3 sure is great: http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=15208122:22
VhozardI also doubted if I should go with ext4 or brtfs at the ubuntu installation22:22
Vhozardits not very clear on that22:22
Cody3290Hmm... I may be able to run to the gas station a block and a half away...22:22
S4RYchrome_: i've just ssh o my iphone box in Nautilus.22:22
Vhozardbuhman: should not have gmail open on a screenshot...22:23
chrome_S4RY: through the batch?22:23
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:23
guntbert!gnome3 | buhman22:24
ubottubuhman: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.22:24
usr13Vhozard: I don't know much about brtfs, I use ext4.  I have used reiserfs in the past and it's good and fast, but has gained an unfortunate reuptation because of it's original authors behaviour22:24
S4RYchrome_: no ,via Nautilus.22:25
guntbertusr13: the reputation of being unmaintained is well deserved :)22:25
PriestI just attempted dual boot for the first time... Ubuntu beside a Vista install.  The install completed, but the reboot took the machine straight back to windows.  A little help on the bootloader please?22:26
Zelozelosif i update from 10 to 11 and choose the new desktop version, can i switch to the old one if i decide to?22:26
Zelozelosthe old desktop that is22:26
guntbert!classic | Zelozelos22:26
ubottuZelozelos: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.22:26
S4RYchrome_: if via bash , you might need to chroot !22:27
BlouBlouZelozelos: you can choose between Unity and classic-gnome in every logins22:27
Crash1hdguntbert, of course duh lol thankyou :)22:27
buhmanguntbert: but I don't see how you could mess up *that* bad, regardless22:27
j0nrI just installed LAMP server... went to localhost and got the default It Works! page... but when I put a php file in there and try to access it, my browser just tries to download the file rather the running it...22:27
Zelozelosright on!22:27
usr13guntbert: I believe that what happend with it's project leader lead to users and developers both ditching, but, I don't really think the project is dead. This is a subject for #ubuntu-offtopic22:27
Zelozeloshow safe is it to upgrade from 10 to 11 this time, i upgraded from 9 to 10 and ended up wiping my whole system22:27
guntbertCrash1hd: :)22:27
buhmangnome3 itself is stable, so it shouldn't be *this* "experimental"22:27
* bhuey needs help with NAT22:27
JacinatorMy Unity Launcher is stuck, it won't disappear. How do I fix this?22:27
Juv1228what would you guys recommend for a ubuntu server install? generic or targeted initrd22:28
arandbuhman: But 11.04 runs 2.32, hence the mismatch.22:28
alaing_how do i upgrade phpmyadmin? i originally followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin22:28
Juv1228i dont plan on changing/moving hardware at all, so i guess targeted?22:28
sequencesequenceJacinator: you could run unity --replace in a terminal22:28
xskydevilxIs there any Speech Recognition Software available for Ubuntu (like the one in Windows 7)?22:28
alaing_i need to use commandline to upgrade22:28
bhueyis there a good guide for ufw and NAT out there ?22:28
Zelozeloshow safe is it to upgrade from 10 to 11 this time? i upgraded from 9 to 10 and ended up wiping my whole system?(22:29
MtrPandaHi. how can I record skype sessions?22:29
ZelozelosMtrPanda, i think skype has something built in for that22:29
Juv1228MtrPanda, last i checked, skype can already do that22:29
JacinatorSequencesequence: That didn't work, it's still here.22:30
=== alaing_ is now known as alaing
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.22:30
MtrPandahmm, cant see anything to do that.... or any options22:31
robin0800Jacinator, unity --restart I think22:31
PriestI just attempted dual boot for the first time... Ubuntu beside a Vista install.  The install completed, but the reboot took the machine straight back to windows.  A little help on the bootloader please?22:31
usr13bhuey: Are you wanting to build your own router?22:31
bhueyjust a simple NAT system22:31
hihihi100whats the difference between k and qt libraries?22:31
alainghow do i upgrade phpmyadmin? i originally followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin22:31
alaingi need to use commandline to upgrade22:31
bhueyfirewall rules are as I like it already22:31
usr13Priest: Did you install grub?22:31
bhueybut the natty upgrade blew my NAT stuff out22:31
usr13Priest: Did you install grub to the MBR?22:32
ZelozelosPriest try holding down the shift key/s theres a hidden menu that shows (its an option anyhow)22:32
Priestusr13 i was following the install cd... didnt see anything called grub22:32
usr13!grub2 | Priest22:32
ubottuPriest: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:32
JacinatorRobin0800: No such option.22:33
vicienzinociao a tutti22:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:33
ZelozelosPriest oh wait...an easy way to find out whats goin on...the grub customizer ;)22:33
usr13Priest: Installing grub and writing to the Master Boot Record should have been options you encountered during the install.  Are you sure you didn't see it?  At any rate...  you'll need to follwo instructions for Restoring Grub at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub22:33
bhueyany hint on getting a simple NAT system working here ?22:34
kalebhuey: i believe there is a masquerade package that does it for you22:34
guntbertbhuey: if you don't get good answers here - ask in #ubuntu-server22:34
Zelozelosone last q about 11, will i be having issues with adobe as always or was that issue worked out for the 64 bit version?22:35
robin0800Jacinator, killall unity-launcher22:35
usr13bhuey: What exactly are you wanting to do? Share the network connection with another PC or other PCs on a switch?22:35
guntbert!it | vicienzino22:35
ubottuvicienzino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:35
=== JediMaster is now known as Guest92166
usr13bhuey: Are you insterested in ipmasquerade?22:35
Priestusr13 so, do i boot the install cd as a live cd and then do something from the page you listed?  because it is talking about using the comand line in ubuntu, and mine wont boot from the install....22:35
JacinatorRobin0800: Then it says No process found.22:35
netwolkerI can't see properly my videos, if i try to open one, i get this: http://imagebin.org/15207722:35
jeregonhello how do i satrt ubuntu 11.4 text only?22:36
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
anygivennamehow can I have a GUI for Asterisk?22:36
dagonlinux is the shznit22:36
vicienzinoscusate c è qualcuno italiano?22:36
usr13Priest: Yes, you will need to boot the liveCD and follow instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub22:36
robin0800Jacinator, well log out then22:36
netwolkervicienzino: join #ubuntu-it22:37
JacinatorRobin0800: Ok, will do that.22:37
vicienzino<netwolker>  scs nn capisco22:37
hugobugodoes anyone use pspell  or is it enchant that is custom now? If not, what spellchecker do you use? if any22:37
vicienzino! list22:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:37
netwolkervicienzino: scrivi /j #ubuntu-it22:38
hugobugoopps wrong chan22:38
Priestusr13 thank you.... restarting now...... yay fr having more than one machine sitting side by side!22:38
FrEaKmAn_hi, do I need to do anything else but enabling snapping windows in compiz settings to make it work?22:38
fr00gIs there a difference between "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty main restricted" and "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty restricted"?22:39
jribfr00g: yes, one has "main" the other does not22:39
fr00gSo they're not the same repositories?22:40
guntbert!nox | jeregon22:40
ubottujeregon: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode22:40
jribfr00g: the first one has restricted AND main, the second one does not have main.22:40
fr00gBecause Synaptic is saying that they're duplicates22:40
bc81wow brasero and gnome baker fail miserably at burning a simple VIDEO_TS folder's contents.  any suggestions on what to use?22:41
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
EdganAnyone know the state of Turbo Mode and Lucid?22:43
=== rkeiii is now known as rellis
dagonthought linux was already in turbo mode from the get go22:43
ericPi'm not getting any notification sounds, and Configure Notifications returns immediately when i press play on e.g. /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/bell.ogg22:44
ericPmplayer can play the same ogg, and i get that gratifying thunk sound22:44
Edgandagon: From what I have been reading it might not work without 2.6.33+ kernels. But then it could have been patched into 2.6.32 at some point.22:44
ericPalso, sound works for skype, rythmbox, etc22:45
guntbertgiannis:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:45
ams_any advice on getting the most current nvidia drivers from maverick on lucid?22:45
giannishow can i connect in pytho22:45
usr13bc81: What is in VVIDEO_TS ?  Is from a DVD by any chance?22:45
rl-bbykdoes anyone know how to do mac vm on ubuntu?22:45
OsmodivsHello, I want to download a youtube video with wget, i type this: osmodivs@Djiin:~$ wget -c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdHbqGE1S8g But I only download a HTML file, I want the video, How do I do this?22:45
usr13Osmodivs: There is a plugin for Firefox someplace, but I don't know the name of it.  Just look around.22:46
daviddoriais there a better way (i.e. GUI) than editing /etc/sudoers to make sudo not require a password?22:48
alainghow do i remove samba?22:48
guntbertdaviddoria: thats a bad approach anyway22:48
usr13alaing: apt-get remove samba22:48
alaingusr13: thanks22:48
Priestnever booted live cd before.... sitting at 10 minutes now with it still showing the try ubuntu / install ubuntu screen after hitting "try ubuntu" and getting the spinning pointer for working22:49
daviddoriaguntbert; oh yea? what is the better way?22:49
Priestis this normal, or should I start over?22:49
=== Godspeed is now known as The-Saint
usr13Priest: Not normal.  Did you test the CD?22:50
=== The-Saint is now known as Crashed
=== Crashed is now known as Crashing
guntbertdaviddoria: get used to typing the password - that way you are reminded when you do something that might threaten your system22:50
gianniscan anyone help me?22:50
ams_i have a new nvidia gt 440 but the drivers in the lucid ppa are not new enough - the drivers in maverick appear to be the most current but i cannot figure out how to add them22:50
daviddoriahaha no thanks, way too annoying22:50
Osmodivsusr13, Na, they tend to fail, it's a 600MB file, and it stoped at 90MB, i want something to download and try everytime there is a bad internet connection22:50
alaingim getting an error and it wont let me removei t22:50
guntbertdaviddoria: how often do you need it?22:51
Odayhow do i add myself to the "dba" group?22:51
Priestusr13 wouldnt testing it involve getting it to work?  I checked the download before burning, i burned it slow....22:51
daviddoriait seems like all the time22:51
tilleyrwWhy is my UI fuzzy and indistinct?  Borders aren't sharp and colors aren't vibrant or even smooth.22:51
guntbert!who | daviddoria22:51
ubottudaviddoria: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:51
BenBEIs there a log kept somewhere of the information dumped during a kernel panic?22:51
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:52
tilleyrwWho can help me with a display graphics issue?  My UI is suboptimal.22:52
BenBESince my update to latest Ubuntu with 2.6.38 kernel I keep getting kernel panics whenever wpa_wpa_supplicant tries to establish the network connection.22:52
guntbertdaviddoria: no, after one call you have about 7 minutes where it remembers the "root" state22:52
ayeceeBenBE: it's written to /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages, if the panic still left the kernel in a state that it's able to do so.22:52
dagonI got my ubuntu lookin awsome with compiz blasting that22:52
daviddoriaguntbert ok, so the answer was "no, no easy way" haha22:52
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:52
Odayhow do i add myself to the "dba" group?22:53
robin0800tilleyrw, compiz not working well with graphic driver22:53
guntbertdaviddoria: no, my answer was: don't do it22:53
dagondaft punk rocks22:53
Priestusr13: okay... tab function is cool.... I dotn know if you saw the last post.  I checked the download before burning it, I burned it slow... i guess I will try restarting to see what I get22:53
ams_anyone here that could help with nvidia driver22:54
guntbertdaviddoria: I have seen to many (including myself) you damaged their system by unknowingly working with root permissions22:54
guntbert*too many22:54
dkim1987ams: what's wrong with it?22:54
ams_i have a new nvidia gt 440 but the drivers in the lucid ppa are not new enough - the drivers in maverick appear to be the most current but i cannot figure out how to add them22:54
prefrontalI just updated to Natty and several audio applications such as sweep and gnome_wave_cleaner are looking for my sound device in /dev/dsp and failing. I'm having to run `padspo my_audio_program) to redirect the sound to them. how can I fix this? It was working before the upgrade.22:55
dkim1987ams_: do you have a link?22:55
daviddoriaguntbert, ok question 2: in my keyboard shortcuts it says alt+f2 should be "run application". however, when i press it, nothing happens22:55
guntbertdaviddoria: are you using unity? then I don't know22:56
sahipdaviddoria: does any other shortcut defined there work?22:56
gianniswhat can i do to connect to PYTHON CHANNEL??22:56
ams_dkim1987: link to what?22:56
john45I want a software unix ghost who had been as developed by a university, you could install on a partition and run it at startup by pressing F12 and selecting. I can not remember the name but I know that the software was free ?22:56
dkim1987ams_: nvm, let me look up something22:56
flybackwhy the hell does 11.xx whatever it is keep dimming the display on my laptop22:56
robin0800prefrontal, reinstall sweep etc22:56
flybackI Have power management when on ac off and screensaver off22:56
trismgiannis: you need to register and identify22:57
trism!register | giannis22:57
ubottugiannis: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:57
campeejohn45: clonezilla?22:57
Odayhow do i add myself to the "dba" group?22:57
campeejohn45: ghost for linux?22:57
ams_dkim1987: i think i saw between the nvidia site and launchpad that the version numbers matched up22:57
john45no , it's not clonezilla22:57
usr13Oday: You can edit /etc/group and jsut add your user name there.22:57
giannisthank u22:57
prefrontalrobin0800, but i just installed gwc gnome_wave_cleaner today22:58
caudexSystem - Prefs - Keyboard won't reset to defaults Apply-System-Wide (meerkat on tpad t-42) any ideas?22:58
JacinatorMy Unity Launcher keeps getting stuck. How can I fix this? I have restarted my computer, and after a while it got stuck again? Anyone have any ideas?22:58
=== Spitfire__ is now known as SpitfireWP
Odaythe line with "dba" says "dba:x:1002:"22:58
sahipcaudex: I had a keyboard issue, I think I can help. So what keyboard layout do you want? And do you want it per user or on the entire system?22:58
dkim1987ams_: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/ubuntu-x-swat?dist=maverick22:58
dkim1987ams_: is this the site?22:58
giannisi have registered before and now i can't join22:58
Odayi know that the first parameter is the name of the group, the second is the password, and the 3rd is the ID of whom, usr13 ?22:59
robin0800Jacinator, try auto hide instead of dodge22:59
usr13Oday: dba:x:1002:Oday22:59
caudexI have t42 but t60 keyboard.22:59
Odayok usr1322:59
JacinatorRobin0800: How do I change these settings?22:59
BenBEayecee Unfortunately it's in neither of those files ...22:59
sahipcaudex: if you could put my name to the beginning of your messages, it becomes easier for me to read, thanks22:59
usr13Oday: sudo vim /etc/group     #I use the  vim  editor.22:59
ams_dkim1987: yea thats it22:59
bhueyusr13: nailed, thanks for replying anyways :)22:59
ams_dkim1987:  270.41.0622:59
Maahesanyone know of a console oriented audioplayer for passing a single file to on an event?22:59
Odayusr13, what is the name of the service that Oracle starts when it "starts the database"?22:59
dkim1987ams_: have you already update your ppa?22:59
caudexI want to use xmodmaprc and not have any other part of meerkat mess with keyboard23:00
robin0800Jacinator,  compiz ccsm23:00
usr13bhuey: Okeydokey.23:00
daviddoriasahip - some of them do, maybe the pattern is none with alt work?23:00
bhueyusr13: I used the instructions for ufw but I had to also restart eth2, things are good now23:00
Odayi want to check for its status, usr13, like this "sudo service xxx status"23:00
JacinatorRobin0800: What?23:00
usr13Oday: I don't know.23:00
ams_dkim1987: when i added it i can only get up to 185.x.x23:00
bhueyusr13: restarting of that interface was a bit odd, but it toggled what ever was needed to make it happy23:00
caudexsahip, sorry. I don't know my ircclient very well.23:00
bhueyusr13: thanks and later23:00
sahipdaviddoria - well does any other alt-related shortcuts work?23:00
usr13bhuey: later23:00
Priestusr13: live cd worked this time... but reading on the page you linked, would it not be simpler for a noob like myself to use rescayus rather than try to enter all the stuff myself?  knowing the options and the system as you do, would you reccomend i continue with the manual way with live cd, or use rescatus?23:00
daviddoriasahip - well the alt key isn't broken, ctrl+alt+t opens a terminal as it should23:01
daviddoriasahip - but alt+F1 and alt+F2 don't work23:01
sahipcaudex, it's alright. So could you repeat please? t48 to t60 you said?23:01
flybackmy GID23:01
robin0800Jacinator, compizconfig-settings-manager23:01
daviddoriaguntbert- does "unity" mean gnome3?23:01
flybackit did it again23:01
dkim1987ams_: is your ubuntu 32bit or 64bit?23:01
html_inprogressrescatus whats that?23:02
caudexsahip, it's tpad t-41. I think I would have been okay if i had'nt messed with prefs.23:02
ams_dkim1987: 64 - actually this is a different page on launchpad than i looked at - i was looking at the vdpau page23:02
flybackhow can I totally disable ubuntu's ability to dim my display23:02
flybacksince it's buggy23:02
xsinickok i had it back to 10.1023:02
xsinickyou can not share a printer on Natty23:02
sahipdaviddoria - I see, also to make sure, can you check if the script that is attached to those shortcuts actually work?23:02
usr13Priest: I don't  know.  Just which ever way looks ok to you.  ...What you are comfortable with...23:02
xsinickyou can't share folder too23:02
JacinatorRobin0800: Where do I find this Compizconfig? Sorry, I am really new to Ubuntu..23:03
sahipdaviddoria - simply, copy paste the script to a console and see if it does.23:03
robin0800Jacinator, software centre23:03
daviddoriasahip, what do you mean the script? In keyboard shortcuts i only see two columns, "action" and "shortcut"23:03
flybackI am going to freaking smash this thing, ugh23:03
html_inprogressneed some help?23:03
sahipdaviddoria, action?23:03
JacinatorRobin0800: Thank you!23:03
xsinickJacinator: you have to installing from the software centre23:03
dagonflyback, listen to that make u feel better23:03
=== javjar is now known as jaramillo
usr13but as a Priest, I would suggest you start (and end) with prayer  :)23:04
ams_dkim1987: still - on this x-swat ppa it doesnt go up to 270.41.06 for lucid - lucid has 270.29.x and the gt 440 isnt supported till 270.41.0623:04
Priestusr13: always do.....23:04
dkim1987ams_: well then i would try downloading the recent version23:04
xsinickJacinator: aint that just silly :|23:04
usr13Priest: Amen23:04
sahipcaudex: okay, there are a few tools that change the keyboard. lets start with setxkbmap. Do you know how to use it?23:04
dkim1987ams_: wget or curl the source23:04
daviddoriasahip, yes, "show the panels run application dialog box" is alt+f2, and "show the panels' main menu is alt+f123:04
dkim1987ams_: maybe git23:04
dkim1987ams_: maybe maven, i dont know how they keep they source23:05
sahipdaviddoria: okay, I was at the console, I'll start gnome and see to it myself.23:05
html_inprogressflyback,  do you need help?23:05
dkim1987ams_: but there should be installer script you can download23:05
flybackhtml_inprogress: yeah23:05
flybackI just need to disable power management in ubutnu23:05
ams_dkim1987: on nvidias site theres a .run script23:05
flybackit keeps dimming my display and I am on ac23:05
flybackdriving me insane23:05
dkim1987ams_: then you dont have to rely on ppa for installing driver23:05
flybackI disabled everything in the control panel23:06
flybackso I assume it's  a bug in 11.x23:06
dkim1987ams_: have you tried running it?23:06
caudexsahip, no. and on w32 system here on dialup. not on the meerkat laptop. I just need a list of everything in linux system hierarchy that might cause prefs to stick.23:06
ams_dkim1987: i was hoping to find a way to force the maverick ppa is all23:06
Priestusr13:  downloading rescatux... seems like less for me to screw up along the way23:06
usr13Priest: I would help, (and I know it is complicated), but that's just it, it is a bit too complicated to give live tech support on this issue.  You are better off just reading the information and working it out for yourself.  I would go to a private channel and give you pointers as you go, but am about to leave for a while.23:06
usr13Priest: Good.23:06
Priestusr13: understood... you got me pointed in the right direction23:06
ams_dkim1987: not yet but just wanted to look at all options first23:07
dkim1987ams_: the official ppa doesnt seem to have the most recent update from what i see23:07
html_inprogressflyback,  pm ?23:07
bencchow do I uninstall a server I built from source?23:07
sahipdaviddoria - my bad, apparently the command portion is hidden23:07
dkim1987ams_: but it shouldnt be 185.. something23:07
usr13Priest: I've done it for a friend of mine and got through it just fine, but wouldn't have been able to without the instructions.23:07
Jordan_Ubencc: What are you actually trying to install?23:07
html_inprogressPriest,  do you need help?23:08
daviddoriasahip, how do I unhide it?23:08
sahipcaudex: I will relog right now23:08
dkim1987ams_: if you have 185.something, then you may have a wrong ppa23:08
benccJordan_U: I've installed Ejabberd IM server from source and now I want to uninstall and install the new version23:08
sahipdaviddoria: I am relogging riht now, 1 sec please23:08
=== giannis is now known as giannis_kal7
dkim1987ams_: even with the newest one, i dont think it has the driver for your version23:08
meganerdSuperLag: I am now23:08
caudexsahip what does relog mean?23:08
dkim1987ams_: i'd just run the script as this page: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/270.41.06/README/installdriver.html23:08
ams_dkim1987: i will run it tho once i get back to it tonight - i have a diff ppa - ppa:nvidia-vdpau23:09
BenBEHow to make GnomeTerminal respect that F10 should go to the console application (mcedit) instead of the menubar? Worked on Maverick, but not on Natty :(23:09
dkim1987ams_: another way is you can edit your ppa23:09
BenBEI already tried Edit->Shortcuts with all combinations of checkboxes and so on ...23:09
Priestusr13:  i am looking at install while downloading in the partitions i have sda1 is ntfs with windows, sda5 is swap i created, sda4 is exta, sda2 is ntfs for windows recovery partition...... i set the device for boot loader to sda4... was this correct or no?23:09
dkim1987ams_: i've done it with centos, and it should be similar in ubuntu23:09
daviddoriasahip - ah, it turns out there is a "function luck" button on my keyboard23:09
ams_dkim1987: edit it how? i know how to add them but what else do i change23:09
usr13BenBE: I usually use F12 for konsole23:09
Jordan_Ubencc: What's wrong with the one that comes with ubuntu?23:09
=== sahip is now known as Chepoll
dkim1987ams_: you can create your own ppa and add it23:09
daviddoriasahip - ah, it turns out there is a "function luck" button on my keyboard23:09
=== giannis is now known as giannis_kal7
trismBenBE: if this is in unity, there is also a setting in compizconfig-settings-manager you need to change23:10
dkim1987ams_:but i really think this will just make your life harder23:10
Chepolldaviddoria: and function-luck does?23:10
daviddoriaChepoll, once I turned it on it seems to work as expected23:10
caudexchepoll, Okay, I see23:10
dkim1987ams_: easiest solution is probably the script, or searching for ppa that is already made for your case23:10
robin0800priest normall sda is prefered23:10
BenBEusr13 Inside mcedit you need F10 to quit (or Alt+0 (which is also taken by GnomeTerminal)23:10
usr13BenBE: Actually, it's gnome-terminal  (not konsole).23:10
Chepollcaudex: okay I am back, now, have you used setxkbmap before?23:10
ams_dkim1987: alright - well ill stick to the nvidia site for the moment but ill keep checking the x-swat ppa later23:10
tbruff13yes using 10.10 how do i enable compiz so that it is my new window manager23:10
dkim1987ams_: editting ppa is not fun if you dont have enough info about it23:10
benccJordan_U: My server uses Jaunty and the package is too old there23:11
caudexchepoll, no I have'nt.23:11
ams_dkim1987: thanks for the advice!23:11
BenBEtrigrou I didn't install compiz. but maybe check for that setting anyway.23:11
dkim1987ams_: yeah, i dont know when they are going to roll out a new ppa23:11
dkim1987ams_: no problem, i had a similar problem23:11
Priestrobin0800: okay... so i screwed up... select sda instead of sda423:11
trismBenBE: unity plugin/key to open first panel menu23:11
Jordan_Ubencc: Jaunty is no longer supported.23:11
dkim1987ams_: just sourced the code and compiled it myself23:11
Priestrobin0800: and i should have a workable bootloader?23:11
benccJordan_U: I know23:12
Chepollcaudex: the command is : sudo setxkbmap -layout inser-layout-here -variant insert-var-here -option insert-opt-here23:12
html_inprogressPriest,  do you need help????23:12
caudexchepoll, I have used xmodmap sucessfully but Prefs are messing with it.23:12
Priesthtml_inprogress: maybe... probably23:12
robin0800Priest, you can use sudo install-grub /dev/sda23:12
giannis_kal7i can't connect in python channel23:12
Chepollcaudex: can you try running setxkbmap -layout -t41? or whatever the name of the thing is23:12
chriskHi, can anybody help me? My document folder is like...gone somehow23:12
joeyyhi everyone! I need help with an ubuntu 10.04 vw. I cannot get an ip! I keep getting
erixdoes anyone know how to configure htdigest settings ? in apacheconf file23:12
Jordan_Ubencc: If you'd like support here you'll need to upgrade to a supported version of Ubuntu. And on top of that I really hope your server isn't internet facing since you're not getting security updates.23:13
Priestrobin0800: from a booted live cd, type that into console?23:13
usr13joeyy: sudo dhclient23:13
usr13joeyy: sudo dhclient eth023:13
BenBEtrism unity only brings up "starter and menues" which is a small window where I only can choose when to show the button bar on the left ...23:13
caudexchepoll, I'll try.23:13
joeyyrofl @usr13, your the man23:13
Jordan_UPriest: How many hard drives do you have?23:13
joeyyor woman23:13
a007-253can anyone help with Kismet?23:13
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:13
Chepollcaudex: ok I'm waiting, just go ahead23:13
chrisk@<Jordan_U> why can't someone get support for 10.04? It's a LTS that lasts until...2013?23:14
a007-253I was wondering how to use the command line or start kisme23:14
benccJordan_U: I just I asked how to uninstall something I installed with ./configure&&make&& sudo make install23:14
benccJordan_U:  didn't want a lecture but thanks23:14
usr13Priest: I think you have to mount and then chroot over to the HDs filesystem first.  Right?  Did you see that in the instructions?23:14
trismBenBE: in ccsm?23:14
PriestJordan_U: one physical drive preinstalled with win-vista (i know...) is has a recovery partition for Win and a partition for windows install23:14
tbruff13yes using 10.10 how do i enable compiz so that it is my new window manager23:14
robin0800Priest, not without mounting and having ownership of sda23:14
a007-253Downloaded kismet and cannot get started23:14
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:15
Chepolltbruff13: how do you log into your current window manageR?23:15
Jordan_Uchrisk: They can. Jaunty is not 10.04.23:15
caudexchepoll, okay it will take awhile.23:15
chriskOh, pardon me. I thought you were talking about 10.0423:15
tbruff13Chepoll, it just starts fresh install of 10.1023:15
robin0800tbruff13, compiz --replace23:15
Priestusr13: oh... so what robin0800 was telling me is part of the complex thing i am likely to screw up?23:15
trismBenBE: install compizconfig-settings-manager, System Settings/Compiz config settings manager, Unity Plugin/Key to open first panel menu, it defaults to F10 to match the gtk default23:16
introublecan anyone tell when a person reads his email. suppose he has hotmail account. the email text will be first sent by hotmail to the readers isp . then to the router then to the readers computer when he reads it?23:16
afvchrisccoulson, are you there?23:16
Jordan_UPriest: Did you install Windows after Ubuntu?23:17
usr13introuble: Yes, pretty much... why?23:17
robin0800Priest, the live cd is the problem IMHO23:17
PriestJordan_U: windows was there already, did install as "beside a windows installation"23:17
chriskAnybody got a fix for an apparently missing documents folder in 10.10?23:18
Priestrobin0800: didnt you tell me i aimed the bootloader at the wrong spot on initial install?23:18
Piciintrouble: No. And thats not really on-topic for this channel. This is for Ubuntu support only.  Random chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic23:18
afvi reported the bug about libnss3. how does the apps "find" the location of the libraries? "dpkg -L libnss3" shows me the "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl3.so"23:18
introubleusr13 how yes.  Pici how no?23:18
=== sahip is now known as Chepoll
caudexchepoll, should I start in recovery mode?23:18
robin0800Priest, the easiest way is to use an alternate cd and use recovery menu option23:18
Chepollno no, you didn't have to restart, you could just type it in while you're just using gnome or whichever it is that you use23:19
Jordan_U!bootinfo | Priest23:19
ubottuPriest: To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:19
Chepollcaudex: no no, you didn't have to restart, you could just type it in while you're just using gnome or whichever it is that you use23:19
introubleusr13 pvt?23:19
introublePici pvt ?23:19
sd_hello, I have a vaio netbook with ubuntu installed. I don't like look of Gnome in netbook edition. How can I change ubuntu to look like ordinary gnome?23:19
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:19
usr13Priest: Ok, did you mount the root filesystem yet?23:19
Chepollcaudex: just start normally.23:19
Piciintrouble: I'd be happy to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic, but not in pm.23:19
Priestusr13:  yes!23:19
caudexchepoll. this is windows here. the meerkat is on a chair next to me ;-)23:20
introublePici iam there23:20
usr13Priest: Ok do you see the mount point?23:20
introubleusr13 you there?23:20
usr13introuble: Yes23:20
Priesti dont know what to do with so many people talking to me at once!  sorry and thatnk you all, trying to keep up!23:20
Jordan_UPriest: It's very odd that you are having this problem on a machine with only one hard driv (unless you used manual partitioning and manually pointed grub at a partition rather than the mbr, but I think that's unlikely).23:20
Chepollcaudex: okay, just fully start23:20
introubleusr13 please tell in pvt or ubuntu-offtopic   why you said yes23:20
caudexchepoll okay I have meerkat running23:20
Priestusr13: i mounted it, and did the step for verifying the mount was correct23:20
Chepollcaudex: open a terminal emulator23:21
robin0800Jordan_U, I think thats exactly what he did23:21
usr13Priest:  mount23:21
caudexchep, okay23:21
PriestJordan_U: i believe that is exatly what i did.... since i manually partitioned because i did not wannt to lose the recovery partition that existed already23:21
Chepollcaudex: open a terminal emulator and in it, enter "sudo setxkbmap -layout your-layout-name"23:21
PriestJordan_U: i pointed boot at sda4 when apparently that was wrong23:21
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:21
usr13Ok well if the mount point were /media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444    this is the command you would use:  sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda23:22
Jordan_UPriest: Ahh. Just so you know, automatic partitioning never deletes partitions.23:22
usr13Priest: You see the  example?23:22
caudexchep, where do I find my-layout-name?23:22
ntr0pyIs it possible to run Ubuntu from uSDHC card as boot disk?23:22
Priestusr13:  i am looking at the instructions page23:23
BenBEtrism Thanks. Seems to work.23:23
Chepollcaudex: I usually google for it. what did you say you called it?23:23
Jordan_Untr0py: If your BIOS will boot from it, and it's large enough, yes.23:23
gmachine_24so I managed to install the 11.04 beta like . . . a week before they released the official version. I'm guessing I should just install the 'official' version . . . ?? any reasons not to?23:23
Priestusr13: i did the verify... i have not gone further because i have gotten so many responses here(thank you) that i am trying to figure out what to do next23:23
usr13Priest: You see the example right below where it says;  "Now that everything is mounted, we just need to reinstall GRUB by specifying the correct directory and the correct drive name"  ?23:23
Jordan_U!final | gmachine_2423:23
ubottugmachine_24: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:23
caudexchep, I did'nt call it anything. It just says keyboard model:23:23
hihihi100how do I install k9copy 2.3.7 from source? I dont see any configure23:23
Chepollcaudex: okay, I was it t41 ?23:24
KM0201!info k9copy23:24
ubottuk9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.3.6-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1296 kB, installed size 3592 kB23:24
ntr0pyJordan_U: Yes the board is supposed to support that. What filesystem is best (i think there will be no hardware wear leveling)23:24
caudexchep, yes Thinkpad t-4223:24
KM0201hihihi100: any particular reason 2.3.6 won't work?23:24
Priestusr13: uhmm that is not what is next on the page i am reading23:24
usr13Priest: It says: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sd    So substitute /media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444  with YOUR mount point.23:24
Chepollcaudex: let me look into it23:24
caudexchep, okay thanks, meantime I'll look around usr/X1123:25
usr13Priest: I lopped off the "a"  should say /dev/sda23:25
html_inprogresswhats you need help with ?23:25
hihihi100km0201, I think my k9copy 2.3.6 has problems reading double layered dvd's the image is not clean23:25
caudexoops etc/X1123:25
KM0201hihihi100: ok..23:25
Priestusr13: how do i know what to use for the substitution?23:26
Jordan_Untr0py: ext4, if you're really paranoid about extra writes then ext4 with journaling disabled. Also, you should set swappiness to 0 (if you plan to have a swap partition at all).23:26
html_inprogressjoeyy, ipconfig23:26
Priestusr13: the text i got from the "mount | tail -1" comand23:26
usr13Priest: Basically what you do is get the linux partition mounted, (the one that has root (/) on it), and use that mount point after the designation --root-directory=23:26
lj_any body find v11.04 a bit harder to work with?23:27
robin0800lj_, no23:27
usr13Priest: yea, that is ok,   tail -l  will just show last line.23:27
gmachine_24Jordan_U: Thanks, mate.23:27
Chepollcaudex: caudex: well it seems like a normal US keyboard. what specific keys did not work? or what was the problem with it?23:27
caudexokay, i see you23:27
Jordan_Ugmachine_24: You're welcome.23:27
lj_I wish I can put it on the bottom instead23:27
lj_the unity bar...23:28
ErezCohenHello, any one know how to solve the "ignoring unknown interface" issue? in ubuntu 10.04, the network connection worked great, then sudenly i lost all the NICs and when i try to restart the network service i get this message, when i look in the interfaces file there is only "auto lo and iface lo inet loopback", ps i installed ssh on the machine, but i don't think that is the problem....i couldn't find any real answer over the web fo23:28
ErezCohenit.....please help23:28
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:28
caudexchep the problem is that I can't set keyboard prefs to default. The system won't accept it.23:28
Priestusr13: okay... just got it typed in and it spun up the cd..... gave me "installation finished. no error reported"23:28
Chepollcaudex: well what was the default? and what is it now?23:28
ntr0pyJordan_U: i have 2GB ram. Would it make sense to use JFFS2 or similar instead of ext423:28
usr13Priest: That should do it then.23:29
html_inprogressanyone need help?23:29
usr13Priest: reboot and see what happens.23:29
Priestusr13:  restarting and giving it a go then23:29
ChepollErezCohen: how did you connect to internet before?23:29
ErezCohenwireless NIC23:29
caudexchep, It could be that using xmodmap to define fn key and back page (dedicated thinkpad hardware keys) did something23:29
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ErezCohenjust installed the ubuntu box and it worked great23:30
caudexchep now Alt CapsLock Alt-Control are mixed up.23:30
ChepollErezCohen: you connected through wired or wireless?23:30
caudexchep also alt-win key behavior23:30
ErezCoheni don't understand why it happend but i read over the web that i am not the first, and wireless23:30
Chepollcaudex: yeah, I see, do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data"23:31
usr13Priest: But I don't do it that way at all.  I manually mount the filesystem.  I use  sudo fdisk -l  to see where it is, (I'll know by looking at that output) and then I make a mount point and mount it like this.  mkdir /mnt/sda ; mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/sda4 ; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/sda4 /dev/sda23:31
AlanHow do you exclude directories from the file indexer? there are lots of things i really don't want coming up in the unity panel when i start searching....23:31
SuperLagmeganerd: hah. Got an Atheros card, but trying to put it in to Master mode gives me an error. I'm told I need to use hostapd instead. Does that sound right?23:31
caudexchep  okay23:31
ChepollErezCohen: could you please put my name to the beginning of your messages so I can see when you respond to me?23:31
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:32
usr13Priest: Of course, youll have to put sudo in front of all that.... but you get the idea23:32
ErezCohen Chepoll, sorry, sure :-)23:32
SuperLagmeganerd: don't remember if you recall our conversation about me trying to make a desktop a wireless AP23:32
Priestusr13: okay..... we got a purple screen, a black screen and then it loaded just ubuntu..... did not give me a windows option now23:32
caudexchep,  console-data is not installed23:32
ChepollErezCohen: okay, firstly, is the network-manager applet working? the one that scans for the wireless and whatnot23:33
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:33
Chepollcaudex: sudo apt-get install console-data23:33
usr13Priest: Ok well, if it boots ubuntu, you can fix it so that it boots windows too.  It's easier from Ubuntu to tweak grub23:33
spankbotanyone worked w/ MOTS on Ubuntu before?23:33
Priestusr13: alright.... most of the way there then23:33
robin0800Priest, run sudo update-grub23:33
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:34
Priestrobin0800: okay..... geting terminal open23:34
FloodBot1raven_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
caudexchep, will apt-get work off of the cd or does that box need to be on web?23:34
Jordan_Untr0py: I don't think that jffs2 works with block devices, and you are almost certainly wrong about there being no wear leveling (how good the wear leveling is is another question).23:34
ErezCohenChepoll, i think every thing is working, what i am getting from the dasktop is i can see all the wireless networks around me...and i can connect to them, just not getting any ip from that23:34
Trelerr, oops23:34
Priestrobin0800: just type in what you posted, that is all?23:34
spankbottalk to me about MOTS, anyone?23:34
raven_11.04 mobile network does not connect any more23:35
Chepollcaudex: if you're on the web it would just work right away23:35
Chepollcaudex: else, hm23:35
robin0800Priest, yes watch if it finds windows23:35
caudexchep, I'm not. This is w32 desktop23:35
GlycanIs it unreasonable to think that when booting from "HDD     TOSHIBA MK2035GSS- (S1)", it boots from the first partition?23:35
caudexchep I'll try the meerkat install disk.23:36
ntr0pyJordan_U: so you still suggest ext4?23:36
azmeiHey all! Just a quick question. How do I find out which ./configure-options were used to compile the precompiled apt-get packages with?23:36
Chepollcaudex: wait, does your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file say anything about your keyboard?23:36
Jordan_Untr0py: Yes.23:36
azmeiI want to compile Apache2 from source to change a few settings from the precompiled package.23:36
anonymitybeen trying to figure out how to connect to other places, say another room, on another  server I guess. any ideas?23:36
Priestrobin0800: found linux, initrd, memtest86+ image, and vista loader...... said done23:36
GlycanIf it's not, how do I put GRUB on it, whithout a working live?23:36
ChepollErezCohen: and it stays at that point, and doesn't progress, right?23:37
robin0800Priest, reboot to test23:37
ErezCohenChepoll, yes23:37
usr13Priest: I think you've got it.23:37
winxordieI've got a case of Blank DVD+R's being reported as having 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free in nautilus. Any ideas?23:38
caudexchep, don't know I'll check. Hang loose it'll take time i'm a total linux newbie23:38
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ChepollErezCohen: mm hmm, let me think, I am afraid I might not be very helpful now though23:38
GlycanGuys? Help me out.23:38
Jordan_UGlycan: Your question is not clear. What are you actually trying to do?23:39
Glycan(Let it be known that there are not one, but two working U partitions)23:39
meganerdSuperLag: seems to ring a bell, I don't really remember the specifics23:39
meganerdSuperLag: your card did not support AP mode?23:39
ntr0pyJordan_U: thx i will give it a try. Is there a recommended way to prevent too much writes (no journal, no atime, maybe preformat it with "live usb image" via usb-creator)?23:39
GlycanI'm tryign to get to a working ubuntu. My normal bootloader (e.g. windows) doesn't work, becouse I accedently deleted it.23:39
ErezCohenChepoll, ok, 10x anyway, as i said, i read over the web that many poeple has the same problem, wierd no one know how to fix it and what do they do, install all the ubuntu from scratch?23:39
supercom32I installed 11.04 and I noted that the indicator applet has big gaps between the icons. Is there a way to reduce the space?23:40
Chepollcaudex: well you probably have a text-editor for your terminal. let's say "vim". you'll type "vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf"23:40
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giannis /join #python23:40
Priestrobin0800: booted to ubuntu directly again23:40
ChepollErezCohen: I too had a similar problem but I don't use gnome's network manager, so I wouldn't really know23:40
Jordan_U!grubrestore | Glycan23:41
caudexchep. /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist23:41
Jordan_UGlycan: Make sure you install grub's boot sector to the mbr and not a partition.23:41
ErezCohengnome is only the desktop, i don't care about the desktop...23:41
Alan what is the correct way to disable "recently used" documents?23:42
ErezCohenChepoll, sorry, how do i fix it in shell?23:42
Jordan_U!grub | Glycan23:42
ubottuGlycan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:42
Chepollcaudex: type "man xorg.conf" in your console. it has a list of locations where xorg.conf might exist. Could you check those please?23:42
Priestrobin0800: got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:42
Priestrobin0800: thank you much23:43
Priestusr13: thank you much!!!!!!!!!!!23:43
ChepollErezCohen: Use "wicd-curses" in that case. is it installed?23:43
winxordieanyone? It's absurd that I can't burn ISOs because there are 0/0 bytes being used.23:43
usr13Priest: NP  Welcome to Linux!23:44
Chepollcaudex: oh, oh, and, try doing a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration"23:44
robin0800Priest, something not right then I didn't lie usr13 use of media don't think root is loaded to media only cd floppy or external disks23:44
Priestrobin0800: got it!23:44
VE2EBPAny feedback from the new 11.04?23:44
VE2EBPhi root23:45
=== root is now known as Guest46441
Guest46441i am on backtrack linux and i think it is very cool23:45
VE2EBPAnybody tried the new 11.04 yet ?23:45
caudexchep one of the places is usr/etc/X11 which also doesn't exist23:45
supercom32I installed 11.04 and I noted that the indicator applet has big gaps between the icons. Is there a way to reduce the space?23:45
WWWildi got a problem when i close my laptop i got this : http://img842.imageshack.us/i/img20110505215616.jpg/       could pls any1 help me?23:45
Guest46441is possible to put on the new ubuntu version gnome?23:46
Guest46441i don't like very much unity23:46
LjL!classic | Guest4644123:46
ubottuGuest46441: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.23:46
dariusbeen playing around with 11.04 using Virtualbox23:46
ErezCohenChepoll, i have no idea...son't know that...checking23:46
VE2EBPYeah I don't like it either23:47
farmerHi, I use Unity on a dual-monitor system. On my right-hand monitor without the launcher, my username and the shutdown button are cut off by going off the edge of the screen. It is not a resolution issue. Is there a fix for this?23:47
Guest46441thanks ^^23:47
VE2EBPIt's ok for a notebook but not good for a desktop23:47
ChepollErezCohen: type "whereis wicd-curses"23:47
WWWildcould some1 help me?23:47
ErezCohenChepoll, getting wicd-curses:23:48
caudexwww just ask the question, someone might.23:48
VE2EBPI hope libreoffice is better and more stable than openoffice!23:48
Chepollcaydex: hey by the way, I am using a terminal based irc client and it's much easier to know when you've responded to me, if you type my full nick followed by a comma or whatever ;)23:49
Chepollcaudex: hey by the way, I am using a terminal based irc client and it's much easier to know when you've responded to me, if you type my full nick followed by a comma or whatever ;)23:49
spectre51_Quick question for you guys.  I have a new 2011 Macbook pro 13" 8,1  would the 32bit or 64 bit ubuntu 11.04 work better compatibility wise right out of the gate or would it make a difference23:49
caudexchepoll, okay. I might have to wait till I get the ubuntu box to a wifi somewhere23:49
farmerHi, I use Unity on a dual-monitor system. On my right-hand monitor without the launcher, my username and the shutdown button are cut off by going off the edge of the screen. It is not a resolution issue. Is there a fix for this?23:49
Chepollcaudex: okay, just, lets start over. do you remember in which files you have written "xmodmap" ?23:50
Jordan_Uspectre51_: It wouldn't make much of a difference as long as you use the +mac iso.23:50
caudexchepoll, yes ~/.xmodmaprc23:50
VE2EBPchepoll.. which app is that?23:50
ChepollVE2EBP: I am sorry? I don't know what you're talking about23:51
robin0800caudex, ~ means home23:51
caudexchepoll, I could even paste the 8 lines of it here if that is not bad etiquette.23:51
VE2EBPChepoll, oh you said you are using a terminal-like irc client?23:51
spectre51_Jordan_U: I don't see that +mac iso on the download page do you have a link?23:51
Chepollcaudex: no, don't need to paste. Just walk me through them. tell me what you've done23:52
Picicaudex: Please use a pastebin (like http://paste.ubuntu.com) if you need to share that much information in the future.23:52
peto_buenas noches23:52
ChepollVE2EBP: wicd-curses is if I want to see a such curses-based-interface. You can use ifconfig and whatnot to connect too.23:53
VE2EBPShould I upgrade to 11.04 or not ?23:53
ChepollVE2EBP: but wicd-curses is fairly simple23:53
caudexchepoll, using xev I get the keycode and then 8 lines like keycode 151 = Super_L23:53
xbmchello all23:53
VE2EBPk thans Chepoll23:53
farmerHi, I use Unity on a dual-monitor system. On my right-hand monitor without the launcher, my username and the shutdown button are cut off by going off the edge of the screen. It is not a resolution issue. Is there a fix for this?23:54
xbmcI have an issue where ubuntu fails to load graphics but if I drop to tty session and startx it loads fine.  How can I fix this so I dont have to start X from TTY everytime?23:54
Chepollcaudex: just say "I mapped "this key" to "that key" and then "this key to that key" and so on23:54
Chepollcaudex: so we can debug them, right?23:54
robin0800farmer, sounds like a bug to me23:54
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improveupondoes anyone have the problem of no login prompt after the screen saver has been active?23:55
Chepollimproveupon: that's an option, not a problem :) you must have set it up yourself23:55
Chepollimproveupon: it's under System>Pref>Screensaver23:55
GlycanAny reason for a livecd to show but a mouse on a dark screen after clicking try ubuntu (It did make a startup noise, however)23:55
improveuponno, i did not set it that way, and it only occasionally does it23:55
robin0800improveupon, its in screensavers23:55
caudexchepoll, Fn key lower left to Super_L after doing that xev reports that that key is Super_L23:56
xbmcanyone can help with my x config?  wont auto load on boot but loads from tty. please help.  major linux n00b here.23:56
improveuponthanks anyway, i'll look into it myself23:56
introublehttp://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/828/98710181.jpg/        is it possible?23:56
Jordan_Uspectre51_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/23:57
=== giannis_kal1 is now known as giannis_kal2
caudexchepoll, I'm trying to do on Linux what I do on w32 with keytweak23:57
Chepollcaudex: so can you just comment all the lines in that file( add a # to the beginning of each line) and then restart your X-session (ctrl-alt-backspace and on)23:57
zzecoolintrouble,  yes its called arp poisoning23:58
Maartenwell... I tried 11.04, and was really dissapointed in Unity... I just couldn't get used to it. I just wiped that partition and installed Debian 6... got the NVidia drivers and Compiz going already, Iceweasel 4.... just need to see about replacing OpenOffice with LibreOffice. I just seem to like it so much better then that Unity... ugh!23:58
introublezzecool can you elaborate23:58
spectre51_Jordan_U: even though it shows for 64-bit (AMD64) and not intel?23:58
Chepollcaudex: and then we can add them 1 by 1, see where it breaks down?23:58
zzecoolwhat exacly do you wanna know?23:58
Jordan_Uspectre51_: Yes. AMD64 is the standard created by AMD and used by both AMD and Intel.23:58
caudexchepoll, I've essentially done that by renaming .xmodmaprc to dotxmodmaprc and then rebooting but it doesn't help23:58
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FloodBot1xxen0nxx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:59
spectre51_Jordan_U: cool thanks gonna give it a go23:59
=== gannis__ is now known as giannis__
Chepollcaudex: you mean that some other changes that you don't know of happen to your keyboard?23:59

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