
ailoholstein, I see the US home page has been updated00:55
ailoDoes someone have access to that now?00:56
holsteinailo: logo is still bad though00:56
ailoWell, since Oneiric will be quite different, it seems suitable that the homepage should change at that time as well00:59
holsteinailo: did you see that page?01:00
ailoWhich one? Jorges?01:00
holsteini think you should add test cases01:00
holsteinat your liesure01:00
holsteinand assign them or whatever01:00
holsteinailo: the testing section is still a bit vague01:01
ailoIt's a little bit like a short version of ScottL's page01:01
holsteinpretty much01:02
holsteincory really wanted it01:02
holsteinand i like it01:02
holsteinnice and official01:02
ailoIt's missing some stuff, though01:02
ailoDocumentation and -controls01:02
ailoIn my view top prio on both, really. 01:03
holsteini think this should be an expanded version specific list01:03
holsteinmore about what and when01:03
holsteinso its not a redundant mess01:03
holsteinailo: you and paultag working on controls?01:03
ailoHaven't talked with paultag, but I've decide to start working on it in a month or so01:04
ailoHave a lot on my hands right now, and I need some extra time for it.01:04
holsteinthink about a good ending date for that01:05
ailoTakes some researching01:05
holsteinand i'll put that up there too01:05
ailoThe only things stopping me last time was time. Not a problem now01:05
holsteincool... lemme pack up for the gig.. BBL01:06
ailoI should have a basic version ready within a couple of weeks after beginning the coding. What happens after that is whatever time there is to work on things, and what features people would like to put in, or maybe even replace the -controls with falktx work. 01:07
ailoIn any case, I will aim for a basic application first. If we have nothing else, at least we have that01:07
ailoThe other thing I need to learn is packaging, which I will do once I finished the basic application01:08
ailoI suppose all of this should be ready to test by the end of June the latest01:08
ailoIn the form of a package01:09
ScottLailo, holstein: i think what cory wanted was some thought into setting some milestones with dates in order to make release01:16
ScottLlike we need to have the -lowlatency kernel built by a certain date so we can devote one month of testingg01:16
ScottLcory and i need to update the seeds probably within this month01:16
ailoI can set up a periodic testing system and write a script for it, but I wonder who will assist me in testing?01:18
ailoWe need more machines01:18
ailoI guess I could try get some volunteers on mail lists, once a script is ready01:19
ailoHaven't seen meganerd around for a while. He started sketching, but don't know if he continued01:19
ailoIn any case: We already know -lowlatency is the safe choice, right?01:20
ailoSo why not just decide to put it in?01:20
ailoWhat do you think ScottL?01:20
ScottLailo, right, but i think cory (and i was thinking the same) need to prioritize by assigning milestone dates to it, just like ubuntu does with feature freeze, debian import freeze, etc01:21
ailoScottL, We still need to learn how to create the source for -lowlatency, right? Not just package from abogani's, which I assume he will stop mantaining 01:22
ailoIt's basically a ubuntu kernel source with a patch, so it shouldn't be too much trouble01:23
ailo2nd of June is Alpha 101:25
ailoI guess by then it would be good to have a working -lowlatency then01:25
ailoScottL, I will come back in two weeks time to see if there's anything I can help out with. I will try upload a -lowlatency to my PPA then01:27
ailoScottL, If I can pull it off, I might as well host a testing script, as well as -controls. I hope to have a working controls ready by the middle of June, the end of June the latest01:27
ailoScottL, Here's my schedule, if you want it - 2nd of June: -lowlatency(whoever does that), 15th of June: testing script, 15-30th June: basic working -controls01:32
ailoScottL, Have you any thoughts on documentation, how you want to work on that?01:38
ScottLailo, abogani agreed to keep putting it into git as he already has but only if someone else packages, builds, and "maintains" it01:46
ailoScottL, Great01:46
ScottLailo, i think we already feel that -lowlatency is good, i'd like to get a few other people to test, especially with firewire01:47
ScottLailo, i don't have any thoughts yet on documentation at this point, maybe after this weekend01:47
holsteinScottL: yeah01:49
holsteini just dont feel like i can but dates on things01:49
holsteinwithout talking to the leads01:49
holsteinlike dick01:49
holsteini got some dates from kokito01:49
holsteinand i'll work down the list as we go01:49
ailoScottL, I suppose a draft of the documentation should be ready by some point, but it won't need to be finished until next release, or that would feel like an absolute deadline01:50
ailoScottL, If we can decide on the content tree no later than some time in June, I guess that's enough?01:51
ScottLailo, that sounds good, but we should probably prioritize which sections should be done first, in what order, and which ones should be done this cycle versus next cycle01:51
holsteini said but dates up there ^01:51
ScottLholstein, the idea was just to get something there and we can discuss it (meaning the dates)01:51
ScottLholstein, lol, i knoew what you meant ;)01:52
holsteinScottL: is it way off base?01:52
holsteinwhat i have?01:52
ScottLi think i'm about to convert my in-laws to ubuntu01:52
ScottLtheir windows install went tits up last week and i'm not able to fix it so i offered them a couple of live cds with kubutnu and xubuntu01:53
ailoScottL, Don't do it. They'll harass you for tech support01:53
ScottLthey were amazed that the live disc would allow them to get the internets right off the bat, when they're windows install kept dorking them around :P01:53
ScottLailo, i think i can ssh to their computer for most problems01:53
ailoScottL, Yeah, I was only kidding01:54
ScottLhi Daviey 02:59
Kokitogood evening folks05:03
KokitoScottL: you should have your blog added to Planet Ubuntu05:06
TheMusoKokito: It already is.05:27
KokitoTheMuso: hmmm... interesting. I am suvscribed to the planet's feed, but I did not see Scott's recent post. maybe I just missed it :)05:30
KokitoTheMuso: you are right. I just missed the post. Maybe I should not check my feed reader too early in the morning (before I have some coffee) :)05:32
scott-worki've added a chart with rough dates for the timeline wiki page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Oneiric/Timeline#preview14:56
scott-workcomments, additions, corrections, deletions, etc welcome :)14:57
scott-worki'm still going to add some more line items to a few things14:58
scott-workafter i feel that all the line items for all topics are added with dates, then i'll parse it sorted by date14:59
holsteinscott-work: i like it :)15:06
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scott-workholstein: re: timeline - if there's some stuff you want to add go for it :)18:47
astraljavascott-work: Did you send the agenda for the meeting, and did I just miss it?18:49
scott-workastraljava: no, i'm behind on that :(   i'll try to get it tonight though18:49
scott-workastraljava: if you want to make one that would be awesome :)18:49
astraljavascott-work: Do you have any sketches already? I can finish it for sure.18:50
scott-workastraljava: i don't at this time18:51
astraljavascott-work: Okay. I'll write something up and send it to you for review.18:51
scott-workastraljava: i would suggest that you go ahead and do it here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings18:54
scott-workastraljava: just make another entry and we'll go over it later18:54
astraljavascott-work: Sure that'll work.18:54
holsteinscott-work: thanks for putting that into a table19:17
holsteini think thats what cory wanted19:17
scott-workholstein:  no problem :)19:21
holsteinscott-work: i might just expand the information i put up19:26
holsteinthe stuff below the table19:26
holstein*at some point19:27
astraljavascott-work: holstein: Agenda is up. Didn't really have an idea what items we should discuss about, so just left a couple from the one that happened exactly a year ago at this same phase of new devel cycle.20:23
astraljavaPlease add details, add/remove items etc.20:24
scott-workholstein: this weekend is not going to be good for me for the meeting20:52
scott-workholstein: if everyone else still wants to have it, then that's fine by me20:52
scott-workholstein: if everyone wants to push one week, that is fine as well20:52
scott-workeither way, i will still try to finish the agenda tonight20:52
astraljavascott-work: No objections for pushing another week.21:12
holsteinscott-work: i cant be here either*21:28
scott-workholstein: lol, i'll send an email later today then pushing the meeting again :/21:39
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