
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
=== ScottL is now known as scott-downstairs
=== scott-downstairs is now known as ScottL
Strayfolkanyone running 11.04 with firewire yet?18:15
ailo_Strayfolk, holstein has been doing that18:30
ailo_Strayfolk, Should work out of the box18:30
ailo_Strayfolk, Just make sure you have realtime privilege with jackd, and that's all you need18:31
Strayfolkk. I couldn't run the live cd for some reason. kind of waiting for kx studio or fedora or something18:31
Strayfolkof ubuntu that is18:32
holsteinStrayfolk: we dont have a live CD19:16
holsteinif you cant get to the desktop from a live CD19:16
holsteinthe normal ubuntu live CD*19:17
holsteini would look at your graphics driver19:17
holsteinStrayfolk: are you on 10.04?19:18
holsteini have tested FW on 11.0419:19
holsteintheres really no reason to upgrade particularly19:19
holsteinany reason to *not* upgrade19:19
holsteinits up to you19:19
holsteinffado is supporting more devices all the time though19:20
holsteinthat could be a good reason to upgrade19:20
Strayfolkyup. I guess I have to find out myself whether it works better19:26
holsteinit should literally work basically the same19:27
Strayfolkrunning kx studio live dvd, I almost got the performance I get from my installed ubuntu studio19:27
Strayfolkso I really liked that...19:27
holsteini use 10.04 with falkx kxstudio PPA's added19:28
Strayfolkme too, but the kernels won't work19:28
holsteinwhat kernels?19:28
Strayfolkso I'm going with the preempt + a rt from the ubuntu repos19:28
holsteinsomething aint right19:28
holsteinthey work fine19:28
holsteini have -lowlatency and -realtime19:28
StrayfolkI've gone over this so many times, I'm not reinstalling19:28
holsteinfrom falks ppa's19:28
StrayfolkI ran realtime, but it locked all the time19:28
Strayfolkthe one from falk wouldn't load at all19:29
holsteinStrayfolk: they are the same19:29
holsteinabogani's and falks19:29
Strayfolkwell, tried 2 versions19:29
holsteinyou might want the newer -generic kernel then19:29
holsteini find i need -lowlatency19:30
holsteinStrayfolk: you running nvidia with proprietary drivers?19:30
Strayfolk-rt works 10 x better for me also19:30
holsteinmaybe you want to dual boot then19:30
holsteinsomething where you can have a non studio version19:30
Strayfolklast weekend I uninstalled them, and it was the worst stabilitiy issues I've had with linux19:30
holsteinand run the nouveu driver with the -realtime kernel19:31
holsteini feel like with FW you are goin to need it19:31
holsteinfor a while longer19:31
holsteinStrayfolk: vesa driver?19:31
StrayfolkI ran -realtime with noveau last weekend, but it kept crashing, probably because of the drivers19:31
holsteinhow was it with the vesa drivers?19:32
Strayfolkon a 1900x1080 screen19:32
holsteinwell, other than that*19:32
holsteinyou can make a custom xorg.conf19:32
holsteinif the perfomance seems worth the hassle19:32
holsteinanyways, -lowlatency is reall quite tolerable19:33
Strayfolkif I could have wifi + firewire + pulseaudio with OK performance, I wouldn't care about which gfx driver I use19:33
holsteinyou dont want to use pulse in the studio though19:33
Strayfolkeven with firewire?19:34
holsteinJACK is what you need19:34
StrayfolkI know19:35
StrayfolkI meant jack+pulse19:35
holsteinthats software19:35
holsteinthere are a couple ways to do that19:35
Strayfolkboth working, and preferably interconnected19:35
holsteinafter you get a stable rig19:35
holsteini wouldnt even put that on the table19:35
holsteintil you get the graphics+RT worked out19:35
Strayfolkthe vesa framebuffer doesn't support my screen resolution, so I don't think that's an option19:36
Strayfolkso I don't know what to do, other than to wait for new versions that'll magically work19:36
holsteinor get a different graphics card19:37
Strayfolkwell. good talking to you19:38
StrayfolkI'm out19:38
holsteinStrayfolk: laterx19:39

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