
hvgotcodesis this channel logged?14:13
hvgotcodesim looking for an answer i got last week14:13
sorenhvgotcodes: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/14:20
hvgotcodessoren: thanx14:32
hvgotcodessoren: i cant find it -- the question last week was basically how to read env variables out of /etc/environment and make them available for the process that upstart is managing.14:52
hvgotcodesthe upstart conf i had is here14:53
hvgotcodesi think i just need to add some script sections to read the environment14:53
hvgotcodessoren: i found the pastebin with the answer i got on this forum -- problem is when i try it the git_repo variable is not seen from within the process15:12
JanChvgotcodes: sudo cleans up the environment, you'll need to add the -E option to sudo15:29
JanC(I should say: it cleans up the environment with a default Ubuntu sudoers config)15:30
JanCand you might also have to add an option in sudoers to allow this15:36
hvgotcodesJanC: you are saying just add a -E?15:37
hvgotcodesis there a better way to be doing this?15:37
JanCI haven't tested if just -E is enough; maybe you'll need to change sudoers15:38
hvgotcodesJanC: what do you mean by it 'cleans up the environment'?  I thought that /etc/environment was always available no matter what15:39
hvgotcodesthere is no -E option for sudo15:40
hvgotcodesat least in the man page15:40
hvgotcodesoh yeah it is there15:41
hvgotcodeshmm why do i get stop: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory when i try to do service theservice stop?15:43
hvgotcodesi wonder if it would be better to have a wrapper script to launch the process, and source the environment in there15:44
radixwould a post on the upstart-devel list about my vserver + blocking upstart problems be appropriate?21:02
radixI'm not sure how strict the list is about separating user support from development21:03
JanCradix: user questions are welcome AFAIK (there isn't that much traffic)21:22
radixokie doke23:00

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