
apacheloggerhalp! I need halp!00:28
apacheloggerpretty plz00:28
apacheloggerQuintasan: where are thou?00:28
DarkwingDuckapachelogger needs help?00:29
* DarkwingDuck set logging [ON]00:29
apacheloggercoat or jacket or sweater?00:29
DarkwingDuckWhat occatin?00:30
apacheloggerapparently budapest is insanely cold at nights00:30
ScottKSurely not for a hardy lad from Austria.00:30
apacheloggercome to think of it Graz probably is too, I just don't go out much ^^00:30
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: but coats are so much more lovely00:31
DarkwingDuckAye, 00:31
ScottKDarkwingDuck has been weakened by the warm California weather, so don't go by him.00:31
apacheloggeryet they take up more space00:31
DarkwingDuckScottK: +100:31
apacheloggercoat it is then00:31
apacheloggeror maybe a tshirt00:31
apachelogger1 tshirt + 1 shirt ~= enough to not be freezing to death00:31
ScottKOK.  I think I did enough damage for one day.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/koffice/+bug/762938/comments/800:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 762938 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "Wacom Pressure broken with QT applications " [Undecided,New]00:31
ScottKReminds me I need to do laundry.00:32
apacheloggerScottK: so canonical is sending us wacoms now, I guess?00:32
ScottKProbably not.00:33
apacheloggerScottK: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=GTL00:33
apacheloggerbut why00:33
apacheloggerlike we need to QA this, or upstream gets mad at us00:33
ScottKChase Douglas will probably chase after me with something large and heavy once he reads the bugmail.00:33
* apachelogger giggles00:33
ScottKMy proposal is no more crap touch patches.  We only take the patch after upstream has accepted it.00:33
DarkwingDuckI see no issues... 00:34
apacheloggerScottK: oh, so, I was thinking, since I have the hardest time not packing 7 shirts, 2 trousers, 3 shirts, 1 suite, 2 bathing shorts and other plunder .... how do you feel about doing all kubuntu sessions in the hottub?00:34
apacheloggerthat would reduce the requirements to bathing shorts00:34
apacheloggermuch easier to travel with bathing shorts and a towel00:34
ScottKI haven't investigated the facilities to know if it would be appropriate.00:34
ScottKWe'd need internet and stuff for the remote participants.00:35
apacheloggerlet me think about this for a bit00:35
apacheloggeroh about, someone stays in wifiable area and we get us walkie-talkies?00:36
ScottKElectricity and hot tubs aren't typically a great combination.00:37
ScottKPlus the background noise might be a little high for the icecast.00:37
ScottKvalorie: Can you do me a blog post since I'm not on planet KDE?00:37
apacheloggera perfect use case for advanced audio filtering and restoration algorithms00:37
ScottKPut DarkwingDuck on whipping up some Perl scripts for that.00:38
* DarkwingDuck scoffs00:38
DarkwingDuckIf I was there I would have no issues.. I'm a remote participation guy this time around... I don't think I want to have to depend on my perl scripts00:39
apacheloggernew plunder, I see, them perly scripts ye be talking about00:39
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: lolz00:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you bringing the doctor?00:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and I fear jr will not bring fezes from the land of the doctor00:40
apacheloggerthe beautiful plan of pwning the UDS with cool fezes is about to fall00:40
ScottKvalorie: If you can: Please do something thanking the koffice upstream folks for blogging http://www.valdyas.org/fading/index.cgi/software/krita/no_pressure_in_krita.html (since that turns out to be a better way to reach me than bugmail - but no need to get into that) and let people know that a fixed package can be found in my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/ppa/ while we try to get the fix properly sorted: https://bugs.launchpad00:40
apacheloggerunless ulysses finds a vendor00:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I have most if not all of the new series on my lappy00:41
apacheloggerwe could have a spec kubuntu-o-shopping-kubuntu-team-needs-fezes00:41
ScottKapachelogger: DarkwingDuck is Mr. Loco Team.  Have him dig up someone from the local Loco Team to hook you up.00:41
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: what are you looking for?00:41
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I would think that the Dr. would have to invite me with one of those blue cards, tho00:42
* valorie looks00:42
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: a hungarian00:42
ScottKvalorie: Thanks.00:42
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: for what purpose? :P00:42
ScottKMore specifically a Hungarian capable of procuring Fez's.00:42
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: to find me a fez vendor, or a place where one may get fezes00:42
valorieI read that, but don't understand the base of the problem00:42
ScottKvalorie: The problem is that the Canonical uTouch put a patch in our Qt that broke Qt Wacom tablet support.00:43
apacheloggerthen we just need a spec for shopping and we'll equip the present kubuntu mice with cool fezes00:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: garoovy00:43
ScottKSo all Qt apps are broken with Wacom in natty.00:43
DarkwingDuckFez... Hat?00:43
valoriethat was the missing puzzle piece00:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I'll be bringing the python then :P00:43
ScottKSo people that have Wacoms can get a fixed package from my PPA.00:43
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Fez hat?00:44
* apachelogger needs materialz to watch for the train ride -.-00:44
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: aye00:44
ScottKThen we'll see about getting a fix into Natty.00:44
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: the doctor claims they are cool, so they must be, so we need them00:44
ScottKI expect there will be some resistance.00:44
apacheloggerus being cool, they being cool -> us with them = ubercool00:44
ScottKBut if they didn't want their patch dropped, IMO, they should have done some proper regression testing.00:44
valoriethanks ScottK00:44
ScottKvalorie: Thanks.00:45
valorieon it00:45
apacheloggerScottK: so very true00:45
apacheloggertesting ftw00:45
ScottKIt would be nice if the original blogger accepted comments in his blog.  I'd have let him know directly there.00:45
valorieI'll link to it00:45
apacheloggerScottK: #krita00:46
apacheloggeror #kde-develz00:46
* apachelogger must stop this z'ing00:46
ScottKapachelogger: I'd imagine he could have found #kubuntu-devel if he'd cared to.00:46
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Like these? http://www.google.com/search?q=fez+hat&hl=en&tbm=shop00:47
apacheloggerScottK: perhaps, perhaps not00:48
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: yes00:49
Quintasanapachelogger: I iz here00:49
Quintasandrinking beer and reading00:49
Quintasanand making pbuilderz00:49
apacheloggerI has no beer, no reading and no pbuilderz00:50
apacheloggerbut my netbook is being eaten by the evil cpuloard00:50
Quintasanapachelogger: so, what did you need help with?00:51
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: google doctor who fez image00:51
Quintasanapachelogger: 00:51
apacheloggerkubotu:  google doctor who fez image00:51
kubotuResults for doctor who fez image: 1. Photobucket | doctor who fez Pictures, doctor who fez Images ...: http://photobucket.com/images/Doctor+Who+Fez/ | 2. Doctor who fez image by DoctorWhoGifss5 on Photobucket: http://media.photobucket.com/image/doctor%20who%20fez/DoctorWhoGifss5/Doctor%20Who%20Gifs/fezzandmop.gif?o=600:51
kubotu3. Doctor who fez image by aysedemir on Photobucket: http://media.photobucket.com/image/doctor%20who%20fez/aysedemir/Fesisstillcool.png?o=1700:51
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: ^00:51
apacheloggerthere ye go00:51
Quintasansilly tab00:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: coat, jacket or sweater00:51
Quintasanapachelogger: It Budapest. take jacket00:51
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: You are about to love me.00:51
* apachelogger ponders only taking a suite with him to stick out00:52
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: did you find me a hung-arian?00:52
apacheloggerhm, with a bit more effort that could have gone better00:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: but coats pwn jackets00:52
Quintasanapachelogger: when it's cold then it's tru00:53
apacheloggerWearable Wars - The Coats Strike Back00:53
Quintasantrue even00:53
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I was told to go to Ecseri Piac and you'll find it there.00:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: the weather gods claim it can be 10 C at nights00:53
apacheloggerwhich is cold by my standards00:53
DarkwingDuckIt's the largst flea market in central europe00:54
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: they don't have dedicated fez vendors in budapest? :O00:54
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I was told that you will find one here. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/hungary/budapest/shopping/market/ecseri-piac00:54
apacheloggerQuintasan: cold is when it is not warm00:54
ScottKI checked the weather and the forecast (if I'm doing the C/F conversion right) is for less than 10C at night.00:54
apacheloggerequally it is warm when it is not cold00:54
apacheloggertry proofing that using induction00:54
ScottKWith enough induction it would warm up anyway.00:55
Quintasanget lost, its not maths time :P00:55
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: ok, thx, I'd have imagined they have like a shopping mall dedicated to fezes or at least hats :S00:55
DarkwingDuckThey prolly have a hat place.00:55
Quintasanapachelogger: jacket as in the stuff for suit or jacket as in the stuff you wear when it's raining?00:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: latter00:56
apacheloggerformer I will bring anyway00:56
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: well, you know, if we create a spec to get us equipped with fezes we might as well try to get fitting ones with professional support or something00:57
DarkwingDuckThere are TONS of places to order them here in the US00:58
Quintasanapachelogger: go with coat in that case00:58
Quintasanapachelogger: I was wondering if I should take a jacket with me too, looks like I will :P00:58
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: We can even order them with a personal logo on them :D http://www.fez-o-rama.com/00:59
QuintasanAnyone else than apachelogger fancies a Polish beer at UDS?01:00
DarkwingDuckLOL a bunch of fez's with Kubuntu logo... THAT would be epic01:00
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: if we can get them delivered by tuesday morning ^^01:01
Quintasanapachelogger: Actually, I wonder if they let me take beer with me at the airport :O01:01
apacheloggeractually with kubuntu logo would be awesomest01:01
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Not sure about that... But for UDS-P I'm planning of getting us all shirts01:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: sure, just not on the aircraft01:01
apachelogger... or through security CP for that matter01:02
DarkwingDuckMy grandmother has one of the sewing machines that does embordery01:02
valorieyou rock, DarkwingDuck01:02
Quintasanapachelogger: then how the hell am I supposed to bring you a beer? -_-01:02
valoriefezzes with Kubuntu and lasers sound awesome01:02
ScottKRemember the lasers only count if they can do some damage.01:03
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: ah, those fezes are very expensive01:03
ScottKDetached retinas don't count.01:03
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: good idea with the ts though01:03
valoriewe'll install the Canonical Patch brand lasers01:04
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: now we need a laser vendor plz01:04
DarkwingDuckI was thinking both T-shirts and Golf style collered shirts.01:04
DarkwingDuckWith the logo and name.01:04
apacheloggerpossibly the university has an appropriate laser01:04
ScottKvalorie: No.  I want them to work.01:04
valorieNightrose can surely hook us up01:04
apacheloggerquestion is whether it will be portable enough01:04
valoriehers cut SKULLS01:04
apacheloggerlike we have one roundabouts here which fills up like an entire building or something01:04
Quintasanapachelogger: While you are at it, make a whole line of chlothing and sell it01:04
apacheloggerI think they use it to make tea or something01:05
valorie"ScottK> Remember the lasers only count if they can do some damage."01:05
valoriethe Canonical Patch models do damage01:05
apacheloggera laser that fires canonical patches?01:05
apacheloggernow that is scary01:05
apacheloggerQuintasan: not a bad idea01:05
apacheloggerI shall ponder on that a bit01:06
* Quintasan shall head to bed pondering on how to smuggle beer through Berlin's airport01:06
QuintasanI've got to wake up early tomor....today even01:07
* apachelogger needs to get up in 4 hours01:07
apacheloggeralways the same01:07
Quintasanapachelogger: Good luck then :)01:07
apacheloggerI never finish packing in time, and then I need to stay up forever01:07
QuintasanGood night.01:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: thanks I send to you01:08
ScottKQuintasan: Don't do something that means you aren't allowed to come.01:08
apacheloggerand a good night I wish01:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: don't pull a prince harry at the airport01:08
apacheloggerthe germans do not take very kindly to that sorta thing01:08
QuintasanScottK: Well, I won't do anything that extreme just to bring apachelogger a beer01:08
apacheloggermight get you arrested by german secret service and shipped off to some island in the caribe01:08
QuintasanUDS-P has to be in Poland01:08
apacheloggeror Pensivlenia01:09
apacheloggeror however that is spelled01:09
claydohwow kubuntuforums is down *again* :(01:09
apacheloggeractually, I just notice the spelling is all messed up01:09
* apachelogger sues the keyboard01:09
valorienamed after William Penn01:09
apacheloggervalorie: I knew that, just testing you :P01:10
* apachelogger has no idea who william penn is/was/will be01:10
apacheloggerkubotu: google william penn01:10
kubotuResults for william penn: 1. William Penn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Penn | 2. Welcome to William Penn University: http://www.wmpenn.edu/ | 3. Brief History of William Penn: http://www.ushistory.org/penn/bio.htm01:10
apacheloggerkubotu: thank you good lad01:10
valoriecold has stuffed up my head, not yet down to my fingers01:10
valorieawesome old Quaker01:10
QuintasanDamn, definitely going to bed now01:11
* apachelogger thought Quintasan left already...01:11
valoriesleep quickly!01:11
valoriethis is amazing: http://www.geek.com/articles/games/game-developer-david-braben-creates-a-usb-stick-pc-for-25-2011055/01:11
apacheloggervalorie: only fitting that if he got his own state he should name it after himself01:12
apacheloggerlike mine would be empire of sitting01:13
valorieback then, the "doff you hat" thing was so important01:13
valorieI love that he got away with it01:13
valorietoo bad parts of Pennsylvania are inhabited by hater-people now01:14
valorieback to blogging, no fezzes, no laz0rs01:14
apacheloggervalorie: you could add http://i.qkme.me/1708.jpg to your blog post01:14
apacheloggerjust to establish a solid point01:15
DarkwingDuckI think I'll do these polo shirts and just mail them to people who want them.01:16
DarkwingDuckwe need more Kubuntu Swag01:16
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: we need a spec01:17
valorielol, apachelogger01:17
claydohmake sure we get something to fit my fat ar, er, belly:)01:17
valorieI have a shirt and hat, but they are no longer for sale by Canonical01:17
DarkwingDuckThere are some stuff still for sale but nothing with the "new" branding01:18
DarkwingDuckclaydoh: are you a 2X like me?01:18
apacheloggerclaydoh: kubuntu-o-plunder-kubuntu-needs-plunder-for-bellies01:18
apacheloggerlike if we dress the people, we might as well dress the bellies01:18
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: better get out the old stuff then01:18
claydohDarkwingDuck: oh noes, 4x here :( tho i have lost 5 lbs the past moth or so01:18
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: i want the new stuff01:18
valorieI want new01:18
valorieI have old01:18
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: but what to do with the old stuff :P01:18
DarkwingDuckclaydoh: when i get these I'll get youa couple01:18
apacheloggerI have new, I want old01:19
valorieI still wear the old also01:19
DarkwingDuckI have old.01:19
* apachelogger still wears the kubuntu underwear01:19
* DarkwingDuck goes to mail the ML and see what people want.01:19
apacheloggerin fact, I only take it off for showers01:19
apacheloggerpacking is progressing well01:20
apachelogger1.5 hours and I did not touch a thing01:20
valoriebathing trunks and jacket, what else do you need?01:20
valorieoh, toothbrush01:20
apacheloggerah, I blame it all on ScottK and DarkwingDuck01:20
apacheloggerwe sorta got stuck with the question whether we can have all sessions in hottub01:21
apacheloggerwhich would immediately solve the whole packing problem01:21
* apachelogger runs dh_cleansuitecase01:21
apacheloggervalorie: http://www.anthonyshaffer.co.uk/Pics/Screenplays/EvilSun15.JPG01:22
apacheloggerthat could just work01:22
apacheloggerif I had such a bathing suite01:22
valorieas long as you have mics set up01:22
valorieand irc01:22
apacheloggerthough I dont01:22
valoriethat is an amazing bathing suit01:22
apacheloggervalorie: I was thinking walkie-talkies and a 'satelite' person that sits in wifiable area01:23
apacheloggervalorie: yeah, I'd love to get one like that01:23
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: do you think they have a bathing suite like that at the flea market?01:23
valoriethat and the fez, and you are SET01:23
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Prolly...01:28
DarkwingDuckThe shirts... white?01:28
apacheloggerblack I'd say01:30
apacheloggerotherwise we'd have a belly situation01:30
DarkwingDuckMaybe I'll do some in both01:30
apacheloggeryou need to do a market analysis first01:31
apacheloggerthen decide01:31
apacheloggerhave you not learned anything about the marketingz01:31
apacheloggeroh, right, kubuntu has no marketingz01:31
DarkwingDuckI do Ubuntu style marketing... 01:31
DarkwingDuckdeal with it01:31
DarkwingDuckit's what you get. :P:P01:31
apacheloggeryou be playing right into the hands of them evil canonical01:32
* apachelogger should go read some canonical rants some time01:32
apacheloggerthey are just too entertaining :D01:32
apacheloggerbut then again, canonical does not own mr linux, so I suppose it makes sense01:32
apacheloggerkubotu: google youtubez mr linux01:32
kubotuResults for youtubez mr linux: 1. Mr. linux dj | Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mr-linux-dj/71925254006 | 2. Layel 2010: http://www.google.com/interstitial?url=http://pada.com.br/adscontent.php?q%3Dlayel-2010&page=7 | 3. Mr. Linux | The Linux Foundation Video Site: http://video.linux.com/tags/mr-linux01:32
apacheloggerkubotu: now this was utter fail my friend01:33
valorieblog post almost complete, but we need to go to dinner01:33
apacheloggerto the firemachine!01:33
apacheloggervalorie: if you had a tablet you could blog while at dinner... :)01:33
valorieI could blog on my phone if I learned how01:34
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: http://www.youtube.com/user/novell#p/u/3/EJggXWBTLaQ the reason ubuntu will never win01:34
valorieI'm not too swift atm with my head full of unmentionable junk01:34
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: LOL01:35
apacheloggerhe is like chuck norris for geeks01:35
apacheloggervalorie: oh, you are also on the drugs?01:35
* apachelogger puts the monty python on the table-t01:37
=== apachelogger is now known as SirPatchalot
ScottKSirPatchalot: You should bring the Disney mouse princess hands to go witht your fez.01:39
SirPatchalotno, that only was fun once01:40
SirPatchalothence we need to get new hats01:40
SirPatchalotsuch as a fez01:40
claydohI want a fez, perhaps the kubuntu thong, and a sonic screwdriver to go along with a nice shirt01:41
* claydoh has simple tastes01:41
SirPatchalotwhy the sonic screwdriver?01:42
* claydoh will sell body parts to get kubuntuforums away from the crap/free/windows server it is running poorly on01:42
claydohSirPatchalot: it is cool, and i want one01:42
claydohand is easier to come by than an Amy Pond01:43
* SirPatchalot only can think of one thing to do with a sonic screw driver...01:45
DarkwingDuckDrink it?01:45
SirPatchalotalso it is ironic that kubuntuforums should run the windows01:45
SirPatchalotDarkwingDuck: walk through a shopping mall ...01:45
SirPatchalotwith the thing turned on01:46
claydohSirPatchalot: the dude took a free service offer, and it  has been mostly OK since 200601:46
SirPatchalotit would be like all kap0tt01:46
SirPatchalotclaydoh: when I get me a free service, I get it from a proper geek01:46
SirPatchalotso it runs gentoo and fails every month or so01:46
claydohSirPatchalot: yeah. We are going to get our own vps or something, already have a vbulletin license donated (tho I actually like the smf  forum software)01:47
DarkwingDuckFunny enough, both of my dedicated servers run CentOS and my home server runs Ubuntu Server01:47
SirPatchalotuse whatever kde uses01:48
SirPatchalotfor kde is supreme01:48
claydohjust have to get the owner to get the ball riolling, a bit faster01:48
claydohwhen we do, I will have actual admin access so that i can break it 01:48
claydohthen look the hero when i fix it :D01:49
SirPatchalotDarkwingDuck: you have been hacked?01:49
SirPatchalotclaydoh: that is what I did with kubuntu01:49
SirPatchalotgot boring after a while01:49
SirPatchalotDarkwingDuck: http://www.centos.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=12701:50
claydohwell, really just having more than some unknown person in unknown places who i don't know how to contact directly to fix things is a step up01:51
claydohthe owner is army/reserves/guard and is often away as well01:52
SirPatchalotclaydoh: management fail01:58
SirPatchalotnow, lets see, 4 tshirts, 2 shirts, 3 trousers, 1 suite01:59
SirPatchalotthat ought to work01:59
* SirPatchalot grabs a towel01:59
SirPatchalotdon't panic01:59
claydohSirPatchalot: is it safe to mix british sci-fi metaphors?02:01
SirPatchalotclaydoh: did I do that?02:02
SirPatchalotone ought to be careful with that02:03
SirPatchalotif things get mutually exclusive you might end up in a surreal world02:03
claydohthe dr meets Zaphod02:03
claydohor k9 meets marvin02:03
=== SirPatchalot is now known as apachelogger
DarkwingDuckDo we have a working Ubuntu One client for KDE/Kubuntu yet?02:59
claydohlolz roflmao 03:12
claydohsorry DarkwingDuck, we do not have such a thing, tho there is a working dropbox client for kde...03:13
DarkwingDuckJust checking03:16
* DarkwingDuck is applying for a job at canonical lol03:16
claydohDarkwingDuck: whatcha gonna do there if you get it? If I may ask03:43
DarkwingDuckclaydoh: Web Developer for Ubuntu One. I've been doing Web Dev since 199603:44
claydohcool,  so you can at least bug someone directly about kubuntu support :)03:44
claydohand often03:44
valorieDarkwingDuck: that would be awesome03:52
valoriemaybe there IS hope!03:52
claydohI won't hold my breath, and I am not usually negative :(03:56
claydohon the u1, not the job of course03:56
DarkwingDuckIt's someting I've been doing for years and years... So why not? I'm unemployed right now anyway.04:08
valoriedamn comcast, this is getting boring -- every night connection problems!04:08
valoriealso, DarkwingDuck: http://www.flickr.com/humans.txt04:11
DarkwingDuckAnyone here have expirence with resumes?04:18
cpatrick008i was wondering when 4.6.3 will be updated to natty05:04
* DarkwingDuck holds his breath05:09
DarkwingDuckresume sent.05:10
ScottKvalorie: Thanks.05:54
valorieyou are very welcome, ScottK06:59
valoriehope it does some good06:59
ScottKIt should raise awareness.07:00
* valorie goes to check for comments07:16
valorienone yet, darn it07:18
* DarkwingDuck sighs07:18
DarkwingDuckThis would be SOOOOO much simplier if I had a speech to text program07:19
valoriewe have the opposite07:19
DarkwingDuckI gave up looking07:19
valoriespeech to text is rather difficult07:20
valoriealthough -- you can call your google number07:20
valorieand get the vm as text07:20
DarkwingDuckYeah, I thought about that.07:20
debfxapachelogger: kaffeine doesn't use phonon, right?08:19
valoriedebfx, I don't believe it does08:29
valorieand I think apachelogger is either asleep or on a train to Hungary08:30
valorieI want to update the April and May monthly reports08:30
valoriebut we don'08:30
valoriet have ANY from this year!08:30
valoriethey end at Nov. 201008:30
debfxvalorie: ok thanks, then it doesn't make sense to ask users to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg08:31
valorielet me look at something08:31
valorielooking at muon, phonon is mentioned, but is NOT a dependency08:34
valoriealso, Suggests: libxine1-ffmpeg08:35
valorieand then in changes: 08:35
valoriekaffeine (1.1-0ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low08:35
valorie  * In kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff install GStreamer08:35
valorie    plugin instead of Xine08:35
Tm_Tdidn't kaffeine use xine/mplayer directly?08:37
valoriebut you notice that is not phonon-backend-gstreamer08:37
valoriethat's what it looks like08:37
valoriethey switched from xine to gst08:37
valoriewith no phonon abstraction layer08:37
Tm_Thmm, to gstreamer?08:38
valorietaht was a change for natty08:38
valorieI assume since we no longer ship xine08:38
Tm_Tcannot see it in kaffeine.kde.org08:38
Tm_Tvalorie: ah, it's our change then?08:38
valorieI'm looking in the changes tab in Muon08:38
valoriethat's what I quoted above08:39
Tm_Tah, it's our change then (:08:39
valorieso does anyone know how to generate those damned monthly report forms?08:41
Tm_Twho has done them usually?08:42
valorieriddell, I image08:42
valorieI figured it out once, i guess I can figure it out again08:43
Tm_Tvalorie: if you have time and enthusiasm, document it pretty please? (:08:47
bambeewe could move the 4.6.3 release into kubuntu-ppa/backports, imho (I can help for that)08:48
valorieI will do it tomorrow08:48
valoriebut my goodness, we are really behind08:48
c2taruncan anyone please tell me which app I have to install in order to reproduce this bug? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27209808:55
ubottuKDE bug 272098 in text-chat-ui "JJ: Add "ctrl+w" close tab shortcut to chatwindow" [Minor,New]08:55
c2tarunI am just suggesting, that we should include the link to schedule for KDE SC.08:56
debfxbambee: have you tested 4.6.3 on natty?08:58
c2tarunI am just suggesting, that we should include the link to schedule for KDE SC on this channel's topc08:59
bambeedebfx: I using it and it works just fine, it's not complete yet (kdeedu and kdeplasma-addons are missing) but works like a charm08:59
debfxbambee:  I think yofel uploaded both09:00
bambeedebfx: ohh, you're right. I did not pay attention ;)09:02
yofelgood morning :)09:03
bambeehi :)09:04
yofelalso, 4.6.3 should go to kubuntu-ppa/ppa, nort backports09:04
bambeemhhh indeed :\09:04
* bambee is a bit confused with all these ppas09:05
c2tarunright now which ppa should I include to upgrade to kubuntu 4.6.3?09:08
valorieI just noticed that we do not yet have a https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Oneiric09:08
valoriethat will be an important page this cycle09:09
bambeec2tarun: kubuntu-ninjas/ppa09:09
yofelc2tarun: so far it's only in ninjas09:09
valorieJonathanRiddell is on the natty page a LOT09:10
yofelwell, we'll manage.. somehow09:10
valorieright, but my point is that we'll have to make a plan and stick to it09:11
yofelwell, that's what UDS is for, right?09:11
valoriethe plan, right09:12
valoriebut riddell had a lot of stuff in his head09:12
valoriewe're going to have to get it into the wiki, since he won't be around to ask09:12
c2taruncan anyone please tell me what are we talking about, may be I can help :)09:16
yofelc2tarun: our roadmap for oneiric09:17
c2tarunyofel: hmm... how can we have it in wiki before UDS?09:18
yofelwell, we obviously don't have one yet, as things will be decided at UDS. It's just that considering that Riddell will be gone for half a year means everyone of us will need to compensate that somehow09:20
yofelgm Quintasan09:21
valorieI figured we would have a skeleton page09:22
QuintasanI think Riddell said he will be available in dire situations09:30
QuintasanIt's not like he is leaving us FOREVER, is it?09:30
valorieno, he said he'd be back after a cycle09:30
valorieI'm glad we're not leading up to an LTS09:31
QuintasanI do believe we everyone here is competent and we can do a great job this cycle too09:31
valorieyes! I agree09:32
QuintasanWell, it will be harder without Riddell but we can manage it one way or another09:32
valorieyes, we should attract another couple of packagers09:32
QuintasanGood idea09:34
tazzme me me me09:41
c2tarunI want to join :) If anyone think I could09:46
QuintasanAin't ya both doing packaging already?09:49
QuintasanIf you want some work then just ask :P09:49
c2tarungreat :)09:49
bambeefeel free to ping me when there is something to do ;)09:52
Quintasanbambee: hahaha, there is a whole stack of Telepathy-KDE awaiting09:52
QuintasanAlure update to make Gluon work09:52
c2tarunping me too :)09:53
QuintasanKaption - screenshot tool should be packaged because IMO it's better than KSnapshot09:53
c2tarunmean while can anyone please tell me which application should I install to reproduce this bug :(09:54
ubottuKDE bug 272098 in text-chat-ui "JJ: Add "ctrl+w" close tab shortcut to chatwindow" [Minor,New]09:54
bambeeQuintasan: telepathy-kde for packaging ?09:54
Quintasanbambee: not telepath-kde but the rest of the stack09:55
Quintasanlike telepathy-accounts-kcm09:55
Quintasanc2tarun: telepathy kde09:55
Quintasanc2tarun, bambee: http://community.kde.org/Real-Time_Communication_and_Collaboration09:56
c2tarunQuintasan: E: Unable to locate package telepathy-kde09:56
Quintasanthere is no package for it 09:56
Quintasanbambee: but save the initial packaging for me09:56
QuintasanI will do it during UDS09:56
bambeeQuintasan: ok09:57
QuintasanThen I will leave maintainership in your hands09:57
QuintasanThis can be a nice stuff09:57
bambeeQuintasan:  :D09:58
bambeeQuintasan: I don't understand, where is the packages list ?10:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: i'd advise against packaging telepathy kde right now10:08
shadeslayerit needs desktop-ontologies from git which hasn't had a new release yet10:08
shadeslayerand telepathy KDE guys will have a tech preview release with everything sorted out next month .... right now they have something like 7 repos that you will need to individually package10:09
bambeeso we need to wait10:11
c2tarunone more question please, whenever we have to do telepathy kde packaging, do we have to do packaging from scratch?10:11
shadeslayeri would advise to wait, yes10:11
shadeslayerc2tarun: since KDE Telepathy hasn't been packaged yet, yes10:12
c2tarunshadeslayer: what if someone never did packaging from scratch :( (Like me)10:12
* valorie takes niquil and goes to bed10:13
c2tarunvalorie: gn :)10:13
yofelbambee, c2tarun, tazz: make a note of the 19th, it's 4.7 beta1 tagging time ;)10:13
yofellots to package10:13
c2tarunyofel: I remember :)10:14
bambeeyofel: okay10:14
shadeslayerand upstream keeps adding new features everyday  ^_^10:14
shadeslayerc2tarun: look at the ubuntu wiki10:14
shadeslayerspecifically the packaging guide10:14
yofelwe'll have to totally repackage kdebindings and kdeedu since they'll be shipped in pieces now, not bundled10:15
shadeslayerdo we usually ship svgz files in packages?10:22
Quintasanshadeslayer: HAHA lol10:30
shadeslayerQuintasan: whut happened?10:30
Quintasanshadeslayer: I'm keeping in touch with upstream, we should start now10:30
Quintasanpackaging telepathy10:30
Quintasansplitting later will be easier10:31
shadeslayeractually ... theyre thinking of combining stuff later10:31
shadeslayerso that's going to be difficult10:31
Quintasanwhen did they tell you that?10:31
shadeslayeri had a talk with d_ed10:31
Quintasanherp derp10:31
bambeeQuintasan: even if software features are not frozen yet ?10:31
shadeslayeryeah so i'd say just wait for a month10:31
QuintasanI ain't doing it until they release something acceptable10:32
* shadeslayer is fixing HIG stuff in telepathy KDE nowadays10:32
Quintasanbambee: if they are frozen means we cant add new stuff10:32
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^10:34
shadeslayeri saw10:34
bambeeI know, but shadeslayer has said "and upstream keeps adding new features everyday  ^_^"10:34
shadeslayerrighto ^^ because they haven't hit a freeze yet10:34
bambeeso why should we package it now ? if they haven't hit a freeze yet, it's also harder to maintain, imho :)10:35
shadeslayerthat's what i'm saying :P10:36
shadeslayerwait for them to release a tech preview next month10:36
bambeeshadeslayer: but Quintasan is not agree with us apparently10:36
Quintasanbambee: they told me something else than they did tell shadeslayer10:37
Quintasanor I misunderstood them10:37
Quintasanwhatever, don't package it10:37
shadeslayerQuintasan: when did you last talk to them?10:37
Quintasanbecause they will either merge some stuff or split it10:37
Quintasanlike, two or three days ago10:37
shadeslayerwell from my talk with d_ed a couple of weeks ago, they are still unsure how they'd like to release it10:38
Quintasanpbuilderz r rdy10:38
Quintasanthen lets copy gpg keys10:38
shadeslayerinfact .... they've yet to finalize the DBus interface names ^_^10:38
* Quintasan notes he should be packing not discussing some trifling matters10:38
QuintasanWhere'd I put that stepmania mat...10:39
shadeslayerQuintasan: yofel should i ship svgz icon files?10:48
yofelif they're installed I would say yes, they should be installed for a reason10:49
shadeslayerokay i've finished off KDE PIM 4.5.95 finally11:04
shadeslayernow to test build it11:04
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
apacheloggervalorie: kaffeine switched to vlc11:47
apacheloggerfrom xine11:47
tazzinteresting                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11:48
tazz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11:48
tazz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11:48
apacheloggerfortunate enough the kaffeine developer did not do his homework and isn't using my superior libcutevlc, which had made his life 300% easier12:06
bambeewhy don't use phonon ?12:08
apacheloggerbeats me12:08
* apachelogger needs to get a train ticket tomorrows13:24
shadeslayerso who wants to test KDE PIM 4.5.95 ?13:28
shadeslayeraw crap13:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: question, if i build kdepim-runtime against KDE 4.6.2 and kdepim against KDE 4.6.3, any possible issues that might crop up?13:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is not impossible14:15
apacheloggerdepends on what kdepim-runtime links against etc.14:15
shadeslayeri haz no idea what it links against ^_^14:15
shadeslayeri'll just rebuild them both when i copy them to experimental PPA14:16
shadeslayerso i should be safe that way14:16
bambeeis there a way to lock a file in Qt ?14:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: so I got you a very scary beer14:26
apacheloggerbambee: what do you mean by lock?14:27
apacheloggerI do not think any linux native file system supports locking, certainly not ext14:27
bambeeapachelogger: file lock, like fcntl with F_SETLK does14:27
apacheloggerbambee: I don't think you can with Qt14:31
apacheloggeras QFile is not working on descriptors on every platform14:31
apacheloggerbambee: what do you try to do?14:32
bambeeapachelogger: I write modifications into shadow files. So basically for /etc/group, I create a temp file using qtemporaryfile , I write everything into this temp file, then I acquire a writelock on /etc/group. and finally I rename my tempfile to /etc/group.14:34
apacheloggerbambee: QFile::handle()14:35
apacheloggerthat ought to return the fd14:35
c2tarunapachelogger: I was refering to a book recommended for qt. In book in Qt Designer tutorial the ui_gotocelldialog.h file in book is slightly different than the file I am actually getting. Can you please explain me why?14:35
bambeeapachelogger: I did not see this method, thanks14:36
bambeeI think I will probably use fcntl (it's posix)14:36
apacheloggerc2tarun: because the .h is compiled, natrually different versions of a compiler can create slightly different output14:36
apacheloggerontop of that it is compiled form xml markup, which by itself can vary a lot between versions of qt designer14:36
apacheloggerbambee: I dare saying that fcntl is the only reliable way anyway :P14:37
apacheloggerthe linux locking business is all messed up anyway14:38
bambeeapparently it is14:38
Quintasanapachelogger: scary?14:40
Quintasanhow can beer be scary?14:40
apacheloggerthe description on the back is in english ....14:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://www.schloss-eggenberg.at/site/en_srt_urbock.asp?id=8514:45
ScottKbambee: 4.6.3 should go to the updates PPA, not backports.14:46
Quintasanapachelogger: :D14:46
ScottK(at least for natty)14:46
ScottKAh.  Looks like yofel beat me to it.14:47
yofelhuh? I didn't do anything yet ^^14:47
yofelah, earlier14:47
yofelshould we do backports? It'll break upgrades again until we get somthing into natty-updates14:48
ScottKLet's not.14:48
apacheloggeroggy oggy oggy14:49
* apachelogger had too much coffee14:49
bambeeArrff I won't be present for "Packaging for oneiric" monday  :'(14:57
* bambee beats himself with a chainsaw14:58
shadeslayerbtw any particular reason why we bundle pyqt instead of pyside in the kubuntu CD?15:40
shadeslayeryofel: around?15:51
shadeslayeryofel: care to do some KDE PIM testing ? :D15:52
yofelsure, need to install it first though, just reinstalled the OS15:53
shadeslayeralright :)15:53
shadeslayerit's in ninjas and staging right now15:53
shadeslayeryofel: bulldog98 also packaged KDE PIM 4.5.95, which is in experimental ppa, so try that out first16:00
shadeslayerif it works, i won't copy over my work16:01
yofelmeh, need to take care of something, I'll test kdepim later16:31
shadeslayersure np16:37
c2tarunshadeslayer: are you free for few mins, got a problem in a small Qt program.16:39
shadeslayersure shoot16:39
shadeslayerc2tarun: i'm talking to a couple of people about my own problems, so might not be able to reply quickly16:40
c2tarunshadeslayer: I created a dialog with QtDesigner here is its header file http://paste.ubuntu.com/604493/ then I wrote my own class, http://paste.ubuntu.com/604492/ when lineEdit->textChanged signal is emmitting the respective slot is not getting called.16:41
c2tarunshadeslayer: sure take your time :)16:41
* bambee has broken his /etc/group... xD (fortunately he made a backup)16:50
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
shadeslayerc2tarun: oh darn .... looking16:55
c2tarunshadeslayer: no prob :)16:55
shadeslayerc2tarun: add a : qDebug() << "I'm at the slot now" : to the slot16:56
shadeslayerand monitor the terminal for that string16:57
shadeslayerc2tarun: also, that connect is commented out16:57
shadeslayerso you might want to uncomment it16:57
c2tarunshadeslayer: actually look at the QtDesigne'r header file line 88. that slot should be connected automatically.16:58
c2tarunshadeslayer: I also tried to remove comment from that line and nothing happening then also.16:59
apacheloggeroggy oggy oggy17:01
c2tarunshadeslayer: no luck with qDebug.17:01
c2tarunthat slot is not getting called.17:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw i solved that lineedit isse17:02
* apachelogger just mowed the law :D :D :D17:02
shadeslayeri just needed to call setMenu ... which i forgot to add17:02
shadeslayeryou just mowed the law? :O17:02
c2tarunshadeslayer: you figured any problem about that slot?17:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: you are no fun my friend17:04
shadeslayerc2tarun: not yet17:05
shadeslayermaybe apachelogger knows17:05
apacheloggerwhat do I know?17:05
apacheloggerrow row row ye boat gently down the stream17:05
shadeslayerc2tarun: where is that slot declared?17:06
apacheloggermy dear friends17:06
apacheloggerthere is no such slot textChanged()17:07
c2tarunshadeslayer: here is the slot declared http://paste.ubuntu.com/604498/17:07
apacheloggerthere only is textChanged(QString) or somesuch17:07
shadeslayerwhat apachelogger said17:07
apacheloggernow as connectSlotsByName is utter lulz the slot must match the signal absolutely and entirely17:08
apacheloggerand for teh record connectSlotsByName is about as bad a feature to use as it gets17:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://home.howstuffworks.com/how-to-mow-your-lawn.htm17:09
apacheloggerhere you goes17:09
apacheloggerthere is even a videoz17:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw nigelb is coming to UDS, you need to convert him to the dark side17:12
shadeslayerno KDE17:12
apacheloggerisnt that the blue side?17:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: don't you remember my color theme?17:16
apacheloggerrow row row ye boat gently down the stream17:17
apacheloggerand if you see a pyth0rn, dont forget to scream17:17
shadeslayerwell i have a dark theme17:17
apacheloggeryou are the dark knit17:18
shadeslayeryes :P17:18
apacheloggertada http://blog.craftzine.com/upload/2009/01/how_to_-_knit_sackboy/knit%20sack%20boy.jpg17:18
c2tarunshadeslayer: I think this should have worked http://paste.ubuntu.com/604502/ but its not working :(17:18
shadeslayerdidn't you hear what apachelogger just said17:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: nice17:19
apacheloggerif there was one reason to buy the ps3, it was littletallworld17:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: I don't think quassel has jovie integration, so unless he reads out loud I doubt he heared it17:19
* apachelogger should take a bath17:20
c2tarunshadeslayer: sorry not getting, what do you mean?17:20
apacheloggerQuintasan_, jussi, ScottK: so, I'll be arriving 1500ish, so either you like hang out in the lobby or someone tells me their fon numba, so I can ring you when I am there :P17:21
Quintasan_apachelogger: I haz stuff to read so I'm not in danger of boredom17:22
Quintasan_apachelogger: 530939555 <- mah fonz number17:22
apacheloggerroger roger roger17:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerQuintasan_: is that with the country code thing actually?17:23
* apachelogger thought poland was something in the 40ish range17:23
apacheloggerc2tarun: thy shalt not use the connectSlotsByName17:24
ScottKI won't have a working phone there.17:25
c2tarunapachelogger: may be connectSlotsByName is a bad way, but it should work? isn't it? and let me try removing it17:25
* ScottK is at the first airport, btw.17:25
shadeslayerScottK: bon voyage17:27
apacheloggerc2tarun: well, yes, but no17:27
apacheloggerlike you are working on a qdialog in the ui header17:27
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.17:27
apacheloggernot sure how connectSlotsByName works with this, but reading this literal...17:27
apacheloggerthen you tell it to connect to all slots in the QDialog base that match your member signals17:28
apacheloggernow the QDialog base does obviously not have the slot you want so that would be a reason why it is failing17:28
apacheloggerScottK: welcome :P17:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: thank you17:28
c2tarunapachelogger: hmm.... I commented that QMetaObject line in ui_gotocelldialog.h file and here is my new gotocelldialog.cpp file http://paste.ubuntu.com/604504/17:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: why?17:29
* shadeslayer doesn't follow because he is haxxoring on telepathy17:29
apacheloggerc2tarun: that wont work17:29
Quintasanapachelogger: nah17:29
c2tarunapachelogger: yup :( sorry but can you please tell me why.17:30
Quintasanapachelogger: +48530939555 would be with country code17:30
ScottKFYI, I just subsribed ~all of you to a new Kubuntu spec on prelinking.17:30
ScottKQuintasan: Can I put you in charge of making contact with the guy that wrote it and figure out when he can participate in a session about it?17:30
QuintasanScottK: let me check this out first17:31
apacheloggerc2tarun: sure I can, signals and slots are connected on simplified types17:32
shadeslayerhmm .. i seem to have lost the link to the specs17:33
c2tarunapachelogger: simplified types means?17:33
apacheloggerc2tarun: Qt does not care about the constness17:34
* apachelogger looks for documentation17:34
QuintasanScottK: so basically what we want to know when Fabi will be able to participate in session about prelink in Kubuntu?17:35
c2tarunapachelogger: but in signal declaration type is const QString17:35
ScottKQuintasan: Yes.  Then I 'll try to schedule the session.17:35
QuintasanScottK: I'll write to him right away then17:35
ScottKQuintasan: Perfect.17:36
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Work! | Merges https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | Oneiric open for development | UDS: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O
ScottKshadeslayer: See /topic.17:36
shadeslayeri kept going to UDS-O/Specs :P17:37
ScottKIt's somewhat misplaced, but no point in moving it now.17:37
apacheloggerc2tarun: <apachelogger> c2tarun: Qt does not care about the constness17:38
apacheloggerthinking about it, const QString & still ought to work17:38
apacheloggerbut slower17:38
apacheloggercertainly not with &str though17:39
c2tarunapachelogger: not working :( I dont understand one thing, SIGNAL is proper in line         connect(lineEdit,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &str)),this,SLOT(on_lineEdit_textChanged(const QString &)));   now if we want we can pass QString parameter from signal to slot or if we dont want we'll not pass, then why do we need slot exactly same as signal?17:40
apacheloggerc2tarun: there is still astr17:41
c2tarunapachelogger: I removed that too, still not working17:41
apacheloggeralso if you compile with debug and run the app from a terminal Qt will tell you when a connection cannot be established17:41
c2tarunsorry I copied the line first and then removed it.17:41
c2tarunapachelogger: I am using terminal17:41
apacheloggerabout the exactly same...17:42
apacheloggerc2tarun: <apachelogger> now as connectSlotsByName is utter lulz the slot must match the signal absolutely and entirely17:42
apacheloggerthat is a limiation of that crap there17:42
apacheloggerif you manually connect stuff you can leave the argument in the slot out17:43
apacheloggerbut only in the slot!!!17:43
* c2tarun swear not to use connectSlotsByname17:43
QuintasanScottK: hmm, will be kinda hard, he didnt provide email in Launchpad and I'm not sure he will respond on Jabber shortly17:45
ScottKQuintasan: You can also send him email via Launchpad.17:46
apacheloggerlunchpad omnomnom17:46
ScottK"Contact this user" or some such.17:47
apacheloggerit is a very neat feature, it allows people who do not know how to operate a mail client to still annoy me ;)17:47
c2tarunapachelogger: I read that page earlier :( and this is my new gotocelldialog.cpp http://paste.ubuntu.com/604510/ its also not working, as per you directed it should work, I connected manually.17:48
QuintasanScottK: Mail sent, I will be awaiting response, any special way in which I should contact you or IRC?17:51
ScottKQuintasan: IRC is fine.  If I'm in transit I'll get the backscroll eventually.17:51
apacheloggerc2tarun: you are doing it wrong (tm)17:53
apacheloggerupload your codez somewhere17:53
c2tarunall of them?17:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude17:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: any ideas how to tell the user that this status is currently selected?17:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/8PK1U.png << very bad mockup17:55
apacheloggercall him17:55
ScottKshadeslayer: Obscure icons that look almost all alike.17:56
apacheloggerwho needs them many states anyway17:56
* apachelogger finds this all rather silly17:56
apacheloggerwhy is there none for watching .prn anyway?17:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: right now those statuses are hardcoded, my next task is to implement a function which returns which presence is supported by the protocol and have a dynamic list instead of the current static one17:57
apacheloggerthe good ui designer would argue that you should only support 3 states to being with17:58
apacheloggereither I am here, or I am not, or I am offline17:58
shadeslayerno invisible? :D17:58
apacheloggerthe flip I care17:58
apacheloggerif I dont like people talking to me then I should not use IM pretty much17:58
apacheloggerequally if I do not like certain people talking to me most of the times I probably should not have them in my contacts list17:59
ScottKWhat's the difference between invisible and offline.17:59
shadeslayerScottK: with invisible you are online, but no one can see you17:59
shadeslayerbut if you want to talk to someone, you can start a chat18:00
apacheloggeryou are here, except your are not really here, but you are18:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: the fact that ScottK just asked that question ought to make you wonder if invisible really makes sense...18:00
c2tarunapachelogger: http://uploading.com/files/c8f844eb/gotocell.tar.gz/18:01
c2tarunapachelogger: they are all my codes18:01
ScottKAccepting chats/Not Accepting chats/Offline18:01
ScottKSomething like that maybe.18:02
jussihrm, it seems my gnome part of this install has eaten all my default program setting (it starts nautilus for a file manager etc). anyway to restore them to kubuntu defaults? 18:02
apacheloggerjussi: sudo apt-get purge libgnome-common18:04
bambeeIt's not very important (at least not for oneiric, as the spec does not contain this feature) but it would be nice to have a listview like that in userconfig, imho.  http://imageshack.us/f/831/kuser.png/18:07
bambeeie: you see everything about each user just with the listview :)18:07
* apachelogger just had a case of the giggles18:08
apacheloggerc2tarun: GoToCellDialog ui;18:08
apacheloggerQDialog * dialog = new QDialog;18:08
apacheloggerthis does not make no sense 18:08
apacheloggerit is like a jussi in his underwear trying to get rid of the nautilus18:09
apacheloggerbambee: as long as it is not default18:10
ScottKapachelogger: When do you not have a case of the giggles?18:10
jussiScottK: so true...18:10
bambeeapachelogger: why ?18:10
apacheloggerbambee: cause it fails on the netbooky18:10
ScottKapachelogger: BTW, I showed my 17 year old daughter your Disney mouse princess photo from your UDS-N blog post and she said "I like this guy already".18:10
apacheloggeralso it looks really ewww18:10
apacheloggerScottK: lol18:11
ScottKbambee: KDE is aimed at devices from smartphone to desktop, so the default U/I has to scale.18:11
bambeemhhhh indeed18:11
apacheloggeralso it looks really ewww!!!18:11
apacheloggernever mind the target devices, every app should look nice by default18:12
bambeeewww ? wtf ?18:12
apacheloggernow since showing that just about every user has /bin/bash as login shell does not add considerable value for the user it should not be visible by default18:12
shadeslayerScottK: apachelogger http://i.imgur.com/CvYFr.png18:12
shadeslayera bit better18:12
apachelogger(just as an obvius example)18:12
apacheloggerbambee: gross, disgusting, unbarable, makes me wanna throw up18:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, you add clutter18:13
shadeslayerclutter? this was agateau's idea :P18:13
apacheloggerit is easier on the eyes18:14
ScottKshadeslayer: Far too many choice IMO.  For example, "Do Not Disturb".  If you don't want to be disturbed, go offline/invisible.18:14
apacheloggeryet the underlying issue remains and you now got more stuff to make the menu feel busy18:14
* apachelogger should finish packing18:15
* ScottK should probably pre-load on alcohol before the first flight.18:16
c2tarunapachelogger: this example was in book. and I tried to create a parent for every widget. Why is it wrong?18:16
apacheloggerc2tarun: I doubt this is what was in the book18:16
apachelogger    GoToCellDialog ui; this creates an instance of you dialog which inherits QDialog and your Ui file (btw, inheritance of ui is mostly a bad idea)18:17
apachelogger    QDialog * dialog = new QDialog; this creates an instance of a regular QDialog18:17
apachelogger    ui.setupUi(dialog); this sets up your ui (available via public inheritance from GoToCellDialog) *within* the regular QDialog18:18
apachelogger    dialog->show(); this makes the regular QDialog appear18:18
apacheloggermeaning, you never ever display *you* gotocelldialog18:19
apacheloggerhence you don't get any slot calls as you are actually working on a completely different qdialog18:19
QuintasanScottK: hah, he says he has no idea since he is busy with family stuff18:19
apacheloggerc2tarun: if you make it18:19
apachelogger    GoToCellDialog ui;18:19
apachelogger    ui.show();18:19
apacheloggerit will work18:19
apachelogger    GoToCellDialog ui; here you create your qdialog with your ui file18:20
apacheloggerresultingly the ctor gets called18:20
apacheloggerwhere you do18:20
apachelogger        setupUi(this);18:20
ScottKQuintasan: write him back and encourage him.   If we could know if day/evening is likely better and what TZ he's in we could take a shot at it.18:20
apacheloggerwhich sets up the ui file for your 'ui' instance of GoToCellDialog18:20
apacheloggerthen connects all the signals etc18:20
ScottKIf he wants the work done, he ought to at least show up and discuss it.18:21
apacheloggerthen when you call     ui.show(); you display *your* class, with the ui and your connections18:21
apacheloggerresulting in a working dialog18:21
c2tarunwell it worked :) thanks, but I have some doubts, I failed to find any constructor in ui_gotocelldialog.h18:23
apacheloggerimplicit constructor18:24
c2tarunapachelogger: ^^ and why it is wrong if I create a parent and pass it to setupUi?18:24
apacheloggermaybe maybe but just maybe you should first read about C and C++ in general?18:24
apacheloggerbefore you try doing Qt18:24
apacheloggercertainly would be an advantage18:24
apachelogger    void setupUi(QDialog *GoToCellDialog)18:25
apacheloggerc2tarun: whatever makes you think that the QDialog is a parent?18:25
c2tarunhmm.... yup, I was wrong.18:25
apacheloggerwell, not entirely18:25
apacheloggeramongst other things it will be parent of just about every element in your UI18:26
apacheloggerthat has further affects though18:26
apacheloggera qwidget that is child of another qwidget belongs to the layout and thus graphical representation of the parenting qwidget18:27
apacheloggerso by calling setupUi you create elements and move them into the QDialog you pass as argument (visually, from a language POV they are of course part of the UI class)18:27
apacheloggerwhich in turn lead to the confusion with the wrong qdialog, as the wrong qdialog looked exactly like your qdialog was supposed to look, since you called setupui on it18:28
apacheloggerinterestingly enough, since setupUi creates the objects on the heap it was a completely different lineedit btw18:29
apachelogger(otherwise you'd still have gotten the call to the slot and stuff ;))18:29
c2tarunapachelogger: got it :) you are genius ;) thanks18:30
markeyis an upgrade to Natty pretty much a safe thing now?18:41
markeysome friends warned me it could have side effects18:42
markeylike WiFi not working18:42
c2tarunmarkey: well it wasnt working for me in beginning but worked for me now18:45
c2tarunmarkey: which is your wifi card?18:45
markeyc2tarun: Intel Ultimate-N 630018:47
c2tarunmarkey: I don't think that you'll face any problem, only broadcom cards were freezing kernel18:47
markeyoh ok18:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: okay now i'm stuck, a bit of help plz19:00
shadeslayerScottK: apachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/y0O4O.png  and http://i.imgur.com/o6ekV.png19:01
shadeslayerwhen you click on advanced status menu you get the other menu with loads of stuff19:02
c2taruncan I add my name to this https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O page?19:09
bambeec2tarun: it's opened to everyone , imho :)19:10
bambeeso yes19:10
yofelas remote participant sure19:17
QuintasanScottK: meh, he stopped responding :(19:27
QuintasanScottK: He's UTC+1, he also said evening would be better but he does not know the day19:33
* shadeslayer pokes apachelogger19:40
QuintasanScottK: I also managed to squish out from him that Tuesday or Wedensday would be the best for him19:41
DarkwingDuckWonder when nixternal was in here last.19:41
apacheloggerrow row row ye boat gently down the stream19:51
apacheloggeris there actually proof that prelink improves kde startup speed?19:53
apacheloggercause I doubt it has much impact seeing as kdeinit is addressing the issue partially already19:53
Quintasanapachelogger: it does19:54
apacheloggeralso it pretty much always falls over when a static lib is linked against libc and libnss IIRC19:54
apacheloggerQuintasan: what does it?19:54
Quintasanapachelogger: at least after one run KDE runs better on my laptops19:54
apacheloggerproof, as in actual proof19:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: oi19:54
apacheloggerno perceived mumbo jumbo19:55
Quintasanno idea how to get you proof19:55
Quintasanquassel starts in 2 seconds, not in 719:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: how to test?19:55
Quintasanshadeslayer: just install it lol19:55
Quintasanand configure magic in /etc/default/prelink19:55
shadeslayerthats it?19:55
shadeslayeron my over crapped out root19:56
shadeslayer/dev/sda5              46G   34G  9.8G  78% /19:56
Quintasanexpand it then19:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is your stuckyness?19:56
Quintasanand it's like 700kb lol19:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: i need to redraw a QToolButton on the flu19:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you haz telepathy KDE?19:57
shadeslayerapachelogger:  http://i.imgur.com/y0O4O.png  and http://i.imgur.com/o6ekV.png << Once you click on advanced statuses, you get the old menu back, but i can't figure out how19:58
shadeslayer( how to get the old status menu back by redrawing it )19:58
apacheloggerI do not has no brokenware19:58
apacheloggeronly tpware19:58
apacheloggerqml2 ftwins19:58
DarkwingDuckHey guys19:58
shadeslayeryou mean pr0nware19:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: just remove one menu and add another19:58
apacheloggerin qml2 this would be super easy...19:59
apacheloggerlo DarkwingDuck19:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: how?19:59
shadeslayerwithout changing the order of the buttons19:59
* apachelogger honestly does not know\\19:59
apacheloggerI only have used QMenu like two times in my entire life or something19:59
apacheloggermenus are the shitz out of shitz19:59
* JontheEchidna will be off to the airport in an hour :)20:19
bambeewho is the developer of kcmgrub2 ? (I don't remember his irc nick...)20:30
superflyhow do I tell someone in canonical that perl-modules 5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1 is corrupt?20:30
* superfly can't install anything because of that stupid package20:30
bambeesuperfly: ask on #ubuntu-devel20:30
superflybambee: will do20:31
bambeeor contact the developer who made the last bump via email. (aptitude changelog perl-modules)20:32
superflybambee: thanks... wasn't sure how to go about this20:34
bambeeyw :)20:34
* apachelogger thinks ulysses needs to pick up apachelogger at the train station for he might get lost otherwise20:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you gone yet?20:42
apacheloggeroh noes20:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: when are you arriv0ring btw?20:42
JontheEchidnawill be in about 30 minutes, and I'll be in an out of chat20:42
JontheEchidnaI'll be getting to the airport at....20:43
JontheEchidnaon sunday20:43
JontheEchidnaso maybe I'll be at the hotel by 1300 or 1400?20:43
JontheEchidnabambee: Artimus_Fowl20:44
bambeeJontheEchidna: thanks20:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: oh, you are also arriving the early20:44
JontheEchidnathe emaily said that they wanted us there by sunday night20:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: should you run into ulysses, tell him he needs to pick me up around 1500 at keleti pályaudvar20:45
apacheloggerpublic transport in budapest is madness right there20:46
apacheloggerwell, I suppose metro 2 and switching to tram 4 or 6 ought to work... possibly20:47
JontheEchidname getting their early is probably good20:47
apacheloggermore time to get wasted before mark arrives? 20:47
JontheEchidnalast time I missed the shuttle due to a volcano, and then ended up taking public transportation. The bus got a flat due to our insane bus driver, and I got off a bit too early and ended up hitch hiking for the last 2 miles20:48
JontheEchidnaare all bus drivers insane in europe?20:48
apacheloggermost of them20:49
apacheloggeroh noes20:50
JontheEchidnatrying to figure out flemmish bus stop names is not fun20:50
apacheloggerI accidentially closed the firefox20:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: brussels?20:51
JontheEchidnait's partly why I got off too early last year20:51
apacheloggerah, the best thing is when someone tells you to go to a bus stop in french but eventually all the signs happen to be flemmish in that particular part :P20:52
apacheloggerthat said, knowing english, germand and french it is difficult to get lost in brussels20:52
apacheloggerhence it only happend to me once, I think, I cannot particularly remember20:52

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