
Zildjianman77Does anyone know if the issue with compiz and Unity are going to be resolved..... Every time I make a change to a visual aspect in ccms unity freezes and I have to log out and back in00:29
Zildjianman77after logging back in the change i made worksm but it will crash agian if i change something else00:29
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cdbsDBO: it appears Unity in Oneiric is broken, since it doesn't depend on dconf-gsettings-backend10:00
cdbsdidrocks ain't here, so I can't get a patch in :(10:03
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jbichacdbs: I don't have that backend installed & Unity works fine here14:19
Alex__hi everbody17:06
Alex__is there any one who can help me about gnome??17:06
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NafaiIt's not obvious to me what I need to do so set what action is taken when an item is selected when you make a quicklist dynamically with the unity API17:50
NafaiAny hints/sample code I can look at?17:50
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axisysis it possible to show all the windows on a workspace by moving the mouse to bottom right corner?18:23
axisysi am on natty + unity18:23
xapantuaxisys, yes, it is possible, let me check...18:30
bhramsaxisys, yes, look at the scale plugin in compizconfig-settings-manager18:30
axisysbhrams: ok18:30
axisysbhrams: i see scale is enabled18:31
axisysthere are all these key bindings18:31
axisyswhich one is for mouse move ?18:31
axisysinitiate window picker for all windows .. is that the behavior I was describing?18:31
bhramsInitiate window picker (not for all windows) is what you're looking for18:32
axisysbhrams: ok I did enabled the initiate window picker for bottom right corner..18:33
axisysbut it is not doing anything when I move my mouse to the bottom right corner.. that is the corner I picked18:33
axisysIt says BottomRightEdge<Button1>18:33
axisyswhat is the button1 for? should I need to edit that and remove the button1 ?18:35
bhramsYou want the top option (monitor logo)18:35
axisysbhrams: <TopEdge>Button1 ?18:36
axisysbhrams: on the monitor logo I selected the top edge18:37
axisysbhrams: that is not working either18:37
bhramshttp://i.imgur.com/oSNrz.png <-- There are three things. Click on the top one. Set it to bottom right corner18:38
axisysi did that..18:41
axisysbut when I move my mouse to the bottom right .. I do not see anything happens18:41
bhramsJust to confirm once more you're not setting the one related to the mouse, correct? (the one with  Button1, etc)18:43
axisysbhrams: http://imgur.com/zVYhA?full18:43
iahello. I have a question about python bindings to indicator applet for 3rd party developers - is there any way (API?) to add in indicator (right in main menu, between gtk.MenuItem's) custom vertical scrollbar? just like in indicator-sound for sound volume - it's written in C/Vala, and looks like that for this devs using some low-level C/GTK tricks :-(18:44
bhramsaxisys, you see the top option where it says 'None'? Thats what you want to set18:44
axisysbhrams: doh! thanks a lot!18:46
axisysbhrams: how do convert 2x2 workspace to 4x1 ? 4 columns 1 row18:47
bhramsGeneral Options > Desktop Size in compizconfig-settings-manager. Also, I don't know if this is the right channel for these questions.18:48
axisysbhrams: hmm.. my impression was if I use unity all the apperance question should be here instead of #compiz .. I guess I did not upderstand the /topic of #compiz18:49
bhrams#ubuntu is generally a good place :)18:51
axisysbhrams: ok.. thanks so far.. you have been very helpful18:51
brandon_Good afternoon.20:21
brandon_If anyone has a moment, I have what I think would be a quick question.20:22
beevvyhi, what an IM needs to support to fully integrate with Unity? messaging menu, freedesktop notifications, anything more?21:39
Omegabeevvy: yup, I'd say that's about it21:47
Omegamaybe the notification count on the icon?21:47
beevvyOmega: thanks, so it's easier than I initially suspected ;)21:50
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