
gomiboyfoormea: maybe you'll have to set some additional permissions for group 2468... if the different user is always you, on one machine you could set the id to match the other, but it's not necessary00:00
foormeai think having 1000:2468 on the system that is previously 1000:1000 and changing group rights on the hard drive might be more convenient, what do you think?00:01
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foormeai never had this problem before, it's a silly issue to have ^^00:02
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Magnussonis anyone runninc conky?00:04
gomiboyfoormea: yes, changing gid to 2468 will ensure that new files are always accessible by the other user... if you don't have strage umask (default is 0002)00:06
AerosonicBest music player for Kubuntu?00:15
AerosonicHow do I set up Amarok to play files on Click, I don't want it to add to queue00:16
surunverihi... I've another harddrive on which I would liek to install Windows XP but I only have an .img file for installer. is there anyway to install that to the 2nd hard drive without burning it to a disc?00:21
gomiboy.img like iso or like image from a partition?00:22
surunverii think like iso :D00:22
gomiboysurunveri: i'm doig that right now... it's a pain... if your machine has a cd, just burn it (mine doesn't..)00:24
surunverialright im trying to burn this with K3b but it asks for an empty medium despite that I've an empty CD in the drive00:39
Walzmynis the CD large enough for the image?00:39
surunverithe .iso file is 558mb the CD says 700mb00:40
surunveriand k3b says it's 581mb00:41
surunveribut I can select aburn medium00:41
Walzmynm'kay. I spent an hour trying to figure that out one time only to realize I was trying to put a DVD image on a CD00:41
surunveriwell i could be doing something equally foolish but seriously im tired of trying to figure out what's wrong. do i've to read another manual to use this program? do i've to fix it somehow before it does what it's supposed to? Welcome to linux world00:42
surunveriit could be that for some reason the drive doesnt recognize the CD00:45
surunverii've to test another disc just incase it's the drive hat's broken00:45
surunveriit's been a while since i last usedit00:45
surunveriwell it did succesfully read this audio cd so i geuss it's working00:46
surunveriso.. it's pretty much narrowed down to00:48
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surunveriA) me not being able to use K3b correctly B) cd somehow broken/not compatible with drive C) and K3b just not working like a sane person would expect it to work00:48
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surunverisince I just unwrapped the CD it's probably not B)00:49
surunveriand it's down to A) and C) so.. anyone familiar with this k3b thing?00:49
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surunverik3b or the drive doesnt recognize the CD as a proper medium... anyone?00:52
tertl3surunveri: I vote that its C00:53
James147surunveri: are you sure you are trying to burn a cd and not a dvd (desipte the size)? try manually selecting burn a cd..00:55
surunveriyes I'm and K3b just recognized the CD as a medium. a popup suddenly appeared. I dont think i did anything though :D00:56
surunverihmm i tried to start burning the disc and it says medium or burner does not support burning at 4x speed? seriously? :D00:57
rats__surunveri: when you insert the cd does the Notifcation and Jobs recognize it00:59
surunverihmm it says switching to 2x and now it started burningat 3.4x00:59
surunverioh well.. if it works i dont care. but considering how smoothly it has gone so far i aint got my hopes up :DD01:00
AerosonicHow do I set up Amarok to play files on click, instead of adding to queue01:16
AerosonicHow do I set up Amarok to play files on click, instead of adding to queue?01:18
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AerosonicIs there ANYONE who does tech support around here?01:19
James147Aerosonic: yes, just no one knows the answer to your question01:19
James147Aerosonic: and I am not sure its possible.. try asking in #amarok01:20
AerosonicTy, i didn't know there was a channel like that01:20
AerosonicOkay, another question then: What is the best audio player?01:20
James147!best | Aerosonic01:20
ubottuAerosonic: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:20
James147Aerosonic: Though I use and prefer amarok01:20
AerosonicLet me rephrase that: Which is the most convenient player for Kubuntu that has nice interface and plays files on click?01:21
James147Aerosonic: cannot really answer that :) I would ask on #amarok first and see if it can be configured to do what you want... if not...01:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:23
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:23
James147^^ theres a list you can try01:23
James147Aerosonic: I think juk can do it... its quite a basic musicplayer...01:24
James147never really liked it myself though01:24
AerosonicCrappy gui01:24
AerosonicIf there was Winamp for linux01:25
AerosonicI want Winamp for linux. With the whole Milkdrop and plugins01:25
gomiboyAerosonic: audacious resembles winamp01:26
AerosonicDoesn't resemble Big Bento and doesn't have Milkdrop01:26
* gomiboy doesn't know what those are and shuts up01:30
AerosonicWhich player from all of the above has the most sophisticated audio visualization?01:30
AerosonicBecause Amarok's visuals are about as good as WMP01:30
darthanubiswell use winamp then01:37
gomiboyAerosonic: try this, right click on a mp3 file -> properties -> wrench-like icon -> amarok -> edit -> application -> change the command to: amarok --append --play01:37
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Aerosonicgomiboy, thank you01:38
AerosonicSo much, it works01:38
AerosonicLet me post that in #amarok as a solution01:39
gizmobayI upgraded to 11.04. I couldn't use the nvidia current drivers as I couldn't boot. I moved down to 173 but I'm getting this weird empty bar at the top of the screen. http://imagebin.org/15210201:40
gizmobayAnyone know how to get rid of it?01:41
kaderHI evry one01:42
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Xgateshey guys02:23
XgatesI'm trying to install kubuntu for someone and I'm at a loss here, but the sata is not showing up and in the bios there is only a sata setting to enable/disable, nothing for changing to legacy02:24
XgatesI looked in dmesg and it shows sata but there are no errors02:24
Xgatesis there still a rare occassion where sata driver support not working?02:24
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Xgateslspci shows this as nvidia sata controller, anyone know anything about Nvidia support?02:40
Xgatesanyone here?02:40
Xgates_hey guys02:41
Xgates_got a box with nvidia sata controllers and Kubuntu doesn't see the hard drive for install and the bios only has enable/disable,  nothing to change for legacy02:41
Xgates_anyone know anything about a lack of nvidia support to see sata drives to install?02:41
tracehackerhello world03:08
tracehackerhelloo kaviti03:10
maheshHello all..03:43
maheshI am not able to make my iPod classic work with amarok..03:43
maheshcan anybody please help me with this?03:43
Keshlmahesh: I don't think iPods work with anything except iTunes.04:10
Keshlmahesh: I could be wrong, it's been a while since I used Amarok, but a year or two ago I knew for a fact that nothing but iTunes could sanely manage an iPod using official Apple software.04:10
maheshI have used iPod classic with rythmbox and banshee04:10
Keshlmahesh: Oh, then, it should work fine if you've got rythmbox on it over their default firmware. Wait for someone who knows more than me, sorry I can't help.04:11
LINKSWORD2Hello everybody... I'm having the worst day today.04:45
LINKSWORD2I can't seem to get anything to install, other than Kubuntu itself.04:47
LINKSWORD2I'm trying to use the included Mozilla Firefox installer, but I get a return error that says; "The package "firefox-kde-support" has not been found among your software sources. Therefore, it cannot be installed."04:50
mole_so netbook kde 4.6.2 fail05:11
cpatrick008i was wondering when 4.6.3 will be updated to natty05:12
mole_probably not it's fault05:12
mole_might be kernel driver05:12
mole_or just kwin shittyness05:12
FloodBotK1mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:12
LINKSWORD2I guess I should have mentioned that I'm running Kubuntu 11.04.05:13
LINKSWORD2Any help, if I may?05:21
cpatrick008i was wondering when 4.6.3 will be updated to natty05:24
paul__Trying to figrue out how to fix my broken boot splash using kubuntu 11.0405:29
paul__anyone here?05:30
cpatrick008i am here05:30
paul__are you experienced with kubuntu?05:31
preecherjust switched from ubuntu to kubuntu--i cant get my mic configured--any advice (internal)-06:02
cpatrick008preecher: what mic do you have06:04
preechercpatrick008 its internal--the kmixer doesnt even list as mic when i open themixer06:06
cpatrick008preecher: what laptop/desktop do you have06:06
preecheribm thinkpaadt4306:06
preecherit was working in ubuntu 11.04 & also xubuntu 11.0406:09
cpatrick008preecher: in the mixer do you see mic or input options06:09
preecherplayback devices/capture/playback streams----those are what i have listed06:10
cpatrick008preecher: there should be a options menu and you can add the input/mic from there06:13
preechercpatrick008 looking now thx06:14
cpatrick008yw when you went to the capture tab it did not show the mic06:14
preechernope it isnt there but im looking to see if i can add it06:16
cpatrick008 try settings, configure channels06:18
cpatrick008preecher: try settings, configure channels06:22
preecheri think im doin that now---it gives me like 6 diff mic things to select from so im clicking on "prefer" one at the time and checking to see if it worked and so far moving down to the next one06:24
cpatrick008preecher: ok06:24
yogawhen I drag and drop a link from Firefox into Dolphin and save it as a link, but I cannot open it buy just click on it.06:29
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Whoguys i fixed my 5.1 surround sound problem , now is there any nice movie players for kubuntu that supports 5.1 ?06:35
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ybiti'll post in here as well07:02
ybithey guys, quick question, my laptop keeps sleeping after i close my lid, i don't need it to do this, how can i and others prevent this?07:02
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Ademanugh, I think KPackageKit is hung while installing sun-java6-* because I need to agree to the EULA somehow, but can't08:39
Ademanis there a way to get the console that the  license agreement is in?08:41
Graf_WesterholtI would kill it and start it again in the console.08:42
pnh_hi, I'm getting some error while building kde-runtime and kdelibs in kubuntu 11.04. Can anyone please help me?09:00
pnh_This is what I'm getting :  ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in /home/pnh/kde/home/.master/share/apps;/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps;/usr/share/kde4/apps09:03
pnh_hello :)09:16
pnh_can someone please solve my problem?09:18
Graf_WesterholtSorry, I am not an expert user.09:20
Graf_WesterholtI found this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/mandriva-linux/167361-error-cmake-modules-findkde4internal-cmake-not-found.html09:21
Ademanpnh_: sounds like you're missing some -dev packages?09:21
pnh_I pulled everything from git. I have complete  dev packages installed in my system. I could able to build attica and automoc without any problem.09:23
pnh_but i couldn't build kdelibs,kde-runtime,soprano,strigi etc..09:24
pnh_same error I'm getting for all these packages09:24
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Xgatescan anyone tell me, when you install Kubuntu can you pick it to install grub to the / partition, not the MBR?10:04
XgatesI already have a bootloader on the mbr I want to use for other OS I boot from...10:05
valorie!grub | Xgates10:12
ubottuXgates: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:12
valorieI hope that helps10:12
* valorie goes to bed10:12
XgatesI know all about Grub and most things grub realated, I simply want to know if during the installation you have a choice as to where you can install Grub?10:13
XgatesIt use to be in older versions of Ubuntu you could pick the location of where grub was to be installed, now it seems like it's all just automated to install to the MBR and you don't even have a choice to pick if you want a booloader or not...10:14
Xgatesor else I'm missing this, because I don't see any options anywhere anymore...10:14
Xgatesubottu: I don't think you read my question hehe10:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:16
Xgatesvalorie: you real?10:16
XgatesI don't need to know about Grub, just need the question answered please... THANKS10:17
Xgatesif you can pick and choose where to install it during the installation is all...10:17
XgatesWell I got to run but if anyone can answer my question at the Ubuntu forum I'd greatly appreciate it;10:18
nurdedearanızda türk var mı10:26
AreciboHello, could somebody help me with a live usb installation problem? When I select "Install Kubuntu", I see a blinking cursor for a while, then I get a black screen and nothing happens.10:43
AreciboHello, could somebody help me with a live usb installation problem? When I select "Install Kubuntu", I see a blinking cursor for a while, then I get a black screen and nothing happens.10:49
AreciboIs there anyone who can provide assistance?10:57
James147Arecibo: try running the cd check... check the md5sum on the iso... try reimmaging the usb10:59
James147all else fails you can try the alternitive image11:00
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Guest74186guys i know this sounds almost stupid but i was working on a presentation for work for like four hours and i went out to grab a bite my stupid sister closed the open document in libre office is there any way to get it back11:01
James147Guest74186: did she save it? did YOU save it?11:02
Guest74186lol nope i wasn't done with it yet, she did'nt either :(11:03
James147Guest74186: then no... take from this experience: always... ALWAYS... save your work11:04
James147it dosnt have to be finished for you to save it...11:04
AreciboJames147: I have verified the md5sum: it's fine11:06
Guest74186hmm lol i guess i better start on it again, anyways thanks for the tip. this is going to be a long  day :(11:06
James147Guest74186: next time save the document regulerly11:06
Graf_WesterholtAnd make backups.11:07
James147Guest74186: even if you save it once and the program crashes you have a change at recovering changes... but you need to save it...11:07
Guest74186i'll definitely keep that in mind, trust me on that. btw any chance of it being in some temp folder :(11:07
James147Guest74186: might still be in ram.... but it will probally take more then 4 hours to figure out how to get it back and even then its not likly you will revocer everything11:08
Guest74186oh man i worked so hard on it, anyways i guess i should quit whining and get back now. thanks anyway james, bbye now11:10
Graf_WesterholtWhy is someone not saving a four hours work?11:10
AreciboBy the way, what is the reason behind the fact that Kubuntu doesn't allow shortcuts on the desktop like GNOME?11:11
James147Arecibo: what do you mean by that?11:11
James147Arecibo: desktop icons? you can.11:11
James147Arecibo: either us the folder view widget... or set the activity type to the folder view11:12
AreciboJames147: It doesn't allow me to place a shortcut on the Kubuntu desktop, I can only make shortcuts in the Desktop Folder.11:12
AreciboJames147: Not that I really mind, I was just wondering why11:12
James147Arecibo: it because the desktop is a container for widgets on the default kde desktop... not a file structure11:12
James147Arecibo: the Folder view widget is a widget that is basicaly a view of a folder (like what the desktop use to be) this approch is far more felxable as it dosnt restrict you to one folder to view but as many as you can fit on the screen :011:13
James147Arecibo: you ca always use the Folder view activity to revert to the old style behaviour :) but there is little point unless you dont like change11:14
AreciboJames147: I don't mind trying something new, I was just wondering. I was very anti Linux once because it wasn't user friendly in my opinion. I really disliked Ubuntu 8.1011:15
AreciboJames147: After a while I gave it another shot, and I installed Ubuntu 10.1011:15
James147Arecibo: you can also place icon widgets to any file on the default desktop...11:15
AreciboJames147: I must say things have changed. Then I found out that I can use both GNOME and KDE whenever I want to, so I installed the kubuntu-desktop package11:16
AreciboJames147: I must say that I like the K Desktop Environment better than GNOME for some reason11:16
James147Arecibo: :) I find this approch more natural... that is if you dont depend on the desktop just being a nother folder :)11:16
AreciboJames147: True. When I found out about the desktop cube thingy, I was constantly scrolling up and down switching workspaces for sh*ts n giggles. xD11:17
James147Arecibo: I like it better because its far more felxable and is  capable of things that gnome just cannot do11:17
surunveriim having trouble trying to burn this disc with k3b11:17
AreciboJames147: Too bad that when I try to activate the Explosion effect, I get a message that says Explosion couldn't be activated11:18
sony_btw is there some kind of autosave function in open office and libreoffice11:18
James147sony_: I think so... but it will require you to save the document at least once so it know where to auto save to11:18
AreciboWhat's you favourite letter in the alphabet?11:20
sony_x probably11:21
AreciboAnd you, James147?11:21
sony_i like how it's used in the word xerox11:21
AreciboI bet that James147's favourite letter is K ;P11:23
sony_what makes you so that?11:23
James147Arecibo: wouldnt say K... but I dont really know :) never thorught about it11:23
sony_lol we should really move to kubuntu-offtopic11:23
James147sony_: yeah :)11:23
AreciboIf only my sound problem with PulseAudio was somehow solved, then I wouldn't have to use Windows anymore11:24
AreciboI like it how Kubuntu boots within 3 seconds and is actually ready for use when you see the desktop11:24
AreciboAs opposed to Windows where you have to wait 5 minutes before all **** in the tray is loaded.11:25
surunveriIf I could somehow install winXP then I wouldnt have to use kubuntu anymore. I like the way how everything is compatible with windows and doesnt require reading a pile of manuals to use 8D11:25
AreciboWell, it's true that Ubuntu/Kubuntu still requires a lot of messing around before you finally get it to work11:26
surunveriyeah i mean seriously.. kubuntu/ubuntu is free. maybe a bit more secure.. possibly more versatile for programming or stuff like that which I do not know of11:27
shadeslayeruntrue .... it works out of the box for me11:27
surunveribut for teh average user.. jsut that 90% of all software is made for windows11:27
surunveriis like a huge setback11:28
shadeslayerthat i agree with11:28
surunveribut then again.. setting up XP so taht it's secure.. is something even i can do11:28
James147surunveri: but 99% of software the average user wont use11:28
AreciboWell shadeslayer there are two kinds of users: Those who are fortuante enough to have a working installation right out of the box, and those who have these annoying problems with their webcam/sound/microphone/graphics11:28
surunveritbh i've used kubuntu for 1 year and11:29
James147surunveri: and kubuntu comes out of the box with more of what a user would use... unlike windows where you need to go out and buy more software just to get basic useage out of it11:29
Graf_WesterholtWhat would happen if a user has never seen Windows, worked a year with Kubuntu and now have to work with Windows. What would he say about Windows?11:29
surunveriyeah like.. what?11:29
AreciboJames147: All software is free. Trust me. Yarr harr and a bottle of rum! ;D11:29
shadeslayerGraf_Westerholt: i'd really like to find out11:29
Graf_WesterholtMe too11:30
James147Arecibo: but windows still dosnt come with basic functonalty... like a word processor11:30
Graf_WesterholtMost people know Windows, they know how to work with it and know programs.11:30
shadeslayerbtw anyone using KDE PIM 4.5.94 from experimental?11:30
surunveriopenoffice works on windows too :D11:30
AreciboJames147: True. Anyway, I've booted from the usb again with the alternate install, and it still doesn't work :(11:30
surunveriplus it's actually easier to install on windows if you dont have it ready on linux11:30
James147surunveri: but my point is that it dosnt come with windows...11:30
surunveriyeah.. so what11:31
surunveriit's not what OS is about11:31
surunveriOS is just there so you can use the computer.. not a self-purpose :D11:31
Graf_WesterholtWhen I have to use Windows I hate the install routines, the reboots and KDE :)11:31
Graf_Westerholt*miss KDE11:31
surunverihtat it causes you troubel is much more grave than not having everything ready :D11:31
AreciboJames147: Help one of Microsoft's enslaved drones escape from its prison cell with Windows and escort him to the planet Kubuntu by helping him with a failing live installer >.<11:32
James147surunveri: really? "Kapckagekit: search libreoffice > install > apply > wait" vs "Open internet exlopere ... search google for libreoffice > find download link on the site > wait for downloads > run the installer > click next about 10 times untill you ahve answered all questions > let windows know "Yes you really really really do want to install this peice of software" > wait for it to install"11:32
surunveriyeah really11:33
James147^^ O yeah.. then some times reboot at the end :)11:33
James147surunveri: how else do you install on windows?11:33
surunveriit's easier because to do that on windows you dont need to know anything11:34
surunveriexactly as you said.. google, download, install. and pretty much works with the same way.. and if u dont have it in your repositories whatever it is you're trying to install11:34
surunveriyou're going to have to figure things out11:34
surunverii mean.. everything else works pretty much the same way11:35
surunverimeanwhile when you do that on kubuntu11:35
AreciboBoth the Ubuntu/Kubuntu and Windows way of installing things has its pro's and cons.11:35
James147surunveri: for the average user the repo has everything they need to use11:35
surunveriare you sure about that?11:35
AreciboOne thing that annoyed me11:35
AreciboI wanted to install the simple compiz thingy11:35
sony_simple compiz config manager?11:36
James147Arecibo: compiz simple?11:36
AreciboYep, and it basically said "There are missing dependencies but I won't bother installing them"11:36
James147Arecibo: you know what the dependiencies are?11:37
James147that are missing?11:37
AreciboEhm, no I don't know. But that's not the issue right now11:37
AreciboI still have problems with my sound on my desktop11:37
Graf_WesterholtWhy is KPackageKit installing OpenOffice as update?11:37
AreciboEither I have sound through my speakers only and my headset mic works (no sound through headset) or my speakers and headphones work but my headset mic doesn't work...11:37
Areciboalsa-base.conf: options snd-hda-intel model=auto (= Only sound through speakers, headphones do not work, mic OK) options snd-hda-intel model=generic (= Sound through speakers and headphones at will, headset mic doesn't work)11:38
AreciboI still haven't been able to fix that problem.11:39
James147Arecibo: try setting it as the model for your sound card11:39
AreciboVIA VT202011:39
surunverianyway it seems burning this windows installer on this disc doesnt seem to wrk11:40
AreciboOnboard chip for the ASUS Crosshair IV Formula mobo11:40
surunverii tried that last night too but.. there was some issues11:40
James147Arecibo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto11:40
surunveriidk what's the problem :D11:40
AreciboJames147: Tried it, didn't work (or maybe I did something wrong)11:40
surunverihow can check if it burned anything on the disc? :D11:40
James147oo... saya use auto :p11:41
surunverikubuntu is like ubuntu with a kick11:42
surunveri.. to the groin11:42
AreciboActually Kubuntu is like Ubuntu with a K11:42
James147surunveri: if you dont like it your not forced to use it11:42
Arecibosurunveri, you don't have to use Kubuntu or Linux at all. If you do not want to spend time getting to know the OS and learning how to work with it, you're free to use Windows.11:43
surunverisorry i was just making a joke11:43
Arecibosurunveri: But I'm trying to get some assistance here11:44
surunveriyeah i wish i were free to use windows11:44
surunverime too11:44
surunveriIn fact im trying to use k3b to burn a CD and I dont know if the problem is in the drive, CD, k3b, me, image file or any combination of them11:44
surunveri..and its a windows installer11:44
surunveriso yeah11:44
Arecibosurunveri: 4211:45
surunveriso any idea.. i start writing the disc it says that 4x burn speed not supported then switches to 2x11:48
AreciboI have no idea11:48
surunveriafter the writing is seemingly done it check the written data which fails and says unable to read sector011:48
surunveriit's an isofile made with ccd2iso from a clonecd image file11:49
surunveriim not sure if that's ok to do either11:49
surunveriin anycase the mb doesnt support bootinf from usb/flash so i've to boot from HD or CD.. but for some unknown reason this CD isnt working11:49
surunveriso.. im trapped.. with dear friend K.. it's a been a year so far.11:50
surunveribut to hmm say soemthing positive about kubuntu well.. yeah. it reboots quickly, and despit not setting up any security other than the DSL modem firewall at default settings i've not had any trouble11:51
surunveribut from the start it was like.. ok i wantd to use webbrowser.. had install java. wasnt that easy11:51
surunveriand so on11:51
surunverii cant even reduce mouse sensitivity so that I could draw which is kind of sad11:52
simion314surunveri: about writing CD,try cleaning the drive11:55
sony_so guys just out of curosity how big is your resume i mean is it like a page long or maybe two11:56
BeamMeUp67Is there  know issue with Audio, specific Realtec alc892 intergrated on a gygabyte mobo? Just completed fresh install of Kubuntu 11.04 and have no Audio12:09
BeamMeUp67Did work perfect in Ubuntu 11.04 under unity & clasic any help apreciated :)12:10
BeamMeUp67Hi anyone able to help with audio problem..12:12
smlkhello, I am steffen - unfamiliar with irc.     I have problems with   kontact:   since several months,  the _birthdays_  from addressbook are not displayed in kalendar.  Any help?12:14
smlkakonadi running without problems,  birthday ressource is activated, showing "green"12:15
Graf_Westerholtsmlk, I have the same problem but no solution.12:17
surunverii cleaned the drive12:40
surunveriit could be broken, or it could be k3b12:40
surunverii dont know12:40
surunveriis there anyway to do that install without having it on a cd?12:40
fliegenderfroschsurunveri: you can install from an usb stick12:42
thosch97or with the help if another pc via pxe12:42
surunveriyeah but Bios doesnt support booting from12:44
surunverii've kubuntu on 1 hd and another empty hd.. and id like to install that windows to the other one12:45
thosch97if your pc can run kubuntu, it should also be able to boot from network12:45
surunverii dont know what that means or how it works :D12:46
thosch97it means your pc searches the network, and one pc says "hey guys wanna boot from me?" and so the bios asks you to do this and will boot the kubuntu-installer or even the whole system over network12:47
thosch97but i dont know how it works :D12:47
thosch97maybe ubuntu also got something like bfo (boot.fedoraproject.org)12:48
BeamMeUp67Hi, Any one available to help with Sound Issue on new Kubuntu install12:53
surunverican someoen help me with installing DOS on the blank HD12:54
thosch97dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/sda ;)12:55
BeamMeUp67Just did a fresh install of 11.04 and have no audio it is a intergrated Realtec  ALC892 on a Gigabyte MoBo12:55
thosch97maybe its very trivial: on my new install loudness was sett to 44%, i heard almost nothing12:55
BeamMeUp67I turned sound up 100%.. still no audio, it worked in Ubunto 11.04 with Unity and Clasic Gnome12:56
BeamMeUp67I did not like Unity.. Yetch.. So thought I would try KDE so fresh install, and no Audio.. need so I can listen to lecturers for Uni online12:58
thosch97BeamMeUp67: does mplayer on cli work?13:01
BeamMeUp67will try13:04
BeamMeUp67Have to install it first.. is fresh Have not installed much yet.. wanted to see what Kubuntu base was like13:05
BeamMeUp67no sound using mplayer through the li13:09
BeamMeUp67brb might try reboot (again)13:12
amichairif I do an apt-get upgrade on one machine, is it possible to copy over the (potentially hundreds of MB) downloaded files to another pc, so that the upgrade process there won't have to re-download everything?13:13
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Whoumm guys should i use ATI Catalyst propriety drivers released recently on AMD site  or stick to OSS drivers13:21
Whoi am asking this with OSS drivers i can't use openGL in graphics option (too many anomalies )13:22
Tm_Tdepends on your needs and hardware13:22
Whobut with frgl drivers my laptop doesn't wake up etc13:22
Whobut since these are the new drivers , is there a chance of them fixing waking up from sleep etc ?13:23
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Guest82658heu guys13:33
smlkconcerning birthdays in kontact: found solution on: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_and_AddressBook/de  (german)13:34
smlkhad to add ressource Persönliche Kontakte, to restart kontact and to refresh the birthday-calendar13:35
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BluesKaj'Morning all14:09
amichairmorning BluesKaj14:12
amichairif I do an apt-get upgrade on one machine, is it possible to copy over the (potentially hundreds of MB) downloaded files to another pc, so that the upgrade process there won't have to re-download everything?14:12
BluesKajhey amichair14:12
BluesKajamichair, well, yo're still copying files tp the other pc whether it's from the repos or your pc...I ssh into my other linux pc to update and upgrde from the cli14:14
amichairtrue, but download from repo has different speed/bandwidth implications than over tha LAN...14:15
amichairI was wondering if it might be possible to copy over the apt cache or something like that, so that apt will already find a valid local copy and won't need to download anew14:16
BluesKajamichair, I'm quite sure it's possible, but I've never really looked into it.14:17
BluesKajrsync , I beleive14:18
amichairjust copy the files? or are there lists or indices that need updating too?14:18
amichairon a different note, any idea how to get an update check to run? I should have seen a natty upgrade notification long ago, but there seem to be no auto update notifications running14:19
amichair(I'm not interested in running this specific update manually right now, but just knowing the update mechanism is working)14:20
BluesKaj-denmy desktop froze on the media-server while transferring files to wife's pc for backup , so I'm here til the transfer is done :)14:27
BluesKaj-denmethinks it's the flaky desktop theme I chose ..cuased probs before14:28
BluesKaj-denuhoh...gotta go BBL14:31
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BluesKaj-denok, where was I ? :)15:02
surunverii've a blank HD15:07
surunverii need to install DOS on it without using Floppy or CD or USB or anyo ther boot disk15:07
surunverii've 2nd HD and that one has this kubuntu they're both connected.. it's thenoly machine i've to use15:08
shane4kubuntuwow, I think I have a serious problem, I keep running out of space, so pokeing around, I found an .xsessions-errors file that is 11GB in size!  any ideas?15:12
shane4kubuntuit is full of numbers like this:  C 193.60777,201.55312 193.77376,202.01391 194.32471,202.0139115:13
shane4kubuntuit is currently being written to.15:14
shane4kubuntueeks, that is bad.15:14
yardbirdI'm new to Kubuntu but have been using Ubuntu since 2005. Now you're making me want to go look for that file :)15:16
shane4kubuntuyardbird: we are about in the same boat, I have used Ubuntu since Breezy (what year was that?)  and recently came over to Kubuntu, but I did a Ubuntu install, then swtiched over to KDE15:18
shane4kubuntuI kept getting low disk warning, for the past few days, and keep moving and deleting things, no I see it was this xsession-error file.15:19
BluesKaj-denshane4kubuntu, are you using file encryption for any of your data15:19
sean_wIs anyone else having problems with distorted sound effects in Skype?15:19
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj-den: I do have one folder that is encrypted, but not currently mounted.15:19
yardbirdmy xsession-errors file os 50K, but not a lot of time stamping in it so I'm not sure where all of the errors may have happened.15:20
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj-den: do those errors correspond with nvidia type numbers and drivers or something?15:21
BluesKaj-denshane4kubuntu, sorry , no idea15:21
shane4kubuntuok, how can I track down where the errors are generated from?  so I can tackle this prob?15:21
BluesKaj-dendunno , never saw that before15:23
surunverii need to install DOS on it without using Floppy or CD or USB or anyo ther boot disk.. any help? :d15:23
hihihi100can anyone help me with k9clopy? its a bug15:23
BluesKaj-denshane4kubuntu, check system monitor , see what's writing to disk that out of the ordinary15:24
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shane4kubuntuhmm, this is a real problem, is anyone around that you know of that would know more about that stuff?15:24
BluesKaj-densurunveri, I hate to tell you this but check with ppl at #windows15:25
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: what's your uptime?15:25
surunverii tried15:25
shane4kubuntuyardbird: probably about a day and half.15:25
surunveriin anycase i've to do this within kubuntu15:25
shane4kubuntunot even, just 19hours15:25
BluesKaj-denkind of difficult to install an OS without a source drive of some kind15:25
surunverithat's the problem15:26
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj-den: ok, I had a rogue compression process of 7z, let me see if it is still being written to.15:26
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: while I'm looking at mine and opening kate and stuff, it has grown from 50K to over 75K due to logging of a wide variety of errors15:26
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj-den: xorg is using about 20% of cpu15:26
hihihi100k9copy help please15:26
BluesKaj-denhihihi100, what's happening with k9copy ...describe the symptoms/errors15:27
BluesKaj-denshane4kubuntu, that's not extraordinary , especially if you're running the power profile in the ondemand setting for the cpu15:28
surunverihow about making USB bootable without bios support?15:29
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj-den: ok, tail -f .xsessions-errors is very interesting, seems as though nepomuk is the culprit15:29
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: in Dolphin, every time I hit "reload" my xsessions-error file gets bigger by about 2 or 3K15:29
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj-den: I killed nepomuk, and the errors have come to a halt15:29
yardbirdand yeah nepomuk is a lot of it15:30
BluesKaj-denyeah, nepomuk is problem for a lot of ppl'15:30
hihihi100I just downloaded k9copy_2.3.7-0.1_i386.deb and installed it, hoping to get rid of the blurry images I get when copying a double layered dvd (with 2.3.6). Now, 5 seconds after copying the dvd title, a segmentation fault appears: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604477/ I cannot install the debugging symbols either, as I was prompted to do so, but my machine could not find them15:30
yardbirdwhat does nepomuk do?15:30
shane4kubuntuyardbird: in konsole: tail -f ~/.xsessions-errors that is nice15:30
shane4kubuntuyardbird: indexs hdd so you can search and find files.15:30
BluesKaj-dennepmuk is ok for ppl at work with lots of data files, but it's not much use for home pcs IMO15:32
hihihi100BluesKaj-den, I have ubuntu 11.04, I downloaded k9copy_2.3.7-0.1_i386.deb from http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/k/k9copy/, I believe is the one that best fits my installation, isnt it?15:32
shane4kubuntuhmm, I deleted that file, and then created an empty new one, will that have bad effects on my system?  I figure it is basically a text log file and that is it.15:32
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj-den: mine is a home/work machine and I often find myself trying to find a file.15:32
shane4kubuntuI guess I'll go back to google-desktop search15:33
BluesKaj-denhihihi100, if yo're running kubuntu , k9copy should be in the repos ...debian pkges don't always work15:33
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: look in your ~/.kde/apps and see if root owns your kate folder ... why would root own that folder in MY home directory when I own the folder it's in? :)15:34
BluesKaj-denhihihi100, deb packages built for kubuntu should work, but packages built for the debian OS are iffy sometimes15:34
hihihi100BluesKaj-den, mine is Ubuntu, k9 is in software sources, the outdated 2.3.615:34
shane4kubuntuyardbird: nope, I own them all in there,15:35
BluesKaj-denno matter it's not outdated if it works15:35
yardbirdok then I find that a bit odd15:35
hihihi100BluesKaj-den, will I get the same if I donwload k9copy_2.3.7-0.1_kfreebsd-i386.deb?15:36
shane4kubuntuyardbird: I must say though I have messed around with my /home directory, and perhaps chown user:user /home/user  -R15:36
shane4kubuntuyardbird: perhaps I have done that I mean15:36
BluesKaj-denhihihi100, I recommend packages in the repositories , i don't know about open source k9copy ,15:36
shane4kubuntuok, ram usage dropped from 2+ gb down to 1.3gb,15:37
yardbirdor perhaps the first time I started kate I used the sudo with it and it created that file with root as owner15:37
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: from stopping nepomuk?15:37
shane4kubuntuhihihi100: installing packages outside of the repos, is unsupported, and if you run into problems it will be hard to find help.15:37
shane4kubuntuyardbird: yep15:37
hihihi100i see15:37
surunveriok how can i create a FAT32 partition on Kubuntu and move installer files on that partition?15:40
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: I stopped nepomuk in the startup applications dialogue, but it looks like a nepomukstubservice is still running ... you killed that?15:44
shane4kubuntuyardbird: I went to the System Settings, -> Desktop Search (in the second row) and disabled Nepomuk  there, in the Basic SEttings tab15:45
shane4kubuntuLearning your way around System Settings takes a bit, but you do get used to it, and I can appreciate it. :)15:45
Walzmynsurunveri: what are you trying to create a fat32 partition on?15:46
yardbirdyeah I'm doing a lot of "discovering" switching from gnime to kde15:46
surunveria blank HD15:46
shane4kubuntuyardbird: in the search bar, you can type nepomuk and it will highlight it, that search bar is your friend, very nice.15:46
Walzmynsurunveri: use partitionmanager15:46
shane4kubuntuyardbird: I'm with you there, I was tinkering with KDE 4 for about a month or so before 11.04 came out, and then still installed ubuntu, and switched over, I should have just install kubuntu.15:47
WalzmynI keep having an issue where my panel moves itself off the top screen edge. Sometimes in the middle of the screen, sometimes to the bottom of the screen15:47
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: I'm kinda diggin' KDE ... ok nepomukservicestub is apparently being invoked every time I "reload" the file list i Dolphin and that xsession-errors file is still gowing15:48
BluesKaj-densurunveri, you can create a fat32 partition with gparted livecd ..you must do it froma cd or usb drive , not allowed to partion while an OS located on that drive is being use15:49
yardbirdWalzmyn: mine has done that too. opened at the top of the screen instead of the bottom near the panel15:49
WalzmynI've had that nepomuk thing disabled for 3 releases now, has it evolved into anything useful yet?15:49
shane4kubuntuyardbird: once I disabled nepomuk, mine calmed down, course I deleted the .xsession-errors file, and may have recourse from that, not sure.15:49
yardbirdWalzmyn: it apparently can create and inflate your xsession-errors file if you're looking for that functionality :)15:50
Walzmynyardbird: I've looked for a bug listing, but not found one. I don't wanna start one, because everytime I do, it ends up being a dupe of 3 others15:50
shane4kubuntuWalzmyn: if you like a log file that is GB in size eating up your harddrive, perhaps it is usefull. :)15:50
* Walzmyn humphs15:50
Walzmynthing was hogging my RAM and CPU before I nixed it15:50
protv_Gstreamer backedn is not working well with skype, are there any other backends I can apt-get and select it from Phono Settings?15:51
surunveriBluesKaj-den:  no OS is located on that drive15:51
surunverii've 2 HDs 1 is blank15:51
surunveriand im trying to make it bootable to run a windows installer woithout using floppy or CD or USB15:51
surunveriso basicly i just need to make a dos bootable partition and copy some filse on it while running kubuntu15:51
Walzmynsurunveri: did you try the partition manager?15:51
yardbirdps aux | grep nepomuk shows nepomuk server running15:51
surunveriim just trying it now and i made the partition.. i dont know how to make it bootable htough and i diont know how to mounti t so i can copy files on it15:52
BluesKaj-denso surunveri , you don't need to boot inti the partition just read/write files that you place there?15:52
surunveriwell i need to do both15:53
surunveriit would help if i could at laest copy filse there first15:53
shane4kubuntuyardbird: mine too, but I wouldn't worry about it, seems as though it is disabled even though ps reports it.15:53
Walzmynyardbird: did you disable the nepomuk serarch module in the services configuration screen?15:54
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: is your xsession-errors file gone or did the system make a new one after you deleted it?15:54
BluesKaj-densurunveri, can you see the drive in kmenu/computer/15:54
yardbirdWalzmyn: yes I unchecked it and stopped the service in that services config screen15:55
shane4kubuntuyardbird: it was gone after I deleted it, I did: echo "" > .xsession-errors to make a new, and has no activity.15:55
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: open Dolphin, scroll down to your .xsession-errors file and hit F5 to see if it grows :)15:55
shane4kubuntuyardbird: no, I think it was an error to remove that file,15:57
shane4kubuntuyardbird: error on my part that is.15:57
Walzmynanybody know where the config files for kmenu are kept?15:58
surunveribut i can see it now15:59
surunverii managed to mount the partition15:59
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BluesKaj-den!who | surunveri16:00
ubottusurunveri: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:00
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: I'm going to log out and then back in again and see if that file resets16:00
shane4kubuntume too. :)16:01
BluesKaj-denoops , konversation crashed16:02
Walzmynhey, BluesKaj-den, what's with the -den addition to your name?16:02
surunverianyway. I've 2 HDs. 1 has kubuntu, 2nd was blank. I made a FAT32 partition on 2nd HD, copied Windows Installer files on the FAT32 partition. I would need to make it DOS bootable, without using USB,CD,FLOPPY, instead, it has to be somehow possible using kubuntu.. any ideas?16:04
BluesKaj-denWalzmyn, so I can login from my den linuxbox and remain cloaked ...usually I'm on the media-server , but in this case I had freeze up while i was logged in on it , while transferring files , so I decide to let it finish so i logged in from this one16:04
surunverithe idea is that I'll have kubuntu on 1. HD and winXP on 2. HD16:04
WalzmynBluesKaj-den: ah16:04
Walzmynsurunveri: i've always found the easiest thing to do was install winders first. that way it thinks is alone. and you can use the windows install media to do all your FAT formatting16:06
BluesKaj-denWalzmyn, this way I can login without conflict on both machines16:06
* Walzmyn nods16:06
yardbirdok logged out and back in. The xsession-errors file gets started over. It still grows but it starts fresh when I log out and back in again16:06
yardbirdgotta be a way to limit the size of that file16:07
surunverithat's not possible right now16:09
surunveriso it's not an option, Walzmyn16:09
BluesKaj-densurunveri, why DOS  btw ?16:10
surunveriso I can run the installer16:10
surunverifor windows16:10
BluesKaj-densurunveri, copy the dos boot to the 2nd HDD , then make it the boot drive in the BIOS , see if that works16:12
simion314yardbird: sorry if i am off topic, did you tried kdebugdialog ?16:13
yardbirdsimion314: not sure what you mean ... kinda new to KDE. Have used Gnome for 6 or 7 years though16:14
BluesKaj-densurunveri, and if you are addressing ppl , pls use their nick ...just addressing to ppl in general may not get you the answers you need16:15
simion314yardbird:  kdebugdialog <- run that command16:16
BluesKaj-denyardbird, Unity too buggy ?16:16
simion314there you can stop the apps(KDE) to log errors wsarnings etc16:16
yardbirdBluesKaj-den: I really don't like the direction Unity is going. I've been fine with Gnome, but.... looking at changing16:17
simion314i like the idea of unity,but i think that could be implemented faster and better on top of KDE, like a unity theme/mode16:18
BluesKaj-denyardbird, understood ,there seem to be quite a few ppl disenchanted with ubuntu's direction these days16:18
shane4kubuntuok, every time I try to log out, ro reboot, I get an policy kit authenticty error, and it hangs.  I manually have to reboot/poweroff via command line.16:19
simion314same happened with KDE4, change is hard16:19
yardbirdsimion314: all I can do from that dialogue is stop ALL debugging info... hehehe... not sure I want to do that.  There HAS to be a way to limit the file size of xsession-errors16:19
BluesKaj-denok ,gotta reboot ...my alias setings don't seem to be working16:19
shane4kubuntu^^  that is why I'm here in Kubuntu16:19
simion314yardbird: but if you don't want to debug any application crash you can stop- all of that16:20
shane4kubuntuI went through my distro-hopping days, but *buntu has me locked in, I'm too used to their way, but Unity, wasn't for me, and the more I use Kubuntu the more I'm liking it.16:20
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: I was having log out issues as well. Would hang at a black screen with mouse cursor. I selected Leave, then Log Out and let it count down to logout. Got me back to a logout screen.16:21
shane4kubuntuyardbird: sorry to hear that, glad to know it isn't just my box. :)16:22
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: once I let it time out like that, it now logs out properly when I hit log out and then force it without letting it count down. Not sure why but it's fixed16:22
shane4kubuntuyardbird: so you let it count down once, and now you don't have to wait?16:24
murray_hi, need help setting up a folder view on the panel, it shows the ntfs drive that i want to see but it shows hidden folders, how can i hide hidden folders?  man that even sounds weird :)16:24
shane4kubuntuyardbird: ok, I will have to try that.16:24
yardbirdI was jumping into a TTY to try and see why I was at a black screen. Finally I let it count down and log itself out and now it works16:24
yardbirdno idea why16:24
murray_is that more of a #kde question16:25
shane4kubuntuok, I will have to try that next time, xsession-errors file seems to have a few errors, and seems to be working now16:25
shane4kubuntuyardbird: apparently it is a bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/polkit-kde-1/+bug/72859516:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 728595 in polkit-kde-1 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "polkit-kde-1 crashes randomly on logout" [Medium,New]16:27
yardbirdyeah I've had messages like "We're sorry but Dolphin has closed unexpectedly" .... no it didn't... I hit the little "X" to CLOSE IT! :)16:28
yardbirdmurray_: If you do into that particular folder... you should be able to turn off "view hidden files"16:29
yardbirdmurray_: and I *think* i may then show that in the folder view from panel16:29
surunverihi.. back16:31
murray_view hidden is already off in dolphin16:31
murray_i guess it regards windows hidden folders as not hidden?16:32
murray_recycle bin and system volume information are showing regardless16:32
murray_so, if ai can16:32
murray_if i cant get rid of that , i will have to get rid of the widget, (kids)16:33
murray_any ideas?16:33
yardbirdmurray_: not from me at this point. I have an NTFS partition as well but haven't got to working with it in kubuntu yet. Still ironing out trying to switch fro gnome to KDE :)16:35
eagles0513875hey guys anyone here running skype and a webcam with built in mic on 11.0416:35
jussi!anyone | eagles051387516:36
ubottueagles0513875: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:36
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: that xsession-error file thing is all over the place. You can abuse the KDM startup app and just put rm  -rf ~/.xsession-errors   .. That will delete the file after you log in and it won't grow if it's not there. If you need to get information about errors you'd have to turn it back on16:38
eagles0513875my question is this i have a logitech quickcam with built in mic can someone provide pointers as to how to get the mic working on 11.04 with skype16:38
shane4kubuntuyardbird: right, well, now that I know about it, I'm going to keep my eye on it, and monitor it, I don't mind if it is even a 100-500MB, but 11GB is excessive. :)16:39
shane4kubuntuyardbird: it does get reset with reboot right?16:39
simion314yardbird: is not using kdebugdialog a better option? imaybe that can help16:39
yardbirdshane4kubuntu: yes it resets size just by logging out and back in. No need to reboot16:39
BluesKaj-denwhich skype version eagles0513875, and i think you need pulseaudio for the mic ...most serious skype users on linux use static skype16:40
shane4kubuntuyardbird: right, I will keep my eye on it, I ofter run for 5-7 days between reboots.16:40
eagles0513875BluesKaj-den: im using the one from the canonical partner repo16:40
yardbirdsimion314: kdebugdialogue would turn off all logging I think.16:40
simion314shane4kubuntu: maybe you can make it readonly16:40
simion314yardbird: the thing is that by default is turned off in 11.04,befoare i had to turn them off16:42
Peace-hi :)16:48
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u19809Hi all, can anybody help me with akonadi ? I can no longer mail because it refuses to start .17:33
BATihello, anybody with a trouble displaying "logout/shutdown/sleep.." dialog using power button?17:35
yardbirdok, time for me to get something to eat... and then a shower, and then.... laundry... yay!17:37
* yardbird waves17:37
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BATi_hello, anybody with a trouble displaying "logout/shutdown/sleep.." dialog using power button?17:51
SiegeLordIs there any way to change the shortcut associated with the terminal panel in Dolphin?17:53
Peace-SiegeLord: systemsettings top right , type shortcuts17:54
SiegeLordPeace-, I don't think it's there18:01
surunveriI accidentally overwrote the linux HD bootrecord with a program called ms-sys18:22
surunveriit was a stupid typo thing anyway i figured if i restart the computer the boot record wont work for linux now18:22
surunveriso how can I fix that? :D18:22
infulis it possible to setup kdm to switch a user that logs in to the allready running session for that user?18:23
infulinstead of creating a new session?18:23
infulleaving the user with two sessions running18:23
surunveriall day wasted wit this thing :D18:27
kdeloopinghi, I am having problems with my Natty install18:33
kdeloopingthose icons at the start are just looping ... and I dont' get into the KDE desktop18:33
kdeloopingI did an install to a fresh hard drive from the Kubuntu DVD18:34
Peace-!grub2 | surunveri18:35
ubottusurunveri: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:35
Peace-kdelooping: explain better18:36
kdeloopingI assume you want explanation of the failure point rather than my install effort.18:37
surunverito put it simply18:37
surunverii've 2 HDDs and im trying to isntall windows on the other18:37
surunverii dont have a) floppy b) cd c) usb cant boot18:37
surunveriHDD 1. has Kubuntu18:37
surunveriHDD 2. Was blank18:37
kdeloopingPeace: ok, you know those icons that are shown in sequence when KDE is starting up?18:37
surunveriI created a 1024mb FAT32 partittion on the HDD 2.18:37
surunvericopied windows XP isntaller files on that partition18:37
surunverii was asking for help and go this program called ms-sys18:38
Peace-kdelooping: ah know i uderstood18:38
surunveriwhich writes DOS boot record18:38
surunveriso i was supposed to write the dos boot record on HDD 2.18:38
surunveribut by accident did it on HDD 118:38
kdeloopingso two icons start and get hazy outline ... then the icons pause and I loop back to the first icons again18:38
surunverithe new HDD appeared as dev/sda while the old appeared as dev/sdb18:38
u19809Hi all, can anybody help getting akonadi back operational.  It refuses to start claiming another version is running, even when I do a reboot18:38
surunverii noticed this but somehow got mixed up and just accidentally typed in the wrong line18:38
kdeloopingso KDE start is looping before I get to the KDE desktop18:38
Peace-kdelooping: video card?18:39
Peace-surunveri: you need to restore grub on the hdd118:40
kdeloopingPeace: I'm talking to you from Hardy Kubuntu ... from the same computer that the Natty Kubuntu is installed on.18:40
kdeloopingPeace: I just powered down my computer and switched the cable from my new hard drive back to my old hard drive.18:41
surunveriPeace-:  yeah18:41
surunveribut u see i cant use any live cd or anything18:41
kdeloopingalso, the video card worked fine when I was using the live Kubuntu DVD.18:41
Peace-surunveri: you would use an usb right?18:41
Peace-kdelooping: the hd is full?18:41
surunverino i cant use USB either18:42
Peace-if you can't use usb18:42
Peace-live cd18:42
Peace-or floppy18:42
Peace-you can't fix it18:42
FloodBotK1Peace-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
kdeloopingPeace: no, the brand new 2TB hard drive is empty ... and only holds the new Natty Kubuntu install18:42
surunveriok awesome18:42
Peace-you need at least a usb18:43
surunveriso I'm down to making SURE I can boot to DOS18:43
surunveriand making sure the windows installer on the dos partition works18:43
kdeloopingok, I'm getting a google hit now: Natty in loop starting X/KDE18:43
surunveriand installing windows and not even being able to get kubuntu to work even if i wanted?18:43
surunverisounds awesome18:43
Peace-kdelooping: some tips18:43
surunverialso i've to try and not restart the computer18:43
Peace-kdelooping: pressing CTRL ALT F1 you can get a shell login18:43
Peace-kdelooping: PRESSING CTRL ALT F7  you get the old "sesssion"18:44
kdeloopingPeace-: yeah ... I'm switching over to F1 screen console ... and I ran "top" to see what is looping but nothing pops out. And I did "sudo shutdown -r now" to restart which works fine.18:46
kdeloopingso console screens are there18:47
Peace-you should go where logs are18:47
Peace-var log X18:47
Peace-i guess18:47
kdeloopingok, I'll try that18:47
kdeloopingI have the 2TB hdd hooked up now.18:48
Peace-kdelooping: /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:48
Peace-that could be usefull to understood18:48
kdeloopingI'm trying to remember the mount command. I just did a "sudo fdisk -l" and the hard drive System is "EFI GPT". That's weird.18:50
kdeloopingis that the new ext4?18:50
kdeloopingok, mount is saying "mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'" ... so my Hardy-Kubuntu doesn't know how to look at my Natty Kubuntu harddrive18:58
Graf_WesterholtHallo varie19:07
variewhere do you come from graf?19:08
woodzy_HELP! i get the following error - http://pastebin.com/dw7Latex - when i try and install GGZ gaming.19:10
abou 19:45
=== dan__ is now known as dan_l
dan_lHi. IIs there anyway to force kubuntu to upgrade?20:08
James147dan_l: from waht you what?20:08
James147^^ to what20:09
dan_lJames147:  10.10 to 11.0420:09
dan_lJames147:  I'm getting this error message when I try to upgrade.  Attempts to use the google have been futile.20:09
James147dan_l: what error?20:10
dan_li'll get you the exact text:20:10
dan_lJames147:   Distribution upgrade process exited with code 1.20:13
James147dan_l: run "sudo do-release-upgrade" and pastebin the output20:13
dan_lJames147:  http://pastebin.com/QnU2BHii20:15
James147and /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log20:16
dan_lJames147:  http://pastebin.com/6ehWYLgw20:18
dan_lapt.log doesn't seem to exist.20:19
James147dan_l: hmm, try removing the ppas you have added (ppa-purge can do it)20:20
James147^^ seems to be failing when trying to read the firefox ppa20:21
dan_lJames147:  It's no longer under sources.20:22
dan_lOk.  So:  sudo ppa-purge http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu  ?20:24
James147if thats the url you used to add it20:27
dan_lJames147:  is there a command to list ppa's?20:28
* James147 dosnt know20:29
dan_lYeah if I check my sources, I don't have the ppa listed20:32
dan_lI know i had it20:32
woodzy_HELP! i get the following error - http://pastebin.com/dw7Latex - when i try and install GGZ gaming.20:41
James147dan_l: some sources are in the sources.d folder20:41
dan_lJames147:  I think I know what the problem is.  Will you be around for 20 minutes or so?20:42
dan_l(I may need some hand holding because i'm computer stupid)20:42
James147dan_l: probally... though I may not respond stright away :)20:42
James147woodzy_: try "sudo apt-get update" and try again20:42
James147woodzy_: ^^ and best to make sure your system is fully upgraded (sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   << after the update)20:43
woodzy_James147: i just got done applying all updates. will run it again to make sure.20:46
kleopatraHello, i have a dvd in my drive, how can i find out whats its /dev-address? mount says sr0 is unknown20:50
woodzy_James147: This is the error I get when I run sudo apt-get update:   http://pastebin.com/XSQwZR0a20:55
dan_lJames147:  You're a genius!!  I WIN AT KUBUNTU!!!20:57
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dan_lOk maybe not.21:00
dan_lPerhaps I fail at kubuntu.21:00
=== leonardo is now known as Guest69110
katsrchey anyone packaging 4.6.3?21:12
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mole_so far 1/3 good installs from 10.10 -> 11.0421:44
mole_just did my work pc but kernel locks up21:44
mole_boots fine with previous kernel21:44
mole_67% fail21:45
mole_the first one i did worked flawlessly so i went ahead and started doing all my machine, ... netbook fail graphics are too slow compared to 10.10 and work desktop fail... kernel locks up21:47
mole_11.04 looks way better though21:50
KaspiKDE can't override the look of GTK apps?21:51
mole_11.04 does...21:52
mole_thunderbird is looking pimp21:52
Kaspithe KDE native dialogs look pretty cool, but pidgin looks like a windows 95 app21:52
dan_lKapsi:  try kopete:)21:53
home_hey kubuntu guys21:53
home_How can ?I get krita 2.3.3?21:54
James147Kaspi: System settings > applicaiton apearence > gtk ... try configure it there21:55
Graf_Westerholthome_: sudo apt-get install krita21:55
James147Kaspi: if that dosnt work see if you have .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 and .gtkrc-2.0  ^^ if your missing .gtkrc-2.0 the symlink it to .gtkrc-2.0-kde4  (ie ln -s  ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4  .gtkrc-2.0)21:56
home_i am on ubuntu21:57
James147^^ ~/.gtkrc-2.0  ... though it dosnt matter if your in the homedir to begin with:)21:57
home_doint have the ppa for the latest version :*(21:57
James147home_: ubuntu and kubuntu share the smaae repos... and software availble to one is abilible to the other21:58
James147home_: natty seems to have 2.3.3 ^^21:58
home_I dont have naty21:59
home_I am on maverik21:59
James147home_: then upgrade to natty22:01
James147home_: or you can see if the backports ppa has it...22:02
home_where is the backports ppa?22:03
home_ill just upgrade :/22:04
home_but seriously? krita does not have its own zip?22:04
home_thats pretty fail :/22:04
KaspiJames147: can't even click the Configure... button there§22:08
James147Kaspi: for any particular reason?22:08
KaspiJames147: I don't really know why, but actually I can configure only the Oxygen style22:09
mole_firefox 4.01 doesn't work properly in kubuntu 11.0422:13
mole_complete lockup22:16
mole_heh grub will only load every second boot22:17
BluesKajmole_, sudo update-grub, then reinstall firefozx22:18
mole_will do22:18
mole_good thing this is saturday22:18
mole_or else i'd be fired for wasting time using linux lol22:19
mole_i also can't use kernel that ships with 11.0422:19
mole_network card drive tanks it instantly on boot22:19
mole_hard lock22:19
BluesKajmole_, sudo ifconfig eth0 down,  then up22:22
mole_BluesKaj: it's on boot22:22
BluesKajunless it's wifi22:22
mole_have to boot into 2.6.35-2822:22
BluesKajboot into the recovery22:22
mole_recovery tanks22:22
mole_that's how i know it's the network card coming up that tanks it22:23
BluesKajget to the tty if possible22:23
mole_i am booted22:23
mole_but into previous kernel22:23
mole_firefox on this machines specifically is failling22:24
mole_somethin to do with javascript isn't working22:24
BluesKajyeah I ran on the previous kernel on my other pc for a while til my graphics driver was updated.22:25
MorfinРебята беда. Любунту 10.04 при установке зависает после 'раскладка клавиатуры'22:27
BluesKajmole_, check additional drivers in kmenu /apps /settings , make sure you have the recommended driver installed22:27
MorfinНе туда22:27
BluesKaj!ru | Morfin22:27
ubottuMorfin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:27
woodzy_James147: This is the error I get when I run sudo apt-get update:   http://pastebin.com/XSQwZR0a22:28
mole_i'm gonna see if i can get this kernel to boot22:29
mole_lol sooo glad this is saturday22:30
mole_grub failing22:31
mole_kernel failing22:31
mole_don't install 11.04 at work lol22:31
woodzy_This is the error I get when I run sudo apt-get update:   http://pastebin.com/XSQwZR0a22:33
mole_is your dns server down lol22:33
mole_cat /etc/resolv.conf22:34
mole_make sure you can access your dns server22:34
woodzy_# Generated by NetworkManager22:35
woodzy_domain gateway.2wire.net22:35
woodzy_search gateway.2wire.net22:35
FloodBotK1woodzy_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
mole_woodzy_: is your name server
markithi, I've 10.10 with ppa for latest KDE. Is it safe upgrade to 11.04?22:37
mole_not for work22:37
mole_maybe at home22:37
markit"at home"?22:37
markitwhat are the problems?22:37
mole_your mileage may vary22:38
mole_1 installaion for me went smooth22:38
mole_other are complete disasters22:38
mole_all running from 10.1022:38
markiturgh, "disasters"!?!22:38
mole_graphis drivers locking up22:38
mole_otkernel locking up on bo22:38
mole_kernel locking up on boot22:38
mole_grub failing22:38
mole_u name it22:39
FloodBotK1mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:39
markitmm do you think is an upgrade problem, or 11.04 is buggy with your hardware?22:39
mole_no idea22:39
mole_3 different pieces of hardware completely22:39
markitI should try a live and then decide22:39
mole_i was just warning you22:39
mole_cause i made the mistake of upgrading at work today22:40
mole_thank goodness it is saturday22:40
markityes, I know the feeling22:40
mole_i might have just fixed some issues tho22:40
markit"well, is just an upgrade, what could go wrong?"22:40
markitand system does not boot anymore :)22:40
mole_i think i worked around my issues22:41
mole_i installed linux-2.6.38-8-server kernel22:41
mole_the regular one wasn't booting22:42
markitmmm so is the kernel that has problems with your hardware22:42
markitnot a "upgrade" problem due to kde and ppa22:42
mole_no no22:42
mole_just kubuntu specific shittyness22:42
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa|afk
mole_graphics drivers tanking again22:43
mole_it boots22:43
mole_but not for long22:43
FloodBotK1mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:43
markitmole_: FloodBotK1 is asking you to write longer lines :)22:44
woodzy_yes mole22:44
mole_markit: i disregard it :)22:45
markitany "success story" about 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade?22:45
mole_my desktop upgraded perfect and 11.04 is awesome22:45
* markit scratches his head and looks at his laptop with 10.10... perfect test machine22:45
mole_but netbook it's way slower for graphics driver and touch pad fucking up and the other problems are with my desktop at work22:45
markitbtw, kde 4.6.3 released yesterday22:46
mole_i can't use my computer long enough to install it right now22:46
markitmole_: do you use Free video drivers?22:46
FloodBotK1mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
markitand intel, amd or nvidia?22:46
mole_i'm going to have to now i think22:46
mole_cause i got twinview22:46
mole_i don't know of nouveau does that22:47
IdleOnemole_: give the enter key a rest please22:49
IdleOneand please don't curse22:49
mole_i can't type long lines because my touch pad randomly clicks22:49
mole_will try to fix but got other 11.04 messes to clean up22:50
mole_like getting my desktop to boot and run so i can work and release some software22:50
rwdanyone good with openvpn22:51
mole_recently kubuntu changed the way grub shows up22:52
mole_how do you make it so that you can select your kernels... ubuntu made the horrible decision to disable this and it's non obvious how to remedy this due to the grub template mess22:53
rwdmole: grub customizer22:54
mole_set grub_default=1? in /etc/default/grub22:54
mole_the variables in there aren't commented and are stupidly named22:54
rwdmole: info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'22:57
mole_rwd: 's what i don't get "grub_timeout" is set to 1022:59
mole_but menu is not displayed22:59
mole_makes no sense22:59
rwdmole: are you trying to get other OS or just kernals?23:01
mole_just kernels23:01
mole_not other o/s23:01
mole_or else i wouldn't be in a panic23:01
mole_i just want to have my grub menu display as it has done for years but now kubuntu changed defaults and now it makes no sense how to set it back23:02
rwdi'd still recommend installing the grub customization GUI (the ppa is somewhere online); it should list all available kernals to display during grub boot menu23:02
mole_i hate using gui's for this stuff23:02
rwd*shrug* i use what works23:03
mole_i just hate when something works for years23:05
mole_then breaks for no reason23:05
mole_it's official -generic fails on this box23:07
mole_but -server works23:07
rwdhave you read the boot screen carefully? if you're using grub 1.99 there's a submenu for older kernals that has to be chosen (rather then all being displayed on the main menu)23:07
mole_(kernel package)23:07
mole_i set it to -1 and it works23:07
mole_oh and i also set grub_default to saved23:08
mole_so one of those 2 made it work23:08
mole_not sure why it didn't work with previous config23:08
mole_who knows23:08
mole_i'm just praying for no tanking now23:08
mole_now to make firefox run javascript23:09
mole_resizing konsole window tanks box23:11
mole_the mac guys are gonna have a field day with this one23:11
mole_arg... can't run javascript... but can operate desktop with no windows effects23:15
mole_too bad it's not possible to install firefox 3.623:17
mole_do u guys remember when kde would remember your whole session and restore it on log in exactly how you left it..23:22
mole_wonder what ever happenned to that23:22
James147mole_: still does it23:24
James147mole_: System settings > startup and shutdown > sessionmanagment23:24
mole_oh i guess just chromium doesn't work with it23:27
James147mole_: it does here23:27
mole_just one window23:27
mole_multiple windows fail23:27
James147mole_: works here for all windows23:27
mole_let me try again to make sure i'm not trippin'23:27
mole_for sure second window fails23:28
James147mole_: test it on a new user23:29
mole_oh i will23:30
mole_just can't right now23:30
mole_some how i gotta figure out how to make firefox 4 run javascript23:30
mole_no idea how23:30
James147it should ^^23:30
mole_yeah it doesn't23:31
James147mole_: is there an option in its preferences?23:31
mole_javascript does work on my netbook23:31
mole_so not a 11.04 problem23:32
mole_okay nm lol it woanrks23:32
mole_i was paranoid cause i've been battling kubuntu fail all morning but yeah it was just disabled23:32

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