
AuroraBorealisis anyone here this time? third time is the charm? =/00:39
bob2best to ask'n'idle00:40
bob2(or try the list)00:40
AuroraBorealisive been doing that for the past 3 days haha00:40
bignoseAuroraBorealis: such a long wait would motivate me to join the mailing list and ask there.00:49
AuroraBorealisit seems like such a stupid problem to begin with i dunno if any mailing list would help me00:50
AuroraBorealisthe program (bzr explorer) works but it just hangs on 'starting'00:50
AuroraBorealisbut i may try that. i hate windows :<00:51
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* jelmer waves14:36
* bialix waves back14:44
bialixvila: ^-D14:48
bialixvila: :-D14:48
vilabialix: Isn't it nice when people just ping you for a smile :D14:48
bialixI'm reading your mail14:49
vilabialix: by the way, I'm about to announce 2.4b2 (I'm very late for that already), any news about the windows installers ?14:49
bialixno news from Gary unfortunately :-(14:50
bialixI've sent him a mail, but have no response14:50
vilaok, thanks for the feedback anyway14:50
bialixI'll try to hack existing 2.4b1 installer and make something like 2.4b2. but only tomorrow or on monday14:50
bialixbtw, this monday is big holiday: Victory day14:51
bialixand 1 year passed since we met at uds14:51
vilabialix: Happy birthday !14:52
bialixI'm puzzled14:52
vilabialix: 1 year since we met physically ;)14:52
bialixsorry for the bottle14:53
bialixvila: I'm going to add FEATURES dictionary to qbzr. As the way to get other code (e.g. bzr-explorer) to know that some features exists in the installed version of qbzr14:54
bialixdo you think this can be interested for bzr?14:54
bialixif so I'll send my thoughts to list, or we just can talk here14:54
bialixand side joke: Marius has shown me very good band, they have nice song about PPA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjCsBK55X9Y :-)14:55
vilabialix: as a way to formalize getattr(module, 'function/method', None) ?14:55
bialixvila: sort of14:56
bialixsome methods get new arguments and this can be important14:56
vilaPPA, nice music...14:57
bialixso, inspecting FEATURES dictionary external code can see whether required feature present (new code, new arguments, etc) and work accordingly14:57
bialixTamacun is very nice too14:57
vilaI'm +-0 there,14:58
vilait seems we tried many variants without really achieving the desired result,14:58
bialixwell, version number does not work if new feature has landed in the middle of the cycle14:59
vilawell, I can live with that14:59
bialixthere was discussion about versioning API, but it'' become hell very soon, IMO14:59
bialixokay, then I won't worry to spam the list15:00
vilabialix: on the contrary, my remark was more to tell you I don't feel like the good public for this discussion, but it's still an open subject worth discussing15:01
bialixok, I see15:01
bialixI'll try to dogfood it inside qbzr for some time, and if I'll have some godd result then will present to the bzr MKL15:02
vilasounds like a good plan15:03
bialixvila: I've just realized that my features dict is like hard-coded config in qzbr. I'm not sure yet what it'll imply15:32
vilawell, it better stays hard-coded no ? If only to avoid highly confusing errors if the code and an external config file become out-of-sync15:34
bialixyep, it's hard-coded. but it looks like a config15:40
bialixvila: http://groups.google.com/group/qbzr/browse_thread/thread/d26bcb73fb3c6b9 maybe this explanation will be better15:44
vilabialix: hehe, yeah, you get the idea, configs are just dicts :)15:45
bialixvila: :-)15:45
vilabialix: and... I'm pretty sure there are ways to make read-only dicts in python (so you'll have to worry a bit less about people breaking stuff there)15:45
bialixvila: I don't remember off hands, in the future I may change it to use special class15:47
poolievila, hi15:53
pooliegreat mail :)15:53
vilaglad you liked it, I was inspired yesterday evening but had to stop as V. was waiting ;)15:54
vilapoolie: I think spiv found the right metrics there too so that was fun to write around them15:55
* bialix waves at poolie16:02
pooliehi there bialix16:02
bialixhave you seen Budapest? I haven't been there, but my mother has, and she said it's nice  city16:03
pooliei have a little16:03
pooliei might go out for a walk later today16:03
poolieit's very green and pleasant now16:03
bialixhope there's no snow ;-)16:04
poolienot exactly16:09
bialixvila: if you have 5 minutes, please update version number on bazaar.canonical.com16:12
bialixit's really should be automatic stuff16:13
vilabialix: rhaaaaa, thanks for the heads-up16:13
vilabialix: fixed16:16
vilabialix: as in: fixed in source and pushed, the site will be updated ... by a cron job but I don't remember the frequency16:16
* bialix nods16:17
vilapoolie: woooow, now that's some nice place...16:17
poolievila,  that's not actually where i'm staying ;)16:43
vilahehe, yeah, I figured ;) But still, nice stones16:44
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* jelmer waves17:14
BlindWolf8Hello all17:15
BlindWolf8I am having an issue with Bazaar 2.3.117:16
BlindWolf8Can anyone here help me with it?17:16
jelmerhi BlindWolf817:17
jelmerBlindWolf8: Please ask your question, if there's somebody who knows what the problem is they can answer17:17
BlindWolf8OH great!17:17
BlindWolf8I am in the middle of something, so it's important that I get an answer quickly17:18
BlindWolf8I have a server which is Linux, it's running Bazaar 2.3.117:18
BlindWolf8and so are all my clients17:18
BlindWolf8When I commit a file that is around 37 MB or so, bazar doesn't commit the file...it stops with an error message17:18
BlindWolf8The mesage is "unexpected end of message"17:19
BlindWolf8I'm using the bzr+ssh protocol17:20
BlindWolf8everyone has bound branches17:20
jelmerit's reproducible oin all clients?17:20
BlindWolf8i have reproduced the issue on my computer as well as another client17:21
BlindWolf8Any help is appreciated17:24
BlindWolf8I've tried changing timeouts, etc. on sshd on the server, but no luck17:25
BlindWolf8I am able to commit the file localy17:25
BlindWolf8and it's one particular file17:25
BlindWolf8*not one17:25
BlindWolf8any file that seems to be over or close to that size causes said issue17:25
jelmerplease file17:29
jelmerplease file a bug about this - I don't have any immediate ideas but other developers might, there usually aren't a lot of people around in the weekend though17:30
jelmerwe're certainly aware of problems with big files - but that's usually files that are a couple of hundred megabytes, not 37Mb17:30
cbzjelmer: what version of bzr-svn do you want me to retry the svn import with?17:43
cbzjelmer: i've got bzr 2.3.1 installed and am using the default there17:44
cbzjelmer: looks like 1.0.517:45
jelmercbz: bzr-svn trunk17:53
jelmercbz: Ah, you're using the Mac installer? I think that uses a bzr-svn snapshot from a while ago17:54
cbzwindows installer17:56
cbzokay, will retry17:56
ScottKjelmer: Will you be at UDS this time?18:08
jelmerScottK: Yep, poolie and I are both attending18:08
ScottKGreat.  I will see you there then.18:09
jelmercool :)18:09
ScottKWatch out for this new guy you got on rotation from the disto team.18:09
rsinghhello everyone19:15
rsinghquestion: when i push my code to the server, now i have various statements like <<<<< TREE in some of my docs, and i'm wondering how to remove them, as I'm new to bzr and the push/pull functionality19:16
jelmerhi rsingh19:28
jelmerrsingh: those<<< markers are the indication of conflicts during pull/update/merge19:28
jelmerit happens because the person you pulled from had a different change to the same lines as you did19:29
jelmertime to catch my train, back later19:31
rsinghbelated thanks, jelmer19:39
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